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View Full Version : PCs facing execution tomorrow. Help please!

Cyan Wisp
2016-03-22, 01:21 AM
So, I have a bunch of kids I DM for (aged 9-10, experienced campaigners, though). They were trying to clear out a hobgoblin bunker and got beaten to a pulp when the hobs closed in (hobgoblins' martial advantage was the real killer here).

I don't want to play a "soft" game where hobs use fluffy handcuffs and act like the Keystone Kops. I want them to act rationally and like competent military minded folk. The PCs will be sentenced to execution as enemies of the Hobs.

It might be a nice opportunity to start a new game, yet forever make the players into hobbophobes. This party has been subdued once before and sold into the gladiator pits, so this is second time around.

Ideas on how to handle this? Kill 'em? Let 'em escape? :smalleek:

P.S. Something to consider: four of them are half-orcs. Do half-orcs always resist the first beheading attempt (back up to 1hp as per Relentless Endurance), requiring more awkward "hacking" by the executioner? :smallamused:

2016-03-22, 01:26 AM
Don't let them escape, but give them a few opportunities. A hobgoblin jail probably isn't in the best condition. They might have loose mortar in the brickwork, half-crumbled walls, rusty hinges. If someone took Nature proficiency, maybe they notice a fungus that's known to have hallucinogenic properties so they can drug their jailers. If they die, that's fine, but the best escapes are when the party Macguyvers a solution out of the odds-and-ends that they pick up in the jail cells.

2016-03-22, 01:52 AM
Whatever way you let them escape, make them work for it.

Don't have shadowy strangers show up and teleport them out, not even if it means a new quest. Don't have sudden natural disasters. Don't let the hobgoblin fortress get attacked. When the PC's are 'saved' in any of these ways, they learn that when they're in trouble all they need to do is wait for the DM to make things easy again.

That said, they should have opportunities for escape, you should just make it feel as if they're their own ideas. The suggestions of there being hallucinogenic herbs or rusty hinges are fine, because these require the players to do something.

2016-03-22, 02:12 AM
Players will ALWAYS become about 10 times more creative when their PC is about to die. When they come up with some reasonable (or just crazy enough to work) ideas then let them work to some extent. Also, most jails are designed with people far less capable than PCs in mind. Most prisoners won't have 18 int or str or expertise in stealth and thieves tools so the prison won't be totally impregnable to those kinds of things. There might be heavier guard if they're worried about the PCs but the basic way the jail is designed shouldn't be thwarting their exceptional capabilities at every turn.

2016-03-22, 10:46 AM
Bearing in mind the players are 9-10, I'd be hesitant about TPKing them. Might not be a great experience at that age.

Maybe have one of the Hobgob leadership engineer their escape in such a way as to dispose of a rival?

2016-03-22, 10:51 AM
Four Half-orcs !!!! :thog::thog: :thog: :thog:

they could probably work together and bend the jail bars and escape.

2016-03-22, 10:58 AM
Maybe have one of the Hobgob leadership engineer their escape in such a way as to dispose of a rival?

Along similar lines, a hobgoblin sneaks into the dungeon to personally avenge his father/brother/mother/sister/son/daughter, who the PCs slaughtered. Even with the PCs in chains, the foolish hobgoblin is overmatched, giving them the opportunity to kill their would-be killer, take his weapons, and escape.

2016-03-22, 12:12 PM
I though hobgoblins were big slavers generally. Shackle the crew and put them to work digging burrows or making arrows or some such.

2016-03-22, 12:37 PM
I though hobgoblins were big slavers generally. Shackle the crew and put them to work digging burrows or making arrows or some such.

This would be a really good time to drag them off into another adventure locale that they're interested in to begin another story from square one (in terms of equipment). Perhaps later they can encounter the same hobgoblins as they're passing through and trounce them easily since they've gained a level or two since their last encounter.

Cyan Wisp
2016-03-27, 03:56 PM
Yeah, forced TPK did seem a little harsh.

Instead, I have them imprisoned - again (they've already been sold into slavery once - gladiator pits). The warlock blasted a small hole in a cell door and was KO'ed for his troubles. Meanwhile, the bard pickpocketed a guard of his keys. They're all on 1 hit point and they have an ally (PC, another warlock) in the complex who evaded capture and is hiding in a broom cupboard.

Looks like it's going to be a prison break scenario - just a careful one because of their ailing health. Might be time for the roaming warlock to pull off a major distraction.

Thank you for all the advice! Fun times ahead. :smallsmile:

2016-03-27, 08:38 PM
Don't execute them, create a situation where if they are clever, get lucky,mor work together they have a way out. Pickpocket a guard, dig their way out, hulk out and bend iron bards that are rusty, etc.

2016-03-27, 08:46 PM
One option is to delay the execution through others in front of the party. If they haven't worked out a plan beforehand, give them three prisoners until the party is on the chopping block. Remember: if there is no risk of death, the game becomes much less interesting.

2016-03-27, 08:59 PM
Have an Orc party invade find them, and thinking they are orcs free them.
Or an npc thief who finds them after his party was killed he frees them then dies
Or a secret escape tunnel or the locks aren't good
Or 1-2 weapons hidden in cell but not utalized by last group

2016-03-27, 10:04 PM
A lot of good ideas here. I specifically like the slavery line.

My choice in this case would be to kill one PC, as an example to the others. Perhaps pick the one player that you think would handle a PC death the best, or maybe even a player that is most likely to create a non-half-orc character.

Bottom line, at some point the possibility of a PC death needs to be real.

2016-03-27, 10:27 PM
Perhaps the execution is a task the hobs need done that "is sure to get them killed but if they survive they will be on their second life"?

2016-03-27, 10:54 PM
Another prisoner there might make noises about escaping (perhaps he's scheduled to die the same day), and that could help prod the PCs into looking for ways out. The PCs will still do all the real work of course (the NPC prisoner might well spend all his time time freaking out at the prospect of being executed instead of planning an escape), but I know some newer players need that kind of impetus to act.

Joe dirt
2016-03-27, 10:54 PM
i think you should not TPK them. that age is just getting used to the game but i also wouldnt let them free with no consequences.

perhaps change the story up a bit as it sounds like you are ready to run a different adventure maybe have a group of evil humanoids could come along and want to purchase them for slave labor. or you could give them a choice to either die (if they want to roll up a new character) or be forced to sell their soul and take the next level as a warlock to survive, if they are willing to sell their souls in order to live then while the executioner is about to lay down the blade a massive monster sent by said warlock patron breaks into the execution chamber and the PC's can use this opportunity to escape

2016-03-27, 11:45 PM
I agree on not killing them that way.

As a DM you want them to enjoy the game. As a DM, you can manipulate everything. Captured for execution; they escape. Die in combat they awake from being healed by friend or foe or God or npc etc

2016-03-28, 12:35 AM
I definitely would not deus ex machina a way out for them, no last minute rescues by friends or gods. (unless they figure out a way to contact some allies, then that could work) Use one of THEIR escape ideas and let them work for it, but make it possible. If you have someone save them they won't care very much, if one of them comes up with even a slightly clever plan and it works then they will LOVE it. If worst comes to absolute worst and they haven't been very creative at all then give them some prompts, maybe something distracts their guards while they're being removed from the jail and they have a shot to run for the woods, or a guard drops a knife near their cell they can use as a lockpick or file or something. You, as the omnipotent DM, getting them out of this is the least satisfying way this could be resolved. IME, the only thing PCs love more than getting themselves INTO dangerous situations is finding their own way out.

2016-03-28, 11:23 AM
A TPK seems harsh at their ages, but I'd agree that bailing them out by a friendly wizard is letting them off light.

What if the Hobgoblin settlement is attacked by another enemy, gnolls for example and they're pressed into service?

2016-03-28, 01:28 PM
If they can't figure something out, roll knowledge checks on Hob society. If someone gets a good score, tip them off to some challenge clause. The leader of the clan cannot ignore a challenge to his leadership. He must defend his position in a duel of the challenger's choice. Pick something that puts him at a disadvantage, like a musical duel with the bard. If the PC wins they become head of the clan.

2016-03-28, 04:52 PM
I know you've made the decision, but I'll toss out my suggestion for the person who comes across this post next.

Given their ages, consider a prisoner exchange. The hobgoblins' leader has been captured, and the hobgoblins take the party as prisoners in hopes that they'll be able to get their leader back.

Moo, I'm Human
2016-03-29, 12:13 PM
Have them be executed by throwing them off a cliff. Maybe just high enough to kill a hobgoblin/orc/whatever, but not to instantly kill the player half-orcs. Have the half-orcs go first, be dropped down, use relentless endurance and survive. The hobs realize "It's not working!!!" and stop before throwing any people who aren't half-orcs. The escaped PC's organize an escape from the outside, maybe grab a few allies somehow, and break in to get out the rest of the party. Gives enough an awesome feeling to the party that they feel like they deserved to get out.

2016-03-29, 12:19 PM
A dragon attacks....

2016-03-29, 12:29 PM
A dragon attacks....


Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin
naal ok zin los vahriin
wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal!
Ahrk fin norok paal graan
fod nust hon zindro zaan
Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal!

Huzrah nu, kul do od, wah aan bok lingrah vod
Ahrk fin tey, boziik fun, do fin gein!
Wo lost fron wah ney dov
ahrk fin reyliik do jul
voth aan suleyk wah ronit faal krein...

I couldn't help myself...

2016-03-29, 01:17 PM
I wouldn't really plan for any "solution" as PCs rarely follow your plan.

Whatever you decide, just allow multiple options to play out - loose mortar and stones, easily picked locks, incompetent guard, rival faction helps their escape, warlock creates a diversion, etc.

Also, it might be important as to know the circumstances behind their attack on the hobgoblin camp. If it was a military campaign, the hobgoblins might ransom back the PCs for money (more than they can get for slavery).

Also, per the MM, it appears hobgoblins are not only military focused (and lawful), but generally equate status to physical prowess. Perhaps the PCs can learn that any would be prisoner slated for execution can demand trial by combat - hey it worked for Tyrion Lannister :smallamused:

Cyan Wisp
2016-03-30, 01:15 PM
Wow, love these ideas, thank you.

UPDATE: So, they're going down fighting...

GOO Warlock critical hit a door with EB, blasting a small hole. Hobs responded by subduing. Now unconscious in a cell being caressed by an unhinged NPC elf who thinks his childhood friend Bambi the fawn has come back to him.
Bard used mage hand and, after an amazing set of rolls, managed to surreptitiously lift the keys from a guard and retrieve them. Turns invisible and stealths out of cell, unlocking prisoners left, right and centre.
Fire cleric, now unlocked by invisible bard, cures himself, them slams guard against wall with prison door. Is soloing 4 hobs in the corridor with scorching ray.
Alarm has been sounded. Druid/Barbarian creeps out of cell as spider. Stealths along ceiling. Spins cosy web (!).
Moon druid attempts spike growth in corridor. Damages guards. Is subdued.
Archfey Warlock (in broom cupboard, not imprisoned) is still hiding, contemplating abandoning prisoner friends.

They are having a ball and it's all very tense and celebratory. It won't be easy getting out, but they are 5th level and still have some resources, just not many hit points.

Fun times ahead. Thanks for the support, everyone! :smallbiggrin:

2016-03-30, 02:24 PM
Wow, love these ideas, thank you.

UPDATE: So, they're going down fighting...

GOO Warlock critical hit a door with EB, blasting a small hole. Hobs responded by subduing. Now unconscious in a cell being caressed by an unhinged NPC elf who thinks his childhood friend Bambi the fawn has come back to him.
Bard used mage hand and, after an amazing set of rolls, managed to surreptitiously lift the keys from a guard and retrieve them. Turns invisible and stealths out of cell, unlocking prisoners left, right and centre.
Fire cleric, now unlocked by invisible bard, cures himself, them slams guard against wall with prison door. Is soloing 4 hobs in the corridor with scorching ray.
Alarm has been sounded. Druid/Barbarian creeps out of cell as spider. Stealths along ceiling. Spins cosy web (!).
Moon druid attempts spike growth in corridor. Damages guards. Is subdued.
Archfey Warlock (in broom cupboard, not imprisoned) is still hiding, contemplating abandoning prisoner friends.

They are having a ball and it's all very tense and celebratory. It won't be easy getting out, but they are 5th level and still have some resources, just not many hit points.

Fun times ahead. Thanks for the support, everyone! :smallbiggrin:

And this is what D&D is all about! Getting yourself into awful situations and coming up with solutions that are just crazy enough to work :smallwink:

2016-03-30, 03:10 PM
I'm surprised the moon druid isn't using a small, easily-missed form to aid in his own escape.

2016-03-30, 03:41 PM
I know the moment has passed, but a suggestion for future reference or if other people are facing the same thing, how about an execution by gladiator combat? Toss them into an arena with their own weapons in a pile, with a group of gladiator opponents between them. Gives them a lot of different options to get themselves out of the situation, plus you can have other NPCs who are being executed the same way aid them if necessary, helping to give you a larger amount of flexibility in the situation.

2016-03-30, 05:12 PM
What about the classic 'execution takes place in an arena setting and is carried out by a monster to appease the Hobgoblin populace'?

EDIT: Err...ninja'd by like two hours.

Cyan Wisp
2016-03-31, 12:09 AM
Funny you should say that [about Gladiatorial combat].

Their recent history is this: (Eberron setting, Breland/Darguun border. They are a special ops team from Sterngate)

Commissioned to shut down a local bandit operation
Though an even match, the bandits won by sheer numbers. Party subdued and captured.
Party wakes up in individual cells. Hobgoblin jailers escort them to select weapons. They are then shunted into a huge gladiatorial arena, deep in Darguun (hobgoblin nation) in a city of hobs. Yes, the bandits sold the party into slavery to hobgoblin masters.
Party are forced to endure gladiatorial matches for sport in the arena.
After defeating all comers, the party challenged the leader of the city. He accepted. Proceeded to wallop party.
Chief rips off his armour, certain that defeat of the party is imminent. Party shoves him in pit and kills him.
They are set free, as per the terms of the last combat. They make their way across Darguun, heading for the coast and possible solace in Zilargo (gnome nation).
Accosted by splinter hob (Dhakaani) imperialists. In return for passage across the mountains, they had to agree to clear out a rival hob bunker.
And... now they are back in prison, in the bunker they were sent to clear. This is why I considered execution.

So, gladiator combat has well and truly been done. Great minds, eh?

If anyone is interested, I'll update again to tell of their progress!

2016-03-31, 02:56 AM
Please do update, though I'm wondering why the two druids (especially the Moon one) don't just pwn them with wild shape? They get full health while in a form, and thus... pwnage! I guess it matters just how many Hobs we're talking about here, but still, I'd think they could tank it up in forms, while the casters blast (or whatever).

But hey, that's me. I'll admit I'm just in this thread now to hear what happens!

2016-03-31, 05:04 AM
Seems to me a fully rested party of level 5 characters including bards, clerics and druids should easily be able to manufacture an escape from non-magical hobgoblins with their wealth of spell resources. So all that's really needed from you as DM geneoristy is to make the execution at least 8 hours away so they can all get a long rest in.

Sounds like this is pretty much what happened, and they did come up with ideas which I'm surprised haven't left them in a better position than you imply. The remaining captured druid can take inspiration from the other and morph into an innocuous creature, it sounds like the Bard and Cleric should be able to take out their remaining foes, especially if the druid/barb stops sleeping on the ceiling and comes to help!

Basically at this point they are fighting their way out, which will only fail if you don't cut them a break on the reinforcements before they run out of spells.

Exciting stuff - keep us updated!

(and obviously the answer to your OP was to do exactly as you have done - let them rest, get their spells and abilities back, at which point very few non-magical prisons will hold them for long and it's all down to how many guards they need to fight through to get free)

Cyan Wisp
2016-04-06, 05:10 AM
UPDATE: April 6th Session (running time 30 mins). Just a little anecdote here about how kids think. We were taught a little Arabic by a parent recently. Among the words we learned was the word for love. It sounded a bit like "hobbp". Immediately, a gamer student turns to me and says: "That means hobgoblins are really Lovegoblins!"

:smallcool: The Fire Priest (Light domain) came out gunning with flaming sphere after failing to make much progress with scorching rays. Decided to target their Dex rather than their AC. A good move. Hob dies in fiery agony!

:smallsmile: Lore Bard, invisible, bravely steps out to mock a guard viciously, exposing her position. Hob ego wounded.

:smallannoyed: Barb/Druid, currently a tarantula, reverts to dragonborn form and runs to aid the party. (she thought she could have a cheeky short rest during the battle... was re-educated.)

:smallsigh: Archfey Warlock (not in prison) gingerly exits her hidey-hole. Encounters goblin French maids. Intimidates them into a corner and flies out of the underground bunker to freedom, saving her selfish little tiefling butt and abandoning her recent allies to the mercies of the lovegoblins.

:smallfurious::smallfurious::smallfurious: Last batch of hobbo guards fire crossbows to subdue the rioters. One hits the priest, but he lives on.

:smallcool: The priest swings the flaming sphere around to singe another guard, channels Radiance of the Dawn at another, incinerating the hob and causing the empty, blackened armour to fall in a gruesome pile of ash. Priest then flees into a cell for cover.

:smallsmile: Lore Bard whispers dissonantly at last guard, making his facial orifices bleed from psychic trauma. He abandons his post in terror.

:smallannoyed: Barb/Druid, now armed with a flame blade ends the life of the fleeing guard. Silence reigns!

Quickly the party tag team revived the :smallredface: GOO Warlock and the :smallconfused: Moon Druid. They have the prison to themselves, but they know reinforcements are coming as the alarm was sounded.

Will they barricade themselves in and defend their position - maybe try to get some rest? Or will they make a break for it? Or something else!?

Tune in next time! Same Lovegoblin time, same Lovegoblin channel! :smallwink:

2016-04-06, 05:40 AM
UPDATE: April 6th Session (running time 30 mins). Just a little anecdote here about how kids think. We were taught a little Arabic by a parent recently. Among the words we learned was the word for love. It sounded a bit like "hobbp". Immediately, a gamer student turns to me and says: "That means hobgoblins are really Lovegoblins!"

:smallcool: The Fire Priest (Light domain) came out gunning with flaming sphere after failing to make much progress with scorching rays. Decided to target their Dex rather than their AC. A good move. Hob dies in fiery agony!

:smallsmile: Lore Bard, invisible, bravely steps out to mock a guard viciously, exposing her position. Hob ego wounded.

:smallannoyed: Barb/Druid, currently a tarantula, reverts to dragonborn form and runs to aid the party. (she thought she could have a cheeky short rest during the battle... was re-educated.)

:smallsigh: Archfey Warlock (not in prison) gingerly exits her hidey-hole. Encounters goblin French maids. Intimidates them into a corner and flies out of the underground bunker to freedom, saving her selfish little tiefling butt and abandoning her recent allies to the mercies of the lovegoblins.

:smallfurious::smallfurious::smallfurious: Last batch of hobbo guards fire crossbows to subdue the rioters. One hits the priest, but he lives on.

:smallcool: The priest swings the flaming sphere around to singe another guard, channels Radiance of the Dawn at another, incinerating the hob and causing the empty, blackened armour to fall in a gruesome pile of ash. Priest then flees into a cell for cover.

:smallsmile: Lore Bard whispers dissonantly at last guard, making his facial orifices bleed from psychic trauma. He abandons his post in terror.

:smallannoyed: Barb/Druid, now armed with a flame blade ends the life of the fleeing guard. Silence reigns!

Quickly the party tag team revived the :smallredface: GOO Warlock and the :smallconfused: Moon Druid. They have the prison to themselves, but they know reinforcements are coming as the alarm was sounded.

Will they barricade themselves in and defend their position - maybe try to get some rest? Or will they make a break for it? Or something else!?

Tune in next time! Same Lovegoblin time, same Lovegoblin channel! :smallwink:

This. Is. AMAZING. I'm excited to hear what happens next- when is your next session?

2016-04-06, 06:33 AM
There are a lot of ways to handle the situation. The main question you want to ask to yourself is, ultimately, do you want to kill them? Will they enjoy the game experiance overall, or be mortified and swear never to play D&D again? We're talking about 9-10 year olds here... on more mature players, you don't have to face tentrums and crying (usually XD ). But here you should be warry that your players are having fun, and will be completelly on board with what is to happen.

A) The Deus Ex Machina: A rogue, sole survivor from an other party helps them escape; An enemy clan attacks the Hobbs, and makes a perfect opportunity for them to go; a Wizard who is the long lost uncle of one of the players teleports in, and helps them out; A Strong dark hero-like adventurer drops in the moment of the execution, and saves them; A dragon appears and, due to the fuss, the players get a chance to escape. If you take this approach, you want to tax them greatly, like loosing all equipment, and have a dept to their savior... one that is only repaiable by doing some quest. However make them roll a couple of dies, and overall not feel they are watching a movie, even if you set very low DCs (they will never know after all). You have to tax them greatly for this too, as they have to learn that not everyone in this world is going to have their back for free... let D&D be a good learning experiance for them.

B) The Quest Approach: Instead of viewing the situation as stressfull, make it become a side quest to escape the Hobe prison. Remember, you are the DM after all. You can lower the Challenge to make the quest more doable (considering the previous challenge was too high), by making it so that the Hobbs that are on guard duty are weaker than the others, and get the players some hints to make them think of a way to escape. Make them work for their freedom, promoting teamwork and self-confidance in them. Make them work extra hard to get their equipment back (ex: an optional side boss fight).

C) Kill 'em anyway but get them back: If you don't want to make the Hobs look like fools, there is still an option to have the cake and eat it too. You can proceed with the executions, and then, after they are all dead, a friendly NPC from the past brings them back to life, and reveals himself as a high level Cleric or Druid. Or some evil necromancer brings them back to use as thralls, but something goes wrong and, wile undead they retain their consiousness... this could be a nice adventure hook for them to find a way to regain their mortality. Be wary though: Your players must be mature enough to handle this situation, as facing the death of a character, and/or the fact of their character being undead is something most 9yo are usually not mature enough to handle with a laughter. I would suggest this option only for older players, but I'm dropping it here anyway.

Cyan Wisp
2016-04-06, 07:11 AM
This. Is. AMAZING. I'm excited to hear what happens next- when is your next session?

Thanks! They are turning into pretty gung-ho kids in a desperate situation. I appreciate that they weren't content to sit around waiting to be beheaded.

I run 4 different groups a week at lunchtime break. This is the Wednesday group. Last session of term time next week...resolution or cliffhanger? Don't know yet.

@Asmotherion: Great ideas, thank you. I've been impressed with their pro-active response, so I'm going to give their plans a lot of "luck". They are diggin' deep - I can see it in their faces. They actually managed to free all prisoners and all still be conscious at the end of last session without any "softness" from me. It was looking like curtains for a while there.

2016-04-06, 07:16 AM
Bearing in mind the players are 9-10, I'd be hesitant about TPKing them. Might not be a great experience at that age.

Maybe have one of the Hobgob leadership engineer their escape in such a way as to dispose of a rival?

Actually A TPK can be a good learning experience. Though don't be brutal about it, don't treat them all that different because they are younger. This is how you learn as you grow up.

Don't get them in the habit of thinking they always win or that stories always have nice outcomes. Sometimes the story goes the way of Mufasa dying.

An execution would be a bit weird for children but not out of bounds. I would say have them do a trial by gladiator pit, slavery, or have the hobgoblin force them to do a mission or two for them in exchange for their freedom. Perhaps a rival hobgoblin calls "dibs" on potential new slaves and then uses them as agents to dispose of adversaries.

Shining Wrath
2016-04-06, 09:01 AM
I think I'd go for the tried and true "you are rescued by someone powerful, who expects you to work for her now" trope.

Or you could let the kids die, but it doesn't sound like they really screwed up - it sounds like you threw a tougher challenge at them than they could handle. Which is on you, not on them. So save them.

Cyan Wisp
2016-04-06, 02:41 PM
Or you could let the kids die, but it doesn't sound like they really screwed up - it sounds like you threw a tougher challenge at them than they could handle. Which is on you, not on them. So save them.

Easy, there... They are kids, but they are veteran kids. They know how to play! I think their biggest mistake was over-estimating hobgoblins. They were scared as heck!

The challenge of the bunker was well within their Medium range. I thought it would be a doddle. But they diddled around hiding behind each other and wasting things like moonbeam on single hobs then breaking concentration. One of the druids was scouting as a small spider and freaked out when they found a guard room, so they ran away and shaped back, blowing their wild shape use.

Their downfall could probably be traced back to a shatter spell which completely ruined their stealthy mission. It brought the bunker guards running.

They could have fallen back to defend an area, instead, they spread out in a big room, getting flanked by hobs. Just a series of bad decisions from good players. I was stunned at the outcome. That's why I asked for help!

2016-04-06, 03:20 PM
Easy, there... They are kids, but they are veteran kids. They know how to play! I think their biggest mistake was over-estimating hobgoblins. They were scared as heck!

So treat them like veteran players and show them that sometimes the heroes don't win and sometimes stories end prematurely.

You don't have to be gruesome about it or unfair, it things have consequences and one of them is character death.

2016-04-06, 05:05 PM
Have a dragon attack before they are executed and reveal that the PCs are the dragon born... Wait nvm.

Cyan Wisp
2016-04-16, 07:12 PM
The doughty kid heroes continue their daring prison break, deep in the Southern Darguun wastelands.

:smallfurious::smallfurious::smallfurious: Hobs begin massing at the main prison door, which has been locked by the Lore Bard. The commander demands the second set of keys. Unfortunately, they are upon a guard inside the prison.

{This is where I cut the PCs a break because they thought to lock themselves in. The commander orders the doors cut down, which takes an hour or so - enough time for a short rest for the PCs}

:smallsmile: Lore Bard almost cuts a deal with the commander who promised her freedom in exchange for unlocking the gates. An unpopular choice with the rest of the party.

:smallbiggrin: Moon Druid, now conscious, attacks Lore Bard with unarmed strike, knocking her out. He snatches the keys.

[PCs decide to each defend a cell doorway to prevent hobgoblin martial advantage coming into play.]

:smallsigh: Archfey Warlock turns back from her escape and decides to help the party after all. Uses Mask of Many Faces to infiltrate massing hobgoblins. Enters cells with the troops.

:smallfurious::smallfurious::smallfurious: Hobs swarm into the prison. Among their number, a commander and a dirge singer (bard).

:smallfrown: GOO Warlock, now conscious and powered up after a short rest, shatters a bunch of hobs to bits. Unfortunately, the Archfey Warlock is amongst the victims. She survives, but is almost weeping over the hit point loss.

:smallbiggrin: Moon Druid shapes to brown bear and crunches a hobgoblin to death. Retreats around a corner.

:smallannoyed: Barb/Druid gets her Giant Hyena on and takes out another hobgoblin.

:smallfurious::smallfurious::smallfurious: Hobgoblins are dying like flies. The commander orders a regroup. Crossbows are fired in quick succession and the party takes some hits. An elf prisoner (one the PCs were sent to rescue) gets shot dead.

:smallcool: The Fire Priest goes next... term. Two weeks away.

Needless to say, the players are chuffed with how things are going. They will still need to pull out all the stops including spamming class features like Warding Flare and Bardic Inspiration. They are smart enough to know that targetting the hobs AC 18 armour is touch and go, so they are planning to employ more save-based magic.

I actually think they can do this. If not, they went down fighting!

2016-04-17, 09:52 PM
Great job. A lot of creative ideas from the players, and really nice pacing from you. Including making sure there is true danger of death involved.

2016-04-17, 10:07 PM
Sounds like that is going well and more interesting than a straight up execution. Sounds like a good group of kids.

I like hobgoblins. The defeated my PCs a few times and it went down a few different ways. Generally it comes down to, 'did the PCs fight well before they went down?'

If the hobbos think they fought well, then they will want them to die and go to valhalla, so will organise an execution that lets them die with a weapon in their hand. E.g. The hobbos line up a crossbow line that can insta-gib them at the mouth of a cave. They arm the PCs and send them in to fight the dragon/monster/purple wurm etc, which is an unwinnable fight. Maybe they can sneak past it, find another exit, talk it down etc. So basically execution by unwinnable fight.

If they fought without honour, then the hobbos don't want them to die a warrior's death. They will tie rocks to them and drop them in an underground river, or bury them by cave in in a haunted crypt or the underdark. They will go well out of their way to avoid killing them with a weapon, they have not earned that.

IMC hobbos are mercenary types and can often be bargained with. Might they ransom them back, keep a couple of them until the others do a mission, etc?

2016-04-17, 11:52 PM
Please keep updating this thread as things happen. I do like hearing about it.

Cyan Wisp
2016-05-04, 04:56 AM
The battle continues...

:smallcool: Fire priest, clad in hobgoblin armour but without a prayer left, hoists his ill-gotten hobgoblin longsword and charges into the fray. Non-proficient, he swings uselessly against the chainmail of the hobs.

:smallsigh: Feylock (in disguise as a hobgoblin) pushes through the ranks of hobs and takes up position down the hallway.

:smallfurious::smallfurious::smallfurious: Hobs regroup into formation and start pressing forward. The commander uses martial advantage to deal a whopping 28 hp to the Druid/Barb (in giant hyena form).

:smallfrown: GOOlock lashes out ineffectually with eldritch blasts. Defends a doorway.

:smallbiggrin: Moon druid (as brown bear) comes out gnashing and wailing. Crunches a hob near in half.

:smallannoyed: Barb/druid (as giant hyena) crunches and spits out another poor hob.

:smallcool: Fire priest, remembering his cantrips attempts a sacred flame attack. Hob dodges deftly.

:smallsigh: Feylock blasts the assembled ranks of hobs with a shatter. Mooks are destroyed, utterly, mere puree in armour. Only the commander and the dirge singer survive.

:smallfurious::smallfurious::smallfurious: The commander lashes out at the hyena again. Martial advantage is gone but his mighty greatsword strikes hard. Hyena's form wavers on the edge of shifting. Dirge singer retaliates with his own shatter and inspires his commander to fight harder.

:smallfrown: GOOlock lashes out ineffectually with eldritch blasts. Again. Wonders what is wrong with his blasts!

:smallbiggrin: Moon druid sinks his jaws into the commander, finishing him off. Dirge singer looks for an escape route!

:smallannoyed: Barb/druid runs down the dirge singer and mauls his soft-shelled body.

Silence reigns, only punctuated by the heavy breathing of the exhausted party. The hallway is piled with corpses. A quick loot for armour and weapons, they grab the surviving elf prisoners and group stealth out of there, through the deserted complex, up the ladders... to freedom! They wisely hasten away from the compound and seek rest in a nearby forested hill. Unmolested, they sleep the sleep of victors.

Thus ends the prison break. :smallsmile: They were, safe to say, exuberant at their victory! Glad I didn't behead them after all. The short rest in the prison made all the difference, though they still had to contend with no spells (except the warlocks) and unsuitable weaponry to make their break. I think they did a great job!

Thanks for tuning in. I love this game and I'm so happy to see a new generation lapping it up.:biggrin:

2016-05-04, 09:17 AM
Wow, an epic prison escape. :elan:

2016-05-04, 01:14 PM
Definitely well played and a cool story. Thanks for sharing!

2016-05-04, 03:47 PM
This was awesome. As others have said, thanks for sharing it.