View Full Version : [IC] The beast, the hunt and the cursed (steampunk campaign)

2016-03-24, 02:49 AM
Please dont forget to state your character name at start of the post, dont hesitate to pm if you want some further info concerning the world, the city or anything

In a cold night of winter you all came to brightfall.
The train got you into the underground level passing by the dark cloud that cover up the whole surface of the city.
The once proud aristocrate that lived on the surface quickly understood that with the heavy industrie develloping further and further the surface wasnt a good place to live anymore.
They left and built the underground city, proof of there wealth, the city run on the latest technology using the rare whale oil to provide there main power.
With no other choice the surface became the refuge of the poor and a perfect base for the black market, although the city watch still patrol they cant assure security for both surface and underground.

Why are you here ? that's a good question, you all answered the call of Cain Garst a well knwon beast hunter, one of the greatest, you find yourself here out of personal interest, curiosity , research of making yourself a name
or simply to get well paid.

Why would such a master need help in any matter ?.. you heard that there was a beast that even him wouldnt dare to hunt.

You arrive to the rendez-vous point with a lot of question in mind and discover your soon to be new companion.

You find yourself in a dark alley near the industrial district of the underground level, at the end of the alley you can see coming toward you a man in a leather jacket with a long hat and a worn rifle in his back.

He cough and say :
"Are you the one answering my call ? well this will have to do ... i have no time to wait for more, you'll have to handle this, before saying anything about the ... "mission" i'm gonna give you a warning if you accept this job you'll be on your own i cant stay and babysit you guys i have other ... matters to attend, is it a problem for you ?"

The man seem to be in a hurry but from what you know he certainly is Cain Garst.

2016-03-24, 08:43 AM
Christoph Farrady fixes his would-be employer with a dead stare, unconsciously flexing his metal fingers. I require two things, but hand-holding is not one of them. First is any knowledge you have of our quarry. Second is a guarantee of compensation. I do not work for free. A good payday here could fund his next prosthetic. He had been working on designs for some hydraulic legs, but more research was necessary.

2016-03-24, 08:54 AM

The Hunter fixes Cain with a glare, and fishes the wolf-head medallion out from under his breastplate. "I work without support more often than not, so 'twill not be a problem. Only, mayhaps you could tell us details of the job? Be our target man or beast?"

2016-03-24, 01:20 PM
"The target.. hum" he stop and think for a second " well the target is man and beast its a lycantroph or so it seemed to me, but not the kind i already hunt, the beast when i fighted it was lost and disoriented, maybe you could try to catch it alive but its not part of your mission, could give a litlle bonus though... on the other hand they might be more than one so be careful, i dont enjoy hunting beast like these it felt ... too human i would say and my employer has something else for me outside of the city, give me your name so i cant get in touch with you when i come back"

"Also if anything special or worth notifying were to happen when i'm not there you can go and see Albert Sturn, he his the man in charge of any hunt inside the city, though that mission is ... well lets say underground so try no to be seen.. too much"

"About the pay ... well i cant say any exact number just know that my employer has more than enough for the four of you to be happy till the end of your life, you will be largely rewarded"

2016-03-25, 11:17 AM


HP: 27/27

AC: 17, Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1

Gungrave listened in the back while currently taking care of his horse. As he listens, the man's last sentence clings to him, 'like money will atone for any sins I've committed in the past'. "My name is Gungrave" Grave says in response to the man's question for names. Grave knew that this wasn't going to be easy, most might have forgotten his name, but there are bound to be some that still know him. And that's something Grave doesn't really like at this moment.

2016-03-25, 02:17 PM

Jhorn leans forward, and bears a feral grin.

"For his sake, you'd better hope he's more beast than man. In this world, being human is more monstrous than any creature of the night could possibly dream of."

He relaxes, and sticks out a hand wrapped in the fabric of a far away land.

"But I am interested. Jhorn, by the way. Where should we start?"

2016-03-25, 03:38 PM
"well a good start will be in the skyfall district, i lost the track there after my first hunt, i think you should try to talk with the people there , you could also see if there is any victim in those district"

He think for a second

"I have to be on my way now, do you have any more question to ask before i go ?"

2016-03-25, 04:24 PM
"well a good start will be in the skyfall district, i lost the track there after my first hunt, i think you should try to talk with the people there , you could also see if there is any victim in those district"

He think for a second

"I have to be on my way now, do you have any more question to ask before i go ?"

"Will we need silver? I'm afraid I come unarmed."

2016-03-25, 04:53 PM
"I only use silver bullet so i cant say the difference to be honest, you'll have to see for yourself"

2016-03-25, 05:05 PM
"I only use silver bullet so i cant say the difference to be honest, you'll have to see for yourself"

"Understood. Mind pointing the way? This is one borough of horrors I'm unfamiliar with."

2016-03-26, 11:06 AM
"You're not from the city hu ? you'll have to find your way in, i need to be on my way, good luck and when you're done you know where to find me !"

With that said he dissapear quickly in the dark alley, you're on your own but surely someone in your party know where is this skyfall district :

make an intelligence or a knowledge (geography) check, Gungrave and Chris get a +2 modifier

2016-03-26, 11:17 AM
"I've a silvered sword," Torsten says, extending a hand to the rest of the group. "I am Torsten of Swordhaven, fifth of the name. And I believe I may know the way to this 'Skyfall District', but I do not know for certain."

2016-03-26, 11:56 AM

2016-03-26, 12:40 PM


HP: 27/27

AC: 17, Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1

Grave continues to tend to his horse for the time, seeing if he can recall anything about this district and the one they need to get to. 'Usually this place never changes, not even after 6 years'.
[roll0] Knowledge (general)
[roll1] Knowledge (local)

2016-03-26, 02:04 PM
Jhorn shifts his feet.

He doesn't know.

2016-03-26, 02:58 PM
"No, no, I do remember," Torsten exclaims. "I do not know why they named it as such, but the Skyfall District in underground! In the...east corner, I believe."

2016-03-26, 06:03 PM
"No, no, I do remember," Torsten exclaims. "I do not know why they named it as such, but the Skyfall District in underground! In the...east corner, I believe."

"Underground... my skill set will come in handy there.

Lead the way."

2016-03-26, 06:07 PM


HP: 27/27

AC: 17, Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1

"Well, if you know the way, I'm ready to go", Grave states without looking at anyone in particular. When the group is ready to go, he'll hop onto his horse and follow the group.

2016-03-28, 10:08 AM
... hello?

2016-03-28, 05:09 PM
Well i'm waiting you guy to discuss what you gonna do how you gonna do thing ... so yeah i'm waiting aswell, not gonna do everything for you guys ^^

2016-03-28, 06:04 PM
Torsten of Stormhaven
"I warrant the quickest way to be about this would to simply go to that area and search for the beast," Torsten says. "But I would be much more comfortable if we had a plan to enact before we went about the hunt, especially if it something dangerous enough that the reward is enough to set us all up for life. So I shall guide you to the Skyfall District, but I would heartily recommend establishing a base of operations before we do anything rash. I'm boarding at an inn near the entrance that might suffice."

2016-03-28, 08:39 PM
Torsten of Stormhaven
"I warrant the quickest way to be about this would to simply go to that area and search for the beast," Torsten says. "But I would be much more comfortable if we had a plan to enact before we went about the hunt, especially if it something dangerous enough that the reward is enough to set us all up for life. So I shall guide you to the Skyfall District, but I would heartily recommend establishing a base of operations before we do anything rash. I'm boarding at an inn near the entrance that might suffice."


"Agreed- a safe haven from the horrors of the night couldn't go amiss.

You guide, and I'll watch your back."

Jhorn strides towards the alley wall... and walks up it, pacing horizontally along the ashen bricks as easily as if they'd been lain flat. His eyes glisten expectantly.

"What are we waiting for?"

2016-03-29, 08:05 AM
Christoph Farrady had listened, stone-faced, to the exchange between the others. No guarantee of payment, and a sum too large to be believed. Still, if the hunt was successful, deals could be made. I am Farrady. I believe our best option is to gather more information about these lycanthropes - what they eat, how they hunt, cycles of activity - and then set a trap. We may be able to collect this information in Skyfall. He turns his head to Torsten. Lead the way, Torsten of Stormhaven.

Knowledge Geography: [roll0]
Knowledge Local: [roll1] (to determine what I know of lycanthropes)

2016-03-29, 08:55 AM
Its not a long walk to the skyfall district that was nearby, you follow a fence that lead to an iron gate that control the acces to the district.

The district itself is as dark as the rest of the city by night the only light you can see are the one from the furnace that run day and night you can see from there the factory chimney and pipe that get the smoke to the ground above, from afar you can see the shipyard well know factory that product the best airship in the world (or so say the inhabitant of Brightfall)

At the gate you can two guard yawning out of boredness, but one of them notice you and say :

"No trespassing at night mister, considering the event lately i'm gonna have to ask you to leave"

those are not city watch guard, you can see it from the outfit they're wearing, a long brown coat and a bowler hat, they dont have any visible weapon apart from the sword at their belt, they look grim and tired

2016-03-29, 12:17 PM
Christoph Farrady regards the sentries for a moment. Event? What event?

2016-03-29, 12:28 PM
"Well the murder..., we found five dead people in a week so for security no one is going in or out of Skyfall without the proper autorisation"

2016-03-29, 10:31 PM
"Ah, our authorization papers- I have them right here."

Jhorn pulls out a blank piece of paper, folds it, and hands it to the guard. Inside is ten gold pieces.

2016-03-30, 04:38 AM
The gold isnt used as coin, all the piece in this world are silver, cause they use gold for alchemy

"Oh... well everything seems to be in order though i have to tell you that i never saw you" he wink at his comparse "you can go through"

They open the gate quickly and the whole party go through.

2016-03-30, 07:22 AM

HP: 27/27
AC: 17, T 13, FF 14
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1
Passive: Search 13, Spot 14, Listen 12

When the group is further in and out of site of the men, Grave looks to Jhorn while on his horse and says, "a waste of paper, there was no point giving it to them."

2016-03-30, 07:59 AM
"Nae, 'twas quicker to pay than to attempt to haggle with some magistrate for authorization papers," Torsten replies from the ground. "I doubt we have the funds to do as such every time we want to enter and exit the District, but 'twill suffice for now."

2016-03-30, 04:24 PM

"The problem is solved. Anything more would be overkill.

If we are to survive in this city, we must manage our energy- and our time- appropriately."

Jhorn walks further into the smog, in search of his prey. He does not look back.

2016-03-31, 06:24 AM
Where are you gonna start your research ? its late night and you cant see anyone in the street.

2016-03-31, 07:09 AM
Christoph Farrady lets the others walk a little ways ahead, then steps close to the guards, attempting to look menacing. Tell me more about these murders. Where did they occur? I would not want to wander into those places unprepared.

2016-03-31, 07:37 AM

(OOC: Didn't know it was late, oops)

As he notices the empty street, Jhorn spins around.

"Perhaps we should find shelter first."

2016-03-31, 07:58 AM
Rubbing his temples, Torsten replies, ""'Twas what I had suggested before thou went ahead and bribed the guard to enter. There will mayhaps be an inn around we can lodge at for the night, and depending on how reputable it is, we may well even be able to get papers allowing us free access without having to pay ten silver every time we wish to enter or exit."

2016-03-31, 10:18 PM

"My apologies. I didn't consider- or expect- a second payment."

He glares at the guards.

"Trying to extract one from me would be... unwise."

2016-04-01, 04:52 AM
You got forward out of hearing range from the guard while Chris is in the back talking with the guard

2016-04-01, 07:18 AM
Farrady listens intently to the guard's description of "Murder Alley," then turns without a word and follows after the rest of the group, stepping determinedly to close the gap.

The shipyard. We should start our search there, after a rest, if you like. Whatever we are dealing with is powerful and vicious.

2016-04-01, 05:47 PM
Farrady listens intently to the guard's description of "Murder Alley," then turns without a word and follows after the rest of the group, stepping determinedly to close the gap.

The shipyard. We should start our search there, after a rest, if you like. Whatever we are dealing with is powerful and vicious.


"Agreed. Let's find some form of shelter to wait out the night.

We must consider, however, that it's possible our prey is primarily nocturnal."

2016-04-02, 07:59 AM

"Then we simply must adjust our sleeping schedules to match." Walking besides Jhorn and Farraday, Torsten begins idly toying with the amulet hanging around his neck. "Hast any of thou dealt with lycans before, by any chance?"

2016-04-02, 10:08 AM

"Then we simply must adjust our sleeping schedules to match." Walking besides Jhorn and Farraday, Torsten begins idly toying with the amulet hanging around his neck. "Hast any of thou dealt with lycans before, by any chance?"


"Never. My prey is not usually so... feral. Brutal, though- that's a trait I'm used to stamping out."

2016-04-02, 03:57 PM
Farrady shakes his head slowly as they walk. I have not. Human criminals, robots gone awry, mutated beasts; I've killed whatever will bring in the money, but not these creatures specifically.

I propose we bed down and investigate the area in the daylight, to see if there are any signs that the investigators missed, as well as to craft a plan of attack. We can then rest until nightfall and return to the scene, armed and ready.

2016-04-02, 05:57 PM
While the plan is setle you know for sure that you wont find any inn to sleep in this district.

Make a listening check and decide what's gonna be your plan, Thorsten know the city quite well from what he have learn from talking with traveller and reading books back at stormhaven

2016-04-02, 06:24 PM

2016-04-02, 06:37 PM
EDIT:Making up for my first roll, I see. :smalltongue:

"I myself have not fought one, but the legends say they are worthy foes." Torsten cranes his neck up to look around for landmarks, and then adds, "If we are to find an inn to stay at for the night, I do not believe we will find any in this district. I am staying in one not far from the edge of this district, if that would be agreeable to the rest of you."

2016-04-02, 07:31 PM

Listen Check: [roll0]

Jhorn nods in Torsten's direction.
"That would do admirably."

2016-04-03, 09:40 AM
As we travel through the Skyfall district, Jhorn's ears twitch. Solemn eyes dart to the west.

"There's something out there..."

He crouches, and paces off in the direction of the sounds.

Move Silently Check: [roll0]

2016-04-03, 10:40 AM
Farrady halts his step a moment. What do you hear, Jhorn?


2016-04-03, 10:58 AM
"Groans. Either we've stumbled past an illicit affair, or something more dangerous is afoot."

Jhorn inches closer to the source. His mind slips into a blank calm, and he moves with all the grace of the marionette.

2016-04-03, 03:41 PM
I'd just like to remind the DM that my amulet begins vibrating when it's within 100 ft of anything with the Aberration, Animal, Dragon, Fey, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Undead, or Vermin types.

2016-04-03, 03:44 PM
I'd just like to remind the DM that my amulet begins vibrating when it's within 100 ft of anything with the Aberration, Animal, Dragon, Fey, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Undead, or Vermin types.

Spooky. Anything? Because, um, if this is based off of Dunwall... that thing will always be going off. Rats, man- they're everywhere.

2016-04-03, 03:55 PM
Spooky. Anything? Because, um, if this is based off of Dunwall... that thing will always be going off. Rats, man- they're everywhere.

Until it's been in the presence of said thing for more than eight hours, yeah. Which means that if what you say is true, it's effectively useless.

Which has the potential to be a fantastic source of drama. :smallamused:

2016-04-03, 04:12 PM
Well yea its vibrating all the time, there is life everywhere

While you're all silent behing Jhorn you all witness a monstruosity you have never seen before,a creature crawling in the dark, it seem to be disoriented its sniffing around everything but it doesnt seems to notice neither Jhorn nor you.

The beast itself seem in betwen human and bear or wolf, it has some patch of fur and some big long claw at the hand of his arm.

Even though it doesnt seem harmfull.

2016-04-03, 06:19 PM
Jhorn tenses. He uses his Adaptive Style, swapping out Steel Wind for Mountain Hammer.

"Do we engage? I'm ready."

He shifts into a battle stance.

2016-04-03, 07:20 PM
Christoph Farrady reaches into his satchel and pulls out a strip of dried meat from his ration pack, tossing it about halfway toward the creature. Watching the beast's reaction carefully, he draws his Tesla cannon, prepared to fight if it turns hostile.

2016-04-04, 06:20 AM
The beast turn his head toward the group it doesnt seem interested in the meat at all, he wait for a moment then scream at you and charge Chris.

Make an initiative roll

2016-04-04, 06:24 AM
Christoph Farrady steadies himself as the beast rushes toward the group.


2016-04-04, 07:01 AM
Jhorn leaps into action, a strange glimmer pulsing around his bones.

Initiative: [roll0]

2016-04-04, 01:08 PM

HP: 27/27
AC: 17, T 13, FF 14
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1
Passive: Search 13, Spot 14, Listen 12

Grave turns his horse quickly in the direction of the noise as he then pulls out his revolver.
Initiative: [roll0]

2016-04-04, 01:53 PM

One of the Hunter's swords and his belt dagger practically jump into his hands as he falls into a ready position. "Avaunt, beast!"


Also, I'm going to be traveling for the next week or two, so I'm only going to be able to post in the evenings. Sorry. :smallfrown:

2016-04-05, 11:10 AM
While the beast is charging toward Chris only Thorsten is fast enough to do anything about it

2016-04-06, 03:10 AM

Dashing forwards, Torsten brings his weapons down in dual shining arcs at the beast.
Move action to close with the monster, and then standard action to attack.
Main hand (Alchemical Silver):[roll0]
Off hand:[roll2]

Add two to the attack rolls if the monster is of the monstrous subtype or four if it's an abberation, and add another three damage to the off-hand attack if both hit.

2016-04-06, 07:03 AM
Thorsten stop the beast in his course hitting it hard with both weapon, though the beast doesnt loose any rage and grab thorsten trying to get him down and lacerate his back

Need your AC Faust and a fortitude check (against the grab), btw can everyone of you send me a pm with a link to his character sheet ? also i will roll real dice IRL that way you dont see modifier or thing that i dont want you to know (bonus or malus that kind of stuff)

2016-04-06, 10:18 AM
AC 20

2016-04-07, 05:11 AM
The beast get Thorsten down under her and start slashing him with his claw

Thorsten will have to make a second fortitude check next turn to get out of the beast grasp, he also take 9 damage from the claw attack of the beast

Surpise by the suddenty of thorsten reaction, Chris can now take is turn.

Your turn guys, and faust no worries we will make it work ;)

2016-04-09, 02:24 PM
Farrady hesitates a moment with his Tesla cannon. Engaged as the beast was with Thorsten, he might hit his companion.

Farrady will use a move action to charge up his Tesla cannon (3d6, 5 round cooldown), and Ready an action to fire on the beast as soon as they stop grappling.

2016-04-09, 02:45 PM
You blink, and Jhorn vanishes.

A few seconds later... his fist crashes into the beast with all the force of the mountain behind it. An optical illusion?

Swift Action- Cloak of Deception. Jhorn is invisible until the end of his turn.
He runs up the wall, and leaps down using Mountain Hammer. Fighting defensively.

Attack Roll (I'm invisible- it loses Dex to AC: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]. This bypasses hardness and DR, and it's nonlethal.

2016-04-10, 06:47 AM
Has the fist of Jhorn crashes into the beast back you can here a crakle of bone being broken, the beast yell again with a distinct sounds of despair, it loose his grasp onto Thorsten.

Gungrave turn

2016-04-11, 09:57 PM

HP: 27/27
AC: 17, T 13, FF 14
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1
Passive: Search 13, Spot 14, Listen 12

Grave holds his gun true adjusting and steadying his aim, waiting for the right time to shoot.

If more than 40 ft. shift 5 ft. on horse as a free action.
Full-Round action: Steady Aim ability.

2016-04-12, 11:02 AM
Thorsten turn you are still near the beast but it doenst hold you anymore

2016-04-12, 03:10 PM
Once the beast gets off from on top of him, Torsten scrambles to his feet and charges back into melee with it, once again swinging both swords down at it.

Main hand (Alchemical Silver):[roll0]
Off hand:[roll2]

Add two to the attack rolls if the monster is of the monstrous subtype or four if it's an abberation, and add another three damage to the off-hand attack if both hit.

2016-04-14, 10:52 AM
The beast is struck down by the mighty blow of thorsten is flank totally open it yell in a last breath and die.

Even though the beast attacked you... you all feel something is odd about it but cant seem to say why.

2016-04-14, 03:25 PM
OOC: Um... Jhorn did nonlethal damage. Shouldn't he be unconscious rather than dead?

2016-04-14, 05:04 PM
I do know yes, but he his dead nearly cut in half with his entrails on the ground

2016-04-14, 06:25 PM
Jhorn takes a moment, using Adaptive Style to reready his maneuvers. Then, he searches the corpse.

2016-04-15, 09:06 AM
The corpse has nothing on it really its a grotesque creature featuring some trait from both human and wolf with some patch of fur, the entrails however are clearly in between human and wolf.

All can make a knowledge check and a detection check

2016-04-15, 09:21 AM
Torsten, like Jhorn, busies himself with searching the corpse, but his has a distictly anatomical bend to it.

Seaching the corpse for Witcher...regents, I think they're called. On my phone atm, so I can't really check.
Knowledge:[roll0]+Whatever my bonus is for this knowledge.

2016-04-15, 09:57 AM
Jhorn investigates, with all the panache a half-dressed monk can muster.


2016-04-15, 10:09 AM
Farrady powers down his cannon, holsters it, and moves to get a closer look at the body.

He has no knowledge skills that would apply, but how about a Heal check to determine cause of death and/or what this thing is.

Heal: [roll0]

He also looks around to see if anyone is significantly injured, particularly Torsten.

2016-04-15, 12:37 PM
You all know that if it was either lycan or real human there wont be organs that seem both human and wolf, it doesnt seem like this thing is a real lycan.

What is your next move ?

2016-04-15, 01:14 PM
I guess we continue towards finding a place for the night?

2016-04-15, 03:01 PM
OOC: Sounds like a plan, though Grave will keep his gun at the ready just in case another thing decides to pop up.

2016-04-16, 04:21 PM
"Tis most strange," the Hunter mutters, wiping his bloody hands on the beast's fur. "Perhaps 'twas only recently infected."

He stands, and nods at the others suggestion. "A very good plan, methinks. An even better one if it means we will avoid conflicts with any more of these...things."

2016-04-17, 07:57 PM
The street are completely silent when you can hear a sound in the distance a loud noise of a machinery getting started and you can see the celling lightening up, its already the morning, you hear the crowd of the worker streaming in the district.

Your move ?

2016-04-23, 02:47 PM
Well i guess that game is dead ...

2016-04-23, 06:50 PM
OOC: I've been waiting patiently as my character knows nothing. maybe clarifying what you meant by " you hear the crowd of the worker streaming in the district." because I can't tell if you mean the worker is screaming or something else?