View Full Version : Theorycrafting Class Design Dragonfire Adepts vs Binders and Vestiges?

2016-03-21, 12:32 AM
So hear me out, but from a theorycrafting perspective Dragonfire Adepts (but also other classes, but I am focusing on dragonfire adept for I like this class...) should not have been its own base class but instead it should have been a collection of Binder Vestiges where you are binding Draconic Vestiges.

Look at the Dragonfire Adept mechanics

Repeatable Dragonbreath
6 Breath Effects over 20 levels
8 Invocations over 20 levels
Minor Effect Bumps with +5 bonus to natural armor
2 Damage Reduction to non magical weapons at level 6, this improves to 5 at level 16 but by then who cares, at level 19 even more who cares for now you are immune to paralysis and sleep
+4 diplomacy some of the time with dragons and dragonblood subtype


With a total of 4 vestiges, and the 2nd vestige activating at 8th level these type of effects are easily emulated by the 4 or so abilities each vestige gets. Just make different level of vestiges for different types of dragons and effects. Hell there are 12 age categories for dragons, but the 8th level age category (old) has a cr of 15 to 18 for srd dragons so you could make each level of vestige correspond to an equivalent dragon and its age category.