View Full Version : Rules Q&A Harvesting Thri-kreen Venom

2016-03-31, 06:40 AM
So it is established that it's possible to 'milk' a venomous creature's venom glands in order to obtain a dose of its poison. I've seen threads trying to figure out how the rules for obtaining such a thing would go, with people generally agreeing that the rules aren't entirely clear and some level of house-ruling is needed.

Now, in the campaign I'm currently playing, I'm a Thri-kreen Warblade. Thri-kreen have a natural bite attack that can induce a paralytic poison once per day. The thing is, I'm not often biting people - partly for roleplaying reasons, partly because it won't often hit and my turns are attack-heavy as it is. However, it occurred to me that I could harvest the venom and apply it to my weapons for the free chance of it inducing paralysis. The rules distinctly state that creatures are immune to their own poison, so there's no risk of me poisoning myself even with bad luck. The DC for it is pretty low, but if I get a free dose of it every day, might as well, right?

Anyways, my question is: is there anything special I need to do to harvest it? It's not like I'm trying to coax it from a snake with 1 intelligence. Do I just say "I'm excreting my venom" and have a container on hand?

2016-03-31, 06:58 AM
You would need to use the Craft (poisonmaking) rules to harvest it into a form viable for use with weapons. They're in Complete Adventurer.

The Viscount
2016-03-31, 01:26 PM
In the section of Drow of the Underdark on harvesting venom, it just says a container and a DC 15 craft (poisonmaking) check. I see no reason why it would be different for a Thri-Kreen.

2016-04-01, 03:01 AM
In the section of Drow of the Underdark on harvesting venom, it just says a container and a DC 15 craft (poisonmaking) check. I see no reason why it would be different for a Thri-Kreen.

Ah, I see now. Yes, that makes sense. Well, I probably won't be passing the Craft check very often, but still, free attempt every day.

All right, thanks!

2016-04-01, 05:16 AM
Ah, I see now. Yes, that makes sense. Well, I probably won't be passing the Craft check very often, but still, free attempt every day.

All right, thanks!

DC 15 is pretty easy to do, Int bonus of +3, plus aid another if someone is helping you, then take ten puts you there
if you have less than 16 int, drop a couple ranks there next level, find a masterwork item to help, there are several spells available if you have a friendly castor

2016-04-01, 08:57 AM
I'm starting to wonder if your party is talking about harvesting your character......

2016-04-01, 09:12 AM
If you want to "milk" someone or something there's the BoEF for you

Ok back to my lair, I'm sorry

Willie the Duck
2016-04-01, 10:20 AM
Check with DM whether the poison is one that will last in a container.

2016-04-04, 01:36 AM
DC 15 is pretty easy to do, Int bonus of +3, plus aid another if someone is helping you, then take ten puts you there
if you have less than 16 int, drop a couple ranks there next level, find a masterwork item to help, there are several spells available if you have a friendly castor

Speaking of friendly casters, it occurs to me I could just ask the Wizard to do it (and I could assist.) The section on rendering venom into a usable injury poison makes no mention that there's any risk of poisoning yourself when you make the check.