View Full Version : we are some irate pirates real swashbucklin buckaneers- skulls and shackles (PF)

2016-04-08, 08:47 AM
chapter 1: the wormwood mutiny

you all begin to wake up from one of the strangest dream of your life... all at once you feel the last nights merry making.... trials... or drugs kick in.... your stomach does back flips from the cheap drugs used on you in order to bring you here... your head bangs with each heartbeat... painful soreness descends on your bodies, you still feel the swaying and dizzying imbalance from the booze you drank last nig-... its more than that... you look around.... your in a dark... damp and cramped room filled with hammocks... the entire room sways with you, i begins to dawn that although you may be sick... it may not be from the drink... the entire room creeks and groans as though it suffers the same torment as you... you taste some blood in your mouth, a cut or bruise you do not remember getting... but that is the least of your worries, you have been press ganged into a ship... that much is certain around you you see the others begin to stir... only a handful of bodies are visible... about five counting yourself... each of you can barely stand, let alone keep your balance.... one of your group.... a half-elf... remains asleep


you feel your thigh hurt a bit more than most of you.... when you check on it... there is a bite mark exactly where the key bit you in your dream.... must have been a rat or something.... right? your brass knuckles are well hidden on your person

in your hair.... you have some strange... gooey substance in it.... it smells sweet.. like... like... jell-o?

your body reaks of alchohol, gun powder... and strange enough... it would appear you have stone fragments scattered around your body...

your dark energies are a little bit amped up... you almost taste it in your mouth, the music still remains in your head from the dream

you are still asleep... i would rush the practice if i were you :3...

Edit: wake up at your own time, but just remember to add those items to your inventory

you have a moment to get your barrings... take this time to talk with each-other and figure all * just points around at everyone* this out.... have fun... you wont be having this much time alone for much longer

2016-04-08, 12:17 PM

Thellan pushes himself to his feet. His head hurts, his body hurts and his guts are on fire.
"I dunno what happened, but I am used to fighting and drinking and I don't remember **** ... and all my stuff is gone." He looks at the others. They look to be in a similar state. It seems we are all victims here.
"Seems we have all have been recruited, I hope you are all not green horns."

Barbarian MD
2016-04-08, 12:53 PM
Henry Longfellow

The big man wakes with a start, hands immediately grabbing at his head as if to make sure it's still attached. Abruptly he kips up in a half-crouch, hoofed feet thumping solidly on the planks of the ship. He looks around slowly, resisting the instinctive pressure of his tusks and instead takes a deep breath, trying to identify his surroundings. The salty sea air and the sway of the ship is unmistakable, but he ignores them and focuses deeper, trying to take a head count.

He continues to look for a weapon while also pointedly growling at the others, "Who the **** are you?"

2016-04-08, 01:16 PM

Thellan laughs. "I assume we are all pretty much in the same boat." He looks around the room. "Well, ship I guess. We have all been recruited."

2016-04-08, 03:29 PM

Arthur wakes up rubbing the back of his head, looks around the room, smells the air, and groggily begins to speak, "What the hell happened? I had a few drinks at a tavern then walked to the shore and the next thing I know, I'm out at sea with you bunch. Don't mind the bein at sea part, but the rest...", pauses for a second, "What do you mean recruited?"

Barbarian MD
2016-04-08, 03:37 PM
Henry walks about the room, never quite turning his back on the others. He tests the strength of the walls, examines items, looks for loose boards, and measures angles and distances in his mind for a coming fight.

He continues to speak with Thellen, since he was the only one awake before himself apparently."How long have you been awake? Were you in port last night?" More broadly: "Don't just stand there. Find something and get ready to rush the door when they open it."

2016-04-08, 04:28 PM

Thellen looks at Arthur. "Press ganged I think it the term. Someone needed more crew. We, at least myself, has been drugged and beaten and brought into a ship. At least that is the only guess that makes sense to me."

Thellen then looks to Henry and laughs. "Slow down buddy. I have taken enough abuse for the moment. I am all for freedom, but the people outside that door are the ones who put us here and disarmed us. If I am gonna launch an attack, I'll do it when we have a clue what is going on and who did it and at a time of my choosing, not when they are ready for an assault."

2016-04-08, 04:44 PM
The large, brown-skinned half-elf stirs, moaning with a quiet, but surprisingly throaty voice. "Gah, my head. What... where I am?" He says, rising slowly as he looks around. "Well, don't tell me I signed up on a ship while drunk again. But... hm, I remember you from the bar. Well, well," he says, as much to himself as to anyone else, as he lets his eyes get used to the dusk and feels his neck, sash and vest.

2016-04-08, 04:58 PM
While Thellen is talking, Arthur feels some gooey substance in his hair, pulls it little off and smells and tastes it with a mild look of confusion on his face. "'Press ganged' means nothing to me.

He turns to the bearded one, "I do agree with slick here, trying to fight our way out against an unknown enemy who has all our stuff seems like a rather poor decision. If they wanted us dead, we would be."

Then addressing the recently awoken, "I doubt you signed up for anything, as far as I can tell, none of us are here of our own choice."

Barbarian MD
2016-04-08, 07:38 PM

"'Press ganged' means taken against our will and made to swab decks and hoist sails on a ship. It's an experience that I had hoped to avoid repeating. The question is, by whom? Pirates? Navy? Merchant marine? Not that there's much inherent difference..." he grumbles.

He calms down for the moment, but his eyes never stop moving. If the others won't rush the door with him, it would be suicide to try alone, much as it pained him to admit.

2016-04-08, 07:56 PM
"Bloody Abyss, not again" groans the handsome, gold-haired man currently sitting in a pile-like fashion in the corner. He gives himself a little shake, before jumping to his feet, hand moving to his side... to find nothing. "Oh, BLOODY ABYSS, not Again!!!" he says, looking down to find his rapier, and everything else, taken away. Only then does Tobias look around the room, taking in his partners. "Press ganged?! I never kissed a queen! Or was it sleep with a coin? Can never remember the rules properly..." he mutters below his breath before shaking his head and striking a pose. "Right then, chaps! What is our plan for escape, hmm? Or at least our plan for survival!" He looks around for something, anything to strap to his side.

Perception test to look for a stick or something similar [roll0]

2016-04-08, 08:10 PM

"My plan for now is to live and learn or learn so we can live and go from there. They didn't go through all this effort to just kill us."

2016-04-09, 01:52 AM
"We´ll just wait and see, then," the half-elf says, feeling his head and stretching his limbs to get the blood moving properly again. "If you´re right, we can´t escape just now... but one day, there just may be a hell to pay."

Granted, he didn´t mind adventures, but no child of the waves liked being taken against his will. They could have simply asked... and they didn´t. "Either way, fate has brought us here and we may need to spend some time together, so it would be fitting to know each other. I am called Mayanga, of the Samale-Bonuwat."

Barbarian MD
2016-04-09, 02:20 AM
Henry is still pacing, trying to talk himself out of a fight, eyes on the door.

"Henry Longfellow," he mutters. It's a lie, but that hardly matters. It's as good a name as any, and he tends to change his name like another man his socks.

2016-04-09, 09:53 AM

"I am Thellen...what is Samale-Bonuwat?"

2016-04-09, 11:17 AM
Perception test to look for a stick or something similar [roll0]

you do find a stick... a club in fact... it is very well maintained and even has metal studs in it... all polished and beautifully adorned with, yes in fact... those are diamond tips! it seems to be getting closer.. oh it must like you so mu-... oh **** theres a hand attached to it... and an arm... and a ugly face.... oh bollocks....

well... henery longfellow.... i would like to personally welcome you to the wormwood.... in me' own... special way... a whip flies through the darkness of the ship, the first strike nicks the hand of the brutish gentleman, the second is far more precise, its strike hits the rope of mayagnas hammock causing it and the bard to fall onto the hardwood floor in a huff... there emerges the source of the voice... an ugly man, clad in a wax covered leather coat, his entire form looks as though to be made of mishapened wax... contorted into a vile, repulsive grin... Still abed with the sun over the yardarm?
On your feet, ye filthy swab! Get up on
deck the lot of ya'. and report for duty before Cap’n
Harrigan flays your flesh into sausage skins
and has Fishguts fry ye up for breakfast!” as he finished his threats... about six other almost as ugly crewmen appear behind him... all weilding billy clubs, waiving them around threateningly do i need to repeat myself?

2016-04-09, 11:24 AM

Thellen nods. A bunch of armed guys and with the threats. He shrugs and starts heading to the door.

2016-04-09, 11:39 AM

Mayange nodded to Tellen, and was about to explain when the door opened and the godsdamned whip-wielding scum interrupted. He tried to instinctively avoid the whip. Aspis thugs? Maybe not, by the look of it. He doubted they were of any decent navy, certainly. It was time to see what the stars had in store for him. "I'll tell that story later," he whispered as he nodded.

Barbarian MD
2016-04-09, 12:08 PM
Henry sneers at the man, and this time he can't help but let his tusks have free reign, as they rip through the flesh of his face, tips decidedly sharp and covered with his own blood.

He keeps his head, though, and follows, watching for an opening and trying to judge just how far out to sea they are and whether the distance is swimmable. He also wonders if he could "accidentally" gore one of the six underlings, out of spite.

2016-04-09, 04:04 PM
Arthur sees the tusks fly out of the mans face and raises an eyebrow, still a little drowsy, he seems more intrigued by that than the captain's threats. But after a brief moment, he stands up, looking towards the captain, "Where..." he stops himself, finally coming to grips with what is happening and his grogginess subside, shaking his head and mumbling to himself, "god damit, not again." He speak up a little loud"No sir, tell us where you want us."

2016-04-09, 04:18 PM
Tobias looks from the club to the man wielding it, back down to the club again, and then up to the man.

"My dear fellow! You appear to be holding a club most vicious!" he removes his hand, perhaps after a moment too long, and takes a dramatic step backwards, a wide grin on his face. "I take it then that it is under you and yours most beneficent cruelty that we are so presently engaged?" He smiles even more widely, and before the man can even respond, sweeps himself low in a bow. "Ah, I see you are not a man of words, but a man of action! Indeed shall I yonder atopdecks, for my skin would make sausages most disagreeable!" he announces before swanning off through the door as if he owned the place, and were not there against his will.

Check (if you allow this use of bluff) to basically just confuse them a bit. Did he compliment or insult them just now? I mean, he was smiling, but he called them beneficent, which sounds like a good thing! [roll0]

2016-04-09, 07:21 PM
scourge lets out a sigh... brings up his whip and attempts to strike arthur with his whip

A. hits him square on the chest, scourge lets out a vicious cackle as you howl in pain, like i says.... does i need ta repeat me self!?!?!? get topside you worthless pack of ingrates!!!!

the brute blushes at your honeid words... until a sharp glare from the bosun... he moves behind the others from shyness


2016-04-09, 07:24 PM
forgot to roll damage

2016-04-09, 07:31 PM
Arthus slashed by the whip lets out a yelp and begins walking to the deck, muttering to myself in druidic , "****ing bastard, you'll regret that."

2016-04-09, 08:10 PM
you are herded up the creeking stairway into a blinding morning sun... be it the shock of the whip... or the scorch of the sun, the pain begins to remined you of the last night... your drink tasted funny.... and you could clearly remember the face of your assailant at the pub that night... eventually you reach the topside of the boat, looking around you see you are not the only new recruit for the ship... a handful of other greenhorns dot the boatside... clearly different from the other crewmen by their lack of stench and somewhat clean clothes. other... more experienced crewmen hang from ropes, sit on barrels and rope. a kobold is even seen popping out of a cannon on the side of the ship, all eyes looking in one direction... as your eyes adjust to the rising suns glare you see the object of attention... two men standing- no towering above all, the larger of the twos shadow covers the party, he talks with the other beside him. the first is a muscular Garundi man with a shaven head,a long beard bound with gold rings, and an eye patch—clearly the captain. The other is a younger, balding man with a long black ponytail, wearing a long coat and carrying a well-used cat-o’-nine-tails. the captin hear the chatter going on from his crew... he raises his hand... all but one of the new recruits stops talking...

"p-p-please! im not suppose to be here! the-there must be a mista- *CRACK* the poor man falls to the ground... a hole in his head... ship goes unaturally silent even the waives go quiet... almost from fear... the captian blows smoke from his gun... amost uncaringly... the man next to him looks as though he just lost his lunch... the captian cracks his neck and clears his throat... he turns to the party... smiling as though nothing had happened. "Glad you could join us at last! Welcome to the Wormwood! My thanks for ‘volunteering’ to join my crew. I’m Barnabas Harrigan. That’s Captain Barnabas Harrigan to you, not that you’ll ever need to address me. I have only one rule—don’t speak to me. I like talk, but I don’t like your talk. Follow that rule and we’ll all get along fine. “Oh, and one more thing. Even with you new recruits, we’re still short-handed, and I aim to keep what crew I have. There’ll be a keelhaulin’ for anyone caught killin’ anyone." he looks at the dead body... its blood pouring on his deck, he gives a little chuckle "captain is obviously excluded from said rule... and it looks like were going be shorter now, so some of you will be pullin extra shifts...Mr. Plugg! If you’d be so kind as to make pirates out of these landlubbers, it’ll save me having to put them in the sweatbox for a year and a day before I make pies out of ’em... and... clean up the mess...”

captain Harrigan then begins to stroll away out of sight... mr. Plugg takes a deep breath... looking at the new recruits almost makes his ills dissapear imediatly.... instead of a pale complexion... a sadistic smile forms... a few of the crewmen give a quick prayer and toss the poor soul overboard, the rest of the crew disperses... after much effort to get down, Mr. Plugg lands on the deck, he pulls out a clipboard and a pair of glasses, he begins to read and gives a sigh. alright ya sods.... due to recent... incidents.... we are severly understaffed here on the wormwood.... therefore.... I is here ta see just who out of the lot of you are worth havin, and who gets to be swabbin.... first off, we are in need of a good ol' rigger... last one beat the captain at dice and well he looks up to a cage hanging from the aftsail... there is a corpse whose being pecked by a squawking parrot.... Mr. Plugg shugs, grinning you get the picture... now i want you lot to climb up to the crows nest... on the double or it'll be triple lashes for ya! he swings the nine-tails menacingly, kicking one of the other fresh meats on the rear to get him going

alright! first big roll of the game! everyone, if you would please roll for a climb check? the dc is 10 for each climb, since you will be only moving at half speed when climbing, your going to need to do a few rolls to get up there... so... i am going to say best out of 8 rolls win! good luck

2016-04-09, 08:22 PM
Tobias looks at the ropes and tries to spot a counterweight he can cut to swoop up gracefully and awesomely to the crow's nest. Perception [roll0]

2016-04-09, 08:39 PM

Thellan sighs and begins to climb.

Climb [roll0]
Climb [roll1]
Climb [roll2]
Climb [roll3]
Climb [roll4]
Climb [roll5]
Climb [roll6]
Climb [roll7]

Barbarian MD
2016-04-09, 10:44 PM
Henry's tusks had quietly receded on the walk to the deck, as he struggled to contain his emotions. His step became just a hair lighter instead, as he prepared for a potential dash to the rails and a dive overboard, but he could see that was foolishness now, with no land in sight in any direction. He swore under his breath; his time would come.

He looked with scorn on the dead man. Life was only for the strong, not the weak.

At Pugg's order he merely gave a shrug and dashed up the lines with ease. It made sense; he had done this very task for six months straight before a desperate midnight escape from another such ship.

base speed is 40' due to ragebred.


2016-04-10, 10:44 AM
Aquaman thinks to himself, I'll not get lashed again. as he begins to climb up the mast.

2016-04-10, 10:46 AM

2016-04-10, 02:21 PM
Tobias looks at the ropes and tries to spot a counterweight he can cut to swoop up gracefully and awesomely to the crow's nest. Perception [roll0]

tobias looks around... but his aasimar eyes are still too overhwhelmed by the sun... by the time he finally sees the rope... Mr. pluggs arm is around his neck, a almost kind headlock.... hey there mate.... how are you doing... bit tired? his grib around your neck tightens gently... eye.... i can imagine that... long day ye must be havin huh?.... gettin drugged... bein press ganged.... gettin three whole lashes on your back *whistle* that must be the worst... during his little conversation... he has been walking tobias to the mast... two uneasy looking crewmen hold ropes at each end... they tie his hands, spread out, unable to escape... but do trust me.... angel boy... things will be gettin better.... he winds up a swing... and gives three painful lashings...


after the ordeal.... mr. plugg takes out a knife and cuts off the ropes binding him... the group sees tobias fall to the floor, back bloodythere.. how bout his majesty just waits there while i finish with the others.... a few of the crew men in the back chuckle as plugg turns around to see henry coming out in the lead

2016-04-10, 04:37 PM

"Let me guess, he's excluded too," the large half-elf jokes darkly to the person next to him, nodding surreptitiously towards Mr. Plugg. Well, captain, my captain, he thinks, you got us right where you want us, so we'll need to be playing this one your way. Mind you, there's plenty of stories what happens when an unpopular leader gets too unpopular. He'd need to learn where everyone stands, and fast.

In the meantime - when the guy with the whip calls, you answer, he thinks as he sets to sails.

Climb: [roll0]

2016-04-10, 06:33 PM
Mr. Plugg rests his foot on Tobias's wound, pulling out a pocket watch to see how you do... an eyebrow raises when he sees the speed of which the half-boar makes it too the top, clearing his throat. that's quite enough of that now lads... you can all come down now, as for you master Henry, unferl the secondary sail while your up there... and make nice with your crows nest companion.... he should be in need of pleasurable company eh lads? a gruff nicer flows through a few choice crewmen, from up above the nest you hear a voice that reminds you of a tea kettle for the last bloody time, just cause I smell better doesn't mean I like men! a gnomes head pops into view, what appears to be in fancy clothing and a extremely fake eye patch... inches away from Henry's face... most likely tusked from the adrenaline.... ... meep.... darting back, another roar of laugher flows through the crowd. Once the remainder of the party have made it back to the deck, panting from strain, mr. Plugg resumes looking at his clipboard oh I'm sorry was that too hard for you? he kicks Tobias to the rest of them anyone need a break? Hahahaha.... he twirls the ninetails in his hand, clicking a button on the side, a pen appears at the end of it... he checks a marker on the paper now... back to business.... we are in desperate need of a cook assistant, therefore.... the captain has asked me to see if any of you can cook up some grub.... he pulls down his glasses and stares the party in the eye ... well? Can anyone here cook?

I swear to god the only times they are whipping is when the book strictly states to attack! Sorry!!!

Alright.... barbarian... I'm going to need you to do a little acrobatics roll or a sailors roll to not fall down into the ocean or make a hole in the deck, ok?

As for the rest of you.... if anyone has any ranks in profession ( cooking) now is your time to shine!)

Barbarian MD
2016-04-10, 08:05 PM
Henry scrambles across the beam, working the lines, practiced motions coming back to him.

+ 6 profession or +8 acrobatics

Henry rocks back with a hand on a line for support, his hoofs now bare feet for grip, and peers at the place where the little gnome's head had just been.

"What's your name, then?", he asks in as kind a voice as he can muster. If this creature was the button of the joke of those below, it would serve his interests to make nice.

2016-04-11, 09:20 AM
your feet slip once or twice, still remembering how its done... but eventually you make it you the sail and back... you see a gnome in the crows nest visibly sweating, he wears a purple floppy hat and has a fancy cane that appears to double as a scope. the entire look of him, his white puffy shirt, the false eyepatch, the almost baddazzled atmosphere of him makes it look like hes a person playing pirate rather than an actual one. once he sees that you are not going to bruttaly murder him, he fixes his vest. brushes off his hat and gives a bow c-Conchobhar Turlach Shortstone the 4th, at your service!, you can now see that the crows nest is filled with little bobs and distractions... a actually nice job appart from the suffering that goes on down below, there is a small barrel of rum, a few board games, and a few drawings of a short woma- Conch quickly cleans up the mess smiling hehe.... m...make yourself at home.... its not often people get the crows nest... so the crew tends to make it a bit nicer for everyone... he looks down....just.... dont tell the officers and your in the clear

Barbarian MD
2016-04-11, 09:39 AM
Henry smiles at the little man and extends a meaty hand--about the size of the gnome's head--in an offer of a handshake.

"Henry Longfellow, at your service. Your secrets are safe with me, Conchobhar. It would appear I'll be apprenticing with you. What's next?"

As they work, Henry asks him questions about himself: his background, how long he's been aboard, and what life on this particular ship is like--mostly small talk.

2016-04-11, 09:39 AM
Arthur climbs back down the mast, a little disappointed he was defeated by the boar-man. He stand quietly when asked about being able to cook.

2016-04-11, 10:18 AM
Pity about that, Mayanga thinks, he might enjoy actually staying up there in the wind - but that weird man was hella fast with his hands. Sadly, he doesn't think he is a particularly great cook either, and he doesn't feel like lying just to stay indoors all day even if it means lighter work. Let it be what it may be, he thinks and just shrugs at the question.

2016-04-11, 03:43 PM

Thellan drops to the deck, seemingly indifferent to his failure to win the climb. "Worked on a ship before, but never worked as a cook, but willing to try anything if you need a cooks helper."

2016-04-12, 03:43 AM
It takes a few moments for Tobias to come around, his fists clenched in pain. When he looks up to Mr. Plugg, his eyes are narrowed and his mouth twisted, rather unpleasently, in anger. Then, the snarl gives way to an aristocratic smirk as he pulls himself to his feet, and tweaks his hat, smoothing down his front side. "If I am your majesty, my dear ferine Plugg, that must make you a great king indeed." he replies, a little unsteadily, but inclines his head. "But naturally, it is not a majesty's place to do the cooking, lest you risk letting the other men feel too privileged!" he winces as he stands more upright, placing a hand on his hip and stroking his non-existent beard for a moment. "I could be a gosh darned good food critic though, do you need one of those, my Turbulant King Plugg?"


2016-04-12, 08:59 AM
You spend your first day drinking cheap rum, playing cards, and occasionally fixing up the sails, conch tells you how he was a professional gambler in a pass life, he even teaches you a few tricks, he goes on to say how he was only on the ship a week before today.... so he wouldn't be the best to answer any real questions.... he does say however.... that he knows that the halfling girl with the violin might know something..... it could be that.... or he's just very much in love with her.... you can here her yelling and threatening from down there

Mr. Plugg laughed a bit, feeling a bit more confidence, it seems his arrogance has gotten the best of him yet again, he takes another look at your wound turning around he glances over to a blonde woman mopping the deck, he opens his mouth for a second... but gets a visible chill in his back when she looks at him, clearing his throat, he turns to the doorway opposite the one you came out of, MAP!!!! THE door bursts open, out of it comes a black streak, it runs up and tackles Tobias. Standing before you is a strange looking, and all none too exasperated racoon, instead of a normal coat... however.... you can see the very night sky in layer into every fur... panting, It quickly almost punches your back with its claws.... when it does, you immediately feel the cuts begin to heal on their own, as all this is happening, mr. Plugg is eyeing the group... he first looks at Henry at the top of the mast....of course the pigs the fattest..... he then looks to thellan second fattest... your now the assistant chef.... congrats.... he pulls out a cooks hat and throw it to you, with the magic healing finished, the racoon quickly darts away, you can hear the call of map being heard somewhere on the ship... mr. Plugg checks his board again, without looking up he begins to walk awaythe rest of you, get to swabbin the deck, and be glad all your doin today.... come tomorrow you might not be so luckyhe starts to walk up and away, snapping his whip at a worried looking kobold inside a cannon.
, the blonde woman smiles at your party and throws you a mop

The healing

Barbarian MD
2016-04-12, 09:08 AM
Henry knows that look. "Who's the girl?"

He continues to make small talk.

If I remember correctly, there's something about being able to take an action during the day while working--sneaking about, influencing crew members, working diligently, and the like (if you remember, the time I played this campaign before we made it to the end of the first day and then it fizzled out). Could you outline those options for us? It looks like I made my check for the day's work so I won't need my "work diligently" bonus, so I want to try to influence Conchobar.

2016-04-12, 02:18 PM
Conch literally swoons thinking about her, he pours another full mug from the barrel and hands it to you, drinking deeply from it first of course, he leans over the side of the nest and says in a loud enough voice for half the crew to hear who else but Rosie Cusswell! The fairest lady in the inner seas! Such a lass I would give my life fo-

On the deck the rest of the party can hear the gnomes poetic statement of love, one of your fellow swabbies, a halfing woman, begins to tense up, to the point where muscles seem to bulge, it gets to the point when her mop actually snaps in half from her grip, screaming, she runs over to the side of the ship and grabs a lantern and throws it hard and fast, the candle inside it almost appears to have caught fire from the force, it hits the praising gnome square in the head

Henry sees the lantern fly out of sight, conch being knocked back into him, a big welt now marking his face, he attempts to get back up but the lanes decent unfortunately hits him coming back down as well.... in his last moments of conciousness he mutters what a woman he is now unconscious

Back on the deck, the halfing is practically frothing at the mouth, the blonde woman slowly walks over and begins patting her on the head happy place rosie.... go to your happy place.... eventually the red faced halfing calms down, and develops a calm smile.... she takes deep breaths and quietly goes back to work. The blonde turns to the group sorry about that.... there are some.... colorful.... members of this crew.... most are good people when you get to know them... others... not so much she looks to a goblin, who harasses on of the crewmen just a little ways away, shaking her head she goes back to swabbing ah... Where Are My manners.... I Am sandra quinn, Cleric Of besmara The Pirate queen... some here forget the rules of my goddess... And by her will they Will be punished...

Barbarian MD
2016-04-12, 02:30 PM
Henry bellows out a laugh as the unconscious gnome falls into his arms. He gives Rosie a salute and lays him out on the floor of the crows nest. He gets back to work with the rigging, but not before checking to see if anything in the nest is worth pocketing.

Flask to fill up with the alcohol, weapons, items of value, etc?

2016-04-12, 03:21 PM
you don't seem to find anything of that great value, it seems to be that the crows nest is the crew take a penny leave a penny type of deal, you find two saps that were forgotten by some guard duty members, as well as 4 gp in loose change from a betting match, the blood on the first sap signifies that it didn't go so well... the real find is that the pictures conch were hiding were all of Rosie, each of which is unspeakably beautifully drawn... although a few are.... compromising.... a good handful are enough to be worth a pretty penny

2016-04-12, 03:26 PM
After being told to swab the decks Arthur grabbed a map and began working immediately. He sees the little one throw the lantern up at the crows nest and continues minding his own buisness. Once Sandra goes to introduce herself, Arthur will continue to work and introduce himself, "Greetings, I am Arthur Zygan druid of Gozreh, the god of The Winds and The Waves. How long have you been on the ship?"

Barbarian MD
2016-04-12, 03:26 PM
Henry admires the pictures for a moment before tucking them back where he found them. He pockets the saps and the gold, however, and gets back to work, checking to see if Conchobar is coming around yet.

2016-04-12, 03:58 PM
After being told to swab the decks Arthur grabbed a map and began working immediately. He sees the little one throw the lantern up at the crows nest and continues minding his own buisness. Once Sandra goes to introduce herself, Arthur will continue to work and introduce himself, "Greetings, I am Arthur Zygan druid of Gozreh, the god of The Winds and The Waves. How long have you been on the ship?"

Sandra scoffs, "long enough to know that this is no pirate vessel.... just a bunch of profiteers that want to make a name for themselves.... *sigh*.... a month just about.... had it not been for the few honest... true pirates that walk the bilges I would have sent this vessel to the bottom of the sea by now! one or two other crewmen look at her with fear, some with hate, clearly she has gotten a name on this ship, and it's not the best one... ie.... though the numbers that have the true harken for the seas bounty are too afraid of the officers to do much about it... not i... she stops mopping for a moment, as though she has realized something ah! I almost forgot, I managed to "convince" the quartermaster to give me back some of my things.... as well as a few goodies.... on this ship... it's always best to be able to defend yourself ey? looking side to side.... the holy hellraiser drops something into the bucket, at least at first you thought it was a bucket.... but in actuality it was a very familiar masterwork drum, when she pushes the bucket over, you can see what appears to be a coat gun bump around inside the soapy water... she smiles at Arthur as for you... child of the seas.... don't think that my goddess isn't generous enough to give boon to you as well the mops wooden handle feels familiar in your grasp... it is your trident!... or at least part of it... the pointy end is missing but the spring and most other attachments are still in place, Sandra gives a polite nod, a smile showing a tooth as golden blonde as her hair, and goes back to swab bing the deck

For the coat pistol and the drum, your going to have to wait a while before they are ready, the soapy and dirty water needs to be cleaned out and dried, so it will need a day and a turn to be cleaned out... as for the trident, until you can get back the top part.... it will be considered a Bo stick

2016-04-12, 04:07 PM
The half-elf allows himself a few hidden chuckles, which become a bit less surreptiotious now that that damn man has gotten away from the deck. What have I gotten myself into, he wonders, but he picks up a mop and starts cleaning the deck. May the star-lady watch over me and my travels, he whispers and gets to work, loudly humming a slow, languid song (a bit slower than this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEraxgns4No&nohtml5=False)), punctuated by drumming on the handle. He notices the group forming, and makes sure to sweep in a way to pass by them. "Greetings, ladies, and you, strange fella. That's been a curious meeting, no? Pity about the lad there" he says, subduing his grin as he nods towards the captain's first victim, before turning towards the three again as he makes a show of cleaning the deck. "I'm Mayanga, story-chaser and wind-listener. So, I take it this is a pirate ship - aren't they meant to be like that?" he adds, turning to the priestess. He keeps humming the whole time, but now it is a bit quieter.

2016-04-12, 04:21 PM
please dumbass.... pretty sure your trying to offend now Rosie speaks up, now using half a mop, real captains know when to strike fear and when to be friendly, can switch from rousing the crew to being a stone cold basted of the seas! You get that through your thick skull?... Harrigan is stuck on being a complete **** Rosie starts to work herself up again, her feet start stomping in rythem with your humming, Sandra give a look like a mother would to a child, Rosie takes a deep breath again and goes back to her job f*** captain.... all he cares about is gettin the name out there.... don't he? The crew use to be fully stocked! The meals were decent! Then he spreads that spiked rum to calm the cook and crew.... kills anyone who looks him the wrong way.... bloody pofiteer.... Rosie spits.... then mops up the spit.... she repeats this a few times

2016-04-12, 04:27 PM
Ah, there may be a slivers of a good story about escape and vengeance here we might just whip up here, Mayanga think, and the corners of his mouth rise up slightly as he picks up the bucket with the old trusted drum in it. He permits himself a hint of a bow towards the pirate-priestess as he picks it up, before turning to the little fury with the even smaller mop "Hmph, believe me, miss, if I was trying to offend, I'd be doing a way better job. Now, bad rum though? That's straight bad of him, it is. Man can forgive a lot for a good drink. And the guy who's so friendly with the whip - this the bosun?"

2016-04-12, 04:51 PM
Rosie scoffs for a second.... then realizing herself, glares at mayanga. Sandra sighs which one? Be it first mate plug or his attack dog scourge.... whips fly across this deck faster than the winds... as for the drink... you can thank scourge and his many poisons for spiking all but a handful of drinks... even the heartiest of us can loose our edge to the vile brew... anyone.... Sandra goes quiet....

Thellan makes his way to the kitchen, as you enter a chicken manages to fly out following it are a few cleavers too weakly thrown to make it to the door, sitting before you is a heavy set man, the color in his face is a mix of vile green and red, he pants looking dazed.... he reaches for a bottle and downs the grog fast... he looks at you, and let's out a loud belch... the scent almost makes you gag

Thellan, make a fortitude check to not be sickened from that, DC is 12

Everyone else, make a strength check with a DC of 10, then you can do your first daily action

2016-04-12, 05:05 PM
That little she-devil can be a hard one, Mayanga thinks. Heck of a throwing arm, though. He just shakes his head as the Besmarite explains. "Well, that's just wrong, it is." Underneath the smiles and the easy behavior, he wants to make sure the jackasses who got him on this ship get what's coming to them, and he is willing to bet quite a few people on this ship think so as well... starting with these two women. "Well, that's just wrong, it is, on all counts" he repeats, shaking his head, then remembers to attend to the cleanup... for now. The humming keeps going on for a while - he knows how to carry a tune, and enjoys doing it to boot.

strength check: [roll0]

For now, Mayanga will try to get to know people and try to get a few to have a good opinion of him. There probably isn't much entertainment on this ship - maybe he will try to get a song going when people have a bit of free time and are gathering for a breather or a drink.

2016-04-12, 05:17 PM

Thellan finds himself wordless.


2016-04-12, 05:34 PM
Arthur feeling his old friend in his hands grins, "Thanks Sandra, I'm sure these will be useful in the future. I personally don't know much about pirates, but I do know about slavers, and slavers like our 'captain' here all meet the same end eventually. If he spikes the drinks or food, why not call for your gods assistance with purifying the crews food and drink. I know Gozreh grants me that ability. He then turns to the other two, "Mayanga, pleasure to meet you and sorry mam, I missed your name."


2016-04-12, 06:14 PM
The large man shakes from the drink, it looks for even the briefest moment that he would regain some hidden strength... but instead he coughs a raspy heave and spits out some blood. He grabs his apron and wipes his mouth, cleaning his hand as well he waddle over to you, a few coughs here and there dirty his mouth almost immediately, though broken, he give as good a smile as he can why... you must be my new hand.... * cough cough, hack!* pleasure is all mine my lad.... oh that's right my name.... my name.... what is it again? he looks to a tattoo on his arm... then back to you Ambrose!!!! Ah yes, now I remember.... Ambrose Kroop.... though.... most others aboard this he hesitates .... rottin woodchip.... call me fishguts, up to you what you deside he lumbers to his chair again, his bones creak along with the ship, with a heave he falls to the chair, it almost gives out under his weight... after a moment he catches his breath, looking back to thellan "here laddy.... why don't you get started with those onions, it's soup night and we got to get somethin on the table his defeated look starts to fade away.... eventually you can hear gentle snoring coming from fishguts mouth.... the ship echos his noise as though they were one

The entire crew begin to hum along... but the song isn't the most cheerful one, they do their tasks to the beat and pay no mind to the source...

Sandra looks to the half-undine. Chuckling cure enough and the officers will get suspicious, and then some are not that willing to be helped... and more than not.... I'm... not the most favorite on this ship now am i... she says no more on the subject.... wanting to get along with her business and call in a night.

2016-04-12, 06:38 PM

Thellan begins to cut onions, pondering his immediate future. He wonders if Fishguts even knows how to cook. He wonders if the reason they need more crew is due to death by food.

Barbarian MD
2016-04-12, 08:56 PM
While running out a series of lines across the top mast, something catches Henry's eye.

"Oy! Bird! Come here!"

2016-04-12, 09:09 PM
The parrot stops eating the eye for one moment... it stares at you with murderous intent.... like a red lightening bolt it shoots to you, rrrrrraaaaawwwwhhh! Iye Iye ya son-of-a-bitch! the birb dives for you and immediately bites your face.... you might reason that it's a sign of affection.... so much affection that you begin to loose balance

Birbs attack roll
Damage roll

And make a climb roll for me

It can be argued that the bird thinks biting you is kissing hello

Edit for roll: you accept the kisses freely.... although painful, you control your anger by "hugging" the mast until it splinters slightly.... the bird stops.... it now sits on top of your head.... thinking it to be the dominant Victor of its new corpse

Barbarian MD
2016-04-12, 09:29 PM
I suppose I asked for that. What's your name, Bird?"

2016-04-13, 06:37 AM
Mayanga goes about his business, but at some point quietly whispers to the nearby pirate (likely the halfling or the Besmarite) "Ehm, is there any evening fun on this ship, like cards, singalongs or the like?"

2016-04-13, 08:53 AM
rosie twitches when the words 'singalong' pop into her ears. but the cleric quickly speaks up uhh, i...i know! old man 32 loves gambling! m... maybe he would be interested! she points to a man sitting at a table by the doorway. it is the same man that holds the diamond studded club from before... he laughs as the oread pirate stomps away, and counts his new coins that he adds to his pocket. his eyes meet yours, his grin grows wideroi... fresh meat.... ya feeling like testin yer luck?

the bird simply responds by pecking you again

Barbarian MD
2016-04-13, 09:14 AM
Henry grabs the bird with one hand and its beak with the other and looks it square in the eyes.

"Stop that or I'll wring your neck." he growls.

He looks for a treat for the bird, then offers it some of the alcohol from the barrel.

2016-04-13, 09:27 AM
The bird imitates the growling, after plunging the animal head first into the alcohol, it begins to become complacent

Barbarian MD
2016-04-13, 09:37 AM
Satisfied that he's found a solution, Henry perches the bird on his shoulder and keeps a cup of alcohol nearby the rest of the day.

He asks anyone nearby what the bird's name is.

He starts with the basics: curse words, although it seems the parrot has already learned at least one of those.

What sort of mechanics do you want in terms of training it to sit on his shoulder, not peck him, and use the foulest language imaginable at opportune times?

As well, is it still the work day, or have we moved into the evening free time yet? I'll keep fooling around with the bird during work, and then I want to go see if I can find a way to get my stuff back or smooth talk the quartermaster.

2016-04-13, 11:07 AM
Mayanga raises an eyebrow, turning to the priestess "I may need to get my things back before I had anything to gamble, though. I´ve got nothing on me I´m willing to part with. Maybe once I´ve got enough so i can risk it."

He has not forgotten the glint in Rosie´s eyes. "You feel like starting up a ditty later on, though? I should have more than enough for that."

2016-04-13, 11:47 AM
the mornings work drolls on, most of the time is spent either torturing birds, trying to antagonize halflings into rock battles, and eery now and again the occasional work is done... onion soup is being prepared and the scent is beginning to hit your nose....

roll a intelligence check to see how well you can cook on your feet

it tis now the evening... the sun sets on the horizon, what you do now is of your own free time.... you can see that some of the crew pass around the spiked rum bottles, no. 32 has wracked up quite a haul of loot today... he chuckles at his skills as he takes a big sip. conch had taken his sweet time but he has finally awoken from his sleep and is sitting on the deck, oogling rosie as she tunes a fiddle. the crew looks bored and in need of entertainment, or at least some grub

asking around, you manage to gather that the bird name is pluck... after how it plucked the eyes out of his last owner
you spot the kobold sculking around.... his fingers dart about in others pockets..... you see him head to the quartermasters store, but you can still intercept him if you move fast
your coat gun has no bullets nor powder in it... it will be quite useless unless you can find some.... you hear the crew member talking about such items being down in the bilges if you were to look for them,

Barbarian MD
2016-04-13, 11:56 AM
As a fellow fiddler, Henry joins Conch in listening to Rosie, drunken parrot swaying unevenly on his shoulder. He continues his earlier conversation with Conch, and asks about how to go about getting his stuff back. As they talk, his attention is drawn more and more by Rosie as she plays, and he asks her the occasional question about the songs and her playing in between her songs. He lets the bird eat most of his food whenever dinner comes around--it's not very appealing anyway and he's feeling a little nauseous as he gets his sealegs back.

Requesting to use that influence check from earlier on Conch. Also, any female pirates Henry can woo on deck?

2016-04-13, 12:26 PM
Arthur sees the kobold and will quickly approach him as he starts to head towards the quartermasters store, "Hey swift fingers, let me talk to you for a second. My names Arthur, what's yours?"

2016-04-13, 01:09 PM

Thellan learns what he can during cooking for the day and in the evening he looks for opportunities to pick pockets of very drunk people.

Int roll [roll0]

2016-04-13, 03:24 PM
As a fellow fiddler, Henry joins Conch in listening to Rosie, drunken parrot swaying unevenly on his shoulder. He continues his earlier conversation with Conch, and asks about how to go about getting his stuff back. As they talk, his attention is drawn more and more by Rosie as she plays, and he asks her the occasional question about the songs and her playing in between her songs. He lets the bird eat most of his food whenever dinner comes around--it's not very appealing anyway and he's feeling a little nauseous as he gets his sealegs back.

Requesting to use that influence check from earlier on Conch. Also, any female pirates Henry can woo on deck?
yuo see the female halfing starting to play a bit harder on the fiddle... its begining to get the crew, even you a bit riled up, a human with blonde hair is trying to keep her music down, an oread female pouting taking big sips from a bucket of grog, there is also two other women on the other side of the ship, one with a mad look i her eyes and another calmer with a long dash of white running down her raven black hair.

thats the question now isnt it lad? most of the crews got something in lock up at that quartermasters shop that keeps them here, even when they could run out to the next port... we always have a little thing we really need back.... or.... somethin we want to take with us his eyes flutter a bit at rosie, she scowls and plays harder.... she looks at you feircely ifyou truely wish, you can head over and see if you got anything willin to trade to get a little somethng back, store should still be opendont be botherin me when im in the groove, piggy! the music starts to almost seep into your body, the other crewmembers cheer and whoop at the music

Arthur sees the kobold and will quickly approach him as he starts to head towards the quartermasters store, "Hey swift fingers, let me talk to you for a second. My names Arthur, what's yours?"
the kobold stops dead in his tracks, if lizards could sweat... he would be covered in it right now, you blink for a moment and hes gone, running throught the door to the galley to escape you, he leaves a trail of copper coins... about 3 gp worth...


Thellan learns what he can during cooking for the day and in the evening he looks for opportunities to pick pockets of very drunk people.

Int roll [roll0]

you dont get very far before one of the crewmen grabs you by the shirt oi! what is this garbage!?!?!? a few more jeers erupt from the crew, an axe narrowly misses your head and goes into the side of the ship. a circle of crewmen have surrounded you, in the middle are you and one of the thugs from before... he snarls at you, readying to fight

Barbarian MD
2016-04-13, 03:48 PM
At the end of Rosie's song, Henry stands. "I believe I'll do just that."

He walks off, looking for the quartermaster.

2016-04-13, 04:06 PM
you enter the quartermasters store... there you see a female orc, polishing a notched greataxe, on her neck is a long cut... she clearly has been almost killed, but the look in her eye states how much of a fire she has in her... she gives a uncaring look to you and continues to deal with the blade "better hurry up.... ill be closin pretty soon f*** face..." she sits behind a counter, in turn behind her is a assortment of plunder that has been catagorized into piles... you can see some of your own equipment scattered around

Barbarian MD
2016-04-13, 05:29 PM
"Who you calling ####face, Lady? This more your style?" He asks, growing a set of tusks for her benefit. "I want my stuff back."

That should be just about abrasive enough for a natural one, I'd say...

2016-04-13, 05:58 PM
Thellen got caught looking for someone to pick pocket?

Barbarian MD
2016-04-13, 06:36 PM
Thellen got caught looking for someone to pick pocket?
I think they're upset about the food.

2016-04-13, 06:40 PM
I think they're upset about the food.

That could be it.

2016-04-14, 06:40 AM
Mayanga eagerly joins, humming and then trying to sing a song to the music. Trying seems to be the operative word, though - whether it was the sea air, some leftover strain, or the bad rum, he just sounds bad.

He gives it up, and tries instead to get to know people, especially those who appear more interested in the new "recruits" or just friendly.

2016-04-14, 01:47 PM
Thellen got caught looking for someone to pick pocket?

please roll initiative >:3, one of the crew seems to really.... really dislike your cooking. time for a bit of combat then!

Mayanga eagerly joins, humming and then trying to sing a song to the music. Trying seems to be the operative word, though - whether it was the sea air, some leftover strain, or the bad rum, he just sounds bad.

He gives it up, and tries instead to get to know people, especially those who appear more interested in the new "recruits" or just friendly.

rosie scoffs at your humming you call yourself a musician? hilarious... you can play with me when you can actually hum a tune right.... bloody poser.... she finishes the song and the haze of energy dissipates... some of the crew start to gossip about you and the other new hands on the deck. roll a perception check to try and hear some of the gossip

"Who you calling ####face, Lady? This more your style?" He asks, growing a set of tusks for her benefit. "I want my stuff back."

That should be just about abrasive enough for a natural one, I'd say...

she looks alomst uninterested in the boar.... then with a sudden movement, the great axe is right at henrys neck, the bird poops itself.... very lucky to have been on the opposite shoulder, a cold expression in her eyes, stronger a will than henry even ...you get your stuff... by paying for it... like everybody else.... got it? there is a chill that goes down henrys spine, in many years he has never felt quite that level of... fear? whatever it is... its enough for him to back down from the orc woman... she goes back to sharpening her axe

2016-04-14, 01:53 PM
Thellen's Initiative [roll0]

2016-04-14, 04:11 PM

"Woman, I've made my coin with this in places from the Third Gallows in Bloodcove to the once-observatories in Hyrantam. I got drugged with gods know what and thrown here only last night. You got me this time, but give me a day or two to get my bearings, and we'll see who can play with whom," Mayanga snorts, still annoyed by his own bad performance, before adding with a sour expression. "You're good, I'll give you that. Wanna make a bet of it next time?" While he is somewhat annoyed at the mouthy halfling, he enjoys the challenge on some level. Still, he is here to meet more people, not just obsess over one loud-mouthed pint-sized firecracker. He looks for other Mwangi on the ship, feeling he might be a bit more familiar with them and it would be an easier start. Failing that, it would be good to talk up his fellow prisoners.

((Is Thellen nearby? Mayanga was about to tell him a story.))

Barbarian MD
2016-04-14, 04:54 PM
Henry leaves, dour expression on his face. His blood is up. He goes searching for Thellan; he feels like shedding some blood and he might as well make a friend while doing it. He slips the saps out of his trousers.

I imagine I won't get there in time for round one, but here's an initiative roll just in case: [roll0]

WHY do I keep rolling beautifully when it doesn't matter???????

2016-04-16, 01:30 PM
Henry leaves, dour expression on his face. His blood is up. He goes searching for Thellan; he feels like shedding some blood and he might as well make a friend while doing it. He slips the saps out of his trousers.

I imagine I won't get there in time for round one, but here's an initiative roll just in case: [roll0]

WHY do I keep rolling beautifully when it doesn't matter???????

you come first almost just as the fight is starting, bursting through the crowd from behind the crewmen... scowling, he draws his own sap, he snarls

you failed the test... now you have to live with the guilt of it all your life! hp of the crewmen, 2 as of right now


"Woman, I've made my coin with this in places from the Third Gallows in Bloodcove to the once-observatories in Hyrantam. I got drugged with gods know what and thrown here only last night. You got me this time, but give me a day or two to get my bearings, and we'll see who can play with whom," Mayanga snorts, still annoyed by his own bad performance, before adding with a sour expression. "You're good, I'll give you that. Wanna make a bet of it next time?" While he is somewhat annoyed at the mouthy halfling, he enjoys the challenge on some level. Still, he is here to meet more people, not just obsess over one loud-mouthed pint-sized firecracker. He looks for other Mwangi on the ship, feeling he might be a bit more familiar with them and it would be an easier start. Failing that, it would be good to talk up his fellow prisoners.

((Is Thellen nearby? Mayanga was about to tell him a story.))

Rosie, looks at you with a smirk i would be glad to show you up, any time anywhere!... in your looking around... you actually spot the markings of a mwangi tattoo style on the oreads back... though... you dont remember anyone in your tribe being oread....

Thellen's Initiative [roll0]

henry (21)

thellen (13)

crewmen (13)

2016-04-17, 11:35 AM
Henry acts fast, he tosses you a sap as he moves behind your attacker, caught a bit surprised, he gets hit in the back of the head with Henry's own sap,

The crewmen is flat footed

Henry's attack roll


Damage roll

The crewmember staggers, now angry from the strike

2016-04-18, 05:05 AM
Mayanga nods at the halfling as he walks around. The Oread's tattoo does attract his attention, and he approaches her. "Greetings, earth-kin one" he says in Polyglot. "May your drink taste well. I am Mayanga, one of the fresh," he winces slightly. "Recruits."

2016-04-18, 10:04 AM
the oread looks at you with a odd expression, almost familiar. she begins speaking very fast. in a language that sounds like the earth itself, as she goes on you are able to pick up words that resonate to you, names of villigers you had known, the polygot slur for a donkey is one of the few things you understand as she raves on about something... she is from the mwangi... only your people could have this much personality.... unfortunately, you do not know what languages she speaks, she continues to talk about something she is very passionate about, she points to her tattoo and then at you... she pauses... looking at you... she asks a question... pointing again to the tattoo

2016-04-18, 11:53 AM
Mayanga hears his companions in distress, the crowd parts at just the right time for you to get a glance at thellen standing in an attacking position, facing off against a bearded and angry individual, you see his hand is gripping a sword by his side

Your understanding of the tattoo is that it is most likely from your village, but you have been far away from it for too long, it might have been something from your childhood, a faint memory, but nothing set in stone.... no pun intended

2016-04-18, 12:11 PM

Thellen takes the sap and attacks his attacker. "You might wanna take that up with the chef."

Attack [roll0] +2 more if flanking
Damage [roll1] Non-lethal

2016-04-18, 04:01 PM
the pirate staggers on his feet, a bit of blood running down the back of his head, and from his mouth... he raises his head to meet thellens, his eyes burning with anger, with a quick movement his cutlass is pulled out, and it is brought down to you. blinded by rage, he calls out to you, wanting only for your innards to spill onto the deck

draws his weapon, a cutlass, then attacks thellen
attack roll, crit chance is 18-20

damage roll

in his rage, he swings madly, but with a daring tumble, thellen dodges the brutal strikes, the pirate, now furious, curses out loudly

2016-04-19, 06:27 PM
Mayanga thinks about what the woman may be saying, frustrated at his inability to understand the language, but then the sounds of a scuffle attract his attention. His head darts in that direction and he bids a quick goodbye in Polyglot to the oread.

When he goes there, he notices that things seem to have escalated way pretty badly... and only one person has a serious weapon in this fight. Well, damn. Hopefully this might defuse the situation.

((are there a lot of pirates nearby? If no, M. will cast charm person and persuade the pirate that it ain't no big deal, he can chill, we got this. If there are and it will be too obvious, he will go for grease to make it less likely cutlass dude hits something and maybe give everyone a show. Either way, DC is 14))

2016-04-20, 12:22 PM
this is not the pirates day... nor is it the day for two other pirates that got hit by the grease spell... it would appear that henry was also hit badly by the spell as now half the crowd is now falling over from the grease on the floor, it is not a pretty sight.....

2016-04-20, 12:45 PM

Taking advantage of the pirates off balance condition to disarm him. "Now lets talk this over."

Disarm [roll0]

2016-04-20, 02:58 PM
before anything else could be done, thellen kicks the cutlass away from the pirate, he growls at your feet in submission...

the crowd dispersess, having more than enough entertainment for the day... the sun fully sets and the majoraty of the crew go to bed...

you can either go to bed for now, or stay up late and risk being fatigued tomorrow.

all persons in the fight get 100 exp for getting things done fairly smoothly

2016-04-20, 03:19 PM

Thellan says, "I guess not" and claims the cutlass. He looks to Henry, "Thanks for the help."

2016-04-20, 05:58 PM
"Well, that was amusing," Mayanga smiles widely, fondly recalling the flailing of the suddenly very greasy pirates. "I guess I understand why the Bekyar-Dhali enjoy that so. Except for the ritual sacrifice afterwards. Ugh. So, why were these folks itching for a fight like that?"

Mayanga will rest this night, maybe after a few tall tales. He will need his strength in the coming days, and this is somewhat new to him.

2016-04-21, 08:28 AM
Henry grumbled from the floor, trying to get back up from the grease spell, it takes a few tries but eventually him and the other pirates manage to stand. He gives a respectful nod to thellen " we all got to stick together.... we's might not survive that long... especially those who bloody try and trip over friends" he glares half jokingly at mayangea then tosses his own sap to the bard... petting the drunk bird on his shoulder he does not flinch as it bites his finger, they make their way to the barracks to sleep for the night...

2016-04-22, 07:28 AM
"Ah, come on, it's no big deal. There were a lot of them, and I didn't exactly have something good to hit with, remember?" Mayanga shrugs it off, before becoming more serious as they head towards the bunks. "Plus, it made them look bad without giving them something to really be pissed over over. We've only been here a day, I'm not about to pick off a blood feud with someone who's been here much longer and has the buddies if I can avoid it."

He holds the sap in his hand and measures its weight and handling with a few swift swishes, then hides it.

2016-04-25, 03:13 PM
the crew all begin to head in for the night, one by one you see the crew head for their respective hammocks and call it a day... you notice that the kobold is missing, a few other hammocks are empty by the time your exaustion gets the better of you. and sleep decends upon the crew...

you all wake up groggy, tired but still not tired from the last day after a good night sleep. as each of the crew begin to make their way up to the main deck, four of the pirates stay behind.... as thellen begins to walk up the stairs, a woman with a white streak down her head puts her hand on his chest... pushing him back... the three other pirates block the exit... the remaining pirate all look away... as though nothing is the matter

whats the hurry onions? you and your friends got somewhere to be? she smirks, her eyes have a murderous intent.

2016-04-25, 05:35 PM
The half-elf looked at Thellen surprised. What HAD that man done to get on the bad side of so many people here, for storms' sake, they had only been here for a day and this was the second time someone was looking to rough him up. Sure, he had heard that some hazing was sort of typical on such ships, and last night's chow was bad, but that woman doesn't look like she just wants to rough him up a bit. Okayyyy, then. Let's try with a jest, he thinks even as a part of his mind was frantically thinking what weapons they had and where he had hidden the sap. "See, I told ya you should have used more pepper with the sort of meat that old cook had. Don't worry, miss, he'll get to be a decent cook yet. Or at least he will be able to put more rum in it for the time being." he jests, trying to make it last long enough that she loses interest... or someone else intervenes. Unless this is condoned by the bosses, the longer it goes the more likely it is someone will check what the hold-up is.

Barbarian MD
2016-04-25, 11:48 PM
Henry walks directly toward the door, openly drawing the sap from his pocket. Face-to-face with a pirate, tusks bared, hoofs primed, he snorts, "You're in my way."

three seconds for him to move, and then I'm going to hit him, so, surprise round or just rolling initiative to save time: [roll0] + something

2016-04-27, 11:03 AM
most of the pirates back away at the sight of the weapon... but the woman does not... if anything it excites her bloodlust eyes even more... she smiles back and draws a knife... signaling for the others to do the same. the fattest of the group begins to sing a sea shanty... What do we do with a lazy sailor, what do we do with a lazy sailor? oh, what do we do with a lazy sailor erlie in the mornin! the skinniest of the group licks the blade and cackles insanely what do you say, boys? after a meal like yesterday... i could go for some good PORK! the white striped woman pushes thellen aside, and locks eyes with Henry, ready to kill

everybody... looks like a fights inevitable... rolling initiative!!!!!!!

white striped pirate
fat pirate
crazy pirate
silent pirate

2016-04-27, 04:08 PM
Seeing that a fight might be unavailable, Mayanga reaches out for the sap so he may have it at a moment's notice, but he does not draw it out from his shirt His lips rise slightly at the sea chanty and he continues with the same rhythm (and likely a much better pitch), even as he sets up for the scuffle. "worse we will do with a quar'lsome sailor, worse we will do with a quar'lsome sailor, much worse we'll do with a quarl'some sailor early in this morning. What do they give for starting a fight on this ship, lazy eye?"


2016-04-29, 06:41 PM

Thellon pulls out his Cutlass. "On the deck potatoes."

Initiative [roll0]

2016-05-02, 02:38 PM
the fates do not favor the slow... which does play to the attackers advantage, the woman, most likely blinded by the boodlust, charges past thellen to henry, slashing at his chest with the dagger, two others stand ready at thellen, each taking a swing at the human, the fat man... however.... has his eyes locked with may, they each sing loudly, a battle of sounds echos through the hull

stripes activates an attack of opertunity for thellen,

otherwise, here are her attack rolls


damage roll

the two others attacking thellen



sorry for the major delay... i have not been having the best finals week...s.... i promise i will be posting more often once hell is done trying to kill me with numbers and letter on printed paper

Barbarian MD
2016-05-02, 02:54 PM
Henry howls in rage as metals slices flesh, his own blood flashing across his left arm. His movements become a flurry of activity as he responds in kind, first whipping the sap around at her head, then following the movement with a double-flying roundhouse kick before getting in close with his tusks to her chest, hoping to leave her scars to match his own. He continues to howl in aggression as he fights, bloodlust setting in.

Sap: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Gore: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Hoof: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Hoof: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

If by chance this downs her, shift remaining attacks to closest enemy. If no enemies within reach, and a five foot step would put them in reach before his attacks begin without taking her out of reach, then five foot step.

Best of luck with finals!

2016-05-02, 08:38 PM

Thellan winces at the knives bite deep in his flesh.

He swings his cutlass at the woman as she charges Henry.

Attack of opportunity [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

He then swings at one of the two attacking him to disarm him.

Disarm [roll2]

2016-05-04, 04:52 PM

sadly,his threats were ineffective, apparently too little for such hardened raiders. Violence it is, then - Mayanga took up the sap he had secreted, stepped up and let the nearest pirate have it with a sideways strike.

Move action: draw weapon
5 foot step to come into position, ideally a flank
Standard action: attack.
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]