View Full Version : 3rd Ed Getting Spell Turning off of an enemy

2016-03-28, 09:49 PM
(this is for 3.5 rules)

I came up with the idea to find the optimum spell level of spells to use to get rid of spell turning.

Spell Turning gives 6 + d4 spell levels of turning. So it gives a minimum of 7 and max of 10. This is important b/c I want my first spell that targets the enemy (the spell HAS to specifically target a creature for spell turning to interact with it) to shear off the biggest chunk of levels possible.

This scenario I have in mind for thinking of this is a wizard duel between wizards lvl 20-35. If I'm wanting to use multispell get rid of my enemy the first round, (assuming I go first or am still around after opponent takes his turn if I go second), I was thinking quickened mind fog, which does not block line of sight after around opponent, then a quickened 7th level spell to get rid of all or the majority of the spell turning if the opponent has the spell up or a ring on. So the trick here was finding a 7th (or 8th) level spell that can affect someone other than myself, obviously, specifically targets, can target someone willing or not, and does NOT have a negative effect on me if and when it gets reflected.

This led me to looking at Banishment. It's wording for targeting is "One or more extraplanar creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart", so my question is:

Can you cast this spell, then target someone, and if they're not extraplanar it just uses up the spell and has no effect on the target, thus reflecting it back at me, and also having no effect, or does this tactic not work to begin with since the targeting says "One or more extraplanar creatures...". I believe the writers intended for it to be like smite evil, where you could use it but if the target wasn't evil, the attempt had no effect and the use was still used for the day, but just didn't think to add it in the spell description, as whether some creature is extraplanar is (in all cases I can think of) obvious by appearance.

So I think it should work to cast as a fodder spell to get rid of spell turning. What do you think? Concur? Disagree? Think another spell, such as poly any object on the opponent to turn into a copy of you or something?

2016-03-28, 09:59 PM
Why not just cast Shield on yourself and throw a Heightened Magic Missile?

2016-03-28, 11:32 PM
I'm not using (don't have) the heightened feat, although that is one way of doing it. I realized, right after writing the question, that I could just quickened disjunction, and then Q. mind fog, and feeblemind twice. Now that you've put heighten into my head, I'm thinking I'll replace something with it to heighten feeblemind to 9th.
