View Full Version : A spear, a spear my left nut for a spear!

2016-03-24, 02:56 PM
Apart from legendary items that do way too much dmg through poison and switching fro spear to qstaff, and dwarvern heavy spears... What have you DMs been giving as end quest items for levels 5-10?

I am most curious.. The gods seem to frown upon the lowly spear :/

Thank you

2016-03-24, 03:46 PM
Whenever my DM gives us a magic weapon, it's a sword or a longbow. I don't think we've ever gotten a magic spear.

2016-03-24, 03:51 PM
They finally gave some love with Curse of Strahd!!!

Blood Spear
Weapon (spear), uncommon (requires attunement)

...His was the first blood spear, a weapon that drains life from those it kills and transfers that life to its wielder, imbuing that individual with the stamina to keep fighting.

When you hit with a melee attack using this magic spear and reduce the target to 0 hit points, you gain 2d6 temporary hit points

So WotC finally gave an official spear magic item that acts like certain class features!

2016-03-24, 03:56 PM
Because every DM wants to avoid the party breaking into the "Spear and Magic Helmet" routine from Buggs Bunny.

2016-03-24, 04:01 PM
Because every DM wants to avoid the party breaking into the "Spear and Magic Helmet" routine from Buggs Bunny.

But-but-but-but that's my favorite! (Followed by the Barber of Seville routine!)

2016-03-24, 04:38 PM
Looking back at the last few magic weapons I've given (mostly in non-D&D games, but that doesn't affect the choice so much as the mechanics that back it), there's been the following, from most recent to least recent.
1) A pair of magic bows that grant limited control over arrows fired and act as a focus for wind magic.
2) One magic sword that makes the wielder a bit quicker to act.
3) A magic spear, made of hardwood and tipped with a hardened stone etched with the resemblance of a snake head that slowly oozes poison at all times.
3) A magic great club, that made it more durable and better able to smash stone.
5) A magic short sword, with a spell on it to warp it back to its armory if the user dies.*
5) A magic spear, with a spell on it to warp it back to its armory if the user dies.*
7) A magic blow gun, with a spell on it to warp it back to its armory if the user dies.*
8) A sword, carved from a whalebone covered in runes made out of frozen mercury (which was a power source for its original wielder).

So, there's a bit of a skew there - 3 swords, 2 bows, 2 spears, 1 club, 1 blow gun, but it reflects the particulars of the campaign settings, and spears are reasonably well covered. On the other hand, I spend hours every week spear fighting, so I might skew things a bit in that direction compared to most GMs.

*These three were from a campaign where the PCs were playing members of what was basically a late stone age culture, which got attacked by some private armies of people wanting to claim the territory for themselves. The armory warp spell was a pretty standard defense on almost all of their equipment, trying to maintain the technological advantage.

2016-03-24, 05:08 PM
Still low level for us, but so far I've given out a magic mace, a magic dagger, and a magic flamethrower. :)

2016-03-24, 05:48 PM
Let's see:

Cursed Spear of the Swamp Hag

Never received formal name, as the PCs abandoned it the moment they realized that it tricked the Battle Master into stabbing a child as he slept.
Had the child died, it would have immediately bonded with him, but they saved it.
Drips with black, viscous poison and deals +1d6 poison damage
If a creature dies from a blow from the spear, it makes a Cha save, and if it fails it rises as a Shadow under the owner's control. The owner's shadow darkens.
If the owner raises five shadows this way, his shadow becomes a Shadow Demon The Demon and Shadows immediately become hostile.

Spear of Io
Deals +1d6 necrotic damage per hit
After dealing 15 points of necrotic damage, the owner can channel the absorbed life energy to cast Entangle as an action.

Short Sword
Deals +1d4 cold damage per hit
When its owner lets go, it vanishes into mist. The owner may retrieve it from the air as though drawing it, where it manifests from mist.
Its owner has learned how to strike with it from 10' away using its mist properties.

Deals +1d6 radiant damage per hit
Wielder can sacrifice one hit die to heal a character at touch range of 2d8+3 HP.
The healing magic comes in the form of tears cried from the image of the weeping goddess of mercy sculpted into the pommel.

All weapons in my games gain abilities as they are used in combat. At the moment I'm trying to think of what ability to impart to the glaive of the lv. 5 Fighter who dealt the death blow to an Oni as his companions lied unconscious.

Glaive, silvered and then enchanted at great cost by the PCs.
Deals +1d6 Lightning damage per hit with blade.
If the wielder hits any target three times in a turn, an enemy chosen by the wielder within 10' must make a Dex save or take 2d8 lightning damage.

Ao, two spears, two swords, and a glaive.

2016-03-24, 05:57 PM
When I give out magic items I tailor it to the players. Someone wants a spear I will throw in a magic spear for them to find. Dwarf Paladin cool he gets a holy avenger that is an axe. Elven archer cool longbow with unlimited ammo (All of my players hate keeping track of ammo).

Sometimes I will even upgrade an existing weapon. Player has interesting back story of an heirloom weapon. No reason why after killing the BBEG the weapon can't spontaneously become magical, basically the old dipped in dragon's blood trope. I have also have players quested for specific weapons. For a bard whoa he finds an instrument of the bard. No reason not to make it fun for the players.

2016-03-24, 06:41 PM
Because every DM wants to avoid the party breaking into the "Spear and Magic Helmet" routine from Buggs Bunny.

Thanks to you, that is literally all I want to do right now. :smallsmile:

2016-03-24, 07:07 PM
All weapons in my games gain abilities as they are used in combat. At the moment I'm trying to think of what ability to impart to the glaive of the lv. 5 Fighter who dealt the death blow to an Oni as his companions lied unconscious.

The glaive captured some of the Oni's spirit or powers within it. Use that :)

2016-03-24, 07:11 PM
All weapons in my games gain abilities as they are used in combat. At the moment I'm trying to think of what ability to impart to the glaive of the lv. 5 Fighter who dealt the death blow to an Oni as his companions lied unconscious.

I don't know if you want suggestions but...

Blows from the glaive prevent regeneration as long as the wielder has no conscious allies within 30'.
Attacks made with the glaive have advantage against large creatures as long as the wielder has no conscious allies within 30'.
The spirit of the oni is bound to the glaive, and some of its innate power leaks through to the wielder. Once per long rest the wielder can take the form of the oni (effects as the spell Enlarge with altered appearance), but must succeed on a DC 13 Cha saving throw to return to their original shape. You could add an option for the oni to attempt possession if the wielder fails multiple saving throws, but that feels inappropriate for a feature that's essentially a reward for a particularly heroic moment.

2016-03-24, 08:06 PM
So far, characters in my game have 2 (3, sort of) magic weapons

Unnamed longsword, pretty generic, with +1d6 fire damage. Used by non-proficient sorcerer, because nobody else wanted it.

"Black Spear", in fact called Bloodthorn. Spear made from one piece of organic-looking, reddish black material, feels wet and slightly sticky on touch. When the wielder cuts himself on its blade, the spear feeds on his blood, causes him 1d6 necrotic damage each round and does +2d6 necrotic damage to the target. What the characters don't know is that it actually heals the wielder on crits or killing blows. Used by bard about twice, she prefers her (non-magic) longbow or "dagger"

"Kudlička", meaning something like "small knife" in czech. Looks like dagger with hilt shaped like ruby-eyed golden serpent. Actually a demonic snake able to assume this form, acts as bard's independant familiar/BBEG's spy.

Paladin uses non-magic, silvered flail, and a (non-magic, though fire immune) shield covered by red, brass and gold dragon scales she's got as a reward for saving a rich elven collector (in fact brass dragon in disguise who used the kidnapping as a way to earn party's trust and kinda manipulate them into doing certain things)

2016-03-24, 09:04 PM
The glaive captured some of the Oni's spirit or powers within it. Use that :)

That's what I was thinking. Maybe take on the Invisibility or Darkness as daily powers, but I don't know.

I don't know if you want suggestions but...

Blows from the glaive prevent regeneration as long as the wielder has no conscious allies within 30'.
Attacks made with the glaive have advantage against large creatures as long as the wielder has no conscious allies within 30'.

I like these! It imbues the glaive with his power instead of the Oni's! It stands as a testament to his ability. That's a great idea! Since, from his point of view, the Oni essentially vomited out Darkness and suddenly two of his buddies were on the floor, then he charged it, dispelling the Darkness and slaying the beast, Spark's new ability should focus on that. He can use it once/day to Dispel magical darkness. Or maybe it gives him Blindsight in a 10' radius. The advantage against Large+ creatures while no conscious allies are nearby is great, too, since he did solo a Bone Naga.

2016-03-24, 09:13 PM
Apart from legendary items that do way too much dmg through poison and switching fro spear to qstaff, and dwarvern heavy spears... What have you DMs been giving as end quest items for levels 5-10?

I am most curious.. The gods seem to frown upon the lowly spear :/

Thank you

What you need is something akin to the Steal Enchantment spell from the Tome of Magic (AD&D). Lets you transfer the magic from one item to another (with some chance of failure). Then you don't need to care whether you find an enchanted sword or a spear, you can just transfer it over.

Ask your DM whether you can adapt this spell.

Steal Enchantment (Enchantment)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 hour
Area of Effect: One item
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell "steals" the enchantment from a magical item and places it within another, non-magical item (the material component). Both objects must be touched by the wizard during casting. The two items must be of the same cate- gory (blunt weapon, edged weapon, ring, amu- let, shield, armor, wand, etc.).

The enchantment can be transferred only to a nonmagical item. Only the energy of one item can be transferred; it is not possible to combine two magical items into one item. The new item has all the properties of the original magical item (including the same number of charges, if any).

At the culmination of the spell, the original magical object is allowed an item saving throw vs. disintegration with all modifiers it is allowed as a magical item. Exceptionally powerful objects (such as artifacts) may be considered to automatically succeed the saving throw at the DM's dis- cretion.

If the saving throw is successful, the magical object resists the effect and the spell ends in failure. If the roll is failed, the magical item loses all of its powers, which are transferred to the previously nonmagical object.

Even if the magical item fails its saving throw, the spell's success is not guaranteed. There is a chance that the enchantment might be lost. The base chance of this occurring is 100 %, modified by -5% per level of the caster. Thus, a 20th-level wizard has no chance of losing the magic. If the enchantment is lost, both items become nonmagical.

The material component is the nonmagical item which is to receive the enchantment. It must be of equal or greater value than the object to be drained.