View Full Version : Optimization Maximize Grapple check

2016-04-04, 12:18 PM
I want do a character grapple-based. I know it isen't very useful (ok, is near to be useless), but is only for a one shot, for fun.

How I can make a fighter who can pin a bigger enemy?
The level is 12 or 20. (the DM is not sure)

I thought an orc half minotaur.
5 level Barbarian to have the +4 in grappling check when raging (UA, bear variant)
1 berserker

feats: improved grapple, statch, Multisnatch.

And then? Other feats? Other classes? There are better races?

Thank you.

2016-04-04, 02:13 PM
Play pathfinder where they broke grapple

2016-04-04, 02:24 PM
I want do a character grapple-based. I know it isen't very useful (ok, is near to be useless), but is only for a one shot, for fun.

How I can make a fighter who can pin a bigger enemy?
The level is 12 or 20. (the DM is not sure)

I thought an orc half minotaur.
5 level Barbarian to have the +4 in grappling check when raging (UA, bear variant)
1 berserker

feats: improved grapple, statch, Multisnatch.

And then? Other feats? Other classes? There are better races?

Thank you.

I seem to recall Maugs having a graft that really helps with grapple checks.

2016-04-04, 02:27 PM
I want do a character grapple-based. I know it isen't very useful (ok, is near to be useless), but is only for a one shot, for fun.

How I can make a fighter who can pin a bigger enemy?
The level is 12 or 20. (the DM is not sure)

I thought an orc half minotaur.
5 level Barbarian to have the +4 in grappling check when raging (UA, bear variant)
1 berserker

feats: improved grapple, snatch, Multisnatch.

And then? Other feats? Other classes? There are better races?

Thank you.

Race: Half-ogre half-minotaur lolth-touched were-sewerm (advanced to 3 HD) Water Orc.
Class:Fighter 4 Barbarian 1.
While in hybrid form, get a +20 racial bonus to grapple checks, in addition to +10 STR (on top of the STR you had before, and possible STR from raging). Pick up Grappling Tentacle grafts to further increase your grapple mod. Multigrab is also pretty useful, as would Scorpion's Grasp. Wielding a Scorpion's Claw gives you a +2 to grapple.
Total mod should be a minimum 21(str)+4(imp grapple)+2(scorpion's claw)+20(racial, from sewerm)+5 (BaB)=+52. Not counting possible bonus from raging, STR enhancing items, putting your stat points at level up into STR, grappling tentacles, or any other magic items.

2016-04-04, 11:50 PM
Play a grapple wizard. (https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Grapplemancer_%283.5e_Optimized_Character_Build%29 )

Please note that while it may sound like I'm being sarcastic, I'm really not. Seriously, check out that link.

Bobby Baratheon
2016-04-04, 11:54 PM
Consider using Goliath as your base race, as it would still advance to Large size with the Half Minotaur (throw on a Half-Ogre while you're at it, if you want) and you would retain powerful build, meaning you'd have the grapple modifier of Huge size right out of the gate, in addition to your not-inconsiderable strength. Other than that, I think there's a grappling guide at the minmax boards handbook index. Check it out - they have some pretty gnarly builds compiled there.

EDIT: A human with Jotunbred might be a viable option, as well.

2016-04-04, 11:59 PM
My first thought was war hulk for its continuous advances in Strength, but since it kills base attack bonus it'd probably be best to save that till epic…