View Full Version : Optimization How To Make a Fallen Angel PC, using Race, Class, and Background

2016-03-28, 05:05 PM
So, I'm thinking Aasimar, with...the acolyte background. The DM says that the Oathbreaker is off limits, so there goes the obvious choice.

The DM uses the following standard array: 18, 17, 16, 15, 13, 11.

My goal for this character is to subtly play lawful evil, nudging the other PCs towards darker things, and then eventually by the end, be basically the Satan or Darkseid of this world.

2016-03-28, 05:09 PM
Favored Soul gets you angel wings. Everyone trusts a dude with angel wings!:smallwink:

2016-03-28, 05:11 PM
All that you've mentioned so far is roleplay aspects, which is fine, but it leaves any real suggestions difficult to make. You've made no mention of party role or composition or how this character would fight. Everything you've mentioned could be potentially accomplished by a high CHA fighter with the Skilled feat. That said, something like Warlock or Sorcerer sounds like it'd fit your goals quite well. Both are CHA casters, so putting that 18 where it belongs will go a long way to making yourself more persuasive and bending the world to your whims. Warlock gets invocations like Beguiling something or other, which is more of the same goodness. Sorcerer lets you shape your spell selection to great ends, whether destroying your opponents or making others obey you, or whatever you want.

2016-03-28, 05:29 PM
I'm going to be boring as all hell and suggest the ever-so-wonderful Paladin/Sorcerer build. Pal2 or Pal6, for smite or aura, respectively, and rest in Sorc. It works with the whole "high CHA to nudge party towards evil" thing you seem to want to get into. You could even fluff it so the paladin levels symbolize the time before his fall and his sorcerer levels the time post-falling. Aasimar wouldn't be my first choice mechanically, but it won't work against you or anything. Also, both Draconic Sorc and Favored Soul Sorc works beautifully in this combo, so go with whatever feels good for you. Coincidentally, both gets you wings at 14.

2016-03-28, 05:59 PM
All that you've mentioned so far is roleplay aspects, which is fine, but it leaves any real suggestions difficult to make. You've made no mention of party role or composition or how this character would fight. Everything you've mentioned could be potentially accomplished by a high CHA fighter with the Skilled feat. That said, something like Warlock or Sorcerer sounds like it'd fit your goals quite well. Both are CHA casters, so putting that 18 where it belongs will go a long way to making yourself more persuasive and bending the world to your whims. Warlock gets invocations like Beguiling something or other, which is more of the same goodness. Sorcerer lets you shape your spell selection to great ends, whether destroying your opponents or making others obey you, or whatever you want.

Sorry, I forgot all of that.

Party so far:
Hill Dwarf OoA Paladin built for semi-ranged DPR (Smiting with the light hammer when throwing it), Tiefling Enchanter Wizard, High-Elf Bladesinger, Human Light Cleric, and a Rock Gnome Thief.

We're starting at level 1, and the above is their planned builds.

I generally like playing a gish, but I don't have a particular class or play style in mind yet, I focused more on the character goals and motivations for interesting roleplay when developing this character...now I need help coming up with which mechanics I should use. :smalltongue:

2016-03-28, 07:18 PM
My goal for this character is to subtly play lawful evil, nudging the other PCs towards darker things

But Bob! You told us you were gonna be Lawful Good! And we were gonna share our snacks with you! Man!

... OK, we'll still share snacks, but you won't get us to kill any babies for you!

... unless it pays well!

Fable Wright
2016-03-28, 08:42 PM
I'mma go on a limb here and suggest a highly nontraditional class:


Think about it. At level 3, you can speak to and tempt every living thing, humanoid or not. Wolf totem means you're a leader of men when you're tapping into your Angelic Grace, and you party members will follow your lead when striking down targets. At level 6, you select Eagle Totem, and gain a seeming omniscience to those near you, able to spot things from even a mile away with incredible accuracy. This improves at level 10 to seeing into the nature of reality nearby when Commune With Nature grants a drastically expanded range of information. At level 14, you can fly with Eagle Totem. Enough said.

This lets you be the sustained damage and the tank without stepping on the shoes of the Paladin or the Cleric. As for race... consider a refluffed Feral Tiefling. You were an Angel, and still look like one, but you fell. You have not angelic powers, but demonic gifts that you can hide or refluff. The dex is good with your godly Strength and Constitution better than a Charisma or Wisdom buff, and in the end, it's a good package all around. Enjoy 20 AC (24 at level 20), high damage, and unique roleplaying.