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2016-04-08, 10:11 PM

The whole morning has been a struggle in the Pokémon Profesor's lab, as he just handed you his very own invention, the Pokémon Encyclopedia, also known as the Pokédex. The aidees were all day making calls and greeting you all, some townsfolk went to outside the lab to also meet the new Pokédex Holders, chosen by the famous Pokémon Profesor, Samuel Oak.

The laboratory is a big place, filled with shelves with books and folders, some containers and crates with labels of information. There are a lot of scientists here, either feeding Pokémon or writing about them. It seems that Pokémon captured from trainers are sent here, whom Pokémon you don't know, most creatures are Pidgeys and Rattatas, but there are some other rare Pokémon, such as the remaining starter Pokémon from this region, playing in the gardens.

"I have big hopes of you all, Catalina, Don, and Wiliam. But remember that this isn't a competition! You aren't supposed to be playing tricks on each other, if you won't be getting along, at least help each other; you all share the same goal." He turns his back to you and walks to a small table with a computer. "I should tell you, your Pokédex is your ID as an approved trainer from me, so it should help you to pay no fee on any Pokémon Center for extended lodging, and food." He turns to you all. "You probably have a lot of questions that need to be answered, or maybe you are excited to leave town, ask now if you want, young trainers, or you may leave. Your choice."
City/Town Name: Pallet Town
Region: Kanto (south-west).
Population: ~300
Gym: N/A
Points of Interest: Professor Oak's Laboratory.
Common Pokémon: Pidgey, Rattata.
Uncommon Pokémon: ?
• North: Route 1
• South: Route 21 (Surf)

2016-04-08, 10:51 PM
Catalina accepted the Pokedex gingerly. The Professor had already done so much for her these past three years, but now he was giving her a Pokemon and a Pokedex, which had said were rare. Thank you so much Professor! she cried. But what can we do for you in return? I can't imagine ever beginning to repay you for this opportunity, but I'd like to help you however I can.

2016-04-08, 11:05 PM
Samuel looks at Catalina and kindly says. "Ah, dear Catalina, learn from your journeys, learn about Pokémon and record that knowledge in the 'dex." He looks at the red device in the girl's hand. "The device already contains information on almost every Pokémon, but if you find new paterns or facts about Pokémon, let me know, in the form of filling the Pokédex data of Seen or Caught. I cannot study some Pokémon by myself, and having them here, as your Pokémon, helps me to get more and more information."
Professor Oak walks to a window, that opens view to the garden, where both Pokémon and aidees run about. "This doesn't mean I want you to take every new Pokémon you find out of its environment just for my request, they are living things. But if I need any specifix species, and you are by their area, I'll let you know. My main request is to have you grow as trainers, or what ever your future goal is. This world needs more good and cappable people." He returns to the desk where his computer is sitting.

2016-04-09, 11:27 AM
"So, we basically just need to be the best and see every pokemon ever, shouldn't be too hard right?"
William laughs, as he looks over his new pokedex, trying to see if there is a way to look at all the toughest pokemon

2016-04-09, 11:37 AM
"This is awesome! You can count on us Professor, Sleuth is on the case. Isn't that right Sleuth?" Don looked around for the signature glow that Sleuth always seemed to give off, finding him under a nearby table. "Hey buddy, let's see how these things work. Gotta add you to the list for the Professor." Don began tapping the screen, trying to figure out how to use the Pokedex and record his Cyndaquill.

2016-04-10, 09:41 AM
Thank you professor! Catalina cried, throwing her arms around him with a hug. This was such a big opportunity for her. I'll make it up to him someday, she thought. I'm sure of it.

2016-04-11, 03:26 PM
Profesor Oak teaches you how to add seen Pokémon to your Pokédex, caught Pokémon will be automatically be sent to Oak's laboratory if you are already carrying a 6th Pokémon in your party, but if you aren't there is an option of "Send and Check" that will send your recently caught Pokémon to the laboratory and return it in a minute or less, to be addeed to your Pokédex Caught data.

"I have some paperwork to do, young trainers, so I must return to my job. You should get ready to leave town, or not. That's your desicion." He laughs a bit and then turns back. "If you meet any other Pokémon Profesor along the way, say hi to him or her."
It's not even midday at the moment.

You can dedicate a certain amount of time (your choice) to any activity as capturing or training, but everyone should think about this time skip. You can also roleplay, again, your call.

2016-04-12, 06:22 AM
Don slides his pokedex into his cargo shorts, removing his sunglasses and putting them on. It was time to meet the rest of the team. "Come on Sleuth, the job's just begun." Don approached the giant of a 13 year old and reached out to shake his hand. "Hello Bill, can I call you Bill? My name's Don and this is my partner, Sleuth. Anyways Bill, what's your plan to begin? Do you intend to interview the locals or start beating the bushes for clues? Sleuth and I were going to go straight to the bushes since there aren't any clear witnesses. Who's your partner?"

2016-04-12, 06:32 AM
"Uh, sure, call me whatever you like? And what are you looking for, exactly?" William says, clearly confused.
"My partner is Soup, toughest Pokemon around, nothing can hurt 'im" he lets Soup out of his ball, before returning to his search for tough Pokemon in the area

2016-04-12, 08:31 AM
Catalina laughed with joy at the two's exchange. She released Drilo, and the Pokemon appeared hanging off her arm with its teeth, eyes dolefully passing over the others to see if they looked particularly chewable. This is Drilo. We don't know each other too well yet, but I'm sure we'll be great friends. And I'm Catalina. I live just up the route in Viridian City.

2016-04-12, 10:55 AM
Don withdrew his hand, hanging in midair in front of Bill. Ok, plan B. Talk to the dame, point the giant in the way to go. Don approached Catalina, extending his hand yet again. "Hello Cat, may I call you Cat? Well Cat, I'd be glad to work with a native. Can't say I'm too familiar with this area." Pulling out his Pokedex, Don motioned with it towards Drilo. "Would you mind me adding Drilo to my Dex?"

2016-04-12, 11:36 AM
Don withdrew his hand, hanging in midair in front of Bill. Ok, plan B. Talk to the dame, point the giant in the way to go. Don approached Catalina, extending his hand yet again. "Hello Cat, may I call you Cat? Well Cat, I'd be glad to work with a native. Can't say I'm too familiar with this area." Pulling out his Pokedex, Don motioned with it towards Drilo. "Would you mind me adding Drilo to my Dex?"

Cate actually, she replied, taking his hand. Drilo entertained the idea of switching perches but felt it was too much work to unhinge his jaw at this point. And its great to meet you Don. Where are you from? We never got many travelers in Viridian, as the forest isn't the most convenient way to travel. Mostly just people headed to the Pokemon League.

2016-04-12, 02:50 PM
Don shook her hand long enough to be polite, then returned to a safe distance to prevent Drilo from latching on to his arm. "Cate, good name Cate. Well Cate, most of my family lives in Saffron. I didn't come in through the forest though, my Uncle flew me down once we got the Professor's invite. Never really been out of the city before, but I hear I have family in Lavender town. What's the problem with the forest you mentioned?" Don could only imagine what mysteries and adventures lay in the belly or a dark and dangerous forest, but he hoped he would be able to explore them as well. The best thing about a good investigation is how it may cause a second to also be revealed.

2016-04-12, 03:49 PM
Dan shook her hand long enough to be polite, then returned to a safe distance to prevent Drilo from latching on to his arm. "Cate, good name Cate. Well Cate, most of my family lives in Saffron. I didn't come in through the forest though, my Uncle flew me down once we got the Professor's invite. Never really been out of the city before, but I hear I have family in Lavender town. What's the problem with the forest you mentioned?" Don could only imagine what mysteries and adventures lay in the belly or a dark and dangerous forest, but he hoped he would be able to explore them as well. The best thing about a good investigation is how it may cause a second to also be revealed.

Oh there's no problem Catalina chirped. But clothes get ripped, people have to camp in tents, cars can't get through, all that good stuff. People usually just come via sky or sea, and even then Pallet Town is the destination because of the good Professor. Plus not many people come out here in the first place: it's easier to just stay in the cities out west.

2016-04-12, 05:03 PM
"Doesn't that hurt?" William asks, just noticing the Totodile
"And if you're from near here, does that mean you know what kinds of Pokemon are in the area?" he continues, as one track as ever

2016-04-13, 08:23 AM
Don rolled his eyes behind his sunglasses, keeping his smile stable and friendly. "Yes, perhaps we should start to search for the local pokemon. There will be plenty of time to get to know each other as we travel together." Turning away from his new companions Don realized that once again, Sleuth had crawled away into a nearby bookcase. Don excused himself as he went to recover his pokemon from the paper tower it was currently climbing.

2016-04-13, 03:11 PM
Oh he's just teething Catalina said laughing. Although it'll probably help if I get a jacket with long sleeves. She awkwardly fished out a treat, which she offered to Drilo. The Totodile eyed it carefully, weighing its options. Keep biting the girl, or eat the treat? It was a hard choice.

Eventually it decided on food, and, letting go of its trainers, snapped up the piece of meat. Before it could latch onto Catalina again, though, she had returned it to its Pokeball. Turning to the others, she mentally took note of them, sure to add them to her journal later today. At the question from Don, she shrugged. I don't know, what is there anywhere in the world? I'm sure everything will work out! And with that incredibly vague answer, Catalina traipsed out of the lab and off to the route leading up to Viridian. Might as well start somewhere right? If the two followed her that would be great! If not, she could add them to her journal. She didn't feel like doing that in public; it seemed kind of creepy. She was sure they'd find each other later.

Uses Chronicler on Don, Sleuth, Soup, William, and Oak. 0/5 AP for the laboratory scene. She'll add them to her archives as soon as she gets the chance.

Also, I wasn't specific on the Pokemon in the area mostly because I don't know what our lovely GM has planed for us.

2016-04-14, 08:04 AM
Don quickly broke into a jog to catch up with Cate. The brave investigator has met up with a native guide and a mighty guard, hearing whispered legends of a dark forest baring his passage. What lies in the heart of that forest? Only the future knows... With his internal monologue playing in the back of his mind, Don followed Cate out of the lab and into adventure.

2016-04-14, 08:20 AM
William puts his 'dex away, and picks up Soup, who had curled up to sleep as soon as he was released.
"See ya, professor" he calls out as he follows the others, his turtwig's nap not at all disturbed by the carrying.

2016-04-16, 02:58 PM
Professor Oak waves his hand towards you as he returns to his research. You exit the lab.

End of the Scene.

Pallet Town looks as peaceful as ever. Being a little bigger than a village, green fields are everywhere, houses are rural and the very sight conforts you. Pidgeys can be seen flying and in their nests over the trees. On sight, also Rattatas can be spotted, running around near the forest, and escaping if they would notice your sight. As you walk by the town, some people greet you, giving the usual "Good Morning" as you go by, demonstrating the good manners these people have.

"Waaaaait!" A young man runs towards you while you walk the road, you can tell he is an aide because of the laboratory coat and an ID that hangs from his right chest pocket. "Hey, kids." He greets you, panting. "My name is Ronald, and I'm Professor Oak's apprentice. You must be the new Pokedex Holders. Well, I have a little request for you, it isn't necesary to be done today, but I would appreciate if you could take this parcel to the Pokemart in Viridian City." He takes a small box from his pocket, it isn't bigger than 4 inches squared, and it also does not seems too heavy. "I was entitled to do it, but I need to take care of some Tauros that got here and it will take me all day. If you could take it in your travels, it would be awesome, and I would reward you, obviously."
AP Spent in the introduction is refunded. No EXP is gained at this point.
Common Pokemon seen are Rattata and Pidgey, nothing else unless you search in a specific way (your call).

2016-04-18, 01:55 AM
"Sure, sounds great, what's the reward? Is it a Tauros? 'cause that would be awesome" William says, somewhat excitably as he takes the small box.
"So, Cate, you know the way, right?"

2016-04-18, 08:31 PM
Sure! Catalina said as she dashed off. She quickly lead the party to the route that would take them to Viridian City. I'm not much for the Pokemon around here, but if you all wanted to do some training, I'm not opposed to puttin goff our departure for a few hours.

2016-04-19, 05:54 AM
Don pulled out his Pokedex, tapping the screen a few times before chiming in. "This area is kown for Rattatas and Pidgeys right? Currently my PokeDex is lacking in those two varieties, I wouldn't mind at least seeing some. I don't need to capture one, I've just never seen one in the wild." Don looked up at Cate hopefully, his sunglasses hiding his attempt at growlithe-eyes.

2016-04-19, 04:06 PM
"Pidgey has decent defence for a flying Pokémon, I think, so I wouldn't mind catching one, especially if it's on the way" William says, looking over Don's shoulder at his Pokédex, his arms too full of Soup to browse his own

2016-04-19, 04:20 PM
If you're interested in defensive Pokemon, there are plenty of Kakuna and Metapod in the forest past Viridian Catalina said, hoping to get to know the person better. Are you a fan of those kinds of Pokemon? I feel like most people I talk to prefer really offensive ones.

2016-04-19, 04:58 PM
"Well, yeah, if they can't even hurt my Pokemon, then they definitely can't win. And Metapod and Kakuna aren't actually that defensive really, even a Pidgeotto is tougher than them, plus they get weaker when they evolve" William explains, mimicing the way his father used to lecture him about the finer points of defensive Pokemon, "'Just because a Pokemon is bad at attack, it does not mean it is good at defence'"

2016-04-20, 05:36 AM
Don held his Dex out making it easier for Bill to see. "Well Cate, if you aren't interested in Pidgeys and Rattatas, what live around your town? We can deliver this package and then start the investigation." Don turned to face Bill, trying to add Soup to his Pokedex. "Say, what do you think is in the package Bill?"

2016-04-20, 10:23 AM
"No idea, should we open it? I mean, he didn't say we couldn't"

2016-04-20, 10:46 AM
Again, I don't want to answer the Pokemon question specifically cause I don't know what Yael has planned

Lots of bugs she said in response to the question about Pokemon. What you normally find in a forest I suppose. And shouldn't we not open it? I mean, the Professor has done so much for us already, shouldn't we respect his privacy?

2016-04-20, 10:51 AM
"Well, he did ask us to deliver it, so we should know what we're delivering. I mean, if it's fragile we need to know so we don't break it. I think it's in the best interests of everyone if I... I mean we open it." Don gestured to Bill, "It's like Bill said, he didn't tell us not to look at it, so it must be ok."

2016-04-20, 10:56 AM
William awkwardly shifts Soup into one hand, as he grabs the parcel with the other, "Here, you open it, kind of have my hands full" he says, holding it out to Don

2016-04-20, 11:09 AM
Don greedily grabs the package from Bill, nearly dropping his PokeDex in his haste. Don gently laid the package on the ground, prodding at the wrapper. Sleuth crawled out of Don's backpack, joining him as he inspected the package. "No sign of wires or any other trigger. The seals can probably be subverted, what do you think Sleuth, should we begin?"

Unless someone stops Don, he's going to try and open the package. We'll need Yael to say what's inside if it opens though.

2016-04-20, 12:17 PM
Catalina was in a rough place. On one hand, she didn't want to annoy her new friends. On the other hand, she was bothered that they were opening the package. If it were important that they know what was in it, he would have told them. Eventually she decided that she would just leave. She was really sad because she wanted to have good first interaction with them, but she didn't want to be a part of what they were doing.

On her own, Catalina headed on the route to find some wild Pokemon. She needed to let off some steam.

2016-04-20, 05:48 PM
"She really seems to like running off on her own, I'll go after her, the wild is dangerous unless you're really tough, or in a group" William says, going after her, "Let me know if there's anything important in there"

2016-04-20, 06:23 PM
"Yes, good plan. I'll join you both quickly." First, it was time to solve the mystery of the secret package.

2016-04-23, 06:39 PM
The parcel you open contains a pokeball design you have never encountered before. It's upper dome is pitch black and the release button is locked with a weird lock. There is a letter along with it that reads:

"Send to Lance. Do not open. Very dangerous."

Route 1

Catalina walks deeper into the route. The dirt road extends into the horizon, being embraced by a green wave of woods you recognize as the Viridian Forest. You can see an building far before the forest, that must be the entrance to Viridian City.

By merely entering, you spot two pidgeys on the top of a tree, they don't appear to have noticed you, nor they are very close. There are a good number of trees and brushes around.

William catches up soom after.

2016-04-23, 10:59 PM
"Hey, Cate, wait up, what if you run into, like, a flock or something" William asks, between breaths

2016-04-23, 11:29 PM
Catalina was feeling very conflicted. She wanted to be a fun friend, especially since they didn't know each other well yet. However, she was really upset that they had opened the package. If Oak had wanted them to know what was in it, he would have told them.

Having human friends is so much harder than Pokemon friends she thought in frustration.

William of course I'm not going to be attacked by a flock of Pidgey. I can - she stopped abruptly, about to have finished with 'channel them and sort everything out that way,' but that would not have ended well. So instead, still irritated with him, she finished with, take care of myself you know. I made it here without a Pokemon, I'm pretty sure with Drilo with me it'll be even easier. And I don't need a guy to swoop in and save me. In a battle against a flock of birds your Grass type would be a bigger liability than mine.

2016-04-24, 06:05 AM
"Fine, whatever" William says, getting annoyed, he was just trying to help, after all, "I'll just go back and see what Don's doing then" he finishes, leaving in a huff

"Don't listen to the mean girl, Soup, you may be grass, but I'm sure those pidgeys wouldn't be able to even scratch you" he coos to Soup, who was still napping in his arms

2016-04-24, 06:58 AM
Seeing the contents of the package, Don cheerily wrapped it back up and placed it in his cargo pants. Now that the mystery of the package was solved he could return to the mystery of the missing pokemon. Although his curiosity was piqued by the letter it did plainly say that it was not to be opened, and Cate did have a point that Prof. Oak has been nice to them by giving them the PokeDex's. It was Don's first time meeting Prof. Oak but he seemed a nice enough guy. I wonder why his aide didn't mention that the package was from Oak. Oh well, if he had said that I may never have gotten to know what was inside. Don started heading towards Route 1, looking for his partners.

2016-04-26, 07:28 PM
William and Soup catch up with Don, who was on his way to exit Pallet Town's lands. Not much has changed, though when both catch up with Catalina, she closed distance to the area with the tall grass. A small sign can be spotted just at the edge of the road, it reads: "Be careful when entering tall grass. Wild Pokemon may attack!", signed by Professor Oak himself.

Tall grass isn't just a name, it is around a metter high from the ground, and it consists mostly on bushes and other plants that obscure sight from the ground. Also, in the far patches, movement of the greens can be seen, probably by the wind or something else.

2016-04-27, 05:30 AM
"Cate, glad we caught up with you. Thanks for scouting ahead, I knew we could count on you. Any idea what's in store for us ahead?" Don looks ahead, excited to start his new adventure, but even happier to have caught up with his new friends. Pulling Sleuth from his backpack Don set him on he ground and pointed to the grass. "The targets are inside the grass Sleuth, you ready boy?"

2016-04-27, 05:39 AM
"She's all grumpy right now," William warns Don as he moves to approach Cate, "Might want to stay back"

2016-04-27, 02:29 PM
Yeah, but at least this grumpy girl she punctuated the words to show that she had heard him calling her names. didn't go opening packages that didn't belong to her. To the investigator boy, she responded And its probably just a Ratata or Pidgey, nothing terribly exciting unless that's your thing.

That said, while she was talking, Drilo began to wander amiably into the grass on his own to see if anything worth biting was inside. To keep tabs on him, Catalina quickly Channeled her Totodile and made sure she could look through his eyes when she needed to. No use in losing her starter on day one just because it had an unreasonably large appetite.

Channeling Drilo and Binding Shared Senses. 4/5 AP this scene (1 AP bound)

2016-04-27, 03:44 PM
Don glanced up at William, taken aback by the venom in Cate's voice. He racked his mind for any examples in his detective books where the investigator was scolded by an irate customer. There weren't many, so maybe he should just keep to the facts. "But.. we needed to know what it was, and the aide left before we could ask." Don hesitated before continuing, not sure if changing the subject was a good idea. "Umm, also... it looks like Drilo is heading for the grass. Is it ok to let him wander in there by himself?"

2016-04-27, 03:56 PM
Drillo enters the grassy patch and wanders around, from the outside his trail can be followed because of the trail of grass that moves on his path. Catalina can follow his sight as some broken nuts and other food can be spotted on the ground. Drillo continues until he reaches a pair of Rattata, who are fighting for eating a small chestnut.

Both Rattata notice the Totodile and drop the nut, staring at him with curiosity, but none of them engage in combat. From your perspective, they aren't newborn, but shouldn't be high level.
I'm still working on a map, I'm probably gonna be posting pics on the battleground, and update it according to your actions. For now, I'm gonna ask you to imagine the battleground instead :smallfrown:

Drillo is facing two Rattata.

2016-04-27, 04:02 PM
Don glanced up at William, taken aback by the venom in Cate's voice. He racked his mind for any examples in his detective books where the investigator was scolded by an irate customer. There weren't many, so maybe he should just keep to the facts. "But.. we needed to know what it was, and the aide left before we could ask." Don hesitated before continuing, not sure if changing the subject was a good idea. "Umm, also... it looks like Drilo is heading for the grass. Is it ok to let him wander in there by himself?"

But why? Catalina asked. Why did we need to know? If it was fragile, he would have told us to be careful with it. If it were dangerous, he would have told us not to touch it with our hands. If it was important that we knew what it was, he would have told us. It's like if somebody left their house unlocked. Just because they didn't say that nobody should go inside doesn't mean that its right for me to go in and see what's in their pantry.

I guess I just feel like I broke somebody's trust, and I hate feeling like that.

Without glancing over her shoulder to see what Drilo was up to - she could feel his excitement as he rustled through the grass and found the two Pokemon - And Drilo's doing fine. He'll come back if I whistle I'm sure.


Drilo cocked his head at the two Rattata, then he waddled over to the nut and offered it back to the small Pokemon. Much like Catalina, he was a bit more interested in making friends than attacking wild Pokemon in their home without provocation.

2016-04-27, 04:16 PM
"How do you know he would have told us? Do you know that man?" Don couldn't stop himself before the words were out of his mouth. Darn it, I didn't want to argue with Cate. Why are people so confusing? Don waved his hand, hoping to forestall the anger he was sure that he had just caused. "What I meant was, I thought that he looked very busy, so he might not have told us some things. He did leave very quickly after he handed it off. We don't even know if Bill is going to get his Tauros. Without any other logical action ensuring that this package could be safely delivered was the most important thing to do then. If someone asked you to look after their house while they were gone wouldn't you go inside to make sure that everything was alright?" Don was doing his best to act friendly and sincere, but he wasn't sure if it was working.

2016-04-27, 04:31 PM
The Tall Grass

The little blue lizard rolls the nut towards the mice with his nose. Both pokemon smell the nut and one of them takes it and runs away in the direction Drillo came from, the other Rattata just sees how the other runs away with it.

Route 1

While you all speak, a tiny purple rat exits the grass patch in a hurry, holding a chestnut in his mouth. When its tail exits the patch, he notices you and stays alert, in his spot.

2016-04-29, 08:51 PM
"Don't mind her, was there anything important in there?" William asks, "And did you want a rattata? Their defences aren't great, so I'm not really fussed"

2016-04-30, 06:35 AM
Very glad to have a distraction Don turned his attention towards the Rattata that presented itself. "It was some blueprints and a letter. We should make an effort not to bend the package, but nothing fragile." Don looked at Sleuth, currently curled up on his shoulder, then back at the Rattata. "It looks like another mouse type, maybe it'll give Sleuth someone his own size to play with. We need to catch one for the Pokedex anyways." Don put Sleuth on the ground and took out one of his Poke Balls.

2016-04-30, 03:47 PM
Toto began to totter back to his trainer, already bored with the rats. AS he emerged from the grass, Catalina bent down and picked him up, adjusting him so that there weren't many parts of her to easily bite. How'd you enjoy that buddy? Don't worry, there'll be more Pokemon to play with down the line.

2016-04-30, 10:16 PM
"All yours then, Dom, but Soup is always ready to help, if you need some solid defence," William says, looking down at the still napping Soup before quickly adding, "Whether he looks like it or not"

2016-05-02, 06:04 AM
Ok Don, time to show them what you're made of. You're a trainer investigator, lets catch Sleuth a friend. Don advances towards the Rattata, ready to throw his ball once the Rattata looked weak enough. "Sleuth, engage. Assert your dominance."
Sleuth advances on the Rattata, clawing at the ground slightly and locking eyes with his opponent, attempting to demoralize him before the fight begins.

Don advances to 5 Meters away from Rattata, draws a Pokeball.
Sleuth advances to 2 Meters away from Rattata, user Leer.
Leer: [roll0]

2016-05-03, 05:33 PM
Sleuth, the Cyndaquil, closes with a few jumps to the Rattata, and stares at him in a menacing way, which causes the Rattata to shake a bit. But at the second he recovers, he drops his food and quickly rushes towards Sleuth, trying to hit him with his head.The Rattata closes 1 meter and Tackles Sleuth.

Accuracy Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

If hit, Sleuth is pushed back 2 meters.

By the way, still working on a way to get a map up.

2016-05-03, 05:54 PM
Don pointed at the Rattata, commanding his Cyndaquil. "He has accepted our challenge! Now Sleuth, show him your power!" Cyndaquill focuses for a brief moment, locking his gaze with the Rattata. The moment passes, and a burst of flame erupts from the Rattata's location. Don prepare's his arm, ready to throw the Pokeball if the Rattata wasn't fast enough to avoid the explosion of flame.

Sleuth uses Flame Burst.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
If attack hits and Rattata doesn't pass out, Don will throw the Pokeball.
Attack: [roll2]
Capture Check: [roll3]

2016-05-03, 09:49 PM
Don closes distance to the rat-pokemon before it can hit Sleuth. He crouches and punches the Pokemon, making the Rattata stand back, leaving himself open to attacks.Rattata is Vulnerable.
Initiative Count.

11 - Sleuth
11 - Don
05 - William
00 - Rattata (Until the end of Don's next turn).