View Full Version : Pathfinder Best 3.5 Spells for Pathfinder Treasure?

2016-03-27, 02:28 PM
I'm thinking of using 3.5 spells as treasure for a Pathfinder campaign, representing slightly "exotic" or specialized magic. I'm interested in 3.5 spells which haven't been replicated in Pathfinder, or which are generally quirky or obscure even to experienced players.

With the exception of the PHB, I'm open to spells from any official 3.5 source, including Forgotten Realms and Eberron supplements, as well as Dragon magazine and web enhancements. Spells in the range from first to fourth level would be especially helpful, since this will be for the earlier stages of a campaign.

"Quirky but oddly useful" is the general vibe I'm aiming for. Any suggestions?


2016-03-27, 06:08 PM
Hoard Gullet comes to mind.

Lesser Vigor to make out of combat healing efficient and not evil does as well.

The Spirit Binding or Spirit Ally spell line from Oriental Adventures' Shaman is better than Planar Ally in certain ways and a little bit quirky in what it gets you, especially with PF bestiaries. http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?248262-Shaman-Handbook-Oriental-Adventures.

Acorn of Far Travel and its family of non-abusive spells from the WOTC archives. Altered to limit the ability to take advantage of planar traits. Or not.

Animate Dread Warrior from Unapproachable East. Have to decide if you wanna update the template.

An attack spell pre-metamagicked with Fell Animate from Libris Mortis might be interesting.

Mineralize Warrior from Underdark would be really interesting in Kingmaker type games, since they serve for a Year and a Day.

Kuipers or kwipers or Kaupers or whatever his name was Quick Blast might be interesting. A swift action blasting spell with different elemental analogs. I know one version was in the WOTC spell book archives and I think another was Spell Compendium.

Oh, and Bone Fiddle would be great. Probably. Libris Mortis or Spell Comp.

Edit: On the note of Shaman, their 2nd level spells Create Spring and Know Motivation might be of interest as well as their 3rd level spells Possess Animal and Substitution, their 4th level spells Dream Sight and Reanimation aong with maybe Sustain(possibly with spell level alteration since I think there's a cantrip or low level spell for making a crumb feed one person for a day), 5th levels give Commune w/ Greater Spirit, Advice, and Possess; 6th & 7th are basically empty save for Vulnerability and advanced versions of already mentioned spells, 8th gives Compel to be a living Helm of Opposite Alignment, and no unique 9th level spells.

2016-03-28, 05:19 PM
These are exactly the sort of thing I'm looking for, thanks.

Anyone else have any suggestions? Quirky, useful spells that Pathfinder didn't port over?

2016-03-28, 05:37 PM
Programmed Amnesia (SC)
Incarnate Construct (SS)
Create Crawling Claw (MC:MoF)
Minor Servitor (SS)
Awaken Sand (Sa)
Water to Acid (St)
Augment Object (SBG)

Are all spells I used regularly back.

2016-03-28, 08:14 PM
Rangers would probably appreciate Hunter's Eye and Arrowsplit.

2016-03-28, 08:16 PM
Awaken Undead
Imprison Posessor
Trait Removal

2016-03-28, 09:56 PM
There's a Dragon Ally line of spells that might be interesting (and spendy!), that came up in te spells banned by dragons thread. Fey Ring mentioned there is also quirky in its way. http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040710a

There's a spell that makes a creature count as undead for all purposes and another one that makes them count as human or humanoid. Great for creating or getting rid of certain vulnerabilities. ...Can't remember the names offhand though! Maybe Human(oid) Essence for the humanoid making one? I wanna say that one's from Eberron.

Teleport through Time might be another, but it's probably more appropriate as a maguffin.

2016-03-28, 10:23 PM
There's a Dragon Ally line of spells that might be interesting (and spendy!), that came up in te spells banned by dragons thread. Fey Ring mentioned there is also quirky in its way. http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040710a

There's a spell that makes a creature count as undead for all purposes and another one that makes them count as human or humanoid. Great for creating or getting rid of certain vulnerabilities. ...Can't remember the names offhand though! Maybe Human(oid) Essence for the humanoid making one? I wanna say that one's from Eberron.

Teleport through Time might be another, but it's probably more appropriate as a maguffin.

Greater Humanoid Essence (RoE)!
Makes a Construct a Humanoid for the duration.

Can't believe I forgot that one! It's my fav!

2016-03-28, 10:56 PM
Invoke Magic
Arms of Plenty
Secret Weapon

2016-03-29, 01:08 AM
Anticipate Teleportation (and greater version). Protection against scry and fry should be in Pathfinder too.
Mass Aid. A very nice buff
Amanuensis. There aren't that many cool cantrips. This is one of them.
Greater Blink. Blink but good for casters
Dispel Ward. Low level special purpose dispel magic.
Dragonskin. Nice sor/wiz natural armor buff.
Contingent Energy Resistance. A good alternative to communal resist energy. (Typically, the core resist energy is primarly useful if you know what you'll be facing ahead of time. If you're in the middle of an encounter, the communal version is far more useful. This is useful ahead of time if you don't know what you're facing).
Create Magic Tattoo. Probably broken, but very nice.
Mass Fire Shield. Very nice party buff. Wizards don't get enough of this kind of thing
Fires of Purity. A nice offense+defense buff.
Gemjump. A nice limited teleportation spell if you don't want "I can go anywhere" teleports.
Holy Storm. A nice offensive cleric spell at level 3. There aren't many of them.
Holy Transformation (lesser, regular, and greater)
Life's Grace (immunity to ability drain and damage from undead)
Greater Mage Armor. There really should be a better version. Here is one of them
Reciprocal Gyre. The anti-buff spell spell deserves a place in pathfinder.
Curse of Impending Blades (regular and mass): Very nice debuff.
Stalwart Pact. Pact spells are great quest rewards or quest preparation.