View Full Version : Maverick Hunters-The Wanted List

2016-03-22, 01:19 AM
It was a quiet, cool night in the Mahalangur mountain range, the moon shining bright in the sky above the mountain. Almost romantic in it's appearance, it would inspire a human heart to adventure, if you were human. In a way, it calls to you, as well, each of you in your own way, creating a burning desire to conquer that mountain. But not to reach the peak, oh no. In this case, it is to claim the treasure that lay within, Project Yeouiju.

Over the past week, each of you had heard of word along the grapevine that there was a laboratory that was seeking to develop what may well be the step to the same kind of limitless potential X has being developed in tandem by three countries primarily and about a dozen others off the books. A device with the power to potentially integrate the raw DNA of something in with that of the holder of said device, it would mean that the only limit upon one's versatility would be the inherent power of the individual, the strength of any DNA equivalent to your own. A prize that could, with access to the right information, make a single person have the strength of hundreds, maybe thousands, at their fingertips. A power that would make you THE future, and that every nation on the planet would pay out the nose to be the only one to control. The power to potentially be as a god. The appeal of the Big Score brought you all here to this quiet mountain range, alone and cautious. The appeal of being the future burns in your LIFE Cells, as you gaze upon the well fortified position before you each, from your own vantage points, human and reploid guards carrying the kind of gear that would violate several important conventions standing guard outside and patrolling within. How will you each aim to become as unto a god, though?

Space Lawyer
2016-03-22, 07:56 AM

Well this was utter s**t. What could Komori have expected though, that it would be easy to sneak into a lab guarding one of the most advanced and dangerous devices on the planet? The humans and their collaborators would never allow something that could actually allow a Reploid to develop to their full potential to simply exist, to be available. No, they kept the Yeoujiu locked in a damn mountain, afraid of the future and the possibility that they wouldn't be in control of it.

Contrary to Velo's encouragement, it was the cautious and patient method that would win her this prize. Komori activates her cloaking system and jammer and approaches closer, hoping to get a better look. She drops decoy buoys as she goes along, creating an escape route she can follow when she needs to speed out of here.

Perception: [roll0]

2016-03-22, 10:56 AM

He looked over the mountain in the moon light, waiting for the moment to strike while laying in wait in the position of any normal wolf before the days of metal and steel would take. Observing his pray, preparing to take out the weak points and make his way in some how, clacking his claws slowly to make a bit of a sound to send a bit of fear into the guards. Then looking over a few spots to leap from to move out fast incase things go belly up and had a good way to leave quickly when he got out, soon making his way through the brush and bush stalking his first victim of the night.

2016-03-29, 08:29 PM
Gunvolt frowns as he surveys the facility. They finally create something that can allow a reploid unconstrained freedom... the option not to simply choose whether to do what they were designed to do, bu to grow beyond that initial design. They finally manage to break that one last hold that humans try to keep over us, and they keep it locked away... He snarls, an angry flap of his wings disturbing the air around him as he continues to observe, trying to identify guards and other defenses. Once I've got that, though... it will change. This will be the first step towards proving that we're worth just as much as the humans themselves are - that we're more than just tools.


2016-04-05, 02:11 PM
Bullrush sighed, he has heard of blood in blood out and gaining the trust of gangs, but this was getting ridiculous. Okay yeah, he agreed to 'go mavrick' but he needed insurance, so why not kill two birds with one stone, get his insurance and 'go mavrick' he thought as he slowly made his way towards the facilty, regretting his choices in life as he sees the guards.

2016-04-10, 05:14 PM
Cuttlefish grins, looking a little unhinged as she looks out over the views of the Himalayas, the thought of becoming as unto her god's greatest prophet warming her LIFE cells. She slowly starts walking towards the edge of the compound, taking advantage of the mountainous terrain to try to find a point where she can jump on drop down into it without getting into a massive confrontation. Crazy? Perhaps. But suicidal? Certainly not.

2016-04-16, 11:15 PM
Komori, gazing about, you notice another in the air with you, even as Velo crackles on your comms. A reploid crow from the looks of things, who doesn't seem to have spotted you as he is far too intent on the ground. You also spot what seems to be a good vent and a couple caves in the distance, though who knows what kind of security they have on any potential entrances. Or what traps they have laid about.
"Ready with evac when you need it, love. Also got a map of the area-seems there's a couple caves that might lead in through less noticeable methods if you wish. Though really, darling, I still say my idea would work."
Considering her plan was throw a kegger for the guards, and likely just enjoy a good time that way instead of possibly steal Yeoiju...Off in the distance, though, you spot a few others. A squid or something that seems to be trying to find a different way in, and a bull that seems to be planning something. Could be useful maybe?

Gunvolt, as you coast over, you spot some good entry points, namely a vent that you are reasonably certain you could squeeze into. That said, who knows what they have in the way.

Bullrush, you're still a ways out before you spot a Cuttlefish, looking about as she tries to spot an overhang. Unfortunately, they seem to have plotted out the method to avoid people just dropping in that way, although there may be other methods considering your digging tendrils there...

Vapor, from your observation, the two guards have routine checkins, as well as small mechaniloids that they send to guard the perimeter of this entryway and maintenance gate. While it would put you as risk, it may be a good method in to just take them both, although there is likely more within that would stop your plans. Or perhaps there are other methods nearby that may be far less guarded.

2016-04-17, 09:31 AM
Cuttlefish sighs as she notes the lack of overhangs, and says in a soft, gentle voice, "It seems I will have to do this the hard way, then...At least it is another chance to spread the holy Word." She wanders around the wall at a distance for a while, looking for a spot with perhaps less defenses than elsewhere, then EAS's in, trying to bore through it with her tendrils.

2016-04-22, 09:15 PM
Vapor moves through the buss slowly keeping an eye on the gaurds and checking the sky really quick to make sure he had a good back up incase certain plans if he were to get spotted by anyone. "If it comes to anything else...I'll have fun gutting the pigs.." He mutter quietly to himself holding back a low growl and just puffing out a sigh

Space Lawyer
2016-04-28, 08:46 AM

Damn it, seriously? This thing was going to be a pain to steal anyways, and there were others coming after it. The infobroker who got them the info that tonight would be a good night to try for it was going to pay dearly.

Komori acknowledges Velo, then heads for the caves. She would have less room to maneuver, but it was unlikely that a smash-and-grab straight from the air would work. The prize was probably in a windowless room somewhere, guarded by all manner of big guns. Komori just had to find it, then speed away as quickly as possible.

2016-05-14, 10:18 PM
Gunvolt glides closer to the vent, frowning slightly. "It almost seems too easy..." he mutters as he approaches it, deciding the best way to test the defenses will be to try and make his way into the vent. No reward without risk, after all.
