View Full Version : They Came to Serpents' Hill (Long Conversation Thread)

Happy Mandarin
2016-04-05, 03:36 PM
OOC: (Thread for continuing to play out long conversations when the rest of the party wants to go and roll swords and people).

Happy Mandarin
2016-04-29, 02:00 PM
Aria: The the half-orc volunteers that he saw the elf helping the Saanmans (Saanmen?) rig a makeshift cover over the burned hole in the inn's roof. Indeed, you recall seeing the inelegant flysheet when you had first headed over with the rest of the party.

In any case you excuse yourself from the main group, now gathered by the pyre, and head towards the inn. Fortuitously, you spot the elf step out of the inn, just as you approach the square. She is wearing the same guise as the previous day, with a longsword sheathed across her lower back and carries a small and well polished wooden case in her left hand.

2016-04-29, 02:45 PM
Aria smiles at the sight of the armed elf, and quickens her pace as she approaches. "Miss Lynn," she begins, before coming to a stop. "Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it this afternoon, as I'll be joining the others and tracking down the camp of the orcs who attacked the village."

Happy Mandarin
2016-04-29, 04:02 PM
Aria:"Lady Aria." The elf turns to face you and bows slightly. "In that case, allow me to wish you the most fortuitous outcome in your endeavour."

She pauses, looking you in the eye expressionlessly, then throws a quick glance skyward.

"It appears that whatever deities behold us are fond of irony; even as they have taken the time which you thought free, they have freed my time which I thought taken. That is to say that while it is not truly enough for a thorough debate, I have half an hour as of now."

2016-04-30, 03:54 AM
"Seems like my luck isn't as bad as I thought," Aria says with a smile. "I was wondering - do you have another profession, other than your defense of the village?"

Happy Mandarin
2016-04-30, 10:46 AM
Aria: The elf pointedly adjusts the small, round glasses which sit in front of her somewhat faded eyes with her free hand. You notice now that her face is straight and graceful, if somewhat dulled by a tired pallor.

"Profession? Defence of the village?" You can sense the smallest trace of amusement in her voice. "I suppose you are correct in noting that that is indeed one of my functions... No, if you are asking about my profession, then it is more accurate to say that I am a student of ancient history who has availed of an invitation of mutual interest." She looks at you closely, "Likewise, if I may not appear to be a historian at first glance, you too do not have the demeanour of the average wondering mercenary. Nor am I familiar with any..." You note that her pause is long, as if she is choosing her words carefully. "Knightly houses that share your combat style and bearing."

2016-04-30, 01:58 PM
Aria's eyebrows rise as the elf mentions being a student of ancient history. She smiles at the pause. "I'm far from a knight. I grew up in the gutters, and through luck found myself in the sun's light," she explains. "Now I follow the celestial path."

Happy Mandarin
2016-04-30, 03:37 PM
Aria: It looks like the elf wants to interject when you raise your eyebrows, but thinks better of it.

"From the gutters? So it is as they say... 'If heading skywards, seek not the road, but march on through thorn and frost.' It is as if the links of your chain symbolise the thorns through which lies the upwards road. It certainly explains why I could not place you into categories which clearly do not apply." The elf ponders. If she is surprised, she does not show it. "But I suspect that that is not what you wanted to ask, when you said that you had something that you wanted to discuss..."

2016-05-01, 01:55 AM
"You may be surprised," Aria replies. "I suppose I could ask about what you know of the nearby orcs, but I was more interested in a personal conversation. You're an interesting woman, Miss Lynn, and I'd like to get to know you more," she continues. "After all, most students of history I've heard of don't have skill with blade or bow, and they don't rush to the defense of a village they are interested in the history of."

Happy Mandarin
2016-05-01, 06:07 AM
Aria: "That is, indeed, a pleasant surprise, especially given that I do not have Sir Eins' level of familiarity with the local tribes." The elf remarks under her breath.

"However, is it really so strange to take up arms to defend a site of heritage, lest that which we seek to uncover, preserve and restore is put to the torch by ignorants who do not care for its significance? Moreover, given that I do not relish the prospects of being captivated by orcs and even if I wished to flee, the means of escape are lacking, in this case it becomes clear that the choice; to fight or not to fight, was an illusion." The elf answers. "As for my skills- in light of a series of incidents, the Imperial academy has taken the prudent stance that, rather than relying entirely on armed escort, all students should be familiar with the defensive arts. That said, if I was to head further afield, I would of course be more comfortable with an armed escort.

2016-05-01, 06:16 AM
"Then I may have the wrong impression of students of history, if they're all as willing to do battle as you are," Aria says with a smile. "Though I do wonder - what history is there here? I saw a vision that seems like it may have been the past of this place, as the fountain was whole, rather than in its current state, but I don't know what it could be that has drawn so much of the sun's light."

Happy Mandarin
2016-05-01, 09:05 AM
Aria: "No, your impressions are by no means incorrect, Lady Aria" The elf shakes her head slightly. "It is simply that the scholar trapped in her ivory tower is a much more common, and completely different breed to the scholar you may find in the catacombs or in the field."

There is a vague change in the elf's demeanour as Aria asks her question, she stops and looks at the sky and then around you, as if surveying a perimeter that only she could see. She turns back, as if searching for something in your eyes. "You say the fountain was whole? But what of the walls and pillars?"

2016-05-06, 02:48 PM
"A scholar trapped in her ivory tower sounds almost like a damsel in distress," Aria says, raising an eyebrow. "Maybe I should pay one a visit, some time," she continues with a brief smile, before the elf asks her own question.

"Pillars? No, nothing like that. Red-green flags on the buildings, fields and woods behind them, but no pillars."

Happy Mandarin
2016-05-06, 04:08 PM
Aria: The elf nods slowly. "This village was once part of quite an extensive fortification. If I am in any way correct, this shrine and fountain was surrounded by four pillars." She looks pointedly at the shrine. "Subsequently, at approximately around the era of the Oath Wars, that was all levelled, with only the keep, fountain and shrine surviving in the form we see them to this day. It is highly improbable that the fountain survived unscathed during this event..."

She looks back to you. "If what you saw was indeed a vision, then perhaps it is not a vision of what was, but rather, one of what could, would, or will become. In fact, when Michaelis returns, perhaps we can expand our circle of mutual interests- perhaps we may even be able to, as they say, kill all the birds with one stone."

The elf looks at you appraising and then seems to remember something and briefly her gaze flicks to the sky. "It appears that I am becoming too accustomed to human chronology, Lady Aria, for the time I thought plentiful has run short. I... In any case, once you have returned, I would very much like to trouble you with a long and tiresome request."

She bows slightly and heads off. Having made less then ten paces, she half turns to face you and adds: "...And if I ever have the misfortune to find myself trapped in an ivory tower, you have my express permission to steal me away to greener pastures."

And with that she leaves, heading for the palisade.

And hence concludes Miss Lynn's crossbow-free interlude. Hopefully Aria got something out of it- I assume that there is enough for her to think about to explain Aria's very quiet behaviour in the main thread.

2016-05-07, 04:25 AM
Aria gives the elf a wide smile. "Happy to help, Miss Lynn," she says, returning the bow. The scholar's last comment makes her grin, and she nods once more before heading off to where the others have left.

Happy Mandarin
2016-06-12, 06:41 AM
In Miss Lynn's Quarters

Aria: The elf keeps studying your face as you answer. "Some would say that the pain is a small price to pay for the opportunity to go amongst those whom others would call monsters, as one of their own, and then make the decision as to which world to belong to."

She pours two cups and offers you one. "It may appear to be a meagre and bitter choice, but it is more than is given to almost all others."

2016-06-12, 02:10 PM
"As interesting of a situation that is, I'm not sure it's something most people will appreciate," Aria says. "It sounded like you've offered Viertel some of your wisdom in the past - is this something you've spoken with him about, as well?"

Happy Mandarin
2016-06-12, 04:13 PM
OOC: Actual spoilers ahead, those not of this conversation, beware!

Aria: The elf takes a sip.

"Viertel is a clever child." Is that a note of pride in the elf's voice? "Given the time available to him, it is in no way strange that the thought crossed his mind."

She clears her throat. "Of course, I intend to do my utmost to put an end to the Rotthaus curse regardless- given how much of himself that fool of a priest invested in it, and how much Eins wants it lifted, makes it a pity to put that sacrifice to waste. However, as you have told me that you wanted to discuss the nature of that request that I may have for you, and I suspect that I may be boring you with completely unrelated musing, allow me to get straight to the point."

"Forgive me if it seemed like a deception." She stands lightly and heads over to the shelf, retrieving a scroll, which she lays on the table. For a few seconds she stares into space, then she turns to look you in the eye. "Once this curse is lifted, the last piece of the jigsaw that time has scattered over this land will have been found, and I shall leave Serpent's Hill to place that piece into the puzzle. Would you come with me, so that if by foul circumstance I cannot place that piece, you might, in my stead?"

2016-06-12, 05:18 PM
Aria blinks. This was unexpected. Miss Lynn asking her to carry the torch if she was killed?

"I should be able to. But before I give my word - what is this all about?" She asks, taking a sip from her cup. "I'm afraid I know little of history and magic, or jigsaws."

Happy Mandarin
2016-06-13, 01:12 PM

"The elf takes up her cup again. "I have already stated that in all likelihood, the broken jewel lies in the Stone Maze, and that if it can be repaired, then the curse can be lifted. What I have not spoken of is the status of the other three jewels and the method by which the jewel of Serpents' Hill can be made whole."

"The other three jewels are also considered lost since prior to the war. Through not inconsiderable research, I have managed to uncover a collection of texts that suggests solutions to both mysteries, shedding light on the nature of these jewels." The elf launches into something of a lecture on chroniclers of the last years of the Torian kingdom and the piecing together of the world-view that they painted, citing obscure passages from religious texts of even more obscure deities. Then she catches herself. "The common origin and common logic of the texts is undeniable. In short- if my deduction about the location of the jewels is correct, the deduction on the method of repair is most likely so too. If my deduction on the method of repair is incorrect, then they are merely ritualistic trinkets of royalty with no inherent value to this land, and the locations are thus not worth pursuing."

"If my hypothesis is incorrect, then it is incorrect, and we will have risked for nothing. If on the other hand, it is correct, then once the jewel is made whole and the curse is lifted, the remaining jewels can be found and returned to their rightful owner- the crown of Rurunia... And while I keep provisioning my statements with "if", I am fairly confident in my deductive reasoning."

What Aria Senses: The elf's voice is confident- there is no trace of doubt when she cites those texts and scholars. There is no doubt when she states her theories, and no doubt that those "ifs" are unwarranted.

The elf tilts her head slightly, furrowing her brow. "I have the impression that I have forgotten something ever so obvious..."

She looks at you as if hoping the answer is written on your face.

2016-06-13, 03:42 PM
Aria takes a few more drinks from her cup as Miss Lynn describes her theories, doing her best to follow her even as the conversation passes more and more out of her area of expertise. "What happens once this is done?" She offers, as the elf looks to her for answers, curious as to the yet-unspoken conclusion of her plans even as wonders if she could convince her to continue her explanations while leaning on the paladin rather than pillows. Even if she wouldn't be staying the night, it would be nice to hold her for a while - and she had been asking her to carry on her task if she dies, so Miss Lynn did trust her, at least.

Happy Mandarin
2016-06-13, 04:50 PM
Aria: The elf closes her eyes at the question, staying silent for some time. When she opens them again, they are almost smiling. "Now, Lady Aria, were I a seer, gifted with second sight, were I a sage, possessing that perfect knowledge we spoke of, were I a prophet, privy to the gods designs, then perhaps I could foresee, deduce, and read upon the wind, the answer to that question. Still allow me to hazard a guess."

She closes her eyes again for a moment. Then she opens her eyes and finishing her cup refills it.

"Firstly, Rotthaus shall know a release from that which was bestowed upon them against their will. Secondly, as the Jewels are sacred to the elder beings that lurk in these wilds- the ones that rule over lesser monsters, once they are in the hands of the true crown, the legitimacy of the kingdom will be confirmed, and the balance between civilisation and savagery restored. Thirdly Michaelis will rest in peace, safe in the knowledge that his greatest undertaking is complete. I will head to Saye, to graduate from my studies, before returning to my home in the Azure Hill to contemplate my next move." She punctuates her thoughts with a moment of silence. "Perhaps I shall write a story on the subject... As for yourself, I can only guess so much, but I do know that the pixies say that a sage's cat wonders those woods. If perchance some of that sage's wisdom has rubbed off on her, she can hazard a guess at where your road lies."

The hints of sunshine fade from the elf's eyes. She glances at the scroll. "That is, assuming that we have the good fortune and good sense to avoid a fool's destiny."

2016-06-14, 01:40 AM
Aria nods. Restoring balance, preserving peace in the kingdom, going on a quest to restore ancient gems of great power...it was certainly going to be interesting, at least. Especially if the elf was with her the entire time.

"I don't know if we'll need good fortune," Aria replies after a moment. "If we walk in the sun's light and keep our spirits high, our strength will see us through," she says, offering Miss Lynn a smile. "That reminds me. You say you'll complete your studies - I take it you interrupted them to begin this quest?"

Happy Mandarin
2016-06-14, 03:59 PM
Aria: "No." The elf answers, a sly note in her voice, "The way the academy's studies are structured, I am considered to be in the process of completing the final project, which may take as long as eighteen years, though there are rumours of a young elf, who through various administrative loopholes and extraordinary time management and will power, managed to spend ninety nine years and three hundred and fifty five days before completing. It is speculated that he was doing everything in his power to avoid a particularly undesirable pairing arranged by his parents."

"For that student, if you believe the story, persistence offset what he considered bad luck- and I do believe that you are right to believe that in our case too, perseverance and method will be the key to success. Nevertheless, I am no believer in certain victory." She puts down the cup and takes the rolled up scroll. "Which is why I wish to entrust you with instructions, which, I would like to believe, will never have to be put to use."

"In the scroll is a map detailing the hypothetical locations of the remaining jewels. I also have an... Instruction: If, like Michaelis, I am perchance unable to walk in the sun's light all the way back to the village, it would be best to entrust the shards of the jewel to Miss Sinead. If I am not mistaken about the nature of theses jewels, it is in their goddess' best interest to guide the lass to its restoration..."

2016-06-15, 11:30 AM
Aria nods, taking the scroll with care, as if it might break apart if she's too rough with it.

"What is it that motivates you?" She asks as she puts it away. "I've met few who have this much drive, especially for something dangerous, which has already cost others their lives. It's quite charming."

Happy Mandarin
2016-06-15, 04:58 PM
Aria: Does the elf's hand pause briefly on yours as you take the scroll, or is it just your imagination? In any case there is an impression of a delicate touch...

"Surely if lives have been laid down to complete a task, then to use that sacrifice to complete their goal is to honour their wishes?.. But that is not in the truest sense my motivation. If anything, it may well be a mere excuse." The elf looks at you for a few seconds, as if willing you to understand without speaking, and then adds barely audibly. "My motivation is... Peace."

There is no indication of deception coming from the elf, only a slight longing.

Shall we wrap this up soon?

2016-06-16, 02:10 AM
Aria nods, slowly, silently considering the elf for a few moments.

In the future, Aria thinks, she'll stick to people less academic. Miss Lynn was pulling on her heartstrings with the sense of longing in her eyes, and it made her want to just wrap the elf up in her arms to help her feel better...but there was also the matter of wording it well. Most people she'd been with, she could just offer it explicitly - "I'd like to cuddle with you in order to make you feel better, does that sound like a good idea", but the paladin is sure Miss Lynn would prefer something more...flowery?

She finishes the last of her cup, setting it down before speaking.

"Miss Lynn," she begins. "I don't want to make untoward advances, but if you would enjoy my company, I could stay the night." After a moment, Aria frowns and raises a hand. "Ehm. I'm not sure I want to say it that way. Even if - ugh," she sighs, rubbing her nose briefly. This was getting absurd.

"What I want to say is: I want to help you feel peaceful, and safe, and happy. I've found all three in a lover's arms, and I'd like to offer that to you - to hold you. Nothing more."

Ask and ye shall receive!

Aria is pretty much content with the information she's gotten here. All that's left is to cuddle the elf until she seems happier.

Happy Mandarin
2016-06-16, 05:40 PM
Aria: The elf observes you as you attempt an uncomfortable level of eloquence.

"Hold me?" The elf tilts her head slightly. "It is kind of you, Lady Aria, to offer me the comfort of this transient peace. For I would certainly be able to rest at ease in your arms, listening to that kind heart, even if that rest is fleeting."

"However," The elf shifts in her seat. "I would be even more at ease with that kind heart in mine, to imagine from the look upon your sleeping face what you may see in the dreams you may be dreaming."

Miss Lynn moves to put her hands lightly on yours, the impression of the elf that was with moments ago does not change. She is directing you towards her, if willing, to rest, your head upon her laps...

Because Miss Lynn's response is not in the least creepy if you think about it for too long... In any case, if Aria does not resist, I will make one last closing post for this section...

2016-06-17, 02:11 AM
Aria is somewhat surprised, but one of her words of wisdom has always been "don't turn down unexpected cuddling with pretty women", and she isn't about to abandon her philosophy now.

Pausing only to remove her armor - light enough to sleep in, but still awkward - and her chain (much less of one and more of the other), Aria lets the elf guide her, resting on the scholar and shifting somewhat to a more comfortable position. Wishing Miss Lynn a good night, she closes her eyes.

Aria smiles in her sleep.

And this is why I didn't post in the main IC thread yet. I wasn't sure how exactly this was going to end.

I wouldn't say it's creepy, Lynn isn't sneaking into her room or anything, just saying 'hey it'd be nice for me to watch you sleep' and giving Aria the choice.

Also, I'm not sure if I asked this before and forgot, but is there a full description of Miss Lynn anywhere? I keep wanting to use descriptions like "the shorter woman" or similar, but I don't actually know if she's shorter (though she probably is, 'cuz Aria's 6'3).

Happy Mandarin
2016-06-19, 10:32 AM

The elf wraps your arms around you, as your head rests on her lap. Her fingers weave through your hair and over your face (slender fingers you note, not those of a typical warrior), and as they do, she begins to quietly weave a tale about the Azure Hills. About a sage who lived by the sea and with a dancing cat in human form, and a talking tree...

When you wake up in the morning it is to a flowery aroma. You lie among the cushions, covered by a light blanket. The chalice stands steaming on the tray, a plate of ginger breads and a single empty cup next to it...

Fin Section
That is true. You never know whether the NPC you go off to cavort with is secretly a paladin eating snake or a tsuntsundere elf. Furthermore, if it's the latter, you never know whether the coin will land tsun or dere.

There are descriptions of Miss Lynn somewhere, but I'm not sure how full they are though. I should probably add descriptions of most important NPCs. In brief: Miss Lynn is tall, for an elf, so around 5'2", and has white hair which she wears in a bun (typically) and grey eyes. The elf's face would be strict and pretty, but looks to be marred, perhaps by tiredness. You would judge it to be around 25-35, if she were a human. So far she has appeared in a grey dress of almost victorian strictness. She also wears a pair of lenses.