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Amidus Drexel
2016-03-31, 09:47 PM
OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=317519) || Dice (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?338560) || IC I (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?324920-Random-Banter-D-amp-D-3-5e-Campaign-IC)

Random Banter D&D 3.5e Campaign IC, Thread II

00:40, Thursday, Early Winter, CI 200
Countdown to Solstice Celebrations: 40:20
Countdown to the New Year: 47:20
Inside Rasua's Temple / The Blind Eye Gambling House, Capel Kerig, Cymru, Hindrun, Prime Material Plane

The Blind Eye is packed full – nearly to the walls. A large expanse of card tables, barstools, drunken dancers and other wealthy patrons sprawls out before you, though you have some trouble making headway through the crowd. Men and women (and a few you're not sure about) wearing plain grey robes are running the tables, standing guard by the doors, watching silently from the corners, and tending the bar, among other things – they seem to be what pass for clergy here. The second floor of the building overlooks the revelry below, and more clergymen can be seen there as well.

A thick cloud of smoke hangs in the air over the assortment of gamblers and partiers in the crowd. Those of you with keener senses pick out more different kinds of cigar and pipe-smoke than you can count, behind which lies the subtler, warmer smell of fresh seafood and ale. Torches hang by every table, but away from the gamblers, the bar’s lighting is dim – almost dark – and you find it hard to pick faces out among those sitting at the bar or by the stage.

The dull roar of the patrons’ chatter assaults your ears, atop which rides the music from the band. A one-handed lutenist with straight, blonde hair (you recognize him as the minstrel you saved at Wuscfrea’s feast) is strumming with a hook; he is accompanied by a dragon-headed pianist and a dwarven drummer who is driving the trio at a maddeningly quick tempo – but just slow enough that the dancers can keep up. They finish their song with a bombastic flourish, and the band steps aside to the bar to grab some food and drink.

A quick scan around the room reveals a few additional points of interest:

In a booth near the front window, four people in black cloaks are quietly discussing something. A small collection of papers that look like maps is scattered haphazardly on their table around an oil lamp that is providing them light.

You don’t catch all of their conversation, but you do hear the words “jewels”, “palace”, and “solstice” in relatively quick succession.

A well-dressed nobleman and the woman accompanying him leave a nearby dice table with a small stack of gold, followed by the loud grumbling of the other patrons still playing – a well-armed man wearing a black military uniform, a drunk elven man wearing almost as much silk as he is ale, and a (presumably sober) skeleton in a tophat. The clergyman tending the table points to the two empty seats and waves you over with a smile.

The black uniform is one commonly worn by Samaran mercenaries – their ranking system differs greatly from Cymru’s, but this man is roughly equivalent to a sergeant.

You espy a set of double-doors in the back of the room that have Rasua’s holy symbol (an eye set in an open palm) painted on them. Two clergymen stand by the door, occasionally ushering some suspicious-looking people through. You catch brief glimpses of a soft red light on the other side when the doors are opened.

2016-04-01, 09:11 AM
Tass waits for her companions.

Try not to cause any trouble for the next half an hour.

She then makes her way to the balcony to better overlook the room.

Spot check: [roll0]

2016-04-01, 09:25 AM
Alphonse assures Tass he won't cause any trouble, then looks around the establishment, heading towards the bar. Once there, he'll ask the person behind the counter "Excuse me, I'm looking for someone who I believe is a regular here."

Listen: [roll0]

Knowledge History: [roll1]

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-02, 05:02 PM
The Second Floor

The balcony is less crowded, and though you get a few suspicious looks from the clergy, no one approaches you.

Now that you have a better view, some of the maps seem to roughly correspond to the interior and exterior of the palace, from your memory of it. There are a few others that definitely don't remind you of any area you've seen before, though - one looks like a vault, and another like a large guardhouse.

The Bar

The bartender shrugs. "You got a name? We've got a bunch of regulars."

2016-04-02, 06:24 PM
"Yes I do. A one Sir Morgan. I believe he's a Lieutenant of sorts, though I can't rightly recall of what." Alphonse answers.

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-03, 10:19 AM
The Bar

The bartender shakes his head and chuckles. "Go talk to the priests by the back door, and tell 'em who sent you. And order any drinks you want now, 'cause I don't serve you after you've seen him."

The Balcony

A fifth cloaked figure approaches the four at the table, and they all hastily pack up their maps, then quickly, but nonchalantly, make their way to the front door.

You see that some of the clergy are paying extra attention to Alphonse.

2016-04-03, 10:39 AM
"Thank you, good sir." Alphonse says. He'll give him a polite nod and leaves the bar. He's hesitant to head there straight away, at least without one of his allies, so instead he'll look around and mingle a bit.

2016-04-06, 08:55 AM
Béla glances at the people at the gambling table for a few moments before walking over and sitting down. Just a round or two, though.

2016-04-06, 12:26 PM
Spying Bela, Alphonse will sit in the second spare seat at the dice table, if only to pass the time until the others are satisfied with their information gathering. "So, what kind of game is this, exactly?" he asks, spying the tophat wearing skeleton and hoping Tass doesn't notice it herself, remembering the last time she saw one.

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-06, 05:45 PM
Dice Table

The black-uniform'd soldier is the first to speak. His thick accent would make him hard to understand - if he didn't shout every word he said. "Perrhaps only one. Ourr elfin, ah, frriend, has drrunk overrmuch. The hourr also grrows late." The elf, for his part, giggles and hiccups, saying, "Oonnnne more, Nikolai! *hic* Aye, IIIII can do another!"

The skeleton - who is wearing a plaque that says "Bonesy" - is silent and still; his grinning skull doesn't so much as acknowledge you.

The clergyman, however, is friendly and inviting - even if he sounds a little sleazy. "Gentlemen, gentlemen! Sit, sit - let me order you some drinks!" He looks you over carefully. "Something... light? You two look terribly busy. Don't be shy, drinks are on the house!"

"The game is called Liar's Dice - perhaps you've heard of it? It's a favorite around here - fitting, perhaps?" The robed man chuckles, then passes you each a felt cup containing 5 ivory dice. "Everyone rolls, and we keep our hands covered, then we go around the table increasing the bid - by value or by number - on how many dice of a certain value are on the table. If you think the current bid is too high, then you can challenge it - everyone shows their dice, and we see! So, as an example, I might bid seven 5's, and Nikolai could call it - say there are only six 5's on the table. In that case, I'd lose, and he would take the pot, and one of my dice. If there were more than seven 5's, then I'd win the challenge, the money, and a die from him, and so on. Sound simple enough? Ante is 30 gold - come now, don't give me that face! I'm sure it's pocket change to you!"

"OYY *hic* lets get ooooon with it alreaddddy! Aaaand. And no cheating. Yeah." The drunk elf begins counting out coins from a a large satchel of gold and silver - nearly falling off his stool as he does so. The soldier (Nikolai?) pushes three small stacks of gold into the center of the table, and Bonesy follows with three shiny platinum coins.

The soldier in black is clearly somewhat irritated with the elf, but he also keeps giving the clergyman tending your table suspicious glances.

The drunken elf is not as drunk as he's acting - he seems to be quite in control of himself when he doesn't think anyone's looking at him, despite how clumsy he acts.

The clergyman is terrified - though of who, you're not sure. His calm and collected facade is cracking, though, and he looks like he wants nothing more than to run away as fast as he can.

You notice Bonesy twitch every time someone looks at their cups or make a bid.

Bonesy appears to be a regular animated skeleton.

By his accent, you'd guess Nikolai is a native Orekhov speaker.


OOC: Can I get everyone in the party to make two will saves? (Strictly speaking, they're not simultaneous, but this way is just easier)

2016-04-06, 06:07 PM
"Interesting game. I'll wait and watch a round if you don't mind, get a good feel for how the game goes." Alphonse says.

Will check 1: [roll0]

Will check 2: [roll1]

2016-04-06, 06:12 PM
Niro follows Alsphone to the table where the game is being played, and purposefully bumps into the soldier as he rolls the dice.

He gives no apology for doing so.

2016-04-06, 06:22 PM
Tass attempts to wait in a time when someone gets a bit noisy, seizing any such moment for casting a spell hopefully without suffering too much scrutiny from the omnipresent clergy.

Casting Detect Magic, first focusing on the gambling table, then the clergy who seem to pay attention to Alphonse, then the rest of the bar.

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-06, 09:05 PM
Dice Table

The soldier looks up at Niro and scowls, then turns back to the game. You hear him grumble, "Clumsy golems."

The Balcony

The entire bar reeks of magic - active and lingering auras of all sorts (but mostly weak divination or abjuration) litter the interior of the building, from the ceiling down to the floor.

Going around the dice table:
The drunk elf: a weak aura of transmutation, a weak aura of divination, a weak aura of evocation on something under his clothes
The skeleton: a weak aura of transmutation, a weak aura of divination
The soldier: a weak aura of evocation on his sword, and his bow; a weak aura of abjuration on his armor, and a weak aura of abjuration on one hand
The clergyman: a weak aura of divination, three weak auras of abjuration

The Clergy:
Of the 11 other clergymen in the room, 3 register no magic whatsoever. The rest have three weak auras of abjuration, and some have weak or moderate auras of divination as well.
The bartender has several additional weak auras of conjuration, transmutation, and abjuration, in addition to a moderate aura of conjuration and a moderate aura of necromancy

The Patrons:
Most of the patrons have a magic weapon or trinket of some kind - I'm only listing the ones who stand out in some way (those who light up like a christmas tree, or have especially strong auras on them, or inexplicably no aura, or whathaveyou):

A man in a white cloak is sitting at one of the tables on the second floor - you see him recoil and move his chair when you begin casting. Concentrating on him reveals no magic, however.

After about a minute, the bouncer comes in from outside - she has two moderate auras of abjuration, a moderate aura of necromancy, three weak auras of abjuration, a weak aura of conjuration, a weak aura of divination, and two weak auras of transmutation. Her armor registers weak illusion and weak abjuration magic, and her weapon moderate transmutation and weak evocation, and her pipe reads as moderate abjuration

One of the servers has two weak and one moderate auras of enchantment.

You detect a (mobile) set of auras coming from one of the walls, about 7ft up or so: a weak aura of illusion, a weak aura of abjuration and a weak transmutation

2016-04-06, 09:18 PM
"Golem"? Niro grabs the man by the back of his head and slams it into the table.

Hit (Slam): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-07, 09:40 PM
Rasua's Temple / The Blind Eye Gambling House

The Samaran's skull makes a loud THOK as it hits the table, and he grunts in pain.

Suddenly, one of the patrons across the bar jumps up and dashes to a nearby table, and begins shoving coins into a burlap sack!

Bonesy promptly grabs his ante and shoves his way past Alphonse and Bela, heading for the bar - or perhaps the balcony?

The torches on the east wall flicker ominously.

OOC: Niro, you're up!

Initiative Order:
CT, C6
Drunk Elf
Dumb Noble W
A specific waitress
All worthless peons


2016-04-07, 10:56 PM
Stay down, Samaran scum.

Niro grabs the man's head, picking it up and slamming it down into the table again. He does this twice.

Full Attack

Hit (Slam #1): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Hit (Slam #2): [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2016-04-08, 08:48 AM
Béla slides down in his chair for a moment after Niro first attacks the man, but then quickly stands up and walks over to lean against the S-wall and watch.

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-08, 05:32 PM
Rasua's Temple / The Blind Eye Gambling House

A great number of things happen, almost all at once:

The clergyman at your table quickly casts a spell and moves away, back towards the south wall.

Another clergyman casts a spell - and the thief who was stealing gold from the table southeast of you freezes mid-theft! The first thief's partner dashes around and tries to stab the unsuspecting clergyman tending that table, but is deterred by armor underneath his robes.
Hold Person

The man in the white cloak casts a spell, and suddenly there are five of him - he moves up to the edge of the balcony to get a better view, and mutters something under his breath.

You don't catch what he said, but his tone made it sound like a command or an order.
He's communicating with message
Mirror Image

The drunk elf casts a spell on Nikolai (who seems partially revitalized), and stumbles back away from the table, fiddling with something under his shirt.
Bear's Endurance

A clergyman standing against the east wall casts a spell and promptly disappears.

The old priest in front of the southeast door begins casting a spell. One of the younger priests next to him moves forward and casts something, causing a light to flash between him and the clergyman being attacked by thieves.
The older preist is casting Summon Monster 6The younger priest is casting Shield Other

The bouncer dashes towards Niro and shouts, "OY, HANDS OFFA THE MERCS, METAL MAN!" She brings the hammer around with tremendous force, and bright green sparks fly off when she strikes Niro, producing a resounding CLANG. You can feel your armor plating shift and your internal parts crunch - if you were human, the blow would've shattered your spine.

You recognize the move the bouncer just pulled off. It's your own Jade Razor - though you're sure she has another name for it.

To add insult to injury, a clergyman casts something, and Niro suddenly feels a deep sense of dread.

OOC: The bouncer's attack confirms a crit, but is defeated by Niro's fortification, so he only takes 32 damage. Niro is also shaken from the spell Clergyman#3 cast. Too many things have moved for me to list them here, but you can get a good idea of what's going on by checking the map (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m4tS6JaBT3anTFCOrUu6pbPIlQJLPhfDh1x8xf_xpWs/edit). Tass, you're up!

2016-04-08, 09:01 PM
Tass first takes on a despondent posture before dropping back into her attentive, normal self. She shifts closer to the white man while keeping her eyes on the sudden brawl below, ready to intervene as soon as she figures out who to intervene against.

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-08, 10:05 PM
Rasua's Temple / The Blind Eye Gambling House

The remaining younger priest by the southeast door also begins casting.
Summon Monster 3

Suddenly, a bottle flies through the air, and an exceptionally well-dressed nobleman near the window screams, "BARFIGHT!" He dashes over behind the bouncer and tries to stab her with his sword - but misses spectacularly. He twirls his sword triumphantly anyway, and says, "Come on, fight me!"

With the bouncer's attention directed elsewhere, Nikolai carefully steps backwards, draws his sword and shield, and growls, "DINE ON FILTH, LIGURRIAN TYRRANT!" Three translucent darts of force appear in the air in front of him, and launch themselves at Niro at an impressive speed.
Magic Missile - and it's been metamagic'd some

The Balcony

The mage briefly glances in your direction, then looks back down to the chaos below. "IT DISTURBS ME HOW EASILY THE CIVILIZED ARE INCITED TO VIOLENCE."

Now that you're next to the man, you espy his face from underneath his hood - and recognize it as the same one the Whitecloak skeletons guarding Elgin Pass had.

OOC: The dumb enthusiastic noble moves to I5 and attacks the bouncer unsuccessfully. Nikolai 5fts back to K9 and casts at Niro, who takes 15 points of damage. Alphonse, you're up!

2016-04-10, 05:31 AM
Tass makes a slow nod.

With nature, you at least know why they fight. Either they're hungry, scared or trying to impress a partner. Here... I have no idea of what's going on.

2016-04-10, 09:28 AM
"Miss Bouncer. If you require any assistance with handling these ruffians please instruct me! I just ask you ensure my friend lives. He knows not what he does, I believe he may be blinded by some sort of bloodrage or malfunction." Alphonse shouts. He'll then leap onto the table in front of him and stare down the haughty noble "Sir, I'd highly recommend that you stop fighting...or fight me."

He'll then hold his actual attack, waiting both for the bouncer respond and to, more specifically, the foolish nobleman to approach him. He does however strike a pose (http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/jjba/images/a/ac/JosephJoestarPose.jpg/revision/latest/top-crop/width/320/height/320?cb=20140225090407), as if he's preparing to jump.

Knowledge (History) to find out specifically why Niro would hate Mr Black Armor: [roll0]

Diplomacy with the bouncer just in case: [roll1]

Jump Check: [roll2]

Also, turning on Leaping Dragon Stance with the intent to basically leap from table to table if I have to.

Holding my attack until the noble gets into range, and then I'm gonna boot him one in the face.

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-11, 07:23 PM
Rasua's Temple / The Blind Eye Gambling House

A nearby clergyman raises his arms, and a pink haze briefly covers the battlefield. You feel a sense of peace, and you can see Nikolai and the noble relaxing a
Calm Emotions

The bouncer nods at Alphonse, still keeping her guard up. "Alright, dead man's friend, watch your back. NO SUDDEN MOVES, PEOPLE, OR I'LL DO TA YA LIKE I DID TO METAL MAN HERE! DROP YOUR WEAPONS!"

OOC: Alphonse, Bela, and Niro, can I get a will save from each of you? Bela, you're up!

RE: Niro & Nikolai

It's not immediately obvious, but you do recall some bits that seem relevant.

First - Nikolai is wearing a Samaran mercenary officer's uniform. (Samara is one of several regions that make up Trakai, an "empire" in the southeast corner of the continent. They have a strong military tradition, and often hire themselves out as mercenaries when work is slow - something that the Cymran government is having a problem with, as rebellious nobles and warlords recruit the well-trained Samarans to fight in their armies). Trakai is currently involved in a (long-running, but intermittent - initial conflicts were almost 50 years ago) war with Liguria.

Second - You recall Enigma's initial conversation with Niro - the metal man is of Ligurian make, from several hundred years ago.

The Balcony


2016-04-11, 07:27 PM
"Thank you, Miss Bouncer. Perhaps when things have calmed down and I've finished my business we can trade notes. I recognize your fighting style." Alphonse says.

Will Save: [roll0]

2016-04-11, 10:56 PM
Niro, not carrying any weapons, puts his hands up to show he has no malice left in him.

Will: [roll0]

2016-04-12, 09:30 PM
Bela closes his eyes for a moment, slides back in his chair, and casts Fly, remaining seated for the moment.

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-14, 04:22 PM
Rasua's Temple / The Blind Eye Gambling House

Two of the clergymen and the third priest all begin casting the same spell, and several calming auras fall over the battlefield. The bandits don't seem affected by them (though the priest between them does manage to escape safely, and dashes over to the east wall), but the crowd of patrons stops panicking and moves to the sides.
calm emotions - by C1, C5, and P3

A waitress - the only one remaining in the center of the temple floor moves over to the bandits, and raises her hands as if preparing to cast a spell. Something seems off to you, however; her movements are sudden and awkward, and you can't help but compare them to a marionette's.
This waitress is pretty clearly under some form of powerful enchantment.

Bonesy, for his part, books it over to the door.

OOC: Nothing terribly exciting right now, and it looks like the fight might be breaking up soon. Niro, you're up!

2016-04-14, 04:34 PM

Niro steps back, away from the conflict, to M7, hands still up in the air.

Healing Belt: [roll0]

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-14, 09:34 PM
Rasua's Temple / The Blind Eye Gambling House

The clergy move to surround the bandits (albeit at a distance), and as the older priest finishes casting, a massive humanoid form composed of rock and earth pops into the space behind the two bandits. The elderly priest speaks up, his voice carrying across the gambling house, "That is enough. Drop your swords and your gold, and you can leave."

The bandits hastily do so, and some of the clergy move to retrieve the gold and their weapons. The bouncer grabs Niro and Nikolai each by the arm, and drags them out to the entrance, expelling them from the building with a hard shove. Niro stumbles for a few steps and recovers his footing; Nikolai slides a few feet on his face. "And keep it outside, too. None of us gives a rat's ass if ya fight out here - ya can take that up with the city guard."

When this is done, the priests dismiss their summons, the remainder of the clergy dismiss their calming spells on you and the crowd, and nearly everyone slowly moves back to what they were doing earlier - except for Bonesy, who climbs the stairs to the balcony and stands by one of the tables.

OOC: I'm going to go ahead and declare combat over here.

The Dice Table

After things seem to be running smoothly again, the elderly priest approaches Alphonse and Bela at the dice table. "Ah, It has been a good while since Silver-Tongue last brought adventurers to my door. Is there something I can help you fine gentlemen with?"

The Balcony

The mage sighs in relief and bows his head, then returns to his seat, next to the finely-dressed skeleton. He dismisses the illusory copies of himself, then begins to whisper to Bonesy, who hands him a small bag of coin, then sits down beside him.

The mage's whispers once again remind you of commands, but you can hear him a little more clearly now. Bonesy obeys his commands unquestioningly. At the final command, the skeleton's head snaps up straight and begins making slow sweeps of the balcony, back and forth.




The Street Outside

Nikolai peels himself off the ground and spits out a tooth. "How did that plan- *cough* -worrk out forr you, tyrrant?" He staggers to his feet. "Betterr than Navarrrre- *cough* -perrhaps, but that says little, does it not?"

The bouncer pulls out her pipe again and goes back to blowing rings of smoke.

2016-04-14, 09:40 PM
Alphonse dusts his hands off as if he did anything beyond jumping on a table. "We're actually here looking for a man, Sir Morgan. A Lieutenant if I recall."

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-14, 09:52 PM
The Dice Table

The old man brandishes a sly grin, and shakes his head. "I can't say I've ever heard of such a man - now, did this Sir Morgan tell you to meet him here?"

2016-04-14, 11:18 PM
Niro takes a long look at Nikolai, Go home, mercenary. I don't know what you're doing in this city, but you're no good to anyone in the state you're in.

2016-04-14, 11:20 PM
"No, though we were hoping to have a meeting with him. It's about...a job" Alphonse says, whispering a little.

Sense Motive (this guy is totally Morgan): [roll0]

Bluff Check (I mean Alphonse's statement is true but just in case): [roll1]

2016-04-15, 03:54 AM
Before the Mage Returns to the Table

I recognise that cloak. Do you belong to some form of order?

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-15, 03:12 PM
The Street Outside

The Samaran glares at you, "Aye, the hourr also grrows late. Perrhaps we meet anotherr time orr place, and things arre differrent." He takes a minute to tie up his weapons, then limps away.

The Dice Table

The aging priest raises an eyebrow, and seems noticeably more concerned. "A job? On a Sir Morgan? Who do you work for?"

As far as you can tell, this guy isn't Morgan - though he does seem somewhat suspicious of you.

The Balcony


2016-04-15, 04:37 PM
Niro watches the mercenary limp off before turning to the bouncer, Different indeed. You're quite impressive with that hammer. Why do you chain yourself to this establishment?

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-15, 04:57 PM
The Street

"I like 'em. They like me. And I get ta' rough up hooligans like you every once in a while." She smirks. "I ain't trapped here 'cause of my blood, if that's what you're asking." She points at her horns. "There's plenty of work for weirdos like us. Merc work, mostly, but other odds and ends too. You oughta' know, Metal Man - or do ya even gotta work?"

2016-04-15, 08:09 PM
Niro comes close to cracking a smile. Does a man made out of adamantium find work? You tell me. Suddenly much more serious. I may be a hooligan in your eyes, but I would never judge someone on their appearance. Not even the Samarans. It is their mercenaries alone that fuel my rage.

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-15, 10:40 PM
The Street

The bouncer finally finishes re-packing her pipe, and digs around for a light. "Yeah, I getcha. Ain't too many people around who actually want the mercs here, but I guess it's probably harder to kick 'em all out than it is to execute 'em when they pick fights with the crown. Or the guards. Or me, if Gus ain't watching." She grins. "They're like adventurers. A bunch of trouble, and you're pretty much guaranteed a fight if they stop by - of course, they bring in a ton of gold, so we don't usually turn 'em away either."

2016-04-16, 01:28 PM
Gold can be awfully hard thing to pass up. Niro gingerly sits down. Looks like I'll be waiting on my companions a while. Tell me, do you hail from Capel Kerig, Ms...?

2016-04-16, 07:23 PM
The Balcony

Why do you preserve them?

Tass points at Bonesy with poorly hidden contempt.

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-16, 09:31 PM
The Street

"Emilie." She pulls out a flint and sets about lighting her pipe. "And no. My family is from Fylke. It's all mining and fishing down there - not my kinda work - and The Mariner's clergy always rubbed me the wrong way, ya know? You're not from around here either, are ya?"

The Balcony


2016-04-16, 10:25 PM
No, no. I'm from Valencia. And frankly, after fifteen years in this city, most the western pantheon still rubs me the wrong way. Sinerely, No offense. You may call me Niro, by the way.

2016-04-17, 03:01 AM
And what about the mountaintops needs preserving?

2016-04-17, 09:07 AM
The Dice Table

The old man brandishes a sly grin, and shakes his head. "I can't say I've ever heard of such a man - now, did this Sir Morgan tell you to meet him here?"

"Ah, yes. Right, almost forgot" Alphonse says, reaching into one of his pockets to take out the letter that he doesn't have on him. He gives the man a somewhat embarrassed look. "I'll...be right back". He'll then get up and go to where Tass is because she has the letter they're supposed to give to one of the priests here.

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-17, 10:13 AM
The Balcony


Alphonse - you make your way up to the balcony on the second floor, and find Tass engaged in what appears to be a philosophical debate with a vaguely familiar-looking man in a white cloak. Bonesy sits at the table beside him, looking back and forth. When you approach, he taps the man on the shoulder, who slowly turns to look at you. "I SHOULD LEAVE. PERHAPS WE WILL MEET AGAIN, FOREST ELF. BONESY, COME."

The two rise, and make their way towards the entrance.

The Street

"Well, some of 'em are supposed ta', ya know? Ya pour wine out before ya go out ta' sea, or Vermiculus sinks your ship. Ya get on Cirda's bad side, she tells someone ta' knife ya in the back. And Mairah's always a mixed bag. Everyone wants something ta' change, but ya gotta be careful what ya' ask him for. I saw this one guy who got turned into a cat, and the priests just laughed at him! Ir Oni's alright, but she doesn't care aboutcha if you're not traveling, and I don't think I've ever seen Therion or Cygnus do anything. I guess the gods ain't like that where you're from, are they?"

2016-04-17, 10:26 AM
Bela stands up and flies up to the balcony next to Tass, stumbling a little as he lands. What's happening?

2016-04-17, 05:41 PM
The Ligurian Gods are far less interventionist on the whole. They guide through their teachings, not their actions.

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-18, 09:06 PM
The Street

"Weird." Emilie gives you a curious look. "So, how do ya ask for blessings? And how do ya make sure ya stay in their favor? Do ya just pray a lot, instead of making sacrifices every so often, or do y-"

The bouncer gets cut off mid-sentence by the door opening behind her. The man in the white cloak and Bonesy step out. "Oy, ya finished? Say, didn't ya come in with more of those?" She gestures vaguely at Bonesy.


Emilie raises an eyebrow. "Not gonna stay? How much can there be ta' clean up?"


With that, he and Bonesy disappear with a soft pop. Emilie shrugs. "Whitecloaks. They're all a damned mystery, if ya ask me. Ya ever run into 'em before?"

2016-04-19, 08:35 PM
Nothing compared to where you just came from. I found a man affiliated with the order who put those skeletons up on Elgin Pass. They are apparently obsessed with the preservation of everything, but apparently find that too hard to do anywhere which isn't a frozen rock.

Tass trades the acidity of her words for a bit of genuine curiousity as she continues.

He said he was helping the temple head with a dying friend. I wonder how in any way a necromancer could help with that?

2016-04-19, 08:49 PM
"Er, Lady Tass. If I may bother you, but I need that letter." Alphonse says, trying not to rudely interrupt what is certainly a fascinating conversation.

2016-04-19, 11:00 PM
Can't say that I have. Given your reaction, I'd say that's something of blessing in and of itself.

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-20, 09:26 PM
The Street

"Yeah, it's kinda hard ta' say. They kinda keep ta' themselves, from what I've seen." Emilie puts her flint away and goes back to smoking. "They sold maps on the east side of town a few years back, 'fore they packed up shop - used ta' see adventurers and hooligans like yourself come through with one of those every once in a while. Figured ya might know 'em that way." She shrugs. "Not sure how he... I think that's a he - wants us ta' get his other skeletons back ta' him, but I guess it ain't my problem."

2016-04-22, 12:52 PM
My professional experience as a hooligan is a relatively new one. I've spent most my time in Capel Kerig up in Penylan Hill.

2016-04-22, 12:55 PM
Tass makes a move toward the stairs.

You've found someone who know of this "Lieutenant Morgan"?

2016-04-22, 01:29 PM
Tass makes a move toward the stairs.

You've found someone who know of this "Lieutenant Morgan"?

"Yes, Lady Tass. I just remembered that we had to give said person the letter. I'm fairly certain otherwise we won't get access to him."

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-22, 06:18 PM
The Street

"Oh, you're one of those types - lemme guess, you're hot stuff back in uh... Liguria? Liguria. Ya come over here and buy up a fancy house on the hill, schmooze around with the nobs a bit, then one day, ya get bored and decide to go off on an adventure." Emilie chuckles. "How wrong am I?"

2016-04-23, 05:14 PM
The hint of a smile crosses Niro's face. Fairly. It's a long story. Some 400 years in the making.

2016-04-23, 09:00 PM
Lead the way then.

2016-04-24, 04:03 PM
Lead the way then.

"Of course, Lady Tass." Alphonse says, and he leads her back to the priest he was talking to.

2016-04-24, 04:33 PM
Bela will continue to stand on the balcony, leaning against the railing and looking down at the people.

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-24, 08:41 PM
The Street

Emilie raises her eyebrows and grins. "Hey, we've got time - how's this story go?"

Rasua's Temple / The Blind Eye Gambling House

You present your letter to Gus, who takes and reads it carefully. "Oh ho! You're friends - why, I didn't know! Let me take the two of you someplace a little quieter?"

A Back Room

He leads you through the back door, and through a series of dark hallways, and opens a nondescript door into what looks like a dark supply room. The room carries an acrid, chemical odor vaguely reminiscent of paint-thinner. A sturdy wooden pole is driven into the floor and nailed to the ceiling joists, and you can see two holes on the near side, one about two feet off the ground, and the other about 8 feet off the ground. The pole is slick with soapy water, and the floor seems to be finishing drying from a recent clean. Two figures wearing white cloaks, hard at work in the back corner of the room (by another door) wield a bucket and a mop, respectively.

A few books and some loose parchment are stacked on some crates in the back of the room, behind an unassuming desk chair. Atop this desk chair is an – unconscious? – grey elf in a plain bathrobe. The cuffs and hem of the robe are both stained a rust-red colour. You see a shiny steel chain that tethers the elf’s ankle to the floor.

Gus speaks up. "Oh my, it looks like he left me some skeletons." The aging priest turns to the two of you. "Well, here's the Lieutenant. He's a little tuckered out right now - he had a busy day today - but feel free to wake him up if you need him right away. If the Whitecloaks get in your way, just send them out - I'll have someone come by to pick them up in a little while, I think."

He steps back into the hall. "If you need me, I'll be leading a ceremony for the priests in our sanctuary - you are welcome to join us, if you wish."

2016-04-25, 12:11 PM
Niro pauses to think. Where do I begin...

OOC: Niro will tell his personal story as described in the "Other Notes" section of his Myth-Weavers profile (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=142305). He will not specify which family keeps him in his employ, however, nor any personal feelings about his employer.

2016-04-25, 01:26 PM
"So...hello, Sir Morgan?" Alphonse says, giving a sort of gesture to Tass, not...actually expecting to get this far honestly, and not sure what to do now that we're here.

2016-04-25, 01:27 PM
The Back Room
Tass frowns at the skeletons, then turns to the priest.

We're in no immediate hurry, and this man looks like he wants to sober up a bit. I'd gladly follow you for now.

2016-04-25, 04:11 PM
The Back Room
Tass frowns at the skeletons, then turns to the priest.

We're in no immediate hurry, and this man looks like he wants to sober up a bit. I'd gladly follow you for now.

"I shall come along, too. If that's okay. If I may ask...what seem's to be wrong with him? Maybe it's just me but he seems...how you say, indisposed."

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-25, 07:27 PM
The Street

Emilie blows a few smoke rings while you relate your tale, nodding attentively as you go. "That's a hell of a story, Niro. Ya never figured out what did ya in all those years ago?" She hesitates for a moment, pipe halfway out of her mouth. "Ya know, ya never said why ya left the posh life up on Penylan Hill ta' go adventuring. Get tired of your friends up there, looking for something new? Or do ya just wanna go home now?"

A Back Room

Morgan does not stir when you call him - he's either ignoring you, or he really can't hear you (due to unconsciousness or perhaps for some other reason).

"Oh! Very well, then." Gus leads you back out, and back through the maze of hallways to another dark room, answering Alphonse's question along the way. "Well, he has had a very rough few days. I must confess - I don't know the whole story. He was knocking on death's door when we picked him up a few days ago - mummy rot, and a few other more obscure curses I couldn't identify." The aging priest smiles softly. "Luckily, Silver-tongue has friends in high places - and a specialist with the Whitecloaks paid us a little visit to take care of our dear friend. And now, he is resting up!"

You finally reach the sanctuary, which contains a few priests, clergymen, and a few other worshipers chatting amongst themselves. Gus gestures for you to take a seat, then moves behind the altar with two of the other priests.

The two priests each light a candle in front of them, and Gus claps his hands once to silence the congregation. "By the light of the moon, the dim of the stars, and the black of the void, we are gathered here tonight. Father, you have many names: Silver-tongue, Phantom, Snake, Fox, and Coyote - ever wise and ever clever are your namesakes, in your image."

The candles in the priests' hands begin to float, and indeed, all the candles in the room begin to hover, moving slowly towards the altar. Gus raises his hands, and deepens his voice. "But one name is yours alone - Rasua. This name you gave to us, to invoke your power. Outsiders see it as the power of lies, but as the devout among us know, it is also the power of truth!" A small chorus of amens follows from the crowd.

"And it is this power we seek tonight - by the light of the moon, the dim of the stars, and the black of the void - father, you who have dominion over truth and deception. Each man and woman here has deceit to offer you, and asks only for some truth in return. Come, children! Thieves, charlatans, knaves - we, the poor and downtrodden of the city - Silver-tongue will take you all under his wing!" Another chorus of amens, this one a little louder.

"Please, join me." The congregation mumbles along, as the priests say, "By the light of the moon - lend us your words to hide our mind. By the dim of the stars - lend us your shadow to hide our flesh. By the black of the void - lend us your steel to hide our past. Remind us of this often..."

There is a long, solemn pause, and suddenly Gus grins. The sanctuary promptly erupts in a tremendous roar as everyone shouts - "OR YOU WON'T GET THEM BACK!" The priests and clergy all chuckle, and the candles begin to move back into place. "A-men." A third, slightly less cohesive chorus of amens follows from the crowd. "Those of you who have questions to ask of our father should come to the altar now."

A few people from the crowd go up and begin to pray, and everyone else begins to file out or mill around - it seems the ceremony is over.

2016-04-25, 07:43 PM
"An impressive display to be sure..." Alphonse says, to himself more than anything. It occurs to him he could ask about his potential changeling problem here, but he's not sure how useful their information would be.

2016-04-25, 07:49 PM
I'm not entirely sure, but I have been given reason to believe it was a dragon. I'm in the process of picking up leads. Which I think answers your second question, to a degree. I do have some local obligations that must be fulfilled first, but at the end of the day, I want answers. Niro pauses. You wouldn't happen to know anything of dragons, would you?

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-26, 04:00 PM
The Street

Emilie grins. "Big, mean, and sleep on piles of gold, right? I wish I could help ya, but there ain't many dragons living in the city. I'll keep an eye out for 'em, though - sometimes we get dragonslayers come through." She winks. "Ya might have more luck at an adventurer's guild, though. There's a few big ones around here ya could ask at. Order of the Red Sea, off the top of my head, and I think Mairah's church sponsors some too."

2016-04-26, 04:29 PM
Tass moves around a bit to take in the whole situation while also trying to overhear if anything interesting is said by the altar. She'll then suggest to Alphonse that they'll go back to wake Morgan up.

Listen check: [roll0]

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-26, 08:47 PM
A Back Room

By and large, the prayers are silent - most worshipers don't even move their mouths. You do hear words from a few, but never a response. One in particular catches your ear:

"How curious. I am most certainly not a worshiper of yours, and I desire nothing at all but the satisfaction of my curiousity. What will you give me?" - A man in black robes, wearing glasses that remind you of a fly's compound eyes.

2016-04-26, 09:20 PM
Order of the Red Sea, eh? I should go there later. Turning the conversation back around on Emilie, What about you? Have you ever considered taking up adventuring since coming to Capel Kerig?

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-27, 04:08 PM
The Street

"Nah, that's too much moving around for me. I like ta' stay in one place and sorta settle, ya know? Plus, adventuring's dangerous - at least here, if I get in over my head, I can always call up the city guard."

2016-04-27, 05:37 PM
Please. You more than know how to swing that hammer. I belive my comrade aluded to this, but that isn't a style you just pick up in Fylke.

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-28, 09:30 PM
The Street

"It's a little more common there than ya might think. There's still folk around that remember the old ways, before Cymru and the western gods - mostly up in the mountains." Emilie picks the hammer up and absentmindedly taps it on the ground. "I picked up a few tricks from one of the wyrm priests in Fylke, but I mostly learned by myself. Is your friend a dragon-worshiper?"

A Back Room

Your curiosity satisfied (or, perhaps not), you return to Lieutenant Morgan's room. The two Whitecloaks are standing outside, bucket and mop still in hand, but they step aside as you approach.

The inside of the room is not much different - everything is a little drier, and the offensive odors of soap and acetone are a little subdued. Morgan is still slumped over in the desk chair, but he stirs as you enter the room. You hear a dry mumble, "who's there?"

2016-04-28, 09:41 PM
"Hello, Lieutenant Morgan. I am Sir Alphonse, and this is my friend, the Lady Tass." Alphonse begins, giving Tass the lead.

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-28, 09:56 PM
A Back Room

Morgan slowly rises, and a bit of sand falls out of his robe. You have a better view of him now, and you can see that he's missing quite a bit of skin (and in some places muscle) - you can see the bone sticking out of his wrists and his jaw. You also notice holes - one in each palm, and one in each ankle. He spits sand out of his mouth and shuffles over to the desk to put on some slippers. "don't worry, it's not contagious. i hate mummies. what are you fine, wealthy people looking to buy today? oh, and who recommended me to you? i always like to send thanks to people that send me customers"

2016-04-29, 11:39 AM
There definiely are, you're talking to one. Niro laughs, a sound reminiscent of gears grinding (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXefXle5OQQ). I am not entirely sure who Alphonse venerates, but it's a distinct possibility. He's certainly obsessed with dragons.

2016-04-29, 05:30 PM
Back Room
Tass puts Padrig's letter on the table before her, but jumps straight to the issue.

We want to buy black lotus extract.

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-29, 07:28 PM
The Street

Emilie snorts, and smoke shoots out her nose. She gives you a playful shove, breaking into a fit of coughs that are somewhere between laughing and choking. "Ya know what I meant!" She shakes her head and grins. "Why don'tcha ask him about your dragons, then? Surely he's gotta know something?"

A Back Room

Morgan grins, the dry skin on his cheeks noticeably cracking from the movement. "very wealthy indeed." He glances down at the letter. "sent by the king himself, are you? you aren't, by chance, the new gophers? you don't look like it. no... friends, maybe? actual friends, not 'friends' of the temple? no... i would know who you are... you must be a new acquaintance of his..."

The elf shuffles over to the back of the room, then mumbles something incomprehensible at the crates stacked in the corner. "unfortunately for me, i only have a handful of doses left. as i'm sure you are aware, black lotus extract is not easy to get here, and my next shipment is due a month or two out from now. how much were you looking to buy? also, i will need to see your payment, if i am to take you seriously. the regular price - ninety pounds of gold for a dose. forty-five hundred gold pieces is the price of a life. any life. distressingly cheap, is it not?"

He gestures at the crates again. "sir alphonse, would you move these for me? i don't have the strength. or palms, it would seem. you wouldn't, by chance, have any idea what that necromancer did to me when i was unconscious? aside from keeping my jaw from turning to sand, of course."

2016-04-29, 07:42 PM
"I'm afraid I don't have a clue what happened to you. Perhaps Lady Tass has an idea of it. If I had to guess...he saved your life by consuming another's. The barest minimum to keep you alive...and considering that you're chained to the floor that's not a surprise." Alphonse answer, and he'll move the boxes for the guy politely, though carefully as he'd rather not make any mistakes around deathly poisons.

Amidus Drexel
2016-04-29, 09:09 PM
A Back Room

Glass rattles softly in the crates as you push them. Moving them aside reveals a hidden hatch in the floor - which Lieutenant Morgan opens and begins to climb down a ladder inside - stopping when the chain goes taut. You can see dozens upon dozens of tiny drawers and cupboards set into the walls of the space around him.

"can that even be done? i truly don't know - i never learned much necromancy - aside from a few hexes, of course. it never held my interest. necromancy is such a slow magic. it takes a kind of patience that i suppose i lack." He chuckles dryly. "that is why i am a conjuror, of course. no patience. everything must be done now, immediately. it makes dealing with humans easier, i suppose. rasua's temple too."

Morgan clambers back out of the hole, carrying a small box of vials and wearing a pair of thick leather gloves. He presents the box to you, though careful not to let you actually touch it. Six vials contain a dark, resinous liquid that reminds you of tree sap, and two others contain dried leaves of some kind. "as pure as can be made. this is all i have right now - if you wish to purchase more, you'll have to wait for my next shipment. i can let you know as soon as it's in."

He sets the box on his desk and gingerly removes the gloves, then retrieves a record-book and a quill. "how much would you like? oh, i'll be needing to see that gold about now."

2016-04-30, 01:13 PM
The Street

Emilie snorts, and smoke shoots out her nose. She gives you a playful shove, breaking into a fit of coughs that are somewhere between laughing and choking. "Ya know what I meant!" She shakes her head and grins. "Why don'tcha ask him about your dragons, then? Surely he's gotta know something?"

Perhaps I shall. Niro pauses to think. His interest seems, well, to be just that, though. A fascination with dragons does not make one knowledgable of them.

2016-05-02, 04:03 PM
"I've a question, actually. When IS the next shipment?" Alphonse asks.

2016-05-02, 04:42 PM
Back Room

We'll need three, but neither am I going to bring that much gold into a den of thieves, nor carry the goods through a brawl on my way out. I was hoping to arrange for a meeting somewhere more secluded where the transaction can take place instead. However...

Tass retrieves her pouch with rubies and puts it on the table for everyone to see.

This is 100 pounds of gold in value, to prove we're not without assets.

Amidus Drexel
2016-05-02, 05:53 PM
The Street

Emilie leans back and resumes smoking. "I suppose so." Just then, the door opens and one of the clergymen leans out - "Can you throw those musicians out? They won't play anymore and they won't pay for their drinks either."

"Damned bards." The short woman picks up her hammer and casually swings it around as she heads back into the gambling house. Before she disappears back inside, she pokes her head out the door. "Sorry, Niro - gotta do my job. I'll be back out soon enough, unless these pricks start a fight." Emilie flashes you a mischievous grin, then dashes off towards the bar and out of sight.

A Back Room

Morgan leans back and scratches his neck. "let's see... forty-six days from today, if the ship arrives on time. i forget what day of the week that comes out to. it is about halfway between the solstice and the first equinox."

The lieutenant inspects the gems closely, then nods. "very wealthy indeed! yes, i admit, this isn't the best place to handle transactions of this nature. it's safer for me, however, but since you seem to be serious... do you have a neutral, secluded location in mind? and when would you be ready to meet?"

2016-05-07, 11:47 AM
Niro rises from the ground and dusts himself off. Not knowing when Emilie will return, he goes off in search of the Order of the Red Sea's guild.

Amidus Drexel
2016-05-07, 05:56 PM
Market Square

You return to Capel Kerig's market square, heading towards the Order of the Red Sea's guildhouse. The guards patrolling the streets give you some strange looks, but nobody stops you on your way.

The guildhouse door opens readily, and a soft chime sounds. You descend a set of stairs, perhaps 20ft vertically, and enter the guildhouse proper - a massive underground room filled with merchant stalls, private tables, spaces dedicated for practicing swordplay or archery, a bar, and a great bulletin board. An exotic menagerie of persons are sprawled across the expanse before you - Rasua's temple looks practically homogeneous by comparison. Taxidermied heads of fearsome monsters, flashy weaponry, and other such trophies adorn the walls.

A man in blood-red priest's vestments sits at a desk by the entrance, with his feet propped up dangerously close to a glass of what looks like red wine. He's staring intently at a small segmented cube in his hands, but looks up as you approach. "Hey, you're that warforged who lives up on Penylan Hill, aren't you? I think I've seen you around the city before." He smiles. "Are you here to sign on?"

2016-05-07, 07:53 PM
I am. He pauses, And I might. It is something I have been considering. Though I'd like to learn more before making any committments. Niro looks over at the heads mounted on the wall. I was hoping to gather some information. He pats the coin purse on his side, which makes a satisfying noise.

Amidus Drexel
2016-05-07, 08:24 PM
Order of the Red Sea Guildhouse

"Well, you won't get much out of Gunner without a guild coin-" The priest nods towards the bar. "-but most everyone else won't have a problem chatting, as long as you're not trying to snipe their job. What kind of information were you hoping to gather?"

He reaches into a drawer and pulls out a small stack of pamphlets, then hands you one. "So you don't forget about us. We've always got work; if you can do the job, we'll get you in. And we're always open."

2016-05-07, 10:06 PM
I'm interested in learning about dragons. Niro takes the pamphlet from the priest, and gives it a quick read before stowing it. How is it that you balance the association with Vermiculus and staying neutral in international conflict with your high standing with the crown?

2016-05-08, 05:07 PM
Back Room

Tass briefly browses through different Capel Kerig locations in her mind.

Roath Park, three days before full moon.

Amidus Drexel
2016-05-08, 10:34 PM
Order of the Red Sea Guildhouse

The priest gives you a confused look. "What high standing with the crown? You mean these robes? Ha!" He rolls his eyes. "Wearing red doesn't bring me any closer to the emperor than wearing white does - or being rich, for that matter - and we have plenty of retired army and bored or runaway nobles here too. Besides, the Order doesn't require its members to be neutral, necessarily - it just won't give us jobs paid for by the monarchy."

"As for dragons, there's plenty of knowledge here. I heard a rumor there's a famous dragonslayer coming to town this week, but I haven't heard who - maybe you could ask around for them?"

A Back Room

Morgan nods, and extends you a hand. "that works for me! i will see the two of you that night - and only the two of you - else you will not see me. do we have a deal?"

2016-05-08, 10:51 PM
Alphonse nods politely. "Of course."

2016-05-10, 04:30 AM
Back Room

Those are sound conditions. Can we expect the same degree of solitude from you?

Amidus Drexel
2016-05-10, 04:59 PM
A Back Room

"yes." The lieutenant carefully puts his gloves back on, then sets about returning the box of black lotus extract to its place. "i have no intention of double-crossing a customer such as yourself - but it is wise for you to ask, i suppose, being where we are."

The poison safely stowed away under the floor, Morgan returns to his chair. He gives you a curious look, and says, "how do you two know the king, anyway? would you know if he has other acquaintances such as yourself that i'm not familiar with with whom i could do business?"

2016-05-10, 05:36 PM
Back Room

When Morgan returns the poison to its storage, Tass swiftly looks around for any dropped hair or... other body part of his to squirrel away.

He's mostly just surrounded by merceneries whose optimism outshines their material possessions. We have similar interests with the king, but you'll have to excuse us if we didn't stay long enough for him to introduce us to his wealthier acquaintances. I've never been... much for nobility, if you understand me.

Spot check: [roll0]

Amidus Drexel
2016-05-10, 07:31 PM
A Back Room

Tass, you're able to pull a few stray hairs from the uniform hanging on the wall, and could collect some sand that's... fallen off ...of the lieutenant as well, should you so desire.

"i understand. i do have a great love for the nobles, as individuals. rich, bored, and petty make good customers, in my business." Morgan holds a hand up to his face and looks at the hole in his palm. "except, of course, when those same rich, petty customers think you've cheated them. nevermind that i deal in contraband and sometimes i lose shipments to inspectors at the docks. but on the whole, not such a bad lot."

"i do look forward to meeting you and your deep wallet again, lady tass, and you also, sir alphonse. three days antecedent of the full moon, in roath park. i'll mark my calendar." He grins, then turns away to make a few notes in his record-book.

2016-05-10, 11:17 PM
Ah. I see. Niro takes a brief pause to process the information. Yes, the Marquess Wren, or so I have been told. Has he ever come here before?

2016-05-11, 04:54 AM
Back Room

See you then.

Tass turns to leave the room and return to main hall, hair and a pinch of sand stowed away in an empty pocket of her spell pouch.

2016-05-11, 09:16 AM
Alphonse will follow after Tass, not wanting to linger too long.

Amidus Drexel
2016-05-11, 04:25 PM
Order of the Red Sea Guildhouse

"Oh, is Victor stopping by? Yes, he's been here before - in fact, he still pays his membership dues, though I don't think he's taken a job in years. If you're interested in dragons, he's your man. He used to lead a small party of dragonslayers, back when he was younger - he probably has as much information on them as we do, if not more - not to discourage you from asking anyone else here, though."

Rasua's Temple / The Blind Eye Gambling House

You return to the outer room, and are just in time to notice a small brawl being broken up at the bar. The short, horned bouncer is carrying a musician in each hand, and is occupied with dragging them out the door as you enter. "AND STAY OUT!" She tosses them out to the street, then walks back over to the bar to retrieve her hammer.

Bela is still sitting up on the balcony, looking down at the spectacle below.

2016-05-11, 06:55 PM
Oh, does he now? Good to know. Niro thanks the man for his help before heading to the bar, where he stands in lieu of sititng. Who here can tell me about dragons?

Amidus Drexel
2016-05-12, 06:36 PM
Order of the Red Sea Guildhouse

A comfortably dressed man a few barstools over spins around and waves his hands at you, practically overflowing with a childish glee. His skin is scaly and blue, though his hands and hair both have a rainbow-esque effect that reminds you of an oil slick. "I do! Come on, sit down, have a drink!"

2016-05-12, 06:40 PM
Niro leaves the bartop to join the man who called out to him. I'm afraid drinks have no effect on me. But let me buy you your next round.

Amidus Drexel
2016-05-12, 06:56 PM
Order of the Red Sea Guildhouse

Though you wouldn't have thought it was possible, the man's eyes widen even further, and he reaches out to shake your hand. "A pleasure to meet you! Ulhar-molik vur Aussir-sauriv, at your service! But please, please, please just call me Ulhar. What can I tell you about dragons, my friend?"

2016-05-12, 08:14 PM
Ulhar, is it? You may call me Niro. Niro signals to the barkeep to bring Ulhar a drink. I'm looking for some information about individual dragons. I know that's a little out of the ordinary.

2016-05-13, 08:32 AM
Rasua's Temple

Tass walks up to Béla on the balcony.

Done, we've got our contact. And what is going on here riow?

Amidus Drexel
2016-05-13, 10:55 PM
Order of the Red Sea Guildhouse

"Niro? A wonderful name! What does it mean?" Ulhar slaps a steel token down on the counter and shouts to the bartender, "A tall glass of lightning, Gunner, and then probably call it a night for me." He turns back to you. "That's not a problem at all! I know a great many dragons - some personally, some not - who are you interested in? Nobody burnt down a town lately, did they?" He gives you an inquisitive, slightly worried look.

2016-05-13, 11:05 PM
Order of the Red Sea Guildhouse

"Niro? A wonderful name! What does it mean?" Ulhar slaps a steel token down on the counter and shouts to the bartender, "A tall glass of lightning, Gunner, and then probably call it a night for me." He turns back to you. "That's not a problem at all! I know a great many dragons - some personally, some not - who are you interested in? Nobody burnt down a town lately, did they?" He gives you an inquisitive, slightly worried look.

Mean? Niro had never considered the question before. I'm not sure it means anything, per se. It's just preferable to Tacitus Mk. IV. How impersonal is that?

Not as far as I am aware. At least not recently. I seek information regarding Techrytryx Avrae, Pyo the Berserker, and Diacaedr Moonbeam.

2016-05-14, 02:58 AM
Rasua's Temple

Tass walks up to Béla on the balcony.

Done, we've got our contact. And what is going on here riow?

Much that would not surprise you and little of interest. Béla glances around at her for a few seconds, and then stares down into the Inn again. Are we ready to go? Where's the r-- warforged?

2016-05-14, 06:01 PM
Rasua's Temple

He got thrown out after the bar fight he started. From that point, I don't know. Either he's waiting for outside right now, or he went elsewhere.

Amidus Drexel
2016-05-16, 11:31 AM
Order of the Red Sea Guildhouse

Ulhar's drink arrives - a pint-glass of a clear liquid with what look like metal flakes in it, which is fizzing and popping furiously. Little bolts of electricity arc between the glass and Ulhar's hand as he goes to pick it up, and his hair begins to stand up as he drinks it. As he hears your list of dragons, his eyebrows rise also. "Pyo? Are you sure nobody's destroyed a town? Whyever under Therion's blue sky would you be looking for Pyo the Berserker?"

The man scratches his chin, and the residual static from his drink continues to spark at his face. "But the others, hm... well, Missus Avrae is a grumpy old lady! Do you want to meet her? I think she's doing something special for the Solstice. I'm sure it'll be a spectacle!" He leans in close, and whispers, grinning like a fool. "It's probably fireworks of some kind - she always did have fun making explosions~"

"Now, Diacaedr, I don't know about. He's, uh, kind of odd? I haven't seen him in a couple of decades, so I couldn't say what he was up to. I sort of might be the best person to contact him, buuuuuuut-" Ulhar pauses, and downs the other half of his glass. "-the last time I took a job from him he wouldn't pay, so the guild had to send out people to collect from him. And he's probably still pissed about it! Haha!" Ulhar winks. "Of course, that's what you get when you try to stiff the Order of the Red Sea!"

2016-05-21, 11:38 AM
Well, no. I am not sure. It is why I seek information. But Pyo, Avrae, and Diacaedr, they're all still alive? That's good to know. Niro pauses to think how much he should reveal. I have reason to believe that one of those dragons effectively killed me over 300 years ago. A dragon by the name of Yusil-bha was also on the suspect list, but I have gathered he has already passed.

Amidus Drexel
2016-05-22, 10:16 PM
Order of the Red Sea Guildhouse

Ulhar fiddles with the empty glass as he speaks. "Well, if you think someone killed you, Pyo is not such a bad bet! But 300 years ago? I wouldn't rule out Missus Avrae or Diacaedr either. Now, those two I can put you in contact easily, but - mercifully - I do not have a relationship of any kind with Pyo the Berserker. The last I heard, he lives in the mountains near the city of Nordrake, but that was over half a century ago. Where does he live now? Who knows! If you really want to know where he is, I'd ask a slayer - the last emperor offered an Earlship to the one who returned with Pyo's head - and the offer still stands! If you're suici- er, brave enough to try and collect on it, anyway." He grins nervously, then bends down and half-mumbles, "I do mean it, though! He has a reputation for enjoying the taste of human and elf. And for maiming the survivor! Stripping and maiming."

The scaled man leans back and stretches. "I'm sure you've heard, but there are some dragonslayers coming through here tomorrow night. Stop by, bring your friends, I'll introduce you! And maybe I can help you with Missus Avrae in the meantime? She is the best with explosions!"

2016-05-23, 12:14 AM
I see. Do you know how Pyo, Avrae, and Diacaedr get along? If it was Pyo who killed me, it could not hurt to have allies. Niro gives what barely passes for a wink, I have the distinct feeling that I cannot be all too tasty.

Yes, the Marquess. I intend to speak with him. Meeting with Avrae certainly couldn't hurt. Tell me, Ulhar, how do you know so much?

Amidus Drexel
2016-05-23, 05:30 PM
Order of the Red Sea Guildhouse

"Er, well... draconic politics are complicated - almost as complicated as fey politics! I don't pretend to understand them at all." Ulhar massages his temple, and begins to speak more slowly. "I should think that all three know of each other. I would be rather surprised if Missus Avrae had ever met either of them, though - she so rarely leaves the port districts here." He stretches, and yawns, then continues. "Now, Diacaedr Moonbeam, he might know Pyo. They are both cold-mountain sorts of dragons. I could always ask him, if you like - though I can't say if he'd even answer me."

Ulhar waggles his finger, and smirks. "Ah, but that's where you'd be wrong! Not everyone knows this, but dragons can eat almost anything - some have a taste for manflesh, some for treebark, some others for ice or rock, and some for metal or gems. Missus Avrae, for example, is very fond of corroded copper. Don't write yourself off as inedible just because you are adamantine!"

"How do I know so much?" The scaled man clutches his hands over his chest. "Why, by making friends with dragons, of course! Collectively, they are very wealthy and very powerful - and individually, they are majestic and knowledgeable! How could I, as a dutiful sorcerer and drunkard, not know so much about the creatures whose blood runs in my very veins!?" He laughs heartily, haphazardly tumbling from his stool to the wooden floor below. He gets up and dusts himself off, then reclaims his seat. "Yes, I thought that last drink would do me in! Well, no more for tonight! Do forgive me, Niro, but I must go home to sleep!" Ulhar rises once more, and takes a hesitant step or two, holding onto Niro's shoulder for support. "Though, uh, if you could help me up the stairs, I would be ever-so grateful!"


You learn from Emilie, the bouncer, that Niro was asking about dragons and adventuring guilds, and has probably gone off to visit the Order of the Red Sea Guildhouse. Your business at Rasua's temple concluded, you find an inn and retire for the night.

Come morning proper...

11:00, Thursday, Early Winter, CI 200
Countdown to Solstice Celebrations: 30:00
Countdown to the New Year: 37:00
Market Square, Capel Kerig, Cymru, Hindrun, Prime Material Plane

After resting, preparing spells, and eating breakfast (as appropriate), you return to Capel Kerig's market square. Two young boys carrying a conspicuous pink umbrella and a limp pouch stand outside Enigma's store, counting money.

Niro is standing alone, away from the merchant's stalls, a parchment pamphlet in hand.

Tass: A brief inquiry about a florist with some volume of plants points you to Therion's temple - word has it that a small donation will net you your choice of vegetation from their extensive hanging gardens.

2016-05-23, 11:36 PM
Alphonse will go with Tass, and while at the Florist ask for advice on flower language. I'm going on the assumption that as a florist they probably would know this, at least with regards to the nobility.

Amidus Drexel
2016-05-26, 01:16 PM
Therion’s Temple / Arianrhod Tower

You leave the market square and make your way to Arianrhod Tower, a block or two south of the city centre. Constructed from small, palm-sized stones, the tower stands at least a hundred and fifty feet tall – if not taller. Vegetation hangs from every window, and thick vines of dark-leafed ivy run cling both to the tower’s exterior and the hanging plant life. A light breeze seems to rise from the ground and blow up the tower walls. The doors are propped open, and the soft scents of fir and spruce greet you as you enter.

You ascend a gently-sloped spiral staircase for a few storeys, then reach a landing with rows of winter flowers. Tending them are an old man and an old woman, both wearing brown robes. The woman looks up as you enter.

“Warm greetings to you all! How can we help you, folks? Oh, a disciple of Torethen – it is an honor, lady elf.” The elderly woman bows slowly to Tass. “Have you come to pray?”

Alphonse: Upon asking about flower language, the old man gives you (and anyone else who listens) a long talk on how to arrange flowers to give different meanings. Among other things, he says:

“Adding a sprig of blackleaf to a bouquet can symbolize urgency, or impatience. It is impolite in a romantic context – one is not meant to rush such things.”

“Between merchants, a gift of clovers – crimson and white – is common. It is a promise of industry – a fruitful business partnership built on hard work. It is no coincidence that Cymru’s colours too are red and white; conquest built on law and order was our first emperor’s promise – and Cymru has been industrious in that regard.”

OOC: I’m going to take Wikipedia as the resource on real-life floral symbolism, and will defer to it for real-life plants referred to here – I’ll detail symbolism for any fictional plants that I or you end up naming, and might list some combinations of flowers that have additional meaning in this setting – but for the most part, you can assume I’m just borrowing from real life.

2016-05-28, 01:15 PM
Bela will find his way back to lodgings and trance.

2016-05-29, 07:38 PM
Ah, yes. I also bring a donation to the temple and was hoping you could help us with a large amount of flowers in return.

Tass retrieves a pouch with 60 gold pieces in it.

Amidus Drexel
2016-05-29, 09:50 PM
Therion’s Temple / Arianrhod Tower

The old woman gasps in surprise and delight at the gold, then bows to you again. "Oh my! Lady elf, you may take all the flowers you like!" After you explain just how many flowers you're trying to purchase, she taps a finger to her lips in thought. "Well, with that many flowers, you probably can't carry them, so we may have to deliver them ourselves - we can have it done within the next hour or two. Where should we take them?"

The old man taps you on the shoulder, and points to the sky. "You can pray wherever you like, of course, but our sanctuary is at the top of the stairs. We have another holy garden atop the tower, but one must be able to fly to reach it."

2016-05-30, 02:17 PM
Deliver them to princess Jacinth at the royal palace, we can escort you there after I've finished my prayers.

Oh, and don't include anything poisonous. I don't think she would be very appreciative.

Amidus Drexel
2016-05-30, 04:39 PM
Therion’s Temple / Arianrhod Tower

"Poisonous? My goodness, certainly not! Whatever gave you that idea?" She turns to the man, and says, "Come, let's get some of the younger priests and load up the carts." The two go down the stairs, leaving you alone in the garden.

Therion's Temple, Holy Gardens

You fly up to the roof of the tower, and alight in the air god's sanctuary. Brilliant emerald grass and unseasonably colourful flowers blanket the roof, at the center of which is a circle of small stones, just wide enough for someone to kneel in. The garden very nearly glows, and you feel warm despite the biting winter air around you. From this height you have an excellent view of the city, as well. You can see the bustle in market square, a ship departing from the docks, guards patrolling at the palace, and a small procession of carriages arriving at the east gates.

2016-05-30, 06:11 PM
Tass turns into an eagle and flies up to the Holy Gardens.

Holy Gardens

Tass leaves her eagle form and sits down in the circle of stones rather informal manner, leaning back as if skygazing.

Great Torethen, you who exist in all. Lend me your soil, so I may sprout like seeds in spring. Lend me your rain, so I may grow in spirit as in body. Lend me your wind, so I may learn to endure. Lend me your power, so one can become many and many can become one.

Once she finishes her prayer, Tass sinks into meditation, slowly letting the enchanted air pass through her lungs while waiting in the time for their shipment to leave.

Amidus Drexel
2016-05-31, 12:48 PM
Therion's Temple, Holy Gardens

After some time, a strong gust of cold wind breaks your meditation. Dead leaves and loose petals up waft up from below, and when the wind subsides, hang in the air for a few seconds in the rough silhouette of a man. The soft, familiar voice of your patron speaks in your mind.

Know peace, my child. A great storm is coming.

The leaves and petals then succumb to gravity and flutter down to the earth below, and the warmth of the air-god's sanctuary returns. You hear the old woman's call up from below...

Wuscfrea's Palace

When the plants are ready to be transported, the old woman calls Tass down from the sanctuary. You join the small group of priests in transporting the flowers up to the palace, and deliver the impressive amount of vegetation to a group of Jacinth's clerks. Guards and servants give you both curious and annoyed looks, and the latter quickly clean up the stray leaves and dirt that fall behind you.

As you arrive, two of the clerks break off from their work and step forward - one begins inspecting the plants (and taking notes on a clipboard), and the other approaches you, sneering with the haughty disdain that only a royal servant can truly muster. He takes extra care to make his shoes click on the marble floor with every step, and stops just in front of you with a pompous click-clack. "And what, pray tell, is this?"

2016-06-02, 05:35 PM
Tass spends a moment gathering the right words.

A gift of flowers for tomorrow's ball. Tell princess Jacinth that Niro the warforged sends his regards.

Amidus Drexel
2016-06-02, 11:08 PM
Wuscfrea's Palace

The clerk checks a list on his clipboard, then calls the other one over. "Nothing dangerous here, sir."

"Niro, is it? There is a Niro on the list, and I remember the Princess had a warforged visitor yesterday... yes, I suppose that will do." He turns around and click-clacks back over to his desk, then waves you out with a halfhearted flick of the wrist. "You may leave them where they are. Our servants will take care of it. Good day."

The guards roll their eyes, but usher you out anyway.

OOC: If you have any other business to take care of at the palace, let me know, and we'll do that now. Either way, let's go forward with Tass' other point of business today:

Enigma's Curiosity Shoppe

You return to the market square, and enter Enigma's shop. The mysterious shop-owner is sitting on the counter, eyes closed, with an adamantine music-box in one hand and a set of silver pan-pipes in the other. You arrive just in time to hear the music-box wind down into dissonant, off-tempo chords.

When the door closes, his eye (and empty eye socket) snap open - and the music-box snaps shut. "My goodness, I seem to have lost track of time. Are you back about that ruby disc? I've made some progress!" He jumps down behind the counter and pulls it out from a drawer. "This little jewel has an incredible affinity for abjuration magic - especially anti-magic spells, but it takes quite nicely to abjurations of all sorts. I could think of a great many uses for such a thing, but that's all speculation. No one I've spoken to so far seems to know of another like it, but it has only been a day. I should have that answer for you soon enough."

2016-06-03, 04:53 AM
Affinity? So, it strengthens them?

Tass gets back to the purpose of her errand.

We followed our lead on the poison smuggler who sold the black lotus extract which killed Brynne, and we found him in Rasua's temple. I even set up a meeting with him outside the temple three days before the next full moon, but from there, I do not know how to proceed.

She procures two strands of Morgan's hair and two grains of sand from her pouch.

I got some strands of hair off his coat, though, and I thought you would be interested. I also got this sand which fell off his body. He'd just been... treated by a necromancer from a case of mummy rot.

Amidus Drexel
2016-06-03, 07:10 PM
Enigma's Curiosity Shoppe

"Sort of. It's able to hold a spell charge that can be used later, like a ring of spell storing or the like, but it doesn't hold the charge forever. Non-abjuration spells just don't take, though, and even most abjurations leak out somewhat quickly - aside from dispelling magic and the like-" Enigma waves the disc at you. "-which it holds for hours. There are a few more experiments to be done before I can be sure how it works, but that's what we know now."

"Oho! Excellent! I can use these to keep tabs on him in the meantime, if you like. A necromancer?" Enigma scratches his chin. "Whyever in the world would you have a necromancer heal someone? Did you hear how he treated it?"

The shopkeeper pulls out his remaining eyeball and polishes it. "But, as for your situation, I suppose he expects the meeting to be just you two? Hrm... Well, the bounty on dead smugglers is 100gp, and live smugglers are worth 500gp. Usually you can earn an extra fee by turning over a stash of contraband, but it's not always a sure thing. If he's complicit in Brynne's death, though... you might get the bounty for turning over a traitor too, which will net you another 500gp or so, dead or alive."

"So, are you asking me how I would kill this man, or how to capture him? The killing is much easier, of course, but perhaps I am biased." Enigma grins, his face looking decidedly skull-like, with empty eye sockets and pale skin. "Or is it some other advice entirely that you seek?"

2016-06-03, 11:56 PM
Alphonse speaks up "I'd prefer catching him, personally. Let him face justice in the proper fashion not on our blades...though I'm not opposed to that either.

2016-06-04, 08:17 PM
Tass responds to Enigma.

If you cut the flower, it will just sprout a new one. I thought you people were more interested in stopping the poison trade than killing a man.

2016-06-04, 08:19 PM
"Oh, I am, trust me. I'm just talking worst case scenario."

2016-06-05, 04:22 PM
Surely, we can take him alive.

Amidus Drexel
2016-06-06, 07:37 PM
Enigma's Curiosity Shoppe

"They do pay a higher bounty for live smugglers. And as unsavory as it may sound, one can interrogate the dead, too." He puts his eye back where it belongs, and begins to take down notes. "Yes, what Cymru would find most useful in this situation would be tracking who this smuggler gets his poison from. If you've agreed to buy poison from him as a show of faith or interest, go ahead and do so - secure his trust, and see what you can learn about him and his supply chain. I can reimburse you for the expense, and take the poison off your hands too, if you're worried about carrying contraband around." Enigma taps his fingertips together as he talks. "And again, if there is anything you want me to see, just show it to the eye that I gave you. Once you know the people that are helping him smuggle it in, we can re-evaluate - maybe capture a shipment or interrogate one of the higher-ups in the operation. Does that sound good to you?"

2016-06-09, 08:34 AM
Sounds like an interesting proposal. We promised to buy three doses off him for five and a half thousand gold each. He also let us know that he only had six doses in store, but that another shipment would arrive in forty-six days from yesterday.

I believe this hair should let you trace his whereabouts.

Amidus Drexel
2016-06-09, 09:39 PM
Enigma's Curiosity Shoppe

Enigma excuses himself and disappears into the back room, and returns with a large bag of rubies. "Sixteen-thousand, five hundred gold-pieces worth of rubies. That will cover your expenses for this ah... venture. I will begin investigating ships due to arrive a month and a half from now - should the smuggler prove unhelpful as a source of information, we will at least have something to work with. Perhaps... if you can find when the previous shipment was, that will go a long way towards narrowing down a list of suspects."

He gingerly plucks the hair from your hand, and inspects it closely. "Yes, this will do quite nicely. And you said... Rasua's temple, was it? I may have to pay Gus a visit."

OOC: If you've got anything else you want to say to Enigma (or indeed, anything else you want to take care of before the ball) now's the time. If not, let me know, and I'll advance time to the beginning of the solstice celebrations asap (or if I hear nothing from y'all, in the next day or two).

Amidus Drexel
2016-06-16, 03:59 PM
An Inn

Another day passes uneventfully. You return to the inn and rest for the night. Last night was busy, but tonight the inns are all packed full - and travelers are paying exorbitant prices for any room not already taken.

Despite the commotion, you sleep peacefully, and awake well-rested. Busy servers greet you with a hearty breakfast and "Happy Solstice!" wishes, and you spend the first parts of the day drinking and socializing with the travelers (or not, as you so desire). You hear many wild and horrible things about House Wren and House Black that are almost certainly not true - they are descended from dragons, or better yet, demons (and sometimes more mysterious, fouler things); they are all sorcerers or priests to dark gods; they are incestuous bandits hell-bent on destroying the world; they are blackweed addicts and traffickers of persons - the list goes on. Any questions on where this information comes from are met with awkward stammering or silence, followed by the end of the conversation.

An hour or two after lunchtime, the tailor "Annie" finds you and herds you off into private rooms to get into costume. She informs each of you as she works, "Don't fret - the paint should wash off with a bit of water - but more importantly, I have rumors from the palace. Supposedly, a great portion of the palace guards have been drugged or poisoned, and are violently ill. The clergy have healed all those they can, but they are at perhaps 1/10th strength now - even moreso given that guards are patrolling the streets more often today. I hear they are to allow guests to carry bound weapons as a precaution, as there might not be any replacements for the guards on duty later this evening. Keep all of your eyes open."

Alphonse is done up in a dark green cape sporting an embroidered dragon and poofy green pants with tassles, and covered in emeralds and jade. Annie fits a jade-and-diamond mask to his face, and paints a few simple designs on his breastplate with a sparkly green mixture.

Tass is given a gold mask in the shape of oak leaves, and the edges of her armor's scales are all painted gold as well. Suspiciously lei-esque hoops of bright, colourful flowers are hung from her neck, wrapped around her wrists, and set in her hair.

Bela is stuffed into a simple, but elegant, beige-brown and grey suit. Silver cuff-links and a bit of diamond dust in his hair are the only real decorations - aside from the mask, made from stained wood with some silver highlights. The tailor seems quite proud of herself.

Niro's armor receives a smattering of red and copper paint in braid patterns, and in lieu of a mask, has a subtle copper design painted on his face. A great wreath of red flowers are hung from his neck, reaching halfway down his chest. Annie grumbles about "lack of direction" while she works, but actually looking at her face reveals a wide grin that she makes no effort to hide.

Your costumes finished (and as it has begun to get on a bit in the afternoon), you head off to the ball.

Wuscfrea's Palace

You arrive to the palace just in time, and are greeted by a long line to enter. After some time, you reach the front. The same drunken, pompous noble who greeted you at Wuscfrea's feast is managing the line here. The man squints at you and says in a reedy voice, "Nems? Hurry ep, I hev'n't got ell deh. Heppy Selstice, move elong." In an effort to put his nose ever higher into the air, he looks up so steeply that his glasses begin to creep off the bridge of his nose and up his forehead. Providing him with your names is enough to get you through. An exhausted guard checks that your weapons are bound, but does not take them from you.

As you wander about the ball, a few things catch your notice:

The Great Hall

Upbeat, celebratory music and the smell of food and drink wafts towards you from deeper within the palace. The halls are decorated with stunning red, white, and black banners, and the great swaths of vegetation Tass donated. Guests just entering "ooh" and "ahh" over the spectacle, before moving on to socialize and feast. A great skylight shows the night sky, and dancing magical lights in brilliant colours illuminate the room. All of the guests are dressed ostentatiously, and nearly all of them are masked. Animal themes are common, but you spot a few with slightly more abstract masks.

You recognize a familiar figure among the masked crowd - it's Sir Edgar Wren! His garb is much the same as the last time you saw him; ill-fitting mithril breastplate covering a short, stocky body covered from head to toe in black cloth. His morningstar is no longer blood-stained, but polished so that it shines, and he wears a new pair of gold-rimmed goggles over his eyes. He is speaking with a man in a red peacock mask, and one dressed as an orange fish, and you overhear part of their conversation.

"...But yes, that is how we got here so late. Mary and I had to physically shove Victor out the door in his drunken stupor, and Father Neirin very nearly left without us."
"Oh, my! Haha! Well, it's lovely that you could make it! I'm sure mother will be quite pleased to speak with the marquess."
"Do tell us about that bit with Garrick's Pass again, though - I think I missed the beginning of that."
"Oh, very well - it was strange - there were mysterious men dressed in white patrolling on the old wall. They made no effort to stop us leaving the Vale, of course - not that I was afraid they would; between myself and Victor, who I think are both capable enough fighters, we could certainly have handled an issue should one have arisen - but these men paid us no mind. I even called out to them, but received no response."
"How curious! And you had never seen them before?"
"A few times, for sure, but never in our pass. The villagers call them 'Whitecloaks' - strange mountain-men who feast on the bodies of those who die in the woods, if you believe the stories. Most of that's all ale and talk, but a few people go missing in the woods every once in a while, and I've yet to see a man's corpse above the treeline if I did not put it there myself, and even those disappear sooner than I would expect-" Edgar taps the haft of his morningstar. "-so perhaps there is something to the fairy tales after all."
"My goodness! Well, it was a pleasure meeting you. Speaking of ale and talk - I think I've had too much of the latter and not enough of the former! Haha! I shall see you both later this evening, I suspect."

With that, the man in the fish costume wanders away in the direction of the dining hall. The other two turn back to each other.

"I believe... that was Lord Eklund? He owns a few of the businesses down by the docks."
"Interesting fellow. "

Something twitches under Sir Edgar's wrappings. The motion is subtle - you probably wouldn't have noticed it at all if he wasn't standing still.

Something black flits across the skylight from the outside, but it moves quickly enough that you can't work out the shape - perhaps a large bird taking roost for the night? Guards running on the roof? Or maybe something more sinister? The movement is fast enough that it might have been a hawk or an owl, or maybe a shadow cast by the dancing lights.

The Palace Gardens

The palace gardens are terraced, and overlook the courtyard. Most of the vegetation is lush and vibrant, despite the cold weather. The few bare trees are covered with strings of flowers and magical lights, and there is a distinctly floral scent to the place. Guests in extravagant getup mingle here as well, though it's not quite so densely packed as the great hall or the courtyard. If you so choose, you can find a quiet spot away from the crowd here.

Parapets, perhaps 25ft off the ground, border the garden, though you see no guards. A soft glow escapes through the barred windows of one of the guard towers, and from the palace opposite it.

A small gaggle of strangely-garbed priests of Cygnus are gathered here. One side of their robes is black, and the other half is white - matching the half-moon in the sky. They appear to be rehearsing something, and every once in a while one will stop to correct one of the others. They take a break for food as you walk by.

You sense something invisible nearby, though you can't tell where.

You hear something *click* above you, like a key being turned in a heavy lock. Searching for the source of the noise, your eyes settle on the door to the palace atop the parapets. You don't see anything unusual, however.

The Courtyard

The courtyard is abuzz with song and dance - a group of musicians comparable in size to a small orchestra play fast, upbeat music.

Near the edge of the dance floor is an odd pair of dancers. The first is a small woman, so short that she would have to look up to speak to Bela. A tall hat sporting colourful feathers adorns her head, bringing her almost to a regular height, and a black feather-boa is draped over her shoulders. The second is a great man - as tall as Niro, if not taller - sporting a black mask and billowing cape, the latter of which bears House Wren's crest. The outline of a shield is evident beneath the cape, and you can see what appears to be a hilt poking out behind his neck.

What draws your attention their way, however, is not just the incredible difference in height - the man leads with his left hand even when the other dancers switch to the right. When the song ends, he bends over to whisper something in the woman's ear, then walks over to a nearby table and takes a seat by himself near the band. Still making no use of his right hand whatsoever, he snaps the neck of a nearby bottle of wine and fills a tankard with it. There is an awkward silence as the conductor looks nervously at the giant man.

A minute or so passes, and the man in black turns around, confusion obvious even through his mask. Noticing the conductor's gaze, he shakes his head and waves them on. No need to hold up on my account. Carry on.

This is The Honourable Lord Victor Wren II, Marquess of the Black River Vale. He was renowned as a dragonslayer and monster hunter in his youth, and a morbid story-teller in his middle-age.

It's hard to see her among the other, taller dancers, but the short woman is dancing by herself now - and not having very much fun with it, it would seem.

2016-06-16, 04:11 PM
Alphonse is clearly enjoying himself, walking with a refined gait that perhaps belays the appearance of his costume. He keeps an ear and eye out, making his way through the Ballroom, to the Garden, and to the Courtyard, making his rounds and greeting people pleasently. If he spies something he'll probably stop to investigate, but we'll see how my rolls go.

Spot in The Great Hall: [roll0]

Spot in The Courtyard: [roll1]

Knowledge (History) in the Courtyard since it might work for nobility, though it may be a harder check: [roll2]

Alphonse gives a dignified bow to the very large man "Hello good sir. I must say, your dancing skills are quite impressive."

2016-06-16, 11:16 PM
Niro approaches the short woman who had been dancing with the tall man in the courtyard, I see you are accustomed to dancing with men of some size. My name is Niro, and a woman such as yourself should never dance alone. May I, Lady...?

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Perform (Dance): [roll1]

Amidus Drexel
2016-06-18, 01:15 PM
The Courtyard

Not as impressive as they were twenty years ago, perhaps, but I like to think I'm still good at it. Thank you. The man in black reaches over and pulls a chair out for you. Do have a seat. You're one of Erick Lennox's sons, aren't you? I'm sorry; I've never been good with names. Marquess Victor Wren, the Second. What brings you here tonight?

The small woman reaches up and gingerly takes your hand with a smile. Just Mary, for now. And yes. Shall we?

The two of you dance quietly for a minute or two. Mary is quite light on her feet, and while you are not a poor dancer, you sometimes struggle to keep up with her. When the music slows down, she pulls her mask down, and cranes her neck to look up at you properly. My, are you a Ligurian dignitary? Or are you just visiting?

2016-06-18, 02:49 PM
Tass walks around to inspect the premises. The signs of hostile presence worries her, but she finds it too early to draw any hasty conclusion. She does stay in the garden for roughly ten minutes to see if the invisible creature will reveal themself, leisurly strolling around in the vegetation while keeping her ears open for more sounds. If nothing particularly eventful transpires, she'll return to the great hall and mingle about aimlessly while keeping an eye on the man she presumes is Wuscfrea.

2016-06-18, 04:02 PM
"You could say that, Marquess Victor. I am Alphonse, the Jade Dragon. I'm here to enjoy a celebration, and to rub shoulders with the nobility and the like. A mercenary such as myself needs fitting clientele, you see." He sits in the chair, crossing one leg over the other. "How about you, Marquess Victor? Just here for the festives?"

2016-06-18, 08:16 PM
OH ALSO making a post for Bela.

Bela casts See Invis and will just kinda keep Detect Magic on ready for when it's needed. He'll also gravitate toward wherever there are snacks, taking a moment to brush by Tass and whisper "Keep me posted on what everyone finds."

2016-06-18, 08:57 PM
Niro keeps pace with the slowed music. A dignitary? No, not exactly... Though, I think I've been working in the city too long to be a "just visiting."

Have you ever been to Liguria, Mary?

Amidus Drexel
2016-06-20, 10:31 PM
The Palace Gardens

A bit of coordination between Tass and Bela reveals a small, winged humanoid with pointy ears - no taller than 3ft - hovering in front of the door to the guard tower. It's busy applying what looks like lubricating oil to the hinges and knob of the door, paying you no mind whatsoever.

The creature is a pixie, a type of sprite, which in turn is a type of fey. They are capable of remaining invisible indefinitely, and have a small array of illusion and enchantment magic available to them. Some carry enchanted arrows that cause sleep or memory loss (or sometimes other, fouler things).

The prince is currently in the feast hall, drinking mead. Nothing in there aside from the prince and the food catches your eye, however.

Once it has finished this task, it pulls out a crossbow, and brandishes it at you and Tass. You can see suspicion in its eyes, and it pauses for a few seconds, obviously sizing you up.

OOC: What the creature does next will depend on how you react.

The Courtyard

Marquess Victor crosses his legs also, and leans back. A mercenary, eh? Reminds me of when I was your age. Fine work - second only to adventuring or bankrobbing if you want to make a name for yourself. He chuckles darkly. Well, yes and no. I do enjoy these sorts of things, but I don't know if I'll stay until midnight or not. Seven hours of partying is long time, even if I get to spend some of it sitting down. I digress - I was going to say, that Duchess Sarza invited me here, and I've always done my best to, at the very least, make an appearance at the social functions she so chooses to ask me along to. And, of course, my wife does enjoy the dancing, even if I can't manage it for very long.

But that is a lot of words to say not very much, I suppose. He smiles and sips his wine. Though I should ask, since you're a mercenary - how would you like to do a small little job for House Wren? I was thinking of paying with some land I own up near the town of Elva, as I haven't had much use of it in the past couple of years. What do you say?


Not exactly? How curious. But you are from there. What brings you here tonight? Mary grins, then looks back down and focuses on dancing again. No, I have not - my parents' family is from the northern reaches of Cymru, and we do not go down south so often. My husband too, does not like warm weather, as his family are mountain people. And your people... they are all dead, yes?

2016-06-20, 11:35 PM
"That sounds delightful, Marquess. What kind of job is it?" Alphonse asks. He's fairly confident Wren's on the up and up, so why not look into getting a job of sorts. Maybe drag the others along once this mess is dealt with.


Bela grabs the sweetest looking food from the table and takes a bite. He then offers one to the small creature. "Tell us why you're doing this and you can have this." he says, in the sort of monotone you'd expect from an elf that's being cautious.

2016-06-21, 05:57 PM
I'm here representing Lady Aaron, who unfortunately couldn't make it here tonight. She has a killer pain in the head, I'm afraid. Niro also refocuses on the dance. As far as I am aware. Though I was dead for some 400 years, so I'm not entirely without hope.

2016-06-22, 02:47 PM
Tass shouts out to the tower in a slightly cheery tone.

Hello pixie! What are you up to?

Amidus Drexel
2016-06-23, 02:05 PM
The Courtyard

The marquess reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a scroll, which he lays on the table in front of you. As I'm sure you have heard, my family's history is... checkered? Odd? He scratches his chin, searching for the right word. Bizarre and eldritch? A long time ago, House Wren was famous for being a bunch of insane sorcerers and demonic cultists, complete with a creepy castle in a valley full of mist and all the trappings that come with it. Victor chuckles. Most of it is, more or less, true. I like to think we're not quite like that - maybe more eccentric than insane - these days. But, the job at hand is related to that ugly history, I'm afraid.

Let me give you some background first. Perhaps you've heard mention of a man by the name of Jonathan Wren? Farspeaker Wren, perhaps? His mother was Gillian Sarza, by the way - that's my relation to the Duchess. The giant man scratches his neck. Jonathan was an accomplished conjuror, a master summoner, an adept alchemist, and a horribly insane, twisted man. What works of his that he did manage to be publish have been banned at most schools of magic - which I'm sure he would have been quite proud of. Regardless, Jonathan had an extensive extradimensional library built into a closet at Rook's Peak. From time to time, we find things in there - and for that matter, from time to time, things escape. Most of them are harmless - if disturbing - but this- He unfurls the scroll. -this struck me as quite unusual.

Inscribed on the scroll in glowing blue ink? is a map - or, at least, what looks like a map. Some items are labeled in Cymran, and you recognize Senja and parts of the Black River Vale on the north side of side of the scroll. From there, it gets a little more confusing - depictions of great cities, castles, and even an ocean follow (in places where there should only be mountains), all labeled in the same runic cipher that was in Lord Orrin Kerr's papers, and in the book Bela took from Cassandra. It is mysterious, and part of me suspects it may just be another manifestation of Jonathan's insanity - but! Father Neirin took a peculiar interest in this place called The Well of Souls here. Wren points to a detailed drawing of a regular well of water near the entrance to the Black River Vale. And, sure enough, uncovering an old well in the woods revealed an underground complex of some kind - Sir Edgar, who actually entered the well, says the part closest to the surface was an alchemical lab - but there is definitely more. Some foul creatures have escaped, and eaten a few peasants, and some of my livestock. It's been quite inconvenient all around, and were I twenty years younger I'd take care of it myself, but between my arm, my wife, and my kids, I just can't justify taking that kind of risk anymore. Sir Edgar's too busy fighting bandits, and no one else in the family really seems interested in helping, so...

Do forgive my rambling. What I want you to do is seal the place up. Destroy whatever evil magic Jonathan had locked up in there, the works. Anything valuable you find down there, you can keep. I can't offer any gold - my money is unfortunately tied up in investments - but I can offer some enchanted relics and a sizeable plot of land. If there is one thing House Wren has in abundance - aside from children and cousins, perhaps - it is magic trinkets. Victor smiles. What say you, Mister Alphonse?

Oh no! Well, tell Lady Nerys I said hello, when she's feeling better. I hope she and Mister William find their way to Rook's Peak sometime. Oh, has she found a nice young lady for Mister William yet?

Mary looks back up at you, a glimmer of eager curiosity in her eyes. Aye, and stranger things have happened. How was your afterlife? I must confess, mine was not at all what I expected - though I was not there quite so long as four centuries. Did you enjoy your return to life? Do not look so surprised - I know warforged have souls!

The Palace Gardens

Suddenly, the pixie becomes visible. It's still brandishing its crossbow, but seems less startled and more intrigued now. "Hello elfs! What am I up to? Talking to you!" He flies down to roughly your eye level, and looks at you with obvious fascination. "What are you up to? Spying on the fair folk? That isn't very nice!"

He floats a little closer, and lowers the crossbow. "Buuuuuuut, you speak the fairy tongue, flower elf! Maybe you're not so bad after all!"
"Why, I am talking to you because you were talking to me, other elf!" The pixie flashes you a cheshire grin, and snatches the cake from your hand. He floats up a bit, so that he's directly above your heads, and begins to eat the cake. Some crumbs fall on you when he looks down to talk. "Very tasty! Mm! But, now, I must ask you! How did you see me? I was very sneaky!"

2016-06-23, 02:18 PM
Alphonse looks over the scroll to see if any of the locations matches up with the old mine they first found that ruby disc in. He'll then nod politely. "Of course, this sounds like a wonderful job. I thank you very much for bringing this to me...if it is what I suspect you may of done me a greater favor than any reward...though I'll be more than happy with some land and a magical trinket or two." he says, and he'll then reach for the scroll "Do you...mind if I hold onto this?"


Bela gives a sort of deadpan look at the fairy. "I was curious for what purpose you were oiling the door, small pixie. And for whom you did it."

2016-06-23, 07:35 PM
I shall pass your message along. And I'm afraid not. Soon, perhaps.

I don't quite know how to describe it. It was warm, and fuzzy, and grey? I don't sleep, but I imagine it was a similar feeling. It felt like mere minutes. Niro looks Mary in the eyes, You mean to say that you too have been dead?

Amidus Drexel
2016-06-26, 03:46 AM
The Courtyard

Excellent! Well, favor or not, it is traditional to offer payment. The marquess drains his tankard of wine, and extends a hand to Alphonse. I know the Black River Vale is a ways out from here - but how soon do you think you could make it out there? Actually, wait. He reaches under his shirt and takes off a necklace made from rough black beads on a leather cord - a closer look reveals that the beads are carved into the shape of tiny flies. The necklace twitches as he sets it on the table in front of you. Take this to one of Mairah's temples. They can send you to the Vale the easy way - I won't have you riding for a week when you can be there in a day.

Victor pushes the scroll towards you. Go on and keep it, if you like. I had a copy made, so it won't be the end of the world if you manage to lose it.

Fascinating! And yes, I have - twice now, as a matter of fact. The first time was quite pleasant, really. I had fallen off of a tree that I was climbing as a little girl, and hit my head on some rocks. A nice man in white picked me up, dusted me off, and we went for a long walk through the forest. I guess I only realized I was dead after we came out to the other side, so to speak. Ah, my afterlife was dark, but not in a bad way. Just dimly lit, and kind of relaxing. It was boring, though, and I missed my cat, so when I felt myself being pulled back I just went along. She snickers. Scared the hell out of my parents. I suppose I am quite lucky they could afford to raise me. No pun intended.

The second time I died was terrifying. Edgar and I were going home one night, and bandits attacked us. Now, he is not the sort of person who would put up with that - and neither am I, for that matter, so we fought them off - not too challenging, given what passes for bandits these days. One of them was actually skilled, though - a dark shadow of a man with a poisoned knife. I staggered around for a few seconds, then dropped like a stone. I do not know what happened next, but I woke up, and Edgar was gone - later he told me that he chased after the one who poisoned me, though he never caught him - and everyone else was dead. I could see my body through the haze, and there were the spirits of some of the bandits too. But... Mary looks down at her feet, obviously uncomfortable. The man in white - the guide - he never came. Some of the bandits, a guide came for them. I remember these two angry old women arguing over one of them. But most of us, we just faded away. I must not have taken very long - Edgar said he was only away for a few minutes - but it felt like I waited days before everything turned grey and there was no more to remember. And then I woke up on the altar with Father Neirin and Victor standing over me. I was so afraid that I would end up as a ghost. She looks back up and smiles, then shrugs. Which is silly, if you think about it. Ghosts can do all sorts of things we are not able to! It would be so much fun to fly and walk through walls and all of that! But I think I know why most of them are miserable - their spirit guide probably never came.

The Palace Gardens

"Were you? And I am just the right size for a pixie! Not small at all." He grumbles. "...stupid giant elves..."

Finished with the cake now, the pixie flips upside-down and pouts. "Not faiiiiir! You didn't answer my question! You're not very good at this game, elf! You have to tell me how you saw me first!" He drifts down a little and taps Bela on the head. "Big heads, no brains! Whatever do you keep in there?"

2016-06-26, 07:49 AM
Alphonse rolls up the scroll and slides it into his cloak's pockets, as well as the necklace (though far more gingerly) "You're very welcome, Marquess. A question, if I may, before I leave to attend to some food. What happened to your hand?"


Bela sighs at realizing he forgot to actually mention how he saw the pixie. "Within my skull is countless arcane secrets, one of which allowed me to see you. I am a wizard." He says dryly, holding up a hand in a mock sort of gesture of magical fanciness (http://www.relatably.com/q/img/orpheus-quotes-venture-brothers/tumblr_lj9eumCNH41qiyecyo1_r1_500.jpg), imitating Alphonse's behavior on the assumption that the pixie will find it amusing.

Amidus Drexel
2016-06-26, 11:31 PM
The Courtyard

Oh, that? The marquess pulls his right glove off and rolls up his sleeve. The arm is withered and atrophied, and an ugly scar runs from above his elbow all the way down to his hand, which looks like it never quite healed from a very bad burn. In some places, the skin is gone, and desiccated muscle and bright white bone poke out - especially around his knuckles. Dragon attack. An old black that spat fire and acid ambushed us on the moors. The stuff ate right through my old shield; I'm lucky to even still have the arm. He gently touches the hand to his forehead. I suppose I could pay to have it regenerated, but I prefer to keep it this way. A reminder that even us wealthy, powerful men are still mortal.

The Palace Gardens

"A wizard? No room for brains at all, then!" The pixie sticks out his tongue. "But the door! The oil is to keep the hinges from squeaking! Soooooomeone was complaining about squeaky doors yesterday - so! I am making them not squeaky!" He flips rightside-up again, and gives you a puzzled (and curious) look. "You like the doors to squeak, don't you? Don't worry! I will leave some alone, just for you!"

2016-06-26, 11:51 PM
Fascinating. I don't believe I've ever met someone raised twice. Niro takes notice of Mary's sudden change mood.

You seem like you could use a glass of wine. Shall we join up with your former partner? He seems to be socializing with one of my companions.

2016-06-27, 12:22 AM
"Aah. You're lucky to have lost just your hand. An honourable symbol indeed, if anything. A shame it interferes with your dancing, of course." Alphonse jokes. "It's not much, but I've a scar below my eye from some manner of shape shifter slashing at my face. It's less dramatic then yours, but the emotional connection is just as solid, I believe."


Bela ***** an eyebrow slightly. "Tell me, who is it that complained about some doors being squeaky? And which doors? Could you find the person who asked this of you and show them to me? I'll..." Bela thinks for a moment, and looking at the somewhat annoying and childish fairy, thinks of Alphonse. "I will summon a friendly orangutan to play with you if you do. That would be enjoyable, yes?

2016-06-27, 07:45 AM
Tass takes on a decidedly cheerful tone.

Of course I'm not bad, I am a flower elf after all.

Tass makes a small dancing spin so the lei jumps around her neck.

And of course we spy at you, aren't you the fair folk after all. My boring friend here can see through anything which is fun and pranks and japerisms, and what is invisibility if not a fun prank?

Tass winks.

Amidus Drexel
2016-06-29, 08:54 PM
The Courtyard

Mary nods, then raises an eyebrow in surprise. Someone socializing with my husband? You folks must not be from around here after all, haha! Shall we?

Oh, of course. Victor's eyes wander over to the crowd of dancers - you see Niro and the small woman Victor was dancing with earlier walking over this way. Ah, it looks like Mary's bringing her new friend this way! Mary, this is Alphonse, son of Lord Lennox. Alphonse - this is the Honourable Lady Wren.

Do call me Mary. Pleased to meet you, Alphonse. Lady Mary looks at Victor and gestures to Niro. Victor; Niro. Niro; Marquess Victor Wren, the Second.

The Palace Gardens

"Hohoho! He is SO boring! But you seem fun! Saaaaay, do you want to play another game?"

The pixie sticks his tongue out. "Maybe your boring friend, he can play too!" He grabs a few red flowers out of thin air, and holds them out to you with both hands. "I want to give a gift to the host! But it has to be seeeecret! I don't want her to know it's there right away! So what I want you to do is to sneak a flower into her hair!" The pixie begins to spin slowly in the air, the pink flowers outstretched to you. "I could do it, easy peasy, but that'd be boring! Plus, you can keep a secret, right?" He plucks a white petal from one of the flowers, and sniffs it. "So pretty! I'm sure she'll love it! I'll answer any question you like afterwards, curious giant elfs! Will you play?"

2016-06-29, 09:45 PM
"Ah, to be truthfully honest I didn't realize you two were married! Congratulations." Alphonse says, trying not to sound too awkward. "It is a delight to see you, Honourable Lady Mary." He gives a deep bow.


"Of course, that is a thing we can do." Bela say. He examines the flowers first though, trying to figure out what they are and what use this creature may have for them. Also, while he's at it, he'll use the knowledge he has in architecture and history to try and see if there's any really good, direct route to where the Prince might be that an assassin might use after convincing a fairy to grease the hinges.

Knowledge Nature: [roll0]

Knowledge Arcane: [roll1]

Knowledge History: [roll2]

Knowledge...Architecture and Engineering (Bela is weeeeeird): [roll3]

2016-06-29, 10:54 PM
Ah, Marquess! It is good to meet you. Niro bows courteously. I was hoping to run into you later. What a coincidence I was fortunate enough to dance with your lovely wife. I do not know how you keep up with her lively spirit.

Amidus Drexel
2016-06-30, 12:01 PM
The Courtyard

Mostly with alcohol. Mary winks, then uncorks another bottle of wine and pours everyone a glass. And thank you, Alphonse! You should have come to the wedding! I do apologize - we are about sixteen years late on sending an invitation - but you should come by sometime!

Victor sips his wine, and reaches out to shake Niro's hand. You were looking for me? Have a seat! What can I help you with, Mister Niro?

The Palace Gardens

The pixie's face lights up with excitement, and it promptly disappears with a snap of its fingers. You feel tiny hands ruffle your hair, and a voice calls out. "Yaaaay! Come find me here afterwards! I should still be here!"

The little yellow flowers sway gently in your hands. They're warm, and the slight heat from holding them is a pleasant contrast from the cold winter air surrounding you.

The flowers are unquestionably magical - or at least enchanted - but you've never encountered this variety of flower before. If they do something malicious, it isn't obvious just from holding them.
The door the pixie was oiling appears to go to an area of the palace predominantly used by servants and guards - they certainly won't find Prince Wuscfrea by going that way.

2016-06-30, 02:52 PM
"Of course, of course. I'd love to. In fact, I had a small little talk with your husband. When the party and our business here is clear, I think we will be paying you a visit. To deal with your...rat problem, as it where." Alphonse says.


Bela will cast Detect Magic on the flowers after taking them, and then ask Tass. "So what manner of plant life are these?"

While they walk around Bela's also going to make sure to cast Detect Magic basically wherever he can position the cone so it hits the most targets for him to read. He'll be looking at as many guests as possible, making sure to include the people Lord Edgar Wren was talking to, as well as the lord himself. He'll also try and catch the Prince and his mom, as well as Holtti in the cone.


Also taking ten on the others since I forgot to roll and because Bela's just that badass, so it's a result of 25.

Amidus Drexel
2016-07-02, 10:46 AM
The Courtyard

Excellent! I do so look forward to having you! Mary smiles. Do pardon my curiosity, but what is your business here? Or is that just a funny way of saying you are enjoying the party?

The Banquet Hall

You make your way to the banquet hall - a giant, crowded room with tables covered in food and great barrels of wine, ale, and other spirits. Prince Wuscfrea is sharing a bottle of mead with some nobles - they don't notice you at all. Sir Edgar and Princess Jacinth are talking quietly in a corner - Edgar shushes the princess when he notices you concentrating on the two of them. She puts her mask back on (a traditional masquerade mask, encrusted with diamonds and gold), and walks your way. "Can I help you?"

The flower registers a dim aura of conjuration - probably from when the pixie pulled it out of thin air. You don't notice any other auras on it, though.

Nearly every guest has some faint or moderate aura of illusion on them - including yourself and Tass. You can easily identify dancing lights and continual flame spells lighting the palace and the gardens (which you don't really need detect magic for (I just forgot to mention them earlier) ).

You manage to catch Sir Edgar, Prince Wuscfrea, and Duchess Sarza (in two separate castings).
Sir Edgar: Strong aura of abjuration on his armor. Faint aura of transmutation on his gauntlets. Faint aura of evocation on his morningstar. Faint aura of divination on his goggles.

Prince Wuscfrea: Moderate aura of illusion on all of his clothes. Faint aura of conjuration on his person.

Princess Jacinth: Faint aura of conjuration on her person. Faint aura of abjuration on her person.

Make six will saves. If you have any bonuses against illusions, they apply here.

You have seen these flowers before - your teachers called them "fae blossoms".

Fae blossoms aren't plants at all - they're carnivorous animals that slowly leech blood, nutrients, and water from anything they happen to be in contact with. Holding one for an hour or two is usually enough to knock a person unconscious - during which time the blossoms grow and multiply. A single creature, left undisturbed, can consume an adult human in 48 hours, in the process budding dozens to hundreds of new flowers.

They burn under extended exposure to sunlight (or brief exposure to fire), usually withering and dying within an hour or two. The sun has already set, however, and you haven't seen a nonmagical flame in your entire time at the palace...

2016-07-02, 11:09 AM
"I'm here to enjoy the party, of course! And of course, if anything were to happen, I'd be here to lend a hand. Hopefully nothing will, but I'm always cautious. Don't let it ruin the mood, however." Alphonse says, which...is all true, technically. He doesn't specify that he suspects something MIGHT happen, but if they're being vigilant nothing will.


"Of course. I was curious why you were not wearing your mask. Also, I've noticed some magical oddities around the castle. It's not cause of concern, I would just like to know if you had your court wizards set up anything beyond the lights and fire." Bela asks, briskly but still trying to sound a little polite.

2016-07-04, 02:33 AM
Before they head inside, Tass turns to Béla.

This is not a plant. It's a parasite, and it's bad news. Either someone wants to assassinate Jacinth too, or they want someone framed for what's about to happen.

Tass then sticks the "flower" into an empty pocket in her spell components pouch for safe storage until further notice.

The Banquet Hall

Do you know who is in charge of the guards around here?

2016-07-06, 11:12 PM
Ah. Well. Niro pauses for what seems like a week in an attempt to pick his words with care. However, remembering that the Marquess is a man of action, Niro puts it bluntly. I am trying to track down the dragon that killed me many years ago. Princess Jacinth told me you might be of some assistance.

Amidus Drexel
2016-07-08, 09:21 AM
The Courtyard

Haha, you sound like Edgar! Well, except for the part about enjoying the party. Mary giggles, and takes another sip of wine. Goodness, I think this is going to my head! Victor, dear, will you finish my wine?

The marquess takes Lady Mary's glass and pours it into his tankard. Not a problem. He leans back and looks over at Niro. Well, she pointed you to the right person. I still keep tabs on most of the dragons around here - if we were back at Rook's Peak, I could consult my charts... but there will be time for that later. Do you know which dragon? And how long ago were you killed?

The Banquet Hall

Princess Jacinth raises her mask a little and gives Bela a suspicious look. "I'm being a hostess - which sometimes requires me to break the masquerade." She puts it back over her face, and puts a finger to her lips in a thoughtful stance. "There is a great deal of magic around the castle - primarily for aesthetic effect - I hear there will be an illusion show later this evening, if that's something you're interested in."

"Yes, yes I do. Is there a problem?" The princess crosses her arms. "Actually, excuse me - do I know you two?"

2016-07-09, 11:41 AM
No you don't, but we're with the same group as Niro. I understand you spoke to him a pair of days ago.

We found a pixie flying around invisible and oiling the doors on the guards' tower. We wanted to warn the guards to stay alert that no one sneaks into the tower behind their backs. I understand you've already had someone attack the guard force, and whoever they were may try to get rid of those who remain.

He also tried to trick us into putting a parasite flower in your hair in exchange for telling us who he was working for. Said he could do it himself, but that it "would be boring".

2016-07-09, 12:19 PM
"I would very much like some real fire so that we may burn it." Bela says, holding up a hand in caution.

Amidus Drexel
2016-07-10, 02:43 PM
The Banquet Hall

As you explain about the pixie and the guards, a look of dread slowly settles on Jacinth's face. "We have fairies? Gods help us all." She flags down a nearby servant, and whispers to him, "Bring me the guard captain, and a tinderbox, if you can find one. These elves need real fire."

The servant runs off, and the princess turns back to you. "Well, I'm very glad you brought this to my attention - and I'll keep an eye out for things in my hair. And other people's too, I suppose."

Some time passes, and eventually the servant comes running back with an armored woman in tow. "The captain is ill, Your Excellency - his second-in-command is in charge tonight." He hands the princess a tinderbox and bows.

The acting captain steps forward, and bows stiffly. "Dame Lilith Borgia. Is there a problem, Your Excellency?"

"Yes. These two elves have some security concerns to discuss with you. Trust them as much as you would any guard." The princess takes a step back. "If you don't mind, I'm going to go warn my son."

Once she leaves, Dame Borgia extends you a hand. After hearing your explanation, she nods wearily. "Fairies attacking the duchess and silencing the doors? Almost all the court magicians are either ill with the guards, or mostly spent from providing illumination for the ball tonight. I'll see what I can do. We only have three dozen guards tonight, though, and in an hour it'll be half that - as some have been working since early this morning." She sighs. "I'm sorry, did you have any recommendations for us, or just a warning to keep an eye out for fey?"

2016-07-10, 02:51 PM
Tass hands Béla the parasite to dispose of.

Yes, keep an eye on your doors as well. Everything seems to point toward someone planning an attack tonight, question is only when.

2016-07-11, 12:15 AM
Bela takes great abandon (in comparision to his regular level of activity) in setting the flower on fire with the tinderbox. He'll also pay close attention to the Princess, wondering if she's being truthful or not.

Sense Motive to see if she really intends to warn the Prince or if she has another motive in mind: [roll0]

Amidus Drexel
2016-07-13, 04:41 PM
The Banquet Hall

"Probably when the guard changes, and we drop to 18 men on watch, or shortly thereafter. You two seem pretty keen - I may come find you around then. Let me know if you notice anything else unusual in the meantime."

The orange "flower" takes some effort to light, but once on fire, it burns readily. The petals swell with the heat and eventually crack, spitting out a viscous, crimson ooze that gives off a little trail of steam. The smell is sickly sweet - almost metallic - and it reminds you of the last time you bit your lip.

After another minute or so the flower finishes burning, leaving you with a mix of white and rust-coloured ash.

You pay close attention to the princess as she pulls Wuscfrea aside and whispers something to him. While you can't hear what she's saying, she looks worried.

You don't pick up on any ill intent from Jacinth. She seems sincere.

2016-07-14, 01:41 AM
Bela will bottle the ash in a vial for later. "Yes, of course we will. Let us hope things go smoothly for the remainder. Speaking of...I have been seeing a lot of ghosts around. Is this normal?"

2016-07-14, 02:39 PM
Tass breaks off to catch up with Wuscfrea.

Ah, excuse me. I'm sorry for interrupting the mood, but there's a lot of fear for your safety tonight, and since we don't want a repetition of what happened to Brynne, I must ask if you have any special protection against poisons tonight?

2016-07-17, 11:54 PM
The marquess takes Lady Mary's glass and pours it into his tankard. Not a problem. He leans back and looks over at Niro. Well, she pointed you to the right person. I still keep tabs on most of the dragons around here - if we were back at Rook's Peak, I could consult my charts... but there will be time for that later. Do you know which dragon? And how long ago were you killed?

Around 400 years ago. I was able to consult with Ulhar at the Red Sea Guildhouse a couple of nights back, and I have narrowed the window down to Techrytryx Avrae, Pyo the Berserker, and Diacaedr Moonbeam. Do you know of them?

Amidus Drexel
2016-07-18, 11:03 AM
The Banquet Hall

"Yeah, there are always a couple here and there. Most aren't much for conversation, though." Lilith smirks. "We guards are just here to keep people from making more. None of them are causing any trouble, are they?"

Prince Wuscfrea looks incredulously at his mother, then at you. "What in Vermiculus' name is going on?" He pulls back his cloak, revealing two small vials of clear liquid. "Of course - I have anti-toxin with me wherever I go." The prince uncorks another bottle of mead, then raises an eyebrow suspiciously. "Is there something specific you're worried about, or are you just badgering me?"

The Courtyard

Oh, you spoke with Ulhar? He's an... interesting... person - but he knows what he is talking about. I doubt he knows much of Pyo's whereabouts, though - but I do. Scattered sightings from a year or two ago put him in the mountains north of Senja - I also suspect he has a proper lair somewhere around there. The marquess grumbles. A little too close for my own comfort, but I can't go dragon-slaying anymore - and Pyo has earned a reputation among us monster hunters that keeps most of the sensible ones away. The less sensible ones... He chuckles darkly. I'm sure Pyo finds them quite tasty. The survivors tell stories of all kinds, but it is hard to separate truth from fancy - I have a few guesses as to his abilities, but my drunken prattling will do you less good than my charts and the eyewitness accounts.

2016-07-18, 11:09 AM
"No, not that I have seen, but it was worth a mention." Bela answers.


Alphonse will think if he knows anything regarding those dragons, considering going to explore other places to report back to Tass and Bela.

Knowledge History: [roll0]

2016-07-20, 10:13 PM
Niro knocks on his chest. I suspect Adamantine is less tasty than flesh. If not, it is certainly much less brittle than bone.

2016-07-21, 03:03 AM
Well, several people believe someone is out to assassinate you tonight, and so far, the signs have been pretty ominous. Your guards have been poisoned, and we earlier caught a hired pixie acting suspicious in the courtyard.

Tass pauses for a moment looking at the antitoxin vials.

I've got a spell. It won't give you immunity, but it will prevent any poisons from taking effect until the end of the evening. Not even the strongest toxins can get through it, and I have the means to detect and cure any substances you may have become affected by over the duration.

Amidus Drexel
2016-07-22, 10:24 AM
The Courtyard

You've definitely heard all of those names before. All three are centuries-old dragons.

Techrytryx Avrae - an old brass dragon who lives in Capel Kerig. She has a reputation for being gruff and curt, but those that know her well say she's good-natured. Techrytryx has a fondness for explosives that's gotten her in trouble with the city guard before, and traditionally puts on a fireworks show at the docks for major celebrations.

Pyo the Berserker - an old white dragon with a reputation for razing villages and eating would-be dragon-slayers. When he was younger and less powerful, he moved around a lot to avoid territorial disputes, but nowadays he could probably fight off most intruders. You yourself have heard some of the stories that the marquess is talking about - notably that Pyo earned the title "the Berserker" for whipping himself up to a terrifying frenzy in combat - frothing at the mouth and spraying lightning and spittle in all directions.

Diacaedr Moonbeam - an ancient silver dragon known for being aloof, easily angered, and generally unwilling to pay his debts. Not necessarily sadistic or evil, per se, but certainly capricious and irritable. There is an open bounty on Diacaedr's head in some parts of southern Cymru for eating livestock, though no one has claimed it yet as far as you know.

Aye, probably more like hard toffee. Difficult to bend, even harder to break, but sweet on the inside once you have warmed it up! Well, now I'm hungry. I will be right back! Lady Mary grins playfully, and darts off towards the nearest dessert table.

Victor smirks, and pushes his wine aside. Well, if you aim to go dragon-slaying, I can give you some advice. The most important part is, unfortunately, the hardest to guarantee in real life - you want to fight dragons underground, but away from their lairs. Fighting them in the open air lets them kite you with magic and their breath, or run away should they start to lose - older dragons may be clumsy fliers, but it won't matter how long it takes them to turn around if they do it outside of your range. Fighting them in their lairs gives them the terrain advantage, which is not as bad, but still very dangerous.

But what you really need is gear. Magic-resistant and energy-resistant armor or warding charms are absolutely necessary, as are dragon-bane weapons, or at least energy weapons that are effective against the dragon in question. He leans back and stretches his left arm behind his head. You may or may not have heard me offering Alphonse and his company here a job - for which I intended to pay in land or some magic trinkets. If you aim to take up dragon-slaying, I have a sizeable collection of suitable gear I can look through for your payment. You're a sword and shield fighter, is that right?

The Banquet Hall
Wusfrea opens his mouth to respond, but his mother grabs him by the ear and pulls his head down. "You'll do exactly what this lady says, and don't you dare complain about it." The prince nods slowly. Once you've cast the spell, Jacinth lets him go. "I'm going to send the rest of my personal detail over to watch you." She turns to you and gives you a worried smile. "Thank you, Lady...? Sorry, I don't think I ever got your name."

2016-07-22, 10:48 AM
"Also, Sir Niro, I imagine of these three Diacaedr might be the most likely. Pyo has a habit of eating those who come to kill him, so I imagine you wouldn't be here if he killed you, because I presume his beserking wouldn't stop him from at least trying. That being said Lady Avrae lives in Capel Kerig, I imagine you could ask her if she knows which dragon bares your ill will. She's quite nice...though her love of fireworks has gotten her in trouble with the guard." Alphonse explains.


Bela will scout around the rooms a little, looking for anything interesting with his invisibility seeing sight before it wears off. He'll also try, slightly, to talk to any ghosts that seem like they could know something.

2016-07-23, 01:58 AM
Oh, sorry, it's Tass.

She pauses for a somewhat too awkward moment.

I'm going to sweep the premises and find something to eat.

Tass breaks off to do exactly that, except in reverse order. After having gotten something to eat, she'll head out into the garden again.

2016-07-23, 05:50 PM
Niro turns to Alphonse, If my sources are to be believed, it is quite possible Avrae is responsible. Returning to Victor. I am. Once we finish our current work and I cut some ties, I'd be more than interested.

Amidus Drexel
2016-07-27, 06:34 PM
The Courtyard

Alphonse and Niro
The marquess nods. Certainly! Take your time. We won't be staying in town, but I gave Alphonse a little charm that will get you to the Black River Vale much faster than riding.

The Garden

The pixie doesn't show itself when you come back to the garden, and you can't hear any signs of its presence either - it must be off doing something elsewhere.

The Great Hall

The palace ghosts largely ignore you - they seem to be barely aware of the living inhabitants and guests. One ghost, a tall, thin man with a disproportionately tall, pointy crown, does stare at you for a little longer than you're comfortable. After eventually getting bored or unnerved, you look away - when you look back, the figure is gone.

Some time passes...

Alphonse and Niro
You exchange stories with the Marquess for a while. He slowly gets drunker as the night wears on, and eventually tosses his tankard into the bushes, declaring that he's had enough to drink.

The clergy of Cygnus who were rehearsing in the garden eventually get up and leave. A sweet, warm smell floats through the air - it seems someone has put out fresh pastries and cake.

Two older priests in blood-red robes approach the princess, bow, and leave the palace.



The palace's bell chimes nine times. The half-moon rises higher in the sky. The guard changes.

The Garden

Out of the corner of your eye, you notice something moving on the bell tower. A figure in a black cloak runs up the side of the building - occasionally stopping to rest in a window or outcropping of stone. It's too far away to pick out any details, but the figure looks humanoid.

The Courtyard

You're walking through the courtyard when the bell tolls. You notice a patch of suspicious purple flowers on the ground next to and beneath one of the hedges - closer inspection reveals them to be fae blossoms!

Of course, from this distance, you can see more - something pale underneath the blue "flowers" catches your eye.

Alphonse and Niro
The musicians set their instruments down and take a break, and the dancers clear the courtyard and make for the tables. Victor stands up to get some food - leaving the two of you alone at the table.

Across the courtyard, you see Bela looking at a hedgerow.

2016-07-28, 12:25 AM
"Ah, Sir Bela, how goes the evening?" Alphonse asks as he approaches Bela.

"We found a pixie that wanted to put a fey sourced blood sucking flower in the hair of the prince and there's a bunch of them right there. There's a pale thing underneath it but I do not want to touch it seeing as how it is likely a corpse. Poke it with a stick." Bela answers, pointing towards the "flowers". "Also, try and get some real fire so we can burn them."

Alphonse will oblige Bela, moving so that he's obscured by Niro and Bela and taking out his cold-iron longsword that he forgot to bind and carefully poking at the Fey Blossoms, trying to move them aside or cut them so they can see what the pale thing under them is. Given it's cold iron, Alphonse figures it'll do something to these fey creatures.

2016-07-28, 03:55 PM
Tass fixates her eyes on the figure and turns herself into an eagle, taking to the skies. She swoops in to fully survey the roofs and the presumed intruder.

Spot check: [roll0]
Listen check: [roll1]

Move Silently check: [roll2]

Amidus Drexel
2016-07-29, 04:37 PM
The Courtyard

Alphonse and Bela
The blossoms shy away from your sword, revealing a gnarled, claw-like hand, and the white cuffs of a high-ranking officer's uniform. Some of the skin has been eaten away, and blue blood feebly seeps from the exposed flesh, pulsing at irregular intervals.

Above the Palace

Dame Borgia wasn't kidding when she said the guard was thin. You count 11 guards in total atop all the walls and towers. One of these guards is in the bell tower.

The cloaked figure scaling the bell tower is definitely humanoid. When it nears the top of the tower, it perches underneath the parapets and waits. When the guard turns his back, it jumps up - and suddenly the top of the tower is filled with black smoke. You hear the sound of metal clanging against stone - like someone dropped a sword - coughing, and several muffled *thumps*. Then silence.

2016-07-30, 12:50 AM
"Mr Niro. Find someone in charge and some fire. We may have need of a quarantine. Alphonse, stand guard...and try to prune the poor man." Bela says. He'll then carefully study the creatures to see if he can tell how they'd spread.

I will roll my roll for this tomorrow I just want to get this post out here while I can.

Also I think Cuth is back for good so once he catches up on the thread he can play Bela again.

2016-07-30, 11:36 AM
Tass will wait for a minut to see if the intruder leaves the tower again (or the smoke disperses), otherwise she'll swoop in to land on the parapet.

Amidus Drexel
2016-08-01, 05:12 PM
The Courtyard

Pulling the blossoms off of the arm on the ground is slow work, but you eventually manage to produce a decent-sized pile of distressed and colour-changing "flowers", and one body in a blood-stained general's uniform. You don't see who it is until you remove the blossoms from the man's face - it's General Holtti! He's even paler than usual, a condition currently being exacerbated by his ongoing blood loss. Whatever you're using to pull off the parasites is absolutely covered in bright blue blood.

OOC: Oh, can I get a spot check from you guys? :D

Out of the corner of your eye, you catch one of the servants staring at you in horror - when he notices you looking at him, he bolts.

The Bell Tower

The smoke clears soon enough, and you land on the parapets. The cloaked intruder is gone, as are the guard's weapons. The guard himself is lying face-down, unconscious.

As for the top of the bell tower itself - there isn't much up here. A large brass bell hangs on a wooden frame, which is littered with cobwebs. You spy a trapdoor leading to the inside of the tower underneath the unconscious guard's body - the padlock used to fasten it is lying on the ground near the wall, open and unlocked.

2016-08-02, 01:14 AM
Alphonse is super bummed out. Though the blue blood is curious. Rolling my spot checks and then making more of a scene depending on the results.

Alphonse quickly sheathes his sword "Sir Niro, Sir Bela, a servant has spotted us and ran off. It appears we will be tonight's assassins if we're not careful. I shall tell him what happened, you two stay here and guard the body so nothing worse happens. Someone try and get a healer as well." Alphonse will then run after the servant, though he won't shout so as to try not to draw too much attention to himself...given his outfit this will likely be difficult. If push comes to shove he'll use Sudden Leap to try and cut off the servant by jumping in front of him.

Bela lets out a heavy sigh.

Alphonse Spot: [roll0]

Bela Spot: [roll1]

2016-08-02, 09:05 AM
Béla swears lightly under his breath in Elvish, and covers his face with his hands briefly.

Niro --whatever they are, and I don't know if I want to know-- I think the parasite things can't harm you. Keep that in mind.

He looks down at Holtti again, then pulls out a strip of leather and casts a spell as the leather withers and fades away.

Mage Armor, lasts 7 hours

2016-08-02, 04:28 PM
The Bell Tower

Tass steps off the parapet and returns to her elven form mid step. She hurries over to the bell and pulls the rope, sounding it 16 times while keeping her eyes on the hatch. She'll then draw her sword and open the hatch to the tower interior, peering down.

Amidus Drexel
2016-08-05, 08:35 PM
The Great Hall

You're easily able to keep up with the servant, but the crowd of guests and your unfamiliarity with the palace's layout prevents you from closing with him. When he reaches the great hall, the servant flags down one of the guards - a tall, armored lady with a hooked polearm. He gestures frantically, and points at you. You hear part of the servant's explanation as you approach.

"...there with a body in the bushes! It was him, that metal guy, and some elf!"
The guard puts her hand on the servant's shoulder. "Whoa, calm down. It'd be irresponsible to just arrest everyone. I'm sure there's a rational explanation for this. " She turns to you as you approach. "Dame Lilith Borgia, acting guard captain. You seem like an upstanding sort of fellow - but I need to ma-"

She's suddenly cut off by loud ringing from the bell tower - the bell tolls sixteen times in quick succession. The servants and guests look around in confusion, and whisper quietly amongst themselves. Dame Borgia grabs your hand and points towards a narrow hallway away from the guests. "Something's wrong - I need to go to the bell tower. Come with me. You can explain on the way."

The Courtyard

The general glows briefly as the magical armor coalesces. Some of the guests are giving you odd looks, though Alphonse running after the panicking servant drew away most of their attention.

Suddenly, the bell tolls again - sixteen times, in quick succession. Everyone's eyes are drawn upward to the bell tower, and the crowd murmurs confusedly.

Holtti continues to bleed feebly.

When you look back to General Holtti after the bell tolls again, you notice that the pile of fae blossoms is gone. All that remains on the ground where they were is a small puddle of the general's bright blue blood.

The Bell Tower

The rope is heavy, but you're able to put your weight into it and toll the bell easily. The sound resonates out from the tower, and your keen ears catch a sudden silence, then confused murmuring from the courtyard and garden below.

Opening the hatch reveals the dark interior of the tower - your eyes quickly adjust, and you see a steep wooden staircase that has landings at the tower's corners. Rope hangs down in the space between the stairs from underneath the bell all the way down to the ground, perhaps 120ft below.

A half-full (or is it half-empty?) jar of some clear liquid is sitting in the middle of the highest landing. You can see the surface ripple, resonating from the vibrations of the bell.

2016-08-05, 11:34 PM
The Great Hall

"Dame Lilith, I come baring a warning. Myself, Sir Niro, Sir Bela, and Lady Tass were hired in secret to act as bodyguards for the Prince and General Holtti. Sir Bela managed to prevent a fairy from putting a fey creature in the shape of a flower on the Prince, but we were unable to help General Holtti who is currently bleeding out in the Courtyard. I managed to cut the creatures off with my sword, and assuming my allies are attentive they should keep them from spreading to other guests. They can only be killed by a natural fire." Alphonse quickly explains, trying to keep pace with her as they run. He also adds "Also the General's blood was blue. Is...that normal?"

2016-08-08, 09:48 AM
Niro kneels down over Holtti, and lays his hand on the General's chest. Guarire! Turning to Bela, Good to know that I may be immune, but the parasites have disappeared.

Healing Holtti with the belt (1 charge): [roll0]

2016-08-09, 08:57 AM
The Bell Tower

Tass retrieves her magical lantern and shines it down the shaft, attempting to discern anything she couldn't before.

Amidus Drexel
2016-08-09, 12:22 PM
Servants' Corridors

You run with Lilith through a maze of narrow tunnels, and soon reach the base of the bell tower. Two guards are busy trying to force the door open.

"Dame Borgia! The lock is broken - it just won't budge!"

The acting guard commander nods. "Friends! Sir Alphonse and I will take care of this - you two go to the courtyard. General Holtti needs medical attention immediately, and whoever attacked him is probably still in the palace. Alert the other guards, and keep an eye out for anyone that looks like a fairy - that's our culprit." The two guards bow, then run off the way you came.

Once they're gone, she turns to you. "No, blue blood is weird - but that's not important right now. We need to get to the tower!"

The Courtyard

Some of Holtti's wounds close, and he begins to stir. "Who the... oh, it's you. Am I... bleeding?"

The Bell Tower

When you look back with the lamp, you get a much better view of the interior of the tower. What draws your attention, however, is a brown-skinned elf with green hair that is placing another jar two landings down. He sets the jar at the edge of the stairs, looks up at you, and scowls.

Before either of you can say anything, however, you hear a loud banging sound coming from the base of the tower. The man jumps over to the opposite wall, and slides down it to the stairs below - he now stands 60ft below you.

2016-08-09, 12:35 PM
"Yes, lets! I'll open this door!" Alphonse says, and he'll try to kick open the door.

Strength check VS A Door: [roll0]

2016-08-09, 02:37 PM
The Bell Tower

Tass shouts down to the elf below.

Hey, you! Stop that, what are you doing?!

2016-08-09, 03:47 PM
Bela is facing away from him and towards the nearest entrance, watching around and up, but glances over his shoulder at Holtti.

Yes. Stay still. Do you know what happened?

Amidus Drexel
2016-08-10, 11:22 AM
The Bell Tower

The banging at the base of the tower stops for a second, then there is a loud *thud*, accompanied by the sound of splintering wood. Another *thud*, and something snaps. You see Alphonse and the acting guard captain run in, all the way at the base of the tower. Dame Borgia draws her weapon, and points Alphonse at the stairs.

The strange elf leans out into the center of the tower, and calls up to you. Earning a name, elf girl! What are you doing?

OOC: Can I get a Sense Motive check from Tass?

The door splinters, then breaks and flies open, leaving the lock in place against the wall. You and Dame Borgia rush in, and look up. Steep wooden stairs run along the sides of the tower, broken only by small landings in the tower's corners. A thick rope hangs down in the center, presumably to toll the bell from the base of the tower.

A few glass windows let light filter in from outside, but the main source of illumination here is a bright light shining down from the top of the tower. You see a cloaked figure jump through the light, and hear a familiar voice call down from the top of the tower:

"Hey, you! Stop that, what are you doing?!"

The figure leans out into the center of the tower, and calls up. Earning a name, elf girl! What are you doing?

Dame Borgia draws her weapon and nods to the stairs. She whispers, "If we go quietly, we might get the drop on them. After you."

OOC: Can I get a Sense Motive check from Alphonse?

The Courtyard

"No... the last thing I remem... ber was sitting in... in my office..."

Before Holtti can continue, two of the palace guards approach you, weapons drawn. One of them shouts at you, "Alright, fairy scum! You come quietly and nobody gets hurt. Hands in the air!"

OOC: Can I get Sense Motive checks from both of you?

2016-08-10, 11:36 AM
Bell Tower

Alphonse nods and tenses himself to get ready.

Sense Motive: [roll0]

2016-08-10, 04:31 PM
Bela puts his hands in front of him and looks into the eyes of the one who spoke.

We aren't fey. We found the general here and removed some parasitic flowers from his body. We won't fight you, but can you please try to help him? Either help us move him to a safe place, try to heal him, or if you don't want to do either, help guard him while one of us goes for someone who can help.


2016-08-10, 05:51 PM
The Bell Tower

Tass swings herself down the ladder as nimbly as her armour lets her, landing on the platform with the first jar.

What does it look like? I'm following you to figure out what you're doing!

2016-08-11, 11:18 PM
Niro stands defensively tall over the general at his intimidating height of six foot nine. Do I look like a fairy?

Sense Motive: [roll0]

Amidus Drexel
2016-08-13, 09:07 PM
The Bell Tower

The acting guard captain's weapon twitches in her hands, and she watches the stairs carefully, waiting for something to happen.

The brown-skinned, green-haired elf leans out into the center of the tower, and calls up to Tass, Sounds like you're having trouble! Let me give you a HINT. He takes a leather strap and a spherical vial from his belt, and slings the vial upwards. It shatters against the ceiling, and a spray of orange fire rains down on the interior of the tower. Most of it burns up in the air or lands harmlessly on the stonework, but a large droplet falls near the jar on the 90ft landing, which promptly explodes, catching the landing on fire.

OOC: Dame Borgia wins initiative, but delays her action. Alphonse, you're up!

The Courtyard

The guards step closer, weapons drawn.

"Don't try to fool me, fairy! I know you can use illusions!"
"And I don't see any flowers!" - and indeed, when you turn to look, the pile of blossoms are gone.
"Looks like we're doing this the hard way. ATTACK!"

Both turn and swing their swords in unison - the first strikes Bela, catching him off-guard. The second guard's attack is deflected by Niro's armor.

You hear a soft explosion from the bell tower.

You weren't sure earlier, but now it's really obvious - these guards are under some kind of enchantment.

OOC: Sense Motive rolls, both of you! The first guard hits Bela for 7 damage. Niro, you're up!

OOC: Looks like we've got a double combat going on! The battle map (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m4tS6JaBT3anTFCOrUu6pbPIlQJLPhfDh1x8xf_xpWs) is here - I'll have all the details up shortly. That should be everything. Alphonse and Niro are up.

2016-08-15, 11:52 AM
You've made a mistake. Niro swings out at Guard #2 with his shield.

OOC: Niro stands his ground at P8 and will be fighting defensively (+2 AC, -4 to hit).

Shield Bash: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2016-08-16, 01:01 AM
The Bell Tower

Alphonse will spend the action required to unbind his glaive so he can use it, takes it out, and then moves up to the 30 foot landing. He also enters the Leaping Dragon Stance, just in case.

Moving to B7, after much deliberation and math to see if I can make any cool and badass jumps. I can't really at this juncture. Sadness.

Amidus Drexel
2016-08-17, 11:24 AM
The Courtyard

The guard grunts in pain as your shield slams into his body.

OOC: That's a hit! Bela, you're up!

The Bell Tower
Dame Borgia nods at Alphonse, then puts her back against the door, blocking the ground escape.

OOC: Dame Borgia's readying an action. Tass, you're up!

OOC: Bela, Tass, you're up!

2016-08-17, 11:44 AM
The Bell Tower

Tass jumps over the railing while returning herself to her eagle form mid-leap, swooping down in a steep dive next to the infiltrator.

Using Tass' second usage of Wild Shape, then flying down to E10.

Amidus Drexel
2016-08-19, 02:09 PM
The Bell Tower

You hear the landing above you creak from the heat of the fire, which has begun to spread up the stairs. Embers float down, and you can see the underside glow from the heat.

The intruder pulls away from Tass, and runs along the wall to the opposite side of the tower - pausing for a second to sling another glass bullet. This one hits Alphonse squarely in the chest and shatters, setting him alight and flinging globs of alchemist's fire around the 30ft landing. The brown-skinned elf then slides down the wall.

OOC: The intruder moves along the walls at an elevation of 50ft, ending his turn in D7. He provokes an AoO from Tass at the start of his move, and an AoO from Alphonse when he falls at the end of his move. His attack hits Alphonse for 10 damage - and Alphonse catches on fire. Alphonse takes 1d6 fire damage next round, or can take a full-round action to attempt a DC 15 reflex save to negate the damage.

OOC: Alphonse and Bela are up!

2016-08-19, 02:26 PM
The Bell Tower

Alphonse grimaces a bit as he's struck on fire. He does manage to swipe his glaive at the passing elf, however. He'll then do a quick hop into the air before suddenly plunging his glaive down towards the elf, shouting "Harpoon!"

Opportunity Attack: vs AC, [roll1] slashing damage if it hits.

On Alphonse's turn, he will use Claw at the Moon. If his jump check beats the target's AC he gets some added damage, and if I crit I get +4 to the crit confirm.

Jump: [roll1d20+15 vs AC. If it hits, [roll2] extra damage.

Harpoon!: [roll3] vs AC. If it hits, [roll4] slashing damage.

Amidus Drexel
2016-08-19, 02:50 PM
The Bell Tower

The intruder's blank expression turns to panic as you strike him, and your second attack cuts a deep gash across his neck and chest. He whispers, Name me, wing-ed man... Co-ok..., then begins to slide over the edge of the stairs. Uphold... our bar-gain...

Leaves sprout from the elf's hair, and his body stiffens and turns to wood.

You hear some shouting from outside.

Alphonse's fire damage

OOC: That attack brings our little friend to exactly -10, which functionally takes you two out of the initiative order.

Speaking of our former intruder here, I wonder who he's talking about? I don't see any flying chefs around.

2016-08-19, 10:03 PM
They're under an enchantment.

Bela lunges at the one who attacked him, hand crackling.

touch attack[roll0]

damage [roll1]

Amidus Drexel
2016-08-22, 09:48 PM
The Courtyard

"WIZARD! Get behind him!"
The guards step forward to press the attack. One takes a swipe at Niro, then a second quick jab at Bela. The other slips around and slashes at Bela from the opposite side.

OOC: G2 5fts to O8, and makes a full attack. He hits Niro for 7 damage, and Bela for 7 damage. G1 moves to O6, provoking an AoO from Bela. He hits Bela for 10 damage.

Niro, you're up!

2016-08-22, 10:26 PM
The Courtyard

"WIZARD! Get behind him!"
The guards step forward to press the attack. One takes a swipe at Niro, then a second quick jab at Bela. The other slips around and slashes at Bela from the opposite side.

OOC: G2 5fts to O8, and makes a full attack. He hits Niro for 7 damage, and Bela for 7 damage. G1 moves to O6, provoking an AoO from Bela. He hits Bela for 10 damage.

Niro, you're up!

Can you break the enchantment? I don't wish to hurt them, but they're obviously out to hurt us.

Niro continues his attack, swinging his sword at Guard #2 Vitali!

To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Heal (Bela): [roll2]

Amidus Drexel
2016-08-23, 05:12 PM
The Courtyard

Bela's opportunistic attack misses, and the first guard eyes you warily. Niro's attack, however, strikes true - and Bela's wounds close as the second guard winces in pain.

OOC: Bela, that's a miss. Niro, that's a hit! Bela, you're up! (and you're still holding the charge on that shocking grasp)

2016-08-24, 12:45 PM
The Bell Tower

Tass turns and flies up the tower again. As she with rythmical flaps passes over the fire, she screeches a howling screech which echos between the tower walls, and the feathers of her wings whiten as an unnaturally cold snow starts to fall beneath them over the fire.

Casting Winter's Embrace on the fire. Since this is a somewhat original use for this spell, I'll leave it up to you to handle what happens. The original spell is in SC p. 241, for reference.

2016-08-31, 07:11 PM
Bela takes a five foot step to N8 and swings at the guard again.

I don't have anything that can remove this, but we can evacuate if we have to. Just can't do it with this electricity in my hands.



Amidus Drexel
2016-09-02, 04:26 PM
The Bell Tower

The fire flickers slowly for nearly half a minute, but the magic finally wins, and a thin layer of frost settles over the blackened staircase. That section of stairs doesn't look like it'll hold much weight, but at least the fire isn't spreading any further.

The Courtyard

The guard nimbly evades your attack.

"He's no threat - get the big one!" In unison, the two guards step to flank Niro - one has to step on Holtti's back to position himself.

They make a flurry of strikes, most of which bounce harmlessly off of Niro's armor. One strikes true, however, slashing Niro across the neck - though his extra attention to defense deflects the brunt of the damage.

OOC: The guards 5ft to P7 and P9, respectively. One nearly lands a crit on Niro (and still does 9 damage). Niro, you're up!

2016-09-03, 12:37 AM
You. Step away from Holtti. Niro swings his sword in a high aimed at Guard #1. Montagna Martello!

To Hit:
Mountain Hammer Strike: [roll]1d8+4+2dd6 16 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21165876&postcount=268)

Amidus Drexel
2016-09-07, 09:46 PM
The Courtyard

The guard winces in pain, and his resolve visibly wavers. He lowers his sword, still keeping his guard up. "Stand down, Arthur. You've lost your mind." He looks at you, and mumbles, "Please, I don't want to fight any more."

OOC: That's a hit! Bela, you're up!

2016-09-08, 02:59 PM
The Bell Tower

Tass screeches and flies up through the hatch and outside.

The Airspace

Tass flies out of the bell tower and makes a large circular sweep over the castle, looking and listening for signs of more trouble.

Spot check: [roll0]
Listen check: [roll1]

2016-09-08, 03:06 PM
The Belltower

Alphonse finishes looting checking over the body of the dead elf, not sure what exactly happened to the guy. He takes a bit of the former living creature's now wooden flesh to show to someone who knows magic later, making sure to take like...a full wooden hand or something.

After seeing Tass fly off, Alphonse will turn to the Guard captain with them. "I think now would be a good time to return to Sir Holtti."

2016-09-15, 11:58 PM
Bela looks at the guard. The injury probably helped. I'm sorry I have to hurt him, but I have to get rid of this spell before I can do anything else. Hopefully the shock will help. If I hit.

He moves forward five feet to O8 and hits the guard who was not talking.

Amidus Drexel
2016-09-17, 11:40 AM
The Courtyard

Your land you attack easily, and there is a soft snap as lightning discharges from your hand into the guard. He howls in pain, but it isn't enough to shake off whatever enchantment he is under. He shouts to the other guard, worry evident on his face, "No, you've fallen to their fairy spell! Dmitri, listen to me! I will help you!"

He then turns and swings at Bela, "Let him go, you bastard!" Both hits connect, ruining Bela's costume and coating the sword in blood.

The other guard takes a step back, stunned. "Arthur, listen to yourself!"

OOC: Guard #2 (Arthur) hits Bela twice, for a total of 19 damage. Niro, you're up!

Above the Palace

In the courtyard, you see a crowd of people standing back from Niro, Bela, and two guards. Weapons are drawn, and the guards seem hostile. You hear one of them shouting - "No, you've fallen to their fairy spell! Dmitri, listen to me! I will help you!" He attacks Bela, screaming, "Let him go, you bastard!"

The Bell Tower

The wooden hand grasps yours as you remove it, almost like you're shaking hands.

Dame Borgia shakes her head, and points to the top of the tower. "There were guards on the roof. I need to know what happened to them." She begins to climb the stairs. "Your friends are with the general, right? I don't think we can help him any better than they could."

2016-09-17, 01:35 PM
The Bell Tower

The wooden hand grasps yours as you remove it, almost like you're shaking hands.

Dame Borgia shakes her head, and points to the top of the tower. "There were guards on the roof. I need to know what happened to them." She begins to climb the stairs. "Your friends are with the general, right? I don't think we can help him any better than they could."

Alphonse is unphased by the hand and just kinda shakes it gently, then slips it into a pocket of his cloak, being sure not to break the fingers.

"True, but it occurs to me that the friends with him are a gruff warforged and a very lovable wizard. There is a chance that someone saw them over the General's bloody body and got the wrong idea. IF you'd like me to accompany you to the top of the tower however, I will."

2016-09-18, 10:05 PM
Stand down, Arthur. Niro loosens his stance leaving his defensive fighting pose, and swings his sword at Arthur once again. Vitali!

To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Heal (Holtti): [roll2]

Amidus Drexel
2016-09-24, 06:54 AM
The Bell Tower

She stops to think for a second, then shrugs. "I'll go without you then. If you see any other guards on your way back, send them to me. I need to make absolutely sure they understand the gravity of this situation. Gods be with you."

Lilith slips past you, steps over the intruder's wooden remains, and dashes up the stairs.

The Courtyard

Your attack is a little sluggish, and Arthur dodges easily. "I took an oath to this empire - I refuse to give in!"

OOC: That's a miss. Bela, you're up!

2016-09-24, 10:14 AM
Bell Tower

Alphonse nods, and heads off to see what the rest of his allies are up to.

2016-09-26, 04:18 PM
In the Airspace

Tass dives down to a lower altitude to get a better understanding of the battle below her, and a better look at the bloodied body on the ground.

2016-09-26, 09:05 PM
Bela takes a five foot step back to M8 and casts Invisibility.

Amidus Drexel
2016-10-13, 11:21 AM
The Courtyard

"You've been tricked! Can't you see these people are defending the general?" Dmitri(G1) shifts around to flank the other guard, and strikes Arthur in the back of the head with the pommel of his sword.

Arthur(G2) flips around and slashes furiously at his fellow guardsman - punching through Dmitri's armor and nearly running him through - then turning against to strike at Niro. Niro's attention to defense and superior armor deflects the force of Arthur's strike, however, and he only receives a scratch.

OOC: Dmitri moves to P10 and hits Arthur for 8 points of nonlethal damage. Arthur full attacks, hitting Niro for 5 and landing a crit on Dmitri for 17. Tass, you're up!

2016-10-15, 04:28 AM
The Courtyard

Eagle Tass dives down and lands behind the body. If she detects any lifesigns, she screeches melodically and tap it with her beak, invoking a spell of stabilisation.

Moving to P6 and casting Cure Minor Wounds on the body.

Amidus Drexel
2016-10-20, 10:17 PM
The general is alive, but unconscious, and your spell stems the rest of the blood loss. He'll need a bit more healing before he's fit to do much but lay there, but as long as his wounds aren't reopened he should be fine.

OOC: Niro, you're up!

2016-11-01, 09:40 PM
Down, Arthur! Niro swings out wildly with his shield, MONTAGNA MARTELLO!

To Hit:
Damage: [roll]1d4+3+2d6 14 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21358733&postcount=278)+1 [15]

Amidus Drexel
2016-11-05, 06:36 PM
The Courtyard

Niro's shield smashes Arthur in the face, and the guard falls over on his back, his sword clattering to the ground behind him. He shuts his eyes and clutches his head in pain.

OOC: That's a hit! I think I'm gonna call the combat here. Alphonse, you're arriving just in time to see this.

As you finish dealing with the guards, the crowd of guests watching the fight begins to mill about again. Alphonse and Prince Wuscfrea both come running, from opposite directions. The remaining guard helps Holtti (who has finally stopped bleeding) to his feet.

The prince stares in bewilderment at Niro and Bela, then Alphonse, then at the other guard and Holtti, and then at Tass (who is still an eagle). Out of breath, he gasps, "Wh... what. What the hell. One, uh..." Wuscfrea regains a bit of his composure, and finally manages a complete sentence. "What's going on? Explain!"

2016-11-05, 07:08 PM
"My Prince! I can explain! A fairy of some sort was going around trying to spread fae creatures that resembled flowers to you, and judging from General Holtti's condition others as well. We managed to stop the one aimed for you, but were unable to prevent the others it would appear." Alphonse said. He looked over at the general and noticed the missing cut off flowers. "...and as my wonderfully astute allies have ensured, the creatures have escaped and are likely proliferating as we speak. We need fire. Non magical fire. A lot of it."

Amidus Drexel
2016-11-06, 11:34 PM
Wuscfrea's eyes widen, and he looks desperately at you and his guards. Holtti wipes some blood from his face, and speaks up, "You guards, fetch us torches. And oil, if you can find it. We've got a fairy hunt on our hands." The guards hesitate, but he waves them on. "I've been worse. Go, and warn the others."

Once the guards are gone, he staggers over to Niro for support. "Fairies, huh? This seems a little cold-blooded for just petty mischief, but I can't think of any other reason for one to attack. We've been very careful with the fey around here. What do you think?"

2016-11-07, 12:01 AM
I know little of the fey. But it almost definitely is centered around an attempt on the prince's life. Are there any Fey remaining we could interrogate?

2016-11-07, 12:42 AM
"I don't know. Sir Bela, please try your best to find the invisible cretins that did this. We also have another problem...Lady Tass and I encountered an elf trying to set the tower on fire. We killed him, but his body turned into wood and he mentioned something about the cook. Or our 'friend' Cook." Alphonse explains. Then he'll turn to General Holtti. "Also, General Holtti, pardon my asking but is your blood supposed to be blue? That seems...bad."

Amidus Drexel
2016-11-07, 07:19 PM
Holtti shrugs, and says, "My blood has always been blue. It's no more sinister than I am, I suppose." He chuckles, then scratches his chin thoughtfully. "Who is this 'Cook' you speak of? ...I take it not an actual chef - or should we be looking out for poison in the food? More than usual, that is?"

Wuscfrea mumbles, "Mother and Tass have made quite sure that I'm safe from poison."

You've seen demonic and fey-like creatures with black or silver ichor for blood, but until now, nothing (natural or otherwise) that bled blue. Short of Holtti having fallen victim to some obscure disease that changes blood colour, his blue blood is almost definitely supernatural in nature.

2016-11-08, 12:49 AM
"Ah, yes...'Cook' was a friend of my fathers. He was a ur...shape shifter, or demon of some sort." Alphonse said awkwardly, realizing how troublesome bringing this up will be only a second too late.

2016-11-08, 04:53 PM
Tass takes the opportunity to take to the air again with a few powerful beats of her wings. When she reaches the height of the rooftops, she levels out into a wide circle, soaring over the courtyard while keeping her senses primed for more trouble.

Spot check: [roll0]
Listen check: [roll1]

Amidus Drexel
2016-11-12, 07:49 PM
The Courtyard

Holtti grins. "A shapeshifter at a masquerade is at a disadvantage - a normal assassin could hide in plain sight with no trouble, but a shapeshifter would have to use magic. I can't detect magic on my own, but Bela, Tass, and some other guests should be able to, as well as any court wizards still around. As for myself..." He gestures at the palace. "...I have some healing potions in my office, and I think I can make it there, though it might take a while. Could one of you take Prince Wuscfrea to the royal family's safe-room under the palace? He can show you the way."

Above the Palace

You don't hear anything unusual from the castle, though your ears can hear the sounds of celebration emanating from the city outside (and, if you choose, the conversation in the courtyard below).

You do, however, see a few things. Something in particular seems to be going on by the docks - a great crowd of people is gathered on the longest pier, next to a monstrous apparatus that is vaguely reminiscent of a pipe organ. Additionally, something is lying on the roof of the palace, next to the bell tower - it looks about the right size and shape for a person.

Minus the head, of course.