View Full Version : Naughty Pathfinder?

2016-03-25, 12:16 PM
Does anyone here think that a DM could make a pathfinder game "sexy" in terms of events like instead of offing the party; a few monsters would rather capture them for reproductive purposes? Or perhaps a version of the black tentacles spell that serves that purpose?

Sort of dumb question but I'm wondering if there's any real way to do it.

Like an AP for example like Jade Regent or Second DArkness.

2016-03-25, 12:22 PM
The spell: unnatural lust.
Items: Demon Mother's Mask (http://archivesofnethys.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Demon%20Mother %27s%20Mask)
That's all I know of.

2016-03-25, 12:32 PM
Simple. Port in the Book of Erotic Fantasy from 3.5 (an OGL book), and you're done

2016-03-25, 12:51 PM
Yeah, they could. But for the love of Gygax, clear it with the players first. Do not be that DM (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=11455521&postcount=22). (EDIT: That link is the first one I found from a *very* quick Google search; unfortunately there are many more like it. Seriously, don't be that guy).

2016-03-25, 12:59 PM
Yeah I wouldn't be "that DM" ever. Cuz I don't like killing people's chars even in dfeat. I think 'sexy bad ends" are better since it gives them a chance to escape at some point (as it's own adventure!)

2016-03-25, 01:03 PM
Simple. Port in the Book of Erotic Fantasy from 3.5 (an OGL book), and you're done
The BoEF is pretty bad. Lots of out-of-theme content, some of which is badly unbalanced (e.g., Metsphysical Spellshaper). A bunch of sophomoric stuff about breast and penis size. And a bit too much sexual Puritanism inherited from BoVD and its ilk. Its goofy stuff about non-humanoid reproduction and some of the rules for midwifery are the only content in there I really think is done well.

Has anybody homebrewed a better treatment of that kind of material? It shouldn't be impossible to do a decent job of making rules for sexy D&D, though I understand there are a lot of pitfalls you'd have to avoid.

2016-03-25, 01:38 PM
Simple. Port in the Book of Erotic Fantasy from 3.5 (an OGL book), and you're done

Note: BoEF was a third party book for 3.0, not 3.5 Edition.

2016-03-25, 01:49 PM
Even if you don't actually go through with raping their characters, I'm seeing more potential for harm here than good. I'd stick with the old fantasy standbys of torture or forced labor instead, or even just leave their grim fates vague and let their imaginations do all the work.

2016-03-25, 01:55 PM
While it can be done, I cannot stress enough how important it is to find out if the players want something like this. This would be one of the quickest ways to scare away players, or worse turn off new players to D&d entirely.

2016-03-25, 02:00 PM
I've been a player in a game like that once but it was well done and kind of fun all around. Using a variant of rules like "Erotic damage" that was treated like non-lethal damage but if it equaled your max HP your char was was more or less @_@ for a short time. Once you hit a fairly low fort save you'd recover and had an opportunity to get away with the appropriate check (to pick locks, cast, etc)

But I realize there's aLOT of pitfalls to it and all but it's at least an alternative to "your char is dead. make a new one" especialyl when it's players like me who put alot of thought and story into their chars.

2016-03-25, 02:17 PM
But I realize there's aLOT of pitfalls to it and all but it's at least an alternative to "your char is dead. make a new one" especialyl when it's players like me who put alot of thought and story into their chars.

Well, at a certain point, it stops being "your char is dead, make a new one", and turns into "your char is dead; we'll wrap up this dungeon and then head to the nearest city. You'll be right as rain in no time!"

2016-03-25, 02:46 PM
I think the "taking prisoner" option is great if players aren't so blood thirsty against the npcs in general. But make capture a buffer against death. Fail once: captured, fail repeatedly (repeatedly could be a single time) to escape capture: death
So for less sexy ways to get it done: their blood harvested to make new beings (or bring the dead back). Chained to be sacrificed later. Wake up imprisoned to be sold (some possibly sexual implications there).

Or if your PCs want a campaign with erotic stuff... Well BoEF is better than the "book of blue magic". Just be selective. Also most sexual spells are low level...

2016-03-25, 02:56 PM
Waves of Ecstasy (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/w/waves-of-ecstasy) seems to have been left purposely vague for just that purpose.

However - WoE is a seventh level spell. You could flavor-text any lower level spell that falls into the "(compulsion) [emotion, mind-affecting]" category as one of a sexual nature.

2016-03-25, 03:48 PM
Assuming you've cleared things with the players, you don't really need content custom-made for...naughty fun. D&D gives you a lot of powerful, versatile abilities; it's only natural that some of them have some pretty strong PPP (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PowerPerversionPotential).

2016-03-25, 04:24 PM
Simple. Port in the Book of Erotic Fantasy from 3.5 (an OGL book), and you're done

If you're going there (I generally handwaive that stuff by saying "Just like I don't want to know about your love life, I don't want to know your character's love life"). I'd suggest the Book of Unlawful Carnal Knowledge, as it has better rules.

2016-03-25, 04:30 PM
If you're going there (I generally handwaive that stuff by saying "Just like I don't want to know about your love life, I don't want to know your character's love life"). I'd suggest the Book of Unlawful Carnal Knowledge, as it has better rules.

I'm not familiar with that one...I've only seen the BoEF and Nymphology

2016-03-25, 04:37 PM
I second digiman619, the complete guide to unlawful ****** knowledge is in my mind a better book than the BoEF, even if older. I'm not sure, but I think it use AD&D rules. You won't have images but honestly, you're not missing much.
I personnally wouldn't use all the rules, but some spells, magic items and other ideas can be interesting.

If someone need a link, pm me.

Edit : I don't know Nymphology. It is worth the time spend to search it online ?

2016-03-25, 05:00 PM
Nymphology is a joke. Literally. I'm pretty sure it's intended to be a tongue-in-cheek take on the material, possibly for a more comedic campaign, and not something intended to be taken seriously. It's a very "stereotypical college frat boy" take on the subject. You read it once, roll your eyes, and then get on with your game.

2016-03-25, 05:15 PM
Edit : I don't know Nymphology. It is worth the time spend to search it online ?

maybe one or two of the spells, at most. overall the stuff is... less than excellent even as a joke.

2016-03-25, 05:19 PM
I second digiman619, the complete guide to unlawful ****** knowledge is in my mind a better book than the BoEF, even if older. I'm not sure, but I think it use AD&D rules. You won't have images but honestly, you're not missing much.
I personnally wouldn't use all the rules, but some spells, magic items and other ideas can be interesting.

If someone need a link, pm me.

Edit : I don't know Nymphology. It is worth the time spend to search it online ?

Its another OGL book, I don't know if its 3.0 or 3.5. Its got some interesting stuff in there (like a Bard spell that allows you to use things that would never actually give enough cover for a Hide check to hide behind, like a lamp), as well as talking about the Plane of Lust, but most of it has a fairly silly tone. I think its worth a read, for a laugh if nothing else

2016-03-25, 05:21 PM
I see. Thank to you three for the information. :)

2016-03-26, 02:22 AM
maybe one or two of the spells, at most. overall the stuff is... less than excellent even as a joke.

I, OTOH, found it quite amusing as a joke. Less useful as a serious supplement than BoEF but way more fun.

2016-03-26, 02:16 PM
I'm going to check out the linked resources to see if they'd work for what I have in mind.

2016-03-30, 12:03 AM
I hate to admit this but there is a module called fall of the order of light it sounds like something you might like or you could go to the tomb of whores. If you need a link you can pm me.

Tohsaka Rin
2016-03-30, 12:59 AM
Party members defeated? They're captured...

And forced to work at a cabaret (NOT a brothel, a cabaret.)

Forced into indentured servitude by some powerful outsider... On contract. For half of whatever appropriate WBL resurrection spell would be used to rez the party member.

Work is assigned by whatever's class-appropriate. Warriors wait tables, wearing no shirt, but shirt cuffs and collar or bunny suit, as gender-appropriate. Arcane casters/Psions work as stage magicians (a-la David Copperfield). Divine casters have to read scripture 'in a sexy voice'. Bards (and those with perform oratory skills) are strong-armed into becoming stand-up comedians... Brrr...

The party is free to buy out the captured player characters contracts, of course, at a very reasonable rate... And spend an hour or two at the club, at the party's expense.

Think a little like Lorne's place in Angel, if you're familiar with the series. Don't degrade the players, or their characters, make it good for a laugh.

2016-03-30, 07:28 AM
I, OTOH, found it quite amusing as a joke. Less useful as a serious supplement than BoEF but way more fun.

BoEF has a couple spells that make sense - after all, detecting pregnancy, deducing parentage, and the prevalence of STIs make sense in a world like D&D's. Ignore the templates and PrCs, though.

2016-03-30, 07:38 AM
Does anyone here think that a DM could make a pathfinder game "sexy" in terms of events like instead of offing the party; a few monsters would rather capture them for reproductive purposes? Or perhaps a version of the black tentacles spell that serves that purpose?

Sort of dumb question but I'm wondering if there's any real way to do it.

Like an AP for example like Jade Regent or Second DArkness.

Yes. However:
It depends ENTIRELY on the players at the table. That's one of those things where tastes vary, a lot, and it's extremely easy to go overboard. You may want to consider doing collaborative homebrew with the players you're going to use the material with, using a voting system of some form for approval (anything with less than 2/3rds approval gets axed or some such) and you NOT having an override vote during this stage. There's starting points that have been published in the past - Book of Erotic Fantasy, Chainmail Bikini, Portable Hole full of Beer, Bride of the Portable Hole, Nymphology, The Complete Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge, possibly others.... but it's your table that matters, and any given chunk of any given book may or may not suit your table.

2016-03-30, 08:14 AM
Nothing says creepy like dudes playing a sex based RPG.

Friend of a friend wanted to join my zombie game. Showed up with a necrophiliac mortician pedophile and was immediately told to never come back.

2016-03-30, 08:53 AM
Nothing says creepy like dudes playing a sex based RPG.

Friend of a friend wanted to join my zombie game. Showed up with a necrophiliac mortician pedophile and was immediately told to never come back.

While I quite support the idea of having some sexy fun... there's always someone who inevitably crosses the line.

2016-03-30, 09:07 AM
If you're feeling silly, you could have people strip for hero points (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/hero-points). I've heard tales of this kind of game ranging from the badass:

Extra Action: Move
*Throws hat on floor*
"I walk up to the dragon and full attack. Power attack for full."

To the honestly silly:

*Takes off bra*
"Are you... sure my character doesn't know?
"Yes. Which means the hero point isn't spent; put your bra back on."