View Full Version : Sunlit Sea (IC)

2016-03-22, 01:31 AM
The sun rises on a fierce little ship sailing east-southeast out of Champoor. The wind is favorable, the sky is clear, the sea is not. Finally, after an unusually long stretch alone across the waves, the lookout has seen something. A merchant ship flying the flags of Prasad, trudging down from the northeast, making for the islands south of your dark city. Surely they carry something of value. Is this the start of some excitement?

Eyes fall to the captain, even as the crew prepares for what they think they'll hear. A chase, of course. With little chance they won't catch up.

2016-03-24, 09:59 AM
Through the spyglass, Ayda observes it's make and armaments. Probably nothing they couldn't handle.

"What do you think lads and lasses? Think we have room for a bit more cargo?"

She lowers the glass from her eye and glances down to the crew. Her eyes fall onto Vael, the old man who has been traveling with her a while. Man was a brilliant fighter, and could weather any storm. She tended to let his advice carry a bit more weight.

"Or we gonna earn some good favor with the local merchants and see about providing escort?"

While her whims changed, it wasn't uncommon for Ayda to aid other vessels in dangerous waters. Her real only steadfast rule on the vessel was keep it classy. Killings really weren't necessary. Sure one or two people have fallen to her blade, but that was in defending her ship from the more ravenous bunches.

2016-03-24, 10:25 AM
Vael furrows his brow when talk drifts to piracy. Granted, the captain was a very civil pirate. Always with the please and thank you and she never stabbed anyone who didn't deserve it. Still, people's livelihoods were at stake. The tension leaves him when Ayda pitches another plan. "I'd rather the latter. Better t'have friends right now." He drums his fingers on Adorei's hilt, waiting for the rest of the crew to chime in.

Wizard of Oz
2016-03-25, 10:04 AM
Grin leans on the rail, her sharkskin coat wet with seaspray. She spits over the side, and then turns to the others and replies in her poor Riverspeak (though it's much better than when you first met her).

Is ship of Dragon Empire of Prasad, yes? Bad Empire, love slave, hate free, love rule Champoor-tribe. I say is time for brave free heroes getting rich and full-bellied! She rubs her stomach and grins, her sharp fangs making it perhaps less friendly-appearing than it's supposed to be.
Or... she pauses, having second thoughts. Maybe is bad idea. She squints at the ship. Maybe we go see ship. Is merchants having lots of sharp-spear guards. or just sailor, no want fight? Where merchants going? What merchants carrying? Is delicious food, or slaves who want join our crew? Or just boring carpets? Then captain decides.
She sits on the railing, and looks at you. Always knowing is best. Merchants don't expect free peoples like us be cunning! So be cunning, is winning. That's advice of Grin. She taps her chest, grinning, but then shrugs. But captain is more experience.

2016-03-25, 08:28 PM
"I'm with the barbarian, much to my surprise," a light contralto voice drawls in the accents of Champoor. Gleam detaches herself from the mast-shadow cast by the morning sun and strolls toward the rail, wincing faintly as she shades her eyes with one hand. The sunlight is almost offensively bright, spilling into every crevice and corner, lighting up everything on the ship in garish colors.

(Including, unfortunately, her own garb - she had let her father pack for her, and that had clearly been a mistake. Her shirt is a vivid blue, as bright as the waters on which they sail; she still feels completely ridiculous. What sort of garb is this for the daughter of Champoor's greatest assassin (retired)? At least her belt and the chain wrapped around it are still a reassuring cool weight on her hips, loured with black-and-violet shadows.)

"Can you make out the ship's name, Captain?" she asks, eyeing the spyglass somewhat covetously. "Or any banners or other insignia of a noble house or trading company?"

2016-03-25, 09:44 PM
Ayda pulls back up her spyglass. She sets sight on the mast and scans the sails. She let essence pierce the speckles of light on the lens. A clear picture would be painted. "It's Prasad, buuuut lets see if there is more to it than that."

Perception 3 Awareness 3 +1 at the ships wheel, 3 motes personal for 10 dice,

Stunt if applicable

Personal Motes 10/13
Peripheral 33/33

Wizard of Oz
2016-03-26, 02:30 AM
While the captain peers through his spyglass, Grin leans over and stage-whispers to Gleam. Barbarian has low animal cunning, like dolphin. Is well-known fact. You will agree much times. She winks and smiles in a self-satisfied way.

2016-03-26, 07:18 PM
"Mmm." Gleam nods thoughtfully. "Never did trust dolphins."

She turns to study her sharkskin-wearing crewmate more closely. "Do all people have teeth like that, where you come from? They are most impressive."

Wizard of Oz
2016-03-27, 02:03 AM
She nods. Of course. Is normal, is for bite fish. Western peoples like you need flat teeth, for eat bread. But we no eat bread. You will need eat fish on ship though. Bread is rot. If you don't know how catch fish, I teach you.
She speaks quietly, so as to not distract the captain, but keeps her eyes on the merchant ship, just glancing occasionally at Gleam.

2016-03-28, 04:23 PM
The Bandit Prince watches the crew and the strange assortment of...characters as they bustle about the vessel at the sight of a ship bearing the banner of Prasad. He watches as two of his own coterie, the contracted Darkwater Privateers Hoark and Oellai, bustle around as well as orders are barked from one of the Captain's own. He glances left and right to the other two at his side. First to the swarthy, muscled right-hand Tya and "contract coordinator," Three-Fanged Vela, who returns his glance with a shrug and a cold, calculating stare. Second, to the bespectacled "courtier" and bookkeeper Oran, who nods and exchanges an unspoken word about the contract Tenepeshu hired Ayda's vessel for.

With that settled, Tene-kichiro takes a long drag on his pipe, idly exhaling smoke rings before calling out to Ayda.

"Aye, Captain, I see no harm in adding some more. Though it annoys me so, to have to issue reminders as such, please remember to take care for the cargo and contract with Tenepeshu you so graciously agreed to earlier. No doubt in my mind, mother dearest would be most displeased if our fortune were to run afoul in an off-contract activity."

Wizard of Oz
2016-03-29, 06:23 AM
Grin glares at the smoking man. Captain is spying, is rude to bother she while spying. Cargo is fine, she continues, tapping her chest, we is mighty heroes. Is why Ten Pesh U hires us, yes? Have trust in mighty heroes.

2016-03-30, 03:03 PM
Tene-kichiro eyes the sharkwoman at Ayda's side, giving her another one-over. With a smirk, he takes a long drag and exhales before responding.

"Surely a mighty hero like you, my dear, knows that one must be capable of spying with one's eyes while aiming a harpoon at prey. I fail to see how a little business conversation would sap any more concentration than that.

He pauses, taking another drag followed by another exhalation. His gazes narrows but his smirk remains, his expression like that of a cat with a toy.

And aye, that is why Tenepeshu hired you. However, with might comes hubris, and not even the mightiest of heroes are capable of seeing all things and preventing all mishaps. Now, I do enjoy a bit of raiding myself from time to time - when the urge strikes. So long as the vessel isn't sunk and we haven't lost the cargo, I'm sure mother will overlook any dalliances we choose to engage in along the way to Volivat."

Wizard of Oz
2016-04-07, 07:40 PM
Grin squints at Tene-Kichiro, finding it difficult to follow him.

Have you pirate before, then, drylander?