View Full Version : Optimization What to do at 8th lvl Sorcerer??

2016-03-26, 09:24 PM
OK so I was informed by my DM that I will be gaining 8th lvl in our campaign. I have so many options and not sure what to do. Currently I am a 7th lvl Sorcerer with maxed Cha. I have the tough feat already since I rolled horribly for every level of hit points. I am considering going with just a bump to Con, but I would really like to pick up another feat. The ones I am looking at are, in no particular order: Alert, War caster, spell sniper or lucky. I have 43 hp now, I will get another 1d6+4 when I gain the level so while more HP would be nice, I am not sure what to do.

Secondly, I get another 4th level spell and there are a lot of good ones. I currently have vitrolic sphere, but I am trying to decide between confusion, immolation, greater invis, or stoneskin. Any suggestions?

In case it matters I am a wild mage sorcerer and have a 14 con, maxed cha.

2016-03-26, 09:44 PM
bump con would be my choice. for the spell, consider polymorph. turning into a giant ape for HP can be good if you find yourself in a melee.

2016-03-26, 10:31 PM
You can never go wrong with the Lucky feat for any character. It is quite good.

For a Sorcerer who currently has an odd Dexterity score I also really like the idea of getting Resilient: Dex. That would bump up your AC, Initiative, and Dex save as well as giving you proficiency to Dex saves. The d6 hit point classes (like sorcerer) are the ones most vulnerable to enemy AoE spells, which tend to be Dex save to resist. If your Dex is currently an even number then maybe don't bother, though.

Twinning Greater Invisibility is really awesome. If you have the Twin Spell metamagic maybe consider that?

2016-03-27, 08:16 AM
What is your metamagic and what other members does your group has?

2016-03-27, 09:22 AM
I have heighten and quicken. The group has a tanky wizard, a wizard/cleric, a fighter/sorc, a ranger, and a paladin.

2016-03-27, 09:40 AM
OK so I was informed by my DM that I will be gaining 8th lvl in our campaign. I have so many options and not sure what to do. Currently I am a 7th lvl Sorcerer with maxed Cha. I have the tough feat already since I rolled horribly for every level of hit points. I am considering going with just a bump to Con, but I would really like to pick up another feat. The ones I am looking at are, in no particular order: Alert, War caster, spell sniper or lucky. I have 43 hp now, I will get another 1d6+4 when I gain the level so while more HP would be nice, I am not sure what to do.

Secondly, I get another 4th level spell and there are a lot of good ones. I currently have vitrolic sphere, but I am trying to decide between confusion, immolation, greater invis, or stoneskin. Any suggestions?

In case it matters I am a wild mage sorcerer and have a 14 con, maxed cha.

+1 Inspiring Leader. Free HP that recharge on a short rest and help everyone in your party, including any hirelings you have.

2016-03-27, 11:03 AM
+1 Inspiring Leader. Free HP that recharge on a short rest and help everyone in your party, including any hirelings you have.

I second this recommendation. Inspiring Leader is such an under-rated feat. Providing 13 (and more per level) temporary hp per short rest to your entire party is incredibly useful.

2016-03-27, 11:08 AM
I'll second Polymorph as a spell. The extra HP makes shapeshifting nuts in this edition.

As for feats... Lucky never hurts, but what's your usual role in combat? Are you a blaster? Controller? Gish?

2016-03-27, 11:43 AM
With such a high score in charisma and with that many allies, inspiring leader does seem to be the best choice indeed.

As for spells, I would suggest banishment. Keep in mind that due to multiclassing, your allies will rely on you for high level spells, and banishment seems to play well with your choice of metamagic. Ofc it's not the only good choice, whatever spell you end up choosing make sure it complements well the spells your allies can hurl, as well as your rest spell list (eg too many concentration spell might hurt you).

One thing about polymorph. Casting it on yourself has the drawback that you are forced to stick with the con saves of the form you choose, regarding concentraton checks. Generally it is better to cast it on someone else, while staying back and hopefully safe from damage that would force you to make concentration checks. Twinning it on allies is even better (same goes for other buffs, like gr invisibility or haste), so maybe retrain some of your spells later on, if you choose twinned spell as your 3rd metamagic at level 10.

2016-03-27, 01:37 PM
I second this recommendation. Inspiring Leader is such an under-rated feat. Providing 13 (and more per level) temporary hp per short rest to your entire party is incredibly useful.

I did look at this feat, but currently our Paladin has it and as far as I know we don't get extra HP from us both using it.

My spells thus far are:

Minor Illusion
Blade ward

Mage armor


Mirror image
Scorching ray




Vitrolic Sphere

All my stats are currently at even numbers and I already have the tough feat as I said. I am a blaster for the most part. Skill wise I am a face, good with persuasion, deception, etc. Background is a faction agent.

2016-03-27, 01:49 PM
War Caster gives you advantage on Concentration saves. Worth it.

Elemental Affinity works well for you since you have a lot of fire spells.

Immolation is fun, but it's Fifth level. Wall of Fire and Confusion might be your best bets, though Greater Invisibility is pretty damn amazing.

Insert shameless plug for my Sorcerer guide.

2016-03-27, 02:54 PM
Immolation is fun, but it's Fifth level.
Insert shameless plug for my Sorcerer guide.

I must have missed that it was 5th...thought it was 4th for some reason.

I did check it out...looks good. Some good ideas there.

2016-03-28, 02:29 AM
Hmm, as the one with the highest spell slots and a 20 in your spellcasting ability, you should make sure to grab counterspell at some point. I also think you should retrain haste into sth else, until at least you take twinned spell (if ever). Maybe hold person can be situationaly incredibly useful to you, you have the right metamagic for it anyway, and the spellcasting ability to use it reliably. Quicken it or heighten it as necessary, and you can always upcast it (good use of spell slots if applicable) to make fights against humanoids a lot easier.

Elemental adept (fire) might be a good investment, as the paladin already has inspiring leader and your stats are even.

2016-03-28, 09:13 AM
Hmm, as the one with the highest spell slots and a 20 in your spellcasting ability, you should make sure to grab counterspell at some point. I also think you should retrain haste into sth else, until at least you take twinned spell (if ever). Maybe hold person can be situationaly incredibly useful to you, you have the right metamagic for it anyway, and the spellcasting ability to use it reliably. Quicken it or heighten it as necessary, and you can always upcast it (good use of spell slots if applicable) to make fights against humanoids a lot easier.

Elemental adept (fire) might be a good investment, as the paladin already has inspiring leader and your stats are even.

Our wizard is very much a buffer/debuffer. I am pretty much damage with haste being the exception since we have a few melee fighters to throw it on.

I am truly up in the air about all these decisions. I feel like leaning towards a feat, but not sure the one I want yet and for spells I just keep adding more to the possible list.

2016-03-28, 12:56 PM
For feats, why not take Elemental Adept? Bypassing resistances is really handy, especially if you tend to focus on one damage type. And since your paladin already has Inspiring Leader, you don't have to worry about that.

Also, how often do you actually get hit? With that party, I would imagine that you're relatively safe as far as dying goes. Just make sure your positioning is correct and you shouldn't ever get hit.

2016-03-31, 12:00 AM
For feats, why not take Elemental Adept? Bypassing resistances is really handy, especially if you tend to focus on one damage type. And since your paladin already has Inspiring Leader, you don't have to worry about that.

Also, how often do you actually get hit? With that party, I would imagine that you're relatively safe as far as dying goes. Just make sure your positioning is correct and you shouldn't ever get hit.

Between defensive magic and being smart about where I stand I am pretty good. Just concerned as our DM likes to use ambush tactics and such. Thats why i thought about taking the Alert feat. I can't count on two hands how many times a group of rogues has ambushed us and drop at least one of us in the surprise round.

My only concern with elemental adept is I will be taking spells that are not all fire or all of one element. I am looking forward way in the future at disintegrate, cones of cold, and other massive damage spells, so just because I have fire ball and scorching ray now I am not sure I want to throw a feat at it.