View Full Version : The life and times of Khosh, Scion of the Dawn.

2016-04-07, 04:30 PM
Why, wasn't it just a strange world that we lived in?

Khosh, a half orc of celestial powers and a good heart, was currently standing in the middle of a large market place. The primary difference? It most certainly wasn't located on Golarion.

On a fairly small demiplane, perhaps a few square miles in size, the world was rather gloomy. Though you could see no clouds, it was raining, at a moderate pace, and the humidity was oppressive. There were a number of small islands, but the plane itself was a lake, alternatively a few meters deep and a few miles, every step treacherous and things lurking. Of course, you weren't swimming; that would be foolhardy beyond all reason. Instead, you were in a gondola, touring the other, more solidly anchored boats, and the occasional actual stand on one of the scattered islands.

This wasn't quite a hub of villainy, but it was somewhere close. The assorted residents of the neutral and lower planes made a habit of touring The Grey Market, and it was quite renowned. Whatever you needed, from healing potions to the more mundane to the darkest of reagents, you could find; for a price. Whether or not that price was something you could afford, was another matter entirely. The four sides of the river flowed over into the elemental plane of water, a particular portion of limbo, one of the wetter domains of hell, and into a swamp of Abaddon.

A representative of The Dawnflower, an angel of not-inconsiderable power, had contacted you, once you'd left the primary material plane. You had been informed, in your duty as a servent of the Dawn, that there was going to be a deal going on today, and not one of the savory kind. A mortal spellcaster, of a distinctly blackened heart, was trading 13 slaves, of ages 7-9 years, to a fellow that they didn't know the proper identity of, but was likely an outsider of some sort.

The gondala floated over in the general direction of the two boats, on the fringe of the market itself. The depths of the lake enforced non-violence and a lack of theft, though few other rules. You're here to stop the deal from happening; that was the task, and 'whatever means necessary' was implied.

2016-04-08, 03:02 PM
Khosh takes a moment to breath in deeply of this strange, planar air, and smiles to himself. 'tis a good life he leads, for how many others get the pleasure of exploring new places as he does. Dressed in plain, grey robes over his armor, his axes hidden beneath their folds, and a tall quarterstaff in hand, the Paladin evokes a traveller's air, and it was under this guise which he entered the plane, and found himself upon this Gondola, skirting along the waters of the lake.

He looks up to the sky, his clouded eyes closing for a moment. Even in places like this, should you know where to look, you can see the Sun, the bringer of light into this realm. A sudden warmth on his face, and he opens his vision in the sun's realm, looking out across the whole lake at once, spending a minute to study it's streets, islands and narrow canals.

"A beautiful place, even given its gold-hardened soul" the half-orc muses, before a more sombre look moves over his face. He changes his viewpoint, seeking out the name and the person he is duty-bound to find, the mortal who would use the lives of children for their own gain. His fingers tighten around the quarterstaff as he uses the light itself to find his enemy.

Khosh will use one minute of his sungazer ability to look at the entire plane for a moment, getting a bird's eye view, and a further minute to do the equivalent of Greater Scrying on the target [DC=24]. He now has 13/15 minutes left to use today

2016-04-09, 08:36 AM
The plane was really quite pretty, looked at from beyond the cloud cover.

In any case, looking down upon it, you could identify the boats fairly easily, and homing in on them was also fairly simple. The outsider shrugged off the attempt at determining his location, not noticing, but the mortal had the sungaze settle on him. It's face was concealed, and it's cloak had irregularly shaped lumps in it that you weren't quite certain about, but it's voice was the oddest aspect; almost oily, and sharper than oil had any right to be. You could follow him, but any movement on his part was pure drift; he was engaged in a lively discussion with the spellcaster, in what you recognized as Draconic.

The oily voice said, "I hope you recognize your folly, my darling mortal. You will accept the price I will pay, and no more."

The mortal replied with a scoff and a high pitched, cruel voice, "You aren't going to get the price I offer anywhere else, daemon. These are high quality virgin slaves, all from important families, and I already have them house trained."

The oily voice replied, "Don't test me. I would be willing to pay ninety percent of the price you have listed, and not a copper more. If you really happen to be so desperate for money, I'll throw in a familiar recommendation to a colleague of mine."

The spellcaster upturned his nose, arrogantly replying "I can wait all day..."

Thus they continued haggling over the price of thirteen children.

2016-04-09, 03:59 PM
Khosh's eyes snap open, and his head turns in the direction of the two, and with a small signal, tells the gondola to move towards their boat with haste. The paladin draws his cloak deeply around him in preparation, ensuring that his own features are cast in shadow as he draws up against a wharf, on a small spit where the pair are likely to pass and steps onto the land, nodding in farewell to his good gondolier. He bends down for a brief moment to place five gold coins into their hands, and smiles briefly before turning and vanishing into the crowd, looking for all the realm as an old, but large wanderer, leaning on a staff as he moves. He soon comes to another wharf, and from the edge of that stands, waiting for the other boat to pass within his clouded vision. As he does so, he formulates a simple plan to end this discussion before it gets any further.

Does the rule against 'non violence' cover nonlethal attacks? Such as Admonishing Ray? How about ones which prevent movement such as Hold Person? And finally, does harm to property count as violence? [roll0]

2016-04-11, 05:53 AM
The guards don't recognize nonlethal damage and movement prevention as violence, nor damage to property, though damage to property allows retaliation to your own property.

2016-04-12, 04:25 AM
Khosh waits for the boat to come into view, then, standing upright and letting go of his quarterstaff, he intones the words, outstretches a hand and summons a beam of dazzling, intense daylight to sear and burn through the fragile hull of the gondola.

Roll to hit [roll0]
Roll for spell damage [roll1]

Even as he does so, he prepares the second of his spells, ready to command just as the first strikes out; to summon chains of light to embrace and trap the mortal spellcaster.

So he's readying an action to cast the first spell as soon as he sees the Gondola. Then in the first round he's going to try and cast Chains of Light on the spellcaster - DC 22.
Initiative roll - [roll2]