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2016-04-05, 12:53 AM
The Storm Cometh...

Dark skies have descended upon the lands of Shoen. The black-gray clouds are almost claustrophobic. They oppressively loom over the family. A minor noble, kin to House Shoen, has been kidnapped this day. Attacked by bandits while traveling to Bylea from Lannisport. Instead of taking to the seas - as is tradition for the family - he took to land. Riding his horse hard and fast. Why did fair Seban Seral do this? It was not in his nature to be a thrill seeker or an adventurer. He was always quiet and shy, preferring the lure of the sea, to that of the trade roads. Two of his three armed guards were also killed. Their corpses found by local peasants who were picking berries in the countryside, nearly three hundred paces from the road.

The irony of finding these men in a patch of strawberries was not lost on any assembled in the great room of Shoen Hall. The entire room was festuned with gilded berries, the symbol of the family. In fact, the coat of arms for the House even bore a clutch of freshly picked, ripe strawberries. Indeed, a bowl of the fruit was sitting on the table where the leaders of the family sat and deliberated what to do next. Who had kidnapped Seban Seral, and why? He was not in line of succession and was easily three generations removed from the main branch of the family. The Serals were beloved merchants who lived in Bylea, sure, but they were not immaculately wealth or important. Indeed, no one would really take much note of the family if they were not granted a position or two of prestige within the Hall. Of that, Seban was merely the House Gardener, an honor that had little to do with gardening and far more to do with ensuring the proper fruit was picked at the proper time so as to give the core family a stockpile of sweets to consume after dinner. The position saw Seban travel around the Westerlands and into the Reach when supply ran dry within their native lands. He had been on many such journeys, what was different about this one?

Who would bother with such a minor noble - if he could even be called as such? He was not wealthy enough to justify the risk of kidnapping him for ransom, nor powerful or influential enough to garner a high price.

No, it must be a political maneuver, of some kind. If it was, then who was attacking the House? That truly was the question.

The youthful Septon of the Shoens stood up from the charcoal-colored table that laid at the center of the Great Hall and paced back and forth along its edge. The room was large for a moderately-sized hall such as this but its cozy nature only serves to make the sheer opulence that fills the room to shine that much more brightly. Political jockeying was never his forte, at least when it came to the secular sphere. All had heard of his ruthlessness when it came to matters of faith and his bold adherence - at least publicly - to orthodoxy. "If your ladyship will allow, I ask that we look at other reasons for the boy's absence and his guards' deaths. Perhaps they were waylaid by bandits and are, right here and now , taking refuge in a small thorp or some kind? Drinking some ale and keeping their heads down?"

Kavvin Skinner, the Master of the Hunt, scoffs at such a notion. His demeanor is dark and grim, clearly his own history with seeing his family brought low by sudden, unpredictable events, is coloring his mood. "I disagree with the Septon, my lady. He is a man of faith, he tries to see the best in the world. I know all too well how dark and vile the world can be. I do not wish to think our beloved gardener has been kidnapped - much less murdered - but the possibility remains... We need to be vigilant and ready for anything. Since the death of Lord Montgomery, the rival Houses have sought to harass us, to harangue us, to humiliate us. We are weak in their eyes because we do not have a man at the head of the household."

He pauses for dramatic effect as all eyes shift to the Master of the Hunt, "They know not of your cunning, your grace and your fortitude, my lady. They will expect you to be deliberative. I say we make a show of arms. Make them know that House Shoen does not take an affront such as this quietly."

The Septon goes to speak but quiets himself, preferring to allow others to voice their opinions.

2016-04-05, 01:50 AM
"A show of arms? You would threaten the same houses that would gladly go to war with us if they had a just reason. Seban will be missed, and it pains me to say it but he was expendable. We should show that we are unfazed by the actions of the filth we call neighbors. Send a few investigators out, maybe they will find some evidence of Blackmounts involvement, but until then we do nothing".

Sgt. Suitable
2016-04-05, 02:10 AM
"I believe the mr. Skinner is right. You are being woefully underestimated by your enemies. However a show of arms might indeed just be what they're looking for. To draw you out and seek a reaction."
He looks at the master of the hunt and makes sure there's no hard feelings before he continues addressing lady Kaliya.
"It's a definite sign that your easily provoked. If you're being tested here I too suggest we find out who is behind this first."

Otto stands up and paces around a bit while he continues.

"Young Seben always liked sailing. I've had him around a couple of times on the wharf and he was always very enthusiastic about his seafaring voyages. Almost surely something happened to dissuade him from taking the ship home, but that must mean he had booked passage before changing his mind. Perhaps the captain knows something.. I can see if I can listen in to what the waves are whispering."

He gives a curt nod of the head to indicate he's said his piece.

2016-04-05, 05:21 AM
Quinn speaks while continuing to sit. "What strikes me as the most odd is that he would take travel by horse over ship, as Sir Ormonnis has rightly pointed out. I believe that our primary focus should be to discern what it was that he had to do. And by extension, perhaps we can deduce the perpetrators and the fate of poor Seban from that information."
Then he stands and walks to Kaliya. "My liege, it must have been a matter of great urgency. Travel by horse would have been much faster than taking a ship, but there are much greater risks involved in travelling almost alone through these lands. He had some very important reason to be in Bylea as quickly as he could, otherwise he would have taken the more leisurely, and safe, route. And, more importantly, if he were taking a horse for speed then he would have been riding at a great speed. No mere bandits standing at the side of the road, waiting for a laden wagon, would have been able to stop him. I believe that the attackers were fully aware of who they were hunting and would have taken measures to force him to stop and to eliminate his guards quickly. In short, this was most definitely a planned attack that relied upon him travelling by land which just proves that this was a matter of urgency."

2016-04-05, 02:03 PM
Kaylia sat at the head of the hall, one hand at her forhead as she listened to the proceedings. Truth be told, it was hard for her to devote the entirety of her attention to the matter at hand, though not for lack of interest. Stormy weather often brought her a most disagreeable arch along her temples, and this day was no exception. She'd intended to speak with Maester Quinn, who she suspected would be able to recommend a remedy. Sadly, that would have to be delayed a time while things were discussed. "A show of arms is a fine idea...prey tell, to whom are we showing them to?" the lady asked, directing her attention to Skinner. "If you've some secret knowledge as to the identities of these perpitrators, or at the very least their wearabouts, than I see no reason to delay. Because without that, we'll just be sending a crowd of men to wander about the countryside for the next fortnight and be no closer to an answer than we are sitting here!" Kaylia stopped herself, realizing that the gnawing ache inside her own skull had soured her mood, and she was venting her irritation at Kavvin when he'd really done nothing to merit it. Calming herself, Kaylia redirected her words and taking a more gentle tone. "My Apologies, Kavvin...that was uncalled for. You are right, of course. It is important to show strength, especially since my father's passing. But there is no strength in striking blindly out of ignorance. Until the responsible party can be found, our efforts should remain focused on acquiring information."

Space Lawyer
2016-04-05, 02:55 PM

"M'lady, fergive me, but there's good value in gettin' out there and knockin' heads. Tongues slip more easily when there are fewer teeth to block the way. Once we get a hint of who might be the killers, we'll need to hit 'em hard. They'll be expecting you ta act all dainty and, whats-it, reticent, but not for you take a strong hand."

2016-04-06, 01:58 AM
Skinner clearly recoils from Kaylia's wrath. He was not expecting to be publicly shamed this day. He retreats into his chair, sinking as far into the oblivion as the cushioned chair will allow. The Septon, meanwhile, takes his seat and looks towards the Lady of the House, "How shall we find those who have perpetrated this crime - if one has been committed at all? Perhaps we should send a message to Lady Kailsey Perle? She is far from us but rumors seem to always find their way up the mountain to Pearl Peak. Perhaps others could be sent out to investigate the site where the men were murdered, and talk with the peasants who found the corpses?

House Perle is a smaller house, like your own. They reside up in the mountains, far above the Santers, the Blackmounts and the Geldens. Their liege is Justan Perle but he is old, senile and sickly. His wife, thirty years his junior, rules in his stead. She personally oversees the education of their only son, Clarton. The Perles, like the Shoans, are no friend of the Blackmounts. Their position deep inland, far from the sea and high up the mountains isolates them from the goings on of the realm. They are faithful and loyal, almost to a fault. Much as the Shoan's history of treachery has garnered them both fortune and hardship, the Perle's unwavering loyalty has brought them to the highest highs and the lowest lows. They reside in a castle called Pearl Peak, which lays in the shadow of a snow-covered mountain. An earthquake centuries ago saw half of the fortress slide down the cliff side. The family has neither the wealth nor influence (with wealthy families) to see the castle returned to its former glory. Instead, it is left as a mere shell of its former self.

Currently, tensions between the Blackmounts and the Perles are bordering on hostile as Khort Blackmount drunkenly propositioned Lady Kailsey Perle at a wedding of a cousin who was related to both Houses.

2016-04-06, 10:58 AM
"I doubt she would have any knowledge of it but it is worth checking. Do we know which bandit gangs frequent the area where the attack happened?".

Sgt. Suitable
2016-04-07, 01:14 PM
Otto folds his hands behind his back, stands back and holds his silence. Lady Kalyias outburst towards the master of hunt surprised him and he wasn't particularly interested in getting in her crosshairs. Perhaps the missing boy meant more to her than she let on? If that were the case it would mean her enemies both knew something private about her and weren't shy about hitting where it hurt. If they were lovers, that is.
Otto stands there, pondering things.

2016-04-08, 02:15 AM
A peel of thunder can be heard emanating from out at sea. As the conversation continues, it begins to rain outside. Slowly at first but quickly gaining in intencity. Each drop of water smacks against the roof of the hall with a thud. Off in the distance, the group can hear yelling outside.

2016-04-08, 06:44 AM

"M'lady, fergive me, but there's good value in gettin' out there and knockin' heads. Tongues slip more easily when there are fewer teeth to block the way. Once we get a hint of who might be the killers, we'll need to hit 'em hard. They'll be expecting you ta act all dainty and, whats-it, reticent, but not for you take a strong hand."

"Again you suggest this? I would consider it, but this idea is still far to vague for me to give my approval. How many men would be required? Where do you intend to begin, as you say, knock heads? And who's are you intending to interogate? Provide me with more than just a request to enact violence, and I would consider it."

2016-04-08, 12:55 PM
Quinn swivels to face the door. "What on earth is that yelling?" he mutters to himself.

Space Lawyer
2016-04-08, 06:52 PM

"I'm not paid fer thinkin. . ." Garrick says under his breath as he walks towards the door, fetching his shield and weapon from where they rested against the wall. "'Scuse me, m'lady, but it seems matters need attending to."

He opens the door and looks for the nearest guard. "Oi, you! What sort o' commotion we got ourselves ou' here?"

2016-04-08, 07:02 PM
The two guards standing outside the door look at Garrick and bow their heads, "I do not know milord."

Suddenly, two more guards burst through a side passage and rush up to the Master-at-Arms. They are panting and breathing heavily. Obviously they ran straight here. The guard with sandy blonde hair and emerald eyes manages to say, "Milord, a merchant was killed. His throat was slit and..." He looks to his companion who does not meet his ally's gaze. The first guard hesitantly continues, "Someone slit the throat of the merchant then... Gauged out his eyes and... Replaced them with..." The man holds out his hands, revealing two blood-covered strawberries. "They lashed him to the horse and sent the beast running here."

Sgt. Suitable
2016-04-10, 10:56 AM
Otto has a quiet word with a runner when he hears the news. He sends word to his men at the docks to be at full alert at all times.
He joins the others again and awaits his Ladyships reaction.

2016-04-10, 11:20 AM
"Bloody Blackmounts! Filthy cutthroats!" Taria slams her fists on the table. "Bandits would never be so bold, it must be the Blackmounts!"

2016-04-11, 06:08 PM
The Septon springs to his feet and rushes over to the guard holding the bloody strawberries, "THIS IS A..." He looks away. "Disgusting." He bows to the Lady of the house and nods to the others, "I will see to the body."

"I agree with Lady Shoen. The Blackmounts are to blame. Only they would be so vile as to do something so... Evil. We should marshal the soldiers and march to Mount Black!" Skinner is practically fuming with rage, barely containing the volume of his voice.

Space Lawyer
2016-04-17, 09:03 PM

"Aye, m'lady. If ya give permission, I'll start roundin' up the men while you ride hard to Casterly Rock and claim our right under law to have blood. They'll not be able to call us any foul names if we've got right with the Lannisters."