View Full Version : [The Player's Guide to Skybourne] Feedback

Adam Meyers
2016-03-28, 02:38 PM
Hey everyone, Adam Meyers here from Drop Dead Studios. The Player's Guide to Skybourne (http://paizo.com/products/btpy9js6?The-Players-Guide-to-Skybourne) has been out for a while now, and I wanted to solicit feedback. We've got a final update coming to it before it goes to print, and I wanted to hear what people thought both good and bad before we started setting things down inside physical books.


2016-03-28, 02:57 PM
Let's see, I can't recall anything aside from the comments I made in the AMA thread.

Seems like there has to be stuff. There are a lot of racial feats, some of those might run weak. Have to go back and check. Fallen fey sphere is odd mechanically, but better than I remembered it.

Adam Meyers
2016-03-30, 12:05 PM
Anyone else?

2016-03-30, 02:42 PM
I think it's somewhat problematic that the halfling cavalier archetype can't actually charge while on their dragon mount before level 8, 5 levels after getting cavalier's charge. Technically you could still use it while riding something else, but...why would you do that?

2016-03-30, 02:43 PM
I haven't had opportunity to examine it in great detail, but I really like the Created. The place of the Merfolk as exporters of food to a land suddenly lacking in agricultural ability and increased contact because of that is really nice, too. This kind of thing makes a setting much more interesting to me.

2016-03-30, 03:21 PM
A callout specifying item slots for the less humanoid races could be helpful.

Why don't the sidhier have the fey type? They wouldn't be the only race that does.

Sidhier can actually lose a caster level by taking the mind sphere. Their enthrall is CL3 min, but even with the racial bonus any that aren't high casters will have a minimum level of 2, since their base CL will be 0.

Not sure I follow why armorists get locked into the mysticism tradition. It doesn't seem a great mechanical choice and I don't see why that is the only fluff available.

2016-04-03, 03:41 PM
Actually, a question that's come up due to the way the setting interacts with SoP, and how it handles Fey.

Are Fey acceptable targets of Conjuration advanced talents?

2016-04-04, 12:33 AM
Possible Typos:
Page 6 - Most of the Racial Subtypes for the Alraun list Carrion sense as something replaced by the new traits. Should that be Blood sense?
Page 82 - Hiring Help line 2, "they must first find capable creature," should read "they must first find a capable creature" or "they must first find capable creatures"

General Concern:
The races not created for Skybourne don't have a racial traits section. I don't know if this is due to a copyright concern.
There's no vital statistics section covering age and height & weight for the races included in this book.

Adam Meyers
2016-04-04, 04:38 PM
@Weyroc: RAW no, but RAI, I'd let it.

2016-04-15, 04:34 AM
Just found this thread! My gaming group and I eagerly waiting for our DM to run a Skybourne campaign. One thing we've been having trouble with is ship design. The numbers listed aren't consistent throughout the book, or with the preview* copy of Ships of Skybourne that our DM has. For example, page 95 of the Player's Guide lists Alchemical Engines as costing 500gp per hardpoint, producing 15 power per hardpoint, and using 1/6 of a ton of fuel per 8 hours per hardpoint at a cost of 100gp per ton for fuel. Table: Fuel on page 102 of the Player's Guide says Alchemical Fuel is 10gp per 8 hours per hardpoint and weights 1/8th of a ton instead of 1/6th. The Ships of Skybourne PDF agrees with page 95 when it comes to fuel costs, but lists 3 different engines, none of which are even close to as efficient as the one in the Player's Guide. The engine weights, hit points and craft DCs are also different between sources. Which numbers are correct?

That's about it as far as mechanics goes, everything else is incredibly tight and ship shape (pun intended). Fluff wise, a big ongoing debate in our group has been about the Walkways. How long ago in the setting did the Walkways collapse? Is it supposed to be based on the campaign, or is there a canonical answer? Either way, I feel like that should be included in the Introduction, as knowing whether the Collapse happened during a character's lifetime or in the grandparent's is something that really shapes character concepts.

*IS it a preview copy? I was looking around on DriveThruRPG and such for a copy, but they didn't have it as far as I could tell. Where can I get the Ships of Skybourne book? Or is it not out yet?

2016-04-15, 07:21 AM
Ships of Skybourne is not released yet.