View Full Version : What do you do when you aren't at work?

2016-03-25, 05:57 AM
What are your hobbies? Link me to your blog, your etsy, your tumblr, whatever showcases your hobbies outside gaming!

2016-03-25, 06:11 AM
I'm also interested in what your hobbies are:smallbiggrin:! And the ones of other people of course

I don't work, but after school (and maybe a bit of homework) I write poems, homebrew stuff for D&D and play some video games, build constructions with LEGO if I have an idea (can take weeks to build something but also weeks to come with an idea) something some smaller builds as a Pit Fiend from D&D. I also play soccer/football sometimes. I used to read books but now just sometimes, I prefer making poems (and books) myself.

2016-03-25, 11:16 AM
I could swear we used to have a Hobby-thread on the front page. Ah well, I suppose I'm just living in eras long gone or something. Links I cannot give since I don't keep pages of myself but I suppose I can write it out here.

Most of my time is actually dominated by my studies at the present. I do job gigs in the side for money but I'm hopefully finally getting some papers this year. Of course, as a student of humanities, my interests align with my studies so I spend a lot of my free free time reading on the same subjects: linguistics, languages, psychology, philosophy, sociology, biology, pedagogy while dabbling in musicology, astronomy and physics. That all ties rather naturally into many of my actual hobbies: partner dancing (and dancing in general), fine arts, wine tasting (and beer, whiskey, tea, coffee given chance), folklore, contemporary media, etc. I also enjoy bouldering, swimming and things of that nature but I rarely find the time for such nowadays. I love hiking in the wilderness too, but that requires a lot of preparation so it's been kinda falling by the wayside in recent years. Games on various media (videogames, tabletop, live) come in the side through long-time friends with whom we mostly play together nowadays.

Partner dancing is the single most involved hobby of mine at the present - I have practice or dance events on generally 3-6 days a week, for 2-5 hours each (sometimes I've had two practices in the same day, but that's an exception; my longest dance streak thus far is 9 hours). I mostly dance socially but in a wide variety of traditions (hence a lot of lessons and various dance parties). Thus far my repertoire (on various levels):
- Standardized: Viennese Waltz, American Waltz, Foxtrot, Tango, Finnish Tango
- Folk: Polka (Finnish, International), Schottische (and Finnish Jenkka), Masurka, Humppa (not really a folk dance but listing it here anyways)
- Rock'n'swing: Lindy Hop, Boogie Woogie, West Coast Swing, Jive, Bugg (Swedish), Fusku (Finnish)
- Latin: Salsa (Crossbody, Cuban), Cha-cha, Rumba (and Bolero), Samba (the competitive style), Kizomba
- Argentine: Argentine Tango, Tango Waltz, Milonga

So...a lot of wonderful variety around the world and experiences upon experiences. Also natural exposure to various genres of music I wouldn't listen to otherwise (when not dancing, I prefer classical, jazz and some symphonic metal) - I've even grown to like ones I could barely tolerate before as I can imagine the dance and the feel into e.g. pop music whenever I hear the song. I mostly dance as a leader (out of necessity) but I like to dance the follower parts when given the chance, though I'm far worse at that as of yet. I also like to dance the dual lead versions of various dances when given the chance (somewhat common in e.g. A. Tango, Salsa, Lindy).

2016-03-25, 12:07 PM
Frankly I just play video games and hang out with friends. But I also love doodling and sketching freehand. If you have any interest my name on Instagram is Bakenal, I tend to post stuff infrequently but you asked so hey. Whatever lol.

2016-03-27, 02:42 AM
I go to the gym, read books, comics and manga, cook, watch anime.

2016-03-27, 02:56 AM
My hobbies kinda are work. Outside of my full-time job I check in and talk to the people running my gyms. My other job-but-not-a-job-because-I-do-it-for-fun involves providing response training to LEO's and corporate security teams. We've begun to use airsoft as an inexpensive training tool; sometimes we rent out entire airsoft facilities for a day and recruit some of the staff as role players, so it ends up being a load of fun.

Other than that, I occasionally play some video games, rock climbing, playing with dogs, etc. Whatever catches my fancy. Mostly solitary activities so I can unwind. Then there's this forum too.

2016-03-27, 10:45 AM
Troop with the 501st, play X-Wing Miniatures Game, Kerbal Space Program, or Sins of a Solar Empire, or other xbox/pc games. Also the pokemon and Star Wars novels.

I'm starting to get into carpentry, and would like to get into blacksmithing as well. I went shooting the other week with some friends for the second time in about 5 years. Still don't much like pistols, but fell in love with the AR15, and now i want to get one and learn to shoot. Just targets, not hunting; i want to learn accuracy and precision, not kill stuff.

2016-03-27, 02:24 PM
A little bit of everything- I have some time filler "hobbies" like Perusing forums, reading manga, light novels or books, watching anime, and researching random things. Those usually get invoked when I'm low on time, or my anxiety/fatigue is too high to do anything productive. (Which is the case more often than I'm happy with, my IT job isn't what I'd call hard, but that doesn't stop it from stressing me out.)

When my arms are up to it, I try to draw. I used to spend all my spare time drawing, but I injured my wrist back in '03, it healed wrong and it slowly got worse rather than better, so I eventually got to where I only draw every couple of months. I don't even have a style anymore, I don't practice enough to have any consistency, but I still enjoy it when it's possible. I have my first wrist surgery this week, with the second one probably 2~3 months out, so I'm hoping to recover enough to go back to this.

Similarly, I used to be a pretty avid Gamer, I was almost done with F-zero GX back when I messed up my wrist. I really don't play much outside of RPGs anymore, my wrist starts malfunctioning if I play anything intense for 15~20 minutes.

I like to write, but I'm not very good about getting story ideas from my head to paper. Right now I'm working on the stories for a few RPGs and also a graphic webnovel that will probably take forever to get started, since I plan on illustrating it myself.

I picked up Java some years back, I've branched into AS3, C++ and a little bit of Lua (Computercraft Turtles. *grumble*), I'm slowly figuring out the quirks of the arcane muddle that is Javascript. I'm planning on moving into Python and figuring out the madness that is Python based web scripting. (To goto with PHP!) I plan on making video games, but I also want to learn what all this machine learning stuff is about and play around with machine learning AIs.

I enjoy D&D, but rarely get to play. I'd like to find a 3.5 group and re-learn to play that one, Pathfinder and 5e were bad for my grasp of the system, which wasn't that outstanding to begin with. Would really like to grasp the system as well as some of the players around here do.

As for new hobbies, I've been getting into Maker Movement stuff for a while now, but I rarely get much time for it. I have a 3D printer I rarely get to use. (Mix of reasons, mostly that I suck at 3D modeling, but I also need to wait until after my family moves to get a proper fume extractor setup going because it "might hurt the resale value of the house".) I'm trying to buy a 4 axis Carpentry CNC for business and hobby both, but I'm not quite there on funding yet.

Lastly: Airships. I want to build an Airship based UAS. I have a few research and business ideas I want to try with them, but this is mostly just to satisfy my inner steampunk nerd.

2016-03-27, 09:36 PM
I play sports, cook and watch movies

2016-03-27, 10:56 PM
When I'm not at work?

Hm... I sleep, eat, listen to music, play video games, draw or make art on occasion.

I'm going to be really close to streaming what I play, which will really add another dimension to my gameplay. I hope I'll go somewhere with streaming, to be honest.

Oh, I read, um, watch movies, browse the internet, scour and comb through art to find stuff I really enjoy and then favorite it. I like playing IRL or as close-to-IRL D&D/tabletop games when I get the chance. Um, I like browsing youtube and watching people stream stuff on Twitch.

I'm not physical by any means, at least not by choice, most of the time. That said, I like walking around, hiking sounds enjoyable because you're out in nature so much, archery has always been something I've extremely enjoyed, but my problem there is I don't really have anywhere ideal to shoot.

Uh, I like good food and good drink? I've dabbled in wood carving, and enjoy it, but I don't know what to create, frankly.

I want to learn Japanese, and I have things around my house with little post-it notes with the pronunciation in both romanji (english) and hiragana/kanji. It's partially worked so far, but I've been somewhat lazy with it. I'm really not good at studying, which is part of the reason I'm not good with school. I just tend to get frustrated and proceed to either cry my eyes out, curl up into the fetal position beneath a blanket, or just do something else. It's part of the reason I'm working right now and not in school, I just don't think I could successfully do anything meaningful with it, nor do I think I'd be able to, frankly. That said, I'm not too stressed about it. I might go back one day, but I doubt it.

I've always wanted to try blacksmithing and metalwork.

Cooking, though I rarely do it, is fun, mostly because the end result is usually satisfying and tasty.

2016-03-28, 05:48 AM
What free time? What?! :smallconfused: :smalltongue:

In case I am not dwelling with trying to find the perfect meds to accompany my disorder, I have been trying to get back to digital art as well as drain my creativity and tiredness to creating buildings in Sims 4.

Plus trying really hard to get through school. It should be in my priorities, but I tend not to process two and two equasions at this point of time. Which sucks.

Ah well.

2016-04-01, 10:28 AM
I read comics, looots of comics. I also draw my own (there's a link in my signature shamelessly advertising it :smallbiggrin:).

I write stories, but I'm very good at starting and very bad at finishing them.

I used to walk a lot looking for new places in my surroundings, but I broke my foot a couple of years ago, and now it hurts if I walk too much, which... kinda sucks. And recently I noticed that if I get too bored I start creating interpersonal drama, which is less of a hobby and more of a thing that needs to stop ASAP.

2016-04-04, 03:54 AM
To be original:

Reading books, watching movies (both in english if possible in order to improve my english).
Walking outdoor for cleansing my mind.
And currently, chech the crowdfunding I am participating.

2016-04-14, 04:44 AM
I tend to nap a lot.
I don't really mean to do it, but it just kind of happens.

Most Sundays, I officiate American Football here in Scotland, and that also takes up a handful of Saturdays during the summer season.

Other than that, i play Magic: the gathering and try to support my local gaming shop with attending most Friday Night Magic tournaments and the other events that they arrange.

I also tend to nap a lot, because I'm really not a morning person, and having to get out of bed at 6am each morning doesn't agree with me. So I'm tired. And so I nap. Napping is great, but can wreck your evenings.

2016-04-15, 12:44 AM
I tend to read a lot of books and classic comics (Marvel Essentials, DC showcase, 2000AD, etc.)and listen to music, but I guess Warthunder has become a bit of a hobby since things have kind of gone south with FPS multiplayer's since the MW2 days and I can no longer stomach wargaming's excuses for multiplayer games, I do enjoy the battlefields of StarWars though, quite a lot actually now thinking about it.
Although I have also started playing X-com TFTD again after completing X-Com 2 as I never got around to finish it back in the day I only ever completed UFO enemy unknown and although it is really old now it's still very entertaining, maybe I'll go thought UFO again after that, this is alternating with playing through the HOMM series of games from ye olde HOMM itself to HOMM VII, and a bunch of other games so gaming is my hobby I guess, any kind of gaming except trading card games not my thing, not enough RPG nor table top for a while though the physical variety that is and not the digitally provided kind which I also frequently play.