View Full Version : A village filled with secrets

2016-04-08, 11:27 AM
@Syras Adam Smith

Like most mornings this one started the same as all the others, the sound of the village rooster could be heard, followed not soon after by the bronze bell that had been forged by Adin roughly fifty years ago. Looking outside your bedroom window you could see that today was no doubt going to rain, and rain led to rust on your children, something you didn’t like the idea of.

Pulling you back from your thoughts of each of the children you had made sitting in the rain, being attacked and rusted, was the smell of your mothers cooking. She was always the first one up each day, and even as a young child, you could never wake up before her, or at least it seemed that way. She was always awake, as if she knew when everyone would be waking up to eat.

Letting your nose guide you, you quickly put on your simple work clothes, doubting with this weather that you would be going out much unless you had to. As your nose led you on, you walked down the hallway connecting your parents room and your own to the living area, the smell of fresh bacon becoming more and more prominent at each step. “Good morning dear, did you sleep well?” Your mother asks you as she sets the table for the three of you, each plate having two eggs made just the way you love them, four large slices of bacon, with a plate in the center should anyone want more. It even seemed she made time to go see Anna the village backer this morning as each plate had its own personal loaf of bread instead of one large one they all had to share.

Looking at the feast before you the sound of your stomach growling was the only thing you cared about as you rushed to the table, half listening to what your father was saying. After all no one delivered mail to him, they always just came and asked for help at the shop if they needed him. Surly your father must be crazy.

“Boy have you been listening to a single word I have been saying?” Your father bellows as he waves a purple envelop back and forth, the scent of lavender and roses filling your lungs. “I said Ms. Rose has had a message delivered for you. And it was made very clear that no one was to see it except you, so finish eating and go see what Ms. Rose needs. She always pays us well.” Your father said before going back to his own food laughing. Why had Ms. Rose sent a letter for you though and not your father, he was the one who normally worked with their higher profile customers.

Back in your room, you shut the door and sit at your writing desk, a simple one by the village standards, however if the stories you had heard in the market from travelers was to be believed it was an exquisite piece of art showcasing the best of the artists potential. All you saw was a simple hardwood desk almost everyone in the village had. (https://static-secure.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2013/12/20/1387554494352/Historic-writing-desk-008.jpg)

Lifting the letter up to your face as you light a candle, once more the scent of lazander and roses fills your senses as you scan the purple envelop. On the front in flowing handwriting can be read your name, as clear as day marking it as a letter for you. Slowly turning the envelop around and pulling out one of your letter openers you break the wax seal of two twisting roses and read the letter contained inside.

Syras Adam Smith

Dear Syras,

I hope this letter finds you well Syras and that your family is doing well. They have always taken very good care of my personal needs over the years. Because of this I consider your family almost as an extension of my own, and for that reason I must ask this of you. A few nights ago someone tried breaking into my home, I do not know how, all I know is that they did not have time to come and take what they came here for. I am worried however that they will try again. However due to the nature of this crime I would like this to be kept between us, I know your skills with locks and was hoping to put them to the test. You will be payed handsomely for your silence and hard work in this matter. If you so agree to take on this job, meet my driver at the Tempted Hunter by noon, a few others will be waiting there as well from the village.

I look forward to seeing you young Syras,



“You know the saying the early bird gets the worm boy, the same is true for knowledge you know.” Came the voice of your master as the sound of the old wooden door closing behind you gave your entrance away. “ Those who show up late learn less than those who arrived on time, and those who have arrived on time, miss the chance to learn the most.” Came the voice of Xander, also known as the Sage in town. No doubt the man had been up half the night reading from his old tomes on one topic or another.

Ignoring the rambling that came after you began to go to work, doing your daily tasks, while reading from time to time. Serving whoever entered the building, so it came as a bit of a surprise as a beautiful young woman in her late thirties walked through the front door. Anyone in the entire village would know this woman by her fiery red hair alone that fell in curls down her back. And her piercing emerald green eyes that seemed to glow like the gems they were named after. “Hello Mr. Stegun.” Ms. Rose asked in her singsong voice as the scent of lavender and roses filled the air around you.

It was well known Ms. Rose was one of the most powerful people on the council, as her family had been a part of it for almost the entire time since the village had been created. And like all the woman in her family, she had a taste for the finest things in life. Of note today was the beautiful silk dress she wore (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/70x/eb/91/02/eb910291b3fb6a969435212a3803ae9f.jpg), black and red almost like a black widow’s, with if you had to guess black leather boots covering her feet.

“I was wondering if you could help me with a personal matte Stegun, I have asked a few others, though I sent letters to them knowing you would not have believed the letter if the words had not come out of my mouth.” Ms. Rose explained gently, waiting to see if you would offer her a place to sit in private so you could speak.


The sound of rain pattering against your roof was one of the first sounds to draw your attention this morning as you reflected on the events of last month, and the child that had been born, one of the eldest hunters had given his life the very next day for that child to live for the customs of the village, and you were the only one able to see his noble spirit leave his body well before the fire consumed his body.

“It is time to wake child, the threads of destiny are being woven.” Came the familiar voice of Iktomi from the window as she seemed to be looking outside towards the village gates that were opening. Getting up and following the spirits gave you noticed a caravan leaving, however while this was normal to see in the mornings of the city, what wasn’t was that you recognized some of those who were on horseback leaving the village. Ms. Rose had used them before when she requested special items be brought to the village, which was not often do to their belief in being self-reliant.

“Do not mistake what your eyes see boy, something is happening.” Iktomi whispered from the window. Turning around and getting dressed for the day ahead of you would normally be easy, however with someone constantly knocking on your door, the task became rather difficult, as you had to almost rush to get dressed before answering the wooden door to your home.

“I’m sorry to disturb you sir, however I was asked to deliver this to you.” A little boy, no older than five said before running off into the streets before you could tell whom it was. “I told you the threads are being spun.” Came the friendly voice of Iktomi upon your shoulder, a constant reminder of your tie to the spirit realm. “Open it, can you not tell who it is from?” came her voice.

Just than the scent of lavender and roses filled your nose, overpowering the scent of the fresh bread being baked down the street by Anna. Turning the letter over confirmed your suspricions as you saw the family crest of Ms Rose, two roses intertwined, sealing the letter.

To Limys Fuser Woodhew

Good morning Mr. Woodhew

I am sure you remember the passing of our beloved friend Fredrik recently. However I have become disturbed as I have recently seen him walking the streets after his death. I hope you understand how this may sound coming from someone of my privliage, and as such I ask that you meet me at the Tempted Hunter tonight where I will have another person waiting for me there. My driver will pick the two of you up, and bring you to my manor where we may discus these matters in private. I ask for your silence and discretion in this matter as it is rather personal to me, and I would hate to have to bring up to the elders that I saw your face while Fredrik sacrificed himself, and how it changed well before his body had been burnt away.



2016-04-08, 11:52 PM
Syrus kissed his mother on the cheek as he drowsy sat at the table and started to eat.

He snagged the letter from his dad quickly, reconizing ladly rose's hand writing. He had always found her attractive but never willing to speak up fearing rejection.

Heading back to his desk to open it, he re-read the letter twice to make sure he didn't read it wrong.

Father, Lady rose requires my assistance, I'll be off until the task is completed.

2016-04-09, 12:44 AM
" Got a crush on the young woman now do you boy." Your father laughs as you quickly snatch the letter out of his rough hands. "Well you better watch out, I doubt your mother would approve of a lady that was home schooled and not allowed to play with the other children her age." His father added in before winking at you. Though your father did have a point, even though you were younger than Ms. Rose she had never attended the public schooling most of the kids did at a young age to see what they were good at, she was instead raised by her parents to please people and listen to their worries it seemed.

"Leave him alone, if our son wants to court the young Ms. Rose why not let him, after all he is the best locksmith in the entire town besides us." Your mother defends you as you all sit around the table eating breakfast. It had always been like this each morning, while it was never certain if everyone would be able to sit down to eat dinner together because of the business, breakfast was a time where the family got to spend time with each other and joke around.

"Oh I am sure he is the best locksmith in town besides us, that only be because Adin don't want to apply himself to our craft. He rather spend his time working on all other gizmos and gadgets. Than again I wouldn't trust anyone but a dwarf to make me a good set of armor or sword." your father says finishing up his plate and reaching for two more pieces of bacon. "I'll tell you what son, the day you are able to court Ms. Rose and get father along than the mayor did I will hand the shop over to you, do we have ourselves a deal?" Your father says holding out his hand to seal the bet.

"What do you think your doing, you can't go pressuring him like that, now he is going to feel like he has to otherwise you will never give him the shop. Besides their are plenty of nice young women in the village if Syrus would start paying attention to them more than his locks that is." your mother says from across the table from you. The truth was while the village was small, everyone mostly got along and new each other, so arranged marriages were not a thing like in other countries. Still most men your age had at least begin to court a woman, perhaps you should take your father up on that bet, or you could take that farmer's daughter that you had crippled, it is the least you could do for the poor man after making it harder for him to bring in money each year with his harvest.

Once finished with your dinner you scamper up to your room and read the letter to you over and over again, not believing the chance that lay before you. Putting on your very best, and grabbing the tools you believed you needed you ran downstairs to tell your father the news. "Well then boy you better bring more than that, my father worked on that house almost two decades ago, and the among of locks in that place is massive, never mind the secret doors he said were scattered all over the entire place." Your father said encouragingly, in truth your parents had always wanted you to do what made you happy, and when they learned the family business was something you were interested in they were more than happy to show you.

With all your items packed you head off to the inn mentioned in the letter, sure the Tempted Hunter was a local spot, but they did serve a good mutton stew if you arrived early enough. At least you knew if you had to wait for the escort to pick you and the others that would be with you up, you would have a nice warm meal in your stomach for the trouble.

2016-04-09, 09:17 AM
"Iktomi! Fredrik walks the streets? What could Ms Rose mean? And this last passage... it seems almost like a threat. I've been called crazy before, but I'd hate to have the elders talking about it."

Fuser spends minutes re-reading the letter, and not merely for the content. He'd seen notes before; scribbled, and blotted, but this letter was a work of art by comparison. The fine script, and the ink made from -he lowers his head and gives the paper a brief sniff- walnut soot and shell bug resin? And real paper!- subtly perfumed. After a while he slides the letter back into its envelope and begins to digest its true contents.

"Iktomi, why would Fredrik's spirit have returned to the village? I've never known that to happen before. The elders go happily, they have no reason to return and trouble the living."

Though used to speaking to Iktomi, Fuser knows that it's rare for her to reply directly, and only when she has something important to say. If he had time he might seek out the rust-beaked Vulture spirit, Jhator, and brave those greedy eyes to ask about Fredrik's fate, but the letter demanded his presence that night, and he intended to arrive in advance, to catch a glimpse of the "other person" the letter mentioned, and perhaps ask what they knew.

Limys finishes getting dressed, and sits cross-legged on his bed, meditating on the past, the world, and fate, and his position in their grand weave. As he meditates, Iktomi sits on his shoulder, and whispers the secret magics of the wild into his ear.

Although it's not even noon, his mother and brother are already away at their work, his father is long since departed, and the coldroom is empty of all but the least appetizing of foods. The Tempted Hunter didn't seem like a poor place to get breakfast and spend the day, talking and working on the small, unfinished crafts he has in his pack. With the death of Fredrik, it was starting to seem likely that Fuser might soon be called the join the hunters full time, putting an end to his days of exploration, carving and sewing.

Finally prepared, he takes up his bow -leaving behind his spear and axe, for what use could they be- and heads for the Tempted Hunter.

2016-04-09, 01:57 PM
"Ms. Rose, perhaps we could talk in the reading room." Stegun gestures through the doorway to a small room. There are a pair of wingback chairs and a small fireplace. Most importantly, there is a large glazed window which let in enough light to read by through the day. Oil filled lampstands stand near each chair for the evening hours.

When they are seated, the polite young man continues. "I doubt that I can get the Sage to help you Ms. Rose. If it is something I can handle, though, I will be glad to. What information are you looking for?"

2016-04-09, 10:31 PM

"That would be excellent Stegun, please lead the way." Ms. Rose says following behind you as you make your way around the library to one of the small studies. It was big enough for two people to sit down comfortably and talk, while being just far enough away from the main door to the building to give it enough privacy from unwanted ears. Walking into the room Ms. Rose looks up at the fireplace, as if she were imaging something being there, before walking over to the large glazed window, her back towards you as she watched the rain splash against the ground outside.

Not taking the seat that was offered to her right away, Ms. Rose stays by the window and listens patiently to you as you explain that the Sage will no doubt be to busy to help her this day. In truth he was no doubt sleeping, however it was your task to do as he asked, and entertaining guest was part of it. " Please Stegun while your mentor is a member of the elder's I would not say he is all knowing in what I am here for." she says exhaling on the window and leaving a fogged place where her mouth had been. "As a rule a woman does not like to repeat herself more than once, however given the circumstance's I will try again." Ms. Rose says kindly, turning around as her hair seems to dance around her pale white face, before settling once again. Her beautiful emerald eye's constantly watching you, as a warm and inviting smile sits on her face. " I came here to ask for your help Stegun, not your mentor's, I doubt he would be able to handle the excitement truth be told." she says taking a seat opposite you in the other wingback chair besides the fireplace, her legs instantly crossing like a proper young woman.

"Recently my home has been having many strange things happen inside of it, and some of the cook staff say they saw a rat in the storage room. Now I can not say how people down here live, it is why I invite all to my manor in turns so that they may have a fine meal and I may help them with their maladies, just like you getting the sage to take you on." Ms. Rose explains taking a small breath before continuing. "I however make sure my house is kept spotless, and Walter assures me that the entire manor has been cleaned. Though I am not coming on a house call for a rat problem, please do not think I would bother you for such a small thing. No, their have been other odd things going on inside my house the last week, and I suspect foul play. Everyone is afraid to go into the wine cellar because of the sounds going on below, and in the attic I have heard footsteps as if something was moving up their, yet when asked no one had been there. So I would like you to come to my home, stay there with me, until these matters have been taken care of. With your knowledge I doubt it will take long for you to determine the source of these findings and take care of them the best way you, and those I have hired to help you see fit. If you agree to this I can promise it wil be more money that you have seen in a long time, perhaps your entire life." Ms. Rose says smiling at you kindly, one of her gloved hands extending towards you. " Do we have a deal Mr. Stegun? If not I have no more time to waste, but if you agree my coach is already waiting to drop me back off at home, and then come back to pick you and two others up. Bring all your belongings as I do not want anyone leaving my house until the task is done please." she explains waiting on your decision.


“Life is a tapestry woven by the decisions we make.” Iktomi replies crypticaly to you as you ask her why a spirit would return to walk the earth. "Why does the sun set each night to reveal only darkness and fear?" she counters as you read over the letter, taking in every small detail to be saved for later.

As you sit meditating on the world around you, it seems as if a web is forming around you, as Iktomi whispers lost and forgotten things into your ears. Telling you of the secret life of spiders and how they catch their prey. "You must become the spider, patient and wise if you wish to feast for all your lives." is one of the most coherent things said in this meditation, and when you open your eyes you see a beautiful spider web made of spirit energy before it vanishes into the ether of the world.

Packing up what was needed for this meeting, you decide eating at the Tempted Hunter would be much better than some of the foods you had in your home, was that ham still even good? Its a few blocks later that you open the door to the Tempted Hunter, one of the two inns inside the village. All around the establishment trophies of great hunts are on display for all to see, as the warmth coming off of the fireplace warms your bones that have been chilled by the walk in the rain. It is still early you note as you see a few people sitting down for breakfast at the large dining tables, you could join them, or simply go straight to the bad and order your food there.

― Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night

Also really great job with description everyone I do appreciate it a lot.

2016-04-10, 12:54 PM
Syrus' face burned, he knew he was blushing. He preferred to keep a private life. But the deal...

His hand darted towards his father's hand faster then he anticipated I'll take your deal old man

Syrus smiled, he knew he was still blushing slightly.

He always wanted to run the business, and he was quite smitten by Miss Rose. Working alone with her seemed like the chance he had been hoping for.

He grabbed all his gear, including his grand father's belt and started towards the tavern mentioned in the letter.

2016-04-10, 05:20 PM
"I don't mean to seem obtuse, Ms. Rose. I assure you I quite take your meaning. As an apprentice, my time is not my own to give, even for a lady such as yourself. However, if you were asking for my master's help, he'd be obliged to send me in his stead. I do thank you for thinking of me, but I trust you understand how a situation like this must be handled delicately." Stegun maintains his polite smile as he offers this compromise to his would-be employer. "I do so look forward to working for you, on my master's behalf, of course."

The librarian hopes the woman is as clever as she is fashionable and understands. Having recently read one of his books on haunting and supernatural phenomena, Stegun reckons it would be a real treat to see the like in person and compare against his studies. Likewise, determining an alternative hypothesis, and testing it in light of his understanding on the matter would prove to be most invigorating.

2016-04-10, 07:34 PM

Your father grins as you take him up on his bet, there was no way you would pass up on the chance to take over. After all if you ran the buisness then everyone would have to come to you for their locks, and if they came to you than all your children would always be perfectly taken care of. And the village would be safe, as you made sure each and every person had a strong lock that was not damaged by weather or time.

With all of the supplies gathered Syrus runs through the rain, doing his best to stay dry as he makes his way to the Tempted Hunter. You had been their a few times, fixing the locks on the guest room doors that the merchant's would rent out when they were traveling through. It was a nice two story tavern in, all made of pine wood found just outside the village. As you approached the building you could see above the door a piece of wood swinging back and forth of a man with his hood pulled over his head, this was the Tempted Hunter's sign.

Opening the door, was rather easy, as the sounds of people talking filled the air almost immediately. Looking around it was clear most of them were outsiders to your village, traveling merchants wishing to trade for the rare leather's the hunters of the village were known to bring in. However their were to figures you recognized from the village upon entering, and as your eyes connected with one of them, the quick sound of a walking stick against the wooden floor could be heard as the farmer you had attacked moved as far away from the door as possible, keeping his eyes on you at all time. None of the outsiders noticed this however, so wrapped up were they in their conversations of gold made and lost.

The other figure was that boy, what was his name... Fuser perhaps? Wounder what he was doing here?


A few minutes after you enter the cozy and warm establishment you notice the locksmith's son enter carrying his tools and looking very wet at that.


" I see, I am sure your master will not refuse my request, I will however ask him for your benefit in this matter." Ms. Rose says from her chair as she turns her gave from you to the fireplace. " If you are willing to accept my offer please go and fetch your master, and we both know what he will say. Tell him I am here and need to speak with him, I rather not have to chase him down these halls, its like a labyrinth, and between us I think he made it that way so no one could find him if he didn't want to." she says with a hint of a smile, as she winks at you before waiting for you to leave.

Sorry for the short replies everyone, I simply rather have the players choose where they go rather than controlling them. If a person states they are going from one place to another that is one thing, but unless we spend days talking to one person I rather let the players set the pace on when to move, after all they may have more questions before leaving.

2016-04-10, 08:25 PM
Syrus looked around and spotted a semi-familiar face.

Fuser right? What brings you here on a day like this?

2016-04-11, 09:39 PM
Stegun winds his way through the library to his master's study. "Master. Ms. Rose is here about a matter some strange things at her house. Apparently, she is hearing noises and found a rat. She wants someone to come check it out. Would you like to come talk with her, or would you rather I just take care of it?"

2016-04-12, 06:40 PM
@ Syrus As the man turns around to look at you it is made apparent that it is not the man you thought it was, odd the village is so small such mistakes shouldn't be so easily made. It is of no concern now however as the barkeep Bruce turns to look at you. "Morning Syrus, what are you doing here so early in the day. As far as I know nothing is broken here." The man says kindly as he pulls out a glass and fills it with some orange juice before passing it to you, waving away your hand when you offer money.

@Stegun Making your way to the center of the maze of bookshelves you find your master sitting down in his study, a pile of letters atop his dark wooden desk. "What is it boy? Did she leave already? That woman is more trouble than keeping up with this entire place I tell you." Your master rambles on before you explain to him that Ms. Rose has requested him. " She is coming here now because she has a rat problem, what does she think we are, barbarian." Your master mutters under his breath as he rubs his chin which is covered with small stubble of white hair. "Just take care of it boy, I am to old to jump every time someone complains about rats, besides I am a librarian not an exterminator." Xander says to you, shooing you off with his hands as he does so. "Just don't agree to anything she says without thinking about it first boy, a woman's tongue is as silver as a snakes. And her touch is twice as deadly." your mentor warns as you close the heavy wooden door to his study.

"Oh Gunay watch over that boy, I fear he has drawn the wrong kind of attention." Master Xander Ugarit says from behind the heavy wooden door to his office. He had only been approached once by Ms. Rose in his entire life, and at that time she had asked him to take the boy on as an apprentice, now she was asking for his help. " What does she have planned for you I wounder?" the older man says as he lift's up a cup and takes a sip from it, the roaring flames of the fireplace behind him keeping the room warm.

If it wasn't clear the last part is an aside that no character hears.

2016-04-12, 07:29 PM
Winding his way back through the stacks, Stegun wonders at Xander's words. Why doesn't he trust her. It could just be his usual grouchiness, but I doubt it. I'll have to keep an eye on her.

Back in the reading room, he blurts, "Ms. Rose, Master Ugarit didn't want to trouble you with formalities. He has released me to look into your problem. I'll be able to catch your coach when it comes. Let me show you back to the door."

When she has gone he bolts for his room and and hurriedly packs a few things. He is standing outside the library waiting for the carriage in mere minutes.

I'm not sure how far to move things. Feel free to whisk him all the way to her house (or any place shy of that) as seems appropriate.

2016-04-12, 09:47 PM
Syrus smiled as the barker gave him a seemingly free glass of his favorite drink.

Actually, Miss Rose requested I be here for one of her people to take me to her manor.

Syrus slowly sipped on his glass as he went over the lay out in his head, it had been quite some time since he stepped foot in her residence.

sorry about the delay, I had a wheel bearing catastrophicly fail on my explorer.... but I'm here, biding my time until our ride arrives :)

2016-04-12, 10:27 PM
Leaving Xander to go about his business your mind wounder at what the man said. It is possible he was just being his normal hermit self that simply didn't like company, however something about that just didn't seem to sit right with you. Sure the Sage was known to be rude, not like company, or being disturbed in any manner, however he had reasons for these. A distraction from learning is a lesson not learned. was his saying, believing that if you did not pay attention something you would have learned would instead get you killed because of your lack of attention.

Once back in the reading room you explain to Ms. Rose that, in short you had been released to help her in her affairs for the time being. " Excellent, I am so happy he will allow someone to come help me with this matter. Could you imagine if one of those rats found their way into my room." Ms. Rose says with a horrified face as she allows you to lead her to the door, her arm wrapped around your own as is proper. " Why thank you so very much Stegun, I will depart immediately so that you are not left waiting long for the carriage." she explains, allowing you to help her into her carriage and shut the door to it before it takes off at a steady pace.

Once again having time to yourself you go back into Ugarit Library and pack your belongings before heading back outside into the rain. It is clear the weather has not improved any in the last half hour, however thankfully you do not need to wait as the carriage is already waiting outside for you. "Allow me Master Stegun." the carriage driver says as he leaps off of the driver's seat and helps you load your belongings into the safety of the interior. "We just need to stop at the Tempted Hunter now where the last member of the party is already waiting for us. I believe you may know him, a Master Syrus, Syrus Smith." says the driver helping you get in yourself before getting ready to close the door.

After the two of you have finished talking, and with the door to the interior shut tight, you can feel the carriage being pulled by the four horse's that had been outside. Gold trim flows across the entire interior of the carriage, even in the upholstery which is made of a rich garnet (http://www.gemselect.com/other-info/graphics/almandine-garnet-large_info.jpg) coloring. Upon both windows is the Seal of Ms. Roses family, an intertwining rose, one black and the other white, over a shield of lavender. A clear sign that no money has ever been wanted by this woman is the wonderful bottle of red wine and two fine crystal glasses sitting inside the cabin for you to drink.

Once at the Tempted hunter the driver knocks on the window before opening it just enough for you to hear him. " I am about to go inside and fetch the other boy, do you wish to come in Master Stegun, or would you rather wait inside?" the driver asks waiting for your answer before leaving.


"Ms. Rose is asking for you boy, I didn't know you had gotten so good." Bruce compliments you as he looks outside the window. "Not much trade going to be going on today lad, with this rain and the full moon. Good thing I own an inn, means all the coin will be coming to me instead no?" Bruce laughs as he looks at all the partons, slowly it seems more and more are entering the building to escape the rain, and Bruce was never one to allow someone to sit at his table's and not order anything. Espically when there were so many foreign dressed merchants about.

2016-04-13, 10:49 AM
Well bruce, thank you for the drink, I'll clear this spot and see if you can make some more money.

Syrus finished his drink and started to head towards a spot away from the tables to wait for the Miss Rose's driver.

2016-04-13, 01:12 PM

The librarian looks up from his book (it is a copy that he made of a treatise on commerce before the foundation of their little haven) when they stop. "Thank you driver. I think I'll stay dry and wait for Syrus here."

He returns to his reading, pondering how copying books using spells saves so much time over hand copying.

2016-04-13, 01:41 PM
After being momentarily overwhelmed by the warmth and life inside the tavern, Fuser spots Syrus, the locksmith waiting on a bench close to the door.

"I'm sorry, Syrus. I'm not used to crowds like this," he nods at the sparse scattering of people around them in the tavern.

"I got a letter from... " he recalls the letters request for privacy and quickly curtails what he was about to say, "... someone. A request for help. I'm meant to be collected later on this evening, and taken... somewhere. What about you? You haven't found out that someone's been, uh, tampering with the inn's lock, have you?"

2016-04-13, 09:22 PM
After being momentarily overwhelmed by the warmth and life inside the tavern, Fuser spots Syrus, the locksmith waiting on a bench close to the door.

"I'm sorry, Syrus. I'm not used to crowds like this," he nods at the sparse scattering of people around them in the tavern.

"I got a letter from... " he recalls the letters request for privacy and quickly curtails what he was about to say, "... someone. A request for help. I'm meant to be collected later on this evening, and taken... somewhere. What about you? You haven't found out that someone's been, uh, tampering with the inn's lock, have you?"

This post is to be ignored due to the fact that it came in after the deadline for players. Please continue Dex and Otep

2016-04-13, 11:08 PM
@Stegun deciding to stay inside the relative safety of the carriage you leaf through one of the books you had copied detailing the treaties of commerce written by the family of Sir Wesley. It seems that it was they who financed the entire incursion into the woods, and eventually made the deal to buy the land and everything else the town needed as it began. Had you written this by hand Master Xander would no doubt be telling you how much more information you had gleamed, however you used magic, the quick and easy way of doing things, and as such while you read the words, they in Master Xander's words will never sink in as deeply had you penned them yourself.

"You know boy, one day this place will be yours, and what will you do when you have to replace some of the older books in the collection? Magic is indeed a valuable tool, however if it is used for the most mundane things it soon becomes a crutch on which you rely." your master had once explained to you during one of the few times he took the time to teach you anything of value. What would he know though, he didn't have magic and wouldn't understand what it could do.


Finishing your drink you thank Bruce before leaving for a less occupied area to await the person picking you up, however just as you find a table the door opens once more revealing a middle aged man in a carriage drivers outfit. "Is their a Mr. Syrus here?" The stranger calls out to the tavern as a few heads turn to look at him. Clearly not a local, but judging by his clothing perhaps he was hired to fetch you for someone, or maybe even Ms. Rose.

2016-04-14, 02:31 AM
Aye, I am Syrus.

2016-04-14, 09:28 PM
Stegun puts his book in his pack and peers through the window. Raindrops obscure the door, but he looks for Syrus and the driver. It has been a while since the two of them have spoke, and Stegun wonders how the locksmith is faring.

2016-04-14, 10:54 PM
"I have been sent by an interested party in collecting you Master Syrus, if you could come with me please, I will help you load your belongings into the carriage so that we may depart with haste. The other guest is already waiting for you inside." The carriage driver says walking over to you and offering his services in bringing your belongings to the carriage that you notice as he opens the door, is thankfully not parked far away, meaning your clothes should stay relatively dry, and your boots will not become stuck in the mud that was beginning to form.

Once inside the carriage with your belongings you notice the other figure happened to be that crazy old man's student, Stegun. " Please hold on now young master's the road is getting rather slippery with all the mud." The carriage drive says from outside in the rain as you can feel the carriage begin to move from the inside. What was a bookworm doing going to see Ms. Rose with you, he clearly wouldn't know what to do with a lock if you spent an entire day teaching him the inner workings of your children.

@Stegun It is not long before your wait is over and Syrus enters the carriage with his belongings. Watching as all of his tools are brought into the carriage it seems as if you two will not even be working on the same thing which is rather odd given you were called at the same time. Perhaps he was to put a lock on wherever the rats or other sounds were coming from?

@ Both

It is a ten minute journey filled with bumps and the sound of the rain hitting the carriage as you begin to feel the steady rise that marks the way to Ms. Roses estate at Peinture Manor. It is apparent almost immediately that the horses are struggling in this rain which is turning the dirt roads into mud, to make it up the hill. However do to whatever miracle they eventually do as the door to the carriage is opened revealing the prize of the village. Built five centuries ago Peinture Manor is decorated with stone gargoyles all over the roof, some with water coming out of their mouths, others making fearsome faces as if to ward of evil. Six great stone pillar's made of granite hold up a roofed walkway to the main door which is made of the heavy wood mahogany that is found in the woods beyond the village.

"I see our guests have arrived?" Comes a voice from the doorway, an old man at least in his early fifties stands looking out at the two of you as the driver grabs your belongings and brings them under the dry protective walkway. Where had the man come from, he was not their a moment ago. " Come now gentleman, and please clean your shoes before entering we just finished the floors and do not wish to have to do them again." The man says opening the door fully and exposing a grand entryway filled with all kinds of art object's and no doubt a few priceless artifacts. On one of the walls, a plaque reads "The Bow which founded this city" and underneath an ancient twisted bow made of some foreign wood you have never seen before.

"Your items shall be brought to your rooms by the man who drove you here, I need to bring you however to the waiting room, Ms. Rose has a last minute visitor it seems and will be momentarily delayed. If you could follow me please, and do not touch any of the art objects, some of them are older than this town." the man says to the two of you as he walks ahead to a single door, with a brass handle and turns it, revealing a quite little sitting room with a roaring fire waiting for you. " Do you require anything else before I go to attend to my Mistresses, needs?" the man asks you both as he waits patiently for an answer.

2016-04-15, 12:21 PM
(In the carriage)

The apprentice of a madman! How are you doing my friend? And how is the sage doing these days?

(Insert response)
Upon their arrival, Syrus looked around, it had been a long time since he stood in the manor. It was far more beautiful then he remembered.

No good sir, I am fine. Thank you for your services. He smiled slightly at the elderly man.

2016-04-15, 05:47 PM
(In the carriage)

The apprentice of a madman! How are you doing my friend? And how is the sage doing these days?

"I've been well. He's difficult as always, but somehow, despite his well deserved reputation, I learn a lot. Those ingenious locking bookcases are perfect, by the by. The sage was always losing his keys to the old ones. He'd never say so, but I know he appreciates the push button bypass. As do I. I've spent many fewer hours searching for his lost keys since you installed them."

"Your items shall be brought to your rooms by the man who drove you here, I need to bring you however to the waiting room, Ms. Rose has a last minute visitor it seems and will be momentarily delayed. If you could follow me please, and do not touch any of the art objects, some of them are older than this town." the man says to the two of you as he walks ahead to a single door, with a brass handle and turns it, revealing a quite little sitting room with a roaring fire waiting for you. " Do you require anything else before I go to attend to my Mistresses, needs?" the man asks you both as he waits patiently for an answer.

"No. Thank you. I'm sure Syrus and I can find something to discuss."

2016-04-15, 07:02 PM
Syrus laughed Slightly as he recalled the conversation in the carriage.

Perhapse we should develop a spell to call the keys to him. Syrus smiled as he jested.

2016-04-15, 07:21 PM
Stegun has seen such a location spell in a spellbook he doesn't completely understand yet. "That would be most welcome, but can you imagine his expression. You know how he hates it when I use magic for mundane tasks. Remember the time I dusted all the bookshelves with Prestidigitation?"

2016-04-15, 08:40 PM
Oh yes, I thought he was going to rupture a vein in his forhead!

As I've said before, magic is a natural part of society as we know it. Using it for mundane tasks improves efficiency. Look at that stone worker a few towns over! When he started to hire that druid to cast shape stone, it took him a fraction of the time to build a structure!

2016-04-16, 10:49 PM
"You'll get no argument from me." Stegun stares into the fire for a moment before continuing.

"If you don't mind the question, for what purpose did you receive your summons?" His question is punctuated with a large popping sound. The librarian jumps visibly and looks around before realizing it was just a log splitting in the fireplace.

2016-04-16, 11:07 PM
All my letter stated was my skills where needed. What about yours?

Syrus gave towards the fire for a moment. The popping of the Burning wood made him feel at ease...

2016-04-17, 12:06 AM
"I hope you have not been waiting here long." a voice calls out from behind the two of you as Ms. Rose steps out of a door and walks in your direction. A red corest top adorns her chest, while a short, but elegant skirts covers a portion of her legs. Both hands seem to have almost red wine in color, gloves that end at her wrists with nothing covering her long pale arms. A matching pair of boots come up to her ankles, leaving her calves bare for all to see. A sea of red lies atop her head in an elobrate display as she finishes the long walk to where the two of you are sitting. " Well boys it is not polite to stare, but I understand it can not be helped at times." she says her eyes twinkling of emeralds as she looks from one of you to the other. " Well are one of you young gentlemen going to offer me a seat, or are you going to make me ask?" the woman said, her lips starting to pout. (www.artflakes.com/artwork/products/253804/poster/0256860cd126eedc9934eef47e114764.jpg)

Now that she is closer you can tell this is not Ms. Rose, while the resemblance is indeed striking, this girl could be no more then 18 winters at most. However as far as either of you know Ms. Rose doesn't have any children, sure their was that rumor when you were children about her and the mayor being intimate, however no one had ever spoken of a child, espically neither of them. So who was this young vixen before the two of you asking for a seat?

2016-04-17, 01:13 AM
Syrus was struck by her beauty as soon as she stepped into the room. His eyes devoured every inch of her stunning appearance.

Then she made a comment about not staring, his eyes instantly shot to the floor, his face burning again.

As she made a remark about being seated, Syrus jumped fast enough to make his head spin. He grabbed the nearest chair (his own) and tried to mutter through his tongue being tied.

M', M', My appologies m' lady.... as his hands made a gesture to sit in the chair.

2016-04-17, 09:48 PM
Stegun instinctively stands as the lady enters the room. His parents are common folk of the village, but his mother remembered that her ancestors had been nobility before, so Stegun had been drilled in courtesy and courtly manners since he could lift his own head. Living with the Sage these last couple years hasn't managed to roughen any of his smooth edges yet, though the last time he'd visited his mother swore that Xander was ruining him. "I can assure you, Lady, the fire does not mind being stared at. Indeed, I thought it presumptuous to offer you a chair in your own house. You are welcome to join us, of course. Syrus and I haven't seen each other in some time, and we were taking the opportunity to catch up. Forgive me, Lady, I thought I knew everyone in the village, but I don't believe we've met. I am Stegun, and this is Syrus."

2016-04-18, 02:58 AM
As you both get up the woman before you seems amused as Syrus begins to stammer, as if some great pleasure came from the discomfort of her simply entering the room. "And what would man know of the fire's mind? All consuming in all due time, purging and burning is its only desire." the woman replies taking a seat in Syrus's offered chair. " Again you presume to much, tis not my house we are in. It is Ms. Roses that we now reside, perhaps until the very end of time?" she says with a keen smile on her face, enjoying every moment of the conversation. Did this woman only know how to speak in rhymes, like a prophet who's words are so easily undone?

"I am however a guest of the house and have been for quite some time if memory serves so I thank you for allowing me to join your conversation Syrus and Stegun? I am rather curious though so shall we make a deal, for each answer I give you must answer one of my questions? After all it is fair." The woman says from her seat looking up at the two of you standing, waiting for something but what?

2016-04-18, 07:44 AM
"I've heard it said that a lady's tongue is as silver," Stegun stops short of the whole proverb, "I appreciate the courtesy, but it would be boorish of us to take up so much of the conversation, especially with one so eloquent as yourself. Perhaps you would tell us your story, and we will offer what answers we may to your questions."

2016-04-18, 07:24 PM
Syrus managed to finally get his tongue out of a knot.

Madam, you know who we are but we cannot say we know you...

Where is Miss Rose? She was the one whom sent for us.

2016-04-19, 10:25 AM
With the lady now seated, Stegun offers his own seat to his friend, and pulls another over by the fire before sitting himself.

2016-04-19, 11:50 PM
"As a snake's perhaps?" the woman says mocking the sound of a snake hissing. " Are you afraid I may bite you Stegun and devour you whole? I promise I do not enjoy playing with my food." she says with an amused smile on her face. " And so very tricky of you, throwing a compliment inside of a question as if to distract me from the question. No doubt if I was one of the villager's it would have worked as well. But I have a much better education than that you see. Ms. Rose makes sure of that." the woman says with a sly grin as she looks at you for a moment, her emerald eyes seeming to be the only thing in the world for a moment, before deciding to speak once more. Breaking whatever spell you may have been caught in.

" If you really wish to know about a woman coming to her family for a higher education however I am sure I can bore you for the next few nights. After all, I do not get many visitors." she says sounding almost bored as she gets ready to twirl one of her red locks, before placing her pale white arm back down on her lap.

Just as it seems she is going to continue talking it seems Syrus has finally managed to find his tongue and asks her who she is and where the lady of the house is. " Why I am Ms. Rose, as for the lady of the house, she is in a meeting right now with the mayor. Come now you both are smart boys, no one ventures outside when the full moon is around, and for the next five nights the full moon will be as clear as the sun. What better time for two of the council members to talk about the problems of the village without being disturbed." she asks you.

Just then the northern double doors slam open as Ms. Rose herself comes walking through them, the servant Walter by her side. "Kerri I thought I made it clear you were not to disturb our guest's? For one it is improper for a woman of your age to be alone in a room with any male, never mind two." she says smiling at the two of you warmly before turning back to the woman now known to be Kerri. " And two you are a guest in my house, and should be presented to other guests by myself. The rules are in place for a reason Kerri, and I have been asked to teach you them." Ms. Rose says slowly starting to simmer down.

Please return to your own room, and finish your studies, dinner will be called for shortly. I have important business to attend to however and can not worry about you flustering those who will be spending a few nights with us trying to help." Ms. Rose says, her entire body seeming to be back under control, as even her voice returns to the sweet kind one you all know so well. A few times Ms. Rose had been known to lose her temper, and many said it was very violent due to how kind the woman normally was, but you had just seen it first hand.

"Yes Ms. Rose I shall return to my studies, and I am sorry for any problems I may have caused." she says turning towards the two of you as she says this last part, getting up slowly and walking towards the door Ms. Rose had just entered. As the two walk by each other Kerri drops her head in submitting before Walter seems to vanish from Ms. Rose's side with the young woman.

"I hope Kerri did not cause to many problems boys, you see sometimes we have to do things for family we rather not. This happens to be one of those times, and because of that I am trying to refine her to the best of my ability to be a proper young woman." Ms. Rose says, still wearing the beautiful outfit from earlier as she looks at the two of you. " I hope you can forgive my delay, the mayor came unexpectedly early today and as such I had to keep the two of you waiting. However as I have been called away for the moment from him I believe it would not hurt to speak a little with the two of you before returning to him. After all he will be staying for dinner." Ms. Rose says looking at the hand carved wooden chair that seems to have been moved from behind a writing desk. " And if someone could please put that back before we go, I understand why it was moved and just ask in the future that chair not be used. It was my great great great grandmothers, and holds very special meaning to me." Ms Rose says, waiting at the door she entered from for the task to be carried out before showing you into the next room.

As you enter the next room you notice it looks very similar to the one you were just in, however smaller almost, as if it were meant for private matters. The east wall is filled with books of all kinds, with a beautiful writing desk and a stuffed raven sitting atop it, the feet of both desk and chair alike matching the close talons of the bird atop of it. Black and white marble tiles adorn the entire floor, giving the entire room the sense of almost being a chess bored almost. Even the fireplace seemed to be made out of the finest quality, black granite with some kind of image in grazed into it.

All however vanished in beauty too the master piece's in the room. Above the fireplace hung a picture of Ms. Rose, no doubt drawn less than two years ago in all her splendor, painted almost as a king or queen would be it seemed by the artist. And below it a rapier held in a glass case. It's edges seeming to gleam with perfection even from this distance. " Boy's please take a seat anywhere you like, this is my private section of the house and is only open to special guests such as yourselves. Syras I believe your father may have told you some of the stories about this side of the house from when he worked on it. All of them are no doubt true, including the fact this house is old and has many secrets. Some I still have not even learned about." she explains kindly as she walks over to the fireplace and lights it herself, not worried it seems about her dress catching fire.

"And Stegun, I have no doubt you may know more about the history of this manor than anyone alive to this day besides the sage from all the books he keeps. So with luck the two of you should be able to help me with all your grand knowledge." Ms. Rose says kindly taking a moment for everything that has happened so far to sink in, and allowing you to ask any and all questions you may have.

2016-04-23, 06:21 PM
"Perhaps we will be aforded another opportunity for you to tell us your story, Kerri." Stegun moves the heirloom chair back to it's place. Setting it down gently without a sound. One benefit of constantly handling old tomes, is that the librarian knows how to handle antiquities.

He feigns being suitably impressed with the decor of the private study for politeness sake, however, material wealth isn't terribly important to Stegun. The money that was spent on these decorations would have been better spent on preserving knowledge. This room is worth as much as the Sage's pre-exile collection.

"I assure you Ms. Rose, she caused us no trouble, and comported herself quite properly. Please don't hold curiosity against her." Stegun takes the offered seat and tilts his head slightly as Ms. Rose outlines her expectations. "Such flattery, Ms. Rose." The librarian looks away at the complement. "I will do what I can, but I doubt greatly that I can live up to such high praise."

2016-04-23, 08:28 PM
Syrus smiled slightly when he entered the private study. It seemed as beautiful as the last in its own elegant way.

Miss Rose, may I inquire about the rapier? It seems almost out of place in a room such as this...

2016-04-24, 10:44 PM
"Perhaps." Kerri says with a smile before leaving the room as you place the antique chair back where it belongs with the hands of someone who is used to working with items more delicate than a wooden chair. After all upsetting your hostess would no doubt not be the wisest course of action so soon.

You need to roll a Bluff check DC 19 for her to believe that you are interested in the decour. Roll in the OOC so I can edit this post accordingly please.

Hearing you explain that Kerri was nothing but a proper young woman seems to settle Ms. Rose's anxiety slightly as she folds down her dress. "I would not hold it against her if she were accompanied by another. You must understand a woman of her age has an image to uphold. Being seen alone in the room with men could make her look like a harlot. And I will not allow anyone of my blood to be looked at in such a manner. It is one of the reasons why she mostly stays inside the Manor. She is to much like her father when it comes to certain things, and it would not look good for her or our family."

"I am sure you will live up to my expectations quite well, especially when the rest of the guests arrive." Ms. Rose explains to you as she seems to pay the both of you her undivided attention at the moment. " While I looked for help inside the village with the important matter's I had to ask for a little bit of outside help for things I would not like our fellow villagers to know about. When they arrive I will explain, just know all good things come with time." She explains, her emerald eyes sparkling in the firelight.

"That, it was my father's he was a man of many talents, however he enjoyed the beauty of swordplay. He saw the rapier as an extension of himself, and thought of it as a dance of sorts. He was rather skilled with such a blade and even taught me a bit when I was old enough. Explaining that it was not fighting but learning a different kind of dance was all. And to an extent I must admit it is true, when two masters with the rapier due battle it is indeed like to swans dancing on a lake." she says with a kind warm smile, as if she were remembering founder days from her childhood.

"Stegun why thank you for the lovely compliment." Ms. Rose says kindly clearly understanding that you were not interested in her explaining the details of each piece in the room.

2016-04-25, 11:45 AM
If I knew more about rapier I could tell you more, however, it is quite beautiful...

Syrus looked around and took a good look, this room seemed to be very important to Miss Rose.

2016-04-25, 12:58 PM
Stegun begins to understand. Miss Rose reads these antiquities as a sort of living history. Since their value to more sentimental than material (despite their obvious cost), he can respect that. His family has no heirlooms except their honor to mark that once they were a great noble family, so it isn't a natural thought for the librarian. "As you well know, I am unaccustomed to idleness. Is there some small task I can perform while we wait for the others to arrive and you are otherwise engaged? Perhaps you have some historical records I can peruse for clues?"

2016-04-26, 01:05 AM
If I knew more about rapier I could tell you more, however, it is quite beautiful...

"There are many things in this world of beauty Syrus, sadly like many of them my father's blade is just as deadly." Ms. Rose says to you as she looks at the glass case with much love. "Perhaps if you are around during one of my private studies you shall see it in action. Well not my fathers of course, I only will take that out to protect my most prized possessions. But a simpler one my father had made for me when I was younger." she says kindly to you, offering you the chance to perhaps learn the basics of how to use such a weapon if you so wished.

"As you well know, I am unaccustomed to idleness. Is there some small task I can perform while we wait for the others to arrive and you are otherwise engaged? Perhaps you have some historical records I can peruse for clues?"

Ms. Rose seems to think for a moment before answering, as if she wasn't entirely sure if you would be able to handle the task. "Well my kitchen staff have been complaining about seeing rather large rats as I mentioned to you. Perhaps you and Syrus could look into that while I finish up with the mayor so we can all eat a proper meal together before working out a schedule that works for everyone." Ms. Rose asks you, wanting to make sure you were both up to the task at hand.

2016-04-26, 10:37 PM
Stegun looks longingly at the wall of books, but he smiles. "Of course, lady. I presume the kitchen is on the lowest level." He knows Syrus has been here, and trusts the man to know where the larder is, still it doesn't hurt to ask.

2016-04-27, 09:43 AM
yes, I would love to watch you Miss Rose.

yes, let us head down to the kitchen and investigate this rat problem.

2016-04-27, 09:03 PM
Noticing you looking at the wall of books Ms. Rose smiles at you, " I promise you will have plenty of time to look through books while you are waiting for the remaining people to arrive, the guest suite is actually across from the manor's library. Just remember your bedroom is to sleep in, not the study inside the library Stegun. she says with an amused look on her face, she is clearly trying to lighten the tension in the room it seems.

"I will have one of my staff bring you there, as it is actually on the same floor as us, just in the west wing is all. I like to keep things close by should they be needed so I had the old living room converted into the dining room, so that the cooks would not have to travel so far for meals. Now they only have to walk out their door, and through the short hall, and into the dining room or storage room. The door to the root cellar being hidden in the storage room." Ms. Rose says as she takes out a simple brass bell and rings it three times.

Moments later another servant enters the room, not Walter it seems as he bows as he enters the room. His clothes a bit disheveled as he quickly goes to Ms. Roses side. " How may I help you Mistress?" the servant asks, keeping his head bowed and away from you. His short cut brown hair looks very wild and unkept, something odd given how clean the last two servants you have seen so far have been dressed. His clothes are the same however.

"I would like you to bring our guests to the kitchens and let Mrs. Potters know that they are there to help her with her little problem." Ms. Rose says to the boy, not bothering to turn around and look at him. "As for you Syrus perhaps tomorrow when I am taking a lesson I shall have Walter wake you, I enjoy exercising my abilities in the morning. My father always taught me to get the blood flowing early and your day would be much more productive and you would never have bad health. So far I can not say he has been wrong."

I will allow you all to say whatever you want before moving it to the kitchen, and Mrs. Potters

2016-04-27, 10:04 PM
That would be wonderful Miss Rose.

Turning towards his companion,

shall we get going my friend?

2016-04-28, 10:14 AM
Stegun smiles at the woman's astute observation. "Thank you, Miss Rose. I will try to remember to sleep. I hope we have good news for your Mrs. Potters quite soon."

He nods to Syrus and follows the unkempt servant.

2016-04-28, 09:41 PM
Having agreed to many things you both depart the grand sitting room of Ms. Rose, as the disheveled servant leads you back to the room you were originally waiting in for her, before taking you through the right wooden door, and into a very short hallway which ended in a large multi planed window showing the western side of the village. To the left and right side of you their were a total of four wooden doors, two on the left, and two on the right.

The smell of roasting quail could be smelled as the wooden door closed behind you, wafting from the door ten feet in front of you to the left, with voices talking over each other in a happy manner. "To the left is the door to Mrs. Potts kitchen, if you will excuse me." The servant says walking back out the door you all entered, not giving you a moment to question him as the door closes behind him.

As you open the simple wooden door to the kitchen the smells that had been plaguing you before assaulted your senses, as the heat from the oven could be felt all the way by the door. A short stout woman in a simple brown dress with an apron on could be seen standing over a kitchen table cutting up vegetables so fast you are almost wounder how she is having problems with rats given her skill with that blade.

Then their is the two half elves near a pair of ovens, covered in what appears to be flour and dough as both turn to look at you, growing quite as they notice you are from the village.

"Well hello, may I help the two of you?" the short woman says in a warm stern voice. Its not mean, simply not used to being ignored.

Spot check DC 12 please

2016-04-30, 01:43 AM
Turning towards his companion syrus bluntly states yth tepoha vi jennu deal di strangeness tenpiswo. wer sthyr svern mobi natorkir plates vorqic ekess qe wer twin di hesi soves.

We have a great deal of strangeness here. The man over there cleaning plates looks to be the twin of our guide.

2016-04-30, 07:56 PM
"Mrs. Potts? This is Syrus and I am Stegun. The lady of the house has asked us to look into the pest problem." Stegun smiles broadly and gives a slight bow as he introduces himself.

He nods understanding to Syrus and replies in common. "I believe I have an answer for that, but let it be for the moment."

2016-04-30, 08:50 PM
Syrus nods, leaving the issue be for the time being.

So, where is this particular infestation sighting?

2016-04-30, 11:41 PM
Talking about the man in the corner you both agree to talk about it later as Stegun introduces the two of you to Mrs. Potters, explaining you are here for the rat problem. "Oh thank you so much. I was so worried that we would never have this taken care of, Sue take this over please." Mrs. Potters calls out as she walks towards the two of you. " Right this way please, its right down the hall." she says with a charming smile, as she pulls out a set of keys and walks towards the last door on the left hand side.

" I was worried all of our food stuffs would be spoiled before Ms. Rose happened to get someone to come here, I am so happy she got the two of you boys to help us. I promise if you help me with this you will never go hungry so long as you are staying in the Mansion." she says as you all arrive a short few seconds latter at an unremarkable wooden door, however it is clear that the lock (http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/02/98/19/d3/filename-dsc01238-jpg.jpg) at least is made of finer quality. A testament to the Smith family in all its wounder as it looks almost brand new how well it has been kept up with, and the slight sound of a click as the locking mechanism inside is moved with the key.

"Oh my!" Mrs. Potters screeches as she opens the door and looking back at her are 3 rather large rats staring at the three of you, each the size of a cat however, showing how well they have been eating lately as their beady eyes look on at the three of you before making hissing sounds. " Hurry stop them before they get into the good food." Mrs. Potters says looking worried as she gets out of the way for the two of you.


2016-05-01, 12:24 AM
Syrus was about to comment on his father's handy work when he saw the rather large rats.

By the hells!

He drew one of his singing sticks, and took a swing at the nearest one.

Rolled init 16 in the OOC,

Taking a free action: 5' step,
Move action: draw weapon
Standard action: rat smack

attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Crit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Sneak attack (if applicable):

2016-05-01, 12:50 AM
Syrus as you enter the room and try to use your singing sticks to exterminate one of the rather large rats, this one seems to effortlessly avoid your attack as it tries to bite at your hand as you try to pull it back.

Attack 23 Damage 1 + Fortitude DC 11 failure means in 3 days you suffer 3 Dex and 3 Con damage from Filth Fever

However it seems they are not all worried about you as one tries to rush by you and attack Stegun.

AoO for Syrus on rat 2

Attack 7 Damage 4 + Fortitude DC 11 Failure means in 2 days you suffer 2 Dex damage and 2 con damage from filth fever

The last rat seems to be a bit smarter however as it simply moves to Syrus's feet and tries to bite him.

Basically one is infront of you, and the other on your left side so not flanked at the moment yet Syrus then their is Rat number 2 who is below rat number 3, still not flanked who is attacking Stegun who is 5ft down at the door.

Attack 12 Damage 4 + Fortitude DC 11 Failure means in 3 days you suffer 2 Dex damage and 3 con damage from filth fever

2016-05-01, 04:19 PM
"Stand back Mrs. Potts. These creatures are unusually large." Stegun takes his own advice putting a bit of distance between the rat and himself. He barks, "Schlittenfahrt!" and gestures toward the rodents. Before it has a chance to react, he draws his crossbow.

Free- 5' step (down and right in the ooc map)
Standard- Cast Ice Slick (Frostburn) affecting a 20' square that contains the two rats on the left in the map. They must make a Balance check to avoid falling this turn, and if they remain in the area on their turn. Also, unless these rats are more unusual than we think, they are flatfooted. (Lasts 1 round). Note: the DC of the Balance check is not given. I assume 10 like grease, but it doesn't allow a reflex save. I'll go with whatever the DM says.
Move- Draw Crossbow.

2016-05-01, 07:23 PM
Unless found to be otherwise I will rule it at a flat 12 unless charging down a hill and suck like mentioned.

Taking a step back you call on the powers of winter itself as a cold wind seems to blow through the room, coating the floor under two of the rats in slippery ice that extends beyond no doubt to more of the storage room. The closet rat to you does not fair to well tries to dig its small claws into the ice, however fails to do so, falling flat onto the ice. The other rat closer to Syras doesn't seem to be so unlucky however as its claws seem to hold, if barely onto the ice, however it is clear the creature is rooted in place at the moment.

Rat number 3 failed its save by more than 5 meaning he is now Prone (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Prone)

Rat number 2 however is still standing, having failed its save by less than 5


2016-05-01, 07:49 PM
Syrus grabs his 2nd singing stick and tries to take a swing at the rat underfoot

Not moving, becoming flat footed.

Move action: draw singing stick #2
Standard action: double rat smack

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Crit 1: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack 2: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Crit 2: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

2016-05-01, 09:09 PM
Syrus as you pull out your second singing stick you launch an attack upon the rat underfoot, killing it due to its unstable footing. Your sticks singing the song of their departure, however the one before you dose not seem to happy to see one of its fellows squashed and lashes out, trying to bite your ankle hoping to make you fall.

Attack 11 Damage 2 Fortitude DC 11 failure means 2 days later you suffer 3 Dex and 1 Con damage

The remaining rat seems to get a lot of luck as it stands up and moves out of the ice slicked floor as it walks behind Syrus, flanking him and tries to rip into him, not willing to test his luck on the ice to get to Stegun.

Move action getting up Provokes AoO

Attack 8 Damage 1 Fort DC 11 or 3 days take 2 dex and 1 con damage

Stegun's turn (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=171820)

2016-05-02, 03:41 PM
Almost as quickly as it frosted over, the ice on the floor dissipates. Stegun maneuvers past the dead rats and trains his crossbow on the remaining creature. The string gives a satisfying twang as a bolt flies. Unfortunately the sound of the bolt skittering across the floor is not so satisfying.

The spell only has a duration of 1 round, so it ends at the beginning of his turn.
Move two squares southwest then one square west. That should clear the soft cover.
Attack [roll0] (includes the -4 for firing into melee)
Damage [roll1]

2016-05-04, 11:04 PM
Syrus watched the bolt skim the ground. he's a terrible shot...

Yet again, he tries to make the singing sticks strike the rat.

attack 1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Crit 1 [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

attack 2 [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

Crit 2 [roll6]
Damage [roll7]

2016-05-04, 11:30 PM
Its a glorious feeling when you feel your singing sticks connect against what you are swinging at, it is even better when you are trying to defend yourself. The sound of the rats skull cracking underneath the force of your two quick precise attacks was just what you needed as you watch the creature stumble for a few moments before falling to the ground. Who knew rats got so big, or that they could bite so hard, it was over for now no ill effects seemed to have happened.

As the last rat falls you both can hear an intake of breath behind you before Mrs. Potters rushes at the two of you and begins thank you up and down for helping her take care of those pesky rodents. " I just wish I knew how they had gotten in here. There are no holes in the room, and the only way in here is from the door we just entered and the root cellar down there." Mrs. Potters says curisly as she rubs her chin and begins to try and lead you both back out of the room.

"As I promised boys my kitchen is always open to you, ask for it and I will find a way to make it to pay you back." Mrs. Potter says kindly to the two of you as a bell can be heard ringing from across the hall, followed by the voice of Walter. "Dinner will be served shortly everyone please make your way to the dining room."

2016-05-05, 10:00 AM
"Perhaps they have some way of coming in through your cellar, then. We should look at that later. Is there a washroom close where we can get ready for dinner? I'd like to have a look at that bite my friend got."

2016-05-05, 11:45 AM
It stings slightly, nothing terrible my friend. The washroom would be a good idea, I think I have some vermin blood about myself. ..

2016-05-05, 12:24 PM
"Of course boys right this way." Mrs. Potter says kindly to the two of you as she leads you to a beautiful tapestry hanging on the wall depicting the sun shining down over the village. " Right through here." She says as she lifts the tapestry to reveal a small wooden door, or at least small compared to what you have seen so far, that opens up into a simple 10x10 room with the basics inside of it. " Ms. Rose had this washroom covered up due to not wanting people to see it when they are walking to dinner, as it doesn't have a toilet there is no smell, and it allows us who work in the kitchen to clean ourselves up when we need to. Will you two boys be needing anything else?" Mrs. Potter asks kindly, her round frame and slightly grey hair doing nothing to diminish her warm smile.

Just a simple room tile floors, a place to wash your hands and such, mirror, just no actual toilet or shower inside.

2016-05-06, 03:02 PM
"No thank you, Mrs. Potter." Stegun lets the drapery close behind them. "I'm no expert, but let me check on that and see if it is infected."

Heal check to examine the wound. I know you told us he'd get sick, but that is OOC knowledge [roll0]

2016-05-06, 04:30 PM
Syrus gratefully let his companion examine the rat bite.

Like I said before, it's just a nick, nothing major...

I forgot about that line, removing chamber pot comment :p

2016-05-06, 09:07 PM
Stegun you may not be an expert when it comes to the arts of a healer, however you did once read a book detailing some common things to look for. Made by a healer who was trying to explain in detail something to someone without the talent. Thankfully you paid very close attention to the book as you clean the wound on Syrus's wound as he insists it is nothing but a minor bite. However to your knowledgeable mind you can see the coming ons of an infection, no doubt caused by how that rat was living. Thinking back to the exact part of the book dealing with wounds being contaminated you remember that certain creatures can pass on a disease known as filth fever, and if not treated properly could leave someone bedridden for days at a time if they wished to get better with ease. And as you look at the wound you just cleaned, and notice the boils starting to form and the yellow puss coming out there is not doubt your friend has contracted the disease.

I didn't mention the chamber pot as Mrs. Potter already explained that there wasn't one there because it was right next to the kitchen and dining room, and no one would want to smell that while eating or cooking.

2016-05-07, 09:51 PM
"Like I said, I'm no expert, but if you look here," Stegun points to one of the blisters, "this is a classic presentation for Filth Fever. Likely you won't feel anything for a day or two, but then it will really take the wind out of you. I have a spell I can prepare tomorrow that will help keep you on your feet while you fight it."

The librarian washes his hands and face, then slips on down to the dining room.

2016-05-07, 10:37 PM
Damn rats... If you say so Doc. Syrus smiled slightly at the man. He knew filth fever was a serious thing, but he said he would have a few days before it became an issue.

They should be done with this by then right?

2016-05-08, 01:43 AM
With the confirmation of filth fever and Stegun trusting in his abilities to take care of the disease you both finish cleaning up before heading to the dinning room. Upon entering you notice a large ornate table (http://interiorbit.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/high-gloss-varnished-mahogany-wood-dining-tables-ornate-french-rococo-large-leaf-and-decorative-in-each-rectangle-top-using-carving-art-lacquer-base-pedestal-legs.jpg) made of your towns famous wood, the chairs (http://photo.foter.com/photos/pi/221/new-arm-chair-french-style-scroll-carved-wood-red-fabric-nailhead.jpg) beautiful in design with a nice high back and red padding.

On the north wall you can see that half the wall is filled with large windows so that one could look out over the entire village as they ate, the remaining walls seeming to be covered in all kinds of tapestry's, each telling a different story. A few suits of armor (http://images.birthdayexpress.com/mgen/jointed-suit-of-armor-cutout-bx-64556.jpg?zm=1600,1600,1,0,0) line the walls, purely for decoration. And once again you notice another fireplace made of hard granite inside the room as well, inbetween the door you just walked in through, and the one far down on the other side of the room.

"It is good to see you again Master Stegun and Master Syrus." comes the very familiar voice of the woman known as Kerri Rose who you meet earlier while waiting for her aunt. Her clothing unchanged from ealier is still very revealing to the eyes as you hear a mans cough and look to see the mayor sitting across from her.

"Why hello boys, When Elizabeth told me she was having company, I did not realize it would be the two of you." came the mayor, Angelis's (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c4/15/46/c415468b4386413908b20839b54282c4.jpg) sweet honeyed voice to the two of you as a very warm and kind smile comes across his rather pale complexion. For as long as you have been able to think Angelis had held the title of mayor, though your parents say at one point Ms. Rose's family once held the position. You had always known the mayor to dress rather richly, however this seemed almost extravagant you notice looking on at him.

Everything except sword and lighting in the picture is him.

Also spot check please

"Well as this is my house I did not believe I had to tell you who my guests were, as you know the villagers do come to me as one of the elders on certain matters right boys." Ms. Roses says to the two of you with a small wink that could easily be missed to those not looking.

"Dinner is served." came the voice of the main butler, Walter, a few moments later before silver platters were brought into the room, covering each and every free space of a table that up until now was unseen before the glass windows, as if it had just appeared by magic. The boar being placed at the center of the table before the waiter staff walked over to each of you, asking what you would like to dine on tonight.

"Walter can you take out the Shiraz my grandfather bought. And of course the special bottle we keep for our noble mayor." Ms Rose says to the lead waiter who nods before walking out the door opposite the one you came in, seeming to head towards the store room.

Dinner is Boar, Mashed potatoes, Steamed carrots, freshly made bread, a rich gravy, stuffing is inside the boar, and you both can pick one other thing if none of this appeals to you.

2016-05-09, 09:08 AM
"Miss Kerry, it is indeed nice to see you again, " he begins when the Mayor speaks up.

He takes his cue from Ms. Rose. If she does not want the mayor to know the reason for their visit, Stegun is content to leave her this mystery. "Sir Mayor, I truly hope our presence here has not caused too much of a distraction for our gracious host. I had no idea we'd be intruding on a meeting of import."

When there is a break in the conversation he responds to the waiter with a whisper. "I will thoroughly enjoy whatever Mrs. Potter has prepared. You need make no exceptions for me."

If mother could see how her training was paying off. His years with the brusque sage would never have prepared him for a dinner party with the Mayor, Ms. Rose, and her...relative.

2016-05-10, 09:03 PM
The idea of foot didn't sit quite right with Syrus. After seeing those ghastly boils and puss on his foot. He would be polite and have a small plate but nothing more...

Miss Kerry, Miss Rose and good sir, I'm afraid my apatite isn't much in light of resent events.

He looked down at the silver ware, and something dawned upon him. What is the point of multiple spoons and forks?

2016-05-11, 12:03 AM
While the food may look good, only moments ago you learned that you were infected with some disease passed on by the rat that had bitten you, and the wound alone seems to have made your stomach very weak as you only take a very small plate of food. Thats when you go to pick up a fork and you look on confused as everyone seems to be eating perfectly fine. Why did you have all these different forks and spoons? Sure the knives made sense, but who needed more than one fork to eat their food? And why was that one so small?

"I hope it is nothing to serious Mr. Smith, I would hate to see your grand work put on hold any longer than it must." Ms. Rose says with a hint of worry in her voice, no doubt she was wondering what had happened with Mrs. Potter now.

"Do not fret on my account Syrus, it only means that I may enjoy more of Mrs. Potters fine cooking." the mayor says to you grinning a very toothy grin as Walter comes in behind him and pours him a scarlet colored drink into his cup. The scent seems both familiar and foregin at the same time as you watch Walter place the rest of the bottle besides Angelis, before moving over to hand Ms. Rose the bottle of Shiraz for her to test before serving to the guests.

With a swift nod of her head after tasting the contents of the wine bottle in her own goblet Walter walks around the table, counter clockwise serving Kerri first, before moving to the two of you. "Boys it is Kerri not Kerry." Kerri Rose says with a kind smile, as if she were explaining a whole different language to the two of you.

"It is not their fault they do not understand the dialect niece, not everyone is as complex as your mother." Ms. Rose chimes in, defending the two of you with a sweet honeyed voice, as if they were all having a light hearted talk with one another.

"It is quite alright Stegun, it is simple stuff really. Just two of the elders on the council catching up is all. We do so every month when the moon is full as it is the only time no one will venture out at night to Ms. Roses fine home to dine with her." Angelis explains, cutting a piece of boar into a much more manageable size before placing it into his mouth and beginning to eat it. Sipping from his own goblet the scarlet drink within.

The waiter hearing what you say, nods in understanding as he sets a simple plate before you with all of the things made by Mrs. Potter in just the right amount before you. However as you look over at your poor friend trying to figure out what fork to use you realize not everyone was as high ranking as your family when it came to nobility in the town. Or at least those who were no longer taught their children as well as your parents taught you.

"So boys have you heard the news, a child should be coming into our lives very soon, and it is almost time once more for the ancient traditions."

"Sir Wintergates please we are eating at the moment, we should not talk on such matters. Besides the boys are going to be very busy the next few days they do not need to be distracted until it is time." Ms. Rose says, her eyes like daggers as she looks to the mayor.

" Oh Aunty we must make a visit to the expecting parents and have a crib made for them as a gift." Kerri says joining the discussion.

" I doubt that will be looked highly upon, each family has raised their children in the same cribs for generations. Making a new one when one is not needed would be rude as they would not be able to refuse a gift, and thus it would force them to part with tradition." Ms. Rose says after finishing the carrot in her mouth, washing it down with the red wine you all share.

2016-05-11, 10:05 PM
"I'm afraid it was a ploy, Miss Kerri. When you were reticent earlier, I resolved to hear your name from your own lips, rather than know it like some overheard gossip. Thank you for introducing yourself." He gives the faintest hint of a bow in his seat.

"Perhaps a rattle would be more appropriate." Stegun tries to recall who is next in line. Surely Master Ugarit would have told him if it was his time.

2016-05-12, 12:51 PM
This proves my upbringing... however, can someone explain why we have this tiny spoon and a second fork? Syrus could feel his face turning a slight pink with embaresment...

My appologies Kerri it is a force of habit... as for our traditions, everyone knows our customs. My father has always said to think of it as a harvest. First you clear the land in order for the new sprouts to take root...

I don't really see how this is inappropriate supper conversation.

2016-05-12, 02:30 PM
Stegun whispers to his friend, "Work from the outside in as they present courses. Save the little spoon for dessert. If you aren't sure just wait for our hostess to pick hers up first. It is customary."

2016-05-12, 02:43 PM
Muttering under his breath, Thank you my friend.

Give me a lock and I can explain it's design, tumbler mechanism and the flaws of its design. Give me a little spoon and extra silverware and I'm at a complete loss....

2016-05-12, 09:45 PM
"I'm afraid it was a ploy, Miss Kerri. When you were reticent earlier, I resolved to hear your name from your own lips, rather than know it like some overheard gossip. Thank you for introducing yourself."

Listening to your explanation you can tell notice Kerri's lips turn up in a smile. "Well played, I must say Stegun if you had not explained it to me I would have took my aunt at her word of it being an odd name." she says, turning and smiling smugly at Ms. Rose.

"Perhaps a rattle would be more appropriate."

"That sounds much more reasonable, and would not interfere with the family's own tradition." Ms. Rose says to your comment, agreeing that such an item would be much more acceptable than a crib.

My appologies Kerri it is a force of habit... as for our traditions, everyone knows our customs. My father has always said to think of it as a harvest. First you clear the land in order for the new sprouts to take root...

I don't really see how this is inappropriate supper conversation.

"I only say it may be inappropriate as you are not on the council and talk of who may be next is only supposed to be spoken between the elders. Perhaps one day the two of you boys will be on the council of Elders, however until that day arrives we can only speak about the topics of what comes after you "clear the land." as your family likes to put it." Ms. Rose explains to you, and to an extent it does make sense. Sure everyone is always guessing at who is going to be next. No one ever really knows though now do they?

Assuming the whole utentials lock thing is between the two of you in an aside

As everyone is talking one of the waiters walks over to the two of you and asks a simple question. "Will you be having the soup or salad tonight young sirs?"

Across the table you watch as Ms. Rose and Kerri seem to take the salad, and are brought a simple looking dish of freshly grown greens, from which farm who knows however. Local you can tell however, you could always tell the difference in the local vegetables and those brought in, yours were always fresher, more green.

"Could you please tell me what soup will be served tonight?" the mayor asks, " I see chicken noodle soup, I will be having that than thank you." he says to his waiter, picking up the proper spoon before beginning to dine with his own food.

"So tell me boys." Mayor Angelis asks between mouthfuls. " When you have free time could you come by my office, I happen to be needing a few new acquisitions locked up in a new system, and well the old paperwork to be organized. It seems those who came before me did not keep the best of notes in certain regards and I wish to look at the expenditures that have been going on before my time, this way when it is my time to come the next mayor has an easier time keeping our fine little village running."

2016-05-13, 05:45 AM
Stegun follows Ms. Rose's lead and takes the salad. Suspecting Syrus might prefer the soup, his finger lingers over the soup spoon for a moment too long as a signal. However, it proves unnecessary when the Mayor picks up his own utensil. "As an apprentice, of course, my time is not my own to give. I'm sure that Master Ugarit can be persuaded, however, to part with me for some public service. If you lent him your copy of Volstyn's Principia, he'd not even miss my absence." Stegun smiles broadly. The sage has borrowed that work five times in the last few years, but he is only allowed it for a day or so before it must be returned. The manuscript is in a dialect of gnomish that is almost inscrutable, which means Master Ugarit hasn't even finished reading it, let alone begun to copy it. This last time, he had even grudgingly allowed Stegun to attempt to copy it with magic so that he could study it, but there were lacunae in the copy due to portions of the original being magical in nature.

2016-05-19, 12:57 PM
"Ah yes, I believe that your Master loves that book more than any woman alive." the mayor jests before taking another spoonful of soup. "I suppose he will no doubt come to the conclusion that so long as I have your help he will be allowed to study the book. I hope you have been learning a great deal from him in all these years since he took you on. Otherwise when his time comes a great font of knowledge shall be lost to us." the mayor says off handily, as if the topic was not of dire importance, simply something to keep conversation going.

2016-05-20, 09:11 AM
"No doubt. I've never seen him ask to see a woman or a man for that matter." Stegun set his fork down as he finishes his salad. "Master Ugarit stressed from the first day of my apprenticeship that the most important thing to learn was research." He holds up a finger as he quotes the old man, "It would take another lifetime for me to teach you all that I've learned, my boy, and that would be a waste of time for the both of us. Mark how I study a problem and seek out the answer, and you will never be without my knowledge."

He puts his finger down and smiles. "I'm sure not to his level yet, but I feel like I'm developing the tools I need to carry on."

Stegun reflects on the fact that the sage has spent as much or more time writing lately as he has reading. Is he trying to capture the knowledge he has that isn't already written down? His smile flickers to a fround for just an instant with that thought.

2016-05-23, 09:21 PM
"Those are indeed very wise words from your master. If only I could get my niece to show the dedication to learning that you show to your own master, the woman she would become." Ms. Rose says after dabbing her napkin on her lips to clean away some unseen food.

"If I had a teacher like Mr. Stegun described I would no doubt listen to what they said." Kerri responded, and while her tone was perfect, having come from a family that were once nobles you can feel the subtle venom inside of the words.

" Now that you mention it, not even as a child do I remember Master Ugarit showing interest in anyone. It could have something to deal with how he was raised only by his father however, seeing the only reason to couple would be to make his line grow. Then again I believe we can all agree he is well past that age by now, I think their are only a handful as old as he, and one of them is Master Adin our dwarven smith." Mayor Angelis responds to you in a joking manner, clearly sensing the tension between the women as easily as you.

" I am sure given time you will become even more adept than Master Ugarit at the task you have chosen to take in life. Look at your friend Syrus and his family, perhaps you shall create a dynasty to follow in your footsteps as his family has been our villages locksmiths for generations now." Ms. Rose says kindly.

I can't tell you the DC for this one.

2016-05-24, 10:25 PM
"I do not wish to come between the two of you, but if you decide it would be best, Miss Kerri could come to the library a few afternoons a week. Helping her with her studies could aid me in mine own. As apt as she is, I would need to study harder than usual to be prepared for our discussions. Master Ugarit never leaves, so we would have a chaperone to maintain propriety." Stegun can't believe his own offer. What possessed him to say that?

2016-05-24, 11:14 PM
The mayor almost chokes on his drink at your suggestion as Ms. Rose seems to smile at the fact as she looks over at him. You notice Kerri seeming to beam at the idea of being allowed "out" of the house. "Why perhaps instead you could come here where...." the mayor begins when Ms. Rose holds up her hand to silence him as she speaks.

"That would be wonderful Master Stegun, I could see the two of you learning much working together, and it would allow Kerri the freedom she so wishes for without me having to worry if she were getting into trouble. Of course you would have to ask her per..."

Before Ms. Rose can even say anything two voices call out at once rather comically as you watch the mayors pale face become even more so, and Kerri almost jump out of her chair with excitement.

"Thats not a good idea."


Ms. Rose seeing her niece accept the offer smiles as she turns to you. " It seems all I need to do than is make the arrangements with Master. Ugarit to make sure you have a chaperone and the two of you can begin helping each other with your studies." Ms. Rose says smugly finishing her salad, as Walter comes over and takes the plate away, along with the soiled silverware, and replacing it with a plate full of tonight's actual dinner. Filling up her own glass of wine as he does so.

Now that you think about it how did Walter just randomly appear at her side like that? He had to be in the room somewhere, but where? Given all the fancy things around the dinning room it was no wonder he was able to hide so easily.

You know the drill, you want stuff you roll the stuff you want answered lol. I can not say which skills as it might give stuff away

2016-05-25, 09:44 PM

Stegun sets his fork down allowing the course to be changed. "Well. I'm glad to hear such enthusiasm about learning," Stegun smiles teasingly.

2016-05-25, 09:56 PM
As you comment about Kerri's enthusiasm on learning you notice her sigh for a moment. " Yes that's what I am excited for, the learning of new things like what is in your mentor's library." Kerri replies to you.

All throughout the first course Syrus has been rather quite you note as you look over at him, and notice he is looking a bit pale, perhaps this is not the first time he has been bitten by a spider or perhaps it might be something else." If you could all excuse me." your friend calls out before rushing out of the room, one of the servants following after him, no doubt to clean up the mess should your friend not make it to the rest room.

2016-05-26, 07:41 PM
Stegun signals to the servant. "Let me know if Syrus needs anything, and please tell him I'll look in on him after dinner."

He dabs his mouth with his napkin then returns the cloth to his lap. "It makes poor dinner conversation, so I didn't say anything sooner. He took a wound earlier and it showed signs of infection. I had hoped that it wouldn't take him so severely. With treatment, he'll be up and around in a couple of days."

2016-05-27, 12:15 AM
"Of course sir, as you wish." The servant says to you, bowing slightly as he leaves before following your friend out the wooden doors to who knows where.

"He suffered this from helping me, I must have the doctors treat him than, I shall for Father Henry as soon as we are finished here if your friend has not returned by than." Ms. Rose says to you kindly.

The rest of the meal goes by rather uneventful, a small amount of small talk goes on between everyone at the table as they ask you what you think about how the village is progressing, and what direction the elders should take this coming year on the safety patrols during the full moons.

"By the Sun look at the time. Well it was nice seeing everyone this fine evening, however I must be returning home. I no doubt will have a pile of paperwork still waiting for me." the mayor says looking out the beautiful windows. "I do hope your friend is feeling better, and do not forget to let me know when matters are finished here so I can speak with your master okay?" he asks kindly making sure you remembered your earlier conversation before leaving.

" Enjoy the rest of your evening Angelis." Ms. Rose says politely to him as you watch Walter seem to materialize once more to walk out with the mayor, almost as if Ms. Rose wanted to make sure he left, yet neither one of them had said a word to each other.

"Well it seems as our buisness is done for the night, if you have any questions we can return to my study before I have Walter show you to your room, I hope you don't mind you will be sharing with Master Syrus just with the others I invited coming I wanted to make sure those of us who were born here are able to stick together." Ms. Rose says warmly to you.

"Perhaps I could show you where my aunt's library is and we could begin some of our lessons?" Kerri says from her side of the table.

At that moment you watch as Syrus seems to be waiting in the doorway for you to finish your conversation before entering. "Hi everyone, sorry about earlier. I am not sure what came over me, I just had to leave. I am feeling better now." your friend says to everyone as he enters the room walking over to you.

Spot and Sense motives check

2016-05-27, 11:37 PM
"Well it seems as our buisness is done for the night, if you have any questions we can return to my study before I have Walter show you to your room, I hope you don't mind you will be sharing with Master Syrus just with the others I invited coming I wanted to make sure those of us who were born here are able to stick together." Ms. Rose says warmly to you.

"I will be happy to share with him. It will help me to look after his wounds. The dinner has been lovely.

"Perhaps I could show you where my aunt's library is and we could begin some of our lessons?" Kerri says from her side of the table.

"Seeing as how Syrus appears much improved, I don't see how it would hurt to have a little look into the library before checking on him" He rises from the table. "Thank you again for the meal, and especially the conversation. It can't remember the last time I've dined with such good company."

He turns just for a moment to one of the servants, "Please convey my complements to Mrs. Potter."

He walks around the table and offers a hand to the young lady, "Miss Kerri, please lead the way."

2016-05-28, 06:18 PM
"I will be happy to share with him. It will help me to look after his wounds. The dinner has been lovely."

"Splendid, I was worried that the two of you may want your own rooms, and while the manor has enough rooms to accommodate the task, I would have to open the second floor up." MS. Rose says happily as you agree to share a room with Syrus, after all the two of you would no doubt be working together a lot while the two of you were here. And there was also the whole matter of his leg you needed to keep an eye on still.

"Seeing as how Syrus appears much improved, I don't see how it would hurt to have a little look into the library before checking on him" He rises from the table. "Thank you again for the meal, and especially the conversation. It can't remember the last time I've dined with such good company."

He turns just for a moment to one of the servants, "Please convey my complements to Mrs. Potter."

He walks around the table and offers a hand to the young lady, "Miss Kerri, please lead the way."

" No doubt it was when you last ate a meal with your family dear, now the two of you go have fun. I will have Walter go join the two of you once he returns. Until tomorrow Master Stegun." Ms. Rose says kindly, excusing the two of you from the room, as Kerri accepts your arm.

"What a gentleman." Kerri says pleased, her fair complexion so very different from your own. The servant seems to only nod as you ask him to deliver your message, not wishing to speak to someone above him it would seem. Perhaps he was once a slave, after all traders had tried you heard to once sells slaves in the town, rumors had it each and every slave was freed that day, and the traders thrown out of town by the entire council of elders.

"So Stegun why are you here? I know my aunt asked you to come here, however she will not tell me why. Only that she wanted a few things looked into. And I can not see such a learned man such as yourself being asked to perform such a small task." Kerri says, her emerald eyes looking deeply into your own, as you begin to fall deeply into them, as the entire world seems to shift away, and she begins taking turns left, and than right leading you only she knows where.

Failure means you have fallen under her spell, success means you are jogged out of her tempting beautiful emerald green eyes

2016-05-28, 08:53 PM
Stegun's focused mind frees itself then rescues his eyes from ensnarement. "So, tell me about this library of your... Aunt's. I've heard she has quite a few volumes from before the village was founded. My master hinted that she has more than a few volumes that he does not." He locks gazes with the floor a few feet in front of him. What had seemed like such a good idea a few moments ago now seems a good deal more complicated. "Also, it would be helpful to know what you've been studying. How are you with mathematics?" Mathematics was always a safe subject. The constancy of solutions gave Stegun great comfort.

2016-05-28, 09:13 PM
As your mind breaks free you could swear you can see Kerri begin to pout for a second, like a child who had lost its toy, however she quickly recovers as she watches you looking at the floor. " Well Aunt Elizabeth likes to say it is the largest collection in the town, though I would highly doubt it saying you live with a master who owns a library of his own don't you?" she asks sweetly, hugging onto your arm as the two of you walk down a rather long hallway and come to another set of double doors, these doors seem to tell a story however as you look at the individual panels on each door.

Either Deciper script, Knowledge History, or Knowledge Local (if you have 5 or more ranks in any of these skills the check you roll gains a +2 bonus.

"I believe my mentor mentioned that once or twice before, I didn't care to much about such ancient history however. After all they are dead now, so clearly the important stuff they learned the people who survived passed on, and what was unimportant. Poof." Kerri says throwing up her hands in dramatic expression before laughing slightly. It seems at that exact moment she through her hands in the air the sounds that have always followed you choose to make the sound of a firework.

"My mathematics? You mean like counting money and trade things?" Kerri says sounding a bit surprised, it seemed she had other ideas for how this talk in the library would go, and math was not part of it. "My aunt has been teaching me the finer arts of being a proper woman as she likes to call it. I say she is trying to make me as boring as she is however. Let's see, embroidery, Local history, and Religion are what I am mostly being taught." Kerri says as she pushes the door open slightly revealing a library filled from the top of the celing to the very ground with books. Countless shelves filled with them, most of them seem to be very well kept as well you notice as you look in wounder and the flames of the chandler light up as if on their own upon your entry, revealing a large wooden desk filling the center of the labyrinth of books.

"Walter, are you here yet? I would like a small fire going please by the sitting area if you could please." Elizabeth calls out as the two of you enter, and the butler materializes from behind one of the many bookshelves.

"Why of course my lady. Anything to serve you." Walter says simply in an almost old world gentleman style voice as he walked to the very back of the library and took a sharp left, disappearing from your view.

"You know if I didn't know any better I would say right now that you have been looking at my legs for a very long time Mr. Stegun, I do not think my aunt would approve your hungry gaze." she says slapping your arm with her free hand that is not latched onto yours.

2016-05-28, 10:38 PM
Stegun looks pained as she waves off all that lost knowledge with a poof. He blinks as she rattles off her curriculum. Surely this is why she is bored with lessons. If only she could study something truly interesting. Perhaps I can work something... His thoughts trail off as the doors open and he hears nothing else. The shelves draw him in exactly as the emerald orbs failed a moment earlier. A finger drifts along the spines as he takes in title after title. Many, of course, he has read. Others he has seen in Ugarit's own collection, but based on the first shelf, there must be dozens, perhaps more that he has never heard of.

He is only vaguely aware that Kerri is speaking, but he knows it would be rude to not respond. "Hmm? I'm sure you're right lady," is all he can manage before he spots another tome unknown to him.

2016-05-28, 11:04 PM
As you look at the wooden panels upon the door a story comes to your mind that your mother once told you. She had once told you your family had been noble's when they first left their homeland to venture into the forest, and as you get to the bottom of the tale you see your family's name as the fourth signiture upon the wooden panel, showing that they were once perhaps as powerful as the orginal founders. But why wasn't this common knowledge? Sure everyone claimed to be related to Sir William's family, though some were, they were only branch families. The mayor being the only descendant from the main branch.

" Sigh and here I thought men liked woman more than books, clearly my aunt was lying." Kerri says sounding rather deflated as she tried following you around for a while to see what you were looking at.

Leafing through the first shelf alone you notice that a good majority of these are diaries like those kept inside Xanders own collection, however a few key diaries do stick out. "The History of the Swordhand family." "The Diary of Ugarit" and the last being the diary of your great great great grandmother.

"Did you find anything you like?" Kerri seems to ask, sounding half interested in whatever you are going to say. " I am going to go check in on your friend, Ms. Rose requested your rooms to be kept next to the library so I will only be outside the door and two doors down." Kerri's voice drifts over to you.

2016-05-29, 11:07 PM
"Several." Stegun pulls the Swordhand and Ugarit text from the shelf. Impulsively, he then grabs his own family book and settles at a table. He answers absently as he opens the cover of the one on top, "If you think it best. Let me know how he's doing."

I wonder what Ms. Rose is doing with my great grandmother's diary. Perhaps I can copy it before I leave. Mother would love that for a solstice present.

2016-05-30, 10:11 PM
It seems this entire place is one big mystery as you pull your great grandmothers diary from the bookshelf. What was it doing here in Peinture Manor, and why would Ms. Rose be interested in it? Better yet what about the other two books, all three seemed like very important books dealing with important families of Furtifwood, why would they not be in the public library than that your master ran?

Thinking about copying the book with magic for a gift for your mother you hear Walter's voice in the distance calling out, though slowly getting closer, not aware that Kerri had left you it would seem. "Ah Master Stegun, I was under the impression the young lady would be staying here with you? Could you tell me where she ran off to, her aunt does not like when she saunters off on her own. There are many things she could get hurt with in the house, and even more items she could damage that the historical value alone would make the Lady of the Manor cry for days." the lead butler says to you in an open friendly manor, which seems very different than how he acted towards the mayor.

2016-06-03, 08:14 AM
Stegun looks up for the first time in minutes? hours? "She said something about checking on my friend. She wouldn't have gone to his room alone, though. Ms. Rose would not approve. I thought you went with her."