View Full Version : Playing a fighter. need help picking out my feats

2016-03-24, 11:05 PM
i'm going to play a level 1 fighter with the following stats 16 str 12 dex 16 con 10 int 10 wis and 6 cha

I'll have a feat for being human one for being level 1 one from fighter and 2 from the two flaws i'm taking

flaws i'm taking gives me a - 4 to cha checks and skill and - 4 to will saves

i'd like to know what feats would be best for character to take.

this is a one shot mission

but like to be a badass at least for what I can be lol

2016-03-24, 11:11 PM
5 feats huh?
What do you want to do?
What sources are available?

2016-03-24, 11:22 PM
5 feats huh?
What do you want to do?
What sources are available?

all official 3.5 and dragon magazine allowed

I want be melee brute with a great-sword

2016-03-24, 11:41 PM
i'm going to play a level 1 fighter with the following stats 16 str 12 dex 16 con 10 int 10 wis and 6 cha

I'll have a feat for being human one for being level 1 one from fighter and 2 from the two flaws i'm taking

flaws i'm taking gives me a - 4 to cha checks and skill and - 4 to will saves

i'd like to know what feats would be best for character to take.

this is a one shot mission

but like to be a badass at least for what I can be lol

1.What level can you expect to get to?

2.Do you need to be a proper fighter or just fit that party role? Cause if the latter, you'd rather be a Warblade pre-6 for sure.

3.Where are you picking flaws from? Cause -4 Will is a penalty I don't think I'd take as a Fighter. A negative will save(+0 base, +0 Wise, -4 from flaw) means you're gimped by the first will save you get hit with from any reasonable caster(DC 14+ means you an 18 to save, if you're *LUCKY*).

2016-03-24, 11:44 PM
I too would second the suggestion that a -4 on a Will save for a Fighter with a Will of 10 is pretty horrible and really not worth a feat.

2016-03-24, 11:44 PM
Well one option is to get reach and use Combat Reflexes as an attack multplier:
Power Attack
Willing Deformity + Deformity: Tall or Aberrant Blood + Inhuman Reach
Combat Reflexes + Standstill

2016-03-24, 11:45 PM
If you can, choose Azurin variant human from Races of Incarnum as your race. Give up your bonus skill point for an essentia.

1. Power Attack, (fighter feat)
2. Weapon Focus (Greatsword),
3. Shape Soulmeld: Incarnate Avatar (Evil for damage, law for chance to hit)
4. Shape Soulmeld: Blink Shirt or Airstep sandals (teleport 20 feet as Dimension door or fly 20ft but have to end on a solid surface or fall)
5. Rapid Assault (ToB)

Now, you're a beast in melee.
If you chose Lawful, you're looking at this:
+7 to hit, 3d6+4 on the first round of combat, trade in an attack bonus for two damage so +6 to hit, 3d6+6 damage, average 16.5 damage.

If you chose Evil, you're looking at this: +6 to hit, 3d6+6 damage on the first round of combat, trade in an attack bonus for two damage so +5 to hit for 3d6+8 damage, average 18.5 damage.

If you're not in combat, you can spend a swift action (you weren't using that for much else anyway) to move the essentia you gained from Azurin to either your Blink Shirt (recommended), or Airstep Sandals, this will give you a little bit of utility. You're not a good scout, but with your HP and your teleport/fly ability to get out of trouble you can serve decently.

Someone might be able to offer better, or if MoI is off the table, this is probably a flop, but there's something for ya.

2016-03-24, 11:51 PM
ok I really like the idea of combat reflexes
but I think i'll take a another flaw and not the -4 to will

also for weapon I really am a big fan of the great spear
and i'd like to know what pole arm feats would go with it
yes my DM is allowing me to take feats that would be for healbeards and such for the great spear

2016-03-25, 01:30 AM
Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, maybe Deft Opportunist as it will come into play fairly well later. Maybe Exotic Weapon Proficiency to get yourself proficient in the Minotaur Greathammer or something else fun. Martial Stance: Punishing Stance will give you the option of getting a free +1d6 to all your damage at the cost of 2 points of AC. Maybe Improved Unarmed Strike, as it will allow you to initiate grapples freely, and the flavor is great... You can kill people with punches, you have something to work with if you lose your weapon, and if you really like punching people you can grab Superior Unarmed Strike and bring the damage up from a d6 to a d8 and Improved Natural Attack to bring that d8 to a 2d6. Boom, three feats that make your fists the damage dice of greatswords. Not the most efficient, of course, but it's fun.

In terms of utility, I see three roles you can adopt to give you something decent to do at first level.

Choose your pokemon: Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, or Improved Grapple.

Having improved bull rush at first level gives you something interesting to do, you can slam someone off a cliff or something, or into a disadvantageous position.

Improved Sunder will allow you to pretty reliably smash a lot of stuff in a couple turns. At your level, if you ruin an enemy's weapon they're pretty much done.

Improved Grapple is immensely useful and very open for flavoring. At your level, you can reliably grapple almost anything. Even if it's larger than you, the +4 bonus you enjoy will give you the edge. Grapple disables spellcasters, it pins enemies down, it does all kinds of fun stuff. If you want to be a dirty fighter get yourself a wire garotte and suffocate people.

Why choose one between the three? Because each independently sends you down a different path of a strong fighter.

Charger: Improved Bull Rush, Shock Trooper, and potentially the Dungeoncrasher features. The damage here is immense, and you'll do it in a fun, flashy, badass way.

Smasher: Improved Sunder, Combat Brute, Brutal Strike, possibly exotic weapon proficiency.

Grappler: Probably not what you want to do, but shoot... There are so many ways to take this, so many different flavors... Just look up grappling feats or a grappler handbook.

Consider this http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Fighters'_Handbook_By_Dictum_Mortuum_(3.5e_Optimiz ed_Character_Build) resource, it's just a big list of feats.

And whatever you do, take Robilar's Gambit at 12th level.