View Full Version : survey is out

2016-03-29, 01:50 PM
MM posted a new survey and talked about making an actual sourcebook 20 months into the game (which will probably only last another ~40 months, if previous editions are any guide).


2016-03-29, 02:01 PM
Must not accept bait and argue about new editions or release schedule.

Must not accept bait and argue about new editions or release schedule.

2016-03-29, 02:11 PM
Very generic questions on the most part. I mainly wanted more options for everyone but Clerics, Wizards, and Rangers. There are a lot of ways they could expand character development in the future. Properly implemented Prestige Classes that you can take further into character development being one. It would also be nice to have more decisions than just selecting a subclass as a character levels.

It is also very difficult to run an entire "mundane" party. Mundane support or control classes would be a nice addition.

2016-03-29, 02:25 PM
Very generic questions on the most part. I mainly wanted more options for everyone but Clerics, Wizards, and Rangers. There are a lot of ways they could expand character development in the future. Properly implemented Prestige Classes that you can take further into character development being one. It would also be nice to have more decisions than just selecting a subclass as a character levels.

It is also very difficult to run an entire "mundane" party. Mundane support or control classes would be a nice addition.

You don't want new options for Ranger? :smallconfused:

2016-03-29, 02:25 PM
It is also very difficult to run an entire "mundane" party. Mundane support or control classes would be a nice addition.

Not really... Battlemaster as control, Thief as medic (Healer Feat), Berserker as a tank...the only traditional role not filled there is the spellcaster, which you're trying to avoid :smalltongue:

2016-03-29, 02:39 PM
You don't want new options for Ranger? :smallconfused:

I do not, for completely different reasons than the Cleric and Wizard. I guess I sort of interpreted the question as "who do you want more sub-classes for" and I'd rather abandon the current Ranger base class.

2016-03-29, 03:10 PM
I do not, for completely different reasons than the Cleric and Wizard. I guess I sort of interpreted the question as "who do you want more sub-classes for" and I'd rather abandon the current Ranger base class.

You see, I put the ranger as 'needs more options', as I like the current Ranger enough that my current character is a Ranger (Ranger/Rogue at level 5). Would I prefer a different ranger? Yes, when I envisioned the character she specifically took advantage of terrain, and it would be nice to have more mechanical support for that than a couple of abilities and +7 acrobatics (rolling gave me 20 DEX). I'd love to see the ranger get more options, especially the Hunter (my level 3 ability really doesn't scale well, although it is nice and consistent) and additional subclasses.

2016-03-29, 07:55 PM
First time i wrote in every box. Lets hope they read the feedback as much as its said they do.

2016-03-29, 09:49 PM
First time i wrote in every box. Lets hope they read the feedback as much as its said they do.

I was very vocal that whatever they add they need to avoid power creep. Nothing they make new should be just flat out better than what already exists.

2016-03-29, 09:57 PM
If they do new subclasses, I think that only wizards, paladins, and clerics don't need anything new. I could see the rogue with a thug archetype, the ranger needs some love, maybe a healer type, I'm not sure what a fighter needs, but I could do with a finalized caviler. Sorcerer needs Favored soul and Shadow archetype finalized. Warlock just needs more. BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS!!!!!
Barbarians could do with something else, Druids I think need it some of the most, and Bards need more (finalized college of satire).
And, of course, more races.

I was very vocal that whatever they add, they need to avoid power creep. Nothing they make new should be just flat out better than what already exists.

Agreed. I'll forgive them for taking forever, as long as whatever they make isn't overpowered.

2016-03-29, 10:04 PM
And, of course, more races.

Yes! I want more weird/monster type races. Playing a pixie or kobold for a brief interlude adventure is great fun. Official support just avoids some arguments at the table.

2016-03-29, 10:04 PM
If they do new subclasses, I think that only wizards, paladins, and clerics don't need anything new. I could see the rogue with a thug archetype, the ranger needs some love, maybe a healer type, I'm not sure what a fighter needs, but I could do with a finalized caviler. Sorcerer needs Favored soul and Shadow archetype finalized. Warlock just needs more. BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS BINDERS!!!!!
Barbarians could do with something else, Druids I think need it some of the most, and Bards need more (finalized college of satire).
And, of course, more races.

Agreed. I'll forgive them for taking forever, as long as whatever they make isn't overpowered.

A fighter subclass that specializes in countering magic attacks and murdering casters could be good.

2016-03-29, 10:19 PM
A fighter subclass that specializes in countering magic attacks and murdering casters could be good.

You mean like the ol' Wizard Slayer of the Baldur's Gate series? ...That would be interesting, I admit, if it isn't as horrid on table as it is in that series.

2016-03-29, 11:25 PM
(which will probably only last another ~40 months, if previous editions are any guide).

gr8 b8 m8.

2016-03-30, 12:52 AM
I would rather not see new classes. Instead, if anything, expand some of the options for existing classes with new paths - but don't go crazy, only add if it is unique but general enough. In this edition I am having more fun using my imagination to play characters build using just the regular PHB stuff.

As regards the mystic, I have always liked psionics but whoa! Self-healing much? There's way too much of that. Other than a self-healing combat monster there's not much to support a different sort of concept. Unless that concept is a rogue who uses psionics to do rogue stuff.

2016-03-30, 05:03 PM
You mean like the ol' Wizard Slayer of the Baldur's Gate series? ...That would be interesting, I admit, if it isn't as horrid on table as it is in that series.

Just off the top of my head, a Battle Master style fighter who had maneuvers that allowed him to have a chance to break magic barriers like walls and webs. Maybe a maneuver where the fighter launches a projectile as a reaction causing things like fireballs to detonate over by the casting wizard. Yeah, limited active anti magic abilities that could be technique instead of mystic mojo. I like the sound of that the more I think about it.

2016-03-30, 05:25 PM
Just off the top of my head, a Battle Master style fighter who had maneuvers that allowed him to have a chance to break magic barriers like walls and webs. Maybe a maneuver where the fighter launches a projectile as a reaction causing things like fireballs to detonate over by the casting wizard. Yeah, limited active anti magic abilities that could be technique instead of mystic mojo. I like the sound of that the more I think about it.

You mean the mage-slayer feat?

I had a lot of comments to the survey, but was running late for work and got bogged down in the psionics questions and just killed it.

I mentioned that more cleric domains and sorcerer bloodlines would be nice. I was also sad that the planned spell expansion for the Storm sorc was cut rather than giving an errata that expanded the spells for the released bloodlines.

Basically, the bloodlines and domains from 3.P should at least be looked at. There's a ton of homebrew that reflect them. Some is pretty good (most, like lots of homebrew is needlessly overpowered or at the very least undertuned).

A warlock take on the Witch would be nice - especially that fairly unique take that Pathfinder had for orc witches using Con as a casting stat... given that it wouldn't alter the saving throws for a warlock, you'd still need to get Resilient (Con) to gain proficiency in your casting stat. A worthy tax, in my estimation.

Ranger needs to be scrapped. It's poorly executed, poorly implemented, poorly received. Yes, when it works (underdark) it works too well. When it doesn't (everywhere else) it's too easy to become irrelevant. Something like the Pathfinder scout archetype, where you could change your favored terrain, or gain a simple boost while fighting a specific enemy (not type, but individual) that was usable 'x' times (Wis mod, perhaps) per 'y' rest (long, would be my default). Grant an animal companion via spell ala Paladin Find Steed (even hunters deserve a wolf...) and drop all the druid healing off the spell lists - seriously, our ranger and druid are competing over who can stuff more goodberries down the rest of our throats. Keep his spells more combat and encampment oriented and less druid-lite.

Psionics are ok as implemented, but I'd rather they were more like the 3.x implementation; but that might also be because with spellpoints, 5e spells are like 3.x psionics... I could get behind this new take I suppose, they just don't feel like psionics to me - more like new feats or even 4e powers.

2016-03-30, 11:11 PM
You mean the mage-slayer feat?

I was actually thinking of not disrupting the spell but causing it to explode next to the casting wizard.

2016-03-31, 01:05 AM
Psionics taking a midpoint between typical martial and magical respources would be nice, like how 4e approached them conceptually.
You have martials with solid, dependable abilities
You have magic with limited amounts of inpressive power
And you have psionics which offer you a dependable output slightly behind martials with the option of boosting that a limited number of times, but less so than fire-and-forget casters

2016-03-31, 09:31 AM
Sweet jebus please just add more Cleric spells.

Clerics don't need more domains, they need more base spells. Thanks to getting precisely no new spells from Elemental Evil OR the SCAG, the Cleric spell list is pathetically small.

2016-03-31, 09:44 AM
Sweet jebus please just add more Cleric spells.

Clerics don't need more domains, they need more base spells. Thanks to getting precisely no new spells from Elemental Evil OR the SCAG, the Cleric spell list is pathetically small.

I like small divine spell lists. It gets ever more complicated when you can change up your spells every day for everything on the list when you keep expanding that list.

Casters already have the most options. I'd much rather see expansion on non casting classes. Or expand on them in other ways than just adding more spell bloat.

Ace Jackson
2016-03-31, 09:56 AM
Sweet jebus please just add more Cleric spells.

Clerics don't need more domains, they need more base spells. Thanks to getting precisely no new spells from Elemental Evil OR the SCAG, the Cleric spell list is pathetically small.

Not that I would mind a larger list, and I might be a bit biased as I've been playing a light domain cleric and don't feel too constrained on flavor mechanically*. But all I'd really be looking for is a second attack cantrip, something with an attack roll to just slightly sweeten the pot for potent spell casting. Truthfully, the clerics are still pretty potent and well rounded IMO.

*I acknowledge that most of the attack spells I can think of off the top of my head deal fire and radiant damage, which works for me, but I admit to not being familiar with the other options and what does or doesn't fit as well. Still, healing, buff, and debuff seem well rounded on the list, and to an extent, apply to each of the domains equally as well. Ideal, not necessarily, but not necessarily terrible either. I'm not familiar enough with the other domains to say anything more for certain.

2016-03-31, 10:39 AM
Not that I would mind a larger list, and I might be a bit biased as I've been playing a light domain cleric and don't feel too constrained on flavor mechanically*. But all I'd really be looking for is a second attack cantrip, something with an attack roll to just slightly sweeten the pot for potent spell casting. Truthfully, the clerics are still pretty potent and well rounded IMO.

*I acknowledge that most of the attack spells I can think of off the top of my head deal fire and radiant damage, which works for me, but I admit to not being familiar with the other options and what does or doesn't fit as well. Still, healing, buff, and debuff seem well rounded on the list, and to an extent, apply to each of the domains equally as well. Ideal, not necessarily, but not necessarily terrible either. I'm not familiar enough with the other domains to say anything more for certain.

I'd be happy with a Guiding Bolt type cantrip - heck, just reduce GB to 1d8 with the single advantage attack on the target... GB is a nice chunk of damage at 1st, but really only comes online at higher levels when you've got spare level 1 slots to burn; at least in my experience.

@RulesJD - I'm inclined to agree with DireSickFish, and as such, expanding the cleric spell list through domains is a better plan - it doesn't let every cleric get any new spells that come along, but makes it a choice. 'Do I go Light for Fireball, or do I go Arctic for Cone of Cold?' For instance.

2016-03-31, 01:29 PM
I'd be happy with a Guiding Bolt type cantrip - heck, just reduce GB to 1d8 with the single advantage attack on the target... GB is a nice chunk of damage at 1st, but really only comes online at higher levels when you've got spare level 1 slots to burn; at least in my experience.

@RulesJD - I'm inclined to agree with DireSickFish, and as such, expanding the cleric spell list through domains is a better plan - it doesn't let every cleric get any new spells that come along, but makes it a choice. 'Do I go Light for Fireball, or do I go Arctic for Cone of Cold?' For instance.

I'm mostly just sorely disappointed that a full caster class's 5th level and above spell list is so pathetically tiny. Domain lists only cover you up to so many levels, beyond which the Cleric spells are horrible. Their early spells are fantastic (Spiritual Weapon, Spirit Guardians, Bless, the restorations/healing spells, etc), but the only ones worth a crap later on are the healing spells and that's it.