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The Demented One
2007-06-21, 05:44 PM
Has anyone seen this game system? I just read the book, and it looks pretty cool to me. Basic premise is little kids fighting monsters, except with a very gritty, Call of Cthulhu or Unknown Armies-ish feel to it.

2007-06-21, 05:51 PM
Has anyone seen this game system? I just read the book, and it looks pretty cool to me. Basic premise is little kids fighting monsters, except with a very gritty, Call of Cthulhu or Unknown Armies-ish feel to it.

Got it, didn't like it.

The core idea is cool, but it got swept up in a wave of OH MY GOD Think of the Children! hysteria.

It's full of random crap about child abuse, which it handles in a sensitive but shallow manner. (Guess what kids: it's bad).

Unless you have the second edition, which I understand took a lot of that stuff out.

2007-06-22, 09:06 AM
It was. . .odd, yes.

The mechanics were simplistic and might even have made a decent 'first game' for very young roleplayers. The fluff I wouldn't pass to anyone young enough to be a game character; it was bleak beyond my tastes without any of the tongue-in-cheek quality that makes CoC or Paranoia bleakness enjoyable (you're going to die horribly anyway, so may as well enjoy the ride).

2007-06-22, 09:08 AM
have not read it but say it and was considering it but it sounds like I should avoid it, thanks for the warning

2007-06-22, 09:19 AM
I did like the idea when I first heard about it . . . has anyone played a few session of it? Could we get some more details?

- Saph

2007-06-22, 12:11 PM
I've played several different games of Little Fears with a variety of folks under two GMs. I think it's one of those things that you either get or you don't, because of the content. The system is mostly nonexistant, allowing you to focus on RP with minimal disruption.

I've enjoyed it everytime I've played because there's something really interesting and often amusing about adults pretending to be kids, particularly people you already know. For some reason, maybe because you have to get into the mindset of someone less complicated than yourself, rather than someone equally complicated in a entirely different setting such as in D&D or Call of Cthulu, it's also seductively immersive.

So high marks from me, but there's a lot of "trigger" material in that book, so I wouldn't play with people without discussing the themes before hand.

2007-06-22, 12:29 PM
I have absorbed the book and enjoyed it immensely on what was in it alone. Haven't had the opportunity to play it yet, but it seemed pretty good as far as I could see. The character creation 'questionaire' bit was something that I liked quite a bit; really gives you opportunity to flesh out the character right off beyond a concept.