View Full Version : Faerie Mystery Initiate

Tanuki Tales
2016-04-05, 06:44 PM
Can someone explain to me how exactly this feat can get easily worked into a build? The fact the buff only lasts 24 hours and constantly requires keeping up with another entity with the same feat seems to make it either ripe for being interfered with, tying the character to a single location (pre-teleport) or very unfortunate implications about the lengths you'll go to boost your HP.

2016-04-05, 07:12 PM
Can someone explain to me how exactly this feat can get easily worked into a build? The fact the buff only lasts 24 hours and constantly requires keeping up with another entity with the same feat seems to make it either ripe for being interfered with, tying the character to a single location (pre-teleport) or very unfortunate implications about the lengths you'll go to boost your HP.

To work the feat into a build, you either have the feat at character creation and work it into your backstory, or you discover it in game through role playing.

To get the most use out of it: It doesn't last for 24 hours, the feat states that it lasts until you perform the ritual again, probably because there are actually four ritual options available. So, basically, you could do the ritual once, then never again, with no issues. If for some reason you did want to do the ritual again to get one of the other options, you'd have to track down your fey partner (or find a new one), get at least 4 hours of trance or sleep, then do another one of the rituals.

2016-04-05, 07:32 PM
Bronk is right. Here, this is from the feat's description.

Benefits: You and a partner with the Faeries Mysteries Initiate feat practice a 15-minute regimen of cultural rituals that grant you special bonuses on skill checks or combat rolls. You choose which bonus you'd prefer before conducting this exercise, modifying your regimen slightly to achieve the desired effect. Both practitioners must agree upon the rite to be performed and receive the same bonus. Granted effects last until the next time you perform the Faerie Mysteries.

2016-04-05, 07:43 PM
One time, my "intimate relationship with a fey" consisted of being pen-pals with a satyr. We talked about any- and everything.

It led to some humorous situations when my party found out my pre-teen tanuki (whose name and picture I'm using) had FMI, and that he had an ongoing intimate relationship with said satyr. I never did manage to disabuse them of the idea they had come to.

Tanuki Tales
2016-04-05, 07:44 PM
I don't own the magazine issue in question and it looks like the version I did end up finding was a fixed version that added in the 24 hour limit.

Nevermind me. :smalltongue: