View Full Version : 1001 ridiculously overpriced magic supplies for magical items

2016-04-09, 01:35 AM
Please add the estimated cost as well.

1. Fresh brains of an orc that can count to a million without any help. (500 gp)
2. A tear of balor. (800 gp)
3. 10,000-year-old knucklebone. (300 gp)
4. Urine of a 20th-level monk (The Perfect Piss). (200 gp)
5. A masterwork glove made from fly wings - purely handcrafted, no magical crafting. (500 gp)

2016-04-09, 02:04 AM
6. A dragonbone rod which used to belong to a succubus (nominally 1000 GP, can be worth many times that to a fan.)
7. A cloak made of the feathers of an extinct bird (5000 GP.)
8. The exploded head of an expert who connected to a realm of abstract knowledge (and found it full of shrieking monkeys; 10 GP but you have to deal with his relatives.)

2016-04-09, 02:21 AM
9: The skin of a Dread Necromancer who didn't have Tomb-Tainted Soul and wasn't undead (850 gp)
10: The severed lizard tail of wizard's familiar (20 gp)
11: A dead psion's psicrystal (1000 gp)
12: Venom from a medusa's snakes (600 gp/dose)
13: Dried and crushed beholder eyestalk (500 gp, or 1000 gp if being used for anything that boosts Cha)
14: The crystalline heart of an earth elemental (varies by age and purity of the elemental)
15: Dragon feces (50gp/pound)
16: The tongue of a level 19 Truenamer (2 sp)
17: The tongue of a level 20 Truenamer (10 million gp)

2016-04-10, 01:12 AM
18. The adenoids of an adult goblin who has never had a hiccup. (400 gp)
19. A 100-word poem written in a dead language on a dragonhide parchment. (600 gp)
20. Lips of a creature who died smiling happily and fully understood that death was coming there and now. (100 gp)
21. The first gold coin of an empire (after it has been officially declared as an empire). (2000 gp)
22. A piece of bed clothing that was used during a king's wedding night. (3000 gp)

2016-04-10, 10:03 AM
23. The back molar of an imp. (77 gp)
24. The ear of a deaf sasquatch. (400 gp)
25. A year old pumpkin. (360 gp)
26. The index finger of a sprite. (100 gp, half off if you buy in bulk)

2016-04-10, 01:08 PM
27. A fake thumb (10gp)
28. A crystal ball that can only see next Tuesday afternoon fifteen minutes afternoon (250 gp)
29. Mustache of a dictator (100gp)
30. A sentient drain clog (10gp)

2016-04-10, 02:01 PM
31 Bag with 1000 140% "Real" Shadow Illusion Gold coins (1500 GP)

2016-04-10, 05:00 PM
31 Bag with 1000 140% "Real" Shadow Illusion Gold coins (1500 GP)

I enjoy the math doesn't add up.

32. The green cap of a fairy boy killed by desert tyrant (1,000 gp)
33. A large red ruby cut in the shape of a heart (600 gp)

2016-04-10, 05:57 PM
34. The foot of a green wolpertinger(777 gp, or 77 gp with purchase of a mummified leprechaun)
35. A whole mummified leprechaun(7000 gp, but comes free with it's hat)
36. The eye of a hag with perfect vision(800 gp)
37. A square foot of hide from a dragon mistaken for a dinosaur(500 gp, or 5000 gp per square yard)