View Full Version : Player Help PF Synthesist Eidolon Attack Progression Help

2016-03-25, 05:53 AM
I'm having trouble deciding if my attack progression with my Eidolon is currently correct and just want to double check now that I finally have the character sheet in front of me.

Here are the current 'stats' for the Eidolon for my Half Elf Synthesist

Level 12


Bite (1d6)
Limbs (Legs) x2
Limbs (Arms) x5
Spell Resistance 23

::Feats:: (It's assumed that my feats affect the Eidolon because 'we are one')

Martial Weapon Proficiency: Falchion
Skill Focus: Perception
Multiweapon Fighting
Power Attack
Arcane Strike
Weapon Focus: Falchion
Improved Critical: Falchion


+1 Magical Falchion x5
Gloves of Ogre Power +4
Cloak of Resistance +2
Boots of Speed


STR 28
DEX 17
CON 18
INT 14
WIS 16
CHA 23

So, with these items and stats my calculations have my attack progression (without bite) as +20/+16/+16/+16/+16

I'm thinking I should have an extra attack, though, since a Barbarians attack progression at level 9 is +9/+4 base.

Some clarification on this would be most helpful because it's really driving me batty hearing different answers from resources that I've researched.

2016-03-25, 07:49 AM
Bite +13 (secondary natural attack because you use manifactured weapons) +9 class +9 strength -5 secondary penalty
Main Hand Falchion +18/+13 +9 class + 9 strength +1 weapon focus +1 magical weapon - 2 multiweapon penalty
Offhand Falchion +16 same as above just with -6 instead of -2 multiweapon penalty

Your attacks would look like the following:

Falchion+1 +18/+16/+16/+16/+16/+13 (2d4+14/15-20/x3), Bite +13

But in all honesty I would never allow Multiweapon Fighting with twohanded weapons.

2016-03-25, 11:01 AM
Sporeegg, I believe you have the attacks right but not the damage. A two handed medium weapon is merely a one handed large weapon, so it would only get 1x strength for main hand, and 1/2x strength for the 4 off hands. So 2d4 + 10 main, 2d4 + 5 off after enhancements.

2016-03-25, 03:27 PM
Sporeegg, I believe you have the attacks right but not the damage. A two handed medium weapon is merely a one handed large weapon, so it would only get 1x strength for main hand, and 1/2x strength for the 4 off hands. So 2d4 + 10 main, 2d4 + 5 off after enhancements.

Really? I am not trying to reduce your credibility but can you cite a source on that?

2016-03-25, 03:32 PM
Well crud, now I can't find it. Kindly ignore me until citation is found.

Edit: found it. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons under inappropriately sized weapons state that being larger treats the two handed weapon as one handed, so you wouldn't get the bonus damage. Also found a bit about -2 per size cat difference to attack rolls, did you calculate that in?

2016-03-25, 05:32 PM
Thank you. This however would mean that Medium Falchions can be used as onehanded weapons only after enduring a -2 penalty to hit.

2016-03-25, 06:27 PM
Right. So that means 16/11 at 2d4 + 10, 14/14/14/14 at 2d4 + 5, and bite at 13 for insert damage here. Also, if we forgot size penalty, -1 to all those attack rolls further.

2016-03-26, 05:54 AM
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you all on this.

I just want to say, wow and thank you all

I was DEFINITELY approaching this the wrong way and, technically, nerfing myself a bit considering I ignored one of the attacks and the bite. You are all GREATLY appreciated.

Also, Sporeegg, my DM is very "If it's in the book" in terms of what he allows, so if there isn't something that says you can't do it then it's pretty well fair game. That's one of the only reasons I went with something this...well...extreme :smallbiggrin: