View Full Version : Optimization A Sorcerer has appeared! Help me with it! [Dire_Stirge please stay out]

2016-03-21, 11:53 AM
So, new campagne, new chances. Our last campaign ended in a heavy TPK due to the Rogue backstabbing me, the only tank, so I died while we were in a conflict where I choose his side against the party's Ranger & Wizard. Then a Gargoyle came by and due to me being the only one with a magic weapon, each party member slowly died. We were lvl 4 btw.

Now, we are playing once again. 32 points point-buy, all source books allowed(Including Dragon magazine, all editions made for 3.5). I have chosen to play a Sorcerer, and the party make-up will be:

Earth Dwarf Scout 1/Druid 3 Melee build(Says he dont want to optimize, but I believe the Druid class will do that for him.)
Earth Dwarf melee cleric 4(Wielding a Greatsword, probably medium optimization)
Orc Barbarian 4(New player, probably not that high optimization. Build may change to Barb 1/Fighter x or another build with atleast 1 level Barbarian)
And me.

My current build looks like this(We are allowed 1 flaw and 2 traits):
Star Elf Sorcerer 4(Middle-Aged):
9 Str, 10 dex & Con, 12 Int & Wis and 22 Charisma.

Draconic Heritage, Iron will and Empower(Or Maximized not sure) Metamagic. My job are 2 things: Blasting and a bit of Battlefield Control.

So, can you guys help me with building a powerful blaster? My current spell selection(can still be changed):
lvl 0:

Touch of Fatigue
Acid Splash(I know about the 1d3 :( )
Rest not chosen

Lvl 1:

True Strike
Lesser orb of Sound(Seems the most not-resisted damage in the lesser orb list)
Not chosen

Lvl 2:

Combustion(Yay Familiar have uses!)

Probably will reach lvl 20, not sure. But for the builds, lets take it it would become lvl 20.

tl;dr Please help me make a strong(but not OP strong) Blasting Sorcerer. I also need help with a few spells selection (read above section) & with feats/PrCs.

Thanks for helping in advance!

PS: I know about the Draconomicon and the Greater Draconic Rite of Passage and the Dragonwrought kobold, but I have decided to not play a Kobold because I have played to many kobolds already :P

2016-03-21, 12:44 PM
Your crew seems very damage oriented already. A blastcerer feels a bit doubling up on the same.
Maybe throw in there a couple utility spells.
Shadow spells are your friends as they present pretty great versatility (ask about being able to skirt the race reqs of shadowcraft mage)

Since dragmag is a-ok toss in the magic blooded template, maybe dragonborn too so as to boost your hitpoints

Bad Wolf
2016-03-21, 01:05 PM
Wings of Cover is quite possibly the best 2nd level spell there is, an immediate action to stop any one attack or targeted spell (not sure about other effects).

Power Word Pain is another good one.

Are you heading for Incantatrix?

2016-03-21, 02:21 PM
Wings of Cover is quite possibly the best 2nd level spell there is, an immediate action to stop any one attack or targeted spell (not sure about other effects).

Power Word Pain is another good one.

Are you heading for Incantatrix?

Yes I am indeed. Thats why I have Iron will. Also heading for Practical metamagic at lvl 6 for a +2 maximize. Later on with Incantrix +1 maximize yay!

Doctor Despair
2016-03-21, 03:11 PM
Don't forget Arcane Thesis / Orb of Force :)

2016-03-27, 10:55 AM
Yes I am indeed. Thats why I have Iron will. Also heading for Practical metamagic at lvl 6 for a +2 maximize. Later on with Incantrix +1 maximize yay!
Use the Otyugh Hole to gain Iron Will without using a feat slot for 3,000 GP.

Edit: Whoops, I didn't realize that I was looking at page 4 of the thread list.

2016-03-29, 09:55 PM
> Doesn't want to be "OP strong"

> Is taking Incantatrix


Joking aside, I'm playing a Master Spellthief Sorcerer/Spellwarp Sniper/Unseen Seer in an epic campaign, and he's quite obviously blast-heavy (although his "blasts" tend to be single-target ray spells with Save-or-Suck effects that the Spellwarp ability of the Spellwarp Sniper converts to "just suck", like Wings of Flurry).

I'd suggest choosing blasts that have Save-or-Suck effects attached to them. At level 2, there's Frost Breath (Spell Compendium pg. 100), which only deals 1/2CLd4s, but is a 30-foot cone which dazes anyone caught in it for a round if they fail the Reflex save. Wings of Flurry (Races of the Dragon pg. 119) is at level 4, and is uncapped CLd6 of force damage, with a 1-round daze rider if they fail the Reflex save. It's also a 30-foot-radius burst centered on you, and you designate targets, which means no risk of harming your friends.

I'd also suggest only picking one blast per level (or even one every two levels, if you think you have a really good one that can last you a while) and stuff your other spells known full of general utility spells. True Strike is a poor choice for level 1, for example; it's personal-only, and you're either targeting saves or touch AC, and not likely to need the attack roll boost much. Keep a wand of it around (it's not CL-dependent, so a CL 1 True Strike is exactly the same as a CL 20 True Strike), if you feel you really need it, but save those all-important spells known slots for spells like Comprehend Languages, Disguise Self, or Protection From Evil.

2016-03-30, 01:07 AM
If Dragon magazine is allowed, take a bloodline feat for juicy extra spell known (not sure about the issue #, but they got reprinted in the dragon compendium). If you are not 100% committed to the draconic heritage, infernal sorcerer heritage + infernal sorcerer howl from phb2 can be fun