View Full Version : Pathfinder Pathfinder evil Alchemist, looking for some ideas to keep things fresh/interesting

2016-03-31, 06:29 PM
Hey there!

So as topic says, looking for some ideas for my incredibly evil alchemist. She's currently level 3 (nearing 4) and she's been a blast to play so far... and yet I feel like I'm in a slump. I don't think there's anything 'wrong' with her though I'm looking for some ideas to make things entertaining.

Details: So far, she's taken the abilities of Infusion, Extra Discovery: Precise bombs, and Craft: Wondrous item (allowed via re-training her level 1 feat). She's set herself up as a traveling gypsy/apothecary selling potions of cure light wounds to cloaks of the hedge wizard (the one with endure elements, as cold is a significant part of the campaign). She is slowly building a good reputation for her services despite having no ethics and using her people (including party members) as guinea pigs for her research.

Our party's 'quest' (if you will) has us exploring ruins of an old civilization that we've found has heavy use of construct guards. I've had her pulling their remains apart, thinking of taking 'Promethean disciple" at level 6 and building her own creatures. In combat, I've had her using her bombs a lot, so I'm thinking of grabbing explosive bombs at level 4 for a bigger radius. Her fall back is a long bow (elf, drow ancestry) that she uses alchemy arrows to good effect (those holy water arrows have been amazing against undead in the ruins).

So far, it's worked well. Still, I feel I don't use her mutagens as well as I should, and crafting is slow (as always). I'd love to make a construct help me with crafting, though not sure how I'd go about it (soulbound doll of a craftsmen?). I've yet to make proper use of 'craft alchemy' itself which feels criminal, and wondering if I took 'master alchemist' at level five if I could spice things up with poisons or new arrows or something (though I think the party would prefer craft weapons and armor). Her greatest enemy at this point is her low Charisma (only an 8) as I had initially envisioned her hiding in her lab, and yet somehow she's become a 'face' of the party (our bard has a dump stat of wisdom and roll plays being dumb really, really, well so we kind of have to talk our way out of a lot of messes).

Anywho, I'm rambling enough. She's fun to play, but I'd love some ideas of new things to try to keep it that way. Thanks for reading!

2016-03-31, 11:40 PM
I like the idea of Promethean Disciple, and making a flesh golem named Igor to help you make things and be your lab assistant/lab rat. If you don't want flesh, you can make some alchemical goo fill a suit of armor or construct, or pull a fullmetal alchemist and solubond something to armor. A tumor familiar might also help you make stuff and give you some fun.

So long as you are maxing ranks in craft-alchemy you should be able to crank out alchemical items at a good clip. The master alchemist feat will turn you into a machine and is worth taking if you wanna make more holy water, acid, alchemist fire, and some random poisons. At higher levels you will craft incredibly fast. You also need a hybridization funnel if you don't have one already.

Explosive bombs is a good discovery, but it is more of the same. I always like preserve organs to eventually qualify for mummification. Since you are an elf and can use a bow, consider the explosive missile alchemist discovery so you can shoot things with explosive arrows full of holy water!

If you find yourself needing to be the face, take the cognatogen ability to make a charisma boosting mutagen.

Last but not least-you are an evil alchemist. People should constantly question you with "has science gone to far" and for you, the answer is NEVER!

2016-04-01, 06:38 AM
Possibly go a bit 'Mad-King' Targaryen-style (Game of Thrones reference in case you're not a reader/viewer) and build up a massive stock of explosive potions and store them in various places around the city. Detonate one so you can refer to it as a threat if people don't do your bidding.

"You heard about that horrible accident in the market quarter the other week yes? That was no accident and could easily happen again..."

As the previous poster said, there's always the mad scientist route too. Perhaps even kidnapping live subjects for experimentation. You could even tie that in with the above.

"If you try and escape then your family's house might find itself my next target".

Damn... I frighten myself sometimes ;P