View Full Version : LLaS: Shadowrun 5E IC

2016-03-29, 08:57 PM
You each get a message, the source and method of delivery all vary but the contents are the same. "Heard you were looking for work, omae. I've got something that should be about your speed." And that's how the six of you all ended up outside this trendy little store for prepackaged teenage rebellion in the Seattle sprawl on a grey Thursday afternoon.

You were all warned that you would have to work with a team of strangers but each of your contacts assured you that they would be up to the job and that all skill sets were necessary. Here to meet with your Mr. Johnson, all you know is that he's offering creds and he'll be wearing a gold watch.

Leaving the pleasantry for later and walking inside you spot him almost immediately, since the store is all but empty at this hour. He's wearing a gold watch alright, and somehow it manages to match with his huge, neon green liberty spikes and ridiculous aviator shades. The rest of his outfit is no less insane, retro buttons and leather abound, like the guy thinks it's the centennial anniversary of punk rock or something. He looks everybody up and down for a moment before glancing past you to a rack with leather jeans hanging on it. "Ah! Score!" he says grabbing a pair. He smirks holding them up in front of a mirror before turning back to the group. In a low voice he lays out the deal, "Job's like this: a certain individual needs a thing from the Renraku Components Group down Burien way, near the airport. Looks like this." He pulls a seamless chromed canister about the size of an 8 oz soda can from his inside jacket pocket and tosses it to Vincent. "You need to get in, take the real one, and leave that one behind. Then you need to split. Before you ask, your side's a piece of cake. I'm budgeted for thirty grand total. You do the job, in, out, cash is yours. We good?"

2016-03-29, 11:15 PM
A crappy store front. Could this John pick a more cliche location. The man started to speak. Vincent was only half listening as he thought to himself that this john looked like a ganger then a "Mr. Johnson"

5 grand for a package swap? Vincent looked over who he already started calling spikes in his head.

He reached into his jacket pocket grabbing his Chem-Sticks. What's the catch spikes? He struck the cigarette on his boot causing that oh so familiar smell of the instant light chemicals.

2016-03-30, 12:33 AM
Adjusting her biking helmet under her arm, Sayuri raises an eyebrow at Mr. Johnson, staring at the fake device in Vincent's hand. She narrows her eyes at him and grins. "Job's not a job unless we get more info than that. What sort of security are they packing, and where would our target be?"

2016-03-30, 12:59 AM
Sarvin approached the shop they were designated to meet at clad in a dark brown armored longcoat, a pair of good jeans and a red collared shirt. The Technomancer looked over the rest of the strangers at the meeting while he listened to Mr. Johnson speak about the job, one eyebrow raised curiously. The other half of his attention was devoted to looking up the rest of the group's Matrix info. He wasn't doing any heavy digging yet, mostly just seeing how their PANs and Icons looked, seeing if any of them struck him as even a little bit famous in the shadows.

"What's our timetable for this run?" Sarv looked over the container curiously and did what he could to memorize it, taking out out his commlink and taking a quick series of pictures of it while being discreet as he could be in the shop as if he was surfing the Matrix.

I'm going to roll just in case its possible, but rolling a Knowledge skill; Shadow Community, specifically the News to see if he would have any idea who any of the group are.

2016-03-30, 01:22 AM
Virginia walks in and tries to be as casual as possible. Given the address, she dressed to fit in with the stores clientele . Being relatively new to the shadows, she tries to keep her mouth shut and eyes open.

2016-03-30, 06:57 AM
Karen raised an eyebrow at the choice of location - was this guy serious, she thought to herself. Whatever, though. If he had the nuyen, she'd meet at places way tackier than this for a job. She walked across the road to the store, her urban-camo coloured armour jacket suddenly finding itself a piece of chic fashion rather than a necessary eyesore or simply too attention grabbing to wear, like it was at most meets with a Johnson.

She saw some of the other runners - a few elves, a few humans. She spoke up after the wannabe-punk was done.

"Gonna need more info than that, chummer. Known way to many good runners who got killed running so-called milk runs 'cause their Johnsons didn't tell them enough. 'Cause, omae, if it were that easy you'd save the thirty grand and do it yourself, or hire some street gang for a tenth of that."

2016-03-30, 03:21 PM
One of the store clerks calls out to Vincent, clearly annoyed, "Hey, this isn't some bar, chummer, you can't smoke in here."

Mr. Johnson rolls his eyes, "Catch is they don't know you're coming, you dig? Your package is in the Renraku wing of the Slater building, anything more specific is your deal. But it's not like I'm asking you to screw with their main compound. Look the reason I need runners is because gangers don't know how to keep their mouths shut and their guns holstered and I was under the impression that I wouldn't need to hold your hands through the job. You've got a couple of weeks to get the goods, wiz?"

2016-03-30, 03:32 PM
I didn't notice a sign, besides can't you see I'm talkin' business here? Vincent took a rather large drag off his Chem-Sticks and blew a kiss and the smoke towards the clerk before he put it out.

2016-03-30, 05:51 PM
Sarvin nods his head towards Johnson as he puts his commlink away in his pocket. "All right then, couple of weeks sounds good." He looks over to the rest of his group. "Think that'll be all we need yea? We've got more than enough time to figure things out on our own and I don't suggest standing around here huddled around something any longer, especially if we're starting to annoy our gracious host here." He looks between the clerk and Johnson before shooting a quick look at Vincent.

2016-03-30, 07:17 PM
Charlie nods and leans forward. "Just so we're clear, Mr. Johnson, we have a 'couple of weeks' to make the exchange, at the end of which we take 30 grand." He adjusts his mirrored sunglasses, giving them a quick wipe with a cloth pulled from his leather jacket. "Are there any other things we need to know about? You said 'guns holstered'. Do you require no fatalities, or just want us to keep things subtle?"

2016-03-30, 07:39 PM
The clerk scoffs and flips Vincent the bird before walking away.

Adjusting his glasses Mr. Johnson says, "The less I know about your plans and your methods the better it is for all of us, but like I said, I'm hiring runners, not gangers."

2016-03-31, 09:51 AM
"You got it, Mr. Johnson." Charlie turns to the other runners. "Anyone have a meeting place in mind? I could think of a few places."

2016-03-31, 12:44 PM
I got a 2nd place just for running, If you want I can shoot you the adresses

2016-03-31, 02:30 PM
Sarvin nods his head towards Vincent. "Unless anyone has any objections or a better spot think we need to head there and have a chat, going to bum a ride if I can." While he was waiting for a reply from the rest of the group he opened up a Matrix search over one of his eyes and keyed in the street so he could get a view without just flagrantly putting in the exact spot they were looking for.

Matrix Search [roll0]

2016-03-31, 02:45 PM
The clerk scoffs and flips Vincent the bird before walking away.

Adjusting his glasses Mr. Johnson says, "The less I know about your plans and your methods the better it is for all of us, but like I said, I'm hiring runners, not gangers."

Virginia comes up to the Johnson and picks up the leg of the leather pants he is admiring. Nice pants, you should really get them, they suit you. How do we reach you when the job is done?

Con to influence the J to buy the pants [roll0]

Palming to put a Sensor RFID in the pantleg of the pants [roll1]

2016-03-31, 03:14 PM
Vincent rolls his eyes at Virginia. Women, always flirting to get their way...

Looking at Sarvin, Vincent quickly checked him out, out of Reflex more then anything else.

I just brought my bike, so I'm of no use to you today. Unless of corse you don't mind riding b****...

2016-03-31, 08:13 PM
Sayuri shrugs at Sarvin, cracking her neck and stretching out a little, her fingerless gloved hands brushing her hair back. "I've only got my bike, but she's fast enough that I can carry you along if you need the ride. Just keep your hands to yourself and I won't toss you off, yeah?"

2016-03-31, 10:15 PM
Sarvin's search brings up not a street but a neighborhood in southwest Seattle. Mostly residential but it's got a corporate annex, most prominent listing is the Slater Building which houses four companies: Callfriendly Services, Medco Diagnostics, Mandy Staffing, and Renraku Components.

Johnson smiles in a sleasy attempt to hit on Virginia, "You really think so? Maybe you should help me try them on." Seeing her obvious disinterest he shrugs at her question, "Have your people reach out to my people, I don't want anybody connecting the dots." Taking the jeans over to the counter Johnson has them rung up and then heads out the door. The staff begin to steal irritated glares at the group.

2016-03-31, 11:03 PM
Sarvin saves the location to his commlink so he can easily look it up when he was on the road, along with the names of the corporate holdings in the area. "Appreciate the offer you two, think we've outstayed our welcome though. Let's get the address from our new friend here and meet up there. If no one has a car I'll ride behind you, otherwise it'll be easier to work on the road from a car." He nods his head over towards Sayuri. He at least knew somewhat more about Thunder Hand there than Vincent, she probably wouldn't get him killed on the way.

2016-03-31, 11:28 PM
Your call, I don't bite too hard unless your into that sort of thing. As for our hosts, we should leave before I get the idea to go loud...

Vincent turned on the WiFi for his Commlink, broadcasting his identity as William Otep.

Ping me and I'll send the adress your way once I confirm its you.

2016-04-01, 02:39 PM
Virginia eyes the line of Rapiers parked out front....We should form a frackin Go Gang....she thinks to herself.

Virginia turns on her dummy comm and pings Otep.

Ashley Tinsdale has joined the chat.

Hey Otep, it's me, Virginia sent via text.

2016-04-01, 03:23 PM
Alright, got you and sent... anyone else care to join the party at my place? Just no ta-kill-ya unless you want a show...

Vincent sent the adress to the tattooed lady with a note: "it's hard to find, shoot me a line if you have difficulties finding it"

2016-04-01, 07:27 PM
Sarvin had his commlink send Vincent a ping, not taking the commlink out of his pocket while he did so. Since it seemed like he was going to be here for at least a few seconds longer he opened up another Matrix Search window and went to see if any of the residential areas around the Renraku complex were up for sale or for rent, or better yet just plain old abandoned.


2016-04-01, 07:39 PM
"Yeah, hop on then."Nodding back at Sarvin, Sayuri slips her helmet onto her head and flicks through her commlink to send a message to Vincent.

Sayuri Aizawa has joined the chat.
Hey Vincent, it's me. Send the address?

2016-04-01, 08:24 PM
Alright, I got you two...

Vincent copy/pasted the same message to the two of them. He casually glanced towards Charley,

You joining the party bub?

Vincent stepped outside and stood next to his Harley-Davidson Scorpion. Hello gorgeous, did you miss me? He kissed his fingertips and lightly touched the fuel tank.

He reached for his Chem-Sticks again and struck another one on the sole of his boot. He loved his smokes almost as much a he loved his babies (drones/rides). He took another deep drag and felt the suductive smoke flow past his lips.

He closed his eyes and tried to enjoy the moment. That brief moment before a job when everything seemed simple.

It never was.

2016-04-01, 08:52 PM
Sarvin nodded his head towards Sayuri as he followed after her. Continuing to multitask while working he started saving all of the information to his commlink that the group gave. "Thanks chummer, I'll see what else I can find out about this on the road."

2016-04-02, 07:06 AM
I got a 2nd place just for running, If you want I can shoot you the adresses

"Mind sending it to me, chummer?" Karen said, as she walked outside.

2016-04-02, 01:27 PM
Vincent nods towards Karen and sent her the message as well

2016-04-02, 03:11 PM
Charlie nods to Vincent. "I'll take one for the meeting too."

2016-04-02, 03:16 PM
Vincent smiles slightly as he sends the last message to charley. It dawned upon him this is the most people he's had at his place since he moved to seattle. And women? Strange times indeed...

Alright, that should be the last of you. Any questions before we get goin?

2016-04-02, 03:37 PM
A garbage truck goes roaring by in the street and the stink trailing behind it wafts over to the parkinglot.

Overhead the clouds have begun to darken. Looks like it could rain.

2016-04-03, 09:32 PM
Vincent started to straddle his Scorpion as he began to speak.

Well, I'll see you at my place.

He arrived at his Runner's Pad as he affectionately called it. More of a converted automotive garage then a home. It was located in a mostly industrial area with cars coming and going, a private security company patrolling the surrounding area. Vincent loved it.

He pulled up to the side entrance and stopped his bike. The door stuck slightly so he forced it open with his shoulder.

The lights kicked on, the faint hum of the industrial lighting braking the other wise silent setting. His small loft was located where he assumed was the office originally. The mostly empty 6 car garage was stripped out by the previous tenant and Vincent hadn't gotten around to filling it yet.

His van sat in the far corner under a canvas tarp, his drones lined up next to it. Bolted to the floor was a small arms rack where he kept the AK he strapped to his combat drones.

On the small table, was spread out several boxes of ammunition, a cup from this morning with the remaining ice cold liquid from his soy-caff. The room smelled like burnt soy-caff, gun oil and grease, just the way he liked it.

He looked around the room and made a note in his Commlink, get the facility equipment for his drones and Rides with this coming paycheck.

2016-04-04, 05:58 AM
Karen makes her way to the runner pad in a more circumspect fashion, taking dingy public transport and walking.

2016-04-04, 10:34 AM
Hopping onto her Mirage, Sayuri waits for Sarvin to get on behind her, then speeds off toward the given coordinates. Upon her arrival, she heads in, locking up her bike after her. She sniffs at the air and grins. "Nice place you got here."

She leans up against the wall, brushing her hair out of her face. "So, planning time. First I wanna know what we can do and how well we can do it. I can handle astral business as a mage and also hit people with a few spells. I've also got a couple of detection spells and some jamming and scanning equipment."

2016-04-04, 02:16 PM
I'm a rigger, plane and simple. I got this place, those drones over there, a few AKs in the rack and the party van.

2016-04-04, 10:30 PM
Sarvin followed after Sayrui and he didn't try and pull anything as he rode on the motorcycle with her. His attention was definitely not on the woman or the bike as he continued his search on the Matrix for a possible place the crew could operate from , or at the very least conduct surveillance from of the target.

Once they were at Vincent's place he gave a quick once over of the surroundings, noting any objects that were accessible through the Matrix before taking a seat at the table and leaning back before speaking. "I'd suggest we wait for the rest of the crew to arrive before we get into the nitty gritty about what we're able to do, but for a generalization until then? The Matrix is my playground, I'll find us the information we need, get us access to their systems, and wreck havoc on their Spiders and razorkiddies if we get into a firefight. Speaking of." Without pulling the commlink from out of his pocket he sent the group that was assembled in the house pictures of the target complex taken from the street view he had looked up earlier, along with the listings of the store front that was for rent along with a handful of studio apartments.

2016-04-04, 10:59 PM
Virginia hopped on her white Rapier and took off in the opposite direction, shifting in and out of traffic to see if she picked up any noticeable tails. When she is confident that nobody is following, she makes her way towards Otep's pad.

On the road, she listens in to her planted tag to see if she learns anything.

Virginia brings her bike inside the garage.

Spartan, but serviceable Virginia thinks.

Nice place Otep, or is William more preferable?

Noticing the coffee cup.

Is there a place to get a decent cup of soy around here?

As far as skills and capabilities, I am pretty good at getting in and out of places I am not supposed to be and opening things that aren't supposed to be opened.

2016-04-05, 01:27 PM
I got all the fixin's for a cup of soy in the kitchenette over there. Call me whatever you wish, it's just an alias like I'm assuming all of the names you've given are.

I just arrived a few weeks ago so I haven't had the time nor cash to bring this place up to my standards...

Vincent smiled slightly as he started to pull off Armored Jacket and placed it on the back of his chair at the table.

2016-04-05, 01:47 PM
Charlie makes himself comfortable next to the rest of the team. "Charlie the PhysAd. I do a bit of shooting, a bit of sneaking, and a bit of driving, but if at all possible I'd rather keep to the talking. Bullet scars wouldn't look that great on my face, you know? I'm probably best off doing some information gathering pre-run and running interference during the run. Just don't ask me to do anything doctor-y, we'll all regret that."

2016-04-05, 11:26 PM
Otep it is then

Virginia lowered her glasses to look at the kitchenette. Her ****ty apartment was probably smaller than Otep's Van, her "kitchen" was a hot plate on top of a microfridge that doubled as a coffee table for her futon. She washed her dishes in her bathroom sink. Seeing a real kitchen brought her a pang of home, and the old life. Virginia goes in to make a pot of soykaf.

Anybody else want a cup?

2016-04-07, 08:37 AM
"I punch things, sometimes they get back up sometimes they don't. I also deal in kicks, elbows, knees and various other means of colliding bits of myself into others at high speed." Karen said, shrugging. She was a simple woman - she had her thing, and she did it well. Now, all she wanted was for the other 'runners to do their thing.

2016-04-07, 04:49 PM
A few minutes after Virginia makes up the soykaf somebody starts pounding on one of the garage doors, "Ay, Billy-boy! I know you're in there! I can smell the fresh soykaf. Open up man!" The banging intensifies until it sounds like someone is trying to break the door down with a battering ram.

2016-04-07, 05:13 PM
Who the hell is trying to bust down my door!

Vincent grabbed his Ingram and placed it against the door as he cracked it open leaving the security chain attached.

2016-04-07, 05:45 PM
A lanky teenager in a gray trenchcoat flips his collar up against the rain as he squints into the crack in the door, "C'mon Billy, open up. I got something you're gonna wanna hear."

2016-04-07, 07:13 PM
Sarvin looked over to the garage door with a raised eyebrow, half of his attention devoted to the Matrix as he went to see how long the properties had been up for.

2016-04-07, 07:15 PM
Your a dog brain kid, get in here. Keep it quick I got.... associates here.

Vincent closed the door and undid the security chain. He peered around to make sure no one was following the kid.

2016-04-07, 10:22 PM
The listing have been up for varying lengths of time, anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.

The kid glances around at the gathered runners, "Whoa man, when did you start hangin' with a crew?" seeing the look on Vincent's face he squares up and talks fast and low. "Kay, so check it out. I was hangin' down at Reno's, you know the bar, when I overheard a little something something. Deal is this guy Feldman, he's got a package for Reno, but when he went to pick it up he got cross ways of the Kickers, that razorgang that runs that crummy little patch of sprawl a few blocks south of here. Anyway, Feldman, he's holed up in some crappy apartment building too scared to walk the streets and the Kickers are hunting for him, so Reno needs guys like yesterday. And I thought of my boy! Whatcha think man? This Reno's the kinda guy you want owin' you a favor and you know if you cut me alittle taste of the pie for puttin' you on it... well." The kid shrugs and grins from ear to ear.

2016-04-07, 10:44 PM
Vincent turns to the rest of the group.

So, first off: he's a good kid, just a knucklehead... secondly, feel like goin on a road trip?

Vincent looked back at kid.

So, what does our friend in need do? Depending on his connections, he may be of use to me or my associates.

2016-04-07, 10:58 PM
Chugger laughs, "He's Reno, man! That dwarf's god damn immortal, been around forever. Best fixer in the whole sprawl. You got a need he'll have the contacts." glancing over Vincent's shoulder Chugger runs a hand through his damp hair, "So uhh, how about that soykaf?"

2016-04-07, 11:26 PM
Sayuri raises an eyebrow at the mention of the Kickers, smirking slightly, and has to suppress her giggles as Chugger finishes his tale. She presses her lips together with a grin and chuckles. "Hehehe... The Kickers? Psh, I could probably walk up to them and wink, and they'd all go scurrying away to wherever they came from."

"Listen kid, if Reno can hook us up with some no questions asked info and intel, I'll go kick the drek out of the guys bothering him. And replacement ammo would be appreciated. Y'know, just in case we need to make a sharp statement."

2016-04-08, 12:01 AM
One cup, last time you drank the whole pot!

2016-04-08, 12:39 AM
Virginia is busy fixing the soykaf

Soykaf is almost ready, can you believe back in the UCAS, I spent some time as a barrista?

Given the playful nature of Raven, Virginia is also switching the salt and sugar.

2016-04-08, 08:38 AM
Sarvin finally turns his attention fully on the new boy when he started talking and evidently had something actually worth listening to. "Don't know about the rest of you, but having this man owing us a favor is probably a good idea. If they're as much of a push over as our friend here says," He motions over to Sayuri. "Then it should help us out in the long run with what we want to do."

2016-04-08, 11:09 AM
I'm not a fan of the straight up old ultra-violence, it's messy and things go sideways quick. Being new in town though, having a a fixer owe me a favor sounds like a move in the right direction, count me in

2016-04-08, 05:26 PM
Chugger grins "Wiz!" and scurries over to get a cup of soykaf. Wandering back over to the group Chugger leans up against the wall. "Hey lady, I don't know you, but the Kickers scare the crap out of me. Most of them are wired out the ass, so if you ask me I would try and avoid 'sharp statements'." He takes a big gulp of soykaf and immediately spits it out all over the floor. "UGH! Damn Billy, what the hell is wrong with your soykaf?!"

The Kickers are a very small time gang but small time gangs only make it by either selling out to a bigger one or by being scrappy as hell. The Kickers tend towards the latter. There are seven of them total. They are all augmented to some degree and one of them has the barest glimmer of magical talent.

2016-04-08, 07:13 PM
Virginia takes a sip of kaf to conceal her smile

Used to be a barrista

2016-04-09, 12:04 AM
I didn't make this one chugger. You know how I made it...

So, any other voices wish to be heard? Speak now or forever hold your peace. He mockingly moved his hand into the form of a cross.

2016-04-09, 02:06 PM
Charlie shakes his head, happy with what he's seen so far. If all goes well, he won't even need to draw his gun to get paid. Of course, the odds of everything going well in a run...he shrugged, feeling the comforting weight of his guns under his Actioneer suit.

2016-04-09, 05:50 PM
Sarvin turned half of his attention back towards the Matrix as he leaned back in his chair. "I'm going to see what I can dig up on our new friends." He opened up another Matrix Search as he looked for information regarding the Kickers, Lone Star reports, anything really.

Matrix Search (Log(5) + Comp(6)=11) [roll0]

2016-04-11, 09:12 AM
"Look, there's seven of them. I don't care how wired up they are, they won't stand a chance against me." Sayuri flicks her ear tip and taps the bright green inlay on her jacket, clearly referencing her Ancients background. She leans back and grins, nodding to Virginia. "Besides, some intimidation would probably work fine. After all, bullets and blades hurt."

2016-04-11, 09:53 AM
Chugger grins "Wiz!" and scurries over to get a cup of soykaf. Wandering back over to the group Chugger leans up against the wall. "Hey lady, I don't know you, but the Kickers scare the crap out of me. Most of them are wired out the ass, so if you ask me I would try and avoid 'sharp statements'." He takes a big gulp of soykaf and immediately spits it out all over the floor. "UGH! Damn Billy, what the hell is wrong with your soykaf?!"

"Kid, a stiff breeze could break you in two. You think scaring you is impressive?" Karen said, whilst laughing to herself.

2016-04-11, 01:43 PM
Sarvin chuckled softly hearing Karen's comment, before speaking up. "Matrix only came up with six members by the way. The most interesting ones are a mage that got dinged for some reckless use of magic, doesn't say the specifics sadly. Other note worthy are a set of triplets that have as much bodywork as the rest of them. Could use that as a decent angle. All of them have a decently lengthy rap sheet, I'm sure not as long as yours Thunder Hand, unlawful firearm charges, protection rackets, drug charges, a few violent offenses. None of the cases really seem connected though, and no association with any of the heavy hitters that we know about. No mysteriously dropped charges either, so safe to assume that their influence only extends to the two block area near here. Kid, you know who they're running the protection racket on?" He turned his attention towards Chugger, looking at him closely.

2016-04-11, 09:23 PM
Chugger frowns at Karen "I didn't come here to get ragged on by no trog. I'm out man!" he says tossing his remaining soykaf in the garbage and heading for the door. "Don't you go dying on me, Billy." he calls over his shoulder.

2016-04-11, 10:21 PM
Chugger! Thank you for the tip. Vincent called out as he started heading out the door

2016-04-14, 12:30 PM
"Yeah, sure," the teen calls over his shoulder as he steps out into the pouring rain. The door bangs shut behind him as a bolt of lightning flashes and a few seconds later a distant rumble of thunder rolls over the garage.

2016-04-15, 05:58 PM
Staring out of the window, Sayuri groans. "Ugh... it's raining again. That'll be annoying." She stretches out on one of the chairs with a sigh and pulls out her commlink. "Gimme a sec..."

She flicks through her contact list and calls Green Lucifer, one of her contacts in the Ancients. "Hey man! It's Sayuri here. You ever hear of a small time street gang called the Kickers? I've gotta go intimidate them away so I can get some info and stuff for another job I've got."

2016-04-15, 06:07 PM
Rain is good cover, keeps the lookie lou's in and helps get in close

2016-04-15, 06:14 PM
Green Lucifer kicks back almost immediately Hah, you're talking real small time babe, but yeah, I know who you mean. They think they're hard with there cute little augs. As long as you don't flinch when they pop those toys out they'll tuck and run extra quick. Just don't make it a habit, Viridian may take it wrong, you being on leave and tangling with gangs. She might think you're looking to start some competition.

2016-04-16, 11:10 AM
"Gotcha. Don't worry, this is a one-time thing. I just need to get these guys off of a fixer so I can get a favor from him. I'll get back to you once the job finishes. Should make for an interesting story." Sayuri grins and closes the call, slipping her comm back into her pocket.

She mock frowns at Virginia, pouting a little. "Yeah, but then I'll get wet. And so will my bike." She winks and shrugs. "You have a point though. We could just head out right now if everyone is ready."

2016-04-16, 12:41 PM
"Don't think I really have anything else I can look up without wasting some more time. Think we have all the info we can get for it."

2016-04-16, 03:40 PM
Well, while you guys colaborate the information, I'll load the party bus.

Vincent started to head over to his drones, loading them into the van and mounting the weapons systems onto each mount.

2016-04-17, 08:49 AM
And what a party it will be. If you can pull up a layout of the streets and building, that would be great, Savin. Also, keep an eye on the security traffic, don't want any red and blue party crashers.

2016-04-17, 11:44 AM
Well, all of my AKs are loaded with armor piercing ammo if Seattle's Finest decide to crash the party.

Question, know any good ghouls around here? I'd be willing to bet they would pay a fair amount of yen for our augmented friends...

2016-04-18, 09:42 PM
It's not a bad idea, maybe this fixer we are going to rescue would know of a helpful chopshop that doesn't mind second hand 'ware, no questions asked. Of course, a real good fixer might know some REAL ghouls that would mind some second hand meat, no questions asked

I will follow the battle wagon on my bike, look for a means of entry not so obvious.

2016-04-21, 10:12 PM
Having finished loading a rather impressive array of fire power into the van, Vincent hops in the driver's seat and calls the beast to life with a roar. Virginia ducks outside to hop on her bike as the rest of the runners pile into the party wagon. Sayuri slides across the hood to take shotgun and the suspension protests mildly as Karen climbs in the back. With the click of a button the garage door clatters open and the van flies out onto the rain drenched streets of Seattle.

Zipping down the road towards Kicker territory, the ride is quick and uneventful. Rounding a corner Sayuri spots through the rain a bit of graffiti. A golden stylized K inside a green triangle. The sign for the Kickers. Down at the end of the street a ferry from Everett has just docked and the street is full of milling wage slaves on their way home from their workaday jobs.

The scene is that of an average run down portion of the Seattle sprawl. The rain makes it dark enough that the occasional dim street lamp that isn't broken or burned out lights the sidewalks. Dark dirty alley ways line the sides of the streets, but the rain seems to have driven the usual packs of loitering teens and miscreants indoors.

2016-04-21, 11:01 PM
Vincent smiled a wicked smile as he held his Chem stick between his teeth.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for riding in the hot lead taxi. You better check your iron and count them bullets because it's show time. He flicked the smoke out the driver's window.

He pulled off to the side of the road and pulled out his briefcase sized RCC. The top of it had a the words "Time to go LOUD" stenciled in with red spray paint.

He started up the console and grabbed the USB plug from the base of his skull and plugged himself into his second home.

Drone Village as he called it.

2016-04-21, 11:16 PM
Virginia parks the bike in an alley with a fast getaway in mind.

I'm going to scout the perimeter and see what's up. ---sent via text

She ducks into some shadows and just seems to vanish.

Casting Improved Invisiblity Force: 4
Sorcery: [roll0]
Resist Drain (3):[roll1]

Sneak Roll: [roll2]

From there I will sneak about and check for activity outside and any entry points (obvious and not so obvious).

2016-04-23, 05:55 PM
There are a couple of small apartment buildings lining the street leading down to the dock. Also on the road is a boarded up hardware store, a rundown grocery store, and seven tricked out bikes, all marked with Kickers insignia .

Movement on the stoop of one of the buildings reveals the presence of a slim girl in a long trench coat. She has a shaved head that shows off bright green nano-tats. The identical individuals, razorguys, come out of the door and shake their heads. The skinny kid points down the road and slouched back into the shadows.

2016-04-24, 06:59 AM
7 Kickrs, 7 bikes, rest clr, 1 wht fem w/ grn nanotats poss ldr???---sent via txt

Virginia is going to keep an eye on the skinny girl, while continuing to report the actions of the others.

2016-04-24, 01:36 PM
Roger, Deploying Raven1, eyes in the sky momentarily.
Sent via text

Vincent started his normal programs, initializing his steel Lynx combat drones and jumping into Raven1 as an over watch position.

2016-04-28, 02:25 PM
Sayuri steps out of the van, hands in her pockets with a very deliberately relaxed posture. She mutters into her subvocal mic, "If intimidation doesn't work, I'm gonna need you to provide fire support very soon after. Preferably nonlethal. Killing people is rather permanent."

With this, she slips a stick of gum into her mouth and starts walking forward, her jacket shielding her against the rain.

She'll be slowly making her way forward non-threateningly.

2016-04-30, 07:02 AM
Sarvin exited the vehicle with Sayuri. "I'll go with you then Thunder Hands. Better that you don't show up on your own for this, even with your reputation. Besides, it is easier to mess with their gear if I can see what their weakest entry point is if things come to a firefight. I'll shut up and let you do the talking to them." He nodded his head towards her and followed in her footsteps, mimicking her posture at the very least to appear non-threatening.

2016-04-30, 10:42 PM
The trio stalks down the road through the rain towards the next building. Vincent's drone tracks them from the sky, also keeping tabs on the girl. Virginia notices that what at first appeared to be the girl scratching her head is actually her speaking into a comlink tucked into her sleeve. Sayuri and Sarvin reach the foot of the stoop just as the three wired up thugs reach the door of the building. Karen gets out of the van and leans against the corner of the alley, keeping an eye on things but aware that her heritage could make things go sideways in a hurry.

2016-04-30, 11:14 PM
LDr is on her cell, bet she not sexting her input, can splice n trace??? ---sent via text

Virginia readies her taser, and puts herself btwn the girl and the most likely escape route