View Full Version : A Vengeful Sphere [Private One-on-One]

2016-04-08, 08:57 PM
It had been a beautiful world, once. The trees, majestic and strong, forming a bulwark against the sky. The smell of pollen and sodden soil filling nostrils. The songs of birds, the rustle of leaves, the scratching of creatures against bark, the voices of people living in happiness and harmony... the sounds of life, enriching the air. Demi-paradise. Once this was Lothair's homeland, a realm of villages dotted in a thick upswell of glorious life. But now...


They had come, from where Lothair did not know. One day a burning star, fearsome red to sully the life-giving gold of the suns, plummeted to the earth, destroying a place the locals had called the Old Mountain, and it was from there the fire spread. Cruel beings in red-shining armor, each at least seven feet tall, and some reaching even higher. They took to the forest with axes and with flames, burning, killing everything. And though the people put up a fight, it was to no avail, the survivors of attacks thrown, living, onto great bonfires.

As for yourself, you attempted to defend people, making your way as fast as you could towards the Old Mountain, fighting and even killing some of the creatures as you went through, finding their armor empty save for the flames which burned your fingers. When you finally reached the slopes, you started to climb, ash clining, painfully to your skin, rising above the thick smog which now blanketed your realm until finally you reached the summit to find... nothing.

Where the star had hit the mountain, a vast, flat plateau now stood, deep tracks in the ground showing where some immense structure had been built and now.. was gone. And as you looked out upon the desolate, roiling tops of the smog, you feel hopelessness set in.

"They are, I trust you realize, gone now." a voice speaks from behind you. You turn to see a strange creature, a cat if it were not for the elongated ears, the three, wavering tails, and the slim, white ridges running down its spine. The ears twitch, and the creature speaks again. "And not just the ones who killed this realm. Everyone else in it. Except for me, you're alone now."