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2016-04-03, 08:01 PM
There is a flash of crimson light, illuminating the crystal walls of the chamber. A man crashes to the ground, steam rising from his frost-coated body. He looks as if he's spent a day in the snow, but he was perfectly warm before catching the attention of whatever had just attacked him - like a feathered snake, but forged from adamantine, and with eyes of glowing red crystal. The chamber itself is perhaps thirty feet by twenty feet, and is almost completely bare, save for a stand in the middle.

Upon that stand is a small amulet, made out of some unknown, clear material. The walls of the chamber are all hewn from reflective crystal, and there are two exits. One on Lucius' left, and one on his right. There are clear doors, parting down the middle, on each exit. A circle of green light hangs in front of each of them.

2016-04-05, 12:28 AM
Lucius, confused and alarmed, bolts up. Quickly taking his surroundings he takes account of himself. Finding that he is not seriously injured he slowly rises to his feet, testing his limbs one by one to ensure everything seemed to be in order.

His eyes then turn to the amulet. "What could that be?" he wonders to himself. But then, he had no idea where he was. Thinking back through his day he recalled that he had yet to perform an important ritual. He pondered about those he'd called upon before, but without further information about his current predicament, it seemed a wild guess would probably work just as well.

Lucius draws chalk from one of his many small pouches and getting onto his hands and knees he began quickly tracing a complicated ritual circle with practiced ease.

Binding a random vestige from those within my level that I think are neat.
1. Dahlver-Nar
2. Malphas
3. Adromalius
4. Focalor
5. Karsus
6. Paimon
7. Agares
8. Andras
9. Tenebrous

[roll1] on the binding check

Lucius suppresses the sign of the new being sharing his mortal coil, the urge to cough in a strange place probably not the greatest thing. He calls upon the powers of his new ally to bring forth a little earth elemental buddy!

Carefully glancing around the room again, he sees the walls are made of strange crystal, but he turns his attention towards the ground as he begins to smear the chalk from his ritual circle, not wishing to leave behind obvious evidence of his work. What material is this made of?

"Hey rocky, can you maneuver through this material? Don't go in yet, just let me know if you can." Lucius inquires, whispering in Terran as he indicates the floor.

2016-04-05, 01:44 AM
Lucius suppresses the sign of the new being sharing his mortal coil, the urge to cough in a strange place probably not the greatest thing. He calls upon the powers of his new ally to bring forth a little earth elemental buddy!

Carefully glancing around the room again, he sees the walls are made of strange crystal, but he turns his attention towards the ground as he begins to smear the chalk from his ritual circle, not wishing to leave behind obvious evidence of his work. What material is this made of?

"Hey rocky, can you maneuver through this material? Don't go in yet, just let me know if you can." Lucius inquires, whispering in Terran as he indicates the floor.

"Yes yes!" Chirps the elemental, it's voice high and squeaky. Lucius tries to smear the chalk, but it seems to have already disappeared before he could get to it. The material itself seems, again, to be some kind of crystal, though not as clear or reflective as a diamond. Even using a more common gem, there could surely be no single man in all the world to create an entire, vast structure of crystal - at least, not without the aid of magic.

2016-04-05, 11:43 PM
"Alright, bud. Do me a solid and check these adjacent corridors past these doors. Try not to be seen by anything and let me know what you find. Stay safe and don't go too far from me, alright?"

Having given his commands, the elemental departing into the ground itself to carry out orders, Lucius' attention turns towards the amulet on the pedestal. He examines it closely, pondering the the reasons why someone would leave such a thing just sitting in this room, how he came to be here, and various other thoughts, even the possibility of traps.

While waiting for his companion to return, Lucius carefully investigates to see if he can locate any mechanisms that could be triggered by handling the amulet.

Take 20 on search for a 21.

If he finds no such device, he will pick up the amulet and investigate it further, if nothing seems amiss, he will slip it into his haversack.
If he finds such a device, he will wait for the earth elemental's report.

2016-04-06, 07:57 AM
"Alright, bud. Do me a solid and check these adjacent corridors past these doors. Try not to be seen by anything and let me know what you find. Stay safe and don't go too far from me, alright?"
"Okay mister!" The elemental says chirpily, seeming to just dive into the floor, though it's moved with some resistance. It's quite a while before he returns, so in the meantime you turn your attention to the amulet and what it might be used for. You examine the doors as the most obvious use, and they are locked - though you're not sure how. Your hand accidentally brushes against the green light, which momentarily turns and angry red. A harsh bleep issues from an unknown source, and you yank your hand back.

You suspect that the lock on the door is somehow related to the light - perhaps they're part of an enhancement of some kind. Your knowledge of magic tells you that many magic-users would employ security systems based on amulets. As you come to this conclusion, the elemental returns. It's been hurt slightly - some flecks of charring along its left leg. It doesn't look to phased, however.

"There are snake-men to the left, and bad things to the right! Fire flows like water around it, beneath and above, bad bad bad!" The elemental said, looking somewhat fearfully to the right.

2016-04-06, 11:52 PM
"Good work, bud. I think these doors are rigged with some kind of security measure. I'm hoping this amulet is the power source... but if not, we'll just have to wing it.

Lucius touches the amulet, wary for traps, and if nothing of note happens, he takes it and puts the amulet into his haversack. He waits for a moment to see if perhaps the lights change.

2016-04-07, 06:24 AM
"Good work, bud. I think these doors are rigged with some kind of security measure. I'm hoping this amulet is the power source... but if not, we'll just have to wing it.

Lucius touches the amulet, wary for traps, and if nothing of note happens, he takes it and puts the amulet into his haversack. He waits for a moment to see if perhaps the lights change.

Absolutely nothing happens. There is a slight 'clink' as the stand the amulet was held up by descends back into the podium, but after that - nothing. You stand in the room, only the sound of your own halted breath to keep you company.

2016-04-07, 11:44 PM
Lucius thinks to himself: Well that didn't provide any insights. With so little information, I don't see a way to unlock the doors. I guess the good ol' brute force method will just have to do.

"Stay close, bud. Hide in the ground if you need to." he says to his elemental companion. Materializing his flail, he approaches the left door. He grips his spirit weapon in both hands, and plants his stance firmly into the ground. He begins to swing the flail in a circular motion to build up momentum, once it's got a nice rhythm, Lucius releases a grunt as he swings it overhead with full force against the door.

Take -5 to hit for Stone Power.
Use Mountain Hammer Stone Dragon maneuver against the door.
Unleash the Lightning Gauntlets against the door (Hand Bind).
to hit a door
[roll]1d8+2d6+15 damage that ignores hardness and [roll1] electricity damage.

2016-04-07, 11:46 PM
[roll0] plus [roll1] damage that ignores hardness.

2016-04-07, 11:50 PM
Lucius thinks to himself: Well that didn't provide any insights. With so little information, I don't see a way to unlock the doors. I guess the good ol' brute force method will just have to do.

"Stay close, bud. Hide in the ground if you need to." he says to his elemental companion. Materializing his flail, he approaches the left door. He grips his spirit weapon in both hands, and plants his stance firmly into the ground. He begins to swing the flail in a circular motion to build up momentum, once it's got a nice rhythm, Lucius releases a grunt as he swings it overhead with full force against the door.

Take -5 to hit for Stone Power.
Use Mountain Hammer Stone Dragon maneuver against the door.
Unleash the Lightning Gauntlets against the door (Hand Bind).
to hit a door
[roll]1d8+2d6+15 damage that ignores hardness and [roll1] electricity damage.

As you swing at the door, it chirps happily and opens. You feel a slight warmth from the amulet. The door seems to now respond to any object nearing it, opening and closing as they reach a certain distance from it. Beyond is a 50' long corridor, wide enough for two or three men to walk abreast, and seemingly featureless save for two long, golden reliefs along the side walls. There is another doorway at the end of the hall.

The reliefs depict the construction of some sort of pyramid, by a bewilderingly diverse array of creatures; many of whom are not humanoid.

2016-04-08, 03:42 PM
Lucius enters the room warily, sniffing the air (Scent) and keeping his wits about him for the lizard-men mentioned by his elemental companion.

Woops, re-read Agares' True Speech ability and realized the elemental needed to talk first before I could address it in Terran. My bad.

[roll0] Spot
[roll1] Listen

2016-04-09, 11:52 AM
Lucius enters the room warily, sniffing the air (Scent) and keeping his wits about him for the lizard-men mentioned by his elemental companion.

Woops, re-read Agares' True Speech ability and realized the elemental needed to talk first before I could address it in Terran. My bad.

[roll0] Spot
[roll1] Listen

As you advance down the corridor, you begin to hear faint, echoing sounds. They twist into words, and then sentances and then speech. Two, presumably, lizardmen are having a conversation about 'the ancestral key', and if it'd unlock this door.

There is faint smell of too-clean air in the corridor, and you can smell the vents it's coming from. There seems to be something driving it, though you can spot no sign of the bound elemental that would be required.

2016-04-09, 04:40 PM
Hearing sapient beings ahead having an actual conversation, Lucius decides the safest approach is probably the peaceful one.

Holding his flail casually rather than at the ready he approaches the discussing creatures. Once he has them in sight he responds in their own tongue.

"Hello. You're trying to get through a door? Maybe I can help."

2016-04-09, 11:45 PM
Hearing sapient beings ahead having an actual conversation, Lucius decides the safest approach is probably the peaceful one.

Holding his flail casually rather than at the ready he approaches the discussing creatures. Once he has them in sight he responds in their own tongue.

"Hello. You're trying to get through a door? Maybe I can help."

"AHHHH! A MONSTER!" Shouts one of the lizardmen, jumping back. The other one is also startled, but when he realises what you said, he's somewhat less frightened.

"Y-y-yes? You don't look like any creature I've heard of, yet you speak cou-til like a native." The less-scared one says.

2016-04-10, 12:33 AM
"Oh-ho-ho." Lucius forces an awkward chuckle at their reaction "You may call me a monster if you wish, but I mean you no harm. I am merely a stranger here, visiting. I am capable of speaking many languages. It is important for communication when visiting new places. Now, I would like to help you open the door. Do you know what is on the other side?"

If they indicate yes, Lucius listens to what they say before acting.

If they indicate no, Lucius says: "I shall have my companion take a peek, that we might not stumble in blindly."
Then in Terran he asks the elemental "Please take a look at what's on the other side of the door, bud. But be cautious, and as usual, don't go too far from me."

2016-04-11, 05:27 AM
"Oh-ho-ho." Lucius forces an awkward chuckle at their reaction "You may call me a monster if you wish, but I mean you no harm. I am merely a stranger here, visiting. I am capable of speaking many languages. It is important for communication when visiting new places. Now, I would like to help you open the door. Do you know what is on the other side?"

"We have heard... stories. They say that this is the entrance for the servah-tore's and that beyond waits a minor guardian. We have bested them before, though you must take care to avoid their stingers - their poison is beyond any remedy we know of." The sensible one said, whilst his companion calmed himself down. The room you're standing in has two doors, besides the one you came from. Both are simmilar to others you've seen, and there is some kind of golden furniture in the centre of the room, facing towards a door opposite to the one you entered from.

2016-04-11, 10:10 PM
Lucius lets out an thoughtful "Hmm..." he first tries approaching the door, to see if the bizarre security amulet will cause this door to open as the previous did.

If it does not, he approaches the golden bit of furniture to see if perhaps it can move or swivel. "Maybe if this points to the door we wish to pass through it will open." he muses.

"If this doesn't work, I may be able to break the door down."

2016-04-12, 09:02 AM
Lucius lets out an thoughtful "Hmm..." he first tries approaching the door, to see if the bizarre security amulet will cause this door to open as the previous did.

The door opens with a hiss, as stale air rushes out. A lizardman corpse leaning against the door collapses to the ground, and the putrid smell is nearly overwhelming. More corpses litter the plain corridor beyond, and above them stands a golem of some sort.

It had been forged from sleek black metal, but it seems long dormant. It had what looked like a snake's tail, but the upper body looked more humanoid. It had two large objects in place of hands and forearms, each containing three hollow triangular rods. Where the elbow would be is a clearly visible ball joint.

2016-04-12, 11:42 PM
"Is that a construct, maybe? What do you two know about this minor guardian? What does it guard, for example?" Lucius inquires, his face scrunching up from the putrid smell. He inspects the scene from within the confines of the corridor.

Don't know which knowledge it is, but I'm guessing Arcana for construct. Going to roll all of them, in case I'm wrong, listed in the order of which I think is most likely to least. Add 5 to the correct skill for total due to Collector of Stories (this also serves for Knowledge Devotion).
[roll0] Arcana
[roll1] Planes
[roll2] Dungeoneering
[roll3] Religion
[roll4] Local
[roll5] Nature

2016-04-13, 08:39 AM
You know that this is some kind of golem - but not one you recognise. It seems to have been designed to channel magical energy, though how or why you can't say. The engravings on it's body suggest , to the best of your knowledge, that it was intended for some kind of combat. You suspect that the triangles-within-triangles pattern that the weapons - for that is undoubtedly what they are - were constructed in may be the key to it's ability to focus magical energy.

2016-04-13, 10:37 PM
Guessing the two Lizard-men don't know the answer to his question, he steps into the room, flail now grasped at the ready and looks around cautiously.

[roll0] Spot
Lucius gets a +4 to hit and damage against the construct should it turn to a fight from Knowledge Devotion.

2016-04-15, 09:24 PM
There is a whiring sound, and the eyes of the golem light up. It begins to raise itself off the ground, it's weapons pointing a the lizardmen. It doesn't seem to have noticed you.

Roll initiative:

2016-04-16, 06:45 PM
Lucius readies his weapon.


2016-04-17, 11:32 AM
The Lizardmen dive for cover as the golem stands, multicoloured energy hissing from it's vents. It's weapons glow, then fire streams of pure white light, vaporising crystal and metal. It seems to have missed the Lizardmen, however. It is still paying no attention to you.

2016-04-17, 10:16 PM
and [roll1]

Lucius speaks in Terran, commanding his elemental companion: "Avoid its attacks, use the ground as cover, and try to help me flank it."

2016-04-17, 10:32 PM
Lucius fearlessly rushes headlong into battle. He lets out a roar as he covers the distance, swinging his flail with violent force, electricity passing through his translucent gauntlets and into his flail.

Swift, change stance to Leading the Charge.
Lucius charges, giving up +5 to hit for Stone Power.
Expend a Turn attempt for Divine Might
[roll0] to hit (math: +4 strength, +7 BAB, +1 Weapon Focus, +3 Incarnate Weapon, +4 Knowledge Devotion, +1 Earth Mastery (Agares Vestige), +2 charge, -5 stone power).
If it hits it deals:
[roll1] plus [roll2] electricity damage. (math: +6 strength (two handed), +4 knowledge devotion, +4 divine might, +3 Incarnate Weapon, +6 Incarnate Avatar, +6 Leading the Charge, +1 from earth mastery, +4d6 from Lightning Gauntlets)

2016-04-19, 08:44 AM
You swing your flail with bone shattering force, charging without thought to life or limb. You reach the golem, and it still does not so much as turn towards you. Your swing sails through the air, where it smashes into a barrier of blue-green force, only for the barrier to shatter under your attack. The golem itself seems mostly unharmed, but sparks and smoke fly from one or two protruding spikes.

2016-04-19, 11:27 PM
Unclear on turn order. It seems Construct went, Lizardmen went, I went. Now is it the elemental, then the construct and the lizardmen again? Or should I be taking actions again?

2016-04-20, 10:24 AM
Unclear on turn order. It seems Construct went, Lizardmen went, I went. Now is it the elemental, then the construct and the lizardmen again? Or should I be taking actions again?
Yeah, I went to sleep right after that and didn't notice I hadn't done it's turn. I'll post it up in the morning.

2016-04-21, 10:16 AM
The golem's upper body turns, multicoloured light and steam hissing from it's vents, and fires off a quick burst of white light at you. The lizardmen counter to cower behind cover.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage, if hit: [roll1]

2016-04-21, 10:33 PM

Scathed by the monster's attack, but unperturbed, Lucius continues his assault, deciding the Lizardmen's lives are worth more than this mechanical monster's continued existence.

2016-04-21, 10:41 PM
Lucius shifts his stance, his mind wondering for the briefest of moments where his elemental companion had gone, but the thought quickly vanishes from his mind, he swings his flail once more into the enemy before him, not letting up on his relentless onslaught. He shifts his position slightly to attempt to gets its focus away from the Lizardmen, freeing them to act.

Swift: Shift stance to Martial Spirit.
Standard: Mountain Hammer against the foe, giving up 5 to hit for Stone Power.
Using 5ft step to slowly try to turn it to face away from the lizardmen.

[roll0] to hit
[roll1] plus [roll2] ignoring hardness and DR, plus [roll3] electricity damage. Realized I added poorly and sold myself short 4 damage last attack, woops, +1 to hit/damage this time from Furious Counterstrike.

Assuming the attack lands, Lucius recovers 2 hp, and gains back 10 temporary hp.

2016-04-23, 08:43 AM
Your spiritual weapon crackles with barely-restrained electrical power, and as you smash it straight into the 'spine' of the golem, it discharges. The golem hisses yet more steam and light, but after your blow it collapses and falls forward, still. It's central shaft is shattered and blackened from your blow, and you can see how thing it's metal skin was. This doesn't look like it was made for combat.

2016-04-23, 03:17 PM
Lucius takes a brief moment to consider his injuries, and quickly looks around to take in his surroundings. The rush of adrenaline from combat beginning to subside. Assuming there is no immediate threat, he wonders where his elemental companion got to, and whether these Lizardmen will be helpful further in, or merely a hindrance to keep safe.

"You said this creature was a guardian? What does it guard?"

He looks over the remains of the construct to see if perhaps there will be something useful to salvage.

He also holds his nose and goes to inspect the putrid Lizardman corpse, pondering thoughts of restoring it to a semblance of life in order to learn what knowledge it may possess, but unsure how to broach the topic with the others in a tactful manner.

2016-04-26, 10:28 AM
"It was once said to guard slaves, or workers..." One of the lizardmen said, as you managed to locate one of the focusing arrays for the golem's weapons. It was mostly intact, though it would require at least three such arrays to construct a useable weapon.

2016-04-27, 12:58 AM
Lucius will carefully remove the focusing array.

"Would you be opposed to me restoring life to one of the deceased that they may provide us what knowledge they had in life and perhaps exact justice on those that enslaved them? I would understand if such an action would be considered disrespectful."

Once again, wondering where on earth, or perhaps, in earth, his elemental companion had gotten to. He certainly hoped it hadn't failed to obey his clear instructions to stay close and strayed further than 30ft for too long and died.

2016-04-27, 03:58 AM
You are able to remove the focusing array without causing further harm to it, you, or the lizardmen. It's relatively light, something you notice about every piece of the golem. It's 'skin' was far thinner than your own armour, and not shaped to deflect blows. Upon this close inspection, it seems obvious that this wasn't a creature meant for combat against a strong opponent.

"R-r-restore to life!? Is such power possible?" The more talkative of the lizardmen exclaims, looking at you with a sense of awe. It's at this point that your elemental ally popped back up out of the floor, in which he had been hiding.

+1350 xp
+"Golem Focusing Array" - Currently unusable

2016-04-28, 12:14 AM
Lucius shrugs and goes ahead and warns the Lizardmen. "This isn't going to as pretty as you might hope."

Lucius attempts to activate the power of his Necrocarnum Circlet to revive the putrid corpse of the Lizardman from earlier as a Necrocarnum Zombie.

Lucius sacrifices HP equal to the target's HD (which, if it's higher than 7, the ability fails outright), and creates a Necrocarnum Zombie, the HP can't be healed as long as this Necrocarnum Zombie "lives". If you need more information about it, let me know. Let me know how many HP

"Welcome back. Now, please, tell us what you know of this place."

2016-05-01, 10:52 AM
The putrid soul-energy flows into the corpse, long since rotted flesh and splintered bones collapsing into a shambling whole. The zombie rose, it's scales oozing yellow pus and it's eyes bloody voids.

"It is the way-station..." The zombie says, as if it was as obvious as the blue sky which was surely outside.

2016-05-01, 02:34 PM
Lucius folds his arms and taps his foot somewhat impatiently. "Please go on, what is the purpose of this place? Where is this place located on a map? What is here? Tell me what you know."

2016-05-05, 08:01 AM
Lucius folds his arms and taps his foot somewhat impatiently. "Please go on, what is the purpose of this place? Where is this place located on a map? What is here? Tell me what you know."

"Please, you ha- It is the way-station..." The zombie said, first pleading for help then stopping after sparks and smoke arose from the back of its head.

2016-05-06, 12:41 AM
Baffled at this turn of events, Lucius ponders what could interfere with his complete control over the creature.

He briefly examines the back of its head to see what caused the strange phenomenon he just witnessed before announcing:

"Well that was informative." his speech dripping with sarcasm.

"What is the name you had in life?" he asks the new recruit as he motions for the others to follow and heads towards the first exit to the room he sees if there is one other than the way he came.