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2016-03-28, 01:15 PM
Heeding the call of the so-called “Gilded Empress,” Valdis Acre has arrived in Iresi. The city is huge; it sprawls for miles in both directions, following the banks of the Mena north and south.

The city is laid out such that those with more wealth live toward the north. As one travels upriver, the streets go from mud to dirt to cobblestone to flagstones. The buildings in the southern quarter tend toward home made of wood and dirt, while the long, squat, sturdy walls of the Citadel of the Water mark the northwestern edge of the urban area.

Because those with money almost exclusively live “higher” than those without, an odd social hierarchy has developed. Streets that run perpendicular to the river are numbered (with 1st being closest to the Citadel), meaning that one’s social standing is almost entirely dependent on their (street) number. The streets running roughly parallel to the river are named, and every numbered street divisible by five is gated to prevent the “lows” from sneaking into the realm of their betters. Strangely, this leads to a series of gates that anyone can use to travel south, but only the wealthy can use to travel north. In addition, outsiders are typically allowed free reign of the city, meaning that the gates are only in place to restrict the movement of the lows.

Thus, after days of traveling through farmland, across bridges and through fords, Valdis has reached Iresi. The poor masses move aside at his approach. His confident stride toward the north impressed even the twenties and teens, and no gate barred his way. In fact, it wasn’t until 5th that anyone dared speak to him: a gateguard, whose nervous questions quickly turned into hurried bows.

Thus, Valdis made his way to the Citadel. The walls, barely 15 feet tall, are made of thick, solid stone. Towers double that height rise every 50 or so feet. The main gate is open, and no one questions his approach.

The first courtyard is mostly gardens. Flowers, strange trees, and a few exotic animals can be found here. The entire area is set up to display, not produce, wealth. Continuing inward, Valdis finds hallways, chambers, and courtyards aplenty, along with a number of gates, all open. Eventually, he is approached by a servant, perhaps a castellan, who asks what business a warrior has here. When the invitation is explained, Valdis is quickly ushered into a spacious, comfortable waiting room. Before long, he is asked into the audience chamber.

You find yourself in a huge room. The ceiling arches above your head easily 60 feet. Massive marble pillars support the huge weight of stone above. Tapestries hang from each wall, and massive windows create a bright, airy atmosphere. A few paintings adorn the pillars. Golden sconces, all empty, stud the upper parts of the walls. A few groups of beings, mostly humans and halflings, can be seen huddled around various columns, talking quietly among themselves. They are all dressed very finely, with full, colorful robes and flashy jewelry.

The columns, while at first appear to be places randomly throughout the room, soon fall into a recognizable pattern; a sort of double spiral that ends at the far end of the room. A raised throne carved of some deep, black stone and set with emeralds and rubies dominates the chamber. Four people stand in front of it. The two largest hold ornate halberds and wear gilded armor, though you have no doubt as to its effectiveness. Their broad shoulders and pronounced jaws and brows reveal their orc ancestry. The third figure is a beautiful man holding a stringed instrument of some kind. He smiles as he speaks, clearly demonstrating how the instrument is to be played. The fourth figure, and recipient of the instructions, is a Halfling. Her fingers are studded with rings, her neck is surrounded by gems, and her brow is adorned with a heavy gold diadem. She leans on a thick ivory cane with an emerald top. She is, though, rather unimpressive on a personal level. She is less than attractive, poorly aged, and her laughter at a jest of the musician’s sounds more like sand being rubbed on stone than any display of mirth you’ve ever heard.

She turns as you enter, though, and waves you closer.

“Greetings. My seneschal informed me that you are the warrior I sent for. I hope your travels were full of prosperity. I am Empress Kryliona, if that was not apparent. Normally you’d meet me in much more formal circumstances, but I need you for a less than formal mission.” She waves away the musician, who bows, shoots you a quick glare, and walks stiffly away.

“Now. Would you care for a drink? We’ll be moving to a more private chamber, so if you don’t mind?”

Without waiting for a response, she hobbles around the throne, then enters a small wooden door there. It’s short enough that you need to duck your head a bit to enter. Inside, a room, maybe twenty feet by twenty feet, is dominated by a round table. The empress sits at one end and gestures for you to sit opposite her. A goblet and glass sits in front of the seat she indicates, each full of wine. One of the two guards enters as well, pulling the door closed behind him.

“Now. A certain associate of mine is in need of a stern… talking-to. His refusal to answer my officials summons is more than a little disconcerting.” She smiles.

“Naturally, I am upset by this, let’s say, distortion of the order of things. I have the power in our relationship, but he refused to see that. Do you think you can help me?”

Here we go! Feel free to have Valdis interact with people/things on his way to the meeting, respond in whatever way you'd like, visit a tavern before heading to the Citadel, listen to gossip about the town, etc. I moved through a lot so that we wouldn't use up (potential) days of IRL time making small talk if that's not your cup of tea.

If Valdis would wear something different than his normal armor, feel free to throw in a description as part of your first post so I can modify NPC reactions accordingly.

2016-03-28, 03:04 PM
Valdis Acre (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=685320)
Looks good! And yeah, nothing written seems at all counter to what I was planning for him to act like.

Valdis keeps a neutral expression as he passes through the doorway as bidden by the Empress' guards, recognizing the subtlety in forcing him to bow just to speak with her. The rough clatter of his metal armor is not quiet as he sits across from her. He eyes the sanguine drink in the ornate goblet before him, and the more modest glass next to it, both offered to him.
Showy, pompous. And why the glass, next to it?
He chooses the goblet, and raises it for the aroma.
Can't imagine it's poisoned. Hardly a purpose to that. But it never bodes well to take a glass you didn't see poured. Still, rude to refuse. I have a strong stomach, I'll live either way.
Still, he holds off on taking a sip for now, at least while the Empress speaks and describes in very uncertain terms the nature of his assignment.

"Your Highness," he begins, after a pregnant pause. "Speaking with only the utmost respect, I would appreciate that you be a shade more candid and a shade less cagey in your proposition. I respect that you may be entrusting me with information sensitive to both yourself and the offending party, and I don't for a moment want you to put your standing in jeopardy. Rest assured, I would be honored to accept your request and treat this as fairly as any other mission I have taken. But ignorance and success are rarely married, and I prefer not to march into what I neither know nor understand. The identity of this quarry, his relationship to you and the nature of your summons, whatever reason he has opted not to obey your wishes now when I take it he has in the past? These are things that, with your discretion, I would need to know before assuring you any chance of success in this mission."
Valdis swirls the wine in the goblet gently as he speaks. He still has not drank any.

If needed, Diplomacy [roll0]
Definitely needed, Sense Motive [roll1] (EDIT: SWEET NAT 1)
And the same Sense Motive to the guard with us, as well. [roll2] Not too much to sense, I would think, except if he looks at all on edge. Does he worry that I might attack for whatever reason? If so, it might suggest that he's expecting her to do or say something which will anger me.

2016-03-28, 05:46 PM
Nat20 Diplomacy, Nat1 Sense Motive. Fun start!
The empress doesn't seem to be lying. In fact, aside from the obvious omission of detail, it seems as though she's being entirely candid. Carrying the roll over to this post: She's completely honest, and is genuinely seeking your aid. When he drops her guard for a moment after mentioning the missing messenger, you get the feeling that the messenger himself was the cause for her distress.
The guard is pointedly, and rigidly, staring at a wall. You get the sense respect and discipline, rather than fear, is driving his lack of movement. He seems completely calm.

The empress smiles again, nodding.

"Quite practical, naturally. I assure you, my secrecy was in no way designed for protection. As I said, the man in question is my subordinate. He is of no real threat. But, and I hope this is not a surprise to you, I actually would like to see you succeed, and so will provide the necessary information.

"Denela is his name, by the way. Brute of a man, but don't let his apparent aggression fool you. He's wily. Distant relation, in fact. He rules over the tract of land called 'Tenelan.' It's large, to be sure, but by no means the largest division. Denela, from what my sources tell me, is busy gathering a force of soldiers. Normally, nothing too concerning, as we... Well, I won't bore you with politics. Suffice to say, the man has a force of spellcasters that could threaten to disrupt trade in the region. Rather than go to war with my own man, I'd like you to speak with him. I- Please! Drink! I can assure you, it's a very fine wine. Imported from the coast, and all that.

"Anyway, my suspicion is that he intends to move against me. He may have allies, I'm not sure yet. I've issued a number of Sendings to him, as well as more conventional messages, commanding his presence at court. Well, requesting to begin with. He has not responded, where he had, like any of my men, previously never truly failed me. My most recent messenger, a man I expected back three days ago, has not been heard from." Her previously calm, almost amused expression wavers for an instant as she frowns, but she quickly regains her composure.

"So. Your mission. I need you to travel to Tenelan and talk to Denela. I need him to explain, in a very convincing manner, why he needs an armed force. If he cannot do that in a satisfactory way, then I need him to be convinced to disband. If he cannot do that... Well, I do have a, ah, family member who has just come of age, and she is in need of some holdings."

She shrugs. "You'd be free to carry out the task in whatever way you see fit." You're acutely aware that she means this literally. "The law is a bit vague when it comes to the uppers' - pardon, the nobility's - interactions with each other. And you'd have my protection, so long as you are successful. Naturally, if things go south, ties will be cut. Also, of course, the only person to hear that you work for me, aside from Hrungk here, will be Master Denela himself." She gestures at her guard as she mentions "Hrungk."

She leans forward. "Questions."

2016-03-28, 06:04 PM
Valdis exhales.
"Just a wayward subordinate, after all? Trying to build an army and amass power? This sort of thing is to be expected, I've seen it before. The weak foolishly try to subjugate the strong, but it never turns out well for them in the end. I think I can imagine how this is going to play out."
He finally has some of the wine. It's of good quality, probably. He doesn't like wine very much, but tries not to let that show.
"Only two questions, I think. The first is of practicality: Do you have means for me to make my way to Tenelan? I admit, I am not familiar with the region. Is it far from here, a land in its own right, or is it just one of the many districts I passed through on my way up the river? The service of a mage in your employ as a proverbial ferryman would be ideal, but a carriage would serve as next best thing. My second question is twofold: You mentioned your most recent messenger has not returned. I take it he went to Tenelan as well? If he was taken captive or more likely executed, then he went somewhere he shouldn't have been and where I will have to go. Any word on his path? And you did say your most recent messenger. Have there been others, who did return? I should like to speak with them, if they are in fit condition to speak."

By the way, I did take the Spirit Sense feat from Heroes of Horror, which will allow me to see the lingering consciousness/spirits of anyone who died within the last 8 minutes. Not that that's an issue now, but if I should stumble into an area where someone was recently killed and hidden or something like that, it'll be interesting.

2016-03-28, 06:27 PM
The empress offers a knowing half smile.

Yeah, something's up with that, says your sense motive check of "above 5."

The wine is fine, to be sure, but nothing particularly noteworthy.

"I can offer you a few scrolls, if that would help. You, of course, understand that I cannot have one of my retainer mages showing up as your escort. If using a Teleport or Wind Walk scroll is outside your presumably large repertoire of skills, then I can offer a horse, or carriage? A guide can take you near the border, but, again, I shy away from direct association outside of my demesne. Tenelan is perhaps 100 miles north of here. It is merely one of the districts, if a large one. Technically under my control, but not directly or immediately. Its capital is Benyll, which sits on Lake Mena, the source of a minor branch of the Mena.

"The recent messenger made it to Benyll. His last Sending arrived only two days after he entered the district capital. Speaking of which, can you issue Sendings? If not, I will make other arrangements. He traveled along the banks, as we do not have much in the way of roads aside from those that follow the river. Seven physical messages have been issued, yes. The first two were by a low, whose name escapes me. She has been sent for and will meet you in the courtyard when we are finished here. The following five were conducted by the same man that went missing. Speaking of which, if you could spare the time to find him or his whereabouts, I would be very appreciative.

Neat! No one has died here recently, unfortunately.
You sure do have a pile of cool effects lying around. I like it. I'll be stealing some of your stuff for future characters, no doubt.

You think that the empress does, in fact, know the messenger's name, but is feigning ignorance to avoid direct association with one so far below her station.

You get the feeling that "very appreciative" carries some sort of benefit aside from "mere" royal gratitude.

In case it isn't clear, the Mena is the large river that divides this city and, apparently, runs throughout much of the region. It provides the water, and nice, silt-y soil for the continent's agricultural powerhouse.

2016-03-28, 06:41 PM
Wait, at which part did she smile?

"A scroll of Teleport is outside the field on which Hextor pastures his flock, but I can make use of Wind Walk. If anything it may prove more versatile. If you can provide me with at least two, one to get there and one to return, none of your staff need weigh me down.

I have in the past been able to use the Sending spell, though I did not anticipate needing it today. You will not hear from me until dusk at the earliest, when I pray to Hextor and beseech him for the spell I need. But then again, you asked for minimal contact. There shouldn't be any need to reach out to you until the job is done.

I will speak with the first messenger, and be on my way shortly. I will do what is in my power to learn of the status of the last messenger, but I cannot guarantee anything. For the most likely of occurrences, I recommend collecting five thousand gold pieces' worth of diamond shards before I return."

Valdis puts the goblet down and takes one more glance at the glass. He then stands, and if the Empress makes no request to stop him, heads for the short door.

2016-03-28, 08:34 PM
Yeah, that was unclear. She smiled at "I think I can imagine how this is going to play out."

"Wind Walk it is. They will be delivered. Issue Sendings directly to me with developments. Best of luck."

Hrungk opens the door for you. The throne room is as you left it, with the addition of the man who guided you to the room in the first place. He bows slightly, then gestures. Without checking to see if you follow, he moves quickly to the initial courtyard, glances at a young girl in a servant's robe, and nods at you. "Your, ah, contact, sir."

The girl bows deeply as you approach, then stares at the ground in deference. Your guide stays in place. Over the next few minutes, several other servants approach him. Some whisper in his ear, some hand him items, some are handed items.

2016-03-28, 08:53 PM
What does the girl look like? What species is she? And when you say young do you mean like a child, or young adult?

Valdis looks the girl over, not moving from where he stands.
"So you're a 'low', are you? From my understanding of things, it must be a rare and exciting opportunity for you to be north of the gates, let alone in the palace. Answer me, why did you serve as the initial messenger? Is it because you were considered expendable? Were you chosen at random, or was there a reason that it was you? In any case, you're standing before me now, and the 'reliable' messenger is not. You succeeded where he failed. Were I a bolder man, I might question the Empress' use of the word reliable.

Now then, to business. I do assume you succeeded in delivering your messages, because I doubt the Empress would have allowed you to survive in failure. I would like to know where it was specifically that you went to deliver these messages, and to whom. Did you have a contact in Benyll? Was there a signal, or a dropoff point?"

2016-03-29, 08:15 AM
Human, mid-teens. She's got dark hair cut shortish and is very thin. Her sandals are worn thin and her robe is patched many times over. Her face is mostly hidden due to her posture, but its clear that it's not clean.

The girl nods as you begin to speak, then stands still as you ask your first few questions. When she answers, her voice is soft, with a slight rural twang that indicates she's not from the city originally.

"I got chose because I'm a runner, your highness. Me'n the other runners get picked for different things to run. It was just my turn, your highness."

She starts when you mention questioning the empress, but doesn't respond to that directly. Clearly, disagreements between her betters are not a topic she feels comfortable discussing.

"I just ran to the district leader's castle there and gave the papers to a servant, like always, your highness. I don't remember his name. Please highness, am I in trouble? I promise I didn't do nothing wrong. I ran the messages good like always."

She's clearly quite nervous at this point, even darting a glance up at your to judge your expression. She has large, bright eyes and an odd cast to her features. You suspect that her ancestry isn't entirely human.

2016-03-29, 08:50 AM
"You didn't do anything wrong. You ran the messages well like always." Valdis both comforts and chastises. "Fair enough, I suppose I was hoping for a bit much. It gives me something to go on though. You're dismissed, Runner. Here, for your trouble. I don't expect something for nothing." He tosses a gold coin at her, and turns to the softly whispering guards.
"I trust you have my arrangements? I wish to make haste and begin my search before dusk."

As he waits for the guards, he considers casting for an omen of his new task, but decides to wait until he actually reaches Tenelan. No sense assuring a safe flight just to meet peril upon landing.
The district leader's castle...Gave the papers to a servant...Either the servant did his job and the district leader is passing these to Denela, or the servant is bypassing the leader and working for Denela directly. Insubordinate subordinates seem to be the way this is being played. But we shall see.

What time of day is it? If it's closer to noon Valdis may nap so he can keep going into the night. I'm already really enjoying this character.

2016-03-29, 09:15 AM
The girl hesitantly takes the coin, then quickly shoves it in a pocket and hurries off, murmuring "Thank you, highness" as she goes.

Your guide nods. "Yes, sir. I have two scrolls for you. Her Imperial Majesty commanded that you be given these. One is for transportation, one for communication. If they go unused, they are your own to keep." He hands over the scrolls. One has four copies of Wind Walk inscribed, while the other has three copies of Sending.

"I would advise against using any sort of transportation magic within the walls of the Citadel, sir. If there is anything you need that does not warrant Her Majesty's personal attention while you are in Iresi, send for Berthmen and I will aid you. If there is nothing else?"

He pauses a moment, allowing you to make any requests necessary, then turns to leave if there are none.

Quick note: Denela is the district leader. The runner gave the message to a servant within Denela's own castle, or so she claims.

It's mid-afternoon. Probably two or three PM

2016-03-29, 10:12 AM
Oh, I misunderstood, I thought he was organizing some power outside the government channels. And I assume that was two copies of Wind Walk in the first scroll?

"Appreciated. That will be all that I need," Valdis nods, dismissing the guide and storing the scrolls in his Haversack. Given a little more room to move and breathe, he glances around the Citadel once more before departing. He leisurely strolls through four gates and into the early twenties, appreciating the very subtle changes in aesthetic and general appearance the further down the river he goes. It was an impressive setup in practice and in principle. He wondered who was the person to design this, and if it had been for the segregating gradient that it was used for now.

He reclines against one building not far from the fourth gate and casts a glance skyward. He had considered resting to save his strength, but he wasn't feeling tired now. He could push on through the night, if it came to it. He sits down on the cobblestone path, armor clanking beneath him, and gives himself a little more than a half hour break to snack on salted potted meat and brine-soaked vegetables from his Everlasting Rations. He needed his mind sharp and unclouded by hunger for the evening.

Sated and with his equipment stored in his Haversack, he withdraws the scroll of Wind Walk given to him and unceremoniously completes the link of divine magic keyed within it. Instantly the weight of his armor lifts from his shoulders as he becomes cloudy and insubstantial, and he hovers on a breeze into the air. He secures the remaining portion of the scroll back in his bag, and once his floating form clears the line of buildings he triggers the gale force winds to catch his body and launch him into the sky. He steadily gains altitude, hoping to get a good view of the world below from the air, then puts the afternoon sun on his left and jets toward the north at his high speed. Even as fast as he's going, it will be closer to two hours before he can expect to see Tenelan appearing on the horizon. When it does though, he plans to descend somewhat with an eye open for the largest building, presumably Denela's castle. If this territory is based at all off of Iresi, he wouldn't be surprised to see some subtle hierarchy of power like the river.

Perception Check: [roll0]

2016-03-29, 10:45 AM
Four, actually. Updated in the post, my bad.

After the first three gates, the amount of wealth carried by Valdis begins to attract attention again. People quickly step out of his way. A few deferential nods are offered, and one older man bows at the waste.

When the scroll is used, a few people glance over in surprise before carrying on their daily tasks. An excited "Wow!" is heard, followed by a quiet "Shush, honey."

From the air, you see Iresi sprawled out behind you. The general layout follows the river and creates a vague teardrop shape, with the bloated mass of the poor quarter spreading away from the Mena at the southernmost end. A number of small wharves just into the river, mostly clustered toward the center of the city. One large, well-made dock extends near the Citadel. Two ships are moored at it; a pleasure barge and a warship, both large, finely-crafted, and highly ornamental.

As you travel upriver, you see several large buildings, each with a number of smaller structures - sheds, hovels, inns, and the like - spread out around them. Some are easily recognizable as castles or fortresses, the largest of which fly banners with the winding blue motif of Patostathos' royalty. Several are built right on the river, complete with watergates allowing access to the structure itself from the river. Two such fortresses are built across the river itself, with portcullises preventing any sort of rivercraft from moving up- or downriver without permission from the master of the land. A few buildings, though, look more like mansions than fortifications. These are a good distance away from the banks and are surrounded by massive farmlands. Even from your altitude, you can tell that the farmlands are busy; people move about in a hurry, completing their chores and obeying commands. No one reacts to your presence; they either haven't noticed the cloud-like shape moving quickly past or they simply do not care.

There seems to be no pattern to the placement of structures along the river. The relative size of buildings, the quality of the construction, the number of workers, and the distance between the various emplacements varies, apparently at random. Dirt roads run along either side of the river, with the sporadic wood bridge connecting the two. Nearer to some of the larger structures, the roads are paved and the bridges stone.

You fly over a number of barges slowly making their way downriver. All are loaded down with crates.

After close to an hour, the river divides into two separate flows. Remembering the empress' mention of the "minor" branch of the Mena, you turn your course slightly westward to follow the smaller of the two tributaries. After another hour or so with similar sights, you spot the first settlement of more than a few buildings in the distance. It is clearly much smaller than Iresi. It's built on a lake, and on either side of the river. An impressive fortress, this one much taller and less sprawled than the citadel of Iresi, sits right on the point where the river flows from the lake. An iron portcullis, open, hangs above the river. The town spreads out from this point, with the obvious signs of wealth (larger buildings, cleanliness, stone, slanted roofs, paved roads, yards) clustered near the water and slowly disappearing as the eye moves inland. The roads here meander a bit; there is no grid, no clear layout to the city. Docks jut out into the lake at several points.

The roads near the castle are busy, but not overly so. A few people notice your descent, though they make nothing of it. So far, the guards atop the walls have yet to spot you, though they look far more bored than alert.

2016-03-29, 11:20 AM
Valdis smirks to see the classy homes at the waterfront and more modest dwellings further inland. From the high vantage point it looks like a ripple in the water, fading as it stretches further from the point of impact. Valdis descends to the road nearest the castle, from right where it connects to the town. He doesn't explicitly call attention to himself, but does nothing to keep himself hidden either. For a moment he considers dismissing Wind Walk, planning to cast a Divination or two to see how much warning Hextor plans to give him for walking into this unknown location, but decides that the utility of being insubstantial and able to burst ahead at high speed will serve its purpose for now. Vampire get out of all sorts of scrapes with their bodies as a vapor, he'd try the same.

For now, he floats by the castle's entrance, hovering twenty feet above the ground to keep clear of any who wander the trade routes. He waits to be noticed by anyone of import, but if he isn't in the next few minutes, he calls out.
"To whom do I have to speak to request audience with District Leader Denela? I would appreciate a swift and precise answer."

2016-03-29, 05:24 PM
After a few moments, a leather-garbed watchman on the wall nudges his neighbor and points at you. They exchange glances, then one runs off. Seconds later, a man wearing a chain shirt has approached, led by the runner. He stares for a few moments, then seems taken aback by the speech emanating from the vapor-like shape.

"Er, right. You a person, then? Show yourself and we'll talk, else I'll have to get a mage up here."

A few other watchmen, those apparently on rounds rather than stationary posts, have gathered on this section of the wall. Most seem mildly curious, though a few appear to be anxious, likely anticipating a problem.

2016-03-29, 07:08 PM
Tch. I suppose it was unfeasible.
Valdis descends to nine feet in the air and dismisses Wind Walk, coalescing dark vapor into his black armor and allowing his glowing sigils to hover around his head. He comes to the ground with a resounding thud, crouching as he lands and then standing tall.
"Now then. I have a task at hand. In the name of Hextor, the Herald of Hell, under whose vision perfect order is maintained by blood and by iron, I request discourse with your superior, the District Leader Denela. I will follow all proper channels if such are required, with the exception that I will under no circumstances surrender any item on my person. Including, especially, my weapon. I recommend you hasten to set these wheels in motion. My news will become worse the longer I am made to wait."
Intimidate Check [roll0]. Not outright hostile, just to emphasize the "Hurry along" message.

2016-03-29, 10:07 PM
Are you fully dismissing the spell or taking five rounds to return to your normal form and keep the spell up?

The group of men observing the ongoings quickly find something else to do, while the two whose station this section appears to be take a half step back and nervously glance at their superior. The man in chain glares for a moment.

"I hope you're not trying to threaten Sir Denela, good traveler. But I'll assume you weren't, since that would be a bit foolish. Anyway, head thataway -" he points to his left "- and I'll meet you down there so we can talk about this, uh, "Herald of Hell."

He moves out of your views, presumably down a staircase.

At the gate, he motions you in and the gate guards let you pass. The open area here is nice, but not nearly as nice as Iresi's. This one has a few bushes and flowers around the paths, but most of it is relegated to a few large drill squares. Groups of men, mostly peasants by the look of them, stand in lines and receive shouted instructions on the proper method of standing in lines.

The man who spoke to you previously approaches and nods. "Now. Name's Captain Anori. What business did you say you had with the district leader, outlander? You're armed to the teeth, can turn into a cloud, and have those weird floating things around your head. That doesn't inspire a lot of confidence in the captain of the guard here, I don't mind telling you."

By the way: How would you like to handle passive skills like Sense Motive, Spot, and Listen? Typically, in the past I've rolled perception checks for my players, but they're able to make active checks to look/listen for things, of course. With Sense Motive, I tend to just let that one be up to the player, but for a PbP, I have a feeling that won't be ideal. Your responses will probably change if you know certain people are lying. I can roll those behind the scenes for every conversation, if you'd like, and just let you know about spoken deceptions, while leaving the "Get a hunch" and other such uses to you. Again, I'm not hugely experienced with PbPs, so if you know of a good way of handling this, that's cool. Thoughts?

2016-03-29, 10:33 PM
Oh, I forgot changing into solid form without dismissing the spell was an option. I'll absolutely do that, then.

As for the passive rolls, yeah, I'd say basically roll reactive Perception and then like Take 5 on Sense Motive. Don't roll to see if I caught out someone who's pretty good at lying, because it gives me the player a reason to make active Sense Motive checks. But if someone lied in a way I'd notice without trying, then that's just part of the narrative. And yeah, I'll make any active checks, or if I want to specifically try to catch someone in a lie.

Speaking of which, I'm going to use the Assess Opponent function of Sense Motive (from Complete Adventurer 102) to gauge this guy's power level. [roll0]

"I was not threatening Denela." Valdis replies curtly, as he moves into the courtyard to meet Anori. "I did not state my business, only that I had it. It is between myself, Denela, and one other interested party. In the past it sufficed to simply leave a message. Or rather, it didn't, which is why I am here now. I have come to speak with Denela personally. I won't be dealing with middlemen." He gives Anori a neutral but unbroken stare.

"If the captain of the guard's confidence is shaken by the sight of one man, he may be getting too soft for his title. You should mind telling me such."
He pauses, giving his position some thought.
"I will make a compromise with you. I have stated plainly enough that I wish to speak with Denela, and that is all I wish to do for the time being. You now have the option of permitting me to do so, or not. You are unsure of what threat I may be, and you worry about the safety of yourself, your peers, and your liege. While I cannot speak for any of these things, I would like to put your uncertainty to rest. Draw your sword and strike me with what vigor you can muster. I will not dodge, nor will I strike back, nor will I hold a grudge against you for the attack. If you see that you can substantially wound me, then you will know I am not a threat that you cannot handle, and you should see fit to allow me the discussion I seek. If you see that you cannot...then you really can't stop me from taking what I want anyway, can you? Please, Captain Anori. Put to death the demon of indecision."

Duel of Wills: Intimidate [roll1]
The ideal result here is either that he Submits and refuses to take me up on my challenge, bypassing the need for him to strike me at all, because this was kind of freaky for him. Still good would be if he takes me up on my challenge and doesn't beat my Intimidate, so he does two points less damage and is still kind of freaked out. It would rather undermine my point if he beats my Intimidate, but I'd respect him if he stood steely in face of that. And if he Ignores it I don't really know what that means.

2016-03-29, 11:13 PM
"A Pushover" is the result of the Sense Motive check.

He clearly submits.

Captain Anori's face drops into shock, confusion, and maybe a bit of fear. He glances around, taking note of those within earshot.

He whispers harshly, "Listen, you're insane. Fine!"

Then in a slightly louder voice. "Now, there's no need for that at all. I see no reason to spill blood within the city, and I hope you agree. Clearly, your message must be important if you're willing to take a sword to the gut to deliver it." He offers a nervous, fake laugh.

"Head inside. A servant will guide you, just tell them I said it's fine. And, uh, don't try anything fishy. I've got my eye on you!" He turns and walks away stiffly. You get the feeling that he thinks he is saving face somehow.

The visible door to the interior is guarded by two humans in leather armor. They hold longbows, and shortswords hang from their belts. They let you pass without incident, after witnessing your interaction with Anori.

You find yourself in a hall lined with low wooden tables displaying flowers, dishes, and a few select pieces of gilded weaponry. The floor is covered by a thick carpet. The few doors off the main hallway have shining brass handles. A servant quickly approaches you and asks how she can be of service.

2016-03-29, 11:27 PM
Valdis does not say another word to Anori. He strides to the interior of the castle, taking in the scenery. He had pictured it differently, expecting something a bit more rugged and like a thieves' den. He then reminded himself that Denela was an "upper" just like the Empress, and probably cut from the same imported gold-threaded cloth.

Appraise check on the weaponry: [roll0] Does it look like it's good quality, or is the gilding and glitz mostly for show?

Valdis picks up whichever weapon looks the sturdiest and best-crafted, though he'll prefer to look over a flail before anything else. He casts a sidelong glance to the servant girl before putting down the weapon and facing her.
"I will say to you what I said to the Captain. I will not be dealing with middlemen today. Send for your master, Denela. Tell him that Captain Anori has vetted me and deemed this permissible. If he inquires as to the nature of my visit...merely tell him that she has sent a third to follow the second. Please do not take no for an answer. If he refuses to meet with me, kindly inform him that I shall instead find him. I should hope, however, that it will not come to that."

2016-03-30, 05:14 PM
Most of the weaponry (maybe a dozen pieces around you; mostly swords, though a few spears and one mace are displayed as well) is purely for show. A single good hit with most would render them damaged. One sword within eyesight, at least, is a fully functional weapon that has been decorated a bit more than necessary. Most of the pieces are likely worth upwards of a thousand gold pieces. The sword, the weapon Valdis picks up, might be worth half that much, owing to its purpose as a tool rather than a piece of art.

The woman bows her head before hurrying off.

After a few minutes, she returns. "If you'd follow me, sir?"

She leads down the hallway then down a side passage, this one not nearly as decorated as the first. It's comfortable, with a rug and a number of side tables, but there is no artwork here. She turns into a spiral stairwell and leads you to the second floor [American reckoning, in case there's any confusion]. She knocks at a sturdy door, then opens it, revealing a small, unadorned room, and gestures.

Within, there are eight figures. Six stand along the walls. They wear heavy, if ornamental, armor and hold halberds, axes, and spears. Two are Human males, two Half-Orc females, and two Dwarven males (probably? Really hard to tell with those beards...). The seventh man, wearing very fancy, but clearly practical mail, sits on a large throne-like chair. He is large; his broad shoulders, heavy arms, and barreled chest look more like a smith's than a soldier's. He looks to be about thirty and has long brown hair and an even longer braided mustache that hangs down to his heavily-muscled chest. He has bright blue eyes that watch your interest with intense curiosity. A bared bastard sword, well-made and well-used, rests on his lap, and he idly fingers the hilt. The final figure, who stands beside the throne, is covered entirely in a deep green robe, cloak, and hood. The robe has a strange symbol you do not recognize emblazoned across the chest in a slightly lighter shade of green. The figure is nearly eight feet tall. Its hood hangs so low that one would assume that sight is not among its favorite senses. It leans on thin wooden staff that ends in a cruel-looking two-pronged point.

The six guards around the room seem very tense; they're either expecting trouble or are afraid of something.

The man on the chair stares for a moment, before raising a thick eyebrow. His voice rumbles as he says, far too loudly for the small room, "And how can we help you today, sir knight?"

2016-03-30, 05:50 PM
Sense Motive for Assess Opponent on each one. I'll just roll one Sense Motive for them all, you can roll individually if you want one for one. [roll0]

As he waits for the servant girl to return, Valdis takes a few moments to withdraw a set of marked fingerbones from his satchel. With a whispered supplication to Hextor he rolls them on the table, then glances at the surrounding room for a suggestion of this Omen of Peril.

When the servant comes back Valdis follows her without a word, and remains similarly passive as he surveys the people in the room.
"Denela, I presume? Correct me if I am mistaken. My name is Valdis Acre, priest of Hextor. You may have heard of me, you may not have. Either way, I come bearing a message. You have been summoned, you know by whom, and you know for what purpose. It is the same summons you have been ignoring, but I will not be rebuffed as you have done in the past. If you cannot be bothered to make the visit, then I have been authorized to act as proxy and discuss the nature of my employer's grievances with you and see if I can relay some manner of understanding. But I daresay it would be preferred for the two of you to meet face-to-face. Which shall it be, Denela?"

2016-03-30, 06:39 PM
Each of the guards registers as a "Pushover."
Denela registers as a "Fair Fight."
The robed figure registers as a "Pushover."

As the bones roll to a stop, they form an arrow, pointing at a sword. You experience a brief vision, as the sword seems to swing through the air, only to be met by a flail. The sword and flail are both damaged, but neither breaks. [PERIL]

The man offers a half smile, glances at the robed figure, then nods. "Aye, that's me. And I think I've made it fairly clear that I won't be crawling back to Iresi anytime soon. Say your piece before I grow tired of you and you end up like the last fellow to come here making demands." The smile disappears.
"This is my land, and I will brook no assumption of authority over me while I still rule!"

As he speaks, his sits up straighter in his chair and grips the sword in his fist. He is clearly trying to intimidate you.

2016-03-30, 07:17 PM
Oh, I forgot to mention! So I have a 85% chance of success with that divination, but I also get to roll that twice thanks to Divination Enhancement. It looks like that was a correct reading (or at least Valdis would imagine it to be, sounds about right) but just so you're aware for the future.

Valdis exhales.
"Good grief. I am not the last man who arrived here, but I assure you that I will be. But very well, I'll get to the point. You certainly are the ruler of this land, and your authority here is absolute. My employer is clearly frightened by you. She worries that the guard dog she thought she had collared and leashed will turn to bite her, with a pack of strays in tow. She is concerned with the power you are amassing, both of military might and of magical prowess. And she knows you to be a capable opponent of body and mind. She gives you more respect than I think I would, were I in her place.

However. Do you think you should be any less frightened of her than she is of you? Put to the test, the two of you locked in a room together, you would emerge victorious. There is no question. But that is not the situation in which you find yourself. You have managed to do well in this castle, on this lake, harvesting the resources that pass through a trade center. Do you think for one moment though that she cannot match, nay, dwarf those resources?" He glances to the bearded guards.
"No offense meant to present company. You're short, deal with it."
He looks back to Denela.
"Consider her tactics thus far. To request your attendance she has sent expendable lackeys whom you have, what, executed outright? Locked up in a dungeon under the lake? All I know is one didn't make it back. And while they've been missed, her life goes on with few more 'lows' in the ground. She's aware of the resources she's spending, and until now they are few. She is now investing more resources in getting a result through myself, and it is a shrewd investment. We are talking about a woman who does not let assets go to waste, not without purpose. The reason she remains so tempered even now is exactly because she respects you as a subordinate of hers; she recognizes your capability and wants you on her side. The same skills you use to threaten her now make you valuable to her, and she would be loathe to lose those. But if you make it inescapably clear that you will not work with her? That you are already a lost cause? Then she will treat you as such, write you off of the ledger, and erase you and your assets. A frank and open discussion is to your mutual benefit. Please reconsider my suggestion."

Rolling Diplomacy on this one, not Intimidate. [roll0]. I'm liking my No Poker Face flaw.

2016-03-30, 09:01 PM
Denela listens to your argument with a look of irritation that transforms into interest. When you finish, he stands.

"Listen. She's frightened because I have the power now. I can match any warrior in the land with my blade, and I have newfound allies-" He glances at the robed figure briefly "- that can go toe to pointy shoe with her best mages. Once I take what is mine, I will have the wealth she so fervently defends and proudly flaunts."

The Dwarves start a bit when you mention them, but it seems to be a nervous reaction rather than an offended one. They go back to their rigid stance when they realize that you were only offhandedly speaking to them.

"Yes, she has demanded my presence. And I will not, did not, stand for that. She knows this. And when I have her kneeling at my feet, I will make sure she remembers it. She made it clear that she could not work with me. One month ago, I approached her and demanded the right to autonomy. I disdained her grip on my resources. She refused, obviously. So now I seek to take what is already mine by force. I will fight for my own land, and I will win." He pauses for a moment, considering.

"And now that you know that, we're in a somewhat... awkward situation. You seem the mercenary sort, given that I have never heard of you, yet you speak with her authority. And, based on your bearing, the powerful mercenary sort. And I'm not unwilling to admit I'm impressed by your strength of will. Not anyone can talk down Anori; he's got a big head and won't back down easily." He spares an annoyed look at his guards. "You didn't hear that, naturally."

"Anyway. What's Kryliona paying you? I feel that you and I should enter talks about your allegiance, because the alternative..." He glances meaningfully at his guards, whose tenseness has been replaced by reluctant readiness. "The alternative might spoil my nice rug." There is no carpet in the room, oddly.

"He glances to the bearded guards.
'No offense meant to present company. You're short, deal with it.'"
Ok, I'll admit I laughed.

And yeah, your flaw is fun. "Oh sure, I think my employer is wrong on these points, and I don't mind sharing that with you, her enemy. Anyway, do what I say." A tricky person, Valdis is not.

2016-03-30, 10:06 PM
Valdis spends a moment thinking over what he's heard, and mulls over what to say next.
"'I have the power now,' is what you just said. You consider yourself in a position of power. Locally, I wouldn't disagree. But nationally? Spanning from here to Iresi? Hardly. And I can say this with such certainty because if what you say were true, I wouldn't be speaking to you now. If you were stronger than her then you would have marched by now. You would have taken your armed guards and your mages and your strongest-in-the-land sword and stormed the Citadel, and it would have been your face I would have seen sitting on the throne when I walked in there three hours ago. Explain to me step by step how you have power now? Because as I see it, you're the weakest you could be. When under her command you feared no outside force because they feared retaliation from the many who allied with you. The preservation strategy of the herbivore. When you take the Citadel you will be secure in your holdings, and your scheming will be validated. The security of the pack leader. But now? You have everything to lose right now. You are not protected by the legion of state, which risks retaliation not only from them but from barbaric hordes who know no civility. And consider, if you would so readily turn on your former commander, are you certain of the loyalty of every man and woman here? None who is dissatisfied with their current holdings or those they anticipate from your coup, and would turn on you under your own nose? You are at the edge of a precipice right now, and you don't realize that there isn't solid ground under the fog by your feet.

You are correct that I am a mercenary: my only allegiance in this world and the next is to Hextor, the Herald of Hell. That said, I am a man of honor. I have accepted a job and I plan to see it through. Were I to defect it would besmirch my name, and were I to fail it would shame Hextor. Success in my mission is my only option. The moment my mission is completed, however, I bear no lasting loyalty to my former employer. Our contract is finished, and should someone wish to hire my services to act against that party, my past will not hold me back. If such would be of interest to you then by all means we can discuss it...after our current discussions.

Now, as to our so-called awkward situation. I see an easy way to hammer home my reservations with your plan, in a way I'm fairly certain we both expected this to end. You say you can match swords with any warrior in the land. I happen to be in the land. And I am not the strongest man I have ever met. My employer has hired me, and she can hire others, much as you can. Her funds exceed yours. If you can defeat every mercenary she hires, which may amount to every mercenary in the land, then you have every right to claim the throne as your power will be proven. But you will not be able to do that if you are not able to defeat me. I know by your treachery and scheming that you are not a man of honor, but I issue you this challenge thusly. A duel, between the two of us, in the courtyard through which I entered. Right now. Aim to kill me if you please, though while I cannot promise your survival I will endeavor not to do the same. I would like to see if you are strong, and not the throngs of guards or the magicians you hide behind are. And I think you would like to determine this as well, for what man are you if you rely on the help of others to fight your own battles?"

At this, Valdis now considers every person in the room his opponent. He hopes Denela will be honorable enough to accept his challenge and fight solo, but he fully expects Denela to simply turn down the offer and have the guards attack at once. Hopefully his Fearsome armor can send a few into a panicked flight, dropping their arms and fleeing the scene, so that he doesn't have to deal with them.

2016-03-30, 10:43 PM
An instant passes in which Denela looks legitimately nervous, but he quickly recovers and shouts "End this man!" The guards move forward and Denela moves to attack, fury in his eyes.

Alrighty, so combat is about to be joined. I'll roll init in this post. If you win, go ahead and act. Otherwise, I'll do "my" actions in the next post. Regardless, feel free to initiate the Duel of Wills or anything similar. If I'm first, I'll do my stuff, then change it if any pre-battle options would have affected the outcome. Fair? Your armor will kick in when actions are taken, so if you're first, it will take place after you act.

I'll get a map up for you in a bit, too.

VALDIS: [roll0]
DENELA: [roll1]
Guards: [roll2]
Robed Figure: [roll3]

EDIT: Wow, those rolls...

2016-03-30, 10:49 PM
So I'll let you post, and then post mine? In any case, Duel of Wills against Denela.

Also is he of a higher or lower ECL than me? Because of my trait it'll affect my attack rolls.

2016-03-30, 11:28 PM
Yup. Awful rolls mean the mooks apparently go first in this.

Denela's ECL is higher than yours.

Denela's Intimidate for the Duel: [roll0]

The guards move forward at their leader's order, but half of them suddenly drop their weapons in sheer terror and flee. The two humans make it to the door and open it, and one of the half-orcs runs past them into the hallway, leaving her halberd on the ground. Denela's fury is clear.

The two Dwarves look more than a little nervous, but they step forward and swing their axes regardless. The remaining half-orc stabs with her halberd. One of the Dwarves connects with her axe while Valdis is fending off the first blow, disorienting him a bit, but the Orc's attempt goes wide. The nerves of the warriors is clearly affecting their skill.

The Robed figure steps back into the far corner of the room, out of the press of combat.

Denele steps forward and shouts encouragement to his men, before attacking. His technique is odd; he jumps into the air a bit and spins, allowing his sword to fly at you rather than actually controlling its swing. His first swing catches Valdis in a weak point in his armor, and blood begins to flow more quickly than it should. The second hit merely deflects of the armor, though the force of the blow alone is enough to stagger the Cleric.

Attacks and Damage (Crit Confirmations are why there are so many):
[roll9] 11 Points of Mundane Slashing Damage.
Everything below this point is reduced by 2 if the Duel of Wills favors Valdis, and increased by 2 if the Duel favors Denela.
Ouch. So: Crit for 40 Magical Slashing Damage and a hit for 14 Magical Slashing Damage. The crit also gets you 1 Point of Con Damage.

MAP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16X42X0tow3oDhNN2LjvKqxo1wRX-FFOd3sTEpu06kG0/edit?usp=sharing)(De = Denela, Va = Valdis, Rf = Robed Figure, GH = Halberd Guard, GA = Axe Guard)

And back to Valdis. No status conditions, save the Con damage and the failed Duel of Wills.
Really rough first round of combat for the character. Here's hoping that changes, eh? :smalleek:

EDIT: One last comment: The way I handle crits in combat (since I barely remember what's a houserule anymore): Nat1 = auto miss, no confirmation or anything. Nat 20 is an auto-hit. If you hit your foe and also roll within the threat range for your weapon, you roll to confirm the crit. AFAIK, that's the way crits are normally handled, but I don't remember if the confirmation part is completely standard. I don't use fumble or any sort of "special" crit chart. You get a miss or extra damage (or effects based on items or feats or whatever), nothing else.

2016-03-31, 01:52 AM
Hmm, ouch, that didn't go well. And look at that, lost by 1 on the Duel of Wills. I need to recoup those losses. I'm going to make a few decisions here that may pay off well, or may cost me dearly if they fail. That robed figure is the tipping point - if it's a caster ready to dispel some of my defenses then I'm done for. So that's 65 damage I took total this round? If anyone gets another palpable hit in, I'll be casting Delay Death as an Immediate action, but not if I'm not damaged as much as I was just now.

Valdis is shaken for a moment by Denela's steely glare before the attack. He had been half expecting the man to simply lunge in, but had honestly hoped for the duel. What he hadn't been expecting was the sheer ferocity of the attack, and it took him aback. Between the sheer force of the attacks and the blood loss, he found himself quickly lacking for vitality. But then, a Cleric is never far from vitality.

First of all, he needed to put distance between Denela and himself, and he was planning to let Denela do it.
"By the glory and reign of the Herald of Hell, let you clash against the sword of the legion," Valdis spits.
Converting Find the Path into Blade Barrier as a Swift action. Roll for Defensive Casting, succeeds on a 21 or higher. Otherwise I lose the spell. [roll0] EDIT: Phew.
Radiating out from Valdis' person and spinning like a saw, extending just beyond arm's reach, is a whirling Blade Barrier. He kept it five feet in radius so that it would lash out and protect him in all adjacent squares. Each enemy could protect themselves fully for the moment if they were swift enough to leap back from the extending blades, but once they were whirling then anyone who wanted to strike him would have to either reach through the swords with a long weapon and deal with the interference, or stand directly within the blades and be ripped to shreds as they did so.

So that'll be 15d6 for anyone standing there, Reflex DC 24 negates on this turn but Reflex half for anyone who enters into the area after now. I'm assuming that anyone who attempts the Reflex save to negate the effect of Blade Barrier is now 5 feet further than they are now, and thus (except for the Halberd guy) not threatening me? And anyone attacking through it deals with me having +4 AC due to the cover.

Although he'd like to beseech Hextor for offensive strength to better strike back, Valdis decides that tactically he should be bolstering himself to make one critical attack when the time is right. First is to prepare his weapon, which he whips out in a moment thanks to the Crystal of Return. Again keeping on the defensive, Valdis conjures the focus of his own fury into his weapon. His sigils glow with a dull red light as he channels divine power from Hextor into strengthening an already divine attack, and locks it away in his flail.

Converting True Seeing into Flame Strike, and expending two Rebuke attempts with the Naenhoon sigil to Empower it. Using a Move action to channel that into my flail, where it'll stay until my first hit. I rolled the Defensive Casting check in the next post.

He was halfway prepared to take out Denela, and although he wanted to finish his preparations, the matter of his grievously bleeding wound needed attention. It seemed like Denela had gotten a lucky shot in, and he'd have to rectify that. Hopefully Denela wouldn't be as lucky a second time.

Cast Heal to get rid of the damage and the ability damage if it's not drain. I rolled the Defensive Casting check in the next post. Let's take this from the top.

Also I think that's the way crits do work in the rules. Nat 1 is automatically a miss, Nat 20 is automatically a hit and a crit threat with a roll to confirm, and anything in your crit range is a crit threat but only if the attack still hits normally.

2016-03-31, 02:01 AM
Making two more Concentration checks, will edit above post with turn.
[roll0] (needs to be 20)
[roll1] (needs to be 21)

2016-03-31, 10:32 AM
Glad to see your rolls didn't fail you here. Losing that Heal could've been disastrous. And the Con damage was just damage, so you're good there.

Saves all around:

re-entry for Denela:

Damage for the Barrier: [roll5]

Attack Rolls
VS AC 23
[roll11] 6 Mundane Slashing Damage

EDIT: Side note, I just learned that strength mod is not added to damage on thrown weapons if they deal slashing damage. Weird, especially with axes.


[roll16] 34 Magical Slashing Damage and 1 Con Damage
[roll17] 19 Magical Slashing Damage

EDIT: Ok, so another crit by Denela. This guy's a monster.
Also: Halberds aren't reach weapons, it seems. Huh. So you've created a very solid defense. And here I was worried. :smalltongue:

Denela shouts as the blades spring into place, jumping back before he can so much as be touched. The Half-Orc is likewise nimble enough to avoid shredding. The Dwarves are not quite quick enough, though, and they take the full brunt of the flying blades before they can step back. Their beards are in tatters and blood flows freely from a number of wounds anywhere where skin is exposed.

The guards stand back, looking nervously at each other for a moment, before the two dwarves reach behind themselves and pull forth throwing axes, which they immediately launch toward Valdis. One strikes Valdis' armor but does nothing. The second, though, looks like it will strike Valdis in the head, before it is deflected by the magical barrier just enough to turn the blade. The Cleric is still struck, be is saved a potentially gruesome blow.

Denela snarls, then steps into blade again and swings, made foolish by his rage. He swings his blade twice, one high and once low, this time with more focus that his previous attempt. Both swings land solidly, though the first lands where Valdis had previously been injured, and again causing more bleeding that would be expected.

The figure in the corner continues to do nothing.

So the Dwarves take damage then 5ft step away, draw axes, throw. Orc avoids damage, stays put. Denela avoids damage, then decides he wants to take some anyway.

2016-03-31, 12:31 PM
Ugh, I just need to keep stalling. At least I can get a buff up too. I was between Blade Barrier and Wall of Stone as my defensive technique, and I think Blade Barrier was the better choice because at least I'm getting some damage in, but it did leave me open enough for that attack. I'm going to try a risky gambit.

Valdis was in shock. Such a precise strike emulated perfectly, draining away his vigor and keeping him down. This was frustrating. The attacks of the guards to the sides were negligible, but Denela's strikes were proving lethal. He wanted to ascribe it to luck, to the push-comes-to-shove nature of the man, but part of him was worried that this rage was a front for a fearsome swordsman. Maybe his talk wasn't all hot air, he actually had the skill to back it up. One false move and Valdis could meet his end here. But he wasn't about to go down easily.

...Is what he wanted to say, but he was starting to run out of steam. His strongest healing spell had been negated in one strike, and he had no assurance that another wouldn't be. And while it was tempting to try again, he decided he had better keep that Heal in reserve in case this gambit paid off.

Fixing the lacerated Denela with a determined gaze, Valdis keeps himself guarded as he casts again.
"In the name of the Herald of Hell, I will draw breath as long as there is flesh on my bones!" he scowls. His wounds are not healed, and he is still bleeding heavily. But he won't die. Not yet.

"You call yourself the strongest sword in the land, Denela?" Valdis roars over the storm of blades. "You are not weak, I will give you that. But I contend your skill is better named 'luck'! Luck has no place on the battlefield, not where warriors of true mettle roar! I will show you that Hextor does not trifle with such ephemeral power as luck!"
With this, Valdis makes an attempt to guard himself while casting. With this, he hoped to remove any chance of misfortune from his victory.

Truthfully, he had been expecting Denela to keep his distance, maybe gauge the nature of the Blade Barrier and try to let it subside. Valdis was impressed by Denela's tenacity to rush into the storm, but did not admire the foolhardiness. If Denela did not move now, Valdis was confident he would be victorious. And he hoped to keep him here. In his jeering and taunting, Valdis was hoping to draw Denela's obvious ire. Stay where he is, or heck, shove Valdis out of this eye of the storm and into the blades himself. Just keep him blind with rage, and blind to what Hextor's prodigy was about to unleash.

Swift action to cast Delay Death, can make the Concentration check without rolling. Now no matter how low my HP gets I can't die unless my body is destroyed like from Disintegrate. Or if this gets dispelled. I'm hoping to suck up the axes, Denela's full attack, and even a step into my own Blade Barrier if I need to. I won't be at -130 by the time this ends; Heal can bring me back.

Standard action to cast defensively [roll0] (I need a 20, I only fail on a Nat 1) for Surge of Fortune. The minor pluses it gives me are useful. My intended use of the spell next turn should be clear.

Move action to use Goad, forcing a DC 18 Will save to force Denela to be angry enough to attack me again. If he stays within a move action of me, I can do what I'm looking forward to next turn. Thanks to Delay Death, I'm not afraid of how much punishment I'm about to take from his attack.

2016-03-31, 03:35 PM
Rolled the Will Save elsewhere so I could compose this post all at once.

VS AC 25 now

Your Spellcraft reveals that the robed figure cast Heroism, modified in some way to allow for the range, on Denela.




EDIT: Forgot to roll Barrier damage. Wanna do that in your post for Denela and I'll make a note of it? He made his save, but still takes half. Won't change the outcome of this post.

Denela's anger intensifies at your mention of luck.

The two Dwarves throw a pair of axes while the Half-Orc pulls a vial from her belt and drinks. She seems to steel herself in preparation for something. The axes fly truer than before thanks to the distraction provided by Denela's odd willingness to stand in the barrier itself and his more than a little strange combat stance. The barrier itself, though, proves more than enough to foil their attempts, and both weapons are deflected harmlessly away.

The robed figure flicks his gloves hand and Denela's eyes light up with renewed vigor. The warrior grits his teeth as the blades continue to bite into him, but he continues to attack, seemingly oblivious to the amount of blood he's losing. After the last few attacks failed to bring down his foe, and recently bolstered by his robed ally, Denela takes a risk with his must recent flurry. He seems to be aiming for Valdis' gut, the spot that proved so susceptible in the past, and thus makes his attacks that much more predictable.

The gambit doesn't pay off, though. The swordsman's blows fail to hurt Valdis in any meaningful way.

2016-03-31, 04:12 PM
Sure, here's Blade Barrier:

I'm confused, if I'm reading those attacks correctly, shouldn't the second axe and Denela's two attacks have hit? Unless I'm confusing what the numbers are.

Valdis pays little attention to the whirling blades around him, but he is interested that the spellcaster who had been so distant is now taking part however slightly. That's still an unknown factor, which is worrisome. But hopefully the body of the snake will die when the head is cut off.

Valdis knocks away Denela's slashes with his gauntlets.
"I will remind you this could have ended amicably. Perhaps in future you will be less hasty to jump into a bigger pond when you have not quite outgrown yours."

Clenching his fists around his flail until his knuckles turn white, Valdis depletes the wrathful fortune of Hextor and siphons it into one brutal attack, though for good measure he follows with a second.

I'm assuming nothing gets in the way of this, but if something remarkable happens then I'll delete this part of the post.

Valdis brings his flail screaming around the side, unholy fire just barely contained within it. The head of the flail collides with Denela's flank, and instinctively consummates the assault. Blood red flames wreathed in a dark halo burst from the weapon, engulfing Denela. Without giving him an inch, Valdis swings for another attack.

Full attack, Power Attack for the full 9 points.

Swift action to consume Surge of Fortune for an automatic Nat 20, and expending Sense Weakness as a free action to confirm the crit.

The weapon deals [roll1] damage.
The contained Empowered Flame Strike does [roll] 21d6 damage, half Fire and half Unholy, DC 23 Reflex half. I'll leave it up to you if that damage is also doubled from the crit.

For good measure, the other attack is 1d20-2 , and would deal [roll2] damage.

2016-03-31, 04:14 PM
Messed those up. Typing on my phone and it adds extra spaces.


2016-03-31, 04:30 PM
the first d20 roll was his Ref save, then it alternated atk/confirmation.

[roll0] Lower is better for Denela. EDIT: Poor Denela.

Ref for the Strike: [roll1]

The first strike slams against the man, and his eyes go wide with shock as the flames engulf him. By the time the corpse hits the ground, little remains but a charred husk encased in his mail.

The Half-Orc, who had moments ago looked like she had planned on joining the battle, stops in shock. The Dwarves freeze as well. After a moment, all three drop their weapons and stare.

The robed figure doesn't seem to react in any way. It stands, passive. Aside from the whirling winds of the barrier, the room is silent.

2016-04-01, 03:44 AM
Valdis swipes his hand through the air and dismisses the Blade Barrier, then touches his hand to his chest to cast Vigor on himself, knitting the worst of his wounds together in the next two minutes. He'll save the Heal for shortly before his evening prayer, in case something comes up. He gives a quick look toward each guard still left in the room, making sure they don't intend to take action. The robed figure is severely unnerving him. Denela seemed secure in that figure's magical power, and yet it didn't take action against Valdis during the fight. Had he been forced to face magical attacks that targeted his form or his mind as well as Denela's formidable swordsmanship, this would undoubtedly have ended very differently.

Fastening his flail back to his side, he looks at the air just over Denela's charred corpse. He's looking for that slight shimmering ripple that forms into a vaguely humanoid shape, Denela's very spirit lingering after death. If the pattern of his past holds up, they'd have about eight minutes to speak.
"Perhaps now you will be more amenable to constructive conversation," Valdis remarks. To everyone else's point of view he is speaking to no one at all. "I will give you fair accolades, I had sized you up as being about my equal, but I was not prepared for how close to the brink you could take me. Had you not lost your head and acted with a touch of decorum, you may yet have been victorious. Keep this in mind for the future.

Now then, about our discussions. Hopefully this proves what I was saying, that if you are not strong enough to defeat one mercenary sent after you then all your resources will not be able to defeat my employer's. This 'army' of yours should be taking shelter in the shadow of mountains, the shadow of the Citadel. I still think that you and my employer are due for a long and open discussion. It can only be to your benefit, you are already dead after all."
Valdis nudges Denela's charred body with his foot.
"Your only other options are either to just sit here and fade away until you take up residence in, I don't know...More selfish than unlawful, but unlawful nonetheless? Probably Carceri, not a nice place to be from what I've heard. That or hold a bitter grudge against me so strong that you rise as a Ghost, but I doubt you can hold that much hatred for a man you just met. And let us be open, being a Ghost would far weaken your position against a priest as myself. Now, your body may be burnt, but it is still whole. I did request that my employer prepare five thousand gold pieces' worth of diamond shards before my return, in anticipation of having to Raise the messenger you didn't return. Incidentally, what happened to that one? This is something my employer has an interest in, she seems to care for the messenger. Nevertheless, five thousand can be made into ten thousand, or we can simply hold off on the messenger, and bring you back to the world of the living. Such magic is within my power to request of Hextor. Would you come if called, back to this world? I want you to be under no illusion - to do so would be to return into a position of outright servitude under your former master. You have no leverage right now, you shouldn't expect any favors. And that's of course even if she thinks you're worth the gold it would take to Raise you. But I would at least like to hear your thoughts on the matter. Speak quickly, you only have a few minutes left on this plane."

2016-04-01, 11:53 AM
The wavering, thin spirit sits in sullen silence for a moment, before the typical echoing voice emanates from it.

"I will give it to you; you soundly defeated me. Naturally, it was only due to your god's aid. But I have a better idea than your plan. Raise me yourself, here. I'll cover the cost, naturally. You can honestly report that you met with, and killed, me, and thus completed your mission. Raise me, and I'll act under the guise of another. My heir perhaps, or a powerful warlord who usurped my title, with your by my side. I'll pay you well, naturally. My allies will protect you. Not that you need it, but I'm sure you would find it nice to sleep easily for once. Actually... You should speak to my associate. He may be willing to Reincarnate me. While I would lament the potential loss of the tool I built myself, it might be beneficial to our plans.

"Frankly, I know I have no power, now. I can only offer favor once I'm returned to my former strength. If you decide that this isn't to your benefit, I can't object. I'll come when called. Death holds no appeal for me."

The guards in the room stare at you in confusion, but make no move to leave or take their weapons.

As far as you can tell, the spirit is telling the truth.

By the way. I strongly dislike the idea of characters "moving backward," so to speak, so I typically handle the level loss with resurrection as permanent negative levels in the same pattern as Pathfinder. Actual loss of levels is annoying bookkeeping as well as the loss of the feeling of achievement, so I avoid it. You alright with this?

2016-04-01, 12:28 PM
Fine by me. You can make the NPCs as strong or weak as you like so whether or not they're a level short or just taking penalties on rolls is irrelevant. I intend not to die, so it's fine for me too.

Also I'm loving Spirit Sense, great feat. The only way to make "shoot first, ask questions later" actually work. And it's perfect on a Cleric who has the means to offer aid to the dead.

Valdis sneers.
"I was warned that you were cunning, and I was not lied to. But your promises fall on deaf ears. I know you to be a cowardly, dishonorable man, lying and cheating your way out of the sphere of influence of your social betters and hoping to gang up on me as though in a back alley brawl rather than putting the faith in your blade on the line like a decent warrior. Why should I expect you to uphold any part of any deal I make with you, rather than have me executed in my sleep? But moreover...why in the Nine Hells and Seven Heavens do you think I would be content to work for a man that I have just proven to be inferior to me? Hextor would balk at the prospect. And you wouldn't tolerate it either, for you would know that I would be to you as you were to my current employer.

A priest of Hextor does not rely on white lies and 'technicalities' to see his mission done. I will not call my job done simply for having obeyed the letter of my command, and not the intent. After all, it was never to kill you, merely remove you from the picture. If death or eternal subservience is your end my employer will see to it, but it will be her decision to make. My only recommendation to you at this point is to point out to me the location of a Bag of Holding or a Portable Hole into which I can stuff your body. I don't know that you'll fit into my Haversack with your limbs attached."

Valdis walks past the crisp body and the hovering spirit, to the throne Denela had been sitting on. He casts a quick Detect Secret Doors, in the hopes of coming across a hidden compartment that might hold keys, maps, and documents of tactical information. After rummaging a little, he turns his attention to the hooded figure.
"You are also a factor which is concerning me greatly, and I would like to have your business out in the open before I depart. Denela considered you a formidable ally, if you were indeed the mage which can go up against any spellcaster that he remarked on. And my employer said that Denela had in his employ a mage who could alter the course of trade paths. I assume that again to be you. And just now Denela mentioned that you could Reincarnate him, which if memory serves suggests you work with nature magic of not inconsiderable power. And yet just now, through all of this, you chose to play the role of bystander. Denela was relying on you far more than you relied on him. I want to know your business here. What does Denela's employ mean for you?"

2016-04-01, 01:40 PM
The spirit remains silent.

The chair seems to be a normal chair; no secret compartments, nothing hidden beneath the cushion, and no moving parts.

The hooded figure remains silent for several long seconds. Then you hear a voice in your head. It is soft and whisper-y, but strangely commanding. Despite no visible sign, it is obvious that the hooded figure it projecting it.

We were never in this man's "employ." He knew it not, be he was in ours. We are not prepared to reveal ourselves to any as of yet. I am merely an observer.

2016-04-01, 03:03 PM
It is Valdis' turn to take a long pause, though out of confusion more than anything. His expression changes to outright indignation.
"You've revealed plenty with that alone! Oy, Denela, could you hear that? He says he was never working for you, you were working for him! I'm going to guess you weren't aware of that, though. See, this is exactly why I would never work for you, and why you should have stayed in your lane. You can't control the people who are swarming beneath you with their own agendas. I cannot even begin to deal with this, this isn't my job. My concern, or namely that of my employer, is to cut off Denela's forces here, and if possible to find that missing messenger. I have done my actual job, but let it not be said that I don't go above and beyond."
Valdis goes back to Denela's body, keeping his Detect Secret Doors active as long as he can in case he needs to scout around the castle later, and tries to fold the corpse's arms across its chest and fit the broad shoulders into his Haversack. He figures the Empress would probably want the body back, either to raise it or at least as proof. Between shouting at now two voices that no one else can hear, and this display, he probably looks absolutely insane. He casts a glare to the unharmed Half-Orc.
"I take it that you six didn't start as Denela's guard last week, which means you ought to have been here when the messenger before me arrived. If I can't get a straight answer out of the ghost of your former boss I'll have it from you. I would dearly like to know what has become of the man. I don't care if he's dead, starved, tortured, or sacrificed to Erythnul, all I want to know is where he is."
Intimidate [roll0]
Can Denela fit in the Haversack?

2016-04-01, 05:27 PM
I think if the HHH is empty otherwise, the corpse can fit, I'd estimate. It's pretty light, now; a lot of the moisture has been burned away.

The spirit says, "I did not work for them! We were allies!" He sounds defensive and less than sure of himself.

The Half-Orc's eyes widen. "The messenger is dead. Corpse is in the lake somewhere. Head is in the greatroom. I- I can take you?"

The Dwarves look nervous, but do their best to keep their Dwarven glares aimed at you.

We shall be in contact, Valdis Acre. The figure gestures with its staff and disappears.

Looks like a Dimension Door.

2016-04-01, 05:38 PM
It's not quite empty, so I'll just carry him for now.

Valdis turns to the disappearing figure, and then to Denela's spirit.
"Not the way he tells it, which means you weren't. You clearly weren't close enough for him to prevent your demise. Got a message for him from beyond the grave? He says he'll see me again, I'll deliver it for you. Of course, it would be helpful to know who he is and the nature of your relationship, at least as far as you saw it. It's not like you have anything left to be afraid of."

Valdis stops trying to shove the corpse in his pack and slings it over his shoulder to return to the Half-Orc.
"Might as well. If the body's in the lake then even if I can find it, it'll probably be in too poor a state to Raise. The head will serve as evidence, and in time a focus for Resurrection from a priest stronger than myself. Wait a few more minutes though, to give Denela all the time he has left."

2016-04-01, 06:31 PM
"Maybe he is planning on reviving me once you leave. How would you know? I don't really know who he is, frankly. My allies sent him as an advisor, though I was honestly under the impression that he would defend their interests better. Though potentially they wanted this death? Their motives are... shrouded in mystery. Though I do feel a little betrayed, I must be honest. I would have expected more backup. When you see them again, find out what happened there and let me know.

"Are you taking my body to be raised? This is an odd experience, watching you carry around the charred husk of my own body." Denela seems honestly intrigued by this.

The Half-Orc nods and edges toward the door. The Dwarves follow.

2016-04-01, 08:20 PM
"We'll see, that is up to my employer, and how charitable she feels." Valdis says neutrally. "She may want you as a prize like you took the messenger, or as a warning. I certainly won't put in a good word. But I can appreciate the frustration of the betrayal you feel. I hope you appreciate the irony."

Valdis follows the Half-Orc to the greatroom, to reclaim the head of the messenger. He voices again his desire for a Bag of Holding or an empty Haversack in which to hold Denela's corpse.

2016-04-01, 08:42 PM
The spirit falls silent.

The guard leads you down a few hallways, then down a staircase and up the main entryway hall. You pass two servants along the way, both of whom lower their eyes and hurry away when the see you. The Half-Orc opens a large set of double doors.

The greatroom is empty of people, but is lined with several large rectangular tables. A raised dais holds a smaller round table. All are wooden and empty. A few large banners hang along the walls, and a thick rug covers the floor. Behind the round table is a large chair, carved with two dragons forming the back. Behind that is a single shelf. There are three heads on it; one skull, one mostly rotted head, and one head that is beginning to rot. All three are humanoid.

The Half-Orc begins to back away, then turns to leave. "I'll go get you a bag?"

2016-04-01, 09:12 PM
"Indeed, do so. But first! I assume this last head, the freshest, is the messenger who came to you? I was told he's three days late, which means he's probably a week or two dead. This second one is too far gone for that. Is that the case? But I would like to know, who are the other two who deserved the same fate as daring to deliver bad news?"

2016-04-01, 10:19 PM
The guard glances at the skulls.

"The skull has been here a long time. Well before my time. I think it's the skull of a previous leader's enemy? Or son? I don't remember. The second head was a bandit king of some sort. District Leader Denela went to war against them after they had caused some problems with trade. He beat that man in single combat and took his head as a trophy. And yeah, the last head is the messenger you're looking for."

If there are no more questions, she hurries off, then returns about two minutes later carrying a bag. She drops it. "Can I go? When other guards show up, I don't want to get caught aiding you. Yeah?" She tries to leave, assuming you don't stop her.

2016-04-02, 07:52 AM
Is that a Bag of Holding, or just a bag?

"You have a generous definition of helping. Might makes right when outside the watchful eye of the government. Denela knew that, and I expect you do too. I came and conquered, you can hardly be accused of willfully aiding when you are under command. Still, have done with you, be gone. I shall vex the Dwarves or the cowardly Humans if I need further aid."

Valdis tosses the messenger's head into the provided bag, and if there's space he will try to put Denela's body inside as well. It seems like he's done what he came here for, but the situation with the robed man still weighs on his mind. He casts a Lesser Vigor to top off his health, at least until he sleeps and heals the grievous bleeding that Denela's blade had caused. He'd have to have that weapon looked at when he returns to the Citadel and someone can Identify it.

This would be a good time, he decides, to Send to the Empress to see her take on this. She'd let him know what to do with Denela's body, maybe get a suggestion on the robed man, and if she had any additional instruction for him before returning he'd hear of it. He draws one of the scrolls and triggers the magic.
"Valdis reporting. Messenger dead. Denela dead, refused negotiation. Bring body to raise? Had mysterious ally, Denela betrayed, manipulated? Territory without leadership, requests before my return?"

2016-04-02, 09:45 AM
Yes, it's a Bag of Holding (Type 1).

The Half-Orc nods and hurries off.

The body and heady fit comfortably into the bag.

At the completion of the spell, Valdis recognizes the Empress' voices through the brief magical conduit. "Well done. Deaths both unfortunate. Bring both back. Bring information on "ally?" Wait for representative in receiving chamber. Do not explain your role to him."

You hear running, heavy footfalls coming toward the great room. Quite a few of them, landing in near-unison.

2016-04-02, 10:02 AM
Valdis shakes his head. Reinforcements, probably led by the spineless captain. If their glorious Denela fell against him, did they really think their slings and arrows would be effective? He could toss up another Blade Barrier and shred them as they ran in, or let the full burst of Flame Strike cut a swath through them. But that was a waste of Hextor's granted magic. He didn't have to deal with these at all. Wind Walk was still upon him, and as he heard the footfalls running down the corridor he began to dissolve into phantasmal form. It would take half a minute but he had a little time, and could stall for a short while just by speech. It would take any of these guards a full sixty seconds to muster the courage to lash out against obvious death.

2016-04-02, 10:22 AM
A troop of a score of soldiers, armed and armored in a similar, if less showy, fashion to those you met with Denela, bursts into the room. At their head is none other than Captain Anori. They form lines at the door, and ready their weapons, but make no move to approach closer. The group includes the two humans and one Half-Orc who ran from the fight with you already and the Half-Orc who led you here.

Anori, who is now holding a large hammer, shouts, "Surrender! You're outnumbered by a score. I don't want to order your death, but I will if you refuse to come quietly!"

Anori is obviously nervous. The two humans you recognize look angry, and the Half-Orc guide looks terrified.

The main doors remain open. They're about 10 feet tall, leaving room for you to fly over if need be.

Two rounds have passed; 18 seconds until you're mist.

2016-04-02, 11:15 AM
"Dear Anori. A wolf is outnumbered by a flock of sheep, and a shark by a school of fish. I should daresay you don't want to order my death. I have committed no crime for which I can be prosecuted. My purpose here was to deliver a message and receive a response. Instead of a response I was propositioned for treasonous acts and attacked without provocation. No civilized country in the world kills a messenger, and yet your Denela killed one and attempted to kill a second. Anori, you recall our conversation in which I offered you a fair attempt to test your mettle against me. I offered Denela much the same, an honest duel between two men who have faith in power and power in faith. He declined. Tusk-toothed wench, you can verify what happened next. You two in the front, you could not for you ran like rabbits when the battle began. But Orc, hold your peers a moment and regale them. The story of the thousand blades that rent the flesh from your Dwarf friends, and the holy fire that crisped your leader in an instant. Tell them that story, and see how brave each soul among you feels."
Valdis draws his flail from his side and swings it slowly next to him, taking a few deliberate steps forward to put the first row of the guards into the 40 ft range of his Fearsome Armor.
Intimidate on Anori [roll0]

2016-04-02, 12:51 PM
Four of the soldiers drop their weapons, and run as soon as you step within range of them. The other six in the front rank take a hesitant step back, and one Human hurries off after his comrades. All that remain look nervous.

Anori's eyes go wide as his backup thins. "We can trade threats all day, but the fact remains that you were responsible for District Leader Denela's death, and need to be detained until he can be raised or the Empress can be informed, so that judgment can be laid."

About a round left until you can fly. So unless you initiate combat, feel free to drop parting remarks and then leave (or do something else, naturally).

2016-04-02, 01:22 PM
I'll do just that.

Valdis almost makes a snide remark about the Empress already having been informed, but catches himself quickly as he realizes that would be betraying the confidence of the Empress in doing so. He makes an odd face as he stumbles on this.
"The only judgment that is ever passed in this world," he backtracks, reestablishing himself, "is that the strong persist where the weak fade. That is the judgment of Lord Hextor, whose surgical wrath guides my hand. Anori, if you suffered any illusion that you could take me in and force your pitiful excuse for justice and judgment on me, you would have done so twenty minutes ago when we first spoke. You failed in your job as captain, to stop intrusion and preserve the life of your liege, and are only trying to make amends now. I would cull you where you stand, but there is no glory to be had in the slaughtering of swine. Quite frankly, I defy you to stop me."

Valdis recognizes that he's about to dissolve fully into gaseous form. He buckles the flail back to his belt, and in the last moment he makes a gesture upward and utters a quick invocation to Hextor. There's a rush of wind as an Updraft launches him into the air, to a maximum of 130 ft in the air (but more likely to the highest reach of the room.) Now fully diffused into vapor, he summons the magical gales to launch him out through the large open doors, and makes his way as directly as possible to the exterior doors of the castle.

2016-04-02, 02:52 PM

Sorry for the short post; I'm not sure what your next step is, so I didn't want to move forward to much.

2016-04-02, 03:08 PM
I mean I'm just going to try to get to the nearest window I can and leave the castle, then head south back to Iresi. I'll use the high-speed gales for any straight lines down halls and things, and then slow to the 10 ft fly speed to maneuver around corners or slip through cracks. I guess nonmagical weapons can still hurt me, I just have DR 10/magic, but if attacked by either magic or mundane I'll ignore it and keep going unless I'm taken to like half health.

2016-04-02, 05:24 PM
Gotcha. Wasn't sure if you intended to hang out here at all, since the Empress requested that you wait for a "representative.


2016-04-02, 06:56 PM
Oh wait, I misunderstood, I thought the representative was going to meet me where I had been received in the first post, back in the Citadel. That's why I was returning immediately. Can we go back and redo that whole process?

2016-04-02, 07:47 PM
Yeah, absolutely. Once you mentioned leaving I wasn't sure. I think the best place to pick back up would be directly after receiving the Sending? So you hear the footsteps approaching and were just told to wait in the receiving room (the room you met Denela in). What do you do?

2016-04-02, 08:06 PM
Let's start after the banter with Anori, but without the changing into gaseous form. Mainly, I want the Intimidate to have Shaken him.

Valdis takes another stride forward, hoping to send more guards running with his armor, and encouraging even more to flee out of honest fear and sympathy with their peers.
"I have known many of your kind, Anori. You do not hold malice in your heart, you are merely weak-willed and spineless. You seek shelter from the storm of chaos behind pillars of strength, and you saw one such guardian in the form of Denela. You are now frightened of what will become of you and those you care about without the defense of a protector, for you are uncertain. I will make one thing clear to you. The answer to that uncertainty is entirely dependent on whether or not you do as I command you to do as we speak now. There is an easy way and a hard way. Your lord chose the hard way, and it did not go well. Do you think you are stronger than he?"

Valdis then displays his holy symbol, and begins casting a spell. He hopes no musclehead in the guard is a wise enough mage to recognize the spell.
"In the name of Lord Hextor, whose terrible might crushes body and mind, let all stand, lie, tremble, and praise at your word and command!"
EDIT: Spending a Swift action to use Divine Bulwark, converting Pronouncement of Fate into DR 5/Chaos for 5 rounds.

Spending a standard action to start casting Dominate Person, which I hope to finish next round if uninterrupted, targeting Anori.

2016-04-02, 10:59 PM
Sounds good. Minimum of retconning.

As you walk forward, several more guards flee. Most of the ones that are left glance nervously between you and Anori, then turn to go. Clearly they fear you more than him. All that remain are Anori and two Dwarves, each wielding axes.

Anori's eyes grow wide at your approach, but as you continue to attack him, his expression transitions to hatred, and he moves toward you, clearly intent on attacking.

Anori [roll0]
Valdis [roll1]
Guards [roll2]

Same procedure as last time. Speaking of which, would you like to have Duel of Wills be an assumed action on initiative being rolled from now on? It seems like Valdis' style, and if I know you'll be doing it, I can roll it when I roll init. If so, I can assume "The most dangerous looking enemy" or any other type of priority you want, and we can adjust it if I ever assume wrong. Your call.

Since you were aiming for Dominate next round, you can cast it on your turn, or take another action when we get there.

EDIT: These init rolls. Anyway, you're up. You're 35ft from Anori and 40ft from the two Dwarves. Flat ground between you. Anori stands to the left (your perspective) of the Dwarves, who stand beside each other.

2016-04-03, 05:43 AM
I guess since there was no surprise round, I'll take the actions I described last post now. And yeah, go ahead and Duel of Wills with Anori.

2016-04-03, 05:01 PM
Might as well roll my end of the Duel of Wills: [roll0]
But yeah, my turn is spent with the actions I took in the last post, expending a spell slot for DR and starting Dominate Person.

2016-04-03, 10:44 PM
As you cast your spells, Anori moves forward angrily. He stops almost immediately, though, as a look of surprise, followed by idle boredom, crosses his face.

The two Dwarves watch Anori in some confusion. You hear the rest of the guards continue to run.

He opts to Ignore the DoW. He Nat1'd his save, though, so he's yours, now. Enjoy!

2016-04-04, 07:14 AM
Valdis smirks.
"I knew that in your heart you would accept the futility of your assault. Now..."
He switches over to the telepathic connection afforded by the spell, counting on Anori's natural cowardice to make him amenable to the nonviolent solution Valdis is proposing.
You will instruct your men to stand down, recognizing that I am a threat that they cannot oppose and there is no sense in asking them to throw away their lives. Spread the word: No one under your command is to stand in opposition to me - make clear to them that this is a direct order from their commanding officer. You will then guide me to the receiving room. You will leave me there, and instruct the guards at the front gates that I am expecting a visitor who is not to be impeded. You will personally guide the visitor to the receiving room, then stand outside the room paying no attention to our conversation but ensuring that we are not interrupted.

2016-04-04, 01:17 PM
Anori turns to the two Dwarves. "Stand down. There's no sense in wasting our lives. Denela is dead anyway. Go. Find the cowards who ran, and spread the order that this man is not to be obstructed in any way."

He looks back at you. "If you'd follow me?" He head back the way the Half-Orc led you, until you are in the room where you initial fight took place. He nods and says, "I'll go check the gates, sir."

After he leaves, there is silence in the room for a few minutes. Then you hear a muffled "pop" and a man stands inn the room with you. He's handsome and well-built. He wears an expensive red silk shirt and high boots. A rapier, two small pouches, and several wands hang from his belt.

He looks around the room for a moment, then notices you. "Ah. And you must be the man responsible for the horrible murder of our dear Denela? My name is Timseo. I'm speaking as a direct representative of Her Majesty, the Empress. I'm here to ensure a peaceful transition between rulers. Tell me, is the rest of his government intact? What about his personal guards? Should we expect company from them?"

The man speaks in polite tones, but underneath the facade you sense that he is rather angry about something.

2016-04-04, 01:39 PM
"I am."
Valdis is taken by surprise as Timseo appears before him. He had been anticipating a messenger not unlike the 'low' girl or the head he had in his bag, not a flashy caster who, by the looks of it, was skilled in teleportation magic. Yet another of the Empress' inexhaustible resources.
"I should expect we shall have our privacy. The captain of the guard, Anori, is under instruction to forbid entry and interference with our discussion. Denela's was the only soul I sent to the Wheel today, Denela's own guard are all alive. The two Humans fled, one of the Half-Orcs did and the other stayed back, and the two Dwarves were wounded but still live. Denela had one other dubiously in his employ, a magician who did not participate in the battle and who fled the scene shortly after Denela's death. He seemed to have his own motive, which I am not aware of. I am not aware of any other facet of Denela's government, which means that they are all untouched by me.

I am somewhat confused by the premise of your arrival though, Timseo. You say that you come here as a representative of the Empress, discussing the transition between rulers. Denela was, at least supposedly, under the Empress' employ at all times, correct? In what respect is there a transition between rulers? The Empress will continue to rule this territory as she has been, unless I am much mistaken.

In any case, you seem to have come a long way in a short time. What is it you expect of me at this venture?"
Valdis' tone is calm and relaxed, compared to the tenseness in Timseo's.

2016-04-04, 04:00 PM
"Wonderful. Anori... If I recall correctly, and I assure you I do, he is merely the captain of the general guard, not Denela's own men. This shouldn't be much of an issue. Denela was no mean swordsman and you handled him alone. An act, I must emphasize, I, as the Empress' spokesperson, cannot officially condone.

"To answer your question. Denela was not employed by the Empress. Rather, he controlled this land and was, in theory, subservient to her. In practice, the lands of Patostathos function as individual states, the armies, wealth, and influence of whom the Empress can call upon and expect reasonable turnouts. It's a highly sophisticated system. The issue now, though, is that Denela was childless and, more specifically, heirless. The Empress has elected to take a familial route, and has passed over a number of supremely qualifies candidates in order to more safely secure her power." His tone leave no question in your mind that one of the mentioned candidates was, in fact, himself.

"This mage you mentioned. How did he flee? Is he still available? I might wish to speak with him. Most of Denela's mages are acquaintances of mine and I would much like to hear what they though of his course of action.

"Regardless. A new ruler need be implemented. I will be assuming a very temporary position as regent, and will make my first act a pardoning of your murder. This will be done at dawn tomorrow. You should be present for this, naturally. Until then, though, the Empress requests that you either lie low here or return to her to discuss 'matters of import.' She mentioned paying an outstanding debt as well, though the two are likely wholly unrelated to the events that took place here, naturally."

2016-04-04, 04:49 PM
Valdis stays silent as Timseo speaks.
"I don't understand what you expect this has to do with me," he finally replies as Timseo reaches a close. "The Empress' decision of who takes power in this land I mean, not the issue of Denela's murder, obviously. Though frankly, that is an issue between me and Denela, and I don't fully see your place in it.

"I think I shall return to the Citadel then, if such is an option for me, if only to be thrifty with a Wind Walk spell. Truthfully I don't see much need for me to be here in these premises at all for this 'pardon' of yours. Or if I need it at all. Denela didn't need a pardon for the barbarian king or whoever that skull was. Or this mug."
Valdis pulls the slightly decayed messenger's head out of his bag.
"You recognize this guy? Apparently he means something to someone. Not Denela, though."
He puts the head back in.
"More to the point, accepting a pardon of yours suggests that I respect your authority. Timseo, I met you thirty seconds ago. You have made clear in your tone that you will have no lasting power in this region, and you are not considered for any permanent role, so why should I be catering to your ephemeral whim? If you work for the Empress and you are authorized to pardon me, I daresay she herself would be as well. Perhaps I'll inquire, and save myself the trip.

"Denela's mage has gone, I do not know where. Teleported somewhere, through magic I am not supremely familiar with. It wasn't Word of Recall, which is about all I could tell you. You warped here, you could probably say better than I.

"Now, if this is all you've come for, I think I'll take my leave shortly. Although. There is one thing left on my mind. This entire...conversation, these proceedings...You got these together with remarkable haste. I killed Denela perhaps ten minutes ago. And in the time between then and now apparently you spoke with the Empress regarding numerous potential successors, your position as temporary regent, and the acceptable pardon of the man who did the deed. Quite prompt, all things considered. A skeptical mind might suggest you had a hand in my visit here, to anticipate me so well."

2016-04-04, 07:18 PM
Timseo stares at you for several long moments.

"My pardon is the Empress'. She wishes you to remain innocent in the land, that she might utilize your particular skillset later. Or so I imagine. To be honest, she was not wholly open with me. Which is only fair, given her rank and mine. The pardon taking place here is only a formality. It's mainly for the benefit of the soldiers and those who were personally loyal to Denela. By publicly announcing your pardon, we would have grounds to officially defend you from any sort of revenge that make take place.

"That being said, if you choose to ignore my authority here, I don't suppose I can stop you, naturally." Timseo grinds his teeth as he says this. He takes a deep breath.

"Yes, I recognize the man. That's the Empress' nephew, Kryl." He shrugs. "I wouldn't show that to her. She was very close to him."

"I got here quickly because the Empress sent me immediately. I had a Teleport prepared, as one of my jobs is quickly checking in on far-flung provinces." He's lying. Very convincingly, but lying nonetheless.

2016-04-04, 08:41 PM
Valdis' eyes seem to flash at the mention of attempts of revenge.
"Let them try," he says with a grin betraying a brief but intense bloodlust. He quickly regains composure.
"Frankly, I have better things to do with my time and higher authorities to respond to than yours. I have respect for bureaucratic process when there is purpose behind it, but no man that I should reasonably fear would set aside his anger toward me simply because of the lip-service pardon of a temporary regent."

Valdis purses his lips somewhat when Timseo explains the rapidity of his travel.
"That's a very reasonable reason, and I believe what you have said," he concedes. He wants to play coy and for Timseo to think that he isn't suspicious of Timseo's motives, and entirely fails.

"Is this all that you have come here for then, this errand that a Sending could have saved you the trouble of? If that's everything then I'll bid you good afternoon." He gestures around to the room, suggesting the whole castle. "Enjoy your new place."

2016-04-04, 09:07 PM
"I... fine. Be off with you, then." He storms out of the room, then quickly halts his stride in the hallway. You hear him speaking to someone.

"Hello! I am Timseo, representative of Her Majesty, Empress Kryliona. And you are? ...Sir? Hello?" Your telepathic link with Anori reveals that he is being spoken to, then that he is attempting to prevent entrance into the room.

After a second, you see Anori step in front of the open door. "You may not enter the room."

The Dominated captain is preventing Timseo from re-entering the room. Timseo steps into view and looks to you. "Did you have something to do with this?"

2016-04-04, 09:59 PM
Valdis laughs aloud.
"You said you wanted us not to be interrupted, and I assured you that Anori was under instruction to prevent exactly that. It isn't my fault that you chose to Teleport here rather than enter through the door like a civilized man. He was prepared to escort you and everything."
He starts shifting back into gaseous form, eager to be back in Iresi before his evening prayer.
"Forget something? I can hear you from here, go ahead and have out with it. I don't intend to hang around these boondocks much longer."

2016-04-04, 10:21 PM
Timseo sighs. "No, I'll just... Nope! I can figure it out. I can run a district. Be off with you!" His tone changes from frustration to excited optimism very quickly.

Your return to Iresi is uneventful. Your view is much the same as is was on your journey to Tenelan. When you arrive back in the capital, it is much busier than it had been when you were last here. The streets are crowded, the waterways clogged. The outer citadel gates are closed. The walls are crawling with soldiers.

Forgot to mention it last time, but "That's a very reasonable reason, and I believe what you have said" is fantastic. I'm really liking Valdis.

Also: a reminder that you were warned against using any sort of "transportation magic" within the citadel walls. Where would you like to land, and what would you like to do?

2016-04-05, 08:34 AM
I'm really enjoying this character. I've wanted to play the LE Cleric of Hextor for a long time, so I've imagined his attitude a lot. I think I might be playing it a little too Chaotic, but I think it's also reasonable that Law wouldn't respect the rules of an untrustworthy source. A police officer wouldn't care about the rules of a den of thieves, for instance. The no-Bluff thing was something I hadn't initially had in the character but I think it works well, to make him always be up-front with everyone.

And oh yeah, I forgot about the no-transport stuff. I'll land where I had left from, about four gates down from the citadel and start making my way up.

As he leaves the castle, Valdis reaches out telepathically to the Dominated Anori.
Follow Timseo's commands to the letter as you would Denela. Acquaint him with the castle and see to his preferences. Turn down all other requests made of you with the excuse that your first attention must be to the new regent, and leave his side only if he requests you to. As long as you are near him, remember to the best of your ability all actions he takes, requests he makes, and conversations he has, and record them in a journal each evening for as long as you are able. Hide that journal under your mattress.
Valdis isn't holding out much hope that Timseo won't simply dispel the Domination in some way, but if he doesn't or can't then this will at least keep a record of the suspicious man's actions.

Valdis touches down back on the streets where he had departed from about four and a half hours ago, and rematerializes into solid form. It was getting late, he was looking forward to his prayer at dusk. But it looks like he'd have a little more work to do before then, if these people were any indication. As he descended he had seen the soldiers on the Citadel walls.
Hm, it looks like security has been increased. Presumably word of Denela's murder has reached here, and they're concerned that there will be a plot against the Empress. Timseo did say I had the option of returning to the Citadel and returning to Tenelan in the morning, so I would imagine that they're expecting me here, and the Empress would have given word to the guards to allow me to pass. But based on that rush, I won't be surprised if a headstrong fool like Anori will be acting on his own. The other possibility is that...Timseo was lying, and I am not welcome in the Citadel. I'm usually a good judge of such things, but he had a silver tongue. I hope I'm not about to be betrayed and removed as a loose end, I hate when people do that.
Before continuing, he withdraws the fingerbones and rolls them on the cobblestones, checking for an Omen of Peril of proceeding up the path and into the Citadel. If it seems clear he'll proceed, but if there is conflict in his near future he intends to make a few preparations first.
So that's an 85% chance of correct answer, rolled twice and taking either correct answer. If I get an answer of Safety I'll proceed up the path as normal. If it's Peril I'll do the same, but casting Nimbus of Light when I'm about five minutes away from the Citadel. If I'm in Great Danger, I'll spend 10 minutes casting Divination (same 85% two times success rate) to try to determine the nature (identity, power level, and/or fighting style) of the threat which awaits me.

2016-04-05, 09:51 AM
Through your link, you get the feeling that Anori either nods or speaks in the affirmative as you issue your command.

As you cast your bones, they roll to a stop with symbols for peace and protection all facing upward, and you understand that you should be fine over the coming minutes. [Safety]

As you travel toward the Citadel, the gate-guards eye you, but let you pass without question, likely due to the apparent wealth on your person. The Citadel gate, though, is closed. When the soldiers notice you, they ask your business. They quickly realize who you are, though, and open the gates to allow you entry. As the gates open, you see a few dozen soldiers standing around. They're in varied levels of preparedness, from wearing civilian clothes and holding a spear to armored in chain or scale and holding a weapon and shield. They mostly ignore you.

A minute or two passes before Berthmen, the seneschal of The Citadel, approaches you. "Master Valdis. A pleasure! You have certainly returned quickly. The Empress left word that you should be brought to her immediately upon your arrival. She's dining with a relation, currently, so if you'd follow me?"

He leads you into the Citadel. Lows hurry to get out of your way, and men in armor eye you suspiciously. You get the feeling that the castle guards don't much care for warriors outside the normal chain of command.

You are taken to a small dinning room. A table, carved to look like tree trunks supporting a massive canopy of leaves and polished to a high sheen, is loaded with food. Fish, fruits, and grains abound. Several varieties of wine are available. Two men and two women sit at the table. The men are young, maybe in their early twenties, and obviously brothers. Twins, perhaps. One woman is even younger. The fourth person is the Empress. All are wearing comfortable clothes, though the three guests are attired in something a bit more formal than the Empress.

Kryliona's eyes widen for an instant when she sees you. "My, you're quick. Care to join us? These are my nephews and niece. Gwin, Gorin, Gella, this is a man in my employ. Valdis Acre." The men nod in greeting. The woman smiles and waves a little. There are several empty chairs. One next to the Empress (her other side is occupied by Gella, the lady), and several other around the table. Gwin and Gorin sit next to each other, about halfway between the Empress and the end of the table.

"Now. How went your mission? Speak freely; these three share my confidence."

2016-04-05, 10:31 AM
Valdis takes a seat across from Gwin and Gorin, a bit closer to the Empress than they are but still with some space from each member of the group.
"A pleasure to meet the three of you. I regret to say I have already encountered your other nephew, Kryl. My condolences, he is indeed dead. A tactical misstep on Denela's part I should say - were I in his place, I would have saved a blood relation as a hostage and bartering chip rather than pointlessly releasing my anger on him. Still, it's not beyond the realm of possibility to bring him back to the world of the living. My magic is not yet strong enough I'm afraid, but had I focused whole-heartedly on my clerical studies rather than training my body I might be capable. If you know of a priest of that caliber, then a family reunion isn't out of the cards.

Denela, on the other hand, could come back this very day. The decision is up to you, Your Highness. I arrived at Tenelan and was shown in to speak with Denela without delay. I expressed your concerns to him though I did not use your name in front of his guard. He seemed confident in himself and his entourage, and propositioned that I betray you and join him instead. I suggested that he was not a man of honor, and challenged him to a nonlethal duel to better clarify his stance and prove that if I could defeat him, and you had the capacity to hire mercenaries stronger than myself, then he would not be able to stand against you in an all-out coup. He did not take to this suggestion, and attacked me with both his guard and his own blade. I repelled his guard without killing them, but Denela was himself an impressive foe that I was not able to defeat nonlethally. Not that I tried very hard to do so.

"There was one peculiar element, a hooded mage of some kind that Denela seemed very confident in, and presumably the one whose magic can alter trade routes that you were concerned with. That mage aided Denela only extremely slightly in the battle, telepathically spoke to me afterward to tell me he did not consider himself in Denela's employ and in fact the opposite was the case, and teleported away. I was not able to gather much information about this figure, even by questioning Denela's deceased spirit, which insisted that he and the figure were partners. He did not seem confident about this, however. Following his death Denela continued to try to conspire against you, requesting that I raise him or have his 'partner' Reincarnate him into a new body to continue his schemes without opposition. I told him that I would be returning his body to you and it would be your decision what is done with him, to leave him dead as an example or bring him back in a position of subservience. He said he would come if called, so we can count on his return to life if such would be preferable to you.

Following my interaction with Denela I Sent to you and met with your representative, Timseo. I was surprised by the promptness and preparation to take over as temporary regent that he had gathered a mere ten minutes after Denela's demise. He requested that I either stay the night or return after speaking with you to receive a pardon for my crime of murdering Denela, mostly for the benefit of men still personally loyal to the man. I declined, imagining that you have the absolute rule to clear anything from the books without unnecessary pomp and circumstance and that any man I should have reason to fear would not be mollified by a mere pardon issued from a temporary regent acting on behalf of an Empress they were already inclined to be acting against. Timseo was not pleased with my decision, but did not seem determined to stop me from returning to you now.

I believe that is everything of import I have to report. I was made to expend most of the spells which Lord Hextor granted to me this day, but I am not injured in my mission despite a pair of terrifically painful and precise bloodletting strikes on Denela's part. I have Denela's charred but intact body in an extradimensional bag which should be complete enough to Raise with an expenditure of 5000 gold pieces worth of diamond shards, and I bring you the head Denela kept of Kryl as a trophy if you have a stronger priest in your employ capable of Resurrection."

2016-04-05, 07:51 PM
The Empress nods sadly, and her three guests bow their heads.

"I will send for a priest, but clerics of such power tend to leave these lands. It will be some time. I thank you. Leave the remains with Berthmen." She takes a deep breath.

"It gladdens me to hear of your stout loyalty. I may have need of your services again soon." She pauses thoughtfully, then continues on. "A mage working with, rather than for, Denela? Interesting. Must be an outsider. Or a liar, wishing to save his own life. While the former is more intriguing, the latter is certainly far safer for us.

"I think I'll have Denela back, that I may publicly condemn him and pass judgment. Can you bring him back, since you have his body? If so, we will naturally reimburse you, in addition to your earned payment.

"Timseo is a bit full of himself. He likely wanted to honor of pardoning you himself, though I won't deny its merits. He is also one of my more powerful servants. A bit chaotic for my tastes, though. I do hope he doesn't attempt anything foolish while in Tenelan.

"I am sorry to hear of your injuries. Are you able to cast the spell yourself to bring Denela back to us? If so, I would have you do so in a holding cell beneath the Citadel. If not, then pass those remains to Berthmen as well."

The Empress pauses for a moment, collecting herself. "Now, for your reward! Naturally, you may keep anything taken from Denela's corpse, unless he was carrying any official items of the state, such as a crown or seal. In addition, we offer you 850 pieces of platinum from the royal coffers. Finally, we offer you this, as a token of our official good will." She hands a small object to Gella, who rises and brings it to you. She curtsies and holds out a golden ring, detailed with a flowing engraving. "The Ring of Gilded Confidence, Valdis Acre. It will protect your mind lest my enemies pry my secrets from it, protect your body lest they pry your life from it, and protect itself, lest they pry it from you. It serves both as a magical ward and a physical representation of my favor." She tells you the command word for the ring, then confides, "It means "Gold" in Sylvan, nothing more. Now please, enjoy the food. I intend to retire shortly, but will announce your pardon on the morrow. Following that, you are technically free from my service, and I hold your contract fulfilled. If, however, you choose to remain nearby, I will find something else for you to do, no doubt."

The empress stays in the chamber to discuss anything you'd like to bring up, then departs. The other three remain late into the night.

And, with that (aside from tying up this interaction, naturally; no rush there), you've completed the first adventure/intro I had planned. And quickly, I might add! A few bookkeeping things:
- Do you plan on doing anything that costs XP? If so, we'll keep track of it. If not, then you'll just level when it seems appropriate to me.

- The ring: Functions as a Ring of Protection +1, a Ring of Mind Shielding, and it has a third function: when the command word is uttered (an Immediate Action), the ring melds into your flesh, hiding it from all mundane sight and any spell of 4th level or lower (Detect Magic, for instance, but not, eg, True Seeing).

- Following the pardon, you'll have a few days to do as you please. Explore, gather info on anything, look into potential sidequests, burn Tenelan to the ground, whatever. Obviously, Valdis doesn't know this, but I find it's useful as a player to be able to plan things out with "downtime." After that time, something will happen to offer up a hook or two.

- How do you think I'm doing as a DM so far? Is the pacing acceptable? The level of description? The amount of guidance/assumptions? Anything that would be specific to PbPs that you think would benefit us, from formatting to how rounds in combat are moving? I intend for this game to run a good while (as I'm sure you do too), so I'd like to make sure our gaming styles are compatible as much as possible, and don't want to continue doing something that isn't working for you.

2016-04-05, 08:48 PM
"If Denela was confident in the mage's power then I believe it to be true. Denela wouldn't have bothered dealing with the mage if he hadn't had firsthand evidence of that strength. And yet the mage did not help at all in the battle. It's vexing, and frustrating for it.

"I can indeed return Denela to this world, as soon as I pray to Hextor at dusk. I do not have the requisite diamonds on hand, but I expect they'll turn up here and there around the Citadel. All fatal wounds will be healed, but he should still bear the burns of Hextor's profane fire as a memento. If you'd like to remove a hand or a leg, that won't grow back either. Perhaps his sword hand? In any case yes, I shall meditate for an hour immediately following this discussion and subsequently revive Denela.

"Not that it is my place to advise, but I would keep a close eye and a tight leash on Timseo, lest you have a second Denela on your hands. From his skill of teleportation alone he has undeniable arcane might, and for that he may be able to be a greater nuisance if he decides he likes the ruling seat."

Valdis accepts the ring with a nod, looking at the outside and inside and then immediately putting it on.
"Thank you for the privilege, your Highness. I have not yet looked over Denela's body for magical items, though I expect he does have some. Does your court have a lesser mage, perhaps a Warlock or an Artificer, capable of analyzing magic? I would like to look over some of his spoils."

After having something to eat, Valdis excuses himself to a secluded space with a window looking out to the last rays of light disappearing over the horizon. For completeness' sake he expends his Wall of Stone and two uses of Rebuke Undead to channel an Empowered Flame Strike into his flail. It likely won't last until after he sleeps, but such had served him well this day. He also casts Heal to cure his weakened Constitution, even though a full night's sleep would do the same job. Finally he uses Detect Magic over Denela's corpse to remove all magical items from the corpse. He then ruminates on his actions of the day. He thinks he did Hextor proud, establishing his dominance over Denela by force and over Anori by magic. Still, it was shameful that he had been harmed as direly as he had, and he had been made to lean on his god's shoulder more than it was right to. His goal in future would be to finish an equitable fight taking only one blow rather than two.

At the end of this rumination, Valdis prays for new spells to carry him through the evening and following day. Most are the same as his standards, but as per his request he calls forth Raise Dead. After this he will bring Denela's items to whatever lesser mage is capable of identifying them. Following this he brings Kryl's head to Berthmen, and Denela's corpse to the lower level holding cell where, if all the preparations are made and with the Empress' permission, casts Raise Dead to bring life back to the burned corpse.

Does the ring still function when absorbed into my body?

I don't think I plan to use any XP, I don't have any crafting feats or anything and I can't think of any XP-cost spells that I intend to use. For XP-cost spells, can I just replace the cost with 5*XP Gold to simplify things? If it comes up for something like Alter Fortune, which is just a pittance. I'm pretty stingy about material components.

I'll try to think of things to do in the downtime. What else is there in Iresi, is it mostly residential districts or are there commercial areas with shops and workers and such? I think Valdis' biggest question right now is: This Empress clearly holds the whole country in the palm of her hand, but she is physically frail and has yet to display any kind of magical power (though he isn't ruling it out.) How then does she have the power to resist invasion or a coup from within, from closer than Denela? To this end, he may explore the poorer districts to see how they live, what's keeping them where they are, and if/why they fear the Empress.

I'm having a lot of fun so far in this game, this is one of the best games I've been a part of on the forum in a long time. You post very frequently which means that the game progresses quickly and we get stuff done, which in turn gives both of us the opportunity to have some banter and discussion and not make every single post have to accomplish some goal (which a lot of other games feel like because they update like once a week.) You also do a good job of reacting to the things I do and then giving me something to react to, so we can keep going back and forth. And I feel very open with my character decisions, like I feel like I have the option of taking various paths (join Denela or not, stay in Tenelan with Timseo or not, etc) and you'll be prepared to roll with whichever direction it takes, which is really skillful of you as a DM and gives me the chance to roleplay with this character as much as I want to. So yeah, I'm having a good time with this. I don't think there's been one moment so far where I've thought "Hmm, I don't really like the way you handled that."

2016-04-06, 12:50 PM
"I see. I hope the mage merely had an inflated sense of his own worth, then. Regardless, I'm sure Timseo will be able to handle him if problems arise. I keep a close eye on Timseo, yes. He's strong, but not nearly strong enough to challenge my champions. Or you, it would seem. So he does not worry me. I thank you for your concern, though.

"If you remove Denela's items and place him in a holding cell, that should be sufficient. My jailer will be ready for you in an hour.

"Take the items in question to the library, or the local branch of the Guild. Ask a servant to take you to either, and they'll be happy to oblige.

The empress stands, nods at you, and leaves.

When you examine Denela's body, you find four distinct magical auras. His sword, and belt give off moderate auras. You find he was wearing a single earring, also giving off a moderate aura. His armor gives off a strong aura. The sword is of the Evocation school, the armor of no school, the belt of Transmutation, and you're not sure about the earring.

Once your spells are prepared, a servant finds you and guides you to the library. He also gives you a sack containing your promised coinage. In the library, a bespectacled woman glances at the items. "The earring is a version of the much sought-after 'Headband of Intellect,' if only of the weakest variety. The belt is a 'Belt of Giant's Strength.' Aside from that, I'm not sure. If you leave the sword and armor here, I can have them Identified for your in about two hours.

In the dungeon below the Citadel, you are guided to an empty cell and told that Denela belongs there. You are provided the diamonds necessary to complete the spell. After your minute of casting, the charring on the corpse dissipates, leaving a mass of scar tissue across the whole of Denela's body. He sits up, groans, and leans against a wall, holding his head.

The ring's functions work while "hidden," except for the Protection part (+1 Deflection).

I don't think I plan to use any XP, I don't have any crafting feats or anything and I can't think of any XP-cost spells that I intend to use. For XP-cost spells, can I just replace the cost with 5*XP Gold to simplify things? If it comes up for something like Alter Fortune, which is just a pittance. I'm pretty stingy about material components.
That works for me. Unless you have an objection, then, we'll just stick with story-based leveling.

I'll try to think of things to do in the downtime. What else is there in Iresi, is it mostly residential districts or are there commercial areas with shops and workers and such? I think Valdis' biggest question right now is: This Empress clearly holds the whole country in the palm of her hand, but she is physically frail and has yet to display any kind of magical power (though he isn't ruling it out.) How then does she have the power to resist invasion or a coup from within, from closer than Denela? To this end, he may explore the poorer districts to see how they live, what's keeping them where they are, and if/why they fear the Empress.
Most of Iresi is residential, with the poor toward the south and the richer toward the north. The richest people, though, don't live in the city at all; they have mansions and plantations along the river. There are a few guilds, though. Notably an explorers' guild (basically a mix of adventurers and navigators) and a branch of the Arcanists' Guild. Many craft/trade guilds, too (cobblers', wainwrights', and the like). The dock area to the south doubles as an open market. Very cosmopolitan there; it's where anyone traveling up or down the river stops, since Iresi controls the Mena. And that sounds good to me. The more you find out about the area, the more I have to decide about it to keep ahead of you, which was on the the main goals of DMing this (along with, y'know, playing DnD, of course).

I'm having a lot of fun so far in this game, this is one of the best games I've been a part of on the forum in a long time. You post very frequently which means that the game progresses quickly and we get stuff done, which in turn gives both of us the opportunity to have some banter and discussion and not make every single post have to accomplish some goal (which a lot of other games feel like because they update like once a week.) You also do a good job of reacting to the things I do and then giving me something to react to, so we can keep going back and forth. And I feel very open with my character decisions, like I feel like I have the option of taking various paths (join Denela or not, stay in Tenelan with Timseo or not, etc) and you'll be prepared to roll with whichever direction it takes, which is really skillful of you as a DM and gives me the chance to roleplay with this character as much as I want to. So yeah, I'm having a good time with this. I don't think there's been one moment so far where I've thought "Hmm, I don't really like the way you handled that."

I am definitely glad to hear that! I definitely have an overarching "plot" that will keep showing up, but I definitely never want you to feel railroaded. I've been enjoying running this, too. Valdis is fun; I'm getting a "What is wrong with these people" vibe from him, which encourages me to be sure I know motivations for my NPCs in a way that's not always completely necessary. I like it.

2016-04-06, 01:23 PM
Valdis leaves the sword and armor to be Identified, and he'll stop by in the morning. The earring is fairly meager and he considers himself clever enough, he'll sell it and the belt to the arcanist's guild tomorrow. Probably the sword and armor too, once their magic is determined, as there's little that he can imagine is better that his current gear.

Valdis brings Denela back to life, and gives him little more than a smirk before leaving him in the cell. His daily chores seen to, he inquires about a guest's quarters that he can spend the night in. Assuming he finds one, he'll bathe and take a well-deserved rest. He likes sleeping in his bedroll even if he's on an actual bed.

The following morning he'll collect the sword and the armor from the citadel mage. By the sound of it the Empress was hoping that Valdis would stay nearby, so he won't set off to another city just yet, but he sees no reason to check in with her for his every action. With the sword, armor, earring, and belt in his new Bag of Holding he'll leave the Citadel and goes a few gates south to where he's instructed the arcanist's guild is based. He's not a huge fan of arcane magicians, either pencil-pushers or proud layabouts and neither will admit that their power comes from a source greater than themselves. But it's undeniable that there were certain magics that came more easily to their sort than a priest. Plus they always seemed to have need of gear like this, even if they were stingy with coin.

2016-04-06, 01:42 PM
A servant leads you to a guest room in the Citadel itself. It's a room of decent size, complete with a small bath chamber and fireplace. It's well-furnished, but is nothing spectacular.

The mage returns the armor and weapon to you in the morning and explains their properties.

+1 Light Fortification chainmail, and a +1 "Lesser Wounding" bastard sword. Lesser Wounding inflicts 1 Con damage on critical hits, rather than on every hit. Lesser Wounding is a +1 enchantment. (Side note, I'm glad I went with that rather than full Wounding, which I had initially. Last minute decision that I do not regret)

You make your way down the streets toward the guild. It's early morning, so the streets are busy as folks head to their jobs. Lows run messages, highs feign indifference to the world around them.

You reach the structure that you were told is the guild. It's wide and squat, with no windows. The door is open, and a rather unpleasant stench wafts out. Steeling yourself, you enter.

A small sitting room greets you. Several men and women of different races sit around, discussing various topics of science and magic. Most hold cups of wine or ale. The room is large and full of chairs and low tables, but it feels very small due to the low ceiling. You get the feeling that the mages put two floors into what had once been a single-storied building.

The conversation stalls as you enter. A woman saunters over to you, casting an amused glance back at her comrades. She's Human, young and attractive, with robes clearly a size or two smaller than she should be wearing. "Good day, sir or otherwise. Are you lost?" The others laugh quietly into their hands.

2016-04-06, 02:33 PM
I think with Full Wounding would have played the fight exactly the same way, because if memory serves the Con damage from Wounding isn't multiplied on a crit. He got two attacks in each turn, but since my Con is even, I dropped my HD in HP with the first point lost, and the second wouldn't have changed the modifier again. I used Heal before his second attack, resetting that, but the process repeated.

Valdis looks the room over top to bottom.
"Yes, I think so. I was seeking the arcanist's guild where learned men and women studied complex geometries or channeled the power of dragonblood to rewrite the laws of nature. I've stumbled upon a hovel of drunks who look too poor to afford the magical items I seek to pawn, which I pried from the corpse of Tenelan District Leader Denela whom I murdered yesterday. I had figured that an earring capable of increasing cognitive power or a belt which strengthens the muscles as a bull's would have been of interest to the respectable type I had been expecting. Perhaps the crafter's union would be more appreciative of these trinkets?"

2016-04-06, 02:57 PM
That's fair. I'd forgotten he missed twice at the end there.

There is a moment of pause in the room, then the people still sitting begin laughing loudly. The woman who spoke to you colors in embarrassment, then storms off.

A younger Elf stands and bows. He looks like a caricature of a wizard, with loose robes, a staff, and an obnoxiously tall hat. "Don't mind her. This is the guild, aye. You killed Denela? That's not a fact that many would share openly, and yet you seem proud? Regardless, I am Tuelu, a full guildmage and a broad-field Generalist. These others are of no consequence." The four other seated mages roll their eyes, then continue their conversation.

"Now. Shall we?" He gestures to a hallway, then enters the first door in it. A desk with a few lenses on it and a chair on either side is the only thing in the room. He sits on one side, and gestures. "What do we have? And, more importantly, why should we, an esteemed guild free from political influence, purchase items that were acquired through assassination of a powerful leader?"

2016-04-06, 03:21 PM
"You seem to be misusing the word 'esteemed,'" Valdis replies. "You are supposedly magicians capable of making reality your plaything, yet your sanctum is this hovel. I can barely stand at my full height, and every one of my senses is offended by my surroundings. I may not share your proclivity toward arcane spellcasting, but I have a sense of pride as a user of magic. Your conditions should be better than those of Denela's castle in Tenelan, where weak-willed sword-swinging fools with no patience for righteous prayer whittle through the days of their lives like the splinters of wood from their training dummies.

I am not proud of the origin of these items, nor am I ashamed. I speak neutrally, plainly, and truthfully. The reason you should want them is because a person who was in a position of power had want of them, and considering that you are clearly not in a position of power, you should be seeking to emulate those who are in every capacity that you can. See here," Valdis rifles through the Bag of Holding and withdraws the various items, laying them on the table, "A sword predisposed to exsanguination, a light suit of armor to prevent the same or other critical blows, an earring which increases the power of the mind, and a belt which strengthens the body. Some more useful to a mage than others, but all having required the services of a mage to create. I have a genera sense of what each of these should cost were you to buy them in a market of a more prosperous city, and am prepared to sell them to you at cost of creation such that you may make a profit on their turnover. The sword should sell for roughly 8000 gold pieces, the armor and earring for 4000, and the belt for a hefty 16000. I would take 16000 gold pieces or the equivalent for the lot, or fewer if only some of these items are of interest to you. Truthfully though, you will not surprise me if you say you cannot afford what I am looking for."

2016-04-06, 03:53 PM
Tuelu shrugs. "Think what you will. We wield awe-inspiring power. We don't need grandiose buildings or legions of slaves to prove it. I myself am a master of spells of the sixth order. I choose to keep residence here because that places me at the top of the local pyramid, and because, frankly, I enjoy the company of the other mages here. Though they do grow tiresome, at times." He pauses for a few moments, considering.

"Well. Have you need of anything in particular? I'd be more than happy to arrange a trade of other magical creations. We here prefer not to soil our hands with petty coin where possible. We have a large collection of scrolls and wands, along with a number of fantastic items, both common and esoteric. I'd rather not reveal the extent of our wares until we know you on a more, er, personal level.

"Speaking frankly: The sword and armor of little use to us, but at least one member of the Guild has developed the means to drain items of their raw magical energy, so he might be willing to pay the full 6,000, or equivalent, for them. Otherwise, the belt and earring would be most useful."

If the wizard is offended in any way by your speech, he certainly does not show it.

2016-04-06, 04:07 PM
Valdis seem a little skeptical that an intelligent man and a wizard capable of spells of the sixth order would be as content with as little as this man seems to have. But if he really is as capable as that, then he had Valdis' respect. After all, that was about as much magic as Valdis himself could muster, and it wasn't an inconsequential amount.
"Very good, I'm amenable to that. Pass these along to him then, and have the other two as well. As far as bartering goes...Well, come to think of it, you may actually be able to find a few things I have an interest in. The first is a Ring of Spell-Battle, as it's called. There may be more than one enemy on my horizon who uses magical mischief, and I would like to be aware that spells are being cast around me. That, and if the man who can drain the magic from the weapon can also add it, I would like him to modify my flail to become a Spellblade. It's an unusual magic and I won't be surprised if you haven't come across, it, I rarely have myself, but see if he has. The spell I'd like to defend against is Greater Dispel Magic. I came across a situation recently where, had my abjurations been removed, I would have been in a dangerous position, and I hope to rectify that. I believe the sum cost of those two items is about 2000 gold pieces more than what I offer in trade, but I do have some platinum coins which can make up the difference.

Apart from that, there is only one other thing which I wonder about. Do you know of any efficient means to limit dimensional travel? I can cast Dimensional Anchor, and intend to if I need to, but it would be handy to have a failsafe."

2016-04-06, 04:54 PM
"The ring is easy enough. I can fetch one for you in just a moment. If you'll wait here, I'll go speak with old Tom and see if he can manage the Spellblade."

Tuelu departs, then returns a few minutes later. "We've got here one Ring of Spell-Battle. We'll take everything but the sword in trade. As for the upgrade. Tom cannot craft such an enchantment yet. He unfortunately spends most of his reserves making items rather than increasing his skill. Most wasteful, if you ask me. We could, though, Send to a wealthier branch and see if a capable crafter could be contacted? We would charge a small finder's fee, and you would be bartering directly with said crafter rather than through us.

"Regarding the dimensional travel... We have one set of Dimensional Shackles that can be used. Alternatively, Dimensional Lock is supremely effective, if hard to utilize due to the difficulty in casting. Perhaps an -" he shudders involuntarily "- Antimagic Field? An Abjurer I once knew utilized Otilukes' Suppressing Field to prevent all teleportation spells from functioning near him, though that carries obvious risks. Finally, we have a Binding weapon, which functions much like a Dimensional Anchor, but has the complication, or added benefit, I suppose, of requiring you to injure your target to make it function."

2016-04-06, 05:10 PM
"I will keep your shackles in mind, but at present I have not the means to procure them. If my teleportation issue becomes more difficult I may return. I thank you for the ring, and I shall inquire elsewhere to see who would like this sword.

"That concludes all I came here for regarding business, but while you were discussing a thought crossed my mind that I'm a bit curious about. You mentioned that you were at the 'top of the local pyramid' so to speak, which I take to mean one of the strongest mages in the surrounding area. Do you mean merely the five or so streets between the gates, or are you referring to the terrain of Iresi itself? I ask because I recently met Timseo, who seems to run errands for the Empress and fancies himself an arcane adept, what with his teleportation magic and such. Is he that much stronger than you that he deserves that position above yourself?"

2016-04-06, 05:38 PM
The mage smiles. "Timseo is a fool. A friendly, charismatic, sycophant, but a fool nonetheless. In raw power, he may rival me, but he is a, ah, a sorcerer. His power is incredibly limited. I am the head of this branch of the Guild, meaning that I have a position outside the normal hierarchy of power. Timseo is, of course, a member, but his true position is subservient to the empress. I am only beholden to her as a rent-paying tenant of this building, nothing more. My position indicates that I am the strongest guildmage in Iresi, at the least. Likely in all of Patostathos." You get the sense that, while he wants to believe this, Tuelu isn't completely certain that this is, in fact, true. There is definite hesitation.

"Therefore. Timseo is above me in official government matters, but that is merely because I am not in that particular pyramid. In matters of Arcana, I far outrank him. Surely that much must be obvious, given his role as an errand boy? No self-respecting Wizard would ever stoop so low. Why do you ask?"

2016-04-06, 06:52 PM
Valdis chuckles.
"I had him pegged for a Sorcerer, what with the ostentatious garb, but he had mentioned he had prepared a Teleport spell. I know they're foolish, but it's not often even a Sorcerer forgets how they use their magic. Then again, I suspected he wasn't being truthful with me. I'll bring it up when next I see him.

"Anyway, it is of little concern to me. He rubbed me the wrong way, and I was curious as to how a whelp like him came to hold such a prestigious position. I suppose the arcane skill to be useful and a lack of independent thought to be rebellious. Though what you say raises another question in my mind, if you'll indulge a foreigner. This city has a fairly heterogeneous distribution of wealth, evident in all facets of lifestyle. I had the privilege of visiting the Citadel and quite enjoyed my time there. I doubt I would enjoy the experience of a home in this district, or others further down the river. Exactly how did this come to be? Did the Empress amass this level of wealth, or inherit it from her ancestors? And I find it hard to imagine that any citizen with an equitable amount of strength as you but a less optimistic view of an ascetic lifestyle is entirely satisfied with the lineup. If the Empress surrounds herself with guards of middling strength and spellcasters like Timseo, why has no one yet tried to overthrow the existing rule and put themselves at the top of the pyramid, to use a parlance you seem so fond of?"

2016-04-06, 10:48 PM
"Quite. Due to the respect afforded to the more learned, it is entirely possible that he masquerades as a wizard. I know not; my contact with the man has been blessedly limited." Tuelu is certainly amused, though he shows it with a raised eyebrow and an amused twinkle in his eye.

"Ah! A man of history, like myself! In short: money. The empress, and her line, are fabulously wealthy. Her personal gold alone could likely purchase every item of worth in all of Patostathos. Dipping into royal funds... the totals boggle the unenlightened mind. And this has been the case for, oh, 400 years. This nation was founded by one of her ancestors, 200 years before that. Kryliona I. Unfortunately, they all keep that same name. We're at Kryliona XI, now. Halflings are so short-lived... But I digress. No one truly knows whence their wealth arose so suddenly. Theft? Magic? Deals with Outsiders? It is hard to say. I tend toward the latter of these options, myself, but only due to a few rumors here and there and some postulating. The amount of wealth owned by those in power is so phenomenal that comparing one year's wealth to another's is a waste of time. She could be gaining or losing fortunes annually and it would not make a noticeable difference.

"The division of wealth was natural. When the Citadel was established, the first few residences to be constructed nearby were, naturally, downriver. The Empress was not going to be bathing or drinking the refuse of the masses. Then, as the city grew, each successive "layer" did the same. Before long, the culture developed such that this became a self-perpetuating cycle. The rich lived where the rich live, and so on. If one wishes to move up, one must have wealth. If one wishes wealth, one must be either extraordinarily lucky or be able to move north. Fun little city we have here, isn't it?

"As to why no one has attempted a coup; they have. Denela is the most recent example. They all fail for two reasons. First, the Empress is rich enough to hire the most powerful mercenaries. Men like yourself, for instance. A district leader is getting uppity? The group famous for slaying the Wyrm of the East or some other such drivel is nearby, and even with their own wealth, they will not pass up the chance to earn the Empress' favor. She can offer fortune, unique magical items, and influence that likely no one else on the continent can match.

"Reason the second, and you must not share this information elsewhere, is the Empress herself. She is an expert in the 'Old Magicks,' as they say. Do not ask what that entails; I barely understand myself. So far as I can gather, it seems to be some sort of bastardization of Druidism that incorporates elements of bartering for power with Fiends and other beings of far more power and less favorable repute. I know of one instance when an Empress had her ire roused to such a degree that she took matters into her own hands. Kryliona II. It is said that she took part in the destruction of a monster that was ravaging the face of the continent. Others failed, and she, with her allies, succeeded. And each empress claims that power. Or so the legends say. Our current liege refuses to reveal this strength, and adamantly denies it if asked. I hesitate to press for information, though; I do value my life. There are not many who know this; I do no know why, but she has cultivated the aura of a politically powerful but physically weak ruler. My cynical side suggests that it is because she finds delight in destroying those who might oppose her, and so implicitly encourages their rebellions. The rest of me assumes there must be another, more practical, potentially more sinister, motive though."

Tuelu takes a deep breath. "Well! That was quite the speech, my apologies. I do love history, and few things in history are as fascinating as the rise of empires and the powerful figures that affect them. Hopefully you were not too bored. Is there anything else I can help with?" He seems excited, almost hopeful. Clearly you've touched upon one of this Elf's true passions.

Annnnd Exposition! Congratulations on finding a knowledgeable character willing to talk, hopefully the wall of text isn't offputting.

2016-04-06, 11:05 PM
Valdis' eyebrow raises.
"Human, you said? I was of the impression that the Empress was a Halfling, at least by stature. Has that bloodline been kept undiluted by outsiders over the years? Because it looks like the Human blood is coming up short."
Valdis pays close attention to Tuelu's lesson, hearing largely what he had expected regarding their massive wealth. He is surprised though when Tuelu mentions "Old Magicks" and the hidden strength of the royal line. He takes particular note of the corruption of Druidic magic, not least of all because if Denela was looking to be Reincarnated, then his ally had Druidic magic to use as well. It could be coincidence of course, but he wouldn't be surprised if Denela had learned something. If this knowledge of "Old Magicks" was transmitted by blood it might explain why the Empress had sent her own nephew as a messenger (and one with a name so close to the ancestral name), and why she was preferring to keep the transfer of power of the districts within the family rather than outsource to someone like Timseo. For a moment, Valdis entertains the notion that Denela's disobedient mage friend was a distant relation of the Kryliona bloodline. He wonders if Denela is aware of this business about "Old Magicks."
"Not at all, this is very interesting. I am curious, if the Empress so adamantly repudiates any association with these so-called 'Old Magicks,' how is it you came to hear of them? I should imagine that with her resources she could have any word of them wiped from the history books, and worse. Should she truly wish to keep them secret, if indeed they exist at all."

2016-04-06, 11:33 PM
Ah, my bad. Mistake on my part, not Tuelu's; she's a Halfling. The post will be edited. He knows what he's talking about (better than I, apparently).

"Very astute of you. Very astute indeed. Were I a more conceited Elf, I would say something about the immutability of knowledge, or the strength of the guardians of the lore, or the secrecy of our order. Were I more foolish, I might say that she perhaps neglected to thoroughly search our archives, or missed one or two ancient records (as sources on her power are obscure, old, and rare). But I am neither of those things, and will say none of that." He smiles knowingly.

Tuelu seems honestly impressed with you. You also sense some sort of anticipation, or expectation, from him.

2016-04-07, 07:26 AM
Valdis frowns.
"You haven't answered my question, Wizard. If you should be insinuating the presence of an organized band of scholars who are digging up secrets on the Empress that she explicitly does not want public knowledge, then it would not be hard to make the leap that such actions tend toward the treasonous.

Then again, if there is a component of shall we say, illegitimacy, to the Empress' reign, then it may bear bringing to light. If standing on the shoulders of Outsiders is what brings power to her line, then it can hardly be said that her line has a claim to true power at all. If there is such an order established, I should question what sources they have had and how they have escaped the watchful eye of the empire. And I should wonder what additional sources they might look favorably upon, if someone working within the Citadel and with decently close proximity to the Empress should be able to procure such a resource."

2016-04-07, 09:45 AM
Tuelu begins to look disappointed, then brightens up as he takes your meaning. "My dear inquisitive soul. I am implying nothing of the sort. Merely that I, a scholar, find it odd that someone as powerful as she would make such a mistake. I do not believe in happenstance, so I can only assume there is more at play here than even I can recognize.

"However, were I the sort of Elf who concerned himself with the potential of a powerful Outsider controlling his land of residence, I might admit that there are a number of guild tomes that refer to the defeat of the monster in question. I might also admit to reading the financial records of an older head mage and discovering that Conjuration advice was dolled out, for a fee, to a surprisingly wealthy Halfling who was willing to pay extra for secrecy. If I were the more curious type, I would love to get my hands on any sort of genealogy of the line of the Empresses, any sort of personal records they might have, or perhaps access to a personal library that might contain texts explaining the rituals that might have taken place in the past.

"But, of course, I am not and I don't." In case it's not clear, he is in fact (the more curious type) and he does (want to get his hands on those sources mentioned).

2016-04-07, 11:02 AM
Valdis stays silent for a while, and in fact says nothing more. And a period of rumination he turns and leaves the guild house without another word.

He finds himself at a philosophical crossroads. Fleeting though it may be, he bears some loyalty to Empress Kryliona. She had hired him to subdue potential threats to her reign, traitors and conspirators, and it would be doing her a disservice to allow any potential threats to that rule to go unchecked. It may not be in his exact mission specifics, but he was confident that were she to be aware of it, then the issue would have been brought up. This level of multigenerational conspiracy would go deeper than Denela's comparatively shallow plot that Kryliona had been so concerned about.

On the other hand, Valdis felt himself reluctant to rush to the Citadel to inform the Empress of this latest revelation. He had been planning to do exactly that at the start of Tuelu's speech. But the discussion of fierce conjuration magic and the binding of Outsiders...disquieted him. His teachings first and foremost emphasized the proper chain of command, the respect owed to those of great power. He had been respecting Kryliona because she was the empress, and considering that she was still in command she was presumably fierce enough to protect her position. And she may indeed be. But not on her own merit. If her power was sourced from external forces unaffiliated with her rule, and it hadn't even been her own strength that bound the creatures of the outside to her will? This sounded more and more like Denela, who had been so boastful of his military might but been leaning on an external element who he couldn't trust and who had been manipulating him. If this was true, Hextor would demand that Valdis not respect Kryliona, but instead the spirit her ancestor had bound.

This was a difficult position for Valdis to be in. He would have to learn more about the situation, but it would be difficult to do so without betraying Kryliona's confidence to this enigmatic enclave and risking disrespecting her if it turned out she was worthy of her title. He would have to find information from a third party, a different source that allowed him to remain unaligned with either side. He could also stand to find out more about Tuelu's group; it wouldn't stand for one group to hold secrets while the other is expected to lay everything down. His thoughts drift again to the mysterious mage in Tenelan, who could easily be affiliated with either side. The mage said he would be in contact, so Valdis would be able to question him at that time. And of course, Denela could probably be made to talk if need be.

Another though occurs to Valdis, one that he hadn't considered out of his naivety. He immediately returns into the arcane guild building and seeks out Tuelu once more, removing the first ring from his finger and laying it on the table in front of the Elf.
"If you have identification magic available to you, please analyze this ring thoroughly. I have been advised that it serves to defend the body with a deflection field, protect my mind from weaker mental intrusion, and hide itself in my skin. I would like to be absolutely certain that these are the only functions of this ring."

2016-04-07, 10:12 PM
[SPOILER=OoC]Well this is going to get interesting. Where will Valdis' loyalties end up? Who to trust, who to indict... Fun stuff.

Tuelu's eyebrows raise when you leave, but he makes no move to stop you.

When you return shortly thereafter, you find him talking to another mage, who he quickly waves away as you approach. He looks smug. "Absolutely."

He pulls out a small monocle, then examines the ring for a minute. "Hm. It is as you say, but there is another enchantment upon the ring. It seems that it functions as a sort of Scrying... anchor. The command word for the ring works to hide it, as you no doubt know, but also as a means for anyone who knows the word to scry upon the ring, and its owner, with a much higher chance of success that normal. A minor effect, and not typically one to worry about, but if you intend to investigate our esteemed ruler... Be vigilant, master - ah, I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name?" He hands the ring back.

2016-04-07, 10:54 PM
Valdis grimaces.
"I expected as much, or worse. An understandable precaution, but one I would have preferred to be aware of. Well, I suppose that would defeat the purpose. I don't suppose your crafting friend knows how to change the command word of a ring, to something I can keep private? I shall have to seek out preventative measures, ideally something subtle. I would not wish to remove the Scrying effect, just to be aware of it. Unfortunately, divine magic doesn't cover that particular avenue, and a ring to the same effect would be inordinately expensive. Perhaps I shall invest in a Schema, though to use it I will need to practice triggering magic items usually unusable to my profession, and that may be a time down the road. Well, at the very least, I shall act at all times as though I have a watchful eye on my back. Apart from Hextor's, that is."

Valdis takes the ring back up and turns to leave.
"My name is Valids Acre, priest of the Herald of Hell, Hextor. I expect you shall hear from me again in time."

Valdis departs, this time for real, eyeing the ring on his finger suspiciously. 'Gold' in Sylvan, is what she had said the command word meant. At the time he had thought it a peculiar choice of language. Sylvan, language of enigmatic spirits of the forest, of nature...Druidic magic...There seems to be some thread running through each element here, but he can't quite pull it all together. He's tempted to head back to the dungeons and question Denela, but anticipates that the man wouldn't be exceedingly pleased to run into him. It would be suboptimal, but Valdis decides to head to the library to do some research on Druidic magic. The cults and covens which practice it, popularity in the area, and perhaps periodicals referencing any notable moments in history governed by Druids in the last decade or two, if it should come up.

As he heads wherever it is (up or down river) he remembers a spell he requested last night. Moving out of immediate view he begins to do a small dance for one minute, turning his body to let it point like a compass where his answer lay. This is a Circle Dance, and he sought to learn the direction toward Denela's mysterious caster companion. The man had said that they would be in contact. If Valdis ended up pointing north, then it's probable the mysterious man had not yet left Tenelan. If he pointed any other direction, then the man had somehow traveled swiftly to Iresi and was waiting for a time to meet.

While on the subject of spells, Valdis also takes a moment to reestablish the link between him and the Dominated Anori. He can't tell what Anori is up to, but if the link is still there then it means that either Timseo hasn't cared enough to dispel it, or that he isn't able to.

2016-04-08, 12:09 PM
Tuelu nods in greeting. "Well met then, Valdis Acre, priest of Hextor. I will talk to Tom about changing the command word. If he can, though, it will likely take some time. Were the Empress to Scry on it during that time, she would be made aware of your subterfuge. I will think on the matter."

As Valdis dances, he finds himself pulled in a west-northwest direction. For reference, following the indicated path would lead him far south of Tenelan. It would not pass through any major settlements before the Valto. Past the marshy forest region, the line would pass through the sea, The Tomb (a large coastal valley-peninsula known for its lack of water; almost no one lives here), the sea, and then into another area of the continent called Mesothryl, nearly 600 miles from when you stand.

The link with Anori is reestablished with no issue. You get the vague feeling that he is doing his duty and is strangely content.

So the only two large libraries in the city are in the Arcane Guild or the Citadel. Would you like to try to use one of those, or would you like to seek out smaller, private libraries?

2016-04-08, 12:56 PM
Not subterfuge, Valdis tells himself. My position is my own and my right only to know. I simply won't let a thief of knowledge lay eyes on me.

Valdis ponders on the result of his Circle Dance. Unless the mysterious mage fled extremely far to the west, it is more likely that he is in the process of traveling south. It may be that he doesn't have longer distance transportation magic - he had fled using Dimension Door. And from a staff, by the look of it, so he'd burn it out before he got all the way here. If he really was determined to speak with Valdis again he'd probably find a way, but Valdis wouldn't be surprised if the mage was going to take a while.

Valdis then gives thought to the options which remain for pursuing knowledge. There are pros and cons to either main library, at the Citadel or at the Arcane Guild. The Arcane Guild was where he'd gotten this thread to follow in the first place, and would be perhaps the most promising. But Tuelu had been cagey and vague in his descriptions, rightfully mistrusting Valdis' loyalty. There was likely little in the library that Tuelu wouldn't just tell Valdis, and Tuelu wouldn't tell much. Besides, leaving incriminating evidence of pursuing the Empress' secret ancestral past would probably have the guild stormed by guards. Tuelu was smart enough to leave it in Secret Pages and likely scattered among peers of his organization. The Citadel on the other hand, if it held that information at all, would probably have it more in the open. How many people would be daring enough to risk researching a taboo subject right under the Empress' nose? But that was exactly the risk of it, it would be hard to wave off being caught with a tome of Druidic history as being a casual interest. Except...Valdis had just been vexed by presumably a Druid, if Denela had been hoping for a Reincarnation. That was as much an excuse as any. Valdis was an excellent liar, he'd be able to spin that if it came up.

Without much yet to grab his attention in these lower districts he returns up the river to the Citadel. He plans to head to the library, but stops to take stock of what's going on in these main halls. For all his talk of power he's spent fairly little time in the company of actual royalty, and is somewhat curious about daily proceedings.

2016-04-08, 06:02 PM
In the Citadel, there is little going on for the most part. A servant runs past every so often, some carrying some scrolls, some not. A few times, they ask if they can serve you in any way, always referring to you as "Your Highness." As you walk, you see many closed doors, and hear conversations behind many of them. Several rooms seem to be discussing Denela's death, specifically the matter of succession. A few rooms are open, mostly empty. Some have nobles in them, talking and carrying on, eating or drinking.

You either find or are led into the library, which is impressively large. You're allowed in by an older man who sits at a desk when he sees your ring.

You read quite a bit about theory of Druids [nothing you, as a 3.5 player, wouldn't know] before finding a few books detailing Druids on the continent.

Druidism is incredibly rare. Continent-wide, there are a few hundred Druids among the wood-elves, far to the north of your current location. Otherwise, there are a number of small circles anywhere that civilization is not present. There is one coven known in Potastathos, very small. Maybe 5 full-fledged Druids involved. They work with the empire; they make sure the river doesn't changes course and destroy cities and the people avoid the most harmful of farming practices. For the most part, though, they don't actually interact much at all. The coven moves up and down the river regularly, though they are rarely seen. They have no permanent home.

Ten years ago, the Druids prevented a major flood in the region. Or so they claimed; no one is sure that a flood was actually imminent.

Occasionally, a tragedy is blamed on those "cursed treemen," but nothing ever comes of the accusations.

There is nothing that would indicate that Druids typically involve themselves with Outsiders in any way. The information that Tuelu shared seems to be unique to the empresses.

If you're looking for something specific, let me know. As it is, you know enough to have circumstantial modifiers on future knowledge checks dealing with Druids, for sure, along with the info above.

2016-04-08, 11:05 PM
Not looking for anything more than you described. Even OoC I'm not sure what's going on with these Old Magicks.

Valdis is interested by the rarity of worshipers of nature. Any Druid would probably stand out in an urban environment, so Denela's dealings with his "subordinate" must have been done in secret. Valdis wondered how the two had come to meet.

He sighs, closing the latest tome and returning it to the dusty shelves. There was nothing else to it, he would have to speak with Denela. He wasn't getting anywhere on his own, and it's possible that Denela already had all the answers that Valdis had only recently realized he wanted.

Valdis exits the Citadel library and descends to the basement dungeons where Denela is being kept prisoner. He gives a withering glare to the guards, demanding some time alone to discuss the issues leading to Denela's death and subsequent incarceration with the man himself.
(If they leave him alone.)
"Denela. We meet again, in a position somewhat inverted from our initial encounter. It's unfortunate that this is how it ended up, but it is also inevitable. Through this lesson, I hope you better understand the lessons of my master Hextor. If you are unsure about your power, you do not have it. If you rely on another for power, you do not have it. If power can be so swiftly taken from you then you never truly had it. It is only in its own proof that your power is understood.

Still, such is in the past. You weren't dead for long. Now, you are a proud man, Denela. I suspect that there is something which has been troubling you in the time since you were raised, and that is the nature of your mage companion's true loyalty. There is no need to tell me the answer, but think of it yourself. Could your mage have helped you in any way during your battle? Could he have reversed my magic, healed your wounds, summoned reinforcements, strengthened your form, or struck with elemental force? He did none of these things, and was content to flee the scene after your death rather than reclaim your corpse for the Reincarnation you were hoping for. Am I...wrong, to suggest that these are preying on your mind?

On another note, I have a different question. Look at this lovely ring that the Empress gifted me as a reward for bringing you in. Have you ever received a ring for her of a similar nature? One that melds into the skin with the utterance of a command word?"

2016-04-09, 12:28 PM
The guards are at first hesitant to leave. When you level the full force of your will against them, however, they quickly decide that you probably have the authority and leave.

The cells are mostly empty, though there are a few men and women in chains in a larger holding room.

You quickly find your quarry. Denela stares at you grumpily from within a small cell as you speak. You see a flash of anger when you mention the apathy of his ally in the battle, but he quickly hides it.

"Why do you care what our lady of gold has granted me? Are you jealous of a man put in prison? Are you afraid that you will be next, as soon as you lose favor? The empress is fickle, I'll have you know. For your own sake, I'd leave this land before you get caught up in her games.

"My allies are of no concern to you. They have their reasons for acting, much as you, or I, do. They will influence events here or not. For my part, I feel they lost a powerful ally when they abandoned me, so I hold on to the hope that they will take part in whatever my fate is, either to aid me or make my punishment harsher, in order to further their interests. They are not the type to sit passively by."

He's not being completely honest with you, but he's not outright lying. He's hiding something, or bending the truth slightly to suit his own ends.

2016-04-09, 04:15 PM
Valdis frowns.
"I had been hoping that you, in your current predicament, would be slightly more amenable to working through the untruths of either the person under whose command you ended up here, or those who chose not to prevent the fate. But I was hasty in returning so soon. I will return again when you have had time to ruminate further."
Valdis turns to leave, and does so if not interrupted.

He is becoming more and more annoyed by the scarcity of people who are being open with him. A scoundrel like Denela he can understand, and a man with vested secrets to hide like Tuelu he can accept, but for the Empress herself to be keeping secrets of her reign rubbed him the wrong way. If she had the power to wipe out opposition, he saw no reason not to flaunt it and be proud of it. Why have a secret weapon if it could be the one you whip out first? Why encourage your foes to underestimate you to be crushed later, when you can crush them now? And more personally, he was angry that she had plans to use him as a puppet in whatever game she was playing, with this Scrying anchor. He had proven his loyalty and his worth to her, and expressly stated to her how he did not appreciate her withholding information from him. And she has the gall to turn around and spy on him?

Valdis returns to his own quarters, away from the prying eyes of the world save for those which may be Scrying on him. He casts No Light to plunge the room into darkness. He draws incense from his spell component pouch and bites his wrist for a blood tribute, then meditates for ten minutes in request of a Divination. The question he poses in his silent mind: Where or from whom can I receive the whole and pure truth about the forces operating outside of the public eye which now vex me?

2016-04-09, 04:49 PM
Denela watches you leave, a look of careful consideration on his face.

When you cast your spell, a moment of silence surrounds you in the dark. Then, advice etches itself in your mind: Continue, and practice patience; your answers will seek you.

2016-04-09, 05:54 PM
Valdis is displeased by this result, but has faith in the guidance of his god. He takes little interest in the activities of the town for the rest of the day, intending to pray at sunset as usual and sleep early.

2016-04-09, 07:13 PM
Aside from servants bringing a noon and evening meal to your room, the day passes without incident.

You're woken at exactly midnight, though, by a Sending. The sender feel familiar, but you cannot place who it might be with certainty.

"Valdis Acre. Answers you seek are within your grasp. The docks, 24 hours from now. A boat will await you."

2016-04-09, 07:59 PM
My mood: poor. Provide information truthfully, completely, concisely. If you lie, if this is a trap, I will murder you in the name of Hextor.

Valdis lies in bed for a while wondering who would know his full name. Probably everyone. He's not shy about sharing it.

He returns to sleep, and awakens without great passion. He had requested from Hextor a number of knowledge-seeking spells the night before, and plans to put a few of them into use. He's glad for it: If he's wandering into the unknown this evening, he'll re-prepare his normal combat spells at sundown. But today he's going to milk his divinations for all they're worth.

First: He calls to the servants in the Citadel to bring him the servant girl who he had spoken to a few days prior, the 'low' girl who had delivered the first message to Denela. He was suspicious of this girl. Empress Kryliona had sent her own nephew second, but this random girl first? Unlikely. If she is brought to him he demands that she sit still, silent, and not resist the harmless magic that he casts now: Know Bloodline (Will DC 21). Apart from the slight elements of her that don't seem entirely Human, he wants to know if she is of the royal bloodline. A distant relative descended of a bastard, maybe, but it would be...interesting to know.

Next, Valdis returns to the dungeons and shoos the guards like yesterday, getting back to Denela's cell. He first casts Zone of Truth (Will DC 20), and then Detect Thoughts (Will DC 19), counting on Denela's lack of magical training to keep the effects secret. He pauses for three rounds, hoping Detect Thoughts can probe deep enough into Denela's mind in that time.
"I return sooner than I expected, as it seems that others intend to expedite my...involvement, in these local events. I will ask you plainly, and implore you not to lie to me. What is the name of the man who you called your mage, the one who you claimed was a partner but who claimed you were under his employ? Which Druidic sect does he hail from, and why is he currently traveling southwest? What do you know of Old Magicks?"

Once this is finished, he has a setup to his next investigation. He returns to his room, and casts another Divination. This time his question is: Who in this dismal city can provide me with the drug Vodare? His intention upon finding a user or supplier of the drug is to visit them post haste. His plan is to first cast Zone of Revelation upon arrival. If Kryliona or anyone else has an invisible Scrying sensor keeping an eye on him, this will reveal it as plain as day. If the coast is clear he hopes to purchase the drug from the person, and then in conjunction with a vial of Unholy Water and a pound of silver dust, Desecrate the area. This would all be in preparation for Identify Transgressor. He had been planning to use it to find out the name of the mysterious mage if his interrogation of Denela failed, but the more pressing matter is to use it to figure out exactly who Sent to him the night before.

As the day progresses, he will once more reconnect his mental tether to Anori, and once again cast Circle Dance to point toward the mysterious mage to see if his direction has changed substantially in the day that passed.

2016-04-09, 09:23 PM
Ah... Nothing like an automatic update/restart when you've typed half a post.

Anyway, feel free to continue any of these separate scenes. They can be handled on their own until they all three are finished.

The girl is brought to your room quickly, then the other servants quickly disperse. The girl is terrified, but obeys your commands.

When you cast your spell, you discover that she is Human, or close enough as to make no difference. But there are traces of Halfling and Elven blood in her ancestry. But no royal blood flows in her veins.

Denela offers you an excessive groan when he sees you. When you cast the spells, his eyes narrow suspiciously, but he says nothing. You find out that Denela has an Intelligence score of 14, but you find his actual thoughts hidden (Passed save). The Zone goes up easily, and Denela sighs when he is made aware of the effects.

"He was no man, and I do not know his name. He's from the Valto, but not a Druid, so far as I know. He and his were very mysterious. Our contact was limited, and they knew far more about me than I knew of them. I have no idea why he'd be traveling southwest, unless he was returning to the bogs. And I don't know much about magic. It's the field of cowards. Present company... curses. Not excluded, but no offense specifically intended, I suppose? Ah, good. I know the theory of magic, that it's the capture and use of energy beyond one's own body. I know the names and effects of a few spells. I suppose old magic would be... older? I don't know. But I do know that it seems as if you are diving headfirst into something you don't fully understand, here. I wish you luck, I truly do."

Back in his room, Valdis' Divination yields the following: "Sterun. 87th Street, along the river; place the payment on the crate."

Assuming Valdis heads out, he soon reaches the area specified. A large crate sits against a building, just under a large window, and several seedy characters hang about in alleys nearby. The river is a sickly green color here, and a few children play in the obviously filthy water. A beggar sits at nearly every corner. The spell reveals nothing, though you do get a few nervous looks when you cast it.

When the payment is placed on the crate, a hand shoots out of the window and grab the coins. A cracking, high-pitched voice speaks softly from the same place. "What'll it be, stranger?"

Your link to Anori remains intact.

The Circle Dance, reveals that your target is almost due north of your present location. It is unharmed and fully mentally and physically healthy.

2016-04-09, 09:54 PM
Valdis dismisses the low girl. It had been a long shot for relevancy, in any case. He does not apologize for frightening her.


Valdis is interested and in a way amused by Denela's casual tone, though he would prefer that the man he killed be a little more humble. He is interested to know that the Druid is from the bogs, it would make sense given the geography.
"It is true that there is much right now that I don't understand, but I certainly seek to." Valdis begins to leave, then turns back.
"Wait. Wait, what was that? You said the mage was no man. What on earth do you mean by that?"
Also Sense Motive to see if he's lying and passed the Will save for Zone of Truth: [roll0]


At Sterun, Valdis places 12 platinum pieces on the crate, about what he thinks is the going price. He gives a glance to his surroundings. It's a slummy area, sure, and the people here aren't worth much. But they're willing to do things that the higher classes aren't, and have the means to do those as well. This, too, is a spectrum of power.
"Vodare. Three doses. I may be back for more. Don't bother with anything for the taste, I'll have it straight."

If he receives the drugs from the stranger, he'll get to as secluded a space as he can find in about two minutes (wanting to perform the ten minute casting of Identify Transgressor while his Zone of Revelation is still active, keeping an eye out for errant Scrying sensors) and downs one dose of Vodare. Vodare is meant to provide a rush of confidence which manifests as an intimidating aura and a grating personality. Valdis' general demeanor is not altered in any way. He casts his spell, and questions: What is the name of the person who Sent to me at midnight this past evening?

If addicted, he'll plan to use Heal later to purge himself of the addiction of Vodare.


Valdis thinks on the result of his Circle Dance. Due north...So either the mage has returned to Tenelan, or has traveled southeast toward Iresi. It's frustrating that he can't be sure about which, but it's interesting to know that the mage's business in the northwest, likely at the bogs if Denela's prediction is true, only took him a day. Things are moving fairly quickly.

This is the first time I've really used Divinations in a game. I think it works better in a solo game than in a larger group. But I'm starting to see why they're a headache for DMs!

2016-04-09, 10:09 PM
The girl bows and hurries off, on the verge of tears.


"He's got horns. And green skin. He's not a man."
He seems to be telling the truth, and his stutter and curse seems to have been the result of him almost lying and being caught by the spell.


A small sack is dropped onto the crate. No one pays the obvious trade any mind, despite it being midmorning and sunny. Apparently this is a relatively normal occurrence here.

The alley is free from sensors, and the spell responds: "Fesselleth."

"Vodare is meant to provide a rush of confidence which manifests as an intimidating aura and a grating personality. Valdis' general demeanor is not altered in any way." Very nice.

And yeah, in the only high level IRL game I've run, I had to make a ruling that Info-seeking Divinations (like Divination, Commune, Contact Other Plane and the like) had to be done between sessions via email. Sessions quickly turned into many hours of asking questions followed by thirty minutes of play. One of the many advantages of PbPs, I suppose. They're definitely very powerful if used regularly. Especially for the type of game this is turning into. Valdis is surrounded by people who aren't being open, so he can just ask magic (or Hextor, whatever) for help. I like Divs as a DM, sometimes. It means I don't have to hold the players' hands. They have the spells to figure stuff out on their own. Much less railroading needed.

But yeah, the solo aspect also helps; no spotlight hogging and events only move as fast as you want them to.

2016-04-09, 11:08 PM
I tend to be the sort to mostly let players do what they want, but every now and again if I come up with an idea I think is particularly cool I do railroad a bit to push the scenario where a big reveal can be made, and I expect I'd be annoyed if all identities were revealed through Divination spells. But then again from this point of view, playing it, I'm not at all put out by learning things, I'm more interested to better interact with the things I've learned once I come across them.

Valdis grimaces at Denela.
"You've been making pacts with fiends? What did you promise them, a cut of your treasure or spoils? A seat of influence in your intended future government? You do know that any bargain with creatures of the lower planes inevitably ends up with selling your soul. A Devil will push you toward ruin and claim its finder's fee when you end up in Baator, and a Demon is likely to just bisect you on the spot. They have been operating for tens of thousands of years and they like what they do, you'll just be one in a long, long line. I have no intention of ever dealing with the creatures. When I die, I will proudly take up mantle as a general of one of the hordes of Acheron and affirm Hextor's strength by crushing devils of Baator and Formians alike. You? You will be a Dretch, by the sound of things. Or a Lemure. I forget which is worse."


Valdis beams. He is pleased to have a name, someone to expect.
He has no idea who Fesselleth is.
Valdis is less pleased.
With plenty of time left in the day, he decides to do a little more research. He seeks out Tuelu again, at the Arcanist's Guild.
"Does the name Fesselleth mean anything to you?" he opens with, ignoring any pleasantries. "I'm expecting it to be the name of a Druid, though it could well be a green-skinned horned man-who-isn't-a-man, for all the use my sources have been for me."

2016-04-09, 11:17 PM
Denela's mouth opens as if he's about to say something, then he closes it. This happens again, then he finally musters his vocabulary.

"I... I was under the impression that it was some sort of forest or bog creature. They kept referring to a home in the Valto. Do you really think he's a Demon? That's not what I wanted! I just needed some magical support for a claim to more political weight. They kept urging me... Truth be told, I wouldn't have initiated the cursed rebellion without them. I just wanted what I deserved!" He is clearly distraught.


"Oh, welcome back! A pleasure to see you as well. How are your investigations going? Well, I hope?" Tuelu smiles at you for a moment. You get the feeling he wants you to feel bad for something. He sighs when nothing changes.

"No, I don't know the name. Green skin and horns, you say? I don't know of any Druids who look like that, to tell the truth. Would you like me to look into the matter? I could do some research on the name, have an answer for you tomorrow?"

2016-04-10, 07:18 AM
"The horns are a bit of a clue," Valdis replies condescendingly. "I don't know about a home in the Valto, but it may have been a euphemism or outright lie. How did you first come in contact with the creature? If you made a complex diagram on the ground, sprinkled silver around it, and then the creature appeared before you within that circle then yes, it was a fiend."


"Tomorrow may be too late, but I think I would appreciate the effort all the same. I had been hoping the name to perhaps belong to one of the order you mentioned. I was Sent for late last night by a presence I could not recognize, requesting that I meet at docks tonight at midnight. I divined the name of the sender: Fesselleth, but this means nothing to me. I have been speaking with the man I murdered, District Leader Denela, who was by the sound of it in association with fiends in an attempt to rise to power. I suspect these same fiends are contacting me for tonight, so I did some digging today. Forewarned is forearmed, after all."
Valdis roots through his Haversack and pulls out one of the Scrolls of Sending, offering it to Tuelu.
"I would appreciate some support as I walk into the unknown. I think it may be of your benefit as well, as I have a sneaking suspicion that the depths of Old Magick and Druidism may be in some way related to this person I am to meet. Considering that you know of my ring's special function and the command word that causes it to be an anchor for Scrying spells, I would appreciate that you and any trusted colleagues keep an eye on me during my adventures tonight. Use this scroll beforehand so that when I feel the prickles of being watched I will know it is you over my shoulder and not a third-party voyeur, for I entirely expect one. And I might recommend the preparation of a Teleport spell if immediate interruption on your part is to our mutual advantage. I recognize that this is asking much of you and you have every reason to decline the request, but I was under the impression you be interested. I have been dealing with these issues for only three days now and am frustrated by being misled. I cannot imagine how a seeker of knowledge feels with such dealings operating out from down the road."

2016-04-10, 02:18 PM
Denela hangs his head. "When I was first contemplated a demonstration, he came to me, in the guise of a man. We talked, we made a deal, and one of them stood by my side since that time."


"I will look into the name, of course. And someone will keep an eye on you this evening, yes. I am likewise interested, and more than happy to aid you. I feel that you might be my best chance at getting to the bottom of what is going on here. I can't promise that I'll be any aid if you run into trouble, but I will do what I can. If there's anything else?"

He accepts the scroll.

2016-04-10, 07:48 PM
"I will see what I can do to discern the true nature of your 'companion' and see to it that all spoils gained by deceit and trickery are not retained. But as you sit here in this cell with your immortal soul on the line, I want you to once again contemplate which decisions you made poorly. I'll start with one: You shouldn't have attacked me. Hopefully this, if nothing else, is transparently clear. No good comes from getting on the bad side of Valdis Acre."
Valdis is pleased with leaving things here. He feels like he could try to press Denela harder for abilities displayed by the green man, but Denela still seems hesitant to be open. Valdis wonders of the possibility of magical compulsion either holding his tongue or forcing his loyalty. He would prepare against the same before heading out. At the very least he has gained a little information about the nature of his enemy, and the Dismissal spell he plans to prepare this evening will be proof of that. He leaves the burned man to his fate in jail, though in all probability he will be back.


"No, that was everything I wanted to ask of you. I had hoped you might recognize the name, and in a sense it does give me some information to know that you do not. I understand if you or a peer will not actually be able to come to my aid, and that is acceptable. Should this turn to blows I believe I can handle myself. It's if it becomes a touch more insidious that I am concerned, and if my mind is compromised. Hopefully we will both get some answers tonight."

Valdis nods to Tuelu and leaves the guild, heading back to his room. He's had a long day of running around, chasing divinations, and now as he approaches sundown he plans to put them to use with his prayers. He'll request new spells from Hextor and rest early, so that he has time to get to the docks by midnight.

(Unless anything happens in the Citadel that's what he'll do, regain spells and then head to the docks. He'll also put an Empowered Flame Strike in his weapon, in case he uses it within 8 hours.)

2016-04-10, 10:38 PM
When you leave the former District Leader, he is staring at the wall across from his seat, in shock.


Tuelu returns the nod and wishes you luck as you leave.

After Hextor grants you your spells and you rest a bit, the citadel is silent. It is well past the hour that respectable business is carried out. You are challenged at the gate to the fortress, but your name or ring are enough to earn a quiet apology and an open path. Every wooden streetgate is now closed in the streets, but, as you are headed south, the guards let you through without question.

You head east toward the river, and soon find yourselves at the lower docks. The sound of bawdy songs can be heard from within a few taverns near the waterfront. Names for the establishments such as "The Salty Wench" or "Sailor's Delight" make it obvious that the drink is not the only attraction for the boatmen around here.

A number of boats are docked here. The larger ships are lit with torches and have one or two guards standing watch at the gangplanks. They all look miserable. More than one is holding a wineskin and is barely paying any attention to his surroundings. The largest ship, though, is the "Silver Slip." It looks to be a noble's, or very wealthy merchant's, vessel, what with the shining inlay along the railing and the seven or eight well-armed and alert men patrolling the deck. The smaller vessels are typically unlit and unguarded.

One small riverboat, though, looks very out of place. It is unlit, but the reflections in the water from nearby flames make it seem to be a dark green color. It has a low roof, carved to look like a tree canopy. There are four oars in the water, but no seats for rowers. At the front, there is a small table with a wooden pitcher and two wooden cups. Two small green orbs rest on intricately carved wooden supports. They shed the faintest light on the table, less than a candle's flame.

Standing next to the table, and the plank leading to land, is a green-robed figure clutching a pointed staff. While you can't be sure based on appearance, its bearing and presence remind you of Denela's mage. The hood follows you as you walk the docks.

2016-04-10, 10:50 PM
As he nears the docks, Valdis withdraws his fingerbones and tosses them for an Omen of Peril. He'd like to know if he's walking into an ambush.

(If anything other than Great Danger,)

Valdis isn't certain of the time, but he keeps his mind open to receive the Sending that Tuelu said he'd read out. He feels generally confident but is somewhat concerned about the nature of his enemy, especially if it is indeed a fiend with unknown standing or resources. But he was here, there is nowhere to go but forward.
"Fesselleth, I presume," Valdis announces before anything else. Even though the figure is hooded, from its posture Valdis tries to gauge its reaction to the name.
Sense Motive: [roll0]

From about fifty feet away, Valdis grabs a handful of powdered silver and tosses it around him, warding himself with a Magic Circle Against Chaos. If it's a Demon this will be handy, and less so if it's a Devil, but he can protect himself against mental assault either way. He would hate to be Charmed or worse. He then makes a gesture with his hand in the hopes of seeing glowing letters above his opponent's head much like those which float around his own, using Know Opponent (Will DC 21) to figure out two strengths and two weaknesses about this enigma. If it works it'll narrow down the type of fiend, and give Valdis a suggestion on what to protect against.

2016-04-10, 11:30 PM
The spell results in [SAFETY]

You receive the sending as you approach the boat, from Tuelu. "You are being watched by us; apparently no others. Be wary; that staff is full of energy."

The Circle comes into being without a problem, but the Know Opponent spell fails. The creature made its save.

The hooded figure inclines its head at the mention of the name after a moment. You sense no surprise, though. Only interest.

We're sure you have many questions, Valdis Acre, priest of the Herald of Hell. That same whispery voice in your head from Denela's chambers.

Join me. I doubt very much that you enjoy this presence in your mind, but I dare not speak in the open here. He gestures toward a seat at the table.

2016-04-11, 07:20 AM
Wary of the subject but comfortable in the safety suggested by his Omen and the watchful eye provided by Tuelu, Valdis proceeds toward the boat. He wants to remain within 40 feet of Fesselleth so that Tuelu will be able to see both him and the figure in the same scope.
"I don't entirely understand what risk you find in speaking, considering that I'm the only one doing it. But very well, I'll play along," Valdis decides. He heads to the boat and sits at whichever seat puts his back to the bow, so that he's facing the rest of the boat.
"Now, set to it. You requested my presence here, and now you have the honor. Prove to me that my time spent here is worthwhile."

2016-04-11, 12:27 PM
When you sit, the being, presumably Fesselleth, sits across from you. When he does, the oars begin pulling of their own accord, moving the boat upriver. As you pull away from the dock, the lights on the ship grow a bit brighter. Your companion raises his hand, and speaks. His voice is deep, pleasant, and calm. There is a sinister undertone to it, though, as though it is usually used to speak of vile things.

"Have no fear. You will be brought back here, or anywhere else along the River that you choose, whenever you wish. Now. It has come to our attention that our identities are of some interest to you. Why is that? Before we can impart information to you, we must trust your motives."

He picks up the pitcher and pours a golden liquid into your cup, then does the same for his own. While waiting to speak again, he lifts the cup underneath his hood, presumably drinking, though his face remains hidden.

2016-04-11, 12:39 PM
"I am curious of you and your kind only as much as it pertains to the extension of the mission for which I was hired," Valdis begins. "I was hired to calm the storm that Tenelan District Leader Denela was stirring. He would not have been so bold as to step out of place had he not been encouraged by you and whatever order you work for. You pushed him to seek greatness and then allowed him to die when you had sworn to aid him. The former is disagreeable to the cause of my employment, the latter is disagreeable to me. You are a coward that hides behind shadows and lies. I seek to know you and your company so that I may either have justification of your actions from your own lips, or to know the name of the man I should show Hextor's mercy to next, Fesselleth."

2016-04-11, 01:18 PM
Several seconds pass in silence. The figure opposite you then nods.

"Very well. I have seen your version of mercy, and have no wish to be on the receiving end. Your empress is a vile creature. Few know this, but she has been compacting with fiends for her whole life. She Calls them to this plane, makes deals that would shame any other mortal, and earns power for herself. For years she has been doing this. Hundreds, if not thousands, of fiends have been Called permanently to this Plane by her and her ancestors. She grows in strength yearly, as more Outsiders pledge themselves to her. Most wander the Waste or the Kathara, free to do as they please once she's gained her strength. She is bringing much destruction to this world. It is unnatural and we will not have it.

"We oppose her for this reason: the destruction wrought in the Valto and the influx of aberrant beings that do not belong. Denela was a useful tool to test the waters, so to speak. We learned that she is willing to hire outside help - you, in this case - to hide her secret. Few, if any, of her servants would have been able to stand up to Denela in such a way, and I was hoping to witness her power. A great risk, I know, but it was needed. Instead, a man showed up in her place, and defeated Denela and his guards in mere seconds. Impressive, to say the least.

"So now that you know where we stand, what are your thoughts on the matter. Do you have questions?"

You continue to move upriver at a decent pace. The shores are not visible in the dark, leaving you in a sphere of green light, bordered by darkness and the waves.

2016-04-11, 01:34 PM
Valdis picks up the wooden cup of golden liquid and pours it overboard.
"I do not know where you stand. By all counts you are one of the very fiends you currently decry. Denela claimed you to be no man, with green skin and horns on your brow. You make deals with him in the same way, but you do not have even the honor of a fiend that you should leave him to die! Even now you ask me to relate to you my thoughts when you don't have the decency to show me your face?" He stands in the boat, gripping the wooden cup tightly.
[roll0] EDIT: Looks like I squeeze it threateningly.
"Know this of me. I bear no loyalty to the Empress for I do not count myself as being among her subjects. And I hold no respect for those who lean on the strength of others, of men or fiends, of their ancestors or their peers, only those who seek to change the world by their hand alone. But I also have no love for liars, traitors, and those who use deception and trickery to further their ends. If you seek to recruit me, then speak straight with me with no uncertain terms. I will not much longer tolerate this game you play in which you expect me to be led by the nose like a bull or mad dog to be set on whomever you want frightened of your power, even though you use mine to do the job."

2016-04-11, 02:42 PM
"Very well, Valdis Acre."

The creature leans his staff against the table. He pulls back his hood, revealing a thin, elegant face with high cheekbones, mere slits for a nose, and narrow, slanting eyes. Its skin is green, and in place of hair there is a mane of leaves. Two horns, no, more like antlers, grow out of the top of its head. It watches your reaction with dull green eyes. When it speaks, it reveals small, pointed teeth and a narrow brown tongue.

"I am, as you know, Fesselleth. I am a prince of the Valto. At present, we do not wish to "recruit" you. Instead, we wish to arm you with knowledge and hope that you will make the right decision. We also rely on our own strength, though countless years away from the influence of gods and mortals has left us with a definition of the term that may slightly differ from your own.

"You and your allies, however temporary they may be, are more than capable of destroying me if you so choose. I would not dream of leading you like a bull, as you say. Though I admit, the ability to wield such power is intriguing. No, instead, I hope to maintain contact between our factions. What say you? Is this acceptable? Or do you need more? We seek your goodwill, and are willing to meet you halfway."

2016-04-11, 02:53 PM
Valdis eyes the creature with mistrust. He had been expecting something horrific, so he wasn't extremely taken aback, but this wasn't exactly what he had anticipated. Truthfully it wasn't as bad as he had imagined, but it was significantly different.

Knowledge: The Planes [roll0]
Knowledge: Nature [roll1]

"I have no allies nor faction beyond those who have pledged themselves to spreading the teaching of Hextor. You refer perhaps to Denela who I believe begrudgingly has my respect, or the mage Tuelu? I would call neither an ally or a friend. If you wish Denela's aid then you would have done better than to leave him to die. If you want Tuelu's favor then you need merely appear to him as you have to me, I'm sure he would be far more amenable to your causes than I.

"Until I know the true nature of you and your kin I will make no bargain with you, no matter how slight. You...are not a fiend, it seems, if it is true that you have sustained yourself without bringing ruination to mortals or from the succor of a dark lord. I stand here, an Illumian, and ask: What are you?"

2016-04-11, 04:58 PM
You're not sure what this creature is. It seems to be a nature spirit of some sort, perhaps a Fey.

"Denela was not more than a tool. A proud man, one easy to manipulate. Had he proven successful, he might have blossomed into more. But as it stands, his uses are limited. And this mage you speak of... We are not overly fond of the Arcane. It is that branch of magic that most often threatens the world.

"It is true that we have no aid from the Beyond. But I will not speak for my people regarding the safety of mortals. They are capricious, violent beings who lust after all that lies before them. Many a man has been culled by us to keep Valto safe. I am a prince of the Valto, as I said. Specifically, a Fey. I've been called many things, but the name I'm most fond of is 'Verdant Prince.' I rule a portion of the Fey in the Valto."

2016-04-11, 05:13 PM
"Fey, are you?"
Valdis rolls the word around in his mouth. He sits back down, calming himself a little.
"I know little of your kind, but from what I do know, you are to be trusted only slightly more than demons. There are stories of temptresses and beguilers that proliferate among your people. You do realize how fruitless this endeavor is, with the description of your stances that you have set before me? You propose to partner with me for a greater gain. Your previous 'partner' is riddled with scars in the Citadel dungeon, cast aside when what you thought was an easier mark came along. And you are weak in your conviction if you are not willing to seek arcane aid for an arcane problem. Such would be as refusing to channel Positive Energy to harm the Undead crafted by dark divine magic. You tell me you want to win, but you won't use the strengths potentially available to you, and so you seek out another. You are just like the Empress you so despise.

There is one route that you haven't yet touched upon. There is always the option of hiring me. I am a mercenary, and I take jobs that honor my lord in exchange for payment of many kinds. If you're looking to have someone dealt with, mine is a service available for hire. Not an exchange made out of kinship or camaraderie. Of course, that is contingent on any job you could offer being in line with the guidance of Lord Hextor, which as of now it does not seem to be. And that any restitution you could offer would be reasonable considering the quality of the warrior you want on your side. Your request falls on deaf ears if you want to plead to me about ending some great tyranny for the sake of justice and goodness and balance in the world. In fact, that might well work against your case."

2016-04-12, 08:10 AM
Fesselleth raises his eyebrows when you compare him to a Demon. "As I said, Denela was a tool. You would be more than that. A champion. You would represent the mortals in this fight. As we're sure you understand, we have a difficult time finding allies." He reaches up and strokes a horn

"We shy away from Arcana not out of disgust for the Empress' actions, but out of abhorrence for the entire Art. It represents the imbalance against which we strive constantly. And we are nothing like her, I can assure you. We are not imperialistic, violent, or destructive, and our use of allies is to bolster our ranks where we cannot hope to succeed otherwise. We need mortals on our side in this fight; we cannot operate in the open, clearly."

Fesselleth seems to mull over the idea of hiring you for a good while. "If we were to contract your services, what would you ask in return? We have resources, to be sure, but little that appeals to most mortals. We could, though, offer an exchange of services? Is there something you desire?"

2016-04-12, 09:03 AM
Valdis' eyes narrow.
"I'm sure you said much the same to Denela, promising him glory and fame for fighting for your cause. He believed that you were partners. I won't be so naive."
He leans back in his chair.
"You are not in a good position, Fesselleth. You do not have the leverage that I think you think you have. My curiosity alone will not sway me to betray the principles to which I have sworn my life in the name of Hextor. Might makes right, that is what my world boils down to. And you come to me saying that you don't have the strength you wish you had. What use are you to me, then? You have not material wealth that I can be paid in which would improve my lifestyle. You speak to me vaguely of offering services, but you admit to being weaker than me, so I question what service I could ask of you. What can you do for me, Fesselleth?

You are not on my good side, and I have no reason to trust or respect you. While I may not appreciate the Empress' methods, if the rumors of fiendbinding are true (which has yet to be proven to me, incidentally), at the very least she had proven that she will respect the bargains and partnerships she makes. She requested that I do a job, I did it, and she paid me for it. She spoke not of vague half-filled promises left nebulous in the winds of Pandemonium. If I had to bet on a horse in this race it would be hers, and at this juncture I don't know why you would expect me to do anything else than return to her immediately and describe to her your character and the nature of the forces which operate against her. I'm sure she would be intrigued to hear of your Verdant Royalty, if she does not already know. The arcanists that you look down on, they too would likely be interested in the secrets you hold, and knowing the sort that deals in dragonblood I expect that if they cannot cooperate with you then they will be content to raze your strongholds to the ground and take what they want by force.

If you do not have a compelling reason for me to stay here and listen to you, then our meeting this evening is over. You should have pitched a better case, Fesselleth." Valdis concludes, spitting out the Verdant Prince's name defiantly.

2016-04-12, 10:16 AM
A flash of worry, followed disappointment, crosses Fesselleth's face.

"I see that we misjudged you, Valdis Acre. We apologize for having wasted your time. A word of caution as a token of our goodwill: avoid the docks in Iresi for the next few days.

"Until we meet again. Speak the location you wish to be deposited. A pleasant eve to you."

Unless he is stopped, Fesselleth gestures with his staff and disappears, frowning. You are alone on the river.

2016-04-12, 11:32 AM
Valdis huffs to himself as Fesselleth disappears.
"And we see how substantial your promises are. Boat, to the docks we left from," he commands. Once landed, he proceeds on foot to the arcanists guild where he hopes to find Tuelu by a mirror that he was presumably scrying through.

(If Tuelu is there, and alone)

"Mage Tuelu, a word or a few. I hope that your connection to our conversation was not interrupted, and that you witnessed all that the so-called Verdant Prince had to say. As an educated man of magical science, as well as one of very few who I expect understands in greater depth the nature of the magic we may be dealing with on both sides of this hidden feud, I would like your counsel in my next move. I do not believe these creatures, these Fey, are to be trusted. They speak in riddles and are not forthcoming with information even as they seek to gain my aid. If all that they have said is true then I believe them to be on the side of 'good,' so to speak, but by virtue of their behavior and methods I cannot abide to ally with them. I expect you feel the same, considering how freely he besmirched the foundation of your studies. Although I am a third party and at my root unaligned to this conflict, my inclination as a priest of Hextor is that the Empress should be informed of Fesselleth's order. I may dislike the concept of relying on creatures of the outer planes to support her power, but then again if she is fearsome enough to command them and not succumb to their schemes then she may be more powerful than I have previously given her credit for. There is certainly more to learn, and I would like to better know the nature of the pact between the fiends and her kin. Until that knowledge comes to light it may be prudent to act on what information we have independently rather than involve a force that would act against us and is beyond our power to stop. But I recognize that you have greater experience in this field than I, and I reluctantly defer to your expertise. What is the best course of action at this time, Tuelu?"

2016-04-12, 11:42 PM
The boat smoothly turns around and float downriver, gently docking where you ordered it. When you step off, it immediately pulls itself to the center of the river and submerges.

You make your way back to the Guild. Each gatekeeper allows you through without question. The Guild building is mostly quiet. You find your way to the room you originally met with Tuelu and find him sitting there before a large silver mirror. His fingers are steepled and his eyebrows furrowed. He doesn't react to your entry.

When you finish speaking, he turns to you. "As a Wizard, I am... encouraged to extricate myself from any political conflicts. As such, I should not advise you to oppose or support the empress. I will tell you, though, that the water around the meeting boat held a number of invisible creatures. This... Fesselleth was certainly prepared for you. It seems that distrust is the name of the game we- ah, you're playing

"I can tell you that the Fey of the Valto are a mysterious lot. We have tried to make contact with them, but so far our only knowledge of them is purely academic. Now, at least, we know the reason. But, yes. Fey are a notoriously roguish. Or perhaps, impish. It is odd to see them so concerned about the ongoing events here. Individual Fey may take note of certain rulers, but for a unified force to oppose a political leader? Almost unheard of. Another item in the long list of things that we need to investigate, it seems. As I said, I will be spending tonight researching Fesselleth in particular, but will also devote some attention to these Princes of the Valto. It might be prudent to discover what sort of power he wields. Alas that I neglected to prepare the proper Divination spells this day. I elected to be prepared to leap to your aid in case it proved necessary. Ah, well." Tuelu pauses for several moments, then sighs.

"I cannot advise you, Priest Valdis. I am nearly as lost as you. Oppose the empress? Support her? Remain neutral and hope that you, one of the more powerful unaligned figures here, are left alone? All I know for certain is that you will have much sway in the coming events. I only hope that I can be of some assistance, to you personally of course. I'm intrigued by you. My concern is that our resources here are too limited to be of use. If I didn't worry about missing anything, I might would spend a day in Noimon... We shall see."

Noimon is a great city of learning, magic, and science far to the northeast. Home to the Arcanist HQ.

2016-04-13, 08:48 AM
Sense Motive for the truth of Tuelu's statements: [roll0]

Valdis' face pales slightly, and his heart quickens in equal parts anger and fear. He had had no idea exactly the position he had been in, or the potential of conflict with the unknown had he chosen to strike Fesselleth for his arrogance. Only now, well after the fact, was it being revealed to him. And he chastises himself for being sloppy; he had done exactly what he criticized both Fesselleth and the Empress of doing and relied on the strength of another to carry him through. Had he not been using Tuelu's Scrying to keep an eye on him, he might have been keeping aware of the Empress' Scrying sensors through the use of Zone of Revelation or True Seeing, and in doing so he would have also become aware of the threats lurking around him. His reliance on another had left him ignorant and weak. He had shamed his god and acted like a fool.

Valdis grimaces, breathes a few moments, and composes himself.
"I thank you greatly for your aid, mage Tuelu. You have my gratitude. I appreciate not only the watchful eye in being aware of what I was not, but also that you should be prepared to protect me on behalf of a mission that should not be yours. Nor mine, truthfully, but it seems as though some power is willing it to be. So far you and the person who sold me the drugs are by far the most trustworthy people I have dealt with in this entire city."
He sighs.
"I shall ruminate on this again, for some time. I had best return to the Citadel before long so that I am in my chambers when it is time to awaken. I think that I shall withhold these issues from the Empress at least for the time being, until I know both the nature of the threats against her and the nature of her repercussions. But I may bring the matter to Denela, or I would if I thought he could be of any aid. He has had the most dealings with these Fey out of all of us, though it sounds like he was generally ignorant of the motives and behavior of his 'partners.' Perhaps I shall wait to see if the Empress has a new task for me. If she does, it won't be hard to imagine that the Fey will appear before me to stop me from its completion, just to oppose the Empress.

I understand and respect your decision to remain impartial, and it is right for you in your position to do so. I should do the same and wash my hands of this whole affair, but considering I have been speaking with elements on both sides I am somewhat involved now. I know you already heard it, but I will pass on Fesselleth's advice not to go near the docks in the next few days. It sounds like the Fey may take action, and it would be preferable for a few houses of 'lows' to be dragged into the ocean rather than you and your guildmates. Even if you wish to remain here, it may be prudent to send one of your guildmates to Noimon to relate as much of this as you want them in Noimon to know. See to it that one or more prepares a Teleport when they wake up this morning. Or can Send to that fool Timseo so he can do the job. Incidentally, as a mage, do you know why transportation magic is discouraged from use within the Citadel? Even non-conjuration-based magic like Wind Walk was supposedly unavailable. Is there a strict reason locked in science beyond courtesy's sake?

I think that shall be everything for tonight. I shall return to the Citadel and await the morning. Please reach out to me if your research should prove anything fruitful, or if you have need of me, for right now I do hold a debt to you."

With this discussion concluded, Valdis turns to go. If unopposed he will return to the Citadel and rest in bed, though he doesn't sleep much until the morning.

2016-04-13, 03:06 PM
Tuelu is being honest. He seems honestly interested in what is going on and at least partially disappointed that he can't be more involved.

"If you hold information back from the empress and she finds out, it could prove disastrous. Or not. Truth be told, I have no idea how much she knows or how she will handle finding out. She is far too much an enigma for my liking.

"Denela. From what I know, he's the stubborn sort, but that may not hold. If he is promised favor in return for information, he could very well betray your confidence if the empress presses him. He is not known for his understanding of magic, so a few properly placed spells could have him revealing much to her.

"Remaining in her confidence is probably useful, no matter which path you inevitably take. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, as they say. I will, though, likely avoid sending anyone to Noimon. The fewer that know about this from my mouth or pen, the better. There are factions in the city that dislike me, and they could accuse me of involvement if I am not careful. No, for now, I will research on my own.

"I thank you for the warning. I do wonder what they could be planning. Will they threaten the lives of the citizenry? Destroy property? Stage a demonstration? I... Might spend time there over the next few days. I could witness the ongoing events and, if necessary, take action in the interest of self-defense. But I don't know that I would want to stop... whatever it is. This is all very frustrating. Exciting, but frustrating.

"The Citadel is warded from any teleportation effects at the least. As far as other magic goes... I believe I was once warned that the soldiers there are instructed to attack anyone entering through unconventional means on sight. There may be other wards in place of which I am not aware; I prefer to spend as little time near the Citadel as I can.

"I will Send to you tomorrow at noon if I do not hear from you before then, if for no other reason than to check in. Best of luck."

You are admitted into the Citadel quickly, and you find your room as you left it.

When dawn breaks and your normal meal is brought in, there is a note written in golden ink on a small square of parchment.

I have need of your abilities. Attend my court at noon.

A golden seal is stamped onto the back of the note, the same that adorns the banners on the Citadel.

2016-04-13, 03:44 PM
Valdis looks over the note and sighs. This was to be expected, but he would have far less enthusiasm for upholding the Empress' commands now that he knew how false she was being with him.

Valdis takes a moment to reestablish the connection with Anori. He would have to find time to get back to Tenelan to see if Anori had been able to record many of Timseo's conversations or actions. Perhaps Tuelu or one of the guild mages could take him.

Valdis initially plans to head immediately over, but decides to wait until the requested time. He has a leisurely breakfast, and stays in his room for most of the morning until lunchtime comes around. Only then does he make his way to the Empress' meeting chambers.
"Your notice is received, your Highness. You suggested you would soon find use for me, and it appears as though you were correct. Quite astute, your Highness."

2016-04-13, 04:49 PM
Anori: You get the feeling that he is very frustrated with something. He's in a dark, cold room and in pain.

As you walk toward the meeting chamber, you receive a Sending from Tuelu. "Some information on Fesselleth, Fey. No urgency. Docks peaceful, still. Sent subordinate to Noimon, returning tomorrow. Seeking Fey in general. All well with you?"

When you reach the chamber, it is empty aside from a servant cleaning. He points you toward the throneroom.

You find the empress atop her throne. A number of courtiers, nobles, and servants are in the throneroom, along with several armed guards. You recognize Hrungk from your first visit.

As you enter, a man is kneeling before the empress and she is finishing a speech of some sort. "-promise you that, good farmer. Now begone, I mus speak with our newest arrival.

"Welcome, Valdis Acre! How have you enjoyed your time in Iresi thus far? But yes, I could use your aid. There have been a number of attacks on some of my westernmost holdings. The peasants there report great monstrous creatures breaking into homes. So far the damage has been minimal. I sent a detachment of warriors west some 10 days ago, and they have not returned. I expected to hear back from them, since their captain was one of my personal guard, a man most skilled in magic. I did not receive the expected Sending. I had a mage attempt to Scry them and came back with nothing. Rather than throw more lives away, I would much prefer to send you to investigate and put an end to the problem. You will, of course, be compensated for your time. What say you?"

2016-04-13, 05:32 PM
Valdis thinks on Anori.
Hm, that's something I should check up on later.

To Tuelu, he replies Nothing alarming. Meeting with Empress, new mission. Will stop by. Potential trouble in Tenelan, probably Fey-unrelated. All else is well.

Valdis enters into the throne room and listens to the Empress' request.
"It is disturbing that your mages were unable to locate the captain of your guard through Scrying. I expect you shall not have the same misfortune with me. What specifically is the nature of the threat, apart from 'large monsters'? If dragons or kythons have stormed the land then there won't be so much I can do about it. I have faith that with Hextor's providence I could defeat any one of them or more, but to either exterminate every last beast or divert their attention from your holding permanently is more than I feel comfortable promising. I do not assume that your personal guard is a weak man, and for him to be so off the radar is concerning. Are you sending me into this completely blind?"

2016-04-13, 07:51 PM
The empress' eyes narrow when you mention her ability to Scry on your, but she quickly resumes her passive expression.

"I am sending you because you have proven yourself strong. I... sincerely doubt Dragons are involved, as even the common folk would recognize a great wyrm. Nay, reports have come in of great bipedal creatures. I wish I had more for you, but, alas, our Diviners have come up short. Again." She throws a heated glare at a group of people in the far corner, who look at the floor in shame.

"If you are worried, then even just finding out the nature of this threat would be beneficial to us. I will leave the exact nature of this to you, and merely offer compensation based on your achievements. Fair?"

2016-04-13, 08:15 PM
Valdis looks to the ground a moment, then the ceiling.
"I suppose such would be acceptable. You've made your position clear - remove these threats if possible, and return information if not. If I can rescue those who are living there, if any still live, then I shall attempt to if it does not interfere with a greater end of my mission. Consider them written-off collateral damage, and hopefully you will be pleasantly surprised.

I suppose I shall set forth post-haste. Any other requests for my errand? No lost relatives to be salvaged, et cetera? Am I to be provisioned with any equipment before my departure, as previously?"

2016-04-13, 10:19 PM
The empress forces a laugh, though you see something like worry flash in her eyes. "Save those you can, of course! And no, no relatives to be rescued, I assure you. And if you have need of anything, we may be able to provide it. Scrolls of Sending, perhaps?"

A few other conversations in the room have ceased, and many courtiers are paying attention to the discussion here.

2016-04-14, 07:20 AM
"Provide with at least as many scrolls as reports you would like to receive. I have scrolls of Wind Walk available from my last mission, I shall use those to get there. I hope to return this day, so that I won't have to suffer the night in the unknown among monsters. Is it far from us? Due west, or at all north or south?"

If that's everything the Empress has for him then Valdis will collect as many scrolls as he is offered, and depart the Citadel. He's feeling considerably less warm to the Empress, and feeling much more like one of her hounds. He reminds himself that he is a mercenary and his only loyalty is to Hextor. He can't help feeling like this new mission has more to it than meets the eye, and he hates to be under the effect of another of the Empress' deceptions. Fighting monsters is a job for a band of warriors, not one precise, tactical mercenary. He wonders if this is just a ruse to remove him from the playing field here in Iresi; perhaps the Fey with their plans at the docks have orchestrated this to draw him from the city. Then again it was from some time ago, before he even went to Tenelan, that this started, so it could be entirely unrelated.

Before leaving, he stops in to the mage's guild to speak with Tuelu again. If he finds the mage, he recounts the sparse details of his mission out west, as well as his misgivings about the situation. He hands Tuelu another of the Scrolls of Sending that he now has quite a few of.
"I still anticipate something to happen here in the city on behalf of Fesselleth and his friends. When I prepared my spells in anticipation of conflict at the docks last night I prepared Word of Recall to take me back to this room as a safe haven. Since I didn't use it I still have that spell prepared. If something disastrous happens, Send to me with the scroll (I wouldn't take the chance on having ten free minutes to cast the spell) and I'll return immediately. My mission is vague, more or less to do whatever I can. Issues that arise here take priority over random, rampaging monsters. Especially if they aren't random."

2016-04-14, 10:17 PM
The empress nods. "The scrolls will be ready for you at the gate as you leave. I appreciate the promptness, as always. Head due west for roughly sixty miles, then follow the river there north. The villages affected should be fairly obvious. I wish you luck, Valdis Acre." The empress' easy confidence from the first time you met with her seems to have been shaken a bit, but she hides it well; you barely notice the cracks in the facade.

As promised, Berthmen stands at the gate with six scrolls. The first four are castings of Sending, the fifth has two castings of Wind Walk, the sixth has a single casting of Discern Lies and a single casting of Divine Retribution. Berthmen hurries away quickly after handing you the last scroll.

Tuelu accepts the scroll. "Perhaps we should invest in a more permanent means of communication? Sending Stones might work, though that is limited. I'll speak with Tom. And I will certainly keep you informed. If the Fey attempt something, do you intend to intervene? I would have expected more neutrality from you.

"And best of luck with the creatures out west, as well. You'll be on the very borders of the Valto. Be wary of Fey tricks, Valdis."

Hey, just to let you know, this weekend has the makings of one of those "zero free time" weekends. I'll try to get on and post if I can, but I won't make any promises until Monday/Tuesday. Just wanted to let you know so you don't think I'd disappeared.

2016-04-15, 06:30 AM
Thanks for the heads up.

Valdis looks over the scrolls he is provided, and wonders about the last two. Discern Lies would be fairly easy to resist in a scroll form, and Divine Retribution was fairly weak for an attack that forced him to be harmed in order for it to take effect. Maybe he would have use of them, at least as a bartering chip.

Valdis nods to Tuelu.
"I suppose it would be more convenient to have something we can use more frequently, but until then I don't seem to be running out of scrolls. But yes, it would be handy to look into that."
He thinks on Tuelu's words, and his intentions toward the Fey.
"You are right that I am not immediately drawn to the power struggle between the crown and the Fey save to see glorious might win out. But both parties have involved me of their own accord, and in particular the Fey sought me out when they could have chosen otherwise. Between that and being lied to plainly, I feel...slighted. Call it petty, but I prefer to prevent a plan borne of trickery and deception to come to fruition. And my position as one who is more aware of that plan than most is a position where I can make a greater difference than others. Still, I do not speak in promises yet, apart from my promise to return if Sent for. What I do when and if I return I will base on my feelings of the situation at that time."

If Tuelu has nothing more to say Valdis will take his leave, and activate one of the castings of Wind Walk from the scroll. Turning into a black mist he rises up into the air, and rushes with a magical wind due west in the direction of the attacked villages, and the Valto.

2016-04-15, 12:20 PM
Tuelu nods. "I wish you luck."

You fly west at great speed, this time perpendicular to the Mena. There are few signs of civilization once you race past the farms that spread out from the river. A dirt path travels roughly in the direction you do, though it jogs into hills on occasion. You fly over a travelers' inn with smoke coming from its chimney and a group of peasants trudging eastward.

After roughly 90 minutes, you begin to see trees. They grow more numerous as you travel until the landscape is dotted with copses. Finally, you reach the river. On the near side, the bank is raised, potentially artificially, and a line of trees grows along it. On the far side, the bank is low, and the ground is covered in shrubs and thick grass. Trees continue to thicken to the west until you cannot see through the canopy. As you near, you are assaulted by a heavy scent of a bog. You are looking upon the Valto.

Turning to your right and heading north, you travel upstream for nearly half an hour before seeing a village. It sits directly on the raise riverbank. Small, two-man fishing boats are tied to rocks and farmland surrounds the hovels and a few larger buildings. Three buildings along the west side, nearest the river, are in shambles; roofs staved in, walls smashed, and foundations crumbled. Three older women sit on benches near each other, but the village is silent aside from their chatter.

2016-04-15, 05:39 PM
Valdis whirls to the ground, coalescing into his physical form. He had left the Wind Walk spell active before, and planned to do the same this time. He looks around at the ruined buildings, and is a little surprised that there aren't more signs of destruction - torn up ground, splintered trees in the Valto, anything of that nature. He looks around at the softer ground by the river and further along in the marshes for any footprints. He had also expected to actually see the monsters causing this chaos, if they were as large as stated. Yet here he was, and he alone.

Since they're the only people around, he goes to speak to the old women on the seat.
"I am here as a representative of the Citadel and of Iresi. I understand that this village has been under attack, but citizens were unable to identify the assailants. I am also searching for the company which had been dispatched here and subsequently gone missing, led by one of the Empress' personal guards. Do you have any information about either the monster or the missing troops?"

2016-04-15, 06:12 PM
The river's edge on this side is slightly moved; the creatures are either many days gone or not nearly as large as you were told.

The women stop chatting as you land and watch you. Two look horribly uninterested and bored. The third winks at you as you approach.

When you speak, she smiles, revealing four teeth. "Beasties head back thataway when they's done. Come 'round 'bout every three days. Fightin' men thataway. 'Nother village for look'n."

She points at the Valto in reference to the monsters, then north in reference to the soldiers.

2016-04-15, 06:18 PM
Valdis clenches his teeth. By the sound of it, he'd be waiting here for several days to catch sight of these monsters. The possibility of this being a Fey diversion increases.
"I see homes destroyed, but the troops who came did not think it prudent to stay to wait for the next attack? You don't seem very concerned about the beasts. Who has been killed? And describe the beasts to me as best you can. If you are defended here then I will head north to find the troops, but if you are vulnerable to another attack I will remain."

(If she says that there is no need for him to stay then he will Wind Walk north to the next village.)

2016-04-15, 10:34 PM
The old woman laughs. "Oh, we sent'm along up thataway." She points north again and the other two nod solemnly. "Other places needin' more'n us."

"Beasties only takin' men and young'ns. Us're fine! They's been burstin' houses and leavin', of late. But if'n you're wantin' to stay, we won't mind." She winks at attempts a giggle.

She waves as you take flight, then quickly disappears as you slip away to the north. After 20 minutes, you pass a village that has been completely leveled; all that remains is the shattered remains of buildings. There are no visible tracks, corpses, or any sign of recent habitation.

Once you continue, you soon find yourself at a third village. This one is larger than either of the previous two, and there are still people here. Men and women are tending the boats and nets, children are playing, and the elderly are talking. Two homes on the western end of the village have been destroyed. A few men stop what they're doing as a dark cloud floats toward them and grab nearby pitchforks, scythes, and woodaxes. They do not look pleased.

2016-04-15, 10:48 PM
Valdis touches down again, and coalesces into material form. He looks around, and addresses whoever is at the forefront of the gathering mob.
"I am here as a representative of the Citadel and of Iresi. I have been tasked with investigating reports of monstrous attacks in this region. Initial reports claimed that large beasts had been terrorizing the populace, but further details could not be established. The villages south of here I encountered three old women, the only survivors I could find, who informed me that men and children were being abducted. I assume that is the fate of the company of troops led by one of the Empress' personal guard who set out here before me. The town south of here is completely abandoned. I see damage to some of your buildings, have you been under attack as well? Did the company arrive here at all, or had they already been lost on the way? Please direct me to someone among you who can provide me with the answers I seek quickly and precisely."

2016-04-15, 11:14 PM
The men all lower their weapons when you reveal your Humanoid nature.

One of the men, young and fit, steps forward. He nods at you in greeting. "Greetings. I'm Gerrin. Them villages down south have been attacked, but most people survived. Ran east. We staying. Queen's soldiers arrived-" He's interrupted by another man who insists "Empress' soldiers," then by another who mumbles something about a robber baroness sending her goons. "- arrived some six days back. Talked to us like you did, then marched off into the woods, following them there tracks." He gestures vaguely toward the river. There is no sign of tracks.

"Monsters were big and black-"
"Huge and white!"
"Bigger'n the village!"
"Naw, they were horse-sized!"
"One ate my house!"
"They were grey and they sat on mine!"

Gerrin sighs. "Big and dark and they swarmed in, oh, 18 days ago? A fortnight? They killt poor young Eldin, a promising young lad, and took his father into the woods with them. Came back a few days later and took master Thunlin and his boy. Then the soldiers come and follow'm. Pretty sure they dead. Most folk are, once they venture in the bog." The other villagers within earshot nod sagely at this last point.

2016-04-15, 11:38 PM
Valdis pinches the bridge of his nose.
"How in the name of the Nine Hells can you not agree on what they looked like? Unless..." Valdis pauses. "Can you see the tracks now? The tracks you mentioned, you see them on the bank?"
This would make sense. Giant monsters lumbering through the Valto, those would have been reported by now. But illusions? Enchantments? Something which makes the villagers think they've seen monsters but were in fact sitting around just fine? That would be something which suits the Fey. Valdis couldn't rule out some kind of shapechanger, or Slaadi of deific power by the sound of it, but something a little more complex than 'big monster' seemed to be afoot.
"It looks like I'll be following that company, then, into the bogs. There's not much more I can do than see it firsthand, and by the terrible grace of Hextor I shall emerge where the others didn't. There is still much time left in the day; I don't want to be ambushed at night. But first..."
Valdis makes his way toward the destroyed buildings, taking in the image.
Untrained Knowledge: Architecture and Engineering, [roll0], maximum possible 10.
He didn't know much about buildings and stonemasonry, but he did know destruction. If this building had been cracked open by claws and teeth and muscle as opposed to by a magical blast hidden from the villagers by an illusion, he wanted to know. On that note, actually,
Will save to disbelieve an illusion of the broken house. [roll1]

With what few questions he thinks the villagers can help him with answered, he heads to the river and faces the Valto. He draws his fingerbones and rolls for an Omen of Peril. He then takes a pinch of silver dust from his satchel and wards himself at the center of a Magic Circle Against Chaos to protect his mind against direct mental infiltration. He takes the opportunity to walk past some of the villagers while the circle is up. If they were influenced by illusions then this wouldn't help, but if they were under the lasting effect of a Charm or Compulsion like Anori then this would suppress it for as long as they were nearby, and if memories came flooding back it would arm him. Finally, deciding to save True Seeing in case he finds himself against some active illusionists, he casts Detect Magic. He'll be going slowly through the bogs anyway as a cloud of vapor, so he can afford to take the time to keep the spell active and scan for lingering Illusion or Enchantment magic, which he does firstly to the villagers.

If there's nothing left to deal with in the village, Valdis will dissolve into a black vapor and whisk himself into the trees of the Valto.

2016-04-16, 12:27 AM
Gerring shrugs. "Not on this side, but they's there a few days ago. Banks too soft for tracks to stay long, 'm'fraid. Good luck in the bog, I guess."

The villagers immediately get back to work.

The destruction is certainly real, and it seems that is was caused by a great force from one side. Whether from a well-aimed blast of magic or a large fist, though, it is impossible to tell.

As Valdis tosses the bones, a few villagers eye him warily. The bones come to a rest quickly on the soft ground, and the results are bland. [SAFETY]

The divination magic used to scan for auras reveals nothing except the lingering residue from the Omen of Peril or Circle. The Magic Circle has no obvious effect on the villagers.

Valdis disappears into the trees. A quick search reveals no tracks in the mud or trees.

Based on "traveling slowly," I assume you're using the option that gives you perfect maneuverability with only 10ft speed for now? I'm going based on that assumption. If that's not the case, then

As you travel deeper into the trees, the air grows heavier and darker. Ten minutes pass. Winds, except those keeping you aloft, die out. Twenty minutes. There is an eerie silence in the air for several long, tense minutes. The only light is the faintest beams from behind you and your own sigils.

Then, without warning, a tree moves. Or rather, a creature much like a tree. Once it steps into view, you recognize it as a Treant, a protector of the forest. You remember hearing that they are incredibly tough and have the ability to animate nearby trees to defend a forest.

Congratulations on your Nat 20 Knowledge roll.

The creature holds out his... hands? Paws? Limbs? To either side. It's deep, rumbling voice breaks the silence with a short phrase in a language you do not understand. Then, in the common tongue, "Halt. Leave these woods or be lost until death itself finds you."

2016-04-16, 08:38 AM
Valdis does not falter, nor does he return to corporeal form.
"As far as ominous warnings go, I've heard better," his breathy voice emanates from the mist. "I have no fear of being lost in the woods, for the magic of your masters is not stronger than the magic of mine. These trees only grow so tall, and they will burn if set alight. You do not frighten me, sapling. Was it you, then, who invaded the village to destroy the houses and steal the commoners? If memory serves your roots and branches are particularly well-designed for ripping stone and brick apart. But I would have expected the villagers to be able to identify 'a tree walking around' as the culprit."

He continues to drift along, aiming to get past the Treant and deeper into the forest. This is just telling him he's going in the right direction, if the Treant is trying to dissuade him. He's also interested to see if the creature will attack him. If it does, then it clearly isn't as confident that the forest itself will spell death for Valdis as it suggested by its warning.

If he is attacked, he will ascend up to higher branches out of range of the Treant's slams and return to corporeal form up there.

2016-04-16, 07:50 PM
The Treant watches your maneuvering with a sort of distanced curiosity. When you move around it, it turns to watch you with sad eyes. "The green watch over your coming dry season, fleshling."

Within another twenty minutes, you come to an opening in the woods. A small pool sits at its center, and the sudden sunlight makes the pool seem to glow from your shaded vantage point. The clearing is about thirty feet across, the pool ten. At the center of the pool is a small, flat rock. Sitting atop it, laughing and splashing in the water, are three young human boys, none of whom have seen their 10th year. Your dark cloud in the dark woods goes unnoticed by the children.

Two dire boars have their tusks locked on the far side of the clearing, though the limited effort they're putting into their contest hints that it is not a fierce one. A tiger of singular size, easily as tall at the shoulder as a small building, lies in the grass nearby, though its eyes constantly scan the surrounding area. A woman leans against the tiger's belly. She is beautiful, if a bit alien. In all likelihood, a Nymph or other human-looking Fey. She wears only a thin, diaphanous dress. None of the creatures seem to notice you, though the tiger does sit up a little straighter as you near the clearing.

2016-04-16, 09:00 PM
"I don't know what that means."

Knowledge: Nature to see if Valdis knows that Nymphs can blind just from being looked at. [roll0] If he makes that check, he'll conduct these discussions with his eyes closed, and cast Blindsight on himself before he steps out.

EDIT: Looks like a low roll. He'll be staring at lower-than-her-face.

Valdis hovers to the edge of the clearing, putting the Human children and the pool between him and the animals. He materializes five feet in the air, announcing his arrival with a clatter of armor. In a loud, clear voice he repeats himself for the third time that day.
"My name is Valdis Acre! I am here as a representative of the Citadel and of Iresi! I have been tasked with investigating reports of monstrous attacks in this region! I have been to three villages, two almost or completely empty and one in the beginning stages of attack. The villagers seemed unable to identify the assailants, or at least could not agree on the descriptions, but they were fierce enough to destroy buildings. Was it the tiger? The Treant? Or have you bewitched these men into remembering falsely, Fey? I have had more than my fill of the lies and trickery of your kind this day alone, do not try my patience with false flattery and charm for I will not abide by it readily. Children! You had best be running home to your parents."

He draws his flail, fully anticipating this to come to blows. He is made slightly more comfortable in knowing that his Magic Circle Against Chaos will continue to shield his mind from manipulation, in case this...distractingly attractive non-woman tries something in that direction.

2016-04-17, 05:17 PM
Valdis isn't aware of that particular trait of Nymphs.

The woman smiles and waves and the animals watch you as you appear, but the children seem not to notice you.

When you finish speaking, she stands and her smile disappears, but does not approach. She speaks in a sort of half-song, half-hum. You feel that it should be difficult to understand, but her meaning is perfectly clear.

"Greetings, Valdis Acre of the Citadel. I am Sembla of the Valto. These villages are using the wood of the forest for their homes and tools. They slaughter the animals for their meals. While I was not directly involved in the destruction, I will not aid your search. Put your weapon away, warrior; steel will not avail you here. Turn back and pray that you are able to leave these woods alive. Those who are less pure than I will not hesitate to destroy you if they find you within our borders. And find you they will. Their eyes watch you, even now."

The children then cease playing and turn to you, eyes wide in curiosity.

2016-04-17, 05:41 PM
Valdis tightens his grip on his flail.
"Already you speak to me falsely, witch. You say that those who currently have their eyes on me will not hesitate to destroy me once they find me. There eyes are on me. Yet here I stand."
He takes a defiant step forward.
"The flesh of the animals and the timber in the trees belongs to no one save the one who claims it and keeps it. If you would have it that the villagers spare the wild animals and leave the trees unfelled, then act to stop them. Demand that they do not, and use force if necessary. If you can stop them without killing them, then let them live in the knowledge of your strength. If you must kill them, then let their graves serve as a warning. And if you cannot, then yu are in no position to make demands. I have seen many houses on my way here, built from the butchered corpses of your trees. I'm sure I have personally on occasion sunk my teeth into the skin and flesh into an animal born under this canopy. As the day turns to afternoon, the desire to do so again grows stronger within me."

He walks closer, choosing to go around the pool rather than through it, approaching the Nymph and the tiger with the two boars further away. His Fearsome armor radiates dread, and he will be pleased if the animal turns tail and runs as he approaches.
"If you are as much a lover of nature as you seem then you will be aware of this. The falcon or the viper does not give a thought to how long the hare has burrowed in a field. The wolf does not respect the grass that a sheep eats. The strong relish the opportunity to reap the weak, because that is how they became strong. I have no loyalty to these Humans, and if they are too weak to protect themselves then I will let nature take its course. But I am strong, and I have my own duties to see to. I do not need your help, I simply hope you intend not to be an obstacle. I question why you allow the children to remain, but what you do with the spoils of your raids is of no concern of mine. If you care for them at all, though, you should send them home unless 'those less pure than you' should strike at them as you claim they will strike at me, for I will not stay my hand. If the children get in the way of a Flame Strike, no one would know."

2016-04-17, 08:12 PM
As you approach, the boars go rigid for a moment, then one flees. The woman tilts her head as you speak, and the tiger emits a low growl.

"You speak as if destruction and survival are synonymous. I feel nothing but pity for your poor, deluded soul and the tortured existence such a philosophy must bring. But if destruction is your goal, then destruction you shall have. Defend this forest, my friends."

With that, the boar charges and the tiger leaps.

Valdis: [roll0]
Tiger: [roll1]
Lady: [roll2]
Boar: [roll3]

2016-04-17, 08:21 PM
The boar runs around the width of the pool, then comes to a stop in line with you. It lowers its tusks and stamps its hooves, clearly readying for a brutal charge.

The huge cat leaps forward, claws extended and fangs bared. It attempts to sink all of its natural weapons into you, growling as it does so. You are able to fend off its first strike, but the second claw delivers a heavy blow to your chest and is pierces your should with its massive teeth.

The woman gestures toward you. You feel a slight pressure against your mind, but your ward holds. The woman looks mildly irritated.

The children watch the proceedings with detached interest, but they do glance at the woman repeatedly, as if waiting for something.

Attacks (Attack (Crit Confirm): Damage)
[roll0] ([roll1]): [roll2]
[roll3] ([roll4]): [roll5]
[roll6] ([roll7]): [roll8]

Total of 10 Slashing Damage and 19 Bite damage.

And Valdis' turn. The Tiger has 10ft of reach and is Huge, and Boar is Large and doesn't have reach. I know the map's not great, so ask if you have any questions.

MAP (http://i.imgur.com/WgFTRQu.png)

2016-04-17, 08:50 PM
Valdis narrows his eyes, gritting his teeth but withstanding the tiger's attacks piercing his flesh.
"I will give you the count of three to call off your attacks. I did not intend to fight you, even if you stand against what I do. You struck first, preemptively. For preaching coexistence, you are quick to deny it. I am sick to death of you Fey and your lies."

Duel of Wills against the Nymph: Intimidate [roll0]




If the Nymph does not call off her animals at this moment, Valdis will take a step away from the tiger to Y16, giving him a moment of breathing room to prepare to cast his spells. First he turns to the boar about to charge.
"Feel from the soles of your feet the chill of the grave, and know it will be Hextor who sends you there."
From T16 to W19, a 20 ft square becomes glistening with an Ice Slick. If he's fortunate then the boar will slip and fall, but even if not there is no way the pig can rush him on ground so slippery.
DC 19 Balance check not to fall prone.

He then turns to the tiger, and waves his hand at it as though it is an afterthought. With barely a gesture, a column of divine fire explodes in the clearing.
If the Nymph's attempt at a mind-affecting attack counts as an attack enough to overcome Valdis' flaw, he will target somewhere around the T11 square to catch both the Nymph and the tiger in the 10 ft radius attack. If not, he will target somewhere around W11 instead.
Consuming Break Enchantment to cast Flame Strike. DC 23 Reflex half, [roll1], half of which is fire and half of which is divine energy.


If, however, the Nymph stands down after the Duel of Wills, Valdis will simply remain passive and then head into the forest.

2016-04-17, 09:15 PM
The Nymph responds to your threat with the merest flicker of her lip; a near snarl that she holds back in favor of a glare.

Seeing the tiger's attack shrugged off without so much as a whimper break her expression, though, and she adopts a more thoughtful expression as she considers her next move.

She participated in the DoW and was soundly beaten. Her spell did, indeed, count as an attack, so your spell will have an extra point of damage applied to it against her.

The boar loses its footing and falls prone. The column of fire engulfs the tiger and its apparent master, along with the trees at the edge of the clearing. The full force of the flames strikes the beast, and it howls in pain as its flank is scorched. The lady lets out a quick shriek as she is caught as well, but manages to avoid the worst of the strike with some quick footwork.

The boar tries to stand, and fails, rolling on its back in a nearly comical fashion. It huffs and snorts as it struggles.

The tiger steps forward and continues its assault upon you, rage clear in its eyes. Each of its attacks strikes true, smashing into the metal of your armor with heavy blows.

The lady touches herself and some of the burn marks disappear, but she is still unsteady after she limps away from the nearby flames.

Tiger attacks
[roll0] ([roll1]): [roll2]
[roll3] ([roll4]): [roll5]
[roll6] ([roll7]): [roll8]

Total of: 30 Slashing Damage and 14 from the bite.

Nothing like rolling minimum for a healing spell.

Updated map. (http://i.imgur.com/rEaodaU.png)

2016-04-17, 09:27 PM
Valdis grits his teeth. These attacks are not as easy to shrug off, and he finds himself fading fast. If need be he'll use Delay Death in response to the tiger's next attack if it would drop him to death, but right now is the time to go on the offense.

He now takes a 5ft step forward to X14, staring the tiger down. Keeping himself guarded, he summons forth the truest blessing of his god, the Divine Power that has carried him through execution and slaughter. He grips his flail hard, and lets out a grunt as he swings it three times with speed and vigor.
Consume Dismissal to cast Divine Power as a Swift action, automatically succeed on the Concentration check.
Full attack taking -4 with Power Attack to add +6 to damage:
[roll0], Damage: [roll1]
[roll2], Damage: [roll3]
[roll4], Damage: [roll5]

He now has 15 temp HP too, and if the next attack deals a total of 35 or more he'll cast Delay Death, but not if he doesn't have to since Diehard will keep him conscious anyway.

EDIT: He'll also use his Shadow Cloak as an immediate action if he's grappled.

2016-04-17, 09:54 PM
Your first swing strikes the tiger in its shoulder and it lifts up its paw in pain. The second attack smashes the great cat's skull, and it collapses, limp and apparently lifeless. The woman snarls.

The boar stands and moves to attack. It is unable to get its footing for a charge, and settles for a slash with its great tusks. Your armor easily deflects the off-balanced attempt, though.

The Nymph points at you and a thin, wavy green ray flies from her finger toward you. The ray strikes you and you feel a sluggishness in your very being, but through sheer force of will, you are able to shrug off the magic and continue on, much to the anger of your foe.

The three children stand and run, fleeing into the forest to the west, away from you. They run across the water and into the trees without slowing, disappearing beyond sight quickly and silently.

Boar - [roll0] ([roll1]): [roll2]

Ray Touch Attack


Valdis' Will Save (If needed, and he's only failing on a nat1): [roll5]

MAP (http://i.imgur.com/6R4XPSa.png)

2016-04-17, 10:24 PM
Valdis glares at the stupid boar, and channels unholy energy which focuses the clarity of his mind and his faith as a source of strength rather than his muscles. As on the tiger, he brings his flail down on the boar.
Use Holy Warrior, expending a Rebuke attempt as a Swift action to use Wis instead of Str in battle.
Full attack, taking -6 on the attack roll for +9 to damage.
[roll0], Damage [roll1]
[roll2], Damage [roll3]
[roll4], Damage [roll5]

If any damage depletes his 15 temp HP, Valdis will cast Close Wounds. But not if he still has that buffer.

He'll then take a step up to W13 (I think he was at X14 before?).

2016-04-19, 07:03 PM
Ok, that nonsense is done, thank goodness. I'm back. Thanks for your patience.

Yeah, sorry I forgot to move your position on the Map. I was in a bit of a rush and didn't even think about the fact that you can move too. Oops.

Your first strike takes the massive boar across the snout. The follow-up smashes full in its face, and the creatures goes down, twitching.

The lady across the water widens her eyes in surprise, then promptly disappears.

You are left in silence, save for the labored, wet breathing of the pig, whose blood oozes from its crushed snout.

2016-04-19, 08:10 PM
Spellcraft on the disappearance, Conjuration or Illusion? [roll0]
If it's Illusion, I won't spend as much time healing myself right now.

Valdis sighs.
"I will come back and eat you if I have the time," he mutters to the dying pig. He considers how interested the Empress might be in a giant tigerskin, but he doesn't really have any way to carry it. Denela's body was trouble enough. He ignores the manifesting spirit of the dead giant tiger, as it can do nothing to or for him.

He casts Vigor, allowing the Divine Power of Hextor to run out but healing the worst of the tiger's claw wounds. He tops off with a Lesser Vigor, and removes his Belt of Battle to put on his Healing Belt, burning one charge to heal up another [roll1], putting him close to full. It was maybe excessive, but he'd have to be prepared in case he was ambushed by the "watchful eyes."

He crosses the far side of the pond from where he entered, looking over where the children played and where the Nymph vanished. He was unsure of this whole situation. The children might have been under some subtle enchantment to stay where they were, broken only by fear of their safety. Valdis wouldn't at all be surprised if they had been Fey in disguise to provide support or backup. Then again, they hadn't helped the Nymph. But why run off into the unknown forest? He spends a few minutes looking over the area the Nymph has vanished from to find any clues of her direction, and then to the stone the children were playing on in case it offered any evidence of their humanity.

Perception check [roll2], casting Detect Magic first if I determine that the Spellcraft check turned up an Illusion.

Are the slain spirits stationary, or can they move from their place of death? I might try to get the tiger to lead me somewhere.

2016-04-19, 08:26 PM
Conjuration. Unfortunate rolls across the board there.

As we'll call the spirits stationary. I've been imagining them as tied to the corpse in some way.

The heavy pawprints of the tiger and gouged dirt from the charging boar are the only visible tracks. The rock is smooth, wet, and rounded, but given the fact that the children seemed to have ran across the very surface of the water, you doubt that they suffered much for the lack of traction.

The clearing remains still, and the boar's heavy breathing begins to slow.

2016-04-19, 08:36 PM
Valdis sighs again. No evidence, nothing to work with. He burns one more charge of his Healing Belt [roll0] then replaces his Belt of Battle. With no other clues he simply turns to pursue the children in the direction they headed. Considering the swiftness of their flight, Valdis expects to see no broken twigs or missing leaves to guide his path. Fey. He is so sick of being lied to. But this direction is as good as any. If it leads to a trap, then he'll have found someone. If it was chosen purely to get him lost, he'll be in no worse condition than he would be otherwise. Worst case scenario, he'll be in these woods for many more hours as the sun sets, and he can pray to Hextor for divination spells. He could also fly above the trees, but he suspects what he's looking for will be hidden if he looks from above. He considers using Find the Path, but he doesn't have a specific destination in mind. This clearing though will be a good checkpoint for Find the Path if need be.

He dissolves into vapor, and continues his deliberate trek through the woods.

2016-04-19, 08:52 PM
As you head west, deeper into the Valto, the ground becomes marshier and the stench of a bog threatens to overwhelm you. There is almost no natural light at all, and you've yet to see any sign of the children or the woman. You pass through another clearing, this one a single large, stagnant pool covered in a green film. The canopy thins overhead, but there is no sign of other creatures.

After 20 minutes you receive a Sending from Fesselleth.

I have been informed that you are here. State your intentions or we will defend our home.

2016-04-19, 09:08 PM
Valdis, as mist, stays well away from the pool. He smirks (inwardly) as he receives Fesselleth's message. He's going the right way.

You already tried. Men and children are missing. Homes are destroyed. Return who was stolen and I will consider leaving. The Empress sends her regards.

A thought occurs to Valdis. He unfortunately did not prepare Circle Dance today, but he's willing to bet that Fesselleth is still back in Iresi in preparation for whatever stunt the Fey were planning at the docks. He had said "I have been informed," so he's not actually witnessing this. For Valdis (or Fesselleth) to have received a Sending means that the spell isn't blocked within the Valto. He considers trying to Send to the Empress' guard who had vanished, but expects that he will receive no reply even if the guard is able to send one. He'll keep Tuelu in the back of his mind though as backup, and is relieved that if Fesselleth begins something in Iresi, Tuelu will be able to notify him.

Still as mist he hovers up fifty feet, and then drifts toward the water to look in. It's probably the lair of some hideous beast, but it could well be a portal of some kind. Fey. Always lying about what looks like what.

Perception into water: [roll0]

2016-04-20, 10:48 AM
As you stare into the water, you notice the slightest of ripples across the surface, beginning at the cetner and moving outward. Something is disturbing the otherwise still pool, and that something is either invisible or underwater and thus hidden by the algae.

2016-04-20, 11:35 AM
Valdis sighs. This is obviously a trap of some kind, but he has no leads on how to get through this forest and find where the Fey have taken the Empress' guard and the missing villagers. The more Fey beasts he runs into, the sooner he'll find one which slips up and can guide him. He should have killed the Treant, too.

He flies back to the edge of the clearing and materializes in the swampy bog. He won't be able to maneuver quickly in this, so he'd best be prepared to stand his ground. He stands about fifty feet from the edge of the pool, and casts Create Water in the air above to send 26 gallons of water sprinkling over the surface. This is intended to have a dual effect. If there is an invisible sneak creeping on the surface of the water then he hopes to see it outlined by the spray of water. The weight of the water will also ideally clean away some of the scum from the top of the pool so he could see within if he flies again, or if there is a feral monster within waiting to pounce on anything which passes over, it might be lured to revealing itself if it attacks the vibrations caused by the downpour.

Perception check to spot an invisible outline: [roll0] EDIT: COME ON

2016-04-20, 01:21 PM
The water splashes down into the pool. Toward the center, an area remains undisturbed, and water continues to drop into the surrounding area. There is definitely something there, but it's very small.

2016-04-20, 01:35 PM
Valdis narrows his eyes.
"Well, screw it," he sighs, and plods forward. He dissolves into gas again to try to interact with whatever invisible thing is floating there, and if he can't then he will reform over it and fall into the water, trying to grab it as he does.

2016-04-20, 02:24 PM
The mist passes through the area without making contact with anything.

As you fall, though, you hear a surprised "Eep!" and reach toward the source of the sound. Your hand slides through the air, though, and you land with a great splash in the water. You immediately feel drowsy, but are not slowed noticeably. Yet.

Miss chance for the invisible target. Low is success. [roll0]

Touch attack to initiate the grapple, if the above succeeds. [roll1]

Grapple (Valdis): [roll2]

Grapple (opponent): [roll3]

Forgot a few rolls, so they'll be in the next post.

2016-04-20, 02:28 PM
Init: Valdis [roll0]
Enemy: [roll1]

Enemy's actions below, feel free to act. You're in water, so Swim checks are necessary to act. The pool is about 60 feet across, and the water is making your drowsy (nothing mechanical, yet).

EDIT: Valdis just can't catch a break with rolls this game. Frustrating to see the dice foil your plans, here.

As you land in the water, there is a sound like laughter, followed by a string of syllables that can only mean that your target has cast Freedom of Movement. You cannot feel the bottom of the pool, and you begin to sink under the weight of your armor.

2016-04-20, 03:25 PM
Am I currently underwater, or at the surface? If underwater am I able to cast a single spell with the breath of air I have, or are verbals components impossible? And if I'm underwater, can the spell Updraft work, or does that only work if I'm surrounded by air? As a vote for "works underwater" it is a Conjuration (Creation) spell which should produce air rather than simply manipulating the air around.

2016-04-20, 03:39 PM
You're submerged, but just below the surface.
You can definitely cast underwater as you are. I think I'd put a concentration check on it, but it would be 15 (as per entangled), so it's a nonissue for you.
Updraft works, but we'll call it half effectiveness while submerged. Given how sclose to the surface you are, that really only costs you 5 feet of potential height, so I really doubt that matters at all.

2016-04-20, 03:55 PM
Valdis is somewhat surprised that there was anything to grasp at at all, and his frustration increases at having to chase these phantasms. He begins to sink, and feels unwell. A few thoughts flash through his mind, options to catch the creature, but as his mind fogs he recognizes that he needs to get out of this water and out of their playing field. Muttering bubbling words, he creates an Updraft to launch him out of the water and far into the air. With his mouth clear, he commands his Dimension Stride Boots to warp him 40 feet, from the center of the pool onto the marshy shore. He curses the lack of solid stone, or he would create a Wall of Stone to better fortify himself. He had prepared spells for fighting, not chasing and trapping.

2016-04-20, 04:14 PM
There is a moment of silence and stillness as your updraft dissipates, then you feel your wards tested again. Something magical is attempting to intrude into your mind, and failing.

Nothing visible or audible changes. A Charm Person spell just hit your Circle.

2016-04-20, 04:21 PM
Just so you're aware, Magic Circle doesn't prevent Charm Person and the like from being established, they just won't have any effect until the circle comes down. But if I fail a save then in a few minutes when the last of the barrier falls I will be affected by it.

"If you seek to speak, then have out with it. I am tiring of your japes and games. I am ill-equipped to deal with your kind, for I am used to fighting opponents who at least know of honor. If you do not come to speak with me plainly, then I will have to murder you and speak with your disembodied spirit instead."

Valdis casts his last Detect Magic, focusing on finding where the invisible mischief-maker is hiding either by the Illusion aura or by locating the source of its spells.

2016-04-20, 04:24 PM
Ah, that's right, thanks. Here's your Will Save, then: [roll0]

With the first few seconds of concentration, you become aware that there is, in fact, at least one aura in front of you.

A moment goes by, then a small green creature appears floating over the center of the pool, holding its hands in the air. "What do you want, invader?"

With the second round, you know there is one lingering aura and 6 active auras. The most powerful aura in range is moderate.

2016-04-20, 04:43 PM
"A wise choice, gremlin. Had you tarried I would have dropped Hextor's profane fire to incinerate everything in a ten foot radius. I am Valdis Acre, representative of the empire, an invader in return and retaliation for the homes destroyed and the men and children either killed or kidnapped from the empire's border towns. One of the Empress' guard has also been taken by your kind. I am here to retrieve them, and that is the extent of my mission. If all who live are returned to me then I am permitted by my honor to leave this forest. Truthfully, I may have to leave due to fatigue and the exhaustion of my spells in any case. But if my mission is not completed then I will return with redoubled efforts.

I have already heard the protest of your kind from the harlot, of the 'injustice' suffered by your people for the expansion of the people of the empire. You can ask her burns how much I pitied her plight."

Valdis keeps his focus on Detect Magic, looking to identify the schools of magic of the auras. If the Fey turns invisible again or turns to flee without providing Valdis a good reason to do so, he will immediately cast Flame Strike.

2016-04-20, 06:15 PM
"I can't do anything for you. I can't. I can't. I am a spy, nothing more, nothing more. I report on you, on you. I harm no one, no one. Don't hurt me."

The creature continues to hold its hands in place. Its eyes dart left and right, as if looking for aid or an escape route.

Alright, so your turn will be the third round of Detect Magic. It'll use your Standard to continue concentration, naturally.

There are eight auras, one of which is merely the lingering remnants of a spell being cast. One of the auras is on the creature in front of you, and it is a faint Illusion.

The other six are fifteen feet to its right. You recognize two Illusions (both faint), two Enchantments (both moderate), a Conjuration (faint), and one moderate that you cannot identify.

2016-04-20, 06:42 PM
"I believe I have not yet heard a single true word uttered from the mouths of your kind. You are no different. If you are a spy then you report to someone. People, or rather Fey, are anticipating your return. Perhaps your allies to your side? If I had to guess, I would say a pair of invisible spies like you. Perhaps one of them was Summoned? It is difficult to say. Nevertheless, if you think that you can kill me here and now then I invite you to try. If not, then you are to obey me. I would prefer that you lead me straight to the Fey you intend to report my movements to. However, I offer you the option merely specifying their location. The name of some grotto, some wretched swamp that they currently hide in and where they have the stolen Humans captive. Yes, this will suffice for me. If you tell me this, truthfully, I will allow you to flee and I will not harm you unless you cross my path again. Lie to me, however, and I will incinerate you. I do not speak in possibilities."
Sense Motive: [roll0] No whammy no whammy

My plan here is to use Find the Path if I have an actual destination I'm looking for. It's possible Find the Path won't work, and I'll assume that a Druid of equal magical power to mine has used Hide the Path. In which case I may need to head back to Iresi or even to Noimon to either find a Rod of Metal and Mineral Detection or a Necromancer skilled at tracking down Onyx. The focus for Hide the Path is pretty egregious, and in this bog there aren't going to be any natural deposits of Onyx, so if I can find a lump of it in the forest then I'll know exactly where to go.

2016-04-20, 10:14 PM
The group of six auras occupying the same area moves to the other side of the Pixie before you. The visible creature glances in the other direction, as if for guidance, then speaks.

"I am alone, alone. I will tell you a name of course, of course. But that will not help you. Not at all. Not at all. The [A string of syllables in Sylvan] - eh, the "Room of the Green Eyes?" No, "The Hall of the Watching Green," in this tongue - cannot be found except by those the Princes wish to see, you see, you see. And your brothers are not there, no, not there. They have been hidden or dead, I'm afraid, but not by me, not by me!

"I have a family, a family. I don't hurt you or yours. I watch with my eyes, my green eyes. Please. Please."

He's telling the truth, though you sense some uncertainty when he mentions the fate of the soldiers.

He also is lying about having a family.

2016-04-21, 06:53 AM
When you say that the auras moved to the other side, I assume they are still 15-20 feet away, just on the left?

"I thank you for your time and information. You-"
He pauses when the Pixie mentions a family. It looks like a vein is about to burst out of Valdis' skull.
"-should have quit while you were ahead."

Valdis gives a sidelong glance to the Illusion aura before watching it disappear as he lapses concentration on Detect Magic. Consuming Wall of Stone, there is a thunderous roar as an explosion of dark fire falls from above, centered halfway between this Pixie and the invisible aura to its left, ideally catching both in the inferno.
DC 23 Reflex half, [roll0], half fire and half unholy.

Valdis sighs.
"'Tis better to be thought a fool than open one's mouth and remove all doubt. You really can't help yourselves, can you? You just need to sprinkle on a little falsehood or it doesn't sit well with you. I, on the other hand, tell the truth."

2016-04-21, 10:10 PM
The creature disappears with the flame and you hear a screech from the auras to the side. A small blackened corpse becomes visible, then falls to the water. The corpse floats atop the now-steaming pool.

2016-04-21, 10:19 PM
Brow furrowed, Valdis tries to fish out the corpse while touching as little of the water as possible. He had expected two, the one he was speaking with and this one. Did the other one escape death and flee? He would be impressed, though it makes sense that such a small creature could dodge the flames better than a larger one could. Not this one though? Unless perhaps there really was only one, and this was a Project Image of some sort. Or just a Major Image being used to speak. He would be angry if it was; fool Fey wasn't even telling the truth about standing in front of him. He pauses, waiting for the spirit of the Fey to appear and to see if it's the same one as he was just talking to. He still had his scrolls of Revenance and Revivify, he could perhaps barter a return to life in exchange for information. To be taken in advance, obviously. If not, he'd keep the body. Tuelu or one of his colleagues could probably learn more about the Fey by dissection.

2016-04-21, 10:23 PM
You're able to fish out the body with a minimum of fuss.

Despite the charred body, a green cloak and brown vest are completely untouched by the flames.

After a moment, a single small spirit forms, its tail attached to the corpse you now hold. It looks utterly dejected.

2016-04-22, 06:54 AM
"Are you the same one, or a different one?" Valdis asks bluntly. "You all look alike. I am surprised, I had seen auras of invisible spies hiding close by, but I had expected at least two corpses. What auras did I see, then? I can never seem to get a straight answer from you Fey, but at least now you have nowhere to run or hide. You may still speak falsely, but it will not be to your benefit, as I am the only one who can bring you back to life now. If within one minute you can convince me that you will be of more use than hindrance to me alive, then I will use my scroll of Revenance to bring you back temporarily, and once you die again I shall use my scroll of Revivify to bring you back for real. I suggest you speak quickly and concisely, as the sands of time trickle even now."

2016-04-22, 06:56 AM
Oh, Sense Motive on everything the Fey says. [roll0]

2016-04-22, 12:02 PM
"It was just me, just me. I promise! I had magic on my person, my spells and items, my items! I was afraid of you and your spells, so I created a second me to trick you, trick you I did! I'm sorry, so sorry. I don't want to be dead, please help, please help."

He seems to be telling the truth.

2016-04-22, 12:07 PM
"Yeah, trick me you did. How did that work out for you? Now then, I am yet to be convinced to bring you to life. Speak to me as I cast my spell. If it fails, you have the opportunity to tell me how to find The Hall of the Watching Green with your aid and make my spell work. If you cannot, then I will not weep as you fade into the void."
Valdis spends three rounds listening to the creature while he casts Find The Path, targeting The Hall of the Watching Green as his destination.

2016-04-22, 12:20 PM
The spirit looks afraid.

"I cannot take you there, there! If the Princes wish it not, I can't find it! Please, please! The only way there is to travel toward the center and hope the Princes want you, want you! I cannot talk to them for you, for you. If you let me go, I can travel there and hope they allow me, and argue for your admittance, admittance! It might not work but I can try, try!"

He's still telling the truth, and his already high and fast voice picks up rapidly.

At the completion of your spell, there is a brief second as you feel the magic search through the surrounding terrain before the spell withers and dies, blocked by some outside force.

2016-04-22, 12:32 PM
"If you cannot take me there personally then you are of no use to me. I won't waste my magic on you for the promise of 'if might work' from a liar and a spy. I wonder if you pass to the same Outer Planes, or if you just fade to nothing."

Annoyed by the failure of his spell, Valdis turns to the lake and fills his waterskin with the strange water. He would like Tuelu to look at this too, as well as the Fey corpse. He sighs, thinking about his next moves. It's not late, and he still has some magic to use, but he is concerned that he is out of his depth. These Fey Princes are unknown factors of probably great power. He thinks to Fesselleth's descriptor, "Verdant Prince," and wonders if Fesselleth is one such royal or if they are of the same species. It would be foolish to challenge them on their own turf.

He withdraws a Scroll of Sending, and activates it to send a message to the Empress.
Within the Valto, Fey responsible for destruction. More kidnapped than dead. No leads, except for Fey Princes. Not prepared well. Will return unless commanded otherwise.

He pauses, waiting for the Empress' response.

2016-04-23, 04:59 PM
"Please, please! Save me!" He continues to beg as long as you stay in earshot, but makes no particularly convincing arguments aside from the fact that he doesn't want to die.

You receive a return to the Sending immediately.

Good. Continue your mission, report when you have more information. Destroy those monsters. Luck.

2016-04-23, 05:38 PM
Valdis frowns.
Easy for her to say. She's not the one dancing dangerously near unfamiliar territory. She can always get another attack dog; it won't be quite as easy for me to get back on my feet if I suffer a grievous fate. My mission was to get as much information as I was able to and then return, since I never guaranteed stemming the attacks on the village. But I suppose she wasn't satisfied with what I have now.

And yet, if these Fey Princes won't have anything to do with me, I'm at an impasse. The best I can do is haphazardly stumble through the woods, occasionally finding some clearing with a threat lying in wait which is preparing to take me out, and eventually one of them will. I'm outmanned and worse, I have too little intelligence. This won't do.

He runs through a few ideas. If the Nymph was to be trusted, and that's a long shot, there are eyes and ears on him even now. He could call them out, issue a challenge impugning the honor of the Fey Princes to stir them into meeting with him personally. But these cretins had no honor to impugn. He's now annoyed that he didn't take Fesselleth up on his request for council, but it wouldn't have been easy nor righteous to attend under the false pretense of teamwork. That was the M.O of these Fey, not a warrior of tyranny. Maybe he should find the Treant again and threaten it.

Well, if he couldn't see the trees for the forest, he might as well remove the obstacle from the equation. Using all his remaining spells he could muster four more Flame Strikes. There's always the option of letting these loose in densely wooded areas, allowing the fire to spread along the thick canopy even if the ground is too marshy to catch flame. He could take out a decently wide area if he did so, and if The Hall of the Watching Green was fireproof then the patch that is left undamaged would be his target. Even if it didn't quite reach, if they Fey got angry about a little logging for the Humans' houses they would be furious about deforestation by wildfire. He would keep this filed under a solid Plan B.

Plan A would be to seek the advice of one greater than himself, his lord and master. Finding a spot further from the sleepy pool with drier ground, Valdis draws incense from his component pouch and bites his thumb for the blood. For ten minutes, if uninterrupted, he seeks a Divination for Hextor's guidance. What course of action would find him not necessarily the court of the Fey, but at least the information he currently seeks?

2016-04-24, 12:32 AM
After the 10 minutes, you see two visions. One is the Valto alight with the divine flames of Hextor. Fey flee before the flames, all save for eleven figures, each of which looks exactly like Fesselleth. They stand, united, staring into the approaching flames. It seems as though they intend to stop the spread with their own bodies.

The second vision is you shaking hands with Fesselleth, your flail grasped behind your back. He is gesturing behind him to a group of other creatures, each an exact replica of himself.

2016-04-24, 07:50 AM
Valdis breathes deeply, ruminating on the visions he is sent. He has faith that they are truthful, for his skill with divination rarely lies. The second vision surprises him somewhat, for the flail behind his back suggests that he is being encouraged to hide his true intentions of conflict and violence and be dishonest. Surely Hextor wouldn't ask of him something so duplicitous?

Well, nevermind. One of those visions was far more satisfying than the other anyway.

Turning into gaseous form, Valdis flies above the tree line to get a wider view of the area. Calling the magic winds, he flies about ten miles further west(?), deeper into the Valto, before touching down in an arbitrary spot. If the ground looks solid enough to stand on, he reforms and looks up to the treetops. This one is worth infusing with energy, and he uses two Rebukes to Empower the Flame Strike which bursts in the thick canopy. He leaves the fire to dance, turning back into gas and flying up again. He heads now northeast for about 15 minutes, ending up hopefully around 10 miles north from the spot where he had killed the Pixie. He lets loose another gout of flame here, and flies up again and flies twenty miles south, where he repeats the process, forming a rough triangle of fires. He elects to save his Word of Recall, because he still needs to escape if things turn bad. For now though he flies even higher, moving back closer to the pool of sleep water in an attempt to keep as many of the rising smoke columns in sight as he can. If one of them starts dying out, he wants to know about it.

2016-04-24, 07:55 PM
As you take flight with each blast of flame, you see waves of creatures fleeing the burning foliage. Birds and small mammals, mostly.

As you anticipated, the tops of the trees burn, but the flames never reach lower than about ten feet from the ground. They spread slowly; these are large, healthy trees in a swamp, and they are saturated. But the fire does spread. Each of the initial burns thins quickly, and the overall flame begins moving mostly north, pressured by the gentle winds from the south. After ten minutes, the fires have spread nearly have a mile to the north, and a quarter mile west. The speed of the flames speeds up and slows down as they hit thinner or thicker patches of the wood.

An hour passes as the flames spread. They have yet to meet up, and so three large swathes of woodland are afire, with miles between them. The smoke is rising in huge waves. Nothing seems to be slowing the path of destruction.

Then, you receive a Sending from Tuelu.

They've struck. Docks are alight. Boats, buildings, the docks themselves, all burning. Corpses in the river. Militia fights flames, fails. Magical support for fire?

2016-04-24, 09:15 PM
Valdis is still hovering when he gets Tuelu's message. He pauses briefly before replying, considering the implications. Was their action retaliation for his, just now? Were they linked, the fire here lit fire there? Or was this merely coincidence? Fesselleth had advised Valdis to stay away from the docks, so this had been planned before he had planned to attack the Valto. Perhaps the Fey of the Valto had been waiting for Valdis' attack as a signal, but in any case the preparation to go on the offensive had been there to start with.

One other thought nips at the back of his mind. Valdis is briefly concerned that he may be under enchantment, and what he is seeing as the Valto may in fact be Iresi and the docks. The fire could be his own doing. He hopes not, as he does have the Magic Circle still active. Or he did; he realizes it has likely run out by now. Unless he was under the enchantment before its activation, and hallucinated casting it? He wouldn't put it past the Fey. He would be angry beyond words if this turned out to be the case.

Tuelu's Sending still needed a reply.
Started fires in Valto, tit for tat. Fought Fey, little magic left. Nothing to stop fires. Cannot help, need to roust Fey. Send to...Timseo?
Valdis felt a twinge of shame at this reply, but it was truthful. On the best of days, he rarely had anything prepared that could adequately control a raging fire. Perhaps a Wall of Stone to trap something in? Create Water was hardly enough. And that was a moot point; as a result of his actions here he only had one substantial spell remaining, and that was the spell that could take him home. If he left now he wouldn't be able to see the results of his actions here, he wouldn't see the Fey Princes exposed. This would be a waste. He still had his mission for now. He had suggested that Tuelu reach out to Timseo because at worst the Sorcerer could Teleport significant figures to safety, and at best he could maybe bring Wizards from Noimon who specialized in icy spells like Cone of Cold or Boreal Wind to chill the flames. It would be better than he could do now.

And at the end of the day...These were commoners in burning houses. They are not his charge, and he is not their keeper. Be it Fey or Dragon or Beholder, they die by droves. If they aren't clever enough to leap into the enormous river visible from every point in the city to escape the flames, then let them ruminate on their decisions as Petitioners of the Outer Planes.

2016-04-24, 09:52 PM
As the hours (roughly three) tick by, the fire continue to spread. Once they've reached roughly fifteen miles west (total, so less than five from where you started the westernmost flame), though, they stop moving in that direction. As the blazes become one unified inferno, you can seen nothing but fire and smoke along the entire eastern border of the wood, but the flames go no farther west. Something is preventing them, in a slightly curving line that is far too straight to be any natural occurrence.

To the east, the flames are bounded by the river. Before the smoke completely obscures everything, you see a number of people gathered at the water's edge to witness the inferno.

2016-04-24, 10:53 PM
Well that's clearly worth looking into, Valdis thinks to himself, and conjures the winds to take him west. He tries to descend to where he can see individual figures acting, and doesn't mind so much if he himself is seen, but he wants to stay far enough away that he can't be attacked.

Perception [roll0]

2016-04-24, 11:08 PM
The smoke, combined with the thickening canopy this deep into the wood, obscures all sight from above. As you near, though, its obvious that there is nothing physical, or even visible, to prevent the spread. On one side of the line, treetops burn in a massive inferno. On the other, they are as green and healthy as you've ever seen a plant be. The smoke even fails to cross the border, high into the sky. It's almost as if there were a wall of force extending from the ground far into the heavens, but that seems wholly unlikely, of course.

2016-04-25, 07:14 AM
Valdis spends a few more minutes watching the edge where the fire doesn't burn, and then gingerly tries to cross that line in the land in gaseous form. He expects to be stopped, but it would be curious to see if he is able to get through.

Either way, he'll then fly higher and try to find a landmark on the horizon he can use to orient himself. He'll return to Iresi soon and see what can be done about the fires there, but if this area is The Hall of the Watching Green then it would be important to find again. He wouldn't put it past the Fey to have somehow regrown every last tree before he returns, or at least have the illusion of a forest up. Then again, if they could do that, they wouldn't be as upset about Humans cutting down the forest for houses.

2016-04-25, 01:33 PM
Other than the flames, the nearest landmark seems to be the edge of the Valto. The rest of your field of view is canopies. You are currently almost directly west of the third village you encountered, though.

The inferno continues to rage. The point you started the blaze has died down significantly, revealing the blackened trunks of trees, like black pillars supporting nothing. The ground is covered in moistened ash and fallen branches.

2016-04-25, 01:38 PM
Was Valdis able to cross the "border" of burned land and green land from above?

2016-04-25, 01:47 PM
My bad. I knew I missed something.

Valdis' efforts to cross the invisible border are met with slight resistance. The pressure that prevents easy passage seems to be against something with Valdis, rather than Valdis himself. The feeling passes quickly though, before Valdis can really put on a finger on the cause, and he's beyond the barrier. Suddenly, the hot, dry, acrid, smokey air turns to hot and humid. It smells of dirt and plant growth. No trace of the flame is seen or felt on this side of the barrier, though the blaze and smoke are clearly visible, a mere five feet away.

2016-04-25, 02:05 PM
My money's on either the ring or the Pixie corpse.

Also wow, I totally forgot about my Ring of Spell-Battle. It doesn't work on SLAs, but if the Nymph or Pixie (or Fesselleth from earlier) were casting actual spells then I would be instantly aware of them and can try to identify with Spellcraft.

Well this is something, Valdis wonders, drifting over the untouched woodland. He was surprised he had been able to make his way through; he was anticipating substantial resistance. If there was anywhere he wouldn't be able to teleport though it would be here, so going forward he plans to keep an eye to the sky where he can escape with Wind Walk before using Word of Recall, if he has to.

Valdis will fly down close to the ground to examine the territory, if it's too marshy to stand on or if it's firmer than the land outside this area. If he was smarter he might try to figure out the center of this zone assuming it to be a perfect circle, but he had little means to measure an arc of the circle's circumference. So he would just go deeper in. Drifting as a cloud of dark mist, he snakes through the trees and keeps an eye out for any animals, monsters, and Fey that might be foolish enough to show themselves. He also keeps aware of that itchy tingle in the back of his mind, the one he gets when subconsciously withstanding mental assault. Without his Magic Circle, he can't afford to rely on luck.

Perception check: [roll0]
Knowledge: Nature to see anything substantially out of the ordinary, like plants that shouldn't be growing in a marsh [roll1]
Will save to disbelieve this area as an Illusion: [roll2]

2016-04-25, 06:35 PM
The ground seems to be of the same consistency as elsewhere; there are patches of solid, if moist, dirt intermixed with huge amounts of water. There is nothing of note here, at the edge of the protected region.

As you head deeper, though, you begin to notice that, aside from the occasional susurrus of the breeze in the canopy, it is dead silent. No animals calling out, no creaking of trees, not even the chirps of birds. The plant life here seems normal, if unusually healthy and relatively large. You recognize no illusions, but after a mere minute beneath the canopy, something presses against your consciousness. Through Hextor's strength, though, you fully resist whatever it is. Before you have a chance to fully react, though, you find yourself cloud-to-face with a huge creature. Gray-skinned and hunched, its beady red eyes staring almost lifelessly ahead, the thing almost resembles a boulder with limbs. Flanking it are 10 small green creatures, each with bows at the ready. The creatures are covered in plant-like growths, including spiny ridges atop their heads and thorn-like claws.

In front of the group is a robed figure, hand raised, palm forward as if commanding something to stop. Not one of these creatures reacts to your arrival, save for the archers watching your clouded form move. It seems you were expected. Silence reigns in around the group.

The Pixie cast several spells, but the only one you identified would have been Charm Person, early in the encounter.

The Nymph: Led with a Charm Person, followed with Cure Serious Wounds, then an unidentified spell, then a SLA.

Hopefully nothing would have changed with that knowledge. It doesn't seem like it would have, to me.

You detect no new spells being cast since then, though. I'll try to remember the ring. If I forget, of course, remind me and we can retcon if we need to.

2016-04-25, 07:43 PM
I completely forgot about it too, but I probably won't again. Good to keep in mind.

Knowledge: Nature to identify the gray blob? [roll0]

Valdis remains in his gaseous form, appearing as a silhouette of his real shape but letting his voice roll out from the mist. As low on spells as he is, he's not in the greatest position to fight in his normal form.
"You aren't easy to find, here. Had your spies been less cagey we might be having this conversation without my having had to smoke you out. Now then," he begins, fully aware that these creatures had heard him say this already. "My name is Valdis Acre, priest of Hextor, the Herald of Hell. I am sent on a mission as a representative of her majesty the Empress Kryliona in Iresi. Her properties were attacked and the men and children kidnapped, including a band of soldiers led by one of her personal guard. I am here to investigate the circumstances of these attacks toward her majesty's holdings, and eliminate the threat if necessary and possible. I am also aware that your kin have organized attacks in Iresi. I hear they're going well - the fires have spread without resistance and many are dead. Great minds think alike, I suppose," he verbally shrugs, twisting his mist such that he looks back toward the columns of smoke in the distance.
"The Empress seems concerned that you conspire against her. I am personally furious about the duplicitous nature of your behavior - you cannot tell the truth if your life depends on it. Literally, the charred Pixie corpse in my pocket speaks to that. It would be pleasing in a shallow way to butcher you on the spot in the name of my lord Hextor, but because your strengths are unknown to me and I have expended much energy in the process of hunting you down, I am not confident in my ability to defeat you. What I am confident about is my capacity to hasten to a tactical retreat, and return in full force as early as the morrow. I recommend, then, that the two of us have a frank and open conversation with a minimum of falsehood that we may better understand the position of the other, and come to a conclusion that does not necessitate spilling blood.

To that end, a few requests of you. One, do not lie to me. I will know. The Pixie didn't think I would. I did. Two, do not attempt to sway my mind by magical means like you just tried. And three, do not disrespect me as a warrior priest of Hextor by suggesting I lower myself to mindless slaughter like a zealot of Erythnul, for I will be no one's attack dog. If you do any of these things, I will leave this place forthwith and you will have to contend with the might of the Empire raining divine judgment upon you.

Now you may speak."

Rolling Diplomidate, more Intimidate than Diplomacy. [roll1]
Sense Motive [roll2]

2016-04-25, 09:18 PM
It would actually be Arcana: [roll0]
The creature is a Gray Render, a type of semi-intelligent beast that attaches itself to woodland civilizations in a sort of symbiotic relationship. The Render fulfills some deep, psychological need to protect, and the other creatures gain a powerful ally willing to dedicate its life to their protection.

One of the archers lowers his bow and steps forward.

"I speak for His Virility, Prince Uosm. The great Prince accepts credit for the burning of Iresi. He does not, though, accept your involvement here. Unlike the Prince Fesselleth, he feels that involving a mortal in our affairs is more than distasteful. You actions here, today, prove that. He would have you executed for crimes against the Valto, but there is more than one Prince in these woods and his is not the only judgment with weight. He does warn you that you are trespassing on holy land and he would be within his rights to destroy you. Threaten him not and a discussion might be had.

"His Virility's first command is that you cease burning the wood. His second is that you leave this place and never return. His third is that you render unto him payment in the form of your life force that he might replenish this region. His forth is that you never presume to give permission for his actions, lest you place yourself above a Prince of the Valto and find your misguided ego shattered.

"Now you may speak."

The creature speaking to you is a Thorn, a small type of Fey known for their skill at battle rather than their duplicity. They use none of the magic of their cousins, save for arrows said to put mortals into a deep slumber. It seems to be reciting something, rather than speaking its mind, so you doubt any sort of understanding of its motives would aid you, here. He does seem a bit nervous, though whether it is you that frightens him or the great beast behind him (or something else entirely), you're not sure.

2016-04-25, 09:47 PM
Valdis is unfazed.
"The Fecund Prince can speak to me himself, not through the twisted windpipe of another like a puppet. Does not one of your kind know how to stand with righteous honor?

Your Prince is in no position to issue commands of me. As a priest of Hextor I obey only those who I respect, and I cannot respect a man I have never met and who hides behind shrubbery. I resounded refuse every command you just put forth to me. I cannot stop the burning fires, it is not within my power. Call your rain spirits or whatever nonsense you believe in. I will return to this place any time that I desire and that I am bidden by a force that I do respect, for so far you have not proven it in your power to stop me. He shall have my life force over my cold dead body. And I shall not give permission for his actions, for I think his permission irrelevant.

It is clear that discussion is not your objective here today. It is mine. And thus we are at an impasse. I have no more business here, but as I said, I will return. I shall have choice words for Uosm when I do. Rest easy, Thorn, I do not kill a messenger. I'm not Denela."
He pauses.
"Inside joke, I suppose."

This is as far as Valdis thinks he can make it. There is little else he can do without returning to physical form, but he's concerned that if he does he will be too easily trapped by the tricks of the Fey, the terrain, or the Gray Render and won't be able to escape when he needs to. Even if he can bully his way into audience with one or more of the Princes, there is no way that they will yield to him and return any of the kidnapped villagers or the Empress' guard. But he has some information to work off of now. It's more than he had previously.

(Unless obstructed,) The magic winds whip around him, and he flies directly up into the sky, then darts back toward the barrier. If he can cross over into the burned forest he flies a few thousand feet further into the ashes, and then returns to his physical form before casting his long overdue Word of Recall, aiming to return to the Arcane Guild's meeting room.

2016-04-26, 12:49 AM
As you flee the scene, several of the archers aim their bows skyward, but you are far out of range before they can loose their arrows, and you arrive at the barrier unmolested. This time, you pass through easily and quickly find yourself surrounded by smoke and ash. One has to wonder about the side effects of existing in a gaseous state in a cloud of ash and other debris.

When you land and reform, you find it very difficult to catch your breath amid the maelstrom of flame and charred plantlife, but are able to cast the spell. You are aware, though, that prolonged exposure would likely make speaking, or even breathing, incredibly difficult.

You appear in the room, finding it empty. Within seconds, though, two men burst through the door, empty hands raised as though the intend to utilize magic should you offer them a reason. One wears traditional wizard's robes, the other tight breeches and a thick fur jacket. The robed man nearly shouts at you, the man in full plate and covered in ash.

"Halt! Who are you and why are you here?"

You recognize neither of the men from past visits.

2016-04-26, 07:36 AM
"My name is Valdis Acre. I am in the employ of the Empress. I have just returned from a mission gathering information regarding a threat to her people. I returned to the Arcanist's Guild because mage Tuelu has been helpful in my pursuits to this point, and I was hoping it would provide safe haven for me as I return to the Citadel. He had informed me of the fires of the attack, but regretfully I had no magic capable of stopping it, and my mission was pressing. It remains to be, and I would like to make haste to the Citadel to complete what I can.

Now then, I would like to ask the same question of you. I do not recognize either of you from what little time I have spent here."

Sense Motive [roll0] Checking between "Oh, I was worried this guy was another enemy but it looks like he's okay" and "Oh no, this is the guy we were supposed to take out immediately." If the latter, Valdis will use a Rebuke attempt to charge himself with Holy Warrior preemptively.

2016-04-26, 08:04 AM
They're definitely here in case they're needed, not to intercept you specifically. There's as much surprise as anything, for their part.

The men lower their hands, warily. The robed one speaks again.

"I am Aldain, this is Rotger. Tuelu is in his study, but you're welcome to just... leave if that is your intent."

The men step out of your way, eyeing you warily.

Outside the guild, the air smells like smoke and ash. To the east, a great plume of smoke soars skyward. When you reach the first gate, you find it closed and barred, with four soldiers armed with halberds guarding it.

2016-04-26, 10:03 AM
"I will return to speak with him, but I have a duty to attend to before that."

Valdis progresses toward the Citadel until he reaches the barred gate. He sighs.
"Step aside, I have information sent for my the Empress. My name is Valdis Acre; you should have been told to expect me at some point. Your efforts would be better served fighting the fire."
Before they answer he starts to dissolve, fully expecting to have to go around these irksome guards rather than be respectfully allowed through.

2016-04-26, 10:17 AM
True to your assumptions, the guards refuse you passage. They are apparently under orders to keep the gates closed and locked to prevent a general panic from spreading.

You quickly find yourself directly outside the Citadel's outer walls. Here, the guards recognize you and allow you entry with no fuss.

Great barrels of water line the edges of the courtyard, and men stand by each with buckets. Soldiers with crossbows stand atop the walls.

Inside the Citadel itself, you find the number of people has vastly increased. Wealthy merchants and nobles crowd into various rooms, and most sit atop chests or bags, presumably stuffed with valuables.

You make your way to the throne room, where you find the Empress among her courtiers, deep in discussion. The men and women in the room seem mostly flustered or frustrated. Some even seem frightened. Not the Empress, though. She is the epitome of calm. She does not seem to notice your arrival.

I assume you want to talk to the Empress. If that's not the case, feel free to do something else once you arrive.

2016-04-26, 11:20 AM
Valdis materializes outside the Citadel and strides in to the Empress' reception room, not taking notice of the merchants in fear. He approaches the Empress and her courtiers regardless of the actions of guards in the room.
"Prince Uosm," he states plainly. "Is the one who takes responsibility for the fires. A Verdant Prince of the Valto Fey. I am freshly returned from the Valto, and received word of the attack on Iresi. I apologize for my delay, but there was little I could do to aid the situation here that any strong man could not, while I had your business to attend to in the west. You may be pleased to know that the Valto burns higher and brighter than Iresi, and continues to smolder even now, so we got them as well as they got us. I did not manage to locate the missing villagers and your guard, but I did find a zone of the forest in which the Fey are hiding. Their headquarters it seems, The Hall of the Watching Green. Considering their attack of Iresi, my suggestion would be a declaration of war followed by a swift and decisive extermination of the threat."

2016-04-26, 04:21 PM
The Empress stops mid sentence as you speak, listening with interest.

Her eyebrows shoot up, then drop down into a glare. "You burned the Valto?! Oh my. Are they retaliating here? Is this your doing? Have you brought this wrath to my city? This destruction? This death?

"I would not risk war with that wood were it my only option. We cannot defeat it. It is ancient, and there are powers there we dare not wake. If they march on Iresi, we will be surely destroyed."

The Empress knows something she's not saying, or is hiding her true reaction to the information. You're not sure exactly what, but something is off with her.

2016-04-26, 04:35 PM
Valdis purses his lips.
"The command I received was 'Destroy those monsters.' The clergy of Hextor preach efficiency and support victory by overwhelming means. You were already acquainted with my methods, unless you have forgotten Denela.

In any case," he continues, waving off the Empress' concern, "my actions did not force the hand of the Fey. The Verdant Prince Fesselleth, counsel to Denela and the origin of your concern with the man, had spoken with me privately and warned me against going to the docks this afternoon. This plan was in motion long before I took action. I'm personally pleased that the first strike was mine despite their preparation.

You say you would not risk war with the wood, but I assure you, the woods are much smaller than they were this morning. If Fey draw power and security from the serenity of nature, which I gather they do considering the retaliation displayed toward the townsfolk who stole logs from the Valto for their homes, they are not in an advantageous position at this time. If you do not intend to live in fear of the power of the Fey for the rest of your bloodline's days then this is an excellent time to stamp out the threat. And if you are so afraid of that power...Then it may be worth whole-heartedly subjugating yourself to it, rather than stand against it like a house of sticks against a hurricane. You're speaking softer than you were when you sent me out, your majesty."

Valdis awaits an answer, but he is surprised about the Empress' reaction. If the rumors were true and she was siphoning some dark power, he would imagine her to be more opportunistic than she's being. If she was so frightened of the Fey of the Valto, he wouldn't have imagined that the Empress would have sent her guard or him in to investigate the land so close to it for fear that the Fey would be involved.
Speaking of Fey involvement...
Sense Motive to pick up on Charm or Domination, just in case. [roll0]

Also what time is it? I lost track of the many hours Valdis was watching the fire spread. How much time is left in Wind Walk?

2016-04-26, 10:43 PM
You cast Wind Walk ~8 hours ago, so late evening.

No Charm or Compulsion effect seems to be in place.

"And the Fey? Their numbers have not been significantly reduced! I could not march against them if I wanted to! They are entrenched in that great wood. Their power is immense, their defenses impenetrable. The fact that you survived is a testament to your blind luck. These monsters now feel they have the strength to attack me in my own capital?

"And you knew of this attack and told me nothing? My city burns and I could have prevented it?" She walks away, toward her throne, then stops and turns. "Valdis Acre, I know not what game you are playing, but I am not amused. These monsters are clearly moving against me, and I do not have your full support." She's hiding something as she says this bit.

She sits atop her throne. The groups quiet. "Let it be known that the creatures Fesselleth and Ousm Pas are to blame for the destruction caused in our city. I formally forbid them entry into my lands and name them enemies of the state. Those who shelter them are punishable with hanging."

2016-04-26, 11:06 PM
"You did not ask," Valdis replies stonefacedly. "Just as I was foolish enough not to ask about the Scrying anchor on the protective ring you granted me. Kyrliona, when first we met and you were taciturn about the nature of my first mission, I expressed in no uncertain terms that I cannot dutifully serve in the employ of someone who keeps secrets from me and withholds information that I need to do the mission set forward to me. If I do not have your loyalty then no, you shall not have mine. I have quickly come to despise the Fey for their innate dishonesty in their every action, but it disheartens me that you should prove yourself so similar to them in that regard. Even now there is a secret hiding in the back of your throat, and my blood heats to hear it kept from me. Did you expect to be sending me into death when you had me explore the edge of the Valto, if the Fey are as unstoppable and inscrutable as you perceive? And how do you think you could have stopped this attack on Iresi if they can so clearly come and go as they please?"

Valdis begins to become more angry, then pauses as the Empress speaks. His heated anger suddenly becomes a cold fury.

"Ousm Pas, you say. I do not believe I mentioned a surname, for I was not aware it had one. You...know of this man, if he can be called that. You know something that no tome in this Citadel's library has tucked within it, something that I was not able to find when searching in preparation for the dangers that lay ahead. You know of the Fey, of the Verdant Princes, and not only do you remain silent about your knowledge but you have the gall to accuse me of retaining information when you do the same and more a thousand times over? Information with which you could have acted to prevent this attack, and did not?" Valdis' voice is louder now, loud enough for others nearby to hear.
"When you sent me to depose Denela, you already knew that the mage he had in his employ was one of the Fey, didn't you? A member of your court working with the creatures that conspire against you and attacked your city and citizens! No wonder you had me remove the problem from the limelight, and without word about my purpose there or the connection to you! A man who can put the pieces together might start to question which side of this conflict you truly support, Kyrliona!"

2016-04-27, 12:12 PM
Kryiliona sits on her throne, unmoving, as you speak. She wears a slight frown, and her knuckles begin to whiten on the armrests.

When you begin to raise your voice, the room falls into a nervous hush. No one moves; the two powerful individuals dominating the room are enough to scare even the proudest of nobles into silence.

At your last biting comment, she stands, eyes wide in anger. "Enough! You would dare to impugn my rulership in my own castle? You are speaking well above your station, Valdis Acre. It is in now way my responsibility to confide in you, a soldier for hire. My knowledge of my realm is not, nor has it ever been, at your disposal. I. Owe. You. Nothing.

"Leave us!" The others in the room flee from her wrath.

When the room empties, she stares at you for a long moment.

"For your service I would not order you executed this day. But this public insult is too much. Do not try my patience.

"I am of half a mind to banish you from my kingdom. Explain to me why I should allow you to live, let alone stay."

2016-04-27, 05:22 PM
I erased the PM you send me ages ago so refresh my memory, what is the geography of this world? This continent is Patostathos; does the Empress rule all of it, or only a part? What other continents are there? And where is Valdis from originally, I thought it was from a different region than this empire. I ask because based on this conversation here he may go back there very soon. I think I'm going to have to enlist the aid of the Paladin Valdis is estranged from, the one who took him from the streets and taught him the nuances of the gods. Although we have different morals, we align closely on ethics, and I think I can find an ally in those who band together against dishonesty and operating outside law and authority.

Also, this would be a pretty tall order, but is there a more concrete Church of Hextor anywhere? Probably in his home continent, where the church keeps a mafia-esque control over crime in its territories? If so that's probably where he would have gone after running away from the Paladin's home, where he would have trained as an Ordained Champion (or finished that training if he started it with the Paladin.) If there's a greater priest of Hextor than I there, I'd probably like to enlist their help too. Or if not, and I'm one of the strongest priests around, then maybe I'd branch off to seek aid from some other LN or LE source that is affiliated with the church. Maybe someone in the Assassin's guild or something. Basically start forming a Lawful army.

I was unfamiliar with those "Contact" rules that you suggested at the start of this game, how do I apply those? Should I just suggest characters, or actually build them, or what?

"You will not allow me to live," Valdis begins, "nor will you order me to die. If you had strength you were willing to use as a show of force against me, you would not cow before the Fey as you do. If you could defeat me, you could defeat them. Because you insist you cannot defeat them, I do not fear you. As for banishment, that is certainly within your power to issue. Enforcing the command, on the other hand, I am as skeptical of as a command to execute me. But you needn't concern yourself about it. I am Valdis Acre and I go where I please, and I have learned that it does not please me to be in Iresi. I want no manufactured part as a foot soldier in an ancient war between liars who trick their allies and think themselves strong for holding stolen power like Savnok bearing Lord Hextor's armor. Against a thief and a charlatan like Savnok, even Heironeous and Hextor could come together to...to..."
Valdis trails off, in thought. A few possibilities flash through his mind's eye. Taking a breath, he becomes considerably calmer.
"Against a thief and a charlatan, the strength of law prevails. Against a usurper who, through trickery, took hold of powers belonging to a being greater than themselves and outside of their scope, sibling gods of justice and conquest banded together to see justice done. I am finished with you, Kryiliona. I have bigger matters to attend to, for now."
He takes the ring Kryiliona gave him off, and holds it up for her to see, then pockets it.
"In case you would like to check in on my whereabouts, and then withhold the information from the assassin or mercenary you send to erase me."
Unless stopped by Kryiliona, Valdis turns to leave the Citadel. His aim is now to visit Tuelu to see mage's take on things. He expects Tuelu will be too nervous of retribution from the Empress to help him directly, but he hopes that the potential to see the Empress' unknown stolen powers will be temptation enough to enlist some aid. Or he can convince Tuelu to come with him if the Arcanist's Guild is already unsafe. Either way, he needs a place to pray, as he's late for his daily meditation.

2016-04-27, 08:18 PM
Ok. I think I addressed everything. Feel free to throw more questions my way, of course.

Patostathos is actually the empire. So yes, the entire thing is nominally under the command of Kryliona. But most of the land is, in practice, ruled by District Leaders. Think of it like Feudalism in Medieval Europe, if that helps. Patostathos is basically just the land around the Mena river system. The Valto is outside of the jurisdiction.

The continent is called Thrylia. It’s broadly divided into three major regions. These regions, from north to south, are The Waste, Mesothryl, and Hydrothryl. Patostathos is one of the major political entities in Hydrothryl, and one of the richest entities on the continent. The Waste is the northermost band and is almost entirely inhospitable due to the year-round cold and snow. There are groups who reside there, but they are primary tribes of beings like Frost Giants and the like. Mesothryl is the center band. Its eastern half is separated from the western by a huge desert (The Kathara) and the edge of the Karlik Mountains to the south. Mesothryl and Hydrothryl are separated by the Karlik Mountains as well. Hydrothryl is the south band. It is replete with rivers, forests, and grasslands.

There are other continents, but they are of the “far off and out of mind” variety (read: I never did any work on them). For Valdis’ origin, I can give you several options. There is without a doubt a major church of Hextor in a region in Mesothryl called Ruitland. Ruitland is a coastal republic made prominent through trade and an incredibly powerful navy. It’s not the most Lawful of places, but the government’s tolerance has allowed Evil gods, like Hextor, to gain a huge following. It also helps that Ruitland is in near-constant conflict with a nearby region called Caedia. Caedia is famous for its huge military, aggressive xenophobia, and strict laws. Its patron god is Heironeous. Nonhumans are ostracized or enslaved in Caedia; all true citizens are Human. Far to the east in Mesothryl, there are a number of small kingdoms, city-states, and other minor political entities. One, a budding tyrannical theocracy, is called the Blansk Republic. It is ruled by the Dyad. This is a pair of priests, one of Hextor, one of St. Cuthbert. Definitely an option for you. Blansk is seeking the domination of the various smaller nations to halt the constant war in the region. One power is enough; there’s no need for the ceaseless squabbling.

In any case, Valdis is, without a doubt, one of the strongest Hextor followers alive. Definitely the strongest outside of Blansk. Even there, the Hextor member of the Dyad is a political figure, and thus is often more skilled with a pen than a flail. There are members of the church who might surpass Valdis is martial power or spellcasting ability, but most likely not one who is as skilled at both.

A Lawful army? This just got very interesting.

Regarding Contacts: There is a page on the d20srd about them (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/campaigns/contacts.htm). In short, when you achieve the level required for a contact according to the chart, you tell me which of the three types of contact you want. As a 13th level Cleric, you have four contacts. These can be divided up as you please among the types (Information, Influence, and Skill). Once they’re defined, they exist as a sort of potential NPC in the world. Then, whenever you need to call on the abilities of a contact, you let me know, and I create the NPC to help you out.

Example: Let’s say you had an Information Contact defined when you were looking for info on Fesselleth. You could have said you wanted to use that contact. I would have come up with an NPC that Valdis had, at some point, interacted with before the game. A local Cloistered Cleric of Boccob or Obad-Hai, for instance, that you had helped a while ago. After some IC “catching up,” they help you with your problem to the best of their ability. The Contact stays in existence (obviously) after that, and you can go to them for help later. There are a few restrictions other than what I mentioned, so it might be worth it to skim the page. As it stands, you can just tell me what four contacts you want retroactively.

Side note: Nice Savnok reference. He was very nearly a major player in a game a ran once.

The Empress stands as you turn to leave. "How dare you! You insult me again and expect me to allow you to live?" She slams her fist down on the arm of her throne, and the doors to the chamber swing shut.

A simple Open/Close spell.

She speaks in softer tones, now. "Valdis Acre, you are a brave man indeed. And not a weak one, either. But you are in no way my superior, let alone my equal. I am the Empress! I will not send my guards after you, for you would slaughter them like so many insects. And I, of course, cannot defeat you in personal combat. So I suppose your freedom is guaranteed, today."

She gestures and the doors open. You're aware that her comment about your relative strengths was her telling you, in an underhanded way, that there is something, aside from your relative skill, preventing her from attacking you on the spot.

Per the secret message use of Bluff/Sense Motive.

"Be warned. If you return here, I may find myself a champion to destroy you."

2016-04-27, 09:54 PM
Cool, thanks for the tons of info. In that case I think Valdis would have been originally from Caedia (because of the Church of Zarus thing) and that's where the Paladin of Heironeous was from, but then Valdis pursued his calling to Hextor in Blansk. Considering that Valdis is a Lawful-by-Lawful-Evil, an more Neutral Evil place like Ruitland wouldn't have suited him but a place that emphasizes Law above all like Blansk definitely would have. I think Valdis probably agrees with a lot of Saint Cuthbert's teachings, just that the Cudgel doesn't take judgment quite far enough. I guess the Paladin is probably still in Caedia, unless he wasn't into the xenophobia. But it sounds like Blansk is to unethical for him, so I don't know where I'd go to find him.

Would the Paladin from my backstory count as one of my contacts, or would he just be a normal NPC? I guess I'll make two contacts, an Information contact among a guild unaffiliated with the politics of Blansk but with a lot of connections. I suggested an assassins/thieves guild before, but that might not really suit the environment. Maybe some kind of merchant/banker's guild that often falls back on the church of Hextor (or Saint Cuthbert I suppose) for protection, both legal and martial. A group that screws people over entirely by the book. And then I'd also like to make an Influence contact within the church of Hextor, someone that I might know from training (perhaps an instructor), who has at least a vague sway with the Hextor-affiliated Dyad so I can discuss the issues that have arisen in Patostathos with them.

"Pointless posturing, Kryliona. Were there such a man within your reach, you would be speaking with him now rather than me."
Valdis departs through the doors, a shadow over his brow as he stared at the plume of smoke rising in the distance. There was something rotten in this whole empire. He wasn't going to sit back and lick the boot of the lesser of two evils, not when he could see himself ending up the greatest of three. Kryliona and Fesselleth both were just like Denela. If they had been open to frank discussion and hadn't tried to betray him, things might have gone well for either of them. He thinks on Denela, briefly. Maybe the man would be useful in his future plans. He wasn't the most trustworthy but he seemed to scamper towards whoever he thinks can protect him. He clearly isn't aware of the Empress' suggested strength, or he would have been less hasty to rebel. Valdis also thinks back to Anori. If he's leaving the nation he should check in on the man. He recalls the empathic sense of fear and discomfort he last felt. Probably not in a good position.

For now though, Valdis heads toward the Arcanist's Guild, hoping not to run into the strangers he had seen earlier.
"Mage Tuelu? It is I, Valdis Acre, who no longer speaks on behalf of the Citadel in Iresi. I seek your counsel yet again, for things have rather come to a head. Are you still in your study?"

2016-04-27, 10:16 PM
I figured Blansk would appeal more. It's less developed in my notes for sure, though, since it was well outsiode the scope of the IRL game I ran in the setting. So if you go there, I'll get to have some fun.

Your Pally buddy Is likely in Caedia. The government is Evil-leaning, but that doesn't mean everyone is. The Paladins of Heironeous recruit youth who want to fight, then direct them towards Good. So staying their is a great job, frankly.

With the Contacts, they're left vague until you need them. So you're welcome to the Information and Influence contact (plus two more if you'd like), and those can certainly be the two things you mentioned, but until they show up in-game, they're just sort of "floating" NPCs. So if you go back to Blansk or Caedia, you could have them be those things. But if you end up staying here (for whatever reason), they could be anything. The Paladin who functioned as your mentor isn't a Contact. Contacts are supposed to be useful in specific circumstances. You don't retroactively lose them because you had NPCs mentioned in your backstory, y'know?

Tuelu is indeed in his study. A pile of books lies open on a desk, but the Wizard himself is reclining in a large cushioned chair, sipping from a glass of wine. A single small book sits open on his lap. Two bookshelves line the walls, stocked with tomes, scrolls, and the odd trinket or gizmo.

He looks up when you enter and smiles. "Valdis Acre! A pleasure. How can I be of service?"

2016-04-28, 04:27 PM
Valdis raises an eyebrow.
"Mage Tuelu, I am...relieved, to find you in such relaxed spirits, quite counter to the urgency of your Sending. I apologize again for the delay in my return, but there truly is very little I can do for Iresi even now. Indeed, I think I shall find myself departing from it forthwith. I should like to speak with you before I do, to better plan my next actions, but before I do I would appreciate if you could ensure a sanctum where we will not be disturbed. Detect Scrying or at least See Invisibility are two of your Wizardly skills I would appreciate, and let us find somewhere that more traditional means of dropping eaves are rendered futile. By the way, who were those two who were here before? A gruff pair, but harmless enough it seems. I was surprised to run into them when I returned."

Sense Motive [roll0] Valdis is going to explode if yet another person is pretending to be someone else, in this case some tricky caster using Disguise/Alter Self into Tuelu.

2016-04-28, 04:42 PM
This seems to be Tuelu.

Tuelu nods. "Yes, well. The fires are mostly contained at this point, though I do have my suspicions that they were merely a ruse. More importantly, I am preparing a few spells now. Always a relaxing time, and I refuse to forbid myself this simple pleasure, even amidst a crisis. If you'll give me ten minutes, I'll finish up here and we can talk. I'll prepare the spells you suggested, naturally."

Tuelu then returns to his book, seeming to have forgotten you. After the promised ten minutes he sighs, sets his empty cup down, and stands. He places the book back on the shelf and turns to you.

"Now. The two here before... I'm not sure. Tenrik and Sean, perhaps. Or Plenst and Geoff. I don't recall. Four of our mages who function as protectors. They stay aware of any unauthorized use of magic within the compound and react to it. Sorry if they caused you any problems.

"I have a lead-lined safehouse in Tenelan, if that would make you comfortable. Otherwise, this room is solidly built. I could check for spies first."

If you opt for Tenelan, Tuelu Teleports the pair of you, then casts Detect Scrying and See Invisibility. He then waits for you to speak.

If you opt to stay here, he does the same, minus the 'Port, of course.

2016-04-28, 05:07 PM
"If you have more than one Teleport prepared then Tenelan would be ideal, for I have minor business there as well. But I would appreciate the aid to my next port of call afterward, for which another Teleport would likely be required."

(Whichever we go to,)

Valdis waits for Tuelu to cast his detection spells to ensure that the Empress isn't spying on them. He lays the ring on the table plainly, so that Tuelu understands Valdis' concern.
"The long and short of the matters today is that the Empress sent me to investigate destroyed property and missing men on the edge of the Valto. I did not think the Fey were necessarily involved at first, but the kidnapped men and children had been taken into the forests. I encountered a Nymph who escaped me, and what I thought were children but I believe were more Fey in disguise, for they ran atop the water. I also found a pool of sickly sleeping water and a Pixie, whose corpse you may like to investigate for biological study."
Valdis places the waterskin of sleep water and the body of the Pixie on the table.
"Having been taunted about the Fey watching my every move and being informed that I could not find the hiding place of the Verdant Princes, called The Hall of the Watching Green, I set the forest on fire expecting that the only place which would not burn would be my destination. I thought correctly: much of the Valto is now ash, but not one section due west of the town. Shortly afterward I received your Sending about the attack on Iresi. I would imagine it to be retaliation, except that thanks to Fesselleth we know it had been planned well in advance; you heard him warn me of the docks as well as I did. Anyway, inside that section of the forest is a different climate, highly humid, and a much denser concentration of Fey. A messenger for the Prince Uosm said that the prince took responsibility for the attack on Iresi and demanded that I subjugate myself to him. I declined, naturally, but was not in a condition to fight the Gray Render they have as a pet. I returned here to share what I had learned with the Empress.

She was...less than grateful for my involvement, shall we say. A fair enough judgment, she blamed me both for instigating combat with the Fey and for not informing her of Fesselleth's covert threat against Iresi. However, she did mention Uosm's surname, which I had not known. This made me very angry, for it means that the Empress was well aware of the Verdant Princes and the threat of the Fey, and chose not to tell me before my mission. She knows too much that she refuses to share. She seems thoroughly frightened of the Fey, saying that her forces cannot possibly stand against their ancient magic, but she also seems to suggest that she has hidden strength she cannot bring to muster. The 'Old Magicks' you spoke to me of, I can imagine. She was displeased that I opposed her judgments, and had all but banished me from Patostathos.

There is no more that I can do in this city, not with that deceitful woman keeping secrets or the Fey acting in the shadows. I intend to return to the land where I was not born but where I was made, back to Blansk. I have connections there, with the clergy and possibly leading up to the Dyad. They in Blansk are fair-minded but eager to increase their standing in the world. I think they can be made amenable to supporting my involvement here, especially if it reveals the nature of these Old Magicks. Difficult though it may be, I also want to track down my old mentor in Caedia. We don't see eye-to-eye on how to do our work, but he hates a liar and a cheat as much as I. He may be a strong ally in opposition to the Fey, but I doubt he would oppose an established monarch like the Empress.

However, all of this is simply from my side of things. I would appreciate a fresh point of view. What do you think is the conclusion to this mayhem? And do you want any part of the path that sees us there?"

2016-04-28, 11:43 PM
Tuelu simply scans the room you're standing in and nods. "I only have the two Teleports and need a way back if I take you anywhere."

He then listens to your story, offers, and request.

"That is... quite the tale. These are exciting times, to be sure. I thank you for the water and body. I'm sure they will be put to good use here.

"It was certainly unfortunate timing that the attack here was launched so soon after your own. They had planned an attack, of course, but perhaps the specific time or style was a reaction to your, ahem, actions." You get the sense that Tuelu is not overly fond of your decision to burn the forest, but is clearly not bothered enough to want to upset you.

"The Hall of the Watching Green, though... Interesting. I can't say I recognize the name, though, knowing the Fey, it is just as likely that they call it something different depending on the phase of the moon or some other such nonsense." He shrugs.

"Regardless. The place sounds interesting. And this Ousm... Another like Fesselleth, I assume? Or perhaps the same being, using different names? Both? Or neither of them actually exists? Dealing with Fey is like dealing with an Illusionist. It is awful and stretches even my mind.

"You seem to have lost her majesty's favor. That is more than a little unfortunate. She has vast reserves of wealth and, of course, strength. If she were to consider you dangerous... I can only offer so much protection, Valdis. I respect you, but I won't sacrifice myself for a man I met this week. I will do what I can, of course. Actually. Perhaps a variation on the Misdirection spell could be placed on this ring. It would take some time, but I might be able to prevent her watching you while keeping her in the dark, so to speak. Otherwise, I would suggest disposing of it. The last thing you need is for her to witness you plotting against her. That might be the action tat convinces her to move against you.

"In the meantime. I will take you were you need to go. And I also found a very simple solution to our communication problem. I shall create a Permanent Telepathic Bond between us, if you are willing to accept this minor intrusion. It will allow us to remain in contact without an undue expense. I'll need to briefly... Nevermind. If you would be willing to pay for half of the reagents, I can be ready in twenty minutes; I just need to talk to Tom.

"Oh. Yes. Advice. Blansk is... I will take you there, but they are not the friendliest people toward masters of the Arcane, as I'm sure you know. I will wish you luck and aid in travel both ways, of course. Be wary of the Caedians. I would keep my sigil suppressed while there, were I you.. They are not known for their love on nonhumans." He takes a long moment to think.

"It seems to me that the Fey and Kryliona are after something aside from the destruction of the other. They are far too open about their desire to see their presumed foe destroyed, which is apparently very contrary to their nature. There must be something more going on here but I have neither the breadth nor depth of vision to perceive it all. Were I not a member of the guild, I would gather a force against Kryliona, myself. The Fey... I wouldn't dare invoke their wrath. If the Courts get involved, you would be in well over your head, I think. And as powerful as the Empress is, a dedicated group of Wizards and Clerics could surely destroy her. That is assuming you mean to move against them. If you don't, then running is an option, of course. Kryliona likely has incredible reach, but even her strength will flag if she is forced to grasp at your across the entire continent. And the Fey. They are everywhere, and they will hate you for your work in the Valto. But they would not dare attack a major city in Blansk like Devmod. You would also be safe in Noimon, of course. It's a mere two day ride from the southern border of Blansk, naturally. And I would be able to spend much more time in Noimon. Of course, you are less likely to find warriors and allies in Noimon; the Noimites tend to be recluses, despite their collective power."

2016-04-29, 10:40 AM
Is the other prince's name Ousm or Uosm? You used both before.

Valdis nods, hearing Tuelu's remarks on the issue.
"I recognize that is unfortunate to lose the Empress as a resource, but she was too reluctant to actually employ what resources she had to achieve her goals. If I can't trust her then I can't rely on her. I'll take the devil I know over the devil I don't, and the Empress' role in this is as mysterious as these elusive Fey.

In any case, if you should see a use for this ring then I will leave it to you, for it doesn't serve me as I would like. If you can either use it as a focus to Scry upon her rather than letting her Scry on you, or reverse its tethering properties to make it resistant to Scrying, or at the very least ward it as a trap to detect those who seek to Scry upon you, any of those may suit your purposes. Otherwise discard it, it matters not to me.

I would be appreciative of a Telepathic Bond. So far you have proven trustworthy as one in pursuit of knowledge over bias or greed, and I shall rely on your aid in future I'm sure. I will try not to vex you with petty concerns. At least we will be able to communicate without fear of being overheard, though that is more to your benefit than mine.

I know well the nature of Caedia, though I have passed for Human enough in the past. Blansk holds allies, though I may take your advice and branch out to Noimon if more arcane talent is needed. I wonder if I can't provoke Caedian military into moving against the alien Fey? By what you say they are the greater threat, even with the Empress' stolen Old Magicks. And what you say is true, there is always the option of distancing myself from this encounter. But that wouldn't sit well with me. It doesn't do a god of conquest justice to run without trying."

If Tuelu has said all he needs to, Valdis will take an hour to have his overdue prayer to Hextor. He'll appreciate being teleported to Blansk, where he knows he can find safe rest in the halls of Hextor's church.

2016-04-29, 03:24 PM
Uosm, sorry.

Tuelu mumbles something about expanding his mind and wanders off momentarily. When he returns, he announces that he's ready. He lets you know that 6,000 gold pieces will be your expense for the Telepathic Bond, but you can pay it at any time. If you agree, he sets up the connection.

"I understand your reservations about dealing with the empress. I do not share all of your concerns, but I do understand why you have them. I would be more willing to be deceitful than you, but, naturally, only with my enemies. I shall keep the ring, and return it when I am finished with the adjustments. Until that time, I'll need to keep it secure. Do not worry, though, I sincerely doubt the Empress will make a move against the guild. That would certainly spell her downfall.

"To Blasnk, then."

Tuelue gestures and you find yourself standing in a city you recognize well. Devmod's distinctive black iron-plated citadel stands before you, perfectly symmetrical and jutting far into the sky. The red gates are engraved with Hextor's six arrows and Cuthbert's starburst. Armed men stand on the walls and in front of the gate. Soldiers are also present at every street corner in sight, naturally. Citizens walk quietly, but not in fear. They know they are safe here. Crime is almost nonexistent. And nearly everyone is armed.

To the left of the citadel is a large stone and iron construction that looks like a fortress. It is square, squat, and covered in spikes, towers, and gargoyles. The temple of Hextor, without a doubt. On other side of the major fortress is a third large structure. It is entirely unadorned save for the hard iron brackets that hold up the thick wooden gates and the unlit scones that surround the walls. St. Cuthbert's holy place.

The smell of metal is overwhelming here. Buildings are plated in steel, or other, weaker metals, and even the roads themselves are brick with a mortar that has a sheen like polished metal.

As you appear, two soldiers walk forward, as if to question you. They quickly notice your holy symbol, though, and nod at your before returning to their post.

Tuelu nervously glances around, then offers a quick bow. "Best of luck to you, Valdis Acre. I will in contact, and I hope to hear from you soon."

He disappears with a wave.

2016-05-02, 07:37 AM
Valdis pays the gold for the Telepathic Bond.

Valdis takes a deep breath as he is brought to Devmod, and thanks Tuelu with their newfound telepathic link for the service. He is very glad to be back here, for it has been quite some time. The bitter tang of iron in the air and the hard cobbles under his feet secure him in the rigidity of order in the city. No lying, lurking Fey here to sow discord. He nods to the two guards who come toward him, grateful for their diligence. It's men like them that keep the city secure. Nothing as wishy washy as Kryliona's guards who are required to selectively vet people based on their wealth and stature, running around to the sound of coin. Iron, not gold, is what matters in fortress of order.

Valdis makes a beeline for the temple of Hextor, hoping to speak with the priest and arrange a room for meditation and a much needed rest.

Are there any important names/people I should know in this area? Either that of the current priest or perhaps a predecessor who has stepped down, and that of Saint Cuthbert too? And the names of the Dyads? I've probably been away for a few years, so there may be some things which have changed.

2016-05-02, 12:43 PM
Unless something drastic has changed, the Dyad is Kelvon, the priest of Hextor, and Rhestvin Farreach, the St. Cuthbert representative. The first is a Human, the second a Dwarf. Both were in their prime when you left, and so are almost certainly still ruling.

The High Priest of Hextor here is Sendar, a Human. His son, Sendar the Lesser, is the second in the chain of command. Sendar is known for his brilliant strategic military mind, while his offspring is famous for his skill on a different battlefield; that of the courts. He is the temple's major diplomat and has orchestrated several important alliances. Sendar the Lesser is much less popular in the temple, for obvious reasons.

The High Priest of St. Cuthbert here is Gransh, a Half-Orc.

There are, obviously, a large number of lesser prelates and acolytes, along with more secular members of the temples. Of note in Hextor's service are Berin, a Goliath who serves as the Temple's Champion and trainer, Helvar, a Dwarf who serves as the Treasurer, and Mestin, a Halfling who is known for her internally-unrivaled ability as a Diviner.

At the temple, you are allowed in without question. You are recognized immediately, despite your long absence.

Inside the temple courtyard, Iron Berin, considered by many to be the greatest warrior in Hextor's service, trains the newest crop of converts. His glare is enough to inspire something akin to courage in these boys. Berin notices you as you enter. You receive a rare piece of acknowledgement from a person famous for his ability to go weeks without so much as speaking: eye contact and a nod.

Entering through the doors into the temple proper, you are surrounded by men and women in black robes and armor, adorned with six arrows or gray skulls. Several nod or bow to you when they recognize you as they go about their business. Most are meditating or praying, a few are carrying goods, and at least a handful are heading out on missions of some sort. The room itself is large and unadorned, save for a single huge banner at the far end displaying the iron fist grasping six arrows on a field of red. A small iron altar sits beneath the banner. A podium, empty, dominates the room, and is surrounded by hard iron pews.

After a few moments, one of the acolytes hurries out of the room through one of the many iron doors. Moments later, the door opens and Sendar the Lesser appears. He smiles and approaches, offering a brief bow.

"Valdis Acre, Hextor with me. I trust your travels have gone well, with our lord's blessing? Welcome home. Will you be staying long?"

2016-05-03, 11:54 AM
"It is thanks to the teachings of our lord and his ever-vigilant guidance that I return to you at all," Valdis bows his head. "My travels have been varied, shall we say. For the most part unexciting, general mercenary work showing the brunt of a flail to barbarian fools who don't appreciate good violence. But in only the past few days things have become rather more involved, and I find myself in somewhat over my depth. It is a matter which at heart does not concern me, but between the rampant dishonesty and disregard for structure displayed on both sides of the conflict along with personal disrespect shown to me and inconsideration to my cause, I feel obligated to see it through to the end and stand on top in a manner which proves with iron that Hextor's might is greater than that of Fey, or Old Magicks. Forgive me, I'm getting ahead of myself."

Valdis will proceed to tell Sendar the Lesser everything of his travels in the past week, not laboring on details too long but making sure every salient point is covered, from his arrival in Iresi to his dealings with Denela all the way to here. He'll go with Sendar to a more enclosed room if need be.

"At present, however," Valdis concludes, "I would appreciate a study to pray for an hour and then a bed where I may recover. Today above all has been quite eventful."

2016-05-03, 06:26 PM
Sendar listens attentively through your description offering perfectly times responses, but verbal and non, throughout. His sympathetic noises, angry head shakes, and encouraging nods make him very easy to talk to.

When you finish, he nods. "That is quite the adventure, Valdis. You are welcome to a private room as long as you are here, naturally. Your personal quarters have been used by others, I'm sure you understand. We've been growing rapidly of late."

With that, he leads you into a barracks-like area, full of bunks, some of which have sleeping bodies in them. Past this, a long hallway lined with identical bedrooms. Finally, a small hexagonal chamber, each with doors leading to private suites. He offers you one of these.

The room is comfortable, with a thick mattress, clean washbasin, and small closet. There is even an altar against one wall. Hextor's symbols adorn everything.

"If you need anything, merely ask. I will report your narrative to my father, who will undoubtedly want to meet with you come dawn. Rest well."

2016-05-04, 04:01 PM
"I appreciate it greatly. Please fetch me as soon as it is convenient for you and your father."

Valdis moves to his room and sits to rest for his long-overdue meditation. Adrenaline wears off and he finds himself severely fatigued, but he thinks that Hextor is likely proud that he stuck to his convictions in the face of bribery and threat from both sides of this squabble. He returns to his more usual spell selection, as the over-emphasis on offense from this past day worked against him when he needed versatility and utility in the forest.

He wonders what has become of Anori. He really does need to head back to Tenelan sooner or later. Odds are, probably later.

His prayers finished, he sheds his armor and all but collapses onto the mattress to sleep through the night and wake early in the morning.

2016-05-05, 10:15 PM
The night passes quickly on a moderately comfortable mattress. You're greeted at dawn by a knock at your door.

A servant informs you that the Sendars will see you in their receiving room. The man departs, trusting you to find your way.

The layout of the fortress is, unsurprisingly, exactly as your remember it. Corridors run in straight lines. Every door is iron and fitted with a lock. Each corner is adorned by a steel sconce, making the deeper passageways hot and acrid with smoke. The floors are covered in rugs or left plain stone. Everything is hard, unforgiving, and solid.

Just past the major dining hall, where hundreds of men eat and drink in preparation for the day, you enter a smaller room with a table fit for a dozen people. Currently, the two Sendars and one man you do not recognize are seated at it. A spread of cold meats, boiled eggs, and smoked fish covers the table, the the three are well into their meals already.

The Elder nods as you enter. "Valdis Acre. Good of you to return home, son."

The Lesser smiles. "I have told my father of your adventures. We now wonder why you have returned, though, if your Hector-granted guidance to oppose these river-folk factions is not yet complete?"

You sense mostly actual curiosity in his question, but there is, without a doubt, some small sliver of challenge or accusation.

2016-05-06, 01:09 PM
Valdis enters into the dining hall and does not restrain himself from tucking into the various preserves, nostalgic for the intense and powerful flavor of heavily salted fish and meats. He remains unperturbed by the Lesser Sendar's accusation. It's more posturing that he's come to expect from a man used to living in another's shadow. Valdis is somewhat mollified by the Lesser's mortifying slip of the tongue.
"A pleasure to be back, your Holiness," Valdis responds to the Elder Sendar. "As I said to your son it is sooner than I expected, but not without purpose. I would like to think I did the name of Hextor proud these past few days. I emerged victorious in every battle I engaged in despite lacking numbers, support, or tactical advantage of familiar terrain. And I have personally brought awareness of the threat that even a single member of the clergy of the Herald of Hell brings to the battlefield, a threat that neither an empress nor a prince previously took into consideration. I was disappointed, as I expect your son has informed you, that Empress Kryliona does not appreciate the position of the Fey's weakened defenses as much as I expect you do. She has no intention to strike while the iron, and the Valto, are hot. But perhaps it is for the best, as my experiences have left me with little confidence in the grit and mettle of soldiers in her employ. Confidence which I do hold in the warriors of Blansk, crusaders of the Cudgel and the Scourge of Battle.

My intention is to remain here only briefly to assemble a fighting force fit to storm the lawless Valto, as they have personally slighted our cause. The position of the Empress in this is still hazy, and I hope also to employ the aid of researchers to better figure out the capabilities of our new prey. If Kryliona proves herself capable of retaining power over her empire, then by our doctrines she is fit to have it and I do not oppose her. If not...then not. Yesterday afternoon she proved incapable of fighting a mundane fire as part of a Fey terrorist attack, despite the wealth of resources at her fingertips. I think you as well as I can see the direction the wind is blowing."

2016-05-06, 08:09 PM
The three other men eat in silence as you speak. When you stop, Sendar sets down his knife and folds his fingers beneath his chin, fixing you with an intense stare. His son immediately stops eating as well, but the third man continues on.

After a long pause, Sendar speaks. "How many men would you request follow you south? And, supposing I gave them to your command, what would you do with them? If you are successful, what then? Will you destroy the Fey? Cede control of the wood to this empress? Rule the Fey? Oppose Kryliona?

"You must understand, I cannot send warriors of Hextor off against every lawless society of barbarians in the world. We would become spread far too thin and Blansk would collapse. I need to be sure this is worth our while."

2016-05-07, 08:16 PM
"Ideally I would prefer quality over quantity. A select team of warriors and priests reliable in the face of martial combat and mental assault. The end result ideally would be the complete razing of that useless Valto, the extermination of all Fey who refuse to be subjugated to our command (and I expect that to be all of them), and potentially the deposition of Kryliona if she continues to prove an unfit ruler incapable of keeping hold of her empire.

However, I leave the matter to you, my betters. I had wondered if these supposed 'Old Magicks' would be of benefit to our cause, if they are as formidable as the mage Tuelu suggests they are. If you determine this endeavor against either or both the Fey or the Empress to be undeserving of the time and efforts of the church, then only say the word and consider the matter dropped."

2016-05-07, 08:57 PM
Sendar is already shaking his head before you finished speaking.

"You have long since gained my trust, Valdis. Clearly this matter is important to you, and I, without the benefit of having been on the ground, will not overrule your decision. That way lies defeat for our forces."

He pauses for a moment.

"That said, I fear I cannot spare more than a handful of soldiers. We have recently begun to annex the territories of a particularly rambunctious group of Centaurs, so most of our strongest are deployed.

"I am curious about these powers wielded by Kryliona, though. Where did they come from? If she is as mighty as your contact in Iresi claims, then she could be a lethal enemy. Or an incredibly useful ally.

"I will find for you three soldiers. I also give you permission to Bind a Devil or two if you feel the need. You may call on the church's contract, or resources, to barter with them. You will return, and do as you please with the Fey. Mold them to your will, destroy them, ignore them, align yourself with them, I don't particularly care. Try not to destroy the entire ecosystem of the Valto, though. Our current wars are against several nations, and it would be more than a little unfortunate if they formed common cause against us over something as trivial as a bonfire hundreds of miles to the south. The Fey, though, are far beyond our borders and not of immediate concern. As for the empress... Find out all that you can about her. If her powers come from an outside source, find out if it can be channeled to benefit us, then cut her off from it. If she relies on such auxiliary means of strength, she is not deserving of her rulership. If it is a personal power, perhaps hereditary, then ascertain her true allegiances, her goals. You have the full authority of the Church of Hextor. Make us an ally or annihilate our enemies in Iresi.

"If she seems open to an alliance, issue a Sending. My son will take care of the details. You belong in the field, not a meeting room."

Sendar turns to the third man who was here when you arrived.

"Anything to add, Aurinius?" The man pauses with a mouthful of food, ponders a moment, then shakes his head. He swallows quickly, then says, "Good luck to you. Let justice be served to those who oppose order."

He immediately returns to his meal.

Regarding the Binding: You're aware the church has a longstanding agreement with Devils (and other Outsiders) who worship Hextor. In exchange for the service they provide for the Herald of Hell, the church expects decent discounts in bartering with LE Outsiders in his service.

2016-05-09, 05:13 PM
Hey, a heads up. So I have every intention of continuing this game, but I've got a few hiccups on the road ahead of me. I may be selected for jury duty tomorrow which would largely take me out of commission for around two weeks, and then I'll have about two weeks freer, but then on June 7th I'll be making an intercontinental move to Denmark. The farm I'll be working on has WiFi so if all works out then I can still be a part of this, but please be patient if I end up a little slow.

Obviously this is also pertinent to the KSBO game.