View Full Version : [PF] Rise of the Nephalem [IC]

2016-03-30, 02:14 PM
The capital city of Khejistan, Caldeum is as cosmopolitan as it gets. Trade is is the dominant force in the city and the rule of law in the city essentially forbids anything from interfering with commerce in the city, even since before The Prime Evils walked the face of Sanctuary. It has been nearly twenty years since those dark days, and The Nephalem defeated them and the status quo of Caldeum and the rest of Sanctuary had returned, but it couldnt ever stay that way. Without The Prime Evils, Hell has no leadership, and no one to rein in the demons from crossing into Sanctuary and causing havoc. There are various organizations that specialize in dealing with the demons, but even they are not enough to secure a peaceful existence for the humans of Sanctuary.
Two days ride to the west of Caldeum, a trade outpost has made the call for freelance mercenaries and adventurers and demon hunters to deal with what seems to be a new kind of Fallen One. Their continued raids has weakened the local militia and ransacked several trade caravans meant for Caldeum. The Emperor himself has sponsored an expedition, and any willing and able-bodied are not being rejected.
It is early in the evening, and while the streets of the trade bazaar are never truly empty, things are quieting down. Transient folk in the city are retiring to their rooms at many local inns. Whether or not you happen to know each other, you all happen to have a room at an inn on the edge of the trade district known as Devil's Pitch, and its meal time.

Describe yourselves, make conversation, add to the environment

2016-03-30, 02:49 PM
Damien leaves his room, hood down and fully awake. He sits at a vacant table and awaits service, looking around the room. He hopes nobody cares about the crossbow slung over his back.

2016-03-30, 03:43 PM

Paetra hopped down the last few stairs and strolled through the room, flipping a coin into the air before snatching it away with the opposite hand and starting the process again. Despite being relatively well dressed and alone thus far he'd been unharassed by the seedier elements of the city, likely due to the omnipresent blades strapped to his hip, shoulders, forearms, and a few more clearly visible in a bandolier under his jacket. And, as a result, Paetra found himself dangerously bored.

Spotting a hooded figure with a large crossbow slung across his back Paetra smiled and diverted course towards the man, sliding a chair out and dropping down into it. Continuing to spin the coin across his knuckles he smiled at the man. "Evenin', friend. New to town?"

2016-03-30, 04:13 PM
Damien looks up as Petra sat down.

"Hello there. Nah, I've been here before. Long time ago, on demon hunting business. Yourself?"

2016-03-30, 04:18 PM
A skeletally thin man emerges from the bedrooms and walks into the common room for his meal.

He ponders recent events. How does he best handle his mission? This would be easier if his superior priests were the sort to give orders instead of just letting novices loose to their own devices and judgement. Short term, he should probably handle that "new type of Fallen One." But long term, maybe Caldeum isn't the best place? Maybe he should stay for a while as a guest of one of the mage clans. That seems like a logical place for Nephalem to awaken.

Though of course that assumes that the "new type of Fallen One" thing doesn't turn out to herald a new demonic apocalypse that he's needed to deal with. Or maybe an angelic one? They've been underperforming on their quota. Though there's no reason Fallen Ones would be involved in an angelic one...

(So it's dinner that's being served right now? And how does getting food work? Is it a buffet, or do we wait for service?)

2016-03-30, 08:56 PM
Paetra smiles a bit wider when he hears he's managed to sit across from a fellow demon hunter. "First time for me. First mission actually. I just finished my training out in the Dreadlands, I'm hoping these rumors prove true. I've been going a little stir crazy."

2016-03-30, 10:06 PM
Damien chuckles. "Don't let the loneliness get to you, friend, you'll find yourself running solo on most of your jobs." He waves around to the room at large. "How do you like it out here?"

2016-03-30, 11:10 PM
Paetra just shrugs. "Boring, mostly. But at least the food's better. Company, too. Two years training under old Iron Eye and I'd take a khazra for conversation. You ever meet her? That woman acts like smiling is a hardship and laughter a sin."

2016-03-30, 11:54 PM
Damien tilts his head and thinks for a moment. "The name does sound familiar. If I haven't met her directly, I must've heard her name mentioned somewhere around the campfire at some point during my training. Which wasn't very long ago, mind you."

2016-03-31, 12:20 AM
Khan walks down to the common area slightly late to the party, with an axe strapped to his back.

"Hey, fellows. Is the food any good here?"

2016-03-31, 02:33 PM
Polet sees the crossbow wielder, the axeman, and the walking armory sitting together at a table. They're probably here to handle the area's demon problem. If they aren't I might be able to persuade them. They all look dangerous, and the one spinning a coin on his knuckles looks like he's spoiling for a fight. Even if I can't persuade them, it seems like a group like this is bound to get me into something worth being involved in. Let's hope they aren't inclined to look down on a Priest of Rathma.

A very lightly armed, skeletally thin man in a black robe approached the table and gave the occupants his best smile. His robe has a hood, but he isn't wearing the hood over his head at the moment. "Is it all right if I sit here? I've been looking for company."

2016-03-31, 03:17 PM
Damien motions to a free chair. "By all means, take a seat. We're all friends here. What do they call you?"

2016-03-31, 06:43 PM
Damien motions to a free chair. "By all means, take a seat. We're all friends here. What do they call you?"

The robed man takes a seat. "Polet Otsmŭrt. And what do they call you?"

Polet is looking around at the group instead of specifically at Damien.

2016-04-01, 08:54 AM
"I'm Damien." He motions to Petra. "Actually I don't think you told me your name, either."

2016-04-01, 11:15 AM
((Make introductions, describe your characters, declare your intentions to go on the mission or not. The gathering is in the morning. I will advance time once the intra-party RP has stalled out))

2016-04-01, 04:38 PM
Paetra's face blanks for a moment as a he realizes it's true, then knocks his forehead gently and gives a self-deprecating smile. "Wow, I hadn't even realized. Paetra Leukai, pleased to make your acquaintances."

2016-04-01, 04:45 PM
Finishing the food in his mouth, dropping the food and clearing his hands on his clothes, Khan extends his greasy and burly hand.

"Khan. Here to attend a particular problem. I guess you all are?"

2016-04-02, 11:38 PM
Finishing the food in his mouth, dropping the food and clearing his hands on his clothes, Khan extends his greasy and burly hand.

"Khan. Here to attend a particular problem. I guess you all are?"

"The apparent new strain of Fallen One? Yes, that's why I'm here." He shakes Khan's hand. "Uh, where do I go to get something to eat? Is the waiter or waitress coming back?"

2016-04-03, 10:11 AM
Damien nods in resposne to Khan. "I'm a Demon Hunter, this is what I do. Hopefully nothing too big or scary, but then again, where's the fun in killing the same boring demons over and over again?"

2016-04-04, 08:10 AM
The barmaid eventually comes from the kitchen with her arms full of bowls full of a meaty stew with a bit of bread in it. She plops them down in front of you a little unceremoniously, more focused on getting everyone fed than providing the greatest service.

"I take it you lot are all mercenaries here for the caravan protection mission that the emperor is paying for out of his own pocket?"

2016-04-04, 10:12 AM
Damien nods. "Aye, ma'am. Finest demon slayers your tax coins can buy."

2016-04-04, 01:50 PM
Damien nods. "Aye, ma'am. Finest demon slayers your tax coins can buy."

... Master Xul doesn't need money for his work after that business forty years ago, and his barbarian friend must be the wealthiest man on this plane after killing Diablo twice in the space of forty years, so...

" ... sounds about right."

2016-04-04, 04:37 PM
Another patron from the corner speaks up, a likely mage of some sort, given his light armor and distinct tattoos

"Demon slayers, mercenaries... I'm not sure the demons themselves are more frightening or the death tolls that arise when people think that its easy to take them on based solely on their interactions with the lowliest demons, which are admittedly easier to kill than a trained man at arms."

2016-04-04, 04:39 PM
"Got some experience with the demons, old man? Why are you sitting here instead of helping then?"

2016-04-05, 02:02 AM
Another patron from the corner speaks up, a likely mage of some sort, given his light armor and distinct tattoos

"Demon slayers, mercenaries... I'm not sure the demons themselves are more frightening or the death tolls that arise when people think that its easy to take them on based solely on their interactions with the lowliest demons, which are admittedly easier to kill than a trained man at arms."

"Well, if the rumors are true we're fighting Fallen Ones. 'Easier to kill than a trained man at arms' sounds about right. Although if, as you imply, there's something waiting for us that will make us regret our hasty words, we should probably know it going in. It might cut down on the death toll. Is there such a threat waiting for us, master?"

2016-04-05, 12:49 PM
The Tattooed man looks to Damien, and then Polet

"I am helping! I will be leaving tomorrow with the rest of you lot. Just because we think we're about to face off against The Fallen, does not mean that something bigger and meaner isnt waiting in the wings and using them as minions...or bait"

2016-04-05, 02:54 PM
The Tattooed man looks to Damien, and then Polet

"I am helping! I will be leaving tomorrow with the rest of you lot. Just because we think we're about to face off against The Fallen, does not mean that something bigger and meaner isnt waiting in the wings and using them as minions...or bait"

" ... good point. Thanks for the warning."

2016-04-05, 09:36 PM
Damien shrugs with a smirk. "Well I do enjoy challenges. You know what they say, enjoy what you do."

2016-04-06, 01:52 AM
As they talk Paetra draws a deck of cards from his side pocket and starts shuffling the deck, humming a tune as he does so. "Demon, Devil, Daring Rogue. Darkness creeping, biting cold. All the world it's dangers hold. So pick your battle and name the gold."

Smiling at the man Paetra is clearly unfazed by the potential danger looming. "If we assume the worst case scenario on every job no one would do anything about anything, and the world would slip that much further into the darkness. We'll definitely keep a wary eye out, that's just good sense, but beyond that we just have to keep walking on this path called life."

Bringing his attention back to the table he sets the shuffled deck down on the table. "Anyone care for a game?"

2016-04-06, 02:00 AM
As they talk Paetra draws a deck of cards from his side pocket and starts shuffling the deck, humming a tune as he does so. "Demon, Devil, Daring Rogue. Darkness creeping, biting cold. All the world it's dangers hold. So pick your battle and name the gold."

Smiling at the man Paetra is clearly unfazed by the potential danger looming. "If we assume the worst case scenario on every job no one would do anything about anything, and the world would slip that much further into the darkness. We'll definitely keep a wary eye out, that's just good sense, but beyond that we just have to keep walking on this path called life."

Bringing his attention back to the table he sets the shuffled deck down on the table. "Anyone care for a game?"

"A friendly game, I hope? You never know when you might regret losing money you thought you could spare."

2016-04-06, 03:05 AM
Paetra scoffs. "Playing for money is boring. I play for favors or the satisfaction of violently trumping the table. I'll settle for the latter tonight."

2016-04-06, 04:44 AM
Paetra scoffs. "Playing for money is boring. I play for favors or the satisfaction of violently trumping the table. I'll settle for the latter tonight."

Polet smiles. "I can play for those stakes." He turns to the rest of the table. "Is everyone in?"

2016-04-06, 11:49 AM
Damien shakes his head. "I'm not one for gambling, but I will watch and make amusing comments to keep the spirits up."

2016-04-06, 05:39 PM
Damien shakes his head. "I'm not one for gambling, but I will watch and make amusing comments to keep the spirits up."

"Every little bit helps." He turns to the mage. "Are you in? If we're going to be spilling (and possibly losing) blood together, there's no reason not to have some fun together too."

2016-04-12, 09:38 AM
The various patrons of the inn carry on with their business, eat, and go to bed or leave according to their own arrangements. Those who chose to play games stay up into the early morning hours before getting some sleep themselves.

The next day, after having breakfast at dawn, the mercenaries gather at the city gates and number more than two hundred, some being well armed, others looking barely more than farmers. Shortly thereafter, the caravan leaves for the trade outpost, now known amongst the group of mercenaries as Last Hope. The trip is uneventful. What monsters and demons there were would not harass a group of this size aside from the odd brash Fallen One or goat-man on a suicide run.

You arrive at the trade outpost. The wooden palisades that surround the outpost still have a mess about them, covered in blood and or guts of various demons and monsters upon them. The guards look worn and tired, and many are relieved to see your group approach. Several men approach the group from the sole stone building in the outpost as you are allowed inside the palisade wall, they begin barking orders and requests.

"I need two to ten men to scout the source of the Fallen Ones raiding this camp! One hundred silvers each that comes back alive. One hundred gold each if you find their camp"

"I need two to ten men to guard the stone quarry! Pay is twenty silvers each, per week"

"twenty men for the wall guard! 10 silvers per week!"

"fifty men to build the wall! 2 silvers per week!"

One group in particular, more than half the number here, some of those farmer-looking folk being part of it. The apparent leader of them, a horse-mounted plate-armored moves ahead of the group and towards another plate-armored individual near the stone building. The rest of the folk start settling in.

No one has told you what to do, or where to go. This is something of a volunteer paramilitary mission that lacks strong organization. There are opportunities everywhere if you go looking.

Last Hope is a trade outpost two days ride from Caldeum along a new trade out towards the Twin Sea. Its only feature is a single stone building, big enough to be considered a keep, and perhaps it was in ages past, but it is now surrounded by quick-to-construct wooden buildings and farms. The stationary population of the place is probably less than a thousand by your count, and one good raid would wipe it from the map. There is not even a permanent wall in place yet, but there looks to be one in process.

2016-04-12, 10:45 AM
Damien turns to his companions. "I say we go look for that camp. Slaying demons is what we're here to do, after all."

2016-04-12, 04:45 PM
Damien turns to his companions. "I say we go look for that camp. Slaying demons is what we're here to do, after all."

Polet nods. "That sounds good."

He then idly looks to see which the mage that confronted them before the card game is doing.

2016-04-12, 04:50 PM
"Camp sounds good. Decent chance of blood."

2016-04-13, 03:47 AM
Paetra shrugs. "It's where I'd be going even if they weren't paying. I didn't come here to build a wall."

2016-04-13, 10:01 AM
Damien nods. "Agreed." He waves down the men giving orders. "Ho there! Four for the scouting mission!"

2016-04-26, 10:25 AM
As a group, the five of you approach the man calling to the caravan for volunteers regarding the source of the Fallen Ones. He is plainly dressed in a simple robe with no particular finery, other than a pin indicating his rank among the other merchant captains here.

"Ahh, you lot look like you could handle a Fallen One or two without getting killed, but we still arent expecting a high survival rate, just because of how many there are. You heard the price. I'll write your names here, and you'll be paid when you return with good information. One hundred silvers for new information. One hundred gold if you figure out where theyre hiding. Best I can tell you is theyre coming from the South more often than not when they raid. If I dont see you, or hear from you in a week, you'll be presumed dead and any of your things left behind will be claimed by the guild. If you agree to these terms, speak your name and I shall write it here."

The caravan takes a good twenty or thirty minutes just to get everyone inside the palisade walls. Once they do, the gate is closed. Several groups are forming based on the needs being shouted by the clerks and there arent many groups volunteering for the scouting mission. Even the sorcerer you met at the tavern prior is volunteering for guard duty.

2016-04-26, 01:14 PM
As a group, the five of you approach the man calling to the caravan for volunteers regarding the source of the Fallen Ones. He is plainly dressed in a simple robe with no particular finery, other than a pin indicating his rank among the other merchant captains here.

"Ahh, you lot look like you could handle a Fallen One or two without getting killed, but we still arent expecting a high survival rate, just because of how many there are. You heard the price. I'll write your names here, and you'll be paid when you return with good information. One hundred silvers for new information. One hundred gold if you figure out where theyre hiding. Best I can tell you is theyre coming from the South more often than not when they raid. If I dont see you, or hear from you in a week, you'll be presumed dead and any of your things left behind will be claimed by the guild. If you agree to these terms, speak your name and I shall write it here."

The caravan takes a good twenty or thirty minutes just to get everyone inside the palisade walls. Once they do, the gate is closed. Several groups are forming based on the needs being shouted by the clerks and there arent many groups volunteering for the scouting mission. Even the sorcerer you met at the tavern prior is volunteering for guard duty.

"I agree to those terms. My name is Polet Otsmŭrt."

2016-04-26, 03:29 PM
"Damien," says the demon hunter.

2016-04-28, 04:37 PM
"Paetra Leukai. And don't worry, we'll make sure to let you know where they were hiding when we're done with the lot of them."