View Full Version : Optimization A sword and board build help

Sir cryosin
2016-03-30, 09:07 AM
The party as no frontliners other then the life cleric who only thinks about keeping him self alive and helping us so he say. Me AT was going heavy on pickpocketing but it seams the party don't like my character even tho he hasn't done anything yet. A moon elf noble wizard that hit and crit on me for nothing dropping me to half hp just because I was trying to haggal. A Valor bard. And a homebrewed class kind of like a warlock sorcerer thing I don't know to much about it. So I have played a few front liners but never a s&b melee character. So I I'm looking to do the most damage and have the highest AC I can get as s&b.

Lord Il Palazzo
2016-03-30, 09:20 AM
For highest AC and highest damage, my pick would be Paladin. Heavy armor and a shield give you some of the best AC you can get (barring temporary increases like the Shield spell, though you could throw Shield of Faith on for even more AC if you want it) and Divine Smite gives you really good damage output (in bursts, but still). Either Defense or Dueling fighting style (depending on if you want the AC or damage) would both work well for this, and if you take your first level in Fighter, you could get both, plus Constitution save proficiencies (for your concentration spells) and Second Wind for a little extra self-heal on top of Lay on Hands.

2016-03-30, 09:49 AM
So I'm looking to do the most damage and have the highest AC I can get as s&b.

What level are you?

In any case, I agree that a Paladin might be best. With plate and a shield and the Defense fighting style, you can get a 21AC without any magic items at all.

Maybe grab a level or two of Sorcerer to pick up the Shield spell, which would give you a 26AC on a reaction. And if I'm not mistaken, it stacks with Shield of Faith, which would get you a total of 28AC on a reaction.

For pure damage, go Oath of Vengeance. Though any of the Oaths will do respectable damage. For a more tanky character, Oath of the Ancients at 7th level is really strong against casters.

2016-03-30, 10:07 AM
A party member attacked you for trying to haggle over the price of something? Jeeze it sounds like you have bigger problems to deal with. Like out of character problems with the other players.

Lord Il Palazzo
2016-03-30, 10:22 AM
What level are you?

In any case, I agree that a Paladin might be best. With plate and a shield and the Defense fighting style, you can get a 21AC without any magic items at all.

Maybe grab a level or two of Sorcerer to pick up the Shield spell, which would give you a 26AC on a reaction. And if I'm not mistaken, it stacks with Shield of Faith, which would get you a total of 28AC on a reaction.

For pure damage, go Oath of Vengeance. Though any of the Oaths will do respectable damage. For a more tanky character, Oath of the Ancients at 7th level is really strong against casters.
Definitely Vengeance if you want damage (and you're probably tanky enough with 20-21 AC that the damage is where you'll want the boost.) Getting Hunter's Mark as a bonus spell gives you an easy +1d6 bonus over a long duration and Vow of Enmity (for advantage on attack rolls) gives you a better chance of critting and thus getting a multiplier on your Smite damage.

Also, I believe Shield and Shield of Faith would stack and would stack with your physical shield as well.

2016-03-30, 10:30 AM
I don't know about starting level. But I posted a fighter/ranger/paladin idea with up to 29AC and over 75DPR. Working from level 8. Might take a look at it

Sir cryosin
2016-03-30, 10:32 AM
Sorry sorry we are lv 4 as of lastnight. And the paladin idea could work in this campaign we had a palay die. But later remember that he did make it out of deathhouse because at the time we forgot about half-Orcs can drop to 1 hp if they are not killed out right. So I can say I'm his brother looking for him and to kill the evil that has over come this land.

2016-03-30, 10:35 AM

You're playing this in Curse of Strahd? Yea, Paladin is going to be really good. Lots of undead and such for you to smite the hell out of.