View Full Version : 4th player handbook cover art info

2016-03-26, 03:21 PM
Normally the inside page mentions about the cover art anyone have that info like who the 2 characters are

2016-03-27, 06:06 AM
I'm pretty sure they're just generic characters with no name.

That said, you could assume they're meant to represent Donaar and Shuva, two of the sample adventurers from the race section.

2016-03-27, 11:54 AM
Thanks for the info

2016-03-27, 01:26 PM
Thanks for the info

You're welcome.

2016-03-27, 05:29 PM
I'm pretty sure they're just generic characters with no name.

That said, you could assume they're meant to represent Donaar and Shuva, two of the sample adventurers from the race section.

I'm reasonably sure the wizard is what's her face the elven wizard from 3e. Begins with an M.

2016-03-27, 05:48 PM
I'm reasonably sure the wizard is what's her face the elven wizard from 3e. Begins with an M.

It can't be Mialee, I'm fairly certain the wizard on the cover is human.

2016-03-27, 06:03 PM
It can't be Mialee, I'm fairly certain the wizard on the cover is human.

Can't see her ears, but that's roughly what Mialee usually looks like.

2016-03-27, 11:34 PM
I looked at pics of mialee they don't look like the girl on dd 4 phb. I also checked nurall a Human female wizard no match from 3.5

2016-03-28, 10:01 AM
I looked at pics of mialee they don't look like the girl on dd 4 phb. I also checked nurall a Human female wizard no match from 3.5

Mialee has the same basic outfit, dark hair, carries a staff. And the ears can be ambiguous with the hair. If you look at the picture of the Eladrin in the 4e PHB, they look relatively human in appearance.

Not saying I'm certain on this, just simply close enough to Mialee that I'm not 100% certain why she looks that way if she's not Mialee.

2016-03-28, 11:09 AM
What page picture do you refer to for a possible match. I was pulling from the web where she has green clothing and thin elf features and from the clue D&d box with her in red. No match to the phb. Mystery continues

Kurald Galain
2016-03-28, 05:10 PM
Considering that when the PHB1 was first launched, WOTC's marketing was heavily along the lines of "3E is horrible", I find it rather unlikely that one of 3E's iconic mascot characters would be found in or on the 4E book.

2016-03-28, 06:00 PM
What page picture do you refer to for a possible match. I was pulling from the web where she has green clothing and thin elf features and from the clue D&d box with her in red. No match to the phb. Mystery continues

The Eladrin picture in the Eladrin section has similar features. Mialee's listed as an Elven name, and both Wizards have the bare midriff, open leg skirt, gloved hands, carrying staff, dark hair, etc...

The only real difference is the red clothing and that might very well be an art decision.

Point being - very close to the look of Mialee and given that, should have been more different.

2016-03-28, 06:02 PM
Considering that when the PHB1 was first launched, WOTC's marketing was heavily along the lines of "3E is horrible", I find it rather unlikely that one of 3E's iconic mascot characters would be found in or on the 4E book.

WotC's marketing wasn't really along that route. The internet ran with it though...

Kurald Galain
2016-03-28, 06:17 PM
WotC's marketing wasn't really along that route. The internet ran with it though...

Oh, but WOTC's commercials were hilariously condescending a couple years ago. From the message that "everybody hates gnomes!" (which lead to an uproar, which lead to gnomes being hastily added to the next book), to the campaign that "it's the same game as always" (and please don't notice all the sweeping changes we're making!), to the attempt to legally force third-party supporters to completely abandon earlier editions (which lead to them not supporting 4E instead).

It's pretty funny in retrospect but it did end up costing them about 80% of their fanbase.

So yeah. If any designer managed to sneak a 3E easter egg into the 4E PHB, I'm pretty sure he'd have been fired for that.

2016-03-29, 09:47 AM
The Eladrin picture in the Eladrin section has similar features. Mialee's listed as an Elven name, and both Wizards have the bare midriff, open leg skirt, gloved hands, carrying staff, dark hair, etc...

The only real difference is the red clothing and that might very well be an art decision.

Okay, I have the 3.5 and 4e PhBs right next to me. Mialee has some weird single piece of clothing, the 4e wizard (I'll dub her Shuva, after the Half-elf Warlock in the race description, thanks for the idea Dire_Stirge) is clearly wearing a separate top and bottom. their skirts are of a similar design, but Shuva has a much more substantial one with the rather than triangular design. Shuva also has separate bracers whereas Mialee appears to just have weird sleves. Mialee also does not tie her hair like Shuva does, although it does seem to be the same shade. Shuva's staff (the stereotypical 'this is a mage' weapon) is also a completely different design to Mialee's. Shuva has a lot more jewellery than Mialee does, and her cape is larger and more practical. For the final thing, Shuva is also better endowed than Mialee is (must be storing more magic). Oh, and boots.

I can actually go on, from the dagger/shortsord on Shuva's belt to the fact their faces do not have the same structure.

Point being - very close to the look of Mialee and given that, should have been more different.

Yep, they are both 'female wizard' in looks. I agree that they could have put Shuva in a floor-length robe, but putting that as option C (Mialee's outfit is option A) it still gets a weak second place to Shuva's current outfit in dungeon practicality (although a shirt and trousers would still be better).

2016-03-29, 10:48 AM
Good job on separating the two. Now as for shuva goes, we could all agree she is s spellcaster. As for her race I think we can strongly suggest she is probably human with a possibility of being 1/2 elf. I do not see a full elf or eladrin feature at all or any other Demi human race.

If we assume she is human or 1/2 elf and also assume she is described under the race description in phb 4ed then it appears she would be shuva?

Now she is also pictured on DMG 2 4ed cover is shuva listed in there somewhere? Hmmmm

Or maybe the artist knows and it's non of the above

2016-03-30, 07:53 AM
I emailed the artist and this is his response to my question

Thanks for your interest in my artwork.

The character is a female human wizard. No name given.
I don't recall any of the cover characters from D&D 4E being given names.
She's definitely not Mailee. Any similarity is purely coincidental. (I read the forum)

The same character is depicted on the cover of 4E DMG II.

Many of the named characters in my online gallery are from Pathfinder RPG. Different game. Different design team.

You may post my reply to the forum thread if you wish.


Wayne Reynolds

2016-03-31, 07:58 AM
I emailed the artist and this is his response to my question

Thanks for your interest in my artwork.

The character is a female human wizard. No name given.
I don't recall any of the cover characters from D&D 4E being given names.
She's definitely not Mailee. Any similarity is purely coincidental. (I read the forum)

The same character is depicted on the cover of 4E DMG II.

Many of the named characters in my online gallery are from Pathfinder RPG. Different game. Different design team.

You may post my reply to the forum thread if you wish.


Wayne Reynolds

Ah cool. Glad to be wrong!