View Full Version : Moons of Kaerin IC

2016-03-21, 02:45 PM
The Verdant Moon of Kaerin, named for the green oases that dotted its surface, visible even from Kaerin's surface. And yet, the being known as Izanagi knew better, the ship crash landed on the surface. His ship was in pieces on a patch of green stone, and he was lying still bloodied after a hurried surgery that saved his life on soft ground that moved like a blanket of ash.

2016-03-21, 03:17 PM

He was breathing heavily, his thoughts racing, providing contradictory information. His name was Icarus and he was responsible for managing the powe- no, his name was Sachiel, his body meant to endure the greatest hardshi- no, her name was Nawie and she will make herself a shelter, with her childr- no, his name was Gilgamesh, the conqueror, a conqueror and seeker of artifac- No.

His body spasmed, every part of him in conflict. Brains, it was not an organ you could perform a surgery on, especially yourself. It was what was responsible for personality, yet he was damaged, so he did what he could, his natural resiliency, or was it Sachiel's resiliency, was what allowed him to achieve this... this...


The being that stood there, his body still covered in blood and ichor from the operation grasped at its head, trying to focus. But then, the next word came as harmony.


He walked forward, still confused, his thoughts divided as his body tried to heal. However, what was he? Once more, his memories and thoughts were overlapping and contradictory...


He paused and felt his throat burn as he tried to give voice to these jumbled thoughts

"I...sa...na...gi" His mind was quiet for a moment, as if contemplating, but then a smirk graced his face as he repeated, changing the pronounciation slightly "I-za-na-gi." He felt that this name... it fit him, for one reason or another.

He continued forward, looking for any cave, hole, anything that would provide some safety as his memories told him.

2016-03-21, 03:37 PM
Izanagi finds one area close by, the rocky green outcropping was broken open, split diagonally down its length and possessed a large gash in it, leading into a small cavern, big enough to rest and store some supplies. The smooth rock would even hold water well, if he could find it.

2016-03-21, 03:41 PM

He breathed heavily, his head throbbing, his whole body aching, slowly healing. With a shelter found, he tried his best to concentrate on the next task. Look around the whole ship, salvage anything that his memories would tell him is edible or important, store it in the cavern.

2016-03-21, 05:42 PM
It takes some time, but Izanagi locates a good supply of food and water, though much of what had been there was now smeared on the ground, enough was salvageable, though. On top of that was cord, rope, that he could use, a sharp piece of shielding that was broken into a jagged blade, with a piece that could act as a handle. The shielding was strong enough to not break from normal wear and tear, making it a serviceable weapon. And finally were the bodies, the other crew members and passengers, as well as some livestock brought by one of the passengers, leaving a total of 35 corpses.

2016-03-21, 05:59 PM

All the stuff he found, except for corpses, he drug into the cavern. As for the bodies?

He slowly approached one of them, his mind divided on what he should do. They were part of the crew, but they were dead. Without a way of preserving them, their bodies would spoil.

And yet, some instincts told him to attempt something. And so he used his claws to cut through the clothes and skin, digging through the insides, as if guided by some will. Upon finding organs that caught his fancy, he put his palms onto them and then...


Some part of him, perhaps that of Nawie, remembered the feeling of producing something from her body, a substance used for building and so on. But what happened now? It was the reverse, he could see the important parts of the corpse being drawn into his body through tiny holes in the skin of his hands. As the process finished, he felt... fuller. As if some hollow void in him was no longer empty, he felt power in him. He repeated the process to all the other corpses.

And yet, one burning question gnawed at his mind.

'What am I now?'

2016-03-21, 07:19 PM
The creatures Izanagi affected were reduced in size, and several pieces missing from them now. With everything else in the cave, he was free to explore some... or attempt something new.

2016-03-22, 10:02 AM
Izanagi moved back into the cavern with his supplies and paused as he entered it.


He turned to face the opening and placed his hands upon the walls, an odd substance being secreted from his palms and solidifying. He was attempting to make an improvised door, no need for finesse or details, just a way to close off his current shelter with being capable of opening it later

Craft(Sculpting) [roll0]

2016-03-22, 10:10 AM
It takes roughly ten pounds of resin to seal it off with a weaker door, doubled for a sturdier one. Despite focusing on function, it still comes out rather good looking. The edges are cracked, a rushed job for sure, but it'll hold until a more refined one is made.

Wind. There's air flow down here. Then Izanagi heard something rustling, accompanied by a clicking noise.

2016-03-22, 10:16 AM

He moved carefully now. An unknown creature in what he assumed to be safe shelter. He cursed at himself for not inspecting it properly, but focused on what is important. He tried to find where the creature was in the cavern and keep it in his view.

Hide Check [roll0]
Move Silently Check [roll1]
Spot Check [roll2]
Listen Check [roll3]

2016-03-22, 10:24 AM
Well, that's an interesting creature. It had incredibly long legs for such a tiny body, balanced on two pronged feet that each of its four legs ended in. Two more ended in three fingered, hand-like manipulators that it was using to move some of the stuff Izanagi had gathered, seeming to not care for it as it punched a hole in the rock and pulled out what looked like a grub of some sort. The rock was closing itself back up, like it was... healing itself.

An oddity on the creature was the six gems on its back that formed little spires or spines, seemingly made of diamond. It had spider eyes, but a beak-like mouth rather than a pair of pincers as it looked over the grub, which was moving its legs in an attempt to get away. It yanked the things head off then munched a piece of it as it started to look around for more.

2016-03-22, 10:36 AM

Izanagi moved to some of the food he collected. While he could kill this thing, he wasn't sure if there wasn't more of it around, and he was still injured.

He moved some distance from the thing and clicked his tongue, extending a hand with the food towards the creature.

Handle Animal Check [roll0]
maybe food provides bonus or somethin

2016-03-22, 11:14 AM
The thing turns to look at Izanagi, tilts its head, then waves Izanagi off, before it moved around to find more of the grubs. Understandable, the food Izanagi had was foreign, it wouldn't recognize it as food. And judging from the light now coming from the gems on its back, it was weary of attack now.

2016-03-22, 11:22 AM
He was too weak to attack the creature, though, and such he just sat and proceeded to eat. Some part of him, most likely Gilgamesh, made it feel as if it was what he should be doing. Something about a cocoon, healing. Thus, it of course appealed to him.

He went through two day amounts of food before he was satisfied, observing the creature during this.

2016-03-22, 11:34 AM
The creature grabs a few more of the grubs, giving Izanagi a better view of what it's doing as it squeezes the back end of the creatures into the left over whole, which closes quickly afterwards, then rips off the head, leaving it behind as it takes the rest of the thing with it. The legs still moved for a few moments, but soon clamped down, which the creature uses to hang them from its legs, three on each leg before it moves on. It looks back at Izanagi as the light in the gems dim, then it leaves. He can hear the clicking of its feet against the stone for several minutes before the echoes all fade away.

2016-03-22, 11:52 AM
He Took a deep breath and let his instinct guide him through the process, as his body secreted a substance which quickly hardened, leaving him in a kind of cocoon. He rested, letting himself be healed to full strength

2016-03-22, 12:05 PM
Something knocks on Izanagi's cocoon periodically throughout the healing process, but never enough to actually damage it. After five hours, and another knock, he cracks it open, and spots three of the creatures from earlier, the only difference being the color of the gems on their backs. One has the white gems from earlier, the other two have pale blue gems in their place. He notices the things he'd had are left in careful piles that he most certainly did not put them in beforehand. The white gem one is looking right at Izanagi through the crack. It waves one of the grubs, as if trying to mimic what he'd done earlier to get its attention.

2016-03-22, 12:19 PM
He comes out of the cocoon and accepts the offered grub, noticing how it is already prepared for consumption except for legs, which he removed. After that, he consumed the grub in question.

"Thank you..." He said in Daelkyr. His voice and thoughts were more sure, he was Izanagi and that was it. What he hoped was that they understood.

2016-03-22, 01:41 PM
Once Izanagi is clear of the cocoon, the creatures rush to it, peaking around inside and out as they look it over, then tipping the two halves to carry away. The one with white gems leading as it waves Izanagi off.

2016-03-22, 02:44 PM
He waved towards the bugs back. So they were interested in the cocoon? Well, he had no issues with that, they did technically trade with him by offering him that grub. Plus, it was actually quite tasty treat.

He inspected the way his things were sorted, before further inspecting the cavern, like the places he did not check before. He also checked how hard is the green stone by trying to make a hole in it with a claw.

As for inspection? He went down the tunnel opposite to the one the bugs retreated into

2016-03-22, 04:27 PM
The things are simply sorted and placed in different dips in the stone. His claws glance off the stone, doing absolutely nothing to it.

The side cavern opposite where the bugs had gone leads down to an almost sheer drop into a gorge, below Izanagi can hear a liquid running, doesn't sound right to be water, but with the echo it's hard to tell regardless. He does see a lot of unexpected light. Both stationary and moving.

2016-03-22, 04:40 PM

He moved back to his cavern and just made another rough door for this part of tunnel. The hissing sounds he heard... It didn't sound good.

2016-03-22, 04:50 PM
Before Izanagi can get the door set, what looks like a centipede surges up. It's reared up as tall as Izanagi is and sways almost like a cobra would. He does note that it doesn't have legs, instead seeming to float there with a low his accompanying it, movement causing it to grow louder.

Roll for Initiative!

2016-03-22, 05:08 PM

He paused for a moment and tried to stop the animal from attacking him. After all, while he will fight if he has to, making allies would prove beneficial

Initiative [roll0]
Handle Animal [roll1]

2016-03-22, 07:33 PM
The centipede's hiss grows louder, and it takes up a threatening stance. Green poison drips as a beak-like mouth emerges from its head as its exoskeleton pulls away. It's designed for ripping.

2016-03-22, 08:06 PM

Curses at himself. He moved too fast, made too threatening movements. But now there was no time to salvage the situation, it was time for action. He rushed at the creature, charging towards it. His claws were ready and just as he got close enough, he slashed at it.

Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2016-03-22, 08:40 PM
Izanagi's claws make troughs in the centipede's carapace as it tries to bite at him, only to come just short of clamping its beak onto his tail.

2016-03-22, 08:53 PM

Quickly, he cut with one set of claws, following with the other, after which he struck with his tail into the body of this creature.

He shall not lose!

Attack roll 1 Claw: [roll0]
Attack roll 2 Claw: [roll1]
Attack roll Tail: [roll2]

1 Claw [roll3]
2 Claw [roll4]
Tail [roll5]

2016-03-22, 09:03 PM
The centipede weaves through Izanagi's attacks, glancing blows off its carapace, before trying to bite at his arm, missing with the movement of the arm.

2016-03-22, 09:05 PM

Indeed, it was like a dance, a dance of death, where one of the participants will feel the embrace of oblivion. And yet, he won't lose.

Attack Roll Claws 1 [roll0]
Attack Roll Claws 2 [roll1]
Attack Roll Tail [roll2]

Claws 1 [roll3]
Claws 2 [roll4]
Tail [roll5]

2016-03-22, 09:20 PM
Once more Izanagi's claw opens a gash in the centipede's shell, close to its head this time, and it narrowly misses a bite to his hand.

2016-03-22, 09:23 PM

'Close, so close...'

He didn't let up his assault.

Attack Roll Claws 1 [roll0]
Attack Roll Claws 2 [roll1]
Attack Roll Tail [roll2]

Claws 1 [roll3]
Claws 2 [roll4]
Tail [roll5]

2016-03-22, 09:51 PM
Another claw, but this time something's different, a burst of air ruptures where Izanagi struck and the centipede dropped to the ground, no longer able to keep aloft and writhing on the ground, unable to move at all. It was still alive, still conscious, but it wasn't able to move.

2016-03-22, 10:13 PM
He came close to the creature and attack it with his hand, a punch to the head, to make sure it won't move. Finally, he won. And he accomplished it without a scratch on his body. He carried the body of the creature to the main cavern and proceeded to seal off the path with a rough door out of the clay-ish secretions, but first he covered the body of the creature with the clay resin, ensuring it won't move but that it is capable of eating, also leaving holes that might be part of its digestive system or respiratory system, so it can relieve itself and breathe.

2016-03-23, 09:46 AM
300 Exp for the fight.

Returning to the main cavern Izanagi finds everything as he left it.

2016-03-24, 06:42 PM
He got to work and started making a cage for the weird centipede, using his clay-like secretions to make it. He made sure to include a regular bar and handle locking mechanism. Afterwards he proceeded to seal off that tunel where he fought the centipede in with another clay door.

2016-03-25, 01:02 PM
While making the cage, Izanagi notices something attached to the centipede. It looks almost like a leech. A fairly big one at that.

Roll Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Knowledge (Nature), or Knowledge (The Planes)

2016-03-25, 02:00 PM
He inspected the leech on the creature's body, before coming to a decision.

He will attempt to cut the leech off. He wasn't stupid, though, and used some of his clay secretion on its end so, if it were to be suprisingly mobile and hostile after detaching, it will be dragged down. Afterwards he used the piece of metal as improvised knife-sword and started to try to cut the creature off

Knowledge Nature: [roll0]

2016-03-25, 02:43 PM
Two tentacle like tongues come out of its mouth, but they look ethereal, see through. They remain attached to the centipede until its a good half a foot away (surprising seeing as the thing's only an inch long), and when you do. The centipede seizes up for a second before settling down again.

2016-03-25, 02:50 PM
He didn't have time to deal with this properly, no knowledge, no nothing. He couldn't preserve the creature properly and all, so... He cut into it with the knife and just assimilated the remains before going back to making the cage and then the door, although first he inspected vitals of the centipede

2016-03-25, 03:28 PM
The centipede seems more damaged now than it had been with the leech attached.

2016-03-25, 04:50 PM
He put a palm against his face for a moment before going back to finishing the cage and door. So the creature was beneficial, he would have realized it if he inspected the centipede before killing it... All he could do is live with his mistake

2016-03-25, 05:49 PM
3 Graft Points from the Leech.

2016-03-29, 09:48 PM
He sighed as he finished his task. He should go to the other tunnel, he really should... But instead, he picked up that steel mirror he had found and looked at himself.

Izanagi remembered. The crash, his tail cut off, his skin and muscles charred, his jaw broken, his skull split open. One of his eyes barely seeing anything, the other gouged out. He should not have been alive. And yet, he survived. He fought through the pain, one of his barely, yet still working hands extending a claw. He remembered approaching any crew member who was still alive yet dying, even those that have just died. He took the exoskeleton plates of Gilgamesh, shattered yet still there, as new scales, the bigger pieces serving as plates, or did he replace Gilgamesh's limbs with his own, along with what he managed to do with his mind, his brain, before death? He wasn't sure. He took Icarus's jaw and parts of skull, the mineral in his body providing a support, yet heaviness. But the body was filled with power, and it was what let him function now and achieve, dare he say it, supernatural. He stole Nawie's secretion creating glands, implementing them in his own body, along with using her eyes, one by one. The Antenna and her exoskeleton, he also took, same he did with her legs and parts of abdomen, as his own was still in shambles.

He did not remember the order, the details or even whether he was originally Sachiel, or perhaps he was Icarus, or even Gilgamesh or others. Sachiel seemed most likely, due to the innate toughness, yet it was possible he was one of others. But it did not matter, he was Izanagi.

The mirror shown him his body. Lithe, yet strong, covered in 'scales' made of bone-like material, mixed here and there with some ore, veins sometimes seeming to pulse with light, concentrating near the ore. His hands covered in odd texture, capable of easy grip, yet tiny, just about invisible holes through which he absorbed the corpses and secreted the substances. His eyes held black sclera, yet they gained yellow irises with slit pupils. His head holding hair on it, with two pairs of horns, each just juting outward and to the back from his skull. His jaw held fangs, he lacked lips as one would call them. His tail covered in the before mentioned scales and plates. His pecs were protected by the larger pieces while his abs still held some scars around where he did some replacements. He was pretty sure he would be sterile, but he had no time to think of such things. His body was of greyish-blue color, his hair being approaching the color of amethyst. His horns and all rock-like material that could be found on his body was of a very dark teal color, matte and dull except for veins here and there which seemed to glow with their own light. Such rocks even covered some of his cheeks, yet were divided by his wider than it should be mouth.

The hair wasn't there. He didn't look so... fitting. He was supposed to be a patch-work of monsters, a thing that would barely hold itself together, yet after some time in cocoon, his body healed and accepted its new parts and such, integrating them. It was strange, it was something that should not be.

It was something unexplainable, yet he accomplished it.

So why shouldn't he try to accomplish more? He sat cross legged on the floor, focusing on the feeling of meat, of the mass that he collected, the biomass that was within him. He could feel it reacting, shaping itself as he urged it. It took time, concentration, yet he could feel it.

His knowledge as of yet was limited, both of this world and odd traits. Air and surface might be dangerous, yet sticking to walls, climbing... It will always be useful. He started shaping two long limbs, resembling wings but without the membrane, looking more like two skeletal hands but more rigid. After some time... He could feel it was ready.

Next came another issue, and with it a solution. Melee was dangerous, and his claws were not strong enough yet. A spike, one he could propel with pressurized fluids. One Hollow inside, to work as a syringe. Yes, it was possible to do so and so he did.

Finally, to see in the dark without revealing himself. Closer inspection revealed his glow did not actually provide light when undesired, and so it would work. However, with it he implanted instructions, instincts from Nawie to allow near limitless production of a type of secretion.

The creation, shaping, would take two hours and twenty minutes as he knows them, but then each process required time, so he concentrated on it, hoping for lack of Interruptions.

Further on, assuming further lack of interruptions, he would concentrate on his body, let these shaped limbs and creations manifest. His body racked with pain yet enduring this for three hours.

Spike 4
Hollow spike 5
Fillable spike 2
Throwing spike 3
Long shot spike 2
Large spike 2


Eye 1
Telescopic eye 1
Dark vision eye 2 2 2
Feat(Expert Resin Crafter(Web)) 10


Limb 4
Crawling limb 4
Limb 4
Crawling Limb 4
Flesh 2


2016-03-30, 06:17 PM
A distant, echoed chitter down the cave is the only interruption to Izanagi's work.

2016-03-30, 07:08 PM
Izanagi grinned and stood up, opening his eyes before closing one of them. It seems he was right, he could create limbs, enhance existing ones... But he would have to work on it. One of his eyes could see in the dark, the other couldn't... but he could work with this.

The climbing arms, though. They would help. Incredibly so. As would the spike, especially when he harvests venom from the centipede. He took a moment, focusing on the power he knew he had, as Icarus, and afterwards got to making another door for this other tunnel he didn't explore, after which... he entered the cavern.

Psionic Focus gaining, taking 20.

2016-03-31, 12:01 PM
The tunnel heads down at a gentle slope before turning upwards sharply, seems the climbing arms were a good idea. There were plenty of handholds, they seemed to have been carved out of the wall, but Izanagi made it up without need of them. Then he came across a line of those earlier bug men, with some much larger, menacing ones that reminded him of soldier ants standing around and watching them work. One had a few of those leech creatures on its chest and one had a larger, flatter version over its right bicep, the others deferred to these two first and foremost. They have yet to spot Izanagi, and he couldn't sure they'd be as friendly as the smaller ones they were monitoring.

2016-03-31, 05:48 PM
Intriguing. So how intelligent were those beings, he wondered. The issue he experienced, though, was the lack of proper communication. He didn't understand their language. If he just... moved towards them now, how they would react? Not to mention, there being more of them than he expected.

No. He decided to go back and explore the other tunnel where he first encountered that centipede, after checking if it regained consciousness. With his ability to see in the dark and climbing arms it should be easy to explore it.

2016-03-31, 08:22 PM
The chasm was a horrible gash within the stony interior of the moon, he could see bio-luminescent glows moving in the darkness below. Most of the things down here seemed to fly from the movements of the lights. He does manage to spot some things close by that aren't glowing and look to be trying to blend into the stone, almost steps on one before it skitters away just before he does, only to be snapped up by another of the centipede things, only smaller. He sees roughly a dozen of the smaller ones, they don't even try to bother him.

2016-03-31, 08:26 PM
Then why was he attacked, he wondered, if they did not bother him now.

He moved further, climbing down when necessary, and keeping wary eye for any threats

2016-03-31, 09:02 PM
Down the chasm, Izanagi sees multiple caves, most are shallow, barely the size to fit him before his surgery, let along now or with his cocoon. He does find some with large, rocky... things... in them, looking almost like petrified beetles. Farther down, he sees something weird. It looks like a flying jellyfish, except it has eyes, and its making a soft, whump noise. Wisps of green energy burst out of it every time it undulates to move. It has a bunch of bug things, including one of those centipedes, in its tentacles, giving Izanagi a good display of some of the smaller game in the area he can potentially hunt down. Only one doesn't look like a bug, looking more like a clam or oyster, and it's still alive if its shell snapping shut was anything to go by. Izanagi spotted an eye before it shut though.

2016-03-31, 09:08 PM
Fascinating, he though, as he ventured further. This place was full of interesting life. But the question remains how much of it is sentient.

Soon, not yet, he will hunt... And find the answers

2016-04-01, 12:22 PM
Farther down the cavern are stranger creatures, Izanagi notes that the air here feels... thick. It's hard to breathe, like a weight pressing on him from all sides. Then he sees why, his climbing arm plunges into almost liquid air, and he has to pull back as a stinging sensation goes through it, the air is arcing with both electricity and mist where his arm plunged, clearing up moments later. There are creatures down there, some emerging, some going back down. They didn't disturb this strange phenomenon.

2016-04-01, 06:12 PM
Interesting. He would have to study this phenomenom. Who knows, maybe one of his... creators? Parents? Whatever the word would be, maybe they encountered something like this in the past.

Nonetheless, he went back to his main cave and simply checked the surface now. He had to get his bearings somewhat before deciding on how to act.

The **** the mist is: Knowledge Nature: [roll0]

2016-04-02, 10:26 AM
The surface is barren, the left over bodies from before are gone, and the ship looks like it's been torn up even more than it was, rolled into its side.

2016-04-02, 07:59 PM

Troublesome. Was the surface around here really so empty? Odd.

He came back into the cavern, going back to the tunnel with many various centipedes and attempting to snipe some of the unsuspecting ones. He tried to never go for bigger ones than the one he had.

He needed to learn how durable these guys were.

Attacks. Shoot spike as standard action, move action to regrow. It is exhausting, so... Four, five? Focusing on one centipede, more if I have shots leftover that way

Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage Roll [roll1]

Attack Roll [roll2]
Damage Roll [roll3]

Attack Roll [roll4]
Damage Roll [roll5]

Attack Roll [roll6]
Damage Roll [roll7]

Attack Roll [roll8]
Damage Roll [roll9]

2016-04-02, 11:16 PM
The first two shots miss the centipedes, but the third and fourth find their marks, one being downed by the attack and the other being injured but pissed off, as shown by it surging towards Izanagi, along with three more.

Roll for Initiative

2016-04-02, 11:26 PM
He would stand his ground. If one of his shots were enough to down a centipede, well... He can still thin their marks, before retreating.

He shot again, regrowing the spike if he determined the centipedes weren't fast enough to reach him just after the regrowth, after which he shot again and ran towards the door he made of this tunnel, hoping to gain some distance. If the centipedes were to reach him just as he were to regrow the spike after first shot, he instead ran then.

Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage roll [roll1]

Attack Roll [roll2]
Damage roll [roll3]

2016-04-03, 09:47 AM
Getting the two shots off before the centipedes got there, or just as they got there as it so happens, Izanagi manages to down the injured one, leaving three of the things to try attacking him.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Poison: [roll3] DC 13 Fort Save

Attack: [roll4]
Crit: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Poison: [roll7] DC 13 Fort Save

Attack: [roll8]
Crit: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]

Poison: [roll11] DC 13 Fort Save

2016-04-03, 10:06 AM
He grit his teeth, and proceeded to attack. One strike with his claw and a spike, at the one who seemed stronger, followed by more if it is still standing. However, if it fell, he would attack the remaining ones.

Attack Rolls
Claw Spike [roll0]
Claw [roll1]
Tail [roll2]


Claw Spike [roll3] + [roll4]
Claw [roll5]
Tail [roll6]

2016-04-04, 09:41 AM
The centipedes zip through Izanagi's attacks, making bites at his limbs as he's attacking.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Poison: [roll3] DC 13 Fort Save

Attack: [roll4]
Crit: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Poison: [roll7] DC 13 Fort Save

Attack: [roll9]
Crit: [roll8]
Damage: [roll10]

Poison: [roll11] DC 13 Fort Save

2016-04-04, 10:50 AM
He kept going. He had to finish this quickly, same tactic as before.

Attack Rolls
Claw Spike [roll0]
Claw [roll1]
Tail [roll2]


Claw Spike [roll3] + [roll4]
Claw [roll5]
Tail [roll6]

2016-04-05, 10:54 AM
Another of the centipedes is struck down from Izanagi's quick flurry of strikes, but the remaining two still retaliate viciously.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Poison: [roll3] DC 13 Fort Save

Attack: [roll4]
Crit: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Poison: [roll7] DC 13 Fort Save

2016-04-05, 04:29 PM

Pain. His world was pain, his body burning as he felt the vile venom enter his bloodstream. He had to ran. He didn't look back, for he would make mistake. He kept going, until he reached his den, closing the door behind him.

He laid on the ground, panting, before proceeding to eat three day's worth of food, his body on somewhat of autopilot, before he made another cocoon around himself.

He was thinking, thinking intensively.

He nearly died, again. That incident with the bigger centipede, it was luck. He was not as strong as he wished to... And he was fragile.

But he was smart. His pride wounded, he thought what it really meant. Nawie, she was cunning, so was Icarus. Devices and such to carry them, and they were not cowards. They were smart, strategists.

He should be more like them, for they survived so long, until they became him. Yes, he thought. He will fight smarter now, plan more.

After this, he fell asleep for the remaining eight hours of recovery, not even noticing that he spent an hour thinking, for time was hard to measure in this cocoon.

2016-04-06, 02:35 PM
It's well into his rest period when Izanagi is woken up by a jolt, one of his cocoon hitting ground, but, it'd been on the ground, and he wasn't sideways, so how could he have hit the ground like this? Then he hears the chittering, the bug men from before made that noise, but now there was a much larger, grinding, rumbling noise coming from nearby, and a softer, delicate one that actually sounds like it might by speech, though of no language Izanagi knew of. That... was not good.

2016-04-06, 07:24 PM
Izanagi... was not sure what to do. Just ignoring them would not be good, they might injure him or pierce the cocoon, but he hasn't healed fully yet...

He had to do something. And so he broke open the cocoon, slowly getting out while trying to keep whoever was here in his sights

2016-04-08, 10:39 AM
Before Izanagi exits the cocoon, he manages to spot something, namely, what can only be the bugman queen. She looks... like a humanoid wasp with human-ish facial features. Where the workers sorta looked like cockroaches or crickets crossed with goblins, and the bigger warriors looked like beetles or mantises crossed with bugbears, she looked the most human of them. Then he saw something standing off to her side, it looked... weird. Like a monkey mixed with a cat and a moth, it had almost no humanoid resemblance of them, and yet seemed to be in a place of honor next to the queen... was it a drone? The males of such insects?

Roll Spot for More

2016-04-08, 08:35 PM
He exited his cocoon, in as calm manner as he could, letting his gaze wander over those around before settling on the queen.

He had no means of measuring their strength, and even then he was overwhelmed. His language could and probably would mean nothing to them, yet he was hoping that they will at least take into account him not being aggressive

He spoke, calmly. Who knows, they might have powers to analyze and understand speech. Or technology. He had no way to know.

"My name is Izanagi. I feel honored to meet you."

Spot [roll0]

2016-04-10, 11:34 PM
The beetle one seems hostile until the queen waves it down, and she looks at Izanagi. She doesn't seem to understand Izanagi, but then she waves over some kind of moth/mantis woman that looks like she's wearing a kimono. Surprisingly, her face is completely human. She whispers something to the queen, and she (the queen) nods. The moth/mantis woman then walks over to Izanagi. One of her antennae extends towards him, and stops just short. She gestures towards his hand, then his forehead. Why, he couldn't be sure.

2016-04-11, 02:42 PM
Izanagi looked at her, then the antenna. Was his guess at the communication right? He took the antenna in his hand and placed it onto his forehead.

2016-04-14, 02:58 PM
But, he gets some information on the species. The one before him equates to a Vassal, and speaks through tactile telepathy, that is to say, speaks through touch, and speaks through images in this case. Including one of himself from when he first encountered the bug men, which differs from him now. He can hear the question through the connection, though there are several interpretations. This passed in only a few moments, and leaves Izanagi with a headache, oh, she's waiting for a reply now.

2016-04-18, 05:37 AM
This was... interesting, yet it was not a proper translation. He could work with this, though.

He sent the image of his own body, of how the 'additional parts' started emerging out of his body, developing properly, before it left him in the state he is. He was trying to convey that this was growth, evolution, yet something he designed. Idea, image of him having a base of the same body, yet having different parts attached if he desired.

He continued onward, proceeding to show how he arrived. The images of the ship he was in flying through space, before crashing. The image of his component creatures before the crash, then after the crash as he proceeded to salvage what he could. The idea of unity through this and the personal amazement that this worked.

'We are one now, we are Izanagi. I am Izanagi.'

He sent a question of his own, what do they plan to do with him?

2016-04-22, 10:16 AM
The moth woman remains in place for a moment, as if thinking as her antennae pulls back. She looked like she was trying to sort through something, then turns to the Queen seems to say something without actually speaking. The queen nods, and the moth woman turns back to you, laying the antennae on your forehead once more, but this time, actual speech comes through, as if through static, 'Izanagi iz in-erez-ing,' it starts, 'are -ween iz...' she struggles for a moment, 'in-erez--- in -nowing are... area? An- i-z... onez?' she seems confused by some of the words, but they're there regardless. She emphasizes the Ss in a weird way to make them sound more like Zs. The one word she seemed to get completely right was your name and the word 'One'.

This... was an interesting experience. See if you can guess for the strange method of speaking, there's something to it.

2016-04-22, 12:59 PM

He nodded. He noticed something about her speech. She was replicating the sounds he provided through his thoughts in order to communicate with speech. So if he talked more...

'I will tell you and her what she wishes to know, but I don't know the area itself either, I've been here for two... days? Two cycles of day and night as it was defined on my original planet. What does your Queen wish to know about me?'

2016-04-25, 08:01 PM
The bug lady blinks, and nods, 'already answered,' was the reply, 'it's what is outside the cavern that she wants to know of. How it works, what it's for, and where it came from,' she's shivering, and Izanagi gets a feeling that, if she had the capacity, she'd be sweating through some kind of effort. It hits Izanagi that she's learning a language in the span of a conversation, and likely trying to translate or spread the language through a hive mind, if he had to guess.

2016-05-01, 06:12 PM

He thoughts about this. How to best explain it.

He tried to accompany his explanations with pictures, imaginings of best representations of concepts if necessary, mental illustrations.

'It is... a machine, created to carry objects and people across the vastness of space, between planets, moons, different worlds, even space stations, which are kind of like buildings in space. I do not know, can't recall, all about its construction but I can explain some of it, depending on one question. What are the most advanced means of propulsion by your species. As for where it came from... My "components" were part of a crew of a research station on another world. We were meant to return with our findings to our home, to avoid assault by groups of "pirates". We were not fast enough, thus we got captured. We managed to escape, barely, but one of them managed to enter our ship before we left. Because of that, we crashed here. I believe I will be unable to repair it.'

Each explanation, accompanied by mental images of new concepts. Portrayal of space as being past the sky, full of stars. Space stations being shown, some of different planets. Propulsion, to explain it if necessary.

Memories were coming back more and more, yet with them confusion of what exactly is he now. Some of the pirate story was true, some of it was not told to this species, such as how one of the lab crew was the reason that they were found and caught.

2016-05-01, 07:55 PM
The moth woman is shaking now, rather than shivering, he can sense a strain from her, she shakes her head, disconnects, and stumbles back. The heavy beetle-like ones start to move, but are stopped by the queen, who simply makes a gesture. You don't get it, at first. It shouldn't have been that difficult to process the language, or even the concepts, even if they were alien, they wouldn't be... labor intensive. Images were easier to bridge through than words.

A metaphorical bolt of lightning goes down his spine as he realizes what had happened, she'd still been connected when his moment of "who am I?" came through, all the perspectives, bits and pieces, and personality conflicts from your components hit her at once. You'd been reborn with them, and essentially had four brains (or at least parts of them) to deal with the strain, she didn't. A human would have passed out from that kind of input.

Then he noticed something. Her skin shifted. It was a very brief moment, but it was there. This thing wasn't a bug like the rest, it was a shapeshifter. None seemed to react to the shift, at least towards her, they were watching Izanagi, waiting to see his reaction.

2016-05-01, 08:05 PM

He is not moving either, watching the translator. He felt guilt for what he had done without realizing it. He wanted to help her, but right now his help would do more harm than good. All he could do was wait and apologize, try to make it up to her, when she tries to translate again.

As for the shift, he didn't react much. A widening of eyes, an sharper inhale of air, but other than that, he didn't show much. He did say one thing.


2016-05-01, 08:53 PM
It takes ten full minutes for the shapeshifter to calm down, and another five for her to actually say she was okay and stand up again, still a little unsteady. Then she speaks in heavily accented trade common, "I... apologize. I've... never encountered someone with a... mind... like yours," she's stumbling through the words, but only just. It seems she knew that you knew she was a shapeshifter too, because she'd formed a relatively human mouth to speak, though it was mostly hidden. The others look like they're being spoken too in the way they were used to still. The queen squints, then has the warriors and workers leave, it's only yourself standing before the queen and the shapeshifter.

Then the queen speaks, though it's more of a clicking series of noises mimicking trade common, easy enough to translate since some aliens spoke similarly, "an unusual language, you have passed on, Nerrai, it is... more conductive to the resonance we've been studying," she says, the now named Nerrai looking alarmed, "my apologies, I did not realize that censorship of such information was required," she replies with sarcasm, where had that come from in such a short time to learn the language? Not to mention an advanced vocabulary in a short time.

Nerrai turns to Izanagi, and says something under her breath.

2016-05-01, 09:04 PM
He lifted an eyebrow. "Resonance?"

He shook his head a bit and then looked at the one named Nerrai. "I want to apologize for overwhelming you with my thoughts, I didn't realize how exactly it was affecting you before you detached."

He then turned to look at the queen. "But now that we can understand each other, I would like to repeat what I said earlier. It is an honor to meet you... It was quite a bit stressful to not perform any gestures as those considered sign of respect in my culture could have other meanings in yours."

2016-05-01, 09:27 PM
Nerrai seems less willing to speak after that, but still does so, "I don't know how you survived that, or process what was happening enough to do so, it's humbling..."

The queen raises an antennae, you think it might be similar to raising an eyebrow, "whatever she saw must have been impressive," she says, "she rarely shows that level of respect to anyone other than myself, even if it is just an act."

Nerrai looks at the queen seriously, and the queen raises both antennae, "oh? Now I'm impressed as well. I may actually have to see about getting your assistance with an issue we've been having, which would answer that question of yours as well."

2016-05-01, 09:36 PM
Izanagi shifted a bit, relaxing. He glanced towards Nerrai, thinking about how different his mind must be to others now, before looking back towards the queen. "I'm listening, then. What is this issue?"

2016-05-01, 10:35 PM
"There is a substance in our hive, one we built around specifically, that responds to sounds and intent, I can feel it moving based on our conversation already. However, what it is and what it does is... unknown to us," the queen starts, "we believe it at least partially sentient, or at least self aware and instinctive."

"I personally believe it is a form of physical magic melded with other forms of energy, such as mental and spiritual energies," Nerrai says, "I've studied the substance of it in detail and it has traits very similar to what we call akasha and a psionic malady that takes the form of a mist. The structures are similar, but different enough that it casts doubt on the idea."

"My take on it is that it is a living 'code' akin to the truespeech used by our... less than hospitable neighbors, a facsimile of it anyway, it reacts, resists reacting, and seems to learn patterns. Lights within it display very similarly to the psionic energies used by our allies, they possess crystalline skulls that show that energy coursing across their brains as they use their power."

Nerrai speaks up again, "We would like your take on it, with what you accomplished and how it occurred, we believe you may be able to understand it better than we can, even with the language, we think in our original language, not this one."

2016-05-02, 09:03 AM
He thought about this.

"Lead me to it so I can inspect it. While your descriptions are helpful... They are not enough for me to come to any proper conclusions as to what it is..."

2016-05-02, 09:49 AM
"Nerrai, if you would," the queen asks, and Nerrai agrees as she starts to lead Izanagi through the tunnels, "I must apologize for the queen's inability to take you here herself, she can't really move from the nursery room until the next generation is birthed, her biology restricts it," she says after a moment, explaining something that probably didn't need explaining.

The tunnels are quite extensive, and he sees a wide variety of the bugmen while traveling. It isn't long before he sees what they were talking about, an exposed walkway shows a yellow plasma-like substance floating there, he can see it lighting up, akin to synapses, it's an impressive display. He notices little pools of the substance separated and down on the floor below, in various colors outside of the main yellow. It's... impressive.

"The cavern below is sealed off, only myself and the queen are able to get down to study those motes or the flames that are sometimes found near them," Nerrai says, "if you have the ability to fly or climb down you can get a closer look."

While she's speaking, Izanagi gets an idea of what the resonance meant, the plasma shifted with every word and seemed partially drawn towards it, though it pulls back quickly.

2016-05-02, 07:06 PM

"I see..." he said, before proceeding to climb down to inspect the pools and motes on the floor.

He kept going through what memories he could recall, cursing the fact that he couldn't access as much knowledge as he desired. Still, perhaps with what little he knew, he could understand what it is?

Knowledge Nature [roll0]
Knowledge Psionics [roll1]
Knowledge History [roll2]
Knowledge Dungeoneering [roll3]

2016-05-02, 09:28 PM
Almost instantly, something surges to the front of Izanagi's memory, from the female that gave him his resins, she'd been searching for exactly these legendary... things before the ship crashed. They're wisps of creation! The remnants of the creators of the known cosmology. There were a dozen here alone! He knew there were different varieties, but couldn't draw on what those varieties were or how to identify them. What he did get was that he could draw one in by standing within its boundary, and breathing it in.

The flames on the floor, however, are something Izanagi can't seem to wrap his head around. They don't harm him, and seem to be paired with the wisps, but otherwise are fairly innocuous.

2016-05-07, 08:09 PM
Telling them specifically what these were... Who knew what they might do with it? No, he had to first learn what can be accomplished with these. He looked towards Nerrai.

"I... might have some sort of idea of what to do with these, but I have to get closer..." As such, he tried to get close enough to breathe in one of the wisps into himself, see its effects on himself now, while also trying to remember what could be accomplished with them.

2016-05-07, 08:51 PM
Izanagi breathes in a white wisp, laced through with blue, and doesn't exhale, finding he doesn't need to. At all. A moment later, trying to exhale, smoke and small gouts of fire exit and his lungs are refilled without inhaling again.

Knowledge floods your head, a short process of transferring life force into the wisp to activate its abilities (see spoiler).

Gain Wisp of Creation (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?329429-Remnants-of-the-Overbeing-s-Will-Wisps-of-Creation-3-5-subsystem&p=16931214#post16931214) (Breath) as a Bonus Feat.


You find yourself saving your breath unless you need it, -2 Penalty to all checks involving physical speech. Telepathy and similar are not penalized.Mitigated by essentially having four minds.

2016-05-07, 09:33 PM
He simply looked at Nerrai, yet his eyes seemed to shine, his mind whirling with possibilities.

"This... Is something I have not expected to encounter here. It could be beneficial to your people but I would have to investigate a bit more... Tell me, has anyone breathed any of these in?"

2016-05-09, 10:00 PM
Nerrai nods, "One of the workers, she broke off from us and left on her own, we have not seen her since she left," she replies, "that's another reason we believe it may be sentient. It vastly changed the personality of one of our own."

2016-05-10, 09:42 PM
He shakes his head.

"They do affect their hosts... In a way. They might shift one's behavior towards certain acts, but it should not be that great of a change, unless its power was used quite often... Do you know any specifics regarding the mentioned worker?"

2016-05-13, 02:56 PM
"I do. She was a fighter at heart, despite being stuck in a worker's body," Nerrai says in reply, "she was designed more as a healer, and she used that whenever a revenant made itself known in the area," she continues, "she wasn't ambitious, but, she did want to prove she wasn't just what she was born as."

She sounded a little annoyed when she started, but descended into solemn silence after she finished her speech.

2016-05-16, 04:58 PM
He could hear the annoyance in her voice. He listened to her, but also tried to understand, what could have annoyed her?

'It was something about the worker... Something about what I said, but I only asked her if she knew more details about her. What was wrong...?'

He could HEAR the the voice of one of his components essentially screaming at him.


He blinked.


He looked back at Nerrai and bowed slightly.

"Forgive me for what I unknowingly implied. I forgot that you would be related and thus it would be insulting you to even imply you might not know much about her." he said, before adding. "But in regards to the personality change... She wanted to prove she wasn't just what she was born as. The wisps... They do affect the behavior but they might grant great powers, too. Depending on which one she got, this could be a way to become something more than what she was born as, thus it could be why she left... Although she could have just stayed then, using her powers to help. Intriquing... I trust that you would like me to look for her, if I can, and inspect how and which wisp was what affected her?"

2016-05-17, 10:48 AM
Nerrai shakes her head, "that explains some things at least," she says with a sigh, "and it is... alright. It is still a sore spot for some of our hive," she shakes her head again, "we also saw her leave with some of those flames. We can tell that some magic is involved in them, but they are not the same as these... wisps."

Knowledge (Arcana) for the flames and if you can guess what they are beforehand I'll give you a nice little bonus.

2016-05-24, 11:26 AM
He shook his head.

"I am not sure what these flames are, but if she was able to just take them and leave with them... And what's more, the fact that she did that means that she must have found a use for them."

He considered his own power for a moment, his lack of need to breathe and the power he could feel within himself. It had potential, and yet... It felt as if he could find a better use for it, but not yet, not yet...

"I will not venture to find her immediately, I lack any leads and power, so I wanted to collect some material for my abilities from the local wildlife, if you don't mind, first. Is that acceptable?"

2016-05-28, 10:54 AM
She takes a moment before nodding her ascent, "that is acceptable," she says simply, before saying, "What is it you intend to gain from the creatures here? And which have you encountered?"

2016-05-29, 12:47 PM
He looked at her.

"As I have shown you during the mental link, I looked different even after healing after crash. I am capable of using the biological mass of the other life forms to modify my body... And I think I might even modify others. In addition, hunting allows me to get used to any differences within my body, learning to use it better... As you have seen, the crash was not very gentle in regards to my own motor skills and such."

He thought in regards to wild life.

"As for wildlife... I did encounter these floating through use of vents on their body, in one of caverns, took down a few. I hope, very much so, that they are not considered sacred in any way. If you have other suggestions as to where can I go for this, do tell."

2016-05-29, 12:59 PM
"Ah, those, we don't have a name for them in your language, though they are called Lo'phere by those that border our hive," Nerrai says in reply, "they aren't dangerous when their young so long as you can resist their venom. You met the hatchlings, they're highly aggressive to new presences and are very agile. They go through quite a few metamorphosis before they reach adulthood though. They're the only natives to this moon that we know of, other creatures were brought here by those before us and have adapted to the environment."

2016-05-29, 01:04 PM
He processed this information before something made him pause.

"Natives? Then you are not native to this moon either? Where do your people come from then, and how did they reach this moon?"

2016-05-29, 01:10 PM
"We are not from this moon. Our race are residing here to avoid a conflict on Kaerin, the planet this moon orbits, we arrived here through a portal set up centuries ago. There are links such as this to several moons, as well as linking the various moons themselves."

2016-05-29, 01:59 PM
He put a hand to his chin in thought.

"Interesting... How many links between this moon and the others you know the location of?"

2016-05-30, 04:44 PM
"We don't know where they are, only that they aren't in our hive. The Vessel's to the north might know where one is, but we are not certain."

2016-05-30, 04:46 PM
He raised an eyebrow.

"A vessel? Could you explain?"

2016-05-30, 04:51 PM
"Unstable humanoids that have a monstrous form and a second personality," Nerrai explains, "so long as they do not change form, they are relatively normal, if strong willed, for humans, but their... other selves, are often dangerously violent or otherwise malevolent barring extraordinary circumstances."

2016-05-30, 05:29 PM

He thought it over.

"Interesting... And you said one of them is to the North? Well, then there is only a matter of one thing."

He thought on how to say it best. Perhaps by not asking for much that is theirs?

"I would like to ask for a place to call my own, to experiment, live, all those things. Now, I don't want to impose on your people and my abilities allow me to be quite self sufficient, so would it be too much trouble if I chose to make the cave you found me healing in, as my home?"

2016-06-01, 11:24 PM
"The cavern is nothing really, the only thing of interest there are the lo'phere larva, which are plentiful," Nerrai replies, "it is no loss for us if you stay there. Though do expect some of our workers to come there from time to time, they make habits of certain routes and we can't completely control that," she continues, her antennae twitching to show she's in communication with someone else, talk about multitasking of she can hold two conversations at once through different senses.

"We can use that to transport water to your location, it is not easily found on this moon outside of the Vessels' Cavern, the food we trade them gives us enough surplus to keep you supplied and not harm our stock of it," she hesitates, then presses on, "we just ask to be allowed to... observe your work, at some point... my queen also asks if you would be willing to trade your... work... for other commodities at a later date. To keep us safer from the more grown lo'phere."

2016-06-02, 07:03 PM
He clasped his hands.

"Very well! I was interested in trading with you, too, so it all works out in the end. Now, unless there is still a matter of something else to discuss..?

He didn't like idea of being observed... But he will deal with that and if necessary, he will keep some of his experiments secret. And at first this observation might save him as he comes to learn how his abilities work

2016-06-05, 11:57 PM
Nerrai pauses a moment before shaking her head, "nothing that cannot wait."

2016-06-06, 07:26 PM
He clasped his hands "Good. Then I will do some hunting right now if you don't mind."

With that, he walked back towards his cave, now better understanding of his situation. As he reached his 'base' he proceeded to start making a net of sorts. One he could easily slip through, yet would stop the centipedes should they chase him. A net big enough to cover the part of the cavern opening up into the descend to where the centipedes area... He will continue his plans upon finishing this part

2016-06-06, 08:41 PM
The net work is going fairly quick, with the ability to produce the thread and rope as it is needed rather than having to assemble the components himself, Izanagi makes a lot of progress. Another day of this and he'd have the net done. But soon, the work turns to tedium and Izanagi finds his ability to focus limited, requiring him to break from continuing the work.

Seven hours left in the day to work with.

2016-06-07, 08:35 AM
He wiped the sweat off his brow. Rough construction is easy, but precise and delicate work... still hard. As such, he went back towards his wall with a door towards the cavern of the centipede-things... Listening for any odd sounds on other side

LISTEN [roll0]

2016-06-10, 05:48 PM
There's a brief moment of silence, before a hiss of air being released from a valve, followed by a couple more. They were definitely back there. Probably three or four of them back there waiting. Although you can't be entirely sure unless you know why they seem to be releasing the gas propulsion as they are.

Just so you know, I rolled this one for you since you're not supposed to know how well your doing in this case. Got you a much better roll.

2016-06-11, 07:03 AM
Oh? They were waiting for him? Interesting...

Opening the door won't be a smart idea as they could just push through, so...

He started making a tiny window in it. Too tiny for them to come through. Later, he will just make it be a smaller door to see through but for now, a hole is okay.

2016-06-13, 04:35 PM
(How do you make the hole in the wall? What tools do you use (or how do you focus the prestidigitation tools to work it)? etc. Might have an effect here.)

2016-06-13, 05:38 PM
He concentrated, looking at his hands and clenching his fists. He put a hand on the wall, willing something. His power within him, he called to it, to slowly drill through the wall. And it did, slowly creating a hole which he widened until it was wide enough for him to shoot his spike through. And as such, he grinned, aiming at the closest thing he could see through the hole... Well, the centipedes at least. And so, he proceeded to let loose volleys.

Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage roll [roll1]

2016-06-13, 05:43 PM
A hiss goes off, followed by more as the centipedes take flight and start weaving around in the air, looking for their attacker. They don't even seem to notice the hole in the wall. Between volleys, Ianagi spots more of those parasite things attached to at least one of them, they're moving around too much to be able to see if multiple have them.

2016-06-13, 05:46 PM
He grinned, before proceeding to regrow the spike and shoot another one at them. Slow and steady.

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage roll [roll1]

2016-06-13, 05:54 PM
This time, they see your attack and start to ram into the wall.





2016-06-13, 05:58 PM
He cursed slightly at his aim, but held faith that the wall would hold. Noone on earth can make it fall...

He regrew the spike and shot again.

Attack roll PLEASE HIT GODDAMIT [roll0]
Damage roll [roll1]

2016-06-13, 06:02 PM

Attack Roll 1 [roll0]
Damage roll 1 [roll1]

Attack Roll 2 [roll2]
Damage roll 2 [roll3]

Attack Roll 3 [roll4]
Damage roll 3 [roll5]

Attack Roll 4 [roll6]
Damage roll 4 [roll7]

Attack Roll 5 [roll8]
Damage roll 5 [roll9]

2016-06-13, 06:21 PM
Two of the centipedes go down with two spikes each in them and a third is injured with a spike buried in its abdomen. One of the downed ones has the parasite on it, as does the uninjured one, the injured one darts forward at the whole in the wall, trying to bite Izanagi, or at least break the next spike to come through. There's a crunch, and it goes down with its beak broken in half. The last one, alone, darts away to keep itself alive.

2016-06-13, 06:26 PM
He waited just a bit, panting due to exhaustion. Regrowing these spikes is... tiring. When the coast is clear, he opens the door and drags the bodies of the dead centipedes in. However, the first thing he does is inspect one of the parasites, performing an autopsy on it afterwards

Heal [roll0]

2016-06-14, 12:45 PM
The thing is still alive, despite being attached to a dead creature, but the tendrils the other had aren't present, like they'd been retracted. The thing is wriggling like a leech, but it doesn't have the same structures on it. It's also considerably wider in the center, with suction cup-like protrusions on flaps of flesh on either side of the central mass. Then an eye opens up, surprisingly human in appearance, looking straight at Izanagi, a squeak that seems... patterned... comes off of it.

Last chance to abort the cutting open before you decide to dissect/vivisect it