View Full Version : Find Familar Question

2016-03-31, 08:32 PM
I am currently aware from my books ans designing a new character that will hopefully use find familar. Ive seen mix explainations of the spell and how the familar works.

Was wondering if someone could explain it to me.

ALSO i remember reading it can be used for sneak attack advantage, will that work with ranged attacka as well? Like thrown daggers or a bow?

2016-03-31, 09:09 PM
It must be seen and attacking for you or someone to get sneak attack advantage. It can't be invisible or just standing there. It has to be a threat

You do not get any special ability other than the ones stated in the back of plAyer handbook

However it is always up to the dm how he wants it used. So he can let it do more from the monster Manuel, I'm assuming the magic resistance and he could let it be something other than what's listed.

He can even let wizards get the specials like warlocks get. However that limits a big warlock special. But if I allowed it I would say you have to be conjuring class wizard.

2016-03-31, 11:34 PM
The familiar moves in and uses the Help action with you, giving you advantage on your next attack, that advantage triggers Sneak Attack. Owl is popular for this due to Flyby. Otherwise treat it like any other party member to trigger Sneak Attack by proximity.

2016-04-01, 01:31 AM
So it would have to fly in, then id attack with my bow, then it would fly out?

Basically mechanics wise if i go first, i would do my move and hold my attack till if flys by, then attack on its turn basically as it swoops past giving me advantage with the help action, then continues to fly to safety?

2016-04-01, 08:56 AM
That works, but you don't need to. Move your familiar to 5', use Help, move away. On your turn, do your thing. Try to use party members or terrain to get half cover at least.

2016-04-01, 11:27 AM
So is it 5' from me or from the target?

2016-04-01, 11:40 AM
The target. But after it takes the help action it doesn't need to stay there... it can move away and you'll still get advantage on your shot.

2016-04-01, 12:56 PM
I would disagree. Help means on your attack turn you use help to give ally advantage that turn. So A. It dies t work for you. B. Find familiar states the familiars rolls initiative on attack phase to be able to do something but it Cannot Attack. Thus the familiar cannot use the Help action.
I read up because it sounded great and I would do it.
Now. Your DM can change that rule. His choice house rules.
Or under warlock chain, you can forego your attack and have the special familiar attack and thus using help

2016-04-01, 12:59 PM
The target. But after it takes the help action it doesn't need to stay there... it can move away and you'll still get advantage on your shot.

So a potentially awesome idea, take a bat and have either obscuring dog, or darkness and have it use the help action as it flies past. And attack then?

And I remember reading it can use help....

2016-04-01, 01:04 PM
And I remember reading it can use help....

It can take the help action it can not take the attack action. Some people take the position that a creature can't help someone else do something the creature itself couldn't do, in this case attack.

2016-04-01, 01:08 PM
It can take the help action it can not take the attack action. Some people take the position that a creature can't help someone else do something the creature itself couldn't do, in this case attack.

That rule is only in the skill check section of the PHB. Help Actions for attack rolls are an alternative and aren't subject to the restriction.

2016-04-01, 02:19 PM
this is the second paragraph u der the help action
"Alternatively, you can aid a friendly creature in attacking a creature within 5 feet of you. You feint, distract the target, or in some other way team up to make your ally’s attack more effective. If your ally attacks the target before your next turn, the first attack roll is made with advantage."
2. Bottom line without house rules the generic familiar cannot use the second paragraph of the help action.
3. Sorry. I wish it wasn't so. I would love that maneuver.

2016-04-01, 02:33 PM
I know the paragraph and I know why some people choose to interpret it that way. But it specifically calls out attack roll help as an alternate use of the help action. Given their use of the natural language, there's nothing supporting the notion that helping attack rolls are under the same set of restrictions.

2016-04-01, 02:53 PM
Nothing quoted says that you use an attack action to help another person's attack action. You use a help action. Familiars can take help actions. Therefore, they can take a help action to help you (or somebody else you designate) attack. They don't have to attack to do it. They can "feint" or "distract." An owl fluttering in your face is probably plenty distracting even if it never touches you.

Joe dirt
2016-04-01, 03:27 PM
take the bat.... will give u temp blindsight

2016-04-01, 03:31 PM
It can take the help action it can not take the attack action. Some people take the position that a creature can't help someone else do something the creature itself couldn't do, in this case attack.

I see, so they keep the out of combat help restrictions and apply those to the combat version despite the description of the in combat help describing the assistance in manners that don't require the helper to be able to attack. It's certainly not the interpretation I'd go with.

2016-04-01, 03:40 PM
So it would have to fly in, then id attack with my bow, then it would fly out?

Basically mechanics wise if i go first, i would do my move and hold my attack till if flys by, then attack on its turn basically as it swoops past giving me advantage with the help action, then continues to fly to safety?

The familiar doesn't need to stay next to the target after the help action. You can have your owl(best choice really) fly in 30ft, help, fly back out 30 ft. Then you do what you do on your turn.

2016-04-01, 04:07 PM
this is the second paragraph u der the help action
"Alternatively, you can aid a friendly creature in attacking a creature within 5 feet of you. You feint, distract the target, or in some other way team up to make your ally’s attack more effective. If your ally attacks the target before your next turn, the first attack roll is made with advantage."
2. Bottom line without house rules the generic familiar cannot use the second paragraph of the help action.
3. Sorry. I wish it wasn't so. I would love that maneuver.

Nothing you have listed here actually says what you are trying to say. It never says anything about the familiar making an attack in what you have listed. Are you perhaps missing some other rules text that is needed for your interpretation because right now I do not see your side of it from what you have listed.

2016-04-01, 04:07 PM
After reading your context I agree.
During action phase roll initiative for familiar
During attack phase it can do any of the other options besides attack. I can see that working and like it.

Be ready for it to die as the dm will get tired of free advantage. But it is quite fun when you think about it.

2016-04-01, 04:16 PM
After reading your context I agree.
During action phase roll initiative for familiar
During attack phase it can do any of the other options besides attack. I can see that working and like it.

Be ready for it to die as the dm will get tired of free advantage. But it is quite fun when you think about it.

I wouldn't exactly call it free. They give one attack advantage, which is fantastic for GFB/BB or a rogue, but matters far less for barbarians who get advantage at-will, or fighters who are dropping multiple attacks. It has uses, great ones, but the advantage it gives applies to only one attack in the round.

2016-04-01, 04:20 PM
rogue doesnt even need advantage to get sneak attack when an ally is within 5 ft of target. Thus getting his sneak attack each turn

Although it could give him advantage for rolling 2 did

2016-04-02, 11:43 AM
I could use it to give my barb advantage though. Really like this idea, seems like my total character has a good bit of utility and damage

2016-04-02, 08:29 PM
Another question that occurs to me is, could I use my familiar's turn to reload for me? Like lets say I go with the gunslinger, I know its homebrew but as an example, could I use the familars turn to reload my gun on its turn if its like an imp?

2016-04-03, 01:11 AM
Jeremy Crawford said Help action from familiars is legit.