View Full Version : Mirage Arcane Castle on a Cloud?

2016-04-06, 09:24 AM
This is probably a big stretch. I'm going to actually start by telling a brief narrative of how my mind got around to this question. I was considering uses of project image, and how a primary one for an illusionist would be taking advantage of Malleable Illusions when he's not actually present. This is especially useful with mirage arcane, because it is basically reality-warping and it has a range of "sight." Which means that you can put it anywhere as long as you can see both locales, making it fairly easy to cast it, then have a projected image eyeball it and put it somewhere else.

If you want to move it a great distance, it needs to be very tall or very high up. A tall spire would be one approach. But what if you could put it in the sky? Unfortunately, there's no provision for making weather phenomena with it, so it's hard to think what could be put up there.

Start here if you don't care how I got to this thought:

And then it occurred to me: can clouds be considered "terrain?" If so, maybe one can cast mirage arcane on a cloud, transforming it into a floating cloud-castle and its gardens. You have to follow the lay of the terrain, so pick a cloud with neat formations on top. But the illusion, once created, is tactile. I will note that it doesn't say it's "real," so it's arguable that it doesn't have to obey gravity (though it seems likely that most do, as you don't wind up with twigs picked up just floating in the air). However, the terrain itself is "anchored" to the cloud, in this case. So the illusory additions to it would interact with the illusory solid ground, while the solid ground is part of the cloud.

In short: It may be possible to use mirage arcane to make usable (in the "can support a building" sense) land in the sky. Just...don't let it lapse if you've got anything important up there!

2016-04-08, 04:43 PM
While certainly, the ability to cast it to line-of-sight would allow this to be done on any desired cloud in the sky from the ground, there exists the difficulty of getting up to your new sky-garden. How would you do it? Is the fly spell sufficient, or should you plan for a teleport or some other means?

Is there a good way to get reliable, non-concentration flight that doesn't eliminate your spellcasting ability, should you perhaps prefer to cast mirage arcane from a vantage point above your would-be cloud castle?

2016-04-08, 04:49 PM
It's pretty heavily a justification of the rules as opposed to anything else, but I would TOTALLY allow this. This is an amazing idea. :smallsmile: