View Full Version : Fun with Half Dragons!

2016-04-07, 06:50 PM
I recently had an idea I'll probably never use, but it sounded fairly awesome so I felt the need to share. The basic concept is that one extremely prolific procreater of a dragon managed to father/mother a whole slew of half dragon offspring. Not that out of the ordinary, except this dragon was miles away from any form of any civilization, so none of their offspring come from humanoid, giant, or monstrous humanoid stock. Most coming from animals, magical beasts, aberrations, vermin, etc, etc. Things your average adventurer might find while traveling through the woods. Which lead me to think of crazy character and cool monster concepts made possible by the half dragon template.

Horny dragon mates with anything.
Such as;
Half Dragon Dire Ape Barbarian, quick trait, flyby attack feat, monkey grip feat. Circles their enemies overhead, initiates combat with a breath weapon, then uses an oversized reach weapon + rage + hit and tactics.
Half Dragon Huge Shark, flying ____ breathing shark, concept exists purely of awesomeness.
Half Dragons Megalodon, because the above needed more awesome.
Half Dragon Treant, what's that funny looking tree, why is it flying, oh Pelor it's attacking.
Half Dragon Raven Sorcerer, imagine a bird with bad molting condition, now imagine this bird has another following it around, now imagine this bird just turned your rogue into a statue, oh and its physically strong enough to carry your wizard away.
Half Dragon Rust Monster, a rust monster that's smart enough to target your valuable metallic items.
Half Dragon Owlbear Fighter, improved natural attack, full plate, armor spikes, grapples then flies up rearly high and drops it's enemy.
Half Dragon Tyrannosaurus, flying T-Rex of doom, because reasons.
Half Dragon Yrthak, it has dark vision, but its eye less.
Half Dragon Aboleth, it uhh, I dunno, just sounded cool.
Half Dragon Nymph, supercharisma.
Half Dragon Large Monstrous Spider, a flying spider, because the one thing that comforts arachnophobes is that spiders don't fly.

What else sounds good?

And for sanity's sake we aren't going to question how a dragon mated with these.

2016-04-07, 06:56 PM
A Huge sized half-prismatic dragon anaconda wizard/rainbow servant/initiate of the sevenfold veils. Maybe this is where couatls originated.

2016-04-07, 07:03 PM
I've always found this possibility amusing: dragons are apparently so prolific (and inherently magical) that the only two requirements for their potential partner is that they be living, and that they have a physical form. Size differences (and indeed, type differences) are no barrier to a dragon that's "in the mood".

A dragon can impregnate (or be impregnated by) a Human, a Giant Squid, a Warforged, a Giant Spider, a regular-sized Spider, a Shambling Mound, a Treant, a Black Pudding, or a Beholder. It's quite fascinating, really.

2016-04-07, 07:35 PM
I've once made a Fiendish, Half-Dragon, Half-Fiend(150% fiend, problem?) Living Silent Image/Ghost Sound/Create Water/Grease. It's basically a Slime with stats a bit over the Deity Array and better shape-shifting capabilities than most things, and you can't disbelieve the illusions, since they're REAL. Though I just put Grease as a joke...

2016-04-07, 08:29 PM
I've once made a Fiendish, Half-Dragon, Half-Fiend(150% fiend, problem?)

Not really. It's fully a fiend, therefore half of it is fiendish. The other half is fiendish too, of course.

2016-04-07, 09:36 PM
Not really. It's fully a fiend, therefore half of it is fiendish. The other half is fiendish too, of course.

Fiendish makes it count as a fiend, but then you put Half-Fiend on your fiend to make it even more fiendish.

2016-04-08, 12:06 AM
Fiendish makes it count as a fiend, but then you put Half-Fiend on your fiend to make it even more fiendish.

Not quite, a fiend is defined by many abilities that affect "fiends" as an outsider with the evil subtype. A fiendish creature merely has fiendish qualities, but is not actually a fiend in and of itself. It's not quite equivilent to say they're like tieflings in that sense, but it's close.

2016-04-08, 12:29 AM
Not quite, a fiend is defined by many abilities that affect "fiends" as an outsider with the evil subtype. A fiendish creature merely has fiendish qualities, but is not actually a fiend in and of itself. It's not quite equivilent to say they're like tieflings in that sense, but it's close.

Exactly. A half-fiend dragon is a fiend by type, and is 50% fiend (give or take) by family tree.
A fiendish dragon is a dragon most likely born on a Lower Plane, and is by both type & family tree all dragon, but does enjoy a few abilities common to fiends.