View Full Version : [IC] Star Wars: Soldiers of Fortune

2016-04-01, 08:13 AM

The mission was supposed to be simple. A Gossam merchant known as Bori Ti wanted protection for his shipments and business: The pay was good, the risk was low, and the Dogs were struggling to make payroll in the wake of their former employer's "conscription" by Warlord Dragtha. So, naturally, Shaga took the job. Bori needed the Dogs to protect his business interests on Ord Mantell, specifically an old Republic munitions factory he'd finagled the rights to and was renovating. Shaga brought The Junkyard, the modified Action IV Transport the Dogs called home, into the system and set up shop. The Rusty Hound and its crew were assigned guard dog duty, and as a result sent down to protect Bori's person on the ground. It was an easy, if boring, week of work. Bori never saw too many clients worth mentioning, never went anywhere exceptionally dangerous, and most of The Rusty Hound's crew spent their days standing around being bored.

Unfortunately, today seems like it'll just be another boring day.

Bori has an appointment with his shift manager at the factory, and is traveling in a convoy consisting of four wheeled civilian vehicles to get there. Bori is seated comfortably in the third vehicle in line, and naturally several of the Hound's crew were with him. The remaining crew members are spread out across the other four vehicles. The trip out of the city to the factory proves uneventful, until around 2 kilometers away from the factory the convoy runs into a barricade in the road. The barricade's makeshift, consisting of durasteel plates welded together and weighted down with stresscrete in what looks like a rush job to shut the road down. It seems as if someone wanted the convoy stopped in that exact spot for awhile. Going around the barricade would require some nimble driving, and even then may flip one of the trucks. Unfortunately, turning around and finding a different road was out of the question: This road is the only one not full of potholes or landmines left over from the Clone Wars.

Everyone needs to determine which vehicle you're in, or just roll a d4. Each vehicle seats 3 passengers and 1 driver. Bori is in #3 as a passenger.

Any barricade to stop enemies would, naturally, only be effective for a short period of time. Usually the discovery of the barricade immediately precedes an ambush.

This resembles a scene out of an old war movie. In particular it resembles the part in the movie where the bad guys pop up from behind the rocks and start shooting at the heroes.

2016-04-01, 09:05 AM

Rising up a bit from his seat to see what is going on, he flips of his holovid of classic Mon Calamari Opera, much the the audio relief of his fellow passengers. Following a mechanical sigh, and looking for danger before cracking his door, he pops out of the truck and quietly clinks his way to the barrier while walking under the other trucks.

So, taking 10 for perception. Gives him a massive 13. if you want a roll instead, its [roll0]

He will be getting cover from the trucks as he makes his way to the front of the convoy.

2016-04-01, 05:02 PM

Seeing Scrapper heading for the barricade Trace slinks out of the third vehicle. "Stay here" he says to Bori Ti as he heads after Scrapper.

He readies his Carbine, with the stock extended, as he heads for the barrier. "Ibic klesir guuror an jehavey'ir" he mutters to himself as he scans the area.

This smells like an ambush

Perception roll

Also he will be using the vehicles as cover

2016-04-02, 04:48 PM

Ord Mantell. It was bad enough just being planet side, but another security detail. When he had heard of the new Lone Wolves outfit of Junk-Dog Securities, he had jumped at the chance for "exciting and interesting excursions, involving but not limited to: 'unique applications' of 'security sciences' 'meeting interesting sapients', 'traveling the Stars' " he understood the founder was a Barabel and from what he knew about them they enjoyed a similar brand of 'negotiation' and concept of security as his people, as the old Tof adage went: 'Attack leaves no time for defense.'

Yet this was their third actual security detail. As in guarding and not killing sentients. What was worse was this one was dirt side. Emphasis on the dirt I might actually have to use the refresher in my quarters the hulking Tof thought to himself.

He shot a sidewise glance at the principle, Bori Ti, Reptilian runt. as if being off ship wasn't enough they were bouncing around on actual wheels. On the subject of wheels, why couldn't they protect one of those Twi'lek dealers on the Wheel instead of this wrinkly old Gossam.

What a back water world. If one wasn't going to sail through the sea of stars they could, at the least, invest in some proper repulsor technology. Who could afford a security detail of their caliber and not get a decent fleet of speeders?

All this bloody dust was dulling the sheen of his armor. Jalox almost envied the Droids and their not breathing, luckily his suit was environmentally sealed, while it could withstand the vacuum of the big black, the giant of a man inside might not be so impervious to the pressures of an hours ride to a factory -- and if that ruddy driver hit one more rut...


Jalox noticed Trace quickly disembark from their vehicle saying something in an unintelligible alien language. The Tof tapped the golden translator unit on his armor. He'd have to remember to get Deran to add whatever it was that Trace mumbled in so often.

Jalox diverted his attention from thoughts of drinking Cornelian ale from the driver's skull and instead focused on what appeared to be a roadblock. He thumbed the catch on the Negotiator's holster and likewise readied the Claw. Perhaps there would be a spot of activity to dull the insufferable week's long tedium of this rocky smog ridden dirt ball after all.

"You heard the man, Bort. Stay in the roller." he barked to the wrinkly long necked Gossam while stepping down himself from the truck.

Finally free of the cramped vehicle's confines the armored giant drew both his sword and pistol. The idling sound of the now static convoy's engines was joined by the tell tale high pitched whine of a Vibroblade as Jalox activated the Claw, whose length was suddenly shrouded in a faint bluish halo as the ionizer leapt to life. The Tof visually scanned the surrounding area as he contacted one of the Lone Wolf's Droids over the Comlink.

"Scrapper, what's the situation up there?"

Perception - (1d20+10)[22] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20616799&postcount=24)

Knowledge - Tactics - (1d20+3)[21]
Knowledge - Social Sciences - (1d20+3)[17] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20630401&postcount=34)

2016-04-03, 02:04 PM
As the convoy came to a halt and others exited their vehicles, Angel slung her rifle over her shoulder and clambered up to the roof of her own vehicle. She scanned the surroundings on both sides from her higher vantage point, hoping to catch sight of anything that needed the alarm sounded.

When Jalox's voice broke the silence in her internal commlink, she glanced down over the side of the truck and located him right away. She stayed silent, not wanting to step on Scrapper's reply, but also because she rarely cared to talk on these tedious trips in the vehicles.

At least it's planetside... She disliked the ship even more than convoys.

Perception [roll0]

2016-04-05, 09:21 AM

When the vehicle comes to a halt well before the estimated time, Deran looks up from the item hes is tinkering with, to see a blockage to the street.

Deran opens the sun roof stands to get a better look at this make shift barrier. He is looking for a structural flaw in the barrier that they could exploit.
Deran Nods his head towards Trace to acknowledge that he understood. while doing that he also releases the catch on his pistol to get ready for the possible ambush.
for finding the best place to hit the barrier to take it down the fastest:
take 10 = 29
if rollis needed [roll0]

Over the coms "Who ever has any heavy ordinance, be ready!"

2016-04-05, 04:09 PM
Ash Loon gets out of the first truck and looks around. She takes out her voxbox and presses a button. "What are my orders?"

Perception: [roll0]
Nobody seems to be rolling the knowledge checks but I just looked in the book and they don't need to be trained.. unless this counts as expert knowledge. In which case, ignore my rolls.
Tactics: [roll1]
Social Sciences: [roll2]

2016-04-06, 01:43 AM

Something tickled in the back of his mind. This wasn't right, and it was more than the just the lack of the black and an absence of copious amounts of food and drink.

The Duros' voice crackled over the com, "Whoever has any heavy ordinance, be ready!"

Deran was up front in the point vehicle with Ash -- Scrapper and Trace were making their respective ways towards the obstruction in the road. Who puts a mishmash of stresscrete and durasteel in the middle of this crap world's only serviceable road?

"What are my orders?" the mechanical monotone of the Wookie's V-Box asked.

Then it clicked. You didn't have to be the hero in a HoloVid or a Mon Calmari Admiral to know,

"It's a Trap!" he blared over the com.

Jalox turned to face the truck directly behind his vehicle waving at the driver with his pistol to get his attention while flourishing his sword in a sweeping circular motion indicating that he should turn around. He turned his head to face the driver of Bor Ti's car, "Reverse!" he ordered the man in a withering tone, as he clambered back into the truck.

No matter how much he disdained the Gosmar business man, he was a professional and he had a personal as well as company reputation to maintain and build. He does the job, he gets paid. A lot.

"Wolves, mount up and move out!" he shouted into his com as he scanned the surrounding area for signs of ambush.

2016-04-06, 08:57 AM
When Scrapper and Trace start to get outside, and Jalox shouts out his orders, the trap is sprung. Suddenly a speeder bursts onto the scene. It's clearly automated as it likes a driver, and immediately slams into the side of the front vehicle. A rocket streaks out of the outcroppings nearby aimed at the last vehicle in line, and it's quickly followed by a twin fired at the second vehicle. The explosions tear apart the vehicles, and Scrapper's lucky to have gotten out before its vehicle is hit.

Immediately after the attack a group of blaster-waving humans start taking wild shots at the caravan. Bori looks at Jalox and seems to be freaking out. "W-we need to get out of here! You need to keep me safe!"


Attacker's Initiative: [roll0]

Since everyone made their perception checks, the mob doesn't get a surprise round beyond the initial trap. The speeder ramming the first vehicle causes Ashloon and Deran to take 1/2 of [roll1] damage.

Knowledge: Tactics This attack is surprisingly well coordinated for the poor accuracy of the average attackers. It's almost like someone well versed in warfare instructed them in how to pull off this attack, but they didn't aim at the right targets at the start.

2016-04-06, 09:38 AM
The droid winces reflexively as the explosions rock the convoy. Already prone on top of the vehicle, her head rests on the butt of her rifle and she scans through the scope. "Hello there, Rocketman..."

Once she finds the rocket-toting attacker, her internal computer adjusts for the range and with a practiced squeeze, a blast of the carbonite rifle rings out.

Swift Action (2) - Aim (target rocket launcher armed human)
Standard Action - Fire carbonite rifle [roll0]
- target denied dex to ac while aiming; target moved -1 condition track if hit
- damage threshold reduced by 5 vs attack

Damage - [roll1]

2016-04-06, 11:14 AM

Deran quickly recovers from the impact of the speeder. Surprised by how fast the attack started and how they have already took out half of the convoy. These might not be common thugs.
Deran draws his blaster and moves out of the vehicle to perch just behind the speeder (using it as cover). there he waits for orders and to return fire.

Move action: Draw weapon
Move action: (treat top on map as north) one sq N, one sq diagonal NW, one sq N. where he will take a knee waiting on orders.

2016-04-06, 11:17 AM

Jalox Karbone (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=756865)
Male Tof Noble 1/ Soilder 2 / Scoundrel 3
HP 36/36, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 26
Defenses: Fort 21, Ref 20, Will 18
Force Points 6, Destiny Points -
Special Actions: Zero Range: +1 Strike | +1 Die Dmg Adjacent Targets, PB Shot: +1 Strike | +1 Dmg on Targets in PB Range, Rapid Shot: -2 Strike +1 Die Dmg Ranged Attack, Mighty Swing: 2 Swift +1 Die Dmg next Melee Attack, Vehicular Combat: Pilot Check vs. Attack to Negate, Dual Weapon Mastery I: -5 Strike on Full Attack, Crippled: Even if FRT is reduced DT stays the same, Rounds: 98/100

Keel and Cannon!! Ruddy Nogs!

There was flash of light then the sound of an explosion and a wave of pressure causing the dust on the road to kick up. With the rear car hit they had little hope of evacuating Bori Ti with the remaining trucks, or what was left of them.

Blaster bolts filled the air as the fourth car sat smoldering, the Gosmar was whining about something, but that would have to wait.

"Behind that wreckage now, Bort!! Double time!" he yelled at their panicked client, pointing towards the flaming debris of the truck gutted by the rocket blast. Jalox gave the spindly Gosmar a 'nudge' with his foot as he opened negotiations with the rocket launcher armed human, two sizzling bolts of energy burst from the muzzle of his heavy blaster in rapid succession. As soon as the blasts were fired he began moving towards the group of ambushers, trying his best to stay low and keep the rocks between him and their attackers.

"Trace, Scrapper keep an eye on the runt!" Ash, Derran watch our flank! he yelled over the com as he lopped off into the hail of blaster fire.

Initiative: 25
Standard: Rapid Fire at the Rocket Launcher
Move: Move towards the the ambushers on the side of the road

2016-04-06, 04:41 PM

Trace took a knee and aimed for the fool right in front of him. The best way to keep the client safe was to drop these utreekovs, and so Trace did what he did best. Rifle butt to shoulder, left eye closed, easy pull on the trigger......

Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur

Today is a good day for someone else to die

Targeting the guy immediately south of Trace

2 Swifts for Aiming 1 Standard for single shot
+1 for Point Blank Shot and +1 for Careful Shot

Damage (if he hits)

2016-04-06, 10:05 PM

In a blur of motion, you all hear the little droid do something completely different, if not expected. Moving his spherical body much faster than it should be going, he zips over to the aggressors for a whole new kind of maintenance. "I Just Got Done With Those Paint Jobs!" the tiny mechanical voice fading as he gets further away, and flings himself over the barrier next to Rocketman. These upgrades may hurt a bit.

Initiative roll, [roll0]
Double move for 12 squares south, going under the truck and then jumping the rock/barrier at the end
Jump of [roll1]

2016-04-07, 09:42 AM
Angel's shot takes out the man with the rocket launcher, and Tracyn's shot drops the attacker directly ahead of him. Unfortunately Jalox's wild shots find no targets, and explode against the rocks their attackers are using as cover. Scrapper's unable to scramble under the car as the flaming wreck doesn't have any ground clearance anymore, but he's able to climb over it no problem. He's equally able to vault the rock and surprise the man hiding behind it.

The Hound's attackers open fire wildly, not paying any attention to ammo conservation or strategy.

You spot a small black dot on the horizon. It seems to be moving, and vaguely resembles some sort of aerial fighter.Your exceptional vision notes that it's a TIE/sa a couple of kilometers out, and it's moving toward your location.

You notice a small black ball-shaped droid start rolling away from the barricade. It's moving very fast, almost as if running from something.

These guys are showing the tactical acumen of complete amateurs. With the coordination displayed in the setting and actual execution of the trap originally: You have to conclude that this cannot possibly be a trap they came up with.


Attack vs Jalox
Autofire Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]; 1/2 if attack roll fails

Attack vs Scrapper
Autofire Attack Roll: [roll2]
Damage Roll: [roll3]; 1/2 if attack roll fails

Attack vs Deran(Cover)
Autofire Attack Roll: [roll4]
Damage Roll: [roll5]; 1/2 if attack roll fails

Attack vs Deran(Cover)
Autofire Attack Roll: [roll6]
Damage Roll: [roll7]; 1/2 if attack roll fails

Attack vs Ashloon(No cover due to getting out of the truck)
Autofire Attack Roll: [roll8]
Damage Roll: [roll9]; 1/2 if attack roll fails

Attack vs Ashloon(No cover due to getting out of the truck)
Autofire Attack Roll: [roll10]
Damage Roll: [roll11]; 1/2 if attack roll fails

2016-04-07, 01:09 PM

Jalox Karbone (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=756865)
Male Tof Noble 1/ Soilder 2 / Scoundrel 3
HP 33/36, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold
Defenses: Fort 21, Ref 20, Will 18
Force Points 6, Destiny Points -
Special Actions: Zero Range: +1 Strike | +1 Die Dmg Adjacent Targets, PB Shot: +1 Strike | +1 Dmg on Targets in PB Range, Rapid Shot: -2 Strike +1 Die Dmg Ranged Attack, Mighty Swing: 2 Swift +1 Die Dmg next Melee Attack, Vehicular Combat: Pilot Check vs. Attack to Negate, Dual Weapon Mastery I: -5 Strike on Full Attack, Crippled: Even if FRT is reduced DT stays the same, Blaster: 96/100 Shots Remaining

Blaster bolts whiz past his barreling form, several impact with his armor, scorching it's well polished exterior and bruising the flesh beneath. Jalox skids to a stop, and pivots on his heel, as the bolts buffet his chest he fires off another pair of shots at the human who had just fired at him. There is a flash of movement to his left near the barricade -- Scrapper? No Scrapper is to his right engaging another of their ambushers. Then his eye's targeting system registered rapid motion on the horizon.


He began closing the distance towards the human he fired on, yelling over the com as he closed on his prey.

"Angel, incoming on the horizon maybe an air speeder! Ash, Deran Droid near the barricade! Stay sharp Wolves, these are just the lads the Supreme's yet to show himself!

Standard: Rapid Fire, Point Blank at the Ambusher at N19
Movement: Move from J14 to M18 (Diagonally)

2016-04-07, 10:17 PM

Comes screeching to a halt, his sensors narrowing as he looks the human over. Pausing a moment to collect himself and noticing the blaster scorching. "Good sir, you seemed to have lost any respect for art, which unfortunately means your already dead inside." Various welding, cutting, prying and grasping appendages start to power up and move wildly, "Let me upgrade your outside to match your inside. This will sting.... A lot." The clicking of his many legs is shortly followed by pain.

Perception DC 20
Perception DC 16 [roll1]
Knowledge ticTacs [roll2]

Move up 1 square
Poke from Tool-Box-O-Pain! with what ever this number is [roll3]
1 Fusion cutter, attack +2 [roll4], damage 3d6-1 total [roll5]
2 Laser Welder, attack +2 [roll6], damage 1d8+1d6-1 total [roll]1d8+1d6-1
3 Power prybar, attack +2 , damage 1d8+1d6-1 total [roll]1d8+1d6-1
4 Sonic welder, attack +2 , damage 1d8+1d6-1 total [roll]1d8+1d6-1

The +1d6 to damage is because he has improved improvised weapons.

I really should get him a ranged weapon later.... like the rocket launcher at his feet......

2016-04-08, 07:46 AM
"Hmm... hmm.. hmm... hm..." Angel hummed pleasantly into her internal commlink. She seemed to ignore the yell for the incoming ship and swiveled her body just slightly in order to settle her scope on the human who was engaged with Scrapper.

There was a whirring noise as her large monocular eye focused and the internal targeting computer calculated the distance. "Boom." She whispered, he comms still active. The click of the trigger and pulse of carbonite caused static to distort her voice.

Swift Action (2) - Aim (target blaster armed human near Scrapper)
Standard Action - Fire carbonite rifle [roll0]
- target denied dex to ac while aiming; target moved -1 condition track if hit
- damage threshold reduced by 5 vs attack

Damage - [roll1]

2016-04-08, 08:36 AM

After Taking 2 blasters hits, which really did a number on his freshly pressed uniform; Deran raises his Hvy Blaster Pistol aims at the upper target to return the favor and scorch his clothes.

DAM IT!!!! I just got these back from the Cleaners.... DO you know how hard it is to get Scorch marks off?
With that he pulls the trigger!
2 swift actions to Aim (negate cover from target)
Standard Actions to shoot weapon: Attack Roll (Ignore cover): (point blank)[roll0]
damage: (Point blank)[roll1]

Then it registers that Jalox just stated that there is more incoming, but Deran is to focused on his immediate target. He will worry about the incoming when he sees them.

2016-04-08, 04:58 PM

Hearing Deran yell, Trace pivots around and quickly sights up the poor schmuck that Deran wasnt shooting at.

+1 for Point Blank, +1 Careful Aim, +1 Die for Deadshot


2016-04-10, 09:13 PM
Ash Loon

Shrieking at the fire she has taken, Ash Loon shrieks and flys into a fit of rage. She runs straight towards the line of attackers and abruptly turns to attack the one hiding behind the rock, pressing her vox box on the way. "Last Words?"

Swift Action: Fly into a rage
Move Action: Move eights spaces south
Standard action: charge 5 squares immediately east.

Attack Roll: [roll0] (+2 charge, +2 rage, +9 normal)
Damage Roll:[roll1] (+2 rage, +1 melee smash, +4 strength)

Other Effects: If breaking the damage threshold, an additional step down the melee condition. -2 to my reflex, now 16. Even if I miss, he will take 4 damage. I will also gain +3 temporary hit points. 7 more rounds of rage.

2016-04-11, 02:47 PM
Everyone aside from Scrapper and Trace strike true, killing their targets in violent painful ways. Scrapper and Trace, unfortunately, provide no real support besides being mildly annoying. The surviving enemies open fire on the mercenaries, then Ash charges out of the truck and butchers one of them.

You notice a large black fighter of some sort moving toward the area. Your decent vision notes that it's a TIE/sa about a kilometer out, and it's moving toward your location.The TIE bomber is gradually dropping low to the ground, clearly intending to perform a bombing run.


Attack Roll vs Deran(Cover): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] 1/2 if attack roll fails

Attack Roll from Dead Guy vs Ash(No Cover): [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] 1/2 if attack roll fails

Attack Roll vs Ash(No Cover): [roll4]
Damage: [roll5] 1/2 if attack roll fails

2016-04-11, 08:17 PM

Obviously, these humans were far to weak to survive the though of being upgraded... or carbonite, its hard to tell sometimes when their responses are Arghhhhhhhh. Well, at least they aren't to responsive at this point. "Why yes, I think I will take all those items you have bequeathed to me as your final act on this world. I will gladly put them to use advancing a cause, at some point. Most definitely." and takes a moment to look around before rifling the possessions of the fallen foes at his.... feet? Ugh, these poor meat-bags aren't even warm any more. I guess that is an added bonus to using carbonite. Like instant frozen dinners on the right planet. That could be a whole new marketing idea. Note to self, trademark "Scrappers Frozen Food Safari" a planet where you do Big and not so big game hunting with Carbonite Rifles and spiced gas grenades, so your prey will be easy to prepare back home. Ya, that's the ticket.

And this spot reserved for something witty about noticing things if his perception is good.

Perception +3 [roll0]

Going to grab the blasters and missile launcher, using his multiple tool appendages to hold them in place while checking the bodies with his hands. Possibly noticing stuff this time.

2016-04-12, 02:14 AM

Jalox Karbone (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=756865)
Male Tof Noble 1/ Soilder 2 / Scoundrel 3
HP 33/36, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 26
Defenses: Fort 21, Ref 20, Will 18
Force Points 6, Destiny Points -
Special Actions: Zero Range: +1 Strike | +1 Die Dmg Adjacent Targets, PB Shot: +1 Strike | +1 Dmg on Targets in PB Range, Rapid Shot: -2 Strike +1 Die Dmg Ranged Attack, Mighty Swing: 2 Swift +1 Die Dmg next Melee Attack, Vehicular Combat: Pilot Check vs. Attack to Negate, Dual Weapon Mastery I: -5 Strike on Full Attack, Crippled: Even if FRT is reduced DT stays the same, Blaster: 96/100 Shots Remaining

Jalox lets out a hardy laugh as the man falls to the Negotiator's fire. His moment of pleasure is intruded upon by a second ping from his eye, it has registered an incoming...

"Tie Fighter!"

He yells over the com.

"Angel! Eyes on, we've got a hostile fighter enroute!"

This side was clear, the Wookie would likely tear that last Nog limb from limb, and Deran would have to take care of himself, they had that Gosmar to look after, after all, the Tof spun on his heel and started full steam towards their truck.

"Trace, Scraper we need to clear the road, and get rolling, ASAP!"

He had to find a way to get Bori Ti mobile before that Tie could strafe their position. Where was the Rusty Hound when you needed her?

"MD1 to Rusty Hound, do you copy?"

Full Round: Run (24 squares) back towards Bori Ti and the truck.

2016-04-12, 07:19 AM
The female monotone sighed into the comms. "No need to shout... Angel swung her body around and positioned her scope to better see the incoming aircraft.

The large eye focused in on the vehicle and searched for any identifying marks. "What would you like me to do sweetie? I suggest we leave before this bomber blows us a kiss." No matter what information she could gather, she slapped up the bipods of her rifle and rolled off the top of the truck and onto the ground gracefully.

Perception - [roll0]

2016-04-12, 07:59 AM

Taking another blaster fire, is really putting Deran in a foul mood.

Deran quickly eye the speeder he is beside to see if it is still usable, thinking that we needed to keep Bori Ti mobile.
Deran then he switches his target to the remaining thug, sqeezes the trigger (and hopes for the best).

Over the comms: I will check the speeder to see if we can use it to get the mark to safety!

Move action: to see if we can use the speeder now with out any work: [roll0]
Knowledge Tech (for type and passenger amount) [roll1]
Standard: Attack roll (Point blank): [roll2]
Damage (point Blank);[roll3]

2016-04-14, 09:46 AM
Ash Loon (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=734969)

After downing the first runt, Ash turns to the next and attempts to strike them down, taking shots in the process.

Move: Two spaces east within reach of the last punk.
Attack Roll [roll0] (5 BAB, 4 strength, 2 rage)
Damage Roll [roll1] (2 rage, 1 melee smash, 4 strength, 3 half heroic level)
Other Effects: If breaking the damage threshold, an additional step down the melee condition. Even if I miss, he will take 4 damage. I will also gain +3 temporary hit points. 6 more rounds of rage.

Attack Roll [roll2] (5 BAB, 4 strength, 2 rage)
Damage Roll [roll3] (2 rage, 1 melee smash, 4 strength, 3 half heroic level)
Other Effects: If breaking the damage threshold, an additional step down the melee condition. Even if I miss, he will take 4 damage. I will also gain +3 temporary hit points. 6 more rounds of rage.
Assuming the second person is taken down, will make sure the others are down and then return to the group, using the vox box to say "What are my orders? Somebody has to save our skins."

2016-04-14, 04:38 PM

Trace snarls as he realizes what that thing approaching them is, he grabs the client by his collar and starts to drag him out of the transport while shouting. "That TIE Bomber will be here in less then 10! So start legging it!!" he pushes the client forward to get him to start running.

2016-04-15, 08:10 AM
The female shaped droid hefted the massive rifle with ease. "Oh. Are we running now?" Angel moved gracefully toward and past the client, being used to taking up point and scouting.

There was a melodramatic sigh as she looked back to the vehicles. "This is why I keep telling you to stop taking the time painting every single vehicle, Scrapper. What a waste..."

Full move out and away from vehicles.

2016-04-16, 02:21 AM

Ash is able to kill the guy in front of her, and the remaining attacker near Deran, realizing he's alone, starts running away as quickly as he can.

Deran's check reveals that the speeders are currently powered down. They likely automatically shut down after crashing into the lead car. He spots a small spherical droid integrated poorly into the speeder's seat, and can infer that the speeder is run by a droid.

Angel's able to mark the TIE with her scope, spots any markings on it, and is able to flee successfully without any trouble. Jalox, naturally, can run back toward the cars without interruption. Scrapper successfully loots a blaster rifle and an empty missile launcher, but his tool appendages cannot carry equipment.

While most of the company is seeing great strides of success, due in no small part to nothing causing them any problems, Tracyn is much less lucky. The Gossam is still buckled up, and hiding behind the vehicle's door. Popping open the door, unbuckling the client, dragging him out, and getting him on his feet takes a full five seconds. Trace won't have more than a few seconds of running before the TIE makes it in range and proceeds to blow up the area.

The TIE bomber arrives in 2 rounds.

Angel has already spent her first round running away at top speed. With another round of running she'll be out of the bombing corridor no problem.

Scrapper spent his first round grabbing a blaster and rocket launcher off the ground.

Jalox spent his first round running toward the bomber's target.

Ash has not spent her first round doing anything yet. Unless Ash actually follows through with moving toward the group, then she spends the first round moving toward the bomber's target like Jalox.

Deran spends the first round fiddling with the speeder.

Trace can spend one round to get the Gossam by using his move action to open the door, his swift to unbuckle him, and his standard to actually grab him.

2016-04-16, 02:29 AM

Seeing that the Gosamer is still firmly buckled into his seat has Trace swearing up a storm in Mando, but since hes the client Trace gets him out of the vehicle and stumbling forward.

I spend the full round getting this guy moving

2016-04-17, 02:02 PM

The large Tof reaches the truck as Trace tears the Gosmar from the vehicle.

"Move it Bort!" he yells at their client, "We've got an incoming Tie Bomber en route, unless you want me scraping you off my impeccable armor you better start running, NOW!"

2016-04-17, 10:38 PM

Pauses a moment, a single drop of lubricant falling from his optics, Good bye trucks, you had a good.. and promptly zips the heck out of there, Tie Bombers are scary.

"AHHhhhh!" and a very comical looking ball of a droid goes zipping away, mostly because the missile launcher is waving crazily around as he goes.

Yep, running away

2016-04-18, 07:15 AM
Angel continues to run with a purpose, attempting to put as much distance between her and the vehicles as possible. As she runs, she looks for a suitably sized bolder to leap behind for cover against the expected blast and fireball.

Perception [roll0]

2016-04-19, 09:33 AM

With a heavy sigh, Deran resigns to leaving the speeder behind, as he feels that there is insufficient time to get it started and convince the droid to move out of danger.
Seeing the direction the others are heading, he joins them. over the comms "the standard bombing corridor of the Tie bomber is approximately 110 meters by 20 meters. We need to clear that!"

Full round: RUN!!!!

2016-04-21, 09:54 AM
Ash Loon

((Second Round, First was used running towards the Gosamar.)

As Ash Approaches the client, she presses buttons on her Vox Box. "Greetings. I can help you. Somebody has to save our skins." She then picks up the client, gently if agreeable, forcibly if needed, and runs as fast as her feet will carry her away from the bomber corridor.

2016-04-21, 05:14 PM

As Ash scoops up the client Trace takes off running after her.

2016-04-22, 04:18 AM

Jalox Karbone (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=756865)
Male Tof Noble 1/ Soilder 2 / Scoundrel 3
HP 33/36, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 26
Defenses: Fort 21, Ref 20, Will 18
Force Points 6, Destiny Points -
Special Actions: Zero Range: +1 Strike | +1 Die Dmg Adjacent Targets, PB Shot: +1 Strike | +1 Dmg on Targets in PB Range, Rapid Shot: -2 Strike +1 Die Dmg Ranged Attack, Mighty Swing: 2 Swift +1 Die Dmg next Melee Attack, Vehicular Combat: Pilot Check vs. Attack to Negate, Dual Weapon Mastery I: -5 Strike on Full Attack, Crippled: Even if FRT is reduced DT stays the same, Blaster: 96/100 Shots Remaining

So this is what it came to. What non Tof refered to as a 'Tactical Withdrawal' or 'Retreat' or in other words running away. He thought back to his younger days, when he was still raiding with proper lads. With Tof. The whole lot of 'em would likely wait out the Tie, pepper it with blaster fire and then when it closed, rocks, Vibro Axes, Daggers, Swords.

Having your eye burned out of your skull tended to change one's perspective. Broaden it you might say. That was yesterday. Today there was more than one skin to save, and if he wanted to live long enough to bag a Savrip while he was here and maybe, just maybe visit the wheel he had to do as the rest of the Nogs and Run.

Jalox took off scanning the land adjoining the road for any old craters, ditches or perhaps an old Clone War era fox hole.

[roll0] Looking for some type of cover if we can't move the cars.
[roll1] Anything that might help in defending from an aerial attack.

2016-04-22, 04:38 PM

Naturally Bori Ti doesn't resist any attempt to grab him, but trying to force him to walk just causes the gossam to seize up in fear. Plainly he's never been on a battlefield until today.

Those who ran initially are able to escape the TIE's blast radius without any problems. Unfortunately Ash, Trace, Jalox, and Scrapper spent their time helping their client and looting corpses respectively. As a result, they're still in the bombing corridor when the distinctive buzz of a TIE's engine reaches their ears. Jalox is able to spot an ancient fox hole, but due to his size only he could fit into it. Or he could fit Ash, Trace, Scrapper, and the client inside. Scrapper's far enough away from the TIE's target that he could make a run for it, but he'll need to be faster than the TIE. Ash and Trace, on the other hand, are standing right beside the TIE's target. They could start running, but they'd need a serious destiny to not get caught in the blast.

Everyone other than Ash, Trace, Jalox, and Scrapper successfully escape the bombing corridor on turn 1. On turn 2, the TIE arrives and starts its bombing run. Scrapper can escape unscathed with an Initiative check of 15. Due to the distance traveled, Ash and Trace--and by proxy Bori Ti--need an Initiative of 20. Jalox can jump in the fox hole and get low with an acrobatics check of 10, or point it out to Ash and Trace to afford them the same check. If Jalox doesn't use the fox hole then he needs a DC 20 Initiative check to successfully escape the bombing.

2016-04-23, 01:32 AM

Jalox Karbone (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=756865)
Male Tof Noble 1/ Soilder 2 / Scoundrel 3
HP 33/36, Condition Normal
Damage Threshold 26
Defenses: Fort 21, Ref 20, Will 18
Force Points 5, Destiny Points -
Special Actions: Zero Range: +1 Strike | +1 Die Dmg Adjacent Targets, PB Shot: +1 Strike | +1 Dmg on Targets in PB Range, Rapid Shot: -2 Strike +1 Die Dmg Ranged Attack, Mighty Swing: 2 Swift +1 Die Dmg next Melee Attack, Vehicular Combat: Pilot Check vs. Attack to Negate, Dual Weapon Mastery I: -5 Strike on Full Attack, Crippled: Even if FRT is reduced DT stays the same, Blaster: 96/100 Shots Remaining

Damn. he thought to himself. He paused only a fraction of a second, and maybe that was already too long. Ruddy blasted Nogs the lot of 'em.

"Trace, Ash get that runt in that hole!" he screamed over the Com, pointing at the fox hole with his sword.

Damn. he thought a second time as he made a final mad dash. And I *just* paid for this armor.

[roll0]+[roll1] = {Not Dead} ^^;;;

2016-04-23, 01:42 AM

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", as he moves away at panic/paint saving speeds.

Doom, Doom, DOOM!

I mean Initiative, +11 [roll0]

I have full faith in the dice roller giving a 3 or less at this point.

2016-04-23, 08:25 AM

"You heard that big idiot! Get in the hole!" Yells Trace as he dives for cover

[roll0] + Force Point [roll1]

2016-04-23, 01:35 PM
Ash Loon

Ash listens to Jalox and makes a dive for the hole, trying to keep the client as safe and protected as possible.

I'm nervous because I don't have a great modifier. I need a 7 or higher from the roller.

Damn. Nothing to be nervous about.

"Last words? No. Tomorrow is a new day. A new beginning."
Once in the whole you hear.

2016-04-25, 08:18 AM

Feeling that he has moved to a safe distance, out of the bombing corridor, Deran Levels his Hvy blaster takes Aim and squeezes the trigger.

All the shile deran is hoping that his commrads and the mark will get to safety. "Come on guys hussle.... get in there!" Deran keeps his thoughts to him self.

Round 2
2 Swifts: Aim (Using his Knowledge of the Tie aims for a weak point)
Knowledge Tech:
Standard: Fire Blaster: (Point blank +1, if applicable) [roll]1d20+7
Damage: Point blank +1, if applicable) [roll1]

2016-04-25, 10:27 AM

The TIE comes in for its bombing run and completely obliterates the trucks, their unfortunate drivers, the speeders, and their unfortunate droid brains. The road's cratered by the destruction, and it kicks up a massive dust cloud in the TIE's wake. The sound of the Bomber flying away shows that whoever ordered the strike clearly did not understand how flexible and survivable mercenaries can be. Fortunately there are no casualties among the Wolves, and the group is able to reform naturally in the wake of the bombing.

Bori's alive, but shaken. "T-thank you, and g-good w-work."

2016-04-25, 10:34 AM
Ash Loon

Ash puts down the client for the time being and says (through the vox box) with a smile, "I find your lack of faith disturbing."

She then turns to the rest of her comrades and says, "What are my orders? I'm hungry."

2016-04-25, 05:01 PM

Trace growls "We need to find a ride out of here. That Bomber could easily come back for round two and i dont think any of us has a Blaster Cannon"

2016-04-26, 02:47 AM

Jalox powered down his sword before returning it, and holstered his pistol. He looked over the assembled team, Not bad he thought. All things considered.

"Rusty Hound, Rusty Hound do you copy? Akalar? Ray Gin?" he chimed into the com as he walked towards the team. There, almost invisible, next to the towering Wookie was Bori Ti.

That little runt was still alive. That meant credits -- providing they could get back to civilization.

"Bort you're still alive." he said, the hollow monotone of the translator failing to convey the tinge of disappoint in his voice.

"I think you might want to consider a bonus, given the outstanding work these lads put in." he added, moving his hand in a sweeping motion indicating the battle stained group.

He looked down at his own armor, noticing the grime and scorch marks, and he leaned down close to the Gosamar and tore a piece of cloth from his clothing. Releasing the catch on his armor's collar he removed his helm with a depressurizing hiss then, placing it over the pommel of his sword he spat heavily into the pilfered cloth and began wiping at the grime on his previously gleaming armor.

"So lads." he began, the rumbling baritone of his natural voice, and native language blurring into the sterile mechanical sound of the translation unit.

"And Droids." he added glancing at Angel and Scrapper, his red monocle meeting her green. "Whatta we do now?" he asked as he continued scrubbing his suit. "Wait for the Hound, leg it, send Scrapper?"

He spat again into the makeshift kerchief and continued his work, looking at Ash he smiled. "Nice work today." he nodded his head in approval while speaking, "And I'm hungry too." he finished, eyeing the Gosmar with his remaining eye, and winking, while licking his lips.

2016-04-26, 01:46 PM

Deran stifles a laugh when Jarlox uses the mark's clothes to clean his armour. Quickly he regains his composure and over the comms "Well, I think that we need to start legging it! Use all available cover to avoid further issues. Get as close to our destination as we can until either we can not get further with out combat or the Rusty Hound picks us up."

With that Deran centers his pack and keeps a "watchful" eye on the surroundings. Keeping his blaster at the ready. He waits for orders on how to proceed.

2016-04-26, 03:02 PM
Angel slung her rifle over her shoulder and crossed her arms over her chest at the mention of travelling on foot.

"There better be a fresh oil bath waiting for me when we're done if...
01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101101 01100001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100000 01110111 01100001 01101100 01101011 00100000 01100001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01110111 01100001 01111001 00001010." The voice modulator skipped from the sultry pouting female voice to a harsh monotone feedback. Those that had travelled with her for some time knew this happened at random.

"Damnit." She reached up to her neck and fiddled with some screws.

Binary Translation - "You make me walk all that way."

2016-04-27, 07:36 AM

Deran tilts his head when Angel has her vocal glitch. Though he still understood exactly what she said.
"Not to worry Angel, We will make sure that you are cleaned right up. Also if you like, after you soak, I can look into your auditory modulator to fix that glitch."

2016-04-28, 01:58 AM

Looping back to the group, he skids to a stop. "These guys didn't even have the decency to have more rockets." and drops the missile tube on the ground. Shifting back and forth, "Well, you guys seem ok. Want me to scout ahead or get an areal view of our current surroundings?" clicking closer to Jalox, "I can get altitude faster if you toss me. Those ion drives I have are pretty slow in gravity"

Yes, 1 square of flying, good for scouting and mobility, not so good for running away.

2016-04-28, 04:44 AM

Having finished with the most offensive patches of dirt, dust soot and blaster burn, Jalox crumples up the cloth and tosses it towards Bori Ti.

"Thanks Bort."

He says, leaning down to scoop up scraper before hefting him between his two hands, spinning a few times and hurling him up into the air.

"Try to com the Hound while you're up there!" he shouts cupping his hands to his mouth.

[roll0] If needed.

2016-04-28, 04:41 PM
Ray Gin was busy editing an action flick holo-video montage made using images from some of his latest exploits together with Junk-dogs when he suddenly hears Jalox on the Com.

Whats up Landlubber? If it is about your bird again, stop worrying, I took care he's fully satiated... I taught him a few more choice curse words by the way but I'd thought you'd appreciate that. I'm not so sure whether Ash will like them though...

2016-04-28, 07:47 PM
Trace grabs his comm which was on open frequency "We got strafed by a TIE bomber you self absorbed twit! Now get over here and pick us up, before Ash gets any more upset..." Trace growls.

2016-04-28, 10:38 PM

"Eh? "

Seeing Trace speaking into his com Jalox quickly, plucks his helm from its perch on his hilt and re-fastens it. Waiting a second for the HUD to come up, he replies, "What's that!? I hear something about little Ling-Nee?" Who's this? Ray Gin?" he asks scanning the skyline for signs of the Rusty Hound.

2016-04-29, 01:07 AM

Suppressing the urge to say Weeeee, he engages his drive and floats a bit higher, scanning the area for more attackers, maybe another Tie, a little black droid, secret blueprints, unguarded stockpiles of credits in non-sequential order, that kind of thing.

Via comlink, "Ya, we might want to keep the chatter down to a dull roar, who knows what could be listening."

Perception for looking around, +3

I did make the perception check to see it roll away from the barricade, but none of us called out that we were looking into it.
Wisdom to remember which direction it went. +0 (Such a massive bonus!)(using force point as this might be important) [roll]1d20+1d6

2016-04-29, 02:38 AM
What!? The one day I stay back on board you guys get all the action!? I would have looked great in that scene... I'll fire this brick up and get you all out of there... Perhaps one the droids still managed to make some recordings worth watching.

2016-04-29, 04:07 AM

Scrapper is easily able to remember the direction he had last seen the droid, given that he literally cannot forget what he's seen. If he points out where it went, then following his directions are easy enough. Unfortunately that direction seems very empty and leads out into Mantell's wastelands.

You notice the dirt is disturbed just five feet away from the road. It looks almost as if something had dug into the ground at this location.

2016-04-29, 05:49 AM
Trace just growls to himself about Ray, "So, are we going after that droid or not?"

2016-04-30, 06:20 AM

So the little blighter went that way after all. the Tof thought to himself as he saw the direction Scrapper had floated. He looked off in that direction for any signs of the Droid. When hearing Ray Gin over the com he yelled, "Drop muslin and fly you ruddy Nog! I still want to book a Savrip Safari and this scaly little runt is wasting all my dirt time!"

As he scanned the roadside his eye homed in on a small mound of disturbed earth about 1.5 meters from the road.

"What's that over there? About one and half meters from the road." he said over the com pointing to the disturbed earth.


2016-04-30, 12:35 PM

Floating down near the mound, "Dirt, by the looks of it. If the little guy burrowed to escape the blast, we may have to entice him to come out." and looks around at the devastation, "Anyone have a power pack, maybe a coupon for an oil bath, or the promise of a new paint job?"

After a brief pause, he clicks a tool appendage, Hey, that Tie is clear, you can come out now. he pulses out a message on the mound.

2016-05-01, 03:20 AM

Everyone's able to find the disturbed dirt Jalox points out without any problems. Unfortunately, Scrapper's tapping gets no response. Though trying to communicate by tapping on loose dirt cannot be easy.

Unless someone decides to do something particularly crazy, Ray Gin is able to procure flight clearance and fly the Hound in without any problems.

Everyone gets 175 XP for surviving the ambush and the attempted bombing.

2016-05-03, 12:13 AM

"Never give up, Never surrender!" and pops out his climbing claws to teach this mound of dirt a lesson, flailing in a mostly useful manner as to not toss dirt on the others. A shovel would have been more helpful, but he does what he can with his gadgets, using the air sprayer at appropriate times for full effect.

Cause a tool kit better have some sort of debris dispersal option!

If only his exuberance translated into effectiveness, he would have a new line of work as a mining droid. But he isn't, and as such is just making a mess of the situation as he flings dirt wildly but ineffectively.

2016-05-04, 06:18 AM
Ash Loon

Ash walks over to the pathetically flailing droid whom is making her laugh enough that she almost wishes to allow it to continue. "I can help you."

She then picks up the droid, because the tools seem very useful, and begins using the droid as a make shift shovel.

+4 strength
+5 random bonus he said we get for being trained in endurance

2016-05-04, 09:36 AM

Watching Ash use scrapper as a make shift shovel, he starts to laugh. HE holsters his blaster and starts to rummage through his field kit to see if there is a shovel.

Over the comms, you can tell he is trying to stifle his laugh. "you know Ash if you adjust your "tool" by 23 degrees......." pauses to gain his composure again... "and your digging trajectory you will be more efficient, and dent scrapper less."

2016-05-04, 09:40 AM
Angel watched as Scrapper was unceremoniously lifted up and used as a shovel. She looked to the rest of the group and held up a single digit, waving it in warning.

"Don't get any ideas about trying something like that with this..." She motioned to her own frame. "You sleep, I don't."

It was a fine line between a joke and a threat and the flirtatious tone in her voice made it difficult to discern if she had crossed that line.

2016-05-04, 11:56 AM
"Dont we have shovels on-board the Hound? If you wait a bit we could use those instead of trying to use Scrapper, itd probably go faster at any rate."

2016-05-09, 05:45 AM

After a bit of a wait the Hound eventually arrives on scene, and after blasting the hole with the ship's guns, everyone's able to fly back to the Hound's berth in the city of Bombard. Unfortunately the Hound cannot fly directly to Bori's factory, as the planetary authority has been very stingy with flight clearance and their access to TIEs says "their planet, their rules". The minute the Hound lands back in Bombard the planetary authority calls about why it's weapon systems are powered up, but convincing them that it was just a routine power cycling proves easy enough.

The crew's left in the city with Bori on board, someone trying to kill him, and they need a plan.

2016-05-09, 09:00 AM
Ray Gin turns to Bor in a somewhat excited state: And here I was thinking I'd have to have a shoot-out with that one-eyed Buccaneer to refrain him from killing other people in boredom. Welcome aboard! I hope there are more people out there that want you dead as we could use the exercise... It would be even better if you could tell us who those people are so we could actively hunt them down!

2016-05-10, 06:43 PM
"I am afraid I do not know. I'm nothing but a legitimate business man. Piracy and banditry has gotten more common, and that's why I hired you. But this seems more like an assassination."

2016-05-11, 02:58 AM
Hmmm... well... at least we could perhaps track down where that bomber came from and went to I suppose and visit those people to repossesses their ship...

2016-05-11, 03:56 AM

The Tof returns from his luxurious quarters sans armor. Now clad in his gaudy, brightly colored garb appearing, to ore suited to some old holo series set on some backwater world with rakish swashbuckling adventures, than a profession security operative.

A tricorne hat with a feather sits on his bald head, his sword dangles at his hip. In one hand some charred animal flesh on a bone, in the other a bottle of some spirits. His pistol hangs opposite his sword, and a mixture of whatever grog he is drinking and grease and pieces of fat from the meat dribble from the corner of his mouth. His golden translator now rings his neck, tucked into his collar and bearing spots of grease and flecks of meat, is also a piece of cloth that suspiciously resembles one of Ray Gin's shirts.

"What's all this I hear about pirates? Listen hear, I've told you more than once I've got all the paper work, licensed and legal! Letters are somewhere in my quarters..."

He looks down at the Gosmar in the common area.

"Bort? What's he still doing here?"

He asks looking at the others, and pointing the hunk of meat at Bori.

"Listen Bort it's been grand, the shooting, the scent of seared flesh, plasma, watching the Wookie brain those hapless Nogs. Oh and the bombing. That was new. But really Bort, don't you have something you should be doing? I don't know, cowering, whining, selling stuff?"

He looks at the rest of the crew.

"He's already paid us right? Right? Um... No?"

Jalox quickly takes two large bites of what's left of the leg or arm of whatever animal he was eating, washes it down with the rest of the bottle and drops the empty bottle and bone on the nearest table. He wipes his mouth with the shirt then removes it from around his neck dropping it to the floor unceremoniously before continuing.

Bort! Old mate! Welcome aboard the Rusty Hound! Somebody offer this runt something to eat, to drink, he's had a hell of a day! Isn't that right Bort? So what can we do for you while you transfer our funds? Oh and where is that ruddy cred reader?!

He smiles at Bori Ti, looking for something to wipe his greasy hands on before settling on the Gosmar's shoulder.

2016-05-11, 08:07 AM

Deran turns from his seat at the sensors when Jalox enters. The smell of what ever he is eating, reminds deran that he has not eaten anything for quite some time. Deran rolls his eyes at Jalox and the disorganized/mess he is leaving in his wake.

"Come on Jaolx, we all have to live in here. Please keep the mess to a minimal."

Deran then shifts his attention to Bori. "Bori what deals do you have going right now or going to complete in the near future. Could any of your contracts or arrangements have cause some bad blood? At least enough to try to kill you. What would happen to the deals if your atoms are scattered to the verse?"

Deran then turns back to the console to see if he can get a reading on that tie and general direction, at least see if he can find something to go on.
Use computer: [roll0]

Over the comms "Hey, Doc if you got a min I could use a patching!"

2016-05-11, 08:14 AM
Angel moved through the ship with grace that was not expected of a mechanical body. She slipped between the rest of the crew without them ever having to move out of her way. She paused at a weapon rack and placed her rifle carefully in the secure station. She turned to the group and gave a few claps of her hands in excitement.

"Bath time!"

She seemed to be waiting for the others to move or do something for her in order to make her happiness a reality.

2016-05-11, 12:52 PM

Bori just seems a bit confused when Jalox is, well, Jalox at him. He does, however, answer the questions leveled at him.

"I still have you on retainer for security for a GalStandard month, but I'd be happy to offer a bonus if you can deal with whoever attacked us today." Deran's first question gets a shake of Bori's head.

"The only permanent contract I have is to provide my factory's engineers as maintenance crews for the local PDF for eight hours every GalStandard week. They mostly repair the PDF's vehicles, snubfighters, droids, and the like. Certainly nothing worth killing me over." The second question gets a shrug.

"Well, Ven Industries is publicly traded on the stock market, so our permanent contract would remain and the company would still be in business. Unless the board of directors unanimously voted to cancel the contract, or a majority of the shareholders made complaints about contracting with the local PDF."

The ship's sensors unfortunately cannot find the TIE, which makes sense given how long it took for the Hound to arrive after it was called. The ion trail left in the atmosphere is faint, but it could be followed for the next hour or so.

2016-05-11, 01:04 PM

Deran nods in response to Bori's statement. "is there a local group that was vying for that PDF contract. Could they be pissed off enough to send out a kill order?

Deran's attention returns to the read out coming in from the sensors. "Well I can't locate the Tie on the sensors. But its ion trail is faint as we could track it for the next hour. If we could find it we could get some answers! Bust some heads in the process!
What says you, Captain?

2016-05-11, 04:26 PM
"Ni vote vi shekemir bic" Says Trace as he sits down on a chair and starts to disassemble and clean his gun.

I Vote we follow it

2016-05-12, 12:28 AM

Scrapper quietly sweeps the bottle and bone into a waste bin, the mechanical clicking of his legs having gone back to normal after shedding the multiple kilo's of dirt n grim out already in what could be considered an oil bath.

In response to Jalox's question about a credit reader, his small appendage extends, "Got one right here sir. Nice to see were are mostly in one piece." and after Deran's comment on an ion trail, "I like the plan of tracking them down. I just hope they don't have friends waiting for us. That could be problematic for a normal ship, but the most expeditious way for us to get answers." and while whisking the waste bin behind him, offers a water bottle to Bori, along with a glass of ice with some citrus slices for flavor, before moving on to offer the same to the rest of the organic meatbags assembled.

2016-05-12, 02:14 AM

"Thanks, Scrapper." he says as the Droid takes care of the mess, and produces a credit reader. "See, now there's a Droid with some class."

Jalox narrows his eye as he begins to grasp the situation.

"So you have us under contract for a month. Interesting Akkalar failed to mention that little detail when he set up this gig."

The Tof smacked his lips as he sucked a piece of stray sinew from between his teeth. "That contract covers security work if I am not mistaken, and now we are discussing work more in the purview of investigative or possibly bounty hunting, that requires entirely different licensing if I am not mistaken, and would likely also require a renegotiation of additional services. Although I did hear you say something about a 'Bonus'? Also you wouldn't happen to know who handles these Savrip safaris I have heard so fondly of?"

Jalox sits back in his chair and kicks his boots up on the table.

So, Bori Ti, let's talk about this change in our operational directives, shall we? he says flashing a broad pearly grin.


2016-05-12, 03:02 AM
Our resident ornithologist is right. We'd better get something in writing while the ion trail is still hot. I'd suggest you make a persuasive offer and stay with us on board for now as people still want you dead or think that you are dead. Or we could just send you home while we leisurely take a bath... Scrapper, contracts?

Persuasion rolls: [roll0] and [roll1] (Nagai)

2016-05-13, 08:06 AM
Angel's head snapped to Jalox. "RUDE!"

She crossed her arms and let out a sigh as they continued to talk about tracking the bomber. "I guess the bath will have to wait..."

Bending down at the waist, she whispered to their employer. "Careful now. If you lie and any of my 'friends' get hurt, there's no place for you to hide." If she were a living female, this movement might have been seductive and alluring as well as an icy threat. As it were, it was just pure, cold menace.

She slipped passed the group toward the cockpit to assist in maneuvers.

Angel can take 10 on all pilot checks for a guaranteed 20.

2016-05-13, 12:55 PM

SO far the consensus is to follow the ion trail. Deran deftly transfers the coordinates to the pilot.

He then leans back looks at Trace with a smile and states "Meh mhi gotal'ur bic adol ibic, ti ni bal Scrapper ganar at narir minimal nikara, sol'yc nu'nida cuyir bat ni!"

If we make it through this, with me and Scrapper having to do minimal repairs, The first round is on me!

Also you can use: Star Wars Translator (http://starwars.myrpg.org/coruscant_translator.php)

2016-05-14, 02:46 AM

Clinking off to a storage bin, he rifles around with various tools and other junk you guys accumulate before pulling out a battered datapad and wanders back over to Ray Gin. "This should have the backlog of contracts as well as the default ones we keep on file" and then quietly slinks off to work on the caff machine again, the near constant us means it needs a little tlc between flights.

2016-05-14, 12:58 PM

When everyone decides to threaten their employer and shake him down for more money, then Bori simply looks at them with a bit of confusion. "Alright. I'll take my leave and renegotiate the contract with your boss. Good day, gentlemen." Unless stopped, the Gossam takes his leave of the ship.

Once the gossam is gone the Hound's crew is left in Bombard, and waiting and ready for their next destination. The Company's flagship, The Junkyard, remains in orbit around Ord Mantell so they could go get patched up. Or they could hit the dirt and do some investigation. Alternatively, the crew could do something else they think of.

2016-05-14, 05:16 PM
Trace catches up to Bori before he leaves the ship. "Forgive my two "teamates" for their conduct. Im not entirely sure what is wrong with them, but they obviously have no honor when it comes to contracts. I, on the other hand, do. You paid me to protect you, and so i will. I would still recommend you leave the ship and go to my boss and bunker down with another squad. While you do that we will find the calyarnr who tried to kill you with a TIE."

Trace then lets Bori go and hopes that he was convincing enough. His honor was at stake.

2016-05-15, 02:06 AM

The mandalorian's earnest nature wins over the merchant. "Very well. I will put in my request to your boss. I wish you well on your search."


Naturally, with Bori gone the mercenaries as a whole are free to discuss their next course of action.

2016-05-15, 11:13 AM
Trace walks in to the common room and growls "Are we all just gonna stand around all day like a bunch of sharal calyarnr or are we gonna go hunt down the or'dinii who thought they could bomb us?"

2016-05-15, 02:08 PM

Waving a tool appendage, "Ooo, I know this one.... Yes?" and then stops to think about it.

2016-05-16, 08:09 AM

"Sir! Yes Sir! Lets go kick some Tie tail! Ion trail coordinates already feed to the pilot. Just waiting on orders. Shields and secondary power at the ready!" Deran states in a very official tone. While perched on the edge of his seat.

2016-05-16, 01:48 PM
I guess the bath will have to wait then, we have a ship to capture...