View Full Version : DM Help Help This New DM!

2016-03-26, 03:39 AM
So I'm home on spring break and I've offered to DM a game for my younger brother and his friends. The session is starting tomorrow at noon which is nine hours from now for me. I have nothing prepared. All the players are quite new and I'm the only one who has any sort of command over the system so I highly doubt they are going to catch me winging it. With that being said, I still have nothing prepared.

The last time we played was about eight months ago and the party was looking for something random to do so they asked the town guard if there was any work for some adventurers. The captain of the guard said there was flying things up north terrorizing villages but they haven't sent out a force to deal with it yet so if the group wanted to, they could try their luck. The session ended with them slaying some Manticores. I was originally planning on having the Manticores be a coincidence but I'm just now thinking that it could be they could have been the problem and just send them on some new made-up adventure.

The setting is rather open. A thousand or so years ago a mad wizard knocked everything back to the Stone Age and civilization has had to crawl back. There are three city-states on a peninsula that is blocked off by yet-to-be-crossed mountain range in the north. One city is loosely based on Athens, one on Sparta, and one where power, in all it's forms, determine the worth of a person. The party was working out of the Athens-based city and are currently in the northern controlled territory nearing the border of the Sparta-based city's southern controlled territory. The three cities are currently at peace.

Should I have them continue north towards the mountain range to find a dragon? Should they return with the heads of the Manticore to collec the bounties and then be approached by a wealthy merchant to explore some newly discovered islands? I have no adventure hook currently in mind nor do I have anything prepared in the way of a dungeon complex or stronghold or anything.

Any and all help is appreciated!

Level 5
Krynnish Minotaur (Dragonlance) Barbarian
Krynnish Minotaur (Dragonlance) Druid (has been shillelaghing and beating face alongside his bear and the barbarian)
Hengeyokai Swift Hunter
Elf Dread Necromancer (has a Shambling Mound Zombie, He asked if it could be done and I didn't remember if it could in-session so I allowed it and haven't double-checked since)

The party really doesn't have much in the way of fleshed-out goals.

2016-03-26, 10:41 AM
Prolly a bit late (sorry about that) but both your ideas sound reasonable.

They can spot a camp of Sparta-expys starting to mass up, intending to attack their base city.

They can stumble into a "vault" from the age before. Full of faerezz infused zombies or ghouls and some gigantic insects. As they look for a way out they might find something useful for the city (some wondrous architecture or a ballista)

2016-03-26, 10:53 AM
They can fall ill when eating the food of a tavern or hotel(only if they go at such places) and then they might potentially investigate why the food is bad(it might be that the cook have a disease or anything of this kind and it might probably be solved very fast)
Players will nearly surely overact about something very normal like that and it is fun to see then start imagining conspiracy theories when the cook is just ill.

2016-03-30, 12:08 AM
if you are truly in a pinch have them run into the sunless citadel. Its a module and it will make your life easy because there is very little prep. When all else fails run a module

2016-03-30, 07:04 AM
Prolly a bit late (sorry about that) but both your ideas sound reasonable.

They can spot a camp of Sparta-expys starting to mass up, intending to attack their base city.

They can stumble into a "vault" from the age before. Full of faerezz infused zombies or ghouls and some gigantic insects. As they look for a way out they might find something useful for the city (some wondrous architecture or a ballista)

What on earth is Faerezz?

2016-03-30, 11:26 AM
What on earth is Faerezz?

The spelling might be off but Faerezz is and Underdark radiation that dampens divination among other things (it also helps plants grow in the dark). Faerezz infused is a template. I mostly went for the radiation, falloutesque scenario