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2016-03-25, 11:06 PM
The shock of the disappearance of their friends, shook Braxton and Terrach. But now Braxton could not escort Eyvind it was clear what their new job should be. Terrach complained about the idea of spending one second longer with Daisy, but he followed Braxton all the same. After a month of travel, Braxton and Terrach escorted Daisy and River through the gates of the communal village the two had grown up in. The young children ran up to Daisy, attempting to climb all over to now somber half-orc. Her parents approached and quickly folded the two siblings into a large hug. Their father looked up, smiling at Braxton. "Thank you for bringing them home. We want to support them, but we worried." That night was filled with food and company.

The next morning, Braxton and Terrach set off to attempt to find and rejoin with the split off group. A week into their journey they were exiting a small wood when they saw signs of a fight. Feathers and scales lay scattered across the ground and the marks of bedrolls showed that the skirmish had happened recently, maybe even while some of the people slept. But other than the feathers and scales, nothing remained. Following the road some more they found themselves walking toward what looked like a small farming village. About half a mile outside of the village they spotted a circle of six large mounds of dirt with wooden poles driven through the center. In the center of these six mounds was a seventh, looking newer than the others.

The town was small, hosting a wooden church, a tavern and a blacksmiths as well as the local farmers houses. The townspeople glared at the new arrivals and retreated indoors. The tavern was similarly unfriendly, with the only customer a young looking Tengu, a creature that Braxton and Terrach had never seen in person. She (if it was a she, the biological similarities of Tengu had not been included in the descriptions) sat at the bar nursing a cold beer and poking at a bowl of moldy peanuts that looked like it had been there since the bar was built. In front of her sat a bowl of porridge, mostly untouched.

Zinnia had tried to eat the porridge but had found it tasting of the remains of what must have been the previous nights stew. It was rubbery and clammy, the way that gelatinous food left out all day tends to be. Something in her felt that all the spells in the world couldn't make this appetizing.

2016-03-26, 12:16 AM
The young tengu looks exhausted--her blue-black feathers are ruffled, torn, and even missing in places. She also looks extremely annoyed, an expression which itself seems somewhat foreign on her face. She quaffs the beer and gingerly pokes at the oatmeal again, dark talons curling out from under the feathers that cover her arms and fingers. It springs under her touch.

With a scowl she shoves the bowl away from her (the porridge doesn't even wobble) and gets to her feet. She stomps out of the inn, muttering, "To hell with this, I'm going hunting. Carrion would be better than this slop."

Because she's looking at her feet she doesn't even notice the two young men until she nearly walks into them. "Oh!" She stumbles back but easily catches herself. "Excuse me."

2016-03-26, 12:39 PM
"Excuse yourself." Terrach says almost instinctively, as if he had done the same in many other situations. Realizing the exotic nature of this creature, he catches himself before being too rude, and manages an exclamation: "Mother of Pearl! Fascinating. A beautiful creature. Tell me: What's it like to fly in the night sky?!?"

Table Flipper
2016-03-26, 01:57 PM
Admittedly, Braxton was also curious to learn more about Tengu, since he had never met one before. Still, it was rude to ask personal questions, and he was more concerned about what was happening with the town anyway. "Sorry to bother you, but do you know what's going on here? We saw signs of battle not too far from here, and the atmosphere in this town seems tense."

2016-03-26, 11:50 PM
"Excuse yourself." Terrach says almost instinctively, as if he had done the same in many other situations. Realizing the exotic nature of this creature, he catches himself before being too rude, and manages an exclamation: "Mother of Pearl! Fascinating. A beautiful creature. Tell me: What's it like to fly in the night sky?!?"

Zinnia draws back in surprise at the man's abrupt question, tilting her head as she observes him and eyes his beard. She then lets out a strange cawing sound that might be a chuckle. "Ask me that again in a few months, or maybe years. We're not able to fly on our own."

Admittedly, Braxton was also curious to learn more about Tengu, since he had never met one before. Still, it was rude to ask personal questions, and he was more concerned about what was happening with the town anyway. "Sorry to bother you, but do you know what's going on here? We saw signs of battle not too far from here, and the atmosphere in this town seems tense."

She scowls, the feathers on the back of her head rising and puffing out as the ones covering her arms and talons also bristle. "I don't know about the town, but my runny guano of a teammate tried to kill us in the middle of the night! Ran off with my stuff too!" Her words come out hoarse, and she's practically hopping back and forth as she speaks.

2016-03-27, 01:28 PM
Zinnia draws back in surprise at the man's abrupt question, tilting her head as she observes him and eyes his beard. She then lets out a strange cawing sound that might be a chuckle. "Ask me that again in a few months, or maybe years. We're not able to fly on our own."

"Blast. Thought someone like you would know. 'We'? There more of you around?"

She scowls, the feathers on the back of her head rising and puffing out as the ones covering her arms and talons also bristle. "I don't know about the town, but my runny guano of a teammate tried to kill us in the middle of the night! Ran off with my stuff too!" Her words come out hoarse, and she's practically hopping back and forth as she speaks.

"Hah. Know what that's like. Just got rid of a 'partner'. You'd swear she was trying to kill us when she was awake." Thinking it might give him more time to get to know this creature, and sympathizing with the betrayal-of-adventuring-partner plight, Terrach decides: "Gah! You protect your adventuring partners; you watch their backs. Everybody knows that! Your partner is a right bastard if he can't follow that. I'm pretty good at tracking, might be we can find 'im."

Table Flipper
2016-03-27, 03:18 PM
"I'm sorry to hear that! That is an awful thing, to turn on one's friends like that!" Braxton frowns and shakes his head. "I'm with Terrach. We can help you find him... if you want. My name's Braxton, by the way."

2016-03-27, 04:20 PM
A gruff looking, balding man came out from the back of the tavern. Zinnia recognized him as the man who had served her the "oatmeal" earlier. He looked annoyed to see more people in his building. "Brought some friends Birdie? Rates the same, 5 coppers for the room per head. Figure out who shares, I only put two beds up there. You said you had no ticks, so be sure of it. I find any bugs and yer gettin' charged double." He held a hand out to Braxton and Terrach, looking at them expectantly. His other hand swiftly scooped up the remaining porridge and dumped it in a bin behind the counter. It squelched out of the bowl and landed loudly with a rather squishy sound. "And Birdie, no refunds if yer headed out. Doors close in 1 hour so whatever yer about be fast."

2016-03-27, 06:53 PM
"Blast. Thought someone like you would know. 'We'? There more of you around?"

"Yeah, though not around here."

"Hah. Know what that's like. Just got rid of a 'partner'. You'd swear she was trying to kill us when she was awake." Thinking it might give him more time to get to know this creature, and sympathizing with the betrayal-of-adventuring-partner plight, Terrach decides: "Gah! You protect your adventuring partners; you watch their backs. Everybody knows that! Your partner is a right bastard if he can't follow that. I'm pretty good at tracking, might be we can find 'im."[/QUOTE]

"I'm sorry to hear that! That is an awful thing, to turn on one's friends like that!" Braxton frowns and shakes his head. "I'm with Terrach. We can help you find him... if you want. My name's Braxton, by the way."

"And stealing my stuff too, the damned cuckoo!" she squawks. At their request she pauses and shakes out her feathers, letting them settle. "Are you seriously offering? Because if you are, I've definitely got a score to settle and some treasures of mine to take back. Name's Zinnia by the way." She holds out a hand--there are four fingers--each one very thin, with scales on the back and papillae on the palm in place of fingerprints. The nails themselves are black talons, not as long or sharp as a raptor's but still capable of scratching. Feathers the color of midnight cover each of those fingers and talons. "Of course if you're lying, there's a reason I was the only one who survived his betrayal."

A gruff looking, balding man came out from the back of the tavern. Zinnia recognized him as the man who had served her the "oatmeal" earlier. He looked annoyed to see more people in his building. "Brought some friends Birdie? Rates the same, 5 coppers for the room per head. Figure out who shares, I only put two beds up there. You said you had no ticks, so be sure of it. I find any bugs and yer gettin' charged double." He held a hand out to Braxton and Terrach, looking at them expectantly. His other hand swiftly scooped up the remaining porridge and dumped it in a bin behind the counter. It squelched out of the bowl and landed loudly with a rather squishy sound. "And Birdie, no refunds if yer headed out. Doors close in 1 hour so whatever yer about be fast."

Zinnia scowls at the man and his casual racist remarks. It's hard to tell that it's a scowl from her beak though, the the look in her eyes is much the same. Still, best not to show too much. She turns around and strides out of the inn, one hand in her pocket and the other giving a casual wave as she exits the front door. "Yeah yeah, an hour, got it. I'd be more concerned about your bedbugs by the way."

2016-03-27, 08:25 PM
A gruff looking, balding man came out from the back of the tavern. Zinnia recognized him as the man who had served her the "oatmeal" earlier. He looked annoyed to see more people in his building. "Brought some friends Birdie? Rates the same, 5 coppers for the room per head. Figure out who shares, I only put two beds up there. You said you had no ticks, so be sure of it. I find any bugs and yer gettin' charged double." He held a hand out to Braxton and Terrach, looking at them expectantly. His other hand swiftly scooped up the remaining porridge and dumped it in a bin behind the counter. It squelched out of the bowl and landed loudly with a rather squishy sound. "And Birdie, no refunds if yer headed out. Doors close in 1 hour so whatever yer about be fast."

"Hhmmpf, well you're a character. Lord of a dump. A sad little king on a sad little hill. I've slept in better swamps and seen better food in the gutters."

"And stealing my stuff too, the damned cuckoo!" she squawks. At their request she pauses and shakes out her feathers, letting them settle. "Are you seriously offering? Because if you are, I've definitely got a score to settle and some treasures of mine to take back. Name's Zinnia by the way." She holds out a hand--there are four fingers--each one very thin, with scales on the back and papillae on the palm in place of fingerprints. The nails themselves are black talons, not as long or sharp as a raptor's but still capable of scratching. Feathers the color of midnight cover each of those fingers and talons. "Of course if you're lying, there's a reason I was the only one who survived his betrayal."

Zinnia scowls at the man and his casual racist remarks. It's hard to tell that it's a scowl from her beak though, the the look in her eyes is much the same. Still, best not to show too much. She turns around and strides out of the inn, one hand in her pocket and the other giving a casual wave as she exits the front door. "Yeah yeah, an hour, got it. I'd be more concerned about your bedbugs by the way."

With a last glare towards the 'inn'-keeper, Terrach turns to follow the angry bird-girl. "C'mon Braxt'. We've got evils to fix." Setting down Freya, he taps his leg twice to ask her to follow. "Let's go fix them, my gem", he says to Freya. After a hiss at the smells in the 'inn', she follows.

2016-03-27, 08:30 PM
Zinnia turns to the two men following her. "Hey, thanks. Although...I already paid. I'm just going hunting."

2016-03-28, 09:58 PM
"Still costs same for her. But I can give you a group discount. Say 8 coppers for the both. And only 3 for that cat." He looked out the window at the setting sun. "You can't keep watch with just the two of you anyway. No matter how much an ass your servant is, sir. The wolves come out at night round here and we have had some passing clerics go missing. If their gods can't protect them, no way you two are surviving."

Table Flipper
2016-03-29, 03:48 PM
"Still costs same for her. But I can give you a group discount. Say 8 coppers for the both. And only 3 for that cat." He looked out the window at the setting sun. "You can't keep watch with just the two of you anyway. No matter how much an ass your servant is, sir. The wolves come out at night round here and we have had some passing clerics go missing. If their gods can't protect them, no way you two are surviving."

On his way out, Braxton goes ahead and leaves 11 coppers on the table. "Sure, whatever. Here." The innkeeper was undoubtedly rude, but having the option to stay in the inn with such a small party was probably good.

2016-03-29, 04:38 PM
"Still costs same for her. But I can give you a group discount. Say 8 coppers for the both. And only 3 for that cat." He looked out the window at the setting sun. "You can't keep watch with just the two of you anyway. No matter how much an ass your servant is, sir. The wolves come out at night round here and we have had some passing clerics go missing. If their gods can't protect them, no way you two are surviving."

Really, it's only the mention of wolves that keeps her from taking back the very shiny coppers right here and now. Instead she hisses, "And if the upstairs is as much of a nightmare as your cooking then I'll demand a refund. I'll rather take my chances with the wolves than aspergillosis."

On his way out, Braxton goes ahead and leaves 11 coppers on the table. "Sure, whatever. Here." The innkeeper was undoubtedly rude, but having the option to stay in the inn with such a small party was probably good.

Once they're outside Zinnia relaxes slightly, her feathers flattening against her head as her tail stops twitching. "Phew, Feels good to get away from the stench of that jerk! Thanks for that, by the way."

2016-03-31, 02:48 PM
As the sky darkens from the rich reds of sunset into the deeper grey of night, Zinnia manages to catch an unsuspecting rabbit for her dinner. She eats it by the remains of an old campfire that has been abandoned for what appears to be at least one week by that point. Terrach and Braxton watched the townspeople enter their homes and settle in for the night. Freya is busy stalking mice hidden in the green, breaking their necks and tossing them into the air to eat them. She drops a few dead ones at Braxton's feet and presents an uninjured live one to Terrach.

Zinnia sees this as she comes back from her hunt, just as the innkeeper looks outside. "I lock up in a couple minutes. Fresh blankets are on the beds, put two more on the floor if one of you isn't up for sharing."

2016-04-01, 11:32 AM
As the sky darkens from the rich reds of sunset into the deeper grey of night, Zinnia manages to catch an unsuspecting rabbit for her dinner. She eats it by the remains of an old campfire that has been abandoned for what appears to be at least one week by that point. Terrach and Braxton watched the townspeople enter their homes and settle in for the night. Freya is busy stalking mice hidden in the green, breaking their necks and tossing them into the air to eat them. She drops a few dead ones at Braxton's feet and presents an uninjured live one to Terrach.

Zinnia sees this as she comes back from her hunt, just as the innkeeper looks outside. "I lock up in a couple minutes. Fresh blankets are on the beds, put two more on the floor if one of you isn't up for sharing."

A bit of rabbit fur and sinew, stained blue from the berries she also found, falls from Zinnia's beak as the...not a mere house cat stalks through the grass, hunting mice and voles. The old instinctual alarm prickles down her spine, and though the tengu doesn't panic, she doesn't take her eyes off the animal as she eats.

She doesn't say anything to the innkeeper once they're back in their rooms, but she does say to Braxton and Terrach, "You can both take the bed; I'll be fine with the chair." And in fact, she climbs onto the chair and perches, wrapping a blanket around herself. It's not idea, but she's done it before and she can do it again. Besides, it's easier and faster to spring awake and into action from this position.

Table Flipper
2016-04-02, 01:49 PM
A bit of rabbit fur and sinew, stained blue from the berries she also found, falls from Zinnia's beak as the...not a mere house cat stalks through the grass, hunting mice and voles. The old instinctual alarm prickles down her spine, and though the tengu doesn't panic, she doesn't take her eyes off the animal as she eats.

She doesn't say anything to the innkeeper once they're back in their rooms, but she does say to Braxton and Terrach, "You can both take the bed; I'll be fine with the chair." And in fact, she climbs onto the chair and perches, wrapping a blanket around herself. It's not idea, but she's done it before and she can do it again. Besides, it's easier and faster to spring awake and into action from this position.

"Well... if you insist, thank you." The chair didn't look the most comfortable, and Braxton really wouldn't mind sleeping on the floor, but he guessed that Zinnia had already decided that that was what she was going to do, and that she was going to stick with it.

2016-04-02, 02:08 PM
"Fine." Terrach mutters, a bit tired now and still skeptical of the inn, and so a little grumpier than usual. Turning to Freya, his tone and behavior change: "Come on, Freya." He says patting the bed. Once he settles in, she crawls up to sleep on his beard and chest.

2016-04-02, 07:51 PM
As the group settles down, they quickly fall asleep. Zinnia's talons automatically lock onto the edge of the chair, assisting in keeping her upright. Terrach manages to fall asleep as Freya settles down with one paw placed firmly on the bridge of his nose. Braxton falls asleep as little kitten snores start to waft through the air.

After you have been asleep for a bit you are woken up by footsteps in the hall outside. The pause outside the door and then a minute later go back down the steps to the lower part of the inn.

You hear a keyring jangle and a soft squeaking before the footsteps leave.

2016-04-03, 12:05 PM
"No problem. I used to sleep this way all the time as a kid!"

The sounds of footsteps makes Zinnia crack one eye open, but it's the jangling of the keys and the squeak that makes her snap awake. She hops off the chair and carefully creeps to the door, tilting her head as she inspect the lock and listens for what might be beyond it.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception (is the door locked? Anything tampered with? Can she tell anything about who or what just walked by or the source of the squeak?): [roll1]

2016-04-03, 11:24 PM
For a brief moment Zinnia goes very, very still. "Someone locked us in," she whispers as she pulls a set of lockpicks from somewhere on her person and immediately sets to opening the door.

Assuming this opens locks: [roll0]
If that doesn't work, take 10 for 23. If that STILL doesn't work, take 20 for 33. If it doesn't work after that someone get a battering ram and fire ready.

Wish me luck tomorrow! I'm gonna need it...

2016-04-03, 11:32 PM
It doesn't take much work before Zinnia hears the click of the lock falling into place. She might have been out of practice from the time spent travelling, but the years of visiting the neighbors to "borrow" their cookware hadn't quite left her yet. There was no response from the other side of the door, the person who had been there had apparently gone.

Good Luck tomorrow Coffee! Hopefully you roll a natural 20 on Knowledge (Nature) and Profession (Vet Student)

Table: Is Braxton awake at the moment? He heard the footsteps outside. At that point he probably heard Zinnia getting up unless he went straight back to sleep.

Also is anyone planning to wake up Terrach?

2016-04-04, 11:24 AM
Zinnia allows herself a moment of satisfaction as the lock quietly pops open under her talons. She turns around, making sure that Braxton at least is awake, then quietly opens the door and creeps down the hallway in the direction of the retreating footsteps. She carefully pulls a dagger as she walks, doing her best to keep the darkened blades from catching any moonlight that filters in through the windows.

stealth and perception, right? If not please ignore.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2016-04-04, 07:37 PM
Zinnia allows herself a moment of satisfaction as the lock quietly pops open under her talons. She turns around, making sure that Braxton at least is awake, then quietly opens the door and creeps down the hallway in the direction of the retreating footsteps. She carefully pulls a dagger as she walks, doing her best to keep the darkened blades from catching any moonlight that filters in through the windows.

stealth and perception, right? If not please ignore.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

No-one is in the hallway as Zinnia examines the area. Whoever had locked the door was long gone now. Moving lights glinted out the window at the end of the hall, moving past the inn on their way out of the town.

Table Flipper
2016-04-04, 08:34 PM
Braxton goes over to Terrach and nudges him. He whispers: "Wake up, someone tried to lock us into the room." He then peaks out into the hallway, but does not step out, knowing that he is unable to be as stealthy as Zinnia.

2016-04-05, 07:53 AM
No-one is in the hallway as Zinnia examines the area. Whoever had locked the door was long gone now. Moving lights glinted out the window at the end of the hall, moving past the inn on their way out of the town.

Braxton goes over to Terrach and nudges him. He whispers: "Wake up, someone tried to lock us into the room." He then peaks out into the hallway, but does not step out, knowing that he is unable to be as stealthy as Zinnia.

Zinnia's already raised her dagger to hurl into the wall above the sleeping Terrach and grab his attention, but she lowers it as she sees Braxton shake him awake.

"It's not just that--there's weird lights outside leaving town. They might have something to do with the missing clerics we heard about, but I can't find who locked us in."

2016-04-05, 11:31 PM
As Terrach starts to move, Freya jumps off to the floor, causing him to let out a soft grunt as she pushes off of his chest. Quietly grabbing his hand axe he heads into the hallway to look out the window at these "weird lights".

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2016-04-05, 11:35 PM
As the group slowly and carefully approaches the window, they can see that the departing lights are in fact torches. And a size-able group of people is carrying them. Terrach can tell from the direction they are traveling in that they are headed to the dirt mounds outside of town.

2016-04-05, 11:38 PM
"People out. Going to those grave mounds. Odd time for a funeral.?." Terrach whispers to the group.

Table Flipper
2016-04-06, 12:29 AM
"Quite and odd time," Braxton whispers back. "I'm guessing whoever locked the door doesn't want us to see what's going on for... some reason. I figure that means we should investigate further."

2016-04-07, 12:48 PM
"Torches at night? Could also be a riot," Zinnia whispers. She heads outside the room again, twirling a dagger between her feathers. "What are we waiting for then?"

2016-04-07, 01:08 PM
Terrach goes back to the room and quickly gathers his gear. Let's do it. He says as he heads down the stairs, with Freya next to him.

Table Flipper
2016-04-08, 03:39 PM
Braxton grabs his weapons and his shield, but decides to leave his armor behind. Hard to be stealthy in breastplate. "I'm ready."

In addition to leaving the armor behind, he is also leaving his bedroll/blanket/1 waterskin. I guess the breastplate is in the BoH, but the other two armors are just in the room. I really ought to sell those at some point. He is also currently at light load.

2016-04-09, 05:49 PM
As the group leaves the inn to follow the disappearing torches, Terrach, Freya and Zinnia easily melt into the night. The full moon lit their way, the three of them clearly seeing the small branches, ruts in the road and pebbles that might have tripped them up. Braxton did not notice these small items, causing the whole group to wince whenever they heard the shifting of stones or the small snap of branches. But as they followed the torch bearers, they remained unnoticed.

They managed to get to the edge of the mounds that Braxton and Terrach had passed on their way into town. There the gathered people had stopped and as the three heads peered out from their hiding spot behind the mound they could see that the gathered people, numbering around 20 individuals, were carrying bundles of wood and shovels. Two of the shovel carriers were digging in the central mound, supervised by what the group recognized to be the innkeeper.

As they watched the diggers struck something, signalling to the others in the group. The digging proceeded faster, this time followed by the lifting of a long wooden box. The diggers placed it on the mound, stepping back and whispering in hushed tones. The innkeeper spoke, his words causing silence in the crowd."Pure as Air" The crowd repeated his words "Pure as Air."

"Strong as Earth"
"Strong as Earth"

"Mind like Fire"
"Mind like Fire"

"Spirit of Water"
"Spirit of Water

"This night we learn of the second test. Of the second trial. If the gods attention is PAID! If a blessing is EARNED!" The crowd gathered closer around the box, blocking the groups view of it. They heard the creaking of nails being pried from wood, the groan of splintering. Then a hush.

The crowd parted just enough to reveal the scene as the innkeeper pulled a young, blonde half-elf out of the box. Even without the cloth gag in her mouth and the arms tied behind her back, one thing was clear from the look in her eyes. She was VERY unhappy. As she struggled against the man's grip her head focused and her eyes met Braxton's. The angry look disappeared for a second, replaced by confusion and a little speck of hope.

2016-04-09, 06:03 PM
The crowd parted just enough to reveal the scene as the innkeeper pulled a young, blonde half-elf out of the box. Even without the cloth gag in her mouth and the arms tied behind her back, one thing was clear from the look in her eyes. She was VERY unhappy. As she struggled against the man's grip her head focused and her eyes met Braxton's. The angry look disappeared for a second, replaced by confusion and a little speck of hope.

The half-elf didn't bother with trying to untie her hands to escape, but tried to kick at the innkeeper in a very sensitive location. To be fair, they hadn't tied her legs.

Yes, my character's first action is to try to kick him in the groin.

Attack: [roll0]

2016-04-09, 06:57 PM
The half-elf didn't bother with trying to untie her hands to escape, but tried to kick at the innkeeper in a very sensitive location. To be fair, they hadn't tied her legs.

Yes, my character's first action is to try to kick him in the groin.

Attack: [roll0]

The man quickly let go of the elf, doubling over onto the ground. She quickly took the opportunity to break free, the crowd standing in shock did not try to grab her. As she neared the mound where the group lay, the innkeeper managed to raise his hand and point at her. "GET HER! GET HER NOW!!"

Most of the people in the crowd stood slack-jawed, trying to process what had just happened. The two men who had started the digging were focused though. Each dropped the shovel they held and standing upright grabbed something that was around their necks and chanted a series of words pointing at the half-elf.

Spellcraft to ID spell, DC 14 Will save to not be affected Laurel''

Laurel felt the first spell take hold, freezing her mid escape. She could still breath and her eyes darted back and forth as she failed to will her legs forward.

Next Up: Terrach, Freya, Braxton

Table Flipper
2016-04-11, 01:00 PM
Braxton took note of the spell they appeared to cast on the half-elf, trying to see if he recognized it. He then decided it was time to act. He could not in good conscience stay hidden, since it seemed to Braxton that the half-elf likely didn't deserve this, so he climbed up on the mound next to the half-elf, and held up his holy symbol:

"Citizens, I am a Paladin of Gerana, Goddess of Justice! Tell me, what has this half-elf done to you to incur this sort of wrath? Perhaps we can come to some mutual agreement!"

Braxton sincerely hoped this could be resolved peacefully. If nothing else, this might draw attention away from the stealthier members of the group...

Move to O14.
Spellcraft Check (if not performing too many other actions): [roll0]
Diplomacy Check (if applicable): [roll1]

2016-04-11, 01:59 PM
He whispers to Freya and points to the next mound. She darts there quietly and swiftly. Thinking it is best not to get involved until Braxton's proposal works or fails, Terrach remains hidden, stroking his beard and murmuring a spell, before he quietly drawing his axes.

Handle Animal (though I don't think I need it with DC 10 to Handle Animal to use a trick of sneak to the next mound): [roll0] to have her move to P7.

Cast Ironbeard on myself, if I can do so while remaining hidden(it has verbal and somatic components, but I can whisper, right?).
I don' t know, but if I need to, Stealth check to stay hidden if casting hurt my stealth: [roll1]

Then Draw my axes.

2016-04-11, 06:48 PM
Braxton took note of the spell they appeared to cast on the half-elf, trying to see if he recognized it. He then decided it was time to act. He could not in good conscience stay hidden, since it seemed to Braxton that the half-elf likely didn't deserve this, so he climbed up on the mound next to the half-elf, and held up his holy symbol:

"Citizens, I am a Paladin of Gerana, Goddess of Justice! Tell me, what has this half-elf done to you to incur this sort of wrath? Perhaps we can come to some mutual agreement!"

Braxton sincerely hoped this could be resolved peacefully. If nothing else, this might draw attention away from the stealthier members of the group...

Move to O14.
Spellcraft Check (if not performing too many other actions): [roll0]
Diplomacy Check (if applicable): [roll1]

He whispers to Freya and points to the next mound. She darts there quietly and swiftly. Thinking it is best not to get involved until Braxton's proposal works or fails, Terrach remains hidden, stroking his beard and murmuring a spell, before he quietly drawing his axes.

Handle Animal (though I don't think I need it with DC 10 to Handle Animal to use a trick of sneak to the next mound): [roll0] to have her move to P7.

Cast Ironbeard on myself, if I can do so while remaining hidden(it has verbal and somatic components, but I can whisper, right?).
I don' t know, but if I need to, Stealth check to stay hidden if casting hurt my stealth: [roll1]

Then Draw my axes.

Some of the gathered crowd looked toward each other, uncertain how to act at the new arrival. Braxton towered over the crowd, his holy symbol glinting gently as the torches light reached it. At the mention of his goddess, Gerana, some of the looks grew angry and fearful.

His actions did manage to distract the crowd as Freya darted over to the other mound and Terrach prepared for a fight.

Gerana, and Calduane (the country that Braxton is from) are known for their forced conversions during the many border disputes that have occurred in the triangle of land between Calduane, The Freeports and the Lakelands. Small towns were often commandeered as bases and the young men of the villages recruited into manadotory service in the name of Gerana.

The innkeeper stared at Braxton, trying to figure out where he came from. Snapping out of it he pointed at the paladin. "He seeks to prevent your salvation! End him now and return the vessel!" Still staring Braxton down, the innkeeper smirked and gave a quick wave, muttering a few words and then disappearing from sight.

At his disappearance, some of the crowd (already spooked by the appearance of Braxton) dropped whatever shovels, torches or wood they carried and ran.

2016-04-11, 07:54 PM
Some of the gathered crowd looked toward each other, uncertain how to act at the new arrival. Braxton towered over the crowd, his holy symbol glinting gently as the torches light reached it. At the mention of his goddess, Gerana, some of the looks grew angry and fearful.

His actions did manage to distract the crowd as Freya darted over to the other mound and Terrach prepared for a fight.

Gerana, and Calduane (the country that Braxton is from) are known for their forced conversions during the many border disputes that have occurred in the triangle of land between Calduane, The Freeports and the Lakelands. Small towns were often commandeered as bases and the young men of the villages recruited into manadotory service in the name of Gerana.

The innkeeper stared at Braxton, trying to figure out where he came from. Snapping out of it he pointed at the paladin. "He seeks to prevent your salvation! End him now and return the vessel!" Still staring Braxton down, the innkeeper smirked and gave a quick wave, muttering a few words and then disappearing from sight.

At his disappearance, some of the crowd (already spooked by the appearance of Braxton) dropped whatever shovels, torches or wood they carried and ran.

Will save: [roll0]

Knowledge (History) [roll1]

Laurel remained frozen, but now she appeared nearly as afraid of Braxton as of the angry mob.

2016-04-11, 08:17 PM
What. The. ****?! Zinnia momentarily freezes, trying to make any sort of sense out of this deranged visual.

Nope. Nothing. The only think she can think is that these creepy-ass villagers just did something with burying that woman alive (she shudders at the thought, can practically feel her feathers go white with horror) and then froze her as she tried to flee. Oh, and now that dripping cloaca of an innkeeper threatened her and Braxton. Zinnias not normally one to jump to someone's defense but this is just too much. She breaks cover, a dark flash that blends in with the night, and stands by the woman frozen in place with her daggers out and an intense glare in her shimmering red eyes. Anyone who's trying anything with her is getting a knife to the throat.

Zinnia is running to guard Laurel and drawing her blades. She is going to ready an action--dagger anyone who attacks or moves to attack her, Braxton, Terrach, Freya, or Laurel.

Knowledge (local): [roll0]
Knowledge (history): [roll1]

Do you want anything else.

2016-04-11, 09:15 PM
More of the gathered crowd broke ranks and fled at the sight of Zinnia. The remaining crowd drew their daggers and attacked the most recent, understandable threat. They seem rather inexperienced at attacking, more driven by fury than skill. Zinnia manages to dodge all but the last blade as it slices deeply into her arm, removing a few feathers in the process.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack: [roll3]
Crit: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Attack: [roll6]
Crit: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

Attack: [roll9] Should be 23 since he is flanking forgot to edit that in.
Crit: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

One of the men still on the mound held up his symbol again, chanting words while glaring at Braxton.

You feel less sure of your own abilities as you combat a feeling of rising dread. -1 to attack rolls and -1 to saves vs fear until stated otherwise.

The other focused on Zinnia, chanting a spitted series of words, apparently annoyed she would dare protect the half-elf woman.
You are filled with a deep sense of dread and are shaken

A shaken character takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. Shaken is a less severe state of fear than frightened or panicked.

Table Flipper
2016-04-11, 10:55 PM
Well then... Braxton had sincerely hoped to avoid conflict, but it didn't always work out that way. Braxton noticed the men on the other mound continuing to cast spells, and that they seemed more dangerous than the people below, so he took advantage of the high ground to fire above his allies at one of the spell casters.

Fire shortbow at 19.
Attack: [roll0]
Crit? (20, x3): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2016-04-11, 11:00 PM
Deciding that diplomacy has failed, Terrach breaks cover. After calling to Freya and pointing to one of the attackers, he moves within sight of the casters, he stashes his War Axe and instead draws his hammer to hurl at the casters, hoping it hits, despite his unshakable feeling that it will fly off into the woods.

Just want to make sure I am not overtaking actions:
Free Action to Handle Freya, due to Link ability (to move, attack, and trip?). Free Action as part of move action to sheathe Axe and draw Hammer (can do two because of two-weapon fighting feat(?)), Move action to P11, then standard action to attack.

Handle animal DC10 (I don't think I need to roll this, since my modifier is +10 for Freya)???

Freya moves to O15 and attacks #10, attempting to trip him.
Attack: [roll0]
Crit?: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Trip-free as part of Bite attack, if bite hits:
CMB roll: [roll3] :::+4 if I can use dex instead of str in trip CMB, as it is part of a weapon finessed attack? (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/weapon-finesse-combat---final) I want to be sure.

Move to P11.
Throw Light Hammer at #19:
Attack: [roll4]
Crit?: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

2016-04-16, 01:00 AM
Both projectiles sent by Braxton and Terrach miss their respective targets. But Freya, with a meow of disdain for the silly bipeds, jumped into the fray. She bit one of the mens ankles, using the pain and her tiny bulk to throw him off balance. She yowled loudly to alert the "to big to eat yet" bird that she had given her a present.

During the commotion a small snake appeared out of nowhere on the grass in front of Terrach, slowly slithering its way toward the dwarf. Once it reached him it opened its mouth wide revealing two sharp pointed fangs. Then it lunged, aiming for his leg.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + DC 9 vs [roll3]
Terrach takes 1 damage

The bite barely slipped past his boot, drawing a little blood from the site of the bite. Terrach feels a slight rush of cold travel up his leg, but it quickly dissipates.

Laurel and Zinnia are up

2016-04-16, 01:36 AM
Laurel managed to look mildly annoyed at the sounds of fighting behind her. At the very least, she could have been frozen in a position to see what was going on!

Will save: [roll0]

Made it! 5 foot step to O12 (moved on map already)

2016-04-17, 09:33 AM
"Ow!" Zinnia easily backsteps and avoids the first few strikes, but the last one catches her by surprise and carves off a few feathers along with leaving a slash on her arm. "You shouldn't have done that!" she caws out as she flings two daggers (which reappear in her belt moments later) into the exposed throat of the person that Freya had pounced and pinned. Fighting with a cat--who would have ever thought it?

Attack 1: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] plus sneak attack: [roll3]
Crit damage: [roll4]

Attack 2: [roll5]
Crit: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] plus sneak attack: [roll8]
Crit damage{ [roll9]

Note that Zinnia has the bleeding sneak attack rogue talent, so this person takes 2 extra damage (This attack causes the target to take 1 additional point of damage each round for each die of the rogue's sneak attack (e.g., 4d6 equals 4 points of bleed). Bleeding creatures take that amount of damage every round at the start of each of their turns. The bleeding can be stopped by a successful DC 15 Heal check or the application of any effect that heals hit point damage.)

For her debilitating strike she uses bewildered (-2 to AC, -4 against me).

2016-04-18, 01:47 AM
The first dagger lodges into place in the man's throat as Laurel stumbles forward finally freed from the spell. The man on the ground spasms a couple times as blood spurts from his throat, dying Freya's fur red in patches. But the man quickly lays still as the bleeding stops. The dagger in his throat disappears, reappearing on Zinnia's belt.

One of the men on the mound stepped forward and touched the unconscious man in front of Zinnia. "<Abyssal>Join me.</Abyssal>"A softly rushing wind sounded and he grinned, looking at the bird in front of him. The unconscious man now lay dead, his face frozen in a look of fear. The man who touched him glows slightly with the stolen lifeforce, but a look of annoyance is evident on his face.


The other man from the mound stepped forward a large grin on his face. Holding his holy symbol up high he chanted a series of words in what sounded like a vengeful prayer. A wave of cold swept through the party, feeling like they had been attacked in their very souls.
Damage: [roll1]

SC 8,9,19 & self
S: [roll2]

The snake that had bitten Terrach shuddered in pain before blinking out of existence.

Next Up: Terrach, Braxton, Freya

Table Flipper
2016-04-18, 01:46 PM
Braxton manages to shrug off some of the attack, but with disgust he looks at the man who stole life from his unconscious ally. Just how evil was this man?

Detect evil on the aforementioned life stealer.
On the Paladin page, it says this about detect evil: "At will, a paladin can use detect evil, as the spell. A paladin can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is evil, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the paladin does not detect evil in any other object or individual within range."

It's a bit vague, but am I correct in guessing that the move action they mention is in addition to the standard action the spell typically is? If so, I figure I do not get to attack this turn.

2016-04-18, 02:17 PM
Detect evil on the aforementioned life stealer.
On the Paladin page, it says this about detect evil: "At will, a paladin can use detect evil, as the spell. A paladin can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is evil, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the paladin does not detect evil in any other object or individual within range."

It's a bit vague, but am I correct in guessing that the move action they mention is in addition to the standard action the spell typically is? If so, I figure I do not get to attack this turn.either as spell for multiple or on 1 creature as a move action

2016-04-18, 08:12 PM
Seeing the snake in front of him vanish, and hearing Freya's cry, Terrach calls: "Freya, to me!" This way he could better protect her. Together, they move to one of the spell casters.

Freya moves to K11, moving around, so as not to get to close (provoke AOO's).
Terrach moves to L11 (provoking AOO from 8. Maybe from 20??? I don't know if that happens, since I am attacking 20). Both attack #20

We're still getting -1 on all attacks, I believe.

Bite Attack: [roll0]
Crit?: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Trip, CMB roll: [roll3]

Main Hand
Attack: [roll4]
Crit?: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Attack: [roll7]
Crit?: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

2016-04-18, 11:09 PM
As Terrach passed by the two men they used the opportunity to strike out at him.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

20: You do move out of a threatened square he is threatening.
Attack: [roll3]
Crit: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

His blows hit at the same time as Braxton's leaving the man injured but alive.

You can see a moderate aura of evil coming from 19

Attack: [roll6]
Crit: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

A bolt flew from seemingly nowhere, flying toward Braxton. Slowly the innkeeper dissolved into view, clearly crossbow in hand.

Both men in front of Zinnia stabbed at her again, the one further south stepping next to his comrade.

Also I forgot but Coffee remembering that throwing a dagger from now on will attract an attack of opportunity.

Attack: [roll9]
Crit: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

Attack: [roll12]
Crit: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14]

Next Up: Laurel and Zinnia

Initiative Order:
C 19-20
Terrach, Braxton, Freya
FT 7-10
Laurel, Zinnia

2016-04-19, 11:14 PM
Zinnia stares in horror as the man sucks the life out of the person she killed and another one lashes out at her with something she can't see but still makes her feel sick and cold inside. "What the **** are you?!" she asks--part to them, part to Laurel, and part rhetorically. No way in hell is she letting them anywhere near that girl now. "Somebody immobilize them!" she shouts as she steps back and flings two more daggers at the man who stole the life from his ally.

5 foot step back then attack creepy life sucking guy with two flung daggers. Unless that provokes an AoO, in which case stab twice without throwing the daggers, THEN step back. Either way, I sadly don't get sneak attack.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Crit confirm: [roll1] actuall +8 but doesn't matter
Damage: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

Attack 2: [roll4]
Crit confirm: [roll5] Actually +8 but doesn't matter
Damage: [roll6]
Crit damage: [roll7]

2016-04-19, 11:39 PM
Laurel watched the man suck the life out of his companion with surprise. Necromancy? Here? She turned tail and fled, shuddering slightly at the thought of someone using such a thing on her.

She stopped behind the noisy paladin, being fairly sure his side was a little less likely to kill her to death with evil magic. Besides, the mound provided a bit of cover.

Move action to R15, enter total defense for a +4 dodge bonus to AC, for a total AC of 16.

2016-04-20, 12:15 AM
The man in front of Terrach stepped back and laid a hand on the man next to him, clutching his holy symbol tightly. The man he touch raised his symbol to the air and spoke the same chant the party had . Again, waves of cold swept through the party.

Damage: [roll0]
SC 8,9,20 & self (20)
19 healing 20 for [roll1]

2016-04-20, 08:19 AM
As another wave of cold pain broke on them, Terrach fears for Freya. Touching his belt, he lets loose a strong dose of the energy stored within. Desperate to stop the chilling waves, the two move to surround the source of them.

Use belt of healing (2 charges) on Freya: [roll0]
Handle Animal check, DC12: [roll1]
Freya moves to J14, Terrach clambers up the mound to K12.
Freya strikes, trying to prevent further attacks
Bite Attack: [roll2]
Crit?: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Trip: [roll5]

Table Flipper
2016-04-20, 04:11 PM
Braxton shakes off some of the attack once again, but decides it's time to close the gap. Sensing the evil coming from the life-stealer, he draws his warhammer and calls: "Gerana! Lend me strength to combat this evil!" He then closes to melee (using his mobility to avoid the peasant) and attacks.

Swift action. Adds charisma bonus to attack and damage rolls against target of smite (19) if said target is evil. Also adds charisma bonus to AC when defending from attacks of target.

Move to L14. My increased movement from not wearing armor should allow me to move to row 15 (diagonally) to avoid AoO from 9. Attack 19 with warhammer.

Attack: [roll0] (+2 more if I am in fact flanking, I think? I don't know if I am, though)
Crit? (20, x3): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2016-04-20, 11:38 PM
Freya was flanking so +2
Same for Braxton

Freya barely managed to bite through the mans pants, cutting into his ankle. Meanwhile Braxton's blow caught the man in front of him off guard, sending him collapsing to the ground.

Will post attacks later tonight

2016-04-20, 11:49 PM
The innkeeper knelt down, cranking a winch to reload his crossbow.

The two still living dagger wielder's again lunged forward to attack Zinnia.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack: [roll3]
Crit: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Now Up: Laurel, Zinnia

2016-04-21, 03:13 PM
Laurel thought about running, but stopped when she heard Freya make pitiful kitten noises when hit by the enemy's magic. She couldn't let them kill a defenseless little cat. She had standards.

Laurel ran closer to the fighting, winding up next to the poor little kitty who... Wasn't very little after all. Perspective was weird sometimes.

Actions: double move action to I15- I cannot alter the map from my phone, but I will do it when I get home. Map updated

2016-04-21, 04:02 PM
Zinnia easily parries the two attacks then lunges, a black streak nearly invisible against the night.

Step forward, attack 9, then 8 if 9 dies and there's an attack left for 8.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

Attack 2: [roll4]
Crit: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Crit damage: [roll7]

Back to work!

2016-05-01, 06:49 PM
The remaining cleric raised his hands, clutching his holy symbol so tightly that those around him could see the whiteness on his knuckles. As he chanted he stepped away from the group.

The man Zinnia hit looked stunned, staring down at the red slowly spreading across his chest.

Damage: [roll0]

Next up:Terrach, Braxton, Freya

2016-05-01, 07:25 PM
Terrach gives Braxton a nod of thanks for felling the first caster. He turns his attention, and his trusty axes, to the remaining caster beside him:
First, Handle animal check for Freya, DC12: [roll0]
Main Hand
Attack: [roll1] (Flanking +2, lasting spell effect -1)
Crit?: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]


Attack: [roll4] (Flanking +2, lasting spell effect -1)
Crit?: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Freya crouches in a hiss as the wave of energy strikes her then bounds around to strike the back of the sorcerer's ankles.If successful HA check:
Move to I11
Attack, Bite: [roll7] (Flanking +2, lasting spell effect -1), He has +1 AC from mound
Crit?: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]
Trip, if attack hits: [roll10] (My research seems to indicate that flanking applies also to CM's)

Table Flipper
2016-05-01, 11:14 PM
Another cold wave. "Thank you, Gerana, but another servant of evil still stands. Please, grant me your strength once more." Braxton then moves to attack the other caster on the mound.

Swift action: 2nd use of smite evil, on 20 (admittedly, I never checked his alignment, but probably evil)
Move to J13 and attack 20

Attack: [roll0] (+3 if target is in fact evil, and +2 if flanking, and of course +1 to 20's AC)
Crit? (20, x3): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] (+3 if target is evil)

2016-05-04, 11:01 PM
Braxton and Terrach's attacks combined managed to bring the second caster to his knees, leaving him alive but struggling to to breath and unable to attack. Seeing this the severely injured man fighting Zinnia started to flee. The other man chose to stay and fight, stabbing at the bird woman's wing.

20 is disabled.
9 is fleeing and Zinnia gets an AoO if she chooses.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

FS: [roll3]

Seeing this the innkeeper roared in anger. "COWARDS! The gods will smite you in your sleep for your fear!" He glared at Laurel. "You." He raised the primed crossbow and let a bolt loose. "This is all your doing." He spat the words out before backing up some more.

Attack: [roll4]
Crit: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

2016-05-05, 10:35 PM
Seeing this the innkeeper roared in anger. "COWARDS! The gods will smite you in your sleep for your fear!" He glared at Laurel. "You." He raised the primed crossbow and let a bolt loose. "This is all your doing." He spat the words out before backing up some more.

Attack: [roll4]
Crit: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Laurel squawks indignantly as the innkeeper shoots at her, backing up to a less exposed position.

Move Action:
Move to V15

Standard Action:
enter total defense (+4 to AC for a total of 16)

2016-05-05, 10:41 PM
"Ow!" Zinnia shouts as the man slashes her arm, couging deep and exposing some of the muscle. "I could use a little help here!" she shouts as she attacks the man again.

Attacking 8, the guy who stabbed her.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Crit 1: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

Attack 2: [roll4]
Crit 2: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Crit damage: [roll7]

2016-05-16, 12:07 AM
The man Zinnia stabbed fell over as the blood poured out of the twin wounds on his chest. The disabled cleric held a hand to his side and stepped away from the group slowly and in pain. He held up one hand, trying to protect from blows.

Up Now: Terrach, Braxton, Freya

2016-05-16, 01:53 PM
Seeing the man who had caused Freya so much pain on the ground, Terrach smiles a bit. He motions Freya down, she doesn't need to take part in killing a mostly helpless man; he will bear that burden himself. He swings once again.

Handle animal to get Freya to stop attacking: [roll0] DC 12.
Attack 20.
Attack: [roll1] (((+2 flanking, -1 spell effect.)))
Crit?: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Crit?: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Table Flipper
2016-05-16, 03:06 PM
Braxton prepares to offer a surrender as Terrach's attack just completely tears into the wounded man. "Terrach! What are you doing!? That wasn't necessary!" After a moment of disbelief, Braxton shakes it off and looks around to assess the situation. The remaining opponents appeared to be fleeing (though perhaps keeping an eye on the innkeeper wasn't a bad idea), so he decided to stabilize the other caster that was bleeding out, evil though he may be.

Move to S13 and attempt to stabilize 19 with a heal check. [roll0]

I'll leave it at that, since I think we are still in combat. If we are no longer, I would also use my gladius to cut Laurel's ropes and give her some food and water.

2016-05-17, 01:45 PM
Braxton prepares to offer a surrender as Terrach's attack just completely tears into the wounded man. "Terrach! What are you doing!? That wasn't necessary!"

Hearing Braxton's words, Terrach stops mid-swing, his axes inches from the man's neck. Thoughts came flooding back to him, displacing the blinding anger. His axes clatter to the ground and he stares at the man cowering before him.
He steps around the man to embrace Freya and remains there, crouching by his companion.

Am I able to stop the attack, as Braxton's actions are at the same time as mine? Would it need a reflex save or something? After sleeping on it, I believe it fits the character.

Oh, move to Q12.

2016-05-18, 09:04 PM
The last townsperson fled from the scene, holding his wounded side as he limped away. The innkeeper cursed again and started ratcheting another bolt into his crossbow.

Up Next: Zinnia and Laurel

2016-05-20, 10:52 AM
Remaining in full defense. Laurel's AC is currently 16.

2016-05-22, 10:46 PM
"Hey, someone get that jackass innkeeper!" Zinnia shours as she runs up past the next building and flings a dagger at the cursing man. "And heal me!"

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

2016-05-24, 10:28 PM
The injured man looked at the cursing innkeeper, then over at his fallen comrade. He started to laugh, staring straight at Laurel. He spat on the ground next to him, and not looking away from the young half-elf he spoke. His words were unintelligible, in a language that twisted the ears to hear. He then grasped his holy symbol and chanted, eyes never leaving Laurel's.


The dark energy spread out, hitting everyone except the innkeeper. The man bleeding out on the ground spasmed and then stopped breathing. The man who had cast the spell slowly fell forward, finally breaking eye contact with Laurel.

Braxton, Terrach, Freya now up

Everyone takes 8 damage.

2016-05-25, 12:36 AM
As Freya collapses, Terrach cries out. He cradles her and activates the last charge of his belt.


When she rises and mews fiercely, Terrach breathes a sigh of great relief. Now what do you say we go get that innkeeper.?. He grabs his fallen axes, checks to make sure the bastard is dead, and then they move towards the innkeeper, Terrach keeping himself between Freya and the crossbow.

Move to Terrach: M12 and Freya: N11.

Table Flipper
2016-05-25, 11:00 AM
Braxton was in disbelief (well, not so much, given their prior actions). The man had just killed himself and his partner for the sake of that attack. Anyway, enough of that twisted energy. It was time for a change of pace. Braxton pulled out his own holy symbol and chanted softer words. A wave a warm, healing energy flowed through the party. Braxton then advanced behind the dirt mound closest to the innkeeper.

Now that there are only allies remaining within 30ft, time to try out channeling positive energy. Everyone within 30ft (i.e., the entire party) will recover a number of hitpoints equal to the roll result.

Channel Positive Energy: [roll0]

Afterwards, move to O14.

2016-05-25, 05:39 PM
The innkeeper raised his crossbow again, aiming it at Zinnia.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

His curses seemed to be even louder as the bolt failed to hit Zinnia, instead penetrating the ground near one of the mounds.

Everyone is up

Table Flipper
2016-05-25, 07:32 PM
Braxton chanted some more words, and another wave of vitalizing energy flowed through the nearby party members. He then climbed up on the mound and looked at the innkeeper. "It's just you versus all of us now. There is still time for you to lay down your weapon and talk to us."

Channel positive energy again. All party members except Laurel (sorry, out of range) get healed the amount.

CPE: [roll0]
Note: 1 use of LoH left for the day.
Move to M14.
Diplomacy, if applicable (think this would be a swift action at most): [roll1]

2016-05-26, 11:24 AM
The injured man looked at the cursing innkeeper, then over at his fallen comrade. He started to laugh, staring straight at Laurel. He spat on the ground next to him, and not looking away from the young half-elf he spoke. His words were unintelligible, in a language that twisted the ears to hear. He then grasped his holy symbol and chanted, eyes never leaving Laurel's.


The dark energy spread out, hitting everyone except the innkeeper. The man bleeding out on the ground spasmed and then stopped breathing. The man who had cast the spell slowly fell forward, finally breaking eye contact with Laurel.

Laurel looked at the cleric with as much hate as she could muster until he finally fell dead. She started to tug again at the ties around her wrists, before noticing a discarded dagger near one of the dead men. Completely ignoring the continuing fight, she grabbed the weapon as best she could, directing it toward the ropes.

Escape artist check: [roll0]
I have been informed that using tools should grant a bonus- sadly, I do not know what this bonus should be.

2016-05-26, 07:31 PM
Not wanting to interrupt Braxton's attempt at reason, despite his suspicions that it would fail, given the actions of the sorcerer after Terrach's sparing of his life, Terrach moves to cut off the innkeeper's escape, Freya bounding a bit ahead.

Double move to G13 (Terrach)
Double move to G16 (Freya)

2016-05-26, 07:51 PM
Zinnia rushes forward, not quite close enough to get into melee but close enough to fling another dagger into the side of the innkeeper. As the dagger returns to her belt, she shouts, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

2016-05-26, 08:56 PM
Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

2016-05-28, 02:16 AM
Zinnia's dagger pierced the innkeeper's side, leaving a bleeding wound as it teleported back to her belt. Holding a hand over the wound he glared at her and stepped forward a dagger appearing in his hand as he slashed down on the woman.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Table Flipper
2016-05-28, 11:40 AM
Well, that went more or less as expected, unfortunately. Braxton moves forward and attacks the innkeeper.

Move to J15 and attack with warhammer.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit? (20, x3): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2016-05-28, 12:32 PM
Laurel continued to awkwardly pry and cut at the cord binding her hands.

Escape artist: [roll0]

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2016-05-28, 01:11 PM
It's over, you sick bastard. Terrach declares as he steps up to strike the man, Freya biting at his ankles.

Terrach: 5-foot step to H13.
Main Hand
Attack: [roll0] (+2 flanking, -1 spell effect calculated in for all of these.)
Crit?: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack: [roll3]
Crit?: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Freya: 5-foot step to H15.
Attack: [roll6]
Crit?: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]
Trip(if hit): [roll9]

2016-06-01, 06:02 PM
"Oh, and by the way?" Zinnia says as she sidesteps and strikes out twice, quick as a flash, "Your inn sucks!"

Attack 1: [roll0]
Crit 1: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] plus sneak attack: [roll3]
Crit damage: [roll4]

Attack 2: [roll5]
Crit 2: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] plus sneak attack: [roll8]
Crit damage: [roll9]

Add 2 bleed damage from the bleeding attack rogue talent.
Debilitating injury: Bewildered (-2 to AC, -4 AC from Zinnia's attacks)

Wow Zinnia's having bad luck today.

2016-06-02, 09:20 PM
As Laurel fiddled with the knife she managed to cut her bonds. They loosed perceptibly, but Laurel could tell it would take a few more seconds to completely free herself from the layers of rope without further damaging her wrists which were looking rather chapped and coarse.

Of those that struck at the innkeeper only Braxton hit, his warhammer slamming into the innkeeper's ribs with a noticeable crunching sound.

The man looked weary and bloody but he fought on all the same. This time he looked around and realized he was surrounded. Stepping to the side he, slashed at the small cat attacking him.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Attacks ALWAYS do a minimum of 1 damage. 1 damage against Freya

2016-06-02, 09:59 PM
"You don't touch her!!!" Terrach yells as he strikes at the man again.

Freya crouches and hisses at the scratch, then strikes back with a swiftness only a cat can achieve.

Handle animal DC 12 [roll0]
Using Power Attack: -2 attack for +4 damage
Main Hand
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Power Attack: -2 attack for +2 damage, since off-hand has half the bonus, apparently
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Attack: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Trip (if hit): [roll7]

2016-06-02, 10:03 PM
As Laurel fiddled with the knife she managed to cut her bonds. They loosed perceptibly, but Laurel could tell it would take a few more seconds to completely free herself from the layers of rope without further damaging her wrists which were looking rather chapped and coarse.

Laurel frees her hands as quickly as possible. She immediately uses them to make a very rude gesture at the inkeeper, then rubs her wrists, wincing and probably making it worse.

Table Flipper
2016-06-03, 10:58 AM
Braxton continues his attack.

Attack innkeeper with warhammer.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit? (20, x3): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2016-06-03, 03:34 PM
Grinding her beak in frustration, Zinnia lashes out again. "You have the worst food I've ever tasted, and I've eaten week-old carrion!"

Attack 1: [roll0]
Crit 1: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] plus sneak attack: [roll3]
Crit damage: [roll4]

Attack 2: [roll5]
Crit 2: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] plus sneak attack: [roll8]
Crit damage: [roll9]

Add 2 bleed damage from the bleeding attack rogue talent.
Debilitating injury: Bewildered (-2 to AC, -4 AC from Zinnia's attacks)

2016-06-03, 08:40 PM
As the man tried to stem the bleeding that Freya opened up in his leg, Braxton's hammer came down, snapping the bones of his arm. He started to topple forward when out of the flickering light a black shape darted forward.

SLASH! SLASH! The movements were almost too quick to see. Zinnia's blades retreated, dripping blood that still was warm if anyone had the nerve to touch it. The innkeeper looked startled, now falling backwards from the force of the blows. A clean X across his chest revealed more of the blood now spilling onto the grass outside the circle of mounds. He was dead before he hit the ground, his eyes wide open as if shocked at his own mortality.

Combat is over

2016-06-04, 10:48 AM
"Knew I didn't like that guy, but the whole darn town? What a messed up place." Terrach kneels and examines Freya's scratch. It was a minor cut and she is already licking it clean, so he decides to leave her to tend to it as she seems to have it under control. He gives her a few strokes of her back before yelling to the half-elf. "Oi, you, how long did those bastards keep you down there?"

Table Flipper
2016-06-04, 11:28 AM
Braxton looked at the innkeeper and shook his head in pity. What had driven him, and the whole town, to such madness?

He went over to the half-elf and offered her his waterskin and one of his trail rations. "Please, take these. My name is Braxton, by the way. What is your name?"

2016-06-04, 06:21 PM
He gives her a few strokes of her back before yelling to the half-elf. "Oi, you, how long did those bastards keep you down there?"

Laurel pushes her tangled blonde hair out of her eyes and clears her throat before replying. "Weeks? Months? I have no idea. Long enough they were surprised to see me alive and kicking." As bad as she looks, Laurel sounds (and smells) much worse. In comparison, her clothing is shockingly clean and unwrinkled.

He went over to the half-elf and offered her his waterskin and one of his trail rations. "Please, take these. My name is Braxton, by the way. What is your name?"

She warily snatches the waterskin and takes a long drink before replying. "I'm Laurel. Thank you for... You know. Getting all paladin-y or whatever you call it." As she talks, she walks over to the cleric that had so insulted her and begins pawing through his things. "A whole squad of Paladins, out here in the sticks... Who would have thought? I can heal you a little, if you're interested. Looks like your kitten needs it, but you might want to know that I'm with Fharlanghn. I don't know if your God would be okay with that.

2016-06-04, 11:18 PM
As Laurel went through the bodies she felt the bodies click slightly as she revealed chainmail under their clothing. The innkeeper had some items tucked into the pockets of his clothing as well as all the weapons. Laurel specifically noticed a nice ring on the innkeeper's finger.

2016-06-04, 11:58 PM
As Laurel went through the bodies she felt the bodies click slightly as she revealed chainmail under their clothing. The innkeeper had some items tucked into the pockets of his clothing as well as all the weapons. Laurel specifically noticed a nice ring on the innkeeper's finger.

Laurel tosses the mystery ring to Braxton and picks up the unholy symbol, holding it at arms length as if it might bite her.

It's probably best to know which gods we've made enemies of.
Holy symbol belongs to whom?

Knowledge (religion): [roll0]

"Looks like I've made enemies of... an elemental mush. Never seen anything like it before, except in this one old book." She traces the elements with one finger. "Air, fire, earth, water, ancient signs all mushed together like they're melting." She suddenly looks up at the party, as if remembering she has an audience. "Whatever new or ancient religion this is, they probably don't like you too much either."

Table Flipper
2016-06-05, 01:32 PM
Laurel tosses the mystery ring to Braxton and picks up the unholy symbol, holding it at arms length as if it might bite her.

It's probably best to know which gods we've made enemies of.
Holy symbol belongs to whom?

Knowledge (religion): [roll0]

"Looks like I've made enemies of... an elemental mush. Never seen anything like it before, except in this one old book." She traces the elements with one finger. "Air, fire, earth, water, ancient signs all mushed together like they're melting." She suddenly looks up at the party, as if remembering she has an audience. "Whatever new or ancient religion this is, they probably don't like you too much either."

"An elemental religion, huh? Well, I don't much care for them, either, based on what I've seen here today. Gerana will guide me. By the way, why did these people consider you an enemy of their faith in the first place, if you don't mind my asking."

2016-06-05, 04:51 PM
"An elemental religion, huh? Well, I don't much care for them, either, based on what I've seen here today. Gerana will guide me. By the way, why did these people consider you an enemy of their faith in the first place, if you don't mind my asking."

"The funny thing is, I was trying to help them. Heal their injured." Laurel laughs, perhaps a little hysterically. "And then they put me in the ground." She rubs at her wrists again. "We should go. I assume we're near the town? People don't tend to like it when someone kills half of the population."

2016-06-05, 05:44 PM
Zinnia, crouched with her arms out and gripping her blades in a backwards grip, watches the man fall with a glint of satisfaction in her wild red eyes. She stands up and tosses the daggers into the air, letting them blinck back onto her belt as she kicks the man's body over to spit in his face. "Good riddance."

Laurel pushes her tangled blonde hair out of her eyes and clears her throat before replying. "Weeks? Months? I have no idea. Long enough they were surprised to see me alive and kicking." As bad as she looks, Laurel sounds (and smells) much worse. In comparison, her clothing is shockingly clean and unwrinkled.

Zinnia blinks, then blinks rapidly again. "Wait, what? Did you just say weeks or months? How in the world are you still alive?"

Laurel tosses the mystery ring to Braxton and picks up the unholy symbol, holding it at arms length as if it might bite her.

"Looks like I've made enemies of... an elemental mush. Never seen anything like it before, except in this one old book." She traces the elements with one finger. "Air, fire, earth, water, ancient signs all mushed together like they're melting." She suddenly looks up at the party, as if remembering she has an audience. "Whatever new or ancient religion this is, they probably don't like you too much either."

"Well I don't like people who bury others alive and do whatever creepy guano that was back there either," Zinnia says with folded arms. She then pauses, as if remembering her manners, and sticks out one feathered taloned (and bleeding) hand. "I'm Zinnia by the way. Do you think you could spare a bit of healing for me too?"

"The funny thing is, I was trying to help them. Heal their injured." Laurel laughs, perhaps a little hysterically. "And then they put me in the ground." She rubs at her wrists again. "We should go. I assume we're near the town? People don't tend to like it when someone kills half of the population."

"Good riddance to this place and please, keep going. I want to feel as good as possible about that kill."

2016-06-05, 09:47 PM
Zinnia blinks, then blinks rapidly again. "Wait, what? Did you just say weeks or months? How in the world are you still alive?"

Laurel looks at Zinnia as if she doesn't quite understand what the bird-woman is saying. "Magic?"

"Well I don't like people who bury others alive and do whatever creepy guano that was back there either," Zinnia says with folded arms. She then pauses, as if remembering her manners, and sticks out one feathered taloned (and bleeding) hand. "I'm Zinnia by the way. Do you think you could spare a bit of healing for me too?"

Laurel takes Zinnia's feathered hand in her own grimy one and shakes it enthusiastically. "Certainly. I'll warn you though, I'm not very good."

Healing: [roll0]

2016-06-05, 10:09 PM
Laurel pushes her tangled blonde hair out of her eyes and clears her throat before replying. "Weeks? Months? I have no idea. Long enough they were surprised to see me alive and kicking." As bad as she looks, Laurel sounds (and smells) much worse. In comparison, her clothing is shockingly clean and unwrinkled.

She warily snatches the waterskin and takes a long drink before replying. "I'm Laurel. Thank you for... You know. Getting all paladin-y or whatever you call it." As she talks, she walks over to the cleric that had so insulted her and begins pawing through his things. "A whole squad of Paladins, out here in the sticks... Who would have thought? I can heal you a little, if you're interested. Looks like your kitten needs it, but you might want to know that I'm with Fharlanghn. I don't know if your God would be okay with that.

Terrach looks up from Freya again. "We ain't paladins, just him. It was just a small scratch, though that was close before", he leans in towards Freya and gives her chin and cheek a scratch. She looks up from her wound and stares back at him.you know I'll always protect you.

She should be fine, but if you have some extra, I'm sure we both would be thankful."

She's at 14/15. He is at 25/39, but will not request healing, especially while Freya is injured, if only slightly. He is only saying he would be thankful for healing her. He'll deal.

"Looks like I've made enemies of... an elemental mush. Never seen anything like it before, except in this one old book." She traces the elements with one finger. "Air, fire, earth, water, ancient signs all mushed together like they're melting." She suddenly looks up at the party, as if remembering she has an audience. "Whatever new or ancient religion this is, they probably don't like you too much either."

"The funny thing is, I was trying to help them. Heal their injured." Laurel laughs, perhaps a little hysterically. "And then they put me in the ground." She rubs at her wrists again. "We should go. I assume we're near the town? People don't tend to like it when someone kills half of the population."

"An elemental mush? What a weird name. A blending of earth, fire, air, and water, you say. Sounds beautiful, pity they're such sick jerks. Bury someone alive for healing people! What did they even hope to accomplish??? Braxton, any clue what that ritual was about?"

At the laugh, Terrach gives Laurel a skeptical look. "You were down there a while, messed with your head a bit."

"We have some stuff back at that bastard's 'inn'. Hmm, wonder how much the rest of the town knows."

As the party looks at the ring and other loot, Terrach remembers the wand in his pack and fishes it out, tossing it over towards Laurel and Braxton. "We got a wand here to identify stuff, but I've got no clue how to use it. Maybe one of you can make it work?"

2016-06-05, 10:37 PM
Terrach looks up from Freya again. "We ain't paladins, just him. It was just a small scratch, though that was close before", he leans in towards Freya and gives her chin and cheek a scratch. She looks up from her wound and stares back at him.you know I'll always protect you.

She should be fine, but if you have some extra, I'm sure we both would be thankful."

She's at 14/15. He is at 25/39, but will not request healing, especially while Freya is injured, if only slightly. He is only saying he would be thankful for healing her. He'll deal.

Laurel looks up in surprise. "Not all Paladins? Are you particularly devout faithful then?" She bends down and pats Freya on the head, closing her scratch, and offers a hand to the Dwarf.

Healing Freya: [roll0]
Healing Terrach: [roll1]

Laurel can't heal Terrach, Freya, or Zinnia any more today.

"An elemental mush? What a weird name. A blending of earth, fire, air, and water, you say. Sounds beautiful, pity they're such sick jerks. Bury someone alive for healing people! What did they even hope to accomplish??? Braxton, any clue what that ritual was about?"

At the laugh, Terrach gives Laurel a skeptical look. "You were down there a while, messed with your head a bit."

"We have some stuff back at that bastard's 'inn'. Hmm, wonder how much the rest of the town knows."

She shifts from one foot to the other. "If we're going back to the 'inn', could we please look for my things too? There's my holy symbol, and a little bag that's particularly important to me. It's blue." One hand goes to her throat as if searching for a necklace or medallion that just isn't there.

As the party looks at the ring and other loot, Terrach remembers the wand in his pack and fishes it out, tossing it over towards Laurel and Braxton. "We got a wand here to identify stuff, but I've got no clue how to use it. Maybe one of you can make it work?"

Laurel snatches the wand from Terrach and smacks it against her palm a few times before pointing it at the items.
"Healing potion....crazy wizard rope stuff..." she points it at the ring and frowns, shaking the wand vigorously before continuing. ""Sorry, thought it was like mine. It's to protect you in a fight."

2016-06-05, 10:52 PM
Laurel looks up in surprise. "Not all Paladins? Are you particularly devout faithful then?" She bends down and pats Freya on the head, closing her scratch, and offers a hand to the Dwarf.

She shifts from one foot to the other. "If we're going back to the 'inn', could we please look for my things too? There's my holy symbol, and a little bag that's particularly important to me. It's blue." One hand goes to her throat as if searching for a necklace or medallion that just isn't there.

Laurel snatches the wand from Terrach and smacks it against her palm a few times before pointing it at the items.
"Healing potion....crazy wizard rope stuff..." she points it at the ring and frowns, shaking the wand vigorously before continuing. ""Sorry, thought it was like mine. It's to protect you in a fight."

He keeps his hand on Freya to assure her that Laurel won't hurt her. As her scratch closes, she stares at it for a moment then bats playfully at Laurel's receding hand."See, now you're all better, my sweet.

"Devout? Faithful? Hmph, I'm faithful to myself, Freya, and nature's beauty. That's it." Terrach grabs the ring and tries to secure it on Freya's tail. "There, perfect. Now it will keep you safe." He explains, proudly. Annoyed, Freya flicks her tail and the ring flies off. Terrach chuckles and gets up to retrieve the ring and his lost hammer. He places the ring back in the pile of things. "Well, if she won't wear it, we don't need it. I get along fine." He says as his beard begins to melt back into normal, non-metallic hair.

Table Flipper
2016-06-06, 04:29 PM
"And I'm typically wearing armor during combat, so I should be able to do without the ring as well. Anyway, I'm ready to head back and get everyone's stuff when other people are." He turns to Laurel. "I don't know if you stayed there at all before all this, but I suspect the innkeeper probably stored your stuff there anyway."

2016-06-06, 05:33 PM
"And I'm typically wearing armor during combat, so I should be able to do without the ring as well. Anyway, I'm ready to head back and get everyone's stuff when other people are." He turns to Laurel. "I don't know if you stayed there at all before all this, but I suspect the innkeeper probably stored your stuff there anyway."

"That... idiot charged me five silvers for the slop he called porridge. I was not about to see how much a room was. Laurel smiles. "The soup wasn't half bad, though. I could use some of that. And a bath.

2016-06-06, 09:16 PM
As the group approaches the inn, the sky is still dark overhead. The entrance is still wide open from their exit. None of the items left in the room are disturbed, indeed everything is just how it was left. Zinnia, Terrach and Laurel all see a door leading to the back of the building, to where the kitchen is.
The silence is nearly as disturbing as the darkness. Laurel's items are nowhere in sight.

2016-06-06, 09:29 PM
"No one here. Guess the rest of the town is still sleeping." Terrach checks behind the counter for anything of value before opening the door to the kitchen. "Well, we should at least be able to get our money back. Now what else is this guy hiding...."

2016-06-06, 09:39 PM
"No one here. Guess the rest of the town is still sleeping." Terrach checks behind the counter for anything of value before opening the door to the kitchen. "Well, we should at least be able to get our money back. Now what else is this guy hiding...."

Laurel barges past Terrach through the kitchen door before the dwarf even has the chance to fully open it. She begins tearing through the room like a whirlwind, dumping out drawers onto the floor and upending jars in an attempt to find anything edible or of value as quickly as possible.

2016-06-06, 09:43 PM
As Terrach and Laurel enter the kitchen they notice the light red embers under a large pot of what smells like the same oatmeal that was served early. The pot is cooled now and on prodding the oatmeal jiggles back and forth. Three doors (other than the one to the main hall) lead out of the kitchen. One in the back is propped open and the faint shape of an outhouse is visible. The other two are along the same wall and are tightly closed. One of the doors also has a lock.

Laurel's frantic search reveals little, it is obvious that the innkeeper did not keep food sitting on the counters and the knives and other cooking instruments are old and worn.

2016-06-06, 09:49 PM
As Terrach and Laurel enter the kitchen they notice the light red embers under a large pot of what smells like the same oatmeal that was served early. The pot is cooled now and on prodding the oatmeal jiggles back and forth. Three doors (other than the one to the main hall) lead out of the kitchen. One in the back is propped open and the faint shape of an outhouse is visible. The other two are along the same wall and are tightly closed. One of the doors also has a lock.

Laurel's frantic search reveals little, it is obvious that the innkeeper did not keep food sitting on the counters and the knives and other cooking instruments are old and worn.

Laurel kicks the implements lying on the floor in some frustration before crossing over to the cauldron, sticking one hand in and ripping off a chunk which wobbles unpleasantly once separated. She looks at the rest of the party. "Does anyone have lockpicks? Most people seem to keep their valuables behind locked doors." Laurel takes a bite of the oatmeal, struggling to chew as it has mostly turned itself into glue, then opens the closed, not obviously locked door.

2016-06-06, 09:59 PM
As Laurel opens the unlocked door she sees a pantry filled with boxes of oats, some cheap slabs of meat and the occasional vegetable. It is rather sparse and some of the shelves are dusty.

2016-06-06, 10:29 PM
Laurel looks at Zinnia as if she doesn't quite understand what the bird-woman is saying. "Magic?"

"There's magic that can do that?"

Laurel takes Zinnia's feathered hand in her own grimy one and shakes it enthusiastically. "Certainly. I'll warn you though, I'm not very good."

Zinnia sighs in relief as some of her wounds close. "Better than nothing. Thanks." Whenever Laurel isn't looking, she frowns at her feathers, now covered in an unidentifiable substance, and wipes her hand on the side of her tunic.

"That... idiot charged me five silvers for the slop he called porridge. I was not about to see how much a room was. Laurel smiles. "The soup wasn't half bad, though. I could use some of that. And a bath.
"More if you're a Tengu and not worth it either way," Zinnia says as she follows the cleric inside. "Speaking of which, does that ring work on top of armor?"

"No one here. Guess the rest of the town is still sleeping." Terrach checks behind the counter for anything of value before opening the door to the kitchen. "Well, we should at least be able to get our money back. Now what else is this guy hiding...."

As Terrach and Laurel enter the kitchen they notice the light red embers under a large pot of what smells like the same oatmeal that was served early. The pot is cooled now and on prodding the oatmeal jiggles back and forth. Three doors (other than the one to the main hall) lead out of the kitchen. One in the back is propped open and the faint shape of an outhouse is visible. The other two are along the same wall and are tightly closed. One of the doors also has a lock.

Laurel's frantic search reveals little, it is obvious that the innkeeper did not keep food sitting on the counters and the knives and other cooking instruments are old and worn.

"I say we charge interest for all the suffering that innkeeper has forced us through," Zinnia adds as she passes by the paste-like oatmeal, flaring her beak in disgust at the mere smell of it. The moment Laurel rips off a piece of oatmeal that wobbles and doesn't even have the decency to act like a fluid and ooze, Zinnia picks up the whole pot, strides over to the outhose, kicks open the door, and drops the pot down the hole. "You'd thank me if you tried that slop," she adds.

Laurel kicks the implements lying on the floor in some frustration before crossing over to the cauldron, sticking one hand in and ripping off a chunk which wobbles unpleasantly once separated. She looks at the rest of the party. "Does anyone have lockpicks? Most people seem to keep their valuables behind locked doors." Laurel takes a bite of the oatmeal, struggling to chew as it has mostly turned itself into glue, then opens the closed, not obviously locked door.

"Allow me," the tengu says as she takes out her tools and begins fiddling with the lock. "I never really got that either. I mean, it's not like a lock is watching it for them, or even borrowing it. Ah well, it's still good for exercising my brain and talons."

Take 20 for 33.

2016-06-06, 10:36 PM
The lock clicks open and a small bedroom is revealed. The bed is smaller than the ones in the room rented by the group. There is a small chest at the foot of the bed that reveals a few changes of basic clothing. A bookshelf stands at the far wall.

Perception and if Knowledge (Architecture/Engineering) is TRAINED roll that as well

2016-06-06, 10:47 PM
Terrach walks into the now open room and examines its contents, specifically the bookshelf at the far end. "What creepy books would a guy like this even read? Why would he have a full bookshelf when he has such an involved pastime as burying people alive?"

Perception: [roll0]

2016-06-07, 06:25 PM
"Do you really want to know the answer to that question?" Zinnia asks as she peeks inside the room.

[roll0] She's also looking for traps.

2016-06-07, 06:29 PM
The bookshelf looks mostly empty, with few untouched dusty lumps of beeswax, a couple sheets of paper and an untouched cookbook

You spot a are of the floor in an arc from the bookshelf that has some of the grime much more scraped away than the other sections.

2016-06-07, 07:20 PM
"Wait." Zinnia holds out a hand and carefully steps into the room. "Do you see that spot by the bookcase? It looks a lot cleaner than the rest of the floor." she walks over to it, crouches over the clean spot. She spends a few minutes regarding it thoughtfully, then reaches her talons into a secret latch.

2016-06-11, 03:55 PM
The bookcase swung toward Zinnia, revealing a small crawlspace. Once inside it opened up into a new room, smaller than the bedroom. The most prominent feature was a large altar that took up half of the available space. The elemental symbols were spread out over the circular surface of the altar and a bowl with a burnt feather floating on a muddy slurry lay on the center of the altar. To the side of the room was a small set of shelves with only a small box of papers and a blue bag with the initials A.H. in neat gold embroidery and a different set of needlework in the design of what you can only assume to be a bunch of flowers.

2016-06-11, 04:06 PM
The bookcase swung toward Zinnia, revealing a small crawlspace. Once inside it opened up into a new room, smaller than the bedroom. The most prominent feature was a large altar that took up half of the available space. The elemental symbols were spread out over the circular surface of the altar and a bowl with a burnt feather floating on a muddy slurry lay on the center of the altar. To the side of the room was a small set of shelves with only a small box of papers and a blue bag with the initials A.H. in neat gold embroidery and a different set of needlework in the design of what you can only assume to be a bunch of flowers.

Laurel makes a small sound and grabs the bag, opening it up and shaking it upside down to get rid of anything the innkeeper may have put inside. She mumbles the activation word and sticks an arm inside the small bag up to her elbow, although it looks like it could barely have fit her fist. After a moment of frantic searching, Laurel relaxes visibly. "Everything important's here at least," she says, searching around some more, then pulling out a flask from the bag's hidden depths and taking a long drink before offering it to the rest of the party.

2016-06-11, 04:07 PM
Laurel makes a small sound and grabs the bag, opening it up and shaking it upside down to get rid of anything the innkeeper may have put inside. She mumbles the activation word and sticks an arm inside the small bag up to her elbow, although it looks like it could barely have fit her fist. After a moment of frantic searching, Laurel relaxes visibly. "Everything important's here at least," she says, searching around some more, then pulling out a flask from the bag's hidden depths and taking a long drink before offering it to the rest of the party.

As Laurel shakes the bag out 2 fresh eggs fall out of the opening and crack open on her foot.

2016-06-11, 05:04 PM
Laurel does absolutely nothing about the eggs. Her foot is decidedly the cleanest part of her as she walks over to examine the altar.

What kind of knowledge check is an altar? Take what you need, leave the rest.
Knowledge (religion): [roll0]
History: [roll1]
Arcana: [roll2]

2016-06-11, 05:13 PM
Laurel makes a small sound and grabs the bag, opening it up and shaking it upside down to get rid of anything the innkeeper may have put inside. She mumbles the activation word and sticks an arm inside the small bag up to her elbow, although it looks like it could barely have fit her fist. After a moment of frantic searching, Laurel relaxes visibly. "Everything important's here at least," she says, searching around some more, then pulling out a flask from the bag's hidden depths and taking a long drink before offering it to the rest of the party.

Freya bounds into the crawlspace and Terrach follows, with a little more difficulty than his friend. As they emerge, Terrach glances around the room. "That's some bag you got, it eats your arm and spits out a flask, what a trade." Terrach mutters as he accepts the flask and takes a cautions sniff and sip; after all, you can learn a lot about a person from the choice of drink. "But I thought you said your name was Laurel. How do you get to 'A.H.' from that?"

The bookcase swung toward Zinnia, revealing a small crawlspace. Once inside it opened up into a new room, smaller than the bedroom. The most prominent feature was a large altar that took up half of the available space. The elemental symbols were spread out over the circular surface of the altar and a bowl with a burnt feather floating on a muddy slurry lay on the center of the altar. To the side of the room was a small set of shelves with only a small box of papers and a blue bag with the initials A.H. in neat gold embroidery and a different set of needlework in the design of what you can only assume to be a bunch of flowers.

After handing the flask back, Terrach wanders over to the box of papers and examines them Freya bounds up onto the alter and sniffs curiously at the burnt and muddy bowl.

2016-06-11, 08:01 PM
Freya bounds into the crawlspace and Terrach follows, with a little more difficulty than his friend. As they emerge, Terrach glances around the room. "That's some bag you got, it eats your arm and spits out a flask, what a trade." Terrach mutters as he accepts the flask and takes a cautions sniff and sip; after all, you can learn a lot about a person from the choice of drink. "But I thought you said your name was Laurel. How do you get to 'A.H.' from that?"

The flask contains a strong whiskey of surprisingly good quality. "Ah, that. The 'A.H' stands for 'Amazing Handbag', I think. It's a sort of manufacturer's mark."

2016-06-11, 08:32 PM
The flask contains a strong whiskey of surprisingly good quality. "Ah, that. The 'A.H' stands for 'Amazing Handbag', I think. It's a sort of manufacturer's mark."

"Hmm, not bad." Terrach comments as he hands back the flask. "Ah, I see. Makes sense. Though you've got a weird manufacturer, labeling things like that; ' thought those were usually for initials."

Table Flipper
2016-06-11, 08:37 PM
"Everything important's here at least," she says, searching around some more, then pulling out a flask from the bag's hidden depths and taking a long drink before offering it to the rest of the party.

"Thank you, but I don't need a drink right now."

Braxton decides to take a closer look at the altar.

If applicable:

Perception (only look, not touch, in case it's trapped): [roll0]
Knowledge Religion: [roll1]

Sense motive on Laurel regarding the A.H. explanation:

2016-06-11, 09:05 PM
"Hmm, not bad." Terrach comments as he hands back the flask. "Ah, I see. Makes sense. Though you've got a weird manufacturer, labeling things like that; ' thought those were usually for initials."

"I know, it's for special occasions," Laurel replies, taking back the flask and having another sip. "Not dying is a very special occasion."

She pats her 'Amazing Handbag' with obvious pride. "Well, it's a very weird bag, wouldn't there have to be a weird manufacturer?"

2016-06-11, 10:42 PM
You know that the the symbols are from an ancient religion that worshiped the elemental forces of nature. It doesn't have any magical properties but the ritual seems to have been an attempt to make an offering to the elements.

2016-06-11, 10:59 PM
You know that the the symbols are from an ancient religion that worshiped the elemental forces of nature. It doesn't have any magical properties but the ritual seems to have been an attempt to make an offering to the elements.

After a moment, Laurel motions at the altar. "More elemental stuff. Trying to make an offering or something. Considering he's dead, it must have been very effective." She looks at the unholy symbol before shoving it into her 'Amazing Handbag'. "The innkeeper must've been a lay follower, though. No magic in this at all."

2016-06-12, 10:44 PM
The bookcase swung toward Zinnia, revealing a small crawlspace. Once inside it opened up into a new room, smaller than the bedroom. The most prominent feature was a large altar that took up half of the available space. The elemental symbols were spread out over the circular surface of the altar and a bowl with a burnt feather floating on a muddy slurry lay on the center of the altar. To the side of the room was a small set of shelves with only a small box of papers and a blue bag with the initials A.H. in neat gold embroidery and a different set of needlework in the design of what you can only assume to be a bunch of flowers.

As Laurel shakes the bag out 2 fresh eggs fall out of the opening and crack open on her foot.

Zinnia ignores the altar (although she does shudder) and crouches to the ground. She brushes the eggs with her hand, picking them up and turning them over. She also inspects the burnt feather and pokes the slurry with a stick.

After a moment, Laurel motions at the altar. "More elemental stuff. Trying to make an offering or something. Considering he's dead, it must have been very effective." She looks at the unholy symbol before shoving it into her 'Amazing Handbag'. "The innkeeper must've been a lay follower, though. No magic in this at all."

"I guess that's refreshingly direct," she says in regards to the handbag. The tengu turns back to the altar. "So what do you know about this weird elemental religion? Other than that its worshipers are creepy guys who like to bury people alive. I guess that's earth, so what's for the others? Drowning? Burning? Chucking them off cliffs?"

2016-06-12, 11:19 PM
As Zinnia prods under the altar she dislodges a backpack, which Laurel recognizes as the other half of her belongings. The contents looked untouched, as though the bag was set aside for later.

Terrach read the contents of the letters carefully, noting that there seemed to be a few different hands.

I regret to inform you that no information has been discovered regarding the riddle. Solve it if you can.

N retrieved package. Extra baggage involved. Unable to examine further.

Dear Mr. Rubem,
I regret to inform you that the cookbook you ordered with the basic cooking lesson primer is unavailable.
Brunes Book Emporium

First test successful. Extinguished, but practical theory stands. Any progress as to that riddle?

Dear Ru-ru,
Do write soon, mother misses you so. The farm is flourishing in your absess obsess abcess since you left. 2 more calves were born. We had to slaughter old Rumpy, he can’t get the energy to mount anymore, much the pity. How I miss your smoked meats, if only your other cooking had quite the skill. I hope you’ve got a cook for that inn of yours. Don’t know why you decided to start that. One day it was all, “I will explore the world and discover great things!” but then you just up and started an inn? You were always strange brother. Finn from down the road has caught my eye and yesterday he brought me a whole bundle of pretty leaves and flowers he picked. There was some of the rashleaf in there though, poor fool was to distracted to realize. I soaked up some clothes and sent him home. It’ll heal fine but I do think I shall have to stop in on him tomorrow.

2016-06-13, 03:12 PM
"Seems this guy was getting orders from some guy called 'U'. U was experimenting, but they couldn't solve some riddle. This guy was supposed to try to solve it. Also some guy called 'N' retrieved a 'package'."

His tone lightens as he looks at the next letter. "Hah, guy tried to order a dummy's cookbook."

Then his face softens and darkens. "Damn. He had a little sister. Left them to go adventuring but ended up starting this hellhole."

2016-06-13, 05:59 PM
"I guess that's refreshingly direct," she says in regards to the handbag. The tengu turns back to the altar. "So what do you know about this weird elemental religion? Other than that its worshipers are creepy guys who like to bury people alive. I guess that's earth, so what's for the others? Drowning? Burning? Chucking them off cliffs?"

Laurel shudders. "I really don't want to know. Maybe all at once?"

"Seems this guy was getting orders from some guy called 'U'. U was experimenting, but they couldn't solve some riddle. This guy was supposed to try to solve it. Also some guy called 'N' retrieved a 'package'."

His tone lightens as he looks at the next letter. "Hah, guy tried to order a dummy's cookbook."

Then his face softens and darkens. "Damn. He had a little sister. Left them to go adventuring but ended up starting this hellhole."

Laurel's face brightens significantly. "A cookbook for dummies? Any sign of it?"

At the news about the innkeeper's family, she pats Terrach on the shoulder. "Everyone starts as an innocent little kid. He grew up and made his own decisions, became something else. Don't beat yourself up over someone else's mistakes. "

2016-06-13, 06:57 PM
Laurel's face brightens significantly. "A cookbook for dummies? Any sign of it?"

"Nah, he never got it. Explains a lot."

At the news about the innkeeper's family, she pats Terrach on the shoulder. "Everyone starts as an innocent little kid. He grew up and made his own decisions, became something else. Don't beat yourself up over someone else's mistakes. "

"Yeah. Well, he became an idiot. Or maybe just a fool." Terrach brushes her arm away, a little forcefully. "I don't give a cave scorpion's tail about his dumb choices. As long as they don't harm this girl."

2016-06-13, 07:30 PM
As Zinnia prods under the altar she dislodges a backpack, which Laurel recognizes as the other half of her belongings. The contents looked untouched, as though the bag was set aside for later.

Zinnia tosses the bag over her shoulder to Laurel without looking as she continues her search.

Laurel shudders. "I really don't want to know. Maybe all at once?"

She shudders at the sheer thought of it. "So you got buried? And here I nearly said, 'just'. Hoo boy did we fly in it!"

Terrach read the contents of the letters carefully, noting that there seemed to be a few different hands.

I regret to inform you that no information has been discovered regarding the riddle. Solve it if you can.

N retrieved package. Extra baggage involved. Unable to examine further.

Dear Mr. Rubem,
I regret to inform you that the cookbook you ordered with the basic cooking lesson primer is unavailable.
Brunes Book Emporium

First test successful. Extinguished, but practical theory stands. Any progress as to that riddle?

Dear Ru-ru,
Do write soon, mother misses you so. The farm is flourishing in your absess obsess abcess since you left. 2 more calves were born. We had to slaughter old Rumpy, he can’t get the energy to mount anymore, much the pity. How I miss your smoked meats, if only your other cooking had quite the skill. I hope you’ve got a cook for that inn of yours. Don’t know why you decided to start that. One day it was all, “I will explore the world and discover great things!” but then you just up and started an inn? You were always strange brother. Finn from down the road has caught my eye and yesterday he brought me a whole bundle of pretty leaves and flowers he picked. There was some of the rashleaf in there though, poor fool was to distracted to realize. I soaked up some clothes and sent him home. It’ll heal fine but I do think I shall have to stop in on him tomorrow.

Laurel's face brightens significantly. "A cookbook for dummies? Any sign of it?"

At the news about the innkeeper's family, she pats Terrach on the shoulder. "Everyone starts as an innocent little kid. He grew up and made his own decisions, became something else. Don't beat yourself up over someone else's mistakes. "

"Nah, he never got it. Explains a lot."

"Yeah. Well, he became an idiot. Or maybe just a fool." Terrach brushes her arm away, a little forcefully. "I don't give a cave scorpion's tail about his dumb choices. As long as they don't harm this girl."

"You think they know about her?" Zinnia folds her arms and leans back against the altar. "I mean what the hell is with this town that he decided to set up shop here? Seems to be a headquarters for this creepy elemental cult, or at least a popular hangout spot." She looks at the altar again. "I don't suppose they told you anything about riddles when you were in that box, did they?"

Table Flipper
2016-06-14, 10:09 AM
Laurel shudders. "I really don't want to know. Maybe all at once?"

Laurel's face brightens significantly. "A cookbook for dummies? Any sign of it?"

At the news about the innkeeper's family, she pats Terrach on the shoulder. "Everyone starts as an innocent little kid. He grew up and made his own decisions, became something else. Don't beat yourself up over someone else's mistakes. "

That doesn't mean we can't regret our own actions. He remained silent on the matter though. In a way, she was right. After all, he had tried to talk them down.

"There must be something we haven't found in here yet. If he was supposed to be working on a riddle, presumably it would be somewhere where he could work on it easily, unless maybe he heard it and memorized it."

2016-06-15, 10:47 PM
Zinnia tosses the bag over her shoulder to Laurel without looking as she continues her search.

"You think they know about her?" Zinnia folds her arms and leans back against the altar. "I mean what the hell is with this town that he decided to set up shop here? Seems to be a headquarters for this creepy elemental cult, or at least a popular hangout spot." She looks at the altar again. "I don't suppose they told you anything about riddles when you were in that box, did they?"

Laurel catches the bag and shakes her head. "All I heard in the box was my own breathing. No riddles at all, unless you count that weird chanting when I got out."

That doesn't mean we can't regret our own actions. He remained silent on the matter though. In a way, she was right. After all, he had tried to talk them down.

"There must be something we haven't found in here yet. If he was supposed to be working on a riddle, presumably it would be somewhere where he could work on it easily, unless maybe he heard it and memorized it."

Laurel pulls a crossbow out of her bag and carefully examines it. "Well, did we check out near the outhouse? Either way, we should probably get going soon. They'll be coming after me and.... Well, let's just say people aren't particularly fond of strangers when their friends and family have been killed. She slides a bolt into place with a satisfying click.

"Speaking of which, we should probably head in the same direction for a while, at least until the next major city. I promise I don't bite. Or snore. Once I've had some rest, I could even be helpful."

2016-07-17, 09:41 PM
The town is quiet and dark outside, no-one wants to try to bother you. As the group leaves the town they see the woods appear before them, dark, foreboding and very quiet. There is a small circle of stones and the muddied ashes of a long abandoned fire. It looks very familiar to Laurel.

Perception Checks

2016-07-17, 09:45 PM
"Trust me, this is not a safe distance away," Laurel says, giving her old firepit a wide berth.

Perception Check: [roll0]

2016-07-17, 10:10 PM
Freya stalks up to the circle of ashes and sniffs at it cautiously. Terrach follows, crouching to check the coals for any residual warmth.
"Looks like this was someone's campsite. Doesn't seem like they've been here for a while, though." He stood up and let his eyes wander over the rest of the old campsite.

Terrach: [roll0]
Freya: [roll1]

Table Flipper
2016-07-18, 04:50 PM
Braxton looks around the campsite.


2016-07-18, 09:12 PM
"Yeah, I'd rather not stick around," Zinnia says.

Perception: [roll0]

Sorry for the short post; I'm busy packing still.

2016-07-18, 10:26 PM
Everyone (except Freya) notices a small footpath leading into the woods, diagonal to the main road. It looks like it hasn't seen much foot traffic, at least in the past month.

2016-07-19, 01:46 PM
"Yeah, I'd rather not stick around," Zinnia says.

Perception: [roll0]

Sorry for the short post; I'm busy packing still.

"What better way than taking the famous 'road less travelled'?" Laurel says, gesturing to the small trail. "A narrower path would mean fewer people chasing, in any case."

2016-07-19, 02:02 PM
"What better way than taking the famous 'road less travelled'?" Laurel says, gesturing to the small trail. "A narrower path would mean fewer people chasing, in any case."

"What famous road is this? I've never heard of such a road." Terrach says, incredulously, then gestures to a particularly dense section of the woods. "Besides, seems to me like that would be the 'road less travelled'."

2016-07-19, 02:21 PM
"What famous road is this? I've never heard of such a road." Terrach says, incredulously, then gestures to a particularly dense section of the woods. "Besides, seems to me like that would be the 'road less travelled'."

"Well, you never hear about it. Then it would be well-traveled, don't you think? And the woods are no road at all, which sort of defeats the purpsose of roads in the first place." Laurel stops suddenly, just as she starts to drone a little bit. "But I don't think this is the time or the place to discuss religion."

2016-07-21, 12:52 PM
"Well, you never hear about it. Then it would be well-traveled, don't you think? And the woods are no road at all, which sort of defeats the purpsose of roads in the first place." Laurel stops suddenly, just as she starts to drone a little bit. "But I don't think this is the time or the place to discuss religion."

"It can't be famous if you never hear about it." Terrach pauses, looking confused, and mutters to himself: "How in the world did you get from road names to religion." He kneels to stroke Freya once, then wanders to the beginning of this path, looking down it as far as he could, to where it bent in the undergrowth.
He kneels and examines it more closely. Freya pads over to him and rubs against one leg. He scratches her chin absentmindedly. "Well, might be worth a look, someone made it a while ago with some purpose. Doesn't look like a game trail."

2016-07-24, 09:58 PM
He kneels and examines it more closely. Freya pads over to him and rubs against one leg. He scratches her chin absentmindedly. [COLOR=#33cc33]"Well, might be worth a look, someone made it a while ago with some purpose. Doesn't look like a game trail."

Laurel nods. "Well, we don't have all the time in the world." She starts walking down the narrow trail, keeping the main road for a different day.

2016-07-24, 10:16 PM
The narrow path leads a good couple miles into the woods, the trees and bushes growing over it in sections. After about an hour of walking it opens up into a clearing with a stream running by one side and a large stone mausoleum in the center. The front of the crypt is carved with images of forest animals. Two carved grottoes sit on either side of a large central one each of the small grottoes holding a carved figurine. A deer. A swallow. A frog. A fish.

In ancient form of common, one that only exists in old texts and is barely understood, is a poem. It is carved onto the surface above the central grotto.

Catch me
Born of water, and yet drowns
Its mouth needs no air
but dies without
Bones buried beneath
its winters home
Fire baked and through heat alive

2016-07-24, 10:37 PM
Laurel looks at the mausoleum with interest, but the stream with joy. "You investigate this for a bit, I need to go wash off being buried alive."

With that, she marches off downstream.

Arcana: [roll0]
Religion: [roll1]
History: [roll2]
Also detect magic [necromancy] on the building.
Take what you need, ignore the rest.

Laurel's not going too far downstream, just enough for privacy. She knows she smells bad.

Table Flipper
2016-07-25, 09:14 PM
The narrow path leads a good couple miles into the woods, the trees and bushes growing over it in sections. After about an hour of walking it opens up into a clearing with a stream running by one side and a large stone mausoleum in the center. The front of the crypt is carved with images of forest animals. Two carved grottoes sit on either side of a large central one each of the small grottoes holding a carved figurine. A deer. A swallow. A frog. A fish.

In ancient form of common, one that only exists in old texts and is barely understood, is a poem. It is carved onto the surface above the central grotto.

Catch me
Born of water, and yet drowns
Its mouth needs no air
but dies without
Bones buried beneath
its winters home
Fire baked and through heat alive

Braxton examines the poem. "Hmm. Maybe the poem describes one of these four animals? Kind of a weird description, I suppose, though not surprising given the language. Regardless, if it's born of water, we might be able to find it in that stream."

Braxton heads to a part of the stream not near Laurel and looks into the water.

Perception: [roll0]

Knowledge Nature anyone (Terrach?)?

2016-07-25, 09:25 PM
The narrow path leads a good couple miles into the woods, the trees and bushes growing over it in sections. After about an hour of walking it opens up into a clearing with a stream running by one side and a large stone mausoleum in the center. The front of the crypt is carved with images of forest animals. Two carved grottoes sit on either side of a large central one each of the small grottoes holding a carved figurine. A deer. A swallow. A frog. A fish.

In ancient form of common, one that only exists in old texts and is barely understood, is a poem. It is carved onto the surface above the central grotto.

Catch me
Born of water, and yet drowns
Its mouth needs no air
but dies without
Bones buried beneath
its winters home
Fire baked and through heat alive

Terrach mutters to himself something about "bloody riddles" and examines the mausoleum. Particularly looking at the figurines and the central grotto. "Hm. Is it talking about catching some living thing, or taking one of these figurines? And what would happen if we do? I'm generally not one to go around obeying strange, ancient riddles." He frowns, "If it's one of these statues, it sounds like the frog, but the last few lines make no sense. 'bones buried beneath', what is this 'winter's home'? None of those hibernate. Nor do any have to do with 'fire baking' or come alive through heat."

Perception: [roll0]
Knowledge Nature: [roll1]

2016-07-26, 06:27 PM
Actually you know that some species of frogs do hibernate. (real life fact)

2016-07-27, 07:41 PM
The narrow path leads a good couple miles into the woods, the trees and bushes growing over it in sections. After about an hour of walking it opens up into a clearing with a stream running by one side and a large stone mausoleum in the center. The front of the crypt is carved with images of forest animals. Two carved grottoes sit on either side of a large central one each of the small grottoes holding a carved figurine. A deer. A swallow. A frog. A fish.

In ancient form of common, one that only exists in old texts and is barely understood, is a poem. It is carved onto the surface above the central grotto.

Catch me
Born of water, and yet drowns
Its mouth needs no air
but dies without
Bones buried beneath
its winters home
Fire baked and through heat alive

Zinnia groans. "I hate riddles. I hate twisting words." She looks at the poem again. "Well, it's talking about elements. Think it has something to do with that creepy elemental cult thing?" She inspects the figurines.

Perception: [roll0]
Knowledge (Local): [roll1]
General Intelligence roll: [roll2]

2016-07-27, 09:17 PM
Terrach mutters to himself something about "bloody riddles" and examines the mausoleum. Particularly looking at the figurines and the central grotto. "Hm. Is it talking about catching some living thing, or taking one of these figurines? And what would happen if we do? I'm generally not one to go around obeying strange, ancient riddles." He frowns, "If it's one of these statues, it sounds like the frog, but the last few lines make no sense. 'bones buried beneath', what is this 'winter's home'? None of those hibernate. Nor do any have to do with 'fire baking' or come alive through heat."

Perception: [roll0]
Knowledge Nature: [roll1]

Terrach's eyes drift into the middle-distance as he becomes lost in thought. After a few moments, his eyes focus again. "No...frogs do hibernate, at least some of them. Alistair also mentioned something about some breathing water through their skin while they hibernate. That could cover the line about its 'mouth needing no air'. 'Born of water' as tadpoles. 'Bones buried beneath its winters home'? This is a mausoleum, so bones are buried. But are they beneath the frog statue and in that grotto? Or do we have to find where some real frogs hibernate? The last line still makes no sense, 'fire baked'? 'Through heat alive'?" His eyes light up slightly and he says dryly, "Suppose we could burn the statue."

If I said too much frog knowledge, let me know. That is literally only the first blurb that comes up when I google "frogs hibernate" Terrach would possibly know it, if it is known. And given the roll of 20 knowledge nature, I am confident enough saying it. But if it is not known, I will change it. I didn't know these things, cool.

2016-08-03, 12:53 AM
Braxton examines the poem. "Hmm. Maybe the poem describes one of these four animals? Kind of a weird description, I suppose, though not surprising given the language. Regardless, if it's born of water, we might be able to find it in that stream."

Braxton heads to a part of the stream not near Laurel and looks into the water.

Perception: [roll0]

Knowledge Nature anyone (Terrach?)?'

As Braxton looks in the water he sees a reddish bottom to the ground, a deeper red-brown than mud.

Laurel looks at the mausoleum with interest, but the stream with joy. "You investigate this for a bit, I need to go wash off being buried alive."

With that, she marches off downstream.

The water, even as it flows, quickly turns disgusting. But Laurel manages to become quite clean, in fact she never felt like had ever had such a refreshing bath. Except for the fact her feet are covered in a quick drying mud that hardens when she gets out that is.

2016-08-03, 08:55 PM
Laurel trudges back upstream to rejoin the party, smelling much better. She reads the riddle, then picks up the deer and turns it over in her hands. "Well, does anyone see a place to put a statue, whether we're burning it or not? Otherwise this whole message is just an overgrown 'Rest in Peace'." She looks at the central grotto. "Maybe in there?"

Table Flipper
2016-08-04, 03:53 PM
Well, nothing interesting in there.

He regards the central grove. "Might be that will work, though what that means exactly I'm not sure. I also can't help but wonder if the correct statue or the central grotto is trapped in some way."

2016-08-12, 11:20 PM
The mausoleum does not appear to be trapped in any way and the figurines look movable. As Laurel walks back Terrach notices the red clay already drying on her legs and flaking off, the same color as the figures.

2016-08-13, 08:40 PM
"No, not burning the statue," Terrach breathes, staring at Laurel's feet. "Burn the clay to make the statue. The stream is full of clay. The statues are made of clay." He turns to Laurel: "Put the blasted deer back. If we are to do anything with the one of the statues, it is the frog one." Terrach walks over to the frog's grotto and takes a few steps inside, looking around for anything of interest.

Perception: [roll0] (+2 in regards to stonework, I am unsure whether the grottos are dirt or stone.)
Knowledge Dungeoneering?: [roll1]

2016-08-13, 09:13 PM
As Terrach stands in front of the statue, noticing that it appears to be well made but not a masterwork. It isn't attached to the plinth but didn't look like it has been moved. Other than that he notices nothing new.

2016-08-14, 10:13 PM
Laurel puts the deer statue back carefully, making sure it faces the same direction that it had. "Well, makes more sense than setting a clay statue on fire, I'll give you that. Let's see if your frog works."

2016-08-14, 10:45 PM
Terrach picks up the clay frog and carries it to the central grotto, looking for a place to put it. Freya sniffs at Laurel's clay-caked legs.

2016-08-20, 10:05 PM
As Terrach sets the statute on the plinth in the center grotto, there started a loud groaning from behind him as if ancient gears were being reminded (most likely through some mixture of mechanics and magic) that they had a job to do. Laurel and Freya quickly abandoned the groaning ground they stood on, the entire group standing back to watch as what must have been decades, if not centuries of tree roots, dirt, grass and other miscellaneous items from forest floors tumbled down to coat a slowly descending staircase. A final CLANK! and the stairs stopped. They were made of stone, finely carved but in designs that did not match any that were in use today.

2016-08-20, 11:23 PM
As the ground opens up and the forest floor topples into the now-exposed stairwell, Zinnia nearly drops the figurine she's fiddling with. It bobbles in her claws and she only barely manages to snag it before it shatters onto the stonework at her feet.

"Well, I guess that was the answer. A clay frog? What's the air thing about though?" She slips the figurine into her pocket as she peers into the darkness. "So, who first?"

2016-08-29, 07:58 PM
"Well, I guess that was the answer. A clay frog? What's the air thing about though?" She slips the figurine into her pocket as she peers into the darkness. "So, who first?"

"Not me," Laurel says, kicking a pebble down the stairs and listening to it clatter down among the debris. She frowns and turns to Terrach. "You and your cat can see in the dark, right? Why don't you go first?"

2016-08-29, 08:57 PM
"Not me," Laurel says, kicking a pebble down the stairs and listening to it clatter down among the debris. She frowns and turns to Terrach. "You and your cat can see in the dark, right? Why don't you go first?"

"Of course. Suppose it makes sense. Especially since we figured it out." Terrach crouches and extends his hand to Freya, who trots towards him to ram her head into his hand and knee. He rises and starts down the newly-revealed, old stairs.

Terrach has Darkvision (60ft); Freya has Low-Light Vision. Not sure if there is any significant difference in this case, but that is how it stands.

2016-09-14, 05:41 PM
As Terrach and Freya venture down the steps they encounter a set of closed doors at the bottom. The doors look like they sealed very recently. As Terrach investigates he is able to figure out that they are part of an airlock system that will only open once the stairs are retracted, and there appears to be a button to do just that.

As Zinnia attempts to follow Terrach down the steps she finds herself walking in the air where the ground used to be. Try as she might she can't set foot on the steps.

2016-09-16, 05:42 PM
As Terrach and Freya venture down the steps they encounter a set of closed doors at the bottom. The doors look like they sealed very recently. As Terrach investigates he is able to figure out that they are part of an airlock system that will only open once the stairs are retracted, and there appears to be a button to do just that.

As Zinnia attempts to follow Terrach down the steps she finds herself walking in the air where the ground used to be. Try as she might she can't set foot on the steps.

Terrach turns and calls back up the steps. "Someone's down here. Went through this door when we opened the stairs. Looks like we can't go further without closing up the stai-" His eyes fall on the floating bird-girl. "Um...that's not how you go down stairs. And how are you flying without moving your wings?"

2016-09-16, 06:01 PM
Terrach turns and calls back up the steps. "Someone's been down here recently. Looks like we can't go further without closing up the stai-" His eyes fall on the floating bird-girl. "Um...that's not how you go down stairs. And how are you flying without moving your wings"

Ah sorry, very recently as in "literally just as the stairs went down"

Table Flipper
2016-09-16, 07:45 PM
Braxton looks down the stairway and sees what's going on. "Uh... Should I try to come down yet? Terrach, how come you could go down the stairs and Zinnia can't?"

2016-09-16, 08:05 PM
Terrach turns and calls back up the steps. "Someone's down here. Went through this door when we opened the stairs. Looks like we can't go further without closing up the stai-" His eyes fall on the floating bird-girl. "Um...that's not how you go down stairs. And how are you flying without moving your wings?"

"Uh...I don't...Nnrrgh!" Zinnia waves her amrs and tries to force her legs down to the ground. She shoves, kicks, and even jumps a few times. "I mean I've been trying to learn to fly but I don't think this counts!" Zinnia reaches down and tries to touch the ground with her hands.

2016-09-23, 10:58 AM
Zinnia walks to the end of the stairs, then back to the door. She runs back to the end of the stairs and if she's still walking on air punches he ground a few times. She takes a bit of food from her bag and drops it to see if it falls.

If that doesn't work she mutters, "****!" and runs back to the entrance and takes several large steps back. Zinnia then takes a running start to try and leap off the stairs and fling herself to the bottom of the staircase.

2016-09-23, 02:21 PM
There is no sound as Zinnia punches the ground, but it certainly hurts. The door was a good 20 feet below her and completely inaccessible. As she dropped the scrap of food it fell down, bonking Freya on her head.

As Zinnia leapt toward the open gap she flew through the air, graceful, elegant and then SLAM! She faceplanted on the flat pane of air.

[roll0] Nonlethal damage

2016-09-23, 03:06 PM
Laurel chuckles a little, and walks to the edge of the depression. She offers a hand to Zinnia, taking care not to fall in the pit herself. "Look, why don't you come back to solid ground? We can figure this out in some way that doesn't involve attacking the air. Do you have anything to help you fly? It might be malfunctioning."

2016-09-23, 05:28 PM
There is no sound as Zinnia punches the ground, but it certainly hurts. The door was a good 20 feet below her and completely inaccessible. As she dropped the scrap of food it fell down, bonking Freya on her head.

As Zinnia leapt toward the open gap she flew through the air, graceful, elegant and then SLAM! She faceplanted on the flat pane of air.

[roll0] Nonlethal damage

Laurel chuckles a little, and walks to the edge of the depression. She offers a hand to Zinnia, taking care not to fall in the pit herself. "Look, why don't you come back to solid ground? We can figure this out in some way that doesn't involve attacking the air. Do you have anything to help you fly? It might be malfunctioning."

"Ow!" Zinnia clutches her now bruised beak and wipes some blood off her cere. "I don't think so," she says as she takes Laurel's hand. The tengu's feathers are smooth and sleek. "I mean, I don't have anything that can help me fly, unfortunately. Unless this thing is glitched?" She takes out the bird statue from outside that she pocketed before attempting to descend and shows it to Laurel.

2016-09-23, 05:34 PM
"Ow!" Zinnia clutches her now bruised beak and wipes some blood off her cere. "I don't think so," she says as she takes Laurel's hand. The tengu's feathers are smooth and sleek. "I mean, I don't have anything that can help me fly, unfortunately. Unless this thing is glitched?" She takes out the bird statue from outside that she pocketed before attempting to descend and shows it to Laurel.

"Oh, you brought it with?" Laurel takes the statue from Zinnia's hand.

2016-09-23, 05:56 PM
"Oh, you brought it with?" Laurel takes the statue from Zinnia's hand.

As soon as Laurel takes the statuette from Zinnia's hand, the invisible supports under the rogue disappeared. 20 feet later Zinnia crashed down onto the ground next to Freya and Terrach.


2016-09-23, 06:19 PM
As soon as Laurel takes the statuette from Zinnia's hand, the invisible supports under the rogue disappeared. 20 feet later Zinnia crashed down onto the ground next to Freya and Terrach.


"Well, now that that routine is over, can we get back to the fact that someone ran inside this door as we opened the stairs," Terrach grumbles. As he waits for the others to get down the steps, or get up, in Zinnia's case, he reaches down to rub Freya on the spot where Zinnia's food struck. With his other hand he grabs the food and flicks it toward Zinnia, "And watch where you throw your things."

2016-09-23, 06:27 PM
There are no footprints. And from the smell of the place no-one has been here for a long time. The doors do look recently closed, but by an automatic process (aka stairs revealed, door closes - door opens, stairs and ground replaced) You had seen a similar if much less well crafted version in your home area around one persons bauble stash (it hadn't worked to well for them.)

2016-09-23, 08:55 PM
Laurel winces as Zinnia crashes to the ground. "Sorry about that!" she calls down, then carefully places the figurine out in thin air to see if it floats.

2016-09-23, 09:09 PM
"Oh, you brought it with?" Laurel takes the statue from Zinnia's hand.

"Well yeah, I mean it's not like it was doing anything just sitting there like--"

As soon as Laurel takes the statuette from Zinnia's hand, the invisible supports under the rogue disappeared. 20 feet later Zinnia crashed down onto the ground next to Freya and Terrach.


"--AAAAHHH!!!" Zinnia flails in the iar, flapping her arms frantically--and futilely, as a few feathers fly off into the air and slowly drift to the ground. But she lands face-first into the steps, again, with a loud echoing thud.

"Owwwwww..." she groans as the feathers settle on her head, adding insult to injury.

"Well, now that that routine is over, can we get back to the fact that someone ran inside this door as we opened the stairs," Terrach grumbles. As he waits for the others to get down the steps, or get up, in Zinnia's case, he reaches down to rub Freya on the spot where Zinnia's food struck. With his other hand he grabs the food and flicks it toward Zinnia, "And watch where you throw your things."

There are no footprints. And from the smell of the place no-one has been here for a long time. The doors do look recently closed, but by an automatic process (aka stairs revealed, door closes - door opens, stairs and ground replaced) You had seen a similar if much less well crafted version in your home area around one persons bauble stash (it hadn't worked to well for them.)

"Well that was a mean trick," Zinnia squawks as she gets to her feet and shakes herself off, brushing off dust and straightening out a couple bent feathers. She steps forward to the door and inspects it carefully. "Well, I don't see any footprints. And it doesn't smell like anyone's been here. Maybe something made of stone came through? This door seems to open and close on its own though."

perception: [roll0]

2016-09-23, 09:12 PM
"Well yeah, I mean it's not like it was doing anything just sitting there like--"

"--AAAAHHH!!!" Zinnia flails in the iar, flapping her arms frantically--and futilely, as a few feathers fly off into the air and slowly drift to the ground. But she lands face-first into the steps, again, with a loud echoing thud.

"Owwwwww..." she groans as the feathers settle on her head, adding insult to injury.

"Well that was a mean trick," Zinnia squawks as she gets to her feet and shakes herself off, brushing off dust and straightening out a couple bent feathers. She steps forward to the door and inspects it carefully. "Well, I don't see any footprints. And it doesn't smell like anyone's been here. Maybe something made of stone came through? This door seems to open and close on its own though."

perception: [roll0]

There is a switch near the door. You can tell that it was designed to open the door and close the stairs.

2016-09-23, 09:33 PM
'I don't see any traps here," Zinnia says. "What was that oyu said about resting?"

Table Flipper
2016-09-25, 03:59 PM
'I don't see any traps here," Zinnia says. "What was that oyu said about resting?"

Braxton follows the others down the stairs. "Yes, now that we're done with magic statues for the moment, I thought maybe we could rest before venturing forward. That said, if Terrach insists that he saw something, it might not be a bad idea to check a few rooms for safety. I know you don't detect any trace of anything, Zinnia, but I suppose it doesn't hurt to be sure. Shall we, folks?"

2016-09-25, 07:17 PM
Okay putting this in BOLD so that people can actually get the hint. Terrach saw NOTHING to hint there was someone who went through the doors. NOTHING. I was simply trying to describe how the doors close when the stairs are revealed and they open when the stairs close up. That is all.

2016-09-25, 07:53 PM
Braxton follows the others down the stairs. "Yes, now that we're done with magic statues for the moment, I thought maybe we could rest before venturing forward. That said, if Terrach insists that he saw something, it might not be a bad idea to check a few rooms for safety. I know you don't detect any trace of anything, Zinnia, but I suppose it doesn't hurt to be sure. Shall we, folks?"

Laurel sighs and crosses her arms obstinately.
"I don't know about you, but I'd much rather keep the large, scary looking door shut for the night. We can check it in the morning!"

"Of course, if Paladins are into exploring dangerous areas alone, at night, while injured, be my guest. I'm staying here."

2016-09-26, 01:48 PM
Braxton follows the others down the stairs. "Yes, now that we're done with magic statues for the moment, I thought maybe we could rest before venturing forward. That said, if Terrach insists that he saw something, it might not be a bad idea to check a few rooms for safety. I know you don't detect any trace of anything, Zinnia, but I suppose it doesn't hurt to be sure. Shall we, folks?"

"Well, not exactly saw. But the door closed since the stairs opened. Could just be some double door system. We are probably fine."

Table Flipper
2016-09-26, 08:30 PM
Laurel sighs and crosses her arms obstinately.
"I don't know about you, but I'd much rather keep the large, scary looking door shut for the night. We can check it in the morning!"

"Of course, if Paladins are into exploring dangerous areas alone, at night, while injured, be my guest. I'm staying here."

"Yes, well, Paladins are certainly known for their bravery, but we do tend to try to avoid crossing the line into foolhardiness... sometimes..."

"Well, not exactly saw. But the door closed since the stairs opened. Could just be some double door system. We are probably fine."

"Ah, okay. I certainly didn't notice anything, but I was unsure of how much of a threat you thought there was. In that case, I think camping for the night would indeed be wise. I can take first watch."

2016-09-27, 10:31 PM
The rest of the night passes uneventfully, and there seems to be nobody perusing your group. The early morning light reveals that the mausoleum is covered in the same green lichen that grows underfoot and is in fact the only plant within 10 feet of any of the mausolem's structures. The door is where you left it the previous night.

2016-10-02, 07:45 PM
Terrach awakes to Freya kneading his beard and smiles. He digs through his pack for some rations and gives some to the cat, eating the rest himself in a quick breakfast. He heads down to the stream and washes his beard and hair. He and Freya head down the stairs to wait by the door for the others.

2016-10-02, 09:48 PM
Laurel awakens long before morning actually arrives. With a nod to whoever is on watch, she heads to the riverbank to prepare her spells in peace and quiet- and away from a certain Paladin, given Gerana's reputation.

She returns looking calm and collected, and seats herself at the edge of the stairs, flicking pebbles down them. When Terrach arrives she tries not to hit him.

Spell list:
0:Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic, Guidance
1: Enlarge person x2, Command, Obscuring mist
2: Command undead, Blindness/deafness, Hold person

Table Flipper
2016-10-03, 07:41 PM
Braxton wakes up and, having already prepared his spells before falling asleep, waits by the door.

Veil of Positive Energy

2016-10-03, 09:56 PM
Zinnia yawns and stretches, rousing her feathers into a fluff. "Ready to explore this weird tomb thing, everyone?" she asks as she hops into the stream and begins washing herself before heading back to the others.

2016-10-03, 10:43 PM
Zinnia yawns and stretches, rousing her feathers into a fluff. "Ready to explore this weird tomb thing, everyone?" she asks as she hops into the stream and begins washing herself before heading back to the others.

Laurel sighs and walks down the stairs to join the rest of the party. "Why not? It's not like I had other plans." She stops and thinks for a moment. "Nobody was planning to do anything else before we lock ourselves in a tomb, right?" If there are no objections, she presses the button.

2016-10-09, 11:52 AM
As the group clusters by the door, Laurel activated the button. Slowly the doors started to creak open as the party witnesses the stairs fold up and the roof close over and heard a quick noise as if foliage had grown over the false roof. In the darkness that now filled the area there was a sense of wrongness. As soon as the last of the outside light was sealed away there was a darkness that none but Terrach had ever experienced. True dark, no hints of light, not even a faintly glowing insect or plant. A darkness so deep, it felt suffocating.

2016-10-09, 02:21 PM
Laurel breathes faster as the light fails and her companions are hidden.The darkness seems to have a physical presence, pressing down until she could almost believe she was trapped again in the coffin, and her rescue had only been a happy dream. She can almost feel the weight of the stone and earth above her, pressing down and surely never allowing her to escape.

She squeezes her holy symbol so tightly that the edge bites into her palm, and urgently whispers an incantation. As the symbol begins to glow a sickly blue, she takes a deep calming breath, and holds it up to reveal her surroundings.

No coffin then. That's good.

Laurel is casting light on her holy symbol. It now sheds light as a torch (Bright light in a 20' radius, dim light in a 20' radius beyond that).

I'm like, 60% sure this is somewhat sacrilegious, but hey, closest thing to hand.

2016-10-10, 10:34 PM
This complete advanced darkness is constricting, suffocating. Zinnia's climbed up through pipes before, dark and dank places that pressed against her feathers and left her yearning for open skies for days, but this is just as bad. She begins to hyperventilate, her breath coming out in short bursts as her eyes flit back and forth for any sort of light and she becomes very small and quiet. Only when Laurel casts her spell does she relax, allow her feathers to settle back down and her beak to close.

"Thanks," she says, looking around. "Are you ok?"

2016-10-11, 12:45 PM
Terrach grumbles at the series of changes to light, from the outside, to darkness, to the spell. You'd think magic could produce the light gradually.
He takes a few steps forward so he can see past the radius of the light, and studies the area. Freya follows, but more slowly, staying closer to the light source.
Terrach is moving about 20ft(assuming the space is big enough. He is just trying to see beyond the illuminated area) and I scanning the darkness ahead.
Freya is following to only about 10 ft.
Perception: [roll0]

2016-10-16, 02:04 AM
The corridor was dark and musty. As Terrach edged forward he started to hear small sounds, like two hard surfaces slightly grinding over each other. He could see that the hallway made an abrupt turn at the end of the hall, into something.

2016-10-19, 09:01 AM
Terrach continues forward, around the turn, to investigate these sounds, slipping into the darkness beyond the lighted Symbol. Freya, not liking the underground darkness much and bored of Terrach's slow sneaking, wanders back to the group to headbutt Braxton's leg.
Terrach Stealth: [roll0]

Table Flipper
2016-10-20, 12:48 PM
Not wanting to mess up Terrach's sneaking by moving around in full, breastplate, Braxton stays put for the moment, petting Freya when she bumps his leg.

Cats are cool!

2016-10-26, 12:14 PM
As Terrach looks around the corner he sees a cavernous room filled with ornate carvings and tapestries. Wooden pews line the sides and an altar sits in the front. Skeletons of men and women sit on the pews, with goblets scattered by their feet. In front of the alter he sees two smaller skeletons. The remains of the priest have collapsed across the altar.

As he sees all this, he notices in the corner of his eye that one of the skeletons is starting to move.

2016-10-26, 12:37 PM
Terrach backs tracks to the group, squinting as he reenters the circle of light. "Some old alter and chapel around the corner. The parishioners are dead, but that hasn't stopped them from going to service. Bunch of skeletons, the kind that move."

2016-10-26, 10:51 PM
Zinnia starts forward to sneak along with Terrach, but as the light fades she stops and hangs back. As silent and like shadow as she is, her eyes are useless in complete darkness. Instead she waits quietly on the cusp of the light for him to get back and passes the time picking off some old scales off her foot with her dagger.

Terrach backs tracks to the group, squinting as he reenters the circle of light. "Some old alter and chapel around the corner. The parishioners are dead, but that hasn't stopped them from going to service. Bunch of skeletons, the kind that move."

Zinnia pauses, perching on one foot while picking out some dirt from the other one. She slowly puts the dagger back and stands on both feet. "You're saying there's a bunch of dead skeletons sitting in a creepy abandoned church just up ahead? Only some of them ain't quite dead?" She shudders. "Did it look like there was a fight? Or someone's messed-up idea of a joke?"

2016-10-26, 11:44 PM
Zinnia pauses, perching on one foot while picking out some dirt from the other one. She slowly puts the dagger back and stands on both feet. "You're saying there's a bunch of dead skeletons sitting in a creepy abandoned church just up ahead? Only some of them ain't quite dead?" She shudders. "Did it look like there was a fight? Or someone's messed-up idea of a joke?"

"Well, one way to find out, isn't there?" Laurel walks a few steps down the hallway, taking the light with her, then turns around, smiling broadly. "Aren't you coming? Don't tell me you're all too chicken to face a couple of skeletons that may or may not be dead."

Table Flipper
2016-10-27, 01:40 PM
"Well, one way to find out, isn't there?" Laurel walks a few steps down the hallway, taking the light with her, then turns around, smiling broadly. "Aren't you coming? Don't tell me you're all too chicken to face a couple of skeletons that may or may not be dead."

"Skeletons, huh?" Braxton lights a torch so that he need not rely on Laurel's light, and then draws his warhammer. "I'm ready. Let's move out!" Braxton advances with the others.

2016-11-01, 07:30 PM
"Let's go then; they were over this way." Terrach says to the group and walks to the front to lead the way. Freya pads up to walk next to him.

2016-11-01, 08:47 PM
So since no-one said they were entering the room... I don't want to assume this since it will be crowded in there. I am waiting here, you each can post 1 round(1 move, 1 standard) before I roll initiative

Table Flipper
2016-11-02, 12:41 PM
Braxton marches confidently into the room and mutters some words into his holy symbol. As he does so, his armor almost seems to glow a little, somehow.

Move to W17 (unless he can't cut that corner from V15 to W16, in which case just W16), and cast veil of positive energy (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/v/veil-of-positive-energy), which gives Braxton +2 to AC and saving throws vs undead creatures.

2016-11-02, 02:24 PM
Laurel steps quietly into the room and takes care not to step on any of the goblets strewn about the floor. When she speaks, it's in a strange language, but her tone is pleasant and businesslike. "If you can think, you should surrender or at least parlay. We don't need to kill each other." She holds up her light and surveys the room, trying to remember everything she'd learned about skeletons that move.

Double move action to T18.

Knowledge rolls should be a free action, I think. Take whichever is applicable.
Knowledge (religion) [roll0]
Knowledge (arcana) [roll1]

2016-11-03, 08:19 PM
Terrach slips past Braxton and moves off to the left. Freya follows, and jumps up onto the pew.

Double move to Z-18. Freya moves to Y-17(she has plenty of movement, and I am assuming she can easily jump onto the pews.)

2016-11-07, 10:43 PM
Zinnia creeps into the room and stops dead at the disturbing tableau set before her. With one hand twitching over her daggers, the tengu sidles over to the wooden cups and picks one up. It dangles between her thumb and pinky, and she keeps staring at the skeletons as she whispers, "You think this is some creepy mass suicide thing?"

2016-11-11, 09:03 PM
As the group entered the room, they didn't notice anything strange or moving.

The room is cavernous and filled with ornate carvings and tapestries. Wooden pews line the sides and an altar sits in the front. Skeletons of men and women sit on the pews, with goblets scattered by their feet. In front of the alter there are two smaller skeletons. The remains of the priest have collapsed across the altar.

As the party moves around, one of the skeleton hands raises and grabs at Laurel's arm. As if this was a cue, the remainder of the skeletons rise to join on the attack, include the two small ones from the front.

Skeletons, small Skeletons

Claws x2
Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]

Attack: [roll3]
Crit: [roll4]

Claws x2
Attack: [roll6]
Crit: [roll7]

Attack: [roll9]
Crit: [roll10]

S6: (Flanking)
Claws x2
Attack: [roll12]
Crit: [roll13]

Attack: [roll15]
Crit: [roll16]

Claws x2
Attack: [roll18]
Crit: [roll19]

Attack: [roll21]
Crit: [roll22]

Claws x2
Attack: [roll24]
Crit: [roll25]

Attack: [roll27]
Crit: [roll28]

Claws x2
Attack: [roll30]
Crit: [roll31]

Attack: [roll33]
Crit: [roll34]

S7: (Flanking)
Claws x2
Attack: [roll36]
Crit: [roll37]

Attack: [roll39]
Crit: [roll40]

Claws x2
Attack: [roll42]
Crit: [roll43]

Attack: [roll45]
Crit: [roll46]

Claws x2
Attack: [roll48]
Crit: [roll49]

Attack: [roll51]
Crit: [roll52]

2016-11-11, 11:17 PM
As the group entered the room, they didn't notice anything strange or moving.

The room is cavernous and filled with ornate carvings and tapestries. Wooden pews line the sides and an altar sits in the front. Skeletons of men and women sit on the pews, with goblets scattered by their feet. In front of the alter there are two smaller skeletons. The remains of the priest have collapsed across the altar.

As the party moves around, one of the skeleton hands raises and grabs at Laurel's arm. As if this was a cue, the remainder of the skeletons rise to join on the attack, include the two small ones from the front.

Laurel yelps, then steps back and points at the nearest skeleton. "You! Attack them!"

1.) five foot step to T17
2.) Trying to control S1. This should not provoke an AoO, or at least that's the internet's consensus when I looked it up.
S1 needs to make a will save, DC 16. I don't know if this applies to mindless undead. "Command undead", to which this is very similar, says that mindless undead do not get a saving throw.

If S1 is, at this moment, under anyone else's control, let me know if Laurel's orders conflict, because then other stuff.

Table Flipper
2016-11-12, 04:26 PM
After a quick assessment of the situation, Braxton moves back to avoid the threat of being completely surrounded, and then attacks the nearest skeleton.

5 foot step to W19 and attack S4.

Attack (warhammer): [roll0]
Crit? (20, x3): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2016-11-12, 07:27 PM
As numerous skeletons attack, Terrach draws his favorite axe and the small hammer on his belt, striking at one of the skeletons near him. Freya lunges at the skeleton that attacked her, then hops back, into the corner.

Draw Dwarven Waraxe and Light Hammer(off-hand).
Terrach attacks S8:
Attack: [roll0]
Dmg.: [roll1] (Slashing)

Attack: [roll2]
Dmg.: [roll3] (Bludgeoning)

Freya Attack S2. Since they are probably sitting, I guess tripping them would be ineffective. (Okay, I did some reading and I think all natural attacks are used in a full-round attack action? So I will roll for all, ignore the extras if I am wrong.)
Attack: [roll4]
Dmg.: [roll5] (B,P,S)

Attack: [roll6]
Dmg.: [roll7] (B, S)

Attack: [roll8]
Dmg.: [roll9] (B, S)

Freya: 5-foot Step to Z-17

2016-11-14, 12:50 AM
"Eurgh! Dead things should stay dead! Especially if they're creepy cult things! Die again!" Zinnia steps to the side and flings her daggers at one of the skeletons surrounding Braxton. At least, it looks like they're being flung, the wa they suddenly appear like extra feathers of silver underneath her jet black ones.

Move to V18 and then full attack (yes it's melee. The dagger flinging is for flavor).

Attack 1:[roll0]
crit confirm: [roll1]
damage: [roll2] plus sneak attack: [roll3]
crit damage: [roll4]

Attack 2:[roll5]
crit confirm: [roll6]
damage: [roll7] plus sneak attack: [roll8]
crit damage: [roll9]

Using Disoriented as my debilitating injury.

Disoriented: The target takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls. In addition, the target takes an additional –2 penalty on all attack rolls it makes against the rogue. At 10th level and 16th level, the penalty on attack rolls made against the rogue increases by –2 (to a total maximum of –8).

2016-11-14, 10:42 PM
As Laurel gestured widely, the skeleton turned, stepping between her and the skeleton approaching her.

Attacking S6 with claws x2

Claws 1:
Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Claws 2:
Attack: [roll3]
Crit: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Meanwhile Braxton swung down at the skeleton to his side, crushing the ribs in. Whatever power had raised it from the dead still managed to keep it going, though it was looking much the worse for wear. That is, until Zinnia's knife hit the back of its head, shattering the skull.

Terrach and Freya were not so lucky. Terrach's axe collided, but without the fleshiness of skin and muscle, it only chipped the bones. Freya was simply to small to do much damage, though her furious swats caused many small fractures to radiate across the skeletons bones.

2016-11-14, 11:01 PM
The skeleton that Laurel's newly commanded skeleton attacked, was quickly dispatched with a solid punch to the head. But there were still seven more in the room.

The ones near Terrach crowded around the dwarf, clawing at him.

S2 and S8 are flanking each other (+2 attack)

Claws 1:
Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Claws 2:
Attack: [roll3]
Crit: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Claws 1:
Attack: [roll6]
Crit: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

Claws 2:
Attack: [roll9]
Crit: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

Claws 1:
Attack: [roll12]
Crit: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14]

Claws 2:
Attack: [roll15]
Crit: [roll16]
Damage: [roll17]

The small skeletons paused to look at Braxton (if you can call empty eye sockets looking). The one stepped aside and swiped at him, giving the other one room to run full tilt at Braxton, trying to get through the armor.

s2 is charging

Claws 1:
Attack: [roll18]
Crit: [roll19]
Damage: [roll20]

Claws 2:
Attack: [roll21]
Crit: [roll22]
Damage: [roll23]

Claws 1:
Attack: [roll24]
Crit: [roll25]
Damage: [roll26]

The final skeleton turned it's attention on Zinnia.
Claws 1:
Attack: [roll27]
Crit: [roll28]
Damage: [roll29]

Claws 2:
Attack: [roll30]
Crit: [roll31]
Damage: [roll32]

Table Flipper
2016-11-15, 01:53 PM
Braxton nods towards Zinnia as her dagger fell the one skeleton before shifting his attention towards the charging one.

Braxton is indeed on W19.

Attack s2 with warhammer:

Attack: [roll0]
Crit? (20, x3): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2016-11-15, 09:33 PM
Laurel actually looks surprised as her new friend punches the opposition to bits, then grins. She points more confidently at one of the skeletons surrounding Terrach. "You! Attack a skeleton!"

Trying to control S8, will save DC16 to avoid (not sure how will saves and mindlessness interact).
EDIT: S2, I meant S2, sorry.
Because let's not have Terrach be flanked any more.

2016-11-15, 11:00 PM
Freya bites and claws at the nearest skeleton.
Terrach grunts at the claws and strikes back with axe and hammer.

Freya Attack S2.
Attack(bite): [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1] B,P,S

Trip(if attack hits): [roll2]

Terrach Attack S8.
Attack(main): [roll3]
Dmg: [roll4] S

Attack(off): [roll5]
Dmg: [roll6] B

2016-11-16, 12:34 AM
Zinnia watches as the skeleton follows Laurel's bidding and lets out a quiet whistle. "Okay that's cool. Creepy as ****, but cool. Watch this though!" She leaps back and flings two more daggers from under her feathers at the skeleton's empty glowing eye sockets.

Zinnia attacks S3, then backflips (five foot step) to W17.

Attack 1:[roll0]
crit confirm: [roll1]
damage: [roll2]
crit damage: [roll3]

Attack 2:[roll4]
crit confirm: [roll5]
damage: [roll6]
crit damage: [roll7]

2016-11-25, 06:04 PM
Laurel felt her control over the skeleton attacking Terrach firm and then release as Freya clawed at the bones. Zinnia and the first skeleton Laurel had gained control of quickly took down the final one in front of the half-elf. But that left the two small skeletons attacking Braxton, the one approaching him and the three surrounding Terrach.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Crit: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Crit Damage: [roll7]

Attack: [roll8]
Crit: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
Crit Damage: [roll11]

Attack: [roll12]
Crit: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14]
Crit Damage: [roll15]

Attack: [roll16]
Crit: [roll17]
Damage: [roll18]
Crit Damage: [roll19]

Attack: [roll20]
Crit: [roll21]
Damage: [roll22]
Crit Damage: [roll23]

Most of the attacks missed, accept the one aimed at Freya. The skeleton lashed out faster than expected, throwing the small cat back with heavily bleeding wounds.

Table Flipper
2016-11-26, 09:39 AM
Sigh. Small skeletons can be hard to hit. Maybe this larger one...

Attack S7 with warhammer.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit? (20, x3): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2016-11-26, 11:41 AM
Terrach turns, frantically trying to heal Freya, but she leaps away out of the room.

Withdraw. To W16.
Acrobatics: [roll0] to cross pews.

2016-11-26, 11:49 AM
Terrach turns to the skeleton that struck the cat and strikes at it with all his anger.

Power attack S2. (-2atk,+4dmg (+2 for offhand))
Main(Axe, slashing)
Attack: [roll0]
Crit?: [roll1]
Dmg: [roll2]

Offhand(hammer, bludgeoning)
Attack: [roll3]
Crit?: [roll4]
Dmg: [roll5]

2016-11-26, 06:19 PM
"You've got to be kidding me!" Laurel hisses, then ignores the surrounded dwarf. She indicates one of the smaller skeletons near Braxton. "Attack that small one."

1.) standard action: Obtain control of s1

Result: Now in control of S1 and s1 (for maximum confusing nomenclature, sorry about that.)

2.) Free action: Order skeletons to attack s2.

2016-12-05, 01:02 AM
"Hey, if you guys distract them I can really do some damage!" Zinnia shouts as she rolls around the pew to fling two daggers into the knee joint of the skeleton aftacking Terrach.

Zinnia 5 foot steps to I believe x18? She then flanks with Terrach to attack S2. Debilitating stroke for my extra sneak attack ability. The one that decreases AC. sorry about the slow post; I'm headed into finals.

Attack 1: [roll0]
crit confirm: [roll1]
damage: [roll2] plus sneak attack [roll3]
crit damage: [roll4]

Attack 2: [roll5]
crit confirm: [roll6]
damage: [roll7] plus sneak attack [roll8]
crit damage: [roll9]

2016-12-06, 01:26 AM
Braxton's hammer dealt a fierce blow to the large skeleton attacking him, but it manages to stay upright.

The small skeleton near him shuddered and darted behind the one he was fighting, intent on destroying the other miniature skeleton. The skeleton by Laurel attempted to follow it but was slowed by the numerous pews in the way.

Claws 1:
Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Claws 2:
Attack: [roll3]
Crit: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Terrach was too distracted out of concern for Freya to pay attention to where his blows fell, both of them missing widely. But Zinnia quickly appeared behind the skeleton damaged by Freya, her knives hitting the already weaken parts of bone.

2016-12-06, 01:31 AM
The small skeleton that had until now been focused on Braxton, turned its attention to its comrade in size. Bone clashed against bone.

Claws 1:
Attack: [roll1]
Crit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Claws 2:
Attack: [roll4]
Crit: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

The large skeleton next to it once again attacked Braxton, while the two by Terrach and Zinnia split their attention.

Claws 1:
Attack: [roll7]
Crit: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

Claws 2:
Attack: [roll10]
Crit: [roll11]
Damage: [roll12]


Claws 1:
Attack: [roll13]
Crit: [roll14]
Damage: [roll15]

Claws 2:
Attack: [roll16]
Crit: [roll17]
Damage: [roll18]

Claws 1:
Attack: [roll19]
Crit: [roll20]
Damage: [roll21]

Claws 2:
Attack: [roll22]
Crit: [roll23]
Damage: [roll24]

No Hits: Party is up

Table Flipper
2016-12-06, 02:05 PM
Braxton unleashes another attack on the big skeleton, giving it no respite (not that that matters for skeletons really).

Attack S7 with warhammer.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit? (20, x3): [roll1]
Damae: [roll2]

2016-12-06, 04:49 PM
Freya crouches in the corner and tends to her wounds.

With Freya safe and the skeleton to his right crumbling to the knives in its back (I guess that is just a spine?), Terrach turns to the skeleton in front of him and strikes towards it with axe and hammer.

Freya moves to W14.
Terrach attacks S8.
Main(Axe, slashing)
Attack: [roll0]
Crit?: [roll1]
Dmg: [roll2]

Offhand(hammer, bludgeoning)
Attack: [roll3]
Crit?: [roll4]
Dmg: [roll5]

2016-12-06, 09:29 PM
Laurel sighs and looks guiltily at Terrach as his difficulties with the skeletons only increase. "Dwarf, don't you dare hit the one by the wall!" She yells, and steps forward as she reaches out and grabs control of yet another skeleton.

"Hit the other skeleton," she commands, although her exasperated tone makes it unclear whether she's ordering around the skeleton or Terrach.

Move action to V18
Standard Action: Gain control of S8

Since you said I should roll for the skeletons:
S7 attacking s2
Claws 1:
Attack: [roll0]+2 because flanking
Damage: [roll1]

Claws 2:
Attack: [roll2]+2 because flanking
Damage: [roll3]

s1 attacking s2
Claws 1:
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Claws 2:
Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

S1 attacking s2
Claws 1:
Attack: [roll8]+2 because flanking
Damage: [roll9]

Claws 2:
Attack: [roll10]+2 because flanking
Damage: [roll11]

2016-12-06, 10:08 PM
Posting to speed things up since Coffee is in finals week

Zinnia again threw two daggers at last skeleton attacking Terrach.

Attack 1: [roll0]
crit confirm: [roll1]
damage: [roll2] plus sneak attack [roll3]
crit damage: [roll4]

Attack 2: [roll5]
crit confirm: [roll6]
damage: [roll7] plus sneak attack [roll8]
crit damage: [roll9]

2016-12-06, 10:15 PM
The skeleton that Zinnia hit, crumbled to powder in front of her. As it fell she noticed that cracks had already run through the entire structure of its body.

The rest of the room was a collection of missed hits.

The two remaining skeletons continued their attacks.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Crit: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Crit Damage: [roll7]

The small skeleton controlled by Laurel took a heavy blow, caving in the rib cage. But it continued to stay upright.

The larger skeleton again missed Braxton.

2016-12-06, 10:23 PM
Laurel winces at the brittle crack of dry ribs. She points at the large skeleton near Braxton. "Attack the small one."

Laurel's standard action is to gain control of S7.

S7 attacking s2
Claws 1:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Claws 2:
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

s1 attacking s2
Claws 1:
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Claws 2:
Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]]

S1 attacking s2
Claws 1:
Attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

Claws 2:
Attack: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

2016-12-06, 10:35 PM
With simultaneous blows the skeletons controlled by Laurel pummel the last attacking one into the dust. All four stop, no more enemies to attack and look at Laurel.

As the party looks around, they can see that the powdered and shattered remains are mixed. Some come from skeletons so old they date before anyone's memory, the bones delicate and bleached by age. But others look like they were deposited in a gravesite only months before, scraps of rotten flesh still clinging to them.

2016-12-06, 10:49 PM
Laurel smiles as the last enemy skeleton is pulverized. "Sit." She orders her new followers smugly, then turns to Terrach with an overly sweet smile. "You and I need to have a talk. About your cat. I try to help you, and what do you do? Attack the help."

2016-12-06, 10:53 PM
Terrach looks down at his wounds, decides they are not life-threatening, and goes over to Freya, coaxing her out of the corner to heal her, stroking of her fur and activating his belt.

Heal Freya: [roll0] (1 charge).

2016-12-06, 11:13 PM
Laurel smiles as the last enemy skeleton is pulverized. "Sit." She orders her new followers smugly, then turns to Terrach with an overly sweet smile. "You and I need to have a talk. About your cat. I try to help you, and what do you do? Attack the help."

With Freya's wounds closed, Terrach turns to the half-elf with a furious glare and stalks over to her. Glaring up at the cleric, he growls, "I didn't see that skeleton do anything to help. You shout across a BATTLE and expect a CAT to hear you and see which of the dozen skeletons you are POINTING to? Are you that mean or just that dumb that you expect a cat to read your mind when skeletons are attacking her? Why don't you communicate your intentions to your allies in battle better rather than blaming my cat for your shoddy combat-communication."

2016-12-06, 11:37 PM
With Freya's wounds closed, Terrach turns to the half-elf with a furious glare and stalks over to her. Glaring up at the cleric, he growls, "I didn't see that skeleton do anything to help. You shout across a BATTLE and expect a CAT to hear you and see which of the dozen skeletons you are POINTING to? Are you that mean or just that dumb that you expect a cat to read your mind when skeletons are attacking her? Why don't you communicate your intentions to your allies in battle better rather than blaming my cat for your shoddy combat-communication."

Laurel clenches her fists, but her tone is still sickeningly sweet. "Well, I rectified that later, didn't I? Now, as long as you also solve that issue with your cat, then there's nothing more to discuss, is there?"

2016-12-06, 11:56 PM
Laurel clenches her fists, but her tone is still sickeningly sweet. "Well, I rectified that later, didn't I? Now, as long as you also solve that issue with your cat, then there's nothing more to discuss, is there?"

Terrach steps up onto the pew next to him to glare right into Laurel's face. "'Issue'? There are no 'issues' with my cat. The only 'issue' here is your blaming others for your incompetence."

2016-12-07, 12:15 AM
Terrach steps up onto the pew next to him to glare right into Laurel's face. "'Issue'? There are no 'issues' with my cat. The only 'issue' here is your blaming others for your incompetence."

"Oh, is that all? And if I'm so incompetent, if I'm not capable of helping, would you like to have all the skeletons back? I mean, you were doing so very well against them earlier." Laurel startles, finally noticing that they are not the only people in the room. She glances at the rest of the party and steps back from Terrach. It's like a switch has flipped as her tone goes from patronizing and sarcastic to a seemingly genuine apology. "Look, let's stop this before it gets out of hand. It's been a long few days."

2016-12-07, 12:22 AM
"Oh, is that all? And if I'm so incompetent, if I'm not capable of helping, would you like to have all the skeletons back? I mean, you were doing so very well against them earlier." Laurel startles, finally noticing that they are not the only people in the room. She glances at the rest of the party and steps back from Terrach. It's like a switch has flipped as her tone goes from patronizing and sarcastic to a seemingly genuine apology. "Look, let's stop this before it gets out of hand. It's been a long few days."

"I had everything under control." Terrach growls. He hops down from the pew and goes to kneel by Freya as he checks down the corridor for any more unfriendly things.

Heal self with belt of healing.

2016-12-07, 01:17 AM
"I had everything under control." Terrach growls. He hops down from the pew and goes to kneel by Freya as he checks down the corridor for any more unfriendly things.

Heal self with belt of healing.

Laurel shakes her head and goes about examining the altar, looking for anything of interest or value. Like maybe an explanation of why the chapel was full of dead people.

Knowledge Religion: [roll0]
Knowledge Arcana: [roll1]
Knowledge History: [roll2]

2016-12-07, 09:05 AM
You realize that the skeleton priest who is lying over the altar is missing a leg and half his pelvis.
Knowledge Arcana: Looking behind the altar you see a handful of onyx gems, something that is needed for raising the dead.
Knowledge History: The crafting of the pews indicates late 15,000's construction, while the designs on the cup are purely 15,360's.