View Full Version : Für Adalyse

2016-04-07, 02:05 PM
@Adalyse: How to reach such high mountain ranges with the snow and mists above it?

You probably could, but who knows if you would be able to find the site of impact where Palindurias fell, let alone get some answers.

The Rotten Child fell three hundred years ago and perhaps there is a strong sense of magic around where he did fall, but how long will it take for you to find such pace?

Kannoth mentioned he fell smack in he center of his tribe- which would be where you spoke to Grokhun.

So you could return back into Jottun's Foot or indeed decide to explore the clouded heights of the Giantshield Mountains, but who knows how long that will take.

2016-04-08, 07:57 AM
Adalyse directed her mount to return toward the ground. Not only did she not have the means to see through these meddlesome storms, but without her tome, she didn't even have the ability to call upon divinations that would allow her to recognize and extreme areas of magic from a distance. All she could do is wait.

2016-04-08, 05:55 PM
@Adalyse: You may be able to discern exactly what happened to the Rotten Child if only those storms above did not obscure your vision.

After all, you have powers way above those of anyone on Oerth- perhaps if you found out more about him, you could even depose Palindurias and Arrallae at the same time, thus ending this entire conflict altogether on your own.

You are, after all, eternal. Unbreakable. Not even a deity could even hope to unmake you.

But right now, it would be best to see what Palindurias has in store for you...

It takes hours as your steed whisks away into the mists as you rest in a jagged cave within the valley as the mists take the form of a specter who urges you to follow further down the valley and towards the Throne Room itself.

All the mighty undead are assembled in the room as Palindurias himself plays with Olivia, who sits on his lap and the Slay Mate points at you as Loretta and Charlotte give the briefest of nods while Grokhun smiles as you enter.

"Ah! Well, you have arrived. So, Adalyse- I have pondered on your request over several hours. I will give you my answer shortly, but first... ISIFLIS!""

The sound of heavy wheels can be heard through the mists as a dozen zombies an a pair of ettin skeletons haul a large metal platform with your body strapped in chains as it jostles under the uneven terrain, but never falls, being so well strapped.

Isiflis floats behind it and bows to Palindurias as he gestures at your body.

"My dear Lord of Jottun's Foot, your finest advisor is here. I must say, however- and with all due respect to the Haunting- that working with such poor materials was a challenge at best. Of course, I am a wizard. And so, I excel at Crafting. Something I cannot expect sorcerers to be able to accomplish... not even with eternal life.""

Loretta clenches her fists as Charlotte looks at her and gives her sister a stare down as the Brunhausser noble relaxes her grip.

Isiflis floats towards your stone body and looks at Palindurias.

"With your permission, my lord, I will attempt to explain this Haunting how her new body works in terms that she will hopefully understand.""

Palidnurias looks at the adamantine armor and then at you.

"Go on... and make it quick.""

The lich smiles as his arcane seams pulsate with arcane energy and looks at you and then at your body on the platform, utterly motionless.

"Adalyse, your body was frail, feeble and prone to be unmade at any moment. This comes as no surprise because you probably forged it or had an amateur do so for you. I am stressing the word was, because then, it fell upon my expert hands...""

Isiflis floats towards your body and taps the helmet as a sleek black sheen washes over it. Not a single dent or bump or gash.

"Being adamantine, it will retain its old properties. That should not pose too much of a problem, unless you decide to wade into battle with someone who can dent it. Why anyone who claims mastery of the arcane do so is beyond me, but I digress...

Having bathed this armor in the halls of our Grand King, your body and by extension you will be doubly healed by Negative Energy. This includes spells like the Inflict Line. I am certain you are familiar with them? I surely hope so...

Conversely, Positive Energy spells, like those cast by foolish clerics of gods like the Archpaladin or even Pelor will affect you doubly so. Do you understand this, Haunting?

As a metal body- a construct - The repair line of spells will be just as useful, but not as potent as Negative Energy. If you have anyone that can cast that spell- since your book shows none of them- you should have no problem.""

Isiflis taps your body's chest, where a black rose, just like the one Palindurias etched on you when you first met him, has been beautifully crafted in adamantine.

"This marks you as a member of our Lord's Family, but not only that. If you are ever in a situation where your body would collapse due to terrible tactical decisions made on your behalf, you can call on this power Immediately once per day. Lord Palindurias himself oversaw this as a boon for you if you are to face those fey in that duchy...

You are familiar with the Harm spell? A potent spell used by worthy clerics of Nerull... this version is much better. The Mass Harm spell, which shall radiate forty feet around you. It has been maximized, so it will effectively heal any wounds you have while killing any near the blast.

12d12 maximized at your current level. Add an extra d12 every time you level up. The DC is 19+ Cha modifier

Loretta raises an eyebrow at Isiflis and then looks at you.

"But what about any living allies she may have nearby?""

Palindurias shushes Loretta and motions for Isiflis to continue.

"As an added reward, you and your armor have been blessed by our Lord's Divine tenacity and personality. Many of us here have been blessed with this and surprisingly... so have you.""

Unholy Toughness- add your Charisma modifier to each HD instead of Constitution

Isiflis looks at one of the Ettins who lifts the armor from the platform, breaking the chains in the process and places your body on the ground.

"Because of our Lord's Divine influx into your new body, clerics of lesser powers like those mentioned before will have a chance to Turn you. If you are unlucky enough, Destroy you. Conversely, clerics of powers similarly aligned to those of Nerull may try to rebuke or even Command you...hehhehehee. Wouldn't that be shameful?""

Palindurias looks at Isiflis and motions at the body.

"That's it?""

The lich looks at you as a poisonous smile draws upon its leathery face.

"That would be all of relevance, my lord. She is ready.""

Palindurias looks at Charlotte, who walks up to you and does a military salute as she hands you a black wooden wand.

"Lord Elvin saw fit that you receive this if you are venturing out to battle. If it is as glorious of a war as I believe it may be, you will certainly have use for it.""

Wand of Inflict Critical Wounds - 25 charges left

Palindurias then looks at you and your new body, brimming with negative energy and forged in the deepest recesses of Jottun's Foot.

"You have been given the chance to leave this valley after coming here on your own accord. You will be an example that will have me decide whether the other Hauntings leave or not. Once you are done aiding Arrallae, you will return here. Should your body be broken beyond repair, the mark I have placed upon you will bring you back here and in this valley forever you shall remain. Do you have any questions?''

2016-04-08, 08:13 PM
Adalyse accepts the wand in silence and bows her head in respect to the General.

After Isiflis makes his announcement, the stone form smiles mockingly. "Masterfully done, Isiflis. Not only have you managed to make a Haunting body, normally completely immune to positive energy, doubly weak to it, but also strip the immunity to any form of mortal domination. I am flattered that you have come to view me as such a threat so soon in our relationship." She circled around the armor, laying a cold, stone hand on the bracer. Adalyse had no doubt that the lich had probably hidden some other enchantments within that would benefit himself, but she would have time to unravel those away from here.

She turned toward the Rotten Child. "I have no questions, Lord Palidnurias." There wasn't much point in arguing terms of this deal. She was sure that the others would undoubtedly have need of assistance as soon as possible and all of the banter simply delayed her return.

2016-04-08, 10:19 PM
@Adalyse: You listen to the lich's verbose description of what new enhancements have been given to your body and facetiously praise him on having worsened your condition as a Haunting.

The Leader of the Scarlet Cabal rises several feet away from the ground as his stitches release a horrific amount of arcane power.

"You miserable little ingrate! You faceless and cowardly spook! You believe I could ever be threatened by one such as yourself? If you were not under Lord Palindurias' divine auspices, rest assured you'd be bound in chains to your sorry existence under my heel!""

The Rotten Child waves his hand as Isiflis floats to the side, his arcane stitchings deceasing in intensity, but his stare as poisonous and threatening as ever.

"You sure know how to sound menacing when you want to, my dear advisor. Now, I believe Spot needs to be walked. Adalyse, go forth. Go back to your friends and save that elven maiden, Arrallae and the woods she loves so much."

Palindurias looks at your stone body as you seep into your armored one, brimming with Negative Energy.

"This one shall wait for you here."

The Leader of the Scarlet Cabal looks at you from the corner of his sunken eye socket as he disappears into the mists, not before a wry smile draws on his leathery profile.

It is Loretta who walks you out of Jottun's Foot as the ice forms around the entrance to it.

"Go now, Adalyse. Go help bring Light to those who can still bear it. We shall remain here with our Lord. Hopefully the trails that await you will be those you can overcome. when you return, I shall have spoken to our king to have you call forth your own House here. One made of those too afraid to speak their own minds. Good luck. May Wee Jas watch over you.""

And having said that, Loretta Brunhausser flies back into the mists of her poisonous home. Your home now.

As you crush the ice and snow under your adamantine heel, you look around at the devastated town of Hammerbruke and yonder.

How are you going to get back to them?

2016-04-09, 09:40 AM
"Thank you, Lady Loretta. For all you have done and shared with me." Adalyse had almost grown accustomed to being able to show emotion through the expressions of the stone statue's face. Her blank mask hid the smile that should have been.

She continued to walk through the snow and ice until she was beyond the borders of the dimensional anchoring that resonated in the valley. Opening the metal-bound book chained to her waist, she flipped the pages to a familiar spell and focused on it's incantation. Teleporting to the group was impossible at the moment, she had no idea where they had moved to.

Instead, Adalyse focused on what she knew best. Her home, the crypts of Justcrown. From there, she could make contact with the town's mages again and, perhaps even Johann's familiar, if he had left it behind again.

2016-04-09, 03:57 PM
@Adalyse: Loretta bows to you and silently recedes into the mists.

If what Palindurias said is true, you may very well be seeing her and the others again. But before that, you will hopefully have ended this Fey invasion.

The ice clings to your adamantine body as you open your metal book, which has been engraved on the cover with the symbol of Nerull, expertly crafted into the metal and check for the right spell as you look yonder at the frozen road and amidst the howling winds...

The entire valley begins to rumble and so does your body as the white and grey landscape is replaced in an instant into the Cuthbertine catacombs in Justcrown, bereft of light if only because of a single waning torch caught in a mass of cobwebs.

It doesn't take long for the crypts around you, sealed for hundreds of years, to shake and light pounding ca be heard beyond them...

The tremendous influx of Negative Energy used to fuel your new body and the effects of that valley must've awakened these corpses, trapped and feeble, from their eternal slumber.

As you walk towards the secret entrance, you can hear the knocking sounds from the crypts stop the farther you get away from them as you exit towards the Cuthbertine Graveyard.

Mother Mathilda's statue is nearly unrecognizable, covered in a thick layer of ice. The fire of its brazer has long been extinguished and the duchy is blanketed in thick snow, but out in the distance, you can already see the faint sun that is Arrallae, who prays for this winter to not be as severe as Windemere showed you when you first met her.

The streets are largely deserted- nobody wants to walk out in a cold like this. Nobody mortal, that is.

Silas opens the door to his shoppe, covered in blankets and mittens as Xander looks at you and adjusts his spectacles.

Both have a bunch of adventuring gear on a table and are apparently, ready to leave.

The magus walks up to you and places his hand on your helmet.

"It's unnaturally cold, but it seems like it just came out of a forge. Not a single dent! I take it you went into that valley? I am certain you have seen things none of us would be able to withstand, but your nature would make you resistant to it.""

Silas removes his mittens and quilt as he takes out a key ring and begins to lock the school. Enigma, Johann's familiar, flies and lands on the wizard's shoulder as it looks at you through his monocle and caws once as it hops to Silas' other shoulder, attempting to stay away from you.

"Xander and I are on our way to the Fey woods. I have already spoken to Casyllyn and we have divined a location where we can start. We don't know where Johann and the others are, but she says it is a safe place. Besides, she mentioned help would be meeting us there.""

2016-04-10, 11:06 AM
"Thank you for getting me there so quickly. You were wise in leaving immediately, we'll leave it at that." Adalyse thought back to those that she had just left for only a brief moment.

"I will go with you. Hopefully we can either find the group quickly or assist in some indirect way until we can locate them."

The armor stood still in the frigid weather as they locked the doors and were ready to depart.

2016-04-10, 05:49 PM
@Adalyse: Xander nods as he takes out a small scrying shard.

"It is best if I do not know, then. Silas, do you have everything packed?""

Justcrown's mage places a bunch of boxes, big and small into a haversack.

"Yes, almost done. It has been years since last I adventured. Honestly, I am not looking forward to this, Xander... but we cannot sit idle while others go and risk their lives for us. I can only hope Johann is safe.""

Xander adjusts his spectacles as Enigma flies to the magus' shoulder and this one pets his beak.

"He's a very powerful wizard, Silas. I have no doubt he's keeping the others safe. Are we ready?""

Silas hefts the haversack and looks around his shoppe, making sure to lock a door leading to the basement.

"There is enough coal and firewood to keep my familiar safe. We shouldn't be gone long. Let's do this.""

Xander looks at the shard once more as he lowers his head and shakes a little as you place your black gauntlet on his shoulder as Silas looks at the basement door with more than a little apprehension and sadness.

"See you soon...""

The shoppe begins to rumble and shake as Xander uses his immense arcane power to shift immediately through time & space as the warm wooden building is replaced with fierce snow lands and tall white trees as you stand in front of the Shepherd's Grove.

But something is odd here.

The Grove has been destroyed. Winter Knights and other smaller creatures lie very much dead in the snow as Xander cleans his glasses from the frost.

"This is where we were told to come, according to the divination... but it did not look this way yesterday.""

Silas sneezes as he looks around and chitters his teeth as he rubs his arms together.

"D...D...Definitely not the warmest of places. I should have prepared an endure elements spell for the day.""

Xander smiles as he taps his scroll case.

"I have a few here, my friend. We may have to use one for Enigma as well.""

Johann's Raven is nearly a statue as Silas wraps him between his arms and blows a gout of cold air.

"Well... were do we go now? And what exactly happened in this place?""

It's a male's voice that breaks through the cold as a figure walks up to the three of you and with a wave of his hand clears the hail in front of him:


He's human... as far as you can tell. Dressed in a manner similar to Humbert, but where the paladin's training is devoted to the Heavenly realms, this young warrior seems to receive his blessings from other powers as a beautiful blade is held in his right hand and his left hand glows with magic.

"Master Silas and Xander... thank you for coming. Casyllyn mentioned you would have company. I expected more people.""

Xander smiles as he shakes the young boy's hand as Silas waves quickly as he keeps Enigma and himself as warm as possible.

"The others should already be deeper in the woods by now. She is Adalyse Ren, a very talented sorceress from Justcrown and follower of Wee Jas. Adalyse, this is Reintse Lacore, Casyllyn's most devoted pupil and her most talented.""

reintse blushes and does a respectful bow.

"Well... I don't know if the most talented, but if I am to follow in my father's footsteps, I believe it is only fair that I study under one of his closest friend's guidance. It is an honor to meet you, lady Adalyse. I am familiar with Wee Jas- my father and I traveled a lot around Oerth and had a chance to visit Suel once. Beautiful lands. We sure could use a follower of the Stern lady in this war.""

Silas grabs a scroll from xander and reads it quickly as he stops shaking and pats Reitse on the shoulder.

"You sure have grown, kid. It is good to see you again, but Casyllyn mentioned there would be another with you...""

Reintse clears his throat and whistles towards the destroyed dome as a lithe figure sprints through the snow and stops shy of a few feet from all of you.

A beautiful fey maiden with clear ties to nature as a dark green cloak covers most of her body smiles at all of you and does a courteous bow:


Silas returns the bow as Xander adjusts his spectacles and does the same.

The woman approaches you and stops a few feet away as she looks at you quizzically.

"You are Adalyse, yes? Where are the others? How is Johann?""

Reintse clears his throat and points to her.

"This is Raine, our...newest member at the Western Coven. Casyllyn was fortunate to find her the night prior and she shares as much love for Windemere and the Unseelie as us. Raine is quite talented, if new, at her training, but do not underestimate her. What have you found in the dome, Raine?""

The fey maiden walks with al of you towards the broken grove and points to the interior, where Casyllyn's trees have been thrown about as several Winter Knights hang from the frozen roots and the mound that used to be the Shepherd lies utterly smashed as gigantic footsteps are clearly marked on the snow.

"Casyllyn placed these wards yesterday to protect the Shepherd, but given these footprints and the damage suffered by these Unseelie, well... I think what happened here should be rather obvious- he has been awakened.""

Silas rubs his chin in thought as Enigma pokes his beak from the mage's sleeve.

"I heard that Kazym destroyed the Shepherd when he walked around here a year ago...""

Raine nods and looks at the distant shining star that is Arrallae.

"It would seem that, because we are short on allies, Arrallae has decided to bring forth The Shepherd to aid us in the fight against Windemere. According to Casyllyn, if the Shepherd has been awakened at such a rapid rate, he will still be confused and rampant. It would be best for us to find him before he falls into a trap. His strength should be like the one he had prior to meeting Kazym...maybe even more. He is probably headed to Glacielheim if he retains the memories of his former self, but even a spirit as strong as he would be in danger alone.""

Reintse looks at the giant footsteps and then at the three of you.

"Right now, Johann, Aenar, Humbert, Zephyr, Dietrich and Jacob are in Moruga Swamp, looking for the crazed druid Mug Ruith, who may very well be another ally in this war. We cannot go to Moruga now- the influence of the Bog Queen has them trapped. We can only hope they can slay her and find Mug, so we may rejoin them.

Gigglemug mentioned that two in their group- Hissek and Feathanil were last seen headed north from Moruga, towards a place called Vallantheim, The Hall of Champions, but that place is not one I am aware of. It must be one of the old domains from the First War.

Uwellyn is still in hot pursuit of Ainharil, but she has not responded back regarding her whereabouts or that of the Grey Druid.

Anzaril likewise has not responded to our Sendings, but she should not be too far away from Moruga... however, that is several days past from here.""

Raine steps forth and crosses her arms.

"I volunteer to find Anzaril, Reintse- she may not be liked by Casyllyn and Uwellyn, but she isn't a bad person. Of that, I am certain.""

Reintse looks at Raine and nods.

"Fine. we have a lot of people to rescue as it is. Currently, we have a target- Windemere has brought forth an army of Insoril- Joystealers. These spectral fey...""

Xander raises his hand.

"Oh! I know about Insoril! Ethereal fey that can drain emotions with but a touch, isn't it? Known to sense any kind of emotions at a large range and able to sap them with the Joyless Kiss, yes. In my studies of fey over the years, few are as fascinating as those.""

Silas raises an eyebrow at his colleague.

"Don't you want a date with one of them since you seem to know a little too much about these ghosts?""

Xander chuckles and adjusts his glasses.

"As a follower of Delleb, it is my duty to study every subject I can, my friend. You as a teacher ought to know that already.""

Reintse shrugs and nods.

"Well, yes... that's what they do. However, these Insoril have a leader. One who answers to Windemere directly. Without her, the Joystealers will scatter away. Her name is Uriti, the Joyless Queen. Amongst the Insoril, she is the most devious and dangerous of them all, but if we can deal with her, the Joystealers all over the Fey Woods will follow suit and disappear. This will cripple Windemere's forces tremendously.

The problem is that Uriti is far from any otheotehr locations mentioned. According to Gigglemug, The Joyless Queen inhabits Gloomheim, the Halls of Forgotten Laughter. The Woods have changed much with the Court of Sorrows making its presence known, but I have a rough map that can lead any who wish to go there.""

Silas looks at Xander and you as he notices the giant footprints left by the Shepherd.

"Well, we have a lot of places to go, but little time. I never advise this, but splitting up would not be such a terrible idea- at most two groups...

But who goes where and with whom?""

2016-04-11, 07:35 AM
"These Joystealers sound much like incorporeal undead. I am immune to their draining attacks, but I have little in the way of offense against them."

Adalyse glanced around the group to see if they already seemed set on the dividing lines.

"This Shepherd does not know me, and in this form would most likely perceive me as an enemy. I will go against the Joystealers... we should keep at least one skilled in arms and the art in each group if we are to split."

2016-04-11, 05:45 PM
@Adalyse: Reintse, Raine, Xander and Silas look at the huge destroyed dome and the footprints in the snow.

The young warrior nods as he points to them.

"If what i heard is true, The Shepherd was killed by an undead. If what i heard about you is true, then it is best that I go and find him. Although my training with Casyllyn as a Feyknight has some magic in it, I excel a lot more in the field of battle.""

Silas walks up to Reintse and keeps Enigma tucked in his sleeve as he casts a simple spell to allow flight.

"I haven't been out in the field in years, but you never really forget your training. I will go with you. If we are lucky, we can find Feathanil and Hissek in Vallantheim as well.""

Xander adjusts his spectacles and looks at Raine.

"In that case, Adalyse and I will go with you to Gloomheim. I have studied Insoril in depth- Adalyse shall be able to walk past them utterly unimpeded. In a way, Adalyse, you will provide not only powerful support casting, but also a few seconds of distraction while the fey attempt to drain you. I have a few spells in my repertoire to keep me and Raine safe in case they decide to come after us. I trust you have learned some new spells while traveling to that valley?""

Reintse takes out a map made of old brown parchment and hands it to you. It doesn't contain many names, but it is well drawn and it has several X's marked along a winding path.

"There should be several patrols along the way- mostly frost giants and Winter Knights, but they should not pose much of a problem. Be wary of the one called Gan Ceann, though- we have been told he wanders the many roads laid out randomly. Raine, I trust you to keep Master Xander and Lady Adalyse safe. Remember your training, ok?""

Raine smiles and nods.

"Yes, sir! I can't wait to get some field battle here. Uriti is as good as gone!""

Reintse shakes your hand and Xander's.

"Ok, then. Good luck, you three, Silas and I will go deal with the other fey Windemere has spread out.""

Silas looks at both, but places his hand on Xander's shoulder.

"I will be Sending to Johann as soon as we have covered some major ground. Keep in touch. Be safe.""

And having said that, both Reintse and Silas disappear amidst the howling winds of the Fey Woods, which blanket it all in snow.

Raine skips through the snow and twirls around, unnaturally happy as Xander looks around at the tall trees and many black stone sculptures depicting Windemere and other malefic fey that dot the frozen roads.

"You sure seem rather happy, Raine. This is not exactly a joyful moment. especially not the fey we will be facing.""

Raine leaps on top of one of Windemere's statues and looks at both as she pokes a tail from beneath her cloak and claws grow from her hands, much like a wild cat.

"I am sorry. It's just that I feel bursting with power now! It's hard to explain!""

Xander looks up and smiles.

"A shifter, are you? what exactly can you do?""

Raine leaps down from the statue and reveals a pair of beautiful butterfly wings that escape from beneath her cloak as she lands gracefully on the snow.

"I have some training in the arts of druids, but my real call is sorcery. I can blend both rather well and I can fight. Do not think I am fragile.""

Xander raises an eyebrow as the frost fall mercilessly.

"Not at all, Raine. We will need someone with acute hearing and sense of sight to catch opponents in this terrain.""

2016-04-12, 07:09 AM
Adalyse clenched her fists at the mention of the Headless Rider. She longed for a rematch, but walked along steadily and solemnly despite the new fey's enthusiasm. She listened to the girl describe her abilities and smiled internally. Three users of the art... this could go smoothly.

As Xander spoke about detecting enemies, she felt it important to share some information. "I can sense any living being within sixty feet of me. Stealth and magic can not cover the pulse of a beating heart."

"If things become bleak, do not be afraid to flee. I have wards preventing my destruction and I will buy what time I can if it comes to that."

2016-04-12, 04:12 PM
@Adalyse: So Gan Ceann has not been put down yet by the others. No problem.

With the powers gained from Palindurias, the Knight of Blood & sorrow will soon learn the foolishness of his actions against you last time he dared try and break your body.

A vessel not even a deity could even dream to touch.

It would seem Raine is, like you and Xander, a spell caster. And one who can cast like a druid and you. Handy. You have seen Thellin and Hissek in action- they were formidable.

Your powers are formidable by any mortal standards. Never mind Xander's, who has yet to demonstrate his arcane repertoire, but is known to be a pacifist, so who knows.

Xander adjusts his glasses at your mention of beating hearts as Raine head through the frozen roads.

"If you can sense anything that is alive, dealing with the Joystealers and their queen should not be a problem. I only hope we can resolve this quickly and without too much bloodshed. Still... if what Johann mentioned is true, we may have no other choice.""

It takes a few hours as the three of you find yourselves down a thick canopy of frozen trees and several black frozen statues depicting a horned maiden as crows fly overhead and Raine and you stop dead in your tracks...

Several life signatures. Some closer than others as a small patrol of Winter Knights breaks through the snow a few feet away from you and a large beast howls to the sky as it addresses the lot of you:


Know. Arcana to ID this one

"Mortals! Do you not know that these are the roads to Gloomheim? You are forbidden to come here! Surrender and you will be given swift justice....""

Raine smiles and cracks her knuckles as she looks at the massive beast.

"I can promise you it will be swift, alright!""

Xander raises his hand and shakes his head.

"Let us pass. We mean you no harm. We wish to speak to Queen Uriti. Nothing more.""

It's two more life presences that swirl around the trees, speaking in female voices. almost singing.


"A fey, a human, and... a thing? A machine? It must be. You cannot see the Joyless Queen in Gloomheim. You are not even worthy of it! But we can take your bodies and shells to her afterwards. She has the ability to speak to the dead. I am certain you will make great conversationalists that way.""

Xander shakes his head and sighs.

"I should have thought as much...""

And so, back from the Realm of the Dead, you must face again the forces of the Unseelie. You may not have Humbert, Zephyr and the others, but you have powers similar if not greater to Arrallae's at your disposal.

Time to put them to the test!

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=170082)

Joystealers x2
Winter Wolf
Winter Knights x5

2016-04-13, 11:11 AM
OOC: The maps won't load for me on any of my hardware, so I'll just have to descriptive and you can choose how many targets are affected.

Adalyse flexed her gauntlet. These skirmishes slowed them down and drained resources. Being outnumbered, she knew that they would need as much combat advantage as fast as possible.

She withdrew a piece of licorice from her belt and wove a spell to increase her companions' abilities. As the root's scent floated into their nostrils, the world seemed to crawl.

Activating her belt with the briefest thought, Adalyse was able to further warp the laws of time as she retrieved a hardened drop of molasses. The sickeningly sweet smell filled the noses of her enemies and dulled their senses and made their heads heavy and cumbersome.

Standard Action - Haste (12 rounds)
Swift Action - activate Belt of Battle (2 charges for standard action)
Standard Action - Slow (will dc 20 vs 12 rounds - targeting all within 30 feet of each other up to 12 enemies)

2016-04-13, 06:11 PM
OOC: I will update the map anyway here, so I can keep track of status ailments/buffs and party movement.

@Adalyse: The opposition seems bigger than you numerically, but you have faced multiple foes before in what seemed like terrifying odds and still you have prevailed.

It's a turn on one of the pearls on your belt as time freezes down to a crawl and you imbue yourself, Xander and Raine with the ability to move at speeds unheard of.

It is then that you point your black gauntlet towards the fey and crunch the molasses in your hand several of them become sluggish, amongst them several Winter Knights and the large wolf.

The Joystealers look at their enforcers and rush amidst the trees towards Raine and Xander, but both are very well protected, as both magus and fey avoid their ghostly grasp.

Xander adjusts his glasses and looks at both.

"I did ask that you leave peacefully. We do not have a quarrel with you. I can only hope that this is used as a message to the rest of your coven.""

Xander focuses tremendous arcane energy as specks of ice siphon into his hand, turning into raw arcane power as his glasses reflect such power and his hair stands on end as a barrage of white spheres of power shoot through the two Joystealers, causing them to yell in tremendous pain as their bodies are washed by the winds.

He cast the Magic Missile spell... and an empowered version of it. No wonder an Ultimate Magus carries such lofty title. Those two never had a chance.

Raine smiles as she watches the Insoril disappear and is quick to act, as she twirls in place and without any sort of gesture, causes a rainbow of tiny fey to explode around the large wolf and winter knight, as the massive furry beast howls and shuts his eyes, clearly blinded.

She cast a Glitterdust spell, but not even as a sorcerer or wizard. She cast this naturally.

And with a laugh, Raine speeds up towards the beast, which cannot even react as she stands amidst it and the Winter Knight, causing Xander to grip his staff.

"Don't be so eager, Raine! We still haven't cleared them out!""

Raine looks back at Xander and shrugs.

"This one is slowed and the other one is blind... what can they do...oops!""

Raine darts out of the way as one of the Winter Knights, slowed by you, tries to cut down the fey caster, but she is able to dodge by a very small margin.

"Ok... probably not the very best idea.""

One of the Winter Knights runs towards you and brings his blade down on your shoulder with a loud clang...

You didn't even have to move from where you stand as you look at the blade and the minute freeze that forms on your shoulder and some cracks show on the fey's weapon.

One of the Winter Knights raises his hand to the skies as the cold coalesces, just like in the battle against Gan Ceann and an orb of pure cold is launched at your body with tremendous force!

26 cold damage

Another slowed Knight launches an orb at Raine, who is hit in the back.

Hopefully, she isn't as hurt. Your body should be able to take much of the ice these knights can conjure.

The wold attempts to blindly bite the fey, but Raine sidesteps him as she looks at both of you.

"The more time we waste here, the less time we will have to rescue the others!""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=170174)

Round 2

Winter Wolf
Winter Knights x5

2016-04-13, 09:31 PM
The orb of ice splashed against the armor and Adalyse let out an equally cold laugh at the feeble attempt by the sword.

She took a step back from the swordsman and motioned with her gauntlet in a crushing motion. A massive amount of force was conjured and mirrored her movement, seeking to squeeze the life from the knight and hold it to the ground.

Free Action - 5 ft step
Standard Action - Telekinesis Grapple check [roll0]
SR check (if needed) - [roll1]

2016-04-14, 12:04 AM
@Adalyse: You turn your flawless faceplate at the warrior fey, whose blade threatens to crack any moment under the impossibly hard adamantine body, reforged in the hollow heart of Jottun's Foot.

It is fear in the eyes of this petty foot soldier as you effortlessly walk away and lift your hand in the air as a myriad of spectral hands seep from your armor and hold him in a choke hold as the Winter Knight attempts to break free, but the fact you tighten your gauntlet makes sure he will never escape.

You keep your back turned to your prey as your perfectly black sleek body reflects the beautiful fire of Xander's spell further ahead.

The fireball. A basic if very common spell to use here, especially with so many enemies hailing from a court of Ice and Snow.

It's the charred corpses of several Winter Knights, along with that of the large wolf that drop upon the snowy road and the magus adjusts his glasses and sighs as he rubs the burnt bat guano from his hands away.

"Not the most ideal spell, but it was necessary to get us closer to Gloomheim. Raine?""

Raine looks at the fire blossom caused by Xander and then back at the magus.

"You almost caught me in it!""

The fey looks at the two remaining knights with her and waves her hand around as a whip made of kelp snaps against the snow and like a master wrangler, Raine lassoes both fey in the Kelpstrand spell as these struggle to break free, but like your own telekinesis, it is impossible.

Raine looks at you and Xander.

"So what now- we kill them?""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=170191)

Round 3

Winter Knights x3

2016-04-14, 07:25 AM
"They deserve no quarter. Xander gave them an opportunity to let us pass and they made a choice."

Adalyse turned back toward her own captive. A metal finger tapped the chin of the faceplace, feigning introspection before she reached in her pouch and retrieved a palm sized crystal. It glows eerily as inky black mist seeps from the cracks of the armor and is absorbed by it.

"Do what you wish with yours. This one... is mine."

The mist filled the once clear crystal until it is as black as onyx. The spectral hands that had just held the knight dissipate in moans of disappointment at letting their captive free. The knight's body shudders and his hands clutch his head as he is assaulted in another way.

Standard Action - Magic Jar (will save 22 vs possession)

2016-04-14, 03:46 PM
@Adalyse: Xander looks at both grappled Winter Knights as Raine takes out a dagger.

"Casyllyn said the same thing. And Uwellyn would definitely agree on this. They would not have hesitated, Xander.""

The magus walks a few steps ahead of both and cleans his glasses as the snow keeps falling around all of you.

"Then at least make it quick.""

Raine's spell is extraordinarily strong as She kicks both Knights on the ground and delivers more than one painful stab at their necks before both Knights cease to move.

As for the one with you... he's not getting a quick end.

Drawing a large crystal you direct your black faceplate at the Winter Knight as the ghostly hands release him, only to watch him hold his head and shout to the winds in fear and despair as the crystal in your hands becomes black and a low pulse can be felt from within as the Winter Knight falls dead on the snow, which causes Xander to turn around and raise his eyebrow at you, but remains silent as Raine cleans her blade.

"What did you do to him?""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=170266)

2016-04-15, 03:56 AM
@Adalyse: Being a bound soul and an undead, it is difficult to transfer your being into the Winter Knight, but at least he is out of the battle for good.

Raine and Xander lead the way through the frozen path as several life readings can be detected, but none dare approach any of you.

With Xander blasting them with fire. Raine being able to blind and ensnare them and you able to secure their souls, none of them dare come close to oppose you.

It would seem that the previous engagements have frightened Windmeres' forces away, as several large footprints in the snow would indicate.

Even frost giants will not engage you. At this point, it is safe to say that you alone could end this entire Court by yourself.

The tracks end at what looks like a dead tree, gigantic in size with icy fortifications around it and a large frozen door lined with icicles and flanked by two more of those horned women statues, also frozen and bearing frost all over them.

Raine looks at the structure and then back at both of you.

"This would appear to be Gloomheim, the Hall of Forgotten Laughter. If what Reintse said is true, The Joyless Queen will be inside. Let's not keep her majesty waiting.""

Xander hesitates as Raine begins to open the massive doors, which have been frozen tight, since Joystealers require no doors to move about and raises his hand.

"The Joystealers we fought were not as difficult, Raine, Bit this one is their leader- we must be prepared for a fight... and not one as simple as the one we had earlier.""

Buff if needed

Raine kicks the door a few feet in and a gout of cold air washes forth from inside.

"We can deal with them, Xander! Come on! You, Adalyse and myself may be resistant to these creatures, but who knows if Johann and the others will! If we drive her away, it's one less problem for everyone. I am going inside and ending this Insoril.""

You walk through cold marble steps, flash frozen as tall columns depicting beautiful fey have been worked into the stone that supports Gloomheim, the Halls of Forgotten Laughter.

Murals along the walls show a myriad of fey engaged in a tremendous battle- you recognize Uwellyn and Casyllyn amongst them as they fight off familiar faces, like Wihinhilda and Windemere, but there are other scenes expertly painted here.

A group of red haired fey, caught in a a cloudy scene hold heir heads and bow in fear as a Dark Sun hovers above them and and chains drag each fey into the painted mists. as your footsteps echo through the silent halls, barely illuminated by scant light as you reach the end of this small hall and reach a throne room.

This one has tall stairs that lead to a crimson statue of the horned fey seen outside as six Joystealers float several feet above the floor and watch you with a smirk on their faces.

Raine smiles back and readies her hands, which spring claws.

"Whenever you are ready, Insoril! We are here to send you back to whatever gloom realm you belong to!""

It's a female's voice that causes the spectral fey to bow their heads as a far more powerful figure materializes from the statue:


"Is that so, half fey? You three alone come into my domain and expect me to surrender and leave? A hybrid such as yourself DARES address me? I know that one of you is not amongst the living, but that worries me not. I am Queen Uriti, The Joyless. You have made it to Gloomheim, but this is as far as you will go. You will never stop the Eternal Winter that our Divine Herald has begun. As we speak, Arrallae is dying. She will not last long. You and those scattered in the woods will never reach Glacielheim. The three of you are so dedicated even on the face of defeat... why is that?""

There is something different about this Joystealer. She is a fey, yes... but there is a powerful force that emanates from this particular spectral faerie.

Knowledge The Planes (trained)

Xander adjusts his glasses and looks around at those fey assembled.

"We did not want to kill those on our way- we gave them a choice. We wish for you to abandon Oerth. Go back to your realm in the Ethereal, where you belong. There does not need to be unnecessary bloodshed, Queen Uritii, please.""

The Joyless Queen looks down at the three of you and laughs as you notice a sapphire embedded on her forehead, which should have fallen to the ground, given her incorporeal nature.

"Leave? Why? We chose to leave Oerth a thousand years ago... it cost us dearly. Now, The Herald of Ice & Snow has given us a chance to redeem ourselves for our actions and there are many young races here since our departure....""

Uriti looks at Raine and smiles as the other Joystealers giggle.

"One of you younger than the rest here. But I wish to hear what the Haunting has to say. Yes- I am aware of what you are. My court believes you to be a construct, but I know better. Tell me, shell- why do you help them?""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=170340)

2016-04-15, 07:42 AM
The armor dipped it's head slightly as proper when in the presence of nobility of any faction. When she righted herself again, her voice echoed out of the closed helm of the armor.

"Queen Uritii, you have knowledge beyond many. Even some of those that are allies do not know of my status. I come as a delegate of a third party. Lord Palindurias, the Winter to Lady Arrallae's Summer. As she weakens, he surely grows in power. He is her opposite in every way, but they are connected as family and if she should perish by this court, he and his shall march on this forest.

I do not speak threats, but you know as I, how little the cold and enchantments of fey magic sway the unliving."

She paused a moment and looked toward the paintings once more.

"You say that your leaving cost you dearly, I see this and have some minor understanding. But while you have suffered, you are still free and living. As the wraiths and spectres that you would become, there is no freedom. I help those that would ensure my Lord's desire to keep Arrallae safe and prevent the complete destruction of this place by his hand."

Knowledge: Planes - [roll0]

2016-04-15, 11:31 AM
@Adalyse: You do a courteous bow and look up at the Joyless Queen as your black armor gets ready.

There is a reason Reintse mentioned this one was their leader. The most powerful. The most devious.

It should not come as a surprise because the Joyless Queen is a half fiend.

Like half fey- offspring of fey and other races or the more common half dragons, half fiends are incredibly powerful.

Direct inheritors to Infernal bloodline by first generation, a half fiend can command terrifying powers from the Nether Planes. The more powerful the half fiend, the more formidable the power.

As a Jotstealer, Uriti is already protected from regular weapons except cold iron.

Her fiendish heritage makes sure only an enchanted weapon can further cause her any harm. Add to this an incorporeal nature, and you get a very difficult enemy for a warrior to battle against.

And because they have an infernal parent, half fiends enjoy a strong measure of resistance towards magic, against elemental magic, and, depending if they choose to engage in combat, to smite the righteous in a mockery of Humbert's own.

And all this before whatever training this fey has undergone.

Queen Uriti floats in place and listens to your educated threat as she looks at her Insoril Courtesans, the paintings on the wall and then back at you.

"A third party, you say? Palindurias... that is an unfamiliar name. A young one, no doubt. The undead do not scare me. They cannot hurt me. You believe cold and enchantments are all that Gloomheim has at its disposal? Little shell: The Herald has powers nobody on Oerth can oppose. Arrallae has managed to stave it off so far, but even she cannot stop the full power Lady Windemere exerts...

You are right that we suffered dearly for our decision in the last war. We shall not make the same mistake. The half fey will have to be put down on principle as the Herald dictates: the result of mortal and fey blood is indeed an abomination.

The human may serve us as a wizard and slave. We always could use one in our court.

And I could have use for one such as yourself in my halls of Forgotten Laughter. Think about it."

2016-04-15, 01:43 PM
"That offer has been made twice before. And twice before the one making the offer has been run off. I have been to a place where the very air drains life from the living, be they material or ethereal." She holds up the blackened crystal.

"It pulls at the soul and holds it for all eternity. You've sworn to not make the same mistake twice, but hostilities with us would result in greater folly."

Readied Action - Counterspell using Greater Dispel [roll0]

2016-04-15, 03:20 PM
@Adalyse: Raine clenches her wrists and snarls as Uriti mentions having her killed out of principle.

"You are welcome to try, you ghost freak!""

Xander grips his staff and looks up at Uriti and her Joystealers and shakes his head.

"I am afraid that will not happen. Slavery is not the way the world is ran. And I have seen its shackles run through my homeland. I will not allow you and your Herald to do the same to those here. Return to the Ethereal. Now.""

Then you show the Joyless Queen the receptacle were one of her Winter Knight's souls lay in constant agony as the other incorporeal fey gasp and Uriti smiles and keens her eyes as she looks at you.

"An offer made by fools will be a foolish offer. Nothing more. You could have been a good asset to Gloomheim and by extension the Court of Sorrows that our Divine Herald presides over, but you come to my hall and exclaim that it would be foolish to oppose you...""

Uriti rises several feet from the stone statue from which she emerged as terrible arcane power begins to manifest around her.

"No matter what you are made of, shell... I will break you! Gloomheim will be your permanent tomb.""

Round 1

The Joyless Queen doesn't even need to concentrate as you react immediately, sending out a green spectral hand to shut her mouth and negate any spell she may be casting.

However... the joystealer is not casting a spell. She is using one of the many innate powers granted by her Infernal Birthright!

And as the fey unleashes a wave of malevolence, you realize that this enemy may be a lot more powerful than what you bargained for.

Unholy Aura

Raine flies towards Uriti, claws bared as Xander looks at the half fey.

"Watch out, Raine... don't!""

Thanks to her magical wards, Raine is able to strike at the Joyless Queen, but it's merely a scrath as the half fey gets caught in a malevolent energy and Uriti smiles.

"Foolish little half fey- you think I would not be prepared for a whelp like you? Go away.""

Raine is blown back a few feet as her body carves a trench on the polished frozen floors and looks up at the Unseelie, rage in her face.

The Joystealers go immediately after Raine, but none of them are able to land a single blow on the half fey as Xander prepares a very powerful Magic Missile as a blast, not unlike the one that dealt with the Joystealers earlier, barrages Uriti as Gloomheim is riddled with smoke.

The magus fixes his glasses and looks in disbelief as The Joyless Queen floats intact! Not a single scratch on her incorporeal body.

"This isn't good. Uriti has a tremendous measure of spell resistance. More so than I had anticipated. How are we going to deal with her?""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=170367)

Round 2

Uriti, the Joyless Queen
Josyealers x6

2016-04-15, 04:17 PM
"By targeting her with spells that have no resistance. If you don't have those, eliminate the others so Raine can focus."

Adalyse made a few practiced motions and was immediately overwhelmed with a sickly green aura. That built up arcane energy is focused and condensed into her gauntlet as she makes a grasping motion toward Uriti. Ghostly skeletal hands flow from the armor and fly toward the Joyless Queen in an attempt to rip the stone from her head.

Swift Action - Assay Spell Resistance
Standard Action - Telekinesis
Spell Resistance check [roll0]
Disarm Check [roll1]

2016-04-15, 05:10 PM
@Adalyse: Xander watches the other lesser Joystealers struggle to even scratch Raine as he nods and looks up at Uriti.

"I had surmised she had some level of resistance, being an outsider, but even with Assay, i was unable to pierce her defenses. We need to bring her down fast. Raine! Focus on the Queen! She's the most dangerous target!""

You look up at the Joyless Queen and bring forth a white arrow sigil on your black gauntlet as the spectral hands sift through your polished body and strike the Joyless Queen right on the forehead as the Joystealer wrestles with your own ghostlike power and slaps the hands away.

"You insolent shell! How dare you try and take my Unseelie Sapphire? I will not forgive you. NEVER! And now, all of you get ready and curse whoever sent you here to Gloomheim!""

The Joyless Queen laughs and waves her hands as globules of acid swirl around her and Xander and you find yourselves in an explosion of arcane acid!

The power that this Unseelie commands is brutal! No wonder there was little opposition towards her domain.

60 acid damage, reflex DC 25 for half. If the initial save is failed, take 33 acid damage on the following round and 10 acid damage on the round after that. If the initial save fails, you can roll saves to half the secondary damage.

Xander can barely stand on his feet as Uriti immediately calls forth crimson energy into her being as Infernal symbols dot the walls, ceiling and floors of Gloomheim and the fey smiles wickedly.

"There are no gods that can save you this time, mortals! The reign of the Unseelie is ABSOLUTE! Fall into the deepest Pits of Hell...""

The entire room becomes black and crimson as Uriti laughs like a true devil and you watch Xander and Raine being assaulted by a monstrous power.

Worse...even you are subjected to it, despite your unbreakable body and undead nature.

It's a Blasphemy Spell! This monster has simply uttered it and it will severely cripple this battle.

That's when Xander tilts his head back as he uses the powers of the cosmos and moves you and him further back breaking Space & Time.

Xander is clearly in pain as he holds on to his head, but further up the hall, Raine has been the recipient of the full blast as she remains in place, paralyzed, dazed and pale, as her strength has been sapped away.

The Joystealers begin to devour Raine's joy, anger and happiness as Xander grits his teeth and looks at you.

"We... need... to... help her!""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=170385)

Round 3

Uriti, the Joyless Queen
Josyealers x6

2016-04-15, 08:06 PM
Adalyse looked down as the acid ate away at parts of the armor. Her senses were blurred for a moment as Xander pulled her from her location to safety. As he motioned to their helpless ally, Adalyse knew what must be done.

With a motion, the armored body phased out of existence and was replaced by the clawed woman. Once Adalyse was within the pack of ethereal opponents, she took a defensive stance and warped time. With the additional moments, she hoped she would be able to snuff out the entire court.

Standard Action - Benign Transposition
Swift Action - Celerity
Standard Action - Mass Harm sla - 144 damage (will dc 26 for 1/2)

2016-04-15, 08:59 PM
@Adalyse: With Xander still under the effects of the Celerity spell, you look down the hall and watch Raine utterly helpless as the Insoril begin to devour her very existence.

You sacrificed your own hundreds of years ago willingly, but this fey child has been caught in the Joyless Queen's grasp and she is not willing to let go of what makes her alive.

It's a single step forward that causes you to disappear in a tuft of shadows.

It's a tuft of shadows that replaces you with Raine as Xander holds on to her down the hall and the Joystealers caress your cold metal body to no avail as you look up at Uriti, Queen of Gloomheim and tilt your helmet backwards as sheer arcane power converges within your mind and then...

Cold. A cold presence not even this Winter could muster as the cries of the Court echo through the halls of Forgotten Laughter and the walls, floor and ceiling become muted shades of grey and black as a ravenous vortex syphons all possible life around you as your armor reveals small slits from which every ounce of precious life force is absorbed and a sphere of utter darkness centers around you as the Insoril attempt to hold without any chance of success to a pillar, wall engraving or even the ceiling, but you know that it is impossible.

Such are the screams and monstrous manifestation of Negative Energy around you that in the chaos of you killing an entire court, you look down the hallway at Xander, who has turned white with fear as a single tear runs down his cheek as he holds to Raine, barely able to move, but her eyes belying a no smaller amount of fright.

It's just a matter of seconds as the last Insoril disappears from existence and your armor rattles as the wave of energy heals you completely and then stops, as you lift your helmet and look around...


Every single fey in this hall has had its life snuffed out in less than a second. No wonder the Brunhaussers fell to Palindurias.

And this is just a sliver of his power.

Xander holds on to Raine but does not move from his place as he looks at you, fear in his eyes.

"What was that? I have studied Necromancy, but never have I seen a display such as that before, Adalyse. Frankly, you scare me more than the Court of Sorrows right now, so please understand if Raine and I stay a prudent distance away from you.""

2016-04-15, 09:20 PM
Adalyse stood silently for a moment, seeming to regain her composure after such a display. She looked back to Xander and nodded.

"I will respect your wishes and keep my distance. All you need to know is that the Lord of that valley has a vested interest in ensuring the Goddess of the Forest lives and has empowered me to fulfill that goal... But it was not given without contract. I have been bound to his court, to return when this war is won... or lost."

2016-04-15, 10:15 PM
@Adalyse: Xander grips his staff and you notice it has a wand chamber on one end as he begins to heal his wounds, much like a cleric.

Small wonder there- an Ultimate Magus is said to govern all aspects of magic. Even that of the divine.

"I do not know what court you have sworn allegiance to, Adalyse. I never ventured more than into that deserted town, but I truly hope you are never set against us...""

It takes a few minutes as Xander uses a few charges from his wand chamber and Raine resumes control over her body.

"You are like the White Shade they spoke about... like Kazym!""

Xander places his hand on the half fey's shoulder and shakes his head.

"Raine, as a user of magic, you should be aware that there are many ways to make it manifest. I heard Kazym brought much ruin into the Fey Woods, but Adalyse is not like him. We are a group. A team. yes, her powers are... different from what I am used to seeing in battle, but she should not be ostracized because of it.""

Xander heals completely and adjusts his glasses as he smiles at you.

"If your Lord sent you to help, I will have to trust that his motives are not of the ulterior kind. But being bound by a contract... I hope you do not regret whatever it is you signed, Adalyse Ren.""

Raine walks through the now empty halls of Gloomheim and looks around, keeping a wary eye out to you, particularly.

"Well... thank you, Adalyse. You did save me. I would have fallen to those Insoril had you not done what you did. It's just that this place is not one that welcomes the undead or powers derived from them.""

It's a female's laughter that echoes through the entire hall as Xander and Raine look up and eighty feet above, Queen Uriti descends. Her body unscathed as she glows with her unholy aura.

"A very powerful effect, Adalyse. You wiped out my court of Insoril, but you did not get me.""

Xander looks up at the Unseelie and grips his staff.

"How? We saw it all happen! You were all wiped out!""

The Joyless Queen chuckles as she floats around, staying at least twenty feet above ground.

"That blast of negative energy is unlike any I have seen...and I have been around for a very long time. However, at the very last moment, when my court was taken away by this burst, I was able to fend it off by virtue of my Infernal Heritage. I was not sure if you could do it again and, I too bent time to escape the blast and hide in the upper levels of my hall, away from your sight.

I had to watch and be cunning- were you to use that power again, I may not have survived, but alas, you are spent, aren't you? As is Xander and Raine...""

Raine bears claws again as she looks up at the Joyless Queen.

"You want to try again?""

Queen Uriti smiles as her arcane aura glows tremendously.

"This time, I will not be letting any of you go!""

Round 1

It's a sudden explosion of arcane power as Uriti's back draws a pair of translucent sharp purple wings made of raw arcane power as she swirls in place and laughs, striking at the three of you with great magical strength!

"This time, you three are going to perish! You will not send me away. None of you can!""

63 force damage reflex DC 24 for half damage. On a failed save, remain dazed for 1 round

Xander and Raine have been hit full blast by this tricky fey. Those two may be strong, but right now, their minds are reeling as they are knocked back several feet by Uriti's impressive arcane display.

"We shall see how long you can stay standing, Adalyse. You really thought you had a chance against the Court of Sorrows? Misguided little shell...""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=170396)

Uriti, the Joyless Queen

2016-04-16, 07:54 AM
Reflex - [roll0]

Adalyse remained dazed just like her two allies.

2016-04-16, 04:59 PM
@Adalyse: This fey is too powerful!

Not only is she tainted by the powers of Hell, but her own powers as a sorceress put yours to shame...and this much is clear as Raine and Xander are left in utter pain as their eyes go white and their entire bodies shake as Uriti's influence disrupts their nervous systems, if only for a few seconds.

The Joyless Queen smiles as she moves closer to all of you and rubs her perfect chin.

"You really thought you had a chance, shell? How stupid of you. I am Lady Windemere's most powerful Courtier. When it comes to matters of magic, I am unparalleled. Even Wihinhilda cowers before me. And now, you and your friends are going to die...""

Uriti, Queen of the Insoril on Oerth, inhales a massive amount of air into her ghostly lungs and her eyes glean with purple arcane power as she releases an unearthly scream that causes Raine and Xander to cover their ears in abject pain as your own body bears a significant amount of cracks.

58 sonic damage. reflex DC 25 for half.

Raine leaps away at the last second, but is clearly hurt as Xander grunts and can barely remain standing.

"We need to keep mobile or else we will never win. Raine and Adalyse, I will be your support here. Give it all you got: I will not let her capture us again with her spells.""

Xander stands defiant and holds his staff in one hand as he fixes his glasses, his face filled with determination now.

Raine gets her claws ready and spreads her fey wings as Uriti watches the three of you from her lofty height.

"Defeating me is an impossible task, mortal. No power on Oerth exists that can best me. Even to lose, one must do so with dignity. Accept your defeat.""

Raine pants as she looks up at the Unseelie and smiles.

"That may be my problem: I don't know when to accept defeat, Unseelie.""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=170447)

Round 3

Uriti, the Joyless Queen

2016-04-17, 09:06 AM
Adalyse moved closer to the throat, hoping to prevent Uriti from being able to target all three of them with one attack again. She called upon the power to punch through the Queen's arcane resistance, gathering the sickly green energy around her once again before releasing it in the form of hundreds of skeletal hands.

Uriti's reaction to her first attempt earlier, led her to believe that there was some advantage to being able to remove that stone from her form.

Move Action - Away from the others
Swift Action - Assay Spell Resistance
Standard Action - Telekinesis
SR check - [roll0]
Disarm check - [roll1]

2016-04-17, 05:09 PM
@Adalyse: Once more, you focus your immeasurable arcane powers and attempt to disarm the Joyless Queen from the gem on her forehead, but her own Unseelie essence thwarts away your ghostly hands.

"You certainly have a one track mind, Adalyse. You cannot even dream of placing a hand on me, shell.""

Xander looks at you and then up at the Insoril as he rubs his chin.

"Maybe she cannot lay a hand on you, Queen Uriti, but that is because you have several minor spells on you. Allow me to relieve you of them.""

Xander focuses his own arcane power as a gigantic green spectral quill comes into being above him, the sharp end aimed at Uriti herself.

"You focus on offense tremendously, fey, but you do have some defense on you. Well met, but I ought to remind you that there is no spell that cannot be countered....""

The quill goes right through Uriti the Joyless Queen as several wards are taken by the quill as this one vanishes and her Unholy Aura dissipates.

"You miserable mortal! How dare you?!""

Xander grips his staff as Raine leaps into the air and swooshes through it like a green phantom, appearing right next to the Joyless Queen as she proceeds to punch her with bare fists as her strikes are lucky enough to go through her ghostly form.

"You said I should be killed because I was a what?""

Uriti gets her face smashed against Raine's fist as a mighty kick causes the Unseelie to widen her eyes as this one sinks into her stomach, causing Raine to flex her fists as she remains next to her.

"Not so tough now, are we?""

Uriti watches her wounds on her face and stomach and looks at Raine.

"I mentioned you were to be killed on the mere account of being the sorry union between a fey and a mortal... and I plan to bank on that promise!""

Xander looks at you
and then at the fey.

"You said so yourself- do not try to use magic to which she is resistant to. We need to go all out offensive here.""

Round 4

Uriti looks at all of you and Raine, who is flying right next to her and smiles.

"You all rely on sight to have even a sliver of chance to affect me, but what happens if we take that off?""

The Joyless Queen laughs as the entire hall is filled with a thick vaporous cloud that iumpedes movement and blocks out all sight.

Solid Fog

I can find you through sheer emotions... but you can't find me. Now get ready, mortals- this time, the end is NIGH!

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=170551)

Uriti, the Joyless Queen

2016-04-18, 07:27 AM
While Adalyse couldn't see well in this fog, she had other methods to use. The armor drew on additional arcane energy to ensure she could penetrate the Queen's defenses and then called upon a simple spell allowed her to ignore the cover granted by the thick smoke. She bent time around her to give her the ability to release her devastating spell.

Reflex [roll0]
Swift Action - Assay Spell Resistance
Standard Action - True Strike

Immediate Action - Celerity
Standard Action - Split Ray Invisible Empowered Enervate
SR check - [roll1]
RTA 1 - [roll2] Ignore Conceal
RTA 2 - [roll3] Conceal (High) [roll4]

RTA 1 level drain - [roll5] + 1
RTA 2 level drain - [roll6] + 1

2016-04-18, 07:49 PM
@Adalyse: Despite the thick nebulous fog, you are able to perceive three beating hearts.

Xander is on ground level, not too far away from you.

Raine is above ground and next to her, the Joyless Queen herself.

Bringing down this fey may very well prove to be your most daunting task. she has so far been able to avoid most if not all of your magic. the fact that she's a half fiend with access to powerful magic at an instinctual level does not help...

But if she isn't taken down, you will.

And there are no retries in this battle.

It's a white arrow that once more manifests on your gauntlet as crackling black energy swells around it as sheer Negative Energy begins to pulsate through your entire body.

The sheer cry of Uriti's agony resounding through the halls of Forgotten laughter is a sign that your spell hit its mark as Raine, despite being partially blinded by the fog is able to strike the Joyless queen twice as Xander begins chanting through the fog.

"We need a clear shot. Do not resist!""

It's sigils or arcane power that surround your body as you, the half fey and the magus reappear several feet down the hallway and away from the thick fog.

Raine looks at her claws and then at the fog.

"I was already getting into a fight... why get us out?""

Xander points towards the fog as uriti flies out.

"She and Adalyse are matched- both do not rely on sight and the solid fog would have us hampered. I am out of my more powerful abjurations, so we will need to face her here, unless we want to fight her back in the fog. We need to bring her down now.""

Round 5

@Adalyse: The Joyless Queen looks at you and you can tell she has been hit... but the effects of your spell are far from bringing her down.

Between you and Raine, the fey has suffered some damage, but not enough as the Joystealer's aura once again glows crimson and Raine holds to her stomach and kneels in pain while Uriti laughs.

"This half fey will not see the light of day again... you two mages are no match for me without her.""

And indeed, Uriti has used one of her Infernal abilities to call forth the Destruction spell, as Raine's entire body drips blood and her eyes go deep red.

Xander looks at the half fey and then at Uriti as he brings his staff down immediately and white sigils surround the fey warrior, allowing her to survive the worst of this sinister spell...

But her body has still suffered grievous wounds. She may not be able to survive another onslaught like this.

Raine gets up and coughs some blood as she looks up at the Joyless Queen, an eye completely shut and spits some blood on the ground.

"You... you're going to have to do better than that...heh!""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=170652)

Uriti, the Joyless Queen

2016-04-18, 08:10 PM
Adalyse remains dazed from her warping of time moments before.

2016-04-19, 03:51 AM
@Adalyse: Raine is on her last legs, that much is clear.

Xander isn't faring that well, either and you are dazed as Uriti begins to swell with arcane power and the half fey gets ready to charge at her again.

Xander holds her wrist and drags her towards you.

"Right now we are in no condition, Raine. Trust me...""

And before Raine can object, Xander once more uses his arcane power to move the three of you far from Uriti's reach and senses as you appear by the throne statue, where the solid fog blocks both party's sights.

"Ok, both of you try and stay quiet- if my calculations are right, that Insoril can sense emotions, but at a fixed range. We need time to prepare a counter attack. Raine, can you heal?""

The half fey nods and casts a simple conjuration on her very battered and bloody body as a few wounds patch up.

Xander looks at the mass of white fog a few feet away and adjusts his glasses.

"Adalyse, your Enervations are going through, but this Unseelie is far from spent power wise. We need to concentrate on a single devastating attack. Can you do that again? Raine, are your claw spells still working""

"For at least a minute.""

Xander grips his staff and looks at the statue.

"We have less than that. This will be the final attack. I have been saving one spell to use on her, but I need both of you to weaken her tremendously. If we succeed, no more joystealers in the woods...

And if we fail, well... it was a pleasure fighting at your side, ladies.""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=170664)

Round 6

Uriti can be heard way down the hallway as she blasts a portion of her own hall.

Where are you? Cowards... have you decided to escape with your tail between your legs?

Uriti, the Joyless Queen

2016-04-19, 07:17 AM
Adalyse channeled a flash of insight of the future into her gauntlets. The arrow appeared once again, this time over both of the metal hands. "I am ready." She was pleasantly surprised at the stoic determination that both of them held. If they died here, it was final. She had built-in safety nets that let her push until the bitter end.

She wondered if she would be so willing to battle if put in their position.

Full Round Action - Extended True Strike

2016-04-19, 10:54 PM
@Adalyse: Raine can barely stand, yet she grips her claws and gets her wings ready as the angry sounds of the Joyless Queen resound through the shattered walls of Gloomheim.

Xander grips his staff and looks at the fog and addresses you.

"Your body can withstand a lot more punishment from her spells than Raine or I. Whatever she unleashes now, will most likely kill us both, but your body can withstand some more punishment. Just wait for my signal....

And let's hope this works.""

Xander taps the staff on the ground loudly, as it echoes through the Unseelie Halls and Uriti laughs as tremendous arcane power begins to rumble around the Halls of Forgotten Laughter.

"Here she comes...""

And true to his strategy, Uriti, the Joyless Queen moves in and widens her ruby eyes as she begins to focus on a very potent spell and the entire throne chamber shakes as a mighty trench of broken stone erupts around you, sending massive shock waves that threaten to break your entire body.

48 sonic damage. Reflex DC 23 for half

At that moment, Xander looks at raine and unmake themselves from the spot and reappear behind her as Raine charges towards the Insoril and brings her whole clawed fury at the fey as Uriti manages to dodge the worst of the attack.

"Is that the best you got, half breed? Last efforts of a dying mongrel?""

Raine turns to look at Xander as the magus yells in pain and tilts his head back, calling on the Celerity spell as his entire body crackles with white arcane energy and his hands cup a sphere of raw white arcane energy that begins to grow and pulsate and cause the halls to resonate as the statue of Uriti begins to crack.

The Joyless Queen's eyes widen as she is blasted through her ghostly heart by an empowered Orb of Force, launched with such precision that the hole on her body remains, but the Unseelie isn't down yet.

Xander caves at the knees as his glasses fall off his face and looks at you.

"Do it... do it now!""

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=170767)

Uriti, the Joyless Queen

2016-04-20, 07:12 AM
"Give my regards to your subjects." Adalyse channeled the negative energy that flowed from her suit of armor into an inky ray to sap the Queen's strength. Before that energy could even register with her enemy, she called on all of the soul energy remaining within to warp the laws of time.

A deep shuddered breath made the armor rattle as crackling black static energy gathered in the gauntlets. She held the orb of destruction for the briefest moment, seeming to savor in the void held within her palms. With a graceful movement, Adalyse pushed it toward Uriti, aiming directly for the stone upon her head.

Reflex - [roll0]
Standard - Empowered Enervate [roll1]
SR check - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]+1

Swift Action - Celerity
Standard - Disintegration [roll4]
SR check - [roll5]
Damage - [roll6]
Fort dc 23 for [roll7]

2016-04-20, 12:01 PM
@Adalyse: It is incredible what humanity is willing to do at the very last moments of their life.

Xander is a magus. He no doubt had a way to escape Gloomheim altogether. Maybe alone, maybe take you and Raine with him.

And yet, bloodied and battered and kneeling from the pain used to conjure forth such a massive spell that would have unmade you, he has chosen to stay and place a very large amount of faith in you as the tremendous bl;ast from Uriti's spell leaves many cracks in your obsidian body.

With the Hall of Forgotten Laughter shaking and crumbling, you look up at Uriti, heavily damaged by Xander's sphere and bombard her with a barrage of Negative Energy as the Joyless Queen grits her teeth and then laughs.

"You think that is enough to finish me off, you miserable little, huh...NOOOO!!!""

It's one glorious emerald blast that strikes the Joyless Queen directly as her body attempts to resist the massive damage from your transmutation as Xander picks up his glasses and looks up at the Unseelie while Raine descends upon him and shields him with her wings from falling debris.

The Joyless Queen wrought much suffering to you, Xander and Raine. Her forces scattered through the Fey Woods, under her vile command would have surely wrought a lot more suffering to your allies, who are no doubt desperately trying to accomplish the same task as you.

And as the statue of Uriti begins to crack, a tremendous syphon of power forms from it as hundreds of Insoril wail and scream and are dragged into it as the fog cloud goes inside as well, with Uriti holding on to the statue, her essence being sent back to the Ethereal as the gem falls off her forehead and clinks on the steps below.

"I am the Joyless Queen! How is this even possible? I only desired to return to the world of the living, to recover that which was lost to me and my Court! Adalyse!!! I will not forget your name: You will not be victorious from this war. None of you ever will! And because of my departure, Gloomheim is no more and it will be your tomb..."

And having said that, with a great flash of crimson light, Uriti and her court of Joystealers are sucked into the statue as this one resonates through Gloomheim as the beautiful murals crack and crash on the ground around you as Raine holds on to your hand and that of Xander and runs back outside, columns and ceiling crashing behind the three of you...

Once outside, Xander composes himself and adjusts his glasses as the great Hall of Gloomheim wails with the remnants of the Insoril as the entire tower rumbles and sinks into the snow, collpasing along its route.

A flock of crows rises from the trees and fly towards the wintry skies as the sun that is Arrallae shines a little brighter in the distance and you look at Raine, covered in blood from head to toe as she lets go off your hand and smiles weakly.

"Thank you, Adalyse... did we win, Xander?''

The magus grips his staff and coughs some blood on the snow and smiles back.

"Yes, Raine. We won.""

The half fey laughs gently at first, then turning boisterous as she falls on her knees.

"That's good, then...""

And exhausted from the fight and on the brink of death, Raine collapses on the snow. Alive, but out of it due to having pushed her body to the limit.

Xander looks at you and shows you the gem that had fallen from Uriti during her demise:


"I will not lie, Adalyse: I was skeptical about you coming here with us. That you would turn at the last moment and fall for their call. But I have seen you in battle and I am not scared anymore. I am honored to have fought by your side. And I doubt it will be the last one. This is yours. You gave her the last shot, but who knows what it could be.""

Xander sits on the snow and admires the last remnants of Gloomheim as he takes out a tiny stone and presses it against his forehead and shuts his eyes for a few seconds.

"Silas is aware of our success. He is en route to Vallantheim. Reintse tells him there is another place a few miles from here- Kinderheim, the Hall of Mourning Children. We could go there, or we could go back to the Shepherd's Grove. I am nearly spent on offensive spells right now."

2016-04-20, 03:45 PM
The rough metal hand closed carefully around the delicate stone. She nodded her head in acceptance to Xander's praise. "Both of you are equally impressive in your dedication to the cause despite such real risk to your lives. I had half expected you to teleport away. I will not doubt your resolve again."

She looked to the woman in the snow and then back to Xander. "I have used nearly all of my own abilities, including the ability to fully repair myself." Digging into her pack, she retrieved the wand gifted to her and pondered it's use for a moment. "We should rest before attempting to engage in any other combat. Even a simple patrol would likely overcome us in this condition."

2016-04-20, 04:42 PM
@Adalyse: Raine snores lightly as the snow falls on her and you examine the stone recovered from Uriti.

Whatever it is, it must have some significance as Xander looks at the devastated ruins of Gloomheim and nods in return.

"I have a Gem Jump spell prepared. I had expected to use it in the most dire of situations. Ideally to save Silas, but then it dawned upon me:

Had I used the spell to get out of this place, we would have never had a second chance against the Joyless Queen. I had to take a gamble...and it paid off.""

Xander looks on at the horizon as Arrallae shines ever bright and the snow never stops falling and takes out a pair of iron hoops.

"Silas, myself and a few others swore to protect Arrallae and by extension the forest and all it encompasses. Truth be told, the others that made the pledge with us went off to Hammerbruke, where I left you. Then, they would sail off to Halmathan, but they have not answered either my calls or Silas'. They sure would have been a great asset in this war against the Unseelie.""

Xander tosses the hoops into the air as these disappear and a semi translucent hole rips open in space as the magus gets up with a grunt and carries Raine, whose spells for battle have long since worn off and who holds on to the mage as her tail waves back and forth as she keeps snoring lightly.

"Odd. I thought i knew all the relevant fey in these woods... but if Reintse and Casyllyn vouch for her, I have no reason no to believe them. This lady can sure pack a punch.""

Xander goes inside with a sleeping Raine in arms and looks at you.

"I know you don't sleep, but the sheer amount of arcane power you have unleashed must've had an effect on you. That and the many cracks in your body caused by Uritis' spells. You do have a way to repair those, I suppose?"

2016-04-20, 09:59 PM
Adalyse nodded, the thin wand still held in her hand. "Unfortunately, it is not something you or she can benefit from but I do know you are skilled in the item's use where I am not." She followed the mage and snoring half-breed through the portal before holding the wand out to Xander.

"I don't have the training in the skill to activate wands outside of the realm of arcana, but if you'd be so kind as to do so for me... three charges should give me a stable footing once more."

2016-04-20, 10:51 PM
@Adalyse: Xander steps inside the Rope Trick and places Raine on the nebulous ground as he helps you up and examines the black wand.

"As a magus, I am versed in the application of all manner of magic, be they arcane or divine. It comes as no surprise that you would carry one of these with you- I have spent several charges of my own wand, but if you wish..""

Xander unlocks one of the ends of his staff and reveals a small cylindrical chamber.

"I can have the wand placed here, for ease of use. I usually have a True Strike one outfitted, but the battle against Uriti did not give me time to strategize much. Let me check the item, Adalyse.""

Xander runs his hand over the crude symbols etched on it and keens his eyes as the wand thrums and with a shaky hand, the magus uses three charges of it on your nearly shattered body as adamantine seams mesh with wisp and aether as your body regains most of its starting functionality.

44 Hp

47 Hp

48 Hp

Xander hands you the wand back and adjusts his glasses and sits back down next to a sleeping Raine.

"I am aware that the undead are healed by negative energy... but the discharges upon your body are a lot more potent. Clearly, there is a lot more to you than meets the eye.""

Xander begins to focus on a lengthy spell as Raine tosses in her sleep a few feet away and kicks and punches an unseen enemy as she mutters the vague name of Uriti in her dreams.

"We have managed to take down one of Windemere's minions, but I doubt we will be as fortunate next time. Where do you think we should proceed?""

2016-04-20, 11:04 PM
"Tell me of this Hall of Mourning Children, which of her favored considers that their domain?" Adalyse accepted the wand back and sat down in the meditative position she is so accustomed to resting in. As she speaks and awaits the information, she flips open the metal-bound tome and skims the pages.

Now that she has had a few moments and is away from prying eyes, Adalyse planned on discovering the full extent of magic upon her items that the lich might have worked to hide from her and his master.

"Your friends... what were... are their names?"

Spell Pool - Analyze Dweomer on her possessions and body.
2 level 3 slots expended to refill pool before resting.

2016-04-21, 12:27 AM
@Adalyse: You adopt your meditative stance as you place the cold metal book on your lap and take out a tiny ruby sapphire on a golden loop and begin examining your newly crafted body and equipment as Xander focuses on a divination of his own.

"Kinderheim... the Hall of Mourning Children. Silas is not aware of who lives in that place, but if it's like Gloomheim, we should expect a bloody battle. These Unseelie are rather brutal and I doubt we are going to walk by unimpeded after taking down their Insoril forces. At least here we should be safe for the next eight hours.

As for those who used to keep these woods safe? Well, I was a newcomer a year ago, asked by Silas to come run his shoppe. My previous home was rather... unwelcoming, so his invitation to Justcrown came at the best of times. By then, a band of adventurers had already set out to liberate these very woods from the dry lich Kazym. They came back frequently to restock on supplies. We had a fair weather and trade back then., so their battered bodies in town were quickly healed. Not that we had anything to do with that- they had ample support on their own.

There was Alexander Anderson, inquisitor, paladin and holy servant of Pelor. The man was not very... well. He wasn't like Humbert. Very different. Silas once commented that he was a womanizer. and it was because of him that the Autumn Ball Fiasco was triggered by Nerine, who used her charms to get the best of him. He would later redeem hismelf to his friends and is said to have brought down many fell powers that haunted these woods and beyond Justcrown... even in Hammerbruke and Jottun's Foot."

Xander takes a break from his casting and adjusts his glasses as Raine stirs a little more in her sleep.

"He would later join the others and head across the Ossian Way by ship towards the City of Power, Halmathan. I was told that he received extensive training there before coming back to Justcrown. A man who had many teachers, he would later be brought back here... and in these very woods he lies buried.

Aradia Ferran, the Dragon Shaman. Disciple of Inzeri, the terror of Crystalmist. This woman was a powerhouse a born leader. Silas and I still debate whether she was descended from dragons herself. Aradia traveled with Alexander and the others and last I knew of her, she sailed off to meet her previous adventuring group, a Resistance Movement called the Unrelenting Justice. Last I checked, they are in the Sea of Sands, dealing with some problem over there related to some warlord.

Luthon Esgalwathon, a grey elf beguiler. Luthon was very important to me. Because of him, I was able to see firsthand the gravity of the situation here regarding Arrallae and why it was crucial for her to be safely warded in Swan's Rest. I wish I could go into further details about that, but it would be best if you were not privy to such information.

Luthon must've learned a lot more than he bargained for. I know he is safely kept and looked for at a Hospice in Bludhaven Port. Silas and I pay a monthly stipend to keep him comfortable and well fed. The man barely even recognizes us anymore...""

Xander adjusts his glasses and looks out the portal as the snow forever keeps falling outside.

"Then there was Irraly Torghym, the drow paladin. A rarity for these woods and this part of the world, Irraly had been living here for over seventy years and Silas told me she was the one who asked Alexander and the others to assist her with the Fey Woods during Kazym's rampage.

In battle, Irraly is said to have surpassed her peers with the blade and spell. A true follower of Eilistraee and fiercely territorial, Silas invited her to the school to perform a live performance on the application of spell resistance. I was afraid she'd unsheathe her blade on the students for final examination, but she kept her cool rather well.

Had we known by then that she had a Mother Cyst implanted in her, we would not have even asked. We tried to remove it, but were unable to- whoever cast it was too strong for us to assist. So, she went to Halmathan, in hopes of getting it removed by some famed Chirurgeon over there.

There was a late comer to that group- Lysa Silentwhisper, a pixie bard. the Lovesinger Pixie. Arrallae is said to have taught her a Song that no other bard has ever been able to muster- the legendary Words of Creation, said to be the building blocks of the multiverse. Lysa would join the others after the Battle of Swan's Rest, but was a participant in sealing said village from the outside world. I heard she protected the others while they traveled into Jottun's Foot and later on in the Ossian Way.

And then there was Archaidous Mithmironel, a grey elf wizard from Celadon Forest, the Iron Wood Tower, to be precise. I have seen many mages in my lifetime, but Archaidous is, in this magus' humble opinion, perhaps the most skilled at Conjuration I have ever seen.

So powerful was he, that Archaidous was able to recreate the Seal to Swan's Rest. It was then that Silas and myself were invited to participate and learned many secrets regarding what lay beyond the South Gate of Justcrown. Last we spoke to him, he came here and mentioned that Halmathan was in utter political turmoil, which is a pity- Silas was considering to open a branch shoppe over there.""

Xander finishes casting his spell and shuts his eyes for a few seconds before opening them again.

"...and that would be the last time Silas and I ever saw any of them. We tried many times in the last few months to contact them, but to no avail. We have not discarded death, but being Guardians to Arrallae, it would be very difficult to put any of them down, so we suspect some other more sinister reason. However, we have our own war right now... with the Court of Sorrows.""

As Xander speaks, you use your most powerful divination to analyze your book and body.

If Isiflis has been working on it, who knows what that monster may have weaved into it?

That's when your hand stops at the book's symbol, now changed from Wee Jas to that of The Reaper and discern that this lich has placed an extremely powerful divination on it, laced with an evocation conjuration and a transmutation as the Leader of the Scarlet Cabal's voice rings through your mind, unheard by Xander and Raine:

I was wondering when you'd get the idea to use any of your apprentice spells, Adalyse. Having fun out in the snow? Don't even think about messing with the sensor, Haunting: Blink at it. Cast a single spell to attempt to remove it and you might find yourself having an undead magus and half fey in toll.

And I would not rely on threatening me with Lord Palindurias, you little tattle tale: You think our King would be interested in what you have to say versus I? Go have some fun fey hunting. Think of me as the little angel on your adamantine shoulder- always watching...

2016-04-21, 12:48 AM
Adalyse snorted and turned the book so that the symbol was against the floor. While she was sure that doing so would not prevent the lich from listening or watching, it was at least satisfying to remove the symbol from her sight.

She brought her attention to the gem that Xander gave her, the one belonging to the queen and had been so precious to her.

2016-04-21, 01:13 AM
@Adalyse: It's a loud clank on the nebulous floor as Isiflis finally shuts up and you put the metal book face down and then hold the sapphire between your hands, turning it around on its axis and attempting to gain any significant readings on it...

For a creature like Uriti, who showed fear when you tried to disarm her of it, there is absolutely no reading you cab gain from it.

This means that either the Joyless Queen was vain and simply wanted a shiny bauble, or...

That this sapphire has powers that go beyond mortal magic. And if that is the case, then this war may have taken a turn for the worse...

But for which side?

Xander takes out a table cloth and a kettle and a pair of cups as he pours himself some tea and is about to wake up Raine, but the half fey has fallen in complete and deep slumber.

"You don't need to answer if you don't want to, Adalyse- but was the trip to Jottun's Foot worth it? I did not hear many good things about that place. None, to be exact. Alexander, irraly, Archaidous, Aradia and little Lysa came out unscathed... somewhat. Lysa is said to have lost something in there. Something very important to her, but not an item or pouch of gold, no. Something that defined her. You are not amongst the living, yet you have been around Justcrown for a very long time. as a scholar of Delleb, I am tempted to ask: how was it? My deals with the undead have not been friendly until today and the day before that.""

2016-04-21, 03:06 AM
Adalyse pondered for a moment about the gem. If her divination could not uncover anything about it, the only way to gain any answers would be to place it on herself as Uriti had. That would have to wait. She couldn't risk linking herself to the Unseelie right now, especially with how weak her companions were.

Adalyse tucked the gem away in her pack and remained completely still and silent for a long moment. "There is nothing that I can say to make you understand the sorrow of that place. Most of those who are trapped there did not wish to become unliving. Those that chose to are far less... socially adept than myself. While the young lord keeps them bound from spreading throughout the countryside uncontrolled, he is responsible for their creation, mostly to fill the void that a lonely child might have if abandoned by their family. I am the first undead allowed to leave since his arrival."

"He recognizes a connection to Arrallae, but he can not recall what it is or why. Nor can he recall anything before his fall to the valley."

2016-04-21, 04:29 AM
@Adalyse: Who knows what power this sapphire holds.

Your divination did not provide any information and naturally, the only way would be to test it blindly, but who knows what effect it may have on you- these fey are tricky indeed and whatever powers this gem holds may be a key to ending this War... or not.

Xander watches you pocket the sapphire and listens to your brief description regarding the undead in that valley as he adjusts his glasses and sips on some tea.

"In my experience, very few chose to embrace undeath. Many are victims, who inevitably are drawn to the allure of negative energy and the powers it can bestow, erasing all but a very few memories from their former minds...

But you say that those in the valley regret such condition. And yet their king, the Rotten Child by title, does not allow them to leave. You being the first. I expected that some would embrace such power fully. Archaidous told me once about a duel he had with a lich in that valley- Isiflis, a mad Nerullian cultist. For all his power, the conjurer told me he eventually lost that match... but it was Aradia, who to my knowledge, lacks any mastery of the arcane who won the battle to him. He did not go into further detail, nor did I bother to ask.""

Xander finishes sipping his tea and places the cup down with care, so as to not wake up Raine.

"So you believe Arralae and this boy are connected? Silas and I have made a similar assumption. Awhile back, Justcrown was on the verge of being submerged in water. You may remember the draped mirror in his study? Archaidous asked to borrow it to scry on some former allies of him, far off at sea. Silas told me he found the person he was looking for.

But his friends were at an island that had a master... or mistress. A being named Zyanya, the Shark of the Depths. Silas told me her very presence was enough to induce drowning and fill the entire study in coral and sea water. According to his description, this monster was a Sahuagin, a race of monstrous humanoids that prey in deep undersea trenches, but this one in particular seemed to encompass the weight and power of the entire ocean.

Some time earlier, when Luthon came to our shop, heavily wounded and asking for help, I took him to Casyllyn's Western Coven. He was being pursued by Nerine and Luther, a pair of vicious assassins that caused Swan's Rest to be reduced to rubble.

Luthon and I would have been killed by Luther, had a mysterious halfling not descended and used a very powerful version of a Wind spell to drive them away.

What I'm going with here is that I believe that Arrallae, The Rotten Child, Zyanya and this halfling each represent an aspect of the elements.

Arrallae has the power to heal, Positive Energy.

The Rotten Child in Hammerbruke creates undead, Negative Energy.

Zyanya was able to fill an entire building with sea water and induce the feeling of drowning, Water.

The halfling that saved us from Nerine and her accomplice used gales and zephyrs to drive them away, Wind.

Anyone versed in mysticism like you and I know that two of those four elements contradict each other. Yet if what you tell me is true, then there is a connection between them. How? Why? I do not know, but if they have been here for such a long time... why have they not met? The halfling is said to have flown away once Swan's Rest was safe, not wanting to see Arrallae. Something along the lines that he shouldn't be here...""

A a student devoted to the arcane and knowledge, I want to find out more, but after my last visit to Luthon, I think it is best to let that mystery fade into obscurity. I need to have my mind sane enough to fight the Unseelie here and now.

So, what do you think we should do once the Rope Trick expires? we can go to Kinderheim. We could also go back to the Shepherd's Grove and wait for the others to come out of the swamp.

Alternatively, we could go track the treant. if he's on a rampage, maybe we can calm him down... well maybe not you, but Raine is a forest denizen, I think. She should be able to communicate with him."

2016-04-22, 07:05 AM
Adalyse listened to Xander's explanation of the beings. When he asked the question about where to go next, there was no hesitation in her answer. "This body is built for war, little else." She sat back in the meditative pose again and became as still as a statue.

2016-04-23, 03:32 AM
@Adalyse: Xander puts way the tea set and looks at you as he gets comfortable against a nebulous corner within the Rope Trick.

"A body built to become a weapon... it is a sad perspective, really. As a magus, I was once told that I should use my powers to devastate my enemies, but truth be told, I do not take pleasure in it. I am a scholar, like Silas. And like him, I would rather teach those gifted in the arcane so that conflict can be avoided. There is no such thing as a good war, Adalyse, regardless of the victor. You who have lived longer than I ought to know that.""

And with those words, Xander lays down and puts his glasses next to him as slumber takes over and you remain utterly motionless as Xander and Raine sleep peacefully, getting a well deserved rest.

You need not sleep. Such a concept has all but been forgotten by you, but as long as you remain motionless and safe, you can put your ethereal mind at ease within the confines of your black armor and can only wish you could pass the time somehow, since waking those two would be rather rude.

Hours go by...

Raine is the first to yawn loudly and stretch her arms as she flies out of the slowly vanishing Dimension, stretching her wings and flying outside as she passes by you and smiles.

"Morning! You still in there?""

The half fey practices a few flying kicks against the snowflakes and then adopts a meditative pose and lowers her head as she mumbles some unknown language.

Xander gets up and prods around for his glasses for a few seconds before finding them and takes out a small basin filled with water, which he uses to wash his face as he takes out a heavy leather bound grimoire and begins to read it in silence as he nods a good day to you and begins to read up on his many powerful spells contained within.

The Rope Trick vanishes at long last as Raine gets up and looks at the remains of Gloomheim-

A patch of trees have grown over night amidst broken ruins as Xander rubs his chin in thought.

"We should be headed to Kinderheim, at least that's what Silas mentioned. The Hall of Mourning Children. We should expect heavy resistance along the way. News of Joystealers not being around must've reached Glacielheim by now and I doubt they will take such news in good spirits.""

Raine cracks her knuckles and walks several feet ahead of both as the looming frozen statues in Windemere's likeness along the road seem to watch all of you, which causes Raine to kick one at the base, but without so much strength as to bring it down- merely shatter several icicles.

"Why don't we just head to Glacielheim directly? We managed to take down Uriti, right? And she claimed to be the second most powerful Unseelie here. So... we go to the ice castle, punch the lights out of Windemere and end this winter for good.""

2016-04-24, 07:32 AM
Adalyse watched the others' morning routine. She had little need for any of that herself, but found it interesting, none the less.

As they walked along, when Raine mentioned heading straight for the heart of the problem, the armor shook it's head and spoke.

"To head straight in is to be surrounded by the enemy and allow them to focus all of their resources directly on the threat. What we are doing now forces them to split their attention.

We do not have enough resources ourselves to use the strategy of striking first and hardest and not letting our enemy recover, we must play the game of attrition. There is little to fear from a tyrant with no one to rule. I would surmise that if enough of her lieutenants are eliminated, Windemere will retreat.

And... they all claim to be the second most powerful." The voice chuckled at the last statement.

2016-04-25, 05:13 AM
@Adalyse: Xander keeps walking through the snow and nods at your words.

"Raine, we were extremely lucky back in Gloomheim. Although you can certainly fight, my spells and those of Adalyse had a very small margin of success. Uriti was not a pushover. Had Adalyse not been able to strike her at the last second, the three of us would not be here now, so heed the words of your elders, child: Assess the situation carefully. Prepare accordingly and then strike. We knew Uriti was a Joystealer and so, force spells worked best, but we don't know what the others can do.

Adalyse's seemingly endless Enervations tilted the battle in our favor, yes, but we should expect enemies that are prepared for that. As a caster, if I know that a fellow arcanist has been felled, I divine and research ways to make sure I do not fall like him. I have no reason not to believe that Windemere and those in her Court of Sorrows are doing the same, which shall make our travel to Glacielheim that more difficult.""

Raine listens to both and pouts as she lifts off the snow a few feet and crosses her arms as she hovers amidst the falling snow.

"Fine! We'll do it your way, then! I still think we can take on Windemere if the Joyless One was said to be her second in command, but Adalyse has a point: these Unseelie like to brag a lot, so let's just take them out one by one.""

Several hours go by as the tall white trees howl as the northern winds breeze through the tall canopy and more statues devoted to Windemere, covered in icicles and Raine lifts her hand to stop as she walks up to a mound and reveals a dead winter Knight, followed by another several feet away.

"These were killed awhile back. Brutal force... I wonder if it was Johann and the others?""
Xander shakes his head.

"Doubtful. Jacob tells me that Johann, Humbert and the rest are still in the swamp, taking care of some bog imps. Those creatures are relatively weak, so they ought to be fine.""

The winds howl harder as the blizzard gives way to a magnificent palace surrounded by a well groomed orchard covered in snow:


banners have been hung on the trees lading to this magnificent building bearing this symbol:


Know. religion to ID it

Raine rubs her chin and flies up to one of the banners.

"Never seen that symbol before.""

Xander scratches his head.

"Seems familiar... but i cannot recall anything about it.""

That's when thundering footsteps herald the appearance of a mighty frost giant, barely scratched and wounded in battle as it looks at all three and fixes on Raine, speaking in the Common tongue.

"You are Humbert? What about you, Johann? Adalyse must be the woman.""

2016-04-25, 01:31 PM
Adalyse wiped the snow and ice from her faceplate as she studied the banner. The rumbling of the earth and appearance of a giant caused her to lose focus in the expectation of an attack.

When none came, and it incorrectly identified the group, she remained silent for a moment pondering if the giant had been given a list of people to kill. It didn't seem likely, as the Unseelie would most likely have given instructions to kill or capture all intruders, not just specific individuals.

"I am Adalyse." She finally spoke. If violence was the giant's mission, it would be quick to react to that confirmation of identity.

Knowledge: Religion - [roll0]

2016-04-25, 08:37 PM
@Adalyse: You look at the banner and recall anything you can about its symbol, clearly a religious one.

That is the holy symbol of Hleid.

Amongst the races that live in the Frostfell, Hleid is the patron goddess of the Uldra, a fey race seen naturally in places like this one, filled with snow.

The myths about Hleid vary from tribe to tribe, since this goddess is revered by races other than the Uldra, but one thing is clear: it is a defeated goddess. Who defeated her and why? Nobody is certain, but her faith remains strong in the Frostfell and some of its most powerful representatives, The Rimefire Witches, are aid to channel the power of Winter through her own will.

Priestesses of Hleid are known to heal the wounded, particularly animals who dwell in the same regions as they do. When roused into battle, the frostfell itself can be summoned at their fingertips.

What is very clear about Hleid's tenets, however, is that the undead are an abomination.... and they ought to be destroyed outright.

The frost giant lumbers over the three of you as Raine gets ready to leap into action and points at you.

"Adalyse... mistress Anzaril mentioned you amongst the names of those that would come. She is inside, and asked Adalyse, Johann, Humbert and a few others to follow in.""

Xander adjusts his glasses and looks at the giant.

"He's been dominated, alright. Anzaril has that power over those of weak minds. Human, beast or giant alike.""

Raine becomes uncharacteristically anxious as he giant mentions the name of the Fen Witch and begins darting towards the frost manor beyond the trees.

"We can't leave her alone, guys! Come on!""

Xander raises his hand, hoping to stop the half fey.

"Raine, Anzaril is an ally of this forest and a Guardian to Arrallae, but we don't know if this giant has fallen to Anzaril's charms... or if it si someone else. There is more road to travel... what do you think, Adalyse?"

2016-04-26, 07:30 AM
Adalyse tilted her head and studied the giant for a moment. "I don't believe it is a trick, but I do believe that these symbols hint at this area being controlled by the Uldra, it is a mark of Hleid. Whether a trick or not, we're going in, so it matters little, just be cautious and alert."

Her own method of detection flared as they continued forward, hoping to catch an ambush before it happened.

Spellcraft check to recognize active spell - [roll0]

2016-04-26, 05:20 PM
@Adalyse: Xander looks at the giant and follows Raine up the frozen steps towards the manor.

"It very well could be a trap, but that should not be a problem- we are all versed in the arcane here, so at signs of any problem, we will simply teleport out. And Uldras aren't known to be vicious...

not all of them, at least.""

There is magic on the giant, that much is obvious- he has been dominated. Subjected to a powerful enchantment. You never did get well acquainted with Anzaril, but Uwellyn did refer to her as the Fen Witch. so perhaps, true to her title, she did do this to the lumbering beast.

And as you climb up the stone steps, you can tell this place, like many others is quite warded and laced with magic. of what kind, difficult to tell, but it should come as no surprise given where you are and the situation at hand.

A air of beautiful jade Lung dragons flank an ornate red wooden door as this one opens with much effort and a short wrinkled human lady widens here yes and bows deeply to all three:


She looks dwarven as the frost collects on her hair and she rubs her hands together to stave off the cold.

"You three must be freezing! Fortunate you are to have found this place. Please, do come in, ladies and gent."

2016-04-26, 08:03 PM
Adalyse glanced at her companions silently. This person was... unexpected. She looked over the woman and into the building, attempting to sense any life forms within. Something felt out of place but she could not discern what exactly it was just yet.

Deciding that simply refusing would get her no closer to an answer, she nodded and stepped inside, brushing the snow and ice from the metal armor before entering.

2016-04-27, 03:54 AM
@Adalyse: The short old woman bows deeply to all three as Raine taps the dragon statues with her index.

"What are these made of?""

Xander raises an eyebrow and looks at the half fey.

"It's rude to touch things like that, Raine. That is jade, a rare gem. Very expensive. Not one found on this side of Oerth. Greetings, madam, my name is Xander Corillian. They are my companions and trusted friends, Lady Adalyse and Lady Raine. You were about to tell us your name..."

The dwarven woman bows deeply and opens the doors for all three of you.

"My name is Izanami, caretaker of the House of Sheltered Leaves. For years, this manor has provided save haven during times of war and danger. Those monsters outside will not be a problem for you., Please come inside.""

The entrance to this manor is oriental in design, with beautiful silk tapestries depicting beautiful pale skinned women with dark hair and kimonos riding clouds, while others frolic on the back of dragon like steeds with misty mountains drawn in the background.

Izanami clears her throat and points to a small cabinet on the side of the door.

"Your shoes, please. It is custom to remove them. Old traditions die hard. I am sorry. This place must remain immaculate.""

Xander looks at the cabinet and then at the dwarven caretaker and sighs as he takes off his shoes, letting a sigh of relief as his white socks tread on the polished wooden floors.

In fact, most of this manor is made of heavy wooden walls, decorated with large pumpkin shaped lamps bearing the symbol of Hleid on them as the fire within casts its shadow on the floor and walls.

Raine hesitates, but takes her shoes off and looks around at the many tapestries.

"Who drew these?""

Izanami chuckles and points at them.

"Please be careful not to touch them. They are considered priceless. The lady of the house was an accomplished artist in her lifetime and these are testaments to her legacy.""

Izanami looks at you and clears her throat as she points at your metal boots.

Xander rubs his chin and smiles at the dwarf woman.

"I am afraid Lady Adalyse cannot take her boots off... a curse of sorts, but I can have them not tread ice and snow in your house, my lady. Allow me.""

The magus uses a simple Prestidigitation as the snow and ice are washed off your adamantine feet as Izanami looks at both and smiles.

"Ok, then! Please, you must be tired and cold. Let me serve you.""

Izanami leads the three of you to a lavish hall with low tables and silk cushions, embroidered with more oriental designs for you to kneels on them or sit indian style as the dwarven maiden brings a black ceramic tray with a boiling pot of tea bearing Hleid's symbol in artistic brush strokes on the side and three cups, each with a violet flower as she serves hot tea on each, causing the flower to bloom and rise to the surface of the cup as she takes a few steps back and bows respectfully.

"Oolongcha tea. Good to calm the spirits and relax. You who have been traveling in the snow would certainly appreciate a warm cup. I have more if you wish.""

Raine takes a whiff of the tea and smiles as she sips a little.

"It's a little bitter... but I like it! Thank you, Izanami.""

Xander looks at the tea and keens his eyes at the flower.

"Is this for decor?""

Izanami smiles broadly and nods.

"It's a crysantheum flower. It gives off a mild honeyed scent and it is indeed, used for decor.""

The magus looks at the cup and takes a sip and nods in appreciation.

"You are too kind, Madame Izanami, but we are here to find Lady Anzaril. We were told she is here."

Izanami's eyes widen and bows again.

"The royal sleeps soundly in one of our guest rooms in the manor. You are welcome to see her when she awakes. there are plenty of rooms here that have been empty for awhile. please relax. i will bring some food shortly."

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=171362)

2016-04-27, 11:32 AM
Adalyse gave a nod of thanks to the woman as she poured the liquid. She does not remove the helm, nor touch the cup as Izanami answers her companions' questions. She turned to study the woman at the mention of the 'noble' title.

"May I ask who the lady of the house is, and are we to meet her?" She studied the paintings, remembering their last encounter in a hall containing such things. These seemed more... pleasant.

2016-04-28, 03:13 AM
@Adalyse: Izanami watches you not even partake of a single sip. Not even remove your helm as Raine finishes her own cup with a loud slurp and puts it down as she raises her hand.

"More for me, please!""

Xander puts his cup down. The magus has barely drank from the cup as you question the dwarf maiden on who owns this manor, but you can tell he is massaging the bridge of his nose as his left hand holds to the table with as much strength as he can.

Izanami smiles as Raine and Xander finish their tea and takes a few steps back, bowing respectfully as she walks towards the wall.

"This house belongs to Lady Iki Ryo, the Deceitful Winter. Anzaril is already here. Has been for several days. I am sure the glaistig will enjoy your company...assuming you ever find her.""

It's a sturdy iron grate that comes down, severing contact to Izanami as Raine gets up from the table and drops the cup on the ground as she begins to spread her wings and unleash her druidic and sorcerous fury.

"And I even liked you! Now I'll tear you...""

And then Raine falls on the ground and pants heavily as her skin goes pale and looks up at Xander, who struggles to get up as he too knocks over the cup.

"What did you give us, dwarf?! Raine...resist!""

Izanami watches and retreats into the shadows as Raine and Xander both collapse on the ground and their bodies disappear entirely from the room.

"I would have expected you to drink as well, but no matter- two out of three isn't so bad. Lady Ryo will weave great tapestries out of them. You? Well... you will not be able to leave my mistress' manor. You should have at least drank the tea- it would have made your slumber that much easier. I have no doubt you can break this grate....""

Izanami disappears entirely into the shadows and behind the statues, blocking your lifensense.

...but can you find your friends?

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=171508)

2016-04-28, 07:11 AM
Adalyse sighed and stood up. The blank faceplate followed the dwarf until she could no longer be sensed. "Tell me, do Unseelie believe themselves clever in deception if deception is the expected action simply because of who they are?"

She moved toward the iron gate and ran her gauntlet over it before bringing her hand forcefully down against the bars repeatedly until she broke through them. There was no point in using a spell, she was not that elitist. Besides, it appeared that the dwarf did not recognize her status and the element of surprise might still be had if they did not know she was an arcanist.

2016-04-28, 05:25 PM
@Adalyse: Another petty fey trick.

Xander and Raine are gone, though, but where? And this Iki Ryo has Anzaril as well...

You walk up to the grate and begin to bash it with your adamantine fist as another more noble female voice echoes through the manor.

A fey I may be, but to the Court of Sorrows I do not belong, Adalyse. You may break the bars of that cage, like my servant mentioned, but out of Lügenheim you will never be able to leave. Much less with brutish strength. This has been too easy: with Anzaril, Xander and Raine forever trapped in my halls, Lady Windemere will have no problem claiming these lands to the Frostfell...

Eventually the grate gives in to your fists and you walk past it...

No Izanami.

No Iki Ryo.

But there are tow paths here that you can take- left and right. And of course, the main door you came in.

Leaving is, of course, a possibility, but alone, who knows if you can reach Glacielheim.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=171575)

2016-04-29, 09:32 AM
Adalyse did not even bother with the halls or door. She walked directly up to the tapestries on the wall. "I know that you hope this eternal winter will bring your goddess back into strength..." Her gauntlet hand rent through the cloth art, leaving it in tatters before moving to the next.

"But I also know that in order to gain strength, Gods need followers and the Unseelie and their minions aren't the type to worship Hleid." She tore another painting from it's hung place on the wall, tearing it in half.

2016-04-30, 01:45 AM
@Adalyse: You decide to tear down the fine tapestries on the walls of Lügenheim, proclaiming that the Eternal Winter will not bring back Hleid.

Iki Ryo's laughter can be heard through the immaculate manor.

Hleid? That broken goddess? Her sorry carcass scattered around the Frostfell? Brutish Adalyse- Hleid was a ruse. The Uldra worship her, yes, but not me...

The tapestries torn begin to bleed down the walls and onto the wooden floor as the main door leading outside disappears.

How easy it was to collect a few banners and paint symbols that provide hope for the weary out in the snow, is it not? The Herald of Ice & Snow has given me a chance to establish a powerful church to my deity here- the Frozen King. The White Reaper. Those Uldras out in the snow now revere the true deity of the Frostfell and the Court of Sorrows is more than willing to make such an unholy alliance a perfect match.

Know. Religion to ID the title

Iki's laughter ceases, but her tone is no less sardonic as the blood floods down through the wooden floor and stains your adamantine heels.

You are welcome to find your friends if you wish. Or, you can simply stay here and wait to die. It matters not to me- I am immortal. But one thing is for certain: you will fail in so doing. I have taken your wizard and your druid. A lone warrior woman, too afraid to show her face has no chance in Lügenheim, the Hall of Lies.

2016-05-02, 09:13 AM
It was good that they continued to talk. Any little bit of information that she could glean from her enemy could be useful.

She reached down and uncorked her water container. "You know the great thing about working with a couple of mages... they like to share some of their tricks. So tell me... is this House of Lies waterproof?"

Adalyse braced herself against the wall and spoke a single word, causing a torrent of water to erupt from the container. The blast of water knocked her prone. Once the initial force was stabilized, she directed the geyser of water down the left hallway first.

Knowledge: Religion - [roll0]
Str Check - [roll1]

2016-05-02, 04:25 PM
@Adalyse: You look around, but cannot sense Iki Ryo or Izanami, which is odd, since you can sense anything, no matter how well they hide.

The blood flooding the wooden halls of Lügenheim is a nice touch. And it would probably scare any other person, but you are above such cheap tricks.

However, upon mention of the White Reaper, you look at your metal clad book and recall what you learned many years ago with Ellinka about deities not worshipped exclusively by the Hextorites, but no less malignant.

This title Iki speaks of belongs to the god Iborighu.

In the ancient past, many uldras were devout worshipers of a beautiful uldra deity named Hleid. Uldra gods and clerics refer to this as the "time of Ilmarhil." It is said that this was a time of great happiness for the uldra gods, when the uldra race was created and they drew lots with the deities of the humans, elves, gnomes, and dwarves to divide up the world. Unfortunately, Hleid was nearly slain one terrible night by her son Iborighu. Her fragmented body was cast into the polar seas, where the burning remnants transformed into rimefire eidolons, which then created huge icebergs to protect themselves from further harm.

Iborighu is one of the most sinister and powerful deities in the Frostfell. Revered not only by uldras, but by any race with a penchant for great evil and malice, Iborighu caters to ruthless warlords and practitioners of the dark arts, who harness the powers of Fell Winter to create and control the dead for their own whims.

Iki Ryo has not come out to confront you, Raine and Xander directly, so a warrior she isn't, which should make taking this fey down a little trickier, if she goes by such title as Deceitful Winter.

You take out the decanter, always safe in your pack and uncork it and speak the command word as a torrent of icy water floods towards the left hallway, knocking you prone with a loud thud, which would have crushed a man;'s skull, but your body, being invulnerable, doesn't even feel it as you get back on your feet and look at the flooded hallway as a form rises from the water and blood, freezing the geyser in the process:


She looks human... if very pale. And no armor on her. True to the house's decor, she wears asian themed attire and piercing red eyes as an aura of utter cold causes the water from your geyser to freeze and break and freeze again as it continues to create large chunks of reddish ice along the floor and walls.

"Adalyse... you are messing with my hall. I do not take kindly to those who break things. Put the decanter away.""

2016-05-02, 07:00 PM
"Fair enough, Iki Ryo. I have not come here to destroy a home." Adalyse made a motion and spoke, causing the geyser to stop as suddenly as it had started. The pale woman seemed strange and Adalyse reached out with her extra sense while studying the woman to see if she also held a crystal somewhere visibly bound to her or had protective magic already in place.

"I only wish to leave with my companions and the noble. You said yourself you are not of the Court of Sorrow, not bound to her will. You also have said the Uldra now worship Iborighu... which means your mission has already succeeded. What more could you hope to gain?"

Lifesense now that she's visible.

Knowledge: Nature (she said she was fey) - [roll0]

Spellcraft (identify active spells) - [roll1]

Spot (crystal, if hidden) - [roll2]

Diplomacy (just in case it's an option) - [roll3]

2016-05-02, 07:41 PM
@Adalyse: So this is Iki Ryo.

She is a fey, and an unusual one at that.

Iki Ryo is a Yuki O Na. Amongst the fey, Yuki O Na are known to be capricious even more so than other fey. Loners by choice, Yuki O Na wander the cold forests of Oerth and are said to embody the feeling of Loss.

For you see, a Yuki O Na, while not known to be necessarily evil, have the power to misdirect even the most skilled trackers by a mere touch. Tales of famous adventurers thought dead and having resurfaced from a small patch of forest decades later have been sung by bards in taverns all across the land. These tales said that the brave adventurer wandered like a fool in circles for years. His last vision before becoming lost that of a beautiful robed woman amidst the frost.

And should someone decide to fight a Yuki O Na, best of luck- these fey have a paralyzing glance, akin to the Hold Monster spell. They usually reserve this method of attack against those who would actively harm them.

But of course, that is a typical specimen of their race, rare as they are. Iki Ryo serves the Court of Sorrows and Windemere, so who knows what she is able to do.

Plus, she has laid claim to pay homage to Iborighu, The White Reaper of the Frostfell... not the best of references.

And then, of course, are her spells. Iki Ryo is, as you may have suspected, not an amateur in the Arts.

Death Ward
Cloak of Chaos
Astral Projection
Greater Globe of Invulnerability
Greater Blindsight
Glacial Globe of Invulnerability
Veil of Shadow
Protection from Good

No wonder you couldn't sense her- she isn't even here.

Iki Ryo floats a few feet above the frozen bloodied waters of her hall and checks the ripped tapestries.

"You have quite a way to demonstrate it, Adalyse. These are very old and very valuable pieces of art. Depictions made of me by my many lost paramours...""

The fey looks at you and smiles as your adamantine body begins to freeze up, only for the ice to shatter under your unbreakable frame.

"It is true that the Uldra in the Fey woods have joined Iborighu's cause and that of the Court of Sorrows. In that regard, my mission is a success, Adalyse...

However, I cannot allow Xander, Raine and Anzaril to leave this house. By orders of the Herald herself, those who are associated with Arrallae by any means are to remain here. Xander and Anzaril boast the title of Guardians to her and so, are trapped in Lügenheim under my whims. Right now, I gander they are lost in some forest of my own creation within the walls of my hall. If they are lucky, they have probably lost all memories of who they were. That half fey abomination, Raine... the Herald was quite clear: she too cannot progress.

And I am aware of Uriti's passing- I had a cadre of Insoril to serve me here. They suddenly vanished... one can only wonder why. The Joyless Queen was always so brutish and direct- blasting and tearing everything apart. I can only assume she is back in the Ethereal now... lamenting her poor decisions.""

Iki Ryo floats up to you and places her translucent hand on your shoulder as she looks deep into your black faceplate and raises an eyebrow as the main door to Lügenheim reappears, leading out to the Fey Woods.

"Will Uriti be the only one to make such bad decisions, I wonder...""

2016-05-02, 08:37 PM
"Your feinting at a choice is poor. Even if I were to accept, I would be within a hostile frozen wasteland." The gauntlets tighten into fists, causing frost and ice to crack and fall away.

"My attempt at fighting you would be for naught, I've enough sense to recognize you have wards in place... so it comes to this. I suppose it is more safe to try it in the company of an enemy than an ally." She held the gem that she kept in her pouch and placed it against her forehead as it was located on Uriti.

2016-05-02, 09:25 PM
@Adalyse: Iki Ryo listens to your words as you dig out Uriti's Unseelie Sapphire and the fey's red eyes widen.

"So you have it... I was wondering why neither Xander nor Raine had given it up already. Give that to me, Adalyse. You have no use for it whatsoever.""

But too late for the Yuki O Na as you place the gem on your forehead and the fey instinctively covers her face as the entire hallways and house are covered in a white snowstorm as Iki Ryo screams in agony and the entire hallway cracks and falls apart as the trees of the Fey Woods, covered in snow, loom over you as A feline clawed hand breaks through the rubble and out comes Raine, spitting chunks of wood.

"What the hell happened?""

It's a dark purple sphere of raw force that breaks the rubble a few feet away as Xander flies out and makes the sphere disappear.

"Raine! And Adalyse... we made it.""

It's a third white hand that claws its way out of the rubble as Anzaril shakes off the debris from her snow white hair and fixes her black tunic as she looks around.

"That was not pleasant at all...""

There are no signs of Iki Ryo. This gem must've surely done her in as Xander walks up to you and smiles as he pats you in the shoulder.

"Good job, Adalyse. I was uncertain we would be able to get out of that house but by Boccob, we did it! Now we are that much closer to ending this horrid war. Now, let me examine that gem... it's properties are fascinating.""

Anzaril walks up to the group and puts out her hand.

"I'd like to see that myself.""

Raine fixes her cloak and walks up to you, placing her claw on your shoulder and giving you a wink.

"Why don't you let me handle that, Adalyse? Less of a burden for you. and It can help me punch Windemere, huh?""

2016-05-02, 09:44 PM
Adalyse clasped the gem tightly in the gauntlet. She would expect Anzaril to ask for it... but not to study, she had been in the Court of Sorrow and should know what it was capable of.

She would even expect Raine to ask for it, as impetuous as she was.

Xander, not him, not to study. He had given it to her without hesitation and was never interested in her body for all the devastation she wrought during the last battle.... and Boccob... Xander didn't worship Boccob, that was Johann.

"Fey tricks..." Her voice was venomous as she grasped the stone.

2016-05-02, 10:05 PM
@Adalyse: Raine, Xander and Anzaril look at you and all three tilt their head sideways and raise an eyebrow as you denounce their actions as parlor tricks...

The three figures laugh as the snowy landscape begins to unmake itself and the three figures melt into snow as you find yourself back in the main hall in Lügenheim as Iki's voice echoes through perfectly neat walls and floors of her house, with the door out disappeared completely.

Silly little girl! You could have wandered around in a Winter Wonderland of my own doing... and yet you choose to stay. Why? You have no use for that sapphire, Adalyse. You don't even know what it does. But you aren't going to relinquish it, are you? No... of course not. Going to play this all the way. Very well. Let's play, then.

At that very moment, you watch Anzaril walking down the left hallway, but something's amiss...

You cannot feel her presence, as the Fen Witch, sister to Windemere, walks past you as if you weren't even there and strokes her white hair as she taps her foot on the ground.

"I have been here already ten times! Where is that Ruin Chanter?""

And having said that, Anzaril walks past you and heads to the right hallway and around the corner.

Iki Ryo's laughter echoes through the main hall.

That was not a ghost, Adalyse- that was Anzaril. I have her trapped here for days now. What you see is a memory of her latest wanderings through Lügenheim's twisting halls. One would think that a fey from the Court of Lies would be able to see over my deceit... time in the material has made her soft. Like her, I have Raine and Xander wandering as well. You are welcome to try and find them, but a word of caution:

Not everything here is an illusion, Adalyse. Choose poorly, and a ghost you will become.

2016-05-03, 07:16 AM
"Yes, let's begin." Adalyse turned toward where the exit had been, studying the wall. It would be helpful indeed to figure out what kind of magic was being used here. She knew that illusions could not sway her mind if she had reason to disbelieve or interact with them and enchantments were equally ineffective.

It appeared that the fey had no knowledge of her arcane ability or her bodily condition and she intended to keep up that ruse as long as possible. She looked down at the gem once more. How did this thing work... what does it do? Luckily there was no face to show her frustration. She reared back and slammed an iron fist into the wall where there once was a door.

Spellcraft (active spells on the building walls) - [roll0]

Attack the darkness! err... wall.

2016-05-04, 12:47 AM
@Adalyse: Iki Ryo's taunting voice echoes through the main hall.

By all means, Adalyse...begin at your own leisure. Tromp and stomp all you want- brutish force will not get you your friends back. That is a given. I took the time to abscond the two who had some level of arcane knowledge. You? You're but a warrior too afraid to take her helmet off! Do you know how many so called trackers attempted to get out of Lügenheim back in the day? Dozens! They all wander these halls, in some shape or form, all under my command...

Three paintings appear on the main hall as you punch the wall, true to Iki Ryo's brutish assessment, but unlike last time, you cannot discern any kind of magic here.

Either there is none... or this Yuki O Na is far more powerful than Uriti herself.

The first painting appears on the left wall:


The second painting appears before you:


The final painting appears to your right:

http://www.uhno.se/_image/painting_symbolic/03_The_Reciprocal_Relationship_betwwen_Man_and_Nat ure_1978_Vastervik.jpg

You want to save your friends, Adalyse? Go on... choose. Who will you save first...hehhehehehe. I must warn you, though: Whether you can find them or not is an entirely different matter. A simple minded warrior like you... what can she possibly do?

2016-05-04, 07:15 AM
Adalyse studied each of the paintings for a moment. The one with stacks of books should be the most obvious to reach Xander. She reached out to touch the painting tentatively, unsure of how or what it might trigger.

2016-05-04, 11:50 PM
@Adalyse: So three paintings. Three captured ones.

The other two are rather ambiguous, but that pile of books ought to be where Iki is keeping Xander.

The surface of the painting ripples as you place your black gauntlet upon it and effortlessly, you step inside as bright candles and chandeliers bring forth much needed light in a gigantic library, stacked to the roof with tomes of all manner of subjects, ranking from the mundane to the utmost arcane.

Where is that formula???

You walk around the columns made of stacked tomes and watch Xander flying several feet above the ground as he peruses several volumes and adjusts his glasses.

Of note are his bare feet, which can be observed from your vantage point as the magus runs his finger through the volumes and curses lightly in Draconic.

"I will never be able to find that spell unless I focus..oh!""

Xander descends and walks up to you.

"Did father send you here? Please place the tea on the table. I shall join him shortly.""

2016-05-05, 07:23 AM
"At least you can interact with me... that's something. Though I doubt you recognize me, or remember. Tell me, Xander, who do you see standing before you and what year is this?" Adalyse needed some context on how this illusion or enchantment worked. It would do no good pleading with those trapped if they didn't even see her for her within this place or were trapped in some other time loop in their mind.

2016-05-05, 05:05 PM
@Adalyse: It is clear that Xander has been somehow trapped by Iki Ryo in some dream of his as you ask the magus if he knows who you are.

Xander Corillian adjusts his glasses at your question and feels the table for an unseen cup of tea.

"You are Craven Corillian, of course! That is an odd question, brother. Did father wish to see me immediately, or was it master Kannis who sent you?""

Xander seems to be trapped in some past memory, but he has no recollection of who you are. Iki Ryo's spell must warped his mind completely.

If only there was a way to break him of her hold, but if she is indeed a fey related to Loss and her Hall is that of Lies, how to best her?

2016-05-06, 09:34 AM
"What spell is it you're looking for Xander? You seem distressed about it." Adalyse shook her head. "Neither sent me, I just wanted to check on you and see if I could help."

2016-05-07, 05:03 AM
@Adalyse: Xander floats back down to the ground and walks barefoot towards his desk.

"Oh, brother... this is a spell that will allow me to divine what exactly is transpiring in Rel Mord. You of all people should know that someone is pulling the strings behind the barony. I cannot, for one, imagine anyone within the Corillian House to betray our trust, but if that were the case...""

Xander sighs deeply as he walks to his desk, picking the tea cup.

"This... this if for my father, is it not? You want me to give this to him- close the gap we have had in the last months of strangeness and be on his good graces... thank you, Craven. You and Master Kannis are as close to family as I ever had.""

Xander picks up the tray and Iki Ryo's voice resounds around the library, although Xander is unaware of her voice at all.

I have delved into his mind, Adalyse. Xander did a terrible thing in his past. One that drove him away from Rel Mord. An act so heinous, he has yet to forgive himself. I am giving him a chance to erase such punishing memory from his magus mind, but if you wish, you can set him on the ...hehhhehee.. right path. How he will react to the outcome of vile acts committed before you even met him is up to you- will you allow him to do what I believe you have already ascertained and let him do it? will it break this reality I have weaved for him?

Can you bring yourself to douse him in ice cold water and make him relive that one terrible moment in his life, Adalyse? Know that the mind is a very fragile object. Twist it enough, and you may freed him, but in doing so, will Xander be the same again? Can you bear that burden? Ask yourself this, dark warrior: is it fair to force someone to relive his archived memories? I=Would it not be better for him to remain Lost and Blissful in a reality I have weaved for him?

2016-05-09, 10:45 AM
"Xander, if someone is pulling strings, then you can not be too careful even among your most trusted friends. Check the tea and ensure it is safe before giving it to your father." Her tone was firm but friendly, trying to instill that this was less of a recommendation and more of a demand.

"If something so simple could be done to ensure his safety and it wasn't, you'd never forgive yourself."

2016-05-10, 02:41 AM
@Adalyse: Xander listens to you and adjusts his glasses as he looks at the tray with the tea.

"Pulling strings? What do you mean, Craven? How can you say such a thing, brother? Master Kannis, you and Father are all the family I have. Your words carry an ominous aftertaste. Why would I have to check the tea? How could anyone bring up such idea?""

The magus, for all his brilliant mind, has fallen victim to Iki Ryo's Deceit, true to her title, as Xander looks at the tea cup and smells the hot steam coming from it.

"It is good smelling tea...""

Lugenheim's ruler, voice echoes through the library, for only you to hear.

You are but a warrior, Adalyse- to break the hold I have on Xander will take the powerful of someone as versed in mystic powers as myself... but you are welcome to try. Know this, though:

I have given Xander a chance to relieve a guiltless existence. Forever caught in aloop of Blissful Ignorance. You have somehow eluded this, but can you bring yourself to break the one sliver of Hope and Regret he has harbored for years? Think about the devastating effect it will have on him! The proud magus will become anchored in guilt- one that you certainly will not be able to allieve.

However, if you are so intent in getting him out of the reality I have given him, all you have to do is push him in the right direction, Adalyse- will he be able to withstand years of mental backlash hitting him within seconds, or will his mind, true to that of an arcanist of his caliber, allow him to walk unscathed...hehhehehhee. As if that is a possibility.

You can, of course, fulfill the true deed yourself, Adalyse, but imagine what may happen afterwards: will Xander trust you? Love you? Believe in you? Or will he become hateful that you brought the undoing of his entire life.

Right now, those with you far from here have defeated one of the Herald's weakest... and they barely survived. I am considered second to Iborighu himself. You will not have a chance to find me. Ever. But you are now caught in Lugenheim. The question arises:

Who will find you?

2016-05-10, 07:41 AM
Adalyse sighed and folded her arms over her chest piece. "Honestly Xander, what is the point of having magic if you can't even use it to check for something like poison. If you have so much trust and faith that you feel you don't need to be careful, taste it yourself. You sniffing it is just some half-attempt to clear your conscious and say that you tried."

She reflected on the words of the woman echoing in her mind and tried to recall this Kannis. If he had any real measure of arcane power, enough to have been an instructor to Xander, then maybe she had heard of him before.

Knowledge: History - [roll0]

2016-05-11, 01:26 AM
@Adalyse: Iki Ryo's influence on Xander is tremendous.

She has not attempted to target his mind in the arcane sense, but to pull at the hidden memories, carefully locked by the magus years ago as Xander heads for the table where the tea is supposed to be.

As for Kannis, he is not a historic figure. No books you have read alive or afterwards detail about him.

"Craven... if what you say is true, then father shall not suffer any treachery, but how can I believe that such exists in the first place?""

That's when Iki's voice laughs around the library, for your ears only:

Adalyse, you think that simply talking to Xander will get him to comply? Has it not gone through your thick helmet that he does not want to repeat the mistakes of his past? The subconscious of mortal men is a beautiful clay that I can mold at my will and desire. Xander wants to stay here, warrior.

But you insist in breaking my hold on him, no? Hehehehhehehee.... very well. I have delved into his mind and heart, Adalyse. The cup is there:

http://cache4.asset-cache.net/xc/482334445.jpg?v=2&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=wKf5qXr_nQZjSzYY0EVjjgeVs6EKH0kgP2V7F2HsxORh7n9S ymWa0nAYUsPNSHlm0

But it was not him, who served the tea, no....

It was his brother- you. So choose, Adalyse. Choose which one shall set Xander free...and forever break him!

Three beautiful tea pots appear around the cup as Xander stands motionless:




Choose the right one, and you will release Xander and he will be forced to relive his memory. He will never be the same again. Choose the wrong one, and the magus remains in my Hall of Lugenheim, forever. bereft of guilt until his body withers away.

The Deceitful winter laughs louder.

Anyway you look at it, I win... and you will have to carry the burden of having damned your friend...can you live with that?

2016-05-11, 11:51 AM
Adalyse stooped down and examined the cup. She took note of the way the flowers were painted, the color and shape of the detailing, and texture of the glaze. She knew that tea sets almost always shared characteristics between the pot and cups. While studying, she recalled a saying that Ellinka used to repeat over and over during her lessons on reading magical scripts. The answer is in the details...

Adalyse picked up the cup and tipped it to look at the bottom. She knew that craftsmen often left a signature mark on their creations. After examining the cup, she turned her attention to the pots, examining each of them for similarities, especially a matching signature mark.

Taking 10 for any checks regarding a matching choice of teapot to cup.

2016-05-11, 03:13 PM
@Adalyse: Despite Iki Ryo's taunting, you know you have to get Xander out of this illusion, even if he will no longer be the same man again.

But what to choose? Give the wrong answer, and Xander and maybe you will become trapped in Lugenheim forever.

Give the right answer, and you get out, but who knows if Xander will be in any condition to help get Anzaril and Raine out of whatever the Deceitful Winter has planned for them?

The magus remains still and quite as you examine each pot and compare it with the cup...

One could be, since it has flowers painted on it... it could be.

But Iki is a trickster. She uses fey magic. She tried it once already, having you believe you were outside of Lugenheim.

Ellinka was right- it's all in the details... but can you take a blind risk at this point?

2016-05-11, 03:21 PM
There were times for deceit and times for effective measures. Her deceit so far had proven enough to gain information from the illusionist that she might not normally give a magic-user. Now it was time to ensure she made the correct choice. She make a quick hand gesture and spoke a verse of Suloise as she examined the teapot that she felt might be the best choice.

She then did the same on both of the others, to ensure that they were different. If only one of them provided her with a positive result, that was the pot that she picked up and offered to Xander.

Cast Detect Poison (x3)

2016-05-11, 09:30 PM
@Adalyse: You utter some words beneath your black faceplate and move your black gauntlet in the practiced form as you attempt to divine which of these pots may actually contain venom.

Iki is quick to react to this:

The plot thins! You aren't some dumb brute too afraid to show your face- you are some apprentice mage who relies on cantrips and believes she will be able to use them effortlessly with such heavy armor on. And you managed to depose the Joyless Queen? My faith in the Insoril has plummeted.

Despite your divination, Iki has concealed whatever magic remains on the table so well, your spell cannot tell you where is the poison... if it is here at all.

2016-05-12, 03:13 AM
@Adalyse: You still try to figure out how to get Xander out of this trance when you hear them...

Aenar, Humbert, Zephyr and Jacob.

They made it to Lugenheim!

You walk away from Xander and head to where the painting is and, past the ethereal canvas, you watch your allies walk in, guided by Izanami.

They cannot even see you.

Iki Ryo chuckles, always unseen.

They seem to be important to you, aren't they? Worry not, Adalyse: Soon, they will join you, Xander and Raine in Lugenheim. Nobody escapes my Halls of Lies unless I will it so. they have stepped in and in so doing, have sealed their fate...

I wonder what illusion can I use on each? Their minds are fragile, that much is clear, even the pelorite's. I shall have them wandering like blissful corpses until their bodies fall apart.

And all you can do is watch..hehehhehe.

2016-05-12, 11:25 AM
Adalyse knew that she had to save Xander first. Hopefully the others were cautious enough walking into an enemy stronghold. She picked up each tea pot once again, feigning additional study.

In reality, she had focused on each and activated her gloves of object reading in hopes of discerning some hint on which was the correct one.

2016-05-12, 06:13 PM
@Adalyse: If you cannot get Xander out of this dream Iki has weaved for him, then the others will never have a chance to escape.

Placing your hand on each of the pots, you attempt to discern which one may have belonged to Xander or even Iki. Anything that may lead you to piecing this tragedy together.

And so, as the Deceitful Winter keeps taunting you, your black gloves stop at the group of pots...

It is the one with the single flower, which belonged to the Corillian household...

If your gloves are right, maybe. Just maybe... the poison is in it.

And if so, now you can get Xander out of this place...

But who knows what happens to him afterwards?

2016-05-12, 07:36 PM
Adalyse lifted the tea pot with the single flower and poured the cup for Xander. She gently set it down again and simply waited to see the outcome.

While she waited, she risked a glance through the painting to see if those who had just arrived were fairing any worse or better. Hopefully she would be out of this forsaken game soon enough and had plans for this cleric that included trapping her soul away from joining her god upon her death.

2016-05-13, 03:12 AM
@Adalyse: You pour the tea from the selected pot on the cup and Xander blinks twice as he looks at you and smiles.

"Thank you, brother. Father does need this, doesn't he?""

And having said that, Xander walks away with he tray and to another room as the stacks of books turn into icy sculptures as Xander;s voice can be heard in the other room.

What have I done???? No! I did not mean for this to happen...FATHER!!!

The entire library turns white as cracks begin to show and Iki's voice can be heard as everything collapses.

Adalyse... in bringing Xander to his bleak reality, you have broken him. He will never be the same and YOU are to blame for this. Take your precious wizard with you... he is utterly useless now. If anyone is to be blamed for the suffering he is going through now, it is you: I would have given him a Blissful reality where his sins were never committed.

All you have managed to do is turn him into a living corpse. he is not a threat to me. He was not one before...he is less of a threat now. Just like you.

And having said that, the painting that kept you sealed unravels as you and Xander fall back in the main hall.

Xander does not seem himself- the magus, who wielded such great power back in Gloomheim has become completely introverted and has rolled into a ball as whimpering can be heard through his covered face.

Whether he can be of any help at all now... who knows.

But more importantly, you can hear Jacob, Zephyr, Aenar and Humbert not too far away, in the dining room.

Now if only you can get to them... (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?479713-The-Eternal-Winter-IC&p=20773598#post20773598)

2016-05-13, 07:38 AM
Adalyse barked orders to Xander as she reached out with her hidden sense to find the life glow of their allies. "Magus. You will use your intellect and see through these emotions. Stand up! Some fey's illusions will not stop you. You've already lived through that, do it again."

She stooped down to his huddled form and her tone changed spoke in a soft and seething whisper. "But this time... you have an outlet. You've buried that grief and guilt for a long time. It's on the surface now and there's a cause. A real, physical, living cause. There is no peaceful resolution left now..."

"It's time for revenge!" If the voices were beyond one of the walls, Adalyse simply hefted her adamantine fists and slammed through it to carve a path of the shortest distance. No more tricks or games or polite banter. Brute force was the call for this moment.

2016-05-13, 10:30 PM
You may now go to the main IC where Adalyse and Xander are to meet with the party in Lugenheim