View Full Version : LLaS: Deathwatch IC

2016-04-01, 11:02 PM
You descend upon wings of fire towards the ruined edifices of a brutalized forge world.

Within the thunderous, claustrophobic hold of your drop pod, the assault on your senses would destroy the mind of an ordinary man; the the crushing G-forces would destroy his body. But you are no ordinary men. You are Space Marines, the Emperor's chose Angels of Death, and you stoically endure this firey trial while the armored ceramite around you burns like a falling star.

Centering yourselves you mentally review your briefing. The world below is Ferox, a forge world vital to the Imperial War Machine, but also the next system directly in the path of a WAAAGH! You focus on the goal of your mission and you recall the last broadcast from the world's surface - the shrill, panicked voice shouting from the vox-net through howling static: "Attention Deathwatch vessel! This is Lieutenant Sevrin Milos of the Imperial Thunderbolts. Our lines are overrun. As far as I know I am the ranking officer on the planet. My Lords, I beseech you for your aid."

An impact hammers into you like a blow from an enraged god. The drop pod tumbles in flight and smashes through one side of a building and out the other, bouncing several times before coming to rest. The doors blast open and you haul yourselves out of the wreckage as your power armor scans the immediate surroundings. You are twenty-eight kilometers east of your intended drop site, the coordinates of Sevrin Milos' transmission. Your first step is clear. You need intelligence.

2016-04-02, 07:27 PM
Angus upon liberation readies his Bolter. Although he was expecting heavy assault from an Orcish threat at this point the enemy would be curious. Not necessarily cautious but they would at the very least would be acting as individuals. As soon as he obtains some idea of the drop sight he voxes the team. "This is Angus. Calling for an equipment check and roll call."

2016-04-04, 10:10 AM
Amariel had been silently praying to the Emperor, asking for stuff like the benediction of safe planetary impact, as well as for the Blessing that the Enviromental Seal will hold. Cutting into His Prayers, Angus' words is heard and Amariel halts a prayer to respond with a "This is Amariel, Equipment and Weapons are Aye!" she said with a clear tone before cutting his feed to the Vox and returned to his prayers, making sure not to unnerve or irritate anyone else. He kept the channels open on Receive so He could still listen in on it.

2016-04-05, 11:32 AM
Once clear of the rubble, Navarre knelt, drawing forth his knife, holding it point down against the earth of this world, head bowed in reverence. There seemed to be no immediate cause to delay his veneration and thanks of the God-Emperor, guiding the Machine Spirits of the pod to a landing zone. Not the intended one, from what his display told him, but who was he to question the divine? If the Emperor demanded they land here, then there had to be cause for it, just as there was for most things.

Rising after a few moments, he stowed his knife once more, unlimbered his bolter, and seemed ready for battle. A quick check over his vox link, communing with the Bio-Monitors of the rest of the squad's armor confirmed that they didn't need any medicae, not that he expect them to. "Brother Navarre, status is nominal," he called in after he finished his own routine check.

2016-04-05, 11:09 PM
Phrenz hauled himself out of the wreckage of his drop pod and did a quick survey of his surroundings and his gear. Satisfied that his weapons were present and his jump pack was functional he drew his sword and looked around at his fellow battle brothers. "This is Brother Phrenz. Everything is as expected." As he spoke he turned his attention to the warp currents, attempting to determine if any of the more potentially threatening Weirdboyz very near their position.

Using Psyniscience. Success gets me results as per the table, out to [roll0] meters, plus another 1d10+6 meters per degree of success. I'll roll those in the OOC if needed.


2016-04-07, 11:27 PM
"Brother Balmung. Status is A-OK." says Balmung, checking his knife and sword. "Let's get going." he whispers to himself, taking a couple steps on the landing site.

2016-04-10, 05:52 PM
"Good to hear." Angus pauses for a moment, considering the city. Would the Emperor have called for his chosen to dishonor their colors by skulking from building to building, to afraid to face enemy fire? No. But this wasn't his first urban campaign. Honor must be tempered by wisdom. "Brothers. This is still the Emperor's city and it serves us as it does him. We shall walk in the light of day. Balmung and I shall be the vanguard. Move out along the streets but stay near the walls."

2016-04-11, 04:51 PM
Amariel nodded at Angus, hefting up his heavy bolter in passive ready-position. He was their Heavy Support in terms of sheer firepower and needed to be a bit further back in the line so that he can react to incomming fire and thusly position himself in a fitting counter-fire position.

2016-04-11, 09:09 PM
The squad settles into their formation and moves out at a forced march through the decimated, lifeless city. A major highway provides the straightest path west. Scattered through out the grand edifices of the Imperium of Man are the bodies and warmachines of both sides. The planet's twin suns blaze their trails through the sky as a soft breeze whispers through the empty streets.

After about fifteen minutes of travel along the highway the a low growl rises up over the sound of the wind. It quickly builds into the grating, grinding roar of at least two engines. With the screech of tires on rockcrete a pair of ork warbikes come screaming around a bend in the highway. Spotting the brothers of Deathwatch they rev their engines higher and stand up in their stirrups bellowing out their rage and joy as they barrel towards the Emperor's chosen sons.

The buildings to either side of the street can provide cover. These buildings are largely intact and could provide secure vantage points for fire superiority. Any other questions just ask.

2016-04-13, 08:48 PM
At the sound of the engines Angus levels his bolter, ready for battle. "So the wolves have come to hunt. Break them upon our fury," he says to the team. Seeing the first of the brutes Angus fires on instinct alone, loosing the first bolt upon the foe.

BS [roll0] vs 50
Damage [roll1] +9 damage.
Penetration 4, Explosive, extra roll from tearing.

Sorry for the mistake but I did roll terribly. 99 so a definite miss. Forgot to close the spoiler.

2016-04-14, 12:39 AM
"Let them come closer and we shall tear them limb from limb!" Phrenz said, bolter and sword in hand. Raising his bolter high, he squeezed off a single shot at the lead ork. He'd much prefer to use his sword or his powers, but the beasts were unfortunately just outside of his range for those.

Spending a Half Action to Aim, then another Half Action to fire once at whichever ork appears closest. At 50m they're at normal range, so no bonuses or penalties from range. Firing a basic weapon one-handed normally has a -20 penalty, but wearing Astartes Power Armor negates that (page 140). All told that means my BS for this is 50 (40 Base + 10 Aim).

[roll1]+9 Explosive damage, Pen 4.

2016-04-14, 04:02 AM
Amariel muttered a curse to The Lion, clearly seeing it as a bad omen that everyone's weapon began to jam. But he knew the Emperor and Lion El Johnson was with him in spirit, so he stepped forward, took aim at the reviled Xenos Orks and pulled the trigger of his massive Heavy Bolter.

Action (Full): Full Auto Burst with Heavy Bolter.
Distance to Orks: 50m
Modifiers to TN: BS 52, +10 (Short Range), +20 (Full Auto Burst)

TN: 82
To Hit Roll: [roll0] - meaning 3 hits.

For every DoS i get, i cause an extra hit.
In case i roll more than two hits, and any of the other orks are within 2 meters of my target, I would like to allocate any extra Hits (beside the first two) to an other nearby ork. If this is not possible due to no ork being close enough, then I'll just have all hits go towards same target. And im of course targeting the most ugly of them all ^^
In case it's needed, here's some damage Rolls.
Damage Rolls for each hit (does 6 just in case i hit with every shot)

[roll1] Explosive Damage with Pen of 5 (aka. works on Carapace Armour like it was made of tissue paper).

(each DoS on the To-Hit Roll grants an extra damage roll)
[roll2] Explosive Damage with Pen of 5 (aka. works on Carapace Armour like it was made of tissue paper). - This is a Righteous Fury, so it deals an extra Damage Roll worth of damage (found below).
[roll3] Explosive Damage with Pen of 5 (aka. works on Carapace Armour like it was made of tissue paper).
[roll4] Explosive Damage with Pen of 5 (aka. works on Carapace Armour like it was made of tissue paper). -Miss
[roll5] Explosive Damage with Pen of 5 (aka. works on Carapace Armour like it was made of tissue paper). -Miss
[roll6] Explosive Damage with Pen of 5 (aka. works on Carapace Armour like it was made of tissue paper). -Miss


In case there's some Righteous Fury (aka. rolling a Natural 10 on the Damage Roll, which all Auto-succeeds due to Deathwatch Training)

[roll7] Explosive Damage with Pen of 5 (aka. works on Carapace Armour like it was made of tissue paper). - Righteous Fury! (Due to Tearing, this damage is 20 instead Reroll found in the OOC)
[roll8] Explosive Damage with Pen of 5 (aka. works on Carapace Armour like it was made of tissue paper).
[roll9] Explosive Damage with Pen of 5 (aka. works on Carapace Armour like it was made of tissue paper).

Ammo Count: 244/250

2016-04-14, 05:38 PM
Luminous shells streak through the air towards the ork bikers. The rounds effortlessly shred through the pitiful excuses for armor they wear. The ork on the left is blasted from his saddle and rolls down the road in a bloody mess as his bike careens through a nearby window.

The second ork is luckier. His death is quick as his body is ripped apart in an instant by the round which strikes a grenade hanging across his chest. An explosion rips through his bike and scatters the remains of both xenos and machine all over the road.

It is then that a Trukk skitters around the bend in the highway, apparently it had been a few dozen meters back. As the turret mounted behind and above the cabin spins up, the some dozen orks riding in the bed and clinging to the sides bellow with one voice, WAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!

Okay, I realized that we forgot about the hit penalty from the bikes so there were only two degrees of success. So two hits. Not that it really matters.

Shot number 1 at orc number 1 deals 14 points of damage (the penetration overcomes his armor and his TB is 4). He has 12 wounds so he takes 2 points of Explosive Critical Damage to his body, which means he is knocked [roll0] meters backwards off of his bike. DM ruling: This kills him.

Shot number 2 at orc number 2 deals a whopping 38 points of damage (same modifiers as before). He also has a mere 12 wounds so he takes an insane 26 points of Explosive Critical Damage to his body, which means he is turned into a cloud of pink mist, ordinance he was carrying detonates, and if his buddy had survived he would have been killed by that explosion.

Initiative continues as normal.

2016-04-15, 01:37 PM
Navarre planted his feet firmly in the street as the Orks came. While the bolters of others failed, their machine spirits fouled by the lack of proper reverence to the Machine Spirits of their Wargear and God-Emperor of course, he had no doubt that he would be fine. Bolter raised up he sighted down on the Wartrukk, firing with a controlled burst, all while chanting out a litany of smiting.

"Emperor guide my Sight, Deliver thy Vengeance, Strike down Heresy most foul!"

Going for a Full Action to Semi-Auto Burst with my Bolter.

Attack: [roll0] vs 35 Ballistic Skill, +10 for Short Range (50m as stated in the OOC), +10 for Semi-Auto Burst, likely a +20 for a Size Modifier on the Wartrukk (I imagine Size Category 6 at minimum, possibly 7 in which case it'd be +30 to hit). Final Mark of 75 (85 if it's actually Size Category 7, which is honestly very likely). 1 Hit with +1 Hit per 2 Degrees of Success (e.g.: Second hit on 55 to 36, third and max hits on 35 or less. Unless it's Size Category 7 in which case it's 65-46 and 45 or less respectively).

Damage Rolls (Used as needed):
Hit 1: [roll1] +9 Explosive Damage, Pen 4.
Hit 2: [roll2] +9 Explosive Damage, Pen 4.
Hit 3: [roll3] +9 Explosive Damage, Pen 4.

25/28 in Clip 1.

2016-04-15, 05:59 PM
The Emperor is surely guiding Navarre's hands and eyes. His bolter roars. Once. Twice. Thrice. With a thunderous explosion like the wrath of a hundred angry gods, the ork battle wagon is blown to pieces smaller than the bolter rounds that ended it. Flaming ork bodies are flung in all direction.

2016-04-15, 07:55 PM
Navarre kneels down, and makes the sign of the Aquila, head bowed momentarily following the complete and utter destruction that his bolter had been guided to bring to the Greenskins and their Heresies. "Blessed be Him on Terra," he uttered before rising again, keeping his bolter at rest, just in case there were more greenskins lurking around that for some bizarre reason weren't sent running away at top speed after such a display.

2016-04-16, 02:28 PM
Emperor's teeth! The first contact with the threat had gone, okay? His poor performance would not do honor to his colors. Angus starts examining his bolter and says, "One of the serfs must have been sloppy when we were graced with Deathwatch colors." After saying this he begins to mutter some prayer under his breath. Half to the Emperor for guidance and half to the Omnisiah for succor.

Roll vs Ballistics
[roll0] vs BS 40
Trying to clear the jam

2016-04-17, 10:47 AM
Amariel hefted up his heavy bolter as the rest of the orks was blown sky-high, smoke from the Heavy Bolter's barrel steamed lazily. "Foul Xenos, burn in hell with your fake gods!" He muttered out, the vox-distortion from his helmet's voxgrill made it still sound quite audible.
He began hustling forward, holding the Heavy Bolter in one hand while drawing forth his Combat Knife and began stabbing, slicing and pretty much ensuring that all the (relatively) intact Ork bodies was actually dead. "-Squadleader, this is Amariel, all of the orks are confirmed dead.-" He sent over their comm-channel after having wiped clean his blade of any remaining ork-blood.

2016-04-17, 04:51 PM
A poor knight blames his serfs, Navarre though darkly for a moment. Then resolved for such dark thoughts to properly castigate himself when they had returned from the Warzone. It seemed the area was secure. Bio-Monitors were stating a lack of injury among the marines of the squad, as expected but you never knew when an unlucky piece of shrapnel would score such a titanic blow to harm a battle-brother. Particularly ones who had seemingly been as remiss with their War Gear as his team has been to be cursed so rapidly and completely.

"The Xenos tends to be attracted to battle. Unless we desire to find ourselves bogged down, I suggest maintaining our forward momentum," Navarre finally spoke, hoping to urge the squad to continue on before the green hordes descended again.

2016-04-18, 07:07 PM
After confirming their kills, clearing their weapons, and resuming their formation the squad continues to trek west towards the primary objective. Suddenly a loud burst of static followed by the high pitched squeal of feedback blares through everybody's vox links. The transmission is extremely garbled and cuts out quickly but it sends out a ping that indicates it came from about a kilometer to the south, and if the data stores on this planet can be believed it was transmitted from a temple.

2016-04-18, 07:58 PM
Upon the termination of the transition Angus raises his arm to halt Balmung before turning toward the squad. "We must hold conference over this matter." He pauses a moment to let his honored companions gather their thoughts. "For myself I could make out little from the transmission. Unless one of you was more fortunate it would seems we must count grox in the night."

2016-04-19, 12:39 AM
Phrenz took a moment to clear the jam from his bolter, giving it another once over to make sure nothing was truly wrong with the weapon. Looking at Angus he shook his head. "I do not believe that any of us would have been in a position to get a clearer signal. As far as I am aware none of us requisitioned extra comm gear for this mission." After thinking for a moment, he spoke again. "Squad leader, I am of the opinion that we should investigate the origins of this signal. Its origin is far closer than our eventual goal and the sender could give us information about enemy formations ahead."

2016-04-20, 06:16 PM
Narvarre's eyes glanced towards the location of the Temple, as if he could see through the various demolished buildings, ruins, and Ork Infested hellholes to spot the sacred icons of the Imperium. He nodded once. "The Emperor sends us his will, who are we to deny it?" he answered. He checked over the machine spirits of his wargear, everything seemed in order. Nothing upset in the Vox Spirits to explain any deception, as far as he could tell. Then again, that was not his area of expertise.

"Holding a sacred sight is likely to have a long term effect upon the locals." He added. A shrine still in Imperial hands would draw the faithful, a bastion for a crusade to start among the local populace. Priests firing people up with holy rhetoric, clerics handing out fire and steel for the army of the Faithful to take against the foul greenskin Heresy. Not only does faith demand it, but the future logic of the war seemed to support it as well in his mind.

2016-04-21, 06:53 PM
"The reasoning is sound, we shall proceed to the shrine," Angus said neutrally. The discussion had gone quickly. He now knew a little of his teams ideals, the Psyker had spoken practically, a trait which in some ways made sense and in others could be seen as a flaw. The Templar, with whom Angus had had little opportunity to observe from the front spoke of duty and for the people. The other two in their silence revealed little, followers, dissenters, or merely quite.

Thoughts in order Angus scanned the streets before choosing a root, "Make way along this path."

2016-04-21, 08:43 PM
As the squad passes through the streets and alley ways towards the source of the signal, the battle scars of the city become more severe. Rather than empty streets and the occasional body there are bombed out buildings filled with the charred remains of Imperial Guardsmen and craters in the roads alongside the twisted shells of machinery.

At about four hundred meters the squad begins to hear chanting, like a call and response. The voices are deep, guttural, orkish.

2016-04-23, 05:58 PM
"Squad Leader Angus, I would recommend that we take cover and set up a killzone here, should more orks show up. That way we can be in cover and, if the emperor smiles upon us, have some higher ground with flanking firing positons set up." Amariel said, keeping his voice hushed but clear enough for everyone to hear him, having decided to stay off the Vox for now, just in case the foul Orks and their Meks accidentally managed to tune into their comms-signal and decrypt anything... or possibly even realize that they might be around due to an encrypted signal broadcasting.
Sure, the Emperor protects, but using one's brain never hurt anyone.
Amariel also hefted up his Heavy Bolter into a readied position, just in case any Orks were to pop up into line of sight.

2016-04-23, 11:24 PM
"Hmm, a fair choice to maintain radio silence, but I am not entirely certain about your plan," Angus looks down the street trying to get a better idea of how many Orks there might be before speaking to the team in a quite voice, "That would be a well reasoned tactical plan. But I am worried we might need to take a more aggressive stance. Orks are known for their aggressiveness but it will be hard to lend aid from the other side of a battle line. Readiness is commendable in this situation. Take cover but don't dig in. I want us mobile in case of an engagement."

[roll0] vs 53, trying to get an idea of how many Orks we might be walking into, and depending on their situation we might need to get closer to gain the Orks attention.

2016-04-24, 09:39 PM
Angus' view is blocked by the buildings which encircle the square in which the temple sits, however from the sounds that are carrying down the street he imagines that there are quite possibly dozens if not a few hundred orks nearby and he realizes that a single voice gives the call in the chant. A single very powerful voice, the kind that could only come from a nob or maybe even a boss. Angus also notes that the buildings around the square, at least from this side, while bearing heavy cosmetic damage are all structurally sound and could provide a powerful tactical advantage.

2016-04-25, 10:00 PM
Phrenz did as he was instructed, moving to take cover behind a bit of twisted metal that he assumed used to belong to a Chimera. Keeping bolter and sword at the ready he once more cast his senses out into the immaterium to make sure they weren't about to run into something far more dangerous than they expected. A group of orks was one thing, even when lead by a nob or boss, but a group of orks with a weirdboy was an entirely different thing.

Using Psyniscience. Success gets me results as per the table, out to [roll0] meters, plus another 1d10+6 meters per degree of success. I'll roll those in the OOC if needed.


2016-04-25, 10:17 PM
The presence of the excited, chanting orks causes the warp to twist and writhe on the other side of the veil, however Phrenz breathes a sigh of relief when he realizes that there are none among them who could harness the power of the Imaterium.

2016-04-26, 01:00 AM
Navarre was quiet, letting the chanting wash over him, he was an oak tree, and they nothing but a light breeze, impacted but ignored. He centered himself, speaking softly to his wargear, awakening their spirits and instilling the proper righteous fury and yearning for justice into them. His right hand reached down to the hilt of his combat knife, brushing over it, getting in tune with the blade, channeling the ire of his machine spirits, and his own hatred into the blade.

"A surprise attack, taking out their leader before they know battle is upon them, is likely to demoralize and break the cowardly xenos," he suggested to Angus, "The best of us should take the shot." He didn't say it should be him. While he had done a devastating shot last battle, he was uncertain if the Emperor's wrath still resided in him, or if it was moving to someone else. There were likely others who had, or deserved, Marksman Honors and would be able to do the job.

2016-04-27, 04:22 PM
"Agreed we will open the engagement with massed fire, first however we move to one of the buildings. The damage is not severe but should preserve our jump pack mobility, Angus surveys the buildings, looking for one with an entrance far enough from the Orcs to reach a firing position unseen. "Once we are in position, if our position is open enough myself and, Balmung, will take the lower more exposed positions. Let's get moving."

I don't know enough details about the buildings to claim a specific direction to move, just trying to find a building we can use to approach them without exposing ourselves. I think we should move to the second floor, or maybe on different floors which we can quickly move between.

2016-04-27, 04:55 PM
The squad finds a suitable building on the north side of the square and ascends to the second floor. The structure was apparently hit with some sort of explosive blowing out all of the windows and creating a large hole that faces the square. This destruction provides the marines with a clear view of the temple and the crowd of greenskins gathered before it.

Roughly one hundred orks stand in a wide circle with a massive Nob at the center of it. He screams at them spittle flying from his enormous teeth and they roar back. Movement in the temple catches the marine's eyes. Looking closely the sons of the emperor can pick out some half a dozen lasguns bristling from the front of the temple.

The square is fairly open except for the orks. The ruined building provides cover and a height advantage (RAW only applies to melee, overruled, +10 to rolls). Orks are 50 meters away (I'm retconning Phrenz's check to occur after the squad is in position)

2016-04-28, 05:00 AM
Amariel quickly got into position, found a nice window to brace his Heavy Bolter against and took a nice aim and the big group of xenos-filth.
"Angus, on your command i shall blast those filthy aliens into oblivion." Amariel said, keeping it hushed enough so only his Kill-Team members could hear it, while taking a nice aim at the largest of the Orks. the Nob.

Guess i'd like to count as having taken a Full Turn Aim-Action against the big Ork Nob. thus getting +20 when attacking. As well as counting as being braced as well. Oh and if the orks are Unaware/Surprised, that means we get +30 in the first attack as well! yay ^^

2016-04-28, 03:40 PM
Angus retrieves his bolt pistol and aims near the heart of the horde, "Mark targets. Amariel, fire when ready."

2016-04-29, 12:47 PM
"Oh Holy Emperor on the Golden Throne, guide my aim and let the cleansing bolterfire strike true on these filthy xenos." Amariel muttered as a prayer, taking aim at the big ork Nob... and then squeezed the trigger down fully.

Full Action: Full Auto Burst
Range: 50 Meters
BS: 52

52+20(Full Auto Burst)+10(Short Range)+10(Hulking Target)+30(Surprise Attack/Unaware Target)+20(Full Aim Action)-30(Max Modifier of +60 surpased)

For every DoS i get, i cause an extra hit.

Total: 112
To-Hit-Roll: [roll0] - 5 hits (Standard hit, +4 DoS)
Minimum Damage Per Hit: 4 (due to DoS)
Hit Locations: Head, Head, Arm, Body, Arm.

Damage Rolls (Highest d10 counts, due to Tearing)

[roll1]+12 = 17. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper ^^
[roll2]+12 = 16. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper ^^
[roll3]+12 = 20. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper ^^
[roll4]+12 = 20. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper ^^
[roll5]+12 = 16. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper ^^
[roll6]+12 = . Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper ^^ missed

In case of Righteous Fury. Auto-succeeds on confirming it against Xenos-scum!:smallamused:

[roll7]+12 = . Damage is added together with the original attack that caused the Righteous Fury
[roll8]+12 = . Damage is added together with the original attack that caused the Righteous Fury
[roll9]+12 = . Damage is added together with the original attack that caused the Righteous Fury
[roll10]+12 = . Damage is added together with the original attack that caused the Righteous Fury
[roll11]+12 = . Damage is added together with the original attack that caused the Righteous Fury
[roll12]+12 = . Damage is added together with the original attack that caused the Righteous Fury

Ammo Count: 238/250

Initiative roll if needed

2016-04-29, 08:22 PM
Amariel's bolter rattles and roars out its defiance of the foul xenos. The first round strikes his head and as he roars out his rage he is struck again in almost the same spot before taking one in the shoulder. At this point his body is already a mangled lump of flesh but it is still whole with the fourth and fifth rounds he is utterly destroyed by the detonation of the bolter rounds and in the next instant the crowd of orks are covered in what's left of their leader.

However this doesn't seem to dissuade them from the idea that they should charge the source of the bolter fire.

2016-05-01, 01:01 AM
At the sound of Amariel's attack Angus to turns his weapons upon the Orkish crowd. "By the Honor of the Emperor!" Despite the onrushing numbers Angus did his best to keep a steady hand rather than merely shooting the crowd. His bolt pistol rang out several times, adding further to the carnage as his charges broke upon the enemy.

Full Action Semi Auto Burst
Range 50 M
BS 40 + 10 (Semi Auto Burst) + 30 (Surprise Attack) + (10<?) (Size bonus for Horde) Total bonus at least 60

If I get at least 2 degrees of success I hit with another shall.
Bolts are explosive and I am using the Kraken Rounds so each hit will count as 4 hits.

[roll0] vs. 100 BS

First Bolt
[roll1] + 7, 2 Penetration
[roll2] + 7, 2 Penetration
[roll3] + 7, 2 Penetration
[roll4] + 7, 2 Penetration

Second Bolt

[roll5] + 7, 2 Penetration
[roll6] + 7, 2 Penetration
[roll7] + 7, 2 Penetration
[roll8] + 7, 2 Penetration

2016-05-01, 04:40 PM
Navarre knew that, no matter what, it would come down to knife against choppa against the foul greenskin. It was what it lived for, and someone needed to stand in their way, and strike them down. As such he positioned himself so that when the Greenskins tried to scramble up onto the second floor, to engage them, he was there to help block them up. His combat knife was out in his left hand, and his right grabbed a Frag Grenade, chucking it so it was right behind the front ranks of the Orks, trying to break up their charge as much as possible, and give time for the Heavy Bolter to do its work.

"For the Emperor!" he roared out over his vox-grill, as loud as he could. Who knows if the echo would carry over the Orks, and inspire those hold outs in the shrine. But there was no reason not to let them know the Angels of Death were there.

I'm presuming I started this fight with knife and grenades readied.

As such: Standard Attack with the Frag Grenade, 2 Frag Grenades left.

Attack: [roll0] vs 35 Ballistic Skill, +0 for Range (50m at most, putting me in Normal Ranges of less than 60m with a grenade), Possible Size Modifiers for a Horde? But yeah, baseline of 35 before Conditionals.

Scatter (If needed): [roll1] meters in [roll2] direction. Honestly with how I was planning to put it any scatter should probably still hit...

Damage: [roll3] +2 Pen 0 Explosive Damage.

If it is a Horde, I do 6 Magnitude Damage (4 Blast Radius, +1 Explosive Damage, +1 Hit).

Righteous Fury (If I trigger it): [roll4] +2 Damage.
Exploding Fury Dice if needed: [roll5]

And with my remaining Half Action I'll ready another Frag Grenade.

2016-05-02, 12:12 PM
Gauging the distance to be just outside the range of his abilities, Phrenz raised his bolter high and let a full burst go through what remained of a window.

Unfortunately they're just out of range of my psychic powers unless I want to push (Hint: I don't), so Bolter it is!
BS 40 + 10 (Semi Auto Burst) + 10 (Height) + 30 (Surprise Attack) + Horde modifier (I'm assuming a 50 based on description).

1d100[ 64, see OOC. That's enough for all three shots to hit, so four hits total.
A roll of 94-100 still fails as the gun jams (burst fire increases jam chance slightly from the normal 96-100).

Since Bolters are (X), assuming it doesn't jam I get an extra hit, and I can get up to 3 normal hits if I beat the test by 4 degrees (1 extra hit per 2 degrees of success).

[roll0]+9 Pen 4
[roll1]+9 Pen 4
[roll2]+9 Pen 4
[roll3]+9 Pen 4

2016-05-02, 06:58 PM
A horrible sound escapes Angus' bolt pistol as its machine spirit vents its malice over some slight and the weapon jams.

Navarre's grenade sails through the air and lands in the third rank of the on rushing greenskin tide. An explosion rips through the massed enemies. Blood, gore, and body parts are flung outwards.

Phrenz adds his bolter fire to Amariel's and orks fall with smoking wounds.

Balmung throws his head back and howls his rage and bloodlust to the sky, then bolter in one hand knife in the other he takes a running leap and launches himself out of the building. His jump pack flares to life thrusting his across the expanse to land amid the orkish horde. As he sails through the air a salvo of laser fire bursts from the temple striking the orks in the rear. With another howl Blamung lands among the orks. His blade flashes in the sunlight and is quickly begins to flick ribbons of blood through the air with each swing.

Yes everybody is correct this is a horde and the mod to hit is +50. Initiatives please.

2016-05-05, 10:36 PM
Standing in silence Angus contemplates his faulty bolter. Twice within an hour. The battle raged all around him, but he had time enough to make adjustments. Kneeling, he begins the proper rites to bring his weapon to readiness. Softly over the radio the kill team can hear him say, "When we return to the station, I think we will need to find a glitch doctor."

2016-05-11, 06:03 PM

Phrenz quickly repeated his previous actions as he waited for the horde to get close enough to start melting.

They haven't actually gotten a chance to move in closer, so Bolter again.
BS 40 + 10 (Semi Auto Burst) + 10 (Height) + 50 (Horde)

[roll0]. 91-93 means one hit, 71-90 means two hits, and <70 means three hits. With Explosive ammo that means up to four hits are possible.
A roll of 94-100 still fails as the gun jams (burst fire increases jam chance slightly from the normal 96-100).

[roll1]+9 Pen 4
[roll2]+9 Pen 4
[roll3]+9 Pen 4
[roll4]+9 Pen 4

Edit: 83 means three hits total.

2016-05-11, 07:22 PM
Balmung lays about savagely with chainsword and combat knife as the horde breaks around him like a stone in a stream. The orks armed with shootas surge forward and fire at the building while those armed with choppas surround and engage Balmung.

Balmung: Multiple attacks - [roll0] VS WS 42 (Base 52-10 for Two-Weapon Fighting w/ Ambidextrous)
[roll1] VS WS 42 (Base 52-10 for Two-Weapon Fighting w/ Ambidextrous)

Hits will inflict 2 points of magnitude damage each.

Horde: Seven ranged attacks vs the squad. Four will be directed at the source of the heavy bolter fire (Amariel) and one at each of the remaining marines
Amariel - [roll2] Vs BS 24 Damage: [roll3] Pen 0
Amariel - [roll4] Vs BS 24 Damage: [roll5] Pen 0
Amariel - [roll6] Vs BS 24 Damage: [roll7] Pen 0
Amariel - [roll8] Vs BS 24 Damage: [roll9] Pen 0
Phrenz - [roll10] Vs BS 24 Damage: [roll11] Pen 0
Navarre - [roll12] Vs BS 24 Damage: [roll13] Pen 0
Angus - [roll14] Vs BS 24 Damage: [roll15] Pen 0

Melee attack vs Balmung (cannot be dodged)

Balmung [roll16] Vs WS 37 Damage: [roll17]

I will never be able to play this game at a table :smallbiggrin: This post took me over 30 minutes to look up and cross check and I'm sure I still missed a bunch.

2016-05-17, 10:18 PM
Navarre was standing his ground in his black armor, and his squad tabbard untouched by the shoota fire of the orks. He raised his combat knife up in challenge to the horde of Orks, calling them out to battle as boldly as possible, knowing as well that the defenders of the shrine likely would see the black armored angel of death challenging them, and how the Orks seemed reluctant to approach. Steeling them by reminding them that the Alien was a coward, corrupt of spirit as they were of flesh.

Their lack of challenge to him, no great Boss coming out to duel him, meant he drew another Frag Grenade, and once more threw it into the mass of seething Ork Shoota Boyz firing upon his position, scattering ork bodies with the blast, shrapnel shattering their fragile bodies.

Down on more Frag Grenade.

Literally I cannot miss the Horde, sicne even if I "missed" the scatter on the grenade is still well within the horde.

As such, no dice to roll, just a flat 6 Magnitude Damage (4 Blast, +1 Explosive Damage, +1 for a Hit).

2016-05-24, 11:56 AM

The enemies were still a bit out of range so rather than leap into the fray and expose himself to needless danger to use a weapon that could theoretically backfire horribly, Phrenz continued to lay down fire from his perch.

BS 40 + 10 (Semi Auto Burst) + 10 (Height) + 40 (Horde)

[roll0]. 81-93 means one hit, 61-80 means two hits, and <60 means three hits. With Explosive ammo that means up to four hits are possible.
A roll of 94-100 still fails as the gun jams (burst fire increases jam chance slightly from the normal 96-100).

[roll1]+9 Pen 4
[roll2]+9 Pen 4
[roll3]+9 Pen 4
[roll4]+9 Pen 4

Edit: 90 means two hits (normal hit plus explosion).

2016-05-24, 11:07 PM
Phrenz's rounds shred another half dozen orks, piercing straight through their weak green bodies. Navarre's grenade flies out but before it can explode an ork with a choppa gives it a whack with his weapon. The grenade skitters off deeper into the horde than Navarre meant to throw it. The explosion throws green and red out from it like some macabre confetti gun. Unfortunately the grenade ended up too close to Balmung who had removed his helmet so as to better revel in the savagery of close combat. A piece of shrapnel strikes him in the temple and he falls beneath the sea of enemies. He does not rise. Anguished cries rise up from the cathedral drowning out even the roars of the orks and the chatter of weapons fire.

2016-05-26, 07:33 AM
Amariel, now fully aware of the rest of the Team rallied his aim of his heavy bolter in order to pin-point targeting the vile orks that might due to most damage to the team as a whole.

Full Action: Full Auto Burst
Range: 50-ish Meters
BS: 52

52+20(Full Auto Burst)+10(Short Range)+40(Immense Horde)-10(Max Modifier of 60)

For every DoS i get, i cause an extra hit.

Total: 112
To-Hit-Roll: [roll0] - 6 Hits (Success + 5 DoS)
Fate-point Reroll in case of a Jam [roll1] -
+1 Hit for each Regular hit caused due to Explosive ammo
Minimum Damage Per Hit: (due to DoS)
Unrelenting Devastation: causes [roll2] Magnitude damage to horde if just 1 hit is successful.
Damage Rolls (Highest d10 counts, due to Tearing)

[roll3]+12 = 17. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper
[roll4]+12 = 17. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper
[roll5]+12 = 17. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper
[roll6]+12 = 17. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper
[roll7]+12 = 18. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper
[roll8]+12 = 20. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper
[roll9]+12 = 18. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper
[roll10]+12 = 18. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper
[roll11]+12 = 18. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper
[roll12]+12 = 22. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper - Righteous Fury!
[roll13]+12 = 20. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper
[roll14]+12 = 17. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper
In case of Righteous Fury. Auto-succeeds on confirming it against Xenos-scum!

[roll15]+12 = . Damage is added together with the original attack that caused the Righteous Fury
[roll16]+12 = . Damage is added together with the original attack that caused the Righteous Fury
[roll17]+12 = . Damage is added together with the original attack that caused the Righteous Fury
[roll18]+12 = . Damage is added together with the original attack that caused the Righteous Fury
[roll19]+12 = . Damage is added together with the original attack that caused the Righteous Fury
[roll20]+12 = . Damage is added together with the original attack that caused the Righteous Fury

Actual Righteous Fury Rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20821445&postcount=155)
17 extra damage to the 10th Hit, giving it a total of 39 damage alone there.

Ammo Count: 232/250

2016-05-29, 08:38 PM
Angus stoically takes aim, trying not to let his poor mood show through. With a rapid banging sound he once again let loose his weapon upon the Orcish threat.

Full Action Semi Auto Burst
Range 50 M
BS 40 + 10 (Semi Auto Burst) + 30 (Surprise Attack) + (10<?) (Size bonus for Horde) Total bonus at least 60

If I get at least 2 degrees of success I hit with another shall.
Bolts are explosive and I am using the Kraken Rounds so each hit will count as 4 hits.

[roll0] vs. 100 BS

First Bolt
[roll1] + 7, 2 Penetration
[roll2] + 7, 2 Penetration
[roll3] + 7, 2 Penetration
[roll4] + 7, 2 Penetration

Second Bolt

[roll5] + 7, 2 Penetration
[roll6] + 7, 2 Penetration
[roll7] + 7, 2 Penetration

2016-06-01, 08:04 PM
Ignoring the lasgun fire from the church the orkish horde surges to the base of the building that the battle brothers are firing from and begins smashing out windows. Others raise shootas to the skies and let loose a hail of bullets and clouds of smoke.

Attack Vs Amariel: [roll0] Vs BS 24 Damage: [roll1]
Attack Vs Phrenz: [roll2] Vs BS 24 Damage: [roll3] (Right Leg, Can still try to dodge)
Attack Vs Angus: [roll4] Vs BS 24 Damage: [roll5]
Attack Vs Navarre: [roll6] Vs BS 24 Damage: [roll7]

2016-06-02, 02:08 AM
The Orks were breaking in. The Battle-Brothers were struggling to cut it down before they got in Choppa Range, and cousin Balmung was down. All of this flashed through Navarre's mind in a split second, along with the heavy THUNG! of Cousin Angus's bolter's machine spirit rebelling against whatever poor appeasements that his serfs had given it.

Without a second through about it, Navarre called out, "FOR THE EMPEROR! PURGE THE XENOS!" taking two steps towards the edge of the building, and leaping down to the front ranks of the Ork Mob. Astartes combat knife out, it flashed in a wide arc, powered by his own hatred, and the fury of his battle plate as it looked to fend off and tie down the Ork Horde, giving his Battle-Brothers more time to decimate the horde with their firepower.

As I recall we're on the second story of the building. Which normally would be a height of 3 meters (approximately) which is less than my 4 Agility Bonus thus no risk of falling damage (See page 207). Would count as a Half Action move though to drop me among the front rank of Orks that are breaking into first story windows.

And a half action for a standard attack with my Combat Knife.

Attack: [roll0] vs 55 WS, +30 for Horde Size of greater than 30, but less than 60. +10 for Hatred (Orks). Any conditional bonuses for "Surprised by Death From Above" is up to you of course. Baseline Test mark of 95.

As a SPESS MEHREEN I get +1 Hit for every 2 Degrees of Success on my Test.

Damage Rolls as Needed:
[roll1] +9, Pen 2 Rending Damage.
[roll2] +9, Pen 2 Rending Damage.
[roll3] +9, Pen 2 Rending Damage.
[roll4] +9, Pen 2 Rending Damage.
[roll5] +9, Pen 2 Rending Damage.

Is in Melee with the Horde, Combat Knife is out.

2016-06-05, 12:32 AM

Phrenz grit his teeth as he took a bullet to his leg through the open window. Letting loose a howl he leaned out of the window he had been shooting from and called upon the powers that gave him his title. Hundreds of hulking humanoid figures formed of scorching flame surged forth from his body and, echoing his howl, coalesced into a single being of raging hellfire. The construct hung in the air for a moment before crashing down into the ranks of the horde of orks, flowing through and over them, burning all those it touched into cinders.

First, dodge attempt: [roll0]

Next, time for Avenger at Psy Rating 3 (Unfettered). Assuming a success, this will cause [roll1] hits (all Psychic powers do damage equal to the rating used, plus 1d10 hits if they affect an area). The horde is big enough that Phrenz can easily aim the thing to avoid Navarre.


Phenomena and perils rolls on the off chance that doubles are rolled:

2016-06-13, 08:07 AM
Amariel grinned within his helmet, continually hosing down bolter fire upon the foul Ork Xenos below, making sure not to fire near His own allies that may happen to be in Melee with the Horrid Greenskins.

Full Action: Full Auto Burst
Range: 50-ish Meters or less
BS: 52

52+20(Full Auto Burst)+10(Short Range)+40(Immense Horde)-10(Max Modifier of 60)

For every DoS i get, i cause an extra hit (to a max of 6 total.

Total: 112
To-Hit-Roll: [roll0] - 7 DoS
Fate-point Reroll in case of a Jam [roll1]
+1 Hit for each Regular hit caused due to Explosive ammo
Minimum Damage Per Hit: Equal to DoS (7)
Unrelenting Devastation: causes [roll2] Magnitude damage to horde if just 1 hit is successful.
Damage Rolls (Highest d10 counts, due to Tearing)

[roll3]+12 = 20. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper
[roll4]+12 = 20. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper
[roll5]+12 = 22. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper (+ Righteous Fury Damage)
[roll6]+12 = 20. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper
[roll7]+12 = 20. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper
[roll8]+12 = 20. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper
[roll9]+12 = 20. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper
[roll10]+12 = 21. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper
[roll11]+12 = 21. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper
[roll12]+12 = 20. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper
[roll13]+12 = 20. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper
[roll14]+12 = 21. Pen 5, turns Flak Armour into wet tissuepaper
In case of Righteous Fury. Auto-succeeds on confirming it against Xenos-scum!

[roll15]+12 = . Damage is added together with the original attack that caused the Righteous Fury
[roll16]+12 = . Damage is added together with the original attack that caused the Righteous Fury
[roll17]+12 = . Damage is added together with the original attack that caused the Righteous Fury
[roll18]+12 = . Damage is added together with the original attack that caused the Righteous Fury
[roll19]+12 = . Damage is added together with the original attack that caused the Righteous Fury
[roll20]+12 = . Damage is added together with the original attack that caused the Righteous Fury

Total of Magnitude Damage to the Horde: 15