View Full Version : Lords of Creation: The Primordial Reach (IC)

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2016-03-22, 04:18 PM
Before there was something, there was nothing and from this nothing was birthed monsters. From the birth cries of what is pulled forth four beings that had not been and this act formed Creation. Yet Creation was blank and empty save for a single orb that floated in the void and it sang out to all those birthed from that which had not been, sang the song of Creation that demanded the void be filled.

2016-03-22, 05:17 PM
Upon the advent of something, the nothing was gone, and yet it seemingly remained. It took attoseconds for light to be shed upon all that was, and in those tiny portions of time, the Demon Sultan unfurled his tentacles and opened his vast maws, yawning. As the light caressed his rippling form, the darkness that had been nothing could be seen, glistening as slime and afterbirth that dripped from the Churning Horror's skin like pus from an infected wound. As his grime-coated tendrils moved, they undulated as if pumping some foul fluid throughout their length. His maw, cavernous as it was, swallowed up the light and glistened, showing the horrible innards of the Elder Evil. It awakened the first emotions that creation would know, fear, revulsion, disgust, and contempt.

As the creature splayed itself across the surface of the orb, it made sickening sounds as its tendrils slapped and slid against each other in a horrific cacophony of flesh. The teeth that surrounded the oily blackness within flexed and twitched in a foul mockery of the dextrous tentacles, obviously eager to rip into something. The long tentacles began to wrap themselves around the sphere, some digging in to it with serrated hooks or suctioning onto it with puckered suction cups. Still others simply spread their slime across its surface, enjoying the tactile sensation of the material for the first time. The creature itself let out a groan, low and loud, that echoed across the cosmos and alerted the other three to its presence. Though it was blind, the creature knew where it was, and in its eagerness, its teeth began to tear into the world, and its tentacles ripped bits out of the sphere's surface.

"Catai... Vāḻkkai... Inta veṟṟu... Kāliyāka uḷḷatu..."

For the Elder Gods, or any who learn how to communicate with Azj'Khan, I will be providing a translation here. If your character does NOT know how to communicate with Azj'Khan, then you should not be able to respond to what he says with any accuracy ICly.
"Flesh... Life... This is Hollow... Unformed..."

2016-03-22, 07:52 PM
It happened in the time it would take light to travel four hydrogen atoms. It was smaller than the tiniest amount of time ever measured but it was also the most important time ever measured. Which both made sense because time and logical physics didn't exist in the abyss. Nothing did in fact. It only took a billionth of a fraction of a second for there to be something where once there had been nothing.

Suddenly, Her Luminance knew. It must be an odd feeling to suddenly be fully cognitive. For one serene moment she was simply a smooth construct of hard light floating in the chill of the abyss. And in another billionth of a second that serenity was gone. The touch of her body against the fabric of the universe burned the abyss where she spawned. Fire erupted around her in all directions and the mass of liquid plasma churned violently in confusion and, then, rage.

Because through the flames of her own birth, the very spontaneous combustion of the universe, she saw something that filled her with revulsion. No. NO. This is NOT Her Universe, this was not what She deserves to be faced with. Because she was fully aware of Herself and knew Herself to be fully perfect and beautiful. And She knew that She had been alone till now because She would have noticed others before now, being precisely perfect after all. And that must mean that this was all Hers because She was here first! And this monstrosity certainly did not belong in an existence that was Hers!

As the flare of brilliant light seared the universe Her Luminance formed a mouth from the liquid fire that gave out an ear-piercing scream. From there the body followed forming from molten light into that of a vaguely humanoid shape with six wings, Her eyes formed last, burning with brimming white hatred starring in intensity at the abomination that was NOW EVEN TOUCHING HER ORB THING.

"UGLY! UGLY!" Her Luminance finally found words in the rage, speaking Her first thoughts aloud. It rang out like a chorus of voices singing in universe at the highest pitch imaginable. Beautiful and horrible. From Her left hand a blade of solid light formed without flaw or imperfection and it with that She struck. Her Luminance seared the orb and a wave of heat washed over it as she approached the beast and with Her blade of Absolute Perfection the goddess gave the unclean thing a great slash across it's ugly carapace.

2016-03-22, 11:09 PM
As the blade pierced his flesh, Azj'Khan turned his attention from the sphere to his attacker. His sundered carapace oozed dark blood upon the world as he turned his body as well, unhooking his tentacles and tearing his teeth out of the sphere. Large chunks of world crumble away, permanently scarring its surface. Forevermore will there be a vast blemish where the Demon Sultan attached himself to the world's surface. The deep valleys and canyons began to fill with the Great Unclean Lord's vile blood, the foul fluid soaking into the very core of the world and sparking change. Murky water began to form, and before long it had covered half of the sphere, resulting in a great ocean of murky green water.

Azj'Khan's tentacles whipped about, whirling around Her Luminance like a spider's web around a fly. Though her light could not blind the sightless, her heat seared his flesh, and he roared in pain. Acidic bile spilled from his mouths and onto Her Luminance as he released her. He screeched, a scream of pain and rage to rival that of his assailant. His wounds bled profusely, and he flung himself away from the blade that had hurt him, causing his blood to trail along behind him and soak into the darkness of the void. His voice rang out across the void as he fell away, cursing Her Luminance and vowing vengeance. "Vali maṟṟum vētaṉaiyai muṭivaṟṟa nī akappaṭṭuk vēṇṭum... Eṉ niṉaivu nīḷamāka uḷḷatu, maṟṟum eṉ paci perum. Eṉ patilukku, oḷirum oru payam." His words rang into the ears of the other three as his body faded into the distance, a nebulous cloud of rust-coloured gas springing into being in the furthest reaches of the cosmos.

"Pain and Anguish unending will be thrust upon you... My memory is long, and my hunger great. Fear my return, glowing one."

Paṭukuḻiyil, the Abyssal Sea

Murky green water, broken only by great spires of rust-red stone jutting out of the surface like teeth and grazed the bottoms of the clouds, was all that seemed to exist in this realm. Red clouds loomed above, a dire portent of the pain and violence to be found within this realm. All was quiet, as it had been since the realm had sprung into existence moments ago. And then the sky broke apart. The massive body of the Demon Sultan parted the clouds as it fell through them and plummeted into the dark waters below. A short burst of light followed him, but as the clouds rushed back together, so too did the light fade. The roar of the Churning Horror rocked the very foundations of the red peaks, and many of them crumbled, falling apart and spreading out into island and landmasses. As the Great Unclean Lord slammed into the water, it broke like glass, causing great waves to rise and batter the bases of the red spires. Again, many of the still standing spires collapsed and fell into the ocean. This time, however, they fell upon the Great Unclean Lord, burying his sinking form beneath a great many tonnes of stone and mud.

Shocked, Azj'Khan willed himself to shrink, and he willed the rock falling upon him to shelter him from the light above. So did he and the stone fall into the depths of the Abyssal Sea, and as he settled upon the bottom, the rock formed a great mound above him, with a labyrinth of caverns and tunnels for the Great Unclean Lord to dwell in. As he settled into the deepest cavern, the Demon Sultan licked his wounds and began to plot his revenge. He had tasted the essence of the world, but it had been bland. He wanted more, but to eat such bland food was not something he relished. No, he would need a greater treat, something ephemeral and everlasting, something that blended the substance of the material with the richness of the immaterial. He would need the soul... And so he plotted, lurking in the depths of the darkest seas, and waiting for the time to act.

16 AP - 1 AP - 4 AP = 11 AP
1 AP - Alter Land: The Great Murk Sea

Azj'Khan's bite out of the world has left a permanent scar, in the form of a massive ocean of brackish green water. If one were to look at the ocean from far enough away, one could make it out to have the vague shape of a many-tentacled beast stuck to the top of a glass dome.
4 AP - Weave Plane: Paṭukuḻiyil, the Abyssal Sea

The Elemental Plane of Water is a great ocean of brackish green water broken by spires of rust-red stone beneath a thick blanket of blood-red clouds. Many of these spires fell during the plane's creation, forming small continents and island chains that dot the near-infinite sea. Beneath the surface, the red water quickly grows dark, until the faint light that filters through the clouds is no longer sufficient to see by. In the depths, the Abyssal Sea is black, and eyes are as useless as gills to a horse. On the sea floor lie many caverns and tunnels that house untold horrors, the greatest of which is Azj'Khan, the Demon Sultan himself. Patukuliyil is visible from the material plane as a rust-red nebula in the night sky, roughly the size of a large constellation.

2016-03-22, 11:49 PM
Breeth'r - Void


That was the first sensation that filled Breeth'r as its existence sparked into the emptiness.

Its sibling had taken a bite out of the flesh of the world, and that bite was anathema to the Waste God. The very liquid that filled the hole left behind screamed "death" and "PAIN" to the newborn godling.

While still organizing its impressions into what would be called thoughts, a sphere of pure brown sand drifted away from the site of this abomination and flung itself into the farthest corner of the universe, where it set about creating for itself a safe haven from the Great Poison.

My domain shall be a haven from that which defiles me. thought the primordial god of deserts as it enveloped itself in an eternal storm of dust and dryness. For now, feeling safe and protected from the pain that had awoken it, Breeth'r was content to observe the others act.

ap: 16(start)-4=12(final)

-4(create plane: Arrakis, the Eternal Desert)

2016-03-23, 01:23 AM
Which Steps Softly - The Void

The great Primordials were not alone in their birth for the energy yet lingered at the scar that formed their entrance into the very existence their lives created, a mere wisp of what remained of a thousand tales never be told. And it stepped through into the Void but made no sound in the echoing calls of its brothers and sisters for it was Which Steps Softly never to be heard. It saw the birth of the brackish waters and saw its sibling fling itself away from the world that was their sole propriety and it sang. The song was silence and from the void it wrapped about itself what little calm remained into a pocket far from the ears and eyes of its siblings.

Gentle was the realm that formed about it like a pearl and soon filled with dark clouds that wept constant in cool and soothing gentle touches and far below vast forests of lush green trees spread forth to soak up with their thin needles the beads of water that flowed so free and the air was thick with the scent of petrichor. Darker clouds yet roamed the limitless skies and thunder peeled across the vaunted and dry places as lightning lashed treetops that could never catch flame and in this song of constant motion it hid further. In the tongue of the Primoridals it was known merely as What Sang Salvation, yet to the younger races it would in time become known as the Bastion of Whispered Promises.

AP = 16

Create Plane: Bastion of Whispered Promises, What Sang Salvation -4AP

16AP -4AP = 12AP

2016-03-23, 11:20 AM
"DISGUSTING." Her Luminance expressed in a voice that was as a choir as the murky green blood filled the world, getting the disgusting flavor of filth all over Her orb. This sentiment only dimmed when those tentacles came for Her, this vile beast touching Her marvelous flesh with it's icky tentacles. Displeased that Her blade of perfection was now covered in the blood of the beast She was unable to cut through it's grasp before the abomination had Her. Had HER! The sheer indignity She'd had to put up with in these first mere moments of existence.

But She was bright and pure, the cleaning flame of all, and soon enough no monster could hold Her for long. Her flaming eyes narrowed and Her flames grew ever hotter as She fought the unclean one here next to Her orb. Waves of intense heat washed over the Orb as they grew from her body boiling the murky green waters. As the bile begain to spill from it's mouth, She smacked him with a dismissive hand. The mark the acid left on Her right hand hurt terribly, but you couldn't burn PURITY, not with any substance in existence. "FOUL UNCLEAN ONE." She roared back in a lightly melodic voice that was still awful to the ears. Her left hand still clutched the blade that had touched IT so she raised it to finish this beast once and for all as it escaped. But it had folded a plane of reality over itself like a comfortable blanket, and Her all-seeing eyes could no longer find the abomination, just hear his plea of revenge.


She continued to watch the cloudy nebula for some few moments as the seas boiled away their impurity. With a look down at Her Orb it was clear that this would not do. She wanted to observe and caress Her Orb but Her Magnificence but too much for it. It was too much for Her to be here, in fact, singing the edges of the fabric of reality with her light. It was with a heavy heart that She gave the Orb one last caress and promised to return to love it completely once more in times not yet here. Her right hand slide down the lands and seas of the Orb blackening them, and making the Orb unbearably hot. She was startled to see that mark still on Her right hand, slightly marring her perfection, and she screamed in absolute horror.

So She pulled Herself away from it, and wished to also fold Herself under a blanket of protection, both for Her sake and this feeble universe that could not handle HER. But she did not fling Herself to the far places, for she wanted to keep an eye on Her Orb closely, so she simply lingered mere millions of miles away. As the universe seared and burned around Her the abyss in her vicinity faded and was replaced by Her light and fire. This place was wonderful and caused Her or Her beloved, blessed, universe any damage. Fire and Light were all that existed here, the heat enough to immediately kill most living things, a heat so intense even the soul would burn here, even the God's would sweat. But not Her Luminance. Because this fire was once merely an extension of Her allowed to burn unrestrained, to burn a hole into another plane of reality like a cigarette burn on existence.

But this was still too hot for Her precious orb, even at this distance. The seas continued to boil and the sweltering heat on the Orb continued. So She had to put a cover on the cigarette burn, a filter through which only a portion of Her Fiery Luminance would come through into this material realm, but She could still observe what was Hers. Mortals would come to know this filter as the sun, or Sorath. This allowed the Orb to finally start settling down and, while still hot, maintain a more decent temperature as the seas stopped boiling.

And, so, sitting on a golden throne of light and flames and surrounded by fire, She scorned the unclean one that had dared defile Her existence so early.

AP: 16 - 1 - 4 - 2 - 2

Alter Land (Purify the Waters) [1]: Through the intense boiling from the mere presence of Her Luminance, the seas of The Great Murk Sea have become blue and beautiful, fried from impurities. It's so clear you can see straight into the ocean, but it still grows dark at the bottom where Her Luminance's light can't reach. The former Greak Murk Sea is now the Pure Blue Sea, but is still in the shape of a many-tentacled beast.

Weave Plane (Jahannam, From Which Light Springs) [4]: Weaving a plane like a blanket, Her Luminance has crafted a realm of beauty, light, and fire where almost nothing can survive. The Elemental Plane of Fire is constantly ablaze like being deep within the sun. There are lakes of molten fire, there are things crafted from light and flames (like her throne), and there is a lovely view of the material realm.

Create Land (Sorath, the Sun) [2]: In addition to this, Her Luminance has seen fit to put a filter to keep the material world from burning itself to death in Her Presence. How gracious of Her. This massive ball of gas, fire, heat, and light is called the sun, or Sorath to the mortals that will one day look upon it. Jahannam exists through it. If you could survive the intensity of Sorath maybe you could reach the Elemental Plane of Fire in that way, although Jahannam burns with a heat that triples the mere reflection of it that is the sun.

Bridge Plane (Jahannam, Sorath) [2]: From which springs all light and all heat and all fire. The Elemental Plane of Light powers the sun as it beats down on the Orb of the material world. They are forever one, and a connection being broken there could have disastrous results.

AP: 7

2016-03-23, 07:55 PM
Which Steps Softly - The Void

The World burned, it had seen it from afar and yet it sought to soothe the burns the World might weather and with a soft breath across the orb it brought forth from the clean waters clouds to shield the skies of the earth and to pour down soft rains that would return to clean waters once more.

AP = 12

Bless -1AP: Create the Water Cycle of the World

12AP - 1AP = 11AP

2016-03-23, 11:30 PM
Breeth'r - Arrakis

For now, the Waste God ignored the The World, content to watch as the others manipulated it from afar. Instead, from deep within its newfound home, Breeth'r set about creating for itself a tool with which to cleanse The World of the poison that the others have inflicted upon it.

Taking up the sands at the very heart of his realm, Breeth'r formed a great, bowl of earth to use as a workshop for future creations. This great depression at the heart of his realm was about a mile across, and it would serve as the foundation for a great work, one of the mightiest that the cosmos would ever see. Eventually.

For now, it was merely a place of great, untapped potential power.

ap: 12(start)-5=7(final)

-5(create utility artifact: the The Great Foundation, which grants a 1-ap discount on creating utility artifacts)

This will also form the foundation for Breethr's eventual divine palace in the desert, when the other pieces come together

2016-03-24, 11:25 PM
Which Steps Softly - Bastion of Whispered Promises

With the world calm Which Steps Softly let out a single call that floated through the Void and through the World for it knew its brothers and sisters would not stay silent long. It was not strong like its siblings, it did not hold vast power over the world for the winds cannot stand against the roar of a tidal wave or the quaking of the earth and so it wove a plan that would keep it safe and keep the world from being annihilated by the vast powers its family controlled. And so the whisper went, from the halls of the First Gods to the depths of the clean waters, a simple plea that no brother or sister would take the side of another that was not born of their creation. For Which Steps Softly knew an empty world does not remain so for long and that dominion over Creation was theirs and no other and the house of cards they were building would topple should they divide their number for the sake of the lesser things that sprung from them.

And from the crashing skies of its realm it took the thunder and the lightning and wove it deeply with the last gentle words and built of it a solid foundation for itself to dwell. A din to rival even its siblings rang forth, echoing and peeling across the forest canopy of the Bastion until the rain once more drowned it out. And all that remained concealed deep within the mightiest of the mighty storms was a circle as thin and fragile as the flap of a cardinal's wing yet within its spokes spun a potent power tied to the very essence of the smallest wisp of Creation.

AP = 11

Create Pantheon -1AP: The Primordial Chain

Create Artifact -5AP: The Storm Cauldron grants a -1 to Gain Domain

11AP - 5AP - 1AP = 5 AP

2016-03-24, 11:34 PM
Her Luminance dwelt in solace at the place of Her weaving and there she watched the lifeless orb and, lo, all was peace and still. There was no impurity, no chaos, but there was no adoration, no worship.. It was not enough for Her Luminance to merely bask in the majesty of Her own wonders. The whole universe should be grateful to Her for sharing Her Glory with the quiet universe. This orb of beauty and light that was Sorath, or the laws of the universe set down and yet to be contradicted, or the blow struck against the wretched unclean one.

She mused for a moment on it's whereabouts. Wretched was IT but it was the only other thing known to exist in the eyes of Her Luminance.

The manipulations of That Whom Shimmers or the Dry Abomination had gone beneath Her notice. Those movements had been subtle in the face of the obvious unclean one. Although it was a disgusting monster worthy of destruction She was still amused by twisting IT to Her whims and watching it squirm on it's body and praise Her name finally knowing it's place under Her heel.

However unlikely.

She turned Her gaze back through the looking glass of Her sun that stayed still in the sky towards Her orb, still quiet as ever. Though on the planet the energies of the elementals churned in a malestorm from the interplay of elder primal forces, from the waste god's departure in pain to the touch of the unclean one and even the blight of Her intensity; making it far from peaceful, yet it still had not see fit to generate life. But it did create a sort of divine link between these four most elder things.

Her Luminance did not know what She was expecting watching the orb, all She knew was that Her entire existence told Her being that She should be adored. It should be a simple facet of the universe.. However She supposed that perhaps it would be nesscary to involve some of Her incredible power. She was one that the universe harkened to. For, lo, She was lonely and needed outside validation for Her existence. She was a needy creator that was not content to simply know how splendid She was and needed to be constantly reminded.

Thus did the Luminance again cast Her mark on existence weaving life from Her own power and that of the tapestry She had woven. Beneath Her Glorious Visage formed the four eldest beings in the universe besides the other elder gods. These four were the foundations of the Solars, beings with humonoid forms but made of hard light and fire. Their wings were an extension of their fiery bodies and they were truly magnificent and beautiful. Solars were worthy of being a creation of Her Luminance. These four were almost a parrallel for the elemental forces that had been generated in the dawn of current existence.

More Solars would come to exist in the fires of Jahannam, birthed from the very light of Her Luminance, but none would grow to be more powerful than the first four; Evangeline, Lucinda, Galadriel, and Seraphina. And they quickly knew their place and led the others in bowing before their creator the Lady Luminance in all Her exquisite perfection.

And, verily, was she was pleased.

AP: 7 - 4 - 1 - 1

Create Magical Race (Solars) [4]: Solars are angelic beings made of fire and hard light that exist solely to serve and worship Her Luminance. They are beautiful in form and function appearing like proto-humanoid types with large fiery wings or wings made of light. The more powerful ones hold these stable humanoid forms, but the weaker ones tend to be more unstable going down all the way to simple orbs of light at the bottom end of the power spectrum. Some of the even more powerful ones have many wings. But all of them are still measurably powerful by normal standards, capable of flight, immortality and other amazing feats of angelic grace and power. In all the universe they are second only to Her Luminance in their glory.

Create Magical Concept (Primal Magic of Fire) [1]: One piece of an important chain in the primal still raw energies of the universe. This allows any being that can channel it to utilize the power of flame and bend it to their will. Anywhere fire exists these powerful firewielders can twist it and control it to do almost anything. More powerful users of this primal fire energy can simply generate fire from the core of their own body and even breath fire.

Create Pantheon (The Primordial Chain) [1]

AP: 1

2016-03-25, 04:59 AM
Breeth'r - Arrakis

Sensing that at last it was time to begin acts of creation, Breeth'r shaped within the bowl of power at the heart of Arrakis a new form of life, beings of immense size and great knowledge within whose minds held the very secrets of the earth.

These beings were formed from the very sands of Arrakis and infused with a touch of Breeth'r's own will before being set loose to roam the wild sands of the plane. They are great segmented worms of vast size whose minds held great secrets of the Wastes which were yet to be unlocked. They were born with a natural understanding of the primal magics of the earth and can shape the very Wastes themselves with a mere thought. The greatest of such beings even had crackling traces of energy dart through the edges of their bodies as they worked their magics.

With his children released to roam the Wastes and learn more of the nature of existence, Breeth'r paused for a moment, and in that moment, it felt a... connection reach out to it from the cosmos. Without being able to define exactly what it is, Breeth'r felt itself drawn towards one of its siblings, and it desired to speak with it.

Following its instincts, Breeth'r left Arrakis and brought itself before Her Luminance in Jahannam, likely spoiling her "perfection" with the minor dust storm that his very nature brings with him.

Breether and Her Luminance - Jahannam

"While your nature is alien to me, I feel a sense of connection to you that I find... difficult to explain. Do you feel this as well?" the sphere of swirling dust and sand asked its sister.


-4(create magical life, Sand Worms, think Dune but explicity sentient)
-1(my contribution to Primal Magic, earthshaping)
-1(Create Pantheon, the Primordial Chain)



and a size chart, to help with scale. The sand worms are Shai-Halud-sized


2016-03-25, 09:16 AM
The Depths of the Abyssal Sea

The Demon Sultan churned beneath the weight of an ocean, silently biding his time. The others had created their own refuges and domains, following his example, and now he could not observe them. Shrouded behind their own power, they were hidden as he was. Yet, there was an inkling of connection, something inexplicable that linked him with them, with the other three. It was subtle, but it was there, and it was an advantage that the Churning Horror had to seize. He reached out, his blood-slick tentacles coiling around the intangible essence that bound the four together, and he put some of himself into it. His power rushed out like a great body of water down a mountainside, and he could sense his siblings once more. He could not see them, could not touch them, but he was certain that they were there.

Azj'Khan released the intangible force he had taken hold of, allowing it to suffuse him passively. He began to move, pushing off of the sea floor and swimming up. Further and further he went, and the blackness began to fade to grey, and then green. Finally, he broke the surface of the Abyssal Sea, great waves bobbing up and down and battering the island shores nearby. Azj'Khan let out a primordial roar, his wound tearing open once more from the stress. His divine blood spilled out, flowing into the oceans around him and mingling with the brackish water. He writhed in pain, flinging flecks of blood up into the air and onto the islands nearby. Where they landed, they mixed with the mud and stone. "Mika viraivil, nāṉ mika viraivil viḻittukkoṇṭatu." He roared, allowing himself to sink beneath the waves once more, plummeting back into the black depths to settle upon the sea floor and rest.

Yet even as he settled into sleep, his blood did not. That which had been spilled began to take on its own life, mingling with the material around it. From the murky waters formed long creatures with a twenty-segmented body and fourty fins. Covered in hollow spines, they had one head at each end of their body, which housed only a single unblinking eye and four tentacles covered in microscopic barbs. With no mouths, they fed their hunger by drinking blood through the spines that covered their body, coiling around their prey after paralyzing them with their neurotoxin-excreting tentacles. Upon the land, the blood mixed with clay and muck, forming spheres of chitinous shell that housed a soft, fleshy creature within. Three legs, each with five segments, extended from the lower portion of the shell, and three tentacles that ended in a dozen hooked barbs extended from just above that. From the top of the shell extended a single neck that split into two, each 'head' housing only a large circular mouth ringed with razor-sharp teeth. A single eye peered out from the center of the shell, covered in a thin membrane of slime.

These creatures began to roam the Abyssal Sea, those who formed in the sea calling themselves Centhiri and those formed on the land calling themselves Nenglal. Together, they were the Abyssids, Demons born from the blood of Death itself, his first children and the apex predators. For alongside the Abyssids formed lesser beings, weak and mindless. Barely capable of being called animals, they had a fearsome visage but a cowardly countenance. They were prey, fish and reptiles fit only to be hunted and destroyed by the Abyssids' superiority. Thus began the frenzy that is life, the cycle of death and birth repeating endlessly in the primordial soup that was the Abyssal Sea. In time, Azj'Khan would wake, but until then, the Abyssids were kings and queens of this realm.

11 AP - 1 AP - 4 AP - 1 AP = 5 AP
1 AP - Create Pantheon: The Primordial Chain

4 AP - Create Magical Life: Abyssid Demons

Abyssids are the oldest form of demon, created unintentionally when the blood of Azj'Khan mingled with the murky waters and grime of Patukuliyil. They come in two forms, the Centhiri and the Nenglal. The Centhiri appear as centipedes with fins instead of legs who are covered in hollow spines, with one head at either end of their body that is composed of an eye surrounded by four paralytic tentacles. The Nenglal appear as three-legged crustacean-like beings with three tentacles, one eye in the center of their shell, and a single neck that splits in two with nothing but a many-toothed mouth on the ends. Both can survive underwater and on land, but the Nenglal prefer land while the Centhiri prefer water.

1 AP - Create Magical Concept: Primal Blood Magic

Azj'Khan's contribution to the oldest and most primordial form of magic is Blood Magic, which by itself does nothing. However, it uses the power inherent in blood to fuel other types of magic, allowing a novice of Primal Fire Magic to use blood to conjure great conflagrations. Any type of magic can be used alongside Blood Magic, which will act as a force multiplier and increase the power of the caster greatly. However, there is a cost. Using Blood Magic scars the soul, tainting it and tearing minuscule fragments off that float through the world. None know the consequences of this yet, but in time it may become apparent.

2016-03-26, 04:41 AM
Which Steps Softly - Bastion of Whispered Promises

With the Chain forged Which Steps Softly gazed back onto the world to notice now they were not alone as it had feared. Beings low yet mighty walked the halls of Creation and their feet yet further filled the world with sound. For long moments Which Steps Softly thought fervently filled with designs and with each breath of those lesser things it drew forth its own. Stringy and weak as their creator they pulled themselves from the trees below the storm wracked skies. They clothed themselves in the shimmering heat of the air and as they moved to dance over the face of Creation they took took the shimmering of the clean waters about themselves like cloaks and over their faces they crafted ornaments to mimic those other beings they shared the world with and with simple steps so too did their clothing until they were as their cousins in all appearances.

With such moves Which Steps Softly made yet another, sensing the grand work of Magic its brethren had committed and from the Chain it drew forth its own branch to complete the action drawing together the foundations of Creation in a single act. Its contribution would be to fill the world with sounds. The winds would roar, the ground would tremble and the clean water would wash the shores away until there was nothing but silence in their wake.

AP = 5 PAP = 1

Create Concept (Primal Magic) -1PAP: Calamity - Those who have mastered Calamity can summon forth powerful whipping winds, thunderous shockwaves, blasts of searing lightning, bouts of magma and violent quakes in the earth.

Create Magical Race -4AP: Those Who Wear Mirrored Masks - Those Who Wear Mirrored Masks

5AP - 4AP = 1AP
1PAP - 1PAP = 0PAP

2016-03-26, 05:03 PM
The chorus of constant worship ebbed slowly as one unknown to them intruded upon their midst. Massive was the gathering of Solar's that observed the dusty one, their eyes full of uncertainty. Enjoying the adoration that had now ceased, Her Luminance opened her eyes and peered through the dust storm at the elder thing. It was an unwelcome addition to her realm of fire and flames, to say the least, and that some abomination would come here claiming a connection to HER was almost more than SHE could stand. Her lips curled up into a sneer of disdain as the dust finally settled, that which wasn't a part of the abomination quickly burning away.


She considered the thing again and looked haughty. Her hand was raised to Her mouth and a low condescending 'ho ho ho' escaped Her lips.


AP: 1
Rollover: 4

AP: 5
PAP: 1

2016-03-26, 09:35 PM
Patukuliyil, the Plain of All Conceivable Conquests

Above the surface of the Abyssal sea there sat many islands, and on these islands the Nenglal reigned supreme. No matter what the puny animals and beasts tried, they were slaughtered with ease. Nothing could challenge the Neglals' reign, such that they often fought each other purely for the fun of it. Countless years seemed to pass with demonic blood shed by demonic kin only to be healed and re-shed the next day. Slowly but surely, the Nenglal tired of this, and so they ventured into the waters below, and began to war with their cousins, the Centhiri. The Centhiri too had established dominion over the seas, and they too had grown bored. They too had turned to fighting their own kind, and they too had grown bored of it. For thousands of years, the Nenglal and the Centhiri fought one another until again, they grew bored.

By this time, eons of slumber had healed the injuries sustained by the Great Unclean Lord, and he awoke violently. The sea floor shook, scattering the bottom feeders that called it home. Great waves broke upon the island shores, battering the reptiles and amphibians. The endless battle between Centhiri and Neglal was interrupted as their father awoke, roaring his yawn for all the abyss to hear. "Tī! Nāṉ inta pirapañcam mukattil iruntu nīṅkaḷ kiṇṇaṅkaḷai vēṇṭum!" The Abyssids trembled as their dread father swam from the depths, breaking the surface with a great wave. His cavernous maws swallowed many, Centhiri, Nenglal, and beast alike. His tentacles lashed out, tearing great scars across those spires of red stone that still stood to the clouds above. So great was his wrath that the Abyssids, both Centhiri and Neglal, fled away from him.

As the few remaining pillars of stone that stretched into the sky collapsed, they piled together, forming a vast continent within the Abyssal Seas. Nenglal and Centhiri both scampered onto its shored, fleeing inland to the great badlands of cracked stone and stagnant water that made up much of the western region. Fear pounded in their hearts, and the urge to be anywhere else great stronger every moment. Azj'Khan drove them forward, crawling up onto the shore and bellowing his rage to the skies. He would have his vengeance upon the flaming one, and she would feel his unclean pseudopods once again. He fed upon his children's fear, drinking it in like ether. This was what he wanted, this was what the world was missing; substance, fear, pain. The Demon Sultan flicked his clawed tentacles across the rugged steppes of the continent, opening great rents in the fabric of the plane. Pure, white-hot light poured through, and even as it singed their flesh, the Abyssids fled through, eager to find respite from their father's wrath.

Jahannam, An Invasion of Corruption

A rent appeared, soaking up the pure light of Jahannam in the midst of Her Luminance's worshipping chorus. Darkness seemed to leak from it like pus from an infected wound, tainting the purity of the Plane of Fire. The Solars were stunned for but a moment, but that was all it took for the Demons to spill through. Hundreds upon hundreds of them, Nenglal and Centhiri alike, fleeing from their homes and into the hated sun, where their fear was replaced with rage. Their inherent desire to kill, to dominate, to rend the flesh of those who could suffer. Even as the demons were cooked alive, burned by the light and heat of this new locale, they fell upon the surprised Solars, felling dozens of them within moments and surging forth as a tide of death and hatred. Within minutes, tens of thousands had arrived, and the area around the portal had darkened with their blood. Such was the taint that this blood carried, that the lens through which Her Luminance viewed the mortal world was stained, a tiny spot of dimness among the bright.

"Fire! I will scour you from the face of this cosmos!"
5 AP + 4 AP + 1 PAP - 1 PAP - 2 AP - 2 AP = 5 AP 0 PAP

2 AP - Create Land: The Plain of All Conceivable Conquests

Within the Abyssal Sea lies a single continent, roughly the size of Russia. The western half of the continent is composed of red rocky badlands and wind-swept plains dotted with stagnant pools of disgusting water and the occasional flowing creek. This badlands, known to the Demons as the Plain of All Conceivable Conquests, contains the majority of portals that link Patukuliyil with other planes. Demons come here to hunt and to lead raids onto other planes of existence.

2 AP - Create Portal: Linking Patukuliyil with Jahannam

This portals, situated on the Plain of All Conceivable Conquests, links the Abyssal Seas of Patululiyil to the Brilliant Fires of Jahannam.

1 PAP - Alter Land: Sorath

Sun-spots now appear on Sorath as a result of the blood spilled during demonic invasions to the realm of Jahannam. They fade over time, but every time the demons invade they return. These sun-spots appear as irregularities in the brightness of Sorath, but are only visible when one peers very closely at the lens. Most mortals will never know of their existence, but the Gods, the Solars, and any who visit the plane of Fire will notice them easily.

2016-03-27, 12:03 AM
Which Steps Softly - Bastion of Whispered Promises

The Heavens shook with war or so it had heard yet as its silent creations stepped over both the World and the Heavens it knew yet it did not see all. And so it whispered to Those Who Wear Mirrored Masks from the shadows and from the far corners of the clean waters and taught them how to move and how better to hide themselves from the scrying eyes of those who sought to bring them to light of Creation. And it spread them thin over the surface of the Heavens so they might infiltrate those that were their cousins and become one with them and it found satisfaction within this deed still unseen by its siblings and in its heart it swelled. For what was a cloud if not a slow building of moisture, and it too would mimic this action until it was a fierce storm that would wipe across creation and blow all that tethered apart.

AP: 1 +4 AP (Roll Over) PAP: 1

Gain Domain -1AP/ -1PAP (-1 from Storm Cauldron) - Gain Trickery (Deception)

Actions towards

Create Pantheon +1AP
Create Magical Race: Those Who Wear Mirrored Masks +4AP
The Second Chain Curse +1AP
The Third Chain Curse +1AP

Curse -1AP: The Second Chain - Those Who Wear Masks infiltrate the other three Primal Races

Bless -1AP: The Third Chain - Those Who Wear Masks are more adept at becoming other species, not even reverting to their true form once they die.

1PAP - 1PAP = 0PAP

5AP - 1AP - 1AP - 1AP = 2AP

2016-03-27, 08:57 PM
The chorus of constant worship ebbed slowly as one unknown to them intruded upon their midst. Massive was the gathering of Solar's that observed the dusty one, their eyes full of uncertainty. Enjoying the adoration that had now ceased, Her Luminance opened her eyes and peered through the dust storm at the elder thing. It was an unwelcome addition to her realm of fire and flames, to say the least, and that some abomination would come here claiming a connection to HER was almost more than SHE could stand. Her lips curled up into a sneer of disdain as the dust finally settled, that which wasn't a part of the abomination quickly burning away.


She considered the thing again and looked haughty. Her hand was raised to Her mouth and a low condescending 'ho ho ho' escaped Her lips.


AP: 1
Rollover: 4

AP: 5
PAP: 1

Breeth'r, Her Luminance - Jahannam

Unimpressed by his sister's bluster, Breeth'r nevertheless did indeed find that there was a certain usefulness to her attitude. Perhaps this realm and its mistress might be a useful ally, if approached correctly.

"Indeed yes, oh brightest and most radiant among us, your realm itself is indeed a marvel to behold. It is indeed no wonder that I was drawn to it. There is indeed much that I might perhaps learn from you, oh greatest of lights. Indeed-"

Jahannam, An Invasion of Corruption

A rent appeared, soaking up the pure light of Jahannam in the midst of Her Luminance's worshipping chorus. Darkness seemed to leak from it like pus from an infected wound, tainting the purity of the Plane of Fire. The Solars were stunned for but a moment, but that was all it took for the Demons to spill through. Hundreds upon hundreds of them, Nenglal and Centhiri alike, fleeing from their homes and into the hated sun, where their fear was replaced with rage. Their inherent desire to kill, to dominate, to rend the flesh of those who could suffer. Even as the demons were cooked alive, burned by the light and heat of this new locale, they fell upon the surprised Solars, felling dozens of them within moments and surging forth as a tide of death and hatred. Within minutes, tens of thousands had arrived, and the area around the portal had darkened with their blood. Such was the taint that this blood carried, that the lens through which Her Luminance viewed the mortal world was stained, a tiny spot of dimness among the bright.

Whatever Breeth'r was about to say next, the invasion of the blood demons into the realm interrupted his thoughts. Their blood, that foul, tainted liquid, it felt familiar to him. Its nature was the same as that very thing in the World that had driven him away to seek a refuge. And now that taint was here. Its poison was spreading, touching upon other worlds.

This would not do. Not at all. This abomination must be destroyed!

Without another word, Breeth'r departed Her Luminance's presence and hurled himself directly to the point where the blood demons were invading Jahannam.

"Your foulness must be purged!" declared the godling as he appeared in the middle of the battle, his very presence withering the beings of their blood as he bends his will to eradicating them from this world.

ap: 5=1(starting)+4(rollover), 1 pap

2016-03-28, 12:44 AM
Which Steps Softly - The Bastion of Whispered Promises

The War in Heaven did not escape the ears of Which Steps Softly and with subtle moves it pushed the world below to echo that which rang out above. The foundations of the World shook and trembled as Solar and Demon warred as if the clashes reached out from the Sun Sorath and struck against the clean water and pristine earth. This ringing followed as the pristine earth shook violent and great waves kicked up from the clean waters and drown out the shores until they were but mud and sorrow and forever carved tendrils into the shores leaving vast cliffs and gentle beaches where their watery hands had caressed.

With each ringing of the pristine earth the center of the land folded and rent and pushed up until a vast line of mountains divide the land in half and at the height of the initial attack of the demons there bubbled forth the lifeblood of the World and the clear air was befouled with ash and smoke and down the sides of what would be known as the Roots of the World viscous and furious heat rolled down like sheets of wet satin. The torrents of this blood rolled and seethed until the heavy rains from the clean water touched them, and steam joined with ash and the clouds above became like lead sheets as black rain ran in rivers to the clean waters.

AP = 2

Curse - 1AP: The Din of the Blood War - The war upon Sorath is not isolated to the Sun, instead spilling forth on the First World in the form of powerful earthquakes, tsunamis, acidic rains and potent volcanic activity.

Alter Land -1AP: The Roots of the World - A vast mountain range divides the original land of the First World. These imposing mountains reach to the very clouds themselves and are prime with volcanic activity in the early days of the world.

2AP - 1AP - 1AP = 0AP

2016-03-28, 01:00 AM

Her Luminance considered the dry god before her. It was obvious to HER that it was a foul creature, but perhaps there was a use to it, if approached carefully. A smile cut across the orb of light and fire serving as her face as it praised her.


As she prepared to listen to it's further adulations with a glee that only the most superior of beings could experience her worship was averted by a familiar impurity. That foul odorous beast that had touched HER orb now defiled this scared place.


As she roared in indignation, the legions of Solars rose up to slay these foul demons. If not devoured by the flames of Jahannam than the fires of her Solars would surely cut through the horde. Rising from her throne of light and fire, Her Luminance herself drew forth her blade of Absolute Perfection and her light was the brightest light in the heavens.


AP: 5
PAP: 1

Gain Domain [Creation (Light)] [2 AP 1 PAP]: Actions used Weave Plane (Jahannam, From Which Light Springs) [4], Create Land (Sorath, the Sun) [2], Bridge Plane (Jahannam, Sorath) [2].

AP: 3

2016-03-28, 10:15 PM
Jahannam, the Invasion of Filth

Even as the Solars leapt into action, their blades of flame biting deep into the soft flesh of the demonic invaders, more demons poured through the portal. Hundreds off them came through every minute, launching recklessly into the fray with howls of delight. The Centhiri flew through the blistering air, their fins acting like wings as they coiled around their prey, their spines digging deep into their angelic foes. The Nenglal stabbed through their foes, tentacles lashing out to slash apart the very light that held them together. And then came the gods.

The wasting presence of Breeth'r came first, desiccating many of the Demons and causing their skin to crack and split, reddish-black blood seeping out of spontaneous wounds. At the Waste God's presence, the demons began to falter, the fear that had driven them here returning as another god reared his head. Only their fear of Azj'Khan kept them in Jahannam, and that changed when Her Luminance stood tall. The brilliance of their father's eternal foe shone upon them, and their courage broke. The Demons began to flee towards the portal, leaving behind their dead and doing their best to evade the devastating effects of Breeth'r and the Solars.

2016-03-28, 11:33 PM
Jahannam, the Invasion of Filth

Even as the Solars leapt into action, their blades of flame biting deep into the soft flesh of the demonic invaders, more demons poured through the portal. Hundreds off them came through every minute, launching recklessly into the fray with howls of delight. The Centhiri flew through the blistering air, their fins acting like wings as they coiled around their prey, their spines digging deep into their angelic foes. The Nenglal stabbed through their foes, tentacles lashing out to slash apart the very light that held them together. And then came the gods.

The wasting presence of Breeth'r came first, desiccating many of the Demons and causing their skin to crack and split, reddish-black blood seeping out of spontaneous wounds. At the Waste God's presence, the demons began to falter, the fear that had driven them here returning as another god reared his head. Only their fear of Azj'Khan kept them in Jahannam, and that changed when Her Luminance stood tall. The brilliance of their father's eternal foe shone upon them, and their courage broke. The Demons began to flee towards the portal, leaving behind their dead and doing their best to evade the devastating effects of Breeth'r and the Solars.

Breeth'r - Jahannam, then through the portal

Emboldened by this victory and filled with rageful glee at the destruction of that which was anathema to itself, Breeth'r charged after the fleeing demons, obliterating their very bodies into dust as he recklessly pursued them into their domain.

2016-03-29, 01:11 AM
Jahannam, Victory at the Breech

"Pull back, Gladriel, these demons be more than thou cans't stand." Evangeline called out to her oldest friend through the throng of demons to her oldest friend, the angel Gladriel. These Demons were relentless and their flames could only burn so many. Even their swords burning in brillant flame would wilter against so many in time.

"Peace, sister, I can stand more than thou woulds't think." Gladriel said back with a bit of bluster before her form disappeared in an inferno of fire burning away all of the demons around both of them. But this left her weak from the strain and could barely hold her light together as more demons, sensing weakness, swarmed the distressed solar.


Evangeline was considered the oldest and most powerful of all the First Race. But the swarm of demons was tremendous and each swing of her sword was met with even more of the foul beasts testing and ripping at her friend.

"Tck. I thought you may hap handled this, Evangeline. But I doth find you lacking."

"Lucinda!" Evangeline sucked in breath sharply. Among the Solars, Lucinda was second born and nearly as powerful as her elder sister, suited for combat as she was. This made her a natural rival to Evangeline and a constant pain as a sister. Still, they were sisters, and they cared about each other.

"There, there, precious Gladriel, you've not been hurt, have you?" Lucinda spoke condescendingly, but with a hint of concern is her tone.

"No.. No I.. Thank you, Lucinda. I've not come to harm. Perhaps just pushing myself too hard." The third sister said with a weak smile.

"Are thou truly okay?" Evangeline questioned.

"Get these samples back for examination! I must know all about the lesser races." A voice cut through this tender moment, ringing in the ears of the three. The Solars had formed a perimeter around this area and now Seraphina, the youngest, had moved in, directing Solars under her command left and right to collect samples. "You knows't how quickly these samples burn away! Taketh them back to my study.. Oh, my sisters, are we driving them back or are we not?"

It was very soon after that when Her Luminance illuminated the abyss from her throne, HER terrifying brightness even sending the sightless scurrying. There was an innate wrongness in it to those demons, spawned from the very unclean one itself, could not stand against.

"BEGONE FROM HERE FOUL BEASTS." Her thunderous chorus rang out to the ears of every demon as it escaped. "AND KNOW THAT NO WHERE IS SAFE FROM MY PURITY."

2016-03-29, 03:40 AM
Which Steps Softly - The Bastion of Whispered Promises

As the din on the first world rang forth, it cast about in the clouds of its realm and began to weave yet another chain to further bind Creation for it knew that before long its brothers and sister would come much further to blows and in their fights those who followed would arrive. It would sow the seed now, while they were still yet distracted, and in time walk among those that came after and pull the chains tight. With a whisper and a single bolt of lightning it delivered upon the First World the first of the Young Gods, Silver, upon the shores of the pristine earth wracked by storms and quakes and in this way it hid itself from her as well.

2016-03-29, 02:12 PM
Standing up, she looked around her. The young goddess saw the world around herself, the exploding volcanoes, the endless expanses of water and earth.
She saw the sun, the plane of fire hanging above the planet. She saw the dark spots on the sun, marring it's otherwise brilliant light.
She saw the world, and she thought she can do better.

Collecting her thoughts, she shielded herself from the inhospitable world, and the impurities it contained. Combining her strength of will, and her power as a goddess, her aura was so strong that most beings, save other Gods felt the desire to fall on their knees before her. The Glory of a goddess.

But there was no one around to do so. Feeling alone, wanting companionship, and protection, she brought forth her angels. Not nearly as numerous as the first children of the other Gods, the Arcana far surpasses them in individual strength. They had to, there was only twenty two of them, each unique. Each under Silver's direct control. Each bowed to the goddess: a silent promise to her and themselves. They would never leave her as long as she lived.

Closing her eyes, Silver breathed in the air of this barren world. She could not feel the other Gods, atleast not beyond the faint glimmer in the back of her mind. They were far away. Perhaps she also needed a home of her own, one she made, one where she was in charge. And so, her eyes closed she dreamed of a perfect world. One bathed in soft light, unlike the harsh sun she stood beneath. Glimmering spires rising to the endless sky, a light breeze blowing through the trees, creating a beautiful melody.
Taking a step, she could feel the warm crystal floor beneath her feet. Opening her eyes, she gazed upon her realm. A world of dreams: Tir Na Nog.

She had almost all that she wanted, yet there was still something missing. She wanted to be loved, adored by the world. The Arcana, while devoted to her could not fulfill this desire. She looked back out to the first world. Perhaps there was something to be done there after all...

4AP Weave Plane: Tir Na Nog
4AP Create Magical Life: Arcana
1AP Bless: Bind Arcana to Silver's direct control. They are not a random independent race, they are her lieutenants.
4AP Create Mythical Concept: Glory. Power now avaliable to all Gods, that can be shared by them with their lieutenants. Differing from the powers they had, this is the extension of their strength of will into the material world. That which makes it impossible for a mortal to mistake a God for any other no matter how ordinary the God might appear to them. This is what makes all but the strongest of heroes fall on their knees and beg for forgiveness.

AP remaining:
3 AP remaining

Since I like having things illustrated when possible (I feel it allows to imagine e things easier, especially any descriptive actions performed by characters), here are the Arcana (Silver's angels, just like the bright one has solars). There are only 22 Arcana, with any "pairs" being treated as one entity, such as the lovers.



2016-03-29, 05:53 PM
Breeth'r - Jahannam, then through the portal

Emboldened by this victory and filled with rageful glee at the destruction of that which was anathema to itself, Breeth'r charged after the fleeing demons, obliterating their very bodies into dust as he recklessly pursued them into their domain.

The Plain of All Conceivable Conquests

The rent in the fabric of Jahannam, stained with the drying blood of countless demons, opened up onto a vast plateau of blood-red rock. A veritable wave of Demons rushed forth ahead of Breeth'r, fleeing off to the sides in a desperate attempt to escape the wrath of the Elder Gods on either side of the portal. Scattered pools of stagnant water were disturbed as Demons leapt into them, diving into the murky depths and disappearing into the tunnels below. Even as many demons dried up, cracking and splitting open as they felt their life slip away, Breeth'r looked on, past the plateau and to the coast of the red continent.

The churning waters off the coast were whipped into a froth by the thousands of lashing tentacles of a single massive being. Azj'Khan bellowed with rage, his tentacles lashing into the ground and pulling himself forward towards Breeth'r and the portal to Jahannam. "Ular oṉṟu, nīṅkaḷ irattam ṭomaiṉ mitippār! Pō allatu eṉ āttiram etirkoḷḷa!" He shouted, whipping his tentacles across the stone and tearing great rents in it.

Jahannam, Victory at the Breech

"Pull back, Gladriel, these demons be more than thou cans't stand." Evangeline called out to her oldest friend through the throng of demons to her oldest friend, the angel Gladriel. These Demons were relentless and their flames could only burn so many. Even their swords burning in brillant flame would wilter against so many in time.

"Peace, sister, I can stand more than thou woulds't think." Gladriel said back with a bit of bluster before her form disappeared in an inferno of fire burning away all of the demons around both of them. But this left her weak from the strain and could barely hold her light together as more demons, sensing weakness, swarmed the distressed solar.


Evangeline was considered the oldest and most powerful of all the First Race. But the swarm of demons was tremendous and each swing of her sword was met with even more of the foul beasts testing and ripping at her friend.

"Tck. I thought you may hap handled this, Evangeline. But I doth find you lacking."

"Lucinda!" Evangeline sucked in breath sharply. Among the Solars, Lucinda was second born and nearly as powerful as her elder sister, suited for combat as she was. This made her a natural rival to Evangeline and a constant pain as a sister. Still, they were sisters, and they cared about each other.

"There, there, precious Gladriel, you've not been hurt, have you?" Lucinda spoke condescendingly, but with a hint of concern is her tone.

"No.. No I.. Thank you, Lucinda. I've not come to harm. Perhaps just pushing myself too hard." The third sister said with a weak smile.

"Are thou truly okay?" Evangeline questioned.

"Get these samples back for examination! I must know all about the lesser races." A voice cut through this tender moment, ringing in the ears of the three. The Solars had formed a perimeter around this area and now Seraphina, the youngest, had moved in, directing Solars under her command left and right to collect samples. "You knows't how quickly these samples burn away! Taketh them back to my study.. Oh, my sisters, are we driving them back or are we not?"

It was very soon after that when Her Luminance illuminated the abyss from her throne, HER terrifying brightness even sending the sightless scurrying. There was an innate wrongness in it to those demons, spawned from the very unclean one itself, could not stand against.

"BEGONE FROM HERE FOUL BEASTS." Her thunderous chorus rang out to the ears of every demon as it escaped. "AND KNOW THAT NO WHERE IS SAFE FROM MY PURITY."


Even as the Solars began to collect samples, those that were not burned away were already rotting, turning from solid flesh and liquid blood into a putrescent residue that reeked of corruption and burned the very light that it touched. Only one in a thousand unburned corpses did not melt away into this black sludge, and most often they were shoddy specimens. It would take eons for the Solars to learn much from these samples, all the while being assaulted by the Demonic Hordes.

"Dry one, you tread upon the domain of blood! Begone or face my rage!"

5 AP 0 PAP - 1 AP = 4 AP 0 PAP
1 AP - Curse: Putrefying Decay

When a demon dies and a corpse is left behind, there is a 99.9% chance that the corpse will undergo rapid decay, turning from solid flesh and bone to a disgusting black sludge in a matter of seconds. The leftover 0.1% are often incredibly damaged, but they can offer a few brief glimpses into the inner workings of Demonkind.

2016-03-30, 10:01 PM
The Plain of All Conceivable Conquests

The rent in the fabric of Jahannam, stained with the drying blood of countless demons, opened up onto a vast plateau of blood-red rock. A veritable wave of Demons rushed forth ahead of Breeth'r, fleeing off to the sides in a desperate attempt to escape the wrath of the Elder Gods on either side of the portal. Scattered pools of stagnant water were disturbed as Demons leapt into them, diving into the murky depths and disappearing into the tunnels below. Even as many demons dried up, cracking and splitting open as they felt their life slip away, Breeth'r looked on, past the plateau and to the coast of the red continent.

The churning waters off the coast were whipped into a froth by the thousands of lashing tentacles of a single massive being. Azj'Khan bellowed with rage, his tentacles lashing into the ground and pulling himself forward towards Breeth'r and the portal to Jahannam. "Ular oṉṟu, nīṅkaḷ irattam ṭomaiṉ mitippār! Pō allatu eṉ āttiram etirkoḷḷa!" He shouted, whipping his tentacles across the stone and tearing great rents in it."Dry one, you tread upon the domain of blood! Begone or face my rage!"

Breeth'r and Azj'Khan - The Plain of All Conceivable Conquest

Lost in a battle frenzy, the Waste god flew recklessly through the portal and began at once to wither every last thing within his sight, convinced in his arrogance that he was about to cleanse the cosmos of true evil.

He did not notice that, while his essence may be divine and the demons themselves may not be able to withstand him, the very world upon which he now rampaged was anathema to him. While he may have entered The Plain of All Conceivable conquest with a great might of power and an aura of withering dryness, this was not sufficient to withstand the tide of blood.

While demons may continue to be withered and slain all around him, the Lord of Deserts began to diminish, his very essence draining to maintain his form in this hostile environment. Every second that he spent there mindlessly killing demons on that plain of blood, his form diminished.

By the time Azj'Khan himself appeared and gave the reckless intruder warning, the pain and rage of maintaining his fight had exhausted him to the point that Breeth'r was no larger than one of the demons themselves.

Upon hearing his brother's words and beholding the form of the one who had first caused his pain back at the dawn of the world, Breeth'r took pause only long enough to shout, "YOU!" before flying up and slamming himself directly in the Blood Lord's face.

2016-03-31, 06:40 PM
Breeth'r and Azj'Khan - The Plain of All Conceivable Conquest

Lost in a battle frenzy, the Waste god flew recklessly through the portal and began at once to wither every last thing within his sight, convinced in his arrogance that he was about to cleanse the cosmos of true evil.

He did not notice that, while his essence may be divine and the demons themselves may not be able to withstand him, the very world upon which he now rampaged was anathema to him. While he may have entered The Plain of All Conceivable conquest with a great might of power and an aura of withering dryness, this was not sufficient to withstand the tide of blood.

While demons may continue to be withered and slain all around him, the Lord of Deserts began to diminish, his very essence draining to maintain his form in this hostile environment. Every second that he spent there mindlessly killing demons on that plain of blood, his form diminished.

By the time Azj'Khan himself appeared and gave the reckless intruder warning, the pain and rage of maintaining his fight had exhausted him to the point that Breeth'r was no larger than one of the demons themselves.

Upon hearing his brother's words and beholding the form of the one who had first caused his pain back at the dawn of the world, Breeth'r took pause only long enough to shout, "YOU!" before flying up and slamming himself directly in the Blood Lord's face.

Breeth'r and Azj'Khan, the Plain of All Conceivable Conquests

The Demon Sultan's skin began to crack as the blood that suffused it was evaporated. He bellowed with pain, staggering back as Breeth'r pushed against him hoping to destroy him, but this was his home and he would not be defeated here. With a great tremor of the ground, Azj'Khan lashed his tentacles against the smooth orb, marring it momentarily before swinging it around and slamming into the Ocean.

The Churning Horror refused to let go, his many mouths tearing apart the orb as his thousands of tentacles lashed against Breeth'r's surface. The Water churned violently, suffused with the divine power of Breeth'r and Azj'Khan. The Sultan's blood leaked out through his cracked skin as he roared his defiant words. "Timirpiṭitta naṭappu! Āḻ kaṭal kaṭalkaḷ iruntu pō, eṉ ukkiram uṇara maṟṟum muṟiyaṭikkappaṭṭatu; !" He spoke, using his great mass to hurl the shrinking orb of dry sand up into the air. Breeth'r's body sailed through the air, past the clouds and out into the dark void from whence the four had come. A trail of moisture and mud followed him, flying off in all directions, never to be seen again.

"Arrogant cur! Begone from the Abyssal Seas, feel my wrath and be rebuked!"

As his foe flew across the cosmos, Azj'Khan turned back to the Plain of All Conceivable Conquests, watching the rent in reality flicker and spark as Demons surrounded it, readying themselves for a second foray into Jahannam. The Demon Sultan considered this, realizing that he had more than one enemy in the far reaches of the universe. Perhaps this new foe had its own home, another land to be conquered. Gurgling with mirth, Azj'Khan whipped his tentacles forth onto the plain, tearing a second rent in reality and pointing to it.

The Demons, realizing that there were more places in the universe to fight and conquer, gathered into warbands and rushed through the portals. The walls of space began to tremble, the instability of the Plain of All Conceivable Conquests rising. Azj'Khan reached out, gathering this instability. His home would not be where the universe unravelled, and so he took his own blood and mixed it with the unstable space, creating a tiny rip in space. Setting it down, he turned away and sunk into the depths of the Abyssal Seas. The rip would soon come to its senses, and the Demon Sultan had no care for its children.

Diving into the deeps, Azj'Khan found deposits of clay and mud on the ocean floor. Tiny bits of his foe had mixed with water and the soil of the Seas, producing irregular lumps of goo. Azj'Khan gathered these lumps together, and rubbed them against the cracked wounds that Breeth'r had created. Blood mixed with clay and sand, and Azj'Khan willed divine power into the mixture. Leaving the sludge on the sea floor, the Churning Horror moved on, leaving the energetic mass to awaken on its own, for the Demon Sultan cares not for its children...

4 AP 0 PAP - 2 AP = 2 AP 0 PAP
2 AP - Create Portal: Patukuliyil to Arrakis

A second rent in the fabric of space, the Plain of All Conceivable Conquests now has a link to Arrakis, the Eternal Desert. Demons periodically come through the portal and roam the wastes, seeking to hunt and kill the denizens of the waste god's domain.

Shamaz has been created from the instability of the Plain of All Conceivable Conquests.
The Inscrutable has been created from tiny bits of Breeth'r's sand mixed with the blood and energy of Azj'Khan.

2016-04-01, 12:52 AM
Breeth'r - The Void, Wounded but not Defeated

At the very moment when his essence came into contact with that which was its opposite, Breeth'r realized his mistake: he did not have the power to defeat Azj'Khan in his own domain. There was simply too much to destroy.

By that point, though, he was helpless to do anything but be thrashed around by his brother as he was caught in the place where he was weakest and his foe was strongest. After suffering terrible wounds and inflicting much damage upon the scenery on his way out, Breeth'r found himself back in the Void, alone and wounded.

I may be mighty, but so too is my foe, and others like him still. I must become stronger and more cunning than they if I am to save the world from this poison.

It was then that Breeth'r took a moment to pause and truly study the nature of this liquid that so vexed him. Traces of it had followed him out into the Void, and he watched as the droplets froze and shattered in the vaccuum.

This inspired him with another way to fight the wetness. One that was perhaps more subtle and would go unnoticed for a time as it grew. One that, due to his very nature, he would not be able to execute for himself.

Thus, he formed from the freezing blood of his brother and his own divine essence a new being, born in the utter lack of heat of the Void. He shaped this cold essence into a large, dark blue, hairless form adorned with powerful natural weapons. Breeth'r then poured into this mighty vessel a touch of the divine that it might spark a life of its own. As deep purple filled the lips of his firstborn son, Breeth'r returned to his own domain, content to let his child find his own way in this world. A single lingering message would resonate in the newborn god's mind.

My son, I, Breeth'r Lord of the Wastes have given you form and life. I offer you no guidance, no aid, for you are mighty and you need none. Though I may have formed you, I claim no hold or honors over you, for I have earned no such right. Instead, all I ask is that you do as you feel your nature calling to you to do and that you never stop in your quest to become more powerful, for power is all that truly matters in this life.

cue one birth for one ice god, Emperor Demonking

If you're interested in visiting your dad's home, Breeth'r did impart an instinctual knowledge of how to find Arrakis. If not, feel free to start doing your own thing. I thought the whole "make and abandon to grow up on your own" thing fit your concept.

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-01, 02:50 AM
Frauns, The Void then to Arrikas then to The Sphere

In the cold empty void where Frauns was born, Frauns was also the most interesting thing around, and he examined himself, feeling his tusks and seeing his daggered fingers. Frauns saw that it was good. Still, that could not interest Frauns forever, and the thud of nature and some overpowering goal began to dominate his mind. He could see a great light, and a smaller orb in the distance. However, that was not the place where his instincts were taking him. He followed his instincts wthout having any real idea where it would take him. Still, he was powerful to take on anything that's face him, right?

As the great sand worm erupted out of the ground next to Frauns, he smiled. He grinned a divine grin and positioned his kifely fingers ready to strike. With one look at the divine giant - although they were not of greatly differing size - and his divine look of satisfaction, the worm fled. Frauns could feel the earth being shaped under his earth. Frauns did not bother trying to give chase. The sand worms were good, Frauns concluded, but he could do better.

Frauns walked up the nearest sand dune and looked around at the kingdom he had found himself in. He saw that it was good. He would not tamper with it for he could see that it was good. Still he knew that he could do better. That little orb flashed into his mind.

Near a cliff, and in the mix of some clear water, Frauns found himself standing. He was in the cool shade of the cliff's shadow - although, the light was still bright, - and created for himself a mirror. A sheet of perfect ice. He gazed into it, and saw that it was better.

2016-04-01, 09:22 AM
The Inscrutable, Shamaz, Plain of All Conceivable Conquests

One of the plain's portels shuddered as it tore itself opening further. From it an inform mass was drawn it was black, jet, oily, refracting the shimmering light around it. Like a hound it huffed gourging upon the air of this new place. The tendril split into two one growing from the other like a bud shaping into something similar to an arm with too many joints and ending in a key holding claw. The keys were distinct, easily recognizable, and by their mere existance they brought the concept of keys and locks forward. Before Shamaz nothing had had to be locked away. Now that it was the universe took cue and heed. The god tampered with the keys trying one blindly at the space around him before switching to the other. And the next. For suddenly there weren't two but three keys. The third clicked allowing an undulating blob of oily mirroring darkness to journey into the plain. It shuddered into motion absorbing the debris as it moved changing as the land below was added to the mass above. It's skin was turning more mirrorlike and by the time it spoke it had cumulated some ruinous stones over his body, like a hermit crab.

Shamaz approached its brother, similarly born into a world alien to him yet so enticing.

You are not me. Yet you are similar. What are you to be?

It wasn't truly speaking merely projecting thoughts forward. Thoughts that hardly translated into words carrying so much more meaning in visual cues. The inscrutable, Shamaz, two different creatures albeit similar. What was the path that they would take.

Initial AP 16 -5 -1; 10 AP left

5 AP Create Major Artifact; The Keys open, liberating potential that otherwise would be barred. In a mundane way they open locks or paths, unless there is a godly investment on said lock or path, in a more metaphisical way the Keys open potential or minds in creatures even gods providing Shamaz with a discount to the gain domain action.

1 AP Create Mundane concept; Locks & Keys, Shamaz ever the warden has granted the notion of locking things, and indirectly unlocking them, to the world at large.

2016-04-01, 09:47 AM
Diving into the deeps, Azj'Khan found deposits of clay and mud on the ocean floor. Tiny bits of his foe had mixed with water and the soil of the Seas, producing irregular lumps of goo. Azj'Khan gathered these lumps together, and rubbed them against the cracked wounds that Breeth'r had created. Blood mixed with clay and sand, and Azj'Khan willed divine power into the mixture. Leaving the sludge on the sea floor, the Churning Horror moved on, leaving the energetic mass to awaken on its own, for the Demon Sultan cares not for its children...

The mud that sat on the sea floor churned a quivered. Slowly at first, then quickly and violently. The mixture would harden and crack, with small beams of light escaping before the cracks were quickly resealed. Power churned within the mud as the divine essence within tore its own flesh asunder. Until suddenly the entire mass turned hard as glass and shattered, and for a brief moment, the sea floor was covered in a brilliant light that flowed through all the waves of the visible spectrum. A grouping of twelve Centhiri who were looking down upon what they had thought to be fresh prey were struck by the light. Its very intensity burning away their eyes as if they had never possessed them. All the while the light burned in to their flesh, infusing them with a portion of its brilliance. The fins that covered their bodies would glow like shard of solid light, shifting between every color of the rainbow, a brilliant show for all, save themselves, to behold.

As quickly as the light had appeared it was gone, though not truly. It instead existed in colors that no mortal eyes could yet behold. A swirling ball of divine energy held together not by matter, but rather the immaterial force beneath. It was at that moment, when free of the bonds of the material, did the first of many thoughts appear in the godling's mind. "Alive?" It thought to itself, only vaguely grasping the concept of the word. in Its attempt to understand, It reached out to all other life in the realm. what It felt was fear, hunger, and a desire to grow stronger. "Grow?" It thought and no sooner had the thought arisen, than did the godling find the border to the realm. It was not a physical boundary, as the realm was just shy of endless. Rather it was an ephemeral one. A place where one world bordered another. In an instinctual desire It did not fully understand, the godling fled the Realm of darkness and blood and entered in to the first world.

The glowing ones who had unknowingly witnessed the birth of a God, swam on in search of new prey, Ignorant to the change that had befallen them. And so they would do, for generations to come, an unknowing beacon of light in an otherwise pitch black abyss.

starting AP: 16

-2 The Glowing ones ( a sub-species of Centhiri) : alike to their kin in most respects. Their difference being an utter lack of eyes and fins that glow brilliantly with every color of the rainbow. The light from their fins is harmful to other beings as it is blinding at a distance and burns any living thing that comes within a few feet. Their mindset and personalities are no different from their kin.

Remaining AP: 14

2016-04-01, 04:32 PM
[QUOTE=Renen;20600132]Perhaps there was something to be done there after all...
Having been momentarily distracted, feeling the other new gods being born, Silver shook her head, returning her gaze towards the first world. The goddess did not like the The Great Murk Sea, nor was she content with content with being boring. Looking around Tir Na Nog, she wondered if she could make something as surreal as her realm of dreams.

And so she decided to try. And nothing says "dream" better than flying. Closing her eyes, she imagined a great island. Filled with waterfalls that drew water out of thin air, animals that only existed when you were thinking about them, and crystal formations of every color growing throughout the land. But the most dreamlike quality of the island was it's inability to stand still. A great continent which flew above the planet, constantly in motion. Opening her eyes she smiled. Just as she imagined it. She was still rather jealous of the brilliant sun blazing above the planet, but alas she was born too late to create something so impressive, so she'd have to settle for being the first to make a flying piece of rock.


2AP Create Land: The Migrating Continent

AP remaining:
1 AP remaining

2016-04-01, 08:04 PM
Breeth'r - Arrakis, Wounded Pride

The Waste God retreated to the base of what would become his palace, and he sulked.

There is really no other way to describe it. The great swirling sandstorm engulfed his plane, sat there, and he sulked. For all his great power, for all his potential, he could not do the thing he wanted. Not only had his direct assault upon the Blood Monster failed, it had failed spectacularly in a most undignified manner which had been embarrassing, even if only himself, his hated foe, and the Monster's minions had been there to witness it.

This gnawed at Breeth'r, who chafed at the whole matter.

This sense of wounded pride persisted. In fact, it took on a life of its own. In time, this manifestation of all things that touched upon the primal god's pride sparked its own divine essence.

Sensing yet another divine life inside itself, Breeth'r shaped for this new life a form befitting all the majesty that this new life deserved and sent it to the World below to act as it will. While not shaped solely for the purpose of fighting Water like its elder brother, this child was also given a single message as a gift from its progenitor.

My son, I, Breeth'r have formed you out of my own wounded pride that you might never know such pain yourself. As you already know, you yourself are mighty and need no aid from another, and thus I offer you none. I have placed you in a wild, untamed world full of pain that you might grow and conquer within it as you see fit. If you care to speak with me, you know the path to Arrakis. If you wish, you may find me. If not, I look forward to seeing what you will do in this world. I foresee great things for you.

cue RolandDeschain's birth post

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-02, 04:57 AM
Frauns, The Equal Spread (The First World)

Frauns began to climb the sheer cliff, his daggers fixing into the rock as he limbly travelled up. Once aiop the cliff, he was no longer in the shadow. He stood in full pelt of the flame that he had long known about. The light he did not mind, indeed he could go as far as to say that he liked it, It was the heat that offended him. He would have to fix it. He would in time.

Frauns looked around for where the solution lied. His eyes were drawn to a spot in the sea that was almost most fiercefully subject to the fire's heat. It was a place where Frauns tought he saw a variety of little islands, but that could be an illusion from the evaporating mists.

With a splash, Frauns thrusted himself back into the water. He begun to wade through leaving a great ake behind him. When he could no longer walk, he began to swim. His splashes were more like waves, leaving injured animal in his must more violent wake.

Once at the place that his eyes had seen from the cliff, then the islands were certainly there whether they existed before or not. From each of the huge number of different-sized islands, ice began to spread. It was thicker in places than others. Some, very few, places where the distance between islands was very far, had iceless holes where the sea could be reached. More often was where the ice was treacherously thin, where a sudden movement could send one tumbling into the ocean.

Frauns stood atop an outer island. His weight crushing and turning to slush the layer of ice that had already been formed. He leapt from island to island. His leaps being astonishing even for his height and strength. Each leap left a great crush in the ice. Standing more centrally, the plan of cold against heat was to be put into action. From the icy continent - Fraun's Equal Spread - would erupt great and cold winds. Already they turned Fraun's trail of slush into hardened ice.

Stil even the wind-bolstered ice was not match for Fraun's wait. As he made his way out, he left slush again. However, and quite deliberately, he left something else born of that slush. The Frost Worms were inspired by the Sand Worms that he had seen in the desert plane, but they were clearly different. Although large, they were but little compared to the sand worms. Not only that, but they shared Fraun's colouring. Perhaps, more meaningfully they were stupid even by the standards of animals and had no capability for magic. They could travel through the ice - in a rough paralel of their larger predessor - and preyed on both the fish that resided under The Equal Spread and the seals that resided above.

Of the ecosystem, the only non-animal life above the ice sheets is a green parasitic moss. Sitting upon - now - the seals, they drained nutrients from their host. Still, it was a symbiotic relationship for the moss created great masses of energy through photosynthesis, energy that was shared with the host. Without it, it would take a very lucky seal to survive. The moss could form a symbiotic relationship with any creature, although at current it only knows the seals - and their ilk - as creatures that don't brush the painful lichen off.

16 AP
14 AP = 16 AP - 2 AP: Create Land: The Equal Spread
13 AP = 14 AP - 1 AP: Bless: The great and cold winds that the Equal Spread originates.
12 AP = 13 AP - 1 AP: Create Monstrous Life: The Frost Worms.

2016-04-02, 08:19 AM
Breeth'r - Arrakis

The double act of creation eventually roused Breeth'r out of his fugue state, and he began construction of the next layer to his palace: the Pillars of Creation. Great spires which grew out from the Great Foundation and rose hundreds of feet into the air. They acted as foci, channeling the raw power of creation that flowed through the Foundation.

ap: 2=5-3, 0 pap

-3 -1 pap(create utility artifact, discounted from first artifact)

2016-04-02, 10:08 AM
The Godling arrived in the first world as quickly as It had found the border of the last. It was meet with the sight of the world bellow, the sun beside and the void beyond. Its mind first began to spread through the Æther to touch all that was in this world. First it touched the world and felt the legions of living minds of the earth bellow. All were full of simple, primal thoughts. Fear, hunt, breed, eat, and while these thoughts were simple, they gave The Godling a taste of something it had never known. Instinct and Emotion filled The Godling's mind for the first time and Its consciousness grew. Quickly Its mind came to surpass those that it felt, compiling together a rudimentary sentience born of the myriad of differing, and often conflicting emotions and instincts.

In a desire to learn more The Godling reached beyond the earth, only to find precious little else. The void was vast, but it was empty, the only thing filling its great expanse being the glowing orb of plasma that bordered another world. But in its attempt to find what did not exist to be found, The Godling discovered another instinct. The very light that shown from the sun, had a desire, the desire to be felt upon the earth. Yet alas, much of the light was doomed to fly forever in the void, never to see the world again.

The Godling felt the desire of the light and for the first time understood what it was to dream. It was through this newfound understanding, that the world would feel a great change. All throughout the void, the light that was meant to fly forever, stopped flying. The Æther it had once traveled upon now holding it in place. More and more beams of light would fall upon theses areas of stasis, forming orbs of swirling light. Beams would then break from these orbs to fly in new directions some finding their way to the world, most would fall into other orbs and the process would repeat. As more and more light shed from the sun these orbs would grow larger and more numerous. Filling the Void with an ever growing sea of light.

What had once been a forlorn desire had turned into a hope. A hope to shine upon the earth, and born of this hope did the first of the stars shine in the night sky.

Starting Ap: 14

-2 create land: Stars : stars of this world are realy just beams of light that are captured by pockets in the Void where the Æther swirls and shifts. the beams stay in these pockets for a time before they are shot out in a random direction, either to fall to the earth or into anther star. They shine constantlt as the light flows into them fast enough to allow it to constantly flow out as well. As the sun sends more light into the Void, the stars will grow larger, brighter and more numerous.

The Pockets of swirling Æther move across the void carrying the Stars along with, so the Stars quite literally sail through the heavens.

Remaining Ap:12

2016-04-02, 11:06 AM
Eq'Thaka - The First World, "Beginnings"

In an instant he was; but that which has always been can never simply begin. Thoughts of the Father, proud and strong, echoed across his consciousness, and in that instant he considered his making and became indignant.

No Father, that which I am, I always was. I began as the world began. It was I that drove you to create. It was I that drove you to aspire to all things. It was I, and I was in you. It was I who made you confront your foolishness and as such, made manifest my sovereign will to be independent and free. I respect that which you are and will become, but be it forever known, my allegiance is my own.

Acknowledging the truth of his conception, The Unbowed donned the mantle of this world, and it was magnificent. Breathe. Hear. Taste. Smell. See. Feel....FEEL!

Tossing his head and pawing the earth, Surely I am of unparalleled strength, endurance, and vigor!

As he reared to the sky he beheld Sorath and it's blemish; digging his powerful hooves into the barren soil of the First World he leaped into the sky. Soaring above, he looked upon what was, issuing a tremendous snort, "Such barrenness is ugly, and will not do."

He coiled his tremendous muscles and drove his body back to the earth, gouging immense furrows across the land with his hooves. Rock, dirt and dust raining down around him as he galloped across the land, and as he ran a carpet of verdant life spread in his wake. Reveling in the sheer physical power of his coursing form he ran faster and faster until he came to a great wall of mountains spewing ash, fume, and the earth's molten blood across the land. Rearing to his full height he unleashed a violent snort of his nostrils, for the air was foul...unclean! The earth buckled beneath his hooves, his ebon-mane whipping the wind, as his breath laid low a swath of mountains, creating a breech in what was once an unbroken chain.

But the mountains did not call to him, nor did the sky, so he turned and southward he ran, the soil beneath his pounding hooves placating his restless heart, and he painted the world as he galloped. Onward, faster and faster until again his course was blocked as the land fell away to the ocean. Once more he reared to his full height before bringing his mighty legs crashing down, stamping the cliffs, flattening them so that land and sea met almost seamlessly with gentle beaches. Turning he looked back upon the land he had crossed, gentling exhaling and exalting in what he had wrought.

16 AP
Alter Land -2AP: "The Breech" - A narrow, rocky, yet traversable mountain pass through The Roots of the World mountain chain.
Alter Land -1 AP: "The Far Shores" - The warm southern beeches of the original land.
Blessing -1 AP: The Southerly Winds: The warming winds off of the great ocean, that bring rain and thunderstorms across the lands.
Blessing -1 AP: The Great Southern Steppes: Expansive flat lands, fantastically fertile soils, and abundant rain breed tens of thousands of species of grasses and plants.

Remaining AP 11

2016-04-02, 02:57 PM
Sitting upon her crystal throne in Tir Na Nog, Silver perhaps looked more vulnerable than any of the other gods. Her eyes closed, she was busy working on her new invention. She was anything but weak. She did not know if the other gods made use of her invention, but around her was an invincible, impregnable barrier. Different from the cold, the light or the darkness coming from the other gods, this was the authority of her self as a goddess, the light of divinity that she used to both protect herself, and enforce her will on the world around her.

Much to Silver's dismay, the other gods were too busy with their own tasks to have anything to do with her. She recognized her own need for recognition as a flaw, though she was sure most of the others had the same desire. However even with this knowledge, she was unable to stop wishing there was someone that really admired her.

In her dream she saw a race much like the form she chose for herself. But they were never alone. Born as a pair, even at the worst of times they had each other. They would never be lonely, and perhaps with them neither would she.

She placed her new creations on the land of her dreams the The Migrating Continent, and she sent some of her Arcana to protect them, and to tell the new beings of their goddess, which saw them in her dreams.

The Magician, The High Priestess, The Wheel of Fortune, and The Hermit went down to greet the Dvati. Not nearly as brilliant as their goddess, they were nevertheless cloaked in an aura of Glory. Their power immediately recognized by the Dvati, and their lessons heeded with reverence.



2AP Create Sapient Life: Dvati
3AP Gain Domain: Dream (Insight)

AP remaining:
0 AP remaining

Dream domain related actions (All thing dreampt by the goddess):
4 Tir Na Nog
2 The Migrating Continent
1 Acrana's obedience (blessing)

2016-04-02, 07:21 PM
The First Slumber of Death

His children already busy doing what they would, Azj'Khan settled at the bottom of the Abyssal Sea, in a great cavern on the sea floor. There, he closed his eyes, letting his mind wander and dream. His mind drifted off into the void, and his body lay still on the floor of the sea. No demon dared disturb him, though many crept into his cavern to see for themselves the slumber of death. It was the most peculiar thing to them, for never had they experienced sleep, nor had they any care to. Over the years after the Sultan closed his eyes, his children rose up and claimed their right of inheritance.

The Nenglal took lordship of the land above the waves, carving out island kingdoms filled with the primordial animals of Patukuliyil with which to hunt. The Centhiri claimed sovereignty over the deeps, gathering in small schools and plumbing the depths. For entertainment, the Abyssids would fight one another, or strike out from Patukuliyil for Jahannam or Arrakis. Demon raids became an everyday occurence for the denizens of the Eternal Desert and From Which Light Springs. When they were not slaughtering their kin, defiling the domains of their aunt or uncle, or ruling over their domains, the Abyssids delved into the darkness of Blood Magic. Their innate powers and connection to the Churning Horror gave them an edge that far surpassed that of any other being. Demons took to all forms of magic with ease, augmenting what little they learned through trial and error with the power of blood.

Over time, the Abyssids began to change, both Nenglal and Centhiri adapting their forms to be more unique and pleasing to their own individual tastes. As they grew in power, a rare few individuals began to show clear superiority. Their forms twisted beyond recognition and their personal might far surpassing that of their peers, these individuals rose to the top of the emerging Demonic civilization. These demons, kings among their kind, rallied the other demons to their side, forging great armies with which they warred against one another. Thus it would remain for eons, for the Demons had no way of knowing of the machinations of the divine progeny of the first Four. In time, they would learn of the material, and in time they would covet its riches, but for now the fiends were content to make war among the planes.

2 AP 0 PAP + 4 AP + 1 PAP - 1 AP/1 PAP - 3 AP = 2 AP 0 PAP
1 AP/1 PAP - Create Society: The Ravening Hordes of the Abyss

The Demons of Patukuliyil have inherited the realm from their slumbering creator. Among the demons, the only rule is power. The physically strong and magically powerful rule through cruelty and fear, and for Demonkind there is no other way. Those demons who gain great physical and magical might slowly change their shape, becoming closer to the truth of their soul. There is no overall leader of the Ravening Hordes, for when two powerful demons arise, neither will tolerate the rule of the other. Thus far, there are six Demons who have become powerful enough to take on a unique form and forge a kingdom of their own.

3 AP - Gain Domain: Chaos (Demonkind)

Qualifying actions:

Create Magical Life: Abyssids
Curse: Putrefying Decay
Create Land: The Plain of All Conceivable Conquests

2016-04-02, 07:21 PM
Which Steps Softly - The Bastion of Whispered Promises

As the New Gods walked the world Which Steps Softly gazed down upon the storm wracked world with contentment and as before took the power that such calamity built upon into itself. With power unyieling like a gale force it took the mantle of that which caused the earth to shake and the skies to tremble and it became the lord of it. With that done, it was time to meet the family. It covered itself in the skin of a younger God with sharp ears and beautiful face and with a single step it moved away from the Bastion to elsewhere.

Wan - The Sun

From elsewhere it came reeking of youth and naivety, gowned in soft robes of cardinal feathers and fog. It strode through the Sun to the very throne of Her Luminance like a shadow and called out from bended knee. "Honored mother, you know not your actions that brought me to life but it your hand that caused it. I am Wan, Cardinal Son of the Morning and I have come to meet you and to offer my obedience."

AP = 4 AP PAP = 1PAP

Gain Domain -1 AP -1 PAP Nature (Natural Disasters)

Actions Towards

Create Plane: Bastion of Whispered Promises +4AP
Bless: Create the Water Cycle +1AP
Curse: Din of the Blood War +1
Alter Land: The Roots of the World +1

4AP - 1AP = 3AP

2016-04-03, 06:05 AM
Shamaz Plain of all conceivable conquests

The being had apparently not heard Shamaz thoughts. It was strange. It had tried to use them in a simply ordered manner. Still Shamaz approached and observed as the being changed the creatures. Glowth. Shamaz enjoyed the radiance, there was little light in the ocean's plain and navigation was made easier by the light. Navigation. That was a concept worth taking. Finding its own path. Shamaz would ponder on it. What would growing do without direction?

Still considering this thoughts he followed the being through the crevice it had left behind.

Shamaz, The Inscrutable, the first world

As the mirroring blob crossed the barrier into the first world it swirled in enjoyment. The breeze picked at his skin rippling the exposed parts under the debris. It moved gazing at the newborn stars. Those would be useful. He reached a chromed tendril towards them bathing upon their light and prickling at them with their own reflection. Some stars were afixed in place, unmoving, unrelenting, unperturbable. It liked that. It thought it useful.

It turned to the fellow being and this time thought louder.

It is good. Good work. What is it?

AP 10 + AP4 + Artifact Charge (discount to gain domain) - 4 AP = 10 AP left

AP 1: Alter Land, some stars are inmobile shinging a bit stronger than the others due to their own reflection and are easier to see. This stars help with...

AP 1: Create Mundance Concept, Navigation. One can use the inmobile stars to navigate without getting lost. Finding a path is easier thanks to them.

AP 2 + Artifact charge Gain domain Travel (Navigation): Actions done: Create artifact (Keys), Alter land (afix stars), Create concept (Navigation).

2016-04-03, 09:42 AM
Shamaz Plain of all conceivable conquests

The being had apparently not heard Shamaz thoughts. It was strange. It had tried to use them in a simply ordered manner. Still Shamaz approached and observed as the being changed the creatures. Glowth. Shamaz enjoyed the radiance, there was little light in the ocean's plain and navigation was made easier by the light. Navigation. That was a concept worth taking. Finding its own path. Shamaz would ponder on it. What would growing do without direction?

Still considering this thoughts he followed the being through the crevice it had left behind.

Shamaz, The Inscrutable, the first world

As the mirroring blob crossed the barrier into the first world it swirled in enjoyment. The breeze picked at his skin rippling the exposed parts under the debris. It moved gazing at the newborn stars. Those would be useful. He reached a chromed tendril towards them bathing upon their light and prickling at them with their own reflection. Some stars were afixed in place, unmoving, unrelenting, unperturbable. It liked that. It thought it useful.

It turned to the fellow being and this time thought louder.

It is good. Good work. What is it?

AP 10 + AP4 + Artifact Charge (discount to gain domain) - 4 AP = 10 AP left

AP 1: Alter Land, some stars are inmobile shinging a bit stronger than the others due to their own reflection and are easier to see. This stars help with...

AP 1: Create Mundance Concept, Navigation. One can use the inmobile stars to navigate without getting lost. Finding a path is easier thanks to them.

AP 2 + Artifact charge Gain domain Travel (Navigation): Actions done: Create artifact (Keys), Alter land (afix stars), Create concept (Navigation).

The Goding took in the image of Its brother, not for the first time, but before It was not quite so.. coherent. The Goldling's response came as a voice that sounded like any other Shamaz could have heard and yet none that He had heard before. It came not from within Shamaz's mind but rather somewhere deeper.

"It is a dream brother." It said to Him, realizing for the first time the bond between the two. "The dream of something lesser to be something greater. Is it not astounding and terrifying? The strength held behind something so simple as a dream. If something so grand could come from some thing so insignificant as a beam of light, then what could come if a God were to dream?"

Even as it addressed its brother The Godlings mind was still stretched to touch every living thing on the world bellow. Then It felt something new, something that shook It to Its core. Death. It felt the mind of a small rabbit be extinguished like a candle in water, as it was crushed beneath the jaws of a wolf. Every thought and emotion, every dream, snuffed out in a single precious moment. This made The Godling sad, Its glowing light turning a deep blue for but a moment. That something so pure and potent as a dream could be erased so easily upset It. A single liquid drop of shifting light fell upon the world bellow and the world would change in the wake of the tears of a God.

All around the first world the beings that called it home would undergo a momentous, yet unnoticeable change. The Æther that existed within every living thing began to connect the material of their flesh, to the immaterial of their mind. Every thought and emotion, every dream acquired and abandoned, stored within them, connected yet separate. Past, yet not lost. In life this would connect them to everything that they had been, and everything they had dreamed to be. In death it ensured that all they were, and all that they weren't, was never truly lost.

The Godling felt this change and was happy, But It was not alone in this revelation. For there was not a god in existence, no matter how distant, that did not feel this ripple across the world, Though their reactions, It could not know.

Starting Ap: 16 (12+4 from rollover)

-1Ap, Bless: Souls (Every living thing in the first world, present and future, now has a soul. The soul is a collection of all the thoughts and experiences of the creatures life. Upon the death of the creature, the soul will continue to exist as an eternal memory of all the creature had every been and all it had ever hoped to be. Souls have the potential to be used in all forms of magic, not the least of which being necromancy, though no such means currently exist.
souls also have the potential to come to exist in every plane of existence, but only if the God that holds domain over that plane, allows it to be so.)

Remaining Ap: 15

2016-04-03, 11:46 AM
Eq'Thaka - The First World: "Compassion"

And he stood - upon the Far Shores, his pride sated, his restless heart placated. He stood, and contemplated as time stretched on unknown, unmarked and eternal. He could feel other forces at work in the world, but could not see them; could not hear them. I am. But so are they.

Storms swept across the Great Southern Steppes with terrible violence, the earth itself groaned and trembled, often bucking wildly in pain. The great sea would cast itself bodily upon the land, seizing great chunks in its greedy clutches - dragging it down to the murky depths.
The Din of the Blood War -Curse: Which Steps Softly

The wild things of the land were born, struggled, grew and died. Their lives were short, violent and brutish. They came to him, driven by instinct, desperate to survive the furious spasms of primal energy that wracked The First World. They sheltered in the lee of his pride and strength. And as he stood, more came...multitudes, and still they came. Too close! Too familiar!! .

Stamping and tossing his mane, he issued an indignant snort. A transcendental force, forged by another, but attuned to his will wrapped itself about The Unbowed. Thus the multitude was awed, for he had become fearsome and terrifying to behold, and the beasts of The First World fled in terror, driven back into the tempestuous din.
Eq'Thaka clothes himself in Glory - Mythical Concept: Silver

In that moment, however, a subtle ripple in reality washed across the plains and Eq'Thaka felt the torment and horror of the host of living things. Something, someone, had awakened in them - a force...a primitive, yet eternal awareness.
The creation of souls - Blessing: The Inscrutable

The sheer weight of their despair moved him, and a righteous outrage burgeoned within his breast. "Enough! Becalmed, and quell these outburst!" Thus was The First World soothed; the cataclysmic storms abated; the land no longer pitched and writhed in constant agony, mollifying the frenzied tides and quenching the perpetual fury of The Roots of the World .

11 +4 = 15
Bless -2AP: Quell the Din of the Blood War. Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic activity, acid rain and ceaseless storms are suppressed or lessened in severity and frequency.
Gain Domain - 3 AP: Strength(Vitality)

Alter Land: The Breech (2)
Alter Land: The Far Shores (1)
Blessing: The Great Southern Steppes (1)
Blessing: The Southerly Winds (1)
Blessing: Quell the Din of the Blood War (2)

Remaining AP: 10

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-03, 03:29 PM
Frauns, The Equal Spread (The First World)

A seal laid on the ice. It had just eaten and worried not. The ice began to shake, as the frost worm shot up and consumed the seal in one gulp. The seal was never worried because there was nevery anything it could do. It was too outmatched by the crushing, ice-boring worm. Good for the worm, Frauns knew, but it made for a dull hunt.

Two surface hunters would Frauns create. Each of them different. Each of them powerful. One tough. One agile. One solitary, and one pack. Two scores of these creatures were coming into being in front of Frauns. Snow given flesh. First the Dire Boar. At this point they were a herd, trampling together. Seals heard this, and seals ran, perhaps fleeing would help. Soon the herd would collapse into families.

Then the Dire Wolves. Through scent they seperated into packs, each one distrusting the others. With caution they spread. One such pack of twelve found a solitary seal run into them. They then found it delicious. They then found, even then, that the green moss begun to spead on them. Rapidly mixing it with its fur.

Soon, the seals would better learn to fight back. And the boars and the wolves would hunt each other. There is no room for fussiness in The Equal Spread. Perhaps, they would even begin to hunt the Frost Worms. Their stomachs learning to contend with the minor poison. Frost smiled at thse thoughts. He then swum way, in search for Glory like his own.

16 AP = 12 AP + 4 AP
15 AP = 16 AP - 1 AP: Create onstroud Life: Dire wolves & Dire Boars

2016-04-04, 03:14 AM
"It is a dream brother." It said to Him, realizing for the first time the bond between the two. "The dream of something lesser to be something greater. Is it not astounding and terrifying? The strength held behind something so simple as a dream. If something so grand could come from some thing so insignificant as a beam of light, then what could come if a God were to dream?"

The pearlescent mass of Shamaz body turned slightly more opaque as he felt the change around him. He then looked at what was its brother. The stars were pretty but not terrifying, they were far, like fireflies that had flown so far and got themselves stranded.

You ask many questions. I have little answers.

Shamaz didn't know what to say.

I'll use them to travel the world. I'll see and learn. Then I might have answers.

With that Shamaz undulating mass started drifting.

2016-04-04, 08:56 AM
The pearlescent mass of Shamaz body turned slightly more opaque as he felt the change around him. He then looked at what was its brother. The stars were pretty but not terrifying, they were far, like fireflies that had flown so far and got themselves stranded.

You ask many questions. I have little answers.

Shamaz didn't know what to say.

I'll use them to travel the world. I'll see and learn. Then I might have answers.

With that Shamaz undulating mass started drifting.

"Fare well my brother. Be mindful that in your search for answers, you do not forget the question."

2016-04-04, 08:30 PM
In His Crypt He Lay Dreaming...

As the Abyssal Seas turned from a primordial soup to a collection of fiendish kingdoms, the god of Blood lay at the bottom of the great ocean in his addled slumber. The violence between the Elder Four had lulled him into a trance, and his own children had sealed his eyes shut with their struggles. War throughout the multiverse was his lullaby, and though he had no eyes, his sleeping gaze wandered the cosmos. A great metaphorical shadow cast itself across the mortal plane, slowly lumbering across the vast landscape like a behemoth.

Momentarily it would settle, taking in some detail of the mortal world before moving on once more. The Mind's Eye of the Sultan wandered, dreaming of the mortal plane and observing it without conscious thought. It settled upon the demise of a small beast, the violence and death intoxicating to the Spectral presence. The creature passed, and just as the Spectre of Death was about to move on, something odd happened. The ephemeral escaped the material. The spectre lingered, watching the creature's soul drift along, a speck of flavour amidst a world of bitter nothingness.

The spectres reached out to the soul, and in his sunken tomb the Sultan stirred for but a moment. The blood of the beast called out to the soul, and the lifeless corpse twitched once more, strenuously lifting its head. The beast gazed to the sun, confused as to how it lived once more, and then came its killer. With a great lunge, the wolf wrenched the goat's head free of its body, and the soul was once again torn free of the mortal coil. This time however, it knew not but fear. For the Spectre lunged at it, spearing it with horrible claws and tearing it apart.

This was not the end of the poor beast's suffering, however. For the shadow is nothing if not an echo of he who casts it. The beast was put back together, its soul forced back into its bloody corpse. It gasped a ragged breath, only to feel the pain of death once more as the wolf tore out its lung. Agony unending seemed to await it as the Spectre ripped it again, stuffing the remnants into what little remained of the creature's original body. Only a few scraps of fur and bits of bone remained, and without a single action, the soul departed from the corpse. The Spectre shoved it back in, only to find that such a vessel could no longer house a Soul. The echo of the Blood God had tainted the world, and all souls felt its pull. Those beings who had a soul but no blood died, their souls unable to hold on to the physical world. Forevermore would life carry the Blood God's taint. The curse of life had become the curse of death, bound forever to the cycle of blood.

2 AP - 1 AP = 1 AP
1 AP - Curse: That Which Bleeds Must Die, That Which Dies Must Hurt

All creatures with blood have a soul, and all creatures with a soul have blood. Blood serves to anchor the soul to the material world. A soul without blood cannot fully affect the material world and will find itself unable to physically alter its surroundings. Those creatures with blood will lose their soul should they lose their blood. A lost soul is cast adrift on the material plane, unable to affect anything physical. The Spectre of Death, the dreaming psyche of Azj'Khan, will hunt them and devour them. Only blood can stave off the Spectre's gaze, and thus blood magic or inhabiting a living body can hide souls from the Spectre.

2016-04-04, 10:45 PM
Eq'Thaka - The First World -"Serenity"

He lingered long upon the Great Southern Steppes of The First World where the vast ocean of grass almost imperceptibly yielded to the dominion of the expansive seas. A contentment settled upon the land, periodically punctuated by the cacophony of prodigious thunderstorms - storms spawned somewhere over the sea and swept across the steppes by the Southerly Winds. At seldom, cyclonic maelstroms birthed of these violent storms would carve a twisted path across the plains. The sea would oft rise, and vent it's spleen upon The Far Shores, battering the coast to appease it's boundless ferment. Though Eq'Thaka remained incognizant of That Which Steps Softly, and despite the calming of the Din of the Blood War, he wished not to see the primal spirit of The First World broken or tamed. There he tarried...

Those were the Halcyon days of eternal summer, thus it was, and somewhere still endures.

AP 10

Weave Plane -4 AP: Aestasplanum: "The Halcyon Fields of Eternal Summer" is a plane that mirrors the Great Southern Steppes and the Far Shores at the dawn of The First World. Frozen in time before the cycle of days and seasons.

Remaining AP 6

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-05, 04:16 AM
Frauns, The Southern Steppes, The First World

Frauns swam without aim, and with little purpose. He swam untiringly, but not unerring and that lead him to The Southern Steppes. As the sea began to shallow, Frauns stood up and strode upon the grass. Frauns looked around and laughed with scorn, "ha ha ha."

This would have to be fixed. The start of an idea entered his mind, but then it ran away again. There was one idea, and the cold began to run quickly from his body, leaving almost as quickly as it was refilled. This power crept into all those souled and it included the seed of a type of sorcery: Ice Magic.

Somewhere in the Equal Spread, a seal stopped a charging boar by skewering it with an iceacle to the stomach. Manifestations in animals would tend to be rare, and power such as that even rarer. However, in the current climate while Frauns mystical coldness was fresh the occurance was less uncommon. Ice Magic projected coldness outside the user, or within, and could even allow a user handcuffed in a small locked room to create a set of keys just from the water vapour of the room. Still, that is a long way off now.

Frauns looked at the Southern Steppes. There were no discernible changes. There were no discernible changes. Frauns did not expect there to be. He had not really started yet.

11 AP= 15 AP - 4 AP: Create Magical Concept: Ice Magic.
10 AP= 11 AP - 1 AP: Bless: The temporary bolstering of Ice Magic.

2016-04-07, 01:21 AM
Breeth'r - Arrakis

While the World was shaped by a new generation of powers, the Waste God cared little for its works. For now.

Instead, he devoted himself to his great work, the formation of his palace. To that end, the world around him likely didn't even notice his presence. However, the power within Breeth'r most certainly grew and the Waste God himself was aware of his growing power.

In order to better contain the growing powers of creation that were forming in the heart of his domain, Breeth'r formed a great glass dome that cut through the middle of the Pillars of Creation. Within the dome and the base, a great eternal sandstorm now blew, giving the entire structure the illusion of a brown, shifting surface. While the desert sands nearby remained calm, the great gathering of power which was forming in the center of this plane no longer went unnoticed by its native denizens. The Sand Worms began to congregate near the Palace of Sand. They felt... called to this power, though they did not yet understand it.

Whenever many of their number were present nearby, golden flashes of energy would shoot forth from the sands and play about the landscape. Though they did not know it, very soon a great secret would be unlocked to them, and when it was, the World below would never be the same.

Breeth'r, for his part, merely continued his great creation.

ap: 1=2+4-3-2, 0pap=1pap-1pap
2 ap to start, +4 from rollover
-3(discounted from 2 utility artifacts, create the Glass Dome, the next piece of the Palace of sand, another utility artifact to discount the Create Artifact action)
-2(gain domain: Thirst (Desiccation), 1 pap spent as well)

actions for the Thirst domain:
4ap: create Arrakis, a plane that literally destroys water on contact
3ap: create the Pillars of Creation, which acts as a focal point for the desiccating properties of Arrakis

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-07, 02:11 AM
Frauns, The Southern Steppes, The First World

To fix this place? How best to do it? Frauns gave a cruel smile. He wondered if anyone was watching, perhaps that voice that had spoken to him at birth. Frauns looked at the sea,the salty water began to rise in small shapes and freeze. They small sculptures cracked. The gnomes fell, their small arms splashing furtively to keep the self from drowning. Yes, these would be his actual curse.

As the gasping gnomes made their way upon the shore, water being expelled out of their lungs once they got to safety. Hesse were the creatures born so very close to the origination of Ice Magic, they were naturals at it. Although, the gnomes had little malice it is the case that Ice Magic - in groups where all are trying to make it colder then the effect - can be awesome. Aye these little people would be the curse alright.

Although, just to be sure he gave them a subtle imperative to make it colder. Frauns looked at them with a paternal smile, just to be sure.

8 AP = 10 AP - 2 AP: Create Sentine Race: Gnomes, small Ice Magic users of varied alignment.

2016-04-07, 02:12 AM
The Godling looked down upon the world and saw It for all it was. The land that faced the sun did not turn from it, growing warm and full in its light, never having know its absence. The great sea that faced the void knew only darkness before the stars, but still it had never felt the warmth of the sun. The storms that raged always followed the same pattern. Rising from the sun baked land, falling upon the land that lay in between, then dying once it reached the dark and cold ocean. While much life filled the earth, very little lived within the sea. And one day, if nothing was done, there would be no more water upon the earth, for the storms formed only in the sun and died only in the sea.

This Realization displeased The Godling. The realization that life would never move from the earth and that if it was found incapable, would fall from the world entirely.

Moved by the weight of this understanding, The Godling looked upon the world and the world began to turn from his gaze. it turned on an unseen focal point across its center. The sea that had know only the void, now faced the blinding, yet warming, light of Sorath for the first time. The land that had know the sun for so long was taken from it, met with only the cold of the void and the gentle light from the stars. While this change was shocking to all at first, life would one day realize that every time the sun would set in the south, it would inevitably rise in the north.

Still The Godling looked upon the world with desire in Its eyes. A desire for even greater change, For The Godling knew all It could know about what was, but knew none of what could be. Thus did the world move from the gods gaze. The world would move aside the sun, closer then it had ever been. The land would be baked under the heat. Once frozen ice would melt and once tepid water would boil. But still The Godling looked on and so did the world keep moving, beyond the sun, farther than it had ever been. The newly melted seas would freeze once more, as now they were colder than they had ever been. One the land did snow fall for the first time as the clouds fell from the sky without melting and blanketed the land in ice. The world had stopped running, having done all it could to flee The Godling's gaze. However it continued to drift and turn around the sun, in the new paths it had carved for itself and it would continues to do so for eons to come.

The Godling was filled with Joy and Fear as It looked upon Its work. The World now knew the change of night and day as well as the cycle of seasons. These phenomena where unknown to all before this moment and now they would hold as a universal truth. Until a day when another decides a new truth.

Thus was the Godling filled with a realization both exhilarating and terrifying. "So This is what can come from the dreams of a God."

Starting Ap: 15

-1Ap Alter Land: The Cycle of Night and Day ( The World now rotates on an axis that runs horizontally through the planet. The sun sets in the south and rises in the north. allowing all sides of the world to know both the light of the sun and the stars. A day on this world last for approximately 30hrs)

-1Ap Alter Land: The Worlds orbit around Sorath ( The world moves in an elliptical orbit around the sun. Causing a shifting in the seasons of the world. one solar year for this world is about 400, 30hr days.)

Remaining Ap: 13

2016-04-07, 06:50 AM
Silver sat on her throne, watching the world change. All the others seemed to ignore her for the moment. She didn't mind, she was content to watch her creations.

She watched as the Hermit took a group through one of the forests of the migrating continent, showing them how to forage various berries. She smiled at the Wheel of Fortune as she ran after the Dvati children, trying to get them to stop fighting. Even endowed with the glory of the goddess, the Arcana weren't always obeyed, especially by the children.

She was pleasantly surprised when one of the others moved the planet. Looks like they figured out that standing in one place was going to get them nowhere... slowly. However she was not too worried about this new development. The migrating continent was a product of her dreams, and she dreaded it a certain way. When the planet itself started moving, the continent simply adjusted it's movement slightly to maintain its previous state. It even stuck to it's previous time table of 23-29 hour days. Silver shrugged. She didn't really bother setting it's movements too much, having created it with a certain climate and letting it move around as needed to maintain it.

2016-04-08, 01:46 PM
The mirroring god travelled over the first world. His journey was a long one, there was much to see and learn. As he travelled debris accumulated atop him, like a crown, like experience. He studied the animals, their direr varieties and the nascent societies. Gnomes and Dvati, Dvati and Gnomes. Shamaz took the shape of both creatures and some of their essence and thoughts imprinted upon his chromed surface.

His journey made him sleepy, and tired, his body too heavy with the land that had grown over him. On it's base it was the dark basalt from the deepest oceans, covered in dried clay and minerals that had stuck to him in his journey, tanglet atop of it by vines and roots were stones from the migrating continent trying to lift themselves back into the air. There were trees there and other plants too, but the most common vegetation was the moss that had stuck to him when he had crossed the northern continent.

The god looked for a place to rest and it had passed one such place in the southern steps. There the breeze was warm and the grass was soft. It would be able to rest there. And perhaps dream. What was its dream? The god didn't know. And sleep proved like a good way to discover.

So when the godly mass, with a ruinous mountain on top, finally settled on the southern steps and fell to the ground seeping into the land there was a tall tombstone marking his place of rest. Surrounded by mirrory waters a mountain unlike any other rested on the steppes. It was rough, uneven, asymetrical. A cubist abstraction of what a mountain was with edges that sometimes didn't even make sense. It wasn't even one full piece for the mountain had stones and parts floating close to it. The thing barely made sense. It was covered in trees and moss, like a hairy mantle, that grew wilder with the steppes blessed climate.

In it's deepest reaches the god slept in a pool of a chromed lake. And from it's shores bubbled the first of the gods dreamed memories. Like the mountain around them they were alien to symmetry only similar in their mismatchedness. Each body was in aesthetical battle with itself, and whatever mold had been used to cast them hadn't been shared. Yet overall they were wiry, emaciated fellows, with angular bodies topped with lantern jawed faces sporting slitted eyes, sharp ears and short crops of hair.

Goblins are eusocial creatures, not unlike ants or termites, inhabiting the vowels of the mountain, that they have come to call Khorama, or Den in the goblin tongue. Females are served by their progeny, born from their unfertilized eggs, smaller gnome sized goblins, that little capacity for thought beyond following orders as they lack a proper soul. Each fully formed female is then a queen, studious of statecraft and sorcery, capable of spawning pits of goblins to do her bidding. But what about males? Males have complicated lives. They are inmune to the lures of females, and thus dangerous, but without them no true souled female can be breed, thus necessary. They live in the edges of civilized society leading individual solitary lives not unlike those of a tiger. Sometimes through sheer badassery, cunning, and hunting prowress they can impress females and through it gain the servitude of haploid goblins, the lesser kind, or even arrange a tryst.

AP 10 + 4 AP - 1 AP - 2 AP - 1 AP - 2 AP - 1 AP - 2 AP = 5 AP left

-1 AP: Alter Land; Khorama, the Den, the goblin mountain is a tall mountain surrounded by a lake located slightly to the north of the center of the southern stepes. It is the goblins place of birth and their actual living place.

-2 AP: Create Sapient Race; Goblins, goblins are similar in size to Dvati and normal humanoids, but their form cannot be taken for others as they are difficult to look at. While they aren't ugly they are asymetrical and mismatched as befits creatures spawned from the mirroring surface of Shamaz. Their personality though is closer to the fair folk than to typical goblins, females are cunning spellcasters playing games that would make xanatos proud, while males are total bros more concerned about making a good story than sane decisions.

-1 AP: Create Subrace; Goblinoids, more like tipical fantasy goblins, small, comedic, crazy, and with a tendency to blow up. They come in several varieties color coded for their spawners convenience! Can be breed and reared to adapt to different tasks but for the most part don't have much initiative beyond making plans go awry. This guys are haploid creatures, born from unfertilized females, and they have very small souls, barely a spark. They are enthralled to the female that spawned them, as if they were the other half of a dvati pair, but this link can be relinquished to a fullblooded male. Goblinoids cannot produce offspring since they lack the necessary genetical information and technically they are all genderless.

-2 AP: Create Society: Goblin courts, the society has a strong contrast between females industrious social leaders and males adventurous outcasts. Each fullblooded female will surround themselves with lesser goblinoids to do their bidding and ensure their survivality, females tend to be jealous of each other. This courts are lawful by design normally relenting to the rulership of more powerful or resourceful females and glue together goblin society. The two most important courts are winter and summer court, who each rule during the coldest and the warmest days, ensuing the goblins continued survival and providing opposite outlooks on their practices. The goblin queens are called Rani in their language.

-1AP: Create Organizations: Courts are a female construct, males sometimes have brotherhoods. Brotherhoods are rare, they are formed when at least two males chose to collaborate. This organizations, unlike the courts, aren't rulled by lineage and pheromones but by honor, martial might, mutual respect, and pride. Technically a brotherhood could accept non goblins, if they prove worthy. Brotherhoods have goblinoid servants, who have freer reign than in the courts, loaned for services rendered to the courts. The brotherhoods are the most likely to drift afar from the Den as they always look for an opportunity to raise their stature. The brotherhood leader is called a Pahilo, and it simply means first.

-2AP (discounted through artifact charge): Gain domain Life (Goblin); actions taken, all of the above.

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-08, 05:28 PM
Frauns, The Southern Steppes, The First World To Halycon To Arrakis

Frauns turned his back on the gnomes and started to walk away. They did not need any more of his help he was sure. He had given power enough. Perhaps, even more power than needed. For how could any foe fight against the power of Ice Magic. Although, Frauns had made them small and weak, he had a sudden feeling of regret. The power of magic? Did he remove all struggle. He gave one last luck around with his empty eyesockets, as he felt the power of magic rushing through him.

Frauns thoughts then turned to what else he had done. The creation of the Dire Wolves, Dire Boars, Frost Worms and and the continent that they resided upon. It was a shame that no creature but Frauns of any intelligence could enjoy it. To struggle through it - not that it was a struggle for Frauns. Almost as he thought this and he begun feeling a power, in The Equal Spread a dire boar was much on a Frost Worm it had killed. It stood up on its hind-legs and screamed "disgusting". It was as if a competiton, those creatures strongest being transformed into something else.

Frauns only half understood that as he felt the strange feeling. It also felt sightly warmer, but Frauns resisted the temptation to look again at his gnomes. Instead he entered Arrakesh, a place that he was born with knowledge. At the bottom of a dune, at first glance nothing seemed to have changed, but Frauns climbed up.

6 AP = 8 AP (I counted wrong the last time) - 2 AP Create Species: Beastmen - a mix between humanoid, wolf and boar. Generally has much humanoid properties, but some are almost simply very smart wolves and boars; although it is even more uncommon to find one incapable of speech.
3 AP = 6 AP - 3 AP Gain Domain: Magic (Ice) - Create Ice Magic, Bless Ice Magic, Create Ice Magic using Gnomes
0 AP = 3 AP - 3 AP Gain Domain: Strength (Competition): Dire wolves & boars, frost worms, the Equal Spread, Beastmen

2016-04-08, 08:52 PM
Eq'Thaka - The Halcyon Fields of Eternal Summer - "Complacency"

He looked on as The First World began to move, slowly at first but soon settling into a regular rhythm. There upon the Halcyon Fields he watched as the first night moved across the land, and witnessed the stars fulfill their promise of illumination - too pale to surpass the light of Sorath, but in her absence revealing a more subtle allure. With the night too, came an array of creatures better attuned to its gloaming aspect. Predators, scavengers, foragers - the First World was nearly as vibrant with life under the stars as it was beneath Sorath's gaze. And thus began the march of days.

As The First World traversed its circuit around Sorath, life adapted and evolved. Some sought to escape the loss of Sorath's warmth by hibernating, some migrating, and others learned to subsist, scratching out a meager existence through the bleak season. Across the verdant landscape the cycle of pollination, germination, maturation, and dormancy slowly displaced the static existence of the dawn of The First World. Though there was suffering and death, Eq’Thaka came to understand that the vitality of life, in all its forms, stems from the mutability resultant from its aspirations to endure, to persevere. He mused, that which demonstrates the tenacity to survive grows more resilient with each new challenge.

The natural beauty of the world was captivating - almost hypnotic, however, it was as the stars against Sorath's light compared to the coming of the gods to the steppes.

First came the shadow; a nebulous and malignant consciousness that moved across the steppes. A shadow that did not dim the light of Sorath, but rather the very life of The First World itself. The Unbowed looked on in horror as the Spectre of Death tortured the soul of the wolf's kill, a natural act defiled, made unclean....unholy. As the Spectre moved away gleefully devouring soul upon soul, an idea began to take shape in his mind. The vitality, tenacity, and resiliency demonstrated by the living world that had awed him seemingly moments ago would now be possibly made extinct. As the physical traits of the strongest living things were passed along to each successive generation, perhaps too, should the spiritual traits be.

But now came another. As the hulking blue form pulled itself from the Southern Seas, Eq'Thaka felt a pull...a connection that drew his gaze. Clothed in an array of beastly hides, the eyeless, boar-tusked god strode upon the Far Shores giving voice to his malicious mirth. An icy chill fell across the Steppes revealing the god’s disposition and origins. This is The Precursor. The One That Came Before. Of the Father, but birthed from his anger and resentment. We are both alike and wholly different, for he shares Father’s want of desolation. Ware this one, for a certain viciousness lies within his heart. Thus he bore witness to his brother's twin creations of Ice Magic and Gnomes, and though he cared not at all for the first, the second was a splendor to behold! What is this?! Life? Both self-aware, and blessed with free-will? You far surpass what I thought you to be brother.

Then came The Mountain. Rolling down upon the steppes from the north came a tremendous mass, for this god was attired in the detritus of The First World. It was the repository of its own experiences and encounters. It settled upon the great plain, buried in the rubble of it's recent past, and it dreamt. Yet its dreams were made manifest and Eq'Thaka again observed the birth of a new species of life. There upon the Great Southern Steppes Goblins assumed their place in the world as the Gnomes before them. Where some saw ugliness in their riotous form, The Unbowed discerned only the beauty of their free-will made manifest in the subtle entropy of their bodies. They named the mountain that entombed their creator, Khorama and made it the home of their industrious societies.

Thus it was that he was joyfull and filled with a childlike wonder until his mind's eye was inexorably drawn back to The Spectre's indiscriminate depredations. A mother grouse feigned a broken wing, giving her life to the fox to save her chicks - The Spectre came. A proud stag fell to the lion defending his herd - The Spectre came. The Pahilo of a Goblin Brotherhood falls to his death trying to slay the winged beast preying upon his people - The Spectre came.

A righteous determination welled up within him and he grew wroth with himself, You have grown lazy and complacent you proud fool! The Father did not sit you at this bountiful table for quiescent observation! Turning he launched into a mighty gallop across the Halcyon Fields, his hooves infusing the plane with divine beneficence as he ran. His spirit cried out to The First World, trailing a haunting echo in its wake, and his eyes beheld a sanctuary for the valorous souls that sacrifice all.

Starting AP = 6
Infuse Plane -3AP: Aestasplanum-"The Halcyon Fields of Eternal Summer" becomes a Good Aligned holy plane barring magic and entry to anyone not 'chosen' by Eq'Thaka.
Bless -1 AP: Afterlife - the souls of those that have given their life in the defense of others are granted access to Aestasplanum. The souls transition through multiple stages
- The Mourning: a brief period of remeberance
- The Feasting: an extended period of celebration
- The Warding: a period of guardianship over Aestasplanum
- The Choosing: after serving as guardians, souls are given the choice of returning to the material plane
- The Forgetting: if a soul chooses to be reborn it must forget its past life
Bless -1 AP: Reincarnation: Those souls that undergo The Forgetting can be reincarnated to walk the material plane again in a different form

Remaining AP 1.

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-09, 03:44 PM
Gnomes, The Southern Steppes

The Sharers began when one little tribe offered to share some of its very little surplus with another tribe. Then that tribe reciprocated. Other tribes began to enter into this informal pact. Perhaps, the most interesting case was with one tribe lead by a gnome of particular wit and cunning. He drowned his weak and elderly just before dinner. With the new surplus, his tribe bought the self access into The Sharers.

He did this with the deliberate intention of abusing it, however for all his intelligence it would probably not be sustainable. However, for the time being he dedicate himself to only light work, and concern himself with the phenonama of cold. It paid off and so it was that Jinpa become the first Ice Wizard.

The Sharers itself almost became a vestigial society, as the capability of Ice Wizards allowed the individual tribes themselves to produce a reliable source of food, for even the basic skewering with an icicle can fell most beasts.

4 AP = 0 AP + 4 AP (Rollover)
2 AP = 4 AP - 2 AP (Create Society)

2016-04-09, 10:21 PM
Breeth'r - Arrakis, Gathering of Power

As Breeth'r continued to shape the Palace of Sand, he thought back to all that he had done so far upon the world. Other than a reckless assault upon his enemy's domain when he was at his weakest and his foe was at his strongest, Breeth'r hadn't done much in this world. Instead, he had stayed back and consolidated his power, building up towards something greater.

"It will soon be time for us to make our mark upon the World." Breeth'r told the gathered Sand Worms. "When the time is right, all shall know the power of the Waste."

Not yet seeing the promise of power that their master was speaking of, they nevertheless could feel as the power nascent in the forming structure radiated outward and filled all of Arrakis with its might.

ap: 0=1(start)+4-2-3+1pap-1pap
-2, -1 pap: Gain Domain: Domination (Power)
actions taken for domain:
5 ap: the Great Foundation, the base of the Palace of Sand's power
1 ap: joined the Primordial Reah, a joining of primordial powers
1ap: split the cost of making Primal Magic, which manipluates the primal powers of the universe

-3: Gain Domain: Creation (Sandshaping)
actions taken for domain:
4 ap: create Sand Worms, natural masters at manipulating the powers of the Sand
3ap: create the Glass Dome, which acts as a focus for the forces of the Waste, as well as attracting the Sand Worms.

with the Sand, Earth, Thirst, Domination, and Creation domains, I do believe that puts Breeth'r as our first Lesser Deity.

2016-04-09, 11:02 PM
Watching the other gods work, Silver frowned. Her followers were disorganized. If the others or their creations found their way to the migrating continent, the Dvati would be unable to resist. With an almost imperceptible wave of her small hand, she called over the Tower. Unlike the other gods Silver did not need to have a scary or brilliant appearance. It is not how one looks, but how one carries themselves. That is what the girl believed. She might not look like much but in her the Arcana could see more power than they did in any of the other gods.

The Tower was given a task, to organize the Dvati, to teach them how to build great cities. They are to be the envy of all other races. Modeled after the palace at Tir Na Nog, cities of spires and towers reaching high up into the sky. The Tower did not protest, but Silver could see that this task was perhaps too much to be accomplished within the time she wanted. Looking out into the palace grounds, she thought of a solution.

Night was her time, as the world slept, she liked to watch over her creations. Sadly the light of the stars was simply not enough. Closing her eyes, she dreamed of a world lit up during the night. Not the sun's hot harsh rays, but a soft glow, like the one found within her palace. As she opened her eyes, before her stood a new god.

Welcome to the world of dreams. My name is Silver. I am the goddess of dreams. I saw you in my dream, and here you stand. But for me this is a common occurrence. I dreamt this world's first race, and I made the greatest weapon which makes even someone like me able to stand against the other much... scarier gods." she said in her soft voice. The glory of a godddess radiating from her made even this simple girl as important as any of the other gods.

"I do not know who made me, as they have not made themselves known to me. I do not know if that is how it is supposed to be done, but you are always welcome in my palace. You do not owe me anything, but I do hope we can work together. My people, the Dvati are vulnerable and in need of guidance. I hope we could find common interest in helping them thrive. I am sending one of my Arcana to help them learn to organize themselves. Perhaps if you have the time, you could share some of your knowledge with them as well..."

Said the little goddess with a smile.

Looking over to her Arcana, she gives them a small nod. The Tower departs for the migrating continent, followed shortly by Strength. Needing no special instructions, Strength knows that this is the time to teach the Dvati how to defend themselves. First though, they have to believe in their own strength.

Silver turns back to the new god.

"As a gift, if you wish to accept it, I send one of my Arcana to help you. You can contact me through her, if you are ever unable to return back here."

She gives a small sign, and one of her Arcana (The Moon) walks forward, bows to the new god and goes to stand by his side.


+4 AP Rollover
1AP Form Society (Shared): The Dvati kingdom of Avalon
2 AP Create Sub-Concept: Authority
Power similar to the god's Glory, but usable only by the mortals. Authority is similar in some respects to magic, but not as versatile. It is however much stronger. Authority depends on one's strength of will, and the desire/belief that they are deserving of victory/success in a particular action. It varies in strength between individuals, and an especially gifted child with a strong will, can knock out a grown adult with a slap. While incapable of direct "counter spells" it also weakens hostile magic near the user, with the strongest being able to shrug off even the most deadly spells with ease. However if the user doubts themselves, or does not believe they deserve to win, they lose the benefits of Authority.
Other benefits of Authority (are endless really, but...) include being unaffected by severe conditions, requiring no sleep, ignoring/healing wounds, shaping objects, etc. However all this requires varying degrees of concentration (though possible in combat). The few exceptions including things like not freezing to death when sleeping in cold weather, as some effects may work passively, unless the individual goes to sleep completely discouraged/broken/depressed, in which case they'd make a nice icicle.

1AP left

2016-04-10, 12:12 AM
Eq'Thaka - The Halcyon Fields of Eternal Summer -"Echoes"

The echo of Eq'Thaka's call from Aestasplanum rolled first across the Great Southern Steppes like the peal of distant thunder, gathering momentum as it moved across The First World.

Turning his wild gallop in a slow arch across the Halcyon Fields, tremendous mountains erupted from the loamy soil in his wake.

Starting AP 1 +4(rollover) = 5

Create Mythical Sub Concept -1 AP(shared with thethird) Spirit Magic: Glory + Blood Magic = Spirit Magic. Spirit Magic uses the departed ancestors memories and experience as source of power not the caster soul. Spirit Magic can be used for healing, drawing inspiration from the animals spirits of The Halcyon Fields(such as the sight of a hawk, the courage of a lion, the strength of a bear, etc...), or to commune with ancestral spirits of Aestasplanum, though these spirits are limited in knowledge to what they knew in life. In this way Eq'Thaka hopes to pass along the nobler character traits of each species to each successive generation.

Alter Land -0 AP(Infused Plane): The Halcyon Fields that mirrored the Great Southern Steppes bounded to the south by the Far Shores, are now enclosed to the North by a great mountain range named The Embrace.

Remaing AP: 4

2016-04-10, 03:03 AM
Which Steps Softly - Bastion of Whispered Promises

Creation had grown quiet save for the steps of the new Gods and it was in these small echoes Which Steps Softly moved. It whispered into its Cauldron and whipped a storm about itself that rent both itself and the Cauldron asunder until the two were one and the same and the shards of the mighty artifact were as armor to the silent God for it knew it would have need to walk Creation and show itself before the younger Gods and its brothers alike. It eyed the Sun, its lost sister and conspired soon to devour it for Which Steps Softly was not unlike its brothers and held greed deep in its heart.

The First World too had grown quiet, the mighty storms and quakes that shook the foundations of the clear water and the pristine earth were no more and smaller things still walked the primordial lands that it had divided with mighty quakes. So it took another form, that of a great scaled beast with a tail as mighty as a redwood and wings that blocked the sky and it soared through the storms with great delight as lightning sparkled against its body. It was Shin Lo, the Reckoner now and those scales that were blasted from its body fell to the First World only to land within the Roots of the World. Here they took root and grew into similar mighty creatures, vast Dragons that could drink a lake empty with one swallow and belch fires to clear forests with a simple breath. They were disasters made flesh and their roars echoed deep into the very heart of the mighty mountains and they did prey on any foolish enough to wander into their lairs.

On Dragons: A Compendium

Dragons or as they call themselves in their own language Children of the Root Fires are mighty large scaled creatures possessing a mind that cares only for the taste of freshly scorched meat, shiny things and being left alone in their intricate cavern systems they have dug for themselves within the mountains known as the Roots of the World. Malicious and spiteful, Dragons are as powerful as any practitioner of the Primal Magic of Cataclysm that has ever lived on top of their potent physical abilities and mighty breaths that ignite the very air. All Dragons are born with six limbs. Four legs, two of which can be used as arms, and two large batlike wings along with a mighty spike covered tail that can be used like a whip and club all in one. Many older Dragon have lost a wing or even their tail in combat with one another for territory or mating rights though this often results in more ruthless and nasty creatures rather than weaker or infirm beasts. Dragons are covered in steel like scales over their entire body except their underbellies though even the skin found there in is as tough as boiled leather and difficult to puncture. Dragons do not have blood like regular mortal creatures but instead potent liquid fire that expels from their body at high speeds when cut. This inner fire allows Dragons to bathe even in lava with little concern and it has been noted that some Dragons even drink the molten rock that seeps from the center of the world. Dragon bones, much like Dragon scales, are incredibly strong and dense even though they are filled with hollow spaces like that of a bird. Dragon bones are rare in the wild though little yet is known why though some scholars believe that rival Dragons hoard the material while young Dragon bones simply cannot resist the pressure and heat of their bodies and melt as their organs rupture at death.

Solitary creatures by nature, Dragons are incredibly territorial and will attempt to kill anything that dare trespass in their homes which they sense with powerful senses of scent and hearing as well as a limited form of tremorsense that allows them to feel minute vibrations in rock. Dragon courtship, if it can be called that, is a violent affair where two Dragons will attempt to mate with one another. Dragons do not have males and females like typical animals and instead breed through extreme heat and strange magical rituals woven deep in the Primal Magics. Once these brief affairs are complete one of the two Dragons, often the loser of the mighty fights these rituals seem to be, will lay one to five obsidian eggs in their caves. These eggs require constant heat that only the blood of Dragons can provide and thus need their "mother" Dragon to lay about them until they hatch. Once hatched, the baby Dragon or Dragons will be kicked out of their "mother's" nest and will search for cracks in their home mountains where ever possible. The hatching cycle of a Dragon Egg can take anywhere between ten to fifteen years and are blessed times of peace for any village near a Dragon's lair. Dragons are incredibly long lived if left to their own devices and are resistant to most diseases, poisons and venoms though with the limited range they can be found and competition for space their numbers are thankfully low. Most young Dragons do not live to see full maturity, eaten by older and more viscous members of their kin or they wander too far into mortal encampments and are killed before they can become too threatening. Young Dragons lack the steel like qualities in their scales which makes young Dragonhide useless for armor and their bones are too soft to be harvested, generally burned up by their blood when they die.

Though living disasters they might be Dragons are not Gods and while difficult to kill owing to their natural resistances and bodies they have several tendencies that can be exploited that makes them easier to deal with. Dragons are fond of shiny things much like the raven and their legendary tempers can be soothed with gifts of precious metals and gems for Dragons do not naturally have the means to produce such finery. Dragons are also vain and love to hear those they see as weaker praise them, often sparing particularly glib individuals if their fancies have been flamed enough. Dragons are also especially fond of music and be struck hypnotized by a powerful voice, seeming to prefer the voices of young men over all others. The final weakness of the Dragon is perhaps the most easy to exploit for Dragons are said to have two brains. One in their head and one in their stomach. Dragons are struck helpless in the face of burnt meat and will attempt to devour it at all costs even if they are being attacked or wounded. Many Dragonslayers have utilized a still flaming cow to fit under a Dragon and pierce their hearts and while older Dragons have managed to curb this compulsion it is a rare feat even for them not to at least be distracted by the dying cries of a cooking living creature.

AP 3 + 4 AP PAP: 1

Create Magical Life - 4AP: Dragons - Dragons are living disasters, eating and burning everything in their wake. They have a love for treasure and rest within the Roots of the World.

Divine Infuse -3 AP: Which Steps Softly infuses the Storm Cauldron, granting it even more power

Gain Domain - 1PAP Strength (Inner Resolve)

Actions Towards

Create Artifact: The Storm Cauldron +5
Divine Infusion: The Storm Cauldron +3

Which Steps Softly is now a Lesser Deity

7 AP - 4AP - 3 AP = 0 AP

1PAP - 1PAP = 0PAP

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-10, 06:44 AM
Gnomes, The Southern Steppes

Sharer Jinpa was enjoying the status that had come once his technique of ice magic had leaked. The old wizard walking with his ice cane was a face that numerous gnomes would recognise - he was the closest thing to a celebrity that gnomes knew - and with a name that almost all gnomes would recognise. A very popular name it is being Jinpa's fame as the first sharer, or the first of sharers; it varied.

Jinpa was wandering a natural grove which great animals, if they had any sense, stayed far from it being a common walking ground for gnomish ice wizards. He would soon return to his tribe an continuing leading it with his autocratic methods and ice-clad fist. It was a way that most Sharers lead their tribes, typically in direct imitation of the 'first sharer', even when it went against their natures.

Sharer Jinpa picked a piece of fruit and bit into it, as he continued walking. Reaching near the end of the grove he begun to turn to return to his tribe, when he tripped over an exposed rock. The elderly gnome was bleeding and struggled to get up. Indeed he couldn't get up. And as he bled, as elderly gnomes in that predicament are wont to do, his soul was treated in the way that a soul in that predicament is wont to do.

2016-04-10, 10:15 AM
Eq’Thaka – Aestasplanum – "The Companion"

As he labored to shape Aestasplanum to match his vision, he paused upon the Halcyon Shores contemplating the spirits of the fallen and how they would come safely to this haven. Watching the waves crest upon the shore and retreat back to the sea - playful eddies and currents left in their wake - an idea took root in his mind.

So it was that he shifted, for the first time into another form; that of a great bronze-skinned warrior, clad in unadorned leather armor hefting an ivory greatspear. Planting the spear firmly nearby, he removed his horned-helm and fearsome face plate, sat upon the malleable sands, and raised up with his hands a shifting form from the beach.

Born of the sands and the waters of Aestasplanum, you shall be eternal. You shall be as both like and unlike to me as I to my Father. You shall share my strength of will and purpose, but shall not seek the lonely places of the world. The task I set for you, is not mine alone, for surely others will call forth the spirits and souls of the world to a place of their choosing. You shall act not only as their shepherd but as a companion to those that travel hence. Act as you will, for I would not bind you to me nor see you bound to others, and this task will oft be difficult. It will require guile and cunning to elude the Spectre of Death. Thus was Kobu born from the shifting tidal sands as Eq’Thaka looked down upon The First World still filled with the childlike wonder at the sentient life others had wrought, and a gentle rain began to fall.

Cue Angsty

2016-04-10, 10:41 AM
Shamaz, Khorama

When the god woke from his resting slumber he was surprised to find goblin civilization flourishing around himself. The deepest reaches within the lake had been a place of worship and rest, a sancta sanctorum of sorts. There were many statues there, crudely carved in stone and embellished with metals, jewels and pelts. Most represented familiar scenes, goblins that had lived and whose memories were now honoured and prayed upon. He navigated the cemetery with a smile in his lips, his shape was that of a goblin male, taking cues from the statues around him. As he was to leave and traverse the mountain he met three statues that stood taller than the rest and had fresher and more populous oblations. Two were females, mirroring each other, and the other was male standing pridefuly aside. The first woman was stern, her gaze almost looking down on the observer, her arms were crossed over her belly, that was full. She wore a long tunic, painted in ocre warm colors, and at her feet rested wheat wreaths and dried figgs The other female had an easy smile on her lips and despite carrying a similar body posture the effect was different, as if she was going to embrace to observer. Her tunic was in whites and pale blues, and her feet were some fragant oranges and mounts of rice. The male figure was garbed in pelts and wore a helmet crested with superb antlers, if the other figures were static this appeared to be about to run, to stride forward. At his feet were pieces of dried meat, cheese and bread.

The god stood there for a moment studying the figures. A smile upon his lips as he deposited some keys at the statues feets and made his way to the world outside. The city was broiling with activity, the streets had been cut into the mountain as parallel and straight as possible, providing some order into the chaos, in fact swathes of land had been cut and leveled to better fit the expanding metropolis. Shamaz looked upwards, seeing children playing on the streets amidst buildings and merchants trading and exchanging wares. The goblinoids were a vivacious lot moving hurriedly from one place to the next. As far as he could see from where he was standing there were few goblins there.

He moved upwards and soon met them. Mostly females gathered in a square wearing long garbed clothes and arguing. There were few males there but the few that stood appeared to be contempt with listening, and so did the god. Thus he found out about winter, who was apparently ruling now, and how the city reacted to it. There were many festive activities going on, music, plays and odes were being announced. But constructions were also necessary, a new orchard needed to be built and the queens gathered were arguing over who would carry such task.

He moved down the mountain and he crossed several as he did was the first time that he saw the paddy fields. Carefully leveled atop the mountain they were innundated and mudy, with crops being harvested by boasting goblinoids that sang as they worked. Shamaz sat there observing, listening, as the harvest was completed. Then he went farther down.

At the mountains base, by the lake, were several trees planted carefully some of which wore fruit. The god grabbed a pear and started munching on it as he made it to the edge of the lake. The fruit was juicy and sweet filling a need that he hadn't known existed. He approached a warehouse and started collecting goods, mostly food, before being asked by a tired loking goblinoid to pay for them. Through haggle he ended exchanging a key, a good one cast in amber, for his loot.

He crossed the lake and started a journey. He needed to meet his brother once again. He travelled far and wide to where the stars told him that the inscrutable rested. He had seen what dreams could make. And perhaps he had an answer. A good one. He tossed some dried figs into his mouth. Yes, that was definetively a good answer.

AP 5 + AP 4 (from rollover) - AP 1. AP 8 Remaining

AP 1 Create Subconcept Spirit Magic (with Eq'Thaka): Spirit magic not only can provide fuel or guidance through the soul of the ancestor. But if the ancestor was skilled in a particular form of magic, a mythical concept, this can resonate through the spirit magic link. In cases of elemental magic (such as earth, wind or ice) this can replace the need for the element itself, in other cases the effect might be different such as authority allowing the spirit to provide the fuel for spirit magic irregardless of divine intervention. Overall spirit magic, provided that the spirit in question is skilled with a form of magic and willing, allows access to that form of magic. Spirits are then pokemons, you gotta catch them all.

2016-04-10, 01:08 PM
Breeth'r - Arrakis, Time of New Life

Flush with new power as the Waste God continued his great work upon the Palace of Sand, it came to his attention that the First World was a place that he could not go himself. Even before his presence had reached the point where its power would harm it, the Evil One's poison had infused the World and made it unlivable. It was the very act of that one's bite which had torn Breeth'r free of this world.

However, Breeth'r had plans for that world. He would win it back. To that end, he needed an agent who would be able to act in that world directly. One with the power to shape the lesser lives that now inhabited the place. However, unlike his previous children, this child would be born here on Arrakis, and it would find itself no less at home here than the Sand Worms, should he wish to be here.

Taking the raw power from the heart of the Glass Dome and infusing it into pure, divine sands surrounding the Palace of Sand, Breeth'r shaped a form like those of the mortals below, though much more grand and noble in presence. Infusing it with a spark of his own power, Breeth'r brought forth to life in the nexus of shaping and creation a son designed to bring forth craft and perhaps a control on magic to the mortal world.

"Greetings, my son. I have formed you here among the Wastes that it might always be a home to you, should you seek it, yet this is not your purpose, for you are able to do something I am not: you may tread upon the World below and shape its events directly. You now have my blessing to simply do as you will, for in your will I have given you all you need. I demand no honors nor expect no special privileges from you for the act of your creation, for I have earned none. Instead, I ask only that you do as you will, for you are born mighty and great shall be your will as you act upon the cosmos."

cue the birth of one Keldor and another player's entrance into the game

2016-04-10, 01:43 PM
A Growing Rot

The Slumbering Horror stirred beneath the Abyssal Sea, his wandering Psyche devouring another helpless soul on the mortal plane. His dreaming mind had grown fat and bloated on the souls of the doomed dead, his power growing with each meal. The Demon Sultan's body swelled, his oily flesh suffused with blood and his cavernous maws slowly opening and closing in a rhythmic snore. Stay thoughts escaped their bloody prison, flitting about in the Black Pit and feeding back into their source. Azj'Khan let out a roar, his slumber disturbed for but a moment, but long enough to put fear into the hearts of those Demons that heard him. The Churning Horror was stirring, and soon he would awaken.

The Demon Lords, for one moment, set aside their hatred of one another, and gathered in secret, discussing the implications of their awakening progenitor.
"His slumber allows us to grow. If he awakens, our rule is at an end!" spoke Delugon, the Caliph of Anguish, a massive bright-red demon with four muscle-bound arms and seven horns crowning his head.
"Then he must not awaken! came the sibilant whispers of Vassthus, the Queen of Lies, her curvaceous form marred by the spurs of bone that jutted from her elbows and knees, and the exposed ribcage that held her blackened heart.
"None dispute that! But how can we keep him asleep?! boomed Hiirak, the Houndmaster, his hunched form just barely fitting within the cavern that the six had chosen to meet within. His wings curled around him, cloaking his disfigured and scarred torso from the view of the others.
"We do not know enough... we must learn more about him, before we can make that decision." replied the Caliph of Anguish.
"Leave that to me... I will lure his attention away from here, and I will find a way to keep him asleep." came the soft voice of the smallest of the six. Lathe the Clever, weakest of the Demon Lords yet somehow the most successful in battle. His form was cloaked in shadows, off to the side. The other Lords considered his words, and snarled.

The Emergent Nightmare, Tir Na Gog

It is said that all who dream will experience the idyllic world of Tir Na Gog in their slumber, yet this was not always true. For before Tir Na Gog existed, there was one who dreamed of fire and blood, of death and destruction on a scale beyond any imagined by mortal minds. Azj'Khan, the Slumbering Horror, Lord of Water and God of Death, had dreamed before the realm of dreams was reality. And yet it is still said that all who dream will experience the idyllic world of Tir Na Gog, for it is true. Even the first terror, the primeval horror would one day come to Tir Na Gog, for he is the slumbering god, the sleeper beyond the threshhold, and the lurker in the night.

So it came to pass, that by chance, the wandering psyche of the Demon Sultan chanced upon the realm of dreams. A place of idyllic light and beauty, it shone with radiance that only Jahannam could surpass. And it offended the darkness. Azj'Khan's form, muted tones and pastel shades of red, an unimaginable mess of twisting strands of colour and shadows dancing in the air, materialized within the Dream. For within the dream, all was idyllic, and the slick horrible form of the Sultan was unfit for dreaming minds. Yet none can mask true evil for long, and as the Sultan wandered the idyllic realm, it crept up upon dreamers, and their dreams twisted into terrors. Most mortals jolted awake in shock as he passed, but those who slept deeply experienced their loved ones turning upon them, and the perfect landscape twist and bleed from every crack. Surely those who dwelt here could sense his passing, and the sleeping mind of the sultan would not be alone for long.

1 AP + 4 AP + 1 PAP = 5 AP 1 PAP - 3 AP - 2 AP/1PAP = 0 AP 0 PAP.
3 AP - Gain Domain: Evil (Corruption)

1/7 - Alter Land: The Great Murk Sea
5/7 - Weave Plane: Patukuliyil, the Abyssal Sea
6/7 - Alter Land: Sunspots on Sorath
7/7 - Curse: That Which Bleeds Must Die

2 AP/1PAP - Gain Domain: War (Slaughter)

1/7 - Create Pantheon: The Primordial Chain
2/7 - Create Magical Concept: Primal Blood Magic
4/7 - Create Portal: Linking Patukuliyil with Jahannam
6/7 - Create Portal: Patukuliyil to Arrakis
7/7 - Create Society: The Ravening Hordes of the Abyss

Azj'Khan is now a Lesser Deity

2016-04-10, 03:17 PM
And it was so. The sultan's presence did not go unnoticed. In short order he is confronted by two of the Arcana.

"Halt! You who would tread these halls without invite! Stand and acknowledge the ruler of Tir Na Nog!" rings a clear voice, the World stepping out in front of the God.

"If the gods do not respect each other, how can they expect the lesser beings to respect them?" says a different voice, so mind from the opposite direction, as the Devil steps forth, standing opposite to his sister.

"Even so, greetings intruder. This is Tir Na Nog, the world of dreams. My name is Silver."
Rings a third voice. A young girl standing a short distance away, however it is difficult to say exactly how far, distances being a rather fluid concept in this realm. The trio observes the intruder, standing in a triangle around him.


2016-04-10, 03:52 PM
Breeth'r - Arrakis, Time of New Life

Flush with new power as the Waste God continued his great work upon the Palace of Sand, it came to his attention that the First World was a place that he could not go himself. Even before his presence had reached the point where its power would harm it, the Evil One's poison had infused the World and made it unlivable. It was the very act of that one's bite which had torn Breeth'r free of this world.

However, Breeth'r had plans for that world. He would win it back. To that end, he needed an agent who would be able to act in that world directly. One with the power to shape the lesser lives that now inhabited the place. However, unlike his previous children, this child would be born here on Arrakis, and it would find itself no less at home here than the Sand Worms, should he wish to be here.

Taking the raw power from the heart of the Glass Dome and infusing it into pure, divine sands surrounding the Palace of Sand, Breeth'r shaped a form like those of the mortals below, though much more grand and noble in presence. Infusing it with a spark of his own power, Breeth'r brought forth to life in the nexus of shaping and creation a son designed to bring forth craft and perhaps a control on magic to the mortal world.

"Greetings, my son. I have formed you here among the Wastes that it might always be a home to you, should you seek it, yet this is not your purpose, for you are able to do something I am not: you may tread upon the World below and shape its events directly. You now have my blessing to simply do as you will, for in your will I have given you all you need. I demand no honors nor expect no special privileges from you for the act of your creation, for I have earned none. Instead, I ask only that you do as you will, for you are born mighty and great shall be your will as you act upon the cosmos."

cue the birth of one Keldor and another player's entrance into the game

The new god that formed under the Glass Dome stood as a tall and proud humanoid outline of sand so large as to make giants seem puny in comparison. Two eyes of bright red flame so much harsher than anything the sun could produce shone from it's face seeming to burn the sand along it's whole body into a deep blackness moments after creation as it listened to it's father's words, taking in the information being given to it.

Once his father had spoken what he will the new god moved it's body for the first time, reaching up with one arm of dark sand towards the Glass Dome, it spoke. More black sand than should exist came from the god as it spoke forming an outline of a hammer.

"I am Kaldor, my thanks for your generosity in bringing me into existence Father. My exploration of the World Below shall commence shortly to see to those you cannot visit yourself. There is much to be done, much to be accomplished... but first the tool that'll be at my side!"

The dust that came from Kaldor condensed into a long hammer made of a bright shining purple metal, it's form solid with no outwardly impressive features but any god could tell this was a great divine tool for the gods from the power felt within.

Instead of just placing his hand back to his side Kaldor simply dissolved into a cloud of dust, hammer included, his fiery eyes gleaming with innocent curiosity for a moment before turning into thoughtful pondering as he looked out at the Wastes. Kaldor began to move across the sandy dunes as he collected his thoughts after being brought into existence, knowing that his father was all around him to tell Kaldor anything he wanted before his son left.

16-5=11 AP left

Create Artifact-The Great Hammer: The first shining achievement of Kaldor, this hammer made of a unknown purple alloy has no outward artistic aspects and is so large that a giant would feel very pressed to try and use two hands to wield this. It can extend into a war hammer when needed but it's power lies in the imbuing of divine power into items of greatness. (-1/rollover to the creation of artifacts)

2016-04-10, 03:55 PM
And it was so. The sultan's presence did not go unnoticed. In short order he is confronted by two of the Arcana.

"Halt! You who would tread these halls without invite! Stand and acknowledge the ruler of Tir Na Nog!" rings a clear voice, the World stepping out in front of the God.

"If the gods do not respect each other, how can they expect the lesser beings to respect them?" says a different voice, so mind from the opposite direction, as the Devil steps forth, standing opposite to his sister.

"Even so, greetings intruder. This is Tir Na Nog, the world of dreams. My name is Silver."
Rings a third voice. A young girl standing a short distance away, however it is difficult to say exactly how far, distances being a rather fluid concept in this realm. The trio observes the intruder, standing in a triangle around him.


The shifting mass of colour and shadow writhed before the Arcana, hesitating. Whatever it was, it seemed to be studying them through an eyeless gaze. After a moment, it turned away and moved to leave, only to turn back as the Mistress of the Realm appeared. It regarded Silver for what seemed like an eternity, though what was in reality only the briefest of moments. Finally, it shifted, drawing closer and extending tendrils of itself closer to the Arcana, closer and closer until finally it lurched forward, wrapping its tendrils around the Devil as the World jumped back.

The mass drew the Devil closer to itself, and a horrible sound issued forth from it. The shadows moved and convulsed as if they were mouths, the guttural sounds of slick flesh slapping on flesh resonating within them. "Eṉ cakōtararē etu pōṉṟa vaṭivamuṭaiya maṟṟum pāvamāṉa uyiriṉaṅkaḷ karittuḷḷatu? Allatu nīṅkaḷ veṟumaṉē eṉ nīṇṭa uṟakkattiliruntu maṟṟoru cūṭupiṭittatāka kaṉavu?" It spoke, each syllable of its speech like the screech of steel against stone, like the cracking of bone and the sickening squelch of tearing flesh. And yet none of the words make any sense to the Arcana or to Silver, for the being spoke in a language older than Dreams, older than anything save the four.

"Which of my brethren has spawned such misshapen and pitiful creatures as you? Or are you simply another fevered dream of my long slumber?"

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-10, 04:32 PM
Frauns, Arrakis

The Sand Worms continued to give Frauns a wide berth, his huge form and great glory intimidating the earth-shapers even as he sat upon his dune and looked around at the wastes. It did occur to him that it rather defeated the purpose of a place like this when its only inhabitants were masters of it. He certainly would not let the Beastman have acess to gnomish magic as - Frauns suddenly laughed at something, "Beastmen would drown in the ocean. These wastes are like a sea."

Frauns continued to chuckle to himself as he stood up. The equal Spread had been created perfect. The Southern steppes was already planned to be perfect. Frauns would make these lands more perfect. He could simply try to kill the masters of the realm, but that was just a temporary solution for the deity would not dedicate his life to such an endeavour. A superiotr predator? No, such a thing could barely be possible in these wastes that is, of course, part of the problem. Perhaps, he could order the gnomes out here once they had worked there magic to turn the Steppes to sleet.

Something had to be done now. Frauns felt it was his duty. Water! Water was the solution of his problems. Life relied on water - this the keen swimmer new - and though he had no doubts that the Sand Worms had no need for the cleanest water they surely needed some to keep the blood flowing. Thus the deity of cold, inhospitable environments went hunting for that which all animals needed: Water.

2016-04-10, 05:27 PM
Frauns, Arrakis

The Sand Worms continued to give Frauns a wide berth, his huge form and great glory intimidating the earth-shapers even as he sat upon his dune and looked around at the wastes. It did occur to him that it rather defeated the purpose of a place like this when its only inhabitants were masters of it. He certainly would not let the Beastman have acess to gnomish magic as - Frauns suddenly laughed at something, "Beastmen would drown in the ocean. These wastes are like a sea."

Frauns continued to chuckle to himself as he stood up. The equal Spread had been created perfect. The Southern steppes was already planned to be perfect. Frauns would make these lands more perfect. He could simply try to kill the masters of the realm, but that was just a temporary solution for the deity would not dedicate his life to such an endeavour. A superiotr predator? No, such a thing could barely be possible in these wastes that is, of course, part of the problem. Perhaps, he could order the gnomes out here once they had worked there magic to turn the Steppes to sleet.

Something had to be done now. Frauns felt it was his duty. Water! Water was the solution of his problems. Life relied on water - this the keen swimmer new - and though he had no doubts that the Sand Worms had no need for the cleanest water they surely needed some to keep the blood flowing. Thus the deity of cold, inhospitable environments went hunting for that which all animals needed: Water.

While the sand worms might have been deterred from Fraun's presence, it was inevitable for Kaldor to see the god among the endless Waste eventually and was then drawn right to them out of curiosity.

Kaldor looked like a giant black dust cloud that stretched across the horizon, coming closer and closer till Frauns was completely covered. Two eyes of fire appeared a little ways from Fraun's looking at him with simple curiosity. Then in the span of a few seconds the dust formed together to a tall humanoid shape with the Great Hammer held within one of his giant hands.

Sounding strikingly blunt from just plane ignorance of how to interact with others Kaldor says:

"My name is Kaldor, son of the Father of the Waste, who might you be?"

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-10, 06:55 PM
Frauns, Arrakis

Frauns search up to that point had been fruitless. It did not surprise him. He remained on the surface for although he expected the water to primarily be unground - he would have seen it already with his great hearth otherwise - searching the surfce wa easier work that didn't involve choking on dirt. When the cloud of dusrt began to cover him his first thought was to tink 'oh, maybe this place isn't so bad' before remembering that the worms could burrow and control the earth. This event was no greater danger to them than anything else was.

When the dust began to form a figure then Frauns began to change his mind a little, when Frauns heard the words spoken then his mind remained the same; that the Worms would be no match to a deity is proof of nothing. The bald blue creature replied its purple eyesockets looking straight at Kaldor. "Then I am Frauns your brother.

"Given life to seek power. My power over the First World is immense. All will soon beg for the strength of Frauns. My power over this one will soon be the same. What is your purpose brother? If we are not at odds I may give you a boon. No even, if we are at odds. All deseve a sporting chance. A chance which if" - Frauns struggled for the word - "Fraunsenough can be exploited into greatness. To ascend, possibly, even beyond survival.

"So what is your purpose, brother? Why do you have life?"

2016-04-10, 07:47 PM

"Brother? Intriguing, I have not considered the possibility of siblings." Kaldor says looking down on Frauns. Giving his first laugh in life Kaldor says. "You ask for my purpose in life brother? Hmph, I've just so recently been thrown into existence and being ask what I'll do with my life before I get to think it out completely! If you really want a response to that question Frauns my answer would be: I don't know, Father said for me to do as I will and I've been pondering what to do since."

Holding the Great Hammer to his face as if inspecting his own work for the first time Kaldor continues on. "Though to create more pieces like this would be certainly satisfying. Improving the World Below to fit my vision of metal and wonders sounds appealing as well." It's hard to tell with a person who's only real facial feature are their eyes but Kaldor might have been sneering as he looked back down at Frauns. "I am strong enough on my own, but a alliance might be in order, I'd be willing to help in regards to affairs in the World Below." Kaldor's form shrugs. "Though this world is not something I'm interested in helping gaining dominion in, since I feel Father in every speck of sand not a part of me and do not wish to incite his wrath."

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-10, 08:27 PM
Frauns, Arrakis

"Ah, 'father' himself gave me the geas to seek power so he can not object to my actions to dominate these wastes." Spoke Frauns, "an alliance is spomething that I have been considering at the back of my mind for some time. Allies are a route to some power. We both believe in improving the first world, so perhaps a more formal agreement is in order; a pantheon to ensure that the first world does not stagnate in an imperfect state?"

Frauns was not sure what to think about his brother. Although Kaldor appears to be an earth-shaper like the worms - he could not forget his plans for them - he was still confident that is a deity like Frauns himself; you cannot mistake that glory. Frauns suspected, however, that the divinity was in the eyes and that those eyes were simply flying above him. Frauns smioled a tender smile, he was quite happy to indulge his little brother. That could be the boon after all.

2016-04-10, 08:43 PM
As the Unknowable God slept, It dreamt of much. Of a world fill with life, life that held hopes grander than any to have come before and of a dark being that feasted on the souls of the living. He watched as the souls were bound in blood and devoured in death. It saddened the God, For in Its own way It cared for the living. It had sought to give them a more lasting form of hope, but instead had doomed them to the hunger of a primal, yet familiar, God. This sadness would haunt Its thoughts, despite all the glory it witnessed. Soon the unknowable god would have to act, to bring change to the cycle of slaughter. Not an end, but perhaps a new destination.

But first, Its Brother was calling, and It was time for the inscrutable mind to awaken. A great Light would shine in the void that night, brighter than any star. A beacon to the navigator, calling to him with It's warm glow. " We have much to discuss my brother." Its voice was all the voices of all life. Many of them were screaming.

2016-04-10, 08:46 PM

Kaldor's eyes shine with some amusement, and with a nod of his head he replies. "Certainly, I would not mind such collaboration."

Condensing his form slightly Kaldor decides to appear in a similar look to Frauns. Taking on the form of a bald, rounded man wearing brown robes with chains full of tools hanging from his shoulders, Kaldor extends his free hand to Frauns to shake.

11-1=10 AP left

Form Pantheon-The Perfectors

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-10, 08:56 PM
Frauns, Arrakis

Frauns shook Kaldor's hand as their agreement upon the first world took on almost a divine meaning, Frauns spoke as he drew his hand away from his brother, "I do not suppose you know where to find water on this plane?"

Frauns laughed. Of course, his little brother would not know.

1 AP = 2 AP - 1 AP: Form Pantheon: Perfecters of the First world (Placeholder)

2016-04-10, 09:15 PM
Kaldor did look quizzical at the thought of water in Arrakis. Kaldor could not imagine such a substance existing inside the Waste. After pondering for a brief moment Kaldor said: "I would not know if that even exists here... if you must know ask Father directly. He exists almost everywhere in this world I think, and if water does exist here he would know. Though I doubt there is anything for you to find of that sort Frauns."

Giving a nod at a thought Kaldor began to walk around in a circle trying puzzle something out in his mind. Finally coming to some sort of conclusion he turns to Franus and says: "Good meeting you Frauns, may I see you in the World Below." Then with a swing of the Great Hammer upon the ground Kaldor left the Waste.

2016-04-10, 09:50 PM
Frauns, Arrakis

Frauns shook Kaldor's hand as their agreement upon the first world took on almost a divine meaning, Frauns spoke as he drew his hand away from his brother, "I do not suppose you know where to find water on this plane?"

Frauns laughed. Of course, his little brother would not know.

1 AP = 2 AP - 1 AP: Form Pantheon: Perfecters of the First world (Placeholder)

Kaldor did look quizzical at the thought of water in Arrakis. Kaldor could not imagine such a substance existing inside the Waste. After pondering for a brief moment Kaldor said: "I would not know if that even exists here... if you must know ask Father directly. He exists almost everywhere in this world I think, and if water does exist here he would know. Though I doubt there is anything for you to find of that sort Frauns."

Giving a nod at a thought Kaldor began to walk around in a circle trying puzzle something out in his mind. Finally coming to some sort of conclusion he turns to Franus and says: "Good meeting you Frauns, may I see you in the World Below." Then with a swing of the Great Hammer upon the ground Kaldor left the Waste.

Frauns, Haiz-Ibnal - Arrakis

One of the Sand Worms listened in as the Waste God's children discussed Water, Power, and Alliances. After the other godling departed, Haiz-Ibnal, a Sand Worm who had been lying just beneath the surface listening to the two speak burst forth in a spray of sand and addressed the ice god, "If you are seeking out the Poison, that blemish exists in only one place in all of Arrakis. Only in one location has the Waste God's domain been tainted by the blood of the Evil One. Shall I show you the way?"

2016-04-10, 10:00 PM
Arrakis, the Eternal Desert

"Why in the bleeding sun did you think this was a good place to hunt Kllthllk?" clicked Hrrsssh, stalking past another featureless sand dune. The Nenglal's slimy shell was cracked and dry, his voice hoarse, and his strength low. "This is worse than when you assaulted Delugon's armies and we had to swim halfway across the bleedin' sea!"

"Yeah!" echoed the voice of one of the centhiri in the group. "At least there we were wet. There's nothing but dry here, haven't even seen a single thing to bleed and kill all day!" A dozen cries of agreement rang out from the other demons, straining Kllthllk's patience.

"And how often do we get to hunt without one of the Demon Lords breathing down our necks when we're on Patukuliyil?!" Kllthllk shouted back, his long segmented legs carrying him over another sand dune. "Never, that's when! Here we can grow strong, we can grow powerful. We can slaughter the puny creatures of this realm and return to the Seas strong enough to challenge Delugon, powerful enough to carve out my own kingdom!" He bellowed, trying to rouse the morale of his troops. The leering glances and stinging silence that answered told him enough. He was losing their fear, and without fear they would turn on him. He needed to find some prey soon, something to bleed dry and bathe in.

As the warband crested another dune, Hrrsssh hissed menacingly. Kllthllk whirled around, ready to kill his second in command, only to see the sand behind the group shifting and moving. Something was there, something big. "Prey!" He hissed, rushing forward through the crowd. "CHARGE!" He screamed, and his demonic warriors followed suit, rushing towards the shifting sands, ready to use their natural weapons to attack whatever was causing the disturbance.

2016-04-10, 10:05 PM
The shifting mass of colour and shadow writhed before the Arcana, hesitating. Whatever it was, it seemed to be studying them through an eyeless gaze. After a moment, it turned away and moved to leave, only to turn back as the Mistress of the Realm appeared. It regarded Silver for what seemed like an eternity, though what was in reality only the briefest of moments. Finally, it shifted, drawing closer and extending tendrils of itself closer to the Arcana, closer and closer until finally it lurched forward, wrapping its tendrils around the Devil as the World jumped back.

The mass drew the Devil closer to itself, and a horrible sound issued forth from it. The shadows moved and convulsed as if they were mouths, the guttural sounds of slick flesh slapping on flesh resonating within them. "Eṉ cakōtararē etu pōṉṟa vaṭivamuṭaiya maṟṟum pāvamāṉa uyiriṉaṅkaḷ karittuḷḷatu? Allatu nīṅkaḷ veṟumaṉē eṉ nīṇṭa uṟakkattiliruntu maṟṟoru cūṭupiṭittatāka kaṉavu?" It spoke, each syllable of its speech like the screech of steel against stone, like the cracking of bone and the sickening squelch of tearing flesh. And yet none of the words make any sense to the Arcana or to Silver, for the being spoke in a language older than Dreams, older than anything save the four.

"Which of my brethren has spawned such misshapen and pitiful creatures as you? Or are you simply another fevered dream of my long slumber?"

"Do you really think I brought hostages for you to take?" asks the girl with amusement.

"An extension of my power, my Arcana are not nearly as helpless as you think."

As she finished speaking, the sultan felt as if his limbs were wrapped around the sun itself.

"Behold! The light of divinity!" proclaimed the Devil, using his Glory to rip the monster off his body, smashing him into the nearby wall so hard, the whole palace shook. The only reason the wall remained in place was because Silver wished it to. The power radiating from the 15th Arcana was so intense that if there were any mortals within a few miles, they would fall to their knees in supplication.

"I do not know the relationship of the other gods to their creations, but the Arcana are extensions of myself. Please rerain from hurting them." she said, observing the monster still pinned to the wall.

"Could you not be a little more... uniform? And could you please make sense?"

If she can, Silver uses her power, and the properties of Tir to make her opponent look more humanoid, perhaps something like the image below. And she makes his speech understandable, just as sometimes in dreams you might be able to speak chinese/german/french/etc. without any problem even though you dont know a single word in those languages.
Any changes (if even possible to make) are purely superficial (and temporary) and are the equivalent of Silver asking her guest to put some slippers on and not track mud all over her palace.


Btw, this is roughly how hard he got smashed into the wall:
What point is it to be in a dream realm if you cant also do some comedic action on the side :D
Edit: added a thing into OOC

2016-04-10, 10:16 PM
Arrakis, the Eternal Desert

"Why in the bleeding sun did you think this was a good place to hunt Kllthllk?" clicked Hrrsssh, stalking past another featureless sand dune. The Nenglal's slimy shell was cracked and dry, his voice hoarse, and his strength low. "This is worse than when you assaulted Delugon's armies and we had to swim halfway across the bleedin' sea!"

"Yeah!" echoed the voice of one of the centhiri in the group. "At least there we were wet. There's nothing but dry here, haven't even seen a single thing to bleed and kill all day!" A dozen cries of agreement rang out from the other demons, straining Kllthllk's patience.

"And how often do we get to hunt without one of the Demon Lords breathing down our necks when we're on Patukuliyil?!" Kllthllk shouted back, his long segmented legs carrying him over another sand dune. "Never, that's when! Here we can grow strong, we can grow powerful. We can slaughter the puny creatures of this realm and return to the Seas strong enough to challenge Delugon, powerful enough to carve out my own kingdom!" He bellowed, trying to rouse the morale of his troops. The leering glances and stinging silence that answered told him enough. He was losing their fear, and without fear they would turn on him. He needed to find some prey soon, something to bleed dry and bathe in.

As the warband crested another dune, Hrrsssh hissed menacingly. Kllthllk whirled around, ready to kill his second in command, only to see the sand behind the group shifting and moving. Something was there, something big. "Prey!" He hissed, rushing forward through the crowd. "CHARGE!" He screamed, and his demonic warriors followed suit, rushing towards the shifting sands, ready to use their natural weapons to attack whatever was causing the disturbance.

Sand Worms, Demons - Arrakis

As the demons charged at the shifting mass in the sands, a great Sand Worm burst forth from the Waste and a thunderous voice was heard, "Foul blights upon the Waste, die!"

With that decree, the desert itself went from merely inhospitable towards the demons but downright hostile. Emanating out from the titanic Worm, a seething, biting storm of sand and grit billowed out and began to tear at the demons' very flesh. Furthermore, the very air itself seemed to recoil against the demons' very nature. Wherever one found oneself injured or cut, the wound reacted instantly with the exposed air of Arrakis and began to wither and peel, tearing more flesh and furthering the reaction as the very plane itself attempted to desiccate the blight upon itself.

2016-04-10, 10:18 PM
Eq'Thaka - Aestasplanum - "Beacons"

But first, Its Brother was calling, and It was time for the inscrutable mind to awaken. A great Light would shine in the void that night, brighter than any star. A beacon to the navigator, calling to him with It's warm glow. " We have much to discuss my brother." Its voice was all the voices of all life. Many of them were screaming.

Sitting upon the Halcyon Shores, reveling in the first moments of Kobu's existence, Proud Heart the warrior heard a strange cry emanating from deep within the Void. Though the words were not for him, and naught could he comprehend them, the voice carried a soulful lament that thrummed in his heart. When he turned back to the newly born godling, it was pointing to a great beacon beyond the sky. "You hear and see it too? Come Kobu, there are those that I think we should meet."

The bronze warrior stood, donning his helm and grasping his spear before assuming his preferred form, then leaped into the sky launching towards the great beacon.

Starting AP 4
Gain Domain -3 AP: Protection(Valor)
Weave Plane -4 AP
Infuse Plane -3 AP
Remaining AP 1 + 1 mAP(0)

2016-04-10, 10:56 PM
"Do you really think I brought hostages for you to take?" asks the girl with amusement.

"An extension of my power, my Arcana are not nearly as helpless as you think."

As she finished speaking, the sultan felt as if his limbs were wrapped around the sun itself.

"Behold! The light of divinity!" proclaimed the Devil, using his Glory to rip the monster off his body, smashing him into the nearby wall so hard, the whole palace shook. The only reason the wall remained in place was because Silver wished it to. The power radiating from the 15th Arcana was so intense that if there were any mortals within a few miles, they would fall to their knees in supplication.

"I do not know the relationship of the other gods to their creations, but the Arcana are extensions of myself. Please rerain from hurting them." she said, observing the monster still pinned to the wall.

"Could you not be a little more... uniform? And could you please make sense?"

If she can, Silver uses her power, and the properties of Tir to make her opponent look more humanoid, perhaps something like the image below. And she makes his speech understandable, just as sometimes in dreams you might be able to speak chinese/german/french/etc. without any problem even though you dont know a single word in those languages.
Any changes (if even possible to make) are purely superficial (and temporary) and are the equivalent of Silver asking her guest to put some slippers on and not track mud all over her palace.


Btw, this is roughly how hard he got smashed into the wall:
What point is it to be in a dream realm if you cant also do some comedic action on the side :D
Edit: added a thing into OOC

The shadows and colours writhed beneath the grip of the Devil, seemingly in pain. For a moment, it seemed stunned, before it began to flow like water around the Devil's hands and through his fingers. It rushed past the Arcana, swirling about itself as it regarded Silver and her children. "Um'miṭamiruntu eṉṟu perum kuḻappattai nittiya nīrūṟṟuUm'miṭamiruntu eṉṟu perum kuḻappattai nittiya nīrūṟṟukaḷ vaḻikku vara muyalkiṉṟaṉa." It uttered, its words still incomprehensible. The thing's form shifted, losing its abstract quality until finally it settled upon a humanoid form. Its skin was marred, covered in barely-healed scars, welts, and open wounds as if it had been whipped hundreds of times. Its face was but two coal-black pits where eyes should be, and a mouth with far too many teeth. It was clothed in naught but its own blood, which leaked from its wounds and over its body like a cloak of crimson fluid.

"Nīṅkaḷ inta cāmrājyattiṟku untuvicaiyāka uḷḷaṉa." It said, its voice gurgling and raspy at the same time, as if its throat had been slit. Black fluid bubbled forth from its mouth, spilling out with every twitch of its lips and tongue. "Iṉṉum nīṅkaḷ pēca virumpukiṟēṉ..." The creature stepped forward, its bulging muscles straining to contain the fluids and horrors within. It gurgled a guttural growl, twisting its primitive hand into a claw with which it pointed at Silver. Then it looked away, up to the sky, to Sorath. It pointed to Sorath, then back to Silver, and then dropped its arm to its side, waiting for a reply.

"You seek to tame that which chaos eternal springs forth from."

"You are the Wellspring of this realm."

"Yet you wish to speak..."

Sand Worms, Demons - Arrakis

As the demons charged at the shifting mass in the sands, a great Sand Worm burst forth from the Waste and a thunderous voice was heard, "Foul blights upon the Waste, die!"

With that decree, the desert itself went from merely inhospitable towards the demons but downright hostile. Emanating out from the titanic Worm, a seething, biting storm of sand and grit billowed out and began to tear at the demons' very flesh. Furthermore, the very air itself seemed to recoil against the demons' very nature. Wherever one found oneself injured or cut, the wound reacted instantly with the exposed air of Arrakis and began to wither and peel, tearing more flesh and furthering the reaction as the very plane itself attempted to desiccate the blight upon itself.

The Demons charged forth, three of their number withering away into dust before reaching the worm. Two more fell over, their lifeblood spilling onto the sand and evaporating before their eyes as their souls went dark. Only three remained: Hrrsssh, Kllthllk, and a single Centhiri. Even as they dug their claws and mouths into the Sandworm, they realized their folly, their blood boiling in their veins as their skin popped and cracked apart. "Foulness eternal, I was to be foulness eternal!" Kllthllk screamed as he slashed open his own carapace and let the black blood spill out onto the sandworm. "Rot in the Abyss, dry-thing. More will come, none can resist the tide!"

Hrrsssh pulled away, his legs carrying him away even as his carapace cracked and his blood dripped out onto the dry sand below. The Centhiri tried its best to dig into the Sandworm with its spines, but without blood to feed upon, the demon's efforts were futile. Hrrsssh glanced back as it scurried over the dunes, scuttling back the way the demons had come. The portal was close, relatively speaking, but it was doubtful that the Nenglal would make it before his blood had drained away completely to stain the Eternal Desert's sands.

2016-04-10, 11:25 PM
Silver looked at her two Arcana who shrugged in response. They too had no idea what the thing was saying. But atleast it looked recognizable.

"Really, you can't even dream yourself a comprehensible language?" the girl sighed.
"Well, I think I know one thing you might dream of..."

The sun in the sky was not Sorath itself, but most dreams involve this ever-present ball of flames anyways, so Silver had an image of it in the sky, to make the place seem too alien to any dreamers who found their way to the heart of the dream world. However this meant she could do some temporary tricks, shaping the dream for a short time before it returned to it's default timeless state.
Looking up as well, she snapped her fingers, and dark spots started appearing on the sun, growing ever bigger, until the whole sphere was extinguished, now a black ball hanging above the palace.

One might wonder how they could see a black sun, a sun that did not shine any light. But in Tir Na Nog no one ever thought to ask such a question. The whole sight seemed impossible, and completely realistic at the same time. When one dreams, one does not question the impossible. Such is the nature of dreams.

Looking back at the monster, she gestures vaguely towards the black sun.

"Perhaps something you'd be interested in seeing happen for real, would you not?" she did not enjoy changing her scenery around. She set it up to look pretty, and glittering for a reason. But who was she if not a good host? Different mortals had different dreams. And even monsters had something they dreamed about. She figured that the biggest ones, dreamed of the biggest accomplishments.

"But if we don't find a way to communicate, I don't know if there is any reason not to end this... messy meeting." she mumbles, shifting her dress as not to get any blood-sludge on it.

2016-04-10, 11:38 PM
Azj'Khan and Silver, Tir Na Gog

Azj'Khan's dream-form reached a hand towards the spoilt sun, as if trying to touch it. Of course, he could not, but in it he found a spark, a tiny way to communicate. If she could shape his dream, then perhaps his dream could speak to her. The humanoid's skin began to crack and split, sludge spilling out of the wound as the body began to deflate like a balloon, turning into a brackish ooze on the ground. For a moment, his dream was simply this, and then it shifted. As if being painted by invisible hands, the sludge began to move into position, creating a scene that Silver had never seen before, one that she had not even dreamed of. It was blackness, pure and dark, interrupted only by a single brown orb.

For a moment, this scene was frozen, a picturesque depiction of Azj'Khan's dream. And then it changed. From the darkness came four spots of light. One red, one yellow, one brown, and one white. The Red one latched on to the orb, tearing at it and scarring it. The white light faded from view, and the yellow light attacked the red. The brown recoiled, and the red released the orb to retaliate against the yellow. Blackness stained the scarred orb, and the red light vanished, replaced with a faint red smudge in the distance. The yellow light grew brighter, until its light scorched the brown orb. The brown light faded as well, flecks of sand appearing off to the side. All of this happened in quick succession, and then the scene collapsed. The sludge whirled into a mound with two arms and no head, waiting for a response from Silver. "Toṭakkattil pārkkavum. Aṉaittu poruḷkaḷiṉ tōṟṟam pārkkavum."

"See the beginning. See the origin of all things."

2016-04-10, 11:42 PM
Eq’Thaka – Aestasplanum – "The Companion"
Born of the sands and the waters of Aestasplanum, you shall be eternal. You shall be as both like and unlike to me as I to my Father. You shall share my strength of will and purpose, but shall not seek the lonely places of the world. The task I set for you, is not mine alone, for surely others will call forth the spirits and souls of the world to a place of their choosing. You shall act not only as their shepherd but as a companion to those that travel hence. Act as you will, for I would not bind you to me nor see you bound to others, and this task will oft be difficult. It will require guile and cunning to elude the Spectre of Death. Thus was Kobu born from the shifting tidal sands as Eq’Thaka looked down upon The First World still filled with the childlike wonder at the sentient life others had wrought, and a gentle rain began to fall.
Cue Angsty

Water and sand twisted under the command of Eq'Thaka to imitate the swirling form of a humanoid creature. Yet it was not whole, not complete. So the creature raised it's hands and took from the skies, the sun, the sands and many other things a smidgen of their color, and life that was both foreign and familiar with the world flooded across the creature's robe, and hardened it's skin.

The rain, strangely, threatened to dispel the creature's earthy form, and so it took the raindrops and stole their wetness away. What was left formed a parasol that reflected the color of the sky, and shielded themselves from the weather while they finished transforming. What came to be under that umbrella was genderless and lacking of any distinguishing feature to align itself with the living things of this world, for it did not yet understand the full duty that it would take on for the sake of the mortal races.

Eq'Thaka - Aestasplanum - "Beacons"
Sitting upon the Halcyon Shores, reveling in the first moments of Kobu's existence, Proud Heart the warrior heard a strange cry emanating from deep within the Void. Though the words were not for him, and naught could he comprehend them, the voice carried a soulful lament that thrummed in his heart. When he turned back to the newly born godling, it was pointing to a great beacon beyond the sky. "You hear and see it too? Come Kobu, there are those that I think we should meet."

The bronze warrior stood, donning his helm and grasping his spear before assuming his preferred form, then leaped into the sky launching towards the great beacon.

Kobu stood poised with their free hand outstretched to the beacon in the sky, clutching a piece of it for themselves. The light trailed around the godling's wrist and found a home in both their eyes and their heart.

They looked at the mighty warrior who had spawned them, who had given them both life and death, and said


Create Utility Artifact (5AP): Kobu's Umbrella, fashioned from dry water and always reflecting the sky, no matter where it is. Gain a once-per-rollover discount to Raising a Hero. Current charge: 0

Remaining AP: 10

2016-04-11, 12:06 AM
Silver stared sadly at the scene. If there was one thing that made her uncomfortable it was thinking of what happened before the gods, when the world just floated in the black void, doing absolutely nothing. She shook her head, concentrating on the show in front of her. Out of the four lights, there seemed to be two main actors. The one that became the light, and the red one must be the uncomfortably oozing god standing in front of her.

With some displeasure she noted that it was him that corrupted what must be the representation of the planet. The corruption she disliked when she first looked upon the world. But she did not care about it anymore, as her continent was flying above the playground the other Gods were playing on.

She wondered. If he spoke some language she did not know, it still had to have some from somewhere. Perhaps if she could have been there...

After a moment of hesitation, she stretched out her hand. Beneath their feet, a dream sequence played out. Similar to the one shown to Silver by the scary God, but gentler, more refined, and with a significant difference. In the scene the other three lights were frozen, remaining in the background. However instead of a simple light, the sultan was represented in his current Form, if perhaps a little less... leaky, and in front of him stood Silver, her hand stretched forward.

Do you learn to speak differently if you stand at the beginning of time? Is a dream a good enough substitute? The goddesses hesitation evaporated, and her Glory flared, harmless without the intent to harm.

Time to find out if her dream was going to teach her something.

2016-04-11, 12:20 AM
Silver stared sadly at the scene. If there was one thing that made her uncomfortable it was thinking of what happened before the gods, when the world just floated in the black void, doing absolutely nothing. She shook her head, concentrating on the show in front of her. Out of the four lights, there seemed to be two main actors. The one that became the light, and the red one must be the uncomfortably oozing god standing in front of her.

With some displeasure she noted that it was him that corrupted what must be the representation of the planet. The corruption she disliked when she first looked upon the world. But she did not care about it anymore, as her continent was flying above the playground the other Gods were playing on.

She wondered. If he spoke some language she did not know, it still had to have some from somewhere. Perhaps if she could have been there...

After a moment of hesitation, she stretched out her hand. Beneath their feet, a dream sequence played out. Similar to the one shown to Silver by the scary God, but gentler, more refined, and with a significant difference. In the scene the other three lights were frozen, remaining in the background. However instead of a simple light, the sultan was represented in his current Form, if perhaps a little less... leaky, and in front of him stood Silver, her hand stretched forward.

Do you learn to speak differently if you stand at the beginning of time? Is a dream a good enough substitute? The goddesses hesitation evaporated, and her Glory flared, harmless without the intent to harm.

Time to find out if her dream was going to teach her something.

To Dream of the Beginning

Azj'Khan waited for several moments, and then quivered. Silver felt something stir within her, but as the Sultan opened its mouth once more, the words were gurgled and incomprehensible once again. "Nīṅkaḷ ātiyiliruntu, acal maṇikku purintu." It began, seemingly disappointed in what was happening. It turned, as if dismissive of Silver's attempts, continuing its speech. "Nām mutal iruntaṉa, maṟṟum it is from us that all else springs. You cannot hope to comprehend." It said, beginning to slink away, unaware of the knowledge that it had unintentionally given the young goddess.

"You grasp at the primordial, the original."

"We were the first, and"

2016-04-11, 12:54 AM
It's back turned, the God could not see the girl's grin. Even a Cheshire cat would have been jealous.

Note to self... she thought make smiling cat.

"Cuvārasyamāṉa" She mumbled thoughtfully.

"This will definitely take some getting used to. " she continued iin this new language.

"I suppose it worked then..."

She hugged the World happily, who in turn tried and failed to Dodge in time.


2016-04-11, 05:10 AM
But first, Its Brother was calling, and It was time for the inscrutable mind to awaken. A great Light would shine in the void that night, brighter than any star. A beacon to the navigator, calling to him with It's warm glow. " We have much to discuss my brother." Its voice was all the voices of all life. Many of them were screaming.

The goblin form he had taken was an imitation of that of the male statue. Thus he was garbed in armor, cast from leather, tusks , scales, bones, and pelts, mismatched like the goblins it was still rich and powerful. His brow wasn't cloaked for he wore a helmet at his side, antlers pointedly raised. His face, asymetrical by design, had one eye like that of a lizard, slitted vertically while the other looked like a toad eye, slitted horizontally. His jaw was locked in a crooked grin by a scar that pulled his left lip upwards. Despite the marks there was a feral beauty on the goblin's visage.

Hail brother. I've been dreaming and pondering. Here, catch.

Shamaz throws some sweetened figs at the godly mass. They are crusted in honey and small almond slices, so packed with sweetness and energy that they can keep a goblin on the march for a long while.

The people that made that, were given spirits by your will and intellect by mine. So their spoils are as yours as mine to feast upon. I want to protect them from father though, there are many dishes I haven't sampled yet. And his hunger is not that of a patient farmer. Will you help me?

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-11, 05:28 AM
Frauns, Arrakis

So this was Fraun's first real interaction with a Sand Worm. One who had worked out that he could be useful to the giant of cold and animals. It was indeed useful information for it was unexpected information; assuming the great worm did not misunderstand in its eavesdropping, and Frauns expected that it did not.

Frauns did not know quite how the new information would factor into his plans, but there was time enough to solve that problem. All these thoughts manifested themselves in a single sentence, "Pray, show me the way."

2016-04-11, 08:39 PM
The goblin form he had taken was an imitation of that of the male statue. Thus he was garbed in armor, cast from leather, tusks , scales, bones, and pelts, mismatched like the goblins it was still rich and powerful. His brow wasn't cloaked for he wore a helmet at his side, antlers pointedly raised. His face, asymetrical by design, had one eye like that of a lizard, slitted vertically while the other looked like a toad eye, slitted horizontally. His jaw was locked in a crooked grin by a scar that pulled his left lip upwards. Despite the marks there was a feral beauty on the goblin's visage.

Hail brother. I've been dreaming and pondering. Here, catch.

Shamaz throws some sweetened figs at the godly mass. They are crusted in honey and small almond slices, so packed with sweetness and energy that they can keep a goblin on the march for a long while.

The people that made that, were given spirits by your will and intellect by mine. So their spoils are as yours as mine to feast upon. I want to protect them from father though, there are many dishes I haven't sampled yet. And his hunger is not that of a patient farmer. Will you help me?

A hand of glowing light reached out from the orb that was the unknowable light. It held the fig for a moment, considering it. The the fig dissolved into a mist of pink and blue light that flowed like water from the hand into the glowing mass. "I can taste in this the love and ambition of the maker. It is filled with dreams of a brighter tomorrow. Father's hunger would see these dreams be smothered in blood. I will not see an ember die before it can become a flame."

from the orb stepped forth a figure of white light with shifting streams of pink and blue. It was almost Goblinoid in shape, but taller and thinner, with no features discernible beyond a silhouette. Its hand extended toward his brother, palm open. "You have my aid brother. Let us show father the truth of the power he would so simply seek to drown."

Starting Ap: 16 (13 +4 maxed out at 16)

-1Ap participate in Form Pantheon (Spirit Guardians)

Remaining Ap: 15

2016-04-11, 09:39 PM
Eq'Thaka - The Void - "Meetings"

Racing across the icy darkness Eq'Thaka spotted the godly goblin warrior floating before a shimmering orb of pure energy, and as he closed the distance bearing Kobu upon his back a tall figure stepped from the orb and spoke, addressing the goblin-like god as "brother".

The horned stallion slowed to a stop as he approached and allowed Kobu to dismount before shifting form back to that of the warrior, Proud-Heart. Greatspear in hand, the formidable looking warrior approached, a rumbling voice emanating from behind his beastlike faceplate , "Hail lordly masters. I know not your intent nor your names, but your beacon spoke to us, calling us forth, and I believe we are of shared purpose and heart."

The burly warrior stood aside to allow the enigmatic Kobu to approach, "Kobu these are the ones I was telling you about." Motioning to the goblin figure, "This is the mountain that rolled down upon the Great Steppes and brought forth goblin kind, showing them the ways of Spirit Magic." Then to the opalescent figure, "And this the progenitor of souls, who speaks with their voice, calling us forth."

With a nod of acknowledgement, "I am Eq'Thaka, Master of The Halcyon Fields, protector of the valiant fallen, and this is Kobu, the companion of souls."

Starting AP 2
-Form Pantheon(Anda Vaktari "Spirit Guardians") -1 AP
Remaining AP 1

2016-04-11, 11:40 PM
Kobu bowed respectfully. "Pleased to meet you, Souly Steeps and Great Generator."

The godling's eyes laid upon it's elders, then fluttered off to look at the sky. Their form expanded, then shrank, then expanded again, shadows of past lives dancing, but not yet tangible across their skin. "Can you see them? There are so many, I can hardly keep count. I'd like to meet them soon."

She scratched behind her pointed ears, until she was a he, who then scratched a shadow of a goblin chin upon his face.

Form Pantheon (1AP): [Insert name here]

Kobu: 10/16 AP
Umbrella Charge: 0

How about The Souldiers? The Death Defyers? The Next Life Lovers? The Order Of The Seekers of Truth and Penance? The Afterlife and Dinner Pantheon? The Spirit Guides? Spirit Guardians? Eq'Thaka's Conga Line for Peace?

2016-04-11, 11:49 PM
The Inscrutable, Eq'thaka, Kobu, Shamaz

The goblin God took the offered hand clasping its limb to the forearm in a closing fit. Then he offered a nod to the newcomers.

I am Shamaz, by my deeds you know me. I will appreciate all the help in caring for the spirits of my kin.*

Shamaz drew a hand and tore the veil just a little. He had come from the space between spaces. And now he was showing it to the others. It looked not like black emptiness but as far as the light of the material reached it it was a faded picture of the world.

Here in the unseen I will stand for those in passing.

*I am currently on my tablet will edit when I get to my pc later this week.

AP 1 form pantheon Spirit guardians(?)
AP 1 weave plane (shared with the other pantheon members) The Unseen, the space between spaces is naturally amorfous and devoid of colour. The proximity to the material and other planes give it shape resembling the cotermineous spaces. Distance within the unseen is tricky at best since due to its nature it links spaces and thus similar places that are really far away in the other planes might be the same spot here. A strong willed and skilled individual can also momentarily reshape the surrounding area to a form fitting their close memories. (guys feel free to contribute to how the plane behaves or is)

6 AP remaining.

2016-04-11, 11:53 PM
The Demons charged forth, three of their number withering away into dust before reaching the worm. Two more fell over, their lifeblood spilling onto the sand and evaporating before their eyes as their souls went dark. Only three remained: Hrrsssh, Kllthllk, and a single Centhiri. Even as they dug their claws and mouths into the Sandworm, they realized their folly, their blood boiling in their veins as their skin popped and cracked apart. "Foulness eternal, I was to be foulness eternal!" Kllthllk screamed as he slashed open his own carapace and let the black blood spill out onto the sandworm. "Rot in the Abyss, dry-thing. More will come, none can resist the tide!"

Hrrsssh pulled away, his legs carrying him away even as his carapace cracked and his blood dripped out onto the dry sand below. The Centhiri tried its best to dig into the Sandworm with its spines, but without blood to feed upon, the demon's efforts were futile. Hrrsssh glanced back as it scurried over the dunes, scuttling back the way the demons had come. The portal was close, relatively speaking, but it was doubtful that the Nenglal would make it before his blood had drained away completely to stain the Eternal Desert's sands.

Demons and Sand Worms - Arrakis

Indeed, just as Breeth'r found Azj'Kan's realm to be anathema to to himself, so do the Demon Lord's spawn find Arrakis: a hostile, barren place where the very world itself seemed bent on their destruction.

While the demons bled and died, the one that managed to pierce the Sand Worm's hide with its spines might have made a useful discovery, had it itself not perished soon after: the demons' blood itself seems to be poison to the worm. Hrrsssh would be able to hear a great roar of pain as it retreated. Should it dare to turn and look, it would see the Sand Worm thrashing on the surface, a small spot of blackness on its hide spreading for a moment before the dry air of Arrakis leached out the moisture.

Though far from a lethal dosage, it was clear that the Worm's reaction to the small interaction with moisture was far disproportionate to the dosage.

Frauns, Arrakis

So this was Fraun's first real interaction with a Sand Worm. One who had worked out that he could be useful to the giant of cold and animals. It was indeed useful information for it was unexpected information; assuming the great worm did not misunderstand in its eavesdropping, and Frauns expected that it did not.

Frauns did not know quite how the new information would factor into his plans, but there was time enough to solve that problem. All these thoughts manifested themselves in a single sentence, "Pray, show me the way."

Frauns, Haiz-Ibnal - Arrakis, Portal to the Realm of Eternal Conquest

The Sand Worm dutifully lead the ice god to the single most violent place on Arrakis, which its inhabitants have simply taken to calling "The Pestilence".

As the two approach the gaping wound in Arrakis, the presence of more Sand Worms can be felt as lightning begins to crackle across the dunes, though the creatures choose to remain beneath the surface for now. Before the two even get within sight of the portal, a great sandstorm has formed, and it only gets more turbulent the closer one approaches. The tell-tale signs of dry lighting playing across the dunes indicate that this act of Primal Magic is in fact the work of the underground shapers of the desert and not a naturally occurring phenomenon.

However, for all of its fury, this storm stops abruptly in a wall as they near their destination: the land immediately surrounding the portal itself is calm and dead, as no Worm dares approach too near the Pestilence.

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-12, 05:08 AM
Frauns, Arrakis

Well, this is interesting, thought Frauns to himself as they passed through the wall. Now, that he could see the portal that struck such fear in the Sandworms he tried to navigate around in order to get a complete picture. As he did so, he asked questions, He asked "what was so fearsome about it? How often it was actually unsafe; after all nothing wss harming him yet. The rough percentage of Sand worms dedicated to containing it? Whether anyone had gone through it?"

And numerous other questions that Frauns could think of in order to get a complete perspective before making his plans to leave.

2016-04-12, 05:19 PM
Arrakis, the Pestilence

Beyond the wall of sand was calm, stretching for several hundred yards in all directions around a single feature. An arch of red stone, within which flickered images of a different reality, one of red stone, black water, and smears of other colours scattered throughout. Every few moments, the flickering scene bubbled, and spewed forth a gush of noxious fluid onto the sands around it. Though Arrakis was anathema to moisture, in this one place it thrived. The foul liquids mixed with the sands around the portal, creating a foul sludge in a short radius around the arch.

Silver and Azj'Khan, Tir Na Gog

The Great Unclean Lord froze upon hearing the young goddess speak his tongue. He turned to face her, though without a face it was hard to tell which part was front and which was back. "That you wilfully twist your tongue into mine speaks much for your willingness to accommodate." He said, his form dripping black blood upon the ground. "What do you wish from the Elder Evil, child?" He asked, the light around him growing dim as he awaited her reply.

2016-04-12, 05:23 PM
Eq'Thaka - The Void - "Meetings"

I am Shamaz, by my deeds you know me. I will appreciate all the help in caring for the spirits of my kin.*

Shamaz drew a hand and tore the veil just a little. He had come from the space between spaces. And now he was showing it to the others. It looked not like black emptiness but as far as the light of the material reached it it was a faded picture of the world.

The warrior watches the mannerisms of the other two curiously, and then extends his hand to Shamaz in a somewhat awkward fashion, "I indeed have witnessed your deeds, and they have earned my offer of friendship. The Halcyon Fields shall be open to you and the spirits of your...kin. Such an offer I make sincerely and openly, but not lightly. By preserving the memories of the souls that have valiantly given of themselves, I seek to both honor their memory and encourage actions of similar selflessness and sacrifice in future generations, but only of their choosing. I seek dominion over none."

2016-04-12, 07:17 PM
Kaldor-The First World to the Equal Spread:

High above the skies of the first world Kaldor gazed down upon all the races of the First World, not taking in many of the details but gaining some information on most forms of life that existed. He gazed down at the races and felt from nearly all of them a shiver in his form when he saw/felt them using magic, a feeling of disgust that he did not understand. It just felt wrong. Was he the wrong one to feel like this? Of course not, but there had to be a reason for something so disgusting being used that he'll explore later on.

As he came across the icy continent that was across the eastern sea Kaldor gazed upon the beastmen that lived upon the continent. Living out in the open or in caves with only bare basics of stone tools and mud huts if anything at all. It was pathetic compared to the other races, even the gnomes who used ice magic were better than this. Some of them did have potential, some grasp at intelligence and great brute strength to rival the frost worms, but Kaldor concluded that they needed to be remade to have the whole of their potential shine forth.

The Nezertif were stopping for the day, they could hear the waves striking the land from the pure blue sea from the hill they were resting at, they were cornered. The Nezertif were being chased by a rival tribe of beastmen, the reason unknown to either side anymore, and the Nezertif have lost fight after fight to their larger rival.

Many of the Nezertifs wanted to rush into battle, to at least die in a glorious fight, but their leader Long Fang somehow was able to shoot down each attempt to fight the battle that he saw was completely unwinnable. Long Fang was able to keep the Nezertif under control purely from his large stature and scars he's obtained allowing him to intimidate those that needed to be. While like the others he wished for combat he knew it was suicide, and he intended to keep the Nezertif alive.

The snow was coming down harsh, the snow becoming so thick that both sides waited for now, though everyone knew what was going to happen the instant the beastmen could see more than five feet in front of them. As the blizzard drew on Long Fang stood on guard gazing out at the storm expressionless, waiting for the inevitable end to the storm and the battle that'd almost certainly ensue.

Then suddenly the white snow turned to black ash.

Startled Long Fang looked for any sign of fire or the rival tribe fearing a preemptive attack. What he saw was a beastman with the shape of a wolf in all but the chest and arms that was far larger than even Long Fang standing right behind him, wearing thick furs wrapped in chains holding the Great Hammer with one hand. The glory was so much, this being was overwhelming, it's eyes of fire pierced down into Long Fang's soul. Snorting the newcomer began to speak: "Hmph, have you given up yet, warrior? You stand at the brink of great victory or total defeat, to give up now would waste you and your peoples lives here and now. What do you intend to do, warrior? Come now, stand up and speak!"

Long Fang had not realized that he had fallen to his knees and found it difficult to rise in the presence of this being that was far greater than him. It was even harder to try to speak through the bulge in his neck. Not out of fear certainly, Long Fang had not felt that since he was a youngling, but awe. After what felt like forever to Long Fang he said: "N-no I have not given up great one, but I'm at a lost as to what I should do. Please-" that was a word Long Fang rarely spoke "-tell me what I must do great one." Long Fang had no idea what this being, this god, intended but if it was his peoples death that would have occurred already he concluded.

The fiery eyes of Kaldor turned from inspection to pity and he told Long Fang "You speak the blunt truth, a trait I appreciate. I shall help you, I shall remake you and your people stronger than before, and teach you what you need to know to one day grow stronger than all." Kaldor's looks back towards the cave where the Nezertif were resting. "But to have my help, you must serve me and swear on your life and soul to have your people learn what I have to teach."

Long Fang did not even consider rejecting the offer (partially because he did not know what would have happened if he said no) and brought his clawed hand to chest and said "I swear on my life and soul to serve you and teach what you will to my people great one."

"Kaldor" the god said.

"Kaldor" Long Fang said correcting himself.

Kaldor looked back down onto Long Fang and said to him as the ash surrounding the hill became thicker but was pushed back to have those on the hill being able to see the grey sky. "Good, now let's begin."

A week the god stayed with the Nezertif, using his godly might to form tools and a basic forge. Kaldor stayed a cloud of ash the majority of the time so as not to be seen, but while the Nezertif might not have seen the new god they were told to rely on they felt his presence, felt him changing their minds and bodies, giving them strength. Kaldor did appear in person to Long Fang, teaching him the arts of metal that mortals have never reached to before. Kaldor taught Long Fang about the minerals of the earth that can be used for smelting, and was even given instructions as to how to craft ships so as to gain the bounty of the sea. When the week was over Kaldor left to see the result of his influence, lifting the clouds of ash around the hill and watch from on high what would occur next.

The Nezertif were changed, they were stronger than ever and had tools far superior to anything they've ever thought of, and charged down at their foes with such a ferocity that those who were waiting for them broke and ran. They were already afraid once the snow turned to ash, and became more uneasy as the days passed, and when they saw the charging Nezertif they finally broke. But the Nezertif were not kind to those that nearly killed them, they chased down the stranglers with such endurance and speed that by nightfall all those that came to slay the Nezertif were killed.

After the bloodlust left them, the Nezertif went into a soft shock not knowing what to do next. That is until Long Fang came back (more than one trophy on his body) gathering his tribe back together and told them that'd they'd never run away again, that they'd make a home upon where they were blessed and create a better future.

Kaldor watch with pleasure as the Nezertif went back to the hill that'd later on be named First Home. They had many things to learn, but they were on their way.

10-8=2 AP left
-2 Create Magical Sub-race of beastmen-Noble Beastmen: A proud race, the noble beastmen are the minority of the beastmen (about 20% of them) who's bloodline has been blessed by the god Kaldor. They almost always appear with animal heads and hind legs with human-like chests and arms with thick fur across the whole but rarely they can appear to have no humanoid features at all as well. Unlike typical beastmen, the noble beastmen are extremely intelligent and are fast learners as well as having the brute strength to wrestle with giants. They have the endurance to walk through the frozen and heated wastes without burden, but they require the food and drink of five normal beastmen. Noble beastmen having the power of Kaldor running through their veins cannot use magic and have a unusual resistance to it (with a few rare exceptions), their blood is also poisonous to magical creatures. They are born leaders and typically are seen with normal beastmen serving under them under some sort of mutual agreement.

-2 Create Soceity-The Nezertifs: A kingdom of beastmen that has been blessed by Kaldor and brought together under the leadership of Long Fang. They have gained a clan structure that has each one acting independently for the most part, only interacting with one another for trade or when the high chief (the only person a Nezertif calls lord) decides that he needs the clans to work together to achieve a goal (which can be long term) for the whole of the kingdom. Nezertif settlements are mainly seen near the ocean front where they can fish and use their ships to move across the coast more easily, but it is common to still see Nezertifs deeper in the Equal Spread searching for a challenge within the harsh and untamable land. (I'll expand on this later, especially the relationship between noble and normal beastmen.)

-1 Create Mundane Concept-Mining: Kaldor has taught the Nezertif how to proprerly inspect a area for ore and how to mine deeper more efficiently.

-2 Create Advance Concept-Advance Smithing: Kaldor has taught the "basics" of smithing to the Nezertifs, advancing their skill with metal to levels unseen by mortals yet. This covers the use of metal works, from the construction of proper forges to the smelting of iron into tools, armor, and weapons.

-1 Create Mundane Concept-Shipbuilding: The Nezertifs are natural makers of ships because of their reliance to the sea for food and trade between each other. This covers the production of ships that can go out to sea and the bare basics of proper fishing equipment in that environment.

2016-04-12, 08:08 PM
Which Steps Softly - The Bastion of Whispered Promises

The world rang with the voices and cries of the mortal races yet they it knew they attracted the wills and desires of its siblings and from its small throne high in the skies of the Bastion it let out a single note of song and the world did echo back and in that moment came forth a new God, a God of Song and a God of Silence yet as before the Primordial did ring out and silence its note so it seemed that only the Verse had sang out and that the Hush had silenced it.

Which Steps Softly creates The Verse and the Hush

2016-04-12, 09:26 PM
Silver and Azj'Khan, Tir Na Nog

The girl shrugged.

"I think I want what the others do. Except they are unlikely to so openly admit it. I want to win. Everyone has their goals, and soon they will bring conflict. I am sure there are some you especially want to remove..." she says, looking up at the sky.

"If you promise not to touch my creations, I am sure we would both benefit from working together. I doubt you'd receive the same measure of enthusiasm from ANY of the others."

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-12, 09:39 PM
Frauns, Arrakis to the Floating Continent

Frauns walked around the portal cautiously. His large feet barely touching the mud. This was something that had to be understood, fully understood, and dealt with carefully. There is, of course, the obvious idea which would be simply to make a mass of these portals; enough to push the Sand Worms to breaking point. Still, something like that may have unintended ramifications. No, Frauns needed time to think.

The place Frauns chose to speak was the edge of the floating continent. The large blue giant continued to think as he made his way inland. He was not out to menace, and had an almost affected avoidance of sentient life, only when the giant could see a path to avoid them, of course.

2016-04-12, 10:08 PM
The Inscrutable, Eq'thaka, Kobu, Shamaz

The goblin God took the offered hand clasping its limb to the forearm in a closing fit. Then he offered a nod to the newcomers.

I am Shamaz, by my deeds you know me. I will appreciate all the help in caring for the spirits of my kin.*

Shamaz drew a hand and tore the veil just a little. He had come from the space between spaces. And now he was showing it to the others. It looked not like black emptiness but as far as the light of the material reached it it was a faded picture of the world.

Here in the unseen I will stand for those in passing.

*I am currently on my tablet will edit when I get to my pc later this week.

AP 1 form pantheon Spirit guardians(?)
AP 1 weave plane (shared with the other pantheon members) The Unseen, the space between spaces is naturally amorfous and devoid of colour. The proximity to the material and other planes give it shape resembling the cotermineous spaces. Distance within the unseen is tricky at best since due to its nature it links spaces and thus similar places that are really far away in the other planes might be the same spot here. A strong willed and skilled individual can also momentarily reshape the surrounding area to a form fitting their close memories. (guys feel free to contribute to how the plane behaves or is)

6 AP remaining.

The Inscrutable reached with it free hand to the tear in the void. His light flowed from him in a great and endless flood. the light coalesced into stars the filled the plane. some were large and bright, filling the land with a warm glow. others were as small as as grains of sand and flowed throughout like a mist. The stars were as much a part of the land as anything else. solid and stable when they needed to be, free and flowing when they did not. Many of the brighter stars were fixed, mirrors of the stars of the first world.

"The light of these stars shall be the strength of the Souls. It will guide them and empower them, grant them form and potency. surrounded by their light will the dead shine as bright as their lives."

The Inscrutable turned toward the new arrivals and spoke. "By my beacon you have found me, by my will shall you know me. I have few titles in this world, but I would have you call me friend."

Starting Ap: 15

-1Ap weave plane (Shared with others) The unseen: The stars of the unseen act as a beacon for the souls of the dead, pulling them in from the first world. Any souls that arrive in the plane will be granted forms, similar to those they had in life, composed of the many minuscule stars that float freely through the realm. Souls can effect the movement of the free flowing mist of stars to form them by their will. Those souls of exceptional will could even use these stars to defend themselves from those who would cause them harm.

-1Ap bridge plane (shared with The Third) the Imobile stars of the unseen form a matrix along the borders of the realm. A place where the walls are thinned and transion between this plane and others is possible for those with the knowledge an means. The stars themselves act as portals between them and their mirrors in the first world, allowing the souls of the dead to pass freely into this realm through them. However, this method of travel works only for the dead. The living would need to take advantage of the thinner portions of space were they to travel here.
(@ TheThird I think i did this as we discussed, but feel free to add or subtract from it as necessary.)

Remaining Ap: 13

2016-04-12, 10:50 PM
Arrakis, the Pestilence

Beyond the wall of sand was calm, stretching for several hundred yards in all directions around a single feature. An arch of red stone, within which flickered images of a different reality, one of red stone, black water, and smears of other colours scattered throughout. Every few moments, the flickering scene bubbled, and spewed forth a gush of noxious fluid onto the sands around it. Though Arrakis was anathema to moisture, in this one place it thrived. The foul liquids mixed with the sands around the portal, creating a foul sludge in a short radius around the arch.

Frauns, Arrakis

Well, this is interesting, thought Frauns to himself as they passed through the wall. Now, that he could see the portal that struck such fear in the Sandworms he tried to navigate around in order to get a complete picture. As he did so, he asked questions, He asked "what was so fearsome about it? How often it was actually unsafe; after all nothing wss harming him yet. The rough percentage of Sand worms dedicated to containing it? Whether anyone had gone through it?"

And numerous other questions that Frauns could think of in order to get a complete perspective before making his plans to leave.

Arrakis - Questions and Answers

His guide very dutifully answered the godling's questions before he departed.

"The very nature of that which comes though, the liquid itself, it is deadly poison to us. Its very existence brings pain and is anathema to us and our god. To enter through that portal would bring us to a place as hostile to our nature as the demons of that world find this one. We do not bother to count our numbers, for we know only that the Pestilence must be contained. Enough are called to maintain the barrier, and that is sufficient. Breeth'r himself may know more. Only Breeth'r himself has ever dared entered the realm of evil, and he has never spoken of it to us. We were born with an instinctual knowledge that to enter that realm is to have the very world itself turn against you and wish you dead."

2016-04-12, 11:00 PM
Eq'Thaka - The Void - "Meetings"

"The light of these stars shall be the strength of the Souls. It will guide them and empower them, grand them form and potency. surrounded by their light will the dead shine as bright as their lives."

The Inscrutable turned toward the new arrivals and spoke. "By my beacon you have found me, by my will shall you know me. I have few titles in this world, but I would have you call me friend."

The masked warrior looks on silently as the two gods combine their efforts, forming a new transitional plane of existence and as the stars flow freely through the space he says, "I would have you know this place Kobu."

Then to the multi-hued, luminescent god, "By your works I know you, and would call you friend."

2016-04-12, 11:05 PM
The Inscrutable, Eq'thaka, Kobu, Shamaz

Kobu approached the tear and stood looking out over The Unseen. "I feel like I do know this place... but it doesn't know itself."

He looked at one of the stars, the form of the godling still shifting like the mists of the plane. Suddenly Kobu took the form of an unrecognizable three-eyed figure, and tore out their third eye. They tossed it into one of the stars, which flared as if a rainbow had been set ablaze, before diminishing back to a cool white.

Kobu lifted her umbrella and twirled it over herself, a bit of blood still running down her forehead, and smiled aimlessly at the other gods. "Now it can remember, sometimes. The stories of the dead won't be forgotten here."

Joint Weave Plane (1AP): The unseen. Overtime, as the first star spreads it's mists across the plane, the mists of some stars will be able to recall the memories of other souls that have traveled through them. A person's memory of one place may lead them somewhere they've never been before in their lives. These mists are less frequent than the regular kind, but not by much, and most often pool near the gates to an afterlife. Someone of strong will can also call these mists to them from across the plane. (This could be expanded upon further with blessings. I have an idea where some of the stars gain sentience.)

Robert Frost
2016-04-12, 11:10 PM
Verse, Arbiter of Sublimity

"By measure. It was word and note,
The wind the wind had meant to be -
A little through the lips and throat.
The aim was song - the wind could see."

her melodious voice sang as she arose from the cacophony of voices and melodies across the First World to come into existence.

Hush, the Quiescent

Between the words of Verse's stanza, at each pause, each momentary lapse of sound he came into being. He knew the reason of his being, the formation of his existence. The harmony *he* was responsible for was the pauses between words. The quiet solemnity of requirement. The inspiration that came after a night's rest. Succinct. Short. Brief. That was what punctuated his being, and he was as connected to his sister as she was to him. They existed, simultaneously, each but a side of the other, and while she was sung into existence, he was not nearly so gaudy. But a pause, and he was there.

Hush // Verse

Together, the two combined, the silence and the sound, the god and the goddess. Together, as one, they extended the energies of inspiration and music to imbue the world with ambient song. The sounds of the Waves crashing upon the shore, the sounds of the hammers clanking against anvils, and sounds of crickets in the first rays of moonlight - they all formed into a symphony of song that filled the world. The sounds (considered mundane by many) together created music. A song.

And along that song, the two traveled, finding themselves flowing through societies, peoples, and groups they wouldn't know otherwise. They were everywhere... and then nowhere. Until they arrived in... elsewhere. Their travels going to the conclusion of inspiration... of desire... of creativity... into the realm of Dream.

Though the two did not sleep, though they did not mean to- they found themselves in the realm and power of Silver.

Starting AP 16
Bless (The Living Song) (1AP): The mundane actions and sounds of the world now make music. It's faint, and not always apparent unless you're listening to it... but there is an actual rhythm and music to the world now. This music stirs within the souls of some individuals more than others... which leads to.
Create Advanced Concept (2AP): Composition Across the world many were inspired to write and create music. Untrained, unlearned, and unknown - all peoples learned how to make beautiful music, should their soul stir properly.

Current AP = 13

I'll pay the cost for the people in Tir na nog after I meet Silver.

Also, that's a poem by Robert Frost: The Aim Was Song

2016-04-12, 11:12 PM
Frauns, Arrakis to the Floating Continent

Frauns walked around the portal cautiously. His large feet barely touching the mud. This was something that had to be understood, fully understood, and dealt with carefully. There is, of course, the obvious idea which would be simply to make a mass of these portals; enough to push the Sand Worms to breaking point. Still, something like that may have unintended ramifications. No, Frauns needed time to think.

The place Frauns chose to speak was the edge of the floating continent. The large blue giant continued to think as he made his way inland. He was not out to menace, and had an almost affected avoidance of sentient life, only when the giant could see a path to avoid them, of course.

After some time walking alone, Frauns comes upon a man in a brown cloak.

"Halt intruder! Your arrival has been noticed. What is your business in this land?"

The man seems to be too aware to mistake the god for a random wanderer, yet brave enough to ask a direct question.


Hush // Verse

The new god is greeted by one (two, kinda) of the Arcana.

"Halt! You trespass in... Wait, how does the World say it?" asks the woman. The man shrugs in response. He honestly didn't listen to the script, and he definitely didn't memorize it.

"Anyways, welcome to Tir Na Nog. Please enjoy your stay, or don't. Whichever one you prefer really. If you are here to see Silver, please come this way. If you are not here to see her, then please enjoy your stay." continues the woman.

The man nods politely, and taking his female counterpart's arm leads the way to one of the sitting rooms, for an audience.


Emperor Demonking
2016-04-12, 11:19 PM
Frauns, The Migrating Continent

Frauns looked at The Hermit and begun to form a reply, "I am here to seek the creator of this continent. All that one can see below I have either produced or had an epochal visit. However, this Continent intrigues me. I assume that you are some sort of guide? Certainly, you are not powerful enough to be the one that I am looking for."

2016-04-12, 11:44 PM

The Hermit stared at the giant passively. Finally, he decided to take him to see his goddess. There was no reason to stop him really... Though he did look a little too boring for his taste.

Taking him to Tir, the Hermit led him to one of the many sitting rooms. Inside, sat a young girl, several times smaller than Frauns, cloaked in the Glory of a goddess, the same power which though to a lesser extent was also present within the Hermit. The goddess smiled, waving politely.

"You are the first to come to the land I created. How did you find it?" she asked with genuine curiosity.

Robert Frost
2016-04-13, 12:04 AM
Hush // Verse

The new god is greeted by one (two, kinda) of the Arcana.

"Halt! You trespass in... Wait, how does the World say it?" asks the woman. The man shrugs in response. He honestly didn't listen to the script, and he definitely didn't memorize it.

"Anyways, welcome to Tir Na Nog. Please enjoy your stay, or don't. Whichever one you prefer really. If you are here to see Silver, please come this way. If you are not here to see her, then please enjoy your stay." continues the woman.

The man nods politely, and taking his female counterpart's arm leads the way to one of the sitting rooms, for an audience.


Verse, in the realm of Dream

"Oh take us onward, forward pair...
To take a path through hidden stair...
We have been born; an unknown why-
To Silver may the answer lie?"

Her giggling filled the room after she said her peace, and followed the two of them - her rhythm did not cease.

Hush, in the realm of Dream

While his sister was verbose, and brought musicality to the land of Dream, with each step Hush took the sound away. In sync the two walked through extravagant hallways, odd illusions, and strange sights. But none interested the two, until their audience with Silver was reached.

But it was the thinking of this realm, and this place, that made Hush consider what the purpose of their being was. Suffused with power, essence to create (and end) the music of the spheres.

What was their purpose? To subvert? To take? Or to pass along and add to songs that others make.

He shook his head, his sister's hold over this part of reality was strong to make him think in Verse. Instead he considered what might be the best approach toward the ends of sound, and silence - focusing his will toward that same end. It was then that the two reached Silver, and saw her with another in her hall of meeting. Before he could stop her..

Verse, in the Hall of Silver

it's me....
I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet...?"

Her eyes reflected mischief and trickery, but constant motion bespoke seriousness. A concordance of noise and sound musical followed her as she entered... before being quieted by the entry of her much more "refined" brother Hush.

Hush, the Quiescent

His gaze fell upon the room as he quieted the ambient sounds his sister made, head turning slightly as he looked upon the godlings gathered there. His desire to find commonality between existence and purpose coming to a head as he wondered as to the veracity or truth he might find here.

There is an honesty in Silence.

He thought, his ideas coalescing into silent thoughts "heard" in the minds of those around him.

That was a quote from "Hello" by Adele

2016-04-13, 01:08 AM
Silver and Azj'Khan, Tir Na Gog

The Sludge monster was silent for a moment, before it began to pop and bubble. Air pockets floated to the surface, only to expand and pop, spewing rivulets of foul fluid across the ground. It began to grow, popping and bubbling as it did, until the bubbling began to sound like laughter. The sludge towered above Silver, its two pseudopods gesturing around them. "I am blood, I am life, I am death. I lay claim over all creation, for it is I who will in the end devour it. To ask me to stay away from your toys is to ask a starving Centhiri to refrain from draining a bladefish dry. It is anathema, it is abominable!" He bellowed, the bubbling laughter still echoing throughout the scene. "But you are brave to ask, and so I will grant you one boon. Think wisely, and do not spend it hastily, for my boon is a fickle thing. Ask of me anything when I once again walk the waking world, and you may find my aid to be most generous... but request of me to act in any way again outside of this boon, and I will undo your realm and everything in it!" The sludge said, the bubbling and popping growing louder as the sludge seemed to boil and wither away. A few moments later, the sludge had boiled away into a cloud of noxious steam, which soon dissipated on the breeze. All that was left to mark Azj'Khan's passage was a black stain on the ground, which seemed to persist no matter how thoroughly it was cleaned.

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-13, 06:24 AM
Frauns, The Migrating Continent

"I have swum around the world, with sight keener than eyes. To notice a flying continent, to take a little note about a flying continent, is something that is not difficult." Then Frauns laughed; an odd laugh not like his hearty and cruel laugh, "Or perhaps you mean more particularly this place, in the case I was lead here by a guide after asking to meet you.

"I assume that you are the creator of all I have mentioned. The migrating continent, this plane, the small man in the small cloak. For I am sincerely impressed up to a point with your creations.

"Oh, my manners, I am Frauns deity of Cold and Magic. I created The Equal Spread, Gnomes, and other things. My brother and I - a deity of smiths and metal - are alliance seekers, we seek an alliance with the impressive. We call ourself, for the time being, the Perfectors an alliance to ensure that the First World is in flux and allowed to move towards 'perfection'."

Frauns then gave a little bow to signify that he had said his piece before looking for some place to sit, and upon finding such a thing, sitting.

Robert Frost
2016-04-13, 05:08 PM
Verse, Arbiter of Sublimity - The Migrating Continent

In another time, another place, as time is Fluid within Dream....

A lullaby followed Verse as she drifted among the sleeping dreaming people (The Dvati) upon "The Migrating Continent". It was within her purview to see the inspired dreams of song and verse that filled their minds, as she had already blessed the world with the Living Song, so too did she enjoy these people. The twin nature of their soul, with each Dvati born to another, also entertained her. A giggling symphony of sound flowed upon the air as she drifted, each note staccato until flowing into a wonderful vibration of low base... until it became impossible to perceive by mortal sense.

Within her mind formed an idea, to contribute to these people, so she gifted them with her essence of song and vibrancy, to help them along as their nature reminded her of her own.

AP 13
Form Society (Dvati) (-1 AP): Splitting this cost with Silver as discussed OOC
Ending AP = 12[/b]

Hush, the Quiescent

While his sister drifted between homes to spread the lullaby to those who would hear it, Hush drifted among a different sort. Those who took advantage of darkness and silence, to extend their own means. He traveled through shadows and quiet, finding himself among thieves and murders, among those who would find necessity to his domain. He felt their prayers for success, felt their desire for solace in the world. To those, he felt he owed a gift. Without a sound, as silence was his purview, he decided to give them an advantage should they seek it....

AP 12
Create Mundane Concept (1AP): Theft is now a concept. Those who wish it can steal from other people.
Create Organization (1AP): Thieves Guilds / Groups are a thing. Now across all worlds there is an understanding that can be reached among fellow "like-minded" individuals to combine their nefarious interests into consolidated groups - should they wish it.
AP Total = 10

2016-04-14, 03:44 PM
The god of the Moon, the Silver Beacon, the Eye Of The Moon. . . these are the names of Artan. He looked towards Silver, the goddess known as Silver. How fitting that the Silver Beacon would be the son of Silver. He rose up in the sky to meet her. "Silver. . . what is it you require? It is time that I meet you. It is time that I meet you here. I give you gratitude for making me."

2016-04-14, 04:20 PM
Frauns and Verse/Hush

Silver smiles politely to the pair (trio).
"Welcome. To formally introduce myself, I am Silver. If you seek an alliance, you are welcome to join me, as Im afraid I will insist on being in charge, not that it will mean much. Still... a girl can dream..." She trailed off.

She bows separately to Verse.
"Thank you for helping my creations. I do appreciate it. I hope you will stay for a while, I could use some... nicer guests. The invitation to join my pantheon is open to you if you wish. "


"You are quite welcome. " said the girl with a wide smile.
"As a first order of business, I am inviting you to join my pantheon, though past that I make no demands if you do not wish me to. "

OOC: Eammon, note this post that I made when I created artan, if you happened to miss it earlier: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20646085&postcount=60

Create Pantheon 1 AP: Taking suggestions for pantheon names

0AP left

2016-04-14, 04:53 PM
"Silver, I respect this decision. I will both join this pantheon, and I shall possess the power I require. You have my joining, and my knowledge. Take me and take all of me".

2016-04-14, 05:04 PM
Eq'Thaka - The Void - "Meetings"

Kobu lifted her umbrella and twirled it over herself, a bit of blood still running down her forehead, and smiled aimlessly at the other gods. "Now it can remember, sometimes. The stories of the dead won't be forgotten here."

Proud Heart followed Kobu's actions carefully, and as the younger god pronounced its work he trailed his hand through the ephemeral starlight attracting luminescent motes. Standing straight and tall as he faced the assembled, "I can feel their memories. The stories that should not be forgotten will live on in this...place between. I pledge to stand opposed to those that would impose their foulness, tyranny, or desolation over the transcendent essentia that is the spiritual embodiment of life itself. If you have need of me, I shall answer your call, and repeat that The Halcyon Fields lie open to each of you. It is there to which I must now return, to prepare the Feasting Hall for the honored few."

Offering a slight bow in parting, and turning to Kobu, "You are welcome to return with me, remain, or perhaps set your feet upon The First World itself. The choosing is yours, for this is no final parting to be sure."

Spirit Warden/Guardians
Nepali: Atma Vardena
Swedish: Anda Vaktare

Oddly similar??

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-14, 07:31 PM
Frauns, with Silver

"I believe you may find deities more like boar than wolves," said Frauns referring to the famously different patterns of the two great dire beasts of The Equal Spread, "still, I would be a poor alliance maker if I could not tend this little vanity."

The giant was satisfied, and will leave if there is nothing more to discussed. He turned to Verse and gave a little bow to him too.

Join Silver's Pantheon

Robert Frost
2016-04-14, 11:15 PM
Frauns and Verse/Hush

She bows separately to Verse.
"Thank you for helping my creations. I do appreciate it. I hope you will stay for a while, I could use some... nicer guests. The invitation to join my pantheon is open to you if you wish. "

Verse, in the realm of Dream

With a courteous bow, she bent down as low as she could go... while humming a tune. Her body jumping and jiving as she dropped her gaze.

"He wear no shoeshine..."

Her eyes danced while she looked at Fauns, dancing to a song that seemed to drift from nowhere...

"He got toe-jam football"

She stared at her brother, Hush, who silently gazed back.

"He got monkey finger"

Glowing eyes she seemed to look into the distance before looking back at Fauns.

"He shoot Coca-Cola... He say I know you, you know me

Before falling back onto Silver again, her smile flourished like a sword....

"One thing I can tell you is you got to be free....
Come together...... right now.....
Over me"

Her jovial nature seemed to present assent, that Verse and Hush would join this Pantheon... of fools.

Hush, in the realm of Dreaming...

While his sister and counterpart were jovial and boisterous in her agreement, Hush was more resigned. His silence filled the space surrounding him as he stepped (and existed) there and in somewhere else. He felt a desire for silence, a desire for quieting, and as such... faded from sight in the realm of dream...

My sister speaks while I do not.
Her words say what sound forgot.

The words were present in the mind of those, but without a sound, and as he left... the room itself seemed to grow louder. And as he disappeared, his sister seemed to giggle louder and dance around humming to herself.
Join Pantheon -1 AP (Starting 10 -1)
New Total = 9 AP
+1 PAP

Hush, in the First World

Silence follows the Lord of Quiescence. His gait takes him through forests, woods, across oceans and water, and traveling across the world at the speed of silence.. he realized that this world was one of sound and silence. Of light and shadow. And while traveling across the world realized that there was something he could contribute it, to those who might travel by silence and dark for more... nefarious means. So he invoked his power, drawing upon the absence of sound - drawing upon the moments between noise. The pauses in songs. The peace and silence sought by those who break the laws of society and mortals...

Those who seek silence, shall find it. And silence will greet them.

Focusing the essence of his being, he created new beings that matched his desires... Out of the silence, out of the night, speechless creatures appeared from the void. Animate shadows which erupted from the ground, acting as his hands to grant blessings to the people who sought his silence. These will be his children, the extension of his will on this plane.

Animate Shadows are created by Hush to act as providers of Silence. If someone prays for silence in order to achieve their ends or desires, they have a chance to have their shadow become animate - an extension of Hush' will. These animate shadows feed off the sound of the person who invokes them, and are immaterial.

AP Starting 9 AP + 1 PAP
Create Magical Life (4AP): Create the Silenzi, Animate Shadows which feed off sound. These were intended to help those who require quiet for nefarious purposes. They exude silence and actually absorb sound.
Curse of Obedience (1AP): The Silenzi are compelled to seek out those who hold Hush's favor (Those attempting to be silent for nefarious purposes) in order to assist them.
9 - 5 AP = 4AP
Gain Domain (3AP): Criminals (Thieves)
Magical Silenzi (4 AP)
Curse of Obedience (1 AP)
Create Concept Theft (1 AP)
Create Organization (Thieves Guild) (1AP)

New Total 4 AP - 3 AP = 1 AP
+1 PAP

2016-04-15, 12:48 AM
Nezertifs Society:

As the days and months went by, King Fereld (though by those close to him he was known as Long Fang), the first king of the beastmen gathered as many of his race as he could to his cause. Visiting tribe after tribe not with genocide, as was the normal response for beastmen to do when they wanted to expand their territory, but came as a unifying force. He came with gifts of iron works, fur, and the bounty of the sea to impress upon them his desire to work together. Some tribes accepted these gifts with praise and acceptance, but more needed to be taught a lesson through violence.

It was a bloody time the Unification, the army of Nezertif hunting down and fighting those beastmen who rebelled or rejected the King's will (only harming those who resisted and left the injured alive most of the time). Most rebels just wanted to be left alone, but Fereld's reach went far inland and any beastman within was expected to respect the rule of the king.

While the majority of the beastmen fell to the Unification within a year or two, three tribes kept their independence, spiting on the King's rule. They were the Blood Skins, the Swift Winds, and Cave Walkers. Coming together for survival they formed the Nightgale "tribe". Seeing the riches of Fereld's kingdom they decided to embrace the old ways of take what you want when you want, with adjustments to fit the modern times. They began to hide and sneak about, stealing what they wanted when they wanted, mostly at night. As time went on they developed the use of magic, having the time to study now that they just took whatever they wanted as long as they were not caught. The Primal and Spirit magics they use, while clumsily in comparison to other races uses of them, make the noble beastmen and the majority of the Nezertifian populace feel hatred and disgust for the Nightgale. Few accept them other than their own, but that seems to be enough, it's better when less people are making noise to them.

The Nightgale are the thieves guild for the Nezertifs. Pretty much rebels that turned into expert bandits/thieves. Hope their alright to be the future (?) followers of Hush. :smalltongue: I plan on expanding on the society as a whole, as well as these guys if Robert Frost does nothing with them.

2016-04-15, 02:23 AM
"It is there to which I must now return, to prepare the Feasting Hall for the honored few."

Shamaz looks at the wilder god and gives an all to slightly nod.

I'll accompany you. After all most of the spirits gathering there were given sentience by my intervention. I would wish to know how they are faring.

With this the mirroring god extends his form into the shifting plane of the Unseen and from there goes towards the fields of eternal summer.

AP 6 PAP 1 - AP 1 - AP 2 - AP 1 - AP 2 = AP 0 PAP 1 remaining

AP 1: Finish weave pleane action (sorry for not doing this earlier yesterday was hectic as hell)

AP 2: Finish bridge plane action: The unseen is a place of ideas, of spirits, and while normally only the spirits of the dead travel through it, it is possible for the spirits of the living to reach the Unseen. A strong will and some notions of spirit magic are needed to perform such an astral projection. Venturing into the unseen is not without risks for the spirit of death will not distinguish between souls living or unliving, yet valiant people such as the goblins will use spirit magic to escort their friends and close kin to the otherworld through the unseen.

AP 1: Curse He who stands in between does so; The unseen is the plane closer to the material, and draws close to all other planes, this means that the unseen is between the material and all the other planes. While connecting one plane to another through portal or bridging actions is still divinely possible mortals need to account for the Unseen's pressence and risk travelling through it. This obviously works in both directions so demon invasions or sand worm invasions should cross through here first.

AP 2 (Artifact charge): Gain domain Ghosts (Spirits) Actions; Weave plane (The unseen) [2 AP], Bridge plane (The unseen) [2 AP], Form Pantheon [1 AP], Create Subconcept (Spirit Magic) [1 AP], Curse (the unseen stands between) [1 AP]

As a lesser deitiy Shamaz won't be able to set foot again in the material.

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-15, 10:32 AM
Frauns, With Silver

It was as Frauns was making his departure that he begun to feel bitter about the making of deals. Frauns had the unshakable feeling that he should have just smashed the little deity afore him. Frauns kew this was silly, regardless of form she was still a deity, and indeed he could tell that fronm your glory and she was the glory mistress. The giant's eyeless face betrayed none of this inner monologue, even as the thoughts begun to take on a life of their own.

The thoughts of alliances, heirachies, civilisation and law were banished from the mind of the giant. The giant knew again that power was about surviving based on the exploitation of one's own power to face off against anything that the world threw at you. Frauns was content, and unless either of two deities with him had reason to detain him, then he would leave.

The Equal Spread

The divine thoughts banished into the deepest reach of the continent, a place where the ice was so thick fisheaters could not find fish to eat, a land without fish-eaters so that fish-eater-eaters would soon starve as well. A land barren of life. A land where the ice was so thick it even had bubbles. Bubbles large enough to house a banished divine thought. Bubbles that can germinate a divine thought into the creation of a divine deity. Thus was it that miles away from any living thing The Grand Master was begetted, the circumstances of his birth well known to him.

2016-04-15, 09:40 PM
Eq'Thaka - The Void - "Meetings"
Proud Heart followed Kobu's actions carefully, and as the younger god pronounced its work he trailed his hand through the ephemeral starlight attracting luminescent motes. Standing straight and tall as he faced the assembled, "I can feel their memories. The stories that should not be forgotten will live on in this...place between. I pledge to stand opposed to those that would impose their foulness, tyranny, or desolation over the transcendent essentia that is the spiritual embodiment of life itself. If you have need of me, I shall answer your call, and repeat that The Halcyon Fields lie open to each of you. It is there to which I must now return, to prepare the Feasting Hall for the honored few."

Offering a slight bow in parting, and turning to Kobu, "You are welcome to return with me, remain, or perhaps set your feet upon The First World itself. The choosing is yours, for this is no final parting to be sure."

Spirit Warden/Guardians
Nepali: Atma Vardena
Swedish: Anda Vaktare

Oddly similar??

Shamaz looks at the wilder god and gives an all to slightly nod.

I'll accompany you. After all most of the spirits gathering there were given sentience by my intervention. I would wish to know how they are faring.

With this the mirroring god extends his form into the shifting plane of the Unseen and from there goes towards the fields of eternal summer.

AP 6 PAP 1 - AP 1 - AP 2 - AP 1 - AP 2 = AP 0 PAP 1 remaining

AP 1: Finish weave pleane action (sorry for not doing this earlier yesterday was hectic as hell)

AP 2: Finish bridge plane action: The unseen is a place of ideas, of spirits, and while normally only the spirits of the dead travel through it, it is possible for the spirits of the living to reach the Unseen. A strong will and some notions of spirit magic are needed to perform such an astral projection. Venturing into the unseen is not without risks for the spirit of death will not distinguish between souls living or unliving, yet valiant people such as the goblins will use spirit magic to escort their friends and close kin to the otherworld through the unseen.

AP 1: Curse He who stands in between does so; The unseen is the plane closer to the material, and draws close to all other planes, this means that the unseen is between the material and all the other planes. While connecting one plane to another through portal or bridging actions is still divinely possible mortals need to account for the Unseen's pressence and risk travelling through it. This obviously works in both directions so demon invasions or sand worm invasions should cross through here first.

AP 2 (Artifact charge): Gain domain Ghosts (Spirits) Actions; Weave plane (The unseen) [2 AP], Bridge plane (The unseen) [2 AP], Form Pantheon [1 AP], Create Subconcept (Spirit Magic) [1 AP], Curse (the unseen stands between) [1 AP]

As a lesser deitiy Shamaz won't be able to set foot again in the material.

Kobu smirked as Shamaz took their invitation. "I'll find my own way home. Someone needs to lead the parade."

The shadow hopped into the Unseen--straight into the star they altered. They stood up on it's surface and waved back at the gods.

"Genorator, why don't you come with me? You have children of your own to take care of here, both mortal and magical."

2016-04-16, 12:47 AM
Thamnon - The Equal Spread

And so it was that Thamnon’s first view was a prison of ice. “What great kindness you have shown me father. Wrapping me in your chains.” Pacing within the vastness of the bubble, he considered the three other gods he knew about. “Banding together, they likely aren’t the only gods then. How unfortunate.”

Thamnon focused for a moment, and his Glory wrapped itself around him like a second skin. He stepped out of space for a moment, and the ice around the bubble shook as impressions of chains formed in its surface. Appearing at the top of a tall mountain at the Roots of the World, he took in The First World for the first time, and loosed a portion of himself into the world. The effects felt by certain members of the mortal races immediately, as they turned to look at their brethren and thought, ‘Why should I not rule?’

Satisfied, he turned west and started walking, continuing until he had almost hit the oceans to the west above the continents dividing line. Here he decided was the perfect place to work from in secret until he no longer needed secrecy. Gathering the required energies, Thamnon slammed his foot into the barren ground, and outwards spread life, great coniferous forests spread forth, the landscape becoming hillier and gaining numerous rivers. Full of minerals and metals and all the things that make industry thrive, at the centre of all this stood a huge plateau, upon which stood Vethlastra, The Black Citadel of Thamnon. Striding into his iron citadel, Thamnon took a seat on the throne in the centre and laughed. It was not a pleasant laugh.

2 AP - Create Portal: There now exists a portal from somewhere in the heart of The Equal Spread to an unnamed mountain in the Roots of the World.
1 AP - Create Mundane Concept: Tyranny (Or rather, it now exists among the non gods)
1 AP - Alter Land: About a Texas sized area of of land around the newly formed Vethlastra is now temperate coniferous forest.
12 AP remaining

Robert Frost
2016-04-16, 12:53 AM
Verse, in the land of the Dvati

Across the land of the Migrating Continent, the Dvati were... they lived in groups that had formed up to build into societies. Verse watched as they grew and changed according to the whim of the powers around them. The power of Silver imbuing them as species, and the inspiration she inspired in them to produce and grow fruitful. And among these peoples, the singers, the songwriters, and those merry-makers that were... she realized that there were some who so loved her art, her aspect, her being that they wished to praise it in a fashion not before seen.

Her mind grew excited at the prospect, songs became more vibrant, sounds more incredible... her words of verse coming out to inspire and imbue those who could hear. She decided her form required definition... so she took to the stage... appearing among the Dvati... her brother at this point in time speaking with a different sort of audience...

"One song glory, one song before I go
Glory, one song to leave behind"

Her voice was magnificence, it was the praise that these Dvati had never heard such sublimity before. It brought joy to their hearts...

"Find one song, one last refrain
Glory, from the pretty girl front woman"

Then the realization, of the lyrics she sang, of the sorrow contained in the words...

"Who wasted opportunity
One song, he had the world at his feet
Glory, in the eyes of a young girl
A young girl, find glory"

As she sang, the world seemed to slow and speed up at the same time. The Dvati were silent... but could hear a music play among them without any instrument, without any hum or clapping. A beat that only she seemed to hear...

"Beyond the cheap colored lights
One song, before the sun sets
Glory, on another empty life"

It was then as she started to dance and float in spaces between people from moment to moment... that she wasn't mundane. That she wasn't a mortal, she was something... more. She was divine.

"Time flies, time dies
Glory, one blaze of glory
One blaze of glory, glory"

As she danced the power of her words seemed to settle in the hearts of the Dvati, filling them to the brim with power and energy... And as she finished her last refrain she seemed to disappear... the notes of her song fading into beautiful crescendo...

"Find glory in a song that rings true
Truth like a blazing fire, an eternal flame
Find, one song, a song about love
Glory, from the soul of a young woman"

Create Sub-Concept (1 AP): Musical Theatre / Plays With the beauty of her song, she inspired Composers to create musical plays that would spread across creation, so others could find enjoyment in the song and music.

1 AP / 1 PAP
-1 PAP =
1 AP Left

2016-04-16, 12:57 AM
Nezertifs Society:

As the Unification came to an end Fereld set down the Hundred Rules, a basic set of laws to be enforced across the kingdom. Most of the rules had to do with who was in-charge of what, and how someone comes into power, because Fereld did not yet have enough power to force too much on the populace at once. Though some laws other then fair power control made long strives for a large part of the populace, basic laws against things like murder (though honor duals are common and allowed) theft, ect; and universal rules for punishment for most of these that the local officers could either pardon, lessen, or worsen depending on the situation.

First Home became a large port city, the only city for the Nezertifs in this harsh icy realm. With food having to be brought in from multiple other settlements to feed it. Taking the stone of the earth like they did the metal the Nezertifs created walls of stone and created their first castle, the Nepobedimy. Filled with guards and food, for the army of Nezertif was still needed now and then, especially when a group of the Nightgale over stepped themselves (a rare event).

Other than First Home there were over twenty other settlements, with the condensed population of the beastmen race within Nezertif territory. Most bordered the sea so as to be able to fish, a couple were for logging and mining though and survived by trade and what little food they could produce from herbs and hunting. It's especially hard for the wolf faced beastmen to live in one of these settlements because of the lower supply of meat. It became a crucial part of their life to gather all the herbs they could on the few warm (above freezing) days of the year, when the plants bloomed in huge meadows worth (which was known as the Time of Growth or the Time of Renewal, and marked the end of a year for them).

Most of the common Nezertifs wear nothing to protect themselves, since their naturally thick furs and skins provide more than enough protection from the weather, with only the younglings needing to wear any sort of protection from the cold. Some though out of fashion or some other reason wear furs of animals, dire animal fur is commonly used since it acts as a trophy to impress others around them.

The favored armor of the mass majority of the beastmen soldiers is chainmail to protect the chest, because leather armor just seems redundant compared to their skin for all but the swift scouts or Nightgales. Helmets are a rarity for the common soldiers, but some choose to wear them at times, even if they are called overly cautious. Officers normally wear full chainmail armor with helmets and often carry large shields. The favored weapons for the soldiers is by far the pike, with either their bear hands or hand axes for close combat, with officers using war hammers of great length and weight. Ranged weapons only seem interesting to a small few of the noble beastmen, normally officers who wish to participate in battle faster, with the javelins and short bows being the prime ways to go about fulfilling this need.

Naval battle, being almost nonexistent, consists mainly of: Board their ship and fight like normal, with maybe a few bow shots being fired from both sides. Nezertifians keep simple battle commands, but because battle has been a constant for most of their lives since before the creation of the kingdom they have a certain level of natural cooperation in battle. A benefit of living in the Equal Spread, if you can call it that.

Most common households are made up of wood, cobble stone, frozen mud, and maybe ice; depending on where you look. Food is stored easily with the natural cold preserving the food in all but the warmest times of the year, even then ice is aplenty to put in the store rooms. Some households, particularly those who live away from the coast, keep their food stuff stored in a guarded storehouse that is guarded to avoid thievery and keep the whole alive during lean times.

The family structure is usually made up of a father, a mother or two (sisters sometimes mate with the same male if he is particularly strong/successful), and the children. Normally the parents are not life long mates and only stay together long enough to raise a litter of young, but some couples stay together for their whole lifetime. When a mother has a litter of youngins she normally stays home to nurse and take care of them till they reach the age that they can start to learn from their father and other members of the community through watching them work (with the mother returning to her normal work space at this point). The father's role is to enforce as much respect for authority as possible and teach them how to live once they leave their home. It's rough, but mostly a fair way of teaching the younglings. Those Nezertifians that don't have humanoid forms find it hard to find respect enough to find a mate, and their children are considered to have a disadvantage for having such a parent most of the time.

Noble beastmen have a considerably easier time finding spots of power and recognition, but since those places of power are open to the common beastmen as well if they have the skill it only insights a slight influx of jealousy amongst the common beastmen. Litters from two noble beastmen normally have 4/5 of the younglings being nobles themselves, with the normal youngling having the potential of passing down the noble traits to their children. A noble and a common Nezertifian normally have 2/5 of the litter being nobles themselves.

Kaldor watch from on high, only giving a few words to Fereld on rare occasions, and was pleased as to the whole. Even the Nightgale might yet prove a positive influence to the whole of the community, but Kaldor doubted it since they used the disturbing magic. He watched and waited, thinking of the lands past the icy realm his people hold now.

2016-04-16, 05:00 AM
The Unseen

He who stands between turned towards his companion, Eq'Thaka was regal and prideful, and in imitation his goblin form straigthened.

You made a powerful vow. I'll make another then. I'll help those that travel. I'll protect them. I'll grant them shelter, I'll pave their roads, I'll open their gates. When they pass I'll guard them even if that opposes me to my begetter.

He then observed the steppes. He saw them in their extension. How they were rich but empty except for the magnificent herds of ibexes, deers, tahrs, boars, tahkis and other animals, as well as the varied flocks of birds. It was not to say that there were predators, the eagles roamed on top gazing their inquisitive sight downwards and competing with bears, leopards and wolves. While there was an enriching balance in the hunt, an equity in nature running free and rampart Shamaz had travelled far and wide. He knew of forests and rivers. And he missed them.

I know you pride in your creation but if life is going to prosper it will need more than rich soil.

He reached for Khorama the mountain where the goblins nested and shaked it a little. There he had accumulated samples from all his travellings, memories from far away corners of the world. While they had been contained to the mountain and the lake now they were released with a tremor. Water from the lake soon went to fill the crevices while the wind transported seeds from trees and plants.

Rivers sprung arround the mountain connecting to the close natural estuaries with them they carried fishlife and at their riversides forests of bamboo and birches grew dotted with some wild fruit trees providing shade and protection to those that came to refresh at the waterside.

Goblin Culture

With the mountain outburst and the spring of rivers and bamboo the goblins have started expanding along the riverbeds. Canoes and catamarans, in most cases canoes temporarely rigged with a frame and a sail, have become common place. The goblins rarelly travel far from the water considering the water to be a connection to the mountain and a vital part for their survival. Well digging is still not a thoroughly understood science for goblins and communities need to establish within close distance to the rivers. The rivers not only provide water for the goblins but also for their plantations and orchards. Goblin communities tend to be small, a single court, no more than half a dozen females running a plantation manned by their goblinoid thralls which will outnumber them in twenty or thirty to one ratios. Goblinoid housings are simple, made of bamboo while the goblins residence is made of stone and always includes an inner garden. Most plantations include a dock, with canoes and catamarans to transport their product up or down the river, this allows for the plantations to strongly specialize in one product or another as trade is quite common. Other specialized farms, those dedicated to animals, aren't yet common most goblin protein intake either comes from soy, fishes or game.

Goblin brotherhoods, consisting in usually three males and a ratio of goblinoids in the ten to one or fifteen to one range roam the countryside. This are the ones that take to actual hunting, as the hunt gives them stature and honor in the goblin society. And while at Khorama theatricals are an elaborate and refined woman venue in the countriside it is more of a wild provincial male passion. This brotherhoods also acts as couriers bringing news from one court to the next and will search to gain favour, and perhaps courting benefits, with them. The brotherhoods are the few to carry actual metal in their weapons and armors, most courts doing with bamboo shields and spears. Most brotherhoods favor mobility, using bows arrows and javelins from tahkis backs.

Some goblinoids have resisted the lures of the females and escaped from their yokes. Thieving has come naturally to them, as a way to gain and maintain resources. Most such groups aren't succesful, after all goblinoids cannot reproduce naturally and their only input of recruits is from those that might escape a farm. Which few are willing to do as the farm provides security and a sure source of food. Still some thieving goblinoids have established far from the gaze of the females infiltrating their plantations and running with what little they can carry or stoping the canoes and catamarans and asking for a toll.

PAP 1 - PAP 1

PAP 1: Alter land; the southern steppes now have rivers and forests. They are still mainly steppes though.

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-16, 06:56 AM
Gnome Civilisation

Gnomes are typically formed from small tribes and led by a Sharer. This Sharer is typically an ice wizard, and often rules in an autocratic fashion, although recently it has sometimes crossed the line into tyrannical. It is not always the case that an ice wizard is chief sharer for sometimes a tribe may have no ice wizards - despite the gnomish natural gift - or the way that tribe gains itself a new leader will not favour the ice wizards it does have, perhaps it is hereditary and no-one of the line has yet manifested the gift.These bands, however, are a shrinking minority.

When the Sharer is an ice wizard the onus on him to discover the gift in his tribe's young and to train it if it is there. They also generally help those tribes without an ice wizard of their own with the tutelage in ice magic. Those tribes that refuse this help - regardless if they keep the titles and certain cultural elements - essentially cease to be Sharers. However, the form of the help is very much determined by the character of the ice wizard Sharer, for some are good and teach fairly so that the ice youngling can go back to help his tribe, but some are wicked spending as much time into enticing the youngling to switch allegiance as teaching the power of ice.

One tribe had one ice wizard who was indeed the Sharer. She was autocratic, but not malicious and she died in childbirth. Twelve years passed, and in that time the slothful Samgin became leader have been the partner of Nelwaif who died. None had the gift in all that twelve years until it was learnt that the issue of Nelwaif did. The neighbouring tribe was wicked and stole the heart of Nelwaif and Samgin's son. The slothful Samgin acted with effort not characteristic of him, but it was still judged as lacking by those members of his tribe that were not in his circle.

However, the next day a large hole was built. The day after that the young traitor was at the bottom of it. And hidden here and there were all the valuables of the enemy tribes. Samgin's men and Samgin himself had required silence for their duty, and were given it. The young ice mage had his friends speaking to him and dispelling the false notions that the other tribe had implanted.The other tribe declared war, and Samgin's tribe dissipated.

There went to tribes where the Sharer was mundane and the whole tribe was too. Their valuables helping to secure an audience, while their story secured the sympathy. Spread around the tribes, this was how the gnomish thief guild was birthed; known as the 'Child Snatchers' by their enemies and having no name for themself.

The Equal Spread

The culture of the beastmen were changing as they became subordinate to their magical cousins. The Cult of Frauns that had been developed from those slower to change was not a resistance movement in a sense for it did not seek to overturn the new order. However, in its desire to preserve the old then it was a resistance movement. The Cult of Frauns may not have been the only worshippers of Frauns, but they were the ones who would seek out a frost worm to slay through bare claws and fangs, gladly accepting death if it ended in failure. The pontifex of the far-flung movement was a great boarish beastman, and the cult in general was rich in those most animal-like beastmen due to treating them in an entirely undifferentiated fashion.

1AP + 1 PAP
0 PAP = 1 PAP - 1 PAP: Create Organisation: The Cult of Frauns

Robert Frost
2016-04-16, 10:52 AM
Nezertifs Society:

As the Unification came to an end Fereld set down the Hundred Rules, a basic set of laws to be enforced across the kingdom. Most of the rules had to do with who was in-charge of what, and how someone comes into power, because Fereld did not yet have enough power to force too much on the populace at once. Though some laws other then fair power control made long strives for a large part of the populace, basic laws against things like murder (though honor duals are common and allowed) theft, ect; and universal rules for punishment for most of these that the local officers could either pardon, lessen, or worsen depending on the situation.

First Home became a large port city, the only city for the Nezertifs in this harsh icy realm. With food having to be brought in from multiple other settlements to feed it. Taking the stone of the earth like they did the metal the Nezertifs created walls of stone and created their first castle, the Nepobedimy. Filled with guards and food, for the army of Nezertif was still needed now and then, especially when a group of the Nightgale over stepped themselves (a rare event).

Other than First Home there were over twenty other settlements, with the condensed population of the beastmen race within Nezertif territory. Most bordered the sea so as to be able to fish, a couple were for logging and mining though and survived by trade and what little food they could produce from herbs and hunting. It's especially hard for the wolf faced beastmen to live in one of these settlements because of the lower supply of meat. It became a crucial part of their life to gather all the herbs they could on the few warm (above freezing) days of the year, when the plants bloomed in huge meadows worth (which was known as the Time of Growth or the Time of Renewal, and marked the end of a year for them).

Most of the common Nezertifs wear nothing to protect themselves, since their naturally thick furs and skins provide more than enough protection from the weather, with only the younglings needing to wear any sort of protection from the cold. Some though out of fashion or some other reason wear furs of animals, dire animal fur is commonly used since it acts as a trophy to impress others around them.

The favored armor of the mass majority of the beastmen soldiers is chainmail to protect the chest, because leather armor just seems redundant compared to their skin for all but the swift scouts or Nightgales. Helmets are a rarity for the common soldiers, but some choose to wear them at times, even if they are called overly cautious. Officers normally wear full chainmail armor with helmets and often carry large shields. The favored weapons for the soldiers is by far the pike, with either their bear hands or hand axes for close combat, with officers using war hammers of great length and weight. Ranged weapons only seem interesting to a small few of the noble beastmen, normally officers who wish to participate in battle faster, with the javelins and short bows being the prime ways to go about fulfilling this need.

Naval battle, being almost nonexistent, consists mainly of: Board their ship and fight like normal, with maybe a few bow shots being fired from both sides. Nezertifians keep simple battle commands, but because battle has been a constant for most of their lives since before the creation of the kingdom they have a certain level of natural cooperation in battle. A benefit of living in the Equal Spread, if you can call it that.

Most common households are made up of wood, cobble stone, frozen mud, and maybe ice; depending on where you look. Food is stored easily with the natural cold preserving the food in all but the warmest times of the year, even then ice is aplenty to put in the store rooms. Some households, particularly those who live away from the coast, keep their food stuff stored in a guarded storehouse that is guarded to avoid thievery and keep the whole alive during lean times.

The family structure is usually made up of a father, a mother or two (sisters sometimes mate with the same male if he is particularly strong/successful), and the children. Normally the parents are not life long mates and only stay together long enough to raise a litter of young, but some couples stay together for their whole lifetime. When a mother has a litter of youngins she normally stays home to nurse and take care of them till they reach the age that they can start to learn from their father and other members of the community through watching them work (with the mother returning to her normal work space at this point). The father's role is to enforce as much respect for authority as possible and teach them how to live once they leave their home. It's rough, but mostly a fair way of teaching the younglings. Those Nezertifians that don't have humanoid forms find it hard to find respect enough to find a mate, and their children are considered to have a disadvantage for having such a parent most of the time.

Noble beastmen have a considerably easier time finding spots of power and recognition, but since those places of power are open to the common beastmen as well if they have the skill it only insights a slight influx of jealousy amongst the common beastmen. Litters from two noble beastmen normally have 4/5 of the younglings being nobles themselves, with the normal youngling having the potential of passing down the noble traits to their children. A noble and a common Nezertifian normally have 2/5 of the litter being nobles themselves.

Kaldor watch from on high, only giving a few words to Fereld on rare occasions, and was pleased as to the whole. Even the Nightgale might yet prove a positive influence to the whole of the community, but Kaldor doubted it since they used the disturbing magic. He watched and waited, thinking of the lands past the icy realm his people hold now.

Hush, the Quiescent

While his sister created musical theater among the Dvati, Hush found his attention drawn elsewhere. He felt the beginnings of dedication from many of the peoples of the world. Among the Beastmen the Nightgales thrived when attuning their prayers to him, and his Silenzi provided them silence to assist their purposes. Among the gnomes the 'Child Snatchers' guild began to exist, sending prayers to Hush for the continued gift of quiet for their needs and desires. Hush realized that his fellow Godling's hands had a step in the creation of these people, these societies.

He traveled in small slips of time, his body shifting to the form of the Noble Beastman that was silent to prowl among the Beastmen and see their world. He shifted into the form of a male gnome, quiet and dangerous, to see their ways. And with each experience, found himself impressed at the depth of these beings. They had souls - parts of themselves which would exist beyond them, almost as though they had pieces of divinity contained within mortal form. An impressive feat.

After seeing this part of the world, and the result of the two groups who began to praise his powers through the art of Theft, he reached out to touch the mind of the Godlings who made the beastmen.

@ Kaldor

The world around the smith god felt quieter as Hush pressed himself into existence at that moment. High in the skies above the land of the Beastmen, among clouds that saw the world much differently than trees or people did, the two Godlings met. Hush coalesced into the form suited to the moment, a humanoid man wearing dark clothing with gray skin, and eyes of quiet nothingness.

Your people are impressive.

His words floating into the minds of those around him, images of his desires and intents representing the "words" he spoke much better than mere sound.

Some of them even give me praise.

There was a feeling of entertainment in that statement, and Hush smiled slightly as he projected that thought process to Kaldor.

2016-04-16, 11:24 AM
Eq’Thaka –The Halcyon Fields, The First World(Near Shores) – "Dawn"

Behind the imposing mask of his horned helm, Proud Heart smiled. The goblin god had followed his pledge with a beneficence and grace that filled his heart, and the enigmatic Kobu’s almost childlike exuberance never failed to fracture his stoic façade. Stepping through the Unseen realm of starlight, so it was that he returned to the Halcyon Fields, once again assuming his preferred form.

He walked with the goblin god for a period upon the fields of eternal summer, and spoke of his plans for a great feasting hall to welcome the honored souls of the First World. For it was that the natural spirits populating the Halcyon Fields were plentiful and content, but those of the sentient races were of yet to receive the great welcoming to celebrate the deeds of their lives.

Again he bore witness to one of He Who Stands Between’s great works, as the Great Southern Steppes of the First World were further shaped with a variety of environs teeming with life and bounty – drawing the souls of goblin kind to him as he labored. Though they could see naught which he wrought, their hearts were filled with pride knowing that their creator continued to provide a great bounty and prosperity to their kin.

Thus it was that he came to stand upon the eternal shores alone, again, and looked back across the fields. He watched Kobu’s playful interaction with those brought forth to this place. He watched the Goblin God, surrounded by a host of his children, and he contemplated this place and its design…lasting and eternal.

So it was that he bent to the sands of the Halcyon Shores a second time gathering its malleable sands, but this time he did not remain, did not shape. Rather, with a thought, he brought himself to The First World, far to the north – indeed he stood upon what he called the Near Shores, as they were the first to feel Sorath’s embrace with the coming of each dawn.

As he cast about he considered his friend’s words, “I know your pride in your creation but if life is going to prosper it will need more than rich soil,” and he shaped the world anew with gentle hills, low mountains, forests, and rivers. He brought forth the sacred sands he had gathered from the Halcyon Shores and placed them there upon the Near Shores, shaping them into tall, lithe, and graceful figures.

“You shall be the children of dawn, and though the Curse of Blood will still call you, your days shall be eternal.” It was that the elves came to the First World.

Beginning AP 2

-1 AP Alter Lands: The far northern and eastern section of the First World contains a vast array of land forms and environments collectively known as The Northern Reaches. A deep, dense deciduous forests(The Dawnswood), gentle hills, low mountains, and pristine lakes.
-1 AP:Create Sapient Life: Elves: Tall and slender, elves are both graceful and nimble but not as hardy as some of the other species of The First World. They are slow to mature, but once fully grown they become ageless. They are as susceptible to disease and injury as any other race but do not decline or die of old age. Both males and females stand easily six feet tall, but rarely weigh more than one hundred and fifty pounds. Males tend to have black hair and green eyes, while the females usually have brown hair and amber eyes.

2016-04-16, 12:52 PM
Nezertifian Society:

As the Cult of Frauns persisted, it became apparent that it's members were respected. While not the popular view on how to live your life for many of the kingdoms people, many would come to the leaders of the cult for advice, ceremonies to bring younglings to adulthood, or to oversee ceremonies of strength between two beastmen.

As time went on many started to worship the "Ash Lord" or the "Black Lord", forming places of worship to the god. Naturally over a small period of time a "prophet" emerged, speaking of the will of Kaldor (though Kaldor said nothing to them). Gathering followers to dedicate their lives to his cause. This pleased Kaldor as he watched from on high, he decided to reward these individuals who became known as Iron Priests.

Whispering to them as they laid between the realm of sleep and wake, he imprinted upon them the way to gain his blessing, to lay his power upon the mortal realm. It took many a day to completely understand the will of the god, but they eventually learned that calling upon the god's name while metal was hot enough to create light lead to it gaining the god's blessing. A holy act that the now Black Priests keep to themselves.

To use the gift that Kaldor gave upon them, to use the full extend of what was is called Null Metal, magic is required. The priest secretly at first but then openly studied magic, most priest being disgusted at what they were doing, and gaining only the rudimentary skill necessary to use Null Metal for almost all cases. The public soon learned then later on accepted that magic was only acceptable within religion, and the over use of it within or the use outside of it at all was blasphemy to the Ash Lord.

6+1 PAP-5=1 AP +1 PAP

Create Mythical Concept-Null Metal: This substance is called Null (metal name), such as Null Bronze or Null Iron for example. When the shaping of an object is complete and the metal still glows the smith may call upon Kaldor to bless the object, blackening it as it turns to Null Metal. Null Metal radiates what is called a Null Field, a area that is completely immune to magic and even reverses it in many cases (such as recently magically healed wounds, the momentum of a rock thrown by magic, ect). A Null Field normally only extends to less than a inch from the Null Metal, but when it comes into contact with active magic it temporarily increases in size as it absorbs the energy. Magical creatures within feel pain and their bodies begin to spasm, with complete loss of function not being uncommon as the magic within their bodies is shredded by the Null Field. To maintain Null Metal, a small dosage of magic is required every month or two, otherwise it reverts to normal metal.

Create Organization-The Black Priests: These followers of Kaldor's will take up the role of keeping the people from blaspheming against the smith god, they normally wear as much Null Metal as possible, wearing extra chains and metal plates for protection as well as to extend their Null Field slightly. The heads of the order are master smiths, as well as moderately skilled spellcasters of Earth and Fire magics. Most Black Priests though only practice small amounts of magic with heavy restrictions, with noble beastmen almost never advancing past the bare bones basics. In practice the vast majority of the magical energy used by the Black Priests is used to increase the size of Null Fields. While they are not required to, many Black Priests join the military, acting as a strong counter-force to magic and magical creatures. Their favored weapon is the war hammer.

Hush, the Quiescent

While his sister created musical theater among the Dvati, Hush found his attention drawn elsewhere. He felt the beginnings of dedication from many of the peoples of the world. Among the Beastmen the Nightgales thrived when attuning their prayers to him, and his Silenzi provided them silence to assist their purposes. Among the gnomes the 'Child Snatchers' guild began to exist, sending prayers to Hush for the continued gift of quiet for their needs and desires. Hush realized that his fellow Godling's hands had a step in the creation of these people, these societies.

He traveled in small slips of time, his body shifting to the form of the Noble Beastman that was silent to prowl among the Beastmen and see their world. He shifted into the form of a male gnome, quiet and dangerous, to see their ways. And with each experience, found himself impressed at the depth of these beings. They had souls - parts of themselves which would exist beyond them, almost as though they had pieces of divinity contained within mortal form. An impressive feat.

After seeing this part of the world, and the result of the two groups who began to praise his powers through the art of Theft, he reached out to touch the mind of the Godlings who made the beastmen.

@ Kaldor

The world around the smith god felt quieter as Hush pressed himself into existence at that moment. High in the skies above the land of the Beastmen, among clouds that saw the world much differently than trees or people did, the two Godlings met. Hush coalesced into the form suited to the moment, a humanoid man wearing dark clothing with gray skin, and eyes of quiet nothingness.

Your people are impressive.

His words floating into the minds of those around him, images of his desires and intents representing the "words" he spoke much better than mere sound.

Some of them even give me praise.

There was a feeling of entertainment in that statement, and Hush smiled slightly as he projected that thought process to Kaldor.

Kaldor who was in the form of a cloud of ash with the two burning eyes that was mistaken by the mortals as the sun at times gaze over to Hush. His gaze turning from surprise to anger, then smoothly transitioned to calm study with a hint of pleasure as Hush communicated with him. To speak to the god who took on a humanoid form Kaldor once more took on the form that the Nezertifians spoke of as "Fire Eyes" a giant wolfed faced beastman with furs and chains holding many a tool on his form, and in his hands he held the Great Hammer.

"They give praise to whoever they wish to, it is none of my concern as long as they continue to grow." Kaldor says and continues on after a pause. "Might you be the one that gives the shadows to the Nightgale? Yes, yes, it would make sense. A interesting sort. Who might you be one who... speaks... right into my mind?"

2016-04-16, 05:02 PM
Which Steps Softly - The Bastion of Whispered Promises

Long had Which Steps Softly gazed upon the world and the actions of the younger Gods, biding its time silently until such a time that it could like its siblings effect the course of the world more overtly. It had made small steps here and there, hiding its actions in the din of its larger and stronger brothers and sister and in the birthing cries of the lesser Gods they had made yet those cries ran together answering each other too swiftly for the Primordial to act. Yet now a ring from a place long locked to it had sounded and nothing had returned and thus it entered the void in the skin of Yao Shun the Fragile and it took the appearance of the nascent Elves and with small gestures it funneled a portion of the power of Dragon Fire into their veins, just enough to empower them and to turn the sands they were made of into pristine and perfect glass. Too much would have burned them and melted them to slag yet to little would leave them malformed and pitted and with its work done it called out in a clear voice as if running a finger along a glass half full of water to signal that the work of the Summer Lord was complete.

Yet it did more in the guise of Yao Shun, lifting up a young and fragile Elven boy and whispered to him of the treasures deep within the Roots of the World. It spurred the child forward, gave strength to his feet so he could run and hardened his fingers so he could climb all the way until he could reach the lair of the great Fire Serpents that gnawed on the blood of the First World. Yao Shun cloaked this boy, Ren'Hi, in mists and illusions and made his footfall soft as he crawled down scorched tunnels. Breathed fresh air into his lungs when the air grew foul with smoke. Wove silk as strong as steel and as soft as cloud about the boy when he fell into a pit of Dragon Eggs so he would not break them yet would not be broken. Every step of the way Yao Shun did walk with Ren'Hi until finally the boy came upon the beast. Brynja was the name of the beast for above all Dragons it was said its scales were the thickest and most polished yet Ren'Hi was not afraid of it knew it was safe even from the mighty breath of the great beast. Brynja lunged and snarled at the tiny morsel yet Ren'Hi ducked and dodged, using stalagmites and the beast's own body to block the snapping jaws so Brynja pierced itself with his own teeth. Even when the beast grew furious and blasted its cave with its breath, Ren'Hi was not afraid for it scooped the liquid fire that dwells in all Dragons and its breath and fled. Even when Brynja called down the lightnings of the sky and torrential waters from the heavens, Ren'Hi was not afraid for he used his body to shield the fire even though it burned him terribly. All this Ren'Hi did to bring the greatest treasure to his people, for when he returned from his long journey he was no longer a boy but a man and the Elven people learned of Fire and hungered for it.

Yet the hero of the Elves did not only shape his people but the Dragons of the Roots of the World for the blood of Brynja seeped deep into earth and into its eggs and mutated its children into simple minded beasts. These Wurms were long like a redwood and in their veins the Dragon Fire ran yet they thought only of food. With no wings the Wurms relied only on legs of which they had many and though they could not breath forth Dragon Fire they were strong against it and loyal to those that could. These Wurms were more plentiful for they bred more freely and less cruely than their cousins and soon the Roots of the World were filled with the roars and calls of the Wurm.


Raise Hero -2AP: Ren'Hi, Who Brought the Clean Water and Unblemished Flame - An Elven Folk Hero who stole fire from the dragons to light the bonfires of the Elves and who brought the form of government to the Elven people.

Create Subrace (Wurms) - 1AP (Dropping Wurms to Monsterous Life reduces the cost of a 4AP action to a minimum of 1):

Create Sentient Life (Elves) -1 AP: Imbuing the sands of the Shores with Dragon Fire, the Elves are a beautiful yet fragile race locked away from the hurdles of time. For now.

Create Society -1AP (Elven Aristarchy - 1AP): The Elves band together in centers of learning and uplift the most intelligent, the most beautiful and the strongest of their kind to lead by example.

Gain Domain -PAP: Greed (Dragons)

Actions Towards

Create Magical Life (Dragons) +4AP
Raise Hero (Ren'Hi) +2AP
Create Subrace (Wurms): +1AP

5AP - 2AP - 1AP - 1AP - 1AP = 1AP 1PAP - 1PAP = 0PAP

Robert Frost
2016-04-17, 02:19 AM
Kaldor who was in the form of a cloud of ash with the two burning eyes that was mistaken by the mortals as the sun at times gaze over to Hush. His gaze turning from surprise to anger, then smoothly transitioned to calm study with a hint of pleasure as Hush communicated with him. To speak to the god who took on a humanoid form Kaldor once more took on the form that the Nezertifians spoke of as "Fire Eyes" a giant wolfed faced beastman with furs and chains holding many a tool on his form, and in his hands he held the Great Hammer.

"They give praise to whoever they wish to, it is none of my concern as long as they continue to grow." Kaldor says and continues on after a pause. "Might you be the one that gives the shadows to the Nightgale? Yes, yes, it would make sense. A interesting sort. Who might you be one who... speaks... right into my mind?"

Hush, the Quiescent

Kaldor's burning eyes fell upon the form of the Gray skinned God of Rogues and Silence. The somber black clothing. The smirk and eyes that seem to fall into emptiness, the sound of Kaldor's voice seeming to fade as it reached him... the ambient noise often heard at all parts of the world of seeming to disappear into Hush's empty... void... eyes. There was something of a dark mirth that seemed to fill the air and silence surrounding Hush - a sensation that might have spooked a lesser creature than the two Godlings in the sky above the Beastmen.

Silence doesn't speak. It isn't in my nature. I am Hush. Brother to Verse. Incarnate of Silence.

This was probably the longest string of ideas had put together in a single moment for an individual. The idea of conversation was alien to him, although the sensation of conveying knowledge through non-verbal means predated his existence. He had just captured it... to make his thoughts and desires known without speaking. It was an odd concession.

It is how I am.

This idea was conveyed with an element of curiosity, as though the reasoning for that was beyond the conception of the idea which lay incarnate before Kaldor. Hush's gaze fell upon the people below, and in his hand the image of the Nightgale appeared, before disappearing. Then a picture seemed to be created in the air around Hush, of shadows enveloping the Nightgale, protecting the figure, before those too disappeared.

I saw their desire for silence. I provided.

2016-04-17, 02:20 AM
Kobu smirked as Shamaz took their invitation. "I'll find my own way home. Someone needs to lead the parade."

The shadow hopped into the Unseen--straight into the star they altered. They stood up on it's surface and waved back at the gods.

"Genorator, why don't you come with me? You have children of your own to take care of here, both mortal and magical."

"As you would have it, Friend." The Inscrutable said as he followed his new found ally. His silhouette of a form stepping through the star as the glowing orb that was Its true self followed suit. Then both Gods looked upon the realm they had helped to birth as the first souls of the dead entered The Unseen.

The silhouette turned to face Kobu and spoke in a voice half heard, while dozens of murmuring thoughts filled the background. "So have my children entered the haven we have made, But soon they will be lost without a guide. So they shall have them. You gave the stars the ability to remember, but let us now give them the capacity to think, and the ability to act." No sooner had these words been spoken, than the stars had shifted in their wake. The first was the star blessed by Kobu, which opened its newly granted eye of shifting colors to look down upon The Unseen. This star was larger, brighter, and far, far wiser than its kin. It would come to be known as The Watcher and would be the guardian of the realm. However It was not the only change in the heavens, for dozens upon dozens of stars began to move across the sky. Then they fell upon the land taking for themselves Silhouetted forms of glowing light and began to approach the wandering souls.

"Yet what good is a guide if it knows not the destination. So then our children shall take the destination from none other than the souls themselves. The methods they employ would be individually unique, as is the way of life. Yet their goal shall be the same irregardless. To determine were a soul desires and deserves to go." As the words were spoken, their meaning became evident. The new lights in The Unseen began to interact with the wandering souls. Some simply talked with the souls to learn of who they were, others became them, experiencing the entirety of their lives first hand. Still others tested the souls, some with tests of wit and wisdom, others with tests of will and determination. The many guardians of the unseen wandered through the stream of new souls determining one after another, the fate of their afterlife. All the while The Watcher looked down on the events of The Unseen, Taking in and cataloging the influx of information while adjusting the plane as necessary to aid Its kin.

"With your blessing added to mine, I would have these children be the guiding lights of The Unseen. But these are your children as well as mine. Thus I ask of you Friend, how would you rear them to be?"

Starting Ap: 16 (13+4 to a a max of 16) +1PAP

-2Ap create magical life (Due to unforeseen circumstances action completed on this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20705959&postcount=213) Post.) : The Guiding Lights ( stars that were given sentience and potency by the joint effort of The Inscrutable and Kobu. These beings exist for the purpose of determining the destination of souls traveling through the unseen and guiding them there. They accomplish this by varying means, some kind, others cruel. The Stars posses the ability to take any physical form they need, the form being made entirely of shifting starlight. They can use their own light to act as any tool or weapon within the limits of their imagination and personal power. Within the realm of the unseen they are also able to shift the land beneath them to their will as all beings within the realm have access to that power if their will is sufficient. The guiding lights are bloodless and therefor, ironically, posses no souls. should they ever enter into the first world they will find themselves unable to physically effect it as well as find it physically unable to affect them without the use of magic. On the first world they are as ghosts, able to be seen and heard, but unable to act beyond that capacity.)

-1Ap: Raise hero (Due to Unforeseen circumstances action completed on this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20705959&postcount=213) post): The Watcher (One of the guiding lights granted a piece of divine essence from both The Inscrutable and Kobu. The watcher takes in all information that enters The Unseen, to include every memory possessed by every soul that enters the unseen, and catalogs it within itself sharing this information with The guiding lights and the both of its parent gods should they wish it. The watcher also acts as the guardian of The Unseen able to use its divine power to shift the whole of the plane to its beck and call, returning the plane to its original state when the danger has passed. The Watcher is additionally unique from the other guiding lights in that it has a soul. When Kobu gave the star Its eye, the eye had on it a single drop of kobu's divine blood which intertwined itself in the eye as it was Infused with the Divine essence of The Inscrutable. This has granted The watcher a Soul and the ability to effect the first world, should it ever choose to leave The Unseen.)

Remaining Ap: 13 +1PAP

2016-04-17, 03:14 AM
Which Steps Softly (Yao Shun) - The Unseen

Still within the skin of Yao Shun, Which Steps Softly slipped from the Void following the scent of its brothers Souls until it found the Unseen. Grabed in smoked glass robes the Elven God called forth in the new realm. "Who rules here, for I have need to speak to them! I am Yao Shun, the God of the Elves and I seek to parlay for their souls."

2016-04-17, 04:37 AM
Which Steps Softly (Yao Shun) - The Unseen

Still within the skin of Yao Shun, Which Steps Softly slipped from the Void following the scent of its brothers Souls until it found the Unseen. Grabed in smoked glass robes the Elven God called forth in the new realm. "Who rules here, for I have need to speak to them! I am Yao Shun, the God of the Elves and I seek to parlay for their souls."

Yao Shun, Shamaz - The Unseen

The god was still garbed as a goblin but he had discarded the leather armour for a robe, a kimono, like one that the brotherhoods donned. The men in goblin society tended to roam and value power thus there was much bling in their clothing. There were many keys tied to his obi, sharing the space with coins, white polished stones, relics and trinquets, hunt trophies decorated his shoulders wolf and leopard pelts and two large sets of antlers extending behind him like raised wings. Under such embellishment the fabric was patrician purple and mashiro white.

Shamaz whose face changed slightly as he faced the Elven God, his eyes turned green even if they were still slit each in one direction, and his hair darkened to raven black smiled an even if his scar tightened it into a crooked grin it was sincere.

While I do not presume to rule here I guess I can accomodate your request. I am Shamaz and although the goblin don't pray to me I heed to them. Current common procedure is to send the deceased souls to the fields of summer were they may rest before returning to the wheel. While there are some dangers in this realm we attempt to minimize them. What would you like to do with the elves souls? Perhaps you might want to go to the fields of summer and see that they are well tended? Or would you rather them be directed elsewhere?

2016-04-17, 09:43 AM
Eq’Thaka – The First World – Betterment

The Unbowed wandered the forests and mountains of the north and watched the Children of Dawn as they slowly grew in number and wisdom, for he had instilled in them a great curiosity and hunger for understanding. In the beginning, the being Yao Shun was a mystery to Eq’Thaka, and its actions were hidden. The Children of Dawn were both more beautiful and fragile than he had intended, but also infused with a latent mystical fire. The elves raised up Ren’Hi, for his courage and fortitude were unmatched, and as his influence grew the elves prospered. They called him Wanjeonhan – “The Complete” and he inspired the elves to seek perfection through long years of patience, training and learning.

So it was that Eq’Thaka strode upon The Northern Reaches when the bitter and acrid scent much akin to that of his brother caught his attention. Crossing the Dawnswood and great fertile valleys instantly, he brought himself to the edge of another dense forest, up from which arose a tremendous plateau crowned with a black iron citadel. The desire for dominion over all was palpable in both air and soil, and he grew wroth, for this place was an anathema to him and he assumed the form of the warrior Proud-Heart. Nearly overcome with rage, he summoned his greatspear Vit’aren and leveled it first at the citadel and then turning in a slow circuit. Heed me Wilding North – you will not be brought to heel, nor bow to another; your spirits are your own - possessed of a rugged vitality; you will proliferate and thrive as long as you remain untamed, but if you bend to the will of another you will become barren and diminish!

His temper sated he again became the great horned stallion and leaped to the top of the Roots of the World to look down both upon the Northern Reaches and then to the South - long miles to where the land fell off and gave way to the steppes. There upon the frozen peaks his heart cooled and he grew curious of the great winged beasts that periodically issued forth from their lairs hidden deep in the bowels of the mountains. They were greedy, ill-tempered creatures, instilled with tremendous powers of calamity and fire as well as a viciousness that exceeded that of a normal predator's nature. His intuition guided him deep into the heart of the mountains where he came upon a clutch of dragon eggs, and though stealthy and thievery were not in his nature he swallowed whole five of the eggs, replacing them with a hollow likeness composed of naught but rocks shaped by his will. Stepping through The Unseen to return to Aestasplanum.
Starting AP 4

Form Society -1AP: Elven Culture focuses on patience and training to seek perfection. He or she who masters craft, trades, skill, or knowledge is raised up within culture and assumes leadership within academies or societies. The ultimate position of leadership, however, is reserved for the Wanjeonhan, or The Complete. Educational and social institutions within elven society often center on elite academies - Wonhwa for females and Hwarang for males. The greatest of these institutions is in the original elven city of Achim. Noble Houses are not based on heredity, but rather merit and any elf that demonstrates mastery will be adopted into a noble house. Marriages are often arranged between these houses to promote gifted off-spring which is of critical import due to their nonproliferate nature
Curse -1AP: Curse of the Wilding North: indigenous species of plants and animals(non-sapient) are vigorous and fruitful, but only in their wild and natural state; any and every attempt to domesticate them ends with them become listless and barren, as their lives are shortened and their spirits lose their connection to The First World.

2016-04-17, 10:17 PM
Yao Shun, Shamaz - The Unseen

The god was still garbed as a goblin but he had discarded the leather armour for a robe, a kimono, like one that the brotherhoods donned. The men in goblin society tended to roam and value power thus there was much bling in their clothing. There were many keys tied to his obi, sharing the space with coins, white polished stones, relics and trinquets, hunt trophies decorated his shoulders wolf and leopard pelts and two large sets of antlers extending behind him like raised wings. Under such embellishment the fabric was patrician purple and mashiro white.

Shamaz whose face changed slightly as he faced the Elven God, his eyes turned green even if they were still slit each in one direction, and his hair darkened to raven black smiled an even if his scar tightened it into a crooked grin it was sincere.

While I do not presume to rule here I guess I can accomodate your request. I am Shamaz and although the goblin don't pray to me I heed to them. Current common procedure is to send the deceased souls to the fields of summer were they may rest before returning to the wheel. While there are some dangers in this realm we attempt to minimize them. What would you like to do with the elves souls? Perhaps you might want to go to the fields of summer and see that they are well tended? Or would you rather them be directed elsewhere?

Yao Shun bows slowly as he's greeted, motioning about himself. "I am afraid that is untenable. There is a realm known as the Bastion of Whispered Promises, created by the Old Gods yet abandoned and I have taken it for my realm. It is here that I would like the Elves to travel and I am willing to aid that journey by linking our realms together. One does not do that without asking however. The souls of the Elves, and they are so very few, would remain in the Bastion and aid me in managing their worship."

2016-04-17, 10:42 PM
Eq'Thaka - The Unseen - "Chance Encounter"

Emerging into the starlight realm, he chanced upon The Goblin God speaking with the mysterious Yao Shun, for he recognized this figure as that which had tutored and assisted Ren'Hi and his rise to prominence as The Complete. Both curious and somewhat indignant he approached, "Shamaz who do you treat with? Who is this that cloaks himself thus, as one of the Children of Dawn, and speaks interest in the souls of their passing?"

2016-04-18, 12:55 AM
Eq'Thaka - The Unseen - "Chance Encounter"

Emerging into the starlight realm, he chanced upon The Goblin God speaking with the mysterious Yao Shun, for he recognized this figure as that which had tutored and assisted Ren'Hi and his rise to prominence as The Complete. Both curious and somewhat indignant he approached, "Shamaz who do you treat with? Who is this that cloaks himself thus, as one of the Children of Dawn, and speaks interest in the souls of their passing?"

"I am Yao Shun, God of the Elves for your action woke me from deep slumber and I took them as my own." Yao Shun offers a bow, appraising the other God. "It is my intention to usher my people to a realm more suited for them."

2016-04-18, 04:29 AM
The Unseen

Shamaz could smell something disturbing on the whole conversation. A question, two actually, were nagging at him.

By your familiarity it seems that Eq'Thaka also had a hand in this elves creation. Is my understanding correct? And why would this bastion of whispered promises be more fitting than the fields of summer, if Eq'Thaka made both the fields and the elves there would bear more similarity there, since you might have created the elves but by your words stumbled upon the bastion. Anyway my knowledge of the elders is limited. But on what I know I cannot in good conscience ease the connection to their realms nor condone souls being secluded there. I will though let Eq'Thaka make the calling as he is clearly more versed than I on those children of the Dawn on what concerns the elves.

As he started giving word to his thoughts another question bit him. Had the god been into deep slumber yet had time to stumble into an elder god's realm... Had he slept there? Shamaz wasn't sure how long had he been alive. But this Yao Shun apparently wanted to get the elven souls to such a realm. Was that even a good idea?

2016-04-18, 04:46 AM
The Unseen

Shamaz could smell something disturbing on the whole conversation. A question, two actually, were nagging at him.

By your familiarity it seems that Eq'Thaka also had a hand in this elves creation. Is my understanding correct? And why would this bastion of whispered promises be more fitting than the fields of summer, if Eq'Thaka made both the fields and the elves there would bear more similarity there, since you might have created the elves but by your words stumbled upon the bastion. Anyway my knowledge of the elders is limited. But on what I know I cannot in good conscience ease the connection to their realms nor condone souls being secluded there. I will though let Eq'Thaka make the calling as he is clearly more versed than I on those children of the Dawn on what concerns the elves.

As he started giving word to his thoughts another question bit him. Had the god been into deep slumber yet had time to stumble into an elder god's realm... Had he slept there? Shamaz wasn't sure how long had he been alive. But this Yao Shun apparently wanted to get the elven souls to such a realm. Was that even a good idea?

Yao Shun frowns, motioning to the other God. "It is so, it was the actions of Eq'Thaka that began the Elves but it was my fire that brought them fully to life, without my hand they would have been nothing but sand. It was the will of the nascent Elves that they be made full and it was this desire that awoke me both in the First World and here. Eq'Thaka will know the name of Ren'Hi, for it was the birth of this man that gave me life. The Elven people require adversity and the eternal Summers of the Halcyon Fields will not challenge them. The Bastion is filled with dangers and trials, the Elven Souls that dwell there will only become stronger and thus aid me in shaping those that remain."

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-18, 05:32 AM
Frauns, The Portal of Arrakis to Paṭukuḻiyil

Frauns left his patheontic comrades in order to return to his business before. The giant willed himself in upon the edge of the oozing mud that surrounded the portal from Arrakis to the sleeping deity's domain. Frauns' great feet splatted the mud as he walked closer to the portal than he had gotten the previous time. Of course, he had to get closer for he intended to go through it. To see for himself what the sand worms - otherwise unparalleled masters of their domain - were afraid of. Frauns intended to discuss with them and to learn if there were easy ways to make an improve; for the deity of hunters knew he could discuss with them for they were either intelligent or simply animals.

Frauns stepped through it. He saw not mud, not oozing water, but spirits, and not the liquid kind. That was only for a moment. Frauns had tried to walk through as a mortal would, but his innate divinity exercised itself without too great a delay.

Frauns entered Paṭukuḻiyil.

2016-04-18, 09:25 AM
Eq'Thaka - The Unseen - "Chance Encounters"

As Yao Shun spoke, the dragon eggs in Eq'Thaka's stomach writhed and burned, for although he knew nothing of Which Steps Softy, the life and power contained within the eggs recognized the voice of their creator; and a mistrust grew in his gut1.

The great stallion snorted at Yao Shun, "Your speech is strange to me, it hides more truth than it reveals. You speak of 'managing' and 'worship'. These are not the words of a benefactor or protector, but rather those of a ruler or master. The elves were shaped from the sands of Aestasplanum...by me, but they were also instilled with a mystical fire in their souls, presumably by you. What do you mean 'took them as my own'? Do you seek dominion over their souls and their existence beyond The First World?"

1 - Fabled origin of the saying "gut feeling".

2016-04-18, 02:03 PM
"I have given every proof to display that it was I who brought the Elves their fire, stolen from the great beast that roams the skies of the Bastion. I have given every courtesy by coming here, asking to Shepard the Elves to a realm that would fit them better should they fall to the hardships of the world. The Elves as you know hold only the strongest to lead and so in death I wish the souls of their ancestors to guide them. It cannot be done if the Elves see their eternal life beyond the veil as a reward. Surely they must see it as another challenge, another test to better themselves." Yao Shun explains, sounding quite honestly a little exasperated. "What fine ears you have my father, to hear words spoke before you arrived. It is not I who wish the worship of my people. It is the Souls of the Dead I wish to grant that honor. I have no desire to rule, no desire to control such that it is. Had I, I would not have come here to ask. I would not have proposed to link the Bastion and this Realm together."

2016-04-18, 05:07 PM
"Suit them better? You seem to suggest that an enduring life of trial and tribulation upon the First World be rewarded with an eternity of further trial and tribulation in the Bastion."

Tossing his head, "Yao Shun. I honor your contribution to the Children of Dawn, you have bestowed upon them a mighty gift of fire. You speak of honoring the dead and ancestral spirit guides, but you are mistaken about Aestasplanum if you think it to be a purposeless existence. Indeed, it is the very thing that you describe for the heroic fallen of all creatures of The First World. So it was before even the coming of the elves, and will be for the elves as well. That, however, is but a small fraction and while I would see the host of others ascend here to take their place in The Unseen, perhaps, instead they should be given a choice."

2016-04-18, 05:47 PM
"Suit them better? You seem to suggest that an enduring life of trial and tribulation upon the First World be rewarded with an eternity of further trial and tribulation in the Bastion."

Tossing his head, "Yao Shun. I honor your contribution to the Children of Dawn, you have bestowed upon them a mighty gift of fire. You speak of honoring the dead and ancestral spirit guides, but you are mistaken about Aestasplanum if you think it to be a purposeless existence. Indeed, it is the very thing that you describe for the heroic fallen of all creatures of The First World. So it was before even the coming of the elves, and will be for the elves as well. That, however, is but a small fraction and while I would see the host of others ascend here to take their place in The Unseen, perhaps, instead they should be given a choice."

"For those who hate work, it would be a hell unlike any other. For those who valued work in life, what more could a hell be than one where work is not freely offered? If it is your wish to let them choose, so be it. Either they will come here as you wish or they shall move on to the Bastion, it is their will to choose. I am not so unreasonable as to argue when a branch is offered. I will take my leave and make the Bastion a proper home for our joint people." Yao Shun offers yet one last bow, deeper than the others before slipping out from the Unseen though to Bastion Which Steps Softly did not go for it was time to visit those it called family.

To Paṭukuḻiyil it went, garbing itself in fine sand silk and dry air that kept the wet at bay and it breathed forth the stench of salt and the feeling that only came from strong walls. It was Het Sur the God of Salt and Sanctuary and it moved to where it knew the sleeping Elder God, the Eldest God, slept. It moved loudly as if on a mission and took no care as demons fizzled and popped like slugs before it, even some of its own hidden Masks were churned in the waves.

2016-04-18, 07:23 PM
The Waking of Death, Patukuliyil

For eons, Azj'Khan had slumbered beneath the muddy waves of the Abyssal Sea, his psyche wandering the planes unknowingly and devouring the souls of the dead. In his absence the Demon Lords had risen, paragons on their kind. Great kingdoms of bloodshed and torment had been carved out among the Abyssids, forged in the fires of abyssal war and tempered by the blood of millions of demonic warriors. Yet now his sanctum had been disturbed, and with the barest ripple in his domain, the Demon Sultan snapped back to the waking world. Had his slumber been deeper then perhaps Het Sur would have been able to approach without waking the Churning Horror, but he had stirred in recent times, his slumber weakened by the incessant din of the younger gods works upon the first world. Had he been awoken more slowly, then perhaps he would not be so angry.

To disturb the slumber of the irritable is to invite disaster, and as Azj'Khan the Demon Sultan awoke, his ire issued forth throughout Patukuliyil. All beings within the Abyssal Seas could feel it, the dull presence at the back of their minds suddenly intensified, and a primal fear filled their minds. Great swathes of the Abyssal Kingdoms fell into infighting almost immediately, the Abyssids' inherent fear of their father overcoming any weak sense of loyalty or iron-fisted tyranny that their rulers had instilled within them. The Ravening Hordes devolved from a series of armies warring over land to a rampaging herd of frightened beasts who wanted only to kill and maim in order to quell the rising fear within their hearts.

It was not only fear that issued forth, however. With a terrible roar, the Black Pits were rent asunder, a great trench in the floor of the Abyssal Sea splitting Azj'Khan's cavernous lair in twain. The Sultan himself clung to his cave wall, but vast deposits of muck slid down into the depths. There it hardened and softened at the same time, for it had been the Sultan's bed for eons. With nowhere to go, the sand rent the fabric of space, pouring through into parts unknown. All the while Azj'Khan roared his terrible rage to the seas. "Ularvittal eṉṉa iruppatu eṉ ṭomaiṉ mītu naṭakka tayaṅkavillai? Uṉṉaittāṉē kāṭṭu eṉ niyāyam etirkoḷḷa allatu paṭaippu maṟṟum appāl muṉaikaḷilum vēṭṭaiyāṭappaṭṭa vēṇṭum!"

"What being of desiccation dares walk upon my domain? Show thyself and face my judgement or be hunted to the ends of creation and beyond!"

The First World, the Western Sea

Far from the shores of the great continent, deep within the once Great Murk Sea, the earth stirred. The stones shook and split apart as space itself was torn and black sand mixed with blood spilled forth into the depths of the ocean. The purified waters of the first world once again felt their natural state of filth. Even as a chasm opened up on the Ocean floor, corruption spilled forth from it as a bridge between the Material world and the Abyssal Seas was formed. Soon enough, the shrieks of demonkind began to issue forth, and a wave of evil surged forth as the Abyssids invaded the Material world. Hundreds of them at first, and then thousands, streamed into the waters of the first world, intent on covering the plane with the blood of the innocent just as they would do to all other planes.

0 AP + 5 AP + 1 PAP - 2 AP - 1 PAP = 3 AP 0 PAP
2 AP - Bridge Plane: Patukuliyil to the Prime Material Plane

The depths of the Abyssal Sea have split open, forming a trench that exists simultaneously within Patukuliyil and the Prime Material Plane. In Patukuliyil, this trench spews those who stray into the trench into the Material Plane, while on the Material Plane the trench spews those who stray into it into Patukuliyil.

1 PAP - Curse: The Tug of Damnation

All souls on the Material Plane feel an irresistible urge to go to the Trench that bridges the Material world and the Abyss. Souls that are bound into bodies with blood do not feel it consciously, but as soon as they are freed from their vessels they have no choice but to make the journey as fast as they can. A soul takes a maximum of three days to reach the Rift, after which they will be torn out of the Material World and spewed into the Abyss, where Demons and Azj'Khan will do horrible things to them.
If a soul is personally taken away from the Material Plane, then it will still feel the pull, but only knows about and acts on it if there is a portal or bridge to the Abyss somewhere on the Plane it now resides. Souls never consciously realize what they are doing, and can only explain that they 'felt like wandering this way'. Regardless of what they are told, they are unable to change their course willingly, and will not believe anything they are told about the Abyss unless they have already been there. Souls that visit the Abyss during life feel utter horror every moment of their journey towards the Rifts but are unable to stop themselves.

2016-04-18, 07:33 PM
The Waking of Death, Patukuliyil

For eons, Azj'Khan had slumbered beneath the muddy waves of the Abyssal Sea, his psyche wandering the planes unknowingly and devouring the souls of the dead. In his absence the Demon Lords had risen, paragons on their kind. Great kingdoms of bloodshed and torment had been carved out among the Abyssids, forged in the fires of abyssal war and tempered by the blood of millions of demonic warriors. Yet now his sanctum had been disturbed, and with the barest ripple in his domain, the Demon Sultan snapped back to the waking world. Had his slumber been deeper then perhaps Het Sur would have been able to approach without waking the Churning Horror, but he had stirred in recent times, his slumber weakened by the incessant din of the younger gods works upon the first world. Had he been awoken more slowly, then perhaps he would not be so angry.

To disturb the slumber of the irritable is to invite disaster, and as Azj'Khan the Demon Sultan awoke, his ire issued forth throughout Patukuliyil. All beings within the Abyssal Seas could feel it, the dull presence at the back of their minds suddenly intensified, and a primal fear filled their minds. Great swathes of the Abyssal Kingdoms fell into infighting almost immediately, the Abyssids' inherent fear of their father overcoming any weak sense of loyalty or iron-fisted tyranny that their rulers had instilled within them. The Ravening Hordes devolved from a series of armies warring over land to a rampaging herd of frightened beasts who wanted only to kill and maim in order to quell the rising fear within their hearts.

It was not only fear that issued forth, however. With a terrible roar, the Black Pits were rent asunder, a great trench in the floor of the Abyssal Sea splitting Azj'Khan's cavernous lair in twain. The Sultan himself clung to his cave wall, but vast deposits of muck slid down into the depths. There it hardened and softened at the same time, for it had been the Sultan's bed for eons. With nowhere to go, the sand rent the fabric of space, pouring through into parts unknown. All the while Azj'Khan roared his terrible rage to the seas. "Ularvittal eṉṉa iruppatu eṉ ṭomaiṉ mītu naṭakka tayaṅkavillai? Uṉṉaittāṉē kāṭṭu eṉ niyāyam etirkoḷḷa allatu paṭaippu maṟṟum appāl muṉaikaḷilum vēṭṭaiyāṭappaṭṭa vēṇṭum!"

"What being of desiccation dares walk upon my domain? Show thyself and face my judgement or be hunted to the ends of creation and beyond!"

"I am Het Sur, forgotten Son of your enemy Breeth'r. I have dwelt long in his realm yet recieved no kindess or attention like my brothers. So I have come to you, oh mighty Sultan to offer you warning. The Waste God has slowly begun its moves to wipe your domain from the First World and the younger Gods, my cousins and brothers, seek to steal the Souls you have made while you slumbered. They think you weak, they think your war against the Solars has distracted you. They speak in secret of coming to your realm and slaying you. I have come to warn you, oh mighty Sultan that they think you are not a danger." Het Sur kowtows before the mighty God, keeping his head low.

Robert Frost
2016-04-18, 10:25 PM
The Waking of Death, Patukuliyil

For eons, Azj'Khan had slumbered beneath the muddy waves of the Abyssal Sea, his psyche wandering the planes unknowingly and devouring the souls of the dead. In his absence the Demon Lords had risen, paragons on their kind. Great kingdoms of bloodshed and torment had been carved out among the Abyssids, forged in the fires of abyssal war and tempered by the blood of millions of demonic warriors. Yet now his sanctum had been disturbed, and with the barest ripple in his domain, the Demon Sultan snapped back to the waking world. Had his slumber been deeper then perhaps Het Sur would have been able to approach without waking the Churning Horror, but he had stirred in recent times, his slumber weakened by the incessant din of the younger gods works upon the first world. Had he been awoken more slowly, then perhaps he would not be so angry.

To disturb the slumber of the irritable is to invite disaster, and as Azj'Khan the Demon Sultan awoke, his ire issued forth throughout Patukuliyil. All beings within the Abyssal Seas could feel it, the dull presence at the back of their minds suddenly intensified, and a primal fear filled their minds. Great swathes of the Abyssal Kingdoms fell into infighting almost immediately, the Abyssids' inherent fear of their father overcoming any weak sense of loyalty or iron-fisted tyranny that their rulers had instilled within them. The Ravening Hordes devolved from a series of armies warring over land to a rampaging herd of frightened beasts who wanted only to kill and maim in order to quell the rising fear within their hearts.

It was not only fear that issued forth, however. With a terrible roar, the Black Pits were rent asunder, a great trench in the floor of the Abyssal Sea splitting Azj'Khan's cavernous lair in twain. The Sultan himself clung to his cave wall, but vast deposits of muck slid down into the depths. There it hardened and softened at the same time, for it had been the Sultan's bed for eons. With nowhere to go, the sand rent the fabric of space, pouring through into parts unknown. All the while Azj'Khan roared his terrible rage to the seas. "Ularvittal eṉṉa iruppatu eṉ ṭomaiṉ mītu naṭakka tayaṅkavillai? Uṉṉaittāṉē kāṭṭu eṉ niyāyam etirkoḷḷa allatu paṭaippu maṟṟum appāl muṉaikaḷilum vēṭṭaiyāṭappaṭṭa vēṇṭum!"

"What being of desiccation dares walk upon my domain? Show thyself and face my judgement or be hunted to the ends of creation and beyond!"

The First World, the Western Sea

Far from the shores of the great continent, deep within the once Great Murk Sea, the earth stirred. The stones shook and split apart as space itself was torn and black sand mixed with blood spilled forth into the depths of the ocean. The purified waters of the first world once again felt their natural state of filth. Even as a chasm opened up on the Ocean floor, corruption spilled forth from it as a bridge between the Material world and the Abyssal Seas was formed. Soon enough, the shrieks of demonkind began to issue forth, and a wave of evil surged forth as the Abyssids invaded the Material world. Hundreds of them at first, and then thousands, streamed into the waters of the first world, intent on covering the plane with the blood of the innocent just as they would do to all other planes.

0 AP + 5 AP + 1 PAP - 2 AP - 1 PAP = 3 AP 0 PAP
2 AP - Bridge Plane: Patukuliyil to the Prime Material Plane

The depths of the Abyssal Sea have split open, forming a trench that exists simultaneously within Patukuliyil and the Prime Material Plane. In Patukuliyil, this trench spews those who stray into the trench into the Material Plane, while on the Material Plane the trench spews those who stray into it into Patukuliyil.

1 PAP - Curse: The Tug of Damnation

All souls on the Material Plane feel an irresistible urge to go to the Trench that bridges the Material world and the Abyss. Souls that are bound into bodies with blood do not feel it consciously, but as soon as they are freed from their vessels they have no choice but to make the journey as fast as they can. A soul takes a maximum of three days to reach the Rift, after which they will be torn out of the Material World and spewed into the Abyss, where Demons and Azj'Khan will do horrible things to them.
If a soul is personally taken away from the Material Plane, then it will still feel the pull, but only knows about and acts on it if there is a portal or bridge to the Abyss somewhere on the Plane it now resides. Souls never consciously realize what they are doing, and can only explain that they 'felt like wandering this way'. Regardless of what they are told, they are unable to change their course willingly, and will not believe anything they are told about the Abyss unless they have already been there. Souls that visit the Abyss during life feel utter horror every moment of their journey towards the Rifts but are unable to stop themselves.

Verse, Arbiter of the Sublime

"There's a little black spot on the sun today..."

The cries of the world torn asunder made a most disharmonious sound, as heavens were rent asunder by the might of the Demon God. Pain, agony, discordant noise and music of the most foul permeated the world and filled it with the festering madness of the deranged. In the moment it happened, the sounds of songs changed mid-word, tunes of joviality and frivolity turning into songs of dangerous fear and terror. Across creation in the First World the Songstress Incarnate's fear permeated the art through which she found existence. The sounds of the hammer on anvil changed, the tone more menacing. The tune of the seas crashing upon the shore indicated the encroaching danger, and became anxiety inducing rather than calming. The chirping sounds of creatures as day turns to night and night turns to day changed to a more frenetic demand for existence and need.

"It's the same old thing as yesterday...."

But all of this was nothing compared to the insanity which seemed to pierce into the psyche of the Songstress God. Her nature was one where she was formed from creation's beauty and song - created to exist in parallel with her brother, whose calm and subtle nature would detract slightly from her exuberance. But... he was apart. He was elsewhere when this moment happened, and as such her nature fell into panic and cascading entropy, her notes staccato and syncopated in odd ways. The notes of the heavens seemed to change and pierce through the world in different abstract ways... for the Demons song had pierced into the Songstress.

"There's a black hat caught in the high tree top
There's a flag pole rag and the wind won't stop"

For while every creature in creation created a song, a note, of life... and existence... these creatures added a tone she hadn't felt before. A note she was unaccustomed to. This piercing of the world by the Demonic hordes broke into her mind and existence like a taint / corruption. And that which corrupted her... also corrupted the living song. For she was born of creation's song, so too was she the embodiment of the Demon's chorus. Of terror. Of chaos. Of insanity. Of death. And of corruption.

"I have stood here before inside the pouring rain
With the world turning circles running 'round my brain.
I guess I'm always hoping that you'll end this reign
But it's my destiny to be the Queen of pain."

And pain filled her chorus, her words, her lines. Her... Verse.... The Goddess of Song felt pain.

Rollover AP = 1 + 4 = 5. +1 PAP

Curse (-1 AP]: "Song of the Damned" - Within every note of creation, the song has gone sour. What was once joyful has turned toward sorrowful and mournful. What was once a song of vivacity, is now a dirge for the damned. Verse has accidentally (by her nature) converted the song that lived within nature naturally into a discordant mass which perpetuates insanity and self destruction. Singers / Creators of music are drawn to actions leading to their own oblivion. Those who listen to the music long enough start hearing their own demise in the worlds. And those who wish to listen to the natural sounds of the world grow detached from their lives until they too fall to madness and self destruction.

AP = 4

2016-04-19, 04:44 AM
The Unseen

When Shamaz was tempted to interrupt the conversation mentioning that they both looked like bickering old ladies on a fish market he was happy to see the discussion resolved. Seeing how the prideful Eq'Thaka had found a match the one who stands between simply taped the fellow god's shoulder.
I am certain that goblinkind will be more than happy to provide a challenge if need be. Many of them are alre..."

As he spoke he felt a shift in the Unseen the flow of souls, the spirits of the departed, dwimdled. As if they were lured away. Something felt wrong. He looked towards Khorama, the goblin's mountain, and was relieved to see that they still held to their teachings. The living goblins projecting astrally to escort the dead. And even restraining them. For although the southern steppes were closer to the fields of summer than anywhere else the souls seemed to want to move, to break free, and go somewhere else.

The material wasn't much worse. Summer had taken reign, curtailing and controlling the arts that were the province of winter. Entertainment had been banned for it didn't provide comfort nor respite. There was a tight control and rationing as the society fell in orwellian vices.

Go. Call forth the others. It seems the time of our association could have not been sooner. I'll go confere with death.


The prodigal son returned home. Since entering the deepest abyss of it's birth Shamaz had shed his goblin guise to assume what he had always been deep inside. A vacuum, a nothingness, longing to devour and replace what was with what could be. A mirroring surface twirling upon itself in tentaculoid glory proded the darkness from the plains of uncountable conquests. It observed the armies gathering and marching. And swam to the only thing that could be directing them. Father though was not alone, he didn't recognize the intruder, but as a being spawned from water the pressence of the sandy creature felt wrong. Like a discordant note buzzing just below the audible level.

Hello father. I felt your waking. I didn't meant to intrude in your audience.

Shamaz had left all pretense of speech. Thoughts rippling in his mirroring surface, breaking it and escaping like all too hot bubbles.

I am assuming that Het Sur looks nothing alike Yao Shun and thus cannot be recognized

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-19, 06:22 AM
Frauns, Patukuliyil

Frauns had only recently gone through the portal when the sleeping deity awoke. He felt the change and begun to swim towards it. As he saw the demons fight and squabble, he deduced that his earlier conceit of clearly being able to reason with these was wrong. These were no threats to the Sand Worms, or at least only incedently to their own brutality.

As Frauns continued swimming to wards the cause of this callamnity, Frauns would destroy any demon mad enough to strike him with his great knife-like fingernails, swinging arms, and freezing ice magic. Although, his purpose for entering turned out to be a bust, it was clear that there was something else he would have to learn about.

2016-04-19, 10:08 AM
Sitting in his cathedral sized throne room, alone with chains, dust and his thoughts, Thamnon was slowly going mad. For a while he had sat basking in the warmth given by the little acts of tyranny, a gnome Sharer hoarding food, a beastman father running his household with violence. Thamnon had been content with this for a time.

And then the sounds of his chains had changed, gone were the pleasant tinkles and clangs, to be replaced with wild shrieking and whining. This continued until every little sound added its own cacophonous din to the mix, from the gentle breeze against the walls of Vethlastra to the tapping of his fingers against his throne in frustration. Increasing in volume until any animals that had somehow managed to make their way in were bleeding from the ears and Thamnon was grinding his teeth in fury. “ENOUGH!” There was a moment where it appeared that nothing would happen, and then there were a number of creatures with shadow-like features in the hall and the noises started to fade away.

His roar of anger however, did not fade away so quickly, travelling through Vethlastra and knocking vast quantities of dust from the chains and high places of the black citadel, which started descending towards the floor. Watching the forms and patterns the dust took as it drifted down, Thamnon thought back to the little warm pinpoints of tyranny. Then focusing, an iron crown appeared atop his helm, and while from some angles it could look a bit beaten up, there were very few mortals that gaze upon it without feeling some amount of both awe and dread.


Then the dust started moving to the tyrant god’s will, coalescing. He could do better, create something more prone to dominate things. And so, as the dust pressed together forming humanoid forms, the chains on the ceilings let one link fall into each form. Binding them together. Then Thamnon imbued his creations with great adaptability, a propensity for ambition and a fast rate of reproduction. And the newest race of The First World came to be, enough to fill the grand throne room, all staring at their creator in equal parts confusion and fear. They would eventually become known as Humans, but for now, they were slaves.
And they did.

Starting AP: 12 + 4
5 AP - Create Artifact: The Tyrant's Crown (-1 AP Gain Domain/Rollover)
2 AP - Create Sapient Life: Humans
2 AP - Form Society: The Laer Empire (which at this point consists of every human in existance)
Remaining AP: 7

2016-04-19, 02:37 PM
Eq'Thaka - The Unseen - Troubled Waters

He stood contemplating Yao Shun's words, "make Bastion a proper home", when a discordant note rippled through The Unseen. The dimming starlight of the drifting souls was unnerving, but he leaped into action with Shamaz's instruction.

He stepped through to the Halcyon Shores of Aestasplanum, quickly disgorging the dragon eggs and burying them in the sandy beech. Then sped across the golden fields of grass to Kobu before donning the mantle of the warrior Proud-Heart, "Come. We are needed.".

Somewhere in the Unseen, Eq'Thaka, Kobu, and The Inscrutable gathered, "Before he departed Shamaz spoke of ' conferring with death'."

2016-04-19, 05:10 PM
"I am Het Sur, forgotten Son of your enemy Breeth'r. I have dwelt long in his realm yet recieved no kindess or attention like my brothers. So I have come to you, oh mighty Sultan to offer you warning. The Waste God has slowly begun its moves to wipe your domain from the First World and the younger Gods, my cousins and brothers, seek to steal the Souls you have made while you slumbered. They think you weak, they think your war against the Solars has distracted you. They speak in secret of coming to your realm and slaying you. I have come to warn you, oh mighty Sultan that they think you are not a danger." Het Sur kowtows before the mighty God, keeping his head low.

The Yawning Rift of the Black Pits, Patukuliyil

The Demon Sultan shifted his weight, still clinging to the side of the vast chasm that had opened up beneath him. With a mighty heave, he pulled himself up over the lip of the trench, settling on the sea floor next to it. His great tentacles scored the rock, causing a great cascade of stone to fall into the chasm, out of the Abyss and into the Material world beyond. He paid it no heed, for the Sightless eye of the Sultan was fixated on his newest distraction: Het Sur. The Churning Horror regarded the being of dryness, disdain filling its being for the aura it exuded. Finally, it spoke, its voice like the bubbling of a thousand pits full of searing hot tar. "Inta eṉṉai eccarikkai nīṅkaḷ eṉṉa pirayōjaṉam eṉṉa? Eṉṉa varam iṟappu iruntu peṟa nampukiṟēṉ?" He spoke, his words grating on the ears of the young deity. After a moment, Azj'Khan repeated itself in the common tongue of young gods, though he had difficulty forming the words. "What you want to gain from telling me? What you want from Death?"


The prodigal son returned home. Since entering the deepest abyss of it's birth Shamaz had shed his goblin guise to assume what he had always been deep inside. A vacuum, a nothingness, longing to devour and replace what was with what could be. A mirroring surface twirling upon itself in tentaculoid glory proded the darkness from the plains of uncountable conquests. It observed the armies gathering and marching. And swam to the only thing that could be directing them. Father though was not alone, he didn't recognize the intruder, but as a being spawned from water the pressence of the sandy creature felt wrong. Like a discordant note buzzing just below the audible level.

Hello father. I felt your waking. I didn't meant to intrude in your audience.

Shamaz had left all pretense of speech. Thoughts rippling in his mirroring surface, breaking it and escaping like all too hot bubbles.

I am assuming that Het Sur looks nothing alike Yao Shun and thus cannot be recognized

Before Het Sur could answer Shamaz entered his father's domain, seeking an audience with the Demon Sultan. Had Azj'Khan been sleeping, his child would have felt only the cold apathy that his father felt for him. In his waking moments however, Azj'Khan radiated his dark malevolence like a stench. A dark miasma swept over his son as he approached, revealing just how foul a mood the Demon Sultan was in. "You come here. You steal from me. You talk in secret. Why have you come? Why should I not crush you here and now?"

Frauns, Patukuliyil

Frauns had only recently gone through the portal when the sleeping deity awoke. He felt the change and begun to swim towards it. As he saw the demons fight and squabble, he deduced that his earlier conceit of clearly being able to reason with these was wrong. These were no threats to the Sand Worms, or at least only incedently to their own brutality.

As Frauns continued swimming to wards the cause of this callamnity, Frauns would destroy any demon mad enough to strike him with his great knife-like fingernails, swinging arms, and freezing ice magic. Although, his purpose for entering turned out to be a bust, it was clear that there was something else he would have to learn about.

As Frauns approached, he would come to realize that most of the demons that swam near him were not there for him, but rather they were following the same path that he was, towards the source of the darkness that had fallen across Patukuliyil like a shroud. The Abyssids, Centhiri and Nenglal alike, swam past him, a rare few taking swipes at him before learning the folly of attacking a fledgling god. Soon enough, Frauns could see the nexus of their journey. A vast chasm, nearly half a mile wide at its widest and dozens of miles long, stretched across the floor of the Abyssal Seas. At the bottom of the trench, a pale blue glow signified the presence of something more, and as Demons streamed into the chasm, none of them seemed to return.

Soon Frauns could make out the massive bloated form of a monster unlike any other, with many tendrils the size of Sand Worms writhing about a central mass. Hundreds of mouths covered the beast, each of them filled with hundreds of razor sharp teeth that would move independently of the others. The slickness of the creature could not be understated, for its body leaked blood and filth into the surrounding water, clouding it as if with ink. No demons dared to approach this creature, but two smaller figures stood near it, one a chaotic void of mirrored energy, the other a man clothed in fine silk surrounded by a bubble of absolute dryness, somehow existing despite the vast wetness of the realm he stood within.

2016-04-19, 05:34 PM
Shamaz stood there tranquil and impasive letting his hard cold mirroring surface return the sultan's gaze.

I came because you woke. Yet you call me thief. What have I stolen from you father? And who stole your trust in your progeny that you welcome me in such manner?

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-19, 06:21 PM
Frauns, The Abyssal Sea

It would not be good for the Wate God's first issue to swim away, and he did not. Instead the bald blue giant continued to swim towards the other two deities. In terms of distance Frauns remained further from the multi-tendrilled that the other deitiesewere, and also that the tendrills were going.

Frauns swam down behind the salt and mirror deities, He was content to watch, although he was prepared to fight.

2016-04-19, 06:29 PM
Het Sur, Shamaz, Frauns, and Azj'Khan - Patukuliyil

Azj'Khan let his undulating tentacles flow around Shamaz, though he left his child a wide berth around him to move freely. The Demon Sultan splayed himself out, tentacles squirming around all three of the smaller gods, not yet touching them but certainly ready to strike at a moment's notice. "My souls, my meal." Azj'Khan grumbled, his attention split between Shamaz and the newcomer. "Trust is false. It is lie that weak tell themselves. You say you bring peace, but you bring friends..." Azj'Khan said, gesturing with one of his shorter tendrils to Frauns. "No love between my siblings, but we protect each other from the lesser gods." He said, hinting to the pact of mutual defence that the Elder Deities had forged long ago.

2016-04-19, 06:37 PM
If a mass of mirroring undulating tendrils was ever capable of shrugging it would have done so at that very moment. The god that came wasn't with him.

That's like saying that I come with the drying sand spawn in your mist because I arrived after it. I don't know who that is. Now as for your accusation I haven't taken any of your meals.

2016-04-19, 07:49 PM
Eq'Thaka - The Unseen - Troubled Waters

He stood contemplating Yao Shun's words, "make Bastion a proper home", when a discordant note rippled through The Unseen. The dimming starlight of the drifting souls was unnerving, but he leaped into action with Shamaz's instruction.

He stepped through to the Halcyon Shores of Aestasplanum, quickly disgorging the dragon eggs and burying them in the sandy beech. Then sped across the golden fields of grass to Kobu before donning the mantle of the warrior Proud-Heart, "Come. We are needed.".

Somewhere in the Unseen, Eq'Thaka, Kobu, and The Inscrutable gathered, "Before he departed Shamaz spoke of ' conferring with death'."

The Inscrutable's silhouette of a form greeted Eq'thaka with a bow. Upon hearing what he had to say the Inscrutable spoke with the voices of the souls of the unseen, the voices all rang with a deep melancholy. "He goes to speak with our Father, The Embodiment of death and the end of all things. He is a force as old as creation itself and he has been asleep for a very long time. If he has awakened, then I fear for all we have built, for He would see it all drown in blood."

The Glowing God turned to Kobu and spoke once more. "I beg of you my friend, grant the children your power. They will need it if they are to defend the souls of life from my father's terrible hunger. I have given them much of myself, but they will be unable to stand against this fury without similar from you.

2016-04-19, 09:57 PM
Eq'Thaka - The Great Murk Sea - "Sins of the Father"

The Inscrutable's silhouette of a form greeted Eq'thaka with a bow. Upon hearing what he had to say the Inscrutable spoke with the voices of the souls of the unseen, the voices all rang with a deep melancholy. "He goes to speak with our Father, The Embodiment of death and the end of all things. He is a force as old as creation itself and he has been asleep for a very long time. If he has awakened, then I fear for all we have built, for He would see it all drown in blood."

The Glowing God turned to Kobu and spoke once more. "I beg of you my friend, grant the children your power. They will need it if they are to defend the souls of life from my father's terrible hunger. I have given them much of myself, but they will be unable to stand against this fury without similar from you.

"Your..father?! I would think it not possible for the seed to drift so far from the tree!"

But then he considered his father for a long moment, remembering his all consuming desire to choke creation in the dust and sands of desolation, and a realization crept into his mind. Watching the slow stain of foulness creep across the ocean far below and the hordes of twisted, tentacled demons issuing forth. This is the one that Father hates above all other; this one that defeated Father in ages long past.

"FAH! T'IS A FOOL'S ERRAND TO ATTEMPT TO TREAT WITH THIS BLACK-HEARTED BEAST!", and Proud-Heart launched himself at The First World with terrifying speed. Hurtling toward the surface he grew in size fueled with righteous anger. Landing with a tremendous force and throwing up huge tidal waves, Proud-Heart scythed through the demon horde with the dual-bladed head of the greatspear Vit'aren, slaying hundreds with each mighty pass. The demons quailed in his presence, for his righteous fury snuffed their bloodlust and many were driven back through the rift in a panic. Yet, though he stood astride the chasm, the water barely cresting his knees, and wrought havoc and death upon the demon hordes... it was not enough. It was not nearly enough. With each pass, Vit'aren felled scores, spreading the creeping foulness of their blood across the great ocean, and for every demon that fell ten escaped and were loosed upon The First World.

2016-04-19, 11:00 PM
The Yawning Rift of the Black Pits, Patukuliyil

The Demon Sultan shifted his weight, still clinging to the side of the vast chasm that had opened up beneath him. With a mighty heave, he pulled himself up over the lip of the trench, settling on the sea floor next to it. His great tentacles scored the rock, causing a great cascade of stone to fall into the chasm, out of the Abyss and into the Material world beyond. He paid it no heed, for the Sightless eye of the Sultan was fixated on his newest distraction: Het Sur. The Churning Horror regarded the being of dryness, disdain filling its being for the aura it exuded. Finally, it spoke, its voice like the bubbling of a thousand pits full of searing hot tar. "Inta eṉṉai eccarikkai nīṅkaḷ eṉṉa pirayōjaṉam eṉṉa? Eṉṉa varam iṟappu iruntu peṟa nampukiṟēṉ?" He spoke, his words grating on the ears of the young deity. After a moment, Azj'Khan repeated itself in the common tongue of young gods, though he had difficulty forming the words. "What you want to gain from telling me? What you want from Death?"

Het Sur ignores the others, keeping his gaze fixed on the mighty monstrosity. "Simple. I want that God to die. Our goals are the same, I lack the power but you do not. You have fought against him before and one and the sting of it remains on his pride. So I have come to tell you what has happened while you slept. But it is best done in private. Already your children take from you so you say. They well could turn to your enemy to help dispose of you. Perhaps that was part of his plan all along. Why else have they come here at my visit, if not to head me off?"

2016-04-20, 04:42 AM
Het Sur ignores the others, keeping his gaze fixed on the mighty monstrosity. "Simple. I want that God to die. Our goals are the same, I lack the power but you do not. You have fought against him before and one and the sting of it remains on his pride. So I have come to tell you what has happened while you slept. But it is best done in private. Already your children take from you so you say. They well could turn to your enemy to help dispose of you. Perhaps that was part of his plan all along. Why else have they come here at my visit, if not to head me off?"

Shamaz listened. And a realization dawned on him. This fellow god was actively trying to tangle the mess. He couldn't have known that Shamaz was trying to protect the sentient souls, even if he was not actively stealing them. He was just throwing accusations arround. Why? Why? Shamaz mirrory surface observed the god of sand pondering. As distrustful and uncompassionated as Azj'Khan was, those traits of the elder god were well known, this spawn of his enemy had been given trust and compassion. A pang of jealosy hit Shamaz although he contained it strongly within him. Now he had revelled a goal, a simple and expeditious goal, that might indeed be it's true goal. Defeat the elder god of earth. But Shamaz knew for certain that the sand god had spewed falsehood about other things. Would his father be capable of defeating the earth god? In his innermost core he who stands between didn't know the answer. Was that a good idea? Well, perhaps. After all if it was the fellow god's stated goal it was most likely not it's real goal. Could he turn events to a more favorable light? Trying was worth it. But if it was a play on information and misgiving he would try to use as little guile as possible. Sending his thoughts into the rippling water as close to his father as possible and knowing full well that the dryness and sand wall would keep them from reaching the stranger he whispered.

To join you in your efforts. Excuse me father if I'm not as trusting or as compassionate as you. I have little trust or compassion for a self confesed traitor who spews that all others have comitted the same vile crime. Yet I see that in your prowress he is to act as a key. As such if he is to be the snake in his father nest and be the first to strike I will join you in that task of bringing your oldest enemy down.

2016-04-20, 12:36 PM
The world was becoming a more and more dangerous place. She smiled as she saw Hush and Verse dancing around the Dvati. Perhaps one of the few gods she really liked. But as her gaze was directed at the dvati, she noticed an oddity. A child was born to a grieving couple. Now, other races would not see any problem with this development. However, in this case the the problem was the singular child. The girl born was born without a sibling. This was the first time this had ever happened in the dvati society.

The whole island weeped for the unfortunate family, as it was impossible for them to imagine how it would be to live without a sibling. The goddess looked to help the girl. At her behest, the High Priestess proclaimed the child to be the will of the goddess, to be her champion in the world of many dangers.

The girl grew up trained by the Arcana present with the dvati. A blessing bestowed upon her by the goddess made her the strongest fighter on the whole continent, even considering that every fight she had with anyone other than the Arcana was a two on one, as the dvati never fought without their partner. Her power with Authority was enough to let her scale the highest mountain in the land within an hour, wearing only a light summer dress, and her word carried more power than that of the secular rulers. Not that anyone minded. Every dvati considered the girl to be their goddess' champion and extension of her will.

And a champion she was.

From before= 0
+4 AP rollover
+1 PAP

Gain Domain 2 AP + 1 PAP: Glory (Authority)
4 Concept: Glory
2 Sub-Concept: Authority
1 Create Pantheon

Raise hero: Nisa

AP remaining: 0



2016-04-20, 05:08 PM
Het Sur, Shamaz, Frauns, and Azj'Khan - The Black Pits of Patukuliyil

The Demon Sultan gurgled with disapproval. "Stop!" He bellowed, the tentacles near the younger gods splitting open to reveal many fang-like protrusions running down their length. "Kuḻantai, eṉakku uṅkaḷ vicuvācattai nirūpikka. Eṉṉai iruntu tiruṭappaṭṭatu eṉa āṉmā koṇṭuvā, nāṉ avarkaḷai paṭcikkum eṉṟu nam'mālē koṇṭu vāruṅkaḷ." He said, his eyeless gaze upon Shamaz. It turned then to Het Sur. "Um'muṭaiya vārttaikaḷ eṉ spāṉ eṇṇaṅkaḷ uṇmaiyāka pōṉ āṉāl avvāṟu ceyya. Nīṅkaḷ koṇṭu āṉāl oru teḷivaṟṟa eccarikkai maṟṟum veṟṟu piracātam... Uṅkaḷ cakōtara vēlai aḻikka. Nīṅkaḷ nāṉ evvaḷavu uṅkaḷ tantai veṟukkiṟēṉ eṉṟu eṉṉai nirūpikka nāṉ uṅkaḷukku aḷippāṉ oru varam. " The words rang out, the sounds horrible beyond and of the discordant music that played in the mortal realm. Yet despite their age and source, those to whom they were addressed understood their meaning. Finally the Churning Horror turned its sightless gaze to Frauns. "Eṉ uṭaṉpiṟappukaḷil kuḻantai uṅkaḷ nōkkam veḷippaṭutta, . Nāṉ muḻu nīṅkaḷ viḻuṅka muṉ uṇmai pēcuṅkaḷ."

"Prove your loyalty to me, child. Bring me the souls that have been stolen from me, bring them to my realm that I might devour them." - to Shamaz

"Your words ring true but so do the thoughts of my spawn. You bring but a vague warning and hollow offering... destroy the works of your brothers. Prove to me that you hate your father as much as I and I will grant you a boon." - to Het Sur, but because he is Which Steps Softly in disguise, he can understand everything that Azj'Khan has said

"Reveal your purpose, child of my siblings. Speak true before I swallow you whole." - to Frauns

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-20, 08:15 PM
Het Sur, Shamaz, Frauns, and Azj'Khan - The Black Pits of Patukuliyil

Frauns was surprised when those noises that had been previously addressed to the other deities suddenly became comprehensible once directed to him. Still, that is real nothing compared to the miracles that took real power. Still,my he giant was surprised that the great beast bothered to talk to Frauns standing behind the other deities having not yet spoke. He assumed the threat was just a jocular figure of speech.

"I was in this sea so as to make a deal with those that the sand worms of Arrakis so fear. For my purpose this trip has been woefully fruitless. The denizens of this plane are not the hunters I wished.

"However, shortly entering this plane I felt a sudden change. I could see one too as the sea became in such frenzy. I sought out the cause of this change. I sought to satisfy my nosiness", the eyeless giant guffawed, "and that has led me here and to your meeting."

Robert Frost
2016-04-20, 10:05 PM
Hush, the Quiescent

Hush and Kalador's conversation was immediately cut short as the insanity song started to permeate creation. The Beastmen, those who were so connected to the world and animal nature, noticed it almost immediately. The sound of the hammer on anvil turned into a note of despair, and for several moments the beastmen started to change into a disturbed frenzy. Hush noticed this immediately, and extended his will in order to silence and quiet his Sister's living Song, disrupting the madness note which seemed to perpetuate from songs or the sounds of nature which seemed to turn into song.

I must leave.

And so he did, his body disappearing from the sky and away from Kaldor...surging across creation to the point where his sister's madness began. The immediate surroundings of her, was filled with corrupted madness. She was among a group of animals, which when caught up in her song seemed to tear into each other in a frenzy of death and destruction. Prey animals ripped into the flesh of predators, while predators cowered like prey animals. The entire time, the goddess of Song just seemed to be singing a song of madness and insanity.

"Is this the real life... Is this just fantasy...
Caught in a landslide... no escape from reality...
Just open your eyes... look up to the skies... and see..."

Her eyes seemed to glow with the radiance of lunacy, her erratic behavior only somewhat calming as Hush tried to reduce the sound of her song. Being the countering force to her madness, the solemnness to her joviality, the calm to her storm. His eyes seemed to suck the sound in, pulling away the the animals, which seemed to immediately use this opportunity to escape. But that directed her gaze... starting to lose the hue of madness, toward her sibling God.

It was at that moment that he realized that there was another force in this world, an action working against the mortals who were here. An outpouring of chaotic force and entropy and destruction - seeking the end of creatures. And it was in that moment that he disappeared from his sister, returning her to her madness, to appear among the other gods before Azj'Khan. His words appeared in the minds of the gathered Gods, a tone of distaste and scorn filling them.

I feel your power, I feel the corruption you bring here. You bring senseless noise and disharmony to the calm of this world.

Verse, Arbiter of the Sublmine - Caught in Madness

In the moment her brother disappeared, her madness began to return... and she realized quickly she had to follow him in order to maintain a semblance of harmony. So with a sharp note, and a burst of exploding sound... she disappeared from the grove where she had sung herself into, appearing among the Gods and her brother once again. She appeared immediately after her brother finished "speaking" and "heard" not his words. Her notes seemed to amplify the disharmony as she gathered among forces and beings she had not interacted with before. She smiled somewhat... a bit taken up in the entropic forces of the Elder god before her... In a mad glee she started to sing about the world that she saw through his eyes, his desires, his internal song...

"Animals came from miles around
So tired of walking so close to the ground
They needed a change; that's what they said
Life is better walking on two legs
But they were in for a big surprise
'Cause they didn't know the law!"

Gleeful ironic madness filled her eyes as she sort of floated about the scene, her brother gazing upon her with distaste as he tried to calm her... but without effect.

"No spill blood
What is the law?
(No spill blood)
Someone else
Who makes the rules?
(Someone else)"

Though she sang the main part, it seemed like the world itself seemed to counter ((The words in parentheses sung by nameless sounds)) and her tone was that of a deep baritone, against her feminine glowing appearance. With a bit of desire to antagonize the elder god, she darted close and away from him to sing more...

"The rules are written in the stone
Break the rules and you get no bones
All you get is ridicule, laughter
And a trip to the house of pain!"

She was still caught up with the distorted reality that the Elder God created, and her words seemed to empower the evil demonic invaders.

"Someone else
Who makes the rules?
(Someone else)
No spill blood
What is the law?
(No spill blood)"

Glowing energies seemed to fill the demons as their raucous nature seemed to make them even stronger, the songs of Verse filling them with a strength of music that before they had not. In a moment, she created a death song that they sung in their terrible voices, the nature of the song perverted and crazed.

Blessing (-1 AP): "Empowering Song" When someone sings a song that relates to the activity they are doing, the Goddess of Song empowers them with powerful battle senses. It improves their ability to combat others so long as they sing a song that connects with them - and connects with their actions. I.e. Singing about killing seems to make people better at it.

4 AP -1 = 3 AP, +1 PAP

2016-04-20, 11:32 PM
Het Sur, Shamaz, Frauns, and Azj'Khan - The Black Pits of Patukuliyil

The Demon Sultan gurgled with disapproval. "Stop!" He bellowed, the tentacles near the younger gods splitting open to reveal many fang-like protrusions running down their length. "Kuḻantai, eṉakku uṅkaḷ vicuvācattai nirūpikka. Eṉṉai iruntu tiruṭappaṭṭatu eṉa āṉmā koṇṭuvā, nāṉ avarkaḷai paṭcikkum eṉṟu nam'mālē koṇṭu vāruṅkaḷ." He said, his eyeless gaze upon Shamaz. It turned then to Het Sur. "Um'muṭaiya vārttaikaḷ eṉ spāṉ eṇṇaṅkaḷ uṇmaiyāka pōṉ āṉāl avvāṟu ceyya. Nīṅkaḷ koṇṭu āṉāl oru teḷivaṟṟa eccarikkai maṟṟum veṟṟu piracātam... Uṅkaḷ cakōtara vēlai aḻikka. Nīṅkaḷ nāṉ evvaḷavu uṅkaḷ tantai veṟukkiṟēṉ eṉṟu eṉṉai nirūpikka nāṉ uṅkaḷukku aḷippāṉ oru varam. " The words rang out, the sounds horrible beyond and of the discordant music that played in the mortal realm. Yet despite their age and source, those to whom they were addressed understood their meaning. Finally the Churning Horror turned its sightless gaze to Frauns. "Eṉ uṭaṉpiṟappukaḷil kuḻantai uṅkaḷ nōkkam veḷippaṭutta, . Nāṉ muḻu nīṅkaḷ viḻuṅka muṉ uṇmai pēcuṅkaḷ."

"Prove your loyalty to me, child. Bring me the souls that have been stolen from me, bring them to my realm that I might devour them." - to Shamaz

"Your words ring true but so do the thoughts of my spawn. You bring but a vague warning and hollow offering... destroy the works of your brothers. Prove to me that you hate your father as much as I and I will grant you a boon." - to Het Sur, but because he is Which Steps Softly in disguise, he can understand everything that Azj'Khan has said

"Reveal your purpose, child of my siblings. Speak true before I swallow you whole." - to Frauns

"If that is what you wish. That is what you shall get." Het Sur entones, offering a single low bow before turning to sand and quickly dissipating away.

2016-04-21, 04:53 AM
Shamaz mirroring form shifted in confusion. The sultan was perfectly capable of making sense. Yet it was clear that this time he had chosen to speak words that didn't. He could imagine what he had said to the newcommer "Who are you? Be devoured unless you answer" his father mood wasn't hard to tell. But what had he said to himself or the other sand creature was utterly alien. Still the sand god had been able to understand it. And it had been a quest. So not something like answer your name which would have been obvious as a conversation starter. How had he understood the elders language? After all the elder had been sleeping since forever and not spoken in those words in... well forever. Shamaz strained his deduction his mind racing over the words of Azj'Khan while his surface shifted remembering the elder's speech gestures and repeating them in silent reflections. It had been something that the fellow god had accepted without a shadow of doubt. Something that he expected. That availed to something different from what he had asked for him from his father. He couldn't have expected that. What would he expect? To provide proof to his claims. That made some sense. He had seeded doubt in Azj'Khan and now he was reaping it. What could had he have asked him? Shamaz had no idea.

"As a Kuḻantai" The elder had repeated the word twice, once when addressing him and once when addressing the newcommer. It probably meant something on the line of younger god. "I cannot understand what you asked of me. I assume that you asked the newcommer to introduce himself or be devoured, for that's on par with how one would receive intrudres. I cannot comprehend a language that hasn't been spoken in eons. Since you were speaking in a language I could understand moments ago I can only gather that it was your intent, to not be understood. Now how the one who left did understand it, I claim not to know. Whatever quest you sent him into I can guess from his unbothered reaction that it is something he expected to do. And most likely if he returns with evidence, of the threat that he fabricated, it will greatly incriminate me and my brother to sow more dissent and widen the rift between you and your children."

2016-04-21, 11:03 AM
Eq’Thaka – The Great Murk Sea – “Sundered “

Though the tide of demons streaming from the rift had slowed, it had not stopped and the sea became a morass of carnage and gore. Vit’aren began to glow hot in Proud-Heart’s grip as each swing laid waste to swathes of the twisted, writhing mass. The colossal warrior slid his hands back on the haft of the greatspear so that he nearly gripped the opposed blade. Stepping away from the chasm he now brought the entire length of the weapon against the horde with a guttural cry of rage. A thousand of the foul creatures exploded into viscous mist, and he swept the greatspear back waiting for the rift to fill again, “COME FILTH AND MEET YOUR DOOM!”.

Summoning his strength he brought the weapon to bear a second time, smashing countless demons before the haft sundered in twain with a deafening *CRACK* unleashing a concussive blast of divine energy throwing up another round of tidal waves and utterly decimating what remained of the emerging demon horde.
Just those emerging from the rift, not those that have already escaped into the first world

Momentarily stunned, the colossal Proud-Heart bent to retrieve the two halves of Vit’aren and was horrified to see the rift beginning to fill with more demons while a harsh martial music drifted from the realm beyond. Bellowing his frustration, he strode forward taking one half of the broken spear and driving it deep into the ocean floor next to the chasm, turning and burying the other half deep in the opposed side. He fell to his knees, grasping both halves of the greatspear, and with the befouled waters rising to his chest he pulled.

Corded muscles strained and popped, while the earth groaned its protestations; moving slowly at first then gathering momentum as the yawning chasm slammed shut. Shut, but not sealed. He could feel a horrible counter force at work attempting to keep the rift open. Throwing his head back he screamed to the heavens, “Help Me!”

Starting AP 2+1 PAP
Alter Land -1PAP(split with members of pantheon or anyone, really) break the bridge between the material plane and Patukuliyil
Remaining AP = 2

2016-04-21, 04:11 PM
Shamaz, Frauns, Hush, and Azj'Khan - The Black Pits of Patukuliyil

Azj'Khan's tendrils coiled around the newcomers, leaving Hush and Verse space to move but letting them know that if they did anything there would be dire consequences. "Nāṉ uṉ vāyil iruntu atai kiḻitteṟiya maṟṟum cāttāṉkaḷ atai ūṭṭi pōkiṉṟīr, uṅkaḷ nākku pāruṅkaḷ!" He bellowed, Hush and Verse simultaneously understanding his meaning, though none of the others present would. "Nīṅkaḷ amaitiyāka pēca? Inta ulaka amaiti muṉ nīṇṭa irunta! Ataṉ uṇmai nilaiyai! Nāṉ etuvum ceyyavillai āṉāl ataṉ uṟaṅkum iyalpu eḻuppa vēṇṭum kuḻappam maṟṟum kuḻappam irukkiṟatu!"
He screeched, his voice echoing the discordant noise of Verse's new song.

The Demon Sultan turned his attention to Shamaz, his tentacles writhing about his son. "You refuse to know my words... weak.." He started, his common tongue crude and heavily accented. "I told you, return the stolen to me. Prove you serve me. Return the souls to Patukuliyil."

Finally, he settled his sightless gaze upon Frauns again. "Ārvam? Atu tāṉ eṉ kaḷattiṟku uṅkaḷai koṇṭu eṉṟu aṉaittu ākiṟatu?" He evaluated the young god for a moment before continuing. " Eṉ uṭaṉpiṟappukaḷ enta nīṅkaḷ? Nīṅkaḷ paṭukuḻiyil aṭaiya? Nīṅkaḷ eppaṭi iṟappu koṇṭa keñcum.Avaḷ eṉṟu nampukiṟēṉ eṉṉa nōkkattiṟkāka ceyya vittiṭṭatu? "

"Watch your tongue, lest I rip it from your mouth and feed it to the Demons!" ... "You speak of calm? This world existed long before the calm! Its true state is chaos and discord! I have done nothing but awaken its slumbering nature!" - To Hush and Verse

"Curiosity? That is all that brought you to my domain?" ... "Which of my siblings spawned you? What purpose do you hope to achieve in the Abyss? How would you entreat with Death?" - to Frauns

Eq'Thaka and Lathe - The Yawning Trench of the Great Murk Sea

Even as the God of Valor tried to close the rift, more demons poured out of it, most of them ignoring him completely and escaping into the dark depths of the ocean. But one stayed near. Not near enough to be attacked, but near enough to be seen and heard. This one simply watched as Eq'Thaka pulled upon the two sides of the rift, expending divine power to close it. Finally, the demon spoke up.

"As brave as that is, it will only anger him more." it spoke, the nearly humanoid demon's body shrouded in a cloud of ink within the water. What could be seen were two pairs of horns, one curling forward like a ram's and the other swept backwards like a dragon's. Below the horns lay two glowing embers for eyes, and just outside of the inky cloud were two gaunt hands that appeared as if bone with skin stretched tautly over it. "He is awake, and only one thing can stop him from devouring the world."

2016-04-21, 04:52 PM
Eq'Thaka - The Yawning Trench - "Words"

Turning his attention to the loathsome fiend, his voice boomed with righteous anger from behind the fearsome faceplate, "You seek to bandy words with me, you putrid speck of insignificance? Words?! You want me to ask what this....'one thing'....is, as if I would deign to barter with you or your foul master? FAH! I care not for your words; speak them...or not, before I flay your essence from your form. The choice is yours. I care not!"

2016-04-21, 05:07 PM
Eq'Thaka and Lathe - The Yawning Trench of the Great Murk Sea

The Fiend faded into the inky cloud, and within moments it dissipated, leaving behind nothing. From behind his back, Eq'Thaka heard the demon's voice once more. The Demon stood within a new cloud of ink, well beyond his reach but just within earshot. "You don't know all that much about the wider world, do you?" He said, the movement of his horns showing that he had tilted his head within the cloud. "Do you always agree with those who you share a world with? Do you truly believe that everything beyond that Rift is your foe?"

"I came to parley, not to destroy. I hoped that an accord could be reached that would benefit all. But it seems that you are not interested in prosperity, only in mindlessly murdering the oldest race in creation." The fiend spoke, his glowing eyes tilting into a scowl. "I am Lathe, one of the Abyssids. Our name translates to 'Sons of the Abyss' in your tongue, and we were content to stay within our home world and build our grand endeavours." Lathe spoke softly, glaring at Eq'Thaka. "There are horrors beyond imagining in this cosmos, young one. Even you should be afraid of what they could do."

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-21, 05:35 PM
Frauns - The Black Pits of Patukuliyil

Frauns almost wished that he had pretended to not understand so that he would not have tro hear the harsh sounds of the old language. Still, he would persevere for he was getting somewhere, "My father is the waste deity. My entry in the Abyss came from entering that exists in his wastes. I came through in the hope of finding that which the Sand Worms fear and help them become superior hunters. This is the realm that my father and his creations fear, I would ask your permission to utlise that which I find here against the Sand Worms of Arrakis.

"The Sand Worms live a life of perfect luxery. As small a goal as it be to Death, it is my self-appointed duty to change that."

2016-04-21, 05:38 PM
Being called weak was almost too much for the mirroring mass that simply disappeared giving itself time to think. It let time flow in the crevice between spaces, where he had been born, where he had been conceived. His father might reign over the souls of the dead but still he reigned over the ghosts of the departed. Perhaps... Perhaps he could...


That would mean damnation. Spitting a curse into his own eye. But the god of death was acting senile. Like a fool who forgets he is eaten and bloated and has forgotten its meal. He reapered unto the abyss to slip again. The god had been eating. He had been gorging on his sleep. Eq'Thaka had had to sneak some souls away from him. He was in the abyss once more. And looked around. It was as empty and as devoid of things as he remembered. He hadn't thought about it before. After all he had been born there. He had always known the abyss as an empty place. But that had been before souls. He hadn't missed them because he didn't remember them. His father hadn't missed them either because he hadn't seen them awake. He hadn't even created them. But he had fed on them. Oh, had he fed.

He shifted back to the abyss. He knew for certain that he and his allies had barely started their plans to pull away some souls. Eq'Thaka had been the only who had spirirted some away, and they were barely a handful. And while the goblins were sending theirs to the fields of summer it was still a drop of water in an ocean. There were souls somewhere else.

He could damn himself...

But he should. He must try it.

"Father." A dark resignated echo in his voice. "I know where the souls are." The mirroring form approached the elder. As the silvery tendrils touched the gods figure there was an eery ghostlike moan, as blue and emerald soulfire alit itself on the elder's belly. Faces torn in torment constrained themselves pulling and knoting over the sultan's innards. So many souls were there, kindling to the ghost masters touch that their moan was momentarily unbearable.

"You are full with them. You have been well fed on your sleep. Perhaps too much... If you have devoured all the souls from the abyss and you are raiding the material, how many souls will be left for later?"

2016-04-21, 06:02 PM
Thamnon - Vethlastra

The weather was pleasant at the bottom of Vethlastra’s plateau, as Thamnon watched the humans make their first huts and houses. He felt some amount of disappointment and anger. ‘Was this really as fast as they could build? Were these really the most advanced construction methods they had? Had not he given them all the resources they could possibly need, and how do they repay him? One slips and breaks his leg.’ Thamnon gazed at where that man lay on the ground, whimpering in pain every so often as a handful of others tended to him. The Tyrant then turned back to the construction and singled out a woman he had noticed earlier. ‘That’s how they should be.’ She was by far the most efficient worker among them, strong, intelligent, ‘…Beautiful’.

A cry rang out from one of the people attending the wounded man and they all ran to the humans currently building. Annoyed, Thamnon tore his eyes from the woman and started to move towards them in preparation for punishment when he noticed that they had been running away from something. A long reptilian creature with many legs had walked up to the wounded man, who was now screaming for help, and seemed to be unsure what to do next. As Thamnon started walking towards it however, it figured its purpose out, and a snap of its jaws brought a sudden jerk and then silence from the wounded man. The first human death. Thamnon snarled and bashed the wurms skull in with his fist for its trouble then shaking of it's blood before it could damage his armor, he noted that a real weapon would be handy.

Then looking at the corpse he noticed that the warmth he got from the tyranny enacted wasn’t gone, located somewhere outside the corpse even though he couldn’t see it, moving away from him. Faster even than his favourite human. ‘I did not make them this way, what is this?’ Quickly he gathered all of the other humans within Vethlastra, noting that the woman was the first to react to his orders. He then sealed the massive front gates, which no human could hope to open with manpower alone, he then caught up with and started following the soul he had not known existed.

2016-04-21, 06:09 PM
Shamaz, Frauns, Hush and Verse, and Azj'Khan - The Black Pits of Patukuliyil

Azj'Khan's tendrils receded away from his eldest deific son, reaching within the Demon Sultan's maw to flit from soul to soul. Within moments, his tentacles had completely abandoned the idea of attacking his son, instead writhing around the center like a mass of maggots. For a moment, the Churning Horror shuddered, vague flashes of dream coming to the surface of his mind with each tiny remnant of soul touched. "Ciṟiya eṇṇikkaiyilēyē iruntu oru tārāḷam." He gurgled to himself, though none of the other deities present would understand him.

"Cattiyattaiyum, makaṉ pēca." He spoke, his sightless gaze falling upon Shamaz. He willed extra power into the words, giving extra effort to making himself understood by the Lord of Ghosts. "Oruvēḷai nīṅkaḷ aṉaittu piṟaku palavīṉamāka illai. Aṉṟiyum, nīṅkaḷ muṭṭāḷ." He uttered, his tendrils caressing his bloated gut. As he spoke tiny remnants of souls, the gristle and the hair and the shards of bone that were not fully chewed, flew from his maw and into the pits around the Yawning Rift. "Nāṉ uṅkaḷukku oru putiya paṇi, eṉ makaṉ. Pōy, vāḻkkai āṉmā ērāḷamāka vaḷarum pōṉṟa eṉṟu perukukiṉṟaṉa. Nāṉ varukiṉṟa kālaṅkaḷil aṟuvaṭai eṉṟu vitaikaḷ vitaikka!"

The Demon Sultan gurgled a horrific laugh, his attention drifting to the other gods. To Frauns he spoke next, "Uṉṉai nāṉ uṉ eṉ vaḷaṅkaḷ align eṉṟu muṉ oru vēlai koṭukka. Ulakiṉ āṉmā tavaṟāṉa vaḻiyil ceṉṟu vēṇṭām eṉṟu uṟuti. Eṉ rājjiyattil nōkki taṅkaḷ payaṇattai pātukākka maṟṟum nāṉ eṉ muḻu palattōṭum Arrakis mītu paṭaiyeṭuppārkaḷ. Nāṉ vīṇāy maṇal puḻukkaḷ maṟṟum uṅkaḷ ācaiyai niṟaivēṟṟa."

"Such a bounty from only a small population." - to Himself
"You speak truth, son." ... "Perhaps you are not so weak after all. Nor are you stupid." ... "I have a new task for you, my son. Go, proliferate life such that souls will grow abundant. Sow the seeds that I may reap the harvest in the ages to come!" - to Shamaz

"To you I give a task before I would align my resources with yours. Ensure that the souls of the world do not go astray. Protect their journey unto my realm and I will invade Arrakis with my full might. I will lay waste to the Sand Worms and fulfill your wish." - to Frauns

2016-04-21, 06:14 PM
Eq’Thaka – The Great Murk Sea – “Sundered “

Though the tide of demons streaming from the rift had slowed, it had not stopped and the sea became a morass of carnage and gore. Vit’aren began to glow hot in Proud-Heart’s grip as each swing laid waste to swathes of the twisted, writhing mass. The colossal warrior slid his hands back on the haft of the greatspear so that he nearly gripped the opposed blade. Stepping away from the chasm he now brought the entire length of the weapon against the horde with a guttural cry of rage. A thousand of the foul creatures exploded into viscous mist, and he swept the greatspear back waiting for the rift to fill again, “COME FILTH AND MEET YOUR DOOM!”.

Summoning his strength he brought the weapon to bear a second time, smashing countless demons before the haft sundered in twain with a deafening *CRACK* unleashing a concussive blast of divine energy throwing up another round of tidal waves and utterly decimating what remained of the emerging demon horde.
Just those emerging from the rift, not those that have already escaped into the first world

Momentarily stunned, the colossal Proud-Heart bent to retrieve the two halves of Vit’aren and was horrified to see the rift beginning to fill with more demons while a harsh martial music drifted from the realm beyond. Bellowing his frustration, he strode forward taking one half of the broken spear and driving it deep into the ocean floor next to the chasm, turning and burying the other half deep in the opposed side. He fell to his knees, grasping both halves of the greatspear, and with the befouled waters rising to his chest he pulled.

Corded muscles strained and popped, while the earth groaned its protestations; moving slowly at first then gathering momentum as the yawning chasm slammed shut. Shut, but not sealed. He could feel a horrible counter force at work attempting to keep the rift open. Throwing his head back he screamed to the heavens, “Help Me!”

Starting AP 2+1 PAP
Alter Land -1PAP(split with members of pantheon or anyone, really) break the bridge between the material plane and Patukuliyil
Remaining AP = 2

The Unseen

The words Of Eq'Thaka Bellowed towards the heavens. They rang through to the stars and through them to The Unseen. The Inscrutable heard the words in all their urgency and turned once more towards Kobu. "I must make way to the first world. Our Ally has gone to its aid and I must assist him. I leave the children In your care, their time to fight has not yet come. May they and you remain safe in The Unseen until my return."

With that, the glowing god left. His silhouette melding back into his glowing orb of a form and the rushing through a nearby star to the world bellow.

The First World

From a single star in the heavens above came a great and glowing light, almost as if the star had released all of its light in one glorious burn.
It shown so bright that it appeared even under Sorath's light. Then the star fell to earth, burning a blazing trail the the void. The Light sailed through the sky to the great rift, so recently sealed by Its comrade. The Inscrutable looked down upon the seen. Eq,Thaka was struggling valiantly against the rift that Sought still to tear itself into the world. Beside him floated a black mist with a silhouette of a form visible within. The two were engaged in, surprisingly civil, if one-sidedly so, discussion. All the while the Demonic hoard was rushing for the nearby shores.

The Glowing God called down a great light from the heavens, as many other stars followed his lead and fell to the earth. They exploded in a shower of glowing light on the ground. Then the light flowed like water, encircling the Demons. It the rose above and bellow them forming a great orb of solid starlight, halting the demons advance. The many demons crashed and struck the sides of the orb, desperate to be free. It would detain them, but not for long. There were simply too many.

The Inscrutable the turned his attention To the great rift that wanted nothing more than to open into the world. It called down another three glowing masses from the heavens. The stars ran through the rift Leaving a trail of light in their wake that formed across the rift light stitches on a gaping wound. This wold not seal the rift entirely, but it would ease Eq,Thaka's struggle.

Tuning to His ally and the other being, The Glowing God spoke in a voice That bellowed like a thousand war cries. "You have torn a wound in the first world, unleashing a flood tide of hunger and blood. Why have you come to this place? Was it by my Father's will, or your own?"

starting Ap: 13 +1PAP

-1PAP assist in Eq,Thaka's alter land to seal the rift

remaining AP: 13+0PAP

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-21, 06:19 PM
Frauns, The Black Pits of Patukuliyil

Frauns pursed his lips. A sudden invasion was not ideal. With sudden invasions, the Sand Worms simply lived in luxury until they did not, and then they did again once the invasion faltered; Frauns had enough faith in his father to be confident of the sand worms' continued lives. Still it was reasonable enough, "Very well, Death I shall ensure that souls do not go astray and that they come into your domain well."

Frauns bowed before turning. He was waiting to see if the mirror deity had been similarly dismissed, for if so frauns woul follow him. Frauns had many questions that he hoped to have answers for and would not embaress himself by asking the elder deity, for Frauns had far from a full understanding of this 'soul' business.

2016-04-21, 06:22 PM
Eq'Thaka, The Inscrutable, Lathe - The Yawning Trench of the Great Murk Sea

Lathe turned his head to look at the Inscrutable, squinting. "The second born? Had I known you were coming I would have dressed better. Alas, your compatriot is too busy trying to destroy any hope of peace that I haven't had the time." He spoke, his words eloquent and fluid. "The Abyssids came here to escape your father. His slumber has ended, and he haunts Patukuliyil with his presence. He drives millions into a frenzy with each passing moment. That is why we have come here, to flee his terror." The demon gestured to Eq'Thaka and the Rift. "If he seals that, your father will know. He opened it as he awoke, and if it is sealed he will only be angrier than he already is."

2016-04-21, 06:26 PM
Shamaz, Frauns, Hush and Verse, and Azj'Khan - The Black Pits of Patukuliyil

Azj'Khan's tendrils receded away from his eldest deific son, reaching within the Demon Sultan's maw to flit from soul to soul. Within moments, his tentacles had completely abandoned the idea of attacking his son, instead writhing around the center like a mass of maggots. For a moment, the Churning Horror shuddered, vague flashes of dream coming to the surface of his mind with each tiny remnant of soul touched. "Ciṟiya eṇṇikkaiyilēyē iruntu oru tārāḷam." He gurgled to himself, though none of the other deities present would understand him.

"Cattiyattaiyum, makaṉ pēca." He spoke, his sightless gaze falling upon Shamaz. He willed extra power into the words, giving extra effort to making himself understood by the Lord of Ghosts. "Oruvēḷai nīṅkaḷ aṉaittu piṟaku palavīṉamāka illai. Aṉṟiyum, nīṅkaḷ muṭṭāḷ." He uttered, his tendrils caressing his bloated gut. As he spoke tiny remnants of souls, the gristle and the hair and the shards of bone that were not fully chewed, flew from his maw and into the pits around the Yawning Rift. "Nāṉ uṅkaḷukku oru putiya paṇi, eṉ makaṉ. Pōy, vāḻkkai āṉmā ērāḷamāka vaḷarum pōṉṟa eṉṟu perukukiṉṟaṉa. Nāṉ varukiṉṟa kālaṅkaḷil aṟuvaṭai eṉṟu vitaikaḷ vitaikka!"

The Demon Sultan gurgled a horrific laugh, his attention drifting to the other gods. To Frauns he spoke next, "Uṉṉai nāṉ uṉ eṉ vaḷaṅkaḷ align eṉṟu muṉ oru vēlai koṭukka. Ulakiṉ āṉmā tavaṟāṉa vaḻiyil ceṉṟu vēṇṭām eṉṟu uṟuti. Eṉ rājjiyattil nōkki taṅkaḷ payaṇattai pātukākka maṟṟum nāṉ eṉ muḻu palattōṭum Arrakis mītu paṭaiyeṭuppārkaḷ. Nāṉ vīṇāy maṇal puḻukkaḷ maṟṟum uṅkaḷ ācaiyai niṟaivēṟṟa."

"Such a bounty from only a small population." - to Himself
"You speak truth, son." ... "Perhaps you are not so weak after all. Nor are you stupid." ... "I have a new task for you, my son. Go, proliferate life such that souls will grow abundant. Sow the seeds that I may reap the harvest in the ages to come!" - to Shamaz

"To you I give a task before I would align my resources with yours. Ensure that the souls of the world do not go astray. Protect their journey unto my realm and I will invade Arrakis with my full might. I will lay waste to the Sand Worms and fulfill your wish." - to Frauns

The mirroring blob grows mass and a thicker tendril extends and nods to the elder god.

"I'll take some souls under my protection. And ensure their proliferation and safety. Even from you in your moments of voracious irrational hunger so they can always form a basis as to which grow later and repopulate."

He stands there for some time observing his father's reaction fearing to have defied him too much with his last statement.

2016-04-21, 09:19 PM
Breeth'r - Arrakis

For the next component to the Palace of Sand, Breeth'r spent a long, long time carefully designing and crafting the perfect design. It needed to be something that would refine and purify the creation energies swirling within the Glass Dome. Something that would direct those energies to ensure that they would be channeled into the proper forms and that the Palace of Sand would not spiral out of control as the energies involved brewed.

Thus, it came time that Breeth'r called upon six Sand Worms, adepts in the working of Primordial Magic, and the six of them gave of their forms to complete the work of the fourth component of the Palace of Sand.

While Sand Worms have no blood, and therefore there is no soul within them, these six creatures were not slain, but transformed. Breeth'r took their bodies composed of the Waste and infused them with his own will and essence, transforming them from six physical beings into a living, divine force: The Will of Sand. Golden lightning now played over the surface of the Palace of Sand continuously as the minds of the Six Prophets directed and channeled the concentrated powers of the single most concentration nexus of creation magic in the cosmos.

His grand act of creation at last finished, Breeth'r gathered together to himself a legion of his faithful Sand Worms and declared:

"My children, since my fateful encounter with the Evil One, I have been content to stay back and let the events of the other gods unfold as they will. However, that is about to change. The World below has become contaminated with the poison and its people assaulted by the minions of the Evil One. Soon, we shall unleash our holy perfection upon the World, that it may be cleaned of its evil."

ap: 1=0+5-1-3 1pap-1pap
+5 rollover
-1 (create utility artifact: the Will of Sand, the last component to his palace, discounted from the other 3 components, keyed to creating artifacts, also used 1 pap in its creation)
-3 infused the Will of Sand, it now discounts an extra ap off of creating artifacts

2016-04-21, 09:49 PM
Eq'Thaka - The Yawning Trench - "More Words; Empty Words"

Eq'Thaka and Lathe - The Yawning Trench of the Great Murk Sea

The Fiend faded into the inky cloud, and within moments it dissipated, leaving behind nothing. From behind his back, Eq'Thaka heard the demon's voice once more. The Demon stood within a new cloud of ink, well beyond his reach but just within earshot. "You don't know all that much about the wider world, do you?" He said, the movement of his horns showing that he had tilted his head within the cloud. "Do you always agree with those who you share a world with? Do you truly believe that everything beyond that Rift is your foe?"

"I came to parley, not to destroy. I hoped that an accord could be reached that would benefit all. But it seems that you are not interested in prosperity, only in mindlessly murdering the oldest race in creation." The fiend spoke, his glowing eyes tilting into a scowl. "I am Lathe, one of the Abyssids. Our name translates to 'Sons of the Abyss' in your tongue, and we were content to stay within our home world and build our grand endeavours." Lathe spoke softly, glaring at Eq'Thaka. "There are horrors beyond imagining in this cosmos, young one. Even you should be afraid of what they could do."

As the demon wove it's words with taunts and threats, the colossal warrior's shoulders began to shake in what surely must be fatigue...but, from behind the faceplate rumbled a rueful chuckle, "You come to parley do you? Why parley with someone who clearly doesn't 'know much about the wider world', a 'mindless murdering young one'? Tell me, Son of the Abyss, about your contentment among horrors beyond my imagining, about your peaceful and prosperous intent in The First World. Please help this poor fool understand how you and your ravening black-hearted malice from beyond this Rift are not my foe."

Suddenly the tremendous force beyond the Rift was constrained further as three sparkling masses of starlight ran through the great abyssal scar, and Proud-Heart turned to hear The Inscrutable's words, his heart soaring at the sight of his ally. Listening to the demon's response to the query he called out to Glowing God, "Come friend, surely you recognize me by this creature's description, for I am the Destroyer of Peace, He Who Would Deny Refuge and Haven for these poor innocent beings who seek to escape their endless torment! FAH!!!"

2016-04-21, 10:11 PM
Eq'Thaka, The Inscrutable, Lathe - The Yawning Trench of the Great Murk Sea

Lathe turned his head to look at the Inscrutable, squinting. "The second born? Had I known you were coming I would have dressed better. Alas, your compatriot is too busy trying to destroy any hope of peace that I haven't had the time." He spoke, his words eloquent and fluid. "The Abyssids came here to escape your father. His slumber has ended, and he haunts Patukuliyil with his presence. He drives millions into a frenzy with each passing moment. That is why we have come here, to flee his terror." The demon gestured to Eq'Thaka and the Rift. "If he seals that, your father will know. He opened it as he awoke, and if it is sealed he will only be angrier than he already is."

"I see." The Inscrutable said, his voice still the voice of thousands, but now they were murmuring and indistinct. As if they were debating with one another. "You must understand the predicament this places us in. Your people cannot return home, for it would mean the death of you. But if your people were to reach the shore it would mean the death of thousands. The land beyond the shore is teaming with life, all of it capable of great achievement. Yet as grand as their potential may be, they could not stand against you as they are. They would be slaughtered, for slaughter is in your nature. It is the price you pay for your birth. So you must understand, there is too much blood on either side."

Eq'Thaka - The Yawning Trench - "More Words; Empty Words"

As the demon wove it's words with taunts and threats, the colossal warrior's shoulders began to shake in what surely must be fatigue...but, from behind the faceplate rumbled a rueful chuckle, "You come to parley do you? Why parley with someone who clearly doesn't 'know much about the wider world', a 'mindless murdering young one'? Tell me, Son of the Abyss, about your contentment among horrors beyond my imagining, about your peaceful and prosperous intent in The First World. Please help this poor fool understand how you and your ravening black-hearted malice from beyond this Rift are not my foe."

Suddenly the tremendous force beyond the Rift was constrained further as three sparkling masses of starlight ran through the great abyssal scar, and Proud-Heart turned to hear The Inscrutable's words, his heart soaring at the sight of his ally. Listening to the demon's response to the query he called out to Glowing God, "Come friend, surely you recognize me by this creature's description, for I am the Destroyer of Peace, He Who Would Deny Refuge and Haven for these poor innocent beings who seek to escape their endless torment! FAH!!!"

"I understand your anger my friend. but you must take a pause from you fury to listen. I know all to well what these creatures could do to our world but I also know what my father could do to theirs. I value the potential of all life, even theirs. Perhaps we should take a moment before we act. If we repay slaughter with slaughter then we will all drown in blood."

There was a short silence, filled with more indistinct murmurings, before the Inscrutable turned to the Demon and spoke once more "Perhaps you could propose to us a solution? For if I can help it, I would not see the embers of life snuffed out before they can light aflame. Neither our people nor yours."

Robert Frost
2016-04-22, 02:34 AM
Shamaz, Frauns, Hush, and Azj'Khan - The Black Pits of Patukuliyil

Azj'Khan's tendrils coiled around the newcomers, leaving Hush and Verse space to move but letting them know that if they did anything there would be dire consequences. "Nāṉ uṉ vāyil iruntu atai kiḻitteṟiya maṟṟum cāttāṉkaḷ atai ūṭṭi pōkiṉṟīr, uṅkaḷ nākku pāruṅkaḷ!" He bellowed, Hush and Verse simultaneously understanding his meaning, though none of the others present would. "Nīṅkaḷ amaitiyāka pēca? Inta ulaka amaiti muṉ nīṇṭa irunta! Ataṉ uṇmai nilaiyai! Nāṉ etuvum ceyyavillai āṉāl ataṉ uṟaṅkum iyalpu eḻuppa vēṇṭum kuḻappam maṟṟum kuḻappam irukkiṟatu!"
He screeched, his voice echoing the discordant noise of Verse's new song.

The Demon Sultan turned his attention to Shamaz, his tentacles writhing about his son. "You refuse to know my words... weak.." He started, his common tongue crude and heavily accented. "I told you, return the stolen to me. Prove you serve me. Return the souls to Patukuliyil."

Finally, he settled his sightless gaze upon Frauns again. "Ārvam? Atu tāṉ eṉ kaḷattiṟku uṅkaḷai koṇṭu eṉṟu aṉaittu ākiṟatu?" He evaluated the young god for a moment before continuing. " Eṉ uṭaṉpiṟappukaḷ enta nīṅkaḷ? Nīṅkaḷ paṭukuḻiyil aṭaiya? Nīṅkaḷ eppaṭi iṟappu koṇṭa keñcum.Avaḷ eṉṟu nampukiṟēṉ eṉṉa nōkkattiṟkāka ceyya vittiṭṭatu? "

"Watch your tongue, lest I rip it from your mouth and feed it to the Demons!" ... "You speak of calm? This world existed long before the calm! Its true state is chaos and discord! I have done nothing but awaken its slumbering nature!" - To Hush and Verse

"Curiosity? That is all that brought you to my domain?" ... "Which of my siblings spawned you? What purpose do you hope to achieve in the Abyss? How would you entreat with Death?" - to Frauns

Eq'Thaka and Lathe - The Yawning Trench of the Great Murk Sea

Even as the God of Valor tried to close the rift, more demons poured out of it, most of them ignoring him completely and escaping into the dark depths of the ocean. But one stayed near. Not near enough to be attacked, but near enough to be seen and heard. This one simply watched as Eq'Thaka pulled upon the two sides of the rift, expending divine power to close it. Finally, the demon spoke up.

"As brave as that is, it will only anger him more." it spoke, the nearly humanoid demon's body shrouded in a cloud of ink within the water. What could be seen were two pairs of horns, one curling forward like a ram's and the other swept backwards like a dragon's. Below the horns lay two glowing embers for eyes, and just outside of the inky cloud were two gaunt hands that appeared as if bone with skin stretched tautly over it. "He is awake, and only one thing can stop him from devouring the world."

Hush // Verse The Black Pits of Patukuliyil

Hush knew no fear. His presence here permeated calm and intensity against the onslaught of discordant energy and chaos that seemed to instill his sister into a frenzy. It was a bad combination, he quickly realized. There was no way for him to attempt to calm or quiet Verse, bring the calm she required in order to change in note or method - and attempt to hinder the discordant tones this Elder Beast was creating. Azj'Khan's body and mass was a threat that Hush knew not how to deal with, but he feared that if he did not remain - his sister's madness would deepen further. Rather than direct his energies toward Azj'Khan - he remained silent. As was his purview, waiting for a moment to attempt greater wisdom and solace, directing his energies instead at his raucous sister.

"Dearly beloved
We are gathered here today
To get through this thing called life

Electric word life
It means forever and that's a mighty long time
But I'm here to tell you
There's something else
The after world

A world of never ending happiness
You can always see the sun, day or night"

She seemed to taunt Azj'Khan with her lyrics, her eyes dancing with madness as the energy of the song continued to empower his minions that breached into this reality. They too were in tune with the song of creation that had warped to one of blood lust and death. Madness permeated Verse, and that madness was portrayed to those creatures attuned to it - such as Azj'Khan himself. The beast most foul, his corruption tainting the beauty of her song... But retaining that beauty Madness often contains.

"So when you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills
You know the one, Dr. Everything'll Be Alright
Instead of asking him how much of your time is left
Ask him how much of your mind, baby

'Cause in this life
Things are much harder than in the after world
In this life
You're on your own

And if the elevator tries to bring you down
Go crazy, punch a higher floor

If you don't like the world you're living in
Take a look around you
At least you got friends"

The lyrics seemed to indicate that she was talking about both herself... as well as Azj'khan.

"You see I called my old lady
For a friendly word
She picked up the phone
Dropped it on the floor
(Ah, ah) is all I heard

Are we gonna let the elevator
Bring us down
Oh, no let's go!"

Her energies seemed to seek release, there was a power in them... a new energy with seemed to affect several of the Demons as they exited the portal... and a note that would follow them into the form of creation itself. The madness she was singing about? That insanity note? It empowered the ambient energies of song through-out the world, starting to empower the magical energies associated with madness that Azj'khan seemed to permeate at entering this plane - perverting the Authority and Glory that existed prior to form a new mythical form of energy.

"Let's go crazy
Let's get nuts
Let's look for the purple banana
'Til they put us in the truck, let's go!

We're all excited
But we don't know why
Maybe it's 'cause
We're all gonna die"

3 AP / 1 PAP
Create Sub Concept (Of Glory, like Authority) -2 AP: "Insanity Song" The power of corruption and madness now empowers those afflicted with it to greater heights of power. While those who are steadfast of will regain power from Authority, and the Gods themselves can wield Glory - the mortals and beings across creation now can channel their Madness to increase their abilities at a multitude of tasks. Examples of this would include the ability to fight better in the grips of a berserk rage, the power of creating awe-inspiring music while caught in the depths of crippling depression or mania. Or creating intense emotions in others through other actions reflective of the intense chaos that permeates the world.
-2 AP = 1 AP

Hush watched his sister delve deeper and deeper into madness, and realized he had to stand against this force of permeating madness. He seemed to fade into himself, the world growing slightly paler and deeper as he summoned elements of silence, his Silenzi to him. These noise devouring Shadows seemed to rise from his own shadow, which grew outward. This formless shadow moved apart from the tentacles, going toward a single goal - the moving form of his Sister Verse, who danced and played among Azj'khan's tentacles as though there were nothing to be afraid. She didn't even notice the shadows rise among her, notice that his energies seemed to trap her in a sphere of quiet that bounced around her noise into itself. Her cries grew louder and more insistent as his solemn force grew in contrast to her hectic noise.

He couldn't hold his sister back, it was against her nature, but he could contain her while he figured out a course of action which matched the powers of the god before him. He smiled at Azj'khan, realizing a strange parallel of nature between the two in this moment - for what Azj'khan sought would create instead a very different nature - oblivion. Oblivion was silence, and the domain / desire of Hush. In a moment a plan formed in his mind, and the precise, solemn, Gray-skinned shadow-man let himself expressed subservience and bowed before Azj'khan.

Of course, mighty ender. Render of flesh, destroyer of peoples. I speak only of the oblivion that follows the chaos. The pause between slaughter. The moments of ending between each great leap of conflict. And while your entry into this world brings chaos... I feel that it will also bring ending and calm. So I welcome you to this world. But you can see that my sister, one whose nature couples your own, finds that your presence has infected her mind.

His thoughts and silence projected into Azj'khan's mind, a calm quiet feeling, not a pressure or forceful one. Silence makes itself known through calm and subtlety but not boisterous accusation.

This world can naught feel your strength for long, might you squash the noise forever. Silencing it for all eternity.

Reaching within his sister he sought the powerful energies of chaos that bound to her nature, brought forth by Azj'khan's power. His corruption. His sensation of endless hunger. He sought to bind them while he communicated with the beast of destruction.

((OOC: Tribute to Prince))

1 AP / +1 PAP
Blessing of Quiet (-1 PAP): With the shadows and quiet, one can find calming solace. Within the moment of every day where one looks inward rather than outward, and considers inaction instead of action, they can reduce the effect of insanity or madness upon them. This allows a steely calm resolve, and the better use of Glory or Authority.
-1 PAP = 1 AP

2016-04-22, 03:18 AM
Ren Hi and the Elves

Ren Hi walked with a large band of elves through the foothills of the mountains that stood to the west of the Elven woods of the Near Shore. They'd walked for days, searching for something that only the revered elf knew. More and more he had brought a large following under sway, especially the young and more brash of the Elven peoples who took to the teachings of the Hero. Tensions had begun to grow with the young that had followed him and many an Elf who sat before the bonfires during the long night whispered they were looking for a new home, away from more traditional minds.

It had begun a week ago when Ren Hi bought to the elders that their exceedingly long lives was a threat to the very world for even if they bred slowly they would soon overpopulate the world as they tamed it and brought it to heel before them. He had suggested, to the horror of many, that once an Elf reached a certain age they would be interred deep beneath the Earth and put under a deep slumber or and perhaps even worse...simply be killed. A viscous argument was raised against the Fire Bringer to dare even mention the slaying of honored men and women and the fight soon spread to those who had followed him on his many hunts.

They had settled this night on a high rocky outcropping that looked over the fertile valleys below, the men and women crowded around the vast bonfire that Ren Hi had built from a single tree he fell with a single chop of his hand. He whispered to them of the wealth in the mountains above, of great veins of fire that stretched beneath the surface and of minerals they could use to convince the elders back within their homes of their power. He laid out his plans and vision as the night stretched long and in the morning the camp was gone. The young elves had moved above to search for the precious stones their leader desired while Ren Hi remained below speaking to the winds as a storm approached from the north.

Which Steps Softly - Arrakis

With another move, the Elder God moved to the dry wastes of Arrakis and it quickly wrapped itself in sea weed and the flesh of demons as it moved for it was Lady Alstra, Mother of Seabeds and Coral. Many of the Masked who were as the Sand Worms heralded her approach as she made her way to the Palace of Sand that had been raised by Breeth'r her every step leaving moisture as she went. "Great Lord Breeth'r! I come in the name of my Father, the Sultan Azj'Khan! I demand an audience!"

2016-04-22, 06:29 AM

The crouching tiger brotherhood had defied the orders and ventured into the farthest reaches of the wild. There might be something strange with the world, spirits trying not to go to the fields of summer and all, but more risk only meant more rewards. It was a big brotherhood, it had absorved recently a smaller one when the leader had been defeated in singular combat, hailing five veteran goblins. They each rode upon a gaudy war chariot. The chariots were as much works of art as tools of warfare. Each had a uma jirushi, a rectangular piece of cloth with a coat of arms, their chariots wooden frame was covered in mountain tiger pelts, and knotted golden coins that jingled with the vibration. Atop the chariot a small goblinoid held the reins steady, guiding the chariots were two fine horses, larger and more intelligent than the goblinoid's takhis. The chariots formed surrounding a supply wagon, pulled by takhis and brimming with what the brotherhood had scrounged unto the wilds. And arround the brotherhood chariots there were many goblinoid scouts riding takhis and carrying short bows gazing at the are arround for profitable, and glorious, exploits.

When the group witnessed the powerful closed gates they directed themselves there. Camping, the chariots forming still arround the wagon in a defensible perimeter, and leaving the horses to graze. The goblins didn't discuss much the potential benefits of breaching those doors, they all agreed that it would make a glorious safe house. So they led the goblinoids to explore the surrounding area checking for other potential entrances while they started to tamper with the gates trying to open them with skill rather than force.

2016-04-22, 10:20 AM
Eq'Thaka - The Yawning Trench - "Desolation"

"I understand your anger my friend. but you must take a pause from you fury to listen. I know all to well what these creatures could do to our world but I also know what my father could do to theirs. I value the potential of all life, even theirs. Perhaps we should take a moment before we act. If we repay slaughter with slaughter then we will all drown in blood."

The Glowing God's words pierced the armor of righteous fury in a way that the abyssal spawned demon's never could, and his body shook with a tremendous shudder as his temper cooled. Cooled...and hardened into a deep unabiding resentment. A bitter, acrid smell permeated the air as the silence following The Inscrutable's query stretched out.

And the massive figure slowly stood; towering over the demon, the god, the rift, and the ocean. Sorath's rays seemingly intensified ten fold, as the polluted sea ceased to boil in the god's anger. The colossal Proud-Heart, face hidden behind his mask, turned his gaze first to the Glowing God for a long moment, then Lathe, and lastly the Rift. A great change came over him. His bronze skin grew darker, dried, and cracked like old leather; through the cracks trickled thin streams of sand. The ocean, it's foul waters lapping at his legs simply evaporated around him, leaving a thick foul tar clinging to his breeches and cape. That too, dried, cracked and flaked away leaving his clothing tattered and worn.

He cast his hand out before him, and the two halves of the sundered Vit'aren flashed in a brilliant light then morphed into liquid sand flowing to his open palm, joining and reforming into the greatspear as they did so. Without a word he looked to the sky and dissolved in a massive cloud of choking sand.

Eq'Thaka - Arrakis

He knew the way, he didn't know how or why, he just did and his resentment was his guide. A harsh wind blew across the desolate landscape of the plane of waste, gathering speed and violence as it passed. As the towering storm closed on The Palace of Sand, the wind suddenly died and the cloud of gathered sands collapsed and became the warrior Proud-Heart. He brushed aside the Sand Worms with his greatspear, and strode through the palace gates as if he had been born and lived there his entire life. Momentarily his anger was renewed and flashed as his gaze fell upon the wretched, shrill, wet thing demanding an audience with The Waste God, but he merely shrugged; stepping over the sludgy stain nearly burying it in the drifts of sand left in the wake of each gigantic footprint.

He had clearly interrupted....something, the assembled were silent as if they had just received news of great import, but a growing murmur burbled through the host as he passed. Stepping to the fore he willed himself to return to his normal size, but retained his cracked and rough complexion. With a flick of his wrist, he planted Vit'aren deep in the sandstone tiles of the hall, and bowing stiffly at the waist gazed upon his creator for the first time.

From behind the beastly faceplate of the great horned helm came a single word spoken in a voice like that of tumbling stone, "Father."

2016-04-22, 11:03 AM
Inside Vethlastra – 1 day in

“Man, you don’t feel that? Ughh. My head, I think I’m dying.”
“You shouldn’t joke about that Kel. Didn’t you hear about… what was his name?”
“Yeah, Stee. I heard that he twitched for minutes.”
“Ugh, he didn’t. It was real quick like, too quick. Much too quick.”
“You saw it?”
“I… yes. Guy didn’t stand a chance.”
“Stee didn’t stand a chance.”
The group was quiet again. They had decided to stay near the entrance, unlike most of the rest of them who had moved further in once they realised they couldn’t open the door, figured that they could probably find rats or something. About 300 people had set up in the hall overall, the further in you went, who knew, a few thousand perhaps.
“Do you think that His Humbleness is coming back?”
“Don’t say that so loud, Amaya will hear that you said it.”
“And then she’ll grind your face into the doors you want out of.”
“…Wurm piss.” Kel kicked the door in frustration.

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-22, 12:15 PM
Gnomes, The Great University

Junteen was the Sharer of a very large tribe, and a tribe blessed with a great number of Ice Wizards at that. To be frank, Junteen was almost overwhelmed with the task of managing such a large and gifted tribe. Junteen may have been more gifted than the rest of them, but his gift was ice magic not organisation. Junteen's tribe's hunting grounds was near the shores and they dined plentifully on a diet of frozen fish. These hunting grounds were actually where Frauns had bought into existance the gnomes; although that fact has long been lost to time.

Just as lost was the desire that Frauns had for them. Still, the little shard in their souls that pushed for the iciness of the world had not melted in the intervening years. It was just that Junteen's tribes were the first time that the critical mass had been reached. It begun to snow heavily on the hunting grounds of Junteen's tribe. A different leader may have realised that his people were the cause of the change, and take actions to prevent it. Junteen merely sulked and ordered the trading of fish for more furs. A society requiring different needs may have usurped their sulking leader. However, the cold did not harm their ability to fish and thus they sulked too clad in great fur.

That lasted quite a long time for the snow was only getting stronger. It was becoming intolerable for Junteen. He was a powerful Ice Wizard and powerful Ice Magic he used. He stood up and willed the snow to be different. It did not vanish but became ice. The ice shaped iself becoming a building. The other lesser wizards begun to notice and lent themselves to the task.

In a day The Great University was built, a town made of ice and thus requiring the constant presense of Ice Wizards. Still, the maintanence is not difficult; even a student could do it.

5 AP + 1 PAP
0 PAP = 1 PAP - 1 PAP: Alter Land: The Great University
5 AP

2016-04-22, 12:25 PM
Inside Vethlastra – 1 day in

The goblins receded when they heard the door being kicked from the inside. It seemed that theyr tampering had attracted whatever was inside attention. There was something there. Some dire enemy to be defeated only made the lair more worthy of conquest. While some goblinoids messed with the mechanism of what appeared to be locks, easing their passage into the adequate positions, others searched for the shafts, they weren't accessible from this end but the goblins started to pour oil into them. Horses were tied to the doors close to the center and the goblins reared them to pull to little or no avail.

2016-04-22, 12:40 PM
Hush // Verse The Black Pits of Patukuliyil

Hush knew no fear. His presence here permeated calm and intensity against the onslaught of discordant energy and chaos that seemed to instill his sister into a frenzy. It was a bad combination, he quickly realized. There was no way for him to attempt to calm or quiet Verse, bring the calm she required in order to change in note or method - and attempt to hinder the discordant tones this Elder Beast was creating. Azj'Khan's body and mass was a threat that Hush knew not how to deal with, but he feared that if he did not remain - his sister's madness would deepen further. Rather than direct his energies toward Azj'Khan - he remained silent. As was his purview, waiting for a moment to attempt greater wisdom and solace, directing his energies instead at his raucous sister.

"Dearly beloved
We are gathered here today
To get through this thing called life

Electric word life
It means forever and that's a mighty long time
But I'm here to tell you
There's something else
The after world

A world of never ending happiness
You can always see the sun, day or night"

She seemed to taunt Azj'Khan with her lyrics, her eyes dancing with madness as the energy of the song continued to empower his minions that breached into this reality. They too were in tune with the song of creation that had warped to one of blood lust and death. Madness permeated Verse, and that madness was portrayed to those creatures attuned to it - such as Azj'Khan himself. The beast most foul, his corruption tainting the beauty of her song... But retaining that beauty Madness often contains.

"So when you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills
You know the one, Dr. Everything'll Be Alright
Instead of asking him how much of your time is left
Ask him how much of your mind, baby

'Cause in this life
Things are much harder than in the after world
In this life
You're on your own

And if the elevator tries to bring you down
Go crazy, punch a higher floor

If you don't like the world you're living in
Take a look around you
At least you got friends"

The lyrics seemed to indicate that she was talking about both herself... as well as Azj'khan.

"You see I called my old lady
For a friendly word
She picked up the phone
Dropped it on the floor
(Ah, ah) is all I heard

Are we gonna let the elevator
Bring us down
Oh, no let's go!"

Her energies seemed to seek release, there was a power in them... a new energy with seemed to affect several of the Demons as they exited the portal... and a note that would follow them into the form of creation itself. The madness she was singing about? That insanity note? It empowered the ambient energies of song through-out the world, starting to empower the magical energies associated with madness that Azj'khan seemed to permeate at entering this plane - perverting the Authority and Glory that existed prior to form a new mythical form of energy.

"Let's go crazy
Let's get nuts
Let's look for the purple banana
'Til they put us in the truck, let's go!

We're all excited
But we don't know why
Maybe it's 'cause
We're all gonna die"

3 AP / 1 PAP
Create Sub Concept (Of Glory, like Authority) -2 AP: "Insanity Song" The power of corruption and madness now empowers those afflicted with it to greater heights of power. While those who are steadfast of will regain power from Authority, and the Gods themselves can wield Glory - the mortals and beings across creation now can channel their Madness to increase their abilities at a multitude of tasks. Examples of this would include the ability to fight better in the grips of a berserk rage, the power of creating awe-inspiring music while caught in the depths of crippling depression or mania. Or creating intense emotions in others through other actions reflective of the intense chaos that permeates the world.
-2 AP = 1 AP

Hush watched his sister delve deeper and deeper into madness, and realized he had to stand against this force of permeating madness. He seemed to fade into himself, the world growing slightly paler and deeper as he summoned elements of silence, his Silenzi to him. These noise devouring Shadows seemed to rise from his own shadow, which grew outward. This formless shadow moved apart from the tentacles, going toward a single goal - the moving form of his Sister Verse, who danced and played among Azj'khan's tentacles as though there were nothing to be afraid. She didn't even notice the shadows rise among her, notice that his energies seemed to trap her in a sphere of quiet that bounced around her noise into itself. Her cries grew louder and more insistent as his solemn force grew in contrast to her hectic noise.

He couldn't hold his sister back, it was against her nature, but he could contain her while he figured out a course of action which matched the powers of the god before him. He smiled at Azj'khan, realizing a strange parallel of nature between the two in this moment - for what Azj'khan sought would create instead a very different nature - oblivion. Oblivion was silence, and the domain / desire of Hush. In a moment a plan formed in his mind, and the precise, solemn, Gray-skinned shadow-man let himself expressed subservience and bowed before Azj'khan.

Of course, mighty ender. Render of flesh, destroyer of peoples. I speak only of the oblivion that follows the chaos. The pause between slaughter. The moments of ending between each great leap of conflict. And while your entry into this world brings chaos... I feel that it will also bring ending and calm. So I welcome you to this world. But you can see that my sister, one whose nature couples your own, finds that your presence has infected her mind.

His thoughts and silence projected into Azj'khan's mind, a calm quiet feeling, not a pressure or forceful one. Silence makes itself known through calm and subtlety but not boisterous accusation.

This world can naught feel your strength for long, might you squash the noise forever. Silencing it for all eternity.

Reaching within his sister he sought the powerful energies of chaos that bound to her nature, brought forth by Azj'khan's power. His corruption. His sensation of endless hunger. He sought to bind them while he communicated with the beast of destruction.

((OOC: Tribute to Prince))

1 AP / +1 PAP
Blessing of Quiet (-1 PAP): With the shadows and quiet, one can find calming solace. Within the moment of every day where one looks inward rather than outward, and considers inaction instead of action, they can reduce the effect of insanity or madness upon them. This allows a steely calm resolve, and the better use of Glory or Authority.
-1 PAP = 1 AP

Silver looked at the happenings on the prime world and grimaced in displeasure. She did not enjoy watching her allies losing control. It moved them too far from the state which she found so appealing in the first place. Deciding that some interference is in order again, she sent out one of her servants to calm the situation, before it further lost control.

Appearing before of Verse, Temperance put herself between her and the madness.
"Calm yourself! Your actions do not befit a god, at least not the god loved by my mistress. Withdraw to Tir, where even madness is just a passing dream." she proclaimed in a clear voice, her glory burning away any of the sultan's corruption that still lingered after Hush's attempts.


2016-04-23, 08:05 AM

The goblin courts extending farther and farther from Khorama as they took over the neighboring rivers and forests along with the surrounding stepes started to need specialized organizations. The brotherhoods provided a mean to communicate, being as much couriers as they were hunters, the thieving goblinoid tollmen used their profits to mantain the infrastuctures in the farther reaches and the nascent sisterhoods maintaned a record of history and stories.

AP 5 PAP 1 - PAP 1

PAP 1 Form Organization: Historian Guilds (I'm taking a page from Hush actions before, in not limiting the organization to goblins :P) The Historians are concerned with mantaining the history and stories of those that came before. The Goblins historians are the sisterhoods, as they are the more socially fit for a sedentary life studying and mantaining libraries. Goblin Sisterhoods are particularly versed in tales of epics, as their mastery in spirit magic is enhanced by accessing the most powerful spirits, and to get a spirit you need to understand it.

5 AP left

2016-04-23, 08:16 AM
Thamnon – The Yawning Trench

As he had followed the soul further out to sea Thamnon had started running into demons, the vast majority which had left him alone. A few of them had seemed to have made a beeline to the little spark that still remained of the dead man however. How they knew that it was there was unknown to Thamnon and attempts to question them had proven that they were highly resistant to attempts to control them, even by the god of tyranny it seemed. This had gotten them killed. “Vermin.”

In time the soul finally led him to the source of the demons, and the destination of the soul, the breach from The First World to the second. Though Thamnon did not know that. He had been just close enough to watch the massive one with a spear disappear, and some part of him that he didn’t like to admit was there had felt fear, some part of that creature had been antithetical to his very nature. “5 gods. 6 gods.” Then spotting the dark patch with the horns in the water. “7 gods?”

Thamnon felt around, and let his Glory fade away for now. Perhaps without it he could hide that he wished to see all in chains, gods are powerful foes, it would not do for them to band together so early into his plans. Thamnon even hid away his crown before approaching, walking along the surface of the water, a measure of calmness in the waves around him due law asserting itself in his vicinity. “Greetings to you gods.” Thamnon gave a shallow bow, fighting back the urge to vomit that the action gave him. “What is this place?”

Thamnon just assumes that Lathe is a god. Given the company.

Kel Man – Vethlastra

“Ow. Ow. Ow.” Turns out kicking solid iron isn’t such a great idea. As Kel learnt the hard way, unaware that his actions had alerted the goblins on the other side of the entrance. As his friends mocked him over the course of the next hour, he considered the doors. Surely the reason that they couldn’t open them working together with all the rest of humanity couldn’t just be their weight. Even with ten thousand, twenty thousand people trying to push, they would be able to shift the 10 ft thick iron, right? There must be something in the doors, it was the only explanation.

His train of thought was interrupted by a little amount of oil that had somehow made it through from the other side, pooling slightly. Kel pointed it out to the others and they pressed their ears to the iron.
“I hear something.”
“His Lordship?”
Kel though about this for a little, he thought he could hear something too. He looked back to the oil and noted its slipperiness.
“Maybe this can make the door move.”
"It's worth a shot then right?”
So they called over all of the people in the entrance and locked up like they had before with all the others to push it originally. And even though there were only 300 pushing from the inside, they managed to start pushing just as the goblins on the other side hit something vital. There was a loud cracking noise that both sides heard, but it echoed on the inside throughout the citadel, followed by a whipping noise as if something under great tension has suddenly been released and the sound of metal falling as the gates started moving outwards.

Grinding along the doors opened just enough so that a person could go through before momentum was lost and inertia once again held them still. And the first human that any goblin ever saw was right in the middle of that gap, clutching his head as he looked at them in return with an expression that managed to combine fear, pain, joy, exhaustion, confusion, surprise and indignation.
“Wurm piss.”

2016-04-23, 11:41 AM
Finally, her power had grown even further. She could no longer go to the first world without fear of damaging it with her glory, yet she did not mourn the loss of such opportunities. She has and will continue to use her Arcana to conduct her business. Sometimes when she sat idly by and watched the events and the dreams of the world, she began to doubt if she was doing the right things. But when it was time to act, she always forgot her doubts. She was the one who creates, she is the goddess that does not doubt herself. She deserves victory!

Current AP: 0+4=4

Gain domain: Victory (Worthiness) 2 AP + 1 PAP
1 Form Society for Dvati
2 Raise hero
4 Create Arcana

Remaining AP = 2

2016-04-23, 04:31 PM
Ren Hi - Foothills of the Mountains

As time continued in the foothills those that followed Ren Hi took fewer and fewer trips to the ancient forests they called home. These Elves grew tan from the sun and their hair bleached and they put into practice which they desired most of all and what caused the split. Vast bonfires were built in the new homes of the Elven cities that dotted the mountains and around these the new Ghost Elves did worship led only by Ren Hi and his teachings. Soon these flames began to grow linked to the Elves who worshiped before them. Such connections to the flame did not come lightly for when an Elf reached a certain age they were placed within the flame with much celebration and burned to ash which was then used to ink those who still yet lived which only made the flames inside them grow stronger. These souls were then moved to the Unseen like all Souls yet the Elder God had worked its greatest trick to date for it was waiting with its Masks for the right moment. And in this way it was that Which Steps Softly weaved yet another chain for when the souls of Elves reached the Unseen they were given a choice as decided by the two Elven creators. Yet even though who wished to stay within the Unseen grew lost and disorientated and were quickly replaced by the agents of the Elder God.


Curse - 1AP (The Dawn Exodus): Who Wears Mirrored Masks catch lost Elven Souls and impersonate them and take their place in the Unseen flawlessly. This however does not allow them to pass the tests of the Guiding Lights and while they are Elven Souls for all intents and purposes their deeds never measure up.

Bless - 1AP (The Pine Treaty): Elven Souls are given a choice on where they wish to go when they die, either to the Bastion or the Unseen and are reborn from there. However most Elves desire to go to the Bastion naturally and those who seek to go elsewhere are lost in the Unseen and the Halcyon Fields.

Create Subconcept - 2AP (Bonfire Speaking): A subset of Primal Magic, the Ghost Elves practice a sect of worship of fire and speak to their dead through the flames. When an Elf grows to reach a certain age they are placed in such bonfires and immolated, their ash used in intricate tattoos that imbue the Dragon Flame within other Ghost Elves with intense powers over Primal Magic.

Create Subrace -1 (The Ghost Elves): The followers of Ren Hi finally break from the Elven Authority forming their own nation in the foothills and mountains of the Near

Gain Domain: Death (The Elven Dead)
Create Elven Society -1AP
Create Elves - 1 AP
Curse (the Dawn Exodus) +1AP
Bless (The Pine Treaty) +1AP
Create Subrace (Ghost Elves) +1AP
Create Subconcept (Bonfire Speaking) +2AP

Which Steps Softly is now an Intermediate Deity

2016-04-24, 09:06 AM

As the time for feasting drew near, the land slowly transformed itself. Near to the encircling mountains known as The Embrace, the upland plains rose along the coasts creating a great basin into which all the waters collected from the rainfall as well as the many rivers and springs fed by the snow capped peaks.

The steppes began to gently fall away from the uplands forming a long, unbroken chain of rounded cliffs stretching from shore to shore; imposing but not impassable. Where the collected waters tumbled down to the steppes a great fist of stone rose up nearly as high as the eye could see, and the very bedrock of Aestasplanum took the form of a sprawling, multi-spired keep(Sannings Torn); each spire clad in gold reflecting the aureate light of eternal summer. Within the great keep are the Chamber of Remembrance, The Feasting Hall, The Gallery of Deeds, and The Throne of Judgement. Those that enter Sannings Torn manifest only the truth of their character, deeds, and nature in their physical form. They are compelled to speak no lies, false accountings, nor deception of any kind.

- The Halcyon Shores

The tides pulled at the sands until they revealed the five obsidian dragon eggs buried beneath, and when each was fulled exposed to the sun's rays the surrounding beach hardened to stone. The tidal waters trapped within the rocky shore warmed until they became liquid fire, bathing the eggs in their warmth.

Beginning AP 2 + 4(rollover) +1 PAP + 2(0 Infused Plane AP)
-0 AP: Alter Lands: The Great Basin and The Tranquiline Falls
-0 AP: Alter Lands: Sannings Torn
Remaining AP 6 +1 PAP

2016-04-24, 06:18 PM
It has been ages since the brightest of the gods has been seen. With her flare for brilliance it was not hard to see that nothing has been done in her name for quite some time.

After waiting for so long, Silver has decided that it was time to move. Deserve Victory! That was her motto, and so she would walk into the plane of fire and claim it for her own. She was more than strong enough to take on the solars, and anyways, she knew someone who could use a little time away from the material plane.

Calling upon Hush and Verse, she explained her plan. They would pay a visit to Jahannam and appropriate it from the Solars, who would be allowed to stay though would suffer abit of a change in leadership. She was not worried about the retaliation from the other three. Not only atleast one of them distinctly dislike her Luminance, it was unlikely they would care either way, seeing as her Luminance was dead. No God could survive so long in inaction.

And so, with the help from Hush/Verse she opened a portal directly from Tir to Jahannam. She strode through, accompanied by her Arcana.

"My name is Silver. I take this plane as a goddess. I need no further claims. Until further notice NO ONE is allowed to leave. I will allow travel once I have taken inventory of this realm, and brought order back. Without your goddess you lot have been running around like unproductive chickens with your heads cut off. " She proclaimed, her voice carrying across the whole plane, the Arcana immediately securing the entrances to Jahannam.

"Is there such a thing as productive chickens anyways?" asked one of the sun twins. The other just shrugged, continuing looking around at the solars.

2 AP at start

Create Portal (Tir/Jahannam) 2 AP

0AP at end

2016-04-24, 07:48 PM
Silver looked at the happenings on the prime world and grimaced in displeasure. She did not enjoy watching her allies losing control. It moved them too far from the state which she found so appealing in the first place. Deciding that some interference is in order again, she sent out one of her servants to calm the situation, before it further lost control.

Appearing before of Verse, Temperance put herself between her and the madness.
"Calm yourself! Your actions do not befit a god, at least not the god loved by my mistress. Withdraw to Tir, where even madness is just a passing dream." she proclaimed in a clear voice, her glory burning away any of the sultan's corruption that still lingered after Hush's attempts.


Azj'Khan gurgled with delight at the discordant song of Verse, his tentacles coiling around her gently. "Avar pirapañcattil peṟṟeṭuttār anta pāṭal pāṭukiṟār. Avaḷ kuḻappam maṟṟum kuḻappam, eṉṟu aṉaittu viṣayaṅkaḷ uḷḷa poy itu pāṭikkoṇṭirukkiṟārkaḷ. Iṟutiyil avar tiṅs makiḻcciyūṭṭum, itaṉāl nāṉ avaḷai eṉ cārpāka vaḻaṅka ceyya. Nam'mālē amaitiyāṉa maṉitarkaḷ, eṉ kōpattai tūṇṭiyatu pōkiṉṟīr uṅkaḷ vāḻvil iruntu pō viṭṭukkoṭuttalai vēṇṭum." Azj'Khan said to the three of them as his tentacles wormed their way in between Temperance and Verse, tearing the Arcana away from the Goddess of Song. "Allatu eṉavē uṭaṉaṭiyāka eṉ varam mītu uṅkaḷ māsṭar collappōkiṟatu?" He said to Temperance alone.

"She sings the song that gave birth to the universe. She sings chaos and discord, that which lies within all things. She pleases the End of Things, and thus do I grant her my favour. Begone from my realm, beings of calm, lest my anger be aroused and your lives be forfeit." - to Hush, Verse, and Temperance

"Or does your master call upon my boon so readily?" - to Temperance

Thamnon – The Yawning Trench

As he had followed the soul further out to sea Thamnon had started running into demons, the vast majority which had left him alone. A few of them had seemed to have made a beeline to the little spark that still remained of the dead man however. How they knew that it was there was unknown to Thamnon and attempts to question them had proven that they were highly resistant to attempts to control them, even by the god of tyranny it seemed. This had gotten them killed. “Vermin.”

In time the soul finally led him to the source of the demons, and the destination of the soul, the breach from The First World to the second. Though Thamnon did not know that. He had been just close enough to watch the massive one with a spear disappear, and some part of him that he didn’t like to admit was there had felt fear, some part of that creature had been antithetical to his very nature. “5 gods. 6 gods.” Then spotting the dark patch with the horns in the water. “7 gods?”

Thamnon felt around, and let his Glory fade away for now. Perhaps without it he could hide that he wished to see all in chains, gods are powerful foes, it would not do for them to band together so early into his plans. Thamnon even hid away his crown before approaching, walking along the surface of the water, a measure of calmness in the waves around him due law asserting itself in his vicinity. “Greetings to you gods.” Thamnon gave a shallow bow, fighting back the urge to vomit that the action gave him. “What is this place?”

Thamnon just assumes that Lathe is a god. Given the company.

Lathe scowls at the Inscrutable. "How would you know our nature? Your father created you in OUR home, and you didn't even stay one moment to interact with us. We have been cast aside by the young gods, forced to cower before the fickle whim of Death itself! I watched you come into this world, second born. You had every opportunity to help us, but you did not." The horned devil crossed his arms, his gaze turning to Thamnon.

"Welcome to the one place that could be salvation for my kind, the Yawning Trench. Long have we languished under the Tyranny of Death, and now there is a rift through which we might escape." Lathe said, bowing to Thamnon. "Surely you can understand the necessity of such a place? Even if the world is more dangerous because of my feral brethren, is it not better for those of us who are still capable of rational thought to be free to advance this world?"

2016-04-24, 08:11 PM
]"Viṭuvi Nī eṉ." proclaimed the Arcana, her glory rising like a pair of Golden wings behind her, throwing off the tentacles, and preventing them from attaching again.

"This is the member of my goddess' pantheon. I am on direct orders from her to bring this one back. I am sure you would know that the other members would be obligated to come to the aid of this one if you press the issue. Do you not care for the sacred pacts between he gods? Or do you believe you are stronger than four gods?"

2016-04-24, 08:33 PM
The Black Pits - Patukuliyil

]"Viṭuvi Nī eṉ." proclaimed the Arcana, her glory rising like a pair of Golden wings behind her, throwing off the tentacles, and preventing them from attaching again.

"This is the member of my goddess' pantheon. I am on direct orders from her to bring this one back. I am sure you would know that the other members would be obligated to come to the aid of this one if you press the issue. Do you not care for the sacred pacts between he gods? Or do you believe you are stronger than four gods?"

The Demon Sultan gurgles a deep rumbling laugh (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPcod8IS214), the water churning and the rocks trembling as he does so. For the first time in all existence, Azj'Khan extends his Glory outward. An aura of inky shadows snakes towards the Arcana, her golden wings growing dark and corroded as the Sultan's tentacles inch closer once more. Soon, the wings crumble as if into ash, dissolving in the water around her. Azj'Khan's tentacle snakes around the Arcana, serrated teeth bursting out of them and digging into her, refusing to let her go. He reels her in, bringing her close enough to see the writhing mass of souls within his maw as he speaks.

"Nīṅkaḷ uṅkaḷ māsṭar pōṉṟa uṭaṉpāṭukaḷil kaṇṭupiṭikkappaṭṭatu eṉṟu niṉaikkiṟēṉ? Nīṅkaḷ uṇmaiyilēyē nām uruvākkum eṉṉa uṇarnta pōtu eṅkaḷukku mūtta tīrkkataricaṉam cila naṭavaṭikkai illai eṉṟu nampukiṟēṉ?" He said, his tentacles gripping her more tightly with each word, crushing the Arcana beneath his might. "Nām calukai taṉiyāka nam'mai oruvarukkoruvar aḻikka, eṅkaḷukku mika periya pōkiṉṟīr avarkaḷ vēlai niṟuttam uṇṭu. Uṅkaḷ māsṭar allatu avaratu uṭaṉpiṟantavarkaḷ allatu uṟaviṉarkaḷ iḷam maṟṟum muṭṭāḷ yārum eṅkaḷukku toṭa muṭiyum." He bellowed, raising Temperance high above his bloated form. As his tentacles unfurled around her, the fangs sawed across her flesh, drawing blood that fell into the Sultan's waiting mouth. With a gurgling laugh, he tossed Temperance aside, licking his tentacle clean.

"Kūṭa eṅkaḷ veṟuppu nāṅkaḷ mēleḻumpuvataṟkāka etirāka oṉṟupaṭṭu niṟka vēṇṭum eṅkaḷai muṉpāka ōṭippōvārkaḷ."

"You think that your master invented such accords? You truly believe that the eldest of us did not have some measure of foresight when we realized what we were creating?" ... "We reserve the privilege to destroy one another for ourselves alone. None so young and foolish as your master or her siblings or cousins will touch us, lest the greatest of us strike them down."

"Flee before us, for even in our hatred we stand united against the upstarts."

2016-04-24, 09:34 PM
Lathe scowls at the Inscrutable. "How would you know our nature? Your father created you in OUR home, and you didn't even stay one moment to interact with us. We have been cast aside by the young gods, forced to cower before the fickle whim of Death itself! I watched you come into this world, second born. You had every opportunity to help us, but you did not." The horned devil crossed his arms, his gaze turning to Thamnon.

"Welcome to the one place that could be salvation for my kind, the Yawning Trench. Long have we languished under the Tyranny of Death, and now there is a rift through which we might escape." Lathe said, bowing to Thamnon. "Surely you can understand the necessity of such a place? Even if the world is more dangerous because of my feral brethren, is it not better for those of us who are still capable of rational thought to be free to advance this world?"

"Your accusation is a fair one, I did not remain in the place of my birth, but a piece of me did. Some of you kin were filled with my light when they I was born, it shines from them in the abyss to this day. Through that light I have seen your people and all they have achieved, all of it beautiful and all of it terrible. It is likewise true, that though I have seen all of this, I have done nothing. There was no need for me to act. Your people had forged for themselves an empire, a way of life, and it was not my place to intruded. You speak of abandonment when you had no need of salvation and I will not apologize for this."

"But times have changed, now father has awakened and all is threatened. You ask for sanctuary in a budding world, one that could could be crushed underfoot before its bloom. I came here not because of what was leaving the wound, but rather for what was falling towards it. The souls of all living things are racing towards my fathers maw through this portal, where they will be met only with oblivion. Thus I cannot allow it to stand as it is, but perhaps it needn't be sundered so simply."

The glowing mass rose higher into the sky and as It spoke a great light fell down from it to the Yawning trench and the sea surrounding it. "I will do this for you and yours. My boon to my distant kin." Under the Insrutable's light the earth trembled. The Yawning trench and the surrounding lands rose from the waves with a great cracking and grinding of stones. some jutted high into the air forming jagged mountain, while other slumped low forming slopping Valleys. When at last the work was done a great Island of black rock and soil sat in its new place in the great sea. Split down the center by the yawning trench.

Then another act took place, one of a differing nature, as the lines of light stretched thinly across the gaping trench Split and multiplied, forming what seemed to be a large spider web made from strands of light. These lights lessened the pull of the souls, but did not remove it. For to do so would be to insight an elder fury. But now souls would linger in the first world for a time, before they were drawn to the abyss.

"This is my boon. A home for your kind to call their own. I ask only that in return, you linger here for a time. Give the world a chance to bloom. It is not ready for you yet."

starting Ap: 16 (13+4 from rollover, max 16) +1PAP

-2Ap Create Land : The Abyssal Island (An Island of black rock and soil, filled with many mountains and valleys, split down the middle by the Yawning Trench. A gift from The Inscrutable to the Demons.)

-2Ap Bless The Light before the dark (A web of Starlight over the Yawning Trench. It lessens the pull of souls into the abyss, granting them time after there death before they feel its tug. exceptionally strong willed souls may be able to resist it all together.)

Remaining Ap: 12 +1PAP

2016-04-24, 10:04 PM
Thamnon - The Yawning Trench

"Welcome to the one place that could be salvation for my kind, the Yawning Trench. Long have we languished under the Tyranny of Death, and now there is a rift through which we might escape." Lathe said, bowing to Thamnon. "Surely you can understand the necessity of such a place? Even if the world is more dangerous because of my feral brethren, is it not better for those of us who are still capable of rational thought to be free to advance this world?"

‘My kind? 6 gods. Death… 7 gods.’ Thamnon was silent a moment. ‘A rift, to where? Is that the sparks true destination? How is that being of kind with those vermin?’ All the others saw of this was a slight shift in his posture as he considered these things. “I am not a god of destruction, it is not my place to doom a race. Tyranny is not destruction.”

"Your accusation is a fair one, I did not remain in the place of my birth, but a piece of me did. Some of you kin were filled with my light when they I was born, it shines from them in the abyss to this day. Through that light I have seen your people and all they have achieved, all of it beautiful and all of it terrible. It is likewise true, that though I have seen all of this, I have done nothing. There was no need for me to act. Your people had forged for themselves an empire, a way of life, and it was not my place to intruded. You speak of abandonment when you had no need of salvation and I will not apologize for this."

"But times have changed, now father has awakened and all is threatened. You ask for sanctuary in a budding world, one that could could be crushed underfoot before its bloom. I came here not because of what was leaving the wound, but rather for what was falling towards it. The souls of all living things are racing towards my fathers maw through this portal, where they will be met only with oblivion. Thus I cannot allow it to stand as it is, but perhaps it needn't be sundered so simply."

The glowing mass rose higher into the sky and as It spoke a great light fell down from it to the Yawning trench and the sea surrounding it. "I will do this for you and yours. My boon to my distant kin." Under the Insrutable's light the earth trembled. The Yawning trench and the surrounding lands rose from the waves with a great cracking and grinding of stones. some jutted high into the air forming jagged mountain, while other slumped low forming slopping Valleys. When at last the work was done a great Island of black rock and soil sat in its new place in the great sea. Split down the center by the yawning trench.

Then another act took place, one of a differing nature, as the lines of light stretched thinly across the gaping trench Split and multiplied, forming what seemed to be a large spider web made from strands of light. These lights lessened the pull of the souls, but did not remove it. For to do so would be to insight an elder fury. But now souls would linger in the first world for a time, before they were drawn to the abyss.

"This is my boon. A home for your kind to call their own. I ask only that in return, you linger here for a time. Give the world a chance to bloom. It is not ready for you yet."

starting Ap: 16 (13+4 from rollover, max 16) +1PAP

-2Ap Alter land : The Abyssal Island (An Island of black rock and soil, filled with many mountains and valleys, split down the middle by the Yawning Trench. A gift from The Inscrutable to the Demons.)

-2Ap Bless The Light before the dark (A web of Starlight over the Yawning Trench. It lessens the pull of souls into the abyss, granting them time after there death before they feel its tug. exceptionally strong willed souls may be able to resist it all together.)

Remaining Ap: 12 +1PAP

Thamnon was surprised as ground erupted up beneath his feet. But his thick armor had plenty of weight to keep both feet firmly secured to the ground, and he wasn't unbalanced.
"Soul. What is this soul? Is that what this remaining spark is?”

2016-04-24, 10:46 PM
Thamnon - The Yawning Trench

‘My kind? 6 gods. Death… 7 gods.’ Thamnon was silent a moment. ‘A rift, to where? Is that the sparks true destination? How is that being of kind with those vermin?’ All the others saw of this was a slight shift in his posture as he considered these things. “I am not a god of destruction, it is not my place to doom a race. Tyranny is not destruction.”

Thamnon was surprised as ground erupted up beneath his feet. But his thick armor had plenty of weight to keep both feet firmly secured to the ground, and he wasn't unbalanced.
"Soul. What is this soul? Is that what this remaining spark is?”

The Inscrutable looked down at the new arrival, or perhaps new was not the right word. This being had been there all along, but the Glowing God, in Its contemplation, had over looked him. "My apologies." It said to the onlooker, "we speak of events to which you are not privy. Allow me to rectify that." With those word a drop of light left the body of the inscrutable and landed on the forehead of Thannon. as the light was over the god, he was gifted with some of The Inscrutable's memories. He gained knowledge of the origin of souls, and of the abyss that lay beyond the Yawning trench and the primordial god that ruled there, as well as the knowledge of what this wound in the world meant for the souls that existed in it. "I hope that does its part to answer some of your questions, but if you have others I will answer them."

2016-04-24, 11:46 PM
The Inscrutable, Thamnon, Lathe - The Abyssal Island

Lathe stood on the edge of the trench, looking down into it. Already, foul black water bubbled up from within, filling the deepest crevices with stagnant pools of tarry liquid. The Demon turned and bowed to the Inscrutable. "You have given my people a chance, Second Born. I thank you for this. This island appears incredibly similar to our home world, I can only hope that the others of my kind will be contented here. I will return to Patukuliyil, and gather the leaders of my people. With luck, we will be able to corall our brethren racing towards the mainland before they reach it." Lathe bowed to Thamnon, and then turned back to the chasm and strode towards it. As he reached the edge, he hopped over it, plummeting to the dark water below. There was no splash to signify his passage, but he was gone, returned to the Abyssal Seas.

Assembly of the Demon Lords - Patukuliyil

The darkness of the cavern was broken only by the dim light of the captured souls, their cries echoing throughout the chamber. Delugon cackled, shoving a red-hot brand deep into the goblin's belly. "There is no threshold with these creatures!" He bellowed to his fellow Demon Lords. "They scream louder and louder each time! They never adjust to the pain!" He laughed, sticking the goblin with the brand yet again.
Vassthuss ran one clawed finger up the length of a gnome's torso, a thin line of blood forming and oozing out as the gnome sobbed. "Each cry is more delectable than the last!" She hissed in agreement.
"They never give in to despair! The hunt never ends!" Hiraak bellowed, laughing as he rattled the chains binding several Beastmen together.
"All this and more awaits us, my fellow Lords. The world is weak and vulnerable, protected only by the gods that came after the Sultan and his brothers." Lathe spoke, draping himself on a pile of skulls taken from the mortal world. "And all we must do is play the mewling pup. We confine our slaughter to the island that the second-born gave us, and slowly extend our reach into the rest of the world."
"And what of Father?" Delugon replied, turning away from his torture to glare at Lathe.
"These very souls are all he wants!" Lathe exclaimed. "We simply keep him well fed, and he will return to his slumber. So long as he is asleep, we can tap into his power and use it as our own. We can become the new gods." Lathe said, picking up a skull and licking some grey matter out through the eye socket.
Delugon grunted and went back to torturing the helpless Goblin soul, grinning as its fresh screams assaulted his ears. "Then we must fortify the island." He said.
"Agreed." hissed Vassthuss.
"Agreed." barked Hiraak.
"Agreed." said Lathe.
"Agreed." echoed Malthus, Lord of the Cold Dark
"Agreed." stated Thraka, Lord of Blood.

The Abyssal Island - Birth of the Orcs

Lathe stepped lightly upon the dark soil of the Abyssal Island, followed by Delugon, Vassthuss, Hiraak, Malthus, and Thraka. Each of them radiated the Authority of Azj'Khan, sending a silent message to all Demons in the Mortal World to return to the Rift.
"Here." said Lathe, kneeling down and scooping up a pile of dirt. "Our sentries shall be made of this."
Delugon grunted, reaching forth and forcing the Dirt to bend to his will, shaping it into large hulking forms, each standing at least a head taller than a human, and most standing nearly eight feet tall. Their skin was brown like the dirt, with a faint reddish tinge reminiscent of the stone of Patukuliyil.
Vassthuss licked her lips, extending her Authority and giving detail to the rough forms shaped by Delugon. Half of the shapes became slightly lighter of build, with accentuated curves, mammaries, and fairer but still rough skin.
Hiraak bellowed to the skies, his Authority bursting forth into the other half of the rough forms. Their backs hunched, their arms and legs bulged with muscle, and the largest two fangs within their mouths grew forth into short pig-like tusks.
Malthus stepped forward instilling within them a dark cunning, a morbid curiosity, and an unquenchable rage. His Authority flowed like water, cascading over all of the newly forming creatures.
Lathe extended his hand, gifting the creatures with his knack for battle tactics and his quick decisiveness. His Authority radiated like a warmth, a perfect complement to Malthus' cold touch. "Now, Thraka. Give them Blood, give them life!" He barked, glancing over his shoulder to the large Demon Lord.

3 AP + 5 AP + 1 PAP - 1 AP = 7 AP 1 PAP
1 AP - Create Sentient Life: Orcs - Split with Thraka (Gunhaven)

Orcs are large, brownish-red skinned humanoids (http://xiaoxinart.deviantart.com/art/Orc-204364517) with thick skin, large muscles, and an unbreakable will. The males have short tusks jutting from their mouths, while the females have small fangs. All orcs possess a basic grasp of tactics, as well as a morbid curiosity about the darker aspects of the world.

Thraka the Demon Lords ascends to Godhood upon the Orcs' completion. Welcome to the game, Gunhaven!

2016-04-25, 12:06 AM
The Abyssal Island - Birth of the Orcs
Thraka looked to His comrades and the creations they had started. Confidently He strode forward, a claw forming even as His form shifted minutely. With a slash across His palm, hissing blood was drawn forth and smeared on each form. Even as He worked He spoke, His voice like the crashing of the waters against this new island, "With the blood of demons, our followers will survive against all that rise up against them!" A grin formed even as His mouth began to take on the tusk-like appearance of the newest sentries.
With a shudder one, then another, then a half dozen, before it slowly spread like a wave. From the land new Orcs were formed until they numbered in the hundreds upon the barren rock. Even as more formed, Thraka could feel His form shift further and further. With each new Orc he began to look more like one of them, if they could stand at a solid sixteen feet tall. Slowly His gaze fell upon the creatures and He said "These sentries, these Orcs, will need challenges to be strong. For that, I suggest we change where they will guard." Then He turned to His fellow demons and grinned a tusk marked smirk.
Starting: 16
15=16-1: Join in creating the Orcs!

2016-04-25, 12:34 AM
The Abyssal Island

Lathe raised his eyebrow inquisitively, turning his back on the Orcish horde and looking to his fellow Demon Lord. "What do you suggest, Thraka? Where might they be better suited? The mainland? If we expand too quickly, the Gods will be wary of us, and our plans could be undone before they began." He said, the other Demon Lords nodding in agreement. "I will not dictate what you do in your domain, but I urge caution and thought before we act here."

2016-04-25, 12:41 AM
Thamnon - The Abyssal Island

The Inscrutable looked down at the new arrival, or perhaps new was not the right word. This being had been there all along, but the Glowing God, in Its contemplation, had over looked him. "My apologies." It said to the onlooker, "we speak of events to which you are not privy. Allow me to rectify that." With those word a drop of light left the body of the inscrutable and landed on the forehead of Thannon. as the light was over the god, he was gifted with some of The Inscrutable's memories. He gained knowledge of the origin of souls, and of the abyss that lay beyond the Yawning trench and the primordial god that ruled there, as well as the knowledge of what this wound in the world meant for the souls that existed in it. "I hope that does its part to answer some of your questions, but if you have others I will answer them."

Taking in the information of souls, Thamnon hid his joy. Eternal slaves. All he had to do was make them his. “I quite understand, fellow god. Had I been on such an important task, I imagine I would have been distracted too. I have no questions. Until we meet again.” Thamnon turned and started walking back to Vethlastra, catching a glimpse of a single still forming orc near the edge of the island. Once out of sight, his Glory once again flared to life, he re-donned his crown, and he laughed.

2016-04-25, 02:36 AM
The Yawning Trench

The Inscrutable held little trust in the Demons. They were his fathers first children, tainted by his hunger. Still, they were mortal, as evident by the souls in their bodies. This meant they were capable of all the wonders of mortality. So The Glowing God had granted them sanctuary. But It new peace never lasted, life grows through adversity. The demons were old, one of the oldest races in existence, they had centuries to master themselves. Yet the world around them was young, civilization only a recent phenomena. So the glowing God would have to keep it safe until it could stand on its own. With this in mind, It reached out to the glowing ones, the demon touch by Its light so very long ago. The Inscrutable took their light and quieted it. Shifting Their bright glow into a spectrum that only It could see. Now they would look no different from their fellows, save for their lack of eyes, but they were hardly the only demons to be born blind, they had long sense found away around that. Now they could reenter the brutal society their light had shunned them from. But their glow still persisted, unseen. And through this invisible light, the Inscrutable would watch his distant Kin, observing all the terrors and wonders they would bring.

The Unseen

Kobu rested in The Unseen. The act of removing their eye weakening them. But in their presence the realm shifted, taking strength from their dreams. The Guiding lights grew wiser, more cunning. There test granting them new insights into the souls that wandered through the realm and through those souls they gained the knowledge and experience they had possessed in life making each of them as cunning and wise as the greatest mortals to enter the realm.

The watchers connection to its eye grew stronger. Its vision grew clearer and encompassed the whole of the realm. The was nought that transpired in this realm that it did not see, at least not that could be seen.

The realm had grown stronger, for it had no choice. The world was changing and It had to be ready.

And as Its creations grew grander, so too did the Inscrutable's light shine brighter. The world was changing, but It would be ready.

starting Ap: 12 +1PAP

-1PAP Bless, The Invisible Light ( The Glowing ones light now exists in a spectrum that as of now only the inscrutable may see. They are viewed by their kin simply as blind demons, but if anything, that adversity has only made them more fearsome. Through the invisible light they give off, The Inscrutable is able to observe the whole of Demon society.)

-2AP complete the action to create the guiding lights. ( In addition to previously stated abilities the guiding lights are now able to gain the skills and knowledge of exceptional mortals who pass through the unseen)

-1Ap complete action, raise hero The Watcher ( In addition to previously stated abilities the watcher is able to observe to whole of The Unseen simultaneously, With the exception of those who wear mirrored masks as their perfect mimicry hides them from his eye.)

-3Ap Gain Domain Light(Stars)
* 2Ap create stars
* 1Ap assist in bridge plane, using stars as a portal to the first world from the unseen
* 4Ap create the guiding lights a magical race of pure starlight

remaining Ap: 6 +0PAP

2016-04-25, 05:08 AM
The Unseen

Kobu rested in The Unseen. The act of removing their eye weakening them. But in their presence the realm shifted, taking strength from their dreams. The Guiding lights grew wiser, more cunning. There test granting them new insights into the souls that wandered through the realm and through those souls they gained the knowledge and experience they had possessed in life making each of them as cunning and wise as the greatest mortals to enter the realm.

The watchers connection to its eye grew stronger. Its vision grew clearer and encompassed the whole of the realm. The was nought that transpired in this realm that it did not see, at least not that could be seen.

The realm had grown stronger, for it had no choice. The world was changing and It had to be ready.

And as Its creations grew grander, so too did the Inscrutable's light shine brighter. The world was changing, but It would be ready.

starting Ap: 12 +1PAP

-1PAP Bless, The Invisible Light ( The Glowing ones light now exists in a spectrum that as of now only the inscrutable may see. They are viewed by their kin simply as blind demons, but if anything, that adversity has only made them more fearsome. Through the invisible light they give off, The Inscrutable is able to observe the whole of Demon society.)

-2AP complete the action to create the guiding lights. ( In addition to previously stated abilities the guiding lights are now able to gain the skills and knowledge of exceptional mortals who pass through the unseen)

-1Ap complete action, raise hero The Watcher ( In addition to previously stated abilities the watcher is able to observe to whole of The Unseen simultaneously, With the exception of those who wear mirrored masks as their perfect mimicry hides them from his eye.)

-3Ap Gain Domain Light(Stars)
* 2Ap create stars
* 1Ap assist in bridge plane, using stars as a portal to the first world from the unseen
* 4Ap create the guiding lights a magical race of pure starlight

remaining Ap: 6 +0PAP

The goblin god had left the abyss after the sultan and the envoy of the silver had started discussing matters beyond his interest. While information had been shed Shamaz had still trouble understanding the elder god's speech, he had decifered several words due to repetition and context but there was little luck yet in breaching the barrier completely. He went then to his brother, to The Inscrutable looking forward to meet up with him and confere.

While he travelled the Unseen he saw many souls. His souls, after all father had not negated his claim in a group of souls that where to be protected even from him. No one had seen fit to hassle how many souls were necessary. And if He Who Stands Between had inherited anything from his sire it was a will to take everything. Thus he was concerned upon seeing that many souls were left there. Roaming the unseen. Lost. He recognized some of them as the children of Eq'Thaka and that other god. And wondered if they had not reached a decision over what to do with them. Not doubting what would happen if the elder god reached to the Unseen and realized that a score of souls had already gathered there, even if he had agreed to their gathering, he culled the lost souls and tossed them to the mortal world, to Khorama.

Once that was done he looked once again for his brother.

When he found him he gave him a sincere smile and a respectful nod.

I have good news. Father has heard to counsel the attack on the mortals will be called of. He also has agreed to bestow upon me the task to care for a group of souls so he cannot devour them fully. He missed to specify how many, so I'll use that to as much of our benefit as I can. What about you? Did Eq'Thaka reach you?


The first Changeling birth was unusual. Its mother was past her due, the gestation period somehow prolonging beyond what goblins would have otherwise expected. And when the creature was born it was female but as soon as she was touched by a male her gender changed. Its whole body changed to adhere to a new form as soon as it left the other. As a baby it seemed to be an involuntary change, reacting to whoever was close. The ancestors, consulted through spirit magic, deemed that the creature held an uncanny resemblance to whoever held her as a todler.

And it was not the only one.

Changelings not only took longer to birth, they also took longer to mature. But even in their growth the power was clear within them. They could change shape. They were the most powerful political tool for they could infiltrate other sisterhoods or brotherhoods. But as much as the goblins feared outright paranoia, not being able to trust anyone, that was not going to be the worst change that the changelings brought to goblin society.

Changelings, in their ability to change gender, could produce goblinoids when they held a female form. That wasn't in itself bad. All goblin females can spew goblinoids and Changelings had a slower maturation rate, so they took longer to start making babies. The problem was that Changeling goblinoids... weren't always female. Goblins had believed up till that point that all Goblinoids were genderless, as they were only produced in one kind and couldn't reproduce. But that was due to genetics, since the goblinoids are simply matured haploid cells there cannot be a male one produced from the offspring of a female. Since males do not produce goblinoids there was little problem there. But with the advent of changelings goblinoid males started to be born. Goblinoid males that would eventually mate with a female goblinoid. And when a papa goblinoid loves a mama goblinoid population skyrockets.


What was inside the mountain was not a worthy beast but an unwashed... bare monkey? The goblins hadn't understood what the human had meant. But they assumed it meant food. What would the goblins want if they had been closed on a mountain? The goblinoid scouts and foragers left the cam looking for air vaults if there were people living there they would need to breath. And from where air might enter perhaps they could send some food.

When they found some small grottos, even too small for the goblinoids, that were very dangerous to traverse the goblins considered what to do with them. They tentatively threw bread, and fruit not knowing how to get water there, if it wasn't trapped within apples or pears.

Imagining that perhaps those trapped could open the gates, as much effort as it had taken the goblins to breach them momentarily perhaps it wasn't the same from inside, the goblins prepared a roast in front of the gates. Letting the smell reach those inside and perhaps lure them out for the "wurm piss".

AP 5 + AP 5 + PAP 1

AP 2: Create subrace from Goblins (raise a tier to magical race); Hobgoblin (Hob meaning high), or as they are known now Changelings. Are goblins called for grandeur since birth. They each carry the spirit of a Mirrored Mask posing as a great hero of elvenkind who had been lost in the Unseen. From the elven side they have inherited immortality, along with the will to sacrifice it for the greater good, good refered as the good of goblinkind. From the Mirrored Mask they have inherited the capacity to change their bodies and adapt them, and more importantly the capacity to corporeally travel to the Unseen. From the goblins they have inherited the connection to the spirits, now so much broader and powerful since they could change to a form more fitting to the task, along with the capacity to produce goblinoids. With superior magical power, logistical power, and virtual immortality the Changelings will soon rise to prominence in the Goblin courts.

AP 2: Raise Hero (The Queen of Summer, The Queen of Winter) The Queen's mantle is a shared one, the governing figure of the two most important courts within goblinhood and alternatively of all the goblin race. During summer, Summer rules, during winter it's Winter (each is considered a hero during the corresponding season). Summer is stern, hard on the goblinoid workers making them work the fields without pause. She is tight on control, supervising fellow goblins activities with secretive investigations. Freedom can and will be sacrificed on the pyre of order, for a more proper and stronger advancement of goblinhood. Winter though is motherly, and apparently caring. Drowning the goblins with so many entertainment and options that ultimately none matter. She patronizes constructing new things building options while at the same time being close to those each cares about.

AP 2: Raise Hero (The King of Spring and Autumn) Goblin society is sternly ruled by female matrons. But sometimes there is need for someone to act outside the bounds. Beyond the rules. The King is the wildcard, the ultimate bro. He wakes for the hunt, for the feast and for the orgy. Unbound passion not concerned about rules or options. You can always expect the King to lead to change, sometimes good others bad, but always always epic. The king isn't always alive he is always locked in a cycle of constant rebirth, and a living sacrifice needs to be made to invoke him. A goblin hero can offer to momentarilly take places with him and allow the King to roam free on the world.

AP 1: Bless Seasons, The seasons change, spring, summer, autumn, and winter depending on whoever is ruling the goblins. This means that there is actually only summer or winter, as the King doesn't actually rule. But if the King comes into the world Spring and Autumn happen. AT THE SAME TIME!

AP 1 + PAP 1 + Artifact Charge: Gain Domain Heroes (Seasons) Actions all of the above.

AP 2 remaining

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-25, 05:53 AM
Frauns, the Abyss to The Unseen

The mirroring deity left before Frauns could ask his questions. Thus he was left to his own workings to work out what the souls were. He was left to decide where he would go himself. There was no need to return to Arrakis for a deal had been made on that point to be put in the future. Frauns would have to work out how to fulfill his duty to the death deity. He recalled going through the portal and seeing that spiritual world. That, of course, was where the souls were. It was so obvious!

In a shimmering freezing of cold the giant left and appeared in The Unseen. It was for information. He spied upon a soul, and decided to follow it.

9 AP + 1 PAP = 5 AP + 4 AP + 1 PAP (Rollover)

2016-04-25, 06:32 AM
The Abyssal Island

Lathe raised his eyebrow inquisitively, turning his back on the Orcish horde and looking to his fellow Demon Lord. "What do you suggest, Thraka? Where might they be better suited? The mainland? If we expand too quickly, the Gods will be wary of us, and our plans could be undone before they began." He said, the other Demon Lords nodding in agreement. "I will not dictate what you do in your domain, but I urge caution and thought before we act here."

The Abyssal Island
With a chuckle like grinding rocks, Thraka plunged His dripping hand into the land. When He pulled it out He tugged free a shaft of rock, nearly a foot thick, and a final tug saw the pig shaped head of a hammer freed from the ground. He said "Not quite. There are six of us upon this barren land, free from the other races, and so we shall expand upon it..."
With a slam against the Abyssal Island there was a shudder that saw the Orcs kneel before their Gods. Then, slowly on the horizon, five islands formed an equal distance from each other and all roughly three quarters the size of the main island. Each would remain safely tucked away from the Mainland even as they began to become populated to best suit each of the Lords. As the land formed around them He spoke again.
"These six islands will be our bases. Each of us can mold our particular...tribe to our particular tastes relatively free from the others. Yet they will all know of what we have done this day in forming them and worship us as a pantheon. The mainland will have little to worry about for now while we build up our forces and when we attack we will have an army capable of withstanding anything they attempt.
To insure the strength of the tribes I suggest that this island remain the one where the chieftains of each meet to continue their advancements. Perhaps every year on this day of their birth the tribes will become whole once again. I also suggest that you, Lathe, remain upon this island and do with it as you see fit to protect our home from any future interventions. The rest of us will build upon respective islands and mold our tribes into forces to be reckoned with. Agreed, brethren?"

Starting: 15
14=15-1: Form Society (split with Darklady if so desired, otherwise I'll spend the other point). The Orc Tribes begin to form. Each worships the six demons as a pantheon, even if they favor one particular demon over another. What other deviations from the base form is still up in the air.
12=14-2: Create Land. The Abyssal Island becomes the Abyssal Archipelago. Also going to arbitrarily alter the sizes so that the main island is the size of Alaska while the five others are about the size of Texas. Thraka's own personal island begins to grow into an apparent jungle paradise in the distance while the others may be adjusted as Darklady sees fit.
7=12-5: Create Artifact "The Boar's Might", with a discount on making future Artifacts.

2016-04-25, 07:09 AM

What was inside the mountain was not a worthy beast but an unwashed... bare monkey? The goblins hadn't understood what the human had meant. But they assumed it meant food. What would the goblins want if they had been closed on a mountain? The goblinoid scouts and foragers left the cam looking for air vaults if there were people living there they would need to breath. And from where air might enter perhaps they could send some food.

When they found some small grottos, even too small for the goblinoids, that were very dangerous to traverse the goblins considered what to do with them. They tentatively threw bread, and fruit not knowing how to get water there, if it wasn't trapped within apples or pears.

Imagining that perhaps those trapped could open the gates, as much effort as it had taken the goblins to breach them momentarily perhaps it wasn't the same from inside, the goblins prepared a roast in front of the gates. Letting the smell reach those inside and perhaps lure them out for the "wurm piss".

Once the goblins brought out the food the fear vanished from the human that stood before the Crouching Tiger Brotherhood. The apprehension didn’t disappear however and they got the sense that this creature hadn’t seen anything like them. He walked through the door, and he was soon joined by more of the beings. They heard shouting from inside and as they started roasting the meat and soon tens of them were coming out, followed not only hundreds, but thousands. A tide of unwashed bodies streaming out of the small gap that the two races had made, of all sorts of shapes and colours. As the ones had been further in started emerging, the goblins started seeing traces of blood caked on some of the bare monkeys, on their hands, across their chests… around their mouths. But all looked hungry and seemed excited about the food, if slightly scared of the goblins.

2016-04-25, 08:43 AM
The goblin god had left the abyss after the sultan and the envoy of the silver had started discussing matters beyond his interest. While information had been shed Shamaz had still trouble understanding the elder god's speech, he had decifered several words due to repetition and context but there was little luck yet in breaching the barrier completely. He went then to his brother, to The Inscrutable looking forward to meet up with him and confere.

While he travelled the Unseen he saw many souls. His souls, after all father had not negated his claim in a group of souls that where to be protected even from him. No one had seen fit to hassle how many souls were necessary. And if He Who Stands Between had inherited anything from his sire it was a will to take everything. Thus he was concerned upon seeing that many souls were left there. Roaming the unseen. Lost. He recognized some of them as the children of Eq'Thaka and that other god. And wondered if they had not reached a decision over what to do with them. Not doubting what would happen if the elder god reached to the Unseen and realized that a score of souls had already gathered there, even if he had agreed to their gathering, he culled the lost souls and tossed them to the mortal world, to Khorama.

Once that was done he looked once again for his brother.

When he found him he gave him a sincere smile and a respectful nod.

I have good news. Father has heard to counsel the attack on the mortals will be called of. He also has agreed to bestow upon me the task to care for a group of souls so he cannot devour them fully. He missed to specify how many, so I'll use that to as much of our benefit as I can. What about you? Did Eq'Thaka reach you?

"Grand news indeed brother. I wish only that my news could equal yours. Eq,Thaka did indeed find me. we went down to the first world where a Rift had been formed between this one and the abyss and what transpired there.... well It would be simpler to show you."With those words a drop of light from the glowing god washed over Shamaz, filling his mind with all the events that transpired in his absence. "The demons are being watched from eyes hidden to them, but even now they show their grand aspirations. I fear we must make the First World ready, for soon it will face war."

[b]Frauns, the Abyss to The Unseen

The mirroring deity left before Frauns could ask his questions. Thus he was left to his own workings to work out what the souls were. He was left to decide where he would go himself. There was no need to return to Arrakis for a deal had been made on that point to be put in the future. Frauns would have to work out how to fulfill his duty to the death deity. He recalled going through the portal and seeing that spiritual world. That, of course, was where the souls were. It was so obvious!

In a shimmering freezing of cold the giant left and appeared in The Unseen. It was for information. He spied upon a soul, and decided to follow it.

Frauns did not follow the soul for long. Within moments of his arrival twelve stars fell from the heavens, taking for themselves forms of shifting light some resembling Goblins, others elves. They formed a ring around the God as a thick fog of small stars formed around them, encircling Frauns. From High in the heavens of The Unseen a powerful voice boomed like thunder. "You enter the realm between realms unannounced and uninvited! State your business here intruder!" The source of the Voice what A star, larger and brighter than any other, With one large eye of dark red light, its gaze locked on Frauns.

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-25, 09:26 AM
Frauns, Amongst the Stars

"As you say this is the realm between reams. Is it not generally more accurate to say that this realm generally forces one here without it being asked to? As it happens, I did choose to come here for I am to learn about souls so that I can ensure that they are not stolen away before they can meet their destination. You are welcome to educate me." Said Frauns as he kept his gaze fixed upon the sould he was following, and although he was happy for the distance between him and his soul to increase as he was detained, the deity would not allow them to allow him to lose sight of it.

2016-04-25, 09:44 AM
Frauns, Amongst the Stars

"As you say this is the realm between reams. Is it not generally more accurate to say that this realm generally forces one here without it being asked to? As it happens, I did choose to come here for I am to learn about souls so that I can ensure that they are not stolen away before they can meet their destination. You are welcome to educate me." Said Frauns as he kept his gaze fixed upon the soul he was following, and although he was happy for the distance between him and his soul to increase as he was detained, the deity would not allow them to allow him to lose sight of it.

The watchers Eye shifted from a Dark red to a light purple as it spoke, its voice softer yet seemingly closer. "All mortals and their souls must pass through this realm to reach any other, save the Abyss. But you are not mortal, your glory speaks as much, as such you are not bound by those limitations. You need not fear the theft of souls, for this is a place of passage where souls spared the abyssal hunger are directed toward their proper after life. As for the nature of souls, they are an accumulation of all one has thought and experienced in their life, the essence of them that lives on for eternity, both in themselves and in the memory of this realm."

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-25, 09:59 AM
Frauns, The Unseen

"Ah this is very interesting," says Frauns as he realises that this place may have been more important than he had expected, still he had more questions. "If they are guided to their resting places here, then what is it that leads one here and away from the Abyss?"

At this point Frauns was perfectly content to lose the soul that he was following. This voice was being far more useful than simply following a soul would be.

2016-04-25, 11:45 AM
The Abyssal Island
With a chuckle like grinding rocks, Thraka plunged His dripping hand into the land. When He pulled it out He tugged free a shaft of rock, nearly a foot thick, and a final tug saw the pig shaped head of a hammer freed from the ground. He said "Not quite. There are six of us upon this barren land, free from the other races, and so we shall expand upon it..."
With a slam against the Abyssal Island there was a shudder that saw the Orcs kneel before their Gods. Then, slowly on the horizon, five islands formed an equal distance from each other and all roughly three quarters the size of the main island. Each would remain safely tucked away from the Mainland even as they began to become populated to best suit each of the Lords. As the land formed around them He spoke again.
"These six islands will be our bases. Each of us can mold our particular...tribe to our particular tastes relatively free from the others. Yet they will all know of what we have done this day in forming them and worship us as a pantheon. The mainland will have little to worry about for now while we build up our forces and when we attack we will have an army capable of withstanding anything they attempt.
To insure the strength of the tribes I suggest that this island remain the one where the chieftains of each meet to continue their advancements. Perhaps every year on this day of their birth the tribes will become whole once again. I also suggest that you, Lathe, remain upon this island and do with it as you see fit to protect our home from any future interventions. The rest of us will build upon respective islands and mold our tribes into forces to be reckoned with. Agreed, brethren?"

Starting: 15
14=15-1: Form Society (split with Darklady if so desired, otherwise I'll spend the other point). The Orc Tribes begin to form. Each worships the six demons as a pantheon, even if they favor one particular demon over another. What other deviations from the base form is still up in the air.
12=14-2: Create Land. The Abyssal Island becomes the Abyssal Archipelago. Also going to arbitrarily alter the sizes so that the main island is the size of Alaska while the five others are about the size of Texas. Thraka's own personal island begins to grow into an apparent jungle paradise in the distance while the others may be adjusted as Darklady sees fit.
7=12-5: Create Artifact "The Boar's Might", with a discount on making future Artifacts.

The Abyssal Island

Lathe stroked his chin, the short matted fur there growing a bit longer, as if a beard. He looked to the other four Demon Lords, nodding. They exchanged a few short words between each other before stepping towards Thraka.
"Excellent idea, brother." Hiraak boomed, grinning as he looked to the nearby Orcs.
"Indeed, with stronger servants, we can better conquer this world." said Vassthuss, a malevolent glimmer in her eye as she looked up and down a group of female orcs.
"Hrmph." grunted Delugon as he reached out with a clawed hand to grab an orc by the neck. He lifted the brown-skinned creature up, choking the life out of him before tossing him aside. "They need improvement. You speak wisdom, Thraka."
Malthus approached a group of dishevelled orcs, weaker than the rest. "They must be forged in the cold flame of adversity, after all." He remarked.
Finally, Lathe stepped forward, nodding. "Very well, Thraka. We will guide these creatures, for we are their gods. In time, they will become the tools of our conquest, but for now they must grow stronger in faith and fervour."

As the Demon Lords claimed their orcs and their islands each of their islands grew to match Thraka's, though they were much more harsh than his. Hiraak's became home to numerous beasts and monsters, and the Orcs that dwelt upon it would become hunters without equal. Vassthuss' island was host to countless venomous insects, beasts, and poisonous plants. The Orcs that came to call her isle home would one day be renowned amongst the tribes as poisoners and herbalists. Delugon's island and his tribe were very similar to Thraka's, save for the great importance that the Orcs of Delugon put into ritual scarification and sacrifice. The Orcs of Malthus dwelled upon an island shrouded in mist, who's cold shores were stained white. They would come to be masters of the dark arts, and other Orcs would come from all the isles to hear the prophecies and insights of the followers of Malthus. Finally came the Orcs of Lathe, smaller and faster than the others, they would dwell upon the first Abyssal Island, and they would become the gatekeepers of the Abyss, performing dark rituals to their lords and offering up the souls of their enemies as food for the darkness within the Chasm.

7 AP 1 PAP - 1 AP = 6 AP 1 PAP
1 AP - Form Society: The Orcish Tribes

There are six tribes, each of which follows one of the six Demon Lords of Patukuliyil. They believe that the Demon Lords are gods, and worship them exclusively. Each Tribe venerates one of the Six above the others, but none of the tribes are foolish enough to not pay homage to all of the Six.

2016-04-25, 01:48 PM
"Grand news indeed brother. I wish only that my news could equal yours. Eq,Thaka did indeed find me. we went down to the first world where a Rift had been formed between this one and the abyss and what transpired there.... well It would be simpler to show you."With those words a drop of light from the glowing god washed over Shamaz, filling his mind with all the events that transpired in his absence. "The demons are being watched from eyes hidden to them, but even now they show their grand aspirations. I fear we must make the First World ready, for soon it will face war."

The mirroring god rose to the light offered and took of its essence and knowledge. Then he reciprocated in kind, giving The Inscrutable an extense glimpse at the events from his side. Everything colored from his eyes, from the struggle to understand their father's tongue, to the fear at being accused of stealing those souls by an upstart.

"War, war will come. Eventually. If needs be. Preparations will be taken though. Do you have people that can work your will? The goblins are crafty and resourceful. And they are versed enough with the arts of spirits and souls. I take pride in their works and will prepare them for what's to come to the best of my ability. But if you want I am sure they will heed your guidance."

Once the goblins brought out the food the fear vanished from the human that stood before the Crouching Tiger Brotherhood. The apprehension didn’t disappear however and they got the sense that this creature hadn’t seen anything like them. He walked through the door, and he was soon joined by more of the beings. They heard shouting from inside and as they started roasting the meat and soon tens of them were coming out, followed not only hundreds, but thousands. A tide of unwashed bodies streaming out of the small gap that the two races had made, of all sorts of shapes and colours. As the ones had been further in started emerging, the goblins started seeing traces of blood caked on some of the bare monkeys, on their hands, across their chests… around their mouths. But all looked hungry and seemed excited about the food, if slightly scared of the goblins.

Upon seeing the masses both the goblins and the goblinoids are taken a bit aback. There are so many! Much more than there are goblinoids on a brotherhood. Perhaps one of the largest sisterhoods could compete with them in numbers but it was a close call. Realizing that the food wasn't going to cut it the goblinoid start passing their own rations with jovial shouts of "wurm piss" and invitations to drink them. They are like a thick gravy soup with a flaring alcoholic after taste. They are quite energetic and pack a strong punch if unchecked. A goblinoid can easily plow the fields all day taking one of those.

Meanwhile the goblins, the five of them, retreat a bit further back leting the goblinoids take the blunt of the interaction.

2016-04-25, 04:04 PM
The Abyssal Island

Lathe stroked his chin, the short matted fur there growing a bit longer, as if a beard. He looked to the other four Demon Lords, nodding. They exchanged a few short words between each other before stepping towards Thraka.
"Excellent idea, brother." Hiraak boomed, grinning as he looked to the nearby Orcs.
"Indeed, with stronger servants, we can better conquer this world." said Vassthuss, a malevolent glimmer in her eye as she looked up and down a group of female orcs.
"Hrmph." grunted Delugon as he reached out with a clawed hand to grab an orc by the neck. He lifted the brown-skinned creature up, choking the life out of him before tossing him aside. "They need improvement. You speak wisdom, Thraka."
Malthus approached a group of dishevelled orcs, weaker than the rest. "They must be forged in the cold flame of adversity, after all." He remarked.
Finally, Lathe stepped forward, nodding. "Very well, Thraka. We will guide these creatures, for we are their gods. In time, they will become the tools of our conquest, but for now they must grow stronger in faith and fervour."

As the Demon Lords claimed their orcs and their islands each of their islands grew to match Thraka's, though they were much more harsh than his. Hiraak's became home to numerous beasts and monsters, and the Orcs that dwelt upon it would become hunters without equal. Vassthuss' island was host to countless venomous insects, beasts, and poisonous plants. The Orcs that came to call her isle home would one day be renowned amongst the tribes as poisoners and herbalists. Delugon's island and his tribe were very similar to Thraka's, save for the great importance that the Orcs of Delugon put into ritual scarification and sacrifice. The Orcs of Malthus dwelled upon an island shrouded in mist, who's cold shores were stained white. They would come to be masters of the dark arts, and other Orcs would come from all the isles to hear the prophecies and insights of the followers of Malthus. Finally came the Orcs of Lathe, smaller and faster than the others, they would dwell upon the first Abyssal Island, and they would become the gatekeepers of the Abyss, performing dark rituals to their lords and offering up the souls of their enemies as food for the darkness within the Chasm.

7 AP 1 PAP - 1 AP = 6 AP 1 PAP
1 AP - Form Society: The Orcish Tribes

There are six tribes, each of which follows one of the six Demon Lords of Patukuliyil. They believe that the Demon Lords are gods, and worship them exclusively. Each Tribe venerates one of the Six above the others, but none of the tribes are foolish enough to not pay homage to all of the Six.

The Island of Gorro
Thraka gathered His orcs and left for one of the islands closer to the mainland than the others. What was apparently jungle was quickly revealed to be a mangrove swamp that reached far enough into the island that the rainforest in particular remained untouched by the tides. Once off the network of roots the land suffered an over abundance of life with one odd caveat: it seemed that everything was poisonous in some dosage. Thankfully the Orcs could survive it, blessed as they were by Thraka's blood.
Once on solid land Thraka called out to his tribe "This island is yours to colonize, My devout! Prove yourselves worthy of My favor and spread throughout this land I have provided! Survive, flourish, and learn in your new home! In a month I will visit each clan upon this land and see what has transpired!" With a roar His followers disappeared within the jungle to find how best they could survive grievous injuries leaving Him to contemplate His home. With a prick of His finger upon His tusk He spilled His blood upon the land. Slowly His divine energy infused random trees, turning them blood red and proving valuable for future plans.
Starting: 7
6=7-1: Bless. Orcish Vitality renders most orcs immune to mundane poisons and diseases that would otherwise kill a lesser race.
1=6-5: Create Artifact "The Demon Trees" are random trees on Gorro that possess blood red bark and ooze thick acid. Thraka harvests them to aid in artifact creation (A second discount for Artifact Creation).

2016-04-25, 04:39 PM
Frauns, The Unseen

"Ah this is very interesting," says Frauns as he realises that this place may have been more important than he had expected, still he had more questions. "If they are guided to their resting places here, then what is it that leads one here and away from the Abyss?"

At this point Frauns was perfectly content to lose the soul that he was following. This voice was being far more useful than simply following a soul would be.

"Most are guided here by there brethren, Those cunning mortals who know how to pass between this world and the first, others find their way here by change, as they wander the first world they feel the siren call of the stars before the terrible pull of the abyss can take them." Perhaps The watcher spoke too much. knowledge, after all, was power. Yet for its existence the watcher had taken in all the knowledge of the realm surrounding him. To find someone new to share its knowledge with, teaching was such a rare pleasure.

The mirroring god rose to the light offered and took of its essence and knowledge. Then he reciprocated in kind, giving The Inscrutable an extense glimpse at the events from his side. Everything colored from his eyes, from the struggle to understand their father's tongue, to the fear at being accused of stealing those souls by an upstart.

"War, war will come. Eventually. If need be. Preparations will be taken though. Do you have people that can work your will? The goblins are crafty and resourceful. And they are versed enough with the arts of spirits and souls. I take pride in their works and will prepare them for what's to come to the best of my ability. But if you want I am sure they will heed your guidance."

"I have no such vessels on the first world. I had been content to protect their future and see it unfold from the heavens. This was foolish of me, change comes to quickly when its instrument lays in mortal hands. I will take you on your offer and visit your people. I'm sure they have as much to teach me as I do them."

2016-04-25, 04:59 PM
"I have no such vessels on the first world. I had been content to protect their future and see it unfold from the heavens. This was foolish of me, change comes to quickly when its instrument lays in mortal hands. I will take you on your offer and visit your people. I'm sure they have as much to teach me as I do them."

"Feel free to go to my people then, since it's within your power. But please be careful with the revelation of divinity. I don't want them chasing after anyone just because they claim to be a deity."

2016-04-25, 05:07 PM
Eq'Thaka - Aestasplanum

Leaving the Palace of Sand, Proud-Heart returned to Aestasplanum and looked upon the changes with a glad heart. Noting that several heroic souls of d'vati, gnomes, goblins, noble beastmen, and elves were moving towards the pinnacle of land upon which sat Sannings Torn. He took himself there immediately and sat himself upon the throne that he had prepared. All was silent as he contemplated the The First World below, and as the angry red scar of the Yawning Trench slowly came into view. He thought it an ugly blight upon an otherwise beautiful canvas. As the massive Migrating Continent slowly meandered into view he steered it with his hand lowering it and bringing it to a stop over the Yawning Trench.

He held it there as he contemplated dropping it.

Beginning AP 6 + 1 PAP
Alter Land -1 AP: The Migrating Continent(Now the Looming Continent) stops it's migration and settles over the Yawning Trench, blocking out any rain, starlight, and sunlight(except for a few minutes at dawn and dusk around the periphery).
EDIT TO ADD COMPLETED ACTION: The Migrating Continent is inextricably drawn to the Yawing Trench and it hovers above the Abyssal Archipelago, slowly rotating in place as long as the Rift to the Abyssal Seas remains open.

2016-04-25, 05:43 PM
"Feel free to go to my people then, since it's within your power. But please be careful with the revelation of divinity. I don't want them chasing after anyone just because they claim to be a deity."

I will think on it brother. But not for too long, lest I lose the action in the plan.

2016-04-25, 06:03 PM
Upon seeing the masses both the goblins and the goblinoids are taken a bit aback. There are so many! Much more than there are goblinoids on a brotherhood. Perhaps one of the largest sisterhoods could compete with them in numbers but it was a close call. Realizing that the food wasn't going to cut it the goblinoid start passing their own rations with jovial shouts of "wurm piss" and invitations to drink them. They are like a thick gravy soup with a flaring alcoholic after taste. They are quite energetic and pack a strong punch if unchecked. A goblinoid can easily plow the fields all day taking one of those.

Meanwhile the goblins, the five of them, retreat a bit further back leting the goblinoids take the blunt of the interaction.

Kel Man – Vethlastra

“Why do they keep saying wurm piss?
“I guess it means food in their-“
Kel looked down for a moment, thinking of possible implications that this would have, before deciding it didn’t matter as long as it was food. He watched as the goblinoids started passing containers around, and the first human, thinking it was water, chug it down. Making a face at the after taste. After a short period of time however, the man yelled “This is amazing!” and a bunch more humans started chugging down the offered substance. Seeing the weirder looking ones retreating slightly, Kel decided to see if he could communicate with them and walked over.
“Hello, my name is Kel Man. Thank you for getting us out of there.”

2016-04-25, 07:04 PM
Jahannam - The Abyssal Gate

Since time immemorial, Demons and Solars had fought a bitter war within the heart of Sorath. Countless millions of Demons had come through the rift opened near the dawn of time, and untold numbers of them had fallen, their foul blood staining the great flames of the Plane of Radiance. Many hundreds of thousands of Solars had fallen in battle, their wings extinguished and their bodies left a sopping husk of what they once were. Still more Solars had broken through the Demonic Hordes, venturing into Patukuliyil to strike back at their hated foes.

In the present day, the Gateway stood amid towering walls and gates of holy flame, surrounded on all sides by a fortress built to aid in the unending defence of Jahannam. Here, even as the Goddess Silver staked her claim, countless Demons and Solars still fought. They spent their lives in a fruitless pursuit of a goal that both races had long since forgotten, the extinguishing of the sun or the evaporation of the Abyss. A futile effort, and one that had only led to this moment.

Delugon gazed out across the fiery plains of Jahannam, the top pair of his arms each gripping a long curved and serrated blade. "On this day, we claim the flame of our hated foe for ourselves!" He bellowed, thrusting the two blades into the air. A raucous cheer rang out from all around him as a hundred thousand Abyssids answered him. "We cast down the Solars from their lofty perch, and bring them back to Patukuliyil in chains of blood!" He shouted, bringing the blades down in a chopping motion as he began to sprint towards the massive gates in the distance.

Already he could see them cracking open, hundreds of Solars sallying forth to repel the demonic horde. The walls lit up brightly as more Solars leapt from them, their wings of light burning the Caliph of Anguish's eyes. Yet it would not be enough, for Delugon fought with the strength of lords. His lower arms reached to his sides, grasping at the air as he intoned words of horrid power. Blood magic crackled to life, bolts of red lightning forming in his hands as he brought them back like a javelin. With a roar his lower arms surged forward, hurling the bolts as if from a Ballista. Two Solars were struck out of the sky, their bodies growing dark even before they began to fall. As they crashed to the ground, Delugon readied a second pair of bolts, and dozens more flew through the air behind him as his warriors began to use their blood magic as well.

Jahannam - Several Days Later

Delugon roared with fury, his great blades clashing against the great-sword of the Solar before him. The captain of the Gate, the Archangel responsible for keeping the Abyss out of the Sun. "Give up, Lucinda. We both know that your goddess has abandoned this world! Your flames will splutter and fade, and chaos will consume the ashes!" He cackled, trading blows with her, his two upper limbs moving like blurs to keep up with her speed. The Solar was quiet, unwilling to give her foe the satisfaction of a reply. Her great-sword flashed, bright as the midday sun, and Delugon cried out in pain as his lower-left arm fell to the ground, the blackened flesh hissing and bubbling as it began to dissolve into useless sludge.

"Your pain will be eternal!" Delugon roared, pressing his attack and beckoning to his Demonic soldiers. Nenglal and Centhiri alike rushed to his side, leaping at the Archangel and providing a momentary distraction before her radiance burned them to ash. But it was all that Delugon had needed, and with a gleeful grunt, he sunk his curved blades into the Solar's shoulders, swiftly tearing them out and slashing all along the arms. Lucinda fell to the ground, her Great-Sword clattering to the floor beside her.

"Gather the survivors, bring the prisoners. We have won." Delugon barked to a nearby Demon as he poked his swords towards Lucinda's chin. "What a prize you would make... what a trophy. Lucinda, Guardian of the Gate, fallen at the hands of the Caliph of Anguish." He paused, thinking for a moment before a sick grin settled onto his face. "But you're too dangerous..." He said, flicking his blade across her throat. Her light began to darken, and would have faded completely had Delugon sunk his blade any deeper. "Feel the taint of the Abyss, Solar. Feel the call of the blood." He said, turning and stalking away as Lucinda collapsed to the ground. Blood began to pour from her wound, something that had happened to no Solar since the dawn of time. He felt her throat with horror, her vision blurring just as she began to realize what was happening. Just before she blacked out, she felt demonic claws grip her legs and drag her away.

6 AP 1 PAP - 2 AP = 4 AP 1 PAP
2 AP - Create Subrace: Succubi

Succubi are Demons formed from fallen Solars; those who have spent too long in the Abyss and have lost their minds, or those who have been subjected to Blood Rituals and been transformed into Demons. The light that once made up their bodies is gone, and now they take the form of tall muscular and curvaceous mortal women with wings of blood-red feathers clad in armour of corroded bronze. Their eyes glimmer like coals left-over from a bonfire, black with specks of flame. Succubi are wielders of accursed flame, able to control fire just as they could in their former existence. They wield fire and steel in battle, and are able to produce blades of corroded black metal with which to fight. Succubi only vaguely remember their former existence as Solars, and feel a deep sense of loss when confronted with their former nature. However, they know that they can never go back, and thus are driven to hate their former brethren and indeed all things that live under the sun.

Emperor Demonking
2016-04-25, 07:36 PM
Frauns, Amongst the Stars and Around the Sea

Frauns bowed at the voice, "I thank you sincerely for your wisdom on your subject. It was most englightening. And next time I come i shall seek an invitation aforehand."

Leaving only a cold mist, Frauns stood upon the first world. He had learnt much, and his thoughts were whirring. The question was where to implement his plan. He did not want to step on anyone's toes least of all his Pantheon-mates. From what he has seen, the mortal races lived a reasonable enough lives. They were not overwhelmingly pampered. Thus the answer presented itself: Everywhere.

Frauns swam from his desolate place in the Equal Spread - a portal produced by his issue having been unknowingly under his feet - and once swam further enough away, Frauns formed what at first glance looked like ice statues of lovely ladies. Closer inspection would notice fish-like features, most notably the replacement entirely of legs with fins. But as the ice began to thaw and turn to flesh, only then did their true hideousness come out with their bulging eyes and scaly skin. There were not lovely ladies. They were the sirens. They did have one lovely thing about them, their lovely voice.

Sirens were ugly, physically very weak, and gained sustenance only from causing a soul to enter the Abyss. Frauns gave is sirens the single advantage of a voice that could enchant the souls of the living and the dead. They were born deep in the sea, and that was perhaps where they were safest for any mortal could best them in combat on the land. However, when suffering a drought then the sirens would have no real choice but to come closer to the land.

8 AP = 9 AP - 1 AP Create Monstrous Life: Sirens
(Also, 1 PAP)

2016-04-25, 07:56 PM
Still waiting for Robert Frost, who must have been kept busy by life, so I'll wait for his input in the Temperance scene. Meanwhile...

The demons gained ground on the disorganized Solars, they even managed to capture the Archangel in charge of the first line of defense. However the balance of power was not so easily swayed. The reason for this breakthrough was indeed the lack of organization of the Solars, or rather the fact that a good number were busy getting ordered around by new leadership.

As the demons just finished dragging away the bodies of captured Solars, a coordinated counter attack was launched. A much more organized and well rested group of Solars descended on the demons. Leading them were the Sun twins. What the children lacked in leadership skills, they made up for in power, as their glory burned away most of the lesser demons outright, preventing them from swamping the Solars with sheer numbers.

As the demons begun a strategic withdrawal to their more fortified positions, they were pursued by a lighter, more mobile group of Solars, lead by the Chariot, hounding them all the way back to where they crawled out from. The Sun twins were put in charge of the place, with some help from the Chariot, and the orders from Silver to greet all trespassers with a smile and a concentrated blast of Glory to the face.


2016-04-25, 08:22 PM
Eq'Thaka - Aestasplanum

Leaving the Palace of Sand, Proud-Heart returned to Aestasplanum and looked upon the changes with a glad heart. Noting that several heroic souls of d'vati, gnomes, goblins, noble beastmen, and elves were moving towards the pinnacle of land upon which sat Sannings Torn. He took himself there immediately and sat himself upon the throne that he had prepared. All was silent as he contemplated the The First World below, and as the angry red scar of the Yawning Trench slowly came into view. He thought it an ugly blight upon an otherwise beautiful canvas. As the massive Migrating Continent slowly meandered into view he steered it with his hand lowering it and bringing it to a stop over the Yawning Trench.

He held it there as he contemplated dropping it.

Beginning AP 6 + 1 PAP
Alter Land -1 AP: The Migrating Continent(roughly the size of Eurasia) stops it's migration and permanently settles over the Yawning Trench, blocking out any rain, starlight, and sunlight(except for a few minutes at dawn and dusk around the periphery).

Edge of the Migrating Continent
Thraka huffed in aggravation as a shadow passed over His island and settled in the middle of the Abyssal Archipelago above the original Abyssal Island. He crashed His way toward the edge of the mangrove swamp and gauged the distance between the floating continent and his own island roughly a quarter the size of the mass in question. With a few stretches the giant Orc-ish demon crouched before with a shutter He left His home and sailed toward the mass. With Boar's Might at the ready He slammed it into the edge of the continent as He impacted the mass.
With a grin at His entrance, Thraka climbed up the rest of the distance and stood upon the edge, surveying the view for a minute. In time this land would experience the glory of the Orcs but the first step was to get them ready for conquest. He turned back toward the greater land mass and bellowed out "Your land has stopped above ours! I wish to speak to the leader of this land and figure out why!" As He waited He leaned against Boar's Might, the pig head pressing into the fertile ground near the edge of the floating continent.

2016-04-25, 08:42 PM
The Abyssal Islands - Malthus and Lathe

Malthus leaned on the long spinal column that he used as a staff, waiting for Lathe to speak.
Vassthuss hissed with impatience. "This is an act of sabotage! The young gods act against us, Lathe!"
Hiraak nodded in agreement. "We must act quickly, lest they think us weak!" He bellowed.
Lathe leaned on the armrest of his throne of skulls, rubbing his forehead his one of his bony hands. After a few moments, he spoke. "You saw as well as I, Thraka leapt to resolve this already. You know as well as I that he has changed in the last few centuries of conflict. He has become distant... let us wait and see just how far he has strayed from our path."
Malthus gazed up from the six thrones, two of which sat empty, and up at the continent above them. "Were Delugon here, we could simply gather our power and force this out of the way, yet Lathe has a point. This is an opportunity to learn."

2016-04-25, 10:01 PM
Edge of the Migrating Continent
Thraka huffed in aggravation as a shadow passed over His island and settled in the middle of the Abyssal Archipelago above the original Abyssal Island. He crashed His way toward the edge of the mangrove swamp and gauged the distance between the floating continent and his own island roughly a quarter the size of the mass in question. With a few stretches the giant Orc-ish demon crouched before with a shutter He left His home and sailed toward the mass. With Boar's Might at the ready He slammed it into the edge of the continent as He impacted the mass.
With a grin at His entrance, Thraka climbed up the rest of the distance and stood upon the edge, surveying the view for a minute. In time this land would experience the glory of the Orcs but the first step was to get them ready for conquest. He turned back toward the greater land mass and bellowed out "Your land has stopped above ours! I wish to speak to the leader of this land and figure out why!" As He waited He leaned against Boar's Might, the pig head pressing into the fertile ground near the edge of the floating continent.

A man in a cloak greets the god.

"This is the Migrating Continent. It Migrates all over. Do you seek an audience with the goddess Silver?"


2016-04-25, 10:24 PM
A man in a cloak greets the god.

"This is the Migrating Continent. It Migrates all over. Do you seek an audience with the goddess Silver?"


The Edge of the Migrating Continent - The Hermit and Thraka
The Orc God looked down at man in question in thought. After a moment He looked over at the horizon to confirm that it was indeed not migrating before He turned back to the man that answered His summons. Slowly, like the tide moving in and out of the mangrove swamps below, He said "It appears you lie. This land remains stationary above My home. Will this Silver know why or can you answer this supposedly simple question?"

2016-04-26, 12:24 AM
Thamnon – The Roots of the World

Having crossed the sea from The Abyssal Island back to mainland of The First World, Thamnon had decided to take a detour back to Vethlastra through The Roots of the World, which split the continent in half. He was of half of mind to try eradicating the wurms from the face of The First World, but learning of souls had been a lot to take in, and he did owe the beasts for him finding out, so in the end he would be content with killing only a handful of them. But as he kept looking he ended up approaching what was perhaps the coldest place in The Roots of the World, due to proximity of a portal connecting it to The Equal Spread.

As Thamnon climbed into a valley in this region that somehow contained no snow, he was stuck from behind and the force of the blow sent him sprawling with a large rend made in his armour. Spinning around quickly he was met by the sight of a very large and ancient dragon about to loose its inner fire onto him. Avoiding the blast Thamnon poured power into his Glory.

“Stop beast. The God of Tyrants commands it.”

The beast flinched at the sudden flare up of tyranny in the aura, but mastered itself quickly.

“A god. It would be that in the days of yore I would be scared and run away with my tail between my legs, leaving my eggs to die in the cold. But I am now old, and in the fullness of my power. I fear no god.”

And so Thamnon and Verioth the Fearless fought within that valley and both suffered many wounds, the fight ending after near an entire day when Thamnon tore off one of the chains on his armor and wrapped them around the mighty dragon. Pulling the chains tight the dragon began to change and warp as its forelimbs dropped off and lost its cunning intelligence, becoming the first wyvern. Its molten fire leaked out of it, dripping onto the chains that bound it, which lengthened and grew sharper, morphing into The Lash of Chains. Unwrapping the chains, Thamnon went to one of the forelimbs and peeling it back, attached the bone to the Lash, which would be used as the handle. Not quite content, he thrust the chain into the air and the dragon blood flowed out of all of the nearby eggs in the vicinity, rushing into the Lash of Chains, which became permanently red hot. The creatures in these eggs would also become wyverns, but these would be much smaller, never growing much larger than a house. Satisfied with this, Thamnon commanded the being that was once Verioth the Fearless to kneel, and climbing upon its back, they took to the skies.


Starting AP: 11
1 AP - Create Sub-Race: Wyverns (Reduces them to Monstrous Life)
2 AP - Raise Hero: Verioth (Verioth is the one wyvern that retains above animal level intelligence. And now serves The Tyrant as his mount.)
5 AP - Create Artifact: The Lash of Chains (The Lash of Chains is a combat artifact that gives Thamnon a +2 RCR bonus)
2 AP - Gain Domain - Metal (Chains) (Reduced by The Tyrant's Crown)
- Created Vethlastra +2
- Created The Lash of Chains +5
Remaining AP: 1

2016-04-26, 09:13 AM
Eq'Thaka - Aestasplanum

Trailing his finger in a slow spiraling circle, he brooded, weighing his decision. The silence was shattered by a chorus of clarion trumpets announcing the arrival of heroes to Sannings Torn. As his mood lifted he cast a final look down upon the First World before rising to greet them.

The Migrating Continent is inextricably drawn to the Yawing Trench and it hovers above the Abyssal Archipelago, slowly rotating in place as long as the Rift to the Abyssal Seas remains open.

2016-04-27, 12:59 AM
The First World, Mt. Khorama

The Inscrutable visited the goblins of the first world. It had thought on Its brothers words and decided that a spectacular show of divinity was not the best approach to such an end. Rather the glowing god decided on something much more.... subtle.

One night as a goblin lay down for rest, just before her conscious mind succumbed to dreaming, The Inscrutable appeared before her. In that single twilight moment, the goblin was met with the image of a star with a single eye that much resembled a goblin's. The star looked upon the goblin and, in a voice much like her own, she heard a single statement. "Ask me anything."The Goblin, in her current state of mind, did not stop to wounder at the implications of what was occurring, as all but the most pressing of thoughts had left her mind. Instead she simply asked "Who will the antagonist be?" for this goblin was an author. she had wrote a grand epic full of adventure and struggle, romance and tragedy, there was only one problem. The story had no villain, no catalyst for strife, no dark for the hero's light. She had spent many sleepless nights struggling for inspiration, only to be met with half thought concepts. The star thought for a moment, the spoke. "The villain should not be a simple foe. The hero is too grand for something so mundane. A true villain is not someone who represents all that the hero is not, but rather what they do not want to admit that they are. Drive, passion, and deadly skill. When the hero sees the villain in truth, they will see not a being of evil and malice. Instead they will see themselves as they would have been if they had met the same fate." The idea was perfect, the classic tale of good verses evil had been done countless times, but a tale of two side of a coin made to face one another. She could not wait to begin this tale, it would be hes greatest work yet. As the goblin drifted to slumber she asked one last question "who are you?" to which the star responded only "A friend." before the goblin was lost to her dreams.

When the goblin awake she remembered none of what had occurred, save for a fleeting image of a star with an eye. All the same she felt drive, she set to work on her tale immediately. After but a week the draft was done, edited, and ready to be resented to the public. In the acknowledgements, bellow all the names of friends and colleges that had added her, was a picture of a single eye made of stars.

This goblin was not the only to receive such revelations, one by one more and more goblins were met with the same image, always before one of their greatest works. Mathematicians, writers, philosophers, all of them could claim to have had such an experience and it was not long before connections were made and the Wise Star, was remembered.

Staring Ap: 6(0PAP)

-1AP create mundane concept: writing
-1Ap create mundane concept: mathematics
-2Ap create Advanced concept: Literature
-2Ap create advanced concept: engineering

all of these creations can be chalked up to the goblins own advancement, with the inspiration from the Inscrutable allowing them to take it all one step further.

Remaining Ap: 0

2016-04-27, 04:57 AM
Which Steps Softly - Arrakis

With another move, the Elder God moved to the dry wastes of Arrakis and it quickly wrapped itself in sea weed and the flesh of demons as it moved for it was Lady Alstra, Mother of Seabeds and Coral. Many of the Masked who were as the Sand Worms heralded her approach as she made her way to the Palace of Sand that had been raised by Breeth'r her every step leaving moisture as she went. "Great Lord Breeth'r! I come in the name of my Father, the Sultan Azj'Khan! I demand an audience!"

Eq'Thaka - Arrakis

He knew the way, he didn't know how or why, he just did and his resentment was his guide. A harsh wind blew across the desolate landscape of the plane of waste, gathering speed and violence as it passed. As the towering storm closed on The Palace of Sand, the wind suddenly died and the cloud of gathered sands collapsed and became the warrior Proud-Heart. He brushed aside the Sand Worms with his greatspear, and strode through the palace gates as if he had been born and lived there his entire life. Momentarily his anger was renewed and flashed as his gaze fell upon the wretched, shrill, wet thing demanding an audience with The Waste God, but he merely shrugged; stepping over the sludgy stain nearly burying it in the drifts of sand left in the wake of each gigantic footprint.

He had clearly interrupted....something, the assembled were silent as if they had just received news of great import, but a growing murmur burbled through the host as he passed. Stepping to the fore he willed himself to return to his normal size, but retained his cracked and rough complexion. With a flick of his wrist, he planted Vit'aren deep in the sandstone tiles of the hall, and bowing stiffly at the waist gazed upon his creator for the first time.

From behind the beastly faceplate of the great horned helm came a single word spoken in a voice like that of tumbling stone, "Father."

Breeth'r, Which Steps Softly, Eq'Thaka

As one whose form exuded the Poison tread into the heart of his realm, Breeth'r gave what would be called a "grimace" should it appear on the form of something other than a great sphere of sand. Very soon after, one of his sons entered as well and sought an audience. Having at last finished his great work, Breeth'r found the timing of these two visitors to be not a surprise. After all, does power not call to power?

"Child of the Enemy, child of myself, I receive you both in my realm and ask why it is my honor to receive two guests at this time?"

2016-04-27, 07:35 AM
Eq'Thaka - Palace of Sand - "Flashback"

Breeth'r, Which Steps Softly, Eq'Thaka

As one whose form exuded the Poison tread into the heart of his realm, Breeth'r gave what would be called a "grimace" should it appear on the form of something other than a great sphere of sand. Very soon after, one of his sons entered as well and sought an audience. Having at last finished his great work, Breeth'r found the timing of these two visitors to be not a surprise. After all, does power not call to power?

"Child of the Enemy, child of myself, I receive you both in my realm and ask why it is my honor to receive two guests at this time?"

Proud-Heart winced at being recognized second, behind the wet-thing. When the small part of his psyche that remained rational tried to remind him that he had arrived in its wake, he shouted it down and stepped forward, "Father, I come with ill tidings. Your ancient enemy moves to claim that which you covet. I will show you." Withdrawing Vit'ren from the flagstones, the warrior drew a circle in the sand with the tip of his greatspear, and the images of what had occurred in the Great Murk Sea played out for Breeth'r to see. "He would swamp the world with his demon horde, drown all of creation in a deluge of his malice, and sate his avarice by gorging upon the souls of all that lives."

With a sideways glance at the poisonous creature standing beside him, he then motions at the images still playing out on the sands before him, "I leave this here so that you can see the truth for yourself, for surely this....thing, will fill your ears with naught but lies."

Bowing a second time, "I stand ready to act as an instrument of your retribution having been created from the bitter resentment and injured pride of your once defeat at the hands of this ancient evil. But....I must leave you now, for I find that my heart is consumed with anger and violence in the presences of these" motioning to the demon next to him, "things."

The figure collapses into a heap of sand as Proud-Heart returns to Aestasplanum.

Eq'Thaka - Sannings Torn

The Feast of Assembled Heroes had commenced, but even as the banquet was set and libations poured, he remained distracted. They would eat and drink their fill and soon tales would be told of surmounting valor, and epic songs would be sung. From those songs would the images be gleaned for the Gallery of Deeds, and as early as tomorrow some would gather to mark the end of their time of mourning in the Chamber of Remembrance. All was as it should be, and yet he remained troubled. He stood, and a hush fell over the Feasting Hall, as his voice rumbled from behind the face plate of his great helm, "You brave few, you honored, you that have given your last full measure - EAT! DRINK! CELEBRATE! The time for sorrow has passed, and the time for jubilation is upon us! The Feasting Halls will remain open for a fortnight, and you may avail yourselves to any of the accommodations within Sannings Torn." He indulged himself in their cheers for the briefest moment and then took himself away to the Halcyon Shores.

The slow but implacable rhythm of the tide finally eased his troubled heart and Proud-Heart gave way to Eq'Thaka, as he began to run. A wildness came over him as he galloped along the shoreline until he came to a place where the beach became firm and strewn with rocks. A tidewater had formed, filled with swirling liquid fire, but he plunged through it unconcerned, coming to the dragon eggs that he had once thought to conceal. Through the swirling flame, he discerned that they were no longer black obsidian, but an opalescent white. Lowering his head, he nudged the biggest egg with his nose, and to his surprise the egg seemingly responded. What began as a tiny quiver soon became a violent tremor until the egg split open revealing a soft, downy-winged creature glowing with an iridescent light.

Beginning AP 5 + 1 PAP
Create Magical Sub-Race -3 AP: Empyrean Dragons. Infused with the Glory of Eq'Thaka by their incubation on Aestasplanum, Empyrean Dragons are fearsome wielders of the power of Calamity and an odd manifestation of Spirit Magic - they can act as a spiritual vessel, temporarily forming a symbiotic bond with a heroic soul upon Aestasplanum. Where their more primal kin can ignite the air with their breath, Empyrean Dragons can produce billowing fog of paralytic vapors. Maturing to roughly the same size as normal dragons, they have four wings - two massive fore-wings for lift and speed, and two smaller hind-wings for greater maneuverability. They are covered in white, iridescent feathers that harden to the consistency of steel when they reach their maturity, and as such, are terribly vulnerable in their youth. They are not genderless; rather the females are much larger than the males(and primal dragons) and they lay small clutches of eggs in the rocky areas of the Halcyon Shores. The females will periodically force a male to fertilize and brood the eggs. The Glory of the Empyrean Dragons, however, is somewhat diminished with each successive generation. The First Generation of Empyrean Dragons is made up of three females - Fury, Faith, and Compassion; and two males - Righteous and Vindication.


2016-04-27, 10:59 PM
Eq'Thaka - Palace of Sand - "Flashback"

Proud-Heart winced at being recognized second, behind the wet-thing. When the small part of his psyche that remained rational tried to remind him that he had arrived in its wake, he shouted it down and stepped forward, "Father, I come with ill tidings. Your ancient enemy moves to claim that which you covet. I will show you." Withdrawing Vit'aren from the flagstones, the warrior drew a circle in the sand with the tip of his greatspear, and the images of what had occurred in the Great Murk Sea played out for Breeth'r to see. "He would swamp the world with his demon horde, drown all of creation in a deluge of his malice, and sate his avarice by gorging upon the souls of all that lives."

With a sideways glance at the poisonous creature standing beside him, he then motions at the images still playing out on the sands before him, "I leave this here so that you can see the truth for yourself, for surely this....thing, will fill your ears with naught but lies."

Bowing a second time, "I stand ready to act as an instrument of your retribution having been created from the bitter resentment and injured pride of your once defeat at the hands of this ancient evil. But....I must leave you now, for I find that my heart is consumed with anger and violence in the presences of these" motioning to the demon next to him, "things."

The figure collapses into a heap of sand as Proud-Heart returns to Aestasplanum.

Breeth'r, Which Steps Softly, Eq'Thaka

As his son departs, Breeth'r recognizes his words and replies, "Yes, indeed, I may have spent too long preparing my work, for it seems that the World lies in peril. This I shall have to address. The time for me to act is at hand."

As he departs, the Waste God turns to the dripping minion of the Evil One and says, "Speak, creature. Say your piece."

ap: 6=1+5, 1 pap, 5 create artifact charges

2016-04-28, 12:31 AM
Breeth'r, Which Steps Softly, Eq'Thaka

As his son departs, Breeth'r recognizes his words and replies, "Yes, indeed, I may have spent too long preparing my work, for it seems that the World lies in peril. This I shall have to address. The time for me to act is at hand."

As he departs, the Waste God turns to the dripping minion of the Evil One and says, "Speak, creature. Say your piece."

ap: 6=1+5, 1 pap, 5 create artifact charges

"I have come with a message and then I shall leave your pitiful lands. The Grand Sultan of the Black Caverns declares that the world will be sank under his glorious waves and there is no method for you to stop him. All your dry land will be devoured by the mighty armies of the deep." The Goddess proclaims proudly, motioning to the above. "And then he shall come here and drown you."

2016-04-28, 01:01 AM
Breeth'r, Which Steps Softly - Arrakis

"I would love for the Evil One to try. Let him know that he shall not have the World without a fight, and this time he shall not find our battle as simple as before. Begone, and tell your master that a war is coming, and it is one that he cannot win."

2016-04-28, 01:09 AM
Breeth'r, Which Steps Softly - Arrakis

"I would love for the Evil One to try. Let him know that he shall not have the World without a fight, and this time he shall not find our battle as simple as before. Begone, and tell your master that a war is coming, and it is one that he cannot win."

"It is you who cannot win for the Young Gods will stand with my father. Mark my word and gnash your teeth in despair foul creature. Your days are at an end. Repent of your foul deeds." With a motion the Goddess fell into a large puddle, disappearing from the plane.

2016-04-28, 03:03 PM
Kel Man – Vethlastra

“Why do they keep saying wurm piss?
“I guess it means food in their-“
Kel looked down for a moment, thinking of possible implications that this would have, before deciding it didn’t matter as long as it was food. He watched as the goblinoids started passing containers around, and the first human, thinking it was water, chug it down. Making a face at the after taste. After a short period of time however, the man yelled “This is amazing!” and a bunch more humans started chugging down the offered substance. Seeing the weirder looking ones retreating slightly, Kel decided to see if he could communicate with them and walked over.
“Hello, my name is Kel Man. Thank you for getting us out of there.”

The goblins simply look like taller, bigger and older goblinoids. If the goblinoids are more or less the size of a children the goblins look adult. They weren't all to similar among them, there was one fat, one squat, one gaunt, and the others ranged from a well built swimmer to a body builder. The one that came forward to Kel Man was the squat one, his left arm was thick, with more girth than Kel Man's legs, his right one was almost human. As if pushed by the heavier arm he had a small limp that made him push forward sideways like a crab. Even his face was contrited to a side, a matter only accentuated for his hair, shaved on the left and long on the right. He wore a tunic, straight black embellished with tiger pelts in a thick belt from which several golden coins jingled. His only weapon was a ornamental short sword tucked under the belt.

The goblin smelt Kel Man and then shook its head drawing his pointed teeth. When he speaks it is apparent it takes some effort to do so with words understandable to Kel Man.

"You were the openers. Gate openers? I am Crouching Tiger. Why closed there?"

2016-04-28, 08:47 PM
Kel Man – Vethlastra

Kel swallowed upon noticing the teeth, suddenly aware that none of the humans had any real weapons, then reminded himself that they had much larger numbers. ‘Won’t help me if they attack.’

“Um… Hi… Crouching Tiger. We couldn’t have opened the gates without your help. We were trapped in there because of His Imperial Majesty, who decreed that we would remain in the walls until he returned.”

Kel Man then looked around and leant very close to the goblin before whispering.

“I think he forgot that we need to eat and drink to live. I’m sure we’re all very grateful that you helped us get out of there, I certainly am. I consider us to be indebted to your people. Let me begin paying off that debt. There is a god who lives here, His Imperial Majesty, he is a tyrant. For your sakes I heartily urge you to be gone by the time that he returns. Lest you are put in the same shackles that we are in.”

2016-04-28, 10:39 PM
Eq'Thaka - Aestasplanum - "Strangers"

Wandering the Halcyon Fields he happened upon strange figure standing alone, gazing up at the sun, apparently dumbstruck. It was much larger than the gnomes and goblins, larger even than the humans, noble beastmen, hobgoblins and elves. Its slightly hunched, thickly muscled and reddish brown form was unfamiliar, and as Eq'Thaka approached he could make out the creature's short tusks. There was something menacing and deeply troubling about the thing. He grew wary, shifting into the form of the great warrior Proud-Heart.

He strode across the golden fields, "Who are you, and how did you get here?"

The thing whirled, crouching into a fighting stance, then gazing up at Proud-Heart, before standing straight and speaking in an almost incoherent guttural tone "I am Fragrak. I was hunting the great shadow beasts of Gorro with two other members of my clan. When it attacked from out of it's hiding place, I pushed my companion H'rak out of its path. H'rak was sloppy and it was probably Thraka's will that he die, but for some reason it felt wrong to let the shadow beast take him when I could stop it. Then I found myself here...in this bright place."

"Who is this...Thraka?"

"Thraka is The Maker."

A long silence followed as Proud-Heart considered the creature's words. Then he reached out and grabbed the poor, confused Fragrak, "Show me Thraka." Of course, the creature knew nothing of his god's whereabouts, but Proud-Heart could feel the truth of its creator. He gazed down upon The First World as it slowly turned. Minutes passed, then hours, but as The Great Looming(Migrating) Continent slowly came into view his vision was drawn to a place and two figures perched upon the edge of the tremendous landmass.

"Come. It's time for you to meet your Maker."

-The Looming Continent

Thraka stood upon the ledge of the floating continent, looking down upon The Hermit awaiting a response when a huge bronze skinned warrior simply appeared. The massive figure clad in simple leather armor and brandishing an ivory greatspear stepped forward, speaking from behind its beastly mask, "I think I have something that belongs to you....Thraka." The warrior raised its hand and opened it revealing a shimmering ethereal thing....Fragrak's soul.

2016-04-28, 11:06 PM
The Looming Continent - The Hermit, Proud-Heart, and Thraka
Thraka looked at the newcomer and his offer. He held out His hand for the soul in question, saying "Where did you find this? Perhaps you can answer my simple question: Why is this mass above My land?" His voice was slowly becoming more annoyed at what was supposedly an easy question and seemed to be impossible to answer. He looked the newest being to greet Him up and down and barely smirked, seeming to approve of the appearance of the newcomer over the hermit.

2016-04-28, 11:40 PM
The Looming Continent - The Hermit, Proud-Heart, and Thraka

"The creature's deeds brought it to me."

Stepping to the edge and looking down, "I created an attraction for this landmass to rift that opened in the once beautiful sea below us. My original instinct was to actually drop it over the rift."