View Full Version : Tekomander solo Tristalt

2016-04-05, 12:15 AM
Finally the day has come, you have been called before Sorrah, a Solar and a prominent member of the knights of the seventh storm. Despite her position, she smiles gently at your arrival, the crows feet around her eyes and the warm wrinkles from many smiles around her mouth hinting at her age. She takes your hand in hers, her gentle grip oddly comforting.

"Lyra, you have made great progress as one of our devoted order. However, as you know, you must fulfill a rite of passage before you can ascend to the highest orders. The circle as communed and we have determined that you will be sent to a plane gripped by the cosmic forces, pulled both toward Good and Evil as it is toward Law and Chaos by forces of all kinds. It has been determined that in this place you will serve our order, hone your skills, find yourself, and discover the great destiny that awaits you. We are sending you to the Prime Material. We trust you will do great works."

She lets go of your hand and with a bit more of a serious look, yet keeping that same warm smile, she continues:

"I trust you have made all the necessary preparations. I will send you there now." Sorrah places a hand on her right hand against her collarbone and recites a powerful incantation. The index finger of her left hand glows with a shimmering golden light. She gently taps you on the forehead.

You are whisked away through a dazzling array of color, sound, and smells. Without further warning you stand in an unfamiliar place. Taking in the scene around you, you appear to be on some kind of raised platform, inside of a structure built from some strange, crude material. Stone pillars rise to your right and left, engraved with some kind of pattern. Windows of stained glass cast a golden light across rows of benches neatly organized in lines within the room, a poor imitation of your celestial home.

Five beings stand in the room with you, each of them wearing white robes with hoods pulled low over their heads and holy symbols which you recognize as the symbols of Pelor, Ehlonna, Bahamut, Heironeous, and Garl Glittergold. The being wearing the holy symbol of Pelor steps towards you, reaching up he removes his hood, revealing his face. He barely stands above your waist, but you see his fiery orange hair and beard have been braided with dozens of tiny symbols of Pelor.

"Our prayers 'ave been answered! Praise ye gods! We 'ave been calling for divine aid for weeks, and at last you 'ave been sent to us. My name is Dregory, and we beseech thy aid."

The others begin to reveal their faces as well, some combination of exhaustion and relief expressed on their faces. The symbol of Ehlonna rests on a young elven girl, Bahamut on a Dragonborn woman, Heironeous on a stern half-orc with a broken tusk, and the symbol of Garl Glittergold hangs around the neck of a shy gnome, who casts his eyes away when you look toward him.

2016-04-05, 06:43 AM
She had never experienced anything like that before, she thought to herself as the world once more made sense. Lyra was standing in a strange, crude place. It seemed so flimsy and ephemeral to her, yet she could see the obvious care that had been taken to create it. This was not some hastily erected shack or fortification - it was a place of worship, of reverence. She hadn't realised, not fully, the differences between her home and the material plane until now.

Five people stood before her, the native inhabitants of this strange realm. They wore robes indicating their devotion to a multitude of different deities, and they seemed to be acting in concert. Good, she thought - they had enough enemies without infighting. The smallest of them, the servant of Pelor, stepped forward. His hair was a fiery red, and she smiled approvingly at his further show of devotion. Then, he asked for her help.

"And you shall have all that I am able to give, Dregory. I am known as Lyra. Now, what ails you?" She said, her words seeming to be in each of their native languages.

2016-04-05, 11:32 PM
The gnome takes a step backward. The others remain in place, while Dregory takes another step forward.

"It seems we 'ave been betrayed. The 'uman priest, Vladimir came to our community. We, of course, 'esitated to accept a 'uman, but Welliby 'ere, he shoots a bit of a scowl toward the already clearly nervous gnome "said we'd be no better than the 'umans if we did not at least give this Vladimir a fair chance. He tricked us! Played us for fools. He took our community's most sacred treasure. No doubt for some evil or another! Ye just can't trust a 'uman."

The dragonborn woman steps forward "Enough, Dregory. We all know how hurt you were by his actions. You see, Lyra, the relic that Vladimir took is the only thing that has been keeping our community protected from the humans. In the past, they fought wars to take our lands and resources, with no consideration for our races. We fear this same fate will befall us once again. The relic is itself was Goodness itself in a crystalline form. The largest collection of such we had seen, with it, we were able to blanket our entire city with its protection. Only Bahamut knows what the humans could want with such a powerful item."

The elf steps forward as she says softly "Please, save our city."

2016-04-06, 08:57 AM
"There is no shame in extending the hand of friendship to those who were once your enemies, Dregory. Nor should you judge an entire species as one whole. There are many humans who are not even located on this plane of existence, and plenty who have never heard of such people as dwarfs." Lyra said, frowning as she did so. This was clearly a wider conflict, but she could not let the theft of the artifact - or the threat of invasion - go unpunished.

"However, I will of course attempt to deliver you from this threat. I will recover the artifact, and insure your city is safe. Of that, you have my word." Lyra said, stepping down off the podium as she did so, her wings folding back. "Do you have any information about where this artifact might be, or the location of this priest, Vladimir?" Lyra asked, thinking to herself. She could resolve the immediate situation, true, but there was likely something far worse going on. She would have to be wary of treachery and deceit, here on the material plane.

2016-04-06, 11:43 PM
Dregory sputters a bit and responds "Nay. We 'aven't got any real clues where that 'uman's run off to. Somehow 'e's shielded 'imself from our magic."

The gnome finally speaks up, in a rather high pitched, nervous voice he says "But there are only two ways down the mountainside in the directions of the nearest human settlements, and considering the harsh winter, he may not even be off the mountain yet. We can only pray we're so fortunate."

Dregory shoots Welliby a nasty glare, the volume of his voicing raising slightly "And 'ow do ye expect we should know which of the two ways 'e went?"

The elf responds "Don't blame Welliby. We were all taken in by him."

The dragonborn woman releases a throaty growl, quickly bringing silence to the others. "Unfortunately, due to the snows, tracking Vladimir is difficult. He left during a storm in the night, so even those who reported seeing him don't know which way he took. We became so complacent relying on that crystal's protection the guardsmen were asleep as well. I'm sorry we can't be more help in this, but at least we can provide you a map of the area. I will retrieve it for you."

It seems even this group is not perfectly unified. The bickering continues once the dragonborn has left their presence, but they immediately quiet down as she shoots them a stern glare. She hands you a map case. "Within is a map of these lands. Unfortunately, it has not been updated in many years. I hope it will still be helpful to you."

Spreading the map out before you, you see that this city is located in a mountain range along the southern edge of vast plains with numerous rivers running through it. The city here is labeled on the map simply as "Solace." There are two roads depicted coming down from this mountain going to two small symbols, one to the North East and one to the North West. You notice a vast number of those symbols spotted throughout the fertile plains. These symbols clearly stand for human settlements.

2016-04-07, 09:15 AM
"Enough! You say that the humans are on your doorstep, and that they posses far superior numbers - and you waste your time on pointless bickering!? It is done, and we shall all concentrate on what we may do to save this city, not who is to blame! All you do is weaken yourselves with this desire to assign blame - exactly what any invading force would want!" Lyra said, her voice carrying through the argument as she raised it for the first time. She grew... frustrated with this bickering - it was nothing like the ordered society she was used to. Yes, she was perhaps more Eldarin than Archon, but this was not a matter of freedom - it was simply a matter of common sense.

"Do you not think that this Vladimir would not think to cause disunity amongst you? That he would not count on this wasting of time and effort on the assigning of blame, all the whilst he escapes into the snow!?" Lyra shouted, then sighed. "I shall pursue him. If I fly overland, over the mountain, I may be able to check both towns before he can get too far. A question, if I may - what gods do these humans who attack you worship? I shall need to know, in case I shall be required to hide my true nature."

Diplo roll, to try and rally the troops a bit:

2016-04-07, 11:33 PM
They all fall silent when you raise your voice. After your question, they look from one to another, finally the dragonborn woman speaks up. "It has been many winters since we have had contact with the humans, excluding Vladimir. He claimed devotion to St. Cuthbert. Though we now find that claim dubious. Other humans may say the same, but we have been out of contact so long we do not know if they have a patron deity."

Dregory pipes in "Is there anything we can provide ye before ye pursue the traitor?"

2016-04-08, 09:42 AM
"No, save for a description of this man. I shall set out as soon as I have it, lest he make it even further into human lands." Lyra said, and after getting the description, she takes the map and leaves the building. Throwing open the doors, she steps out into the streets of Solace and flies up into the air, attempting to get her bearings. After doing so, she will begin to fly over the North-West road, keeping a look out for any travelers. If they could be human, she'll investigate them.

2016-04-08, 03:38 PM
They provide you a description, a rugged middle aged man of about average height, missing part of his left ear. He left wearing a white robe and a backpack, presumably containing the crystal. You're also warned that there are numerous small caves along the face of the mountain, in which he may have taken shelter.

The city of Solace is a city dug into the side of the mountain. It must have taken these beings many years to create such a city. You see all kinds of non-humans here, living together. Ranging from elves to goblins. Just passing over the city it is clear that while they are coexisting, they are not well unified.

You see pylons of some kind forming a partial ring along the outskirts of the city and embedded into the mountain itself in the areas of higher elevation. Probably some device for channeling the crystal's power, but presently there is nothing. The sky is a brilliant blue, speckled with fluffy blots of white cloud, and the icy breeze moves oddly, as if it had nowhere to go, but was simply moving for the sake of it.

Using the orientation on of the mountain and the city on the map, you begin to fly towards the North-West settlement. The road difficult to make out due to the heavy covering of snow coating the tree canopy and the ground below.

You notice a cave during your descent, and you can see some slight movement further on, near the base of the mountain.

2016-04-09, 11:30 AM
Lyra soared up above the city, noticing it's fallen defences and disunity. The sheer effort it would have taken to build this city impresses her however, and even more so that it was done with tools and machines and spells more suited to a hedge wizard than a magister-king. The wind was odd, too, like a listless wanderer, rather than a purposeful traveler. She would have to investigate that further. But there was no time for that now - she had a task to fulfil, a city to save.

As she flew to the North-West, she prepared herself for the possibility of battle.

"Come forth, fragor mataris!" Shouts Lyra, as she calls upon divine power to reinforce her own spellcasting. In her right hand, a shimmering, golden spear of force blossomed into life; as Lyra poured enough positive energy to turn an undead horde to dust into the creation of this weapon. It would last until she laid down to sleep now, rather than just a single minute. This technique was a powerful one, and the weapon it created had served her well in here training.

She flew onwards, and saw both a cave and movement near the base of the mountain. She descends through a rolling cloud, her wings open to their fullest extent. Just before she lands at the source of the movement, she binds sunlight into a suit of gleaming plate with but a thought.

"Who goes there?" She shouted out.

2016-04-09, 04:27 PM
As Lyra rapidly approaches the distant movement, light music reaches her ears. The bleating of strange horned animals, their fluffy coats a mirror to the fluffy white objects in the sky - though their fur ranges from white to gray to black. Two humanoids wearing headdresses and robes and carrying long wooden hooked staves are surprised by your rapid approach. It seems these humanoids may be watching over these horned creatures as they move from rock to rock in a strange kind of grace.

By their faces, they could be human, but with their ears and hair covered by headdresses, there is a possibility they may not be.

Seeing your lance of pure energy, one of them throws themselves on the ground before you, dropping their staff. The other turns to flee.

Their herd begins to scatter at the sudden intrusion and the shout.

The one prostrating before you begins to talk, even with your ability to understand language, it takes a brief moment for you to figure out the language - these beings don't speak common. You catch the gist of what the being was originally saying, it is begging you to spare its life. Now having grasped the nature of the language, it should be easy to communicate with them.

2016-04-09, 10:55 PM
The one prostrating before you begins to talk, even with your ability to understand language, it takes a brief moment for you to figure out the language - these beings don't speak common. You catch the gist of what the being was originally saying, it is begging you to spare its life. Now having grasped the nature of the language, it should be easy to communicate with them.

"Up, and back to your herd. I mean you no harm, but there is a foul creature in the guise of a man in these mountains. It wears the form of a man, in the midst of his life, and missing part of his left ear. Have you seen this creature? He may have disguised himself as a priest, but he serves no god save those of evil." Lyra said, offering to help the man up as she told him to control his herd.

Using her innate ability to sense evil, she concentrated on the men in front of her - were any harbouring nefarious intent?

Diplo Roll to convince them I'm friendly: [roll0] [+2 because I forgot about synergy bonuses]
Bluff roll for the story: [roll1] [+2 because I forgot about synergy bonuses]
Also I realised that I hadn't rolled HP yet: [roll2]
Using Detect Evil spelllike, so no V or S components to give it away.

2016-04-09, 11:39 PM
Neither is evil. Though one continues to flee he is not far enough away yet to escape your detection. He is whooping and whistling and you see a number of their livestock gathering around him as he goes. This other one picks up her staff, but remains on her knees "Thank you for sparing us. A man in white did pass by here moving very quickly some days ago. I have seen few men so fleet of foot. I had no business with him, so I did not stop him as he seemed to be in quite a hurry."

2016-04-09, 11:53 PM
Neither is evil. Though one continues to flee he is not far enough away yet to escape your detection. He is whooping and whistling and you see a number of their livestock gathering around him as he goes. This other one picks up her staff, but remains on her knees "Thank you for sparing us. A man in white did pass by here moving very quickly some days ago. I have seen few men so fleet of foot. I had no business with him, so I did not stop him as he seemed to be in quite a hurry."

"Your help is appreciated, friend. Take this for your honesty." Lyra says, handing the woman a platinum piece. Then, she leaps up into the air again and makes haste for the town this road leads to, whilst keeping an eye on the road below.

Spot: [roll0]

2016-04-10, 12:40 AM
The woman takes the platinum piece hesitantly. As you depart you hear her say to herself "What on earth is this?"

You proceed across the countryside. The fiery orb in the sky sinks below the mountains and the blue sky slowly shifts to a dark purple as an inky twilight sets in. You've seen many trees, and here there the shuffle of critters, but nothing sufficient to be a man. As it grows darker, you see a small cottage up ahead. A crude thing made of felled trees. A torch, seemingly undaunted by the snow around it burns, making the structure impossible to miss. Icicles hang from the edge of a snow covered roof, apparently undaunted by the flames of the torch just below. A coil of ashy smoke rises from a cylindrical protrusion on this home, moving listlessly into the air like it only does so because it has nothing better to do.

The road just continues onward, it seems the settlement may be further away yet.

2016-04-11, 05:19 AM
The woman takes the platinum piece hesitantly. As you depart you hear her say to herself "What on earth is this?"

You proceed across the countryside. The fiery orb in the sky sinks below the mountains and the blue sky slowly shifts to a dark purple as an inky twilight sets in. You've seen many trees, and here there the shuffle of critters, but nothing sufficient to be a man. As it grows darker, you see a small cottage up ahead. A crude thing made of felled trees. A torch, seemingly undaunted by the snow around it burns, making the structure impossible to miss. Icicles hang from the edge of a snow covered roof, apparently undaunted by the flames of the torch just below. A coil of ashy smoke rises from a cylindrical protrusion on this home, moving listlessly into the air like it only does so because it has nothing better to do.

The road just continues onward, it seems the settlement may be further away yet.

Lyra flew onward, as the sun lowered in the sky. She had always been fascinated by the orbital nature of the material planes, though she had only passing knowledge of it. Like tiny imitations of the crystal spheres, ever rushing to and fro with unrestrained motion. She was almsot lost in her thoughts when she spotted the cottage. The road mya continue further onward, but she should at least investigate. She flies down, scanning the cottage for any evil inhabitants as she circled above it.

If she finds none, then she will continue on towards the settlement. If there are any, she will attempt to detect magic, and if she detects no magic (or only a faint aura) she will then land and break down the door by attacking it with her weapon from twenty feet back. She will also form a shield of force around herself and activate her defensive aura.

Full attack against the door:

Defensive aura acts as magic circle against evil with a +4 bonus instead of +2 and a lesser globe of invulnerability

2016-04-11, 10:07 PM
Lyra does not detect Evil within the confines of the small cottage. However, the two torches are apparent magic, they produce light without heat, and you can see icicles hanging from them where they appear to be on fire.

2016-04-12, 09:06 AM
Intrigued at the magic, Lyra stops to investigate. Perhaps the inhabitants of this dwelling would be more useful to her search than the herders she had spotted on the road.

She lands gracefully, reducing her lance to only a single foot of length. She then walks up to the door and knocks.

"Excuse the late hour, good sir, but I wish to speak to you - I am in pursuit of a dangerous man, and I think he may have been past here!"

2016-04-12, 11:36 PM
As you wait you hear a "Two guests in as many days? I'm getting tired of all this pesky bothering." from within.

After a moment a very elderly man with a wrinkly face opens the door only partially before spewing a "Whaddya want?" he rattles through a largely toothless mouth. Within you can see small lights dancing about providing illumination to the interior and the odor from within is rather pungent and off putting. You see the man's large eye look you up and down from behind the small crack in the door.

When you inquire about the man you're pursuing he tells you:
"Someone came by here. But I'm very old and my memory is foggy. Perhaps you have something that could jog it?"

He's obviously knows something. Whether that is useful information is unknown. He's hoping to get some kind of material gain in exchange for telling you the information.

2016-04-13, 09:07 AM
"Have you any diseases or ailments? I can cure most mortal ailments, and many curses besides. If you have none, I shall give you this, a platinum coin minted in the celestial planes, in return for any information you might have on the man. I'm sure it would prove to be of great value to someone on this plane." Lyra said, holding up the finely-minted coin for the man to see. She smiled at the man as she did so.

Diplo check for the first approach:
Bluff check for the coin:

2016-04-13, 10:35 PM
A wrinkled hand comes from within the door frame, snatching the coin. "I will take that. Unless you can restore youth itself. A man did pass by yesterday. He gave me some interesting materials in exchange for a horse. I don't plan to visit the city again until Spring, so I took his offer. Do you also seek a steed? I could provide you one in exchange for more material." the old man inquires, his wrinkled lips curling into a slight smile.

There are no facilities around here with which to house a horse, or any other animal large enough to serve as a mount.

2016-04-15, 09:29 PM
Lyra extends her wings to their fullest span, and leaps into the air in front of the man, with that as her answer. She pivots in the air, her powerful wings beating with deceptive lethargy, and turns towards the city. It was clear now, that she should brook no distractions - she knew where this man was headed, and thus she she should head there.

2016-04-16, 06:43 PM
Pressing on the down the road, you notice over the course of the several hours clouds have darkened the sky, and small flakes of snow and ice begin to make a long and slow journey from the sky to the ground, landing randomly where they may, covering everything, indiscriminately. Pressing onward in single-minded pursuit of Vladimir, you spot a man in white in the distance, moving quickly along the road by foot.

Further ahead you see a watch tower, and the road appears to be widening, likely the edge of the human settlement here. Beams of light from this world's sun pierce the cover of the clouds here and there, and you notice some gleams of light in the air. It may just be the ice reflecting the light.

One gleam is some kind of mounted bronze tube with a glass lens. A human woman wearing the pelts of other creatures stands behind it, the object rests at about eye level.
There is also what appears to be a drum within the watch tower.

2016-04-17, 11:29 AM
Lyra moves with great speed, her wings beating like a dozen war-drums as she sprints for the main in white. Her protective aura active, her armour of sunlight still strong, she races for her quarry.

"Halt!" She shouts, her voice thunderous as she descends in front of the man.

2016-04-17, 10:13 PM
Glancing over his shoulder, the man sees you rapidly approaching, even though it seems clear you will reach him before he reaches the settlement, he sprints toward the settlement.

The human woman in the watchtower has left the bronze device and moved to the drum, grabbing a stick large enough to be a weapon and begins to hoist it over her head.

2016-04-19, 09:33 AM
Lyra redoubles her efforts, but also calls upon her magic to create a field of grease starting just in front of where Vladamir will be when she finishes the spell.

Casting Grease, DC19

2016-04-19, 11:21 PM
[roll0] let's see how he does...

Vladimir continues his desperate sprint as you conjure a patch a grease on top of the snow. While his footwear seems well crafted for this snow, it is not ready for the grease, he slides forward slightly as he goes face first into the now grimy snow.

As you swoop in towards your query, as he attempts to crawl past the affected area, you hear a deep, clear, resounding noise. Dum-dum, dum-dum... Somehow, the noise seems highly menacing.

As you get close to the human, he rolls onto his back, still trying to scurry through the snow ineffectively towards the settlement, his arms and legs throwing snow up and about as he flails.

2016-04-21, 10:38 AM
Lyra swoops down, eager to leave the place of such a noise, flies down to Valdamir. There, with but a thought she calls upon her innate powers, and encloses them in a sphere of invisibility. Her armour's light is still visible, as a free floating, sourceless light, but it will give them some protection from any ranged attacks. She attempts to pick him up over one shoulder, and fly up and away.

"Do not resist, thief, or I shall drop you." She says, if she manages to carry him up.

Using Invisibility Sphere SLA (1/3)

Grapple Roll 1 [To begin the grapple](Sorry):

Grapple Roll 2 [To move]:

2016-04-21, 10:27 PM
Vladimir takes the opportunity as you attempt to grab him to kick at you. His foot lacks the strength to pass through your gleaming armor of light.

[roll0] Hey, he could still roll a 20 and disrupt the grapple.

Grapple [roll1]
Grapple 2 [roll2]

As you grab him and begin to take off he desperately cries out "If you stop my mission, thousands of people could die! I implore you to let me go! Please, there's no time for this!" as he flails and struggles fruitlessly against your grasp.

The sound of the war drum resonates out from the watch tower just further ahead. Dum-dum, dum-dum.

2016-04-22, 03:04 AM
"Then explain yourself with haste." Lyra said, looking out at the tower and it's war drums.

Sense Motive: [roll0]
Spot to see what's going on over there [roll1]

2016-04-22, 12:49 PM
Vladimir spits out "The red dragon demands tribute! It'll burn everything if not appeased! There's only a few days left!" desperate to convince you.

Vladimir doesn't appear to be willfully hiding anything. Just by being in proximity you can feel the radiating power of the crystallized Good stashed in the man's pack washing over you. Whatever the artifact he carries, its power is real.

You look toward the watch tower, seeing as you ascend large fields of crops just beyond. A small contingent of six men-at-arms are coming forth from the stone base of the tower. Their white furs on white armor blend well with the snow, and they are beginning to approach, all of them currently carry loaded crossbows in their hands, but each pair seems to have a different secondary weapon, two have long spears, two have swords and shields, and two have large flails. It's possible you may soon have a fight on your hands. Fortunately, they do not seem to be mounted.

2016-04-23, 09:01 AM
"Then I shall slay this dragon for you, and absolve you of your cowardice." Lyra said, as she flew back down to the ground and dropped the invisibility. She hefted up the man's pack, and dumped him on the ground. Her wings flared out to their fullest extent, and she faced the oncoming soldiers.

"I mean you no harm. But I can not allow such a theft. I wish to speak to your leader, so that such a thing will be unnecessary." Lyra said, her words somehow in their native language.

2016-04-23, 03:25 PM
Vladimir audibly gulps. His concern over your holding his pack clear to read on his face. "Neither the bravest knight nor the armies of the realm can stand up to the red dragon, please, you'll doom us all!" he begs, beginning to audibly sob "My family... Anna, I've failed you..."

[roll0] spot
[roll1] listen

The man before you is a grovelling mess, clearly lacking any pride.

2016-04-26, 10:25 AM
"Your armies may be no match for the drake, but there is more to conflict than steel and brawn. I WILL defeat the dragon, and your family shall be safe."
Lyra said, looking the man straight in the eye.

Diplo Roll

2016-04-27, 12:54 AM
Suddenly, there's several twangs from the strings of bows from the surroundings.

It seems the men-at-arms have stealthily moved into position near the road with impressive speed.

Six bolts come sailing awkwardly at you.

These attacks are touch attacks, and you are flat-footed. (do not include armor bonus, natural armor bonus, or dex bonus to AC - these opponents are also not Evil, so effective AC of 10)

1. [roll0]
2. [roll1]
3. [roll2]
4. [roll3]
5. [roll4]
6. [roll5]

These attacks do no damage.
Instead, roll a Reflex save DC 15 for each one that hits you.

If any of the attacks hit, you are Entangled. For each one that hits, roll a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued by a sticky substance to the ground, preventing flight.

They're attacking with Tanglefoot Bags (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Tanglefoot_Bag) on crossbow bolts.

The bolts, instead of being sharpened or tipped with metal are tipped with bags of alchemical goop. When they strike, they explode into a surprising amount of this sticky substance which quickly begins to harden.

Many possible reasons for this tactic pass through your mind. Perhaps they wish to capture you. Maybe they are afraid of damaging the artifact. It could be born of concern for accidentally wounding Vladimir.

Having witnessed the directions of the arrows, you easily spot the surprisingly agile warriors. It seems they used the mounds of snow amassed on either side of the road to hide themselves and fired from a low crouch. Three on each side of the road. One of each secondary weapon type.

You may roll for initiative if you wish. Or you could try to talk your way out of this sticky situation.

Enemy group initiative

2016-04-27, 02:46 AM
"Please, you are not evil men; nor brigands or bandits. I have no wish to harm you, but if you continue this then both my honour and my duty will compel me to do so. I only want to talk, to offer you my aid!" Lyra shouts. These were not her enemies her e- the dragon was. If only she could make them see, if only she could avoid this battle. She hoped desperately not to have to kill these people, whose only crime was done out of fear for their, and their familes', lives.

She would give them one more chance after this - if they did not stop, or talk to her, she would thrust her lance up into the air and cast fireball; shouting "You know that this is pointless! Lay down your weapons!".

As an aside, the Astral Deva class gains uncanny dodge at level two; but I do realise that I screwed up in only listing improved uncanny dodge. It also doesn't matter because the +2 AC made no difference. Also, no concentration roll for the fireball, because Lyra can't actually fail it.

Doing REF rolls first:


And Diplo roll:

2016-04-27, 11:18 PM
As you give your speech, you gauge their reactions; they seem like they may be receptive when you offer them aid. However, when you fire the fireball into the air, in a display of force and call for them to lay down their weapons you see the resolve settle in on their faces. They intend to see this through to the bitter end.

They come charging in from both directions, each having discarded their crossbows in the snow and aiming to take advantage of your entangled state before you can escape into the air, they exchange their weapons as they move, the warriors with shields coming in first with practiced coordination, followed by the flail wielders, with the spear wielders taking up positions behind the front-liners, the spear men take a more cautious approach, not rushing headlong but taking tactical positions and watching you closely.

It seems apparent they are aiming for your arms, legs, and wings, rather than risking striking your vitals. It seems they don't intend to kill you.

Diplo result: rushed diplomacy -10 for a result of 31, changes them from hostile to indifferent. They're still going to follow their protocol and attempt to take you down for accosting someone they recognize as one of their own.

The sword and flail users come a'swingin'.

Their attacks are pretty weak, your magic shields you readily.

The four moving in use the charge action. Even flanking, they lack the attack bonus to land a hit on you without scoring a natural 20.

Sword 1 [roll0]
Sword 2 [roll1]
Flail 1 [roll2]
Flail 2 [roll3]
Spear 1 and 2 ready actions

If they hit on a nat 20 they deal...
Sword 1 [roll4]
Sword 2 [roll5]
Flail 1 [roll6]
Flail 2 [roll7]
Non-lethal damage.

They can't confirm critical hits against you.

Vladimir scrambles, crawling a few feet away from the engagement through the snow.

2016-04-28, 09:29 AM
"This is pointless." Lyra mutters to herself in Celestial as the men attack her, but if they wish so badly to do battle then she will join them. Her lance of energy extends, and she jabs out at one of the spearmen. Her strikes are quick and precise, targeted not to kill but rather to disable.

Full attack against one of the spearmen, striking nonlethally (-4 to hit).
Attack one: [roll0]
Attack two: [roll1]

Damage rolls
Attack one: [roll2]
Attack two: [roll3]

2016-04-28, 11:59 PM
You're about to strike the spearman, but you briefly reconsider.

Thunderlance and other weapon-like spells can't be used to deal nonlethal damage. Some of those spells can be used to deal nonlethal damage with the nonlethal substitution metamagic feat, but that can only be applied to spells with the Fire, Cold, Acid, and Electricity descriptors (poor Sonic got removed by the feat being reprinted in Complete Arcane).

If you strike him with your lance, it may well kill him.

Given this information, you may choose different actions for your turn. Or if you can find some rules text counter to my conclusion, we can discuss it further.

2016-05-05, 08:00 AM
Lyra almost strikes the spearman, but reconsiders. She may very well kill the man, and she was still trying to reach out to them. Instead, she calls upon her divine power and surrounds herself in a sphere of invisibility, then launches herself into the air. She is still emitting light, but the sphere should provide some protection still.

Urghh - sorry for taking so long to reply!

2016-05-06, 12:36 AM
As you cast your invisibility sphere the two spearmen take the opportunity to strike out with their readied actions.

They stab with their spears, not at you, but at the bag holding the Crystalline Good. Their efforts to attack this object takes their attention away from you, giving you an opening to strike either, but not both. (AoO opportunity)

You can tell that this group is very well coordinated and has worked together for some time.

Please do not look within until after you have decided if you will and against who you will perform your AoO. Spearman 1 or 2.

As outlined in the Sunder rules (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Sunder) the bag has an AC of 13 (10+1small+2your dex mod), a much easier target than yourself.
Since this is an attended object, they still suffer the penalty for the luminous armor, and must hit a 17 to strike the bag.

1. [roll0]
2. [roll1]

Damage (5 is needed to sufficiently damage the bag).
1. [roll2]
2. [roll3]