View Full Version : Crowd Control spells that don't target Dex or Wis???

2016-03-30, 10:15 AM
Building a Bard and trying to add variety to my Concentration spells but it seems like everything that effects Multiple creatures is keyed off of Dex or Wis.

What Crowd Control/Debuff spells effect Con and Int that a Bard has access to?

2016-03-30, 10:31 AM
that a Bard has access to?

Here's your problem. Maybe use a Magical Secrets pick for Watery Sphere (strength save, up to four medium creatures)?

Disbelieving illusions is usually an intelligence-based check or save, but that's not exactly reliable.

2016-03-30, 10:45 AM
entangle targets strength. gust of wind targets strength, but is not by any means the strongest form of CC out there. maelstrom (EE) targets strength, but is also not the strongest form of CC by any means. transmute rock (EE) can also target strength, and is quite frighteningly effective (but won't help at all with rounding out your concentration spells, because no concentration; still a good spell though). combine with gust of wind for fairly hilarious results. watery sphere (EE) also targets strength.

stinking cloud targets con. sunbeam is a repeatable blind spell that targets con. blindness/deafness can be made multi-target by going higher level and targets con (but again, no concentration). pyrotechnics (EE) has an AOE short-duration blind as an option that targets con (no concentration).

cha is a bit trickier, you need to increase the level on something like banishment for the most part. that said, there are *some* options like wish ==> hallow, calm emotions, bane (calling it crowd control is at least a bit sketchy i admit), and wish ==> symbol (actually, symbol can target a variety of saves, but there are a lot more options for other saves that are generally better as a result of not being a level 8 spell, not having an expensive component, and not taking a minute to cast; the super-cheesy spell gems from oota can break the spell hilariously though).

edit: almost forgot. your options for intelligence. pretty much limited to wish ==> symbol. or getting control of a mind flayer somehow. illusions can offer some very "soft" crowd control, i suppose, in the sense that you can make groups think they can't do something or not want to do something.

obviously, many or most of these spells will require you to choose them with magical secrets.

2016-03-30, 10:51 AM
Freezing sphere and cone of cold both target Constitution... So does Symbol (death).

Usually, any AoE with a cold or necrotic damage source will target constitution...

2016-03-30, 09:51 PM
Freezing sphere and cone of cold both target Constitution... So does Symbol (death).

Usually, any AoE with a cold or necrotic damage source will target constitution...

Tsunami (PHB) and Tidal Wave (EE). Both strength