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View Full Version : What to do when one character just doesn't fit?

2016-03-22, 02:23 PM
Some friends and I recently started a game of Pokemon Tabletop United, and two sessions in there's already a problem. The group as it stands in-game is a professor's aide, your standard idealistic young gym challenger, and a jaded Pokemon salesman hired by the professor to help the aide catch the oddly-typed Pokemon that have been appearing.

Oh, and there's that guy that keeps following us around everywhere. He's not part of the group, no one even knows his name. Our introduction was him capturing the Pinsir that nearly ate my starter right before I could (and after I said I was going to), and disappearing, stalking us through the woods until he had grabbed a few more Pokemon we'd weakened. Then he just watched from the trees as we struggle to fight a 'boss encounter' that his Pokemon could have shut down easily. Then he overhears is discussing plans to take what we could to the professor and follows us in, acting like he helped! He hasn't stopped following us since, no reason has been given, but he's not introduced himself, said a word besides mocking my character for no reason, demanding free stuff from NPCs, and nearly *killing* a gym leader's ace Pokemon, breaking the poor kid's spirit, in an attempt to 'establish dominance,' since apparently he was raised by Pokemon.

I've tried talking to him, he just deflects, which is a shame because I enjoy his characters in other games don't want to start an actual fight. The other players agree something has to give, and the salesman's player even suggested we hold back and let him 1v1 the next big wild fight. I don't know how to handle this in or out of character, but he's dragging the mostly lighthearted tone we're all going for down and refuses to change.

2016-03-22, 02:38 PM
Although his character is disruptive in game, this is an out of character problem. If he created his character along with the rest of the group, it was his responsibility to make a character that fits in. Unless your group agreed on antagonism/PvP being okay, then it is his responsibility to play nice. He should be asked to make his character cooperate, or roll up a new one. His actions are affecting the fun of the rest of the group-it is possible he does not know this, so let him know politely that his character makes the game unfun. If he refuses to change, then don't play with him. Simple as that.

You should never tolerate a jerk player or jerk actions, in or out of character.

2016-03-22, 02:43 PM
I won't claim to be an experienced roleplayer, but here are a few ideas.

The simplest is to talk to him OOC, but you have said he doesn't want to do this. Maybe get the DM to talk to him about revealing some of his background through an encounter might mellow things out.
Alternatively, you could confront him IC, and try and bring him into the group more, and establish why he is acting this way, though this is a little more confrontational.

However, remember that, if nothing else, if he is dragging down the group enjoyment, you may need to tell him straight-the game is for everyone to enjoy, not just one.

Possibly as a tactic, introduce something my groups have used in the past, a 'stop talking card', which any player can pick up if the conversation or style is becoming uncomfortable.

These are just a few ideas. Probably best to hear a few other ideas first, but at the very least, make sure the DM is aware.

2016-03-23, 09:05 AM
I think that's hilarious, tbh. You should elect him as your team leader

2016-03-23, 11:12 AM
I don't know what the mechanics of the game are, but what about waiting for him behind a dark corner and beating him up? Or going to the police station? Or hiring someone to get rid of him?

There is this conception that simply because somebody is a playing character, you have to deal with them as if they were part of the group. But your player has clearly shown that their character is not part of the group. Therefore, act as you would if it were anybody else and solve the problem. Violence, police, judicial means or whatever is appropriate for the game.

2016-03-24, 11:03 PM
Some friends and I recently started a game of Pokemon Tabletop United, and two sessions in there's already a problem. The group as it stands in-game is a professor's aide, your standard idealistic young gym challenger, and a jaded Pokemon salesman hired by the professor to help the aide catch the oddly-typed Pokemon that have been appearing.

Oh, and there's that guy that keeps following us around everywhere. He's not part of the group, no one even knows his name. Our introduction was him capturing the Pinsir that nearly ate my starter right before I could (and after I said I was going to), and disappearing, stalking us through the woods until he had grabbed a few more Pokemon we'd weakened. Then he just watched from the trees as we struggle to fight a 'boss encounter' that his Pokemon could have shut down easily. Then he overhears is discussing plans to take what we could to the professor and follows us in, acting like he helped! He hasn't stopped following us since, no reason has been given, but he's not introduced himself, said a word besides mocking my character for no reason, demanding free stuff from NPCs, and nearly *killing* a gym leader's ace Pokemon, breaking the poor kid's spirit, in an attempt to 'establish dominance,' since apparently he was raised by Pokemon.

I've tried talking to him, he just deflects, which is a shame because I enjoy his characters in other games don't want to start an actual fight. The other players agree something has to give, and the salesman's player even suggested we hold back and let him 1v1 the next big wild fight. I don't know how to handle this in or out of character, but he's dragging the mostly lighthearted tone we're all going for down and refuses to change.

Bring this up with the player and the GM/DM/Storyteller. As has been said this is not an in character problem, this is out of character problem. Sometimes some players will make disruptive characters that don't work with a group. When this happens either the player must change his character or make a new one that can work with the group.l